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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 715x715, 382927_454517947945518_1496183607_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6576154 No.6576154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Frostcon is coming up. Who is coming? Who is not coming? and what are you cosplaying/doing at the con?

PS. Is there an alternative gathering going on at the same time?

>> No.6576156

Did they take the logo from a how to draw manga book?

>> No.6576164

I believe it was from an art contest they had.

>> No.6576170
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Does this con have anything to do with Jack Frost and/or Rise of the Guardians?

>> No.6576195
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>> No.6576581

It would help if TC had said it takes place in Toronto

>> No.6576628

If it weren't on a bloody Sunday, I'd go. I've been con deprived since FanExpo...

>> No.6576750

What the fuck, they actually responded to my dig at Louis on /cgl/ the other day?

>> No.6576760

Antonio probably lurks here.

>> No.6576765
File: 263 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m8z1jqCHq71qhw0tbo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey sup frostcon staff, no need to make threads daily to make it look like people are actually talking about your joke of a "convention"

I am really ready to watch this flop.

>> No.6576792

I don't know. OP seems to be interested in if there is a possible "Fuck Frostcon" thing going on that day if one decides not to go, which I actually wonder my self.

>> No.6577073

This con is going to be fun. It basically looks like complete shit and run by volunteer, weaboo community faggots. I'll be there but only to troll the fuck out of all of the faggot ass homestuck community and the rest of these basement dwellers. I just can't wait to go and laugh at how bad of a con it's going to be. Good thing it's only $10, so I don't feel like i'm wasting too much money, it'll be worth it due to the laughs i'll get from the con.

>> No.6577089

Maybe you can start your own convention and call it "vendetta con"

>> No.6577093

Shut the fuck up you sandnigger whore.

>> No.6577102

wow great comeback 10/10

>> No.6577143

Gonna go to see some friends, but I expect nothing particularly good from it.

>> No.6577249

good god did they create that logo in MS paint?

>> No.6577257

You are still paying to get in though...

>> No.6578504

is it even worth having a meetup?

>> No.6578512

Stop giving attention to this shitty con. Let it die in obscurity.

>> No.6578614

A meet up would be better if we can make it a "Fuck Frostvon" meet up

>> No.6578702

My birthday party is the night of the con, and that's where all the cool kids who aren't going to the con are going to be, so I guess it's the official "Fuck Frostcon" meetup now.

>> No.6578707

hi tenleid

>> No.6578722

Tenleid isn't even in Canada anymore idiot.

>> No.6578761

weren't you running a panel Blair?

>> No.6578769

yeah, I am. Didn't want to pay to see this shit show of a con go down. Figured I'd lend some of my awesomeness.
Party starts at 6

>> No.6578787

Take pics. I wanna see what the con's like.

>> No.6578795

better yet take pics of what is screwy with the con

>> No.6578805


There will be pics

>> No.6578852

I think we should remember that if Antonio tries to pull anything at the con, we should go to the other staffers as I don't think they'll stand for his bullshit

>> No.6578934

>Implying his mom isn't paying for the entire con
>Implying any other staffer will go against whatever Antonio wants to do

>> No.6578998

I've heard one staffer has resigned the convention due to him, so things seem tense enough that they may stand in his way

>> No.6579026

>Implying his mom isn't paying for the entire con


>> No.6579047

doesn't his mom pay for everything cosplay/con-related for him and chaperone him at some events?

>> No.6579058

The only convention she helps me with is Metrocn and the airfare. Every other convention I pay my own way into.

>> No.6579064

hahahah oh my god antonio get off 4chan

>> No.6579069

I can't believe you are posting as yourself lol

>> No.6579099

I think it's obvious that many of you have nothing better to do with your time than hate on one person and boycott a con because of them. Then again, I know many who do that with ConBravo. Not that great a con...

So haters... do yourselves a favour... grow the fuck up.

>> No.6579138

I thought he just goes to conventions with his Mom.

>> No.6579149

Con Bravo is actually a great con. It had months of planning, a con chair that wasn't infamous, something unique to Canadian cons such as Live Action Mario Party and Channel Awesome, as well as not being desperate for money.

How you grow up and stop hating on Con Bravo?

>> No.6579170

The only two conventions she tags along to are DTAC and Burlington ToyCon. I go to so many more conventions to see my and hangout with friends

>> No.6579165

the con chair was somewhat well know, him and his friends have won tons of awards at conventions and shit

but yeah con bravo is pretty cool

>> No.6579176

>>6579149 said they're not "Infamous"
meaning they're not known for doing stupid shit, they're known for being awesome


>> No.6579179

he said infamous not famous. Thus unlike Antonio he wasn't known for a bad reputation

>> No.6579187

i've seen her at other cons and events, don't lie on 4chan antonio

>> No.6579190

There are far better cons that I would sooner pay my good money to go to over Bravo. Otakuthon is far better. Bravo I had to make my fun, and the programming left to be desired and I had never heard of any of the people that they had as guests.

And the con chair may not be well known, but he is a jerk and not someone I wish to associate with. Antonio I'd sooner spend time with.

But apparently all you little people full of hate can do nothing but that. Hate on someone who has made mistakes, and openly apologized for those mistakes. Get over your shit, grow up, and get a life. There are better things you could do with your time than hate on a person who to you is not worth your time.

>> No.6579209

This has got to be a troll... or Antonio's mom

>> No.6579210
File: 138 KB, 640x426, avgn-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But fact is that he still does stuff even after his apologies.

And you honestly have never heard of the Angry Video Game Nerd or The Nostalgia Critic!??? either you are lying or have been under one hell of a rock.

>> No.6579214

>openly apologized for those mistakes


>> No.6579231

Or one of Antonio's "fans" AKA a possible Frostcon staff

>> No.6579237

He's human. I'm sure you fuck up even after apologizing. So don't pretend you're perfect.

And no I've never heard of them. I have better things to do - like my career. And when you have had dialup for years, YouTube isn't important. I may have wi-fi now, but I still don't care about it.

>> No.6579250

Also possible. in any case, >>6579237 is obviously not worth anyone's time if they have "better things" to do than learn about the awesomeness that is the nostalgia critic and angry video game nerd, and then attend a con where they are guests.

Dude, you're ripping on a con that everyone in here likes, but you're saying WE are the ones wasting our time for ripping on a con we don't like? Soundss like hypocrisy to me

>> No.6579274

Ah, but here is the difference. I went. Didn't like it.

This con hasn't even occurred yet. And you all are hating because of who is con chair. Hmm.... sounds to me, you are all the ones who need to grow up.

>> No.6579278

The hell is this?

>> No.6579294

/cgl/ drama of course at it's finest.

>> No.6579296

Live action mario party sounds amazing.

>> No.6579299

It's obvious that this con is going to suck. Not just because of Antonio either. I don't need to experience breaking a bone to know it sucks really bad.

Nobody is going to listen to someone who's telling us to grow up, if that person clearly doesn't act like one themselves

>> No.6579345

Well the person/likely staffer seems to have given up.

>> No.6579348
File: 12 KB, 143x136, tumblr_m0uk57p5sE1qa1oth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even IF Antonio didnt have such a bad rep, we'd still hate it. The con is rushed and last minute, not to mention poorly run by a handful of people who dont know what theyre doing.

It's clearly just Antonio taking his Con Bravo hissy fit to another level. Running a con is financially difficult, and a giant stressful headache - Something that isnt realized.

tl;dr It's going to be such a failure because it's a rushed convention run by a bunch of jelly, angry people with the mental age of children who think they're going to make money & get famous in the process.

>> No.6579356

Like you know anything about running a convention.

>> No.6579355

Tenleid, I don't think you should group the staffers with Antonio here. I believe they are simply doing it cause they wanna have a hand in on a con, which explains why a staffer decided to quit as they probably were pushed around too much and given a headache.

The only one who truly probably hates ConBravo is Antonio and maybe that person who was defending him here.

>> No.6579364

She is right though. A convention is a headache... but really only a headache is ill planned which Antonio decided to make one in under 2 months.

>> No.6579374

They knows more than Antonio

>> No.6579372

Good point, I should specifify staff being antonio and his fangirls

I sure as hell dont, which is why i'm not running my own. But I know enough people and have seen enough fail to know it's a massive, expensive headache.

>> No.6579375

*They Know

>> No.6579408

I will never understand this Tenleid hate that goes on here from time to time when we actually got real villains like Antonio roaming around

>> No.6579439

>a staffer decided to quit

Oh? May we know who that is that quit?

>> No.6579455

from the website it appears that sasha quit, as he is no longer listed as head of marketing

>> No.6579465

>no longer head of marketing
so thaaaaaaats why he was on 4chan in every frostcon thread.
didn't he claim to not be a part of frostcon, but have friends who were on staff?

>> No.6579488
File: 99 KB, 508x145, Frostcon staff leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep his Facebook confirms it too.

However I don't buy his explanation of it being due to film business. It probably ended up being due to how much of Antonio's crap he had to deal with or even just cause it being unorganized. Can anyone confirm this?

He was probably trying to not associate directly with Antonio's reputation is why he didn't wanna reveal he had a hand in it. Not surprising if that's the reason. What I wonder is why even join in the first place?

>> No.6579558

Well this is odd... For some reason I just noticed I was hosting the Cosplay 101 panel with all of the female guest cosplayers, and I'm not even the moderator. The hell? Nobody told me this. I spent days writing a script and making a powerpoint for nothing, and none of the other girls have messaged me or anything.

The only thing I got was confirmation from FrostCon saying my panel that I applied for was accepted and then I got the schedule.

>> No.6579581


I don't think he did ever claimed not to be a part of Frostcon, and all he mentioned was that he had friends on staff. So I don't think he said anything strange; he only kept quiet on his what he does which anon probably is correct that it was cause he doesn't want to be linked to Antonio

>> No.6579587

What is this madness!?

>> No.6579592

Apparently Vicky was only told she's moderating it, but has no actual panel script or anything... Thank god I've spent a lot of time making my own, so we actually have something to talk about/a visual aid

>> No.6579619

Man, I'm not even gonna pretend you're not Tony the Turdlizard.

I had *fun* watching your ass get escorted out of the dealer's room.

>> No.6579622

Confirmed from what I've heard. Antonio had to go begging for money to pay for the space and Sasha left in disgust after trying to pull shit together for months while this asshole was fucking up.

>> No.6579668 [DELETED] 

Yeah, Sasha Akbari or something.
Had something to do with really bad budgeting or something. Apparently Antonio only paid $1100 of $2000 for the con. Today they seem to have paid off the rest, though. I'll be at the con with a bunch of my friends mainly cause I'm the kind of person who goes to these things to feel better about themselves. A friend of mine is volunteering there. Wonder if he knows about this shit. I think he was supposed to work with the guy who left.

>> No.6579703

So Blair, how does one get into that sweet party of yours? Frostcon seems to be building up to disappointment, and I wouldn't mind spending some quality time with some seagulls.

>> No.6579710

As long as I know you, and you're not a complete lame-ass, I'll invite you. I don't know who you are though, so I guess you should message me on fb

>> No.6579767

Fair enough. You don't know me as of yet, but I think I'm fairly good at the whole not being a lame-ass. Perhaps we can become acquainted at the con?

>> No.6579791

Sure, just let me know who you are when you're talking to me at the con

>> No.6579803

Cool. Will do.

>> No.6579966


>> No.6579971

>Come learn the ins-and-outs of the cosplay world, from budgeting and planning conventions and photoshoots. Who knows, you might just walk away with being able to
finish that big cosplay you’ve been working on for ages.
>Hosted by: VickyBunnyAngel (m), Alex Rose, ZombieBit.Me, Kelly Mari Cosplay, and
Lovina Yavari

I guess there was already a Cosplay101 panel. And Frostcon, without letting you know, just put you in the panel with all the guests.

>> No.6579977

No. Do the opposite of this.

>> No.6579985

Girl or guy?

>> No.6580176
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I'll be there as Kaiji. Not expecting too much from this con but still.

>> No.6580292

Why are you even going?

>> No.6580303

alot of us are going just to see how shitty it is.

>> No.6580307

You're still paying Antonio money

>> No.6580325

More like we are reimbursing. Do you really think he will make profit?

>> No.6580335

If you pay to get in, yes.

>> No.6580810

It's more like

You pay to get in = Antonio loses money
You don't go at all = Antonio loses more money and loses face

>> No.6580865

Guy. Why the question?

Also, guys, is Antonio honestly a bad person? Everyone seems to hate the guy.

>> No.6580911

Yikes! Well even if you aren't the moderator you can sort of take over the position since you did all the work. I'm looking forward to checking out the panel!

>> No.6581144

It's one of the few panels worth going to

>> No.6581387

after getting so heated, this topic died rather fast

>> No.6581683

I'm going to the convention. Some friends and I were asked to do a panel and since none of us have done anything like that it seems like it could be fun. Obviously we're no experts on our subject matter (I honestly am surprised they even asked us to be there) but I'm hoping that we can host a decent talk on voice acting while simultaneously trying not to embarrass ourselves too badly and look like we're shamelessly plugging our series.

Personally, I'm not expecting too much from the convention since this is the first year it's being run but I think it would be nice to see a few costumes (despite the frigid weather), meet some new people, and have a decent time taking photos and browsing around. If some of you do show up do say something since it's usually cool to meat people from /cgl/.

>> No.6581695
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I'm going, but I'm probably not going to pay to get in.

Just curious to see how this con will turn out, also just using it as a hangout opportunity to see cosplay friends.

I don't expect it to be as bad as people say it will be, I'm expecting it to be the size of DTAC, just a hallway con

>> No.6581737
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I'll be in the city in the afternoon. Maybe I'll stop by the con and see who's in the lobby, but I'm still not giving up the $10 for admission.

>Kelly Mari

>> No.6581819
File: 41 KB, 699x240, tomsavageareyoufuckingserious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess who's hosting a photography panel

>> No.6581824

Someone you have a vendetta against, I'm sure.

>> No.6581828


Not the dude you're replying to but Savage Bandito is a bit of a questionable character in the Toronto con scene (his "glue girl" videos were kinda fucked).

>> No.6581837
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Sounds familiar...

Any con that
>is run by Antonio
>features Kelly as a special guest
>has a photography panel run by tom savage

is an automatic NONONONONO for me. Say hi to your mom for me though, Antonio.

>> No.6581840
File: 32 KB, 323x323, bpls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you new

>> No.6582005

ahaha i was in one as a zombie
dude is creepy
also, i'll be at Frostcon. look for the fat Harley Quinn in a B:TAS suit with a lanky dramatic Joker that isn't attached to Toronto Batman's shit show crew.

>> No.6582026


no one gives a shit about tom except for you canadian faggots (read: you, tod, voldi, that bitch that's voldi's bff who's name escapes me)

>> No.6582114

yes, I was the one that applied for the panel, they approved me and that was it. I didn't know they put me in with all the female con guests and made Vicky the mod until I saw it on the FrostCon schedule on their website

>> No.6582158

which panel are you hosting ?

>> No.6582203
File: 210 KB, 287x304, 1349534335579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one gives a shit about tom except for you canadian faggots
And countless girls that have been taken advantage of as well as most of the cosplay community in this region as a whole, but no as an outside observer, you must know exactly what you're talking about in calling it a vendetta.

>> No.6582209

I want all of you to remember one name. "Mundus"
You'll know what I'm talking about after tomorrow.

>> No.6582231

You're just reiterating the same crap you heard other tripfags say. Try thinking for yourself instead of trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.6582232

nope, just you fucking canadian cancerous faggots

why don't you make your own fucking /cgl/ and leave us be?

>> No.6582240

your newfag is showing
it's showing so much it's actually dripping off and getting my shoes dirty.

>> No.6582253
File: 630 KB, 767x603, 1339219955704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id totally go if i had means of getting there,
this con seems like comedic gold

>> No.6582280


I'm one of the hosts of the 11am "Abridging/Fandubbing General" panel. I stress that most of us are terribly green but we want to give it our best shot for whoever might be interested in doing independent voice work.

>> No.6582282

at least keep your trip on you whore
I've been here before this board even existed, you babby

>> No.6582314

Why does /cgl/ hate Antonio, Savage Bandito, and Mundus?

>> No.6582335

Who's mundus?

>> No.6582367

Is anyone going? Please take photos if you do.

>> No.6582438

I don't know about the others but savage bandito has a habit of getting teen girls to do fetish shoots that they don't realize are fetish shoots because his fetish is weird and obscure.

>> No.6582512

Yep, that's a newfag.

>> No.6582540

This con looks like its already falling apart..

>> No.6582721

shut the fuck up you tripdropping whore

go make your own canadian 4chan

>> No.6582746

Not even Canadian or a trip. Cry more.

>> No.6582744
File: 10 KB, 175x175, 1355254458844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag is maaaaaaaaad

>> No.6582828

God this is gonna be great

>> No.6582844


>> No.6582875

Keep cryin~

>> No.6582899

Most of what I've seen and heard actually hasn't come from tripfags, or even people on /cgl/ but friends that all have their own bad experience to tell. Not to mention I've witnessed his foot-oriented and overly sexualized photoshoots and seen the shit he posts online. I'm not regurgitating some massive myth that other tripfags report on, every goddamn cosplayer and photographer in this city knows he is a creep and exactly why.
The fact that he is hosting a photography panel is both humuorous and sad because on top of all of this, he's a shit photographer.

I don't drop trip.

>> No.6582909

you do it all the fuckin time you liar

>> No.6582915

Not that I know of. Do you have any specific examples?

>> No.6582923


What is odd is that the other two who are paired with Tom for that panel. I guess they got pushed to work with a "guest" like Blair was pushed to do so with her own panel

>> No.6582933


Christ, I need some pictures of these people to know who is cool and who's a fucking creep.

>> No.6582958

This thread.

And everything you just said is the same dumb thing you heard others say in a previous thread. Almost word for word. You're tripfag bandwagoner and it's pathetic.

>> No.6582963


>> No.6582977

Okay, so the list of people to watch out for:
Antonio's fangirls

anyone else?

>> No.6582992

if we had IDs enabled, you would be experiencing the highest level of butthurt known to man. I'm not Enver, but go ahead keep calling me that. Newfag.

>> No.6583071

You know we've had threads about tom before, right? This isn't a new thing.

>> No.6583131

Um.... the post you're replying to just said that.

>> No.6583152

Enver isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Anyway, there really are a great deal of Tom stories, but nobody really trusts anons to say anything legitimate, so you're kind of stuck with tripfags rehashing general ideas instead.

>> No.6583347

The other two paired with Tom aren't creepers though. They don't do bare foot photography with a somewhat sexualized angle.

>> No.6583362

>Antonio's fangirls

The venue security as well cause they are kind of under Antonio's control

>> No.6583381

Enver why do you even bother replying to trolls like that?

>> No.6583398

who the fuck is Mundus still?

>> No.6583406

hi enver.

>> No.6583416

I miss the times when you, ShitQueen, Voldeshit, and the rest of your shitty country didn't post here.

>> No.6583450

This is not Enver first and foremost.
Second what is a non-Canadian fag even doing in a Canadian topic anyways? Please keep this topic ON FUCKING TOPIC.

You kinda remind me of that troll with a trip that went something "??????" who pretty much got booed off /cgl/ for being such a fucking troll. Almost makes me think that is you.

Do us all a favour a fuck off and leave this topic at peace.

>> No.6583453

>This is not Enver first and foremost.
Then some other Canadashittripfag, I don't give a fuck. Didn't bother to read the rest.

You Canadian filth don't have the right to express an opinion. You're trying to turn /cgl/ into your special secret tree club. You won't succeed. Fuck off and die.

>> No.6583455

Uh oh, Enver is mad. EVERYBODY HIT THE DECK!

>> No.6583459
File: 58 KB, 730x411, ClassicDante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we'll see at the con who is Mundus. All I know is Mundus is the main villain in Devil May Cry 1 and DmC

>> No.6583466
File: 27 KB, 600x300, 8090_crop_600x300_dante-gives-you-the-finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how about simply fucking off and ignoring us Canadians leave to your American crap and yes i'm thinking you probably are American cause it's usually some American fag who starts up shit with Canadians.

I'm not saying all Americans are as such but some can be as stupid as you and usually target Canadians.

>> No.6583469
File: 2 KB, 213x165, 1309551600006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone sounds mad.

>> No.6583476
File: 446 KB, 700x943, 453453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, easy there, Enver. Just because you drop trip doesn't give you free reign to be a racist asshole. Go drink some maple syrup and calm down.

>> No.6583477

Platinum mad.

>> No.6583493
File: 219 KB, 707x403, p5qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6583503

>Assumes i'm Enver
>Dumb American-like behaviours
>Assumption led them to start unneeded shit with many countries based on what we know.
>References the common maple syrup stereotype Americans do thus confirming that this person is likely American.

Well fuck it, I don't care you think i'm Enver or not but in the end none of that matters as we Canadians have got proper health care and you don't.

>> No.6583515
File: 31 KB, 243x289, LINK_STOP_LAUGHING_MAH_BOI_by_Aethios_7012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go drink some maple syrup and calm down.

>> No.6583516
File: 53 KB, 179x195, 3433d-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be FREE health care, but I'm not so sure about it being "proper" though. People still fly in from all over the world to America to get the best medical treatments.

No doubt you're just angry because American hockey teams keep winning the Stanley Cup. I understand your frustration. It must be tough living as America's hat.

>> No.6583519
File: 434 KB, 500x300, laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because less dead Canadians is exactly what we need.

>> No.6583521

We still destroyed you guys in the Olympics in Hockey.

But yes it is the proper health care. All of the first world except you guys use this system of UNIVERSAL health care (Not FREE health care you fucking hick considering we pay a bit on our taxes for it)

The only reason people from around the world come to American for those treatments is cause they are of the fucking 2% who can afford that impossibly high treatment.

Let's see you get a couple of fingers chopped off and try to get it fixed in the America when in Canada you can do it rather easily.

>> No.6583525

I got surgery last year. Insurance goes a long way.

>> No.6583523

>Forgets that many of their entertainers are Canadian
>Americans fail again

>> No.6583527

>Justin Bieber

>> No.6583537

>Mike Myers


>> No.6583533

Yeah insurance that works IF they don't try to screw you over let alone one that you gotta pay a bundle to get in the first place. The poor in the US are rather fucked as a result.

So listen you right winged fuck. I am rather done responding to you. You may wanna keep trying to reply but unlike some of you Americans who have nothing better to do but start preemptative wars in real life and on fucking /cgl/ I plan to get ready for a con and play a video game today.

Good night, I shall ignore you from here (and Enver and you other Canadians better not respond to these Americanfags anymore either)

>> No.6583543
File: 17 KB, 319x243, YouMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

^^ Canadians at their finest.

How about you Justin Bieber and cry yourself to sleep. Nighty night<3

>> No.6583545

listen to**

>> No.6583552

You're not Mike Myers though, you're just yet another mad Canadian on the internet. So what does Mike Myers have to do with anything?

>> No.6583582
File: 298 KB, 2260x1466, oh_snap__homestuck__by_evant1017-d56f7rx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6583584

I corrected my own typo? Where's the burn?

>> No.6583589
File: 408 KB, 500x345, Batman-Chin-Rub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignoring what is said on top and the Americans here.

What are people cosplaying for tomorrow?
Also i'm looking forward to Blairs panel and the Gaming panel

>> No.6583598

Canadians like to think they're smarter than Americans by using images of American comicbook characters.

>> No.6583606

I'm doing mostly photography tomorrow but I wanna see how lulzy this con will be

>> No.6583610

>That feeling when you kinda know who Mundus might be at the con.

>> No.6583636
File: 188 KB, 922x882, 527392_10151060284302606_259540502_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this thread

can't we all just get along


>> No.6583638


Dill, what happened to your other thread, it got deleted.

>> No.6583644

Maybe you should tell your fellow trip friends to stop treating /cgl/ like your own personal social networking site.

>> No.6583671

>implying "American" is a race

>> No.6583681

Keep using the internet and watching American television.