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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 500x500, cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6384043 No.6384043 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you sad/stressed, seagulls?

>> No.6384048

I wished I lived close to my boyfriend.
I'm quite lonely without him ;_;

and unsatisfied

>> No.6384053

Reading week has started but instead of getting on with work today I freaked out about it instead. I''m not even doing badly I just psyche myself out a lot and convince myself that I'm going to fail my degree. I suppose I'm just worried because I feel my life completely depends upon my degree.

>> No.6384066

> tfw PT gets more cock than you do
My life is shit.

>> No.6384078

I know that feel, sis
it puts me in such a bad mood seeing couples everywhere. I just want to cuddle with him and I can be happy ;A;

>> No.6384081
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>> No.6384082

That feel bro it's okay

>> No.6384088

And Christmas is coming ;_; There will be couples everywhere cuddling in the snow shopping for gifts and the night lights in the city sparkling around
i need a hug

>> No.6384098

I can find a job, I can't seem to get my college shit together, i can't seem to find any dicks andother shit I don't want to say.
My life is a fart

>> No.6384101
File: 46 KB, 299x470, stock-photo-sad-lady-in-front-of-a-wall-of-graffiti-34013263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failing school and lonely virgin.

>> No.6384104

Depressed about my weight again...
My genetics make it really hard to loose weight.

>inb4 "That's what all the fatties say"
I only weigh about 160'lb and it's well distributed, but my body likes to retain it in my stomach and thighs.

I walk three miles every day and eat fairly well. I don't have time for much more.

>> No.6384107
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I know that feel

>> No.6384110
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don't worry and remain a virgin until you are 30 years old (and even after that for gaining more level)

courtesy of /tg/

>> No.6384117
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>moved with relatives to a big city with the premise of studying/working due to barely having food in the fridge back home
>amongst conversations it comes out he doesn't wants me to work as much with computers but with his trips
>they only intended me to be homeschooled even though I left my home because I can't go with it to begin with
>wants me to stop using the computer chatting with people I know even tho I intend to work with this and those people are my only social source
>shortly after I arrive uncle throws inderects at his job for the weekend
>comes out he had already bought my bus ticket to help him without even asking me before I arrived
>1 day after I arrive I'm taking a bus at 1am towards another state without having rested to do a job I hate (selling discs in the middle of a plaza as the guy plays the sax, I have shitton of social anxiety and I don't deal with it very well)
>when I tell him my plans on getting surgery for a defect I have he tells me it's all in my imagination
>he thinks the best way to help me with it is making people take their picture with me

It's not so much of touble as petty whining. I'll just have to toughen up, but it was just way too much stress out of a sudden to get my old life thrown out of the window like that by someone else.

...Im also allergic to the city, I've had red eyes, runny nose and dry lips since I arrived.

>> No.6384130

Well, fuck. I wanted to be a wizard, damn it.

>> No.6384132

I'm 27...
Yay only 3 more years...

>> No.6384135

You sure it's genetics? Maybe you have PCOS?

>> No.6384139

Let's accend to the 50th Dead World then

>> No.6384150

Can they be emotionally dead or brain dead?

>> No.6384148
File: 1.11 MB, 1276x717, 1288832617281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to complete my bachelors in less than two months. however, my degree is completely useless, and i'm not going to be able to get more than like $8 an hour once i move back home. i have always planned to go an get my masters, but my chances of getting into grad school are slim, so dunno how long it will take for me to actually get there.

moving also means i'm going to be far away from my boyfriend. like three time zones and different countries far away. we've had months of long distance before, and it always sucked. this time we don't know how long it will be before we see each other again. he said he'll move for me, but i don't know how long it's going to take him.

>> No.6384156

This weekend's con is over, I have a 6 page paper due tomorrow.
Also, my sort-of boyfriend (we aren't dating yet) has been ignoring me. He cancelled a date with me on Halloween because he has bronchitis and was too sick, yet he was fine enough to go party at Radford the next day...I haven't heard from him in a few days and I feel like this kind of thing shouldn't be happening at this point in the relationship.

>> No.6384161

that's rogue territorry

>> No.6384166

>bronchitis and was too sick, yet he was fine enough to go party at Radford the next day...
it's called broitis and means he wants to hang out with his bros

>> No.6384171
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>Also, my sort-of boyfriend (we aren't dating yet) has been ignoring me. He cancelled a date with me on Halloween because he has bronchitis and was too sick, yet he was fine enough to go party at Radford the next day...I haven't heard from him in a few days and I feel like this kind of thing shouldn't be happening at this point in the relationship.

..........thats pretty creepy

>> No.6384177

I've been going on dates with this guy and it was all going fine. Suddenly he stopped talking to me. It's pissing me off.

>> No.6384183


Might want to give him some space. If he really likes you, he'll come around to you. The more you try to force people to interact with you, the more they don't want to.

>> No.6384191

BTW i'm a girl
;3 XD

>> No.6384196

That's a scary thought...
I may have to request to be checked for that next doctor's appointment.

>> No.6384201



>> No.6384204

Don't hit on my you silly boy xoxo XD

>> No.6384214
File: 128 KB, 290x360, yoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what kind of feelings I'm feeling for one of my friends but if they turn into anything remotely romantic then I'm fucked.

>> No.6384221

My mother has reached middle-age and this is making her see me as a rival. I'm a size smaller than her, but she insists I'm fatter. I've got a college diploma, which she now insists is worthless. Instead of being proud of the things I do, she sees them as challenges. I don't want to rival my mom. She's twice my age, of course she's going to make more money and have more accomplishments. I just want to work hard and get somewhere without having someone sitting there, wishing for me to fail. Any ideas, /cgl/? I've tried stroking her ego, but even if I complement her, she just throws my failures in my face.

>> No.6384231

Get out. Now.

>> No.6384243

You are mean. It's because i'm a GIRL, isn't it? :(

>> No.6384247


>> No.6384256

80% of this board is female.

And stupidity has nothing to do with your gender, anon. Why are you being sexist?

>> No.6384259

A good friend of mine died in a motorcycle accident Sunday morning. He was brilliant, though a bit lazy and misunderstood, and had recently developed some crazy awesome ambition. I miss him like hell. He was a cool guy I could talk to about life. He loves his bike and he loved riding it. He died because some stupid old woman made an illegal left turn. Everything feels surreal and disjointed.

>> No.6384262

anon, you shouldn't hate women. Are you one of those misogynist? Boys should be gentle with girls, you know?

>> No.6384271

I don't know what to do about school and I don't know who to ask for help or where to start. I am an art major (which I already heard it was the wrong choice to be an art major in the first place) but my college has a terrible art program and I cant major in the type of art or even take the art classes I wanted because my school doesn't have them.
I really want to go into animation but I have a major in fine arts and I am worried about what will happen to my credits if I transfer to scad or another art school. And I am more worried since my college is slightly failing and has made me take more core classes then art classes.

>> No.6384266

I forget my emoticon. Here: XD, :3, ; D etc etc. Apply them wherever you like.

btw I'm a girl XD

>> No.6384291

>still living with your parents

>> No.6384300

I'm completely in love with my best friend.

>> No.6384308
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>> No.6384319
File: 77 KB, 457x464, 3047e7af5058c711db688f6c7c43416a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks for listening, Cirno

>> No.6384372
File: 131 KB, 850x790, 79c437fd92be5cc7c94c4bb21478bfe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mention it

>> No.6384384

kill her

>> No.6384397

*can't change

>> No.6384394

wow what a bitch
you can change your mother
you can only cheer up and do your best

>> No.6384510

my bfs iphone is all kinds of fucked up and deleted a bunch of his notes (i think this might have happened during both OS updates recently, or his phone has some kind of virus that has been deleting things, a bunch of his contacts have been disappearing lately) and he's a muscian so he uses the notes to jot down lyrics and i know he's really upset about it and there's really nothing i can do because after doing some research he synced his iphone this morning (we discovered this late last night after being in bed) so we can't even check the .sqlitedb :( my heart hurts for him because i read a lot of those lyrics and they were actually really good and it sucks because i can't do anything about it.

>> No.6384514

Space, yeah. I sent him a message the other day and he didn't respond, so I'm leaving him alone until he talks to me. But it's still stressful knowing that things are pretty one-sided. I thought we'd eventually end up in a relationship since we've been going on dates for the past few weeks and he seemed into me at first, but I guess at this point it's not going to happen.

>> No.6384523

My mother bugs me every day about my thesis. Every day, every hour, every moment. I'm waiting for a week for my teacher to correct the final details of some sections, but there's still a lot of work to do. My mother convinced herself that I'd be able to find a job after Christmas and says it's my fault that the teacher does not answer me, that if I worked harder and if I had "any objective in life" he would answer me.

I'm not getting this logic.

>> No.6384556

Like parents need this logic, I'm all set for college but I have zero money. My saids ppl go without money or loans or scholarships. I'm trying to find out what the hell she means by that cuz you need money to even eat. I think she mad cuz I didn't start college in the fall and my folks are taking this as I don't want to go at all which I never said I just wanna work abit to get some extra cash.

>> No.6384588

I have felt awful for months. I have lived in Ohio for over a year and I have no friends besides my boyfriend. I met him before my social anxiety, which I thought I had over come with the help of my friends back home, started taking over.
The anxiety has been kicking my butt lately. On a positive note, I had a panic attack today that reminded me that even though I don't want to take medication for something I can overcome without it that it will be worth it to get back on it till I get off my feet. Why should I feel like this when I don't have to?

>> No.6384596

I dont understand what is wrong with me, i have no apitite, and i keep getting migranes.
I have gotten migrains before but normally like with months inbetween, i have gotten 2 this week.
with all the lovly symptoms before i get them, weekness, sensitivity to light, ectect
I dont know what is going on, my body is in rebelion

sorry typos im on my phone

>> No.6384631

I'm having a hard time eating. It's like I just don't like food in general, it feels pretty shitty. I can't think of anything I would like to eat, and if I force myself I gag. I've been eating certain foods I like to the point where I don't like them anymore and now it's just easier to not eat. I'm tired of feeling hungry.

>> No.6384733

I was hired as a nanny today. I have a bunch of paperwork that I need to turn into my supervisor and I can't do it until I get what I need from my mom. I feel as though I have more I need to do than that, though. I feel like I've done it all and now all I can do is wait for my mom and it's stressing me out. I'm also stressing because my background check hasn't finished. My supervisor said that it should be finished by Wednesday at the latest but I'm afraid that it's taking so long because there's something on there that I'm not aware of that's bad. I think I'm just being really paranoid because I'm afraid of not getting to keep this job because of something I didn't even know existed.
I'll just feel better when Thursday rolls around and I start my first on call time. I'm just so nervous and I don't know whhhyyy.

>> No.6384801

fatty, pls

>> No.6384826

i recently came out as trans to my girlfriend ans she said she's not sure if she wants to go out anymore.(i can understand this but i'm still sad)

sh said let me think about it and has just gone on like nothing happened for like a week.i don't know if that's good or bad

>> No.6384834

If there were anything bad on your background check that was making them hesitant, trust me, you'd know about it.
It would have to be something like criminal charges or someone accusing you of raping children. Or I dont know, you robbing a 7-11.

>> No.6384850

I have an ED. I don't even know what to do with myself anymore. I've realized I'll never be happy with my body and the way that I look, and that terrifies the heck out of me. I feel like I'm not worthy of anything because of my disorder, and I'm slowly giving up hope. To make matters worse, this semester is really intense and my major is already extremely demanding. I don't know how much more I can take of this life that I've given myself, but I just don't know any other way. I feel so alone, like I'm in an isolated bubble or something, because I have no one in my life who would understand. /vent

>> No.6384860

Maybe its because you live in Ameridonalds and you guys have laughably bad food safety standards and a modern food culture of fake bread and cheesburgers

>> No.6384873
File: 330 KB, 647x372, not allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motorcity has been cancelled.

>> No.6384891

I haven't eaten properly in weeks, and for the past few days I've been obsessed with self hatred. I want to cut myself, not even because I want a release or anything, but now it's because I hate myself so much. I feel that I'm a horrible person and I should just die. I want to stab this knife over and over into myself and end my life.

>> No.6384899 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20121027_212548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it. I said INB4.

But yeah, call me what you want.
Pic is me

>> No.6384912


>> No.6384918


I doubt it.

>> No.6384940


No, fuckwit, your body is not magically making you fat, you are. Your laziness and ignorance as to what you are eating is why you are fat. Fuck off and go read the sticky in /fit/, ok bye.

>> No.6385022

The one fucking time /fit/ isn't here to spout broscience at you...

>> No.6385033

I know what I'm eating... I keep a log and count calories like any sane person would do.

>> No.6385161

I've been living off string cheese and free samples at the mall's food court (the mall is only a block away) for the past four days.

I've tried to tell my friends how shit things are right now, but they're all concerned with the cons coming up this weekend.

That, and everyone is always having money troubles.

I figure they'd just say to make some kind of tumblr post and they'd reblog it, but I don't want to be that person. We all know we just scroll past those posts these days.

I miss having a job. Well really I miss the money that comes with having one. I don't miss the bounced paychecks and harassment.

>> No.6385186
File: 107 KB, 642x456, dinosaurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see /cgl/, I'm in love with this one person, the problem isn't that I can't be with her, but that I can't get her out! She hates me, I don't understand her one sinlge bit and it's been a year already, yet I can't freaking get out of my mind... and more than once after weeks of not thinking about her I suddenly dream with her all night long, wich is fun since I never remember my dreams.

She hates me, and I sure as hell don't expect to be with her, so why can't I just get over her??

Fucking dinosaurs /cgl/

>> No.6385199

We always want what we can't have. Maybe her dislike for you is what's gravitating you towards her. I sort of had that problem myself, once. And it was a hard truth to learn, but once I accepted that I only wanted him because he didn't want me, our friendship actually grew and we're on okay terms now. And most importantly, I don't want to be with him anymore.

>> No.6385200
File: 105 KB, 300x225, twitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having car troubles lately and it's a huge pain in the ass like you wouldn't believe. I feel like a jerk having to borrow my cousin's car for work and school.

>> No.6385220
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Because someone is assuming things without attempting to communicate with me, and posting vague angry fb statuses. Maybe it'd be better if you oh i donT KNOW TALKED TO ME??? s i g h

>> No.6385242
File: 6 KB, 500x500, 1342888199001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm a freshman and I don't know what major to pick and I'm scared of the future

>> No.6385380

I know that feel, anon....I dont think theres anything to do about it though.

ugh, I guess what makes mine worse/different is he's so far away right now.maybe I'm just torturing myself because I'll never have him...maybe I'm just trying to ruin one of the few good friendships I have left.I dont know...

>> No.6385433

I'm really getting sick of the 'just do it' American culture.

Everytime I try to work out or improve on something, I either get bored or discouraged.

I've accepted that I'm a loser, now.

>> No.6385440

I don't understand motivation. How do you guys get any of it? Moving from my bed is a difficult task for me these days. It doesn't help I feel ugly as hell and don't know why. Nothing looks right on me anymore.

Plus I'm forcing myself to be social even though I am horrified of people. I didn't even know I could fake confidence so well. I hate being the awkward one though. I'm tired of being the socially retarded friend.

I don't know how to act around anyone. I pretend to be mean to make people laugh so my family thinks im a bitch. In public I try to not act scared so I don't seem pathetic. I feel so exhausted after a day of trying to be someone I'm not. I'm being judged by everyone, any words that come out of my mouth are turned around and put back on me.

I just want to go to college, have friends, and maybe even have a job. My dad belittles all my problems. My back hurts, while I hate to complain about something small, it does hurt to do the stuff they want me too. I can walk a lot and maybe run a short distance but, sports is a no. My anxiety disorder means nothing either, I could be sitting there with a panic attack and all he would do is say "Deal with it!"

So much pent up frustration. I use to be such a calm person. I was the "patient nice girl". Then you learn that people aren't as great as you wish them to be and have to change to survive without going insane.

I don't think Anti-depressant are even good enough to help me past this point. it's been 4 years on them and no improvement.

>> No.6385459

I'm hopelessly in love with a girl and I know it isn't completely one sided.

>> No.6385470

My ex boyfriend had a delicious dick with the ideal size but my new boyfriend is below average. The sex just sucks.

I miss being ravaged.

>> No.6385500

>hurr size doesnt matter

>> No.6385512

I never said that.

>> No.6385529

I know you didn't. That's the point.

>> No.6385532

i literally have done nothing in my two online courses this semester. not a single assignment or anything. i am going to fail. every time i think of trying to catch up i get so scared.

i'm very close to graduating, but i think i'm scared to graduate so i'm sabotaging myself.

>> No.6385550
File: 83 KB, 241x228, 1339610225587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wh-what's the ideal s-size?

>> No.6385563

I want to hang out with a cute ass girl from /cgl/
but I dont know were I can find any?
I can even buy you some brands.
VA /fit/fag repoting in

>> No.6385571

He was about 19cm.

>> No.6385573

I've started losing interest in a boy I talk to over the internet and feeling really bad about it cause he's awesome and I like talking to him, I just don't feel a spark or anything any more. My heart doesnt swell when I see him like it used to and I find myself trying to avoid going online to talk to him.
He just told me he loves me and

well fuck

>> No.6385581
File: 100 KB, 342x245, 1343811871003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really going to leave him hanging like that? Just tell him the truth.

>> No.6385600

Yeah, that's called losing that fresh new puppy love shit. No it's not bad, it's like you've leveled up in a relationship.
You still like him? That's fine. Don't like him anymore? You need to tell him.

>> No.6385607
File: 20 KB, 750x750, 13246448012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went to take a poop and it felt like it was going to be gigantic, squeezed that motherfucker out despite the pain. So I get up and take a look at my masterpiece only to find it was one tiny rabbit turd.

>tfw no trophy poop

>> No.6385609

I don't think the girls you want are going to take you up on your offer. Generally the cutest girls think they're average looking, so you're only going to get responses from mediocre/ugly girls, or cute but very rotten on the inside bitches.

>> No.6385610

I bet one of the tripfags would.

>> No.6385617

Aw man. Next time don't squeeze, pull up your pants and go do some jumping jacks. That will jostle the trophy poop enough that it should just slide out later.
And even if its painful it'll be worth it.

Other option is an enema.

>> No.6385620

enemas just turn it all to a liquid slosh with random bits in it

>> No.6385623

Seriously considering quitting my job as a high school teacher. Half of the day I teach the normies and just, the sheer lack of self control, maturity, respect, and how desperately so many of them need anger management. I feel like I'm in charge of a zoo with broken cages. Most of them are fucking animals and I'm just so tired of it.

>> No.6385630
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>tfw remembering having the hots for all of my 20-30 year old female teachers
Around 70% of the males want to fuck you. It doesn't even matter if you are hot or not. 35% will deny it. The other 35% would actually fuck you if you offered.

>> No.6385639

I don't even know why I'm typing this. I never talk to anyone about this kind of crap.

After 6 years my boyfriend shows hardly interest in me. That's not to say that he still isn't very kind to me. But he doesn't want to do anything fun even when I get a idea and ask him. This can be as adventurous as a camping trip, or as shutin as going out to buy a new video game and then sitting on our asses all day to play it. He's never in the mood to fuck or even fool around. He recently got a second job (he doesn't need the money, he says he just felt like being more active) which means he works 7 days, 68 hours a week. I could go on about this... but I think you get the point. I feel like we're only friends now. And I'm not getting mixed up with the feeling of just being comfortable with one another. I knew that happened about 5 years ago. But I was happy then. And he was too. I honestly think he's only staying with me because he doesn't want to be alone and he doesn't want to take the chance of finding someone else.
I told him all of this and it only made him sad. He didn't have anything to say about it. He didn't even defend against my claims. Instead, he turned it on me in the form of a guilt trip saying that he was disappointed in himself for not making me happy anymore.
We've always been a very non-traditional no-nonsense couple who's relationship was founded on trust and mutual understanding rather than love and/or lust. I believe this is something that has made our relationship strong. But now I'm wondering if he loves me at all. Or if he ever did.

>> No.6385637

It's not an excuse for them to be insufferable assholes. Also, I have a Clark Kent disguise at school, it helps with any possibility of that issue arising. 35% would more likely sell me drugs or get arrested for getting in a fight than anything else.

>> No.6385643
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Being a guy in high school was the shit. Get fucked, grandma.

>> No.6385655

>I have a Clark Kent disguise at school
Andrea is that you?

>> No.6385670

School is just not working for me anymore. My GPA is below par, and no matter how hard I study, it never works out.I dont think I have had anything higher then a 75% on a test or a midterm at all in the past 2 years.I have had no more then 3 hours a sleep a day due to the effort getting to and from school and studying for everything. I would like to go grad school in the states so I could be closer to my boyfriend, but the marks are not cutting it. I have been in my part time job for over 5 years now, and I cannot get anything else because of little snotty brats picking up the good jobs and then bitch about waking up at 10 in the morning for training. My brother who cant be bothered to get off his ass to go to college or university had our dad give him a job that took no effort to get and he makes more then me and my mom do in a month. He can show up late for work or not show up at all and all he gets are slaps on the wrist. Other then that, he is a lazy ass who doesnt clean or do laundry or cook dinner.
...I guess I feel a bit better getting that off my chest.

>> No.6385678

Nope sorry!

>> No.6385686
File: 117 KB, 1584x1526, 1351916730014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you eve fuck a student?

>> No.6385698

I'm actually doing well in school and making more art and generally being a productive member of society and not being a lazy sack of depressed shit but my boyfriend never talks to me and all he does is play fucking vidya and when I brought up the fact that I feel ignored by him, he basically said that I talk to him TOO much and that I've been clingy as fuck for a while. He literally never wants to do anything, the most adventurous thing we've done lately is go to the movies. He doesn't want to hang out with me if my friends are there because it's "fucking unbearable" being with other people. I don't know how much fucking longer I can deal with this but I'm so afraid to let him go.

>> No.6385703

just dump him. don't date someone for the sake of dating someone. you'll regret it.

>> No.6385739

He sounds like the asshole brand of introverts. Dump his ass.

>> No.6385757

Bought two dresses. Found my dream dress for cheap. But stressing because the measurements listed on Alice Fururun are different from the official measurements (I'm near the end of the official measurements but with a few cm to spare, but not on these). But I didn't see anything after running through various translators that says it was altered. So maybe I'm paranoid.

Don't want my S/O to know I bought it right now, but I need to sell the two other dresses to relieve the bleeding bank account. One is freaking cheap and not getting any committed buyers. Lots of people asking about it, but never responding or just plain backing out. CHEAP BRAND GUISE, throw me a bone here! Gonna just give up on trying to sell on FB.

>> No.6385799

he sounds super introverted, I guess all I can say is try to have a serious talk with him about how you've been feeling lately, if he cares about you you should be able to come to some kinda compromise, the longer you brood on it the worse it'll get

>> No.6385831

He is super introverted. I've tried to have talks with him about it and he listens and he's been receptive but there's not been a noticeable change. And I can't really go to him for emotional issues either, he simply just doesn't know how to handle them and won't help me. This led me to an emotional affair in the beginning of our relationship. I'm not expecting him to be a therapist, just to listen to me and tell me his thoughts on my feelings instead of brushing me off or telling me that my problems are petty or stupid. I have so many reasons to leave and I just can't.

>> No.6385876

there are plenty of guys who would treat you a hell of a lot better than this. There's no reason to put up with him.

Try and talk it out and if he doesn't do better just get rid of him

>> No.6385878

I keep throwing up my food or feeling sick after I eat, and the doctor doesn't know what's wrong with me. I want to quit my job and make props like Volpin did, even though I haven't built anything in years. I've spent most of my free-time just watching tutorials on how to do stuff I haven't done before. My job sucks, I'm ready to leave.

I want to see this girl, too. I'm stressed out, but I can't really tell anyone why. I feel like that Bob Ross saying about knowing sadness before you can go on with the happy times. I'm ready for the happy times.

>> No.6385890

> I feel like that Bob Ross saying about knowing sadness before you can go on with the happy times. I'm ready for the happy times.

Do I ever know this feeling. I get accused of being pessimistic, and I truly in my heart try to be optimistic. It just seems like life is like, "Oh things are going nicely? Here comes something to knock you down some more!" I'm growing tired of life constantly shitting on me. I'm tired of all the "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I feel like if that was the case, I'm one of those body builders who dies from a heart attack from working out too much.

>> No.6385915

this is going be a bit of a shocker and may be far too extreme for /cgl/, but maybe you should cut the melodrama and stop throwing up

>> No.6385929

Fucking casuas on my bus because njtransit cant get its shit together. Getting on the bus line is hard enough but port authority was fucking packed with people who dont realize that theres lines

>> No.6385932

This doesn't help
Anon, I've been through the same thing. The doctor didn't know what was wrong with me either. I didn't fit the criteria for anorexia/bulimia because I didn't want to lose weight.
What helped me was to spread out my meals and eat less per meal. Instead of 3 big meals, I do 5 smaller meals now.
Good luck with the rest!

>> No.6386019

I don't have any friends who like cosplay or comics and it makes me sad... none of my buddies want to hear about it obviously so I just browse here and feel jealous.

>> No.6386042

I've only got one friend with even a passing interest in anime, so I don't really have anyone to talk to about it either, so don't feel too bad.

>> No.6386077
File: 24 KB, 319x443, 1351999281059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really pissed lately that my boyfriend is exhibiting some sort of peter pan syndrome. he loves collecting not just anime figures but any sort of comic book or cartoon toy. he doesn't really want to watch the anime or movies that i want to watch, but instead he wants power rangers, ninja turtles, or degrassi. so he likes pokemon and will only eat fast food, pizza, and cookies. i could look past that. i thought he was just a child at heart.

but now he's going a little overboard. he tries to make me buy him all sorts of things while he gets me nothing. when he borrows money from me, he somehow tries to cheat me out of paying back the full amount. when we're at home, it's always, "i'm hungry, can you make some food? get me a soda." if i tell him to hang up the towels after he gets out of the shower, he never does it. i have to pick up after him. he leaves wrappers and cans all over my room, even though i repeatedly ask him to pick it up. when we leave the house, and it's literally snowing outside, i have to yell at him to put a coat on. he wasn't this bad before. he was always a little immature, but i feel like he's regressing.

>> No.6386084


I often feel like I get shit on when I get excited, and that hasn't changed from my teenage years. I was told I'd grow out of it, but so far I haven't.


There's nothing dramatic about it from what I can see. I've been taking pills for the vomiting prescribed by the doctor, and they've sort of been working, but I don't know.


I've thrown up after eating a small thing of noodle soup, so I don't think it's the size of my meals.

>> No.6386099

I think you're not likely to get taken up on that offer, because most girls would probably feel too afraid to put themselves at such a vulnerable position as to show themselves and risk being judged by your possibly shallow "cute /cgl/ girl" standards. At least that's how I'd feel about it .-. Somebody doesn't wanna say "sure I'll chill with ya!" and then get shot down for not being cute enough or some shit.

>> No.6386105

I feel like my boyfriend resents me when I'm happy...I had the time of my life recently and all he could do is tell me to calm down and totally shit on my parade... This has been happening more and more often and it's making me very resentful

>> No.6386128

hmmm, speaking as someone who is introverted himself I know how stuff like that goes, it sounds like you really care about him so best advice I can give you is to try to get him to be a bit more more open, like dont expect an immediate change, just like slowly and steadily make progress, keep the pressure on but use a gentle hand as they say

>> No.6386149

what do you act like when you're happy? i'm in no way saying what he's doing is right, but you could also be obnoxious. or he's jealous.

>> No.6386171

I know somebody who had a problem like that, you may need to get a little tough and make sure you don't act as an enabler, its best not to let stuff like that go on for very long

>> No.6386189

Well it depends on what I'm happy about- I like to think I'm not super loud or childish or anything too out there. The situation most recently was I got an original piece of art from an artist I idolize and I was carrying it to the car and gushing about how I couldn't believe it and couldn't stop looking at it and he just said "Take it down a couple jeeze..."so I said something along the lines of "I'm sorry I'm just exccited! Look at how cool this is!" and he just stared me down and said "Really? calm down."

I feel like he's my dad sometimes

>> No.6386200

Maybe you should discuss it with him? It is possible to get a bit too manic sometimes, but if he's constantly shitting on any enjoyment you express, you need to talk about it. Either way both of you might be feeling resentful towards each other.

>> No.6386242


yeah....You're right on all accounts I guess

>> No.6386240

I woke up today and remembered that this is all just a dream.

>> No.6386250

long long have you two been together?

>> No.6386258

tbh, i'm guilty of what your boyfriend does to a degree. for example, my boyfriend recently got offered a job at a really shitty petshop owned by a family friend. they honestly don't take care of their animals, and it angers me. but anyway, when they offered him a job, he got so excited (but wasn't going to accept it.) he was all, "OH LOOK! everyone wants me. everyone knows i'm such a good worker. everyone wants to hire me" and bragged about it. so it's possible you overreact.

HOWEVER, in the situation you mentioned, it does seem kind of appropriate for you to be super excited. if my boyfriend got art from one of his favorite artists, i'd be excited with him...

so you should talk to him about it, because it's possible he's kind of annoyed with you for something else and he's sort of projecting that onto little things like that. good luck, anon.

>> No.6386253

I'm like twice the weight of my waif of a boyfriend.

And he looks so much prettier than me in drag.

>> No.6386276

Thanks- it has been about stuff like that I recently got my dream job and he reacted the same way...

>> No.6386277
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The guy I'm into might like me, but he also kind of flirts with everyone so I have no idea.

I don't have the talent to do the costume I want justice.

>> No.6386291

Simply put, I want to kill myself.

>> No.6386296

okay. he's probably just jealous.

>> No.6386337 [DELETED] 

my gf and I took a break, to work on ourselves, I was the one who brought it up, and then suddenly out of nowhere she starts acting really distant, doesn't think she loves me anymore, and feels like i've been a huge burden on her? It was so sudden because the night I called her she was acting really sweet, even asked me if i wanted to come over. Then after our conversation she was really different... I just don't know how to feel anymore. She asked for space, and time to think for herself. We haven't really talked since, she's really busy with school and I don't want to distract her from that. But I feel like we need to see each other again soon. I feel like she's holding herself back and trying not to keep getting involved. We met up the following day and she said, "She didn't want to confuse me," after I kissed her and went in again for another one to say goodbye. I'm so fucking heartbroken over this, I don't know what went wrong. I want to keep what we have, but sometimes I feel as if I should be the one to go first, to make it easier on me. My friend told me to leave but I don't want to do that, what we have is so much more than that. We seriously have this connection that I don't think I could have with anyone else. :/

>> No.6386351
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>> No.6386362

A guy asking his girlfriend to take a break is a big red flag that he wants to go bang other chicks guilt-free. It may be completely untrue for you in particular, but that's the stereotype, and she may be trying to keep herself distant because she thinks you're not interested in her anymore. If you didn't have an in-depth conversation about exactly why you're spending time apart and what the boundaries of your relationship are BEFORE going on break, now would be a good time to assess any doubts she may have and reassure her that you don't want to leave or stray from her.

>> No.6386368

Don't do it anon. Why'd you want to do that, if I may ask?

>> No.6386395 [DELETED] 

Well we did have an indepth talk about it. The break wasn't a break to be free, but more of a break to focus on our priorities, our future(school, and jobs) but we still maintain our relationship status, still loyal to each other. We both talked about what was on our minds, what was growing stagnant and stale. I feel like her sudden mood change was when she brought up me. I've been out of school for awhile, and I got laid off 2 months ago. I've been frantically searching for a job these past 2 months and I finally got one today. I haven't told her yet, I might call her later about the good news. I understand my status as of late is very unattractive. These last 3 months i've been such a pity party, I don't even know how I could have allowed myself to do that. I'm not like that at all, generally i'm very motivated and outgoing. I feel like I chased her away with that.

>> No.6386397


I've slowly drifted away from every thing I used to enjoy and I just fail at everything I attempt. I used to think it would just go away and I'd feel fine soon, but so far it's been 3 years and I'm just tired of feeling worthless every single day.

annyway, thanks for listening to my rambling.

>> No.6386400
File: 94 KB, 539x465, 1345931701001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when girlfriend is self-concious about her "sweaty hands" and won't let me hold them

they aren't even sweaty

she'll suck penis on command but won't let me hold her hand.

>> No.6386399

My father cheated on my mother with this other woman a few years ago. He's really stingy and doesn't like to support us.
Just recently he demanded visitation rights and gets to take my little brother away from us every other weekend now. Every time we see him, he shows us pictures of his girlfriends kids, and when I get angry, he tells me that I have issues. Allow me to include the fact that this woman is married, as well, and dated my father despite knowing he was a also married and had a family.
I am over the fact that my family is no longer intact. I am glad, in fact. I believe we are better off without my father, because he was abusive. I just want to cut ties, but this asshole keeps bothering us. I wish he'd just give us the money we need and leave us alone, but no, he has to take my little brother away from me, he has to shove his lifestyle in our faces, he has to insult my mother and me. We just want to be left alone...

I despise my father. He abuses us for three years straight and when we finally stand up for ourselves, he gets angry. Now all he wants is to make us miserable. I really do hate this man.

>> No.6386410

That is a fairly specific thing to be pissed about.

>> No.6386415
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because other than that, life is good

>> No.6386412

Hate yourself if you must, but don't kill yourself, because then you will stop improving. Never stop improving.

>> No.6386413

I know that pain anon, at one point I found myself drunk on the floor, drunk enough to attempt to kill myself but way too drunk to even be able to grab the knife. Even then trust me: suicide isn't the answer.

It's been a while and it has been really hard, but I'm slowly making it and things are turning better, so please don't try to do something so extreme.

Hang in there, anon is with you.

>> No.6386425
File: 315 KB, 922x880, the russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, OP. Graduate school. I'm in my senior year, and applications are due /soon/. And a lot of scholarship application deadlines are already past.

Aaaaaaaaand I mean, of course, yes, I want to/plan to take my extra semester of scholarship and study abroad next fall instead of graduating in the spring, but maybe thats not the right choice financially and Im not even sure what I want to do (specifically, at least) and there aren't many animal behaviour programs out there and so many things but pic unrelated

>> No.6386658
File: 87 KB, 640x480, deva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want friends. I want to be good at something, I want to be noticed, I don't want to be invisible, I want to do something with my life. I don't want to be alone.

I want to be told I did a good job. At anything.

I hate my family, does anyone thing running away is a good idea? I feel if I stick around I will likely go insane. If I leave then my only choices is what my mom says I will be. Some kind of stay at home wife since I can't do anything right. For some stupid reason I made this place my safe place. Even though it makes me feel like shit. "turn off the internet" "Go on a different site" I don't even know if I can possibly do this. When something shitty is going on in my head all I can think is
"Go vent on /cgl/" since I have no where else to go. I can't keep pushing all my problems on my only friend and my family will just yell at me. This place keeps me sane. I don't get it. It ruins my thinking yet, keeps me from the pills. I can come here and distract myself. Get away from my world. I'm not abused in anyway anymore but, it's stuck with me. I detest everything. I want to be myself again... I was so happy making everyone else happy.

sage because.... this is all just.... long blob of fucking nothing from a worthless shit that uses drugs to cope.

>> No.6386671

Running away is never the solution.

I feel basically the same way you do, I've spent my entire life never once being told I did anything well or right, people just expected that was how I would do. It's an awful feeling.

>Some kind of stay at home wife since I can't do anything right.
I'm a guy, and that is my dream honestly. It'll never happen, but it's my dream.

>> No.6386674
File: 346 KB, 677x760, kurosawa_loney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you sad/stressed, seagulls?
Sometimes because no GF.
Forever alone...

>> No.6386691

I let a guy know how I felt about him
How deeply infatuated I am and how much I'd like to be with him
He only said to forget about it because it will never happen anyway, that it was stupid.
I feel so sad
I've never had a bf and I'm not even that ugly yet no guy wants me
>that feel when no bf
I am really sad

>> No.6386695

I feel like its my only way though, my parents are constantly making every little thing I do/say wrong and turning it into a big ordeal. I actually have a message from my dad on my graduation day that says "Im' so proud of you" I actually cried because no one ever told me that. I still have the message too. I almost dropped from high school so when I saw he was proud that I actually did something.... It was just a text but it was the best text ever.

I don't think there is anything wrong with stay-at-home-(whatevers) it's just that she says it because it's me is why it bothers me. She always has to put me down. I'm not good enough.

>> No.6386710

I can't suggest running away, running away from your problems won't solve them. If you can find some people you consider friends or make a good friend who is supportive, I think a lot of your problems would "disappear". I know that is really vague and not easily accomplished but it's probably the best solution.

>I actually have a message from my dad on my graduation day that says "Im' so proud of you" I actually cried because no one ever told me that. I still have the message too.
Getting any sort of validation like that would be great.

As for the stay-at-home-whatever thing, It's just unrealistic, if I could find a situation conducive to that, I would jump on it. I've only ever been good at those "domestic" things and taking care of people, so it's a perfect fit.

>> No.6386729

Normally I'd agree with you but, I've tried about everything and nothing works with the family. I have one friend who has been supporting me. I think I'd be dead without them. I'm trying to find other ways cause I don't want to crush him with all my problems. I'll always keep on trying my best in hopes that one day ill be useful. I don't think I want to die without have done anything with my life.

I hope you get that feeling too, you seem like a very kind person that deserves some appreciation.

I'm half passed out so I apologize if what I'm saying sounds ridiculous.

>> No.6386734
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I'd rather be left alone all day, and sleep as much as possible to avoid being conscious of how I am wasting my life.

Stupid cyst on my ovary. Stupid fatigue always with me, not better with antidepressants. Always tired. Always irritable. Always moody. I'm a terrible person to be around. I don't want to be around my self so I take hydrocodones, sleeping pills, alcohol, w/e will alter my mind. I'm not picky.

>> No.6386743

Everyone has their weak moments, It's alright. I know what you mean about feeling like you are crushing a person with your problems. I, obviously, can't help you too much, and I would suggest talking to a therapist if possible. Your Family does sound like it is doing a lot of unnecessary damage to you, and them hearing that from an outside source is probably the only way to change them.

>> No.6386759

>Stupid cyst on my ovary.
I feel you, anon. Most of the women in my family have that. But avoiding sugar/gluten and working out helps with that a lot, so it's not like it's something you can't help.

If you think you're so terrible to be around, you can change that rather than moping about it all day.

>> No.6386842

I've been thanking my lucky stars for the help I received for my ED years ago. Back then, I thought I was unlucky because my first therapist didn't 'get me', but he redirected me to someone who helped me a lot.

A couple of days ago, there was a /cgl/ secrets thread and a lot of people had an ED. They were afraid about it and it brought back so many memories of those times. Only then did I realize just how far I had come and hoped that everyone could get the help I got, even when I didn't understand how badly I needed it.

So yeah, I've been sad about ill seagulls and I'd like to help them, but I'm not qualified in the least.

>> No.6386885

i actually also had a cyst on my ovary and it ruptured. that shit was no joke.

>> No.6386911

I feel so disconnected from everything. It's like living behind frosted glass or some shit. Nothing makes me feel good or lifts my spirits like it used to.

I stopped talking to people and found that they didn't initiate conversation in the first place. If I'm missed, they don't show it. They have bonds with other people and they get more out of that, and I don't blame them for it.

My coping methods are a circle of destructive behaviors. There's always something. If I throw my razors away, I start bruising myself. If I knock that off, I stop eating.

I've lost fifteen pounds in two and a half weeks. My fitness has gone through the floor. Even a short walk leaves me drenched in sweat and feeling like I'm going to drop down to the sidewalk.

I broke open my eyeliner sharpener tonight for the razor since it was too late to go to Home Depot. I made it a month without cutting and that's the longest I've been able to stop in six years.

I just want to know I'm loved, and to be content.

>> No.6386961

I want to cosplay as my favorite character of all time but even though i know i could pull off everything amazingly (body, personality, costume)....but the skin tone. my self esteem keeps fluctuating and i have to remind myself every few hours not to so scared of people's possible ridicule because my love for the character should come first. its a full time job.

>> No.6386967
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welp I just finished cutting my arm because Im a huge fuck up.

>> No.6386970

I'll never understand cutting. No matter how much I've fucked up self-mutilation is the one thing I won't do, and I'm a King among failures, at literally every aspect of life. Not to make you feel bad, I just don't understand it.

>> No.6386976


>>6386911 talking

Everyone who does it has their own reasons behind it. Some people like how it looks, some people use it to feel 'real.'

For me, the chemicals released help me feel better, and fast. I'd rather spend five minutes cutting than cry for an hour.

>> No.6386980

I see, makes some sense. I choose masturbation, which I am now addicted to or so I'm told.

>> No.6386982

i agree with
because i can cry for hours and not feel any better. i have cried for days. but as soon as i cut myself somewhat deeply, i feel calm. i think it's just because i realize how dangerous what i'm doing is. then when i clean the wound and bandage myself up, the whole process makes me feel more collected and as if i cleared my head. i have only seriously cut maybe five times over the span of nine years, though. it's something i only do when i cant' calm myself down any other way.

>> No.6386983

Alright then. I can't really say much against it, I'm pretty broken inside myself (See:>>6386671) so I haven't cried in probably 5 or 6 years no matter how bad things go, so I guess I'm just a pot waiting to boil over.

>> No.6387001
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I'm pretty much the same except the feeling of dread, loneliness, haven't cried in years, I'm a pretty broken person.
Although no one would suspect by looking at me, because I'm a dude and generally look happy

>> No.6387004

I'm >>6386983 and I'm a guy as well, It kind of sucks because you can't really talk to people about these problems because all you get is "Suck it up." which just makes it worse. I'll just live with my forever alone lifestyle and perpetual depression.

Positive note: I've been depressed for so long I don't remember what not being depressed is like.

>> No.6387095 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, 635416846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I suppose I'm a big weirdo.

I'm 24 and I've never been in a relationship, I'm not exactly sure what my biggest problem is but it's probably a mix of depression and extreme introversion. I only have one friend and I prefer being alone than spending time with pretty much everyone, hell I even stay awake during the night because it feels good that everyone else is sleeping and I'm left alone.

But the problem is that I still desire a relationship, I guess I don't even know what a real relationship is like but I still like the concept of it.
Another issue is that my lack of social life prevents me from meeting new people, specially new people who are sort of like me and who share my interests(my dream partner). I only get offers from manwhores who just want someone to fuck.

The idea makes me sick but I guess I should start by making a facebook account. I feel angry right now, maybe I have anger issues too.

>> No.6387107

>tfw no shut in /cgl/ gf

>> No.6387109

I know you said you are extremely introverted but have you tried chatting up really shy guys? That may actually get you the relationship you desire. I mean, they'll still want sex out of it obviously, but they'll be less pushy about it and will probably give you a lot of positive (If roundabout) encouragement.

>> No.6387114 [DELETED] 

Well I suppose I'm a big weirdo.

I'm 24 and I've never been in a relationship, I'm not exactly sure what my biggest problem is but it's probably a mix of depression and extreme introversion. I only have one friend and I prefer being alone than spending time with pretty much everyone, hell I even stay awake during the night because it feels good that everyone else is sleeping and I'm left alone.

But the problem is that I still desire a relationship, I guess I don't even know what a real relationship is like but I still like the concept of it.
Another issue is that my lack of social life prevents me from meeting new people, specially new people who are sort of like me and who share my interests(my dream partner). I only get offers from manwhores who just want someone to fuck.

The idea makes me sick but I guess I should start by making a facebook account. I feel angry right now, maybe I have anger issues too.

Actually yes I did, the only guys I've ever tried to "chat up" were like that. But it never ended well.
Also the reason I deleted my post is because I forgot to mention apparently I'm a very cold person, even when I try to be upbeat and stuff like that people end up commenting about how cold I am.

>> No.6387121
File: 159 KB, 1920x1080, 635416846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I suppose I'm a big weirdo.

I'm 24 and I've never been in a relationship, I'm not exactly sure what my biggest problem is but it's probably a mix of depression and extreme introversion. I only have one friend and I prefer being alone than spending time with pretty much everyone, hell I even stay awake during the night because it feels good that everyone else is sleeping and I'm left alone.

But the problem is that I still desire a relationship, I guess I don't even know what a real relationship is like but I still like the concept of it.
Another issue is that my lack of social life prevents me from meeting new people, specially new people who are sort of like me and who share my interests(my dream partner). I only get offers from manwhores who just want someone to fuck.

The idea makes me sick but I guess I should start by making a facebook account. I feel angry right now, maybe I have anger issues too.

Actually yes I did, the only guys I've ever tried to "chat up" were like that. But it never ended well.
Also the reason I deleted my post is because I forgot to mention apparently I'm a very cold person, even when I try to be upbeat and stuff like that people end up commenting about how cold I am.

I shouldn't even be here, I don't cosplay or live anywhere near any of you.

Oh and my awkwardnes.

>> No.6387125

plz b in london

>> No.6387126

Nowhere near London.

>> No.6387128

Ah. Those sort of guys have a lot of problems generally, ranging from just not being able to understand when someone is interested in them to more serious emotional problems. You'll get the gambit, some of them are really nice but clingy. Be open with them, and they'll likely be supportive of you even if you are cold emotionally.

That's where I would suggest starting if you want to try dating successfully.

>> No.6387133


>> No.6387134

Well I can't even blame them, I never did a good job at it. I probably came off as a big weirdo to them.

Nowadays I'm a bit more comfortable with myself though.

>> No.6387140

South America.

>> No.6387139

Good luck getting one, but the /a/ or /jp/ types are probably what you are looking for, if I had to describe the group using boards. A lot of those guys are saints, despite how rude they treat people online.

I've often said waifu threads on /a/ are probably the most accurate showing of the actual character of that boards userbase.

>> No.6387142

post contact info

>> No.6387153

I'm familiar with those guys, /a/ is my main board.
A couple months ago some girl I know asked me if I wanted to go to some anime convention with her but she ended up bailing on me, I was really excited about it.

I don't see the point when I'm far away from everyone, I need people close to me. I had a crush on some guy from Canada I used to play some game with but in the end it just hurt me.

>> No.6387157 [DELETED] 
File: 568 KB, 1200x1600, spr123 (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody will respond to me in the suggestions thread

>> No.6387158

On the whole, they are probably up there with the most pleasant bunch of people on any board.

It's always a let down when people bail on you.

>> No.6387164

Because /cgl/ is a slow board. Also, in the suggestions thread, you have to make suggestions for other people. If you don't they won't make any for you.
Now stop spamming our board up with your picture and do what you're supposed to, damn it.

>> No.6387170 [DELETED] 


posted 2 pics...And this one is a different one, but i will keep that in mind

>> No.6387173

You look... almost exactly like somebody i know from the thumbnail.

This is so weird. Do you live in california?

>> No.6387178

Three. He made his own thread about himself, was directed to suggestions where he didn't make any suggestions for others before asking them for himself. 10 minutes later he posts his pic in a thread whining about how nobody will give him suggestions.
This is an especially slow point of the day for /cgl/ which is already a slow board.

I'm not telling him this to be mean. I want him to get the help he needs for cosplays, but he needs to know that posting his picture all over the place is going to do him more harm than good here.
In a bad mood and tired already, so I apologize for sounding snappy.
Time for sleep.

>> No.6387183 [DELETED] 


>> No.6387187 [DELETED] 

okay, i find that kind of weird that you know that, but i posted 2 seperate pictures

The thread i made and the thread i posted in were same pic, this is a new one

>> No.6387185

Well dang it. thought i was on to something here.

Carry on.

>> No.6387195

>there are no qtpi cosplay girls I know in the UK who I can spend money on and help design their outfits

>> No.6387241

femanons. why engage in promiscuity.

>> No.6387254

In love with unreachable man.

>> No.6387265

Thank heaven this thread's still here. So, my dad, has a girlfriend. Well, had. I don't even know at this point. Everything started super sweet and awesome and I was happy for him. Then, she turned extremely sour.

Before, she would come to our house a lot and we'd just have a fun time. But not even three weeks after dating him, she started to make excuses as why she wouldn't come and why my dad shouldn't go visit her. We were okay with this, I mean, girls need their space and everything. Out of nowhere, she tells my dad that he should sleep at her house one day... or just stay there, fully knowing that my dad is a preacher and he actually has ethics. He refuses, saying that he wants to do things right etc etc. Now, my dad is a legitimately nice guy. So, when she starts complaining about her landlord, he wants to help her. So we ask what she needs to fix this and she just says that she wants to move in with us. But not just her, no. It'd be her, her daughter AND her daughter's husband. I don't like where this is going by this point, because neither her daughter OR her husband work. Not to mention the gf's just a temp worker so there's no secure economy. But we also HAVE to move out, due to an unexpected bedbug infestation.


>> No.6387269
File: 637 KB, 450x258, sunggyu__1_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know that feel.

>> No.6387277

Yeah... I'm guessing you mean you're in love with gif related.

I'm head over heels with my married-with-children uni professor

>> No.6387281


So, the house hunt begins. We're looking for somewhere close to (hell, I'll say the town we're in) Lake Geneva because it's closer to all our jobs. But the daughter and the gf want something different. They want something in the town of Delavan, which is 15+ miles away. This would mean that my dad would have to drive about 30 miles each day, not to mention that his gf is a temp at the place he works at. All that unnecessary driving, why? Because the lady's son who is a complete momma's boy lives there and he "wants them close by". Now, I don't mind that, since he's family and all but still. 15 unnecessary miles are a lot just to be "close to family". And there's only two houses available there, whereas in LG, there's just a whole bunch AND at good prices. They persevere.

By this time, my dad's suffering pretty badly mentally and emotionally. Because even though she keeps bugging him to move in together, she still tells him not to go to her house while refusing coming to see us. Not only that, but whenever we /do/ go somewhere, she brings her daughter, daughter's husband, her son, and her son's wife. And doesn't even lift a finger, knowing that my dad will pay for it. Fuck her.


>> No.6387287

Ok, that came across really condecending.
I meant there's a difference with having a crush on a celebrity that you'll never meet anyway, and somebody you're around almost daily. The former is kinda fun, been there, done that. The latter is just hurtful. (to me, anyway)

>> No.6387289

I want to have sex :( Though I find it a bit disgusting.

>> No.6387291


So, I've had it with her bullshit by now, and talk to my dad about it. He agrees with me completely, and yet refuses to break up with her. I'm all whatevs, it's his life and he can do whatever. But I worry about him because I don't like what she's doing to him. We do agree on something, 30 miles is too much driving and we decide to house-hunt secretly on our end.

They're talking about all these wonderful things like thanksgiving turkey, christmas dinners and just alllll being together as family. Whether I like it or not, I'm excited! I've never been in a family dinner that I enjoyed. The dinners we /did/ have as a family before were all awkward since my mom would bring her ex-husband while me and my dad were there, so it was awkward city. Not to mention i really dislike my mum. I was excited to maybe even call this new gf mom. To actually talk to someone about girl crap without nagging and stuff. At some point, I got sucked in with their fake smiles. I was oblivious to a lot of crap. It went on for a while, about a month. I would talk about what kind of foods I would make for them and we'd get a few pets and stuff like that.

I got snapped out of that pretty quickly though, once I heard what her plan was as soon as we moved in.

3/? messed up my count.

>> No.6387301


Her whole idea was:

>move in with us
>"break up" with my dad so that they can start from scratch
>get to know eachother
>see if they still want to live together
>dad and me nope internally

So, we already know where this is going. But we already found a house, and it's perfect. We are desperate to move out of our place by now so we'll just get out and see how it all goes.

The time to start moving out comes. Our clothes are already bagged up because we've had multiple useless fumigations going on at our place and bagging up stuff's a requirement.

Since we're throwing out most of our stuff, we decide to help them first. The son promises he'll help us out and all that. Oh, but she's mad at my dad because according to her, we have no way to take all her furniture. Whatever, she knows we have a friend who is a mechanic and he lends us cars when we need 'em, so her anger is just petty crap.

We get a truck, and me and my dad just decide to have a few drinks in her kitchen while we wait for her son to arrive. She comes out "what are you guys waiting for?". We tell her and she laughs "Oh! he told me he had something to do today so he's not gonna come. You can start taking out the heavier stuff though!" We're pretty damn pissed by this point. I'm a tiny thing, 5'00, but pretty strong due to some heavy duty places I've worked at. Thankfully, daughter's husband has humanity in him and decides to help. It takes us about four+days moving stuff our of their house. The son never even bothered to show up, and I still had to be the one who pulled up stuff into the truck and arrange it.

Everything's out of their house... but who's going to help me and my dad? Noone. Just me and him. Somehow we make it.

>> No.6387307

People at work hate me even though I work my ass off for peanuts and I have a crush on a girl that's not my girlfriend.

>> No.6387324

Not even the first day after we move in, she doesn't even try to hide the fact that she never even wanted to live with my dad as a couple. The house has two kitchens, but she cooks in ours and takes it to her daughter's side of the house and eats it with them. Also, the very first day we're in here, the son shows up. He didn't have to lift a finger and he shows up his ugly mug all laughing and mocking, his dog shits on our brand new carpet not even 15 minutes after he got here. Not only that, but she doesn't want anyone sitting on the dining room table she set up. Oh, and doesn't want anyone sitting on the couches either. So, me and my dad had to get out the reclining chairs and eat standing up.

It's been two fucking months. I can't stand it. I cried the whole first week because she kinda shattered my heart too, but the one being harmed here is my dad. We're thinking of moving out, and when we told them, they all had a bitchfit. Posted passive-aggressive statuses on facebook and all the shit a 15 year old does. What-the-fucking-ever. WE found the house, WE moved out your shit, WE set up your shit, WE paid your both your 800 and our 800 for the house for some reason.

almost done

>> No.6387328

It was a lighthearted joke, friend. Sorry for your heartache.

>> No.6387331


To top it all off, they said that we should open the windows more, since after we cook, it smells like food. No shit, sherlock. Of-fucking-course it smells like food, we JUST COOKED. Not only that, but they disconnected my dad's surround sound system. It didn't look like they did it gently, either. They bitch at all sorts of sound. Because they can't get their naps in. BITCH, YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING JOB, WHY THE HELL DO YOU NEED NAPS FOR? They yelled at me once for getting out of the shower in just a towel, even though her daughter leaves her bras hanging from the curtain rack in the bathroom. Oh, and they told us not to put our uhm, "used tp" on the wastebin right next to the toilet. Bitch, that's what the bin is FOR. It's the bin that I used to have in my room, and it's on our side of the house. So, yeah, fuck you.

>> No.6387332


and, finally

Today, she started to temp again at the place where my dad works at. Yesterday, my dad told me that he wouldn't ride with her. He can't drive due to some... well, some problems, so I've been taking him. He said he would NOT ride with her, because it'd cause him too much emotional pain. I got up today at 6 am, got ready, and gave him the keys to start the car since it's cold and we need it to warm up. Five minutes later, he tells me she's riding with her. I know he's going to come back home all miserable. I should probably be there to pick him up so that he doesn't have to ride with her on the way back. But I'm not going to, no matter how much I regret it later, I wont go get him. But now I'm bawling my eyes out out of anger and the fact that he told me that he suspects her of cheating. And he still rides with her. He's too nice. I want to slap him. We're still going to move out, and he says he'll still give her our 400 for four months after we get out, while they find a roommate. I'll offer to be the one who gives it to her monthly. And every month, I'll be telling her how much I regret ever meeting her after I give her the money. Sounds petty, but she deserves to suffer at least half of what she made my dad go through.

>> No.6387335

Could someone explain the term "seagull" to me?

Been lurking off and on and never figured it out.

>> No.6387336

cgl = c/sea gl/gull


>> No.6387344

Dumped my crazy, alcoholic, emotionally abusive fuck buddy. He's now doing everything I can to make me doubt myself and my decision so I'll come crawling back to him. Feels batman.

I won't do it, though. Another guy who has a crush on me has been bloody brilliant about helping me get through this. Why would I go back to that piece of shit when I could have someone who actually cares about me?

>> No.6387342

well, now I just feel dum

>> No.6387349

I think I know who you are actually. We had a discussion about this the other week. Glad you sorted it though.

>> No.6387384

you might even feel dumb.

>> No.6387395

Thanks for asking, kind anon. One of my teachers- the religion teacher- has been bringing up the subject of euthanasia for the past two weeks during class. It's on the Massachusetts ballot, so of course it's an important issue, but it has no place in a classroom. When we had to be reviewing for a quiz and test (which most of my grade got a 50 or below on) she would ask us, "So how many of you girls are voting?" If we dared challenge her stance on the issue, she's shut us down, saying what we believe "just isn't right". She also had us watch a video on the topic on a day after she gave us 1 1/2 hours of bible reading that we were supposed to write in in class that day. It's so frustrating that she refuses to teach properly and keeps giving important class time to her political beliefs! I've complained to guidance about her multiple times ,as have other girls, but nothing is being done.

/end rant

>> No.6387406

Sometimes the best thing to do is to not be around the person who always brings you down. Some people are toxic. Sometimes all you can do is leave it behind and hope you heal.

Start assessing what you can do. Can you get a job? Can you apply for them? Can you apply for a job elsewhere? Do you have transport? Do you have the ability to care for yourself? Do you have relatives you can stay with for a short time?

Start waking up early every day and doing something. Cook dinner. Clean the house. Study something. Go out and walk around. And if your family still regards you as 'worthless' after you have made this change for a decent period of time (give it a month or two, be realistic, be consistent) then go far and don't come back. Change yourself to change your life. Take responsibility.

>> No.6387417
File: 32 KB, 337x325, 1349463981538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you all just skip her classes? If words doesnt work, then actions should.

>> No.6387421

That sucks, seriously. Keep complaining and keep a log of times she does this. Have others do the same. Involve your parents in the complaints as well to add real weight. Tell your teacher, in a non-aggressive and neutral manner, that you'd like to stick to the subject matter you are (I assume since religion isn't a usual public school subject) paying to learn about. Keep at it! Bad teachers need to be taken out of classrooms. If your teacher were having a debate about euthanasia based on what religion has to say about it, that'd be one thing, but this is creating an unsafe atmosphere in which to share your thoughts and impeding a dialogue about relevant issues. Say it like that, too.

>> No.6387423

No, because that will make the teacher right and the student in the wrong. You need to show that clearly she is the problem, not you. You must be the one following the rules to the letter. Good students are far easier to help than troublesome ones.

>> No.6387437
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 68468494153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a guy with several issues. But today, for once, I'm not going to feel sad and sorry for myself.

I wish I could give you all a big awkward hug.

>> No.6387443
File: 98 KB, 751x646, whatdafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon who was trying to sell a beauty coupon pack, but instead had a handful of kind anons who gave some money so I could have food. My mom and I can't thank you enough for this still, it really helped! We'd have been going without food for a few days if it wasn't for you ladies.
It just sucks that the whole process of no food repeats again. No, I'm not asking for handouts.
It's just stressful not having food and having my only source of income ( less than $5 ) be from a woman who hasn't given me work for almost a week now.

>> No.6387454


I remember you..Im sorry that you're still suffering. Im willing to give you the leftover cash I have after buying some beauty supplies today. Itll only be a couple of dollars though so can you put your paypal email up? Did your mom ever go to the doctor again? What do you do for work?

>> No.6387457

Do you live in the US? If you do I can help you atleast for a while.

>> No.6387508
File: 64 KB, 325x681, 1344790743595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do live in the USA. You ladies really are amazing... Thank you for caring and even offering to help. I'm already planning on sending you anons thank you cards ( as lame as that may be, it's all we can do at the moment ).

She's going to a different doctor on the 13th for free thankfully. For work, I simply review stories/other little tasks for $3.50.

>> No.6387513

How much food is 'no food' in your eyes? No food at all, or just very little?

>> No.6387522
File: 344 KB, 2956x784, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Mum and dad domestically abuse each other but divorce when i'm 3 and sister is 6
> mum and dad used to lock us in cupboards and shove soap down throats...
> Mum takes us to Manchester women and childrens home
> she meets a guy who physically abuses us
> dad finds us and takes us to Exeter
> he physically, verbally, mentally and sexually abuses us
> gets drunk a lot and rants incessantly, beats us and all that crap
> sister goes into care at 8.. i am 5, she used to protect me
> subject to my dads brutality alone for another year
> put into care at 6, where...
> foster dad used to cheat, mum is a general bitch and foster sister used to steal my money

I WIN THREAD I WIN THREAD!!!... i'm not even from /cgl/

>> No.6387532

Very little. We have an egg, left over chicken thighs for the dogs, bread crumbs, butter, milk, tomato juice, jam, condiments, etc. I'm willing to take a picture if it's needed.

>> No.6387539

So why don't you apply for food stamps or go to a food bank?
...And how do you have internet?

>> No.6387551

I threw you an email, please read it.

>> No.6387555
File: 43 KB, 281x339, 1350577578950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on.. you're no fun, you sound like someone that never did anything bad.

>> No.6387557

It seems that anon goes to a religious school of some kind according to how she described everything, skipping class will most likely be the worst she can do.

>> No.6387565
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Then feed her to some hungry hobos.

>> No.6387581

I think >>6380798 would be the appropriate thing to say again.

>> No.6387585

My mom is technically still married, although her husband no longer lives with us. He pays for the mortgage/utilities still.

>> No.6387594
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I dont talk nor read slovak, so no, write it in english for me please.

>> No.6387600

How does your caseworker find out about this sort of stuff though? It's easy as hell to lie about these things.

>> No.6387625

I love being alone. I like having my own house with all of the space devoted to me and what I want. I like making my decisions on my own and not having to care/worry what others need or want. I don't like long-term contact with other people. I like my friends and family visits to last a few hours, and then I leave. When I feel horny, I go out, meet someone, have a good time, and then leave.
So then I ask myself, why have I been in a relationship for 4 years now? Why am I living with this person?
The answer is pressure. I was pressured into a relationship by my friends who apparently don't understand me at all. Coerced into hanging out with this guy multiple times and he became very attached. I admit, I love him too. But not the way he loves me. I love him as a friend. But so much time has passed. Time I can never get back. I hate that I've let it drag on like this for so long. I hate myself. He thinks I'm happy and I am clearly not. I'm afraid that if I leave him, his life will be ruined. He's so sweet and fragile. I'm also afraid that if I leave, I won't know how to live the way I used to before all of this. It's such a fucking mess. All because I didn't stand up for myself and speak my true feelings 4 years ago. I don't know how I can get out of this. I don't have the courage.
Sometimes I just think about disappearing to another country and leaving everything and everyone behind.

>> No.6387675

Tak určitě.

>> No.6387719
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>> No.6387736

LOL ilu /fit/izens

>> No.6387784

this could be true.. about the guys on /a/, but it doesn't apply for all of them. one guy i know has been an /a/non since practically forever, and the farthest he's gone is one kiss with a girl he was crazy for. he has outstanding manners and everything and seems like a really normal, albeit gentlemanly person.

the other /a/nons? pieces of shit poseurs who think they are gentleman but rude ass motherfuckers that will never become wizards.

>> No.6387789

i would report her to the school board. even if it's relevant, her opinion isn't allowed in the classroom. i hope she didn't become a teacher to get a soap box.

>> No.6387795

My current boyfriend is from /jp/. He fits exactly into the gentlemanly normal type. He's the sweetest guy I have ever met in my life, but he's also the craziest, though if you were just meeting him he doesn't seem like it at all.

>> No.6387823

This fall I have been deeply longing for someone I can consider my absolute best friend. It's like, I thought having dozens of friends on skype/steam would help with my loneliness, but nope, doesn't help one bit when no one really seems to desire your presence. I want someone I could confide in, and the worst part of it is that I thought I had found that person, but I guess I was wrong.

I've also realized that my desires for a introvert asian girlfriend will most likely leave me alone for my entire life because of how rare that type of person must be

>> No.6387860

I was in a similar situation until very recently and it came to a point where I couldn't live with myself, knowing that I was just letting the relationship drag because I didn't want to hurt him. It's hard, but I think in the end it would be the best for both if you broke up.

>> No.6387866
File: 38 KB, 256x256, 1264521115967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out my cheating ex-gf is now an unemployed single mom.

Feels good man.

>> No.6387891

Yeah, I totally get you, I'm just like you mate, just three years younger. I love being left alone, in peace with my thoughts, but I don't want to be lonely for the rest of my life.

But I would never-ever lower myself so much that I'd start using Facebook.

>> No.6388162

I got major post con depression. I miss my friends and won't get to see them in person again until April of next year at the earliest.

>> No.6388166

Are you me? I met all these cool people at Youmacon and they are all like "come see us again at Shutocon. In April." I don't even know if I can GO to Shutocon.

>> No.6388176

No power still. It's freezing...

>> No.6388178

I do not skip classes, no matter what... it's not just me, either, it just doesn't happen at my school. If I did skip, they'd find out in a heartbeat and I'd be in major trouble.

Not public school, private school. I've been trying to involve my parents and having other girls also complain so at least they know it's not just me who has an issue with the teacher. My parents, however, have yet to go and talk to her, so it's difficult when it's only the students who are trying to get a point across. We have a lot less power than our parents who pay tuition. And thank you, I will bring it up to the administration again using the point you made~

She's one of those teachers who's been at the school FOREVER, so it's difficult to try to get her ass outta there. It's not really the school board's business, sadly, since my school is private.

>> No.6388215
File: 711 KB, 708x1000, 1351791728471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like strict parents, mine told me it was okay to skip as long as i did my stuff and did good on tests.

But i bet the reason they're giving a shit about you is because you're bad in school and wont amount to anything in life even if given immortatily.

>> No.6388315

I'm sad because no girl will take me seriously as a potential boyfriend or romantic partner, as I'm shorter than average and thin.

I want to find someone I can open up to,but more than anything, I want to find someone who I can enjoy being around that won't disrespect me just for being short and thin.

If I could find someone that would take me seriously and give me an honest opportunity to prove myself as a good boyfriend, then I wouldn't be so sad and lonely.

>> No.6388327
File: 11 KB, 220x280, 220px-Baltar_Season_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your height ain't the problem, bro.
It's your attitude. Take yourself seriously and others will do the same. Pic muthafuckin related.

>> No.6388353

I really wish I had the courage to flirt with another woman and enjoy some dick-free sex, but I know it's not going to happen.

>> No.6388425

I wouldn't call it stressed or anything, I realized that I probably will spend the rest of my life alone. I don't mind it at all though since I have other goals in life that I pursue and keep me focused.

Girls in general are boring, and I have a hard time finding someone that is on an equal wave length as me. If I could go full homo I would, however, the male body (while aestethic as fuarkkk) does not turn me on.

Oh well

>> No.6388436
File: 26 KB, 400x300, tumblr_ldystalGyC1qfckbfo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have NO idea what hairstyle looks good on me. It's super short and ugly anyway and it just bums me out. I look stupid all the time because of my dumb hair. I do my eyebrows, take care of my face, paint my nails, and dress cute, but it means nothing because MY HAIR SUCKS.

>> No.6388439


At least you have hair, receeding hairline victim here. Although as a guy you can just shave it all off, it's still fucking sad though.

>> No.6388463
File: 86 KB, 825x550, hug 7 SR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry receding anon.

>> No.6388471


It's OK ;_;

>> No.6388689

.....are you me??

>mfw I've considered turning gay but I just don't find the male body sexually atractive

>> No.6388747

I just feel lonely.

>> No.6388768

My weak point seems to be every second of my life. It's so easy to break me.

I will be going to a therapist someday/soon, that is if we can afford one at all. Which we probably can't.

>> No.6388774

cause i dont have a qt sadomasochistic bf \:
but mostly school

>> No.6388793

I'm addicted to pain pills after shoulder surgery, and I'm scared that I'm ruining my life. My shoulder has completely healed but I keep asking my doctor for refills.

I don't know what to do and I hate myself because I can't stop. I've considered buying them when my doctor ends my script. I've left cons early because I ran out of pills. No matter how much effort I put into a costume or friends who are depending on me, the addiction comes first. I have genuinely thought about just killing myself so i don't have to deal with this.

>> No.6388813


I did the same my good man, I did the same. I have a hard time dealing with women and their random emotional outbursts in general. Especially when you see all your friends becoming a bunch of weakminded faggots whenever they get into a relationship.

What nags me the most is that when I was younger, there was this really, really sweet girl that loved me dearly and I didn't notice. I think someone is still punishing me for this.

>mfw I have no face

>> No.6388847

I always feel lonely, like if I don't have enough friends...
even when I am whit all os them, I still feel lonely, I don't know why :c

>> No.6389174

Same anon you replied to. That's good to hear, just try to relax and take it easy, there is little you can do other than that for now. I hope letting it out helped you a little at least.

>> No.6389183

It's not a question of having "enough" friends. Your problem stems from not being close enough with the friends you have. Try talking with them seriously about it starting with your most trusted friend. Trust me, It will make you feel better, at least after the nervousness of spilling your guts it out of the way.