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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 98 KB, 673x556, 1352083482328[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6382250 No.6382250 [Reply] [Original]

How much would /cgl/ charge?

>> No.6382254

How many times are you going to post the same thread? It's been 2 years now. You probably have some sort mental defect.

>> No.6382261
File: 205 KB, 626x491, 134952061646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't work at the snuggery

>> No.6382263

more than her because I'm more kawaii. But then I think I'd have to charge less for being flat chested and therefore less snuggly

>> No.6382279

>also called trap

>> No.6382286

small bewbs = closer to the heart

>> No.6382289

No, distinctly female but have always lacked in the chest department. but depressing really

>> No.6382290
File: 11 KB, 424x364, 1341120812000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd snuggle with you but only for free.

>> No.6382297


This is true.
also, i just noticed there is a pillow between them in the picture. Is actual contact not allowed? I think I'd want to feel a little skin if I was paying for this

>> No.6382300

of course, male girl

>> No.6382302

Got to make a living

>> No.6382306

I don't think I could bring myself to take money from such lonely people. :c

>> No.6382307

I will never be truly womanly. I know

>> No.6382309
File: 45 KB, 426x364, 1347668934612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck you too

>> No.6382311

the pensioners and war veterans thing is pretty sad. I volunteered in a home once and most of them were lovely and fascinating to talk to

>> No.6382320

$25 an hour, minimum of two hours.

>> No.6382327

vagina != dick

>> No.6382339
File: 21 KB, 379x374, 1345086523345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women get so many fucking perks. I don't know why complain about "muh nonexistent oppression in the first world". Guys are lonely and psychotic as fuck and are a gold mine. You don't even have to open your legs. You just literally have to be there.

I'd hug ugly girls for money. That'd be awesome. I want free money. But nope, I'm a guy so I have to work for it.

>> No.6382348

It never actually says how much she'll charge per hour.

So I can't get a gauge of how much something like this is worth.
But something like this >>6382263 except I'd use my flat chest to an advantage since I only appeal to a distinct group of people.

>> No.6382351

Look, I see where you're going, and I hate feminazi women just as much as you do.

However, everyone is oppressed in some way. I just feel like pointing that out. Not everyone is the entitled bitch you're describing.

>> No.6382359

Well, if she works 8 hours a day, she charges 32$ per hour.

>> No.6382360

Shut up you idiot, I would love to just spend a whole afternoon cuddling and napping with a guy.

>> No.6382371
File: 220 KB, 372x373, 1345086491996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then go do it. You could do that and get paid as well.

>> No.6382374


60 an hour

>> No.6382379

Then do it. You're a woman, you can cuddle with anyone you want.

>> No.6382387

Depends on how good looking you are.
Depends on how much time you have.
Depends on whether the guy who wants to cuddle you is a rapist or not.

Why not just go be a prostitute?

>> No.6382401
File: 7 KB, 280x146, 1345087824071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not just go be a prostitute?
I don;'t know why not? If you were like a college chick and needed some spending cash, that'd be baller as fuck.

And you don't have to be good looking. I guarantee there are a billion ugly girls on craiglist right now getting paid to cuddle, fuck, or whatever some guy wants.

Dude, do you even realize that there is a thing called "money slavery"? Not even joking. Free money. You don't even have to do anything.

>> No.6382406

> If you were like a college chick and needed some spending cash, that'd be baller as fuck.

Most women in college prostitute, actually.

>> No.6382411




>> No.6382412
File: 69 KB, 894x651, 1345087067750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there you go. A vagina is a godsend and it gets really old when girls in the first world complain.

>> No.6382442

I agree, but nothing's going to change. Women have managed to delude themselves into thinking it's actually easier to be male and they need more privileges to catch up,

>> No.6382454


>> No.6382455


Why do all of these threads jump to prostitution as an instant cure for poverty?

>> No.6382471

...So that's it, then? Because there's just no way women get emotionally hurt, right?

All of this is "baller as fuck", huh? Wow, from all the slut shaming I see in threads around here on /cgl/, you could've fooled me.

>> No.6382481

>Because there's just no way women get emotionally hurt, right?

The difference is that when women get emotionally hurt everyone is expect to drop everything and make them feel better.

When the same thing happens to men they're told to deal with it.

>> No.6382493
File: 606 KB, 4494x5000, 1345153204001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so beta that you can't fuck some loser guy without getting your feelings hurt
Wow. Protip: Most girls can. And do. It's not a matter of being a slut. Being a prostitute or sex worker doesn't mean you are a slut. You are bitch, though, if you whine about "muh oppression".

>> No.6382494
File: 6 KB, 281x180, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're grasping at straws in their arguments.

Stupidity usually leads to "oh yea well PROSTITUTION!"

>> No.6382506

Not really.

There's a reason most of the homeless and improverished are male. Aside from the fact that society doesn't give a shit about men, they can't whore themselves as easily as for as much money.

>> No.6382514

And, you know, because men are more likely to be addicted to alcohol and drugs, more likely to engage in violent crime, or any crime for that matter.

BTW: a large proportion of prostitutes are actually homeless.

>> No.6382516

In the US? Well duh, it's not legal and regulated.

>> No.6382522

>flat chest

>> No.6382526

Yeah, so your stupid little comments about men being more likely to be homeless because they can't prostitute themselves is bullshit, as more prostitutes ARE homeless.

God you uneducated little sheltered twats, who preach on things you have no idea about.

>> No.6382533

I'd rather cuddle with girls for free.

>> No.6382535

Yeah, be a good person... free cuddles!!

>> No.6382540

Only men would cuddle with people for free.

>> No.6382545

I'd rather pay them for it.

Makes them feel like cheap whores.

>> No.6382546
File: 41 KB, 300x299, 395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are completely right. I totally would cuddle with people for free, in a fucking heartbeat.

>> No.6382547

Why not a girl?

>> No.6382554

/sp/, pls go.

>> No.6382558

not stupid enough for /sp/, seems like /fit/ to me

>> No.6382560

As OP shows, women charge for it, and would noly cuddle their bfs or 10/10 alphas.

>> No.6382567

I'd rather get paid to let guys worship my feet.

>> No.6382570

>comments about men being more likely to be homeless

At which point was that said?

>God you uneducated little sheltered twats, who preach on things you have no idea about.
Landwhale, calm down.

>> No.6382571

oh boy here we go

>> No.6382572
File: 440 KB, 600x586, 135139702769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone on /cgl/ has nice feet
>implying the term "worship" make my blood biol

>> No.6382579

I'd like to get paid to get dressed up in little girl clothing and berated by women. Some wishes just aren't meant to come true.

>> No.6382583

That's a little too intimate for me, do you think guys would buy my used socks online?

>> No.6382589

definitely. a girl in my dorm makes videos of her feet on youtube, gets things for free from her amazon wishlist, and actually grows her toenails super long and sells them online. guys will pay for anything.

>> No.6382600
File: 91 KB, 634x405, 00005DC-795_634x405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick is 29?

She looks 49.

>> No.6382602

Hippie chicks always look like shit once they get past 22.

>> No.6382604

She's cute but I could never cuddle with her. I just know that she's some creep. Look at her bio on her website.

>> No.6382614

>Selling toenails
Jesus. Men have no self-respect. They'd worship us 24/7 if they could.

>> No.6382615

What kind of feet do these men find attractive? My toes are rather square-ish so I'm not sure if my feet are up to par.

>> No.6382619

ikr, i want in on this action

that's the thing, she's pretty average, asian with tiny flat feet. i guess some guys are into that?? as long as you haven't lost a toe in a car accident or something, you should be fine, honestly.

>> No.6382622
File: 123 KB, 399x477, An excellent point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not get too hasty there.
As a male speaking for myself, I can confidently say that I have no interest in your disgusting form.

>> No.6382625

As a footfag, I can tell you firsthand that it doesn't matter.

I mean, it DOES matter irl and with sex and relationships.

But not to the guys online looking to buy your shit. They aren't normal and don't want anything normal. I've ran across them enough due to our common interest to know that if you tell them you are a girl and show them your feet, it's game over. They will buy whatever. There's no standards. They just want. That's it.

>> No.6382627

can you link me her youtube? i'm curious.

>> No.6382632

Sure, you can say that from your computer chair. But put a guy in the same room as a girl and all his "standards" are gone.

>> No.6382637
File: 223 KB, 590x333, Girls Watching Me Undress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose that nothing I say here can convince you to believe otherwise, so I will simply say that I do quite well with women, and concede to your point. Good day.

>> No.6382638

I want to sell toenails. I considered the panties thing but holy fuck, men. What are you like.. Some guy on /soc/ liked my creepy fingers and wanted to buy me nail polish from my amazon list to model for him.
I have regrets I didn't take him up on it.

>> No.6382640

I wonder if painting my toenails would make the value go up or down? I'd guess down, because ~natural feminine beauty~ is superior, lol

>> No.6382642

When guys get sexually depraved, weird shit starts coming out. Like, the foot guys will ask for dumb good stuff. The butt guys will ask for literal poop. The boob guys will ask for....who knows.

I'm glad that I'm gay and don't have to deal with it.

>> No.6382644

I know you're lurking men, can we get some opinions on this? I'll be nice.

>> No.6382647

I think you mean "deprived".

>> No.6382653

I wouldn't buy toenails, but I prefer blue polish, yeah.

>> No.6382654

Depends on whether you have nice toe nails or not. And don't ask me what that even means. It'd be hard to describe. But believe me, it's very, very real.

Anyway, if you are going to do it, you basically are trying to "up" the sex factor. So, you'll need a color that compares/contrasts with your skin. You are on /cgl/ so I assume that's paler skin than death.

>> No.6382655

I'm not really in to it so I can't be sure, but probably down. I'm more >>6382579 type. That said, I still have some standards. I'm alright being treated poorly sexually, but I would like at least a little respect outside of that setting, just to touch on >>6382632 statement.

>> No.6382656

>When guys get sexually depraved

I think you mean deprived.

Because the reason men develop these sorts of fetishes is sexual frustration because unlike women, they can't get sex whenever they want.

>> No.6382663

It's actually not just sexual frustration, though that can exacerbate fetishes in men. Generally fetishes are formed due to stress as a coping mechanism, or through some trauma.

>> No.6382670

No love for hands? I fucking love hands.

>> No.6382667

>paler skin than death
...Got me on that one. I'm not really a toe expert, but I'd probably go with a light blue colour. I've actually talked with a few models, and they literally make thousands of dollars just from videos alone. It's insane.

Here's one I've chatted with: http://www.youtube.com/user/ilsealcorta

>> No.6382677

I hate her. It's an example of what I said: >>6382625

Her feet really aren't that nice. In fact, they kind of suck. They are just clean and well kept. There's a difference. An analogy would gross, saggy tits that look good in a bra but are actually shit.

>> No.6382678
File: 43 KB, 500x391, 1333674076154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cute hands.

>> No.6382682

> Generally fetishes are formed due to stress as a coping mechanism

Maybe. But that wouldn't explain why all female abuse victims and other unstable women have generic submissive fetishes while men have a rainbow of .fetishes.

>> No.6382686

Well, women are different sexually. Men derive pleasure from visual stimulus, pretty much exclusively. Women, not so much

>> No.6382703

/a/'s fetish threads bring a lot of light to this topic.


>> No.6382708

how exactly? i kind of want to get into this, but i don't want to if it involves getting naked and stuff. i'm pretty confident that i have nice feet.

>> No.6382710

How is that not getting naked? Showing your feet to them is no different to showing boobs to a regular guy.

>> No.6382712

>unstable women have generic submissive fetishes

Actually a lot of yaoi fangirls have outrageous fetishes. Don't read Supernatural fanfiction, save yourself.

>> No.6382713

They post their amazon wishlists on their channels, and guys buy them stuff. They usually start off with shoes "to use in videos", but then it branches out to "I can't make good videos unless I have a PS3 and $300 coming every month!" and guys STILL pay for it. No nakedness required, just feets. Basically, don't overdo it, but ask and they will come. Pun intended.

>> No.6382716

hell, i know girls who recorded themselves spitting into bottles and sold that at a premium. i don't even want to imagine what the guys did with it.

>> No.6382718

So can women stop pretending their lives are in any way difficult?

>> No.6382719
File: 7 KB, 316x202, sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when not a girl and cannot sell dumb things and manipulate people on the internet with literally zero effort

>> No.6382732

i guess i meant "i don't want to masturbate on camera or show them my vagina."

>> No.6382733
File: 161 KB, 700x700, 1305264648506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the inferior gender now, faget?

>> No.6382734
File: 73 KB, 498x600, peach2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, poor thing. But hey, at least you're big and strong and run the world, right? Hahaha.

>> No.6382735
File: 65 KB, 679x631, 1349407043427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still own the world bitch! We still did everything cool that ever was!

>> No.6382738

Well, now it's men because there is absolutely no benefit to being male that women don't either already have or are in the process of getting.

>tfw women get the best deal in sex without question

>> No.6382746

Yay patriarchy!

>> No.6382749


>> No.6382750

Pffhaha. Keep deluding yourselves, men. Then get back in line and maybe we'll let you hold our hands.

>> No.6382753
File: 53 KB, 601x720, 1351630712001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf to cuddle with

>> No.6382757
File: 65 KB, 350x274, 1341073137207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you don't crave the dick

>> No.6382763

Although I can understand your perspective, I find that I would have to respectfully disagree with you. As I'm sure many of these fine female posters here can attest to, women enjoy being submissive in a relationship. In general, the average woman would prefer that the male make the choices in a relationship. Therefore, a clever and resourceful man can still come out the better in these changing times.

>> No.6382767

I can tell you for certain that men absolutely hate making any of those decisions.

>> No.6382771

But aren't men scared of making decisions about females, because they might lose their precious sexytimes?

>> No.6382772
File: 116 KB, 546x566, 1318419114078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That last attempted effort to convince yourself that you have use.

>> No.6382773
File: 178 KB, 453x348, 1352094254247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying women aren't inferior as fuck
Your clitoris isn't even in the vagina. I may have learned this the embarrassing and hard way with my tongue, but that's some shit tier biological design if I've ever seen it.

Fucking beta

>> No.6382775

>shit tier

A lot of women don't even like insertion, so it is actually god tier design. You can choose the stimulation or have both if you are even slightly deft with your hands. Lettuce not kid ourselves.

>> No.6382777
File: 33 KB, 175x384, 1352095892111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who made that language? Who made that computer? Who made that website? Who made that society? Whose sperm made you? When you literally create society, then you can talk to me.

>> No.6382779

Until they make the wrong decision and the woman gets upset and starts cheating on him.

Men pretty much can't win. Women rule the lower 90% of society now, and they're not benevolent. They're turning men into effete slaves.

>> No.6382780

Though I am sure that experiences in your life have led you to believe such things, I must ask that you consider that not all men are the same. I would agree that many males of current society are submissive, but absolute statements such as "all men hate making decisions" is both untrue and rather offensive. I would ask that you refrain from such absolute statements in the future. Alpha-males still exist.

>> No.6382782

>A lot of women don't even like insertion

Women love insertion as long as the cock is big enough. There's a reason a good fucking makes a woman scream in pleasure.

>> No.6382784
File: 171 KB, 706x677, laughingswans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: monkeys in cages trying to convince the zookeepers they own the zoo.

>> No.6382786

Please consider my previous statement: "a clever and resourceful man". I am of the opinion that if a man cannot keep his woman satisfied, than he is neither clever nor resourceful enough to have any say in the relationship. Of course I must stress that this is purely my opinion, and do not wish ill of any that disagree.

>> No.6382790

This is what men actually believe

>> No.6382792

Even the greatest men can be controlled by the right woman, unless he's homo. Your denial is delicious.

>> No.6382794
File: 130 KB, 800x800, femscout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sitting in the dark watching Undercover Boss in a t-shirt and panties, checking emails to see which item from my amazon wishlist my worshippers bought me this week

I pity men, for they will never know this feel.

>> No.6382795
File: 21 KB, 286x368, 1352093679545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl, please. Don't make take away your rights.

Will you stop being so fucking beta? I'm trying to settle my fucking harem here.

>> No.6382798

Do you honestly believe that or am I being trolled here

>> No.6382802
File: 37 KB, 600x338, koeb's dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to get off the internet and deal with actual men. Not the pussies on the internet.

>> No.6382804

Please friends, let us try to keep this discussion civil!

>> No.6382805

>women who've never been fucked right

Let me guess, "the moaning is fake, our body spasms are completely voluntary, it's all an act".

>> No.6382806

I always wondered what it would be like to sell yourself. Not, like, paid sex, or naked camwhoring, but something like applying yourself to a fetish or a certain target demographic. Like those kawaii idoruus who appeal to older men and weebs. I want to be a kawaii idoru... but I'm not kawaii.

>> No.6382807
File: 59 KB, 600x599, 1340428918606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dis nigga aint never seen a girl fake it

I'm trying, girl! Feminism has got these hoes all hot and bothered.

>> No.6382813

Targeted fetish catering, or whatever you call it, is by far the best way to go. Kawaiiness barely matters, I don't show my face in any of my videos. I'm sure some part of you is worthy of being financed by desperate guys!

>> No.6382814

And I appreciate your efforts!
However I feel that I must point out that I am a male, in the hopes that the women here see that we can be civil.

>> No.6382815

what do you do? or what do you sell?

>> No.6382819

"fucking right" and having a big dick are two different things. Having one does not necessarily mean you have the other.

Personally, I think technique trumps size, but of course being two small is a disadvantage and there's little way around that except to become really good at foreplay and oral.

>> No.6382821
File: 89 KB, 468x474, article-1244024-07E7424B000005DC-27_468x474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much it costs to have a woman come to live with you full time, and from there do anything you ask her to do. Including fetish sex, cleaning the house, etc.
Then I had a moment of realization.
Who wants to get married?

>> No.6382827

Sensei, teach me your ways.

>so short of money I'll do any of the weird fetish shit

well there are limits but still..

>> No.6382826

Just selling socks mostly, nothing dirty. I literally have a closet full of shoes anonymous people have bought me from all over the country. Just last week somebody sent me some perfume they apparently went and bought for me, lol. If this is wrong, I don't want to be right.

>> No.6382832

other than foot fetishes, what other fetishes are there to cater to? aside from bdsm stuff.

how did you get started? how long did it take you to acquire "fans"

>> No.6382830
File: 325 KB, 382x417, 1345231945001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is really teaching me how easy, and almost necessary, it is to buy women in one way or another.

>> No.6382831

I want /sp/, /fit/ or whatever shitty male-oriented board is hanging around us today to leave.

You guys always come over here, what the fuck? Every board that complains about us always comes over here and hangs around like the guy who got invited to a group hangout by an acquaintance and attends just to stand away awkwardly and stare at the floor because he doesn't know anyone. Then he goes home and blogs about how everyone except him is a plebeian.

>> No.6382841

Just pick a part of your body you like, and find the niche that fetishizes it. Trust me, there is one. You barely have to do any searching, just start uploading videos to a youtube channel, tag it with the right things, and they'll flock to you. A few weeks in, add a link to your amazon wishlist to your page. You'll be surprised at how many bites you get. I literally got my first gift in under a month. If I can do it, so can you.

>> No.6382842

The regular fetishes. Like, selling panties, bras, etc

>> No.6382839
File: 61 KB, 471x580, 1352091712913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong? Can't handle the banter?

>> No.6382843

Pardon miss, but I believe that this a free site and that men and women should be able to congregate without exclusion. I must respectfully ask that you take your prejudices and choke on them.

>> No.6382849

>gtfo this is a girls-only board!
/cgl/, doing a great job of tearing down the stereotype that they're a bunch of passive-aggressive weebs

>> No.6382848

Selling clothes is the most popular choice, I just do feet stuff because it's my preference I guess. Just take a look around /soc/, you can get free stuff for recording yourself talking about your day on vocaroo, for lifting your shirt up an inch and taking pics of your bellybutton, for literally everything! It's a wonderful world out there.

>> No.6382851

We like being valued. What better way to show it than with money for specific things?

>> No.6382852
File: 16 KB, 614x620, 1334170847414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this makes me sadder and sadder. Goddam, a vagina is like a printing press for money.

>> No.6382854

it's ok anon, maybe you'll win the genetic lottery in the next life.

>> No.6382860

what banter are you even referring to, I didn't read the whole thread.

Oh please, don't even pull this proper RP bullshit on me. You are no sir or gentlewoman, you are a faggot.

No board is exclusive to gender, it's not the male part that is obnoxious. If you'd bother to read the entire post you'd see that the problem is that everyone keeps running to us either trying to stir shit or looking for validation for their insecurities. It's moronic.

>> No.6382858

And yet, within 24 hours you will complain about men being shallow and only caring about looks, even though you are the very person contributing to it.

>> No.6382861

Nah, I'm not that stuck-up. A compliment is a compliment.

>> No.6382863

God damn, I was going to start doing foot fetish stuff after anons started asking me for more pictures of my feet when I posed in fit threads.
But I recently had an accident where my bit toe nail ripped off a bit and now it is black and blue and slowly falling off and won't be attractive at all for months.

>> No.6382864

Internet: Pay $50 for some self-important cow to dance around on a potato webcam without even showing her face.

Real Life: Ask any 10/10 nearby college student on Facebook if she'll take off her panties in front of you and hand them over for $20.

>> No.6382865

Madame, I find that I have been entirely more respectful in this entire conversation than you ever have. I cannot imagine what in your life has upset you so to display such rude behavior. I will pray for you.

>> No.6382867

seems way too easy. i don't know if i would be able to accept those gifts or money. it feels so dirty just thinking about it, but obviously everyone likes the idea of easy money. i'm so torn.

>> No.6382868

>No board is exclusive to gender
>shitty male-oriented board
Nice one.

>> No.6382869

Yeah, it'll make you dirty as fuck. But most women don't give a shit, which is why they do it.

But I love when they do it, and then pretend that it's some respectable or innovative thing. It's like, bitch, you are just manipulating some creep on the internet who has a boner. There's nothing not dirty about it.

>> No.6382871
File: 21 KB, 458x461, figure1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, okay, if you say so, whatever.

Are you going to pretend that the boards that come over to shit us up more aren't comprised of mostly males, or what? "Mostly containing" is not "exclusive", pls.

I know that feel. My dad stepped on my foot by accident while I was barefoot and he had work boots on, and I think my pinky toenail died. It's hideously black.

>> No.6382875

>It's not sexist if I say MOST men are pigs
If only you knew how much you're shitting up your own board, princess

>> No.6382878
File: 32 KB, 320x400, 410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already nice and comfy here. You girls need a strong male figure like me to guide your way.

Maximum fucking beta

>> No.6382876

Nice strawman, but it doesn't change what was actually said.

>> No.6382879

I think it's funny when the dudes "invade" us.
It...it's not like I talk to any irl ;_;

>> No.6382880

Sir, I must ask if you have misquoted the wrong anon for your second statement?

>> No.6382883

I don't either, but I play some games that happen to have dudes playing them as well, and some other minor activities. Of course, they think I'm a dude, but still, it's contact. Maybe you should join a forum or a chat room or something.

>> No.6382887

i honestly don't find it respectable. sometimes it does seem innovative in a way, maybe. it's like part of me admires that these girls/women would actually use men to get whatever they want. but at the same time, i don't think i could respect myself. it also angers me that i've met cam girls and the like who make more than i will as a nurse.

i don't look down on them for being sexual or posting nudes or whatever. like do what you want with your body. i just feel like they're exploiting other people. sure, you can say that their fans/clients are totally aware of what they're doing, but something about it just seems so wrong.

i just want easy money, goddamn.

>> No.6382889

Would you LIKE to talk to boys?
If so, I would be most glad to offer you some advice.

>> No.6382892

Respectable or not, the fact remains that I have bills to pay and no one will ever know about it. At the end of the day, it's just that, easy money.

>> No.6382899

yeah. i envy you for being able to do it. i never could.

>> No.6382896

I'm not going to tell you what to do or not but:
> no one will ever know about it
Does that actually means something to you? Wow. That's some weak character right there.

>> No.6382902

I have an idea.

I'll be you guys' pimp and together we can rule the internet. I promise that I won't wear fuzzy purple things and I will only beat you on occasion. Mainly when you don't give me my money.

>> No.6382905


I'm sure there's some middle ground for you.
Offer to sell panties at a reasonable price. Provide nudes at no additional cost. It actually takes a bit of effort to take nudes that don't look like shit, and shipping panties costs money.

>> No.6382908

She claims she's just cuddling them but I bet for extra $$ she gives them a blow job or a handy

>> No.6382916
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So what's the likelihood of a market like this but for women? I've got 8 inches and no shame.

>> No.6382918

Women never pay for sex. You got eight inches? You should just become a gay escort.

>> No.6382921

upskirt fetish if you have a great ass and panty selection

>> No.6382928
File: 7 KB, 243x251, 1322512148457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>getting paid for nonsex
I don't even

>> No.6382945

My fetish is handcuffing muscular guys to my bed and leaving them to die, are you into that?

>> No.6382950

i think that's just called feminism

>> No.6382949


Wow, someone raped you pretty bad.

>> No.6382960

links to youtubes of girls who do this? i'm trying to find some, but i'm mostly getting accounts that reupload.

>> No.6382970

>Women never pay for sex.

Bull shit, they might not speak about it like men do but there sure are women who pay for sex. Your gender isn't so high and mighty when it comes to sex, people have fucked up fetishes and women aren't excluded from having them.

>> No.6382978


"I want you to put this glitter all over your body and call me Bella" isn't a fetish you have to pay for. "Put on these overalls and call me daddy" is something you have to pay for.

>> No.6382990


>"I want you to put this glitter all over your body and call me Bella" isn't a fetish you have to pay for.

If the the customer is a land whale, I'm sure as hell she'll have to pay. There are woman who pay for sex, just because you don't doesn't mean women in general don't pay for sex. Such as those male host clubs in japan, there was someone in this board bragging about fucking a dude from one and it wasn't free.

>> No.6382992

>male host clubs
Women pay for foreplay and attention, not for sex.

>> No.6383000

true, it's mostly for foreplay and attention. however, women do ask them for sex, too.

>> No.6383002

do you even know what a host club does?
the amount of women who pay men for sex is the same as the amount of female rapists out there. there is zero.

>> No.6383006

Prove it faggot. Just because you claim they do so doesn't mean that they do.

>> No.6383015


The denial, yes there are no female rapist as there are no females who have a fetish of seeing their boyfriend/husband fuck another woman.

Just don't google cuckquan.

>> No.6383017
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>> No.6383018

She's like a stunted Renee Zellweger. Her head is huge.

>> No.6383020

I'd have a problem giving money to some whore who refuses to earn an honest living because she discovered she had a vagina. But if it were some actual college student needing help with money, it wouldn't be a problem. Getting nudes in return is just icing on the cake from a nice gesture.

>> No.6383021


>Just because you claim they do so doesn't mean that they do.

And just because someone claims they don't, it doesn't mean that they don't.

>> No.6383022

No one cares

>> No.6383023

Are you one of those dumb fucks who think god or bigfoot exists because it can't be proven that it doesn't exist?

>> No.6383026
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>tfw 28A
Feet videos it is, then

>> No.6383031

Are you 6 years old? I'm pretty sure that's near impossible.

>> No.6383038

Try 19. I didn't think it was possible either.

>> No.6383041


Christ. I know a girl who's only 4'10 and she's still a 32A. Well, quite a few guys like flat-chested girls, especially if they're as petite as you are.

>> No.6383040

40DD here, I'll trade you.

>> No.6383043


And you must be one of those dumb fucks who thinks evolution is a myth because you have a strong belief that it doesn't exist.

>> No.6383047

strawman much, faggot? Evolution is proven by science. Women paying for sex is something that a worthless shit faced faggot like yourself believes to exist but you can't prove it.

>> No.6383055


>> No.6383059

Would anyone cuddle with me without thinking about money? I'm not a bad guy and I take showers.

Sometimes the loneliness makes me feel really sad.

>> No.6383062

or if you're unhappy with that link, there's this:

also, it isn't straight up women paying for sex, but "sugar mamas" do exist. i personally know one. he cooks, cleans, does laundry, and whatever other chores or errands she wants, but she finances everything.

>> No.6383063


Googling female sex tourism is a start. Or watching this video from the oprah network can do


Or thinking logically that of all the woman in the world, there can be a percentage of them who payed for sex.

>> No.6383069

Stop fucking eating. There's no excuse for having a 40 band size.

>> No.6383071

I might. I can't sleep unless I'm cuddled up to someone or something.

>> No.6383078

Depends on how tall she is. I'd say it's fine if she's something like 6ft tall, but if she's 5 ft tall then it's a problem.

>> No.6383096


> implying monkeys and human zookeepers fuck
> implying one gives birth to the other
> wat

that's not how zoos work anon

>> No.6383104

You shouldn't swear so much, mangina. It goes against embracing your inner feminine side.

>> No.6383122
File: 34 KB, 640x427, counting money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bitches can sit there taking pictures of your feet to get random shit from strangers, while I'm making hundreds selling my sperm.

>> No.6383127

Damn it I am so jealous right now.

We have to make more of an effort, taking pictures of feet. Even if we sold our eggs, we have a limited amount and they have to be taken out.

Whereas you get money for jacking off, which is something you do anyways.

>> No.6383202

i want want a hug man a fucking hug!!!!!!!

>> No.6383213

I'd prefer a 28A over a 40D everyday. Cheer up, many people out there agree with me.

>> No.6383222
File: 161 KB, 640x971, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go!

>> No.6383245

Where do you do this? I've donated sperm in the past but the place I go to says its illegal to pay me so they just give me money for the bus home and a sandwich

>> No.6383250
File: 100 KB, 640x360, xlarge_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really gotta start going to classier glory-holes.

>> No.6383251
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>this entire thread

>> No.6383257


Check sperm banks, there is even a site where you set up a profile to get offers but I forgot what it was called. Don't know where you go to, but I doubt it's illegal to get payed for it since shit load of guys do it.

>> No.6383310
File: 14 KB, 405x447, 1345055449568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm terrified I'll fall in love with a guy only to find out he donated sperm at one point. He could technically have tons of children - that's disgusting.

>> No.6383322
File: 216 KB, 402x522, 0 (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your clitoris isn't even in the vagina.

Also this is my first time on /cgl/ and you're all weird as fuck, I think I have PTSD.

>> No.6383331

I donate sperm just because I enjoy knowing that I've helped people.

Lol joke I just like travelling, I use a clinic far away so that I can go exploring somewhere I don't usually go, because they pay for your travel.

I'll answer any questions if people are looking to become a donor. Some quick things you might want to know..

>Many, many tests. Blood, urine, physical examinations, interviews, HIV tests etc.
>Potential kids are entitled by law to get your ID once they turn 18.
>They don't pay for your travel straight up, mine does half quick then the other half once my sperm's been screened and said to be good.

>> No.6383346

>Who's the inferior gender now, faget?
Women, they're the ones who get off to rape and abuse.

>> No.6383368

I cuddle for free... I love cuddling.

>> No.6383371

Society would benefit so much if women just acknowledged that our natural role is one of submission. ;_;

What would happen if we suddenly lost all modern amenities and our sense of complacency was shattered? We'd fall right back into fulfilling those traditional gender roles.

>> No.6383421

There are more male submissives (and they get off on more fucked up shit like ball busting or cuckolding) than female ones.

>> No.6383430

Nah, and male submission is just pretending, just a game. A male cannot trully submit to a woman because he can just say "fuck it" and rape her anytime he wants.

>> No.6383444
File: 75 KB, 256x252, 1349478432404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free cuddling for erryone! All about that comfy.

>> No.6383704
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>tfw cold and rainy and no qt girl to cuddle with

>> No.6383714
File: 75 KB, 800x600, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any sex-type service that you girls would pay for? Not necessarily penis in vagina, but anything involving intimacy at all. Be honest, I am curious.

>> No.6383801

yeah, a good foot rub segueing into oral and a good finger bang
but from someone who understands anatomy and actually knows what he's doing

I don't think many girls would pay for the dick. It's too easy to get and the huge ones really are not rare

>> No.6383948

Only girls can do that. And if you insist on doing it since it's free, you're going to prison to become, perhaps the best ever, prison bitch.

Just imagine how all the top dogs in prison would compete with one another / shank one another just so that they could penetrate that delicious asshole of yours.

>> No.6383963

How is that monthly blood/bitch fit working out for you?

>> No.6383965
File: 9 KB, 190x159, 1347331238001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf dumped me last week
>tfw loved holding hands
>tfw that was mean comment you just made
>tfw no one to hold hands with

>> No.6383974
File: 15 KB, 200x211, 1336010537442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your clitoris isn't even in the vagina. I may have learned this the embarrassing and hard wa
Really? You hadn't ever taken a close look at a vagina before going down on one? You dun goofed son.

>> No.6384009

Pretty much this. It's about having the right tool and knowing how to use it. Otherwise it's like you are just beating on an engine with a socket wrench.

>> No.6384025

Suddenly it's elementary school again.
"This is our club, no boys girls allowed."
"Well that's fine, we have our own club and guess what, no boys allowed."
"Good. we don't want your cooties."
"You aren't good enough for out cooties."
"You girls don't even have penises!"

>> No.6384056

Really? That's how you gauge value and affection? I'm guessing your daddy didn't give you much attention but bought you everything your heart desired to make up for the void of fatherly love. Am I right? Or are you just naturally a jew.

>> No.6384050

You didn't "literally create society" either. Our ancestors, who would be ashamed to see you take credit for their accomplishments, did all of that.

When you can use the word literally correctly, then you can talk to me.

>> No.6384074

Sorry, Mr. Special Snowflake. I guess your ~*PERSONALITY*~ isn't that great after all?

>> No.6384069

>Every board that complains about us always comes over here and hangs around like the guy who got invited to a group hangout by an acquaintance and attends just to stand away awkwardly and stare at the floor because he doesn't know anyone. Then he goes home and blogs about how everyone except him is a plebeian.
Oh fuck, this. What a bunch of hypocrites.

>> No.6384085

What types of hands are good?

>> No.6384087

>male submission is just pretending
lol, you'd like to believe that, wouldn't you?

>he can just say "fuck it" and rape her anytime he wants.
...and yet, he doesn't. Even if he did, that woman would have 10 men lined up to avenge her at the snap of a finger.

Female submission is the true game. Males submit to females in the end. Female submission is a trick used by females to make males submit to them financially, in war, etc.

You're our servants. Females is the default sex. You literally exist to keep US going. How does it feel, slave?

>> No.6384099
File: 26 KB, 375x500, attachment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread, I have no idea where this came from but I am taking notes.

>> No.6384102

Well isn't that the kettle calling the pot a whore.

>> No.6384115

>wanting to make the God male of 4chan (Enzo) to leave

butthurt neckbeard virgin from /a/ detected

>> No.6384175

>You're our servants. Females is the default sex. You literally exist to keep US going. How does it feel, slave?
I'm not that anon, hell - I'm not even a guy, but is that why women had no rights? We were essentially nothing, so it's completely inaccurate to say that we've always been in control when we were historically little more than baby-machines.

And I, for one, prefer the patriarchy.

>> No.6384194

>taking a 'BOYS HAVE COOTIES, GIRLS ARE GROSS' thread seriously

>> No.6384269

If I could sleep with certain celebrities for a price I would consider doing it, I'm being straight up honest. As long as it wasn't completely expensive (but that's fantasy, of course it would be...) I'd definitely save up.

Other than that, no.

>> No.6384637

>implying it's not a fact that boys are fucking awesome and girls are subhuman filth
no homo though