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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 37 KB, 504x378, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6369259 No.6369259[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else agree that girl gamers are the most annoying group at cons?

I hate them more than weeaboos.

It's one thing if you're a female who plays video games. But when you whore yourself out and brag for attention just because you're a girl who played a few Wii games, you should go drive off a cliff.

>> No.6369264

It's just a trend, relax.
It'll die down soon enough... max 3-6 years.

>> No.6369284
File: 56 KB, 540x720, 184069_10150332568127812_8169795_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But female gamers are the best cosplayers.

Picture related.

>> No.6369292
File: 920 KB, 1286x854, skyrim_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the hottest.

>> No.6369303

>It'll die down
No Page. It doesn't work that way when there are guys that fall for them constantly.

Just call out on their bullshit. Although it won't do shit really and their fanboys will be on your ass.

>> No.6369307

Psh. If you think they're worse than weeaboos, you've never been whacked in the ass with a yaoi paddle. Grrrrl Gamers are no different than any other attention-whores. Only thing that bothers me about them is that they reinforce stereotypes of women gamers. But, plenty of male gamers already think girls can't be "real" gamers anyway, so who gives a shit?

>> No.6369308

Pretty sure most guys hate them. You should browse /v/ once in a while.

It's girls like this who set the stereotype that women can't be gamers.

>> No.6369312

Some of them have a tendency to glomp "hot" characters. It happened to my friend, and Pikmin Link said it happened to her too.

>> No.6369314

/v/ just has a bunch of hooting morons. Most sane people can tell the difference between someone who enjoys the hobby and a poser.

>> No.6369318

/v/ is not the majority. How silly can you be, they freaking tell you this over and over again on that board.

>> No.6369323

There's that one image for that actually... now where is it... /v/ likes posting it alot, you know those 4 pics with text and movements in each.. comes from tumblr i think, but it will die when some new trend comes around.

>> No.6369326

Let tryhards be tryhards. I've yet to meet a guy or even a girl who was impressed by that shit. And the only people that ever are tend to be attention whores themselves and trendy.
I see it a lot with games like LoZ and most mainstream PC games.

So really if you think it's an issue important to draw attention to then whatever, it's just that most people can spot a tryhard bitch a mile away. I always thought it was just an unspoken fact.

>> No.6369333
File: 42 KB, 604x450, 1346896291517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6369346

They're mostly annoying when they watch walkthroughs for games and claim they played them, or when they play the newest game in a series and then claim they played the classic games so they can fit in with the fandom and be awesome. Or when they DO play the games, but watch walkthroughs because the games are too hard for them.

Also fangirls. And shippers. And the ones that glomp you at cons because you're dressed as the character they have a crush on.

But girls who play video games and act chill about (the ones who don't do it for attention and actually play lots of games) it are usually pretty cool. It's a shame gamergurlz set a bad stereotype for them.

>> No.6369356

..what's wrong with watching walkthroughs or admitting a game is too difficult for your skill level? Yeah it's one thing if they're trying to act like queen shit when they've only seen walkthroughs, but let's not make up bullshit rules.

>> No.6369364


>> No.6369372

I might get shit for this but personally I find them as bad as the girls who just watch Let's Plays and don't actually bother to play the game.

Ha, and I just had to scroll down and see this.

>> No.6369373

this makes me so angry every time i see it

>> No.6369369

All girls on cons are attention whores.

>> No.6369380


>> No.6369378

Video games are supposed to be challenging. I mean, there are some games I played that made me want to bang my head against a wall, but I got through them.

I think it's fine to look at a walkthrough if you've been stuck on something for a long time, but if you play the whole game from start to finish with a walkthrough, then you're taking the easy way out. What's the fun in that?

Seriously though, I met one girl at Otakon who couldn't even get past the Fire Temple in Ocarina of Time, then gave up and called it a terrible game for being "too hard". I beat that game when I was 6 years old, she was almost 19.
>And she still claimed to be a SUPERAWESOMEGAM3RGURL.

>> No.6369382

15 seconds in and I had to stop watching.

>> No.6369386

I don't like the term 'gamergirl' or 'girlgamer'
Totally different from the words 'female gamer'

>> No.6369387

What if you're poor and cannot afford video games but still watch it for the story line the way you would a movie?

Obviously that wouldn't make you a gamer, but my question is if it's bad.

>> No.6369388

>they're supposed to be a challenge
Fair. But they should also be something that a person enjoys. And if a person doesn't find much enjoyment from a game that is difficult for them then they shouldn't be forced to play it just to prove they're hardcore about gaming.

I know some people who hated Zelda. It's really not a big deal and I think you're making it into one.

>> No.6369393

Some girls don't understand that video games are a gender-neutral hobby. Calling yourself a gamer girl is like calling yourself a swimmer girl or a painter girl. Like...what?

>> No.6369390

Oh, fuck you Brian

>> No.6369396

You can't experience the feel of it by watching a video game. You have to play it to truly enjoy it since that's one of the biggest factors of video games.

>> No.6369397

I meant it's bad when they claim to be gurlgamers when they only watch walkthroughs. Watching them and not calling yourself a gamer is fine.

>> No.6369405

She doesn't hate Zelda. She played all the easy games in the series and then wears a stupid Triforce shirt everywhere she goes, claiming to be a huge Zelda fans whilst insulting the older games.

She also claimed that Ocarina of Time "would have been a great game if it wasn't so hard."

I guess I should've mentioned that in the first post.

>> No.6369419
File: 31 KB, 500x375, fuckyoubitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a "gurl gamrrrr" but I have a friend that absolutely loves to play up the "quirky nerd gurrll" thing.
She pinned this to her "All things that make me adorkable~!" board on pinterest, along with about a million of those Avengers redesigns/lolita/casual outfits.

>> No.6369421

Like omg, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?!

>> No.6369422

I like to think I'm a quirky nerd girl, but I don't flaunt it like your friend does.

>> No.6369423

Okay that's ONE girl.

You're generalizing but you're forgetting that some people legitimately didn't like that game and think it's just as overhyped.

>> No.6369430

I think you're overreacting. I didn't say that all people who dislike OoT are retarded.

Just this particular person. And there are plenty more reasons why she's retarded as well.

>> No.6369431
File: 183 KB, 480x270, konata sad typing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, okay, cool.

Sure wish I could. I need the money for food and rent, though, haha. Maybe some day I'll be rich and have this awesome entertainment system at my hands. One of these days...

>> No.6369432


>> No.6369434

lol how the fuck do people not know about those movies?

They must be living under a rock.

>> No.6369442


>> No.6369443

I fucking hate that tumblr. Condesending bitches.

>> No.6369446
File: 75 KB, 273x750, nurdgurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also stuff like this.
Likes: Supernatural, Dr. Who, X-Men.
Oh My God So Nerdyyy~ X3

>> No.6369447

I watch walkthroughs for fun, or if I have no intention of ever playing the game but still think it's interesting. And funny LPers. Is this upsetting?

>> No.6369452

Just don't brag about being a hardcore gamer because of it. Otherwise you're fine.

>> No.6369455

Fucking hate gamur gurls.
First off, there is a different between a girl gamer and a gurl gamur. Now that is out of the way...

There is this girl in my Japanese class who wouldn't Shut up. One time we so happen to talk about RE:
Gurl: "OMG! I love Playing Resident Evil, the zombies are so fetch!!!"
("Fetch" is not a real a adj. and even if it is, I wouldn't necessarily use it to describe a zombie.)
Anon: Oh cool, I like the franchises too, who is your favorite character?
Gurl: Oh, the one with the emo bang.( liekly Leon, but whatever.) He is SO HAWT!!!
Anon: Yeah...Yes he is...

Different gurl:
Roomate's friend.
Gurl: "Yeah, I play Halo with my guy friends all the time."
Guy: "Really?! That is pretty cool! Yatty yatta. Let's grab a game."
And so they did.
The girl barley knows how to use the controller. Her character awkwardly maneuvers around the map, like a drunk guy with a 0.30% BAC in a sobriety test.

There are more events like these,
but yeah, you get the picture.

>> No.6369456
File: 33 KB, 512x372, 1349667110344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6369463

I cringed.

>> No.6369464

>plenty of male gamers already think girls can't be "real" gamers anyway
See, I've never met a guy that thinks like that, but, people say it's a common mindset. Most guys are like, "lol cool what do you play." I've actually had the most trouble with gamer grrls, actually. I play mostly handhelds (RPGs, fighting games, adventure, stuff like that), and girls will jump on my dick about how I'm not a real gamer girl if I don't play CoD, Halo, and those other overrated games.

>> No.6369476

That fucking background.
>obviously posed games, Poképlushies, manga, everything

She is the stereotype. It is her.

>> No.6369477

>Most guys are like, "lol cool what do you play."

This. I personally never experienced guys who put me down because I played video games. Even online. It's the girls that gives me the trouble. They act so condescending because they're gamer gurls and they even have a fricken guild dedicated towards gurls like them.

>> No.6369492
File: 30 KB, 452x339, ngbbs507f51e8d325b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6369510

Where are all these "gamer gurls"... I feel like I've never met one, and only exist as ranting seeds for people on the internet. ...

>> No.6369515

This reminds me of my roommate's gf so much, our bookshelf is filled with games that my boyfriend and I play together, but I don't play CoD and Halo, they're just not for me. She was hanging out with us one night and wanted to play a game, when I said I didn't play CoD she gave me the weirdest look like "But you play video games..." and talked extensively about how she plays it all the time and is so good.

She spent the entire game whining about not knowing where to go, what to do, and freaking out every time she died.

>> No.6369517

>implying guys would ever actually say this to a girl's face for the sake of pussy and isn't actually talking shit behind your backs to his guy friends about you dumb bitches

>> No.6369521

We talk about them as "gamur gurls" because that's just what we're into on /cgl/, but these types of people are fucking everywhere, and gamur gurls aren't really even the worst of them. Basically any really self-obsessed person that seems to be overcompensating for something is the same thing. There's a girl in my teaching credential class who can't make a fucking comment without making it about herself first. "I'm a white chick but I LOVE teaching inner-city kids" or "I'm a nerd, I LOVE watching Doctor Who." She's nice, not even necessarily socially awkward, but her interactions with people are so stilted because she's always thinking about herself first before she thinks about how to interact with another person.

>> No.6369530

>implying all guys are cunts like you

>> No.6369531

>"But you play video games..."

Man, that's like when people ask me if I like tentacle porn just because I watch anime or read manga.

Why are people so fucking stupid?

>> No.6369537

Wow, that was ridiculously informative. Information was:to the point and made a lot of sense. You'll be a good teacher.

I have yet to make it to a con because of financial, and timing reasons. So I guess that also plays into not seeing a "gamer gurl".

ha, reminds me of the old saying: you make an
ass out of 'u' and me when you assume.
Good one.

>> No.6369548

>tfw simulator sickness forever closes off any game with a first person perspective
I hate my brain.

>> No.6369560
File: 57 KB, 328x480, 1348271352995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you actually believe that all guys aren't the same level of catty as girls deep down and that they don't talk the same amount of shit that /cgl/ does on a weekly basis
Let me guess, you have more guy friends because females are shitty human beings and you don't get along with them?

>> No.6369568

Why does every gamer gurl have to play CoD, I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're shitting up that game instead of anything actually good, but why? What draws them to CoD so badly?

>> No.6369575
File: 38 KB, 245x280, what about the mole people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Fetch" is not a real a adj.

>> No.6369576
File: 298 KB, 200x148, 1339608293653.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6369570

oh fuck god make it stop

>> No.6369585




>> No.6369593

I don't play a lot of games, but when I do, I spend insane amounts of time with each individual game. It almost becomes a relationship between me and the game.

>> No.6369597

My cousin plays it because that's the only game her friends and our family have in common. That and the Skate series is the only other series she owns since she rarely actually plays.
By CoD being so widely accepted it's more likely that two people have MW3 than Starcraft, counter strike etc.

So even though CoD is nowhere near as good it's still more widely used and the fact that most people with a console will get it is incentive for a person to purchase it themselves.

>> No.6369601

This bitch CONSTANTLY contradicts herself, holy fucking shit, like every sentence is followed by a contradiction.

>> No.6369606
File: 20 KB, 283x274, 7484e61c280c4689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no. I have equal amount of friends and I get along with both nicely. What I'm saying is, don't lump everyone in the same category as you cunt. I'm not saying men are better than women. I'm saying, they're not all cunts like you are proving yourself to be! Got it? :D Or should I tone it down more for your brain to comprehend?

>> No.6369611
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 1292492346380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl yes I feel you. I can't play fp games for more than 15 minutes without having to lie down for twice that much afterwards, and that's with shit like view bobbing turned off. Woe is life.

>> No.6369616


This giant-eyed, baby-voiced cunt, seriously...

>> No.6369641

because you get rewarded CONSTANTLY.
that game is nothing more than a fucking skinner box

>> No.6369650
File: 19 KB, 300x300, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> :D
Ever notice whiny women use emoticons and sling names when they're really fucking pissed at something that supposedly isn't true...?

>> No.6369660
File: 58 KB, 513x512, whatamoron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ever notice whiny men changes the conversation when they're don't have a good comeback...?


>> No.6369655

the fuck are you so mad for

>> No.6369672
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, 1333206961892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just so mad anon, it's hard not to notice. Can't help but think if it wasn't true you'd even be that mad, or even respond.

>> No.6369675

And you my friend, are the King of Obvious. If I wasn't mad, don't you think I would have stopped replying?

>> No.6369677

Completely unrelated to the topic at hand, but is that a LHC picture I see?

>> No.6369685

...but you're still replying. I don't get it.
You're just a dumb bitch.

>> No.6369690
File: 40 KB, 460x500, 1595201-oh_look_its_this_thread_again_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6369691
File: 75 KB, 600x600, 7484e61c280c4689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes. Here's the full picture.

>> No.6369697

What. I am mad. That is why I am replying to you dumb shit.

>> No.6369701
File: 62 KB, 213x268, 1351280528133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually used to believe gurl games were scarce until LoL

>adc charges at the enemy team like a retard (and dies)
>literally says "omg, sorrry sweeties, Im a girl and I get impatient when I don't get my kills >.<"
>everyone kisses her ass
>adds everyone else at the end of the match (wich we lost)
>play with her later on
>can I invite a friend?
>"omg, is she a girl? >.> fine, but Im gonna take all of her kills XD"
>my friend and I get 4 kills at teamfights
>she gets 1 and literally ragequits the game claiming all of us ksed her
>playing again with her later on
>takes mid and locks after I had picked it
>w/e I'll roll adc though I suck hard at it...
>in the match get 12/3/10 she gets 0/6/8
>goes apeshit on me because I said I was bad at adc and because I dared to get more kills than her even tho I was in an entire different lane

the best part is that 4/5 of the girls I've met there are exactly like that, it's always the fault of whoever doesnt kiss their ass or fares better than them.

Fucking bitches.

>> No.6369708

Because it's true and hence why you're mad.
You'd have nothing to be mad over if there was no truth in my accusations. See now? So stop replying at any time ;)

>> No.6369713

Okay. I won't reply to you anymore. :)

>> No.6369718

You know what? You kinda dont need to worry about this anymore thanks to the PSN and Xbox Live. If some chick is really getting all "ZOMG GAMER GURL" on you then ask for their IDs and go look at their achievements/trophies and then you can see if they actually are a 'gamer.' And I mean gamer not gamer girl or women because gender has fuck all to do with you playing games.

>> No.6369720
File: 31 KB, 640x436, soonb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Methinks you will.
I don't think your butthurt woman instincts could resist the temptation. Gamer gurllsss always want the last word like the wannabe tomboys that they are.

>> No.6369723
File: 495 KB, 464x662, jaibo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, kind anon!

>> No.6369726

what's wrong with her face

>> No.6369734

Actually, I have some questions for the ladies in this thread that play games or have had some sort of first-hand experience playing games with dudes online and in particular have dealt with some sort of bias or discrimination (positive or negative) from the guys you're playing with.

-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?

-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)

-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games

-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?

-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?

>> No.6369732
File: 44 KB, 386x587, [Yuushi] Raizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No probs!

>> No.6369737

>It's one thing if you're a female who plays video games

Stop this nonsense.
Stop all of the bullshit.
If you play games- you're a gamer. Boy or Girl.
Fucking stop that "Im a girl who ___'s" crap.

>> No.6369739

I play video games more than a lot of the guys I know. And I almost never talk about it! People believe me when I tell them, and start asking for "proof," quizzing me on the games I've played.

I only mention it if someone brings it up, or asks what I was doing over the weekend, etc. I just don't feel the need to advertise being a female gamer.

>> No.6369742

The voice, the voice is the worst part

>> No.6369748

-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?

No. Not until they ask.

-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)

Actually, some treat me nicer, others just really don't give a shit.

-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games

I try to avoid speaking because I have encountered some dicks in my gaming experience. ('go back to the kitchen' bs) There are others that just find it fascinating when they realize I'm a girl.

-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?

Eh. Mildly positive.

-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?

No. I'm too awkward for that.

>> No.6369749

I dislike Zelda, I don't mind watching my sister in law but I just don't like that game. My sister in law is also one of those girls who buys a $500 pair of jeans and never wears them. SHE GOT SWAG but it's all a front

>> No.6369758

>>-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?

No what the hell does my gender have to do with anything?

>>-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)


>>-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games


>>-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?

Neutral. People act like dicks regardless of gender when their winning or losing.

>>-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?

No not worth the effort.

>> No.6369761

What about her? I ask because I could never watch more than 5 seconds of her videos (or maybe I just happened to choose shitty ones to watch), so I have no idea what is her channel about.
Sage because possible dramu. (?)

>> No.6369778

its not just the GAMER GURLLLZ that are the problem.

its the shitheads that go insane if a woman invades their treehouse and the sad sacks that have to brownnose anything that sounds female

>> No.6369786

Alright, looks like fun. I should say first hand that the only games I play online are LoL, S4 League, and a little bit of Dota2, so Xbox or Ps3 online, I have no history with.

>Do you ever explicitly mention a girl when you play?
Well, my name has 'girl' in it, so everyone probably just assumes. But other than that, no, I've never stated it.

>Do guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means?
No. I don't really get treated any differently.

Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games?
No, I usually don't speak anyway, unless I have to.

Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
Positive, I suppose. no one's ever pointed out that I'm a girl and been mean to me for it.

Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
No, but now that there's an honor system in LoL I noticed I'll get more honor than my friends when I match is over, I think that probably has something to do with people figuring I'm a girl. Like I'll get friendly even though I say nothing all game.

I've seen the female players get some shit on the LoL forums, and even up earlier in this thread, but I've never had that experience, I've never played with a girl who pointed it out and pulled the shit they're usually accused of doing. Or maybe I'm just lucky, I don't know.

>> No.6369787

-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
I dont mention it. My name is Max Steel- always

-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming?
No, I don't mention it. I don't talk. Gender shouldn't matter.

-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?

-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
I've acted like a douchebag to piss people off- thats about it.

>> No.6369792

She is the epitome of gamer gurl.

>> No.6369803

Why I'm thankful for my girlfriend -

My friends don't even know she plays games until I bring it up or she casually mentions she plays x when it's brought up.

We both agree chicks who push their hobbies onto others or attention whore it are well...attention whores. Nobody gives a fuck if you play video games or not and it doesn't change if you have dangly bits between your legs or puffs on your chest.
(Or both.)

It's weird because we both met on WoW of all things too.

>> No.6369809

The thing I hate most about girl gamers is that none of them even play competitive games. Are there any girls who have even placed in the Top 32 for any game at Evo?

>> No.6369812

Well then in both those cases these guys just need to get their dick wet. If someone was getting some they wouldn't be so wound up or need to beg for it.

>> No.6369815



>> No.6369817


>Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?

>Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
The only time it became an issue was when I was on co-op in L4D2. My team was cool until this one guy joined us.
At first we were playing okay with him, but we turned on our mics to strategize, and he found out I was a girl. Then, he got mad because I was Ellis and he ended up as Rochelle.
He felt that since I was a girl I should be Rochelle, despite the fact that I choose Ellis when we were still in the lobby, before he jumped into our round.
He threw a bitch fit, called a vote to kick me, and called me some choice names because we wouldn't quit, go to the lobby, and change characters.

>Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games
I don't speak during many games any more because I just don't need to. CoD is the only one where I kinda have to use my mic, and I only play it with my brothers or co-workers on weekends.

>Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
Really positive. In the 4 years I've had xbox live, there has only been that one issue I mentioned above. I don't use mics on any other systems.

>This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
No. That's stupid. This will benefit you in no way, shape, or form.

>> No.6369821

I would link you to the forever pandering vid but he quit...

>> No.6369825

this. Adding the whole "gamer girl" tag just makes them sound like they are some kind of unknown species that wants to be found...which is whoring for attention from guys who think this shit is legit and rare.

I think if they actually spent as much time taking camwhore shots of a DS sitting on their tits and actually played through some of the games they claim to play, some might actually find a legit hobby in this.

>> No.6369828

I really don't thin "gamur girl" will be a huge problem in the near future.
Video games are becoming more aware of their
female demographic and have started changing their character designs to suit a wider audience. That being said, I am sure there will still be games marketing on fan-services.
But back to the topic. Since more females are joining the community, "gamur girl" will soon lose its value and appeal.

>> No.6369831

Um. There are lots of 'hardcore' gamers who dont play competitive games. My friend has like 30+ platinum trophies for games but he doesnt go into competitive gaming events. What does entering tournaments have to do with anything?

>> No.6369832

Same, and I think a good number of anons on this board can fit that and not flaunt it.

>> No.6369833
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>Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
Usually my username or voice proves my gender.. I don't really need to tell anyone.

>Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
Guys tend to get more "bitchy", and automatically think I suck at whatever game I'm playing. But then again, I don't usually play with others, unless it's WoW.

>Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games
Not really.

>Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
Neutral I'd say.. I still remember in 10th grade, the boy next to me asked me if I played any vidya's. I answered yes, and instantly a bunch of guys all jumped around me asking what games I play, consoles, ect.
I felt severely uncomfortable.

>This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
I like Halo a lot.. well watching it actually. I completely suck at the game, but I used to enjoy watching my friends play.

Also, both me and my boyfriend get pretty pissed off commerial "I'm not a gamer, I'm _____." with all those girls in it.

>> No.6369834

Yeah, what happened with that? Any reason or he's just done?

>> No.6369837

The only GURL GAMERZZZZZ DONT HIT ON ME SILLY BOIZ I've ever met was a girl named Stacey who went to my college.

After me, Stacey was the only fuckable girl in Mordor - Mordor being the corner that contained all the vending machines where all the nerds hung out during lunch time. Stacey was fond of rolling her way into college every day, and by rolling I mean she had those little shoes with the retractable wheels inside, so she would rollerblade all over the place and just be a general nuisance with her typical "girl-nerd" bullshit attitude.
It was sometime in the year that I suddenly noticed she was wearing loads of Resident Evil memorabilia (necklaces, t-shirt, patches, wristbands, badges etc.) so I decided to approach her about it and get to know her a little bit.

Oh hey Stacey! I see your a Resident Evil fan
>Oh yeah, I LOOOOVE Resident Evil! It is the best series ever!
Oh neat, which games have you played?
>I've not played any of them! Gawd you don't have to play the fucking games to be a fan of the series!

And then rolled off.

>> No.6369839


>> No.6369846

I play males, use male names and dont voicechat because of that shit.

>> No.6369856

I have a friend who plays LoL and she's a pretty good cosplayer at it that sometimes though, it makes me wonder how good and how much she plays wth the game.

As a friend and fellow cosplayer, I respect her work but I kind of am curious to know whether she plays as much as she says she does and how good she is at it.

>> No.6369869

I am an ingame female, use female name and dont use voicechat. I also act slutty on MMORPGs to get free money and stuff.

>> No.6369872

if shes terrible at it, but still loves it. Would you hate her for it?

I play games I'm not particularly good at sometimes because the people around me play them. I don't play ANY fighting games but I'll play because my friends want me to (or they want to laugh at how bad I am...)

>> No.6369879

Wow. Her manga choices are shit... But... Yeah.
I couldn't even make it a minute through the vid because of how awkward she was...
Someone, please tell me what game she was referring to when she said that you are promised sex from that female character when you beat the game. I don't know of this.

More on-topic though, I know a girl who hasn't played a lot of games she claims to love, and just watches the LPs for them. She is really obsessed with this guy called pewdy pie (sp?), and every single time I bring up a game around her, she starts ranting about how great of a LP he did for it and all her favourite quotes... I don't mind when people watch and enjoy LPs, but when you've never even played these games, don't say you're a gamer, and don't claim to know how awesome and great they are.

>> No.6369908

No, not at all. She's a great person, so that wouldn't be an issue. If anything, I can't say I'm any god tier either.

It's a random curiosity, because I tend to wonder if she hasn't, if it is an awkward experience if someone attempts to talk to her about the champion she's cosplaying as and may not know much.

This likely applies to any kind of of posers though. How awkward is it to get caught not knowing shit of what you claim to be really into?

>> No.6369915


here's all you need to know about that

he's pretty much the worst thing on Youtube

>> No.6369930

I feel like many/most cosplayers are female gamers? Also, this topic is so old. All over tumblr I see snarky memes making fun of mythical "girl gamers" who advertise their special snowflakeyness. I'd expect most of these chicks have taken note and toned it down.

tl;dr: OP's sentiment is old hat

>> No.6369948

Why's he always talking about rape? That's so fucking weird man. And all the screaming...

>> No.6369973

because his audience is mostly 14 year olds who think its hilarious

>> No.6369987

IDK man. Someone so obsessed with rape has something wrong with them... If you are thinking to yourself "Hmm... What is funny? What would people like?" Hopefully, you don't think "Screaming! My watchers will love screaming! And rape! I need rape jokes! That's funny and cute!"
I need to talk to this girl and figure out the fucking appeal. She is 22. This is unacceptable.

>> No.6370003

I don't understand did she just watch the fucking RE movies or something?

>> No.6370032

I actually really really hate gamer girls. I can usually spot them from a mile away and I just avoid them.

>> No.6370042

>inb4 Annie says something about piplup

>> No.6370048

It's not going to change any time soon, or ever.

Video games aren't for just one demographic anymore but all.

Even Obama and Romney and of course senior citizens with their Wii's and shit play video games and it'll be much much much more increasingly common as the years go on.

Video games aren't just for nerds or kids or whatever anymore. It's a mainstream pastime and just like there are more women than men in the world, women will eventually overtake men in video games in all other aspects of life like employment and even government like currently at the trend. According to surveys, polls, and neuro studies; video games and shit like facebook are better than sex to women.

Soon men will have no choice but to check their privilege. Video games are a female pursuit soon enough, men need to get back to chess and chopping logs or something.

>> No.6370114

She dresses like a slut and brags about playing CoD.

There was one video where she wore a belly shirt and short shorts that said Call of Duty on them.

She just acts like an attention whore because she has lame tastes in games.

Her videos are also boring as hell.

>> No.6370129

Girl gamers--at least the ones who actually play videogames--usually only play things such as Zelda: Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword, Mario, and shitty Final Fantasy games.

If they're going to brag, they should at least pick better games (though Mario is alright, it's just casual as hell).

>> No.6370161

are you the real todd? timestamp?
I have a weird feeling you're someone else.

>> No.6370210


>> No.6370247

I'm the real Todd.

>> No.6370254

No i'm the real Todd.

>> No.6370272

Pretty much this. I'm a game artist, and the really big thing right now is facebook games, because the microtransactions end up being a goldmine if you hook those 40 something moms. Of course, if you try to say FarmVille's a video game, you risk the fury of ten thousand nerds. But it is a video game. It's just not niche.

>> No.6370316

-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
I won't bring it up, but if someone assumes I'm a guy, I'll correct them.

-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
I think that for the most part I'm treated the same as any other player. Some guys probably are nicer to me. Some guys start calling me pet names like "sweetie". Other women usually trust me more when they find out I'm female.

-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games.
When I play with strangers, gender usually doesn't come up. It's not an issue. No one's given me a hard time about my gender when I'm in vent with strangers. I'm more knowledgeable than the average player and am not afraid to speak up. I often take charge of groups of strangers. I'm usually playing with other skilled female players and feel strongly supported by women I play with.

-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?

-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?

>> No.6370331


>> No.6370352
File: 116 KB, 789x437, kaweii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"Unfortunately it's not really well known but I love old RPG "
>☆ミMy Tumblr ☆彡
>yorosheeku onegaishimaaaaaaasu~~~

Dirty fucking ~*gamer gurl*~ weebs.

>> No.6370373

I've honestly never met one but then again I am not really into the gaming community because it is fucking garbage.

I don't really find them annoying, but it is kind of depressing that there are people out there that make getting attention their whole personality.

>> No.6370400

I think there is a line you have to draw; for some games, no you don't have to play them. I don't play much Starcraft or Tribes but I'm a fan; I enjoy watching other people play them and compete. But for games like RE? Uhhh yeah, if you wanna be a fan of the GAME series it's kind of important to actually play the game.

>> No.6370427

u le mad

>> No.6370442

>five prequel movies

>> No.6370446
File: 89 KB, 410x339, how sweet it is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue is that when girl gamers aren't being obnoxious you don't know their girls.

And many girls pretend to be guys because they know the shit they have to put up with if they don't.

I've been using a voice changer for years pretending to be a fag.

>> No.6370455

I've give her some credit that she's trying, instead of watching Dakooter read out lines.

>> No.6370454

Confirmed for never playing a video game.

>> No.6370462

I've honestly never been harassed for being a girl and playing Xbox. I play a wide range of games, and don't make it obvious that I'm a girl. Hell, it's impossible to even figure out that I'm a girl unless you're in a party with me and I talk.

Maybe it's because I don't play shitty games made for 12 year old boys, or because I don't scream from the heavens that I have a vagina and am playing an Xbox like it's some kind of accomplishment.

>> No.6370466

That's not what this thread is about you stupid bitch.

>> No.6370472

That's a little rude.

>> No.6370475

So what?

>> No.6370485

So acting like a jackass on the internet is stupid.

I swear to god some of you lose grip on reality on here and just go about saying whatever you want.

>> No.6370490

If you can't say what you want, how can you be truly free?

>> No.6370496

You can say whatever you want, but is it really necessary to be a raging douche?

Like, would you say something like that to a person in a conversation because they contributed something that wasn't 100% related to what you were discussing?

>> No.6370513
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I think most people who identify as gamers really shouldnt bother. I call myself a gamer because I am obsessive to the point that I have a problem. I have met others like me, never a female

>> No.6370516

latent sociopathy plus anonymity would tend to do that

>> No.6370520

You're not a jackass when you're speaking the truth. Just saying.

Also, this is obviously your first time here. Welcome to 4chan, now man the fuck up, grow some fucking balls, or stop the fuck posting.

>> No.6370534

Not who you are replying to, but you can most certainly speak the truth without being a massive cunt about it. I mean, just because you can post anonymously and say whatever the heck you want to doesn't mean you necessarily should.

Anyways, back on topic, I can't particularly recall a time where I've had to deal with a "gamer gurl". I must be pretty lucky.

>> No.6370540

there is a significant difference between "X IS Y" and "X IS Y AND YOU ARE A BOIL ON THE ASS OF HUMANITY"

>> No.6370544

Again, speaking the truth is not being a massive cunt.

>> No.6370676

/v/ stepping in

> "I'm a gamer"
> Literally anyone who has a phone is now a 'gamer'

May as well walk up to someone and say, "I'm a TV watcher"

/v/ doesn't hate female gamers, they hate GURLGAMERS, who use what mediocre gameplaying skills they have simply to gain attention, approval, and/or gifts from guys. Doubly worse are the ones who simply read the news off the internet while showing off their boobs and raking in the ad revenue.

The male counterpart would be the "shock jock" and populist male game personality aka Colin Moriarty, Total Biscuit. Basically an internet gaming version of Bill O'Reilly, who spouts his opinion as gospel, all the while getting handed sweet deals to throw in a good word for a particular game.

>> No.6370764


ur so hardcore omg

do you like linkin park too?

>> No.6370795
File: 2.00 MB, 315x315, UOY KCUF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what the fuck edgy is, you ugly sack of shit.

>> No.6370811

Damn you, new Dante!

>> No.6370812
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Fuck you

>> No.6370817
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It's Donte the Demon killer. Has a nice ring to it don't you think?

Fuck you

>> No.6370823

its not gurl gamers. its just nerdy girls. you see them everywhere.

Most of the real nerdy girls aren't THAT attractive.

girls will do anything to stay relevant including name dropping shit to be liked.

>> No.6370828
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>> No.6370841

I dont like either.
dont speak on behalf of /v/ because everyone on there has there own opinion on this topic. /v/ isnt some hivemind where everyone agrees on everything thats said.
this is something you should know already.

Im sick of faggots who come from other boards and try to speak on behalf of their board.
>i come from /v/ & we think....
NO seriously stop it!

>> No.6370848
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, MOM SAID IT'S MY TURN TO FUCK YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then get over it cause FUCK YOU.

>> No.6370861

I used to think it was because he catered to the lowest common denominator like...A verbal prostitute, but he's really fucking fixated on it. And he's never creative

>> No.6370880
File: 14 KB, 445x184, gamergurls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress up as Link, people call you Zelda all day.
Dat feel when girl dressed in slutty outside says "hello Zelda" in a sassy voice and you correct her politely and say you are Link and that Zelda is the princess.
Pic related girl face and friends when I tell them this.

>> No.6370882

Slutty nurse*

>> No.6370885

hey dq

>> No.6370990

I've played minecraft on public servers and rarely gotten comments from players. The only time I did was when some 12 year old though it would be funny to show off that he learned what a whore was. I just kept throwing it back at him saying at least I can do a guy and play minecraft at the same time, maybe do his mom on the side with a hitachi wand.

Gained me a few friends and everyone just laughed at the 12 year old.

I don't claim to be gamer girl, but when I say I play games I get "you better be fuckig god at this" or "oh you're just a casual, we can't talk to you" Why can't we just play the game?

>> No.6371025

I've never ran into one of these GAMER GURL stereotypes. I've only ever known real gamer girls, the kind that aren't obnoxious about it and play more than just Pokemon or Zelda.

>> No.6371035

You sound like a faggot

>> No.6371047

-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games
>I never reveal my gender anywhere because of how men tend to treat women with such interests
-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
>I don't, but I have a friend who always lets people know she's female so that they underestimate her and she has a better shot at beating them

>> No.6371158

I use a voice changer to sound male, but I forget to turn it on ONE time, and now I'm suddenly the "guild princess". My male friends don't talk to me anymore. Might have to switch servers.

>> No.6371163


okay, I'm from /v/ but I'm not a total retard.

How's that for you?

>> No.6371168
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>Oh woe is me

>> No.6371210

What voice changer, by the way?

>> No.6371227

MorphVOX Pro. Takes a bit of tweaking, but you can get a good voice out of it.

>> No.6371247
File: 381 KB, 1000x1539, tumblr_m9fh5r1Xaq1qefpz7o6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody can play a stupid fucking mindless video game. I hate when people refer to each other as "gamers" because it sounds fucking stupid and lame. Why can't people just enjoy a video game once in a while without being called a gamer or having some attention whore clinging to retarded "gamer" persona. Unless you play pro e-sports you better shut the fuck up about this "gamer" bullshit its fucking gay.

>> No.6371294

I've gotten free game time from guildies for years, what are you complaining about? You really think your self-respect is worth more than $15 a month? That's hilarious.

>> No.6371297


Dear Lord

>> No.6371529

Well she is right about escort missions. Even before watching the video I thought to myself that they should be number one.

>> No.6371550


> After polling, number 7 is stamina bars! They are soooo annoying

Fucking normalfags everywhere.

>> No.6371573

Just pirate your way to... everything. As a fellow poorfag, I download shit without a second thought because, really, if I couldn't do it I still wouldn't have the money to buy the games I like.

When a game is especially good, though, I'll go a day or two eating less than I should just to buy it because it fucking NEEDS my support.

>> No.6371582

>implying anybody on /cgl/ knows how to pirate

They'd rather spend the money on shitty bootlegs.

>> No.6371590

Any good websites for that? Which games take up less memory?

My little PC can't handle much, so I wouldn't know what to do. My boyfriend gave me a console as a birthday gift last year (with five games to boot). Much to my dismay, my TV died on me not a day afterwards. Now all I have left is my PC (which is far from gamer material).

>> No.6371597

Okay, I should word that better.

How do I into PC gaming?

>> No.6371603

1. Find game that looks interesting but isn't too new or graphics heavy
2. Put game name in canyourunit

>> No.6371615

I'm not really into multiplayer games, but on the few MMOs I've played it always bothered me how my shemale friends would get loads of stuff while I, an actual girl, got no attention whatsoever.

I started to think every guy is into traps ever since.

>> No.6371622

>my shemale friends would get loads of stuff while I, an actual girl, got no attention whatsoever
You obviously haven't been slutting it up enough, or don't understand what men want.
Which isn't rocket science, by the way.

>> No.6371660

>dat feel when that's some truth to that

I still have faith in /cgl/, though.

Ah, can't really help much, then. I have a really good PC and just lurk /v/ and other random websites about games to find out stuff. To download there are some private trackers but these tend to be annoying so I just google/piratebay my shit.

Also emulators. I'm sorry if I sound casual, but GBA, SNES and iirc PS1 and 2 games can be easily be emulated on any ok-ish PC.

>> No.6371671

Depends on the PC. I have a "meh" laptop, and it lags a lot with the PS2 game emulators.
GBA, SNES and PS1, however, run fine.

>> No.6371681

Ah, I knew one of those required a better PC.

Oh, and does DS run fine as well? Could be a good recommendation to >>6371590 since there are so many games for it, and so much variety. I only ever had problems with it when playing games that required light stylus touches that can't be emulated by the fucking mouse.

>> No.6371692

I'd say just go get you a cheap graphics tablet for that.
I haven't really played DS games on here, so I can't tell you. If nobody answers by tomorrow I'll ask my brother about it, as he messes around with emulators and mods and shit all the time.

>> No.6371808
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>"You're a gamer?
>" LOL! WoW and CoD erryday"
>...nigga please, I don't play that shit.
>hher face when bitches dont know about my gaming

>> No.6371864


Can you explain why to me why wow is shit on all the time?

>> No.6371898
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>>Do you ever explicitly mention a girl when you play?
>Well, my name has 'girl' in it, so everyone probably just assumes. But other than that, no, I've never stated it.

Bitch your clearly stating it by putting it in your name. Durr.

>> No.6371905
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Putting a gurl gamer and a competitive gamer in the same room is not pretty, I will just say that.

I'm stuck in that shitty in-between area where I suck compared to pros but can body casuals who think they're tough shit. Also I miss back when people actually played the fighting game they cosplay as, it's awkward as fuck when talking to a Mai who never played King of Fighters.

>> No.6371927

Because it's what plebs play.

Actually, I find nothing wrong with Call of Duty or WoW (I have played and liked both), but when it's the only things you play, it seems awfully close-minded to the world of gaming. Not to mention I'm sure there's many that only claim they play them because they're the most popular games they know of.

>> No.6371934

I thought League of Legends got more hate?

>> No.6371937
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>-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
No, I lie about my gender online
>-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
The few times I've told/been found out, yes. It's something I notice and I'm not comfortable with it at all.
>-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming?
I only play MMO's and the discomfort has made me set up pretty much a double life. I'm much happier when men don't 'walk on eggshells' around me. I get chivalry has taught them to do so, but I don't like being treated that way.
>-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
negative, I started doing this because I've been stalked, attempted pressure into ERP or sexting, harassed and white-knighted too many times. Too many guys feel entitled to my attention when I usually just want to be left alone. Too many don't take 'No' for an answer. I get not all men are like this but my experience has been very negative.
>-Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
My boyfriend pretends to be a girl online for this reason, He's fucked over people on Steam to buy him games, He's gotten expensive mounts, gear, other items. I notice I don't get those "Random acts of kindness:)))" anymore as a boy, but I'm glad, they often come with baggage. I think it's deplorable to use femininity to manipulate people myself, but I don't really have any qualms with my boyfriend doing it. His targets are the dumbasses and I hope they end up seeing that it's best to see eachother online as just -Another player-. Basically just play the damn game.

>> No.6371975

Because it's the McDonalds of mummorpegers.

It's like someone asks you what's your favorite dish and you say "McCHEESE BURGAR!"

>> No.6371979
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>Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
No. My characters are always female with feminine or gender neutral names, but people tend to assume 99% of female toons are played by dudes. Even the orcs, apparently.
I don't like to use vent so people don't find out through my voice. They only find out I'm a girl if they ask me directly, and depending on how they ask I sometimes lie.

>Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
They tend to become hypercritical. Even if they complimented me on my play before, they now bitch about every perceived fault, legit or no.
I've only had someone try to cozy up to me once, when I was afk. He quickly turned bitter and hateful when I wasn't responding... even though I was obviously afk. I obviously missed out on a winner there.

>Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games
Yep. I'm keeping quiet.

>Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
Negative. Not surprising, since most of the people I end up playing with are probably young teenage boys. Those are the worst.

>This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
Nah. I prefer to avoid all unnecessary contact with other players. Plus it's not like any of my toons are in any way attractive.

>> No.6371980

I think your hatred for gurl gamers XXDDDD

is just a hatred for women in general.

women are bred to be social creatures, since in nature they could not fend for themselves.

locke would argue they weren't people, and in this class of a sub-human in the social contract.

today we worship women and a woman can do no wrong

a woman molests children in school, Lucky kids!!!

a woman kills her husband WHOOO HOO SHE's SINGLE!!! yeah lets fuck her

feminism has fucked the united states up greatly.

so much so that this whole liberal progressivism shit has shamed men into being men, and poessiing firearms

not to worry, china does not have such handicaps, neither to the Islamic nations who rule women through a theocratic doctrine. while the leaders know their religion is nothing more than a scapegoat for rule.

pretty much the US will fail as a nation-state in the coming decades. and it's inevitable

>> No.6371989


i understand how the game catches flak for being a popular mmo; however anyone who actually plays the game could gauge what kind of a player a person is based on a few questions, or even just a cap person's UI.

i posted some of my character's UI's in a /vg/ thread, and only a few people even understood how my layout worked without having to explain it.

>> No.6372002

>women are bred to be social creatures, since in nature they could not fend for themselves

oh my god. this is not even a little true. early homo sapiens lived in groups in caves and the women did A LOT of the hunting, presumably even while pregnant

i work out and am strong as shit. I am average height and started out very frail with a small frame (at age 22, i am now 26)

Women nowadays are delicate little weak-willed flowers because patriarchal society has dictated that be so since "civilized" society arose and hyper-specialization became a thing

>> No.6372017

-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
Only if I've been playing with the same team for a while and I feel comfortable enough to go on vent, but by then I've proved myself as a player and they're just surprised that I'm a girl. Otherwise, no.

-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
I always have one guy trying to give me loads of items all of a sudden. If they find out on our first game, they begin to "protect" me or criticize my gameplay, even though they were fine with me beforehand.

-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games
I don't speak at all, just pretend I don't have a mic. I just want to play the game.

-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
If I play with the same guys for a while, neutral. Otherwise it's always been negative; blaming every mishap on me, trying to kick me for no reason, shit jokes, very awkward flirting...

-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
Nope. If they think I'm a guy, I get to play and get given tips and become better. If they know I'm a girl, they won't let me play or try to do it all for me. That's no fun.

>> No.6372020

OP here. I post this thread yesterday, leave, and come back this morning to find 205 posts. Wat.

is just a hatred for women in general.
>Funny coz I am one.

>> No.6372026
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Some friendly advice: taking anything sieg heil posts seriously (or even reading his posts in the first place) is never a good idea in any situation. /cg/ immediately gets more enjoyable the moment you learn this.
Obviously it's troll season right now, though. I'd recommend turning off the computer and getting your ass to some sewing because there's no use arguing with people like this. Bad for your health and everything.

>> No.6372032

I play mostly single player games, so I don't have much issue getting flak for being female. Sometimes I'm a bit nervous someone will start shit when I'm streaming w/ commentary, but I can just ban them if they do. Hasn't happened yet though. The only multiplayer I play with strangers is Blacklight Retribution, and the community seems fine so far. I'm pretty much over MMOs.

Don't really get to play any games with my female friends, unfortunately. They want to play Mario Kart/other Wii party games, while I'd rather play things like Blood, Quake, Fear, Serious Sam, etc. At least I've got my bros, I guess.

>> No.6372138

I think everyone is just generalizing all girls who plays games are "GURL GAMERS".
no they dont.
those are attention whores.
i think a real girl who plays games would call herself just a gamer. not a girl gamer.

>> No.6372146
File: 862 KB, 854x467, wowfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to vote for Queen of the Nerds, guys!


>> No.6372161

-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
>No. They only find out if they've been playing with me for awhile (voice chat).
-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
>Not always but a lot of the time. Comments tend to become sexual.
-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games
>Yes I try to avoid questions and voice chat unless I "know" the people I'm playing with.
-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
>Generally negative.
-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
>I did that shit when I was younger but cut it out as I got older. The younger girls draw attention to themselves in the General/Map chat, you can always pick them out easily. I assume they're younger as none of my female friends do that shit anymore.

>> No.6372181

you know what the worst most annoying group is? the people who go to a con and hate on everyone. leave your bad vibes on this bad board bitches

>> No.6372319
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ITT raggedy ass girls that don't wear make up get jealous of girl that look awesome that also play video games.

I don't even know why this bothers you like it does, sounds like you're the ones who want male attention, since you're pretty pissed off you're not getting any.

Also, nerds are usually terrible people.

>> No.6372337
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Even the ones that don't whore themselves out do slutty things.

>> No.6372345
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You have obviously never met a nerd.

>> No.6372349

>Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
No, but I don't try to hide it either. I don't think I should have to be ashamed of the fact. If someone uses a male pronoun, I'll correct them and move on.

>Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
Not really, but I don't play many multiplayer games. I used to work at Gamestop though, so most of my interactions with male gamers is IRL. A lot of customers would just avoid talking to me.

>Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games
Again, don't really play multiplayer much. Going back to Gamestop, this is kind of silly but I would purposefully try to make my voice lower (not ridiculously so) when I was talking to customers so I didn't sound like a "Tee hee, I play video games!" ditz.

>Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
Neutral leaning toward negative

-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?

>> No.6372353
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Even gamers are dishonest cunts.

League of Legends related.

>> No.6372367

1. they're usually not smart and/or terrible at their vidyas of choice
2. we all know they act like they're representing the entire female gamer community (or imply that they're the only female gamer alive making them SPECIAL like a UNICORN)

they make us all look bad
it affects the way we're treated as females in games

women already don't have the easiest way in the world because of all these genders roles that have been trust at us since the birth of civilization itself. the last thing we need is some CHICKS THEMSELVES helping disseminate that crap into the world of online games

>> No.6372368

Hard to believe, but most nerds are fucking terrible people. Unsocialized and rude while hiding their built up facade of 'nice and misunderstood' perpetuated by every single media outlet. They isolate themselves and seek out only those who share their niche interests, while being elitists within this niche hobby. And, hard to believe, but most of them are also dumb as a rock, closed minded about any topic that doesn't pertain to them because, hey, selfishness grows exponentially when you have an imaginary persecution complex.

Self professed 'proud2b nerds'? Not my cup of tea. Typical normalfags who just have nerdy hobbies are much more bearable.

Once you revolve yourself around any label, there's a danger in your personality being sucked into it.

>> No.6372374

I think that nerds who act like their fandoms/hobbies/interests are some kind of exclusive, special niche that they get to participate in.

Kanye likes Love Hina. It's over.

>> No.6372385


Lol more info please. I didn't know becca was such a cunt. I remember typing up a post on the league of legends subreddit about not blaming pro scene players' girlfriends, and it was laughable.

>> No.6372387


I mean to say, becca typed up a post. Not me.

>> No.6372395

Most of the girls I know who actually play video games seem to prefer Pokemon, Silent Hill, and Resident Evil

>> No.6372406


It's the same with being on 4Chan. Everyone acts like there's no girls on this site besides on /cgl/, /soc/, /x/, /cm/, and /y/, but most of the people I know IRL who go on /a/, /b/ and /v/ are female. It's just that everyone's anon and the majority don't advertise their gender so no one actually knows.

>> No.6372404

She's just very... Pretend demure. Acts innocent, and as we have seen, if things don't go her way, she will try to get people to turn(see when the IEM NY fiasco came about, she cried on stream for pity), and avoid all blame. Same as going on reddit for pity now, even. And of course, she always avoids topics of controversy. Unlike Pooksie, who has actually at least vaguely addressed her nude scandal(she has some nudes here if you search on /rs/, btw). There used to be various threads about it, but I guess she got people/sites to delete most of the drama regarding it. Theres a video on youtube where Dan Dinh(I think) describes what happened at IEM NY.

tl'dr she slutted it up at IEM NY, denies anything that happened, cries to get people to pity her etc

>> No.6372417

Rappers have always had a weird thing with anime. If you're not a complete aspie you probably realize this hasn't trickled down to upper middle class white people and being an anime nerd will still permab& you from anything approaching social acceptance.

>> No.6372419

Does being a girl and enjoying casual gaming like Pokemon or Kirby or Final Fantasy automatically make one a ~GAMER GURLLL~? Because that would suck

>> No.6372426


-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?

>If I am anon, I do not. My gamer tag however is my name which makes it obvious.

-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)

>Yes I do. I don't generally go on voice chat because any time I have, I've gotten guff or guys sending me messages and friend requests. I've played on both my account and on my byfriends account with the same people and I got treated different on my account. On his I got invited to a group online and I got messages saying how I awesome I am.

-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games

>Yes. I prefer to stay anon if possible. On halo or any other game where I am able to choose a gender, I generally stick with male and gender neutral colours.

-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?

>I'd say a bit more on the negative side.

-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?


>> No.6372428
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>/v/ isnt some hivemind

>> No.6372434

Well no shit the most popular boards have a shitloads of cunts. That doesn't mean males don't far strip them number wise. All those boards do is hate on women anyway.

>> No.6372443

Umwhat, almost every survey done on 4chan demographics has males outnumbering females on most boards, especially the shit boards like /a/, /v/ and /b/

All the people that I know browse /hm/ IRL are males, obviously there are only guys on there, right?

>> No.6372439

Flipping shit right now because Totally Spies.

Anyway, I don't see why people hate GAMER GURLZ so much when guys do the same thing, they just don't bring their gender into it. There's WAY more guys who make a big fuss about being a "massive gamer" when all they do is play Halo or LoL on the weekends with their bros. As matter of fact, I can think of seven guys I know who fit that description just off the top of my head, and only one girl.

... now that I think about it, all of said examples, save for one, wear fedoras.

>> No.6372445

ugh that's just because it's the girls that dominate the "newfag that can't keep their mouth shut" group

>> No.6372447

But that's exactly it, they don't bring their gender into it
They're probably still douches, but they don't make it hard for other guys to get treated equally ie not getting stalked or hit on or get blamed regardless of whether or not it was their fault

>> No.6372449

>They tend to become hypercritical.

This has been my experience. I'm always the one who gets bitched at the most during video games... even though I'm better than almost everyone I play with. Also, whenever I beat one of my guy friends in a game he swears he can kick my ass in, they always deny it afterwards.

Seriously, I have one friend who I've wiped on the floor in Soul Calibur FOUR DIFFERENT TIMES. The last three were all because he wouldn't admit I beat him the previous time. He still acts like this never happened. With his guy friends, he concedes defeat, but not with me.

>> No.6372451

Those guys also get a lot of hate, see any "fucking gamers" or "US GAMERS" joke, or gamer bros (which it sounds like you're talking about). It's just not the same category of awful as GAMER GURLZ

>> No.6372460


This, although I can't use a voice changer in steam games unfortunately.

>> No.6372474

I understand where you're coming from, but even if they didn't make a big deal of their gender, a lot of men would still consider them the norm of how all girls who play video games act.

>> No.6372477

You'd be surprised how many men on those boards think that there's literally no women who frequent them.

>> No.6372488

Sure you can, you just have to go in and change some settings. I managed to get morphvox to work.

>> No.6372490

No ~xXGAM3R_GUUURRLLXx~ is one of those girls who pretty much claims to love nerdy things just to seem like a special snowflake and get worshipped for playing cawadoody.

You can still be a girl who enjoys video games without being a retarded cunt about it.

For example, I frequent a fighting game stream, most of the people there didn't even know I was a girl because honestly, it has nothing to do with the game or how I play it. Any girl who feels the need to announce themselves as a girl while playing games is being an attention seeking cunt.

If you see any gamer profile with these key phrases, you've got yourself a ~GAM3R GURRRL~

"Yes, I am a girl and YES I do like video games, get over it boys"

"Don't hit on me silly boys. I'm a girl and girl gamers are rare"

People that have any sort of identifier of "girl" in their gaming handle is USUALLY an attention seeker. Because any girl who actually plays games, knows that having "gurl" in your handle is just ASKING FOR IT.

Maybe it's just me, but I rarely use my headset because of gamer gurrrllz. Because there's always that one person who will assume any girl playing games is just looking for attention or whatever. So I usually make a conscious point to avoid revealing my gender. . .

>> No.6372493

>Gamer girls think they're the only gamer girl alive
Lol, this. We had a girl in our guild suddenly start flirting on vent, little did she know half of us were female. We shut her down pretty quick. Then she cried, ninja'd half the gbank because the GM gave her officer for no reason, and left.

>> No.6372500

I don't understand how they think they're rare. There may be more hardcore male gamers than hardcore female ones, but there's still a shit ton of us. I especially don't get this because most of the ones I've seen are on tumblr, which is primarily nerdy females, most of whom play video games. You'd think spending so much time on that site would open up there eyes to the fact that they are one of many.

>> No.6372506

No, but you see, they're ~for real~, every single other female is just faking for attention. It's not just guys that think this, girls buy into it too.

>> No.6372509
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>6 /played months

What a casual.

>> No.6372525

I don't think you should let GAMER GURRLs ruin your fun though. If you legitimately want to use the voice chat, then just do so like a normal person would. If people give you shit, block 'em or ignore 'em.

Out of curiosity, what games are you guys playing that you end up getting harassed in? I haven't had a problem with it so far, so it got me wondering.

>> No.6372531
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I don't know if I see myself as a girl gamer or not. I don't play online games as such, like X-Box Live or Call of Duty. Or games like WoW and LoL. I'm pretty casual when it comes to console games and mostly gravitate towards RPGs and J-RPGS. However, I'm a really hardcore visual novel player. I even use an automatic translator for Japanese ones and have to suffer through a garbled translation more often than not. That's fairly extreme, I think. But holy shit, it's not something I'd go around advertising and shoving in people's faces being all I'M SUCH A NERD ROFL!111.

It's sad that people do that.

>> No.6372536

All I really do anymore is play WoW. I guess that makes me a fake whore??

>> No.6372539

Two questions /cgl/,

I've been fighting with my boyfriend over this for months. Is a girl gamer bad and a gamer girl good? He says that gamer girl is a good thing as it emphasizes the gamer part as opposed to the girl part. IMO, they're both bad.

And would you guys consider a girl who enjoys playing video games for fun but isnt very good at them to be a girl gamer?

>> No.6372542


<<<<---- /vg/ is that-a-way.

>> No.6372543

How many achievement points you got gurl?

>> No.6372546

10,660. Why does that matter?

>> No.6372547

Do you really need to ask? How about "person who enjoys video games"? And you should always play them for fun and enjoyment, whether you suck at them or not.

>> No.6372550

Achievements is everything today, only way to messure e-boner/vag, and its even better if you have a high pvp rating.

>> No.6372563

The worst are the feminists who scream at me that I'm SETTING WOMEN BACK 100 YEARS!!! just because I like Harvest Moon :|

>> No.6372570

Seriously. I'm tired of hearing them bitch about video games. Okay, okay, there's a sexy lady in this game and it's got your panties in a bunch. How is it different than the super buff good looking males in video games? People need to chill out.

>> No.6372596

Most of them seem to not take anything but the character's appearance in account.

Doesn't matter if she's more capable than everyone else, if her outfit has cleavage she's horrible

Nevermind that there's WAY MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES that they could be fighting for like getting the MASSIVE backlog of rape kits tested

>> No.6372606
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Hey guys, is this the right thread?

>> No.6372616

I'm a girl and I love videogames, although I don't ever seek attention because of that. Do I still fit into girl gamer stereotypes?

>> No.6372618

To be fair though, most of the time if it was a male character written exactly the same way, their costume would cover up way more skin

If you ever introduce yourself by prefacing it with "I'm a girl", then you are the cancer

>> No.6372643

Anybody who likes Dragon Age 2 has no right to say that they like video games.

>> No.6372703

If only she wasn't so ugly. I mean come on. Why Beta males, why??

Even Khloe Kardashian is more attractive.

>> No.6372720


I've often wondered what the big deal was about her, myself. She's really rather average.

>> No.6372735

It's fun that when I talk to people in the cosplay or anime communities everyone just assumes I MUST play games and that I MUST be a gurrrrl gamer.

I hate games. I only like anime. When I say I don't play games people even stop talking to me, like I'm "not nerd enough" to cosplay.

>> No.6372805

She's thin, "nerd", red head and depending on the picture she looks above average, that is all they need. Actually, even if she was a 4/10, that is already above the stereotype of the "nerd girl", so they would be happy either way.
(it's sad the number of people that believe only fuglies play video game)

>> No.6373143
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bump for more horror stories

>> No.6373164

It's clearly because only the fuglys USED to play videogames. They just passed it down to their more attractive children such as ourselves.

Speaking of which, I can't really see GURL GAYMERZ being much of a problem in the future at least. I mean even young females play them these days and will grow up with this being the norm. Most of them don't have a concept of gaming stereotypes. With enough patience and endurance we can make it through this!

>> No.6373184 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 331x450, attention_whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamer who happens to be a vagina here:

I hate "gurrrrl gamers". They whore themselves out for compliments in the hopes of dominating and ruling over the helpless little nerds that fall for her shit. She becomes the pet of the server she's on.

"No don't shoot me, uguuu~!"
"Sorry iamsokyuut! Forgive me?"
"Well, I guess so."

I normally end up leaving game servers when one of those log in to play. Makes me want to snap my keyboard in half.

Link related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa8n60r4Mhw&feature=related

>> No.6373193
File: 38 KB, 331x450, attention_whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamer who happens to own a vagina here:

I hate "gurrrrl gamers". They whore themselves out for compliments in the hopes of dominating and ruling over the helpless little nerds that fall for her shit. She becomes the pet of the server she's on.

"No don't shoot me, uguuu~!"
"Sorry iamsokyuut! Forgive me?"
"Well, I guess so."

I normally end up leaving game servers when one of those log in to play. Makes me want to snap my keyboard in half.

Link related:

>> No.6373209

This. Gurl gamers are almost always a girl who wants the foreveralones to acknowledge her and her vagina and let her know that they would do anything to stick their dick in her because "she's just so damn cute!!"
that's all she's after.
women love to know that men want to dick them. it's totally a self-esteem boost

>> No.6373233
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I find it strange that people still think female gamers are rare and special. Yes, growing up I did feel left out of the boy's club playing console games mostly by myself and trying to get my female friends into them. And when I first started playing MMOs it did invite sexual commentary when I disclosed my gender. But now I play with other women and men who respect women. And I meet new women online frequently.

Btw I'm the same poster as:

>> No.6373394
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When I play games on the internet, I tell everyone I'm a 12 year old boy. I was so sick of 14 year olds on counterstrike yelling "bitch gimme a sandwich" everytime I call the bomb. I don't think they've ever spoken to a girl irl.

>> No.6373400
File: 30 KB, 400x266, 590552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Who the hell is this rachul chick?"
Oh, I bet you're gonna tell us. IS it you? I bet it's you.

>> No.6373409

Feminists have n actual problems left to fight for so they need to invent new ones.

>> No.6373414

this so much this. Me and a few girls I know in my group play games, we don't differ from the boys in requiring special treatment. It's a pretty friend-to-friend atmosphere without needing the, "I'm a gurl" standard.

We had one particular girl at some point who thought she was the absolute shit with a big rack and whenever we'd be discussing a game she'd say, "Well I have boobs therefore" to silence the boys. They'd actually get silent, stare around to wait for a serious reponse, then would ignore her.

But she chased after the biggest foreveralones and you could tell she was out to want attention in quantity and not quality.

>> No.6373477

bad troll is bad

if you read responses from actual girls ITT you'd see that it is never like that, more like men getting excited over 'zomg girl'

>> No.6373503
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>> No.6373508

Just get yourself a dildo, it's the only dick you deserve.

>> No.6373510

I just have not met very many of these people. None, actually. I've just seen a few online. I don't think they're as prevalent as anyone says.

But yeah, they're annoying.

>> No.6373515
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>> No.6373518

Being buff =/= being hypersexualized and objectified to sell a game to horny teenagers.

>> No.6373529

The only real case for male objectification in the vidya is when the MGS team surveyed a group of teenage girls and then made up Raiden in all his bishie haired, semen-blooded glory to pander to their needs. Kratos being a buff god-slaying badass plays to what men want just as much as a scantily-clad night elf.

>> No.6373532

>if it was a male character written exactly the same way, their costume would cover up way more skin

THIS. Female game characters, whether they're smart or ditzy, evil or good, strong or weak, they're almost universally decked out in insanely revealing clothing and have massive tits.

Sexy female characters are perfectly fine. It's when they're the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY that it gets annoying. Especially when the male characters get to be strong, capable, etc. and still have their clothes on.

>> No.6373542

Yeah, Raiden is basically the one and only fanservice character for chicks. Not to say that there aren't some hot guys in games, but they're still made to appeal to the primary market, men and boys. Raiden is not only a bishie who spends part of the game running around naked but is also sensitive and emotionally vulnerable. NOT made for guys. At all.

>> No.6373557
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>You'll never meet a girl to play SC2 with

Why do girls hate challenging games? I've been playing SC2 for two years now and the only girls around are the girlfriend of pros who actually only play the game or pretend to grab some of that attention and money the scene provide.

>> No.6373570

you can play with one of the many homosexual swedes we have on the /vg/ SC2 threads.

>> No.6373571

Uhm... are you a moron? I don't even play SC2 competitively, but wasn't there like a female American Zerg player, that completely dominated the North American Starcraft scene?

>> No.6373575

Welp, I mean, if I look at her... and at her name... yeah I guess it's easy to forget she's a girl.


>> No.6373578
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You mean him?

>> No.6373580


Sasha strong woman. Sasha break you in half.

>> No.6373581

If you looked like that starcraft player i would learn starcraft to woo you
but you don't

>> No.6373586

Lelz. You have no chance to ever be that guy's gf. 'Wooing' him like that won't help. In Korea, SC2 players are as famous and as popular among females as high-end sportsmen in the rest of the world. They literally have groupies, *attractive* *Korean* groupies, who *literally* get wet from watching them play.

I guess fame and money really is the key to vaginas.

>> No.6373587
File: 30 KB, 400x600, 1154156145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is flo
>who is scarlett
>who is tarra
>who is GSL milf

>> No.6373601

Okay, #300th post:

>Ultimately, ALL WOMEN started playing video games only to get the males' attention.


>> No.6373603
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>a gook with acne

just NO.

>> No.6373612
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, RedditKingPrime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he got ride of his acne.

>> No.6373615


>> No.6373623
File: 16 KB, 150x150, ad596a5843b0b4e1e6c38b7d6eacee6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain women don't play the games you like
>insult the ones that do

>> No.6373627
File: 472 KB, 801x451, combat and scarlett see you ladder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6373630

We're not insulting "her" she's our guy, she's the only relevant pro thats actually proud of being a /vg/ee. she's the only non korean player we support.

its a man, he didn't even get his penis removed yet

>> No.6373640
File: 111 KB, 600x400, mkp (2634).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So cute~

>> No.6373642
File: 12 KB, 213x320, HerOBest2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her0 will never tickle your feets ;_;

>> No.6373649
File: 148 KB, 800x600, 1112456868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the sick MKPbro? I hope you're doing well lately.

>> No.6373653
File: 346 KB, 625x538, mkp (2843).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, I've been pretty good lately.

>> No.6373655

-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
>Almost never.
-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
I played a free-to-play MMO for awhile and got to a pretty high level. I was involved in my guild and played as a male character. Everyone assumed I was a guy. Eventually I joined a facebook group with my guild mates and started adding them. This one guy, a good twenty years older than me, began messaging me in game talking about blow jobs and how I was his "biggest crush." It made me very uncomfortable.
-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games
Absolutely. I refuse to mention my gender in game and I will ignore most comments asking about my gender or discussing it. I will play as male characters some times to avoid this.
-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?
negative. I cannot stand men (especially older ones) that treat me differently because I'm a girl. I look very young and they treat me as a weaker character or they'll make jokes in direct reference to me being a girl.
-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
Never. Friends would give me items only when I would help them out in game.

>> No.6373659
File: 16 KB, 303x312, 224546454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cute asian boy

would definetly play vidya with.

>> No.6373668
File: 133 KB, 530x353, 1541515454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you still dying?

>> No.6373684
File: 1.15 MB, 898x1293, mkp (921).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're all dying.

But, I know what you mean. My problem is damage from an injury. I haven't been dying for while, but there's always the danger of my organs failing to function in the future.

>> No.6373689
File: 97 KB, 290x188, mkp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the gaming community such shit? It's probably in part caused by the many awkward people who are in it who harbor negative attitudes toward women rather than just interacting with others.

>> No.6373697

When I stop seeing MKP's picture in the threads that are neither mine or mewbert's would that mean you're dead? or you just gave up on a dead game?

>> No.6373700
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>> No.6373709


>> No.6373716
File: 622 KB, 561x646, mkp (1410).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always post with the same filenames, so if you want a way of telling whether I'm the one posting MKP.

And, I probably won't drop dead. I could lose my kidneys or another system, or something like that, but nothing that would kill me within a day or anything.

And I still like Starcraft a lot and don't really see myself stopping playing and watching it.

>> No.6373739
File: 37 KB, 459x541, BGLjZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh, Panser annoys me to no end. She seems aware of her pandering yet still does it. I don't even understand why she still plays this game. She doesn't seem to do anything beyond super casual shit.

Also, Savior of Azeroth doesn't mean shit if you got it with a 30% nerf. Blizzard just threw you a bone for getting 10/25 people together with a healer that knows how to dispel a debuff.


>> No.6373870

his cheek acne looks like kawaii blushing. I'm in love.

>> No.6373965


She's average, therefore attainable
She acts awkward in her Guild series, which makes her seem more like them. Her character was struggling with a WoW addiction, just like her RL self before she started writing her ebs series. She's a redhead, basically all shes needs is glasses. And she'd be 10/10 in some gamer guys minds.

>> No.6373976


You do realise how many "GURLGAMERS" are just in it for the ad clicks right?

> Read news
> Look geeky
> Dye Hair
> If you don't look so great show off some cleavage
> collect the ad revenue from viewers

I thought everyone knew how the internet works? Some of the more popular ones probably just live off the ad revenue and get invites and offers to appear on IGN/G4TV etc.

It's not rocket science, think... uh promo girl but for games

>> No.6374282

I like playing video games, but since I wasn't able to start playing console games until I left home (combination of going to a super competitive highschool and having a mother who fully bought into the videogame violence scare) I'm a bit slower on the controls than someone who's been gaming every day since they were 6. Whenever I play anything with guys, even though I warn them I suck, they always seem to be like "oh, you don't really like video games, otherwise you'd be beating me at this." No, you dick, I just don't have over a decade's worth of combos stored in my head. It's annoying being second guessed on something you enjoy doing casually in your free time just because you can't wipe the floor with everyone you play against, like women have to "prove" themselves before they can like anything stereotypically masculine.

>> No.6374527

>harvest moon
farming is not anti-feminist yo

p.s. any veronica mars fans here
that one episode where she was a ~ gurl gamer ~ was embarrassing as hell

yeah male objectification tends to be more homolust and bishounen, but that's hardly restricted to MGS; pretty much every game out of nippon has some male objectification

very few objectified men in american vidya though

>> No.6374536

holy shit this was me until college exactly

mom wouldn't buy me a console because they were 'for boys' and I would grow out of it
played with some boys at their houses but was mocked or treated like a mildly retarded person because I didn't have the same experience with the game. I actually made one of my friends go buy professor layton for me because I didn't want some fucking gamestop employee to think I was just another casual girl gamer

now I just like the games I like man fuck it, some of them are girly as hell, some of them I suck at, it's still fun

>> No.6374864


Fuck promoting any streamers.

>> No.6374868
File: 14 KB, 358x315, l (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl gamers-

This girl stole two thousand and a bit more dollars from a charity event she ran. And she wasn't punished by staff.

She;s Sayuri, from DotA2.

>> No.6375081


>> No.6375139

I've always been that one geek-ass, quiet chick who instead of leavin the workplace for lunch break to go out to car & get lunch somewhere to eat etc..would much rather sit hidden in the back w/ my Game Boy Advanced (hate on haters..) w/ some peace & QUIET aka all I ever ask for. "Oh, dear lord.. that screaming baby has GOT to go 'mam.." lol! So annoying! & Psh, food? wuts that? Lunch break? Yu thought.. that shits for pansy's dono, if u had heard or not. Jk yall ahaha!! "I only got these last couple levels to beat, dudee promise be in like 2 seconds..!" muaha not. I wish i 'would' attempt to make it across town w/ all the insane traffic jus to get some unhealthy/over prized crap that.. let's jus be honest here, was either prolly made wrong or sent home as the wrong orders because of that crazy rush everyone be in round that time. Oh ya.. & on that note, fast food really sickens me.. more than it ever has before. I really hope to not have to work in the food industry ever... but at least anytime soon eh, sick-en-ing man. I'm really trying my hardest not to support these chains at ALL, even if this means to stop buying simply just drinks or other smaller products from the companies let alone. Smiles !

>> No.6377716

why not even though I don't play online?

-Do you ever explicitly mention you're a girl when you play?
irl or online (forum or whatever) people usually can figure out I'm a girl pretty quickly

-Do you find that guys treat you differently if you DO mention you're a girl? Or do they start to treat you differently once they find out you're a girl by other means (like voice recognition or w/e)
I've never really noticed/bothered. Sometimes they might seem like they do, but I don't pay much attention.

-Has your interactions with playing games with anonymous dudes changed the way you interact with people while gaming? For example, not mentioning your gender or even not speaking at all during games
I usually play single-player and if not that, then I play with someone I know.

-Have your experiences been generally positive, generally negative, or neutral?

-This one's just sort of for fun but might provide insight: Have you ever deliberately acted a certain way to gain favor or some sort of advantage while playing?
No. I don't care.