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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.07 MB, 1280x1280, A82D4244-1641-4F22-A048-04044D53EAFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10800476 No.10800476 [Reply] [Original]

i fucking hate ott with every single cell in my body all of me hates it fuck ott especially sweet fuck ott sweet i hate the sweet boom i hate new angelic pretty i hate lace market prices i hate tiktok i hate r/lolita i hate it all i hate all of everything in going actually boonkers

>> No.10800525

Agree, much prefer low key daily coords

>> No.10800528

I'm not into old school exclusively but I prefer more wearable coords.

On the flip side I hate that wearing a normal nice coord with a reasonable number of acessories is often mistaken as OTT.

>> No.10800570

are we posting nice daily coords here

>> No.10800571
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>> No.10800572
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>> No.10800573
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>> No.10800574
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>> No.10800576
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>> No.10800577
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I wish brands still did screenprints and appliques. I know AP does sometimes but it's not the same

>> No.10800580
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>> No.10800581

same. appliqués especially.

>> No.10800582

Sounds like a newfag that’s also a poorfag. Seethe harder.

>> No.10800585
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>> No.10800588
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>> No.10800592

the sweet boom is literally over aside from a couple of main pieces chinese lolitas go apeshit for? there are also tons of cheap pieces on lacemarket now, but anything cute gets snatched up quickly. get a better job and quit watching tiktok and reading r/lolita you have nobody to blame but yourself

>> No.10800593
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>> No.10800595
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>> No.10800596

Are you the retard in the dream dress thread?

>> No.10800597

sorry you have no taste

>> No.10800598

This isn’t a dump thread. Stop.

>> No.10800599
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>> No.10800600


>> No.10800601

this is hideously ita

>> No.10800610

Shit tier taste

>> No.10800612


>> No.10800626

It's not simple and wearable in a put together way, it just looks like a cheap attempt at baby's first coord.
>Cheap scratchy lace on blouse
>Bodice clearly doesn't fit
>Ribbon tied sloppily around waist
>Cosplay wig
>Godawful aliexpress/amazon ankle socks
>Bright white beret that doesn't match the dress, blouse, or shoes
A face sticker wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.10800640

Have you tried not being severely autistic

>> No.10800660

sweetfags made everything worse like actually
they expect everyone no matter what style to have decora-tier accessories like BITCH what if i don't WANT to wear rings or a necklace?

>> No.10800663

You say this but a large portion of old school is still sweet lolita too. It's clearly not the entire substyle.

>> No.10800665

I think you may find it worthwhile to let people enjoy things

>> No.10800680

there are at least 10 girls in OP pic wearing undeniable sweet

>> No.10800717
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>the sweet boom is literally over
I dunno man. Still seeing shit like pic related on the regular

>> No.10800722
File: 542 KB, 1091x1600, img_5529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet isn't my favourite substyle, but to this day, I still feel that OTT sweet is closer to the spirit of lolita than any form of clolita.

>> No.10800734

dumb old schoolers just live in their own bubble

>> No.10800738

Based. I hate how newbs always flock to OTT sweet. I’m sick of those cheap scratchy taobao headpieces and dollar store kids’ accessories. I haven’t seen a good coord in ages, everyone just looks the same.

>> No.10800739

Kek what the fuck are you talking about, no one expects you to wear deco-tier accessories

>> No.10800740

The magazine ads from when AP was still good make my heart grow. If they ever rerelease MP I hope they bring back that ridiculous ice cream cone hat.

>> No.10800759

if you have to ask, then you shouldn't be posting coords

>> No.10800764

people just don't get that meta is experimental, despite it's widely new acceptance.

some of us still think a lot of their stuff is a miss, like the old days

>> No.10800769

The main piece is fine she just coorded it like shit.

>> No.10800807

I didn't post the coord. I was just curious cause all I noticed was the off shade of the beret since I'm phoneposting and didn’t zoom in. Otherwise it's literally a basic bitch simple coord and nothing is wrong with it.

It's not special or particularly good but to call it hideously ita plus the excessive nitpicking newbs do are both deranged larper behaviors.

>inb4 "sorry you got posted"

>> No.10800808

You sound so dumb. Only Tyler asslickers shit on Meta. And for people who like old school Meta tends to be highly regarded and sought after.

>> No.10800812

It looks like she spent all of her money on the jsk and couldn't afford anything else. There's nothing wrong with simple/basic bitch coords but you need to have an eye for quality which you clearly don't if you see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.10800813

closet child is about a year and a half behind the times

>> No.10800814

This. people keep getting low-effort/poor quality items mixed up with casual. It isn't the same thing. It's not a casual coord, it's barely recognizable as lolita anymore and most of the time it's just ugly.

>> No.10800815

I just think coords are allowed to exist somewhere in a spectrum between "horribly ita" and "amazing". Like there are coords I wouldn't wear or that I don't like the materials or quality of things personally but the coord itself isn't bad.

>> No.10800817

Low effort and poor quality are different. A full brand set is low effort but not poor quality. A full taobao coord could look cute but not have as good quality and still aesthetically hit all the right notes to be a decent lolita coord.

I'm still never buying taobao even if that's true but I'm not calling someone horrendously ita either unless it actually looks bad or not lolita.

>> No.10800820

>unless it actually looks bad
it does

>> No.10800823

ayrt, I mean it seems to be a trend that people are calling casual as one or the other, and this specific one falls under the category of poor quality items. her outfit may have been good in theory but not in executtion due to using too much off-brand and loliable. (and in general, textures that don't look very nice together) it seems rushed, like she's new and didn't waited until she has things that match it well.

>> No.10800870

And you sound new, retard.

>> No.10800873

I want to do horrible things to this woman and then cuddle warmly with her after.

>> No.10800931
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Cry about it faggot

>> No.10800940
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Posting casual inspo

>> No.10800950

Is her bruise in the shape of a B? Now that's a true Baby fan

>> No.10800974
File: 165 KB, 1080x1350, 294623384_754873895633686_6639036021926387321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or has petticoats become ridiculously big now? Don't get me wrong I like the silhouette petticoats create but sometimes like in picrel they just become too big that it looks silly. I get that lolita is inspired by rococo fashion but dresses in that era where longer so much puffiness on shorter dresses looks weird. I don't get it it's not even cute

>> No.10800992

at least we don't get mistaken for ageplayers lmfao

>> No.10800998

I'm guessing it's to show off details more.

>> No.10801353


At least we wash ourselves

>> No.10801358

I'm glad it's not just me, I prefer baby's older stuff shape wise

>> No.10801361

>caring what degens or normies think

>> No.10801362

I think they just make their new "classical" lines with bigger skirts to fit modern pettis. They also really like A-line shapes but with such huge pettis they begin to look weirder than a cupake petti would for certain cuts.

>> No.10801363

Baby have been using enormous/multiple pettis for promo photos for several years now and I wish they wouldn’t because a lot of dresses lampshade hard. I nearly passed on the Kumya’s Twinkle Cosmetics OP on account of it looking like shit in their photos but it’s much cuter irl. As per >>10800931 I think it’s just a dominance thing

>> No.10801822

Kek Maybe YOU get mistaken for a fetishist but generally most normies don’t know what age play is. Most think lolita is a costume anyway.

>> No.10801823

that's not true, but they associate ageplayers with like adult onesies and stuff not big dresses.

>> No.10801828 [DELETED] 
File: 972 KB, 1000x1450, D5CEE70E-97B7-4A13-8303-C683E6941486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The forewings and hindwings of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) are differentiated from each other, with segment-specific morphologies and color patterns that mediate a wide range of functions in flight, signaling, and protection. The Hox gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) is a master selector gene that differentiates metathoracic from mesothoracic identities across winged insects, and previous work has shown this role extends to at least some of the color patterns from the butterfly hindwing. Here we used CRISPR targeted mutagenesis to generate Ubx loss-of-function somatic mutations in two nymphalid butterflies (Junonia coenia, Vanessa cardui) and a pyralid moth (Plodia interpunctella). The resulting mosaic clones yielded hindwing-to-forewing transformations, showing Ubx is necessary for specifying many aspects of hindwing-specific identities, including scale morphologies, color patterns, and wing venation and structure. These homeotic phenotypes showed cell-autonomous, sharp transitions between mutant and non-mutant scales, except for clones that encroached into the border ocelli (eyespots) and resulted in composite and non-autonomous effects on eyespot ring determination. In the pyralid moth, homeotic clones converted the folding and depigmented hindwing into rigid and pigmented composites, affected the wing-coupling frenulum, and induced ectopic scent-scales in male androconia. These data confirm Ubx is a master selector of lepidopteran hindwing identity and suggest it acts on many gene regulatory networks involved in wing development and patterning.

>> No.10801829
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, C8614643-83B5-4D13-85EA-4DFE185429E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfly wing backpack accessories.
Kettel - Poblesec

>> No.10801835

Are you fucking lost, tourist?

>> No.10801844

I envy you, anon. In my country we have these trashy tv shows about strange people that feature ageplayers every so often so a lot of people here know (or think they know) what ageplay is. Sweet lolitas in my comm constantly get asked if they’re “like those sexy baby roleplayers” and from what I’ve seen, they get propositioned by random men on the street more than anyone else. I’ve read online that some gothic lolitas get unwanted sexual attention because men think they’re kinky but in my comm that kind of attention is mostly directed at the girls wearing sweet. We’ve had guys approach members of my comm to ask if they’re looking for a “daddy” and shit, it’s super uncomfortable and a big part of the reason that I don’t attend picnic meets anymore.

>> No.10801853
File: 638 KB, 850x489, E6CA5DA5-D234-4ABB-A29B-49970AD77518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, you? Hiss hiss, I am no tourist, you may lose my game. Yet again, once more, too late, too bored! Have you manners anymore? Who, what where, when: how may I introduce myself to this culture..

>> No.10801855

kys back to /jp/

>> No.10801901
File: 55 KB, 753x767, 3258E27D-94E9-46D4-B777-51B8B641BC44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would, with glee. Are you gluing what I desire for you to higher yourslef as well deto elf? ott otti Otho rho? Yetti Betti, banana. Hamueggu plastic bard, have paddy and yarn.

>> No.10801906

/jp/ here. We don't want them. No take backs.

>> No.10801909

fuck! we'll have to kill him then.

>> No.10801915
File: 2.20 MB, 3334x2193, EE459800-1D84-4B5D-BC1A-DC507BDDCCC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No brack brack?

Nine ‘O Noodles? Well, I must extend my gratitude to who? To you, sweetie for your greetings. I greet you with no meat, just meet up and have seat?

>> No.10801916

Shut the fuck up, Rinachan

>> No.10802006

Get out autismo tourists.

>> No.10802016

I hate sweet in general, it almost always looks like ageplay worn by uglies and OTT is a sad attempt to compensate for a lack of taste and inability to style by choosing everything instead of only choosing the accessories that are suitable.

On the other hand, I am learning that I hate touhou tripfags most of all.

>> No.10802023


Any normies will think any egl/alt fashion are kinks. No one is safe from that.
Number of time I heard people thinking goth lolitas are into bdsm or kinky doll shit is high.

So thanks for pointing out you're a fucking normie annon. And move on

>> No.10802025

what a fucking loser

>> No.10802028

u have shitte tasye en toho arť

>> No.10802088

Which is it

>> No.10802119

>thinking all anons are one person

besides most people know what bdsm is, not ageplay? and “goth” fashion is also highly sexualized in the west. substyles aside most people think all lolitas look like costumed freaks or “living dolls” but not ageplayers because they don’t know what it is

>> No.10802132

people definitely know what ageplay is...

>> No.10802134

the majority of regular, mentally stable people who aren’t terminally online don’t

>> No.10802139

why do you think they're the ones approaching lolitas about ageplay? also there are tons of weird tv specials about it, it's not a secret. normies at my job were talking about petplay a while back.

>> No.10802160

This, when I first started wearing sweet lolita around 2007 I had never heard of ageplay or sissification or anything like it but I was introduced to those concepts by gross comments from random men on the street and ‘concerned’ relatives and acquaintances who thought I had gotten into some sex thing. I vividly remember arguing with an aunt about it. She believed me when I said I didn’t wear it for sexual reasons, but was convinced that my local comm was really a fetish group and that I was just too naive to see it. People like this watch one trashy tv programme and think they’re experts on the subject. And this was 15 years ago! I’m sure it has only gotten worse since then.

>> No.10802195

What blouse is this?

>> No.10802337

not every one of us lives in the same country or has the same trashy tv shows
stop assuming your experience is universal

>> No.10802348

why does your experience get to be universal then? you're talking down to people who DO infact have those experiences. if you don't good for you, but the conversation isn't about you. and what fictional country do you live in that doesn't have trashy reality shows?

>> No.10802373

>she thinks we're talking about mentally stable normies
Sweet summer child.

>> No.10802378

looks like bodyline ladder lace blouse(l157) to me.

>> No.10802390

>not being able to read four posts up the chain
Are you going blind from old age?

>> No.10802544

Please kys.

>> No.10802799

>will think any egl/alt fashion are kinks
ah yes flare leg jeans and wallet chains are so kinky

many styles of goth have always been associated with kink due to the accessory overlap, but if you have any taste at all then goth and classic egl should not evoke childish, fetish, or costume vibes.

>> No.10802809

Classic gang rise up. The only OTT style I really like now is hime, maybe decololi if I feel inspired enough

>> No.10802821


Goth/goth lolita/punk = bdsm, domination

Sweet lolita/fairy kei/ etc = child play

Classic = dollification

And lets not forget the weirdos that lust after feets , degrading women no matter what you wear.

If you don't know what you're talking about cause you think you're style is superior and all.. just shut the fuck up and admit you have 0 fucking shit what you think about and get out of your safety bubble you created.

>> No.10802825 [DELETED] 

>Any normies will think any egl/alt fashion are kinks.
not sure if you're understanding me with the esl, not sure why you replaid to my post in the first place, but again, if you have any taste at all your outfit will read as "fashion" and not "sex costume" ie. mila, fanny, marie, cake, connie. The more OTT you go, the more likely you look like you're a weirdo in a costume. Sweet is the hardest to pull off because of how flamboyantly childishly feminine it looks, how immature the cuts and prints are, how cheap the materials tend to be, and how often people go full-sissy with cheap neon wigs and a stuffy purse, pacifier necklace, and fistful of baby bottle ice cream candy rings.

Anyway I think you meant to reply to >>10801822 in the first place you big dumb retard

>> No.10802826

Somehow I think you meant to reply to >>10801822 in the first place but I'll bite because you sound fun
>Any normies will think any egl/alt fashion are kinks.
if you have any taste your outfit will read as "fashion" and not "sex costume". there are fine examples of mature women in well put together outfits in mila, fanny, marie, cake, connie, typically very tasteful and cohesive, high quality pieces thoughtfully put together. However, the more OTT you go, the more likely you look like a weirdo in a costume. Sweet is the hardest to pull off because of how flamboyantly feminine it looks, how immature the cuts and prints are, how cheap the materials tend to be, and how often people go full-sissy with plastic neon wigs and a stuffy purse, pacifier necklace, and fistful of baby bottle ice cream candy rings.

anyway yes men sexualize women news at 11, it's much rarer for normies to think of those women as sexualizing themselves intentionally, however, if they're just wearing some classic old timey ass rennaissance larp or gothy victorian mourning gown (unless they're so OTT they accidentally throw on a ball gag and a slave collar) compared to wearing dreamy baby room with two pettis and a fucking baby rattle dildo sceptre

>> No.10802845


Not to mention a lot of popular sweets are actual degenerates. It can't help.

>> No.10802846 [DELETED] 

What even this thread...

>> No.10802875

How did I guess the print without even opening the image? That’s pretty funny. Today’s OTT sweet isn’t my preference but I’m smart enough to know that these loveable print-buying maniacs that accessorize to the gods are really very good for business. I sure sell a lot of second hand stuff to them.

>> No.10802876

I’m really glad that in peak gothic Lolita, less is often more and a starkly but perfectly made coord is usually the most admired coord and refinement means taking things away, not adding.

>> No.10802902

>get out of your safety bubble you created.

That's a lot to ask for from autistic women in dresses

>> No.10802907

this is why MmM and Boz will always be superior to AtPie

>> No.10802931


And lots of the goth are racist transphobic bitches. Your point is ?

>> No.10802933

But that's based though

>> No.10802939

The racist part not so much. That's cringe.

>> No.10802940

don't forget misandrist, god forbid.

>> No.10802941

Cringe but it’s usually the old school gothic hybrids who are racist
Turbo based

>> No.10802947

that's most of the lolita community, that's why the troons are baaawing. we just want to be surrounded by pretty girls, not ugly men in dresses

>> No.10802950

they are just more generally misanthropic

>> No.10802951

goths? sure. yes.

>> No.10804326

I hate this

>> No.10804493

anon not all of us want to be weekend warriors. this looks is great for doing errands

>> No.10804519

You guys are fun. Most men view all women who are into some kind of non-standard non-normie fashion as sexualizing themselves. It's part of the male gaze. The line between what you guys call OTT and cute to most men is down the line between tasteful and trying too hard. All the stuff you described as fairy or full-sissy here absolutely makes me think the wearer is some kind of sex fetishist, but so does the over the top bdsm shit some goths are into.

But some women have problems with being OTT in every kind of fashion, it's the most common kind of bad makeup.

t. man who barely knows anything about lolita but has thought it is cute forever

>> No.10804571

No shit, we know men are disgusting degenerates who think everything revolves around their penis.

>> No.10804652

this is exactly why I would not date a guy who either hated lolita fashion or said he liked it.
Neither are good imo, if he hates it he'll probably be bothered if you wear it in his presence and be annoyed that this is your main hobby, and if he likes it there's a strong chance he sees it as sexy or sexual and will ask your to wear it during sex.

The only attitude I feel safe with is "I think it's weird but you're not harming anyone with it so I'm fine with it" and then has no criticism on it and doesn't ask you to stop wearing it or try to steer you away from it.

>> No.10804785

Yeah same. Initially I was a little disappointed when my now-husband didn’t have an opinion on my clothes because I wanted to wear dresses he liked for dates and stuff, but now it’s a relief. He genuinely doesn’t give a damn if I wear a baggy sweater and sweatpants or a frilly dress, as long as I’m comfortable and happy. I never have to worry about his opinion when I’m getting dressed. It’s great.

>> No.10804837

My boyfriend is exactly the same way, although I did dig deeper to know his color preferences. It's nice to try to wear it on dates

>> No.10804950

Don’t feel obligated to post about lolita if you know nothing about it. You’re just a brain dead moid at the end of the day.

>> No.10805193

I was dating my boyfriend before I got into lolita. He likes my dresses and gifts me a lot, I am able to have conversations about my purchases with him and overall I am really glad he is supportive of my hobby. He gets involved enough to generally understand me and to know what I want to buy/what to gift me

>> No.10805503

> newbie tells me to cram a larger petti under my Fleur Frill JSK

> skirt will not hold a petti larger than the one I was already wearing

>> No.10805535
File: 46 KB, 468x895, 1559199164079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, are you telling me there are coomer nazi OTT Sweet Lolitas? Where, I must know, for science, off course.

>> No.10805568

Big scrote energy. Begone.

>> No.10806105
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>> No.10806135
File: 26 KB, 159x212, 1545143460633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big scrote energy.
no shit sherlock

>> No.10806137

Please, kill yourself. That is all.

>> No.10806154

Your seething gives me great pleasure, thank you.

>> No.10806228

sauce on the OP on the right?