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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 174 KB, 1000x709, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10779272 No.10779272 [Reply] [Original]

> Newest releases
> Your latest purchases
> Dream dresses
> Inspiring Gothic Coords
> Thoughts on the state of gothic
> The pain of Moitié prices
> etc.

>> No.10779281

I dont like a single thing in the happy bag, but I have to say, I actually like that Cutsew. It could use more details, Lace around the cuffs of anywhere, really, but it's not a bad basic piece. I actually kinda like the look of that awful skirt with it as daily wear or something. Granted, I could probably make that cutsew so, idk if i'd pay 70bucks for it.

>> No.10779597
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>Inspiring Gothic Coords

>> No.10779598
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>> No.10779599
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>> No.10779601
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>> No.10779602
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>> No.10779603
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>> No.10779604
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>> No.10779605
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>> No.10779609
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>> No.10779611

Is anyone else getting the 25th anniversary happy bag? It’s such a good deal and there are a few beautiful pieces that could be in them, but Marble is just so hit or miss. I’m not sure if I should take the plunge or not.

Either way, I think Ill wait for atepie’s summer sale and see what else I want to spend my money on first. It starts this weekend for those of you that don’t know!

>> No.10779613
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>> No.10779615
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>> No.10779617
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>> No.10779619
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>> No.10779632

newfags fuck off

>> No.10779633

I love her so much

>> No.10779791


>> No.10779792
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>> No.10779794
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>> No.10779795
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>> No.10779796
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>> No.10779797
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>> No.10779804
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>> No.10779805
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>> No.10779807
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>> No.10779847

isnt that bag from dollskill? i thought she was all about anti-racism but guess not

>> No.10779862

I think it's a brand that dollskill just stocks

>> No.10779865

Some of you have really bad taste.

>> No.10779889

do you have pics of the female happy pack? i could only find the male one, i'm confused

>> No.10779920

Is there a promo code for Moitie right now?

>> No.10781087
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small dump

>> No.10781088
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>> No.10781089
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>> No.10781091
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>> No.10781092
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>> No.10781095
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>> No.10781097
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>> No.10781101
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>> No.10781104

i normally dislike those strappy contraptions but she makes it work with the boots

>> No.10781110

I wouldn't have expected this to work but wow, she really makes that white dress work with all the black accessories

>> No.10781126

Gothic shiro is my favorite tho

>> No.10781985

same but it's not really a shiro coord if it has black accessories

>> No.10782116

So is Mana gay or what? I discovered this nigga back in 2007 or whatever and always wondered.

>> No.10782184

he is married with a son

>> No.10782185


>> No.10782187

doesn't mean he's not gay, look at kojima

>> No.10782214

he used to get into actual fistfights with people who thought he was gay or a woman, so take that how you will LOL.

>> No.10782260

any sauce on this?

>> No.10782264

the game developer?

>> No.10782349

I adore the composition of this photo, it's so pleasant to look at and reminds me of old brand ads. Would've been even better if the horizon wasn't tilted.

Do you really think the overall coord is sweet?

>> No.10782359

it's classic bro

>> No.10785167

I was going to get the new Moitie blouse, but just saw the measurements. The size 9 is 96 bust/82 waist, with no waist ties? What the fuck.

>> No.10785170

The designers forgot that the E in EGL stands for elegant

>> No.10785194

>that cross
>those shoes


>> No.10785198

>Do you really think the overall coord is sweet?
No, I think it's fucking ita

>> No.10785218

Nobody asked, that wasn't even the question

>> No.10785249

nta, but black sweet is a real thing. This is black sweet lolita. Gothic styling is more simplistic, along with dress design. There's too much lace on that BTSSB dress to be gothic. Not saying BTSSB can't be, but it's a styling thing and I understand any anon that says btssb isn't gothic as well.

The whole misconception that gothic = black is newfaggy and akin to these GLB nerds coming in and claiming gothic is gothic lolita. Gothic lolita is becoming too ambiguous because of new people.

>> No.10785251

Meant to say kurorori actually. Kuro is sweet lolita typically.

>> No.10785253

He's at least bi. I know someone who had an "experience" with him early 2000's.

>> No.10785256

im gonna start collecting middle part inspo, i love the look of this

>> No.10785264


while i do think that btssb dress leans more sweet/kuro sweet, the brand is not the deciding factor if whether or not a coord is gothic, classic, or sweet. Design, cut, technique, color, and styling *is*. Btssb has released gothic dresses, it's just not their primary genre.

MM for instance has released a sweet dress, despite being a classic brand (Perfume Bottle OP). It has enough elements to be classic-ish, but it still leans more sweet, especially with the replicated panel prints.

>> No.10785270
File: 497 KB, 1048x1158, or6WoycyqkQDEYnjOvxQoIHEE1pwyNGxhgl1FhVN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's too much lace on that BTSSB dress to be gothic
You're the one making yourself sound like a newfag, it's especially obvious because you keep repeating "muh GLB is not all lolita" in every post

>> No.10785273

There's quite literally no point trying to educate you newfags. You're going to keep dressing in all black and going "ERM GERTHIC"

>> No.10785282

kek i was just about to post that, but here's another btssb dress that imo is more gothic then sweet. has a lot of elements as >>10781097

>thin rope bow
>minimal details

brand not being the sole factor is common knowledge

>> No.10785283
File: 35 KB, 700x700, btssbgoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10785288

Yeah it was kek. Coording an obviously sweet design with all Moitie accessories doesn't make it gothic, and it doesn't belong in the gothic lolita general.

>> No.10785296 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 645x645, jihcGWF627WO73v4W721XMK4nXBbxN2M1pJFiOuP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nayrt, but that OP is VM

>> No.10785302

There is black sweet. This is not it at all.

>> No.10785304

Which JSK is it? From the picture it looks like a minimalistic black dress with some lace that could easily be coord goth

>> No.10785307

Yes, he pretty openly thirsts over male celebs on twitter. Not to mention how homoerotic his games are

>> No.10785343

Sorry you're new. You look bad claiming this in public to tenured people. It's like ita logic. u got ita brain

>> No.10785357

no, plenty of goths coord simple black baby dresses with lace as goth. there's nothing "sweet" about some of them, because lace alone isn't sweet. by that retard logic, antique beast is sweet because it's got bows and lace. if you're actually even an oldfag, you must be a perma-ita

>> No.10785385
File: 107 KB, 640x896, FKOrhHqXEAIBbDn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.10785389
File: 120 KB, 650x1132, mana_412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone ask for lacy gothic coords

because i have em. here is one in memory of anons who used to say rounded collars could not be used for gothic lolita

>> No.10785391
File: 146 KB, 1080x809, 117321101_989784428133380_8511473806375155054_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10785392
File: 523 KB, 1534x2048, @OsakaRika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10785393
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>> No.10785394
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>> No.10785397
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>> No.10785399
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>> No.10785401
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>> No.10785404
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>> No.10785406

never seen such ita logic, jesus. it is lolita 101 that brand =/= substyle decider.

>> No.10785407

Wow, and not a single one has the same type of super sweet lace the Baby jsk has. Sorry you're blind.

>> No.10785410

Who cares dork

>> No.10785412

enjoy the lace, sport

it will give you something to aim for when you next move your goalposts

>> No.10785418
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>> No.10785421
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>> No.10785438

what "super sweet lace" are you even talking about? plain roses?

>> No.10785457
File: 44 KB, 480x640, XrZSn2T2UmKDhVhAgrtqEIBni2CxsYgai83LI4sA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do tell, what is "super sweet" about the lace -- or anything else -- on this relatively plain and style-neutral jsk

>> No.10785465

Too much shoop

>> No.10785493

so the microcut on lace is what makes a coord not goth? got it.

>> No.10785497
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>> No.10785500

seeing fanny outside of classic is interesting

>> No.10785503
File: 178 KB, 1080x1350, 211199703_4074240182690882_8836852444594746109_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10785505

she is living the dream

she officially won at lolita when they hired her

>> No.10785506
File: 223 KB, 1080x1350, 272054339_117530620797885_7646795502619705023_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10785511
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>> No.10785516
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>> No.10785654

ideal lolita micro-celebrity. she doesn’t talk much or over share so it’s hard to hate her with any validity. although, i’ve definitely seen people reach

>> No.10785766

Say you’re joking. Every word out of her mouth is whinging or a complaint.

>> No.10786016

genuinely confused, but i follow her on platforms and don't see anything?? does she delete?

>> No.10786094

i just don't understand why anyone would ever choose to go by that name. depending on where you live, it means either ass or pussy.

>> No.10786126

I didn't even recognize her! She looks great.

Some people have that name as their legal christian name

>> No.10786155

yeah but hers is "fanny rose"... why not just go by rose if your first name is related to something vulgar

>> No.10786161

whoa, that bag. sauce??

>> No.10786343

The name itself is not related to anything vulgar, it's just that you are so perverted that you can only see the vulgar meaning while looking at it.

>> No.10786355

Some people are named "Dick". I even knew someone named "Gay". It's really not a big deal to anyone who isn't some childish idiot.

>> No.10786367

are you american? in any case, English speakers always center themselves in every conversation.

she's french Canadian. the name means nothing in french except a name. get over yourself

>> No.10786388

I think its killstar

>> No.10788663

nayrt, but what is this JSK's name?

>> No.10788664

Millefeuille JSK

>> No.10788684

Just wait until you hear about Dick van Dyke

>> No.10788717

too sweet, go back to the AP thread

>> No.10788720


>> No.10788723
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>> No.10788724
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it is still lace o'clock

>> No.10788726
File: 131 KB, 1080x1080, 285687133_559634632406752_4692057409486749152_n.webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10788732

nta but im american and thats not even a thing here theyre just fucking weird

>> No.10788735
File: 406 KB, 1080x1316, 274318265_658443888690582_8315660763821235005_n.webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10788736
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>> No.10788738
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>> No.10788739
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>> No.10788742
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>> No.10788757

She always shoops her eyes way too much

>> No.10789535
File: 87 KB, 640x853, D0CB7959-0928-4C3B-ADD3-B6CE32AC9D6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anybody order this dress from Alpstola over the spring? It was supposed to be shipped June/July and I've seen a lot of other people received their packages but I haven’t received a package, let alone shipping number, and I’m not sure which would be the best way to reach out to them. Message through IG? Since they seem to be fairly active through there?
Any suggestions?

>> No.10791915
File: 204 KB, 1192x2048, FXh8_WMaQAAzmEl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evening summer coords

>> No.10791916
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>> No.10791921
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>> No.10791922
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>> No.10791932
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>> No.10791949

I want that chair

>> No.10791982

I love this

>> No.10792183

I got mine really quickly. I'm in Australia though. They also included a bunch of snacks which I loved.

>> No.10792261

Anyone know the brand of these stockings?

>> No.10792267

looks like abilletage

>> No.10792466

Did they send you a tracking number or did it just show up one day? I’ve tried contacting them through both their IG in English and Japanese, as well as through the inquiry submission linked in their original email when my order was confirmed back in April. I haven’t received a response. I’m really worried they just forgot about my order and if I open up a PayPal claim I don’t want to be banned. I just want my dress. I want to get the newest dress they’ve posted too, but I can’t justify spending more money when I’m already out almost $400 for a dress I haven’t received or gotten an update about.

>> No.10794081

Yeah they sent me a tracking number. I hope it turns up soon!

>> No.10794300
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>> No.10794302
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>> No.10795073

I guess they only received some orders and not all of them? Items are being delayed 3 weeks -2 months. It took several weeks but I’m glad they finally responded to my message and they said it will be shipped out soon

>> No.10798341

has anyone ever done the private shopping service with AtePi?
I've been waiting for them to start up again and they're doing it this month but I'd like to hear reviews first

>> No.10798377

I've never even heard of it. Why would you choose it over just buying from the online shop?

>> No.10798398

I've done it before and it was really good, you get to see lots of items from handmade/smaller indie brands that don't make it to the webshop, if you're looking for that kind of thing I'd recommend it

>> No.10798448 [DELETED] 

Where can we sign up? I always miss the IG livestreams and the host doesn’t do a good job exhibiting stuff in the store.

>> No.10798613

It's a private video call where you get to see items that aren't online and ask questions/get advise

>> No.10798618

They've been doing it regularly for a couple of years, it started during the pandemic afaik.

>> No.10798705

that sounds pretty nice. i assume you'd have to know japanese, though?

>> No.10798717

Nonny, it is pretty well-known that AtePie has English-speaking staff

>> No.10798718

for online orders i've dealt with them, but i wouldn't know if they would also have the english-speaking staff on hand doing this event, or if all of them speak english. that's why im asking

>> No.10803357
File: 133 KB, 1080x793, 244257958_562506178289881_7463148259079236625_n.webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10803358
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>> No.10803359
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>> No.10803360
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>> No.10803554

Aw, I wish I had known about this. Do you request specific items for them to show you or do they just recommend things to you?

>> No.10804184

You can do either, just write the specific items you want to see or ask for suggestions based on a style/theme etc

>> No.10804206
File: 621 KB, 1076x1076, 303614865_5797928356924658_3997563798598682930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was waiting for them to do this! So lovely!

>> No.10804316
File: 56 KB, 402x604, 667E2ADE-58D1-4D85-B57D-5681159B3172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10804349
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>> No.10805312


I wonder if this means moitie will rerelease the dress. And if they do, I hope they don't make it another unflattering cheap looking cut

>> No.10805354

Is she wearing this corset upside down? I’ve never seen one where the top was so much wider than the bottom.

>> No.10805363

It does look like it's upside down. But maybe there's some shoop shenanigans going on, or this is just her body shape and she has a huge ribcage.

The loops and pegs appear to be on the usual side so it's possible she's wearing it right side up. If we could see her back with the lacing gap it could all make sense if the corset has a V shaped lacing gap.

>> No.10805423

yes, she is.

>> No.10805424

>The loops and pegs appear to be on the usual side so it's possible she's wearing it right side up.
fashion corsets don't have a "usual side", anon.

>> No.10805428

I was taught it was loops on the right side and pegs on the left side but this was for functional corsets. I had no idea that fashion corsets were lawless.

>> No.10805430

yeah they're extremely lawless lol. i was taught the same thing, but fashion corsets are like the wild west, especially if they're being made by chinese companies who don't know corset conventions.

>> No.10805467

in the light of this information I think it's possible she is wearing it upside down on purpose, so as to not squish the skirt poof too much.

>> No.10808297 [DELETED] 


>> No.10808298

>thinking the Japanese know how to properly wear corsets
Anon, I…

>> No.10808549

What is MMM referring to in their Instagram post about slandering and harassing on social media?

>> No.10808560

tiktok idiots accusing mana of cultural appropriation or something.

>> No.10808613


>> No.10808626

wasn’t there some crazy lady who was called out by them for stalking or something?

>> No.10808644

no sauce??

>> No.10808675

Go to the moitie instagram

>> No.10808724

more deets? not on IG

>> No.10808732 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1351x945, cccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd want to see a girl in something like this

links if wondering

>> No.10809619
File: 419 KB, 1080x1090, Screenshot_20220927-072412_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Moitie release: Cross Rose Synthetic Leather series. Drops Sept. 29 6PM JST

>> No.10809672

I was expecting people to reeee about this all over social media but so far I haven't seen any

>> No.10809681

Looks cool, although I wish the crosses went all the way around the border and that it wasn't short enough to show my ass. I might get something else in the series when they reveal better pics.

>> No.10809697

Looks cool but doubt I could wear this in my humid hellscape. On that note, do the newer bat crossbody bags peel less?

>> No.10809785

just buy a real leather one secondhand

>> No.10809893

I really love this, however I'm worried about it pilling. While I don't live in a very humid climate, we still get a fair amount of humidity and heat in the summer.

>> No.10809945

You should be more concerned about your skin peeling off after few hours of wearing such non breathable material in humid heat

>> No.10809959

That thought hadn't even occurred to me. Thanks anon.

>> No.10809964

are you a moron?

>> No.10809989

someone please remind me who makes these tulle/lace cathedral JSK things

>> No.10809991

Moitie x Baroque collab

>> No.10810112

Nah, I think Nimrod is the word you are looking for.

>> No.10810644

I thought the same thing, let us pray for a good rerelease

>> No.10811232

Same concerns about the pleather not holding up as other anons. I really prefer the skirt of this in particular, as the JSK looks too boxy and sleek for my taste, but I'd need it to run a few more cm larger. Oh well.

I like the mens sweater they're releasing with the same embroidery but I would be swimming in it, wish they would release a ladies size of that.

>> No.10811249

It’s true, these silly Nips need to stop appropriating European goth culture and go back to wearing kimonos and eating rice.
Stay in your lane!

>> No.10811270
File: 40 KB, 337x499, 2312448813_513d440ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were probably referring to Mana's hairstyles in Malice Mizer. Why would they even dig it up 20 years later? Nobody cares.

>> No.10811282

I bet most of them complaining were american, they always are and they think they can speak for everybody. The rest of the world doesn't care

>> No.10811300

I've noticed this too - white Americans are the only ones who are ever offended on behalf of everyone, meanwhile the actual people that are supposed to be offended don't give a shit, and some even appreciate their culture being represented

>> No.10811303

it's because they think they're using their "position of power" for good or something. they do the same thing with gay people and people with disabilities. they're either just admitting they think their opinion is more valuable, or actively contributing to the idea that it is.

>> No.10811399

I seriously doubt there are any indigenous tribes that wear their hair like that… also I miss Malice Mizer, they had some awesome costumes.
Like how they invented “latinx” because they feel a moral obligation to “fix” the Spanish language to make it more “inclusive” kek. They actually don’t care at all about other cultures, they just like to pretend to be offended about everything to act morally superior.

>> No.10811402
File: 618 KB, 1536x2048, 3AD73A3F-233B-4A08-8F27-F2B44D6E8A1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant atepie release nice things anymore

>> No.10811452

because it's a nice classic piece?? Just wait a bit and there'll be more gothic

>> No.10812421
File: 1.75 MB, 1440x1440, 870A9DC5-4F17-4266-A571-AAA2F8BBAA89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More new Moitie, ¥50050 tax included.

>> No.10812422

Such a shame, nice print, but the weird window box bodice ruins it for me.

>> No.10812424

I like it. I might put the money towards their December tea party instead.

>> No.10812476

I really love this especially the lace but it also looks bad cause there’s not enough fabric for that poof. It’s like a bell that’s turning into an A.

>> No.10812490

Love the print and the French maid bodice, but the silhouette/fit of nu-Moitie ruins all of their releases

>> No.10812514

I was thinking, "wow, 50k jpy? That's an awful lot." Then I checked and it's just 340 usd, the fucking jpy (x100) is a mere 0.68 usd. Lol, lmao even. Is there a bottom? The japs must be seething.

>> No.10812523

Yeah the skirt looks so narrow

>> No.10812732

Lack of enough fabric for the poof was probably a necessary costing choice bc jap economy in the gutter

>> No.10813410

But this is a reservation. I’d pay more for the appropriate poof.