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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 908 KB, 1269x866, AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10772392 No.10772392 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone been to this con? whats it like. How big or small is it normally.

>> No.10772428
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There's a whole ass argument between a dude in love with AM and a few anons that dislike it, here are the relevant posts


TL; DR - Con apparently is slowly degrading in attendance like all other cons pre-covid, but post not sure. Apparently lax with COVID protocols which is a pro/con depending on how you feel about it.

Apparently there is a ton of space, but also huge lines? I can't talk about it since I have never been there, but there is bad press regarding the con owners, which apparently is par for the fucking TX course.

Also don't fucking >>(YOU) me, I have no opinion of the con, I'm sharing the posts.

>> No.10772437

Easily the best con I’ve ever been to. Go if you have a chance.

>> No.10772470

it's fine if you don't care about panels and just want to hang out with people. Went last year and everything was so poorly organized, almost everything was running an hour or more behind or just straight up didn't happen. My friends still go every year though since the room parties are cool. You can have fun still but it's honestly not worth the ticket cost imo

>> No.10772472

They somehow keep convincing guests to come and then spectacularly fuck things up. considering who is running it, that second part isn't too surprising.

>> No.10772483

Who is running it?

>> No.10772487

John and Deneice Leigh. A few of their escapades are listed in >>10772428. Going past that, they've had a history of not paying people, including the rent for the arcade they used to have. They eventually got evicted because they were behind $85k in rent. They haven't paid vendors who provided services until legal got involved, and even shirked payment on their Japanese guests.
Google "anime matsuri legal troubles" and you'll find a lot

Holy shit, I completely forgot about how one of AM's guests got detained by customs and border patrol. I'm not sure if they just deported her or if she got banned from the US for a few years

>> No.10772531

I went for about 10 years.
It's thr most consistently poorly run con I've attended. Events always start late (by hours, not just a few minutes), they promise one thing and then don't follow through, they give attendees inconsistent information.

It's just not worth the money to go. If they could get it together and actually run the event it could be a good show but the owners are too concerned with taking cool photos for social media than running a successful event.

>> No.10772550

she wasn't deported or banned, just denied entry.

>> No.10772560

>I went for about 10 years.
>It's thr most consistently poorly run con I've attended
Calling BS on this.

If it is one of the most consistently poorly run con's you have ever attended then why have you gone for 10 years. If a con is bad twice then I'm writing it off, there are plenty of con's that someone can go to. If you have gone for 10 years it is either because you are getting paid to go because it is related to your job, or you actually like it but someone pissed you off the last time you went so you've decided to bad mouth them. Third option is you have never gone and you just want to ruin their reputation by saying you have gone for 10 years but it has always sucked.

>> No.10772577

Well after year 1 I gave them the first year pass

A couple of those years I volunteered so I didn't pay for anything

I probably only bought a badge 4 out of the 10. And there are plenty of cons now, but back when they started there weren't, and there certainly aren't in Houston itself. You can call BS if you want I guess but it's true and they suck at running an event.

I'm not the only anon who's mentioned it in this thread

>> No.10772581 [DELETED] 

nta but my friends are retarded and ONLY go to Matsuri so if I want to go to a con with them, it's this shit con or nothing. They don't give a fuck about panels or anime in general so it doesn't matter to them how poorly run it is, they just want cosplay chicks and drugs

>> No.10772613

Want to be sexually assaulted?
Want to have a miserable experience?

Go to AM then.

>> No.10772631
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I like it, it's big. About san-japan sized I guess, maybe bigger. Females/lolitards hate it because the head honcho was a creep and stuck around too long. They pretty much always have cool shit, and the dealer room is always good. Car show is cool also. Been going for around 8 years I guess. Parties are aight as well. The evangelion thing a couple years ago was cool as shit, as was the miku racing thing the year after. IDK how they book such cool shit but I'm glad they do.

You can walk to food somewhat reasonably if you aren't fat.

There's pretty much some "scandal" regarding matsuri every year, but I don't give a fuck. It degreases the amount of thin-skins going so it's fine.

>> No.10772816

Thank Christ we can count on you not being there.

>> No.10772835
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It's pretty fun. Just go and try it out. Very relaxed setting and the people there are far more friendly than at other cons.

>> No.10772837

>Females/lolitards hate it because the head honcho was a creep and stuck around too long
The only people who hate it are the lolitas who are still trying to get some attention out of someone possibly having done creepy stuff to them. Having been following this for ages, it's mostly likely a lie or a big exaggeration of what occurred. No one cares and no police reports have been finalized. It's just your usual guilty until proven guilty.

>> No.10772857
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Alright, crashing this thread with no survivors. Tired of seeing 'is AM good?' threads while the TX megathread is up, when it already answers the arguments. So here is the overall answer with my initial statement of 'everything is shit in a con (especially TX) ((not just AM, fuck you)) unless otherwise stated'


I like it!, Low/No COVID Protocols, 'easily best con I have ever been to[, good con to hag with it, 'possibly bigger than other con, I guess', 'people i hate hate it because the person that they hate was there', 'have cool shit', good dealer room, good car show, aight parties, good events, foot in area (if you are not fate), 'thin skins degreases' (fuck you, you said degrease, I ain't changing it), one anon is apparently not going, 'pretty fun', relaxed setting, friendly people, not many lolitas.

Long ass entry lines (no one said you can always get to the panels so the assumption for all TX cons is that you have to wait outside to get to any panel you want, FUCK YOU, MY LIST), Never pay guests, poor organization, panels running behind or not happening, ticket cost price in question, fucking things up spectacularly, shit con runners, legal troubles, inconsistent information, sexual assault (this could be a PRO depending on your preferences, no judgement here), COVID, Miserable Experience, No Food in walking distance (IF FAT), Will get thin-skin degreased (TAKE CARE), That one Anon will not be there, creepy shit happens possibly to you, police reports every year


>> No.10772884

I went to it for 9 years, not realizing how shit it was because the much smaller Oni-con was my only comparison.
Everything starts late, lack of direction for which panel room is which (in a hugeass center like GRB), a lot of low-quality panels, and a lot of events/panels that get canceled with no prior notice. A lot of guests (and brands if you care about JFash at all) won't touch them with a ten foot pole, either.
The nightlife is good at least, but overall, would not recommend.

>> No.10772885

What kind of faggot pays 60 dollars to stand around and hang out with your friends when you can do that in your own homes or at any public place? Even retarded teenagers know you can go to the mall and sit around in the food court for free.

>> No.10772889

NAYRT, but I went to that con for almost a decade straight. I first went to AM when I was a high school freshman with strict parents and no money. After a few years, I was a college student with no money. There was no way I was going to be able to go to a con outside of the greater Houston area, and back then the only anime cons in the area besides AM were Delta H and Oni-con. I went to Oni-con twice during that time, and it was much smaller (and one year, just as poorly run), so I had no real comparison and figured all anime conventions were just Like That. The con degraded further and further until I decided it just wasn't worth it. By the time I stopped going, I also had finished college and had a lot more money, so I could finally afford to travel to a bigger con outside of the area like A-Kon or San Japan.
So it makes sense for someone to go to AM for years and years without realizing its shit or having any other options.

>> No.10772982

Enjoy being drugged and raped. It's the AM tradition.

>> No.10773007

I don't know John Leigh, and I never met John Leigh, but somehow he raped me.

>> No.10773116

Show us on the doll where John touched you.

>> No.10773133

He raped me, too. I was having a dream and his face showed up. Now I wont be going to Anime Matsuri and already contacted the police.

>> No.10774722

Can't wait to see how they fuck things up this year. To be honest I'm amazed they're still happening. In a stream post 2021 Denise said she was running the cusplay contest. They must have had no staff. Guess their shitty management + covid finally ran off any half competent people.

>> No.10775861

Oh no, no cosplay judges! Now I wont be going to matsuri at all!

>> No.10775869

Not really sure why you are mocking someone's criticism of a cosplay event on the cosplay board but ok.

>> No.10775884

Imagine going to a convention that supports VIC, lol. Just fucking lol. I'd rather avoid this con for my namesake than become an lolcow on the farms, anyone going I pitty. You all can "enjoy" this con but be warned, you'll be a laughing stock to the rest of us who are protesting this event. Just try and not be too embarrassing as cons are finally safe to go back to, don't make another wave of covid like ANYC I just moved from here for work and would rather not be grouped in with the likes of you all in a negative light...

>> No.10776001


>> No.10776059

You have to go back.

>> No.10776095

It's fun. Not the best, not the worst. They get some pretty big acts. I went and saw A-pink there, I saw the sailor moon musical there...and morning musume, the shows were good. Sound and lighting were better than most. But.....Everything runs late though. Like...if they say an event starts at 5....it's not starting til at least 6, lol. But it's usually worth the wait. It just makes planning stuff stressful. I'd say it's worth a shot to see if you like it. Going to see dreamcatcher this year.

>> No.10776096

Wow...what a cunt you are.

>> No.10784844

Oh… let’s not forget they announce they are opening an anime bar.
They haven’t announced the exact location but did some digging and found the location. Apparently they were complaining about fireworks being popped. They really pushing their luck on this one, especially since a lot of the allegations involved them pushing people to drink.

>> No.10784849

Wait they are opening a bat? I thought they were just promoting a bar.

Wonder how long that will last before it goes bankrupt like all their other endeavors

>> No.10784865

Judging by the allegations of rape, maybe one of the signature drinks will involve the bartender spiking the drink... or not! It's a SURPRISE.

>> No.10785490

There is no statute of limitations on sexual assault in Texas. File a police report and put him behind bars where he belongs. These people are confident enough to share, in great detail the events they claim to have transpired..... If talking about it is the difficult part then they've already done that. Why do none of them ever file a police report?? It's not too late. Can be 20 years later and it won't be too late. There's literally no statue of limitations on sexual assault in Texas.

They can do it today, YOU can do it today, why aren't you?

>> No.10785764

How the fuck does AM get acts like dreamcatcher, Not Equal me, Apink, Morning Musume Etc. And all my local con can get is some sweaty YouTuber like Caleb Hyles to sing covers of other people's songs to a backtrack. WTF do they have on these promoters

>> No.10785775

does your local con have money? alternatively, promises, because half the time they don't pay out the money until you sue them

>> No.10785776

They figured out that if you promise labels ridiculous payouts they'll let them book the acts then when others ask for their money they ghost them.

>> No.10785781
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cause he didnt rape me baka

>> No.10785796

You can file sexual assault on someone's behalf, Baka. Not only that, if the victim is a minor, it's REQUIRED that somebody file on their behalf. So I ask again, if you are so sure, why have you not filed?

Put him behind bars, if you care so much.

Please, I'm asking you to genuinely. Put him behind bars if you are so confident he is guilty.

You do care about the victims, right? Or do you just care about jumping on some clout bandwagon?

>> No.10785801

Morning Musume, A-pink and Dreamcatcher are all on Sony records and EMI (among other affiliations like pony canyon).... They have all played AM on different years... Are you saying that these labels either don't talk to each other...or they aren't getting paid?

Or are you saying that they just keep forgetting who AM is? Like

>Oops, those are the guys who didn't pay us? Haha whoopsie guess we booked em for ANOTHER one of our artists oopsie poopsie

Why would Sony and EamI keep giving AM acts if they are not being paid?

Come on, this is a stupid take. Stop just saying shit, lol.

>> No.10785802

Dude, Gacheric Spin played like...3 different years.. I'm pretty sure they got paid lmao. Why would they keep coming back?

>> No.10785811

The labels get paid but when the production company wants to get paid they ghost. AM is sued by someone nearly every year. In 2021 they bounced a check with the city when trying to pay for the convention center. When Nightmare performed at AM they got shafted then proceeded to write a song about John Leigh calling him Super Booger Man. Kaho Shibuya said she wasn't paid and then proceed to trash them.

It'll be the same in 2022 when we find out later on which bill AM dodged or a different guest writes up a letter to air out how awful the Leighs are.

>> No.10785818

Why are they allowed to continue to operate in the convention center if they have not been paid? That makes zero sense.

Am has been operating successfully for 15 years. Everyone keeps saying

>Oh this is the last one

>THIS time the cards are falling

>OH!! AM is finished this time! Hur-hur

Like...when? Shit. It's been well over a decade, when is this happening gonna happen?

It seems like AM has....the same business practices as every other business that has ever existed

You think Walmart has never had a lawsuit? Target? Any business to have ever existed??

You guys are actually nuts, repeating the same thing year after year.

We get it John said you are too fat when you applied for his fashion show and now your fee-fees are hurt, nobody cares lol.

>> No.10785820

Here's what nightmare had to say about their Anime Matsuri appearance. Straight from their own mouths. (Not some random Tumblr blog telling you what they heard, lol)


>To all Anime Matsuri fans, staff and John, we are Nightmare! Thank you for your hospitality during the event.
We had a great experience at the con and even had some sightseeing done.
If there is an opportunity again, we would love to come back, so please look out for us.
That's all for now, Nightmare signing off!

>> No.10785837
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Just read through kahos statement. I've highlighted the most important part for you.

It seems like she was paid exactly what was in her contract.

She asked for some extra things and AM told her no (All this happened before her flight was even booked)

so she went ahead and paid for them herself.

Later, during the con it looks like AM asked her to translate for some sort of construction project for a Japanese statue.

She agreed and helped them out, without discussing any sort of payment.

Later, she insisted that AM pay for the things that they had already told her no about (remember, they told her no before even leaving Japan) because she had helped them with that translation project.

Then when she didn't get her way she started playing to the boycotters to try and force their hand by pointing out some delays and stuff.

That's pretty much the beginning and the end of it.

So no it's not that she wasn't paid. She was absolutely paid exactly what she was told she was going to get and not a cent more.

They asked for her help translating on a call and then tried to use that against them to pay for things that they had already told her that they weren't going to pay for.

Then a bunch of sweaty weebs of course jump to her defense because booba

>> No.10785965

Raise your hand if you are ghosting AM?

>> No.10785967

Torn on it. I'm in Austin so idk if it's worth daytripping & I don't want to pay for a hotel, but I befriended one guy who's also planning on ghosting + want to make more friends in Texas so I'm still considering it.

>> No.10785973

If you see their staff group photo, they are way understaffed. So you are good to come.

>> No.10786028

>first time returning to AM after covid
>see texas thread and this one
What the fuck happened to the TX con scene? Did all the idiots leave from california decide to just shit up texas next? TX threads use to just be about having fun while telling some lolita's mad that their clone of a lolita panel from the other 10 going on was denied.

>> No.10786034

They got woke and they're angry.

>> No.10786039

Several texas cons changed management and the new staff are woke and catering towards that demo

>> No.10786175
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Also, the album that Super Booger Man was on was complete before they even played at AM, according to the bands official blog. That video you posted of them thanking am was posted in MAY of 2014....the album super booger man is on (Taboo) according to an official blog post on nightmares website dated MARCH 2014 the album was almost complete ..the song was written way before they even met John lol.

>> No.10786176
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Blog post

>> No.10786187

I'm not really worried about if it is possible to ghost, more on if it's worth the drive since I was only planning on 1 daying it.

>> No.10786202

They asked her to translate and build by tricking her into it late at night, after they suddenly canceled one of her agreed upon appearances, and did not compensate her for that labor of building and translating for the huge figure assembly. It seems like she was essentially requesting to be paid for that labor (plus the missing items that WERE agreed upon but not present in her panel) and was cutting out the middle man by just saying she'd like the amount to be the cost of certain things that AM would not originally cover since it benefitted them in the end for her to pay for these things.

So she was basically coerced/conned into doing free skilled labor for them while their staff sat on their ass, and then lied to about stuff that was actually promised and in her contract, so then she asked to be paid for that work which is totally reasonable. Even if she wasn't a titty streamer this would be fucked up. She's a guest, not a volunteer.

>> No.10786239

With how late things run due to production issues, I wouldn't pay them either, lol.

>> No.10787547

Throwing a room party at the Marriott Marquis dressed as Amelia Watson

Open invites to twinks
If you're dressed like Venti and makeout with a Vox cosplayer I'll give you all the booze you want

>> No.10790516

I want to see if Leon Chiro and Pugoofka go at it, as Puggofka, a Russian photographer, was going hard at Chiro for not speaking out about the war in Ukraine, despite visiting a bunch of Russian cons.

>> No.10790661

Vic Micwhatevhisfuckingnameis drama in 3... 2...

>> No.10790673


Transparent FUD is transparent

>> No.10791395

What is VIC?

>> No.10791410

Veteran Identification Card, the monsters at AM are trying to hold our veterans back...

>> No.10791516

If somebody you've already done paid work for calls you and asks you to do other work, even late at night, you're allowed to say no.

Humans do it all the time. Nobody was "coerced" you simping faggot.

>> No.10791591

I know this is bait but I want to respond

>> No.10792197

I will be laughing my ass so hard if I find out that DCC or NotMe cancels last minute after they test positive for COVID upon arrival.

>> No.10792864

I just bought my tickets. Why are troons and whores are seething over this convention? Who cares if the owner was some weirdo? I like AM, I’ve been going since 2013.

>> No.10792867

>you're allowed to say no.
>Humans do it all the time. Nobody was "coerced" you simping faggot.

When the owner has a history of forcing himself onto women of legal and not legal ages (not rape but harassment) and you're a woman from Japan where it is against your culture to protest when people pressure you, and you're stranded in a foreign country/there on business, it's more complex than that. I understand that 16 year olds like you have no concept of the word "nuance" but stfu if you have no idea what you're talking about.

I know you won't though bc ur just AM staff sent here to cap for the shit con in the hopes of getting a bonus in the form of your fotm waifu on a dakimakura

>> No.10792869

AM is the next up and coming mega convention, and it is typical for people to hate when something great is on its comeup

>> No.10792871

I don't care about John and his weirdness. I just don't want to pay hundreds of dollars for such a poorly run event.

When they can get programming to start on time and not literally multiple hours late maybe I'll look at returning.

>> No.10792872

This. Fuck the drama if it was a good con I'd go but it just isn't.
bruh they've been around forever and still can't get it together they aren't up and coming

>> No.10792883

What the fuck is it with flyovers and their shitty con owner pedos? I'm from california and all I hear about is kompf texas cons being pedo owners arizona having gregg sleezing and shit in oklahoma.

This just doesn't happen in california why is this place so ass backwards, or right I'm in fucking redneck country. This place sucks so fucking much I would move back in a second if I could get a job.

>> No.10792936

Can’t tell if sarcasm or not but nice joke

>> No.10792938

Volunteered for a few years and then this exact shit happened to some of their guests from Japan. Was disgusted and decided on never going back again.

>> No.10793010

You can't yell rape if you don't know the word in English.

They can only yell REIPU REIPU.

>> No.10793113

>I'm from california

>> No.10793117

Thicc waifus

>> No.10793178

not john's fault that people don't understand yametekudastop

>> No.10793241

Best con to clap slampig cheeks, let's spread the seed my niggas

>> No.10793331

>>Dreamcatcher concert $90 + Extra
>>Promised a 90 minute concert
>>Starts late
>>Cut down to under 40 minutes with no encore
>>Worst sound ever


>> No.10793335

Yep, sounds about right.

>> No.10793342

In defense of the poor saps who attended anyway, AM is always whiteknighting itself hardcore and using drama or scandals to deflect from the practical and functional issues with their con that make people hate it even more than the Leighs hijinks.

>> No.10793357

What's it with the amount of men here? This is my first Texas con and just getting non stop rape vibes and it's gross. Also why is there a con when it's rain season???? Fucking retards

>> No.10793379

That’s Houston in July, especially before August hits because that’s when hurricane season starts to peak

>> No.10793390

why would people choose to live here? Orange county was so much better than this SHIT hole. Sorry for using the hard R word earlier but ugh how does this place even have a comm scene?

>> No.10793393
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Like attracts like. Rapey dudes attend cons that market themselves as anti-woke/left.
>>Place has a con scene?
It clearly doesn't, since AM is the only con that is 'big' there.

>> No.10793411

can i get onto the floor without buying a badge again this year? i have no desire to give these guys 50 bucks to watch some """"""""fashion show""""""" or other such autism and I could live without going into artist alley

>> No.10793422

Okay I was feeling under the weather and this made me laugh. Thank you anon

>> No.10793424

Because of all the issues with of manhandling and slight sexual assault amoung guests and workers, women don’t really go to AM anymore. Although to be fair AM attendance has been declining for the past few years.

>> No.10793440


>> No.10793442

man, i'd feel bad if i had spent $400 for ultra vip for a 40 minute show. i guess they still got meet and greet but damn.

>> No.10793443

>It clearly doesn't, since AM is the only con that is 'big' there.>
This right there is too funny because it's been decreasing instead.

>> No.10793444

Don’t even bother with the fashion show…

>> No.10793446

so is anyone going to see vic lasagna's dub movies?

>> No.10793469

Anyone seen any lolitas there today? Not sure if they're still boycotting AM

>> No.10793483

Where they now report turnstile over warm bodies. The website says 60k 2021 attendance yet FirstHouston says it was 27k. That's how desperate they are to seem like a big deal.

>> No.10793486

The K-Stans are having a meltdown on how bad it was.

>> No.10793493

>Also why is there a con when it's rain season???? Fucking retards
It's not the rain season
It's the dry period.
Houston's a fucking bayou.

>> No.10793494

Cause leon wouldn't know anything about global politics.
He's sweet but not very informed.
Like many his age.

>> No.10793497

Your (You) to me is sweet but noting shit like what happened here >>10793331, I need the remaining 5/9ths of a you, because yours is only worth 4/9ths, AM staff.

>> No.10793511

them fat bitches cant even fit in their dresses. all that stress eating from anxiety lmao

>> No.10793514

Apparently they were cute enough for the Leighs to sexually harass

>> No.10793520
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anyone going?

>> No.10793551
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real matsuri hours

>> No.10793628

All cons report turnstile now. You think AX has 100000 people every day?

>> No.10793645

Yes and unlike AM they have proof on that.


>> No.10793662

Sorry, no, 100,000 is above the legal max capacity for that building.
It's probably around 70k though

>> No.10793682
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tumbling down
tumbling down
tumbling down

>> No.10793693
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>cons are finally safe to go back to

>> No.10793694

It's an elaborate troll

>> No.10793696

>holding back psychopaths, murderers, and rapists

>> No.10793714

What was odd about the Sailor Moon musical to me is that there were no readable subtitles despite the whole thing being in Japanese and this being in America. I get that the performers are Japanese and I don't expect them to learn English just to perform abroad, but they had large screens that they could've projected a translation onto.
But you're being generous with your estimate of how late things started. Big events like the musical and the J-Fashion show would start more like two hours late. It's ridiculous. Can't count how many panels and events I skipped at AM over the years because they didn't start on time.

>> No.10793721

nayrt but he's desperate enough for models that he'll pick fat chicks.
I got picked for the AM fashion show one year but he didn't creep on me because, in the words of another lolita, "John only thinks girls with a certain body type should wear lolita."

>> No.10793724

Why do I see this cirno cosplayer everywhere...

>> No.10793733

I don't know what you mean by rain season, it's hurricane season but that doesn't really start to amp up until August-September in Houston.
But once upon a time it used to be an April con, except for a couple of times when they were in February or March.
They're probably trying to retain guests by deliberately booking it at the same time as A-Kon, hoping that people in the Houston area will choose them over A-Kon.

>> No.10793750

AM has earned the title of right wing con. I wonder when they'll invite Ted Cruz.

>> No.10793755

The dealer room and lobby are full of women in and out of cosplay. What the fuck are you on about.

>> No.10793756

Rain season is generally one or 2 weeks back home(California) it's just sad that people have to deal with this shit daily. Now I see why it's so cheap to live here everyone has to pay for the shit weather and rednecks. Fucking awful con compared to anything back home. The second I finish college I am moving back ASAP because Houston sucks I don't think ven care of my parents get me a job with spacex this place is hell on earth

>> No.10793757

Literally none of them take lolita seriously and it pisses me off. I just got here during COVID but holy shit no one here is actually wearing anything outside of their crappy AliExpress bought shit.i can count on one hand people taking this seriously and one includes me.

>> No.10793760
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There are a few

>> No.10793761

I mean...
Nothing's stopping you from asking.

>> No.10793770
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>People going to AM over Otakon

>> No.10793774

I don't care about scrotes

>> No.10793777


>> No.10793779

I don't care I just don't need to see some shitty cosplayer around who can't even get his cosplay right.

>> No.10793805

desu all the good lolitas skip out on AM because of the con's reputation, so its just the noobs/clolitas who dont know any better

>> No.10793807

That still makes no sense. In June and July it was so dry I had to add an extra water day to my irrigation system and water my potted plants daily to ensure they didn't wither in the heat. I'd take hurricanes and rednecks over earthquakes and skyrocketing cost of living. But have fun paying income tax and struggling to just pay rent on some shitty 1 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment with thin walls so you can hear your C-list influencer neighbor's slow descent into prostitution.

>> No.10793846

Just shut up.

I already don't feel safe here and yet this convention continues to disappoint I've seen more people trying to pass their broke redneck cosplay off than any other con I think. Texas sucks. You suck. And this state is cringe. Fuck all of you I am out

>> No.10793853

>I am out
We could be so lucky to be rid of you.

>> No.10793881

hahaha what a piss baby

>> No.10793883
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Even the cosplay guests are bailing.

We warned you.

>> No.10793885

I'm the Amelia that's been around, has there been any hololive meetups? I only found guras this weekend

>> No.10793959

damn every single lolita I saw was wearing ugly clolita shit, how disappointing

>> No.10793965

High cost of living is correct. Earthquakes, however, are pretty much nonexistant and most people will never actually be victimized by one. The last Big Ones we had were 1994 North Ridge and 1989 Loma Prieta. The 2019 Ridgecrest ones, which people remember from AX, was actually 150 miles away from LA and in the middle of nowhere. Earthquakes for most people are just that thing you post on social media about when they happen.

I guess if you've never felt an earthquake it might be a big thing though

>> No.10793974
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How do people feel about Amouranth making a anime matsuri competitor?

>> No.10793979

Who the hell was this?

>> No.10793980

Hana Bunny

>> No.10793982

If she'll put up her OF money to crush AM I'm all for it.

>> No.10794038
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>> No.10794079

She's already getting shit harder yesterday for trying to shit on Vic for virtue signaling points. Besides, her OF and her simps aren't gonna matter over this.

>> No.10794099

Good god that coord looks horrible as hell.

>> No.10794123
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>> No.10794128

That's the only Holoshit cosplay you'll find at any con. Worse of all it's bought from some Chinese slave labor shop.

>> No.10794130


Uh oh I just got tested and have COVID... Why did I have to attend a con supporting rape culture and shit panels and guests? If only there was some simple method of requing a piece of cloth to fix this. I'm so glad I got to go to this shitty convention that had no good cosplay during rain season and made it impossible to deal with anything serious while dealing with an absurd amount of boomers and weirdos who don't know shit or take cosplay seriously and fucking suck in this stupid redneck state filled with shitty people who can't even understand what proper lolita attire is or lift a finger to make something other than AliExpress bullshit

>> No.10794131

Go back to California retard

>> No.10794133

Why didnt the fire marshal let 60000 people into a rave what the fuck

Only like maybe 15% of con attendees even go to the rave

>> No.10794134

Gladly Texas is fucking the worst state on the planet how do people live here willingly. The weather is terrible

>> No.10794136

Shit con shit event shit people shit location

Shit shit shit all around I saved up weeks for this? I want my money back fuck this con and fuck the owner

>> No.10794138

Are you it wasn't Monkeypox since you were banging a bunch of gay men all weekend long?

>> No.10794141

Blatantly fake post, but here's hoping you succumb to WuFlu anyway for being such an insufferable shitstain

>> No.10794150

Nah I'm not a scrote like you also monkeypox isn't a gay thing go back to pol idiot.
At least I'm not defending a con that houses rapists

>> No.10794158
File: 49 KB, 600x383, 1551878982886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had fun, artist alley was cool. I went with a bunch of friends and we bought like 2 badges between the 6 of us, but still managed to go to everything we wanted to go to because the security is shit lmao. Rave was great. If you actually bought a badge and expected to go to panels, fashion shows etc you are a retard, this con is best experienced high out of your mind and ogling the titty cosplayers

>> No.10794169

I can't hear you over my sub 1k rent in a nice house


>> No.10794180

Shes here with a line on Sunday.

>> No.10794197

This man knows whats up, it was the milkies that made this con worth it

>> No.10794216
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20220731_174054544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do fat fake bitches have to keep pretending John had raped them?

>> No.10794222

No yah retard AM claims that 60,000 comes out when that's proven as false. The photo has maybe 2500 people total. 15% of that by your math would be 16,666.

>> No.10794223

She had to get muscle help from Squad and Skins because AM wouldn't step up.

>> No.10794225

the matsuri boycott is just a virtue signal event for roasties and their allies to make them feel good about making a difference or something. they actually dont care that anyone was raped or whether he was innocent. ignore the shit test

>> No.10794244

>The lolita meme died and they got angry


>> No.10794245

If she didn't discuss compensation for the translation, and she didn't indicate any issues with performing the translation, and it wasn't stated in the contract - what are you arguing over?

It all boils down to some used up AV actress getting assblasted about AM not providing extra money, that she never asked for, out of the kindness of their hearts. And going out of her to get BAM involved was little more than a power play to force payment rather than bring to light any kind of wrongdoing.

>> No.10794251
File: 306 KB, 593x540, Hah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>K-stans having a meltdown


>> No.10794255
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw SJW pays for a con she hates anyways

>> No.10794257

She came back today, you trog.

>> No.10794263

Only because 2 groups helped out. AM didn't.

>> No.10794266

>Meaning - "My fat-fuck lolita/SJW friends"

Thank fuck you don't come anymore

>> No.10794272

Not-Texas here. Are people required by law to not wear a mask in Texas? If there's no law preventing you from doing so, just wear a N95 and you'll be good to go. Anyone worried about catching covid should have switched to personal defense at this point.

>> No.10794282

No law

>> No.10794283

>Making a lewd joke to a 17 year old makes you a pedophile

>> No.10794390

If he didn’t in front of you, he criticized behind close doors with another member of their management ‘squad.’ What a lot can happen with headphones on when you are in their HQ. Sad, but you learn a thing or two that you aren’t supposed to hear.

>> No.10794391


>> No.10794392

Man, I’m getting tired of hearing of Diva Vic. What that guy has not done????

>> No.10794425

I don't understand how nothing has happened or even an investigation of some sort opened on a dude that allegedly has done some heinous shit for the better part of a decade. We're in an era where dudes lose their lively hoods over twitlonger accusations, how the fuck is this dude still running around and this con still going if there THIS BIG of a harassment/sexual assault?

>> No.10794433

Because it never happened. If any of what was claimed actually happened, then there would've been a lot more happening than a clique of talentless VAs screaming at Funi to have Vic fired.

>> No.10794434

No we dont force people to not wear masks. Just businesses cant force people to wear them. I still will make fun of people who wear them cause 99% of them is the equivalent of the Nazi armband. (tell me Im wrong)

>> No.10794435

Again, it has nothing to do with any harrassment. Just a bunch of girls milking as much attention and desperation as possible. I've seen too many women who will gladly lie if it means crying and getting upvotes and validation on the internet. I wish I was kidding.

>> No.10794446

Yea I kinda figured as much. It's just insane to me that people unironically believe this shit is happening with not even a hint of someone trying to do something about it. If my mom/sister/close female friend/wife had anything remotely like this shit done to them, I would be strangling whoever the fuck is responsible. I really wish you didn't need to be rich to sue the fuck out of these retards looking for clout.

>> No.10794464


There was 100% harassment with receipts, so much so that a local lolita in Texas (not fat but definitely mannish) won a legal case against the Leighs when they tried to sue her for publicizing the incident further. She was not one of the harassed people but a lolita influencer telling others about the already proven and public information so that lolitas can voluntarily decide not to attend if they wish. I'd hardly call it a boycott, more like a "hey heads up this old bald guy is weird maybe avoid him" which is what lolitas do.

John isn't a rapist but he sexually harassed women and spoke inappropriately to underaged girls. Sexual harassment happens all the time and no one does anything about it, especially the cops, and many lolitas are teens-20s, with no money to pursue civil lawsuits like the Leighs do.

No one is evil for going to AM just because the owner is a creep, but to pretend like he didn't creep on girls is silly. are You definitely a sucker for attending the con for practical reasons like the fact that not a single thing begins on time and the guests often never return and other problems that make it not worth the money, but being a dumb person doesn't make you a bad person.

>> No.10794467

I appreciated that at least a couple girls I noticed just blended them in with their outfits. And girls in ninja masks are hot.

>> No.10794468

>There was 100% harassment with receipts, so much so that a local lolita in Texas (not fat but definitely mannish) won a legal case against the Leighs when they tried to sue her for publicizing the incident further.
Stopping a lawsuit from them is not the same as a case for saying the harrassment was true. You cannot be this dumb.

>John isn't a rapist but he sexually harassed women

Any woman can claim they were sexually harrassed these days. Most women who say it either had regrets from a personal encounter with a man or they didn't get all what they wanted from the transaction. Or they're lying. It's very small chance when they are actually telling the truth. All professional investigators say the same thing. It's criminal investigation 101.

>Sexual harassment happens all the time

No it does not.

>but to pretend like he didn't creep on girls is silly

What we're saying is that no crime remains hidden for long, and a public guy like the owner could easily be indicted if what you or the girls said was true. But there was no case filed and he has not once been called guilty by officials. So everything you're saying holds no weight legally or even in reality.

>> No.10794475

>won a legal case against the Leighs when they tried to sue her for publicizing the incident further.
Proving your claim didn't break a law isn't the same as proving your claim was true

>> No.10794494

Do you think sexual harassment is equivalent to rape? I didn't say assault, I said harassment. A guy sending unsolicited repeated dick pics is sexual harassment. A man calling a woman demanding she date/fuck him is sexual harassment. I am also not saying John did these things, I don't even remember what he did other than texting people inappropriately becausei never went to AM even before this issue since the con was always known to be awful and a waste of money. But behavior doesn't have to be a violent crime to be weird and inappropriate and fall under the umbrella of sexual harassment. Harassment doesn't even have to involve physical contact; in workplace sexual harassment cases things as simple as quid pro quo harassment where a person offers benefits or better treatment for sexual favors is still harassment.

The reality is the cops aren't going to do anything about it and there is no way unless you have money burning a hole in your pocket to pursue it in civil court.

You conveniently ignored the entire point which was: people can choose not to go there to avoid a creepy old man if they want, no one is going to let you peer pressure them into going to a lame ass con or decide they wanna be anywhere in John's vicinity just because he didn't literally rape a child. Behavior is a spectrum, he isn't only good or totally cartoon villain evil. He clearly exists somewhere in between and it is fine for women and girls to share what happened to them to give people a chance to make an informed decision.

Sorry his cock is so far down your throat that you have forgotten the concept of nuance and think either every woman must be a rape victim or every man must be a saint when the reality is always somewhere in between.

>> No.10794497

>Do you think sexual harassment is equivalent to rape? I didn't say assault, I said harassment.
You're making it sound like it's rape, which is what people like yourself do to make something bigger than it really is.

>I am also not saying John did these things, I don't even remember what he did

You are saying exactly that is what he did. Texting inappropriately is literally you implying he text dicks and such. Which is funny cause you don't even have any information on what happened to even discuss this. You're literally the definition of an armchair warrior just spouting shit on the internet with no clue.

Rest of your post isn't even worth the time of day cause it's clear you're coming from nothing but blogging at this point.

>> No.10794508

The defenders and AM staff will die on the sword for John. It doesn't matter what proof you post because they'll point to John not being arrested or charged therefore all arguments are invalid. It's like the ISVW which Vic testifies to admitting grooming along with pressuring people to have sex with him. It still doesn't matter because he wasn't charged.

Let AM become the right-wing anime nazi con. It's what it'll attract like MAGAs to honey.

>> No.10794510

I'll believe you faggots if he actually gets acquitted in court. Until then, you have literally no evidence of what he is.

>> No.10794511

>Let AM become the right-wing anime nazi con
>mostly hispanics and blacks go there


>> No.10794512

How many of you guys at AM actually saw the Leighs at any point?

>> No.10794513

Because nearly 300 pages of sworn testimony with Vic admitting his actions in court isn't 'evidence'.

Point proven. Be sure to keep your MAGA hat and white hood in the closet.

>> No.10794514

Otakon right now is complete dogshit right now.

>> No.10794518

>Because nearly 300 pages of sworn testimony with Vic admitting his actions in court isn't 'evidence'.
Imagine believing THAT.

>> No.10794521

I love the internet cause it helps remind me that none of you faggots know an inch of how the law works.

>> No.10794523

What happened there?

>> No.10794527

I know three lawyers who attended AM this year and one of them is in this thread. Its not the kicking weirdo you're talking to though

>> No.10794529

>I know three lawyers
There's millions of lawyers in the country. Knowing three doesn't make your argument any better. YOU HAVE NOTHING.

>> No.10794533

You're getting mad at the wrong person, idiot.

>> No.10794580

I'd rather go to a right wing MAGA anime con over a leftist Faci dick sucking genderfluid Trans positive baby killing woke fest that are most anime cons these days desu

>> No.10794581
File: 780 KB, 606x680, 1655133295247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covid and mask nazi cons
>desolate with staff acting like enforcers and making sure no one has fun
>only white liberals

>right wing con
>lots of people of various diversities
>can wear what you want and the staff dont bother you as long as you dont do stupid shit
>best parties and best people drinking together

I wish more cons were right wing cons.

>> No.10794584

>leftist Faci dick sucking genderfluid Trans positive baby killing woke fest that are most anime cons these days desu
Otakon and Anime Expo, right?

>> No.10794588
File: 421 KB, 649x727, ERt-wnGWsAA5o_h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great con thread guys. I sure love the fact that BAM Mongoloids aren't shitting up the thread.

>> No.10794596

>said John is a creepy old man, not a rapist but was inappropriately texting people
>Waaaah you're literally calling him a rapist!!!!1
Damn I guess you really wanna keep gagging on that old man cock anon.

>Rest of your post isn't even worth the time of day cause it's clear you're coming from nothing but blogging at this point.
It's not even blogging, it's just acknowledging that people can go or not go to AM if they want, and neither choice makes them a good or bad person. You're riding the AM dick so hard you're going to anally prolapse soon if you don't slow down.

>> No.10794597

I'm just looking for the downside to getting a blowjob.

>> No.10794598

I dont think anyone wants to give fauci's withered jew dick a bj

>> No.10794605


Let TheQuartering and Alex Jones know about AM. They would be perfect for you fucknuts.

>> No.10794606

Sounds amazing actually.

>> No.10794608

You may not realize this, but not everyone on the right agrees with everyone who is right. Unlike the left, there's far more diversity in viewpoints on the right than the left. In the left, if you have one wrong thought, you get ousted. On the right, people freely debate but share the same idea of leaving well alone. I know you leftists dont understand that. You never will.

>> No.10794611

If it'll keep undesirables like (You) away, sure.

>> No.10794634

You won't get any in Otakon.

>> No.10794697

Imagine thinking your retarded post would somehow be so compelling that somebody at the con would command staff to go and call you a faggot lmao.

Maybe next time just call her a delicate damsel with no autonomy you white knighting simp.

>> No.10794699

>I'm from california
Glad I didn't need to read the rest of the post.

>> No.10794747

Is that what you actually tell yourself? LOL

>> No.10794760

>Hana Bunny gets harassed by con-goer, same guy crashes Genshin Impact booth
>Hana Bunny needs extra security when she comes back
>People find out who did it
>YouTube video "Crashing an Anime Convention"
>Of course, it's Future Engineers and Doctors doing it.

Jamal doesn't need anime.

>> No.10794775

Great vid. It is extra proof that it was fucking dead there. He could've driven around in a truck with how empty those lanes are.

>> No.10795015

How are the Leighs not in jail yet?

>> No.10795032

>the quarterpounder
I don’t even like the quarter pounder yet I can tell you’re an insufferable fag

>> No.10795049

Because of good lawyers who continually save their asses.

>> No.10795112

they haven't committed any crimes.
Civil law violations are met with fines not prison

>> No.10795153

Whats even funnier is that a lot of these AM defenders are actually staff pretending to be fans.

>> No.10795156

Simple answer . Money. It’s been digging them out of the deepest shitholes for years now. All that filthy weeb cash from the con goes straight to bailing them out of all the cases. Money talks.

>> No.10795157

Honestly I feel like Anime Matsuri is the kind of con you HAVE to go drunk and high to because of how bad it is. Like get so fucked up that all the unorganization just becomes a funny.

>> No.10795158

>Honestly I feel like Anime Matsuri is the kind of con you HAVE to go drunk and high to
For me that's every con

>> No.10795271

Easy Alex. You're already filing bankruptcy once.

>> No.10795521

That my friend is what you call a cult

>> No.10795536

John Leigh is Charles Manson

>> No.10795539

You're extraordinarily gullible

>> No.10795576

And you are an extraordinary gullible simp