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File: 228 KB, 828x827, 4D8F3D79-DB22-408A-AEEC-5ECFF9787E46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10705393 No.10705393 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with a identity crisis while being in a Japanese fashion? What are some way to help fix my mental being in a fashion that has standards?

>> No.10705395

Go to therapy

>> No.10705400

Find a therapist.

But legit, this post is so vague I’m pretty sure you’re baiting. What does fashion have to do with your identity crisis? Do you only have identity crises when you’re clothed?

>> No.10705401

Seek therapy

>> No.10705404

Cringe b8 gtfo

>> No.10705433

how do some of you still believe that therapy works?

>> No.10705435

It helps a little bit and it’s better than buying japanese clothes and thinking it will help a tranny mental state

>> No.10705436

it doesn’t if you’re expecting the therapist to do all the work for you and you stalwartly decide that you cannot change and cannot be helped. being mentally well takes effort for people who aren’t well naturally. have you tried trying?

>> No.10705459

t. person that has never had an insightful thought or ever contemplated anything that was said to them in therapy for more than a millisecond

>> No.10705461

is this the ita that defended bondage girl on cof and takes upskirts consistently

>> No.10705463

I'm pretty sure this thread was made just to stir shit about girl in OP pic, seeing as it was a recent insta post of hers.

>> No.10705504

Unironically get off CoF and IG and any other lolita social medias (incl here). I havent posted a coord anywhere in like, 6months or more and I feel better about my coords and stopped caring so much. It feels better. Being constantly hit with the dopamine of social media constantly fries your brain and warps your perception of what a lolita should be. Its just someone who wears clothes not some model with picture-perfect sets and shit.
Also get away from the rampant consoomerism in the community. Stop checking sale sites daily. Don’t buy the cheap junky clolita fast fashion shit. Handmake or thrift jewelry of accessories to actually feel a real connection to what you own. Don’t buy shit you may not wear and just curate a grail wardrobe.
TLDR: stop looking for the dopamine fix from the internet and just accept you’re just wearing clothes for you. This is just my thoughts as I felt super shit about lolita for a long time until I stopped caring idk its your life

>> No.10705506

this. i don't post on the internet at all and i'm really happy about it.

>> No.10705528

>proceeds to post on 4chan

>> No.10705530

>Handmake or thrift jewelry of accessories to actually feel a real connection to what you own
Legit this. When I started out, I spent $200 on accessories just for holy grail lolita coords. I regret it so much because my friends used to gift me jewelry and friendship bracelets that I basically threw aside for a bunch of generic strawberry cake bows whatever because "it doesn't fit my coord" "isn't lolita enough".

>> No.10705531

4chan isn't social media in the same way IG and CoF are retard

>> No.10705551

i mean like pictures...

>> No.10705717


This is a helpful option anon

>> No.10705741

I turned off Instagram notifications and generally don't bother following many people except those I really get inspiration from. They're usually so far out of my follower count league that I don't compare myself. It's nice to feel like I have something to work toward

>> No.10705784 [DELETED] 

i'm soon to be 26 and age is starting to show. i'm not as skinny as i once was (BMI 22 when i used to be BMI 18) and looking at my past idols such as kotakoti yukapon,which, was a terrible choice of an idol to have as a teen i know, make me realize i'll never be like that or like them ever. i'm too old now, i'm too big and too grown to ever reach that peak of cuteness ever.
considering offing myself before i reach 30, i don't want to get old and no amount of skin care and sunscreen will change the unavoidable

>> No.10705786

bro how bad is your skin that at only 26 u look like ur aging

>> No.10705805

therapy is a tool, you have to actually use it (read: fucking try) if you want to get better

this honestly. I don't have a shopping addiction and I do adhere to a budget, but when I was buying stuff frequently I still felt really unsatisfied with my wardrobe, like I didn't have enough things to do this or that properly and kept wanting to buy more. I stopped buying things cold turkey, even if it meant passing up nice releases, and six months down the line I actually feel more satisfied than I did shopping regularly. Now I focus on handmaking stuff and thrifting/antiquing and it's been much great, much better than wasting a couple hours a week poring over autions and LM. gets me out of the house too.

>> No.10706045
File: 33 KB, 206x275, BC2CD01A-E2F8-403E-A685-8CDDBA932A33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok didn’t know this was a whole white women cat fishing on thread picture. Google image was something

Social media is fake and not real. A lot of the things put onto it is a photoshop false reality of things. To better help improve your mental always take a look off social media.

>> No.10706047

Some people find it easier to forget rather than talking about it. It depends on how bad and the severity of the persons mental health is.

>> No.10706342

She looks white in the picture, I don't get how anyone would confuse her for anything else. Her chin, her eyes, her nose. Do people really think hime cut = asian?

>> No.10706347

yes, they do. And apparently non-asian people aren't allowed to do asian inspired makeup either,

>> No.10706438

Looks like two completely different people

>> No.10706442

not to racebait but most non-asian people look completely shit with asian inspired makeup anyway, so the wokies are doing you a favor. doing makeup that suits your own face is way better.

>> No.10706452

no, people look like shit when they don't know how to do makeup to suit their faces. most people don't even know their face shape. you can't just copy makeup, you need to suit it to your own features. i'm mixed tho so what do i know.

>> No.10706474

True, Different face features =different makeup techniques to suit. If this girl is trying to mimic a Asian using heavy meitu filters and photoshop, then, I can’t imagine how they look without those filters on top of their Asian inspired makeup. There’s no way that >>10706045 matches besides having possibly deep eye sets? Might have to review her photos to actually get a clear reference.

>> No.10706476

Her attempts could be trying to look wasian at least.

>> No.10706477

even if she is, does it really matter? it's annoying but mostly because of the other cringy behavior attached. it's not a problem until she starts claiming that she's part asian. if she wants people to assume that it's up to her, but it's just weird until she begins lying.

>> No.10706491

This is retarded thinking
Obviously weebs are going to pull this bullshit of suddenly being Japanese.

>> No.10706522

an Identity Crisis can come from many places, but in your question you've already hit on an important point; your interest in Jfashion should not be connected to your identity crisis, but if it is than that's immedietely a sign that you've become too obbessed with it and should back the heck off until you've spent a considerable amount of time in professional treatment.

Any hobby, whatever it is, should never be so ingrained into you that it can be tied into or assoicated with having a part to play in an Identity Crisis. If it is, then you need to stop and shelve that interest to spend sometime learning who you are without it. A healthy sense of self should be definable to yourself and easy to describe to others without naming hobbies. Hobbies are things that stack ON TOP of who you are, they should never be part of what makes you at your core.

>> No.10706546

Cringe response

>> No.10711185

your identity crisis stems from the fact that you worship a country that probably hates you and try to look like the ugliest hipsters it has to offer
read up on nihonjinron and go to therapy

>> No.10711265

In the lower left photo she’s wearing heavy makeup with a cut crease that exaggerates the size of her eyelids, of course she’s going to look even whiter in that photo compared to the top photo, which is taken from a slightly higher angle where you can’t see her eyelids as well. Having black hair ≠ “Asian fishing”. She still looks white in all of these photos.

I feel like all the woke “fishing” accusations stem from a deranged, narrow-minded train of thought that all people from X race share X features and no one else can possess those features.

>> No.10711271

>I feel like all the woke “fishing” accusations stem from a deranged, narrow-minded train of thought that all people from X race share X features and no one else can possess those features.

Agree. It's heavily narrow minded, considering most caucasians in America are heavily mixed. Americans have American features, because we're a melting pot. Features don't even belong to a "race." It's ethnicity based.. Such a weird place for people to get on a high horse about features attached to ethnicity, when no one is one ethnicity unless recently immigrated.

>> No.10711279

What’s wrong with being white? If Jessica nigiri pulls it why even fake it? What’s with the sudden people wanting to change their race in the west?

>> No.10711280
File: 281 KB, 546x813, 1F07D3DF-4893-4E61-B9BF-5E3AB36F2D4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this reminds me of this shit

>> No.10711339

Because zoomers are always dying to get oppression points by pretending their race or gender ID is not cis and white. Just going bi doesn't cut it anymore because no one cares as much about sexuality as they did in the late 2000s/early 2010s.

>> No.10711376

Normies and self deluding

>> No.10711377

It's still on the internet

>> No.10711379

People will always bitch about something. Just stop caring and continue to do your thing

>> No.10711382

>Just going bi doesn't cut it anymore because no one cares as much about sexuality as they did in the late 2000s/early 2010s.

That's because a white man in this day and age can't get a job anymore in America (even qualified). Ironically, I know too much from working in corporate America.

>> No.10711411

Therapy works if you do the work. Therapy isn't done to you, like many people believe. It's not just talking at someone and then your life is better. It's a lot of hard work, and your therapist is there to guide you and help you figure out the path to feeling better.

Most things done in therapy can be done on your own, but a lot of people lack the self-discipline to do so, which is where therapists come into play. But again, lots of people don't think therapy works because they never did any work during it.

If your therapist isn't ending the session with homework, a to-do list, or something to work on between then and the next session, find a new therapist who is actually interested in helping you, because there are lots of them who are shite.

>> No.10711480

I would argue that therapy only works for stuff like personality disorders or trauma, and even then you have to put in the work to see results.

If you have schizophrenia or other disorders, don't even bother. Most therapists are so fucking shitty and CBT ain't gonna cut it.

>> No.10711482

Schizophrenia needs medication mostly. But coming from someone dating a schizophrenic with potentially DID, he needs talk therapy because he doesn't process his problems correctly and is unable to internalize.

There's reasons for why a schizophrenic would need therapy, because people who are the type to take advantage of people cling onto them due to their very very naive ways unfortunately. It's a perpetual cycle of shit.

>> No.10711486

>because people who are the type to take advantage of people cling onto them
Yeah, which is why I said most therapists are garbage. They will take your money and do nothing - and how is someone with schizophrenia supposed to differentiate that from a "good" therapist?

>> No.10711499

No, but they NEED someone to help them internalize and sort their thoughts and feelings. Therapy is good for that. Just because it didn't help you, doesn't mean therapy doesn't help a lot of people.

>> No.10711507

Oh shut up

>> No.10711510

Kek yet still whites are the overwhelming presence in basically every corporate field. Have you considered that you suck and aren’t half as desirable as you think you are? I know white men do struggle with accepting that last bit.

>> No.10711532

When did I ever say therapy didn't work for me? You're saying that schizophrenics get taken advantage, and they need therapy to internalize their thoughts. All I said was that *most* therapists are shit and cannot do this for schizophrenic people. They will gladly take advantage of someone for $150 a session.

>> No.10711658

I'm not a man, I just am aware based on hiring ethics in actual large corporations. Sorry you work in a shit tier front end job, but in adult jobs it ain't what ya think.

>> No.10711659

Bro, most people have insurance when they go to therapy. That's 10~20$ a session. It's really no skin off anyone's back to get help with internalizing problems.

>> No.10711703

>Bro, most people have insurance when they go to therapy
Glad you're privileged enough to hold down a job with benefits to go to therapy for your seasonal depression.

>> No.10711713

why are you arguing with someone who thinks people with psychological disabilities just needs therapy.

>> No.10711718

Therapy works the least on personality disorders. It's a known fact that they are permanent

>> No.10711731

Except for BPD, which literally has one of the highest recovery rates of any mental illness/personality disorder, and most people grow out of it by the time they're 30.

>> No.10711751


completely untrue but cute cope

>> No.10711762

>you're privileged enough to hold down a job
You realize that it's not privilege to hold down a job, right? What are you, a teenager?

>> No.10711793

I said "one of," and yes, some other Axis II disorders also have a high recovery rate.

Your own article states
>“Long-lasting remissions are very common in both groups, and recurrences of symptoms, though more common among BPD patients, are low in both groups. The longer patients in both groups are remitted the lower the chance of recurrence for both. So there is good news for BPD patients—while they are functioning more poorly than patients with other personality disorders, they are still functioning well in the symptomatic realm."

After 2 years, the adolescents in these groups only had between 35-50% still meet a BPD diagnosis.

After 16 years post-diagnosis, almost 80% of people with BPD in this study had at least 8 years of remission.

After 27 years in this study, 92% of patients no longer met the requirements for BPD.

>> No.10711813

No? Personality disorders aren't permanent. Keep telling yourself that, BPD whore.

>> No.10711815

With benefits, you absolute mongoloid. You also ignored the fact that we were talking about actual clinical disorders like schizophrenia, and not the fact that you go to therapy because your dad didn't love you enough.

>> No.10711820

Anon, my boyfriend is the schizophrenic / DID. Yes talk therapy helps people, but he needs drugs more than anything. Also you're completely misguided because you should be seeing specialized therapists to your condition. DID literally has a whole "merging" of personalities thing within their therapy, or did you just skim the surface of all therapy and group it in with each other?

>> No.10711822

Why are you lumping in DID with schizophrenia?

>> No.10711824

Half you retards have zero reading comprehension

>> No.10711825

Also, get a job, seriously. I think this whole 'woe is me, no money, therapy doesn't help' is such a victim mindset shit complex. There are jobs all over the place with benefits, that are even fucking remote. I think your problem is just stupidity.

>> No.10711826

It's a co-morbid. Why can't you read?

>> No.10711827

When did I say I didn't have a job? I was just pointing out you are speaking from a life of luxury, and that you have zero consideration for people that live different lives, or live in other countries.

>> No.10711828

DID is a fake illness for larping teens. Tell your boyfriend to grow up.

>> No.10711845 [DELETED] 

>Therapy doesn't work
>Jobs with benefits are impossible
>References teenagers obsession with DID in reference
Anon, I can tell you're the jobless teenager posting on here by this post. Realistically, I'm not sure why any of this matters to you unless you're schizophrenic and you think you're above therapy. And if so, well, either get it or end up in a psych ward, or jail for the rest of your life. I've learned enough about how fast the incline goes into a downhill rollercoaster, so enjoy. Eventually, if you don't go the route of therapy then you'll end up in either jail or a psych ward. Enjoy.

>> No.10711847

>In my 30s
I'm sure that's a cure. Get idea. I'm sure he won't cut himself up or others anymore with that method. Smart.

>> No.10711864

Why are you even with him? Couldn't find a mentally stable partner? What's wrong with you?

>> No.10711896

NTA but why are you so miffed about someone being mentally ill?
A large percentage of this generation and the younger ones have some kind of mental illness because we live in an endless hellscape. Grow up.

>> No.10711915

>A large percentage of this generation and the younger ones have some kind of mental illness because we live in an endless hellscape. Grow up
That's not how schizophrenia works. I'm just curious why nonnie is with someone so fucked up? I seem to have struck a nerve with you. Maybe grow up and learn not to take words on the internet so seriously

>> No.10714571

Elaborate upon the nature of your condition.
What sort of identity crisis are you experiencing?
Go into detail

>> No.10714576
File: 475 KB, 750x933, 4A81AA9E-E622-4F7E-974B-50E29BF512E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of changing races and excessive photoshop, this chic needs help too. She shoops the shit out of herself

>> No.10714578
File: 866 KB, 750x939, 774B1EFA-70E1-43B7-83A6-B4E59D18A16C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10714586

why make your eyes so wide. just looks weird

>> No.10714620

God, I had to block her because she kept being recommended to me. It's so disturbing to me how someone can completely warp themselves

>> No.10714664

Wide in one photo, semi-normal in the other. She isn’t even consistent in her editing.

>> No.10714781

>most people grow out of it by the time they're 30
Some people do, some people just escalate. Nightmare to be around.

>> No.10714965

this thread is making me nauseous

>> No.10714968

you can see where her natural lip line is lol, imagine what it looks like irl yikes

>> No.10714969

Overdrawn lips always look awful IRL.

>> No.10714974

Fat bitches love to make their other features bigger so it distracts you from how disgusting they are.

>> No.10716361
File: 1.02 MB, 1342x602, genzmakeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about losing a fight with a marker?

Gen z coming in here looking like clowns.

>> No.10716392
File: 890 KB, 1000x1333, 1633041664923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it any different than man's makeup?
Not a defense. Genuine question

>> No.10716396

You seriously can't tell the difference? The girl is using the Michelle Phan sailor moon anime eye technique. Full white on bottom under her eye, marker eyeliner. It's ita as shit.

Mana's makeup is nothing like that garbage. There's more technique in what he has on his face than drawing eyeliner the size of your eyelids and then half way down your face. It's not even on level with gyaru makeup. It's bad tiktok gen z makeup.

>> No.10716416

Stop basing your personality on a fashion trend. Go to therapy and take personal responsibility for your life instead of finding reasons to dislike and villify people in every community you encounter, cluster b-chan.

>> No.10719471

>it’s another yasmine attention whore thread