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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10618489 No.10618489 [Reply] [Original]

How serious are you about the fashion on a scale of 1 to 10.

1 being
>I have a few lolita coords, but wear it so infrequently that I question if I technically even count as a lolita

10 being
>it is the single most important thing in my life, I even prioritize it over the people I love most

>> No.10618495

I suppose I'm a 7 or 8. It is one of my greatest priorities in life, but not over my husband, or my financial and physical health.

>> No.10618503

Definitely a good 6 or 7. 8 at times where i'll realize how much i love it while reading a book about it or old livejournal entries

>> No.10618518

It is probably my most focused on hobby if I don't include things I also have to do daily like cooking.
I am very active in my local comm and hope to stay that way now that I am rounding 30 soon.
I am about to buy a house so my purchases are going to slow down significantly to put into house updates but I wear it casually a lot and hope to work 'lolita influences' into the house.
It isn't the central focus everyday but it makes my life better if I get to keep it as a part of it. In the end they are just things, but it is things I like a lot

>> No.10618546

Pretty low on the scale for me right now. Five years ago I would have said a 7 or even 8 but now it is more like a 2. I barely wear it anymore and struggle with enjoying it due to body problems.

>> No.10618554

Maybe a two? I wear it and have fun, and I spend quite a lot on it but it’s just a hobby and I’ve got a big girl job in tech, so it’s not even close the to the center of my financial or social life. It’s fun, but if, for example, I started getting substantial hate or it was damaging my mental health or something I’d just leave desu. It’s not THAT important.

>> No.10618557

I'm still collecting without wearing (found out about it during the pandemic and am building confidence to actually wear it), but I would say 7. I get weirdly and intensely obssessed with things sometimes, and lolita just happened to be the one for the past months.

>> No.10618614

It’s between a 7 and 8. I like other styles outside of lolita, so it’s not the only fashion I wear. Lately I’ve tried to wear it twice a week, sometimes I can go a few weeks not wearing it and sometimes I wear it every day.

I check lacemarket multiple times a day, I keep up with new releases and constantly try to figure out how to best use my wardrobe to its full potential. But I’m not a daily lolita, so I loose points for that.

>> No.10618632

I feel like that's a pretty high standard for the lowest end of the scale. Maybe 1 should be like admiring lolita through magazines and wanting to try it, but can't for some reason (e.g financial, disability etc.).

>> No.10618633

the scale is for lolita fashion, someone who doesn’t even wear it shouldn’t be included.

>> No.10618640

a solid 9, only because i’m not sure if i would prize it over my loved ones. what does that mean?

like if my boyfriend hated lolita and hated that i incorporated it into my life in almost every way, every day, he wouldn’t be my boyfriend in the first place. and if he suddenly became that way, i probably would leave him for my own happiness. but it’s something i would have to think about, so 9.

i spend all of my expendable income on lolita and lolita adjacent things (cute furniture, craft supplies, teas, etc) and have since i was... 13? it’s been 9 years since my first AP. at this point, it is kind of a personality trait.

>> No.10618654

I love Lolita and wear gothic and old school classic daily. I wear trad goth 80s styles outside of Lolita on off days when I feel like dressing (in my opinion) casually.
That being said, I don't see myself wearing lolita for the rest of my life have plans to retire from the fashion once I feel that I've grown out of it and no longer feel good wearing it in my older age.
I have no idea when or if that will happen but I always want to wear what makes me feel good and if Lolita one day makes me feel too old and out of place I'll sell my wardrobe.

>> No.10618657

you might be an autist anon
BuT i'M A lOLiTa aT HeArT!
you need some therapy anon. Diversifying hobbies is an important part of life.

>> No.10618659

>Never even actually worn the fashion and new af
You have no business rating your seriousness that high especially when you say you get obsessed with things from time to time
Having a current flavor of the month is not being serious

>> No.10618663

Maybe a 2 or 3. I only really wear it for meets, but I want to wear it more often. I need some more casual pieces because the weird comments from strangers make me self conscious. It's always old men, too. Why do they think it's any of their business where I'm going?

>> No.10618667

>you need some therapy anon. Diversifying hobbies is an important part of life.
i do plenty of other things, but you could say they fall under a "lolita appropriate" umbrella. i don't do them because of that, but because i like them. like embroidery, knitting, and playing instruments.

>> No.10618670

I’m a solid 4. Like I enjoy it, love my friends, going out, doing cute shit, I have a decent sized wardrobe. I used to make content on YouTube for the fashion. Since covid hit though I’m not as inspired, can’t see friends, and I realize the clothes are just that. Clothes. I also have a house, a career, a husband, and thinking of starting a family. God I feel old.

>> No.10618672

Mybe 2 or 3. I hardly wear coords that are passable as lolita, but I wear the dresses and skirts casually all the time (like with t-shirts and sneakers etc).

>> No.10618676

It asked how much it means to me, that's my honest answer. I just gobble down too much lolita adjacent content everyday no to give it a high rating

>> No.10618680

While it would make some sense I function well enough socially that mentioning that to my family once raised too outrage. Kinda made me give up on lokking into it as I'm already mentally ill

>> No.10618683

ugh ignore the fucked up grammar

>> No.10618700

Idk how I’d rank it but
>Never want to leave
>Wear a full coord 2-8x a month and casual an additional 3x
>Wear it every day when on vacation
>80 dresses and maybe 10 skirts.

I’ve sold off all my sweet prints though, trying to get a bf who’s not a weeb

>> No.10618706

A solid 9.9

>> No.10618717

1. I love lolita so much but hardly wear it anymore. I'm too scared to wear it by myself, and there is no community where I live. I have a sizeable wardrobe that spends most of its time hanging and looking pretty in my room. I've browsed Lacemarket, cgl, and Lolita Updates daily for years, used to maintain a lolita resource blog, and many moons ago, I was very active in my local community (before I moved). I miss it a lot, but I'm so socially anxious... tried wearing it to a cafe last week, forced my non lolita friend to dress up too so I wasn't alone but she was uncomfortable. Why can't people just not stare when I'm wearing a super fucking eye catching fashion sheeesh

>> No.10618720

right now i'm in a slump at a 1 as far as wearing it but at a 5 as far as how much time I'm online shopping and consuming related social media. down from a solid 7 a year ago.

>> No.10618727

1 for now i guess

I have been collecting quite a lot.but i don’t have a full coord yet. i still need wrist cuffs and headdresses, but everytime i see an op i like, i get excited and scared i will never see it again, so i buy it. I like 2003-2009 baby especially.

I really want to wear it in public. but i haven’t been able to make it to any of my local comm meets yet (various reasons like life being shitty no car and working plus school).

Anyway this is a wake up call for me to get some fucking otk and shoes. I actually don’t have shoes for half my dresses, wtf

>> No.10618728

for some reason i didn't take people seriously when they said /cgl/ was full of people who hardly wear the fashion/just wear it for events/are new

we're not even deep into the thread and a good portion of you fall into those categories. i feel kind of disillusioned now, and this board makes a whole lot more sense after confirming this

>> No.10618738

Im fat. Ive always been fat. I never wear my lolita but I own and love it.

>> No.10618748

Its an 8/9 for me. Lolita fashion is something that helped me realize that I’m actually not as ugly as I think I am. I love wearing dresses and coming up with new outfits, it gives me so much joy and happiness.
It drops a point mainly with the community, but considering how high my rating is that’s not too much of a problem for me. Wearing Lolita gives me a feeling I never had the chance to feel when I was going through teenage life, so it really does mean a lot to me as a whole.

>> No.10618758

a 9 for sure. only thing I care more about than lolita is my kid.

>> No.10618769

lmao Lor moment

>> No.10618773

The worst is people buying up shit they aren’t even able to wear

>> No.10618778

Probably a 7/8. I love lolita and I love how I feel when I wear the fashion. I just wish I had the time to wear it out more often.

>> No.10618808

Probably like a three or four. I put a lot of effort into curating my wardrobe (~30 main pieces, mostly VM, IW, and MM) and try to wear the fashion at least once a week. I’m not part of any comm, but I do keep up to date with new releases and such. Wish I could wear lolita more but I work in a lab.

>> No.10618813

Maybe like a 7? If I don't get my lolita hit that weekend I feel pretty down and sad. My bf has opposite interests like target shooting and going out to parks, so we've definitely gotten into fights before because he sometimes gets frustrated that's all I want to do, or that I want to walk in a park in lolita and that somehow inhibits the walk I guess? I wish I could wear it at work, but I work in healthcare.

>> No.10618815

Ten. I’m basically Momoko

>> No.10618816 [DELETED] 

Zoe is that you?

>> No.10618817

No. Not only is English my native language but I’m also joking. I’m probably more like a 7

>> No.10618825

the absolute state of lolita

>> No.10618826

Good to know you'll quit in a year and all your lolita stuff will rot in your closet.

>> No.10618831
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obvious bait

For me, I would place myself at a solid 8. Even though my wardrobe is on the smaller side (<25 main pieces) and we still aren't able to hold proper meet-ups, I wear lolita casually every other day/multiple times a week. I feel more like myself and strangely motivated and creative whenever I wear it. Lolita might be not the #1 most important thing in my life right now but it would certainly be less bearable without it, like something would definitely be missing.

>> No.10618847

>I'm weirdly and intensely obssessed with lolita
>Lolita at heart btw uwu
two decades later and nothing has changed

>> No.10618855

I've had my lolita wardrobe for about 8 years now, I think I'm around a solid 7 or 8 rating. I wear it often to normal stuff and it's just a part of my everyday life (which is why I don't understand those that only wear it for events or meet ups), but ofcourse things like family and my partner are more important. Having more time at home bc of covid has just given me more time to browse online shopping and buy even more clothes!

>> No.10618980

I’d rank at 5 for now. I’ve been a lolita for 10+ years and was more active in community during the early years of that. I’ve kept my wardrobe small to medium sized at 40 main pieces. I don’t wear as much but am still up to date on new releases and checking auctions and second hand shops daily. Hoping to get the last of my wishlist! I’ll be moving to Tokyo this year so ranking of importance will probably go up to a 7 being able to wear it out more, shop more easily, go to events, and friend outings. Lolita is the only thing I spend my non essential money on other than occasional journaling or craft supplies.

>> No.10619010

I'll put a solid 5/10 for me since I'm a newbie. I am also 30 and this fashion at peak will at most last 4 years for me, but I am looking forward to those years!

New to lolita, going to be the owner of 5 Brando pieces by the end of this buying spree. Picked up BtSSB, AaTP, (2) AP, and IW. Also bought some accessories from Etsy and supplies to craft some of my own headpieces and wrist cuffs.

Haven't had the chance to wear any coords yet as they all haven't arrived. I've been picking up the fashion for the past two months, but I've always worn tights, velvet, and ribbons without realizing there was a specific subculture waiting for me to join it. It's nice because I have some "lolita-esque" pieces already to make casual day to day coords with, and I'll probably go all brand if it's for a meetup.

I tried one of the AP jsks I got and it a little tight in the boba. Gotta lose some weight but it's not too bad.

>> No.10619104

Same here

>> No.10619140

There are a lot of newbies and lolitas at heart in this thread, which really explains the state of ita threads and inaccurate criticisms in the CoF thread.

>> No.10619141

post about yourself then, self-proclaimed veteran-chan

>> No.10619142


Touched a nerve there, didn't I?

>> No.10619156

If you're new accept you won't be the most
respected lolita desu and work towards your wardrobe kek

>> No.10619157

6.5, I feel too new to go higher than that but I've invested a lot of my time and money into lolita, wear it almost daily, pretty active in my comm, am inspired by it with my creative projects and I keep up to date with the different brands, second-hand markets and much of the community. I can see myself wearing this for the rest of my life so long as I take a step back from the internet once in a while.

>> No.10619175

Where do you live? I feel the same way

>> No.10619177

Drop him, my husband has the same interests as ur bf and he loves my lolita outfits, especially at the park! He'll even put on a nice outfit so he doesn't look like a slob next to me.

>> No.10619190

If you've never actually worn lolita you're not even a 1 on the scale. Lolitas at heart and collector-chans BTFO

>> No.10619192

I already said I was joking, chill

>> No.10619198

Honestly, I respect loud and ugly itas over people who are too much of a pussy to wear the items they claim to love and jjst mindlessly consoom instead. I get not being in the mood on some days or being peeved by the attention at first but I don't understand buying a full wardrobe in some kind of weird lolita larp.

>> No.10619207

(not directed at you) It doesn't matter how much you buy scalped cornet pieces and follow modern releases or have 20 dream dresses. If you don't wear lolita you're not serious about the fashion you're just some weird stalker-outsider.

>> No.10619208

I agree dump him. My ex pretended to support it but made me feel guilty every time bought something, despite it being my money and working hard at a career so I can afford it. Once heard him and his friends making fun of me when they thought I couldn’t hear too.

There are other reasons why I dumped him but I’m with someone else now and much happier.

>> No.10619263

Maybe a 7 right now. I go through phases of rising and falling interest every few months and it’s at a peak. I’m into other jfashion too, and I wear it way more though. I’m finally getting vaccinated (my area’s so slow with rolling it out) so hopefully there will be more opportunities to wear lolita soon. I mostly wear it to cafes and bars with my non-lolita friends which is nice because I feel like I’m wearing it for me. My comm’s sort of deteriorated over the years, but when it was active, planning outfits always stressed me out.

>> No.10619264

Honestly I wouldn’t just drop someone you love over clothes like other anons are suggesting. It’s great if you can find a partner that fully supports your passions and hobbies like lolita fashion but it’s also ok to have a partner that just allows you to enjoy your own things on your own time.

My husband understands why I like the fashion and better yet he’s seen first hand how I made new friends easily when we moved overseas. I hang out with friends in lolita but not with him. Just a preference but I’d rather not draw extra attention to myself when we’re out together. Cute outing clothes is good enough for me! Healthy couples don’t always spend all their time together anyway right? Do what you want in lolita without him.

>> No.10619268

I think it depends on anon’s situation, which we don’t 100% know. It’s totally ok to have separate interests from your significant other. It’s when they make you feel guilty about your own interests or imply their own interests are more valid that it becomes an issue.

I mean if she wants to wear lolita to a park why should that matter? As long as she doesn’t blame him for her clothes getting dirty on the walk. They should at least sit down and talk about it.

>> No.10619286

That's dumb as shit, I've walked in a park in lolita and it was completely fine. He should be more supportive

>> No.10619353

Why even waste money to stare at things you'll never wear or look good in
Looking at pics on the internet is far cheaper

>> No.10619409

I like my clothes more than anyone in my life, I feel disgusting without them, and I choose my clothes over people unless it's a life or death situation. I have helped a stranger after a car wreck and got covered in blood so I'm not completely insane- but I definitely have and would cut out anyone who didn't like lolita and couldn't keep it to themselves. Family included.

>> No.10619448

How fat are we talking? With small, consistent efforts to exercise, I'm sure one day you'll be able to wear your lolita. If you love it now, think of how good it'll feel to see yourself in it.

>> No.10619524

ITT: larpers and covidlitas

>> No.10619528

A solid 8 I'd say, I have built my wardrobe to the point where I can wear lolita to pretty much any given occasion and weather. The only reason why I don't wear it every single day at this time is due to the lockdowns in my area, ffp2 masks are mandatory and I fucking hate those. I also incorporate lolita items in my generic j-fashion coords, depends on my mood though and how professional I must look. Actually now that I think about it, stuff like Liz Lisa or larme is just my normie wardrobe but it's still too fancy for actual normies kek

>> No.10619559

Hi Ari

>> No.10619564

Hi Lauren

>> No.10619652

I'd say I'm a 1. I generally wear more casual jfashions and have more interest in cosplay than lolita and don't belong to a comm or anything because of this

>> No.10619709

I'm honestly not surprised at all.

>> No.10619710

It's a 3. I have some full coords but I mostly wear casual Lolita or Otome. For me it feels more like - you know- clothes when I don't wear a headdress and makeup. Also nobody stares at me.

>> No.10619712

OP here, I thought specifying "wear it so infrequently you question if you count as a lolita" would weed out those who have never actually worn it from replying, but I guess not.

>> No.10619956

I don't know anymore, all I know is that I've become a shopaholic

>> No.10620086

>Implying that's not just 98% of this entire board

>> No.10620238

3ish-4. I've always been a lonelita but have a sizeable wardrobe I wear on the weekends when I go out with my SO, but definitely toned down classic or otome most of the time. I check shopping sites around 3-5 times a week for remaining DDs but nothing obsessive like I did a couple years back. I do have a lot of crafts and projects planned around making more classic and toned down sweet accessories for myself, so I'd say it's one of my most precious interests but my laziness in not wanting to constantly do the laundry stops me from dailying.

>> No.10620261

Lonelita but my wardrobe is all only lolita, aside from necessary stuff. I find myself making coordinate collages and browsing sales sites in my off time, but don't really interact with the community a lot. My love towards WEARING lolita waxes and wanes a lot, but my love towards the fashion doesn't.

I have a lot of medical issues so I try to make lolita as comfortable as possible for myself, but lately I do find myself questioning if it's really viable in my current state.

I'm not sure how to rate this so I guess a light 7.

>> No.10620262

Right now, I'd say about a 3, whereas a few years ago I would have said a 9. COVID took a toll on my enjoyment of the fashion due to no conventions/meetups. And I'm genuinely not trying to garner sympathy when I say this, but my love for the fashion took a nosedive when I started getting a lot of hate on here and having my looks picked apart. I've thought about leaving many times, but my emotional attachment to the fashion and community has such a strong hold on me, even still.

>> No.10620271

It's weird because I would immediately go for 7/8 yet I haven't worn it in 1,5 years now. I have a whole closet full of brand and am very passionate about the fashion and collecting I just don't really like wearing it that much. Weird, I know.

>> No.10620282

Before the pandemic, I would have said a 6 or 7. I went to almost every meet my comm organized, I was a mod, and over my years with the comm my core group of friends all ended up being girls I met there. There were times when I had to put buying lolita on hold because of finances, but I did what I could in saving a bit of money so I could buy at least one piece every year.

Now I'd say it's like a 3 or 4? I moved shortly before the pandemic. I didn't get a chance to meet my comm before everything closed. Then we had a baby. That was a year ago, and I've just now started getting back to my somewhat regular weight and shape. I still haven't met my comm properly and I don't really go out anywhere where wearing lolita is actually worth it. I had a bunch of money saved up specifically for lolita, so I did buy a ton of basics this year to sort of "finish up" my wardrobe. I tend not to get hyped for new releases too much and whenever I browse auctions now I just feel very meh, like nothing is worth spending money on, so I think I'm done buying lolita for the foreseeable future. I'm still going to be handmaking pieces for myself, which I didn't get to do enough of in the past year bc my craft space was turned into WFH office for my husband. We're gonna be moving again within 6-12 months tho, and our new house should have plenty of space for both things. I really hope that I'll be able to go to meets again regularly when that happens because I miss it so much.

I'm not gonna jump straight to "dump him," but why does wearing what you want make him frustrated? You can totally walk in lolita. Hell I've hiked in lolita, I put on old bodyline with a cutsew and proper hiking shoes. I had a blast lol. I get such a sad vibe from your words, I feel like your bf could be a bit more understanding. You guys could take turns picking the activity you do together that weekend, or take turns doing stuff together/alone. You should sit down together and talk about it.

>> No.10620860

As long as you're wearing sensible shoes for walking and aren't gonna be precious if you get mud on your dress, what's the harm in wearing lolita in a park?

>> No.10621632

Just get plus size. People irl won't hate on you like people do on this board

>> No.10621638

Same, anon. Same.