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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10580532 No.10580532 [Reply] [Original]

Created to stop offtop in other thread.

>> No.10580541
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Some music for the evening or whatever time of the day.

Antone here ever made own bone jewelry? I'm thinking about such D.I.Y. project.

>> No.10580545
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>> No.10580547
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>> No.10580550

Metalhead anon. Posted one last post in the last post as I hadn't seen this one yet. Here it is >>10580539

>>10580533 I know many goths listen to black metal. I think that's much more common than the other way around. It's just that als non-goths seem to read in on the conversation (heck even I am) so I mainly wrote all out explanation for them and maybe the few goths that don't listen to black metal. Also small part because each time you name metal or metalheads the "everyone needs to be nice to everyone and like everything because we know what it's like to not be the norm, and all those underground people are just elitist" kind of people seem to pop up out of nowhere.

>> No.10580551
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>> No.10580553

Also I'm going to otherwise stay out of metal culture now unless it's relevant to the conversation. It's a goth tread and I'm mainly just curious about you guys. I know my group, yours less so. My exanation was mainly for anyone not fimiliar with metal culture to explain why it's nothing like goth culture (unless I horribly misunderstood some stuff about goth culture) anyways.

>> No.10580557

>Also small part because each time you name metal or metalheads the "everyone needs to be nice to everyone and like everything because we know what it's like to not be the norm, and all those underground people are just elitist" kind of people seem to pop up out of nowhere.

meh, it's just some internet online stuff to write rants about rare issues, never seen anyone like that in real life

>> No.10580564
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This photo reminded me I had to look for some metal wrist jewelry.

>> No.10580586
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Picture a dark dimly lighted club where goth music is playing full of introverts dressed like they think they are characters from some crossover of horror and documentary of some exotic tribe obsessed about bones and metal jewelry. Some are talking with friends, some dancing on dance floor like they are on slow mo other like zombies with ADHD other just staring at floor or wall contemplating something deeply. That would be how typical gathering on so called goth dance night is looking. It's one of main events of this tribe aside of gigs of bands and festivals.

This is more or less central set of events in the scene. People often prepare long hours before they go out to event's. They think what they are going to wear. Some work hours on their hair if they follow the '80s hairstyle where you backcomb your hair and use whole can of hairspray to make it stand like you just got struck by a lighting. Makeup may be another 40min to hour if you prefer heavy ghastly white face styled one. 4 hours before I go out home is a bare minimum to start preparation.


>> No.10580590


>> No.10580616

They tend to show up every now and then. Mostly edgy alternative people. Often listen to typical emo/nu-metal and maybe some famous bands. But of course the fact that they listen to Slipknot ,BVMV, MCR, etc alone makes them the one and only to define the definition of metalhead, ignoring the entire cultural aspect of the subculture and calling those who say "you need to be part of the culture to be part of the subculture, else you're just a person who listen to/likes metal" elitist. Don't get me wrong, I don't care if you listen to those bands or not. Whatever floats your boat. It's the attitude that metalhead means anyone who listen to metal and how they try to change the subculture to their needs that bothers me, much like people trying to make lolita "whatever you want". Them often listening to that music is just a common thing and it's kinda typical they listen to the typical emo/alto music.

There was big drama on some metal related FB groups in my country we used to keep the country up to date on anything metal due to these people. Posting the most random unrelated shit under the disguise of "maybe other metalheads..." to the point they started asking advice about lipstick and when told it wasn't the place got all mad because "metalheads should be nice, we know what it's like to be outcasts". After which it completely escalated for god knows why someone needed so much drama. Which was kinda funny for a while but also bothersome. A new group with strict moderation had to be made which was in use until shit calmed down. Weirdly, there had been some posts beforehand but not that much, and then it was like the group was taken over by these people in minutes. Unlike RC which we see slowely becoming worse over the past years. But yeah, rarely meet them in real life. Without a doubt partly because some of them are keyboard warriors, but also big part due to the group that doesn't come to actual metal events and such because we're too elitist for them kek.

>> No.10580624
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Anyone here like 13 Candles?
Also who is your favorite Goth-Rock/Deathrock band?

>> No.10580625

I think I get the point. It's OK to keep group centred around a precise genre of music and music only. There are goth groups on fb dedicated to music only, there are general groups, there are goth related humor groups, there are groups for selfies.

Keyboard warriors "you are so elitist" types rarely participate in scene in real life. If they do they would they would be less missinformed in the first place.


>> No.10580628

how about The Cemetary Girlz?

>> No.10580629

Also yes I've met them in real life too. Not really in any metal related places, but often enough in other settings. These kind of alto people are kinda common in my country. Maybe we're just cursed, idk.

They definitely don't bring up the "everyone who listens to met should be accepted as a metalhead" thing unless the topic comes up tho, but then these discussions normally happen in a place or conversation related to metal anyways.
I've had it come up due to listening to music tho. They also have the tendancy to make the brotherhood thing a everyone is big friends thing, as if we stand in a circle holding hands together. While in reality, as said, it's more like a "we take care of our own" thing similar to bikers and some other groups. It doesn't remove disagreement or internal conflict. They really romanticize it as big loving family where everything is always good and we all love each other so much.

>> No.10580634

>Keyboard warriors "you are so elitist" types rarely participate in scene in real life.
They don't indeed. But they kinda try change the meaning of the term metalhead to their own life style, which is why it sucks as it's completely different from the actual subculture. The subculture comes from and is about music first and foremost, but the music came from people having certain views, and as such, the subculture wouldn't be a subculture without its own culture. Than it would just be a music genre some people like. Just like you don't magically become a goth because you listen to some well goth bands every know and then (while otherwise being a regular normie). You can't dismis the entire culture because it doesn't suit you but you want to use the name. If they just wouldn't try to use the term metalhead nor get mad at us for correcting it'd be fine. But the term metalhead is relatively well known, and it seems to make them feel special. After which they try to change the things they like of the culture into something else, like the brotherhood thing and the "accepting every view/opinion" thing.

Sadly, with the internet, it becomes more and more easy for these people to get into pkaces meant for actual metal culture and take over. If not for that it wouldn't be such a bother indeed.

Don't goths gave that? That non-goth people get into goth internet places trying to redefine goth? I think pastel goth and that witchy goth trend lately are kinda doing that, no? But are they a bother in actual goth places to or do they stay out of those?

>> No.10580635
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welp, what can I say
X genre is X, if these people are looking for other genre of music why keep them in your community? Stating that your group is about something different than they want is not yet being an asshole.

>> No.10580638
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>Don't goths gave that? That non-goth people get into goth internet places trying to redefine goth? I think pastel goth and that witchy goth trend lately are kinda doing that, no? But are they a bother in actual goth places to or do they stay out of those?

Yea. We have that.

>> No.10580641

It doesn't really help focusding on genre knly. And technically it's metal what they listen to. If they stay in topic and try to fit in it would be ok. It's just that often they listen to metal, but don't fit in heavy metal subculture. It's not just a genre thing, but more about the cultural part. But instead of being like "ok I'm not a fan of the culture but love the music" they try to redefine the culture, causing them to become posers. Metalhead is a term for someone in the subculture, not everyone who listens to metal on a somewhat regular basis.

It's like going into a goth club because you like the goth music, but then hate on what all goths are doing acting like goths should behave different according to them, getting mad at anyone who tries to tell them that goths have been like this since the beginning. Then try to make a new subculture with completely different culture and say "this is what goth is really all about". And then come with that new group into the old real goth groups trying to change the goths and anyone who disagrees is a meanie elitist.

>> No.10580644

>why keep them in your community?
Well we try to keep them out, but they try to come in. And there needs to be one tiny hole and the keep walking trough it. Same as why sissies and DDLG degenerates keep coming into lolita. Only metal and goth are much bigger, so more people to filter and more easily more people getting trough. They generally get kicked out when causing offence, but sometimes they have so much they take over like in that group I talked about. Beside, them really pushing their idea of what a metalhead should be upon others doesn't really help thing. We can't really stop them using a term incorrectly, just like those issues and DDLG types can use lolita to manys here dislike.

>> No.10580646
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I have a controversial opinion

Music and subculture based fashion is dying. More western alt styles are adopting a jfashion approach that focuses on appearances and aesthetics more than music and attitude. I think this is inevitable as music becomes more widely available and alternative fashion becomes mainstream.

Back in the day, music wasn't as accessible, especially if it wasn't played on MTV or top radio. It took effort to get involved in a scene, you had to spend a lot on records and CD, really research when shows were happening. So it makes sense that people would stick to one branch or genre of music and form their identity around it.

Now though, infinite genres of music is just one click away on youtube or Spotify. If you want to learn more about a brand or group, there is probably a wiki page or fandom wikia ready to tell you everything you need to know. All that plus now social media has placed a larger emphasis on clothing and appearances, this is why you don't see many baby "goths" into music anymore.

>> No.10580648

>We can't really stop them using a term incorrectly, just like those issues and DDLG types can use lolita to manys here dislike.

That's true but there is a big difference between a DDLG wannabe incorrectly labeling their littleforbig shit as lolita, and people trying to accuse prominent youtubers like It's Black Friday or AdoraBatBrat of being fake goths. The altcow thread on the farms has basically every goth model with significant followers being accused of being fake.

>> No.10580652

Welp, in Poland back in the '90s metalheads could have take away your band shirt if they met you and you could not name band members.

Also in the '90s Behemoth concerts after band switched from Slavic pagan themes into general occult and satanism were notoriously invaded by Graveland fans (ironically that band had reverse start - they started with more satanic aproach and later moved to pagan themes) resulting in fist fights - I have heard stories about them like some guy leaving one of such fight with some blood stains on him saying to his friend "this is blood of followers of La Vey[Behemoth fans]". Leaders of both bands Nergal and Darken are currently on friendly terms last time I checked. But that other topic.

>> No.10580656
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Yesss great band anon!

>> No.10580660

That's kinda ironic as good portion of these japanesse fashion trends were inspired by UK post punk music bands - like way the Strawbery Switchblade were dressing are kinda one of ancestors of lolita fashion. Also there were Japanese punk rock and goth bands (Madame Edwarda to name an example) who visually influenced Visual Kei were also inspired by UK punk/post punk fashion.


>> No.10580665

I don't know anything about goth culture but the music posted in this thread is really good

>> No.10580670
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as we are at Japanese goth scene I would also reccomend this album

>> No.10580673




>> No.10580677
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>> No.10580680


>> No.10580691
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>> No.10580696 [DELETED] 
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Gone too soon

>> No.10580735
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Obvious bait

Tangentially, Phaidia is super underrated Japanese Deathrock


>> No.10580760

Yea, good stuff. You probably know this one too

>> No.10580970

Actually didn't know about this band but definitely gonna listen! Thanks for posting anon!

>> No.10581016

On festival and cafes and such problematic people are still taken care of harshly with firsts if needed, but people who don't cause real trouble are just not catered to making them themselves leave because they don't enjoy the space. Issue is these people don't tend to go to events but are people you meet in everyday life. Unless you want to get arrested over it there's not much you can do. When fists are used at festivals the person who got hit is often so much in the wrong he can't exactly go to the cops, but that's not the case here. I guess people are overall just less willing to get arrested. Like, if you look at the Bathuska drama (I know it's different but also one of the few resent drama) people are shouting online a lot from both sides, but at least where I'm from there hasn't been much word of fights. More people just getting tired of drama in general and wishing they fight it out internally.

>> No.10581020

Not sure if this counts for all subcultures. Asside of the people in H&M Metallica t-shirts (which are often a dead giveaway because they tend to dress all fashiony) it's rare to find people dressed as metalheads that don't listen at all to it. If anything, the issue is more that people think every normie who listens to Metalica every now and then is the definition of a metalhead. Our posers come from the music side instead of the fashion side unlike goth.

My experience is that metal culture is rather active on the underground and far from dead. Just not much in the media. Most punks I meet are also coming from the music first too, but that might be due to the places I visit instead of them actually being the norm.

As for goth it seems true what you say. But what do I know, there might be a huge underground I'm unaware off.

>> No.10581028
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is Buck-Tick goth?

>> No.10581029
File: 166 KB, 814x1130, tumblr_oo9ow9gNkT1s310c6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about the "Big Tiddy Goth GF" meme?

>> No.10581056

>this is blood of followers of La Vey[Behemoth fans]
Kek just dropping the name Lavey will already start discussion about if the term satanism is used wrongly by black metal or not, even today.

>> No.10581057

I think it's funny as long as people take it as just that, a meme.

>> No.10581059

they're talking about egirl dollskill goff girls and not actual goth.

>> No.10581067

yeah but the real goths are being lumped in with the thots and fetishized

>> No.10581076

well that's because simps are morons. i just ignore this kind of bs.

>> No.10581091

I kind of want to see someone get faces with an actual Goth on a blind date or some thing.

>> No.10581146
File: 70 KB, 645x610, tbbtmm01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? That meme is much older than the egirl goths. It was already a thing since at least "90/early "00 when one of the stereotype image of goth in popculture media showing goth as sexy mysterious and being into all kinds of taboo things like dark magic and kinky sex such. Bonuspoints for latex outfits. Also vampires and "life is a depression and nothing matters and no one cares" personalities ofc. Whenever I hear big titty goth girlfriend I think of those.

Pic related is an example of big bang theory, altrough I think this is later than early "00 the stereotype is still used every now and then and it's the first example I could think of

>> No.10581260

I like how Cemetery Confessions handled the idea. It's good as a joke but not good to reduce humans to a meme. More often than not, people are gross towards certain types of "provocative" dress.

This has been a good thread, everyone is sharing so much good shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avdfll9kP9E

>> No.10581329

Despise it. Was called one and dumped his ass immediately.

Also this. The moment they meet an actual goth girl they turn tail and run

>> No.10581384
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Who is missing Gothic Pogo Festival?

and "when we were young" afters in Täubchenthal during WGT?

two festivals at the same time = big muscle gains after dancing for many hours daily

highly recommend this style of goff fitness


>> No.10581465
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It's as old as goth. If you look at fashion influences that goth has roots in - well it's not that much surprising people have such associations. BDSM accessories, fetish clothing and sex obsessed vampires of all genders of the 70's horror movies are very much related to these influences. Add to the mix goths who were actually stealing stuff from cemeteries, conducting public ceremonial magic rituals or famous murder cases like these by the Rudas mixed with relative low public exposure outside of such events and we have what we have as a result. Also involvement of many goths and people presenting themselves as goths into so called real life vampire clans where they were drinking each others blood that were popular in the '90s. There are also other examples of stuff done by people in the scene that make sleeping in the coffin, going out only during the night and photo sessions in the cemeteries a quiet casual pastime. Also walking the streets with huge silver inverted cross necklace (as was in vogue in a quiet few places) or occult symbols is unlikely to make people not associate you with "teh dark stuff" either. Yes, this is all stuff that goths actually did in at least Europe. Many of them enjoyed that stereotype and were doing a lot to reinforce it intentionally. And I'm including here both "average John Doe goth" as well as members of some quiet well known bands. As of "life is a depression and nothing matters and no one cares personalities" this also wasn't taken out of nowhere. Many goth's smiling faces are actually hiding years long depression.

And we didn't even yet reached lyrics of the songs.


>> No.10581561

why is this here and not /fa/

>> No.10581582

because /fa/ fucking sucks and has been taken over by poltards

>> No.10581620

> Despise it
I totally agree, it's way worse to hear it in real life.

>> No.10581630

I wasn't saying the stereotype was bullshit. I enjoy it a lot as well. Point was just that the big titty goth gf isn't based on the egirl goth trend, it's much older. Heck, many egirl goths I've seen aren't even big tittied. Most stereotypes are based on something real, be it to varying degrees. It's nice to hear some older goth talking about it tho, always gives nicer inside to what it really used to be like than secondary sources.

>> No.10581632

it definitely is based off of that.

>> No.10581634

Because /cgl/ people loved the conversation so much it derailed the old ita tread, and because /fa/ sucks and this isn't just about fashion, but about the entire subculture. Please read OP next time as >>10580532 quite literally said why it was made...

>> No.10581638

Are you agreeing it's based on the stereotype? Or are you trying to say egirl goth is the inspiration of the big titty goth gf meme? Because that last would be retarded as the meme at least 30 years older than the egirl goth trend...

>> No.10581662

That doesn't mean it belongs here, retard

>> No.10581667
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Yes, at least part of their material is indeed gothic tock.

>why is this here and not /fa/
why is entire board not on /fa/?

Goth - a music based subculture that created own fashion by adopting several sources and mixing it with punk fashion was one of influences on Elegant Gothic Lolita (and general style of wardrobe of Mana as well as his music among other suff) that this board is among other stuff about. We had discussion on goth in another topic, so as we went offtop this thread was created.

As from my experience some gothic lolitas are into goth music as well. Other are interested in elements of goth fashion adopting them. Other don't care at all.

>> No.10581669

the g in /cgl/ stands for gothic

>> No.10581670

calm down, take a deep breath and listen with us to some music

>> No.10581691

egl is not the same thing at all

>> No.10581693
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>> No.10581696
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>> No.10581697
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>> No.10581702
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>> No.10581759

thank you anon, great band

>> No.10581816
File: 40 KB, 512x255, velvet_eden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As we are on topic of Japanese musical scene - synth centered band Velvet Eden with neoclassical darkwave influences as well as eurobeat and synthpop and tones of crossdressing

dancy as heck

older stuff from 2000


>> No.10581818

Sick stuff, I like it

>> No.10581820


>> No.10581899
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>> No.10581901

What does this have to do with cosplay or lolita though

>> No.10581902

Dada’s got a beautiful voice

>> No.10581932

Stop shitting up the thread with a question already answered multiple times. We get it, you're mad it's here. Just don't click on the thread and move on with your life, geez.

>> No.10581945

this thread belongs in fa not cgl you monumental retards

>> No.10581953

your posts belongs in /b/

>> No.10581957

honestly the influx of literal children on this board is detestable. jannies wtf are you doing?

>> No.10582021

I feel everyone complaining this belongs in /fa/ strengthens >>10580646 point that many people don't even think about anything but the fashion anymore and only focus on the clothes. Even through pretty much nothing on this thread has been about clothes but all about subculture and music, they still can only think of /fa/

>> No.10582039

As we already mentioned Mana, let's take a look, or rather a listen to this stuff.
This Malice Mizer demo has clear neoclasical darkwave and ethereal influences as well as "general gothic rock" - especially obvious around the track staring at 10:01


>> No.10582048

/fa/ is for alt fashions that aren't related to japan. it's not related to japan. and people ITT are hijacking vk and a huge number of things that don't belong in this kind of thread.

>> No.10582051

ita af

>> No.10582070

But this board is for cosplay and lolita, not western goth music and fashion

>> No.10582077

It's for GOTHIC lolita not for lolita in general. So according to taht logic sweet lolitas should belong to /fa/ as well.

>> No.10582081

Technically egl is a blanket term for all lolita fashion though

>> No.10582084


>> No.10582098

If you keep arguing the thread will get nuked.

>> No.10582101


>> No.10582103

gothic lolita isnt the topic of this thread and its is own substyle of lolita more than it is related to western goth and very rarely are there ever any gothic lolitas at western goth clubs, so stop crying and post your retarded larp in fa next time.

>> No.10582104

What this anon said. EGL isn't specifically black gothic themes, it is an umbrella.

>> No.10582106

which would be such a shame bc it has been a rly good thread !!

>> No.10582114

Okay, yet it is been mainly about western goth shit.

>> No.10582132
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We need our own board. I've been browsing /cgl/ for years because honestly it's been the closest thing to a goth board. also /fa/ sucks

>> No.10582133

I hate black metal, I don't understand the hype of this subgenre because there is way better metal around, even the most insignificant nu-metal song is better than the stereotypical black metal vocal song. I know many goths that listen to black metal, sadly I can say. I'm more into industrial metal that sometimes seems a bit forgotten or most think it's another metal genre.

>> No.10582137

we were just being discussing Japan

>> No.10582138

>alt fashions
That's the point, we're talking subculture and music mainly but the people screaming /fa/ completely ignore that 99% of the conversation isn't about fashion in any way.

I didn't say this was the correct place, just that everyone saying it should go to /fa/ strengthens the point that many people disregard the entire cultre and music side of a originally music based subculture and acts like the fashion is the defining factor. Even when almost the entire conversation has been only about culture and music like this tread, still fashion is the only thing they think about as to where to put it.

Although I feel like "let's keep one single thread due to obvious demand from /cgl/ crowd" and stop it at at, I agree it technically doesn't belong here. But I'm biased, I like the thread.

>> No.10582141

Take it to mu then

>> No.10582143

What's your point? I wear sweet to the club and other events often. There is a large overlap in both groups, do you want a venn diagram. It would be very easy to discuss the greater family tree and how cross pollination of subcultures happens. The glb often showed brands like stigmata being mixed with lolita items and those items are worn at shows both in Japan and around the world. This thread is for rufflebutts who are having an adjacent convo.

>> No.10582148

there is an overlap between pretty much every alternative subculture.

as a goth and lolita myself I agree that this thread makes no sense being in cgl. also this literally started out as some stupid person thinking they're goth because they listened to blackbriar and some other people educating them

>> No.10582181

so move it to /mu/ instead then you goofy dork but regardless this still isnt the "alt fashion board" or the "goth music" board.

>> No.10582182

you sound like a larper

>> No.10582187

mallgoth jugalette spotted

>> No.10582278
File: 258 KB, 1080x1080, punkstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is right, my friend. This thread does actually belong in /fa/ unless you want to discuss the Japanese goth scene specifically because the Japanese alternative scene is quite different to European and American alternative scenes fashion-wise with a lot of blurring between punk and goth motifs.

>> No.10582283
File: 190 KB, 768x1024, djsis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's start with DJ Sisen, and if you say, "Looks like the dude from Blood on the Dancefloor."

Well, it's not.

>> No.10582285
File: 101 KB, 688x784, decadancewhiteday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10582286
File: 369 KB, 1000x1500, peasandcarrots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shironuri and goth are like peas and carrots.

>> No.10582287

I heard he was a shit Dj but really nice in person.

>> No.10582288 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 1280x1912, cyberattire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand, yes, he's a very friendly and cheerful person who is nice to everyone he meets at venues

>> No.10582289
File: 115 KB, 770x1027, nakeytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I understand, yes, he's a very friendly and cheerful person who is nice to everyone he meets at venues

>> No.10582291
File: 102 KB, 700x1010, tokyogothsinwild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I know is goth scenes in Japan remind me of late 90's and early 2000's alternative fashion in the West taken to the 3rd degree.

>> No.10582292

He is really nice. He played two cyber goth events and both times made sure he was on the floor when others were up. It's more fun when people participate and he tried to talk to everyone.

>> No.10582294
File: 91 KB, 600x900, niceoutfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 'gothic lolita' outfit that would likely get shooed out of the lolita threads.

>> No.10582295
File: 259 KB, 853x1280, casualgoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10582297
File: 181 KB, 1080x1080, alsocasual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10582298
File: 140 KB, 860x1290, leathergetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all for now.

>> No.10582304
File: 169 KB, 770x1154, pinkhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two main differences between Dahvie and Sisen, and it's not their musical talent.

One is an asshole and piddles kiddies. The other does not. Those are the differences.

>> No.10582406
File: 101 KB, 736x599, bauhaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese alternative scene is quite different to European and American alternative scenes fashion-wise with a lot of blurring between punk and goth motifs.

Goth fashion is a an evolution of punk one - a mix of punk and classic horrors, creepy, occult, religious stuff - so I have no idea what do you mean. I know goths wearing same tartan pattern as the one in your photo. Goth fashion is a wide topic and what you see om instagram or even most photos from events (photographs are retards that select very narrow set of outfits - mostly the most stereotypical ones) is just small fraction of what goths wear.


He looks like typical cyber raver from early years of that movement. But thats a subculture that originated from EBM (offshot of indusrial) New Beat and Electro scenes. And has nothing to do with Goth beside the fact that some people call that movement "Cyber Goth". But that's about all it have in common with goth.

western industrial fashion is where you would see same kind of outfits

another example of what you could have seen in early cyber scene before they transformed into army of clones where you can tell people apart only by the color scheme that get reduced mostly to "black+single color".

>> No.10582407

>would likely get shooed out of the lolita threads
no it wouldn't, shut up

>> No.10582409
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>> No.10582410
File: 61 KB, 324x512, FangsOnFur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fangs on Fur

>> No.10582475

this is cute but not goth whatsoever it looks more emo/visual kei

and this is what ekids wear nowadays

you guys need to learn the difference between gothic and goth

>> No.10582494 [DELETED] 

>This thread does actually belong in /fa/
>/fa/ == fashion
>we talk music & culture up to that point
>point not even being that it belongs here, already agreed it doesn't. Point being that everyone shouting /fa/ just agrees with first anons point that music based culture is disappearing. Because everyone here is completely ignoring the fact we're not talking about clothes/fashion. They just hear the word goth so much be /fa/, as if goth is only clothes/fashion.

>> No.10582495
File: 11 KB, 474x285, 5fae514877cf890a942d9711d6faa89c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread does actually belong in /fa/
>/fa/ == fashion
>we talk music & culture up to that point
>point not even being that it belongs here, already agreed it doesn't. Point being that everyone shouting /fa/ just agrees with first anons point that music based culture is disappearing. Because everyone here is completely ignoring the fact we're not talking about clothes/fashion. They just hear the word goth so much be /fa/, as if goth is only clothes/fashion.

>> No.10582546

it doesn't belong here because it's not weebshit. and the weebshit ITT is being appropriated from other threads that already exist, dark jfash, vkei and gothic lolita.

>> No.10582745

This weebshit wouldn't exist if not for goths broader influence. The music and clothing shaped the fundamentals and inspiration for people like Mana. I wonder how many people are inspired by musical elements and the diy aspect of goth as they prep a coord.

>> No.10582752

what does mana say his inspiration is? I'm an ignorant sweet.

>> No.10582802
File: 107 KB, 770x1033, c2f8af34034d4c04abcbe1e251f93c5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally no goth of course

>> No.10582803
File: 57 KB, 770x513, 712cbc970afd4f319df4c514fdebe0b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10582813

They posted Japanese fashion so the thread stays on topic. Western tradgoth doesn't belong here.

>> No.10583449

It's a shame Dada is a racist nutbag.

>> No.10583451

Middle one is just a Közi cosplay

>> No.10583461

You need to learn the difference between countries. Why do you assume people who wear the cuter styles listen to v-kei & emo? I'm sure some do, but I'm offended because I personally listen to Skinny Puppy. There you'll find a Balzac show full of kids after class still wearing their uniforms. Stop conflating styles with emo & "e-kids".

E-girls and the ilk do borrow a lot of inspiration from Japanese and Korean styles, but they aren't one & the same. E-girls is a European/American thing. Plus, v-kei & emo are not related even if a lot of people into emo liked v-kei.

You pompous fool. >>10582813 is right too. I was being nice.

>> No.10583465
File: 109 KB, 600x900, pair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the word you're looking for is 'scene'. When 'emo' borrowed too much from Japanese fashion, it became scene fashion. That doesn't make what either are wearing visual kei, emo, or scene.

Also, visual kei has a huge emphasis in 'visual'. Visual kei isn't very wearable because it's so extravagant. Both are way too simple to be visual kei even if there's some faint early 2000's Punk Rave Ebay store vibes.


Is a cloak goth enough for you, OP?

>> No.10583466

are all western goths this retarded?

>> No.10583467
File: 57 KB, 475x697, DIU2OYPUQAAH7Bu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me just posting a few Atsushis.

>> No.10583468

>scene'. When 'emo' borrowed too much from Japanese fashion, it became scene fashion.
i can't with this.

>> No.10583469
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>> No.10583471
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>> No.10583472
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>> No.10583473
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>> No.10583474
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And a few current ones

>> No.10583475

It's when visual kei and gal culture were at their height. The makeup, bright colors, & hair made it's way into people in the emo subculture.

I'm not discrediting the influence Western P.L.U.R. scenes had in it either with the candy bracelets as homage to that.

>> No.10583476
File: 241 KB, 690x1017, 64400208_2671219259574475_5916058923273551872_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10583477
File: 663 KB, 1000x1500, moreliketradgoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10583478
File: 61 KB, 564x847, 2625dd8131a3e8c59e0933584681466c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I look like this at 54 years old

>> No.10583480
File: 343 KB, 1000x1500, cutecountstoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bathe in the blood of virgins.

>> No.10583481
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>> No.10583482
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>> No.10583485
File: 72 KB, 515x538, 134bbce5c5d376592944223b7bd52c6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright thats enough. Thank you for your time

>> No.10583488
File: 105 KB, 500x750, officegoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10583490

>are all western goths this retarded?
not as much as you are

>> No.10583491

Nice Trent Renzor cosplay

>> No.10583492

Nice Gary Newman cosplay

>> No.10583499
File: 111 KB, 494x640, propagandamagspread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ffs I left this thread for a couple days and now it's a vkei thread?

>> No.10583500
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 8cf5b20a4989618937cc27c444f87aea.600x600x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex Voto - If I never

>> No.10583502
File: 2.56 MB, 3648x2736, img_1753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will pray to the goth gods that we may soon be released from this unending overpriced pike shortage hell

>> No.10583507

why are they all white?

>> No.10583511

why not?

>> No.10583513
File: 3.01 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be bait but lmao this pic was taken in Germany anon...lots of white people live there

>> No.10583519

>Today I will pray to the goth gods that we may soon be released from this unending overpriced pike shortage hell

That reminds me how people bought shoes from a certain UK scammer and then get surprised they didn't get ordered shoes at some point. He pulled his scam like a 3rd or 4th time. And people were still buying from him. Yes I mean the guy behind Gothic Shoe Company and other brands in the past. I can understand these who were not aware about his evil ways, but why the heck these who knew were mostly silent about that? The only article about his scams was in German.

But people are buying from other brand Goth-Pikes that is still active even knowing that brand pulled out similar scam and never published any public apology or explanation. That fucking amazes me. Especially considering goth-pikes never published any public data about who they are - like address etc. European Union law states you have to post such data. Even scammer behind the Gothic Shoe Company did publish it and his companies have entries in public registers of UK.

>> No.10583521
File: 78 KB, 800x800, shoe-newman-m-wst055-c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are buying from other brand Goth-Pikes

Honestly, I think it's cause people are desperate and they're one of the cheapest options if you don't want to hunt for some kinda okay mostly normie looking winklepickers?

Personally, I'm trying to save up for these new rock beauties since I know I'll actually get them and they'll be good quality. I just...wish there was a pointier less pricey option out there...

>> No.10583551


>Honestly, I think it's cause people are desperate and they're one of the cheapest options if you don't want to hunt for some kinda okay mostly normie looking winklepickers?

No one is forcing them to wear "goff" winklepickers. Lust after them only shows how dumbed down fashion wise our subculture became. Pointy shoes in female sizes are easy to find. Male not so much outside of cowboy and motorcycle boots. Buying from criminals (yes, what they did in the past is a crime) is too high price for me.

>Personally, I'm trying to save up for these new rock beauties since I know I'll actually get them and they'll be good quality. I just...wish there was a pointier less pricey option out there...

There is also a brand from Portugal named Steelground but no idea what is their quality. They make winklepickers and some online shops have them. But if they are the same team that made pikes in the past for brand Nevermind from the same country - then I would not say they are worth the money. Nevermind's pikes were probably the most overpriced shoes I ever bought price/quality wise.

Never had New Rocks myself. All I know they have glued soles. Which may or may be not a problem in a long run. As for price - they are pretty close to what you had to pay for pikes back in the '80s. And well - they were mostly glued too.

>> No.10583603

>Pointy shoes in female sizes are easy to find

Sure, but if you want low heeled pikes with lots of buckles (especially super pointy ones with eclectic buckles) for a good price they're actually pretty hard to find. I've been scouring for years. Boots higher than ankle or mid calf like that are near impossible to find. For me (and I assume many others) it's not as much about the style of shoe being "uber goth" it's just that we really like the style and want a pair. I like expressing myself through fashion and so do others.

>As for price - they are pretty close to what you had to pay for pikes back in the '80s

Not really. I've seen plenty of pics/people saying they cost around €20-30 in the 80's which counting inflation is only around €64-95 and I never see any that cheap unless they're a lucky pre owned find.
Those new rocks alone normally cost €300

60-90 and I never see any pikes that low.

>> No.10583605

insane nazi demographic overlap

>> No.10583607
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>> No.10583608
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>> No.10583609

All catalogs I seen were around 60+ USD of the 1980s.

>> No.10583610
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>> No.10583611
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>> No.10583612
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>> No.10583614
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>> No.10583616
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>> No.10583617
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Fair enough!

>> No.10583618
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>> No.10583619
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Could be all was depending on brand and models, there were quiet few manufacturers as I am aware.

>> No.10583620
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>> No.10583622
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>> No.10583624
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>> No.10583625
File: 114 KB, 960x911, 71883b450fb0e0dad33c3d61866914c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh...why are men like this either impossible to find or really egotistical

>> No.10583627

What I feel jelous about is how it was easy in the '80s to get clothing pieces from the the '70s and '60s. I see them in so many coolest pictures from that time.

>> No.10583631
File: 58 KB, 640x881, siouxie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sigh...why are men like this either impossible to find or really egotistical

goth scene in general is a merry collage of mostly introverts - many with various disorders in a pack

>> No.10583634

>complains about V-kei
>posts Mana

Anon, I... never mind.

>> No.10583635 [DELETED] 

Anon, the problem is stuff like that doesn't belong in /cgl/ even if it is nice to look at.

Because it's got jack shit to do with cosplay or Japanese fashion, does it?

>> No.10583636
File: 23 KB, 500x334, burton_und_goff_band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mana at least have ties to gothic scene both in esthetic sense and music as was presented in this thread what could not be said about many other bands

>> No.10583638


>> No.10583641

Anon, the problem is stuff like that doesn't belong in /cgl/ even if it is nice to look at.

Because it's got jack shit to do with cosplay or Japanese fashion, doesn't it?

>What could not be said about many other bands?

Anon, the majority of other people that are posted aren't in v-kei bands or emo bands. That's what I've been trying to point out. You people just... keep assuming v-kei or e-girls because they don't look like Bela Lugosi shit them out.

I mean, my god, >>10583608 is menhera or yamikawaii, not v-kei. Where do you keep getting v-kei from?

>> No.10583643 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 275x183, thiswouldbeaproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus, the bad part is, if I did post a bunch of actual v-kei, you would find it likely fits your definition of 'goth' better then what you're calling 'v-kei' in this thread.

Like >>10583477...

>> No.10583644
File: 117 KB, 817x1003, xjapan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus, the bad part is, if I did post a bunch of actual v-kei, you would find it likely fits your definition of 'goth' better then what you're calling 'v-kei' in this thread.

Like >>10583477...

>> No.10583645
File: 164 KB, 640x542, realvkei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10583646
File: 969 KB, 1920x1080, somelovelyvkeiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some lovely v-kei fans because, lemme' tell you, they're fucking confused.

>> No.10583649
File: 1.87 MB, 1837x1225, morevkei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10583650
File: 28 KB, 384x513, disappointedinyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confused because maybe, just maybe, v-kei IS goth & you shouldn't be hating?

>> No.10583652

>Confused because maybe, just maybe, v-kei IS goth & you shouldn't be hating?

not confused, you are the one confused here

>> No.10583656
File: 106 KB, 700x960, magazinesnaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10583657
File: 55 KB, 400x600, moderngoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why I'm scared to post the modern new-wave goth though as appropriate for this board.

It looks like what you people call e-girl even though it's not. Their "modern style" among the baby goths is very wearable.

>> No.10583658
File: 91 KB, 600x900, simplewearable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10583659
File: 109 KB, 600x900, slipknotappears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also assure you no one is wearing Rob Zombie knee highs or Slipknot band tees because they think they were 'cute'. Not that Rob Zombie or Slipknot are goth, but they're not... emo or v-kei either, you know.

>> No.10583680
File: 102 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1616728265765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was goth it wouldn't be called visual kei or y'know be an entirely different genre of music you idiot

I knoooow I hate it so much. The kinds of people I want to date and be friends with are just as introverted and standoffish as I am so it's really no surprise we rarely find one another.

>> No.10583685
File: 174 KB, 985x1267, I+think+you+mean+edgethots+edgethots+wear+dark+_4e173639a254361f19f331b57b6dced0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nu goth is hideous and just this generations version of mall goth.
I will die and haunt the earth before I accept it.

This is clearly e girl territory not even nu goth

>> No.10583697
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>> No.10583699
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>> No.10583703
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>> No.10583759

I know what scene is and there is nothing scene about that

and no goth is not wearing a cloak for christ sake, if you could put her under anything it would be gothic yes, but not goth, this is a goth tread.
I agree that this tread has no reason to be in cgl but at least keep it goth, this would be the same as posting fairy kei in a lolita thread, yes its similar but not the same

>> No.10583760

western tradgoth is literally the reason to why this thread was made, to educate someone on what goth is and what isn't

>> No.10583774

>If it was goth it wouldn't be called visual kei or y'know be an entirely different genre of music you idiot
it's like visual kei is an umbrella term that hosts a multitude of styles, and a fair amount of them are goth.

>> No.10583775
File: 2.67 MB, 862x1098, jigokue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not goth

>> No.10583776
File: 838 KB, 1481x2048, EnwxW2EXMAIOUUk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not goth

>> No.10583777
File: 311 KB, 770x579, ElRR6RlXUAM-pTQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not goth

>> No.10583778
File: 123 KB, 500x741, tumblr_m2npq6l8M41qzbuoho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not goth

>> No.10583783

stop hijacking other threads.

>> No.10583784

metal and symphonic metal aren't goth, retard.

>> No.10583786

scene is a derogatory term, it has nothing to do with japan. or japanese fashion.

>> No.10583804


>> No.10583808

Fashion evolves anon. You can't expect people to dress the same way for 40 years.

>> No.10583814
File: 935 KB, 1064x508, all one style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

V-kei isn't one genre of music though; Most bands fall under rock but there have been techno and pop based acts. For a while music label or simply visual styling defined them more than the music. X-Japan was practically hair metal, Dir En Grey is def not hair metal not was Plastic Tree and if you compare them to Malice Mizer the stylistic components of music and visuals is even further apart. You can however link many aesthetics to either the international metal or goth scene in terms of composition, style and even who they have toured with. It seems odd that someone can't see or hear differences.

>> No.10583855
File: 26 KB, 710x533, detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly question from an outsider but what about swordfish style Fluevogs? Or are they too different? They are indeed expensive, though.

>> No.10583856

Lol no one likes cane rattling oldfags like you

Even lolitas don't style in the same, very recognizably late-90's ways oldschoolers did. And guess what? We're still recognizably wearing lolita. Goth has evolved past the 80's too, get over it.

>> No.10584073
File: 74 KB, 500x654, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluevogs are fine, there are goths who wear them. As well as cowboy boots, motorcycle boots, pointy formal shoes, combat boots, creepers etc.

Any shoes are OK. Goths and punks wear and were wearing many different types of them. Just so called "pikes" were among most "spooky" type of shoes. Pointy shoes were a strong mainstream trend as well back in the '80s. There were even pointy Doctor Martens boots at the time.

>> No.10584079
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>> No.10584116

>I agree that this tread has no reason to be in cgl but at least keep it goth, this would be the same as posting fairy kei in a lolita thread, yes its similar but not the same

Okay. You asked for it.

>> No.10584119
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>> No.10584121
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>> No.10584122
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>> No.10584125
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>> No.10584126
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There is no set of rules to follow to dress goth. There are people who developed their individual style only partially following some trends present in goth circles.

There are however people dressing according to trends that originated outside goth subculture. And their style of dressing by that fact belongs to that not goth subculture. Do they listen to goth music or not is a separate topic.

>> No.10584128
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>> No.10584130
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>> No.10584131
File: 203 KB, 800x1200, longdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no set of rules so long as you don't dress in a trend that originated outside goth.

So... you're saying there's rules. The rule is don't wear what "you" don't like.

>> No.10584133
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>> No.10584134
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It's just kind of hard because everything from the actual goth scene active in Japan are all things you say are 'not goth'.

>> No.10584135
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>> No.10584136
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>> No.10584138
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I'm sorry to inform you that you have a serious comprehensive reading problems.

>> No.10584139
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>> No.10584140 [DELETED] 

Hey now, oi, what the fuck.

That's a deathhawk, boy. What you doing mixing your goth subculture and deathrock subcultures. Jesus. Come on. If V-kei or "gothic" isn't allowed, you can't just come throwing in every punk and deathrocker as you fancy.

Get out.

>> No.10584142

Hey now, oi, what the fuck.

That's a deathhawk, boy. What you doing mixing your goth subculture and deathrock subcultures. Jesus. Come on. If V-kei or "gothic" isn't allowed, you can't just come throwing in every punk and deathrock chick as you fancy.

Get out.

>> No.10584145

>That's a deathhawk, boy. What you doing mixing your goth subculture and deathrock subcultures

Deathrock is the same as goth. It's just early USA name from times before goth became wildly accepted name.

>> No.10584147

>Come on. If V-kei or "gothic" isn't allowed, you can't just come throwing in every punk and deathrock chick as you fancy.

you only are further proving that you have no clue what you are talking about

>> No.10584149
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>> No.10584150

Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, because the Misfits are goth, not punk.

That's exactly why death rock evolved separately from the goth scene in both the U.K. and Los Angeles despite the two being side-by-side from the beginning.

No, if people can't post "gothic", you're not allowed to post deathrock chicks.

>> No.10584151

the one on the right is so cute but her outfit is so costumey

>> No.10584152


In Japan, the costume-look does seem to be a trend. I kind of wonder if that's because there's more pressure to dress 'presentable' in day-to-day life that people go all out in their free time. If it looks like a costume anyway to people, there's no point not going all the way.

>> No.10584154
File: 94 KB, 427x640, punkygoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, I guess people here do the same things. Cat ears, vampire fangs, and more. It just seems more of a 'faux pas' to wear something that looks like 'a costume' here.

>> No.10584167

>Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, because the Misfits are goth, not punk.

Never in my life I heard anyone calling Misfits deathrock or goth.

>That's exactly why death rock evolved separately from the goth scene in both the U.K. and Los Angeles despite the two being side-by-side from the beginning.

Separate evolution in the begining does not mean they don't belong to the same genre. It's not like all UK goth bands had one and only inspiration in Bauhaus "Bella Lugosi is dead". Many of them created their sound independently. Goth is in fact a set of many bands that get inspired by similar stuff musically and aesthetically. Go ask people who remember the scene in the USA and ask how were UK bands called. You are going to hear mostly "deathrock", sometimes "dirge". If separation means shit then we should have like over 9000 genres of "not goth" genres in Europe.

>No, if people can't post "gothic", you're not allowed to post deathrock chicks.

Yes I am as all of them are goth. There was some misconception around the style known as "deathrock revival" but that dressing style barely has anything to do of how USA scene was dressing back in the '80s - it's more a mix of Johny Slut from Specimen (UK band) with German "grufti" makeup and generic punk fashion. Just look up the photos of california scene. Heck, look at members of Christian Death or 45 Graves or Skeletal Family and tell me they look anything alike the '00s "deathrock revival" fashion.

>> No.10584173

Anon, you're just being elitist and selecting what can and can't be goth because you can throw bands left and right.

Separation apparently means shit in this thread because you keep complaining about everything other people post because it's 'not goth enough for you'.

When it's pointed out, you do... what you just did. You start throwing out 10,000 band names, and why your choice isn't actually off-topic.

And it's 45 Grave, not Graves.

>> No.10584177
File: 22 KB, 236x349, JohnySlut_Specimen_Band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point it's evident that you are either trolling or stoned

>> No.10584179
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And I'm not the one who can do it, but someone here, on this board, can do the same with v-kei and explain to you like how you just explained 'death rock' is 'goth', they could explain why v-kei is 'goth' likely starting with Malice Mizer.

Like I said, you're just being elitist & selective.

>> No.10584180
File: 20 KB, 355x349, 45grave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the one typing 'graves'.

>> No.10584187

>Like I said, you're just being elitist & selective.
the fuck am I reading dot jaypeegee

>> No.10584189

Anon, is it really worth that much to you? It's not like it's a matter of life or death.

>> No.10584190 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 367x516, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the nutjob

>> No.10584194 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 249x202, roundtable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it is a matter of life or death to you.

Godspeed, anon.

>> No.10584199
File: 86 KB, 400x400, logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you prove that goth is goth therefore someone could use that to prove that not goth is goth

>> No.10584201
File: 16 KB, 249x202, tableround.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it is a matter of life and death to

Godspeed, anon.

>> No.10584206

Did that one look better to you than the 'nutjob' post you deleted?

>> No.10584208

yes, I decided I can write more creative post

>> No.10584209

yes, you

>> No.10584217
File: 312 KB, 1200x804, goldstarforyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantastic. Good job, anon.

>> No.10584220
File: 29 KB, 480x360, an_expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course, I are an expert

>> No.10584224
File: 119 KB, 500x350, you-may-look-like-me-but-can-you-dance-like-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, can you?

>> No.10584226

sure, check out my moves

>> No.10584228

Lemme' get on my game face.

>> No.10584236


>> No.10584256

Anon you have similar musical taste as mine, I wear 'cute' fashion like larme, neo gyaru, soft lolita and so on, that doesn't mean l listen to emo music or soft pop things, give me old school industrial and goth visual kei anytime.

>> No.10584291

Didn't say things have to stay in the 80's just that e trash and cringe shit like killstar and black craft need to die.

>> No.10584329

>All I know they have glued soles.
I think it depends on the model, because I've always gotten shoes from them that where both sewn and glued. Also great quality leather. I've never been wanting to buy from brands like Pleaser anymore since, nothing has lasted my like my New Rocks. I'm yet to find a goth brand with same quality.

Based on my experience I doubt only glued New Rocks will be an issue, but I can't say for sure since I never had ones that are only glued.

>> No.10584331

Isn't that that Bodyline dress that didn't win the design contest but then got made without any credits to the person who did the entry, as if it was their own design?

>> No.10584337

Well, it's not like all glued boots are going to tear apart easily. Which models were sewn BTW?

Here is dissection of reactors, aroun 5:30 is tearing a sole apart manually and it seems to be glued only

>> No.10584449

I didn't realize goths still existed

>> No.10584483

Bruh that wasn't even me who posted mana different people are capable of posting around the same time

>> No.10584715
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I used to be so involved in my local goth scene, went to all the events, knew all the people, played drums in a deathrock band etc etc but not too long ago I moved out of the city onto a hobby farm. Now I've been buying practical workwear and >>>/out/ gear, that combined with the fact that I'm socializing less & neglecting grooming I'm starting to look like some Rob Zombie movie reject, trailer park edgelord. It's to the point that my ex even made a fb post making fun of me for having a beard. I don't fully hate the way I look now and it's functional but I kinda miss getting dressed up and going out to the club but I'm also getting older so that was gonna lose some novelty anyways. I do genuinely love the outdoors and stufd but it's hard to live the harvest moon life in nail polish and a mohawk. Sorry for blog posting, I'm just trying to come to terms with who I am becoming.
Yeah. A gentle wash with soap and water, followed by a soak in peroxide, rinse, dry thoroughly then a light coat of spray on lacquer is a good way to treat raw bones. I'm not terribly skilled at it but I would usually do a wire wrap to mount them.
Favorite is probably Dali's car. Lately I'm been getting into She Past Away though.
You could probably swap the guys in XJapan for the guys in Ausgang and not even notice.

>> No.10584718

I suspect if we were to mix a lot of V-kei into a lineup with the greater goth family tree they would fit right in. As for your personal style, why don't you dress up for yourself. I have plenty of friends with beards; styling them can look really nice. Maybe you can get some Black polish top hats for your farm and rock out to some https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st8ntdxGw3k

>> No.10584926

I don't know how I've never heard of polish top hats or Sonsomber before, you've made my day.
I do need to put some effort in and get dressed up again. Been thinking about incorporating some martial/industrial/neofolk elements that might work well with the beard/being outdoorsy/more masculine.

>> No.10584973

I know I sound elitist and an annoying old fart to some saying this but i'm so sick and tired of seeing so edgy davvk looks e-girl uwu or any kind of jfashion pastel reject doing these boring af trap pop edgy music. The only interesting thing about them, abeit cringe most of the time, are the videos, the rest is just like any top ten 100 song.The only good artist that does something somewhat 80s synthpop and not trashy trap is Night Club, despite the super ita outfits in some PVs.
There is also goth trap stuff that sounds like these wannabe edgy of people unfortunately that I hate as well except stuff from ICEP3AK , I still prefer their older music that is not trap to be honest.

>> No.10584979

Well, I dunno', bro. Personally I like :Wumpscut: and Clinical Torment.

>> No.10584990

>The only good artist that does something somewhat 80s synthpop and not trashy trap is Night Club, despite the super ita outfits in some PVs.

I have never ever been thinking about her outfits in lolita fashion categories. It's kinda like thinking about Courtney Love as lolita fashion wearer.

>> No.10584991
File: 53 KB, 400x605, photo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here feels like brass jewelry is underappreciated nowadays?

>> No.10584992

ever heard GVLLOW? He's doing murky dark rap as well as stuff that could pass as what you would hera in goth clubs like this:

>> No.10585001

Yeah we listen to similar artists.
Maybe because these outfits remind me the kind of itas from when I was a lolita at heart as a teen, wearing Emily the Strange emo stuff. Still great music, I love a lot goth synthpop. Another one that I listen a lot with similar vibes is Mr Kitty.
Thank you anon would listen to it!
Just to add, I like to hear some dark rap influenced stuff like NIN did with his 1st album, Velvet Acid Christ in Hallucinagene or that masterpiece of Pro-test by Skinny Puppy; it's just the pop trashy so edgy trap I cannot stand.

>> No.10585552

oh yeah, brass is a pretty nice tone to use. My to-go is silver but I also have some brass pieces when I want a warmer look

>> No.10585570

where there are schizos there will be goths

>> No.10585573

Most "goths" under 30 are ethots

>> No.10585638
File: 31 KB, 720x506, FB_IMG_1617050856804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean poseurs who wouldn't know Bauhaus from Sisters if it bit them in the neck.

>> No.10585713

They would not recognize what is gothic even when Notre Dame fall on their heads

>> No.10585787

this is such "music sucks nowadays, when I was young we actually had GOOD music" energy

>> No.10585791

What a stupid fucking post

>> No.10585861

Yeesh, you must be new to the goth scene. Between that and saying "Their old stuff was better." In regards to any band's material you can cover most people opinions about music.

>> No.10585997

nah I'm not new actually, but I do know a ton of trad goths around my age (21), I hate how people always assume that if you're younger your are automatically an ethot or poser

>> No.10586015

That's awesome, I'm legitimately happy to see younger kids into it. Unfortunately you will be deemed guilty by association, even if that association is just your age group and the agism only ends when you get older. Don't let it bother you too much.
Any good up and coming bands that a geezer like me probably hasn't heard of yet?

>> No.10586175

left one is yu-ki.
not sure who the right is supposed to be but looks familiar.

>> No.10586295

Ah that's just Minori being her own fuckass self

>> No.10586800
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>> No.10587386

I'd recommend this playlist, it has a lot of new good stuff imo
in the description of the video is also a link to the Spotify playlist

>> No.10587388

wrong subculture m8, industrial =/= goth

>> No.10587393
File: 131 KB, 720x921, tumblr_105e8684393d31ec0045b4f9fb063ce0_dc61c683_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10587395

still not goth

>> No.10587396

Goth =/= Jfashion. Take your thread somewhere else.

>> No.10587415
File: 35 KB, 374x327, 5f62449b21ae5819dd465066613d6235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the kind of person that reads about subculture online and uses some wikipedia definition to draw lines in the sand for the sake of feeling superior in internet arguements. Go to a goth night in any city and you will hear post-punk, industrial, deathrock, and a million other subgenres and iterations there of and no one will care to argue about what's strictly "goth" because you would be missing the point. Beyond that this board and thread are more centered on the fashion relating to the subculture and if you can't see the vary obvious crossovers and shared influences therein you're willfully blind. Stop being a pedantic keyboard warrior.

>> No.10587418

we've been over this at least once every three days just give up already

>> No.10587421
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>> No.10587430

Bro, industrial was always part of goth subculture especially the old school/ non cybergoth kind. There is also a look that goes with it called rivethead that goes along with the music and newfags believe that is cybergoth without neon colors and stupid plastic hair.
>t. my weakness and my potential partners are rivethead guys with half shaved hair and long hair with or without dreads
> too bad I just wear goth, toned down classic or gothic lolita and larme and no rivethead fashion because there is no inspo for women that is not ugly fetishgear outfits
Well I can wear my pvc black skirt with cute black Cutsews or military tops with simple combat boots.

>> No.10587553

>Bro, industrial was always part of goth subculture especially the old school/ non cybergoth kind.

No. It was not. It was played in some cities in same venues but globally many places had goth only and industrial was very separate or even absent (there are places where goth made it years before industrial). Just because in city X it had overlap of public does not mean it's representative. There are places where goth was heavy influenced by orthodox christian music. Would you state that orthodox christian music was always a big part of goth? Goth is perfectly capable of existence without both industrial and orthodox church music.

>> No.10587560

Nayrt but my experience of only a decade in the goth club scene is it’s usually pretty mixed now. Some clubs have an industrial night but other times it’s a mix. And these are clubs where the average age is ~ 40

>> No.10587561

This photo still does not make NIN goth like photos from back of some venue does not make security workers goths just because it has them together with Peter Murphy.

>> No.10587565

These are not goth club scene. These are dark alternative music clubs. They play broad range of music but that does not make gothic rock a part of industrial or aggrotech a part of neofolk. If you catch what I mean. There are events that play goth rock only.

>> No.10587600

Based AF. Only idiots think that just because something is liked by goths or played in "goth" clubs it's automatically goth. Goth rock is a niche subculture and a lot of clubs don't get enough turnout unless they play other shit and pander to the industrial/post punk/edm scene.

>> No.10587624

What you mean is just a branch of goth music that is very valid and that actually started the movement, that doesn't mean goth didn't evolve and included different music genres within. If you meant emo music or death metal I was "ok this is not what we call goth music" but industrial...well it was always there along with typical trad goth music.

>> No.10587625

Nah, it's usually basement dwelling nerds who genre police and act like gatekeeping & elitism is something other than a pathetic power fantasy. It's hard to say who's worse for it, goths or metalheads? As though somehow defining which band is which niche little made up subgenre is an accomplishment.

>> No.10587627

Cont. Many of these trad goth bands claimed to not be "goth" at all.

>> No.10587631

so would you guys call bands like the Cocteau twins, lush and this mortal coil goth?

>> No.10587640

I would use the word as a descriptor for them amongst others but I wouldn't say that they are soley goth bands.
I'm going to go listen to Garlands by Cocteau Twins right now though because it's been a while and that song gets me.

>> No.10587645

Basically this. They say the same also about actual goth visual kei (Velvet Eden or Malice Mizer for example). Or synthpop style like Mr Kitty. If goth music was only the same artists and genre would be dead since ages.

>> No.10587648

They can do goth oriented music? Yes? Then they are "goth music". The same is Depeche Mode: not goth at all but some of their music could be "goth" in style.

>> No.10587661

It's almost always people who don't play music themselves who go out of their way to voice opinions on things like genre and authenticity. Talk to the local artists, folks in bands and really involved in the scene and you'll see no one cares about that kind of bullshit.

>> No.10587665
File: 59 KB, 421x499, belts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah, it's usually basement dwelling nerds who genre police and act like gatekeeping & elitism is something other than a pathetic power fantasy.

I have been to many local events in my country as well to gigs of goth rock bands in both obscure venues as well as big mass events organized for more famous goth rock bands. Also been to Wave Gotik Treffen and Gothic Pogo Party. And I'm a person who wrote >>10587565 >>10587561 >>10587553

shoegaze and ethereal do descend from gothic rock - some examples more other less. I don't see a problem with counting Coctou Twins or Soviet Soviet into goth rock. There may be more controversial bands tho.

Also some of early gothic metal bands were inspired by gothic rock bands mostly of already metal/hard rock influenced Sisters of Mercy or Fields of Nephilim. While other gothic metal bands even from same time frame don't seem to share these inspirations. However I won't count any of bands from these groups as gothic rock.

>> No.10587684
File: 11 KB, 253x199, logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can do goth oriented music? Yes? Then they are "goth music". The same is Depeche Mode: not goth at all but some of their music could be "goth" in style.

Da faq is "goth oriented music"? Aggrotech? Neofolk? Grindcore? Tibetan Throat Singing? Elevator Music? Metalhead is a fan of metal music. Skinheads are fans of ska who follow certain fashion. Visual key is a fashion based subculture. Why the fuck so many people try to attach everything to goth? Do they see goths as some kind of elite nobility thet give them +9001 "cool points" for belonging?

>> No.10587686

You missed my point entirely. Nitpicking genre is entirely pointless, especially with groups that share so many similarities. You are outing yourself as an elitist and a gatekeeper. Your ideas of what defines something as goth are informed by generalizations and usless labels applied to bands AFTER the fact then used to loosely group others with similar sensibilities. Beyond that forcing things into rigid definitions does nothing but strangle out creativity and experimentation, and is usually the tool of a non-musician to feel important in a music based subculture.
Therefore Throbbing Gristle is as goth as Sex Gang Children who are as goth as Joy Division who are as goth as Skinny puppy and so on ad nauseum.

>> No.10587688
File: 153 KB, 668x960, 30abfdae28a160270e12e36a0fada5a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, Siouxsie is such an idol.

>> No.10587690

>he isn't a post-neotrad-industrial-grindthroat-nuhealth-proto-rap-pseudo-double-goth
Bro your cred is actually -9001

>> No.10587695

I think it's this because the majority of artists that do goth music (even the most trad goth music) don't consider themselves strictly goth or not goth, only a minority of non artists elitists think goth music is just x and not y or z.
I'm not that stupid to think unrelated music genres are goth. Visual kei is very visual/fashion oriented we know but that doesn't mean some artists can do goth music, another good example of visual kei that plays trad goth styled music is the band Madame Edwarda.
I know the majority of metal isn't goth or emo isn't either or lounge elevator music or punk and so on.
It's what I'm trying to say, most trad goth artists were born as not goth music projects, after the goth movement was spreading around these artists responded towards the taste of the subculture and then become "true" goth artists because their fanbase labelled them goth not the artists themselves.

>> No.10587704
File: 206 KB, 738x1024, some random picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are outing yourself as an elitist and a gatekeeper

Quiet contrary. I'm listening to many other genres beside gothic rock. Even dreaded aggrotech is on my playlist from time to time. Just because I don't call My Dying Bride a neofolk band or Verka Serdiuchka a jazz performer does not mean I'm an elitist gatekeeper.

>Your ideas of what defines something as goth are informed by generalizations and usless labels applied to bands AFTER the fact then used to loosely group others with similar sensibilities

Which is why I get shit from people pretending that Christian Death is not gothic rock. "Coz it originated as unique evolution separate from UK". Like it means anything or like many bands even in UK (and other countries as word (and goth scene (notice how smart I am by including nested parentheses)) does not end on the USA and the UK) didn't evolve separated from each other coming with same/similar sound around same time.

>Therefore Throbbing Gristle is as goth as Sex Gang Children

They are not. One is industrial and not goth another is goth rock.

>who are as goth as Joy Division who are as goth as Skinny puppy

Yes Sex Gang Children are as goth as Joy Division (Gods please enlighten these who say JD is not goth as they have no idea what they are talking about). Skinny Puppy are industrial. Which is not goth.

>and so on ad nauseum.

If you have enough LSD - sure.

>> No.10587706

>Skinny Puppy are industrial. Which is not goth.
and as a side note to that part of my post - I did attend a gig of Skinny Puppy.

>> No.10587709

>artists that do goth music don't consider themselves strictly goth
>taste of the subculture and then become "true" goth artists
That's literally my point, arguing what is or is not goth is stupid. Goth is dictated by what goths listen to and it changes over time and that's okay. Trying to fight against the evolution of the scene only hinders things, you don't have to like it but things change.
Let's look at other genres. Iron Maiden is a far cry from Wolves in the Throne Room but people still call both metal. Social Distortion sounds nothing like Leftover Crack but they're both punk. Goth is rooted in it's music but those roots have grown and goth exists outside your rigidly defined subgenre of post-punk.

>> No.10587711
File: 6 KB, 260x194, tips fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goth is dictated by what goths listen to and it changes over time and that's okay.

I'm a goth. I listen to gothic rock, neofolk, martial indistrial, aggtotech, grindcore, black metal, space rock, slavic folk music, rockabilly, surf rock, ambiemt, goa. Therefore slavic folk is goth according to your definition. Yes I also know other goths who listen to slavic folk. There are even gothic rock bands that incorporate slavic folk influences in their music. Goth as fuck, isn't it m8?

>> No.10587713

>Let's look at other genres. Iron Maiden is a far cry from Wolves in the Throne Room but people still call both metal. Social Distortion sounds nothing like Leftover Crack but they're both punk. Goth is rooted in it's music but those roots have grown and goth exists outside your rigidly defined subgenre of post-punk.

and this is the most retarded false equivalency I have ever seen in this sort of discussions

>> No.10587716

You chose to only address the parts of my post that were insults and the part were I purposely named different bands to be inflammatory. Not the stuff where I say your pedantic nature is childish, useless and a tool used by those who don't play music.
That said your next rebuttal will no doubt come with stories about your guitar prowess and how stirctly and succinctly you are able to define bands, albums and even particular songs into thier exact subgenres.
Rasputina is as goth as The Cure who are as goth as Suicide Commando who are as goth as Switchblade Symphony who are as goth as Scarling and so on ad nausea ;)

>> No.10587717

How so?

>> No.10587723

>You chose to only address the parts of my post that were insults and the part were I purposely named different bands to be inflammatory. Not the stuff where I say your pedantic nature is childish, useless and a tool used by those who don't play music.

There is nothing to address there. "You are childish coz you do not call every band you like a goth band" is a purely nonsensical logic that don't even need any sort of commentary. I'm literally wasting calories addressing that part of your post now. These calories would be literally better spent on becoming fat than writing this.

>That said your next rebuttal will no doubt come with stories about your guitar prowess

I don't play guitar and have no idea how to form even most basic chord on it.

>and how stirctly and succinctly you are able to define bands, albums and even particular songs into thier exact subgenres.

For sure I don't mistake industrial with post punk subgenre that is known as gothic rock. I also don't call Bach's music blues despite Bach's influence on blues bass lines.

>Rasputina is as goth as The Cure who are as goth as Suicide Commando who are as goth as Switchblade Symphony who are as goth as Scarling and so on ad nausea ;)

Ah yes, John Cena a famous Roccoco period dancer. :)

>> No.10587726

>Ah yes, >>10587723 a famous retard.
I'm gonna go get drunk and play video games. We can pick this up tomorrow.

>> No.10587727

All your posts so far were written while sober? Impressive.

>> No.10587730

Because theses are different things.

>> No.10587739

Fuck no, today is a holiday.
Drinking since noon is as goth as The Vanishing who are as goth as Sigue Sigue Sputnik who are as goth as Chemlab who are goth as The Dresden Dolls who are as goth as Front 242 add I'm nauseous.

>> No.10587754

Since I've just been posting bands I've been listening to today while doing house chores and drinking I'm going to drop the pretext of this stupid arguement and just post music instead.

>> No.10589824


>> No.10591327

I want to get into the Goth club scene around here, but i moved under a rock before the pandemic and now I have even less chance of figuring out where and if things will be happening. The other day I realized my Lolita wardrobe consumed my Goth wardrobe at some point. It feels bad,man.

>> No.10591979

but for lolita you have tons of pieces to just make one outfit so it makes sense

>> No.10592401

Honestly just google city name + goth night and you will find something. When the time comes don't streas it too much, just show up, have a few drinks, enjoy the music and get some dancing in. You'll make friends in the scene eventually.

>> No.10596874
File: 70 KB, 440x677, cinemastrange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and people trying to accuse prominent youtubers like It's Black Friday or AdoraBatBrat of being fake goths.

Adora is not a goth. She is synthpop and EBM fan with vampiric fashion twist. She stated that herself few times. And then proceeded to use goth label anyway. Well...

Stating that Black Friday is not goth is quiet strange however. She has been discussing music back when her channel was actually interesting. Later sadly she moved mostly to fast fashion centered with occasional travel vids videos and topic of music and gothic rock scene became just secondary if not third plane in her materials. It's quiet evident that she does participate in the music events tho.