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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 446x650, b6df6-k-on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10499307 No.10499307 [Reply] [Original]

4 weeks lockdown of Boris Boi's plan.

Still nothing happening except 'Virtual Cons.'

Any news/plans for 2021, Brit Anon's?

>> No.10499368

It’s just not the same without the old thread pic.

>> No.10499441
File: 182 KB, 700x695, british weather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna promise myself I'll get at least ONE cosplay made while we're stuck in corona hell

>> No.10500445
File: 32 KB, 441x376, amecon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more Amecon...bye any fun in 2021!

>> No.10501191
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Good Riddance.

Another win for AL.

>> No.10502572

Holy fuck lmao. The Dragon of MCM is in trouble for stalking his ex and in the Mail. Pure kino. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8950659/Besotted-soldier-33-restraining-order-turning-ex-girlfriends-home.html

>> No.10502573
File: 127 KB, 1080x342, Screenshot_20201115-150250_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This in particular killed me

>> No.10502617

Anybody remember when lockdowns were to flatten the curve? Good times

>> No.10502619

What a creepy fuck and getting into the Daily Fail no less.

>> No.10502769

Tbf it'll probably help him.

1. No one can say he is lying about being a soldier now
2. Looks to me like a guy who was gutted over losing his gf. Perhaps the dragon isn't this pump them and dump them dick people thought?
3. Watch as his followers go up regardless. As they say "any news is good news".

>> No.10502866

Phil youre sad as hell, seek therapy. I'm embarrassed for you

>> No.10502867
File: 135 KB, 908x908, AlphaMale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like some nerds just had a grudge against him and went to the papers to stir up trouble. All he did was a romantic gesture, 9 out of 10 women would have loved it but unfortunately it didn't work out for him. Atleast we know the dragon must be pretty famous if his relationship status is news worthy.

>> No.10502869
File: 28 KB, 579x173, phil1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its always the man that gets punished, justice for phil dragon and johnny depp

>> No.10502876

With a busted face like that I think not

>> No.10502882

You know who else wants it over and done with? the poor woman you stalked and terrified you fucking spanner. Get a grip.

also Phil pls fix your ded tooth

>> No.10502891

Hi Obayed

>> No.10502944
File: 29 KB, 610x960, RomanticGesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like hes "stalking and terrifiying"? its a very romantic gesture and hes dressed smart and being polite

>> No.10502995

I know this is a troll but unwanted gifts and attention falls under that category, yes. Giving someone you were with for mere weeks a "promise ring" on their doorstep when they've already told you no is classic manipulation and incel behavior

he should spend that money on his ded tooth

>> No.10503104

Is Christmas really cancelled already?

>> No.10503123

imagine still trying to samefag after having a judge tell you what a sad sack of shit you are, pmsl. thirty three years old, stalking girls you dated for two months and samefagging. fucking hell philip have a word with yourself

>> No.10503167
File: 57 KB, 600x583, obayed_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down froggy

>> No.10503177

I doubt someone who was so stalked and terrified would take it to a national newspaper for a paycheck. Looks moreso like an attention whore to me.

>> No.10503179
File: 94 KB, 1089x665, Cameodragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Watch as his followers go up regardless. As they say "any news is good news".

He is now doing cameo's, 11 quid for a shoutout , pic related.

>> No.10503191

absolute state

clearly the courts thought the same thing, enjoy that restraining order luv x

>> No.10503334

Not Phil Dragon mate, what's your beef?

>> No.10503336

Hi Phil's ex!

>> No.10503415

Hi Towers!

>> No.10503625
File: 77 KB, 1080x1080, PlsDonateWeCantAffordFood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is everyones first con of 2021? im thinking sunnycon and mcm london in may providing they go ahead

>> No.10503666

I'm looking at Manchester Anime & Gaming Con in April if events are allowed by then.

>> No.10503965
File: 130 KB, 1080x1603, Iseeyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at his tiktok hes already done 20 cameo in 2 days, i dont know how much % cameo takes but thats over £200

>> No.10504442

>All he did was a romantic gesture, 9 out of 10 women would have loved it

You have obviously never spoken to a woman in your life anon. Stop jacking off to harem animus and associate with actual women.

>> No.10504443
File: 10 KB, 250x237, 19z748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Woman keeps quiet
"It couldn't have been that big a deal, otherwise she would have said something!"
>Woman says something
"omg she just wants attention!"

How the fuck are women supposed to complain about creeps, anon? Interpretive dance?

>> No.10504450

Kokopops con I can safely say don't waste anything on them. They have managed to drip feed us nothing. No news about accommodation, ticket prices, guests or performers in general, no where to sign up to be a trader, not even any events hinted at.

All we get is a dumb Halloween post, shout outs to other people which everyone else and their dog is doing at the moment and a safe guarding policy which ever other event company has too. So kokopops is clearly an original and well organised convention!

>> No.10504452

Irony is that this would be the ideal time for them to actually reveal and shoutout their traders and artists who will actually be at their event rather than random pages? Unless they literally have fuck all signed up right now?

>> No.10504453

Someone in their discord asked them how much ticket prices would be. Their answer was "we'll be revealing that later on in a big announcement".

How depressing when it's this big announcement to state how much you're charging. Someone should tell them that drip-feeding news only works when you actually have decent news in the first place.

>> No.10504456 [DELETED] 

Lockdown solved




>> No.10504465

Reputable newspapers don’t pay sources. Where did you get the idea they did?

>> No.10504666

>"Reputable newspapers"
It's the Daily Mail.

>> No.10504684


>> No.10504689

Tbh ill just be watching shit about leon degrelle

>> No.10504713

Fair. They do offer to pay some sources but I don’t know if they’d shell out for this small fry.

>> No.10506274

Seems from December any event running in tier 1 or tier 2 can run at 1,000 capacity or 50% whichever is lower.

Bodes very well for cons for 2021? (Abeit masked and socially distanced?)

>> No.10506317

Christ imagine attending an AL event and getting COVID from one of those fucking goblin hobos and dying. Last social thing you did was watch greasy mongs look at fake shit.

>> No.10506321

mate we've all had covid at this point lets get back to real shit

>> No.10506322

Laugh it up as AL does better in 2021 than any other year courtesy of this

>> No.10506649

Kind of hilarious how despite all the shitting on AL for running small events, their business model of “small but often” is probably going to let them be the only ones to make money 2020/2021

>> No.10506663

You said the same thing last year

>> No.10506668

They are still going salt boi

>> No.10507495

If the tier changes you’d have to tell half the attendees not to come and refund them or something. On a lottery system probs.

It’s not worth the financial risk to run at all in those circumstances.

>> No.10507567

Tiers 1 and 2 are effectively the same - 50% capacity or 1,000/2,000 people max capacity whichever is lower. Provided the event assumes worst case Tier 2 and does it 50%/1000 people it works. This is due to the likelyhood that basically nowhere will be Tier 3 (ie: no events) by April due to the effects of the vaccines and warmer weather coming through by then.

Of course, the 1,000 cap completely screws over MCM, but not the smaller events. The only question is, is it financially viable to run at 50% capacity? I could see a few cons trying to renegotiate the prices they're paying for their venues if they only can get in half. Perhaps that'd help?

>> No.10507686

The real question is actually "is it morally right to run an event during a pandemic to make a quick cash grab when no other event is running?"

>> No.10507724

If the government deems it safe then how is it not? That's like saying Wetherspoons, Travelodge, Theatres, Cinemas etc should shut down till this has completely vanished 100%?

>> No.10508285

>second time at mcm London
>friend pulls out so now I'm going on my own and need a place to stay
>post in the mcm Facebook about it, get a response from The Road to Cosplay saying they have space
>they say it'd be a bed in a nice apartment they've hired, it'd be like £150 each and there's about 6 people staying there so I'm guessing its probably nice
>arrive and its slightly awkward since they're all basically couples and I'm a stranger
>get in the apartment and it turns out there aren't enough beds
>everyone else "shotguns" the available bedrooms and beds on account of all knowing eachother
>someone takes the sofa as well
>end up sleeping on a flat deck chair in the living room with a mattress protector for a blanket and no pillows
>don't get given a key so I have to phone her whenever I want to go back to the room
>they practice their interpretive game of thrones dance routine in the living room at night, jumping on my 'bed', so I'm not allowed to sleep
>leave £150 on the counter and go home early
Sorry for the blog, I was just reminiscing about the good old days. I'm probably being a whiny bitch, it was good to have a place to stay, but it was shit.

>> No.10508359

try having friends next time lmao

>> No.10508401

Aw dude I wouldn't have even left the cash

>> No.10509597

Any idea what twitter's blowing up about with this Ben nonce? I think I've seen his name mentioned here a few years back

>> No.10509731
File: 80 KB, 724x647, lfccvader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about comic cons profiting from someone's death?

>> No.10509790

TLDR Serial cheater, sociopath and paedophile who abused 50+ women over the years and used cosplay as a means of meeting them

>> No.10509904

Wait, who? Got a link or screenshot?

>> No.10509905

Got 50+ women in a few years? Good on him!

But, seriously do you have screenshots? I'm not a twitter person

>> No.10509906
File: 61 KB, 566x400, ObayedsHarem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like obayed

>> No.10509926

He is an asshole and should be taken to court if he did something with underaged girls, but believing that he abused 50+ woman shows how fucking stupid you people are.

>> No.10509990

Who as in who is he or who did he abuse?

It takes seconds to sign up to twitter and there's far too much to screenshot. It's all linked in threads by @Xenadd

With what proof could anyone take him to court? He's been doing this for over 10 years and was incredibly clever about it.

>> No.10509995

So this is the former WCS UK finalist/judge Benjamin Hunt aka Enja Cosplays. A pretty big deal in the UK cosplay world if true.

So, I've just finished checked the account. Cool story bro, but has he actually been accused of breaking the law and if so is there supporting evidence? Can't seem to find very much of anything other than vague claims of dating multiple girls 16-18 at once and gaslighting?

>> No.10510002

does he need to break the law to be a piece of shit?

>> No.10510009

That'd be a good 10%+ of the community under that definition. Only difference is that Ben clearly has been caught out due to having a higher profile and the clearly mega butt-hurt ex banging the lyncing stick.

>> No.10510012

Reading the tweets, most of the "victims" claim to have never even met him in person? And they think that's a relationship? Ok

>> No.10510018


>> No.10510028

What I love is how she complains she couldn't visit Ben at his flat literally DURING LOCKDOWN but claims Ben told her not to due to his flatmate and not due to it literally being illegal. Beyond paraody.

>> No.10510030

>>Woman gets shagged at con
>>Guy doesnt call after
>>Woman doesnt want to appear slutty so afterwards tells everyone she was drugged or abused
>>Number of women with same story accuse guy #metoo but obviously dont have evidence because they were actually just sluts

We've all heard this story before.

>> No.10510052

Noone with these accusations has accused Ben of rape or assault, just lying and cheating. Important difference

>> No.10510066

So it's just hearsay? From what I saw he wasn't even really clever about this, how could anyone fall for his lies? Are you really believing that he could fuck about with 50+ people? I'm not saying that he isn't an asshole and that he doesn't deserve some shit flinging, but of course the cosplay community and Twitter got their pitchforks out.

>> No.10510070

It's not hearsay. There are hundred if not thousands of documented screenshots, messages, images detailing his abuse. He has also confessed to everything, if that's the 'proof' you're looking for. He doesn't need to be tried in court, although for underage grooming I hope to god he does rot in jail

>> No.10510073

Where then? None of that has been posted anywhere. Or are you just another jilted side chick annoyed he wouldn't break up with his girlfriend for you?

>> No.10510141

Hi Ben. Nice to see your hate boner for degrading women is as flacid as ever

>> No.10510146

Where has he confessed to everything?

>> No.10510156

Screenshots or utter bullshit. Don't even try the "it may harm the case" or the "they don't want to be victimised" excuse. Again, we've literally seen it all before.

>> No.10510158

Christ, the ex is as batshit crazy on 4chan as she is on twitter

>> No.10510179

Show us receipts of his confession

>> No.10510391

>>thousand pieces of evidence
>>no evidence posted

Sure love, i have never heard of this ben guy but he seems like a legend, inb4 hi ben.

>> No.10510911

Ah man love a good lynch mobbing, toeing the company line of "there is so much evidence, insertnamehere has admitted to it. They are the worst and they're victims have come so much evidence. I cannot show you because the police investigation is on going but I've seen it and it's all real. Believe all women.

>> No.10511014

50+ Women making claims, and not a singular screenshot posted

Claims that he deleted all replies, and not a singular screenshot of that, which is the perfect evidence without disclosing what was written, posted

Sure Jan, females that were all trying to compete for the same dick are this organised

>> No.10511026
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 1605708375315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shit thread

>> No.10511101
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>> No.10512326
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And I'll keep makin em.

>> No.10513553
File: 181 KB, 1000x986, obayed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi froggy

>> No.10523532
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 1608847715746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry christmas lads

>> No.10524075

And here i thought this thread was dead

>> No.10524076


>> No.10524419

hi froggy

>> No.10524503

how to be a Chad without drama? is it possible?

>> No.10524830
File: 250 KB, 417x420, wesuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyet. Never. Impossible. This is fucking 4chan you're talking bout here. We will always find SOMETHING to fucking piss on. It's not just the british way, but the anon way.

>> No.10525227

If you're involved in drama you're not a chad. Phil Dragon demonstrates this concept well.

>> No.10527150

nice to see how dead it is here now cons are out

>> No.10527181


>> No.10527884

Kokorocon badge get! Feels nice to have something to look forward to even if Vien/Abunai/Toko shit the bed again this year.

>> No.10527897

Yeah are many people even buying tickets?

>> No.10527899

nah, probably safe to wait like

>> No.10527902

They said 200 sold, not sure how much of a rush there'll be for the first con booking in forever just because it's a con.

>> No.10527912


No way they sold half in 10 minutes as they aren't Kita/Hibana. Love to see the members list and why I should avoid it.

I heard Spooner was looking at attending it...

>> No.10527986

Apparently they've sold over 350 so far tonight. Guess the thirst for any event is strong.

>> No.10528059

Or there’s the much more likely scenario where that’s a lie to make people think they need to book tickets quick to not miss out

>> No.10528076

I didn't like the look of that "service fee"

>> No.10528091

tbf I see every man and his dog charging service fees when they use paypal to take payments, so it's probably just that

>> No.10528094

How much is the service fee? And yeah I'm probably not going to buy tickets until the end of the year at least, unless they sell out by then

>> No.10528096

like an extra quid or so lol so think it's just paypal. fair shout. tickets seem to be going fast though

>> No.10528148

There's no actual proof of that. They were effectively taking pre-registrations for months beforehand which I understand they're counting as spaces taken. It's very easy to see 276 spaces "go" if over 200 of them are just effectively people showing a vague interest before they even launched.

I understand they intend to continue to count all "pre-registered interest" (very clever word trickery there) as a spot taken for up to a week to let them have a chance to pay up. Given that I doubt they've even hit 100 sales nevermind what they're implying.

>> No.10528150

They said taken not sold. Taken counts all "pre-registered interest". So basically every single person who entered their email on their site since September..

Basically the wording has been twisted and is about as misleading as a Tory politician giving NHS statistics on how amazing they're doing.

>> No.10528332

Given that according to three different social feeds everyone and his dog that I know from kita/ame/hibana has already bought a ticket, i suggest you take your tinfoil hat off your head and mike towers' dick out of your mouth.

It's the first con reg in months, none of this is surprising or dubious. Yes, we probably wouldn't see a rush like this if the established cons were confirmed running, but they aren't. I predict this will sell out after a few weeks, not Kita level of hysteria but there's definitely a lot of interest. Remains to be see whether the actual con will be any good, but I think everyone is just excited for any prospect of a con atm.

>> No.10528341

Glad you said it! When I scroll through and see multiple got Kokoro ticket who else is going threads with 100 replies mixed between yes, waiting to buy tickets, not yet, and the most important ‘if you’re going I’m interested’... can def believe they had half the tickets reserved??

>> No.10528344
File: 376 KB, 1080x1582, Screenshot_20210103-121802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10528365

Ah, here we go with Kokoro committee invading this thread again..

>> No.10528368

Fuck off AL shill, I'm ex-toko and have never been involved with any other con. If you used less of your mouth to spread AL propaganda here, perhaps you could fit both of Mike's balls in there at once.

>> No.10528372

lol, calm down love

>> No.10528374

I'll calm down when AL stops sending shills to this thread en masse to slander every non-AL con. We have proof of Mike admitting to posting on here claiming the Kita committee authorize drug dealers on site. Give up, nobody is falling for it any more and if your chosen events have such a freakish cult to them that you feel pressured to do this, you should try other events.

>> No.10528380

that's a cool story, except for the fact that I really don't care about or for AL so go take your hate-boner elsewhere. It was a well known fact that Kokorocon invaded this thread when they initially launched in September to try and hype themselves and it was quite hilarious to watch at the time

>> No.10528383

Not everyone who says they don't like a convention or don't like the look of it isn't an AL-Shrill next you are going to say MAGfest is amazing and can't wait for that!

>> No.10528386

And not everyone who says they do like a convention is a shill for that either

>> No.10528387

The Britfag Drinking Game:
Drink every time someone posts the world "shill".

Anyone have any more that don't involve naming anyone?

>> No.10528388

what the fuck is a MAGFest?

>> No.10528395

Uneducated by here we go...

MAGFest is a music and gaming convention where most of the UK convention guests go to and UK cosplayers guest at and it was a great and fun event, however recently it has come out that the committee was treated poorly by the Head and a lot of allegations have surfaced. It is similar to Katsucon in a way.

>> No.10528559

90 tickets left as of this morning, cycling through the waiting list in a week or so apparently. Will be interesting to see how many of these hold until 2022, wouldn't be surprised if we see cancellations as the situation improves and other cons announce dates for late 2021 or 2022.

>> No.10528570

oh you actually answered that as if I didn't know what magfest was

>> No.10528625

Again, I find it ridiculous how they keep claiming they have sold these tickets when they clearly have not. You can't say "pre-register your interest" and take 300ish emails beforehand and claim that's over half your tickets gone within the first ten minutes. No that's half your tickets "gone" within the three months beforehand (and where a lot of people won't have paid or even intended to pay). It's very shady manipulation to make it seem you're a lot more popular than you are.

I see they've closed registrations now and only are allowing those who have pre-registered to buy a ticket - which basically proves what I've said here. I doubt they've even taken more than 100 actual sales so far. This is all about just artistically making demand look higher by manipulating their figures and limiting supply.

>> No.10528627

Now just to elaborate, we know that other cons like amecon do this as well. So what's the difference here?

It's the fact that they have chucked in that 300ish people who likely just put in their email to find out more in the three months beforehand as "registrations in the first ten minutes". Well yes if you start off on 300 rather than 0 of course you're going to hit that target?

>> No.10528631

And again, let me empathesis this, those people who put in their emails in the three months beforehand, most of them likely have no intention to pay for ages and likely a lot just put in their email out of curiousity.

But no, all these people are automatically counted as registered in the first ten minutes.

Now this is not to deny there is clearly interest in the event, but these tactics come close to outright lying and are shady as fuck. People who pre-register an interest should never have been automatically counted and should have been emailed instead to formally register/buy a ticket when they launched.

>> No.10528633

I joined their Discord when they first announced the event and I'll be honest I was thinking new event I'll give them the benefit of the doubt even with the committee being...questionable.

Every time I asked or tried to have a conversation about what to expect at the event it was always a vague answer.

"Oh it'll be like those other party cons, but better because they've been getting stale lately."

wtf is that supposed to mean? Do they have any plans or just making up as they go along because that doesn't give me confidence. Which is why I held off buying a ticket, I just think many people haven't been buying convention tickets lately, they miss conventions so just slapping their money down because then they can't complain they spent it on a takeaway or something that seems "unimportant". I am surprised though people are just throwing their money at something that hasn't even been planned out properly and they only made the company back in September 2020, so there is clearly no experience here.

I will wait to see if anything substantial is announced before buying.

>> No.10528636

And to add apparently they are going to hire out the hotel swimming pool to do Cosplay Photoshoots....yes because health & safety or just the hotel themselves will allow that to happen!!!

>> No.10528650
File: 510 KB, 1084x849, proof4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for same-fagging, my phone keeps crashing if I put in too much text. This is my last post here and from my pc. So, let's end with basically what proves what I am saying..

I attach a screenshot taken just now showing my "registration" here. Now, I "pre-registered my interest" back in October and yet I am included in the 450 going when I just signed up to find out more at the time. I recall that number of "going" was just below 300 when I last checked before launch. Therefore all these 300 people and myself would have been counted as "getting a ticket" within the first 10 minutes when we did NO such thing.

>> No.10528651
File: 510 KB, 1084x849, proof4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did exactly the same as you and also spotted what you mention here. However, as I said above it is how they've counted their "sales" which has got me. I've just hopped on to my PC now to prove what I'm saying.

So, I attach a screenshot taken just now showing my "registration" here. I "pre-registered my interest" back in October and yet I am included in the 450 going when I just signed up to find out more at the time. I recall that number of "going" was just below 300 when I last checked before launch. Therefore all these 300 people and myself would have been counted as "getting a ticket" within the first 10 minutes when we did NO such thing?

>> No.10528657
File: 237 KB, 972x1361, kokoroscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really are out of touch with the Britgull discord and a lot of people's opinion on Kokoroscam aren't you?

>> No.10528659

Hi there, I know what system is being used there. Its an alright system I suppose but just to let you know, "going" and the annon guests are the number of people that have actually registered to the site, so thats over 800 people that have registered i guess? Sales are not actually listed. Sorry.

>> No.10528662

It's 450 total, not over 800. The two people who are not anonymous are two people who have set themselves to be publicly viewable who I've blanked out.

>> No.10528666
File: 23 KB, 430x358, 9283646120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoutout to gullcord

>> No.10528868

I messaged them directly to ask how many tickets were actually paid up and that was the answer I got.

>> No.10528869

Did you miss the part where there's a whole load of us going or do you not actually read the thing? Most of the relevants bought a badge day 1.

>> No.10528874
File: 10 KB, 166x166, 1479394088515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10528904

They're literally lying and artificially stopping signups (which they can do at this stage easily with a year and a half to go) to wait list them. They've had only 450ish registrations and most of those were from before their launch as of earlier tonight.

>> No.10528905

Of those 450 less than half maybe only 100 have paid. It's not difficult to work this out, honestly. They're no where near sold out and you'll easily be able to get a ticket in six months time is my prediction

>> No.10528908
File: 305 KB, 414x466, 1575570581850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand banter

>> No.10528926

#notyourpersonalarmy ;;;;)))))

>> No.10528974

Spiders OUT
when will dairymilk get off his arse and cleanse the spiderposters from gullcord

>> No.10528978

Hey I'm in the cap uwu

Did a quick wee count of confirmed Gulls (a couple are on the wait list but most of us are paid) and there's like 18 of us going already, that like the majority of active gullcord users. Lurkers fuck off :ae:

>> No.10528980

>Only read channels are General which is automatically done and Amecon, where the last post was in May

>> No.10528981

>being so autistic they can't even make friends in a 4chan discord
>posting here like they know the first thing about any of us in the server
Why do they do it lads

>> No.10528984
File: 15 KB, 342x345, 1483880931212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the con scene is dead

I wonder if this has anything to do with this virus I've been hearing rumours about

>> No.10528988

>Hasn't looked at any of the non-convention related channels

>> No.10528989
File: 278 KB, 1080x1926, 1598229415985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay little guy! You'll get to play dress up sometime soon! Honk honk!

>> No.10528994

Moving on from scams cause fed up of hearing about this shitshow desu.

Anyone have any ideas if Amecon will be moved to later in 2021 or 2022? I'm not getting my ticket refunded yet.

>> No.10528995

I don't care who you are behind the screen PLEASE let me rest on your motherly lap and scratch my head

>> No.10529018

My money is on 2022 or not at all.

>> No.10529126
File: 318 KB, 640x360, 4e92ace603a9012ff5a5c74c10674b141358542015_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, that doesn't sound very cowvid safe to me! Does it sound cowvid safe to you, mr bun bun?

>> No.10529130

think they'll get more than covid having you on their face

>> No.10529133

at least they checked the spoiler text by Rek

>> No.10529179

My spoiler text is extremely important content

>> No.10529309
File: 565 KB, 506x498, Heathcare Dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2022 seems a fucking stretch for a con, but alas, they can seethe if the nonce cons have a resurgence this year.

>> No.10529436

I'd say anything from August onward is likely happening, anything before is unlikely. That depends of course if the government rolls out the vaccine at the rate they're claiming they will.

I guess there'll also be that period from maybe May to August that will allow events but socially distanced with masks, massive restrictions and no parties? I won't be personally attending any of those cos honestly fuck that..

>> No.10529533

oh man, I want to believe. Everything I actually care about is in August. Before that it's just shitters like MCM and HJ that I really don't mind missing.

>> No.10529555

I think August will be fine provided the government doesn't balls up the vaccines.

>> No.10529565

because they have such a strong track record

>> No.10529567

To be fair they probably will and I will fuck off to the continent for cons as soon as that's allowed/sensible.

>> No.10529570

anyone know something about dokomi happening or not?

>> No.10529661

I really hope so, the only convention I care about going to this year is Viencon

>> No.10530591
File: 54 KB, 754x762, 1595014901030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 448 days til kokorocon

>> No.10531176

rip sunnycon

>> No.10531213

Agreed. If Sunnycon can't run in June then I can see them going bankrupt (which will be fun for anyone holding a ticket). There's only so many donation drives for their funds they can do (not even counting that Tuckwell's probably gone and wasted it already).

>> No.10531911

So MCM announcing their update on the day with the most recorded deaths and a state of emergency being declared on London...This is just bad taste.

>> No.10531931
File: 697 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20210108-170908_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say people are being a bit over dramatic having ago, but they send an email going 'We are excited to announce then yes I see where people are coming from.

We are so glad people are dying cause means we can do our events finally!

>> No.10532384

London is just a crater of the COOF, long live the the other MCM's!

>> No.10532721

oh? is tuckwell notorious for such?

>> No.10532763

No way in hell MCM London will happen this year. The smaller ones might. My prediction is that even if we get events back this year, it will be with a cap of 250 or so.

>> No.10532772

if they are dumb enough to throw an mcm london you just know someone is going to show up cosplaying as the grim reaper

>> No.10532782

gtfo 2022 con planner fags

>> No.10532799

no u

>> No.10532829

I'm not enough of a masochist to run cons, just a realist about how fukt this year is for the UK.

>> No.10532897

that 'realist' mindset you follow is more wool over your eyes m8

>> No.10532960

Cons in the 2nd half of the year ought to be fine. Talk about caps of 250 are really just emos doom-porning

>> No.10533176

I'm more interested in going to Toko/vien than to go to MCM this year

>> No.10533359

>2 new strains
>govt already fucking up vaccine delivery

You're absolutely delusional

>> No.10533386

Isn't the government already fucking up by mixing vaccine formulas for the first and second doses without any sufficient evidence supporting it or did they stop?

>> No.10533397

Ha, I see you were thinking the same thing. Yeah, Boris is going hog fucking wild and ignoring any attempt to follow the actual science of how these things work. We're fucked.

>> No.10533439

>ill informed
We're doing better than nearly every major country in administering vaccines and the evidence on the Oxford vaccine does suggest 12 weeks is best in delay. Pfizer wasn't tested for that but could go either way. Why not wait and see what happens first before writing 2021 off. If everything plays out well then we will be very much better off by the summer and at herd immunity by autumn.

>> No.10533441

Also preliminary evidence suggests the vaccines are just as effective against the new strains. Once they're rolled out fully then things change very fast. We also are reaching the end of trials for another vaccine from janssen which only requires one dose and if approved could radically change the game in timescale there.

>> No.10533524

Kokorocon announced Professor Elemental as first guest.

Trying to be Kita is one thing, but doing it by booking Kita's famously shit and irritating guest is quite another. See y'all in rock city

>> No.10533529
File: 121 KB, 220x206, 220px-ProfessorElemental2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"ay lads gonna go colonise the blacks"

>> No.10533539

Agreed. They should have saved their money or gone for a proper guest. No one's bothered to even comment on the announcement

>> No.10533549
File: 35 KB, 391x389, EvilTimelineTucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will still run, even if its just a small hall with no guests like alcon events. Sunnycon still has a good number of idiots who will donate next time tucky makes a "we cant afford food rant" and him and donna are still on benefits

>> No.10533551

i meant they will still run in the future, not in june

>> No.10533552

Literally who?

>> No.10534076
File: 152 KB, 515x787, IMG_20201030_080425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this Kokorocon room booking is going well

>> No.10534081
File: 426 KB, 1440x1354, Kokoroconhotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there are lots of people actually wanting to go to Kokorocon next year?

>> No.10534083

Discord has been a trash fire, it's great. Reminds me of the old days with everyone trying to get through for a room and seething. Not sure how many roims gone but just got mine thank fuck.

>> No.10534090

I won't lie, I loved that rush of phoning constantly for a room!

It might have been stress, but boy did it build the hype for me. Bring it on

>> No.10534095

I thought people weren't hype about Kokorocon?

>> No.10534099

Super hype desu with you. It will be nice having something new.

Even if its not great, we can make it good with the bois.

All sold out now I believe

>> No.10534102

who is this demo cunt

>> No.10534105

Jealous that he's getting all of the attention and that he's got a room booked?

>> No.10534110
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know

>> No.10534111

>being this new

>> No.10534113

I wish demo would fucking kill me

>> No.10534114

I wish demo would fuck me

>> No.10534115

I wish demo would kill me whiile fucking me

>> No.10534117

I wish demo would killing fuck me

>> No.10534118

Professor elemental fucked my dog and called me a niggy wiggy

>> No.10534119

Gotta say I was quite impressed with the staff in all this mess, everyone was completely losing their shit with the hotel being so poorly organised and it could have easily turned very negative. First promising thing I've seen from them.

>> No.10534120

i me killing wish fucking demo

>> No.10534122

Have to agree. God knows if the event will be good. But they have been pretty good. Have not felt this sense of community in a very very long time.. still gonna gonna get off my tits at the event though! Cause some mayhem.

Demo will be royalty at kokoro

>> No.10534124

>Have not felt this sense of community in a very very long time.

Seen it before, then everyone claims it's all shit, rinse and repeat

>> No.10534125

It's a bit sad really

>> No.10534126

I miss you guys

see you next con <3

>> No.10534148

All of you were shit talking the con but now after booking the hotel you're all praising it

>> No.10534156

nah none of the real gulls are here we all fucked off for the year

>> No.10534160

>They think 4channel dot org is one person

>> No.10534233
File: 22 KB, 480x640, 1521203989048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't wanna buy accom yet.

>> No.10534355

hey dairy

>> No.10535102

You're the stupidest fuck on this entire website if you really think that's the case

>> No.10535106

You keep thinking that. This thread was dead anyways.

>> No.10535113

Because outside of con time everyone that matters is on the discord, not our fault you're socially retarded

>> No.10535117

Discord offers me:
>people I know and like
>separate discussion areas for different topics and cons
>shitty meme emotes

The thread offers me:
>hi towers
>hi obayed
>cocopops is a scam
>i stalk some fat saddo who runs a northern con and give you daily updates on his youtube and other shit nobody cares about

I stopped posting here for actual con or cosplay discussion in 2018.

>> No.10535119
File: 157 KB, 828x825, 055A748E-C537-409D-BCA5-C110C5FDAE2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How selfish to think that the government should work at your speed so your small event can run.

>> No.10535136

i guess thats that then.

>> No.10535348

And here's poster #4 right on time

>> No.10535640

I've just seen his video about what might happen with Sunnycon 2021 and he says if it needs to be moved to 2022 he will transfer tables and tickets, but no mention of refunds that I know people will want

>> No.10535647
File: 74 KB, 720x218, hungrytwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give him food, the man is wasting away!

>> No.10535911

hi froggy

>> No.10535983
File: 28 KB, 480x360, 1597477517392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone redpill me on this Kokoro scam and why I shouldn't touch it with a bargepole. I vaguely remember it being mentioned it has a connection to Towers somehow?

>> No.10535986

It was a maybe scam up until they proved it's been booked with the hotel.
People have reserved rooms with kokoro con discount codes

>> No.10535994

McDonald's order didn't arrive :(

>> No.10536016

Not linked to Towers in at all. just a few people who have people that previously helped AL ages ago are on the committee. But as far as I can tell they can't stand Towers as much as the rest of us.

I'm all for the kokoro hype

>> No.10536019

Sold out anyway, get fucked

>> No.10536025

In a nutshell, we were proved wrong, and we respect that. And the committee see comfy. If the event is bad, then we will make it good!

>> No.10536572

your throbbbing hateboner is getting alarming. his kids didnt do anything wrong.

>> No.10536580
File: 13 KB, 300x300, futuramafry_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Three posts praising Kokoro
>All made in less than 10 minutes in a 5 month old slow thread

>> No.10536590
File: 108 KB, 480x480, 1576943759183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing there's a conspiracy to shill a con that has already sold out

>> No.10536603

Or has it?

Next you're going to tell me you believe Finland exists. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

>> No.10536609

How new are you anon? Plenty of times we've seen con staff shilling their cons trying to make out it's going to be a fantastic event, only for the actual con to end up being a shitfest. There's zero details on the website beyond "We're going to have X!", so I'm reserving judgement until we actually have some fucking details.

>> No.10536745
File: 146 KB, 559x668, chindy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi Sindy

>> No.10536774 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck Sindy

>> No.10536778

god id nut in sindy lads

>> No.10536793

sindy poper? I hardly know er

>> No.10536797

cindy plz fugg me

>> No.10536814

sindy please have a shower for the love of god

>> No.10536829

I wonder what she smells like

>> No.10536830

id sniff her, if you know what I mean

>> No.10536838

I do not. Due to covid I lost my sense of smell. Can you help me conceptualise the armoma?

>> No.10536841
File: 20 KB, 620x357, 1545140141801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id imagine it to be a mixture of sweat, sin and such

id have to sniff it for a prolonged period to be sure however

The question is, which cosplay would she smell the best in?

>> No.10536850

Let her do a Trump

>> No.10536857
File: 47 KB, 800x450, ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10536870
File: 80 KB, 737x678, 47e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I fuck qt cosplayers when I'm built like a proper norf FC lad?

>> No.10536871

you don't, fuck off

>> No.10536881

Imagine thinking this

>> No.10537056

Steampunk rappist

>> No.10537160

How does it f e e l ?

>> No.10537192

>ywn feel Sindy on your dick

Why even fucking live

>> No.10537204

you really out here wanting cooties huh?

>> No.10537211

worth the risk

i am a ok with getting some con STDs

>> No.10537213

Or all of them, apparently.

>> No.10537218

no regrets

>> No.10537312
File: 153 KB, 1024x576, belladonna4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I read about the cons that would usually occur in Britain before corona? I haven't gone to a con before, and I've considered going to a con once the rona is over

>> No.10537371

nobody is sober enough to be able to write accurate reviews of cons

>> No.10537665

Find a fatlass and offer her half your parmo son, well in

>> No.10537678

UK has sod all guests so if you don't want to get pissed in cosplay there won't be much on offer.

>> No.10537682

Here's a quick rundown of stuff that ran before corona, not an exhaustive list as I'm souf fc and barely know norfcons.

Residential university cons:

Residential hotel cons:

Expo style cons:
Hyper Japan
Thought Bubble
Sunnycon i think?

Camping con:

Nonce cons:
Anything ending in AGC

>> No.10537683

Oh and for London there's also been Senpaicon which isn't a con but a big one-day weeb meet in a pub with games and karaoke. Hoping it will come back ;w; was a nice chance to see my con friends out of season

>> No.10537704

go back to >>>/r9k/61882157 mate

>> No.10537950

*COOF* Play Expo.

>> No.10538810

thanks lad, didnt think of that one

>> No.10538827
File: 99 KB, 900x599, asbestos fibres 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dirty cunt left a load of hair clippings in my walls.

>> No.10538882

sorry la, they had to go somewhere

>> No.10538883

I need to coooooom
why are cons stilll not on

>> No.10539165

Sunnycon should be in the nonce section
theres also those "for the love of" cons ran by the dude who goes on the edl marches, cant remember his name but they could go under "Nazi cons"

>> No.10539169

sunnycon was popular enough to expand to liverpool

>> No.10539194

Sunnycon tried to expand, and then it was dead and people had awful times they’re putting it to the side for now

>> No.10539210

They taste really weird mate what shampoo do you use?

>> No.10539234

Correction - they *thought* they were popular enough. In the end it was an absolute disaster for them as nearly no one attended

>> No.10539606

You really fell for the washing meme?
Cmon it's the the name SHAMpoo

>> No.10539662


>> No.10539683

Weird paedo server full of snuff, teenagers and white supremacy shit. No clue why it's being shilled here, apparently /pol/ is desperate for attention.

>> No.10539824
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1449695852676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHAMpoo? more like SCA-you hahahahahhhh

>> No.10539825
File: 163 KB, 692x753, 1449919074726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHAMpoo? more like SCAM-you hahahahahhhh

>> No.10539828

barely anyone attended and it almost bankrupted them, thats why the following year they went back to just newcastle with 0 guests

>> No.10539946


>> No.10540261

Tomorrow I'm going to start making it

Wish me luck

>> No.10540543

Gl lad

>> No.10541177
File: 30 KB, 500x518, 1611129007152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for this year's MCM's to be trash fires lol

>> No.10541496 [DELETED] 

come join, friends.

>> No.10541518

Show me a screencap of the current state of the general channel first

>> No.10542612

This is probably going to easily give me away to who I am but I should probably say something. You wont believe me but Kokoro staff have been on here doing damage control. I know this because one of the staff members reached out to me as they thought it was me doing it. They wanted to bury a hatchet in hope i'd stop becuase they were getting too much negativity before tickets went on sale. I declined and it wasn't me who posted here. But I can happily say the staff have been on here to do damage control as the order of Alex Baker.

>> No.10542631

Nobody cares

>> No.10542634

Just because you elaborate on something, doesn't mean you will be believed any more. Hahahaha!

AL losers continue to dig the whole. Us gulls know what's up.

>> No.10542637

Shock news at 11! Event that hasn't run yet doesn't want people talking unfounded shit about it! Other headlines to follow such as:
Nobody. Literally Nobody. Nobody at all cares.
Everyone on 4chan is a faggot who eats all the dicks.

More to come at 12.

>> No.10542640

Really doubt any of them would "reach out" to you.
They seem to be doing alright

>> No.10542642

That maybe true for most of them but Alex doesn't seem to be doing alright

>> No.10542646

What is it with the board and sharing personal posts from people on convention committees? Then also wondering why the fuck no-one wants to run events any more?

>> No.10542647

Always a broken record with some

>> No.10542650


>> No.10542653

How about we leave personal details of people out of here? Not cool.

>> No.10542655

Yeah that's out of line

>> No.10542671

mate as an AL Shrill don't even care for Alex Baker or the Kitacon Ripoff as he's blocked most of us only has the ones he likes to flirt with and ask to meet up in a hotel. I'm just sad to see the state of this thread. Dire.

>> No.10542675

Oh dear. This is a bit dumb. Blatant haters

Oh well back to watching drag race! Can't wait untill KokoroCon bitches! All of that committee are comfy mother fuckers!

Feel free to come lick my chocolate starfish haters <3

>> No.10542679

I cannot think any of anyone on the committee who would talk like that.

>> No.10542704
File: 79 KB, 750x545, 719D9B25-6222-464D-AACD-CDE96B1A9176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely fascinated by the identity of this poster, no shade, it's just an enthralling post

>> No.10542716 [DELETED] 

you use the exact same syntax on here as well as lolcow, perhaps change it us so it's not as obvious who you are idk

>> No.10542725

You all like to make drama out of anything to keep this thread from dying

>> No.10542938

You know we can start a new one right?

>> No.10542962

there is no need for a thread

>> No.10543188

Both these posts stink of fish and paedo sweat to me. Fight it out amongst yourselves, we don't care.

this one does too

there are too many fat men in their 30s with no life outside cons in here

>> No.10543208

Cons absolutely need to ban anyone over 25

>> No.10543242

I agree, if we have nothing better to talk about why would we need to make another thread

>> No.10543265

Advertising revenue for our beloved chan

>> No.10543400
File: 1.78 MB, 378x368, 1594151272834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cons should ban anyone under the age of 20.

>> No.10543427


>> No.10543428

All the good ones do

>> No.10543453

okay except anyone with half a brain blocks ads

>> No.10543578

I’m mad me, nerp nerp nerp penguins of DOOM so random.

Yes. Please ban

>> No.10543815

have fun with your anime league tier con run by attention whores with BPD then kek

nobody learns how to behave themselves at a con til 25+

>> No.10544874

Cons would be better if everyone under 25 was banned. Fight me,

>No underaged screeching and acting like autists on pure sugar
>Barely anyone getting wasted on drink/drugs and shitting in corridors because they're without parental supervision
>Costhots down to a minimum
>Better standard of venue because most can drive
>Less trash in dealers room because of disposable income
>Cosplay goes back to being fun instead of attention whores dressing up as flavour of the month
>Less drama because we're all old and exhausted
>Better quality events due to experience
>Everything is more chill

I remember when UK cons banned under 18s and the quality absolutely skyrocketed as a result. Imagine if it was extended to the under 25s, paradise.

>> No.10545010
File: 61 KB, 634x680, seW6o_QDqPKfkUTuq7sgA4mOeNl5FbxOsm-8Dt8xnOg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, why the 25+ 'Boomer' hate all of a sudden?

>> No.10545037

>costhots down to a minimum

do you actually believe this?

>> No.10545218

the internet in general has become more youth oriented. i mean there were always 12 year olds shitting up livejournal or whatever, but they at least had the decency to pretend to be grown ups instead of putting 'minor uwu' in the twitter bio

>> No.10545287

It’s not sudden. It’s always been like this. I found a Facebook memory complaining about this the other day from 10 years ago.

Just the general assumption that you hit a certain age and magically stop liking stuff. Can’t wait to hit next age milestone and suddenly like cruises and gardening.

>> No.10546335

I think there's a notion of maturity, and some people have been brought up with a you are supposed to "grow out of this" mentality. Some people really can do it, I've had friends who've gone radio silent on the scene to catch up with them later and it's very "Oh, you are still into *that*?", now their life is work, the missus, brews and footie with the lads. I dunno, whatever new hobbies they might have picked up, but they've "put away childish things"

>> No.10546344

I was talking more of the constant “over 25 and on 4chan”

I understand the sentiment. I don’t watch anime anymore, haven’t cosplayed since 2008, sold all my figures and for the most part hate the scene. But here I am.

Likely because no new Hobbys moved in to take their place rather than any degree of “growing up”. I did have a crisis of character moment 15 years ago when I wondered what a non anime fan girl might have thought of my room in the unlikely event I managed to meet someone clubbing or whatever. I think I even used the put away childish things reference on live journal when I did it.

Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go laugh at bane posting memes.

>> No.10546611

Crazy when you consider how a lot of footie fans act lol

>> No.10546802

>luv missus
>luv footie
>luv brew

Stop memeing for God's sake.

>> No.10547119

So like, anyone got any actual cosplay content? Any UK people making anything decent/atrocious?

>> No.10547188

Besides Tiktok.

>> No.10547224


>> No.10547248

In other news - Looking forward to Japan banning money being made off cosplay. Will return it back to it's routes and not this #onlyfans bs it's become.

>> No.10547252

Samefag but let's be honest the onlyfans cosplayers are just wannabe pornstars. Embarrassment.

>> No.10548897

high incell energy

>> No.10549009

What if its a Facebook Cosplayer who has a Instagram too? What do we call them?

>> No.10549010

Not Instagram, Onlyfans I mean, fuck.

>> No.10549279

And? I like to be able to find porn/softcore of specific characters. Just a shame most of them have irredeemably shit taste

>> No.10550032

You alright there mate?

>> No.10550054

God, I hope Boris cancels every con in November

>> No.10550712

these are different posters brainlet, I'm #4 and I'm simply a lesbian coomer who likes big fat cosplay tats.

>> No.10552989