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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10498488 No.10498488 [Reply] [Original]

How do you all make sure you stay fit and healthy during these times?

I'm a fatty who's trying to lose weight to fit comfortably into brand and I'm currently intermittent fasting on a keto diet, but motivation is killing me.

So, what do you all do?

>> No.10498489

Using some burando bux to get a decent cross-trainer and doing most of the usually vacant hobbies or activities on it.

>> No.10498504


If you can read Japanese and want a cute dieting app (for some reason the app being cute really motivated me to use it more as it fit into my lifestyle) I reccomend this one for android called "mogu tan dieting app" or something. It's got an adorable teddy bear scale as the icon and has drag and drop little icons for meals and ingredients. It's got some Japanese and western foods preloaded but also you can add your own calorie counts.

I loved using it in Japan and the predetermined calorie counts were pretty accurate for me there. My language teacher even used the same app for dieting!

>> No.10498507

A few things that help me in the mindset department:
Food should make me feel good for longer than the moments it is in my mouth.
What is the nutritional value of what I am eating? (Helps me see the healthy foods in a more positive way).
Group fitness classes of a long-term nature. I do martial arts, and have since I was young. Because training is a long-term commitment, a better community gets built, rather than some random spin class that has different people each week. Martial arts was also really good for my confidence, which helped me into a place of valuing myself more authentically.

>> No.10498514

I’m using Noom right now. I’ve used plenty of calorie tracking apps before, but knowing I have a fitness coach who’s going to actually look at my food log and call e out on it makes me more motivated to stick to my diet. Also they gave a ton of lessons and tools to use to look at food and dieting and nutrition in a more positive, balanced way. Like anon above said, focusing on all the awesome nutrients you’re giving your body instead of thinking of all the junk you want but can’t have, things like that. It’s $150 for a 5 month plan but it’s felt worth it to me

>> No.10498528

>Lolita Lifestyle and Wellbeing
Another fattychan thread

>> No.10498538

I'm a former fattychan and I found that the best thing for me was to keep things simple.

>count calories
I just used a txt file on my computer. Nothing fancy. I tried various apps but they all complicated the process, especially as I cook most meals at home.

> reasonable goals
My goal was 1200cal for ideal weightloss, but I really just tried to stay under 1500 most days, and if I sometimes went over that was fine too. The point is just to be mindful and not eat 30000 cals in a day.

>incorporating activities
I started walking. First half hour/day, then 1hr, then later 2 hrs when I had time. Not speed walking, just staying active. I also made a point to do more things like going to zoos, museums, hanging out at the mall, and stuff like that rather than just sitting around the house all the time.

>don't worry about what you eat
I tried kwto and IF and both left me miserable. I found it better to just make healthier choices when I wanted to rather than lock myself into some restricted eating style. It was more sustainable and helped me develop goid eating habits from the start vs losing weight and then later trying to learn to eat properly.

>> No.10498540

>How do you all make sure you stay fit and healthy during these times?
I don't do anything different. I eat healthy homemade food everyday and I also take care of my mental health through self reflection. Mens sana in corpore sano

>> No.10498561

just stretch & go jogging for like 5 minutes a day, and then increase that to like 30 minutes a day over time

if you are cisfemale you really shouldn't have any problems looking good as long as you are into physical stuff like sports

>> No.10498565

> I also made a point to do more things like going to zoos, museums, hanging out at the mall, and stuff like that rather than just sitting around the house all the time.

RIP leaving the house and going to things. I hate you, corona-chan

>> No.10498595

I want to make my interior more aesthetic, but I have a really hard time to convice myself that it's not just wasted money because nobody but me will see it.

>> No.10498609

If you feel it's a waste of money to just buy cute crap for your private space, you can work towards making it more functional and aesthetic at the same time. I've done a bunch of minor diy projects and upgrades this year to make my bedroom+office look better.

>lined the drawers of one of my wardrobes with soft plush fabric in pastels, to safely store purses and accessories
>replaced my curtains with hand-sewn heavily insulated black-out curtains, in pale pink
>painted a bunch of furniture in mint and white, makes the room look much brighter
>painted and arranged some of my totes and organizational stuff, looks better and easier to see what I'm looking for
>spruced up my desk area w/ a new mousepad, shelves, etc.
>changed out my lighting to stuff that looks cute but has more uses and settings than the old lights

>> No.10498616

I don't think it'd be a waste since you will be spending most of your time there. I decorated my office with flowers, curtains, decals fake plants and I feel better more than before since I have a nice room to work in. Looking to get more items but I need more blouses, shoes and OTKs.

>> No.10498661

Sorry ana-chan

>> No.10498666

Does anyone here meal prep? What are some of your go-to recipes?

>> No.10498670


>> No.10498671

Are you really surprised? cgl is full of fat people, kek.

>> No.10498677


>> No.10498679


I meal prep parts of breakfast most of the time. I chop up and freeze or refrigerate fresh bell peppers, onions, and low fat turkey bacon to toss into morning omelettes for my partner and I. It's a pretty high calorie breakfast (like 400, which is much more than smoothies or oatmeal I'd eat at home when I'm not with my bf, but not the worst to stay between 1200-1500 daily). Makes it much easier to chop things up ahead of time, and faster. Using mini sandwich bags and putting just enough frozen fruit and veggies for one smoothie is also something I tend to do for breakfast and lunch, since it's an easy filling low calorie meal.

I hate eating food that's been in the fridge too long and am picky about what I can microwave so meal prepping that involces fully cooking food and storing for later rarely appeals to me.

>> No.10498687

Self-posts, census and tons of posters admitting they're fat and can't fit into their clothes in basically every post

>> No.10498699

So what you're saying is that everyone on /cgl/ in every thread, every lurker, has posted that they are fat.

>> No.10498700

How is 400 calories a high calorie breakfast? Breakfast isn’t snack time you should eat more than 100-200 calories at it.

>> No.10498703

Actually fucking count calories

>> No.10498709

Your reading comprehension needs work. Or you're a triggered fatty. Either one.

>> No.10498718
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anyway weight loss is significantly more about diet than walking for 30 fucking minutes a day

chillax chubby-chan, it's pretty clear that there is a subpopulation of people who can't fit burando here but that anon wasn't saying it was the entire board population

i wash and cut up veggies when i buy them to make cooking after work less time intensive and pre-portion large purchases of meat into ziplocks for freezing for two people. it can be really nice to make a big bowl of salad or a pot of chili/soup at the beginning of the week to have available, but my storage situation is such that i can't truly do long term meal prep on top of the idea not really appealing to me.

nayrt but it just depends on how you break up your calories, my breakfasts typically are snack-sized ~150ish cal "meals" that are almost exclusively to prevent vitamins and coffee on an empty stomach nausea.

>> No.10498722

>"In basically every post"
The anon was clearly implying that a vast majority of the board is fat or chubby which is a stupid conclusion since there are even more posts that talk about how easy they can fit into brand.

>> No.10498725

I oven roast big batches of potatoes or pumpkin or turnips or whatever root vegetables I’m using as my carbs that week. That’s the thing that takes the longest to cook at dinner and if I’m tired after work and I don’t want to wait too long to eat I’ll be more tempted to get takeout. With the potatoes already done I can cook up vegetables and meat in about 15 minutes and that’s a solid dinner.

I also find just pre-chopping veggies and keeping them in a bag in the fridge encourages me took cook dinner as well. The only other things I batch cook are meatballs or stock. Whenever I’m making meatballs I just make a ton and freeze them. For the stock I slowly save up chicken bones and vegetable ends in a bag in the freezer and then make a gigantic batch and freeze it in a bunch of little containers that I can use to add flavor to rice or make a quick soup or simmer veggies in, just whatever. It’s a much better way to add nutrients and flavor to dishes instead of high calorie things like cheese or sugary sauces/condiments.

>> No.10498727

we have no idea what the actual stats are for people who post here because it's an anonymous korean handicrafts forum, but exaggerating what someone else says into something completely over the top makes you look like a silly billy

>> No.10498749

How many calories do y'all eat to maintain? I try to eat 1400-1600 a day, workout 7-8 hours a week, and walk for an hour every day to maintain ~108ish lbs. I wish my legs were smaller but I really don't know how I could manage cutting any more calories without collapsing. Sometimes I binge a bit and my calories go close to 2100, though.

>> No.10498751

>So, what do you all do?

I take wellbutrin and sit on my ass and eat like shit and do a handful of sit-ups or squats when I remember. I guess I don't really sit on my ass ALL day, I do clean and pace a bit. But I'm mostly sedentary.

But yeah idk I can eat what I want and maintain a <18 BMI with a body fat % equal to that of most athletes. Oddly, wellbutrin increased my appetite, but I still lost a couple pounds.

>> No.10498752

The three best things I have done/witnessed:

Don't eat meat.
Stay away from marijuana.
Avoid packaged foods as much as possible and try to mainly cook meals with fresh produce instead. (Helps if you make extra you can have for later meals.)

I mostly eat a vegetarian diet with a little fish and have been ~115-120lbs at 5'6" for the past 15 years. Fit AP and baby like a dream except high waist cuts because I'm a bit tall. Skin/nails/hair are great too, but I also take supplements if my diet is a bit lacking.

Eggs, tofu, beans, and lentils are my best friend, along with hardy vegetables with lots of fiber. I do minimal working out (mostly light cardio and exercises that use my own body weight to build muscle) so I'm not in the best shape and I mainly rely on my diet to maintain my weight.

Bonus: my diet makes me learn how to cook lots of creative and tasty meals that I find my friends and relatives love, and more importantly: it's good for the environment.

>> No.10498753

How tall are you? 108 lbs is fairly useless information without knowing your height. If you're like 4'11 that's on the bigger side of average but if you're 5'5 you're underweight

>> No.10498754

Wellbutrin was hell for me, I've been off of it for nearly two years and I still don't have my complete memories or brain function back. I look back on pictures and can't remember what it was like experiencing them.

The appetite suppressing and energy were great though, I miss that.

>> No.10498757


>> No.10498759
File: 117 KB, 1200x694, cgl census.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good portion of /cgl/ have a BMI between 18.5-24.9.

>> No.10498760

It's been an actual life changer for me. I went from having intrusive and consuming suicidal thoughts every single day, to basically 0 suicidal thoughts (sometimes when my BPD gets triggered my mind wanders into that territory, but it's rare and definitely not daily or even monthly, and it's never a lasting feeling anymore). My friends and family were like damn, it's so good to have YOU back.

Sorry it was awful for you. It's nuts how different everyone's brain juices are.

>> No.10498763
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Your BMI is underweight at 16.9 so you definitely have an eating disorder, you're undereating and over-exercising to purposefully maintain and UW BMI. Not healthy physically nor mentally and most embarrassing behavior in general. Take it to an ED support group.

>> No.10498766

That's amazing anon, I'm truly happy it works for you! It warms my heart to hear a successful story like that.

>> No.10498767

being slightly under or overweight isn't a big deal, some people are just built like that. assuming anon isn't lying about their calorie intake, they're doing ok, although i do agree they're overexercising a bit. 7-8 hours a week is already great anon, you should just let your body rest in between exercise days

>> No.10498769

I never said being slightly under or overweight is bad. I'm naturally slightly underweight, but I eat 2000+ calories daily and do minimal exercise. I also don't worry about my legs not being small enough, and I don't say things like "if I restrict any more I will collpase"

I'm saying anon has an eating disorder. Her thoughts are not healthy and neither are her behaviors. Especially since anon is already UW, already exercising all the time, and thinking 2100 calories is a binge. And they think their legs aren't small enough, despite being an UW BMI.

I'm a recovered ana-chan (I was hospitalized at a BMI of 13). I know disordered sentiments when I see them.

>> No.10498770

I'm enjoying this stealth /fit/ thread

>> No.10498771

Don't cut any more calories. You're doing great and are most likely being to harsh on your body. We all have insecurities but the focus should be on health not just size. I don't know your routine but you can always try changing your workout.

>> No.10498772

actually rereading her post you're right, that is written pretty weird

>> No.10498773

This was for>>10498760

>> No.10498774

How old is this it needs to be redone

>> No.10498780

It was done in 2019.

>> No.10498805

I simply exercise regularly, not that hard

>> No.10498831

I have a questions. Do you walk your dog in lolita? I can't imaging myself picking up dog poo while wearing frills

>> No.10498837

Yes! I try to wear something darker without any lace on the hem because most of my dogs jump up and could catch in the lace and where I walk is muddy. Thick tights aswell and some dark or tan granny boots. I found some cute pink hiking boots but they are nubuck and get destroyed, same as white boots or wearing a light coloured coat its not worth the hassle to clean spots off it. Then I walk them in local forests as I live rural so its either that or at the side of the road and I don't find it peaceful. If you live somewhere cleaner and keep to paths you could probably wear paler colours without fear.

>> No.10498843

Thanks for posting this anon. I have to do a lot to keep my weight off, too and I am meant to maintain at 1,600 but if I didn't exercise with that I would go up in weight. I wonder if I am being extreme in terms of exercise as almost everyone I know seems to be able to eat what they want and do maybe 4 sessions at the gym a week if they bother at all, whereas I need to exercise twice a day and count cals to keep it down. And I am a looot heavier than you, too. I hope you can keep your routine up.

>> No.10498847

2 workouts a day sounds unhealthy af

>> No.10498848

One is a walk. Like other anon I have heavy legs. And I am obese for my height-small fat. This is as good as it gets for me, unfortunately.

>> No.10498956

Are your hormones OK?

>> No.10498959

Lmao no cope harder fatty

>> No.10498961

Everyone needs to know about probiotics, makes it so ez to stay smol

>> No.10498968

>don't eat meat
never gonna make it

>> No.10498987

Go back to /fit scrote

>> No.10499003

If you are interested, try small substitutions at first!

If you get tacos or burgers, get bean/veggie instead of meat. Or you could do 1 day of the week completely meatless. I used to eat meat frequently while growing up and I slowly transitioned it out of my diet, you don't have to do it over night!

The health benefits are really amazing and now after so many years, eating meat free is second nature to the point where I don't have to even think about it anymore. It gets easier if you stick with it and learn new recipes (which is great motivation to stay away from fast food and packaged foods too, thus keeping you thin.)

Also I have to say, Impossible Meat is amazing if you still want the flavor of meat. I was shocked when I tried it.

You can do it anon, I believe in you!

>> No.10499030

Other anon does not have "heavy legs" her BMI is underweight and she has an eating disorder and body dysmorphia. Nobody has "heavy legs" at an underweight BMI.

>> No.10499035


Depending on where they hold their fat maybe. If they're very pear shaped they could have bigger legs easily despite overall being small sized. Some Japanese girls have very thick legs for example. Or very muscular in the leg area due to exercise but not enough to be bulky and have a ton of weight.

>> No.10499038

>obese anon enabling an anachan and saying she has fat legs
what a shitshow

>> No.10499042

I batch cook boring stuff. Black beans, chili with ground turkey and beans, shredded chicken in a crockpot, and lentil soup.

>> No.10499043

>implying the girls here don't call each other fatty all the time
Cope harder fatty

>> No.10499051

Nobody with a BMI of under 17 has thick legs. If they think they do, they have body dysmorphia and an ED.

>> No.10499142

N/A shouldn't be an option on the next census

>> No.10499203

Unfortunately I do. 19in thighs and 33in hips, so it's rather disproportionate.

>> No.10499208

I’m fat and started adderall for school. It’s great not being hungry anymore. I also fast 18:6.

>> No.10499211

You need therapy if you think that counts as a large thigh. I'm sorry you have such bad BDD anon.

>> No.10499254

My medication has lowered my appetite which helps with my cravings. Try appetite suppressing herbal teas if you suffer strong cravings.

>> No.10499275


I have just recently been diagnosed with ADHD but haven't gotten meds yet and my bf and a friend of mine rexxomend Vyvanse (may be spelling it wrong) over Adderall because it's a delayed release and can be low dose. Apparently some studies had also been done to harness the side effect of the suppressed appetite and give mid tier doses to obese people and it really helped them.

Makes me excited that I'll be killing two birds with one stone once I get on it (I'm a bit chubby)

>> No.10499283

Addy dried out my skin and made me look like a crackhead. I swear I aged 5 years in 4 months.

>> No.10499298

Good luck with the one you’re planning on taking! It helps a lot with school work.
Yikes sorry that happened to you. I wash and moisture my face twice a day.

>> No.10499301

I've been diagnosed w ADHD since i was in elementary school, meds didn't do anything really except zonk me out and make me not eat, but that was in middle school and I'm 20 now so maybe my hormones have settled down. I've gained some weight and I'm starting 2 new jobs in the coming weeks so I'm thinking of starting back up

>> No.10499304

Same. I was severely thin my whole life from the meds and I got off of them in high school. I got fat during college and I’m trying to lose weight rip.

>> No.10499318
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Kill yourself. I will never eat bugs. I will never live in a pod. I will NEVER apologize!

>> No.10499369

I do. I just don't pick my dog's shit because he's a good boy who shits in bushes and other places like that.
If he ever does shit somewhere else i don't bother to pick it up either it's super small and i don't give a fuck who steps in it.
>inb4 well i hope you walk in it!1!
sorry you walked in shit with your RHS

>> No.10499379
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You gulls are reminding me to start working out and calorie counting again. I really let myself go and i'm really chubby now (126lbs for 5"4,used to be 116). Waist is at 27 inches now and it used to be 26. Nasty stuff.

>> No.10499405

I got thinner during college actually because I was doing a lot more running around than I did in high school (although I was pretty thin then anyways) but quarantine has made me gain what I lost back and then some :\ Hopefully getting back to work will help me lose at least some of it back

>> No.10499434

you're not even chubby,ana chan you're at what's called a healthy weight

>> No.10499446

>it's good for the environment
Maybe take a look at Brazil. While I agree, the Western world consumes too much meat, meat free is not the way to go.

>> No.10499448

You're a healthy weight now and you were a healthy weight at 116, don't beat yourself up over it. It's not "nasty stuff" to be a healthy weight for your height even if that weight is a bit heavier than your previous healthy weight.

However I also feel you I'm 5'3 and I feel gross at any weight over 104. But I have an eating disorder. so.

>> No.10499453

I hope your dog dies soon

>> No.10499454

Thanks anon. That's very sweet. I hope you can recover some day and that you're good rn.
I also have an eating disorder coupled with BDD and other fun things but it's been there since a decade and won't leave. I just wish I was smaller in weight and even height sometimes.

>> No.10499456

he's very healthy and about to turn 2 so no :^) sorry you're unlucky in life i hope you step in dog shit in your most expensive shoes,which are probably bodyline anyway

>> No.10499479

hope he has explosive diarrhea all over ur brand

>> No.10499517

brand is well hidden from him <3 sorry you're all so mad. I'm too cute to do something like picking up dog poop

>> No.10499519


Not any of the anons above and while it's rude, lazy behavior to not clean up after your pets, thinking/pretending you're doing it to be cute when in reality you just aren't willing to adopt the full responsibility of owning a pet is retarded.

>> No.10499594

What does Brazil has to do with it? If anything, the country is an exemple of how cattle destroys the environment

>> No.10499595

Most embarrassing behavior, anon.

>> No.10499601

eat as many carbs and sugar as i want. Drink distilled water. Go to bed early. Ride my bikes nearly every day. Eat plant based

>> No.10499606

Dude I just try on a dress that doesn’t fir every time I start losing motivation. I’ve lost 15 pounds so far. Just stop being such a fag and man up.

>> No.10499607


Distilled water leeches minerals from your body doesn't it?

>> No.10499609

Oh also...


>> No.10499612

Go back to your hut Freelee

>> No.10499654

Fuck I'm in the process of getting ADD meds at last, but I'm already the skinniest I want to be, what are my chances of keeping the weight I've got

>> No.10499661

Almost none. I was already thin when I went on it and got grossly thin. My appetite was nonexistent and I was only sleeping for maybe 5-7 hours, every 24-36 hours.

Eventually it just started giving me intense anxiety attacks that would last for hours, so I stopped taking it.

>> No.10499664

Only some adults appetites are affected. My psychiatrist said the older the person the less likely their appetite will decrease.

>> No.10499729


It probably also varies depending on the drug. Adderall from everyone I've spoken to makes people feel like shit and makes you look like a methhead because it's basically a little better than meth. Vyvanse is an extended release or something where your body has to process the lysine first and has fewer or less intense negative side effects or at least is supposed to.

>> No.10499730

As a child, it caused my depression to get worse. It didn’t affect my appearance but it took a toll on my mental health. As an adult, I’m on antidepressants so I’m alright.

>> No.10499743

there is no advantage whatsoever to drinking distilled water unless making sure your drink tastes like shit is your priority, and drinking it exclusively will eventually make you dead

i'm 28 and have been taking concerta (it's an extended release formulation) for about three years. eating breakfast before you take it in the morning anecdotally helps me get around its noticeable appetite suppresant effect/smooths out any jittery feelings while still doing its job. it definitely cuts down my urge to snack or grab something sweet when i stop by the store. for people who already tend to eat throughout the day for most of their calories, it might do more to cause weight loss than it does for someone who prepares one or two full meals in a day and eats them at regular times. that said, don't be afraid to ask your doctor to try something else if it's messing up part of your life! i believe there are non-stimulant meds available, and some people report no appetite change at all anyway.

>> No.10499755

Actually there are plenty of toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Seems like you want to act like that's not true. Also you should be eating your minerals that folks say should be in your water.

>> No.10499769

Also I love the way my distilled water tastes lmao

>> No.10499774

I bought an exercise bike and I'm hoping it will get me back into pre quarantine shape

>> No.10499778


Distilled water doesn't just not give you minerals, it straight up tends to absorb them out of your body, including what you would get from food. On top of that, it doesn't replenish any minerals or electrolytes you lose from sweating if you are exercising a lot.

>> No.10499783


>> No.10499838


It's the first thing to come up when you Google it. I forgot the scientific reason behind it and don't know how extreme the issue is/how much you'd have to drink for it to be a health concern, but distilled water is labeled separate from drinking for a reason.

And of course water with no minerals or electrolytes (distilled water is I'm pretty sure basically pure h20) isn't going to replenish either should you lose them while sweating. So you could have issues that people typically get when sweating a lot and drinking too much water rather than an electrolyte solution but presumably even worse.

>> No.10499854

Limit your caloric intake to around 20,000 a week unless if you're an average height. Purchase your food weekly, and buy 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fats. You can eat whatever you want within those boundaries.

If you don't have access to a gym or weights, go for jogs around the park. Cardio is the best form of exercise. Ride your bike anywhere and everywhere it's reasonable to do so, and as long as it isn't thundering.

If you want to get a tight stomach and possibly abs try doing pushups, planks, crunches, and burpees.

That's it, that's the secret. Not really much of a secret, but yeah. You just gotta stay on top of it. A diet only works so long as you're on it, and you only stay fit so long as you keep exercising, unless you have the metabolic rate of fucking Wolverine like I do. But then that presents the opposite problem, being too much of a twig to do anything. I'd prefer starting out overweight desu.

>> No.10499856
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"Just google it lol"

>> No.10499857

give me a source. the first two results that comes up for me say that it doesnt absorb minerals out of your body it just lacks the minerals undistilled water has.

>> No.10500169

i didn't realize the concerta was making me depressed and suppressing my appetite when i started taking it. I never had an adhd coach or anything to guide me through it so i thought i needed to increase the dosage
eventually i made my way to max dosage (54mg) and during a stressful time it got so bad i started to gag just on water. eating became so difficult. it gave me anxiety on top of the depression. i was medically underweight the whole time on it because i thought i had to take it everyday when it was actually as needed. I was 90 pounds and managed to get to 100 by the end of highschool partially because of the muscle weight from group fitness.
ymmv, but don't go to 54mg or even 36 if you can avoid it, and just take your symptoms seriously

>> No.10500171

(btw I'm fine now, I'm a normal weight for my height and i actually enjoy eating again which makes life actually worth it; am hella out of shape though bc no more group fitness )

>> No.10500196

I started working out again recently, feels bad when things don’t fit like they used to.

I’m 5’5 and my weight has been fluctuating between 128-133. I just wanna lose like 10 pounds and fit my brand comfortably.

I usually do cardio for 20-30 minutes and then another 30 minutes of whatever I feel like that day (squats, push-ups, etc.)

Is there a way to burn belly fat without doing ab exercises? That’s my problem area, but my doctor has told me to avoid doing an exercises because I have acute IBS and it triggers gnarly nausea and the runs (already tried anyway lol). I know eating less and not eating sweets helps too but was just wondering

>> No.10500200

Try ginger supplements

>> No.10500221

Unfortunately there is no such thing as targeted weight loss.

>> No.10500232

It does not suck out your minerals--I think this misunderstanding comes from the fact that distilled water would be a lot more corrosive in an environment like a pipe. It doesn't replenish your electrolytes and is a bit less efficient for your kidneys. This could be an issue if you're sweating a lot or you're sick and losing minerals rapidly. Give some poor dehydrated bastard with diarrhea some distilled water and they might die. It can cause water retention due to the whole No Electrolytes thing, and it can also increase the osmotic pressure in your cells enough to make them pop like sad overfilled balloons, but I think you'd have to drink a lot at once to cause this. It isn't super risky or deadly, but it's also pointless to not just add electrolytes/minerals to it to offset the effects of being pure water.

The only people who benefit from convincing people that regular drinking water is dangerously contaminated with mysterious "toxins" are the door to door shills that sell you their dumb fucking kits. Seems like you want to act like that's not true. If my tap water had significant heavy metal contamination I'd surely be symptomatic by now, and even if I knew for sure it did, I still wouldn't have a good reason to drink distilled water over normal water with minerals but no heavy metals. The reason why electrolytes in water are important is not to make sure you aren't deficient (though that is good), but to prevent electrolyte imbalances.

>> No.10500233

this is so fucked up! I've been on 27mg for three years, I'm horrified that they kept just giving you more, especially as a highschooler.

>> No.10500234

My neurologist told me that my depression wouldn’t have been as extreme if I wasn’t taking concerta. That shit sucked.

>> No.10500312

I've been trying to make some gains during the lockdown. I'm underweight auchwitz-mode. None of the weight is going to my arms and legs, it all goes to my belly, which freaks me out and I starve myself until I'm skinny again and the cycle continues

>> No.10500340

Alright dude. You can drink all the arsenic, lead and other shit as you want. I aint gonna stop you. Cuz hey you're not symptomatic and surely the government has your health in their best interest! Oh and the American people are known for being such a healthy bunch.

>> No.10500342

By starving yourself, you are ruining your metabolism and hormone balance. This is only going to cost you in the long wrong. That logic would be enough to quite that "cycle"

>> No.10500344

Americans are unhealthy from eating fast food and being sedentary not from drinking water anon

>> No.10500347

Look up the contaminants in tap water. Many of them are carcinogens. meaning they cause cancer. I'm not denying your logic, I just think it's foolish to trust municipal tap water as safe and healthy. You should go the extra step and purify it. And if you're so concerned, remineralize your water

>> No.10500353 [DELETED] 

>what is onions expansion

>> No.10500354

>what is s o y expansion

>> No.10500357

Okay so I'm an omni but can you really be so ignorant in the year 2020 that you fail to realize most of the onions we grow is fed to livestock? Meat eaters are bigger basedboys than vegans.

>> No.10500365

i'm not american, but you probably are. they're not known for being healthy, but they are known for being anti-intellectual spazzes with no capacity for critical thinking. do you eat rice? do you breathe air? congratulations, you're exposed to arsenic. these naturally occurring substances are constants in our environment, and unless you are drinking from an actively contaminated water source (you're probably not!), drinking distilled water is a futile at best, actively harmful at worst attempt at protecting yourself from the world. there are reasonable steps to take in order to avoid harmful substances, but distilled water seems to be the method of choice for woo-infused stoners and scam victims who think they're fucking redpilled after being tricked into installing some overpriced and energy inefficient machine under their sink.

i'm not anti water filtering and have lived in areas with extremely hard tap water that had to be filtered, but these moronic methods that 100% strip water of everything are expensive and slow for literally no benefit- and as far as the original point of it being suggested in the context of weight loss, it still has NO benefit and increases water retention. if you really give a shit about dangerous substances, try addressing your local farms and factories. your primary exposure to carcinogens is via industrial pollution and the literal sun. this is the logical equivalent of those who forgo vaccines due to their .02mg formaldehyde content when your body manufactures over 50,000mg a day.

>> No.10500373


GTFO of here you absolute dumbass, go re-arraign your chakras in a fire

>> No.10500417

Try to understand the problems with agriculture that Europe has, the US has, and is exporting around the world. And I literally said the world consumes too much meat.

>> No.10500428

it's all due to the animal agriculture industry

>> No.10500436

No it's not. Monocultures are a massive problem in the industry.

>> No.10500439

the single best thing anyone could do for the environment is attempt to eat locally. vegan food isn't any less exploitative or damaging when you're talking about ecosystems.

>> No.10500450

Just get a regular water filter. You shouldn't drink distilled water.

>> No.10500596

Monocultures are a problem, onions monocultures in Brazil are used mostly to feed cattle, so the cattle is a problem.

If there was no cattle, we wouldn’t need to have so much space taken by monocultures and you would know about it if you had any idea of what you are talking about.

>> No.10500624

Well, actually, the single best thing people can do is have no kids or just 1 kid

>> No.10500643

Actually the best thing everyone can do for the environment is die but even then I think we’ve done too much irreversible damage already

>> No.10500668

The best thing we can do is vote in people who create and enforce regulations on Cruise liners and oil

>> No.10500670


>> No.10500931

>eco fascism

>> No.10500959

omg you're so quirky and edgy i bet so many girls sleep with you xDDDD!!!!!!

>> No.10500965

what the fuck are you on about lmao

>> No.10500967

Literal child over here

>> No.10501037

I got on adhd meds and I make sure that I eat enough by counting calories so that I eat enough. Eating before taking meds helps and eating at night after the effect wears off also makes it easier. It's more of a mental block and it just takes effort and forcing myself to eat. It is easy to forget to eat when taking adhd meds because you don't feel hungry.

Did they start you from the lowest dose and work you up as needed? You shouldn't be having those kinds of effects unless if you're taking a high dose. I was put on vyvanse at too high of a dose and it did similar things to me. I switched to adderall on a lower dose and it doesn't make me feel anxious or prevent me from sleeping.

>> No.10501058

saving the planet ideology is nonsense because we aren't trying to save the planet, the planet doesnt care. Stopping climate change is about making humans suffer less in the near future.

So having no children is like saving a house by not living in it

>> No.10501112

That is the most idiotic circular logic I’ve ever seen, and I teach undergrads so I’ve seen a lot.

>> No.10501180

explain it then. My point is that stopping climate change is 100% about humanities survival and not about ''saving the planet''

>> No.10501181

Stop falling for corporate propaganda. I can't believe I have to explain to people on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum that Exxon at the very least has been aware of the negative impacts of oil on climate since the 70s, if not earlier. The vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions are from industry, not individuals. Stop taking the blackpill ffs

>> No.10501186

That doesn't work with globalism and open borders politics and an economic system that is relying on eternal growth. If the population shrinks, your government will just import more third world people to make up for it. And there is an unlimited supply of those people thanks to exponential population growth in their homes countries. Your personal abstinence from animal products and you not reproducing won't help the planet either in the long run.

>> No.10501194

Humanity has a better chance of surviving if there are less than 10 billion of us shitting up the only livable planet we have, you absolute numbnut.

>> No.10501197
File: 21 KB, 700x700, 1495380361522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant regarding diet since that was the topic, there isn't one single thing that an individual can do to solve the problem of global industry destroying the environment with unsustainable practices

to be fair, most people do mean "save the planet" in the sense of preserving a viable home for future generations of human beings. whatever dumb shit we do to kill ourselves off will probably result in us being outlived by other things and the earth eventually making some kind of ecological recovery.

this, basically. holding corporate entities accountable and massive change regarding the production and distribution of goods is foundational to the actual reversal of climate change and environmental damage. the regular practices of industry are the main problem.

>> No.10501198

convincing a tiny minority of already privileged people that all they have to do is not fuck to save the earth will probably not save the earth. less people might do less damage, but that is in no way a solution, especially since it can't reasonably be enacted on a planetwide basis. inaction seems like a stupid way to address several gigantic actions.

>> No.10501223

So killing off a bunch of wildlife/insects/plants while we're at it is fine? You act like the rest of life on earth won't suffer. Yes, the space orb will be "fine", but no one has ever tried to argue that point. Are you unable to interpret the meaning behind words?

>> No.10501258

lmao this guy thinks people in third world countries who barely have enough food to feed themselves are the ones shitting up the planet

>> No.10501261

Cruise liners fuck up the ocean much more than any third world country can, but sure, kill off a whole bunch of people. I'm sure it wont be you and your love ones in the kill count right?

>> No.10501284

Any gulls have experience with lipo? I'm saving up now and will start looking for providers in a couple of months. I'm able to keep my calorie count down just fine, I'm just impatient.
Am trans, if it matters. Unsure

>> No.10501292

Did it ever occur to you that both are bad?

Why do people like you always sperg out as if someone saying that we're overpopulated means that they must also be promoting genocide?

>> No.10501293

cringe. stop watching porn and eating "titty skittles" you sick fuck

>> No.10501298

Industries make stuff for individuals, they aren't creating a bunch of emissions for fun

>> No.10501299

>massive change regarding the production and distribution of goods
Nobody wants communism, take the hint

>> No.10501300

because most people can read between the lines dumbfuck or do you really dont see how calling for mass killing is genocide?

>> No.10501301

you're so right, a person in a third world country popping out babies for the sake of their survival and due to lack of education is totally equal to a handful of corporations knowingly fucking up the planet for maximum profit. i am so enlightened.

>> No.10501302

No, you're just an oversensitive sperg. Where in this thread did that anon seriously propose mass killing, tell me.

>> No.10501303

>totally equal
Holy fuck, you either really don't know how to read or you're just trying to twist what was said because you know you got caught being retarded lmao

>> No.10501310

You know what, fuck both of you and your responsibility absolving circular logic.
>third world overpopulation is ruining the planet
>we need to depopulate
>I have no control over the population
>I have no responsibility
>I will continue to consoom

>corporations are the ones ruining the planet
>I have no control over corporations
>it's the corporation's responsibility
>I have no responsibility
>I will continue to consoom

I'm glad the planet is dying, humans are such a faggot race that deserves it

>> No.10501315

>Vote in politicians that have taken a hard stance for environmental protection
>Run for any office
>Petition for better environmental protections

Its not circular logic, you're just lazy

>> No.10501325

kek how are they the ones being lazy when you're the one who doesn't want to do anything

>> No.10501326

B-but they fill in a check box on a ballot every two years! What more do you want!

>> No.10501340


>> No.10501344

Just 41% yourself already

>> No.10501365

How is advising people to have 1 child or 0 children advocating for genocide or mass killings?

>> No.10501384

Is there a single weeb femoid that doesn't have a fucking eating disorder jesus christ

>> No.10501395

Nayrt but it's because you're implying humans are the problem when they're not.

>> No.10501398
File: 151 KB, 892x590, 1516054448981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10501401

Holy shit the level of retardation in this post
First of all, the 1 child policy or choosing to be childfree is not at all comparable to genocide.
Second of all
>you're implying humans are the problem when they're not.
Yes they are, what the fuck do you think is causing all these environmental problems, fucking aliens? lmao

>> No.10501424
File: 526 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont snack.
Most meals are just survival....rice and poached fish, salad, baked chicken breast ans weet potato.
I do not limit olive oil or butter.
I quit drinking alcohol except for a shot or two of gin w diet ginger ale on weekends
I do not eat fried foods anymore.
I do eat alot of rapini, and peppers.
I dont associated foods with a time of day anymore...like breakfast can be a grilled chicken breast and half a sweet potato.
Once a week I go off and have some pizza or a steak.
For excercise I walk 3 miles a day , pretty fast.

I have lost about 40 lbs in 3 mos.

Once you have eaten fairly well for awhile...eating things like fried foods are a challenge.
I went out to a restaurant w friends and splirged on froed food....I felt physically horrible for mostmof the night.

>> No.10501430

Go back to your maga flat earther climate change denying circles, you retarded faggot.

>> No.10501460

Carnivore diet and kettlebells. May seem ironic, but if you want to appear dainty in ruffles, you need to get hardcore with the body maintenance program.

>> No.10501462

If humans are the problem you can start by removing yourself.

>> No.10501463

Let him get botched, he deserves it.

>> No.10501481

They are not making stuff for individuals, they are making stuff for profit and I know this remark might sound dumb because individuals are the ones buying stuff, but we need to remember how, as social beings who learn by exemple, we are easily influenced.

>> No.10501483

Like you've been influenced to think that you don't have personal responsibility because it's all ebil corporations fault, and that we absolutely have to change to a entirely different economic system in order to prevent climate change? I wonder where you got a retarded idea like that?
I've seen this exact argument play out in reddit in the exact way. You're no better and I would think it was bots on reddit if I didn't occasionally encounter people like you elsewhere.
I almost think it's an elaborate psyop to get people to give up on stopping consooming by convincing them it's hopeless unless we embrace socialism/whatever which is never going to happen, effectively making people who embrace this argument give up on changing their behavior.

>> No.10501490

Maybe you need to think about what eco fascism is and compare it to the bs you're spewing.

>> No.10501494

>Everything I don't like is facism

>> No.10501503

Am I still on cgl

>> No.10501525

According to the UN, the world will never even reach 10 billion, we're at 7.5 right now. Populations naturally stabilize.

Telling westerners that having less children will save the planet is pointless, industry causes the pollution not more humans. If everyone had less children there would still be a climate problem.

The solution is technology.

>> No.10501534

The more I read about how having children is destroying the planet, the more I want to have like 12 kids to compensate for your idiocy.

>> No.10501536

That sounds like a very well-reasoned and intelligent decision.

>> No.10501545

Nah, you should kill yourself since you enjoy fucking up the planet so much tho.
>choosing to be childfree is fascism
Are you just not trying anymore?
It would be a crime to breed with the mentally retarded so no, you'll never have kids.

>> No.10501551

Imagine being this assblasted about other people's reproductive choices on a board for people that buy polyester dresses by the pound.

Maybe choose another venue for your soapboxing?

>> No.10501554

kek sorry someone thought your 12 kids comeback was lame, maybe try again next time

>> No.10501580


>the more I want to have like 12 kids to compensate for your idiocy.

The least self aware sentence of this week ladies and gentlemen

>> No.10501584

Me too

>> No.10501587

Keep dreaming femcel

>> No.10501713

20k a week? What kind of monstrous giant are you?

>> No.10501722 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 524x389, Frollo__demotivational_poster_by_malamute_musher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on keto right now and actually having success, whereas last time I was literally crying in Walmart looking at the 48-count box of Poptarts. Turns out the big difference is I started eating probiotic foods, namely milk and water kefir. Turns out your gut bacteria have a lot to do with what you crave, and when you change them, your cravings also change. Also, my acne cleared up, I'm less anxious, and I'm not constipated at least one morning a week anymore, yaaaay!
Any probiotics will work starting out, but I got obsessed with kefir once I confirmed all the changes were straight-up because of it. You can buy some at the store or get grains to make your own. Good luck anons! (pic related, Esme is a huge goal cosplay)

>> No.10501724

It's okay anon. It's pretty obvious you can't read.

>> No.10501726

Talking about yourself again, I see.

>> No.10501736 [DELETED] 

>FUCK, I didn't realize that was literally a motivation poster with RAPE on it, wtf!!!

>> No.10501743
File: 62 KB, 570x533, esme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm on keto right now and actually having success, whereas last time I was literally crying in Walmart looking at the 48-count box of Poptarts. Turns out the big difference is I started eating probiotic foods, namely milk and water kefir. Turns out your gut bacteria have a lot to do with what you crave, and when you change them, your cravings also change. Also, my acne cleared up, I'm less anxious, and I'm not constipated at least one morning a week anymore, yaaaay!
Any probiotics will work starting out, but I got obsessed with kefir once I confirmed all the changes were straight-up because of it. You can buy some at the store or get grains to make your own. Good luck anons~ (pic related, Esme is a huge goal cosplay, I deleted and resposted this whole thing because the last pic I used was fucking weird, lol)

>> No.10501748

Even 1500 x 7 is only 10,500...you'd have to be eating almost 3000 calories a day to hit 20k, wtf

>> No.10501755

Maybe they meant regular calories since isn't in the US a calorie technically actually a kilocalorie or something? So they actually meant 2K calories?

>> No.10501772

I'm doing cico, but Filmjölk is the absolute best for probiotics, tastes so good and is relatively low cal, it's like yoghurt milk but with high amounts of lactic acid. I think I had terrible gut bacteria before.

I'm already slim but I've lost ~5kg (10lb or so) in the past month and I want to lose another 5kg over time

>> No.10501775

2k calories per week doesn't seem very sustainable either lmao, pretty sure that's just some guy from /fit/ thinking that advice for men will work for women too

>> No.10501781

Yeah it's a lot if you're female and not someone who gets a lot of exercise (like casual hobby athlete or dancer or something on top of normal physical activity or workouts).

>> No.10501797

Guys I'm so depressed. I gained so much weight over the past 2 years since working my office job. I dont fit dresses like I used to and I'm just a fatty now. I don't know what to do to lose weight. I've tried everything. I feel like the only way for me to lose weight is to starve myself.

>> No.10501798

I have a personal responsibility and we have to change to an entirely different economic system in order to prevent climate change, a system that isn’t based on profit, but quality of life.

>> No.10501799

>I've tried everything.
Like what?

>> No.10501801

What’s the everything you are trying? If nothing is working you have to check for hormonal problems, but that’s rare.

>> No.10501810

I'm sorry, anon. But your meal looks repulsive. Maybe you should limit olive oil and butter. Your food is swimming in grease.

>> No.10501816

That wasn't me, it's just hilarious that you're ranting about the environment while buying poly dresses that have to be flown out to you, consoomer stuff that can never be recycled. You're going full retard for acting holier than you on this board of all places.

>> No.10501832

Good luck getting every major country to change their economic system
You know some of them tried that already, right?

>> No.10501839

I'm 105 lbs, 5 ft, 30y/o. I do not exercise. For breakfast I have a banana. WFH lunch is something simple like a medium sized bowl of marinara pasta. Dinner is meat, carbs, and veggies, with the veggie portion being the biggest. It would be something like half a pan fried chicken breast, steamed broccoli, rice. For dessert it's usually a tangerine, yogurt pack, or cereal. I completely cut out soda and juice and solely drink water, milk sometimes.

That's my lolita lifestyle. Was not too different before the pandemic except I would get lunch at a cafeteria somewhere instead while working. People scream genetics at me but it's more I've had these good habits since I was young and I don't look to food for comfort or to get that feeling where you are just completely knocked out after a meal unless it's a special occasion. Like my friends would actively try to get into "food comas" or they would take up baking and use it as an excuse to gorge. It would be they only time of the day they could be happy and I think that's why it gets people so fucked up.

If you are obsessing over your diet I would advise people to approach their food as more of a utility thing and focus in on other hobbies to get that serotonin boost elsewhere. Eat slower, so your stomach has time to register that you are full/rewire your brain. I take at least 30m for every meal except breakfast.

>> No.10501859

>while buying poly dresses that have to be flown out to you, consoomer stuff that can never be recycled
Speak for yourself. Not a single person who responded to you said shit about their personal lives lmao

>> No.10501871

this sounds like a scrote larping his ideal petite submissive gf lolll get out of here you're not gonna fool us

>> No.10501880

If you're here you're either into cosplay or Lolita, which isn't in any way good for the environment unless you get everything locally, second hand. Unless you're a scrote just stirring shit.

>> No.10501882

>unless you get everything locally, second hand
Exactly, you don't know anything about the people responding to you. They could have a capsule wardrobe, they could only buy local, natural materials or make their own clothing. Assuming they have a constant stream of poly dresses being shipped to them from Japan is just a cope to try to make them look bad and absolve yourself of any personal responsibility.
That being said, it's really funny how assblasted you all got from one person saying the world is overpopulated. No one was telling you to kill yourselves and yet you're all shitting your pants and getting defensive.

>> No.10501886

>They could have a capsule wardrobe, they could only buy local, natural materials or make their own clothing
Nayrt but you're playing devil's advocate here really hard when in reality everyone knows most lolitas are not doing what you described.

>> No.10501890

I've seen lots of people on this board talk about having capsule wardrobes, buying exclusively cotton or making their own clothing. Do the majority of lolitas in general act like this? No. But I'm not talking about them. It's not hard to believe someone talking about the environment on here could also be trying to do their part in their personal life. You don't know them, so stop projecting as a way of shutting down their point which is still valid regardless of how many ad hominems you use.

>> No.10501894

I literally am not that anon as I mentioned so idk why you're projecting your arguments about them onto me for acknowledging that it is more likely for someone on cgl to follow modern lolita trends than not.

>> No.10501905

If I was a scrote I'd be suggesting exercise, for some reason that is the ultimate solution guys like to give. I do zero exercise and think people need to focus more on what they eat than going jogging because it does fuck all comparatively.

There's absolutely nothing "ideal" about being apathetic towards food, it just works out really well. I'm literally a normal human being eating normal fucking meals, how the fuck did you get submissiveness from ANY of that? You're just seething with jealousy and making up character traits about me lmao.

>> No.10501944

Cgl? Where we lament about the past days of cotton? Where we all want old releases and hate on everything AP puts out that isn't a re-release? Are you lost?

>> No.10501963

Ive gotten fat af while I’ve been furloughed and after years of training myself not to eat as much sugar and fried food I’ve fallen off the wagon. It’s become an addiction at this point and I’ve reached the point where the guilt has led me to bad decisions. Mainly quitting cold turkey, lasting a week and binging. Luckily I start work soon so I can maybe start to get back to a routine but man, why tf did I do this to myself. I lost 40lbs in 2019 and now it’s almost all back.

Tell me what a weak willed landwhale I am because what I need in life is people to stop telling me “it’s okay” because I fucking hate the way I look.

>> No.10502012


Every time people (myself included) talk about preferring cotton people come out of the woodwork with why they love poly, like how it's so easy to wash and won't fade, etc. etc.

A good chunk of people here don't mind poly based on the posts I've seen, despite my own personal bias toward cotton I can still see that. And some brands are still putting out pieces in cotton. Like BABY. So...you can like cotton and still follow trends. And AP is rereleasing stuff fairly often so it's still keeping up with what's current to buy rereleased and MTOs. And cotton isn't inherently good for the environment or people on its own. There are factors like the large amount of water that it can take to produce cotton textiles and the unethical practices of the people in India or wherever who employ those who pick it.

I don't care one way or the other about the environment beyond ensuring corporations are held accountable for reducing emissions, I just think it's intellectually dishonest to pretend there is that high of a chance a gull is some handmade only, never buy firsthand, only buy locally and not having things shipped to them queen for the environment whether they are arguing about sustainability or not. It's dumb to be upset with that anon above for having the reasonable assumption that lolitas, like most other humans on earth, still engage in environmentally unfriendly behavior.

>> No.10502016

You're still a raging idiot for bringing it up at all.

>> No.10502017

Break the cycle with a 2 day fast then do imf, /fit/ has a thread for it. It worked for me

>> No.10502020

I'm 99 lbs and 5'3. I also don't exercise. I eat whatever I feel like, though. I have bacon egg and cheese sandwich (homemade) 1-2 times per week for bfast, or 2 glazed donuts 1-2 times a week. Other days I usually have peanut butter toast and juice.

Lunch is usually cheesey pasta or fish or curry with lentils or chicken over rice. Or chick fil a.

Dinner is either Taco Bell or another curry/pasta/fish dish.

I have a lightning fast metabolism and am just super lucky.

I'd love to be someone's petite lolita sugar baby if anyone wants to drop their email, I'll give you the gf experience and video chat with you and send lewds. I'm Germanic/Scandinavian/French descent and have super pale skin and long dark hair.

>> No.10502025

You forgot to pretend you're half Asian anon, scrotes love that.

>> No.10502026

I wasn't the one who brought it up, dumbass.
And you're the idiot for getting triggered about it.

>> No.10502027

imagine typing up this much text to try to convince people that there's no way someone on this board could care about the environment and act differently from you kek

>> No.10502035

They do, but if I said that I'd be lying, I'm actually being srs.

>> No.10502038

I don't usually watch what I eat because I compensate by doing a lot of exercise everyday. But now that I'm working full time I don't have the time or energy to keep going on long runs everyday. I'm struggling a lot reducing the calory income, but I don't want to start gaining weight...

>> No.10502058

They can totally care and be different, but to pretend like lolitas care more about the environment than a normie when we consume just as much if not more is retarded. I wasn't even originally apart of this argument because demonizing individuals for corporate emissions is a retarded stance to take but the idiotic argument that a typical gull is at all likely to care about the environment beyond the general amount and consensus of most people in developed countries will never not be stupid.

>> No.10502071

why are you arguing with an underage twitterfag?

>> No.10502073

>underage twitterfag
congratulations, you're clinically retarded

>> No.10502083

>demonizing individuals for corporate emissions
Lmao so you admit that you're just getting triggered because you see people saying overpopulation is an issue as a way of blaming individuals for corporate emissions when no such implication was ever made

>> No.10502085

Good point anon, this is a waste of time

>> No.10502092

Good to know you only realized that 100+ posts in

>> No.10502093

I wasn't the original person arguing with them or even most of the responses tho.

>> No.10502099

My point still stands.

>> No.10502213

I can agree, there is a decent portion who like the poly. But anytime you post about a preference, you're going to get dissent.
And while I understand your mention of Baby, I don't believe the majority of people complaining about AP are interested in switching brands.

But yes, besides that point, it's impossible to be perfect while still actively participating in society to make change. It's just a troll argument to deflect not made in good faith. Acting like an alternative fashion isn't going to have environmentalists is not an argument.

>> No.10502218

> lightning fast metabolism
You know this doesn’t exist right? It’s all about calories in and calories out, metabolism makes maybe 100-200 calories of difference at the very maximum unless you have hormone issues. I’m 92lbs at 5’4” and even though I feel like I eat “whatever I want”, the reality is that I can eat the foods I do and maintain my weight due to the small portion sizes, which is likely your case as well. Your stomach gets used to eating less, so it doesn’t feel like limiting yourself— you just get full faster.

>> No.10502231

Idk man I count my calories and average 2500 a day. My doctor thought I had hyperhtyr

>> No.10502232

nta but your body metabolizes faster when you're more active/stronger. high metabolism is a myth like anon said.
nice phone posting.

>> No.10502309

I'm not triggered when I'm just laughing at your cognitive dissonance. You're like every sanctimonious moron who goes vegan for the environment but chain smokes, eats only processed food, and also washes toxic hair dyes down the drain every two weeks, all the while kvetching about murder when someone eats a steak.

>> No.10502318

Oh wow you're still going? You don't know anything about me. Keep projecting

>> No.10502321


These are clearly all different people. But you are an annoying retard.

>> No.10502327

Lol no. And to both points.

>> No.10502329

I'm not active but I have naturally low body fat percentage (in the athletic range despite being the only exercise I do being pacing the house picking up/cleaning) so maybe that's why I can eat whatever I want. I'm naturally stronk

>> No.10502332

>i-i'm not triggered!!!
>proceeds to sperg out with a fake narrative after everyone has already moved on
lmao just look at this faggot

>> No.10502374

I’m not gonna do it alone, I don’t even know if any group will ever be able to do it actually, it’s just that these are our options. We can either change the system our condemn the human race to extinction pretty quickly.

>> No.10502922
File: 238 KB, 760x454, kumya_slippers_2020-en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this fits here since lifestyle? Any anons here own any of btssb's slippers and know about the quality? They look super cute but I'm worried about the quality. Any slippers I've owned seem to start falling apart after a year of fairly light use, but I'd like a cute pair if they'll last.

>> No.10502926


I dunno but they're cute as shit and I wish I wasn't unemployed due to COVID so I could justify buying them.

>> No.10509258

I need more loliable lounge wear since I'm working from home now. Any sites?

>> No.10509272

I used to lift before corona happened. Went from 37.75 B 30.75 W 39.5 H to 36/28/38 from ~2 days a week in like half a year? The weight loss was steady and feeling strong was nice. I probably should have gone to the gym a lot more. Now I'm a weak little shit and have lost muscle but am around the same measurements. I need to hit the cardio and at least run around my neighborhood. I gained about 5 pounds back after losing 10 during all of this corona nonsense and I'm upset about it.

>> No.10509308

I've been trying to get back into it

>> No.10509360

I have some 8lb dumbbells at home but I'm weak as fuck lmao. Used to be able to bench press 65 or so which isn't amazing, but now I doubt I can even lift the bar.

We should do it! Starting from 0 fucking sucks but doing anything is better than laying around in this corona shitfest. I will root for your gains Anon!

>> No.10509403

vintage thrift store. go full cultparty in the comfort of your room lol
angel fields on taobao looks very pretty and if done right could pass as actually lolita
looks like moities cathrine op
with a waist tie and a petticoat it would be a coord

>> No.10509412

I’m up to 135 at 5’3 and I really want to lose weight but I’ve been hospitalized for anorexia before and I’m terrified that if I try to lose weight again I’ll go down the rabbit hole.

>> No.10509440

you're not an unhealthy weight. Don't fret.

>> No.10509469

idk man, not unhealthy but not very ideal for this fashion and overall happiness

weightloss is possible without eating disorders. reddit provides alot of weightloss help and just general not letting yourself eat things you know are bad and having accountability
dont listen to the fatty-chans here theyre full of shit, literally.

>> No.10509490

If it keeps you from overeating, and you're making sure your vitamin intake is correct, it doesn't really matter especially if you've got a good exercise routine. I don't like my food swimming in grease either, but it's better to be swimming in grease if it makes you feel sated. There's a lot of cultures which do have surprisingly fatty foods, but they maintain their weight well because they eat smaller portions. It's greasy, but it's a small portion.

>> No.10509491

I was wondering how this conversation got so far. Oh... yeah, anon, a lot of people don't actually know where onions comes from or what it takes to grow it.

That being said, the anon you replied to never actually said whether or not they eat onions-based meat replacements.

>> No.10509492

The goddamn filter, I always forget.

>> No.10509493

I understand that. Whenever I start packing on a few pounds more then I appreciate, I just look to see what's changed from previously. Usually I find the culprit is just that I've bought takeout more then usual or some sort of processed snack. Chips and takeout are my weakness. I too struggled many, many years ago, so I find dieting isn't the best way to go for me.

Maybe don't diet. You said you use to struggle so you must've gotten to weight you liked without anorexia at play. Maybe instead of dieting, just look to see if there's been a lifestyle change that could be contributing whether... maybe you're busy and you've been eating out more then usual, maybe you've been exercising less, maybe you found some sort of snack food recently that, while delicious, is packing on more pounds then you intended, and the answer is... just not buying it more then once a month or more. I find there's some foods that if I buy them, I tend to eat way more then I should.

I'd seek less to diet, and more if there's a bad habit you've picked up. Usually, when I cut out the bad habit, I find a few months later my weight goes back down pretty quick.

>> No.10509495

And to give a solid example of that, Chipotle. A few years back I use to buy takeout coming home from class, usually a side of bacon chedder fries. My ex-b/f went on a 'health spree', and was like, "Dude, Chipotle's healthier, let's go to Chipotle." No doubt rice, beans, and a little meat is healthier then bacon chedder fries. I started gaining weight.

It may have been healthier, but the calorie value in one burrito was the same as almost 3 sides of bacon cheddar fries from the other restaurant. When I stopped eating Chipotle, my weight dropped back down within a few months.

Now, that could have nothing to do with why you're gaining weight, but little things like that can add up, and then you don't really need to diet, you just need to cut out the habit causing you to gain weight.

>> No.10509673

tall lolita here (176cm) . i’ve been plateaued on 140 lbs for the past few months or so and i’m not sure whether it’s my dysmorphia or not but i literally feel like i look like a landwhale if i’m not doing at least 24h water/liquid fasts multiple times a week and even then it’s iffy

i have some hormonal problems that are probably affecting my weight retention and distribution in some way but in conjunction with my brain meds i’m paranoid that i’m just gonna be holding onto the fat forever. even when i’ve been active it doesn’t do much in the way of shedding weight off or building muscle. knowing me it’s probably bc of the fasting and restrictions since i probably eat at most 1100 a day and at the least like 300. it sucks but if i eat anymore my brain freaks out

that was a bit of a ramble but do any recovering ana-chans have resources or tips/resources on adjusting your diet to be better suited to weight loss without destroying your metabolism in starvation mode?

>> No.10509691

Eat regularly or do fasts occasionally. You need to exercise more as well. Your metabolism is probably all fucked up from so much yoyo-ing. Do some weight training, you will gain muscle which burns a lot more calories per pound than fat does.

If you have an active lifestyle you can eat 2000 calories with no issue and maintain a healthy/low weight. Also for women it seems like you can gain and lose up to 10lb or some shit when you're on your period. It's insane how much bloat happens. I've lost 5lb overnight from pissing basically lol.

Also see a doctor to make sure you don't have hypothyroidism. You will need to take a pill for that if you do and it can fuck with BMR. IIRC you need to watch what you eat but not completely restrict with hypo.

Rooting for you. I'm around 172 cm and I plateau'd at 145 as well, but I wasn't exercising at all lol.

>> No.10509710

Those are both healthy weights though. There’s no reason to think you have hypothyroidism.

I also have a history of ED and am currently at about 130 lb for 168 cm. Because of ED brain I want to be thinner, but I know I’m healthy. I find it’s helpful to keep a calorie app and make sure to consume/burn right around where they suggest for maintenance. If you want to lose a little weight you can set it to lose 1/2 or 1 lb per week. The one I use also calls you out if you set too low of a calorie goal, which is good.

>> No.10509711

That anon said they have "hormone issues" which is something that should be checked. Also, yearly physicals and visits to a gyno are always good.

>> No.10509742


OP here, for better ref i’m not sure what my actual issue is but i took some blood tests earlier this year and fsr my testosterone levels are waaaay higher than it should be even though i don’t think i’ve ever taken any meds to cause it to be as high as it is. i have a feeling it’s having an effect on my weight distribution though but i could easily be wrong

ty for the tips especially irt weight training, i used to lift in high school but i got super out of shape. since then i’ve been on and off with cardio but i really want to get back into weights and core focused stuff

i’m gonna try and schedule something with an endocrinologist or gyno soon but covid makes everything 10000x harder to schedule with specialists. in the meantime though i’m gonna try and get a therapy sesh in so i don’t end up starving myself into a useless pulp and wasting all my burando bucks getting tube fed

>> No.10509747

You got this Anon. Best wishes and be safe

>> No.10510218

Ring fit adventure is finally back in stock in my city so I bought it and have been using it for the last two days. I’ve tried a few different things like exercise bikes, tabatas, just plain walking, but I just can’t it’s so fucking boring. I always start out strong and then quit after a week or two.

I have much higher hopes for ring fit! It’s actually fun and I am not just staring at my watch waiting for it to be over. I’m even a little bit sore so I think it’s working.

I also stick to around 1200 a day with an emphasis on eating protein.

I lost 12 pounds at the beginning of quarantine but I’ve gained almost 5 back :( I’m back on track though and shooting for 115 and hopefully 110 eventually @ 5’7” currently 122 :|

Bronkaid is a really good appetite suppressant that you can get over the counter if you don’t have access to anything stronger. You have to sign for it like certain cough medicines, but anyone can buy it. Pair w caffeine for best results.

>> No.10510253

Can a diet anon give me their weekly meal plan?
I'm in dire need of a plan as I'm too busy to think of my own meals.

>> No.10511644

Not a special diet, but my daily/weekly intake is as such:

Snacks: apples, pears, grapes(sometimes because they're too sweet for me) bananas rarely, yogurt(siggis cuz it doesn't taste too sweet), berries, melons

Typical meal:

1) salad with tomato, arugula/mixed greens/kale/etc base, throw some other fiber on there and chicken, black beans/choice of beans for protein

2) chicken/salmon, brown rice or forgo grains/rice, and some kind of steamed or cooked in a small amount of oil vegetables. Leafy vegetables are the best like bokchoy or even kale. Garlic works well as seasoning.

3) hardboiled eggs, a sweet potato/yam, other easily prepared easy shit

Treats: a couple pieces of chocolate like toblerone, very small slice of cake/pie/etc, Ice cream(you can eat this everyday and still lose weight if you're portioning like one tablespoon a day)

Honestly it's all about moderation, portion size, and drinking a bunch of water. If you're consuming a lot of fiber and fresh vegetables and fruit and health carbs you're going to feel full for longer and your skin and body will feel better overall. I also rarely eat red meat, typically only during my period and very little. If you're preparing all of your food and cooking a lot you will appreciate it more imo. I like to cook a few portions then save them in individual containers and microwave later for easy use. Don't buy junk food because you will probably binge eat it unless you have perfect self control. Have fresh vegetables and fruits handy so you have healthy good foods to snack on. You can treat yourself once in a while to junk food, but if you're not disciplined this is a slippery slope. Start slowly and be steady. Type A personality tactics don't seem to have high success here. I had the most success with weight loss and overall health when I slowly cut out shit food and started cooking and meal prepping for myself.

Oh yea, one last thing, if you're still feeling hungry, wait for your food to settle.

>> No.10511647

Obviously, also go exercise. Even walking a few times a week or doing some weight training using only body weight a few times a week will be very good for your health and facilitate a healthy heart and body.

Imo you gotta develop a healthy relationship with food and that will help you overall in life vs yo-yo bullshit dieting. Do some research on nutrition and watch cooking videos and read recipes. Try cooking more for yourself. It's really rewarding.

>> No.10512268

Seconding everything this anon said, that’s the deal, it will make you loose weight in a constant rate until you hit a healthy weight, won’t let you feeling hungry or irritated and it will be something you can actually maintain.

>> No.10512273
File: 1.12 MB, 194x284, 1541378472810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyshit why is everyone such a lardass on this board?

>> No.10512622

Link for anyone interested w/o Jp keyboard.

>> No.10512623

Ayrt, thanks for sharing the link!

I wish it had an English translation so more people could enjoy it

>> No.10512626

5'0 95lbs. No snacks, a cup of green tea for lunch and another after I eat my meal for the day around 5:00. I usually eat rice with some meat and sometimes a bit of veggies. My go to food is eggs since they have most of the nutrients you need. I don't count calories anymore but I assume I'm maintaining at around 1000-1200. No exercise anymore cause I'm lazy and don't want to go out anymore so I've lost some weight since quarantine started(104ish). Losing weight is mostly about dieting, exercise only ever made me have a flat stomach and thicc calves.

>> No.10512629

If that's all you're eating for your omad you're probably not even hitting 800 cals my man

>> No.10512630

Nayrt but rice has a lot of calories. As does some kinds of meat depending on preparation. It could easily be 1k

>> No.10512634

>Losing weight is mostly about dieting, exercise only ever made me have a flat stomach and thicc calves.
I agree, though exercise is quite important when you're just starting out with the diet because it tones your body and prevents you from getting skinny-fat or ending up with loose skin (especially if you're about to drop a lot of weight)

>> No.10512636

I'm losing weight. I eat 1500kcal a day and also exersice to not only be thin but healthy too. I have gained 15 kilo and I hope to become my previous self for the summer ILD. I have a favourite IW blouse I really want to fit again without removing the lacing. Wish me good luck and strong will

>> No.10512637

1200 is less than your body metabolic rate, also 110 is underweight for you height

>> No.10512656

Good luck anon, it's definitely possible within half a year

>> No.10512781

What is your lolita appropriate hobby?

>> No.10512790 [DELETED] 

step 1 lose fucking weight you disgusting dykes, tired of seeing fat bitches. being a fat lolita is putting lipstick on a pig
t. pig
pigs can't count
shut up fat cunt
wanting to be a healthy weight is not an "eating disorder"
stop eating cunt
"ginger supplements" shut up retard
trannies are disgusting
>I was literally crying in Walmart looking at the 48-count box of Poptarts.
cry about it fatty, know that men look at you with utter disgust
fatty had a stroke in the middle of their post lol
>i'm sooo scared of being a healthy weight
shut up fattychan
who fucking knows

>> No.10512816

>more than 1/4 hambeast
Hell, I'm not even surprised. Every person with a twitter-tier "sassy" persona who I've seen admitting they browsed cgl at some point has been a whale.

>> No.10512818

And of fucking course the thread gets flooded with crossboarding scrotes like >>10512790 .

>> No.10512819
File: 27 KB, 700x404, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weight lifting

>> No.10513037

That anon is taking an appetite suppressant, and clearly has insecurity about their weight even though they are in a healthy range. Yoyoing is gonna fuck with your body anon. And you've probably plateaued because you're at your natural weight range.

>> No.10513062

being a tradwife to my aristocrat husband

>> No.10518608

So, I want to lose some weight and I want it to happen fast so I decided to eat 500 cal a day. What are some good ways to decrease hunger? Don't tell me its unhealthy, I don't want to fuck with weights and calorie counting for several months

>> No.10518609

Enjoy your rapid gain back after you can't maintain this over the long run or your anorexia etc and early death.

Kids these days. Wtf.

>> No.10518617

Americans are lazy even when they're losing weight

>> No.10518618

If you end up having pcos try cutting gluten and dairy out. I lost 90lbs in a year calorie counting while going gluten and dairy free... gained back 60 this year eating the same calories but trying to be able to eat gluten again. feels bad.

>> No.10518623

Sounds like you've been given correct advice but chose to ignore it. I'll leave you with this bit of info though.
1lb is 3000 calories. You need to burn 3k to lose one pound. Unless you are obese, the safest way to lose weight is to lose 1lb a week.

Or just get surgery you lazy fuck.

>> No.10518625

i've been thinking about going gluten or dairy free since i don't really eat a bunch of either realistically (i think the only thing i eat semi-frequently with both is pasta? i'm not really a bread person and i've been eating a lot less dairy) but i think if i tried to cut both i would go full malnourished mode LOL

i've still been plateau'd in terms of my numerical weight since my initial post but my waist + thighs have been looking better just from being a bit more active so that's a plus

i just ordered a new main piece so if that fits we'll be on the right track i guess

>> No.10518627

3500 calories is one pound. Also if Anon is obese they can lose more than 1lb a week. If they are morbidly obese they can lose a lot more as well.

>> No.10518755

this is good advice, thanks

>> No.10518783

Read The Obesity Code, you're welcome.

>> No.10518932

nta but I will definitely look into this. Thanks!

>> No.10519303

Lost my sense of taste so the only thing stopping me from losing weight now is my appetite. Any recs for that? I've been attempting IF for a couple weeks

>> No.10519309

You can't taste food? I feel like that would be incentive to not eat food since it doesn't taste as good.

>> No.10519311

You got covid or something?

>> No.10519313

I still get hungry though.

>> No.10519342

Jesus, get better okay?

>> No.10519491

Thank you! I've been recovering okay! It was fairly mild in comparison to some other cases and I'm grateful for that

>> No.10519724

Has anyone here played ringfit? Is it just a gimmick? I was doing youtube circuits all quarantine but absolutely hated it and procrastinated doing it all day. I've been pretty on top of my eating but feel like I could be doing more.

>> No.10519726

it depends on you. personally i like it a lot. the game part is fun enough to keep me motivated and you can make your own sets, which i usually use for yoga.

>> No.10519728

If you are currently sedentary or only slightly active and start doing it 15-30 minutes a day you will see results

>> No.10521557

As someone who tried, brand Ritalin, off brand concerta, biphentin, and finally vyvanse, it makes you feel a lot less like a crackhead.
Coming off of biphentin cold turkey after years have me mild psychosis, coming off of vyvanse had zero negative side affects (other then what was wrong with me before the meds I guess).
I recommend vyvanse over anything else 100 percent, it’s just waaaay more expensive if your insurance doesn’t cover it.

>> No.10521559

I lived in a house where the tap water had so much calcium the water was almost white.
I’m not saying distilled water has any advantages, but sometimes you need to distill it yourself for taste and clarity if you live somewhere with disgusting tasting tap.

>> No.10522300

Pretty good if you're an adult and already have some sense. If you aren't needing it some days (e.g. it's the weekend and you don't need it for work or study) then you don't have to take it that day. If you know you struggle to keep weight on, think about the "easy" ways to increase energy in your food (more butter, oils, nut spreads rather than jam on toast, cream in coffee and tea) and look at washing it down with a supplement drink or even meal replacement drinks on top of your usual meals if you're finding you get the appetite effects

>> No.10522691

If you have trouble cooking, skip meals as a result, and then binge or get takeout, you could always try a meal replacement. I went from eating like shit to using MANA as 80% of my meals with simple vegetarian dishes making up the other 20% and I'm down twenty-three pounds after eight years of just not giving a shit and ballooning out of control.

Take regular hot baths and soak as long as possible. Exfoliate twice a week and moisturize religiously. The goal is to teach you how to recognize that your body is something worth cherishing and caring for properly.

Get rid of every sugary drink in your house and replace it with sugarfree sparkling water in a flavor you love. Find a tea blend that you actually like and keep it on hand. If you've eaten within the last two hours, haven't been physical, and think you're hungry, have a cup of tea before you decide to eat anything.

If you know you're not going to be able to stop yourself from eating all of something, take a quarter of it and offer the rest to someone else. If you can't do that, then don't buy whatever food's tempting you. It's a lot easier to not eat something bad for you when it's still at the store.

Count your calories and remember that the goal is to build long-term habits, not hold out until you reach your target weight. It isn't impossible.

>> No.10522714


Adding on; if you binge, treat the urge to binge like you'd treat the urge to self-harm. Drink something and distract yourself until the urge passes.

>> No.10523023

I use Huel as a meal replacement because Im working in another city for a few months. Its really delicious. Its like dried lentils and stuff and you just add hot water.

>> No.10525534

Any tips for patience while just starting to lose weight? I ballooned up to over 200lb because of a long period of depression. I’m losing weight at a reasonable pace, 2lb/week, but I can’t help but obsess over it because I want my old body back now, you know?

>> No.10526243


Celebrate your little milestones and when you feel down, try to remember that you're doing it right and that the habits you're building now are sustainable.

You're going to be a lot less likely to regain suddenly and you're going to feel great.