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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10131752 No.10131752 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody going to this snoozefest?

>> No.10134662

Is it the successor to Eirtakon?

Haven't been to any cons in years though, so I might go anyway.

Please respond in the Irish thread on /int/ if this thread dies.

>> No.10135474

Not the successor, it's on in Cork, but probably the next best con after eirta.

>> No.10135966

Wow, /cgl/ is a slow board.

Any idea whether it'd be best to go for just one day or two? t. Dub

>> No.10136654

Just Saturday would probably be fine, but I think that about most cons.
If you like the pub quiz or the charity auction it might be worth staying the night.

>> No.10137672

Has anyone heard of this anime con? Saw it advertised on Insta, it seems to be in D9 the weekend of May 25th. Is it another anime soc weeb fest? Surprised that anyone would be trying to start a brand new anime con in 2019 but good luck to them I guess.

>> No.10137674
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Dropped my fucking pic.

>> No.10137969

It's DCU's AMS behind it.

It's got very short legs if the social media campaign's only starting now.

>> No.10137995

> AmiKon 2019 will be held in DCU’s new Student Centre, The U, located on DCU’s Glasnevin Campus. The state-of-the-art facility was built with large social events in mind, spanning 3 floors and over 5,500 sq m. The U will house all of AmiKon’s panels, screenings and events for the weekend, with ample space for attendees to socialise and hang out over the weekend.
I'll probably check it out.

>> No.10138004

Crow'd ll be too young for me.

I've gotten far too old for this, but the remaining cons are one of the few times I can get together with old friends.

The neckbeard has gone, at least.

I had sort of planned for Worldcon to be the last. I may do Kaizokukon next year if either I buy the right piece of equipment, or I can get a trencoat and sisters of mercy t-shirt to match. That's maybe a little bit too self-conscious.

>> No.10139327 [DELETED] 

Is it just me or are there too many sjw feminists in the community. Do people honestly believe they grew up in rape culture?

>> No.10139345

Ireland is pretty fucking rapey.

>> No.10139348

Im calling bullshit anon. We had two female presidents, currently a gay taoiseach and we have close to equal numbers of men and women in goverment. Women have more rights in Ireland than most countries in Europe. Our past is much different to our cousins in the States.

During the plantations, Irish men were discriminated against. Irish women went off and married English men.

At conventions we have cosplay is not consent and other standarda upheld. The snowflakes did not grow up in rape culture, most of you arent victims and women arent oppressed. All these yank Youtubers influencing our crazies.

>> No.10139399

Didn't you guys literally just lift abortion bans?

>> No.10139406

On only the third attempt too!

It's modern liberal Ireland. Where everything is just hammerite over the rust.

>> No.10139407 [DELETED] 

>Rape culture
But yes, 66.4% of the population voted to allow women to kill their own children at the cost of the taxpayer.

>> No.10139410

Yes we did, which was a majority vote.
Meaning tens of thousands of men easily agreed a womens body is her own business.

We were a country run by the church not too long ago and now more people are non practising, agnostic or athiest than religious in Ireland and that has nothing to do with rape culture. The US are slowly becoming more pro life on the other hand.

In Ireland, you might pay 3000 euro a year for a good college, did you know thats a small percentage of the actual fee and the goverment pays the rest? Then on top of that, you can get a grant to cover everything or even gain from it.

Women get higher scores in leaving cert and more women go to college in Ireland.

Even in Irish folklore and history, we have always had strong Irish role models.

Katie Taylor is a female LGBTQ boxer and also the most loved sports star in Ireland.

Irish SJW feminists are a joke.

>> No.10139419

We grew up with 4 Irish television channels. One was a childrens channel, the other an Irish childrens channel. The third was Daithí O Shea telling us about how great Tidy towns and The Rose of tralee was. The only political debates we would get would be Gay Byrne talking about taking the muffins away from us out of public schools or footage from the Dail of a TD moaning about his drinking water tasting like piss.

If you're gonna be an Irish SJW feminist, someone tell me how you grew up in rape culture or how you were oppressed?

>> No.10139421

>Meaning tens of thousands of men easily agreed a womens body is her own business.
If you sit on a dog and it gets stuck in your fat arse, do you then believe that it's a part of your body and therefore it has no rights and you can just shove a chainsaw into it?

>> No.10139429

Regardless of our opinions, our peers voted the abortion laws in. So you need to bite your tongue on it for now. I made the point to prove women in Ireland arent oppressed by men.

I believe women should be able to chose to have an abortion but only under certain circumstances and I believe a father should have some rights in the matter.

But I like how people like to switch the topic when pressed on the topic of irish feminists especially the ones in the community.

>> No.10139468

Getting very Geek Eire up in here with all these SJW’s gone too far posts.

>> No.10139484

Geek Eire are beta male feminists.

>> No.10139486

The best anime journalism around.

>> No.10139595 [DELETED] 

Geek Eire are redpilled 4chan austists and it shows in every badly produced "podcast" they shit out

>> No.10142328
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90 minute disco at 8 o'clock.
I would love to see what kind of people show up to this.

>> No.10142480

Pub quiz soon lads

>> No.10142627

Fuck off incel

>> No.10142873

Some of the staff are already drunk on a Saturday morning and I can’t blame them.

>> No.10142876

Wish I was already to

>> No.10142884

Smash tournament off to a slow start as to be expected

>> No.10142934

What's with all the panels being like 10 minutes long and everything unorganised

>> No.10142940

Wtf is with the piece of shit microphone that keeps cutting out. The cosititivty one Jesus Christ almighty they really will let anybody host a panel.

>> No.10142978

Last night at the karaoke they out right stole the microphone for something else so they did karaoke with no microphone

>> No.10143096

Makesd me nostalgic for Nom-Con

>> No.10143127

>Taking a shite in The Boole around 18:40
>2 people in the cubicle next to me
>Taking about how they want to kill some cosplayed they saw, fuck her dead body while making weird licking and sucking noises

This is something else

>> No.10143176

I hate fandom so much.

>> No.10143615

So how was it over all for ye lads?
Most of my experience was 40 minutes in lines, 10 minute panels and the bar

>> No.10143624

Only line I stood in was for the Cosplay Contest and that was suitably disappointing.
Felt like there was feck all going on.
Accidentally walked into a Geek Eire panel, quickly evacuated! Went to a few others, same old shit.
What were the 10 minutes panels? I feel like that would've been bizarre enough to be funny.
Spent most of it in the bar.

I feel like I'm out of the loop these days, I just go to meet up with old friends.

>> No.10143670

What were their numbers?

>> No.10143671

Geek Eire like

>> No.10143787

What were the Geek Eire panels?

I want to know so I can do the same thing but better out of sheer spite.

Ideas I had for panels lately:
- Far Right Imagery in Anime (I know it exists and 'elements' of fandom are really right but I can't bring it to the conclusion I need)
- Everything sucks and why it shouldn't. Why does fandom hate everything?
- The Grotesque, Unbelieveable, Bizarre and Unprecedented moments in anime

>> No.10144205

>The Grotesque, Unbelieveable, Bizarre and Unprecedented moments in anime
This is really over done
>Far Right Imagery in Anime
Sounds very YIKE-ish
2nd one is good though

>> No.10144218
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>Sounds very YIKE-ish

>> No.10144280

Sure aren’t Geek Eire right wing to begin with?
Like hate feminism level right wing.

>> No.10144281

I just looked at their Twitter for the first time in ages and they have #StandWithVic in their bio. I forgot they were such fedoras

>> No.10144314
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Staying classy.

>> No.10144332

The Geek Eire panel I walked into was as full as any other panel I saw. Maybe a little less than half the seats filled.

I think someone beat you to it, the one I saw was "Let's Begin the Bizarre Adventure". I caught the first 60 seconds and they were talking about the history of the dude who wrote JoJo's and the beginning of JoJo's.
But on Friday there was "From Cult to Classic: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Sounds like the exact same thing.

>> No.10144347

Yikes and cringepilled

>> No.10144400
File: 795 KB, 1080x1920, 370FED9E-523D-4294-B8C1-102C76F4F413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the best cosplay of the weekend for you lads? Pic related.

>> No.10144448
File: 1.86 MB, 3316x2114, Irish_Far_Right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not willingly gone to a Geek Eire panel since the second Akumakon.

I'd rather not go to a con that has them running - but they're unavoidable at this stage. And while I've been considering on content to try something myself, I'm struggling.

Define YIKE? T'is a risky subject. It's an idea I know I couldn't pull off, even if one fragment of it was Chaplain's speech.

<< Pic related??

>> No.10144456

I happen to know a certain Irish lolita has fallen in with the alt-right crowd as of late

>> No.10144457
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Are there really people wearing MAGA hats in Ireland?

>> No.10144523
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Wearing a MAGA had should be a con-bannable offence. It's such an utter statement of dickheadishness - it's like being a cunt in public.

I may be a terrible human being in a lot of ways, but there are some depths I will not plumb. I have the one little spark of self suspect.

One of these days I may even pluck up the nerve and energy to cosplay again.

>> No.10144525

East Yanks are rampent. Must con goers have Mutt accents sure

>> No.10144527

>One of these days I may even pluck up the nerve and energy to cosplay again.
I hope you do anon

>> No.10144533

How much of an absolute handbag do you have to be to get triggered by a MAGA hat? At worst it'd just make you look like an eejit trying too hard to get reactions

>> No.10144538

There was a time when I wouldn't have given a fuck desu.

But the only people doing it are either trolls going out of their way to get a rise out of others - or the true believers who're little more than a nest of toxic slime.

There was one fellow who cosplayed as Trump about 3 years ago - when the Trump campaign was a hilarious joke.

>> No.10144542

>or the true believers who're little more than a nest of toxic slime

>> No.10144879

More than 50% of Americans voted for Donald Trump. Male and female voters respectively. Con goers should be able to wear a MAGA hat if they want without being harrassed. Would you ask a Muslim to take their hijab off at an event?


Feminism is cancer.

>> No.10144890

46% of voters voted for Trump, while 48% voted Hillary anon.

>> No.10144915

Hi Geek Eire

>> No.10144930

>More than 50% of Americans voted for Donald Trump

Your first lie. Never mind that more than 50% of people doing something doesn't make it any more right.

Troll harder next time.

>> No.10144937

I made a rough estimate based on him being the current president of the US.

>> No.10144938

Hes the current president of the US based on majority vote and people are entitled to their opinions and political beliefs. Banning a MAGA hat from a con is like banning a sports jersey. You dont have to agree with Trump to tolerate someone wearing a hat.

Stop being so triggered.

>> No.10144944
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>Giving a shit about Mutt politics
I bet you're fun at parties

>> No.10144946

Keep your sister out of this and you can keep your ten year old parties. You seem like the type to educate children on Transformers for no reason and sneak out to masturbate to Cowboy bebop an hour in and your mam tells everyone your weird but smart like Bill Gates to her friends to hide you're a 30 year old autistic weeaboo mess with learning disabilities.

I want to build a round wall to put the incel anime loving autistic adults behind.

>> No.10144947

Geek Eire talks the truth and you're all snowflakes.

>> No.10144948

Hi Howth, how have things been

>> No.10144951

Is Captain Marvel’s success triggering you Sean & Karl?

>> No.10144962

Captain Marvel keeps me up at night. I cry myself to sleep over it. How could a female lead a Marvel movie? The whole time watching it in the cinema I screamed in anger. How dare a woman become a superhero because thats a mans job. You seen me for who I am now. On the bright side she was not black.

Those who dont get satire, we loved Captain Marvel.

>> No.10144964

Fuck the feminists who are making a big deal about the movie and are lying about being oppressed by Marvel movies.

I rather have cancer than be a feminist to be frank.

>> No.10144969

Here is it true about Sean Alpha and his former Geek Eire co host that they shared a brazzer in Amersterdam and she fucking robbed them after?

>> No.10144976

Yes unfortunately

>> No.10144979

Does call himself Alpha cause he thinks he’s an Alpha male???
Anyone ever see this lad? Tough time ripping a wet paper bag.

>> No.10145046

Hopefully you get yr preference, so.

>> No.10145177

Is Jaggy ok, Howth?

>> No.10145178

Your rough estimate is still incorrect lmao
Hillary won the majority vote, but Trump, like Bush Jr., won the electoral college which is more important. I understand that Trumpies being retards is a meme but maybe you should stop proving it.

>> No.10145210

Let us debate this then.

Tell me why you dislike Trump and why MAGA hats should be banned at cons?

>> No.10145216

I actually don’t care about MAGA hats dumbass, I’m just correcting your idiocy. I don’t like Trump, but I don’t hate him either. His policies so far haven’t affected me personally so I’m indifferent to his presidency.

But please continue deflecting and autistic screech about the poor wee discrimated whiteys that can’t wear a hat to a con.

>> No.10145250

So we agree here. Lets start a club or something. MAGA weebs Ireland and you can be like the vice president. Im 1/3rd black though so you know.

>> No.10145257

t. muzzie apologist

>> No.10145277
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Would swear Geek Eire hated women or something.

>> No.10145278

Can we start a petition to ban Sean from cons? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10145304


>> No.10145318

The man once boasted about a plan to go to Japan to work a male prostitute.

>> No.10145326


>> No.10145334


>> No.10145335

Based as fuck

>> No.10145337

Who wants to make an actual petition to boot Sean? We can share it around.

>> No.10145349

Did you stretch before doing that massive reach, you autist?

>> No.10145354

Fuck off Ahmed

>> No.10145362

you’re even more retarded than I initially thought, bravo anon

>> No.10145366

Should probably stop taking everything you read here so seriously instead of calling everyone you don't agree with an autist like you just blew onto the site 5 minutes ago, handbag.

>> No.10145466


>> No.10145832

Tell me all the lore surrounding geek eire anons.

>> No.10145858

He’s the most laughed at person in the con scene.
Went to Keith Hearne’s sentencing, I want to hope it was just for a gawk but part of me thinks it was for support of the guy.

>> No.10145879

He was defo there to support him, didn't he make some post about how people should remember the good times they'd had with hearne right after he was sentenced?

>> No.10146271

>Keith Hearne
>One of the sites he followed was dedicated to animated girls and women, some in sexually suggestive poses, and others drawn with revealing clothing, but none of them real, all of them fantasy.
Oh shit lads

>> No.10146416

Keith & the Geek Eire crows are cut from the same cloth

>> No.10146456

What's the next notable con after amikon? Q-Con?

How much of a disaster is amikon gonna be?

>> No.10146684

Their website shit the bed and had to be rebuilt from backups.

They announced with about 2 months to go. And god knows what planning they've done.

>> No.10147024

Keith Hearne appeal is today.

>> No.10147132

Hope he gets out just to blow out those libtards EPIC style

>> No.10147217

As someone who knows Sean personally, I really wish I didn't.

>> No.10147237

Omicon is trying to shoot for the stars badly

>> No.10147308

visited this thread, wow things have gone to shit since eirtakon died.

>> No.10147448

In what way?

>> No.10147459

He’s mate Karl is a way worse person.
Sean’s an idiot but Karl is dangerous.

>> No.10147484

dangerous in the Keith Hearne sense, can we just boot them both?

>> No.10147530

They are pushing promotion very hard for a weekend con that is too small for one 1 day. I say they are hoping to over sell for a small con to make it look like people were crazy to go

>> No.10147595

No Karl definitely isn't the worst. He is annoying and has ridiculous views but Sean is an overall bad person outside of this geek eire shit. A general loser at life and is happy to take it out on others the second he feels a twinge of power. Complete gobshite. I couldn't be arsed with his shite podcast and incel views but the sooner he gets out of the convention scene the better.

>> No.10147709

Yikes so much negativety on a con thread this went so dark lol *grabs popcorn* welp there's the dark side of the con scene everyone talks about

>> No.10147966

Love to meet the people sean feels superior too.

>> No.10147988


What is the deal with Amikon?
I thought it was the legendary return of eirta, but it reeks of first time, student committee.

>> No.10148093

Because it is a first time student committee.

It's starting from scratch. The only thing that's the same is the venue.

>> No.10148098

If he isn't liked so much how come no one has confronted him about it
Told him to feck off

>> No.10148108

He has on many occassions and he just moans about people who call him out being toxic.

>> No.10148110

I doubt that. Since all he would see annons posting shit about him
He hasn't broken any con rules
So cons won't ban someone for nothing

>> No.10148123

So basically, this entire thread is a cluster of septic, years old yeast tampons, all trying to talk shit about someone, who hasn't even done anything or been seen to do anything wrong?

Someone should call in /b/ over for you crusty aul gowels, the ire would be glorious.

>> No.10148125

Oh hi Mark
Nice to see you join,here come sit with me and watch the thread. Pretty interesting what they're doing right. *munching popcorn intensifies*

>> No.10148128

People won't tell him to feck off because people are happy to brave it out here in the comments anonymously. I get that not everyone is going to be to everyone else's taste there's absolutely no harm in two lads doing a podcast and con panels together. I've chatted to them in and outside of cons and they're pretty sound. It's easy to cherry pick things to frame someone in a poor light but this is some seriously petty stuff. I'm sure everyone here is an absolutely wonderful person without any faults. This is the convention scene we're talking about right? Where anyone regular enough to know these guys is a flat out nerd. I'm chill with anyone doing anything they're passionate about and I'm not gonna shit on that. I really don't care enough, I don't get why anyone does. Just enjoy the cons and avoid the guys, don't follow them online, it's not worth having a winge over.

>> No.10148132

How are you Karl?

>> No.10148135

Thought he was mark

>> No.10148137

I'm neither of them, I know it's easier to believe I am than to believe someone wouldn't spend their Sunday fixated on two dudes who don't really have anything to do with them.

>> No.10148141

If you want to enable them then go ahead.

>> No.10148142
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Y'all fuckers need Jesus

Or maybe just get laid

>> No.10148143

Hasn't done anything wrong?
Are you new here, do you need a list?

>> No.10148144

The y'all need jesus one haha

But seriously sad to read this man.
The ugly side of the con scene, didn't know it still existed. Welp there's my Sunday ruined, tyyyyy

>> No.10148147

I'm not enabling anyone. I'm just saying that it's pretty ridiculous to dedicate a whole thread to this when it's as easy and blocking them, avoiding them and moving on with life.

>> No.10148149

Can someone explain to me what these lads have actually done in the past aside from running a shite podcast and having doubleteamed a brazzer?

>> No.10148150

Well he isn't randomly attacking people like people on this board.
Seems like running a podcast is a better hobby than making fun of people online like most you dregs

>> No.10148151

Yeah completely agree. But oh well some people only know how to lurk in shadows to throw shade. But yeah moving on is the most sensible sense but you know, God can't help them all

*sunday restored *

>> No.10148152

If they slept with a brazzer they wouldn't be incels then

>> No.10148154

Sean fuck off

>> No.10148155

Nobody dedicated a thread to them. They were brought up here and this is peoples opinions and experiences with them.

Its a warning to those who arent aware of these autists.

>> No.10148159

Not sean
But I do know him

>> No.10148163

If people need to be warned about them, why not let the con organisers know and let them deal with it?

Also you shouldn't use Autist as a derogatory term, my daddy says it's not nice to be rude on the internet


>> No.10148164

Defending a rapist.

Creeping on anything with two legs.

Aggresive attitudes towards people.

Attacking voice actors on Twitter about Vic Mignogna.

Making threats to cons and people online.

>> No.10148168

Even if you say that, doesn't excuse what you all said.

I don't tolerate bullying, and sorry thats exactly what you're doing. Now because people are standing up to you. You keep denying that's just general people condemning your bullying rather the lads themselves. Like seriously you think people will just tolerate your shit.

It's just depressing to see people to do this to others by digging up old dirt and try play it now.

You think you know shit? Like man the Sean Alpha thing thinking he's an alpha male. SIT DOWN BOI YOU DON'T HIM.
if you even asked or listened around, it came from a series he like where the main character is called John Alpha. Sean is irish for john and if you can't cop that idk. Like I ain't even irish and I know that.

But yeah gonna leave this thread cause its literally just so ugly.

>> No.10148172

Btw if you read geek eire, they condemned it and sean even donated money to Dominique. Dont care who you are or why you doing this.

But go get your facts checked

>> No.10148174

It wasn't rape, he had autism

>> No.10148176

He hasn't defended a rapist.
Has anyone actually said they were creeped on by Sean
He hasn't attacked any VA over anything from his twitter
You guys must be thirsty from the salt

>> No.10148177

They seem to be 2 massive annoying dorks

>> No.10148178
File: 621 KB, 900x600, 4c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Sean, btw, but I wonder why you personally have such a beef with him, and you want to use a thread just to attack his character? Would you be someone who, perhaps, just doesn't like him personally?

And because you're a spineless, indirect and cowardly person, you want to constantly spread rumours about him and this other guy, because you yourself are not capable of getting on with life? You need a big bad guy to take up space in your head, just so you can feel less miserable about yourself?

Is your favourite film Misery? Because you're living it. Christ, this is pathetic. This thread is barely even about Irish cons, and more about the personal beefs of people who never mentally left Secondary School.

>> No.10148179

And not cool using autism as an attack, you say he's the bad guy YIKES

>> No.10148181

That's every dork people are annoying in general

>> No.10148182

I'm going to tell Howth about Geek eire. He'll sort those fuckers out once and for all

>> No.10148183
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>> No.10148185

I'm an autistic transgender furry and it's NOT cool to call me autismo lads, please stop

>> No.10148187

Enjoy egg

>> No.10148188

Go on. It will be the first time people deal their beef with publically

>> No.10148190

Do you guys know if there's gonna be any furry orgies at the next akumacon?

>> No.10148192

A dork here! Can confirm, am super annoying!

>> No.10148194

But they seem to be the kind of Redditors with a hyper fragile male and associate their personalities way too much with their hobbies. Just 2 boring annoying eejits

>> No.10148195
File: 313 KB, 960x960, 13882279_1140442422682000_9196577601922796716_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only our queen can save us now lads

>> No.10148198

Based Amy

>> No.10148199

I want to see a con do this because they believed in rumours.
Wouldn't it make it worse for themselves? Not only would they need both sides stories, but if they did do it based on your rumours. Doesn't it reveal how messed up the committee are?

>> No.10148201

Learn how to reply to posts or fuck off, newfag

>> No.10148203

Lol someone pretending to be me.

I don't care, you got offended and now hiding it by attacking someone else.

But yeah, try your worst cause you ain't shit to me

Bye thread

>> No.10148205

D-d-ddont ssay s-sswears

>> No.10148206

Edgy boy out for my very own heart

>> No.10148207
File: 69 KB, 960x960, leno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little sad cunt? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Howth peninsula coastal guards, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on sad cunt weebs, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire Swedish army. You are nothing to me but just another sad cunt weeb. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, sad cunt. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the eire con scene and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, sad cunt. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can curb stomp you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Nigerian army and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.10148209

Shit fury on me daddy <3

>> No.10148214

/ thread

>> No.10148215
File: 3.74 MB, 2048x1150, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.10148217

Geek eire's days are fuckking numbered, HAHAHAHA! Sad cunts! Wanking to under aged cartoons, grabbing innocent women's arses, defending a rapist. How much of a sad cunt do you half to be, AHAHAAHAHAHAHA! Sean, please, please come to Howth, you will taste the tip of my fishing boot with the back of your tongue as I will give you such a mighty kick up the hole. The other pathetic sad cunt should also book an appointment with the orthodontist as I'll knock every single tooth out of your sad cunt head. Say good bye to your loved ones Geek eire...Wait, you sad cunts have no love ones, apart from your 2 stupid selves. Have one last god bumming before I wreck the two of ye arses beyond recantation. HAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA.

>> No.10148219

The tip you say? ;)

>> No.10148220

To shreds you say?

>> No.10148221

I'll fuck you so hard up the hole, you'll get pregant in your bollocks. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.10148222
File: 164 KB, 640x939, IMG20130710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went on Sharia patrol again today lads

>> No.10148223

I'm not gonna kink shame ;)

>> No.10148224

I'm reporting you to the internet police

>> No.10148226

You won't have time to get to the phone, you'll be already curb stomped American History XXX style HAAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.10148228


>> No.10148230

It's brave thing to say when you are behind a screen

>> No.10148231

Yes pls daddy

>> No.10148234

Having a furious wank to cuckoldry BDSM lads

>> No.10148235

I'll leave you to it boo <3 good luck!

>> No.10148236

Probably the people who are always here, because they haven't fucking left for years and need to keep their grudges alive for their own self worth. This whole thing has been screenshot, and this unwashed arsehole of a place is due a bleaching. The more people who know how pathetic you plebs are, the less chances there are that you ever be taken seriously, or be allowed to influence anyone ever again.

Oh, and Ireland is a small country, and this is a small community. It doesn't take much to figure out who anyone here is, the usual suspects even more so.

>> No.10148241
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Based but bluepilled

>> No.10148244

Why are people desperate to make J con the next Eiretikon?

>> No.10148248

Its really just Mean Girls bullshit, trying to play itself across Irish cons, that's worth pointing out here. Oh, and the slagging of nerds for being nerdy, when that's why this community exists in the first place.... Yeah, that's kind of a depressing standard in its lack of self-awareness.

>> No.10148250
File: 39 KB, 640x490, 1555107560869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To fill the void. There isn't much in Dublin.

>> No.10148253

We should nuke Dublin DESU

>> No.10148254

SEETHING bogwarrior

>> No.10148255

Anon for prezzie in the next election. You have my vote

>> No.10148256

But Miggeldy Higgeldy D:

>> No.10148259

I'll be safe, my child

>> No.10148261

I can sleep soundly now

>> No.10148364

I want reddit and boards.ie to fuck off

>> No.10148372


>> No.10149319
File: 110 KB, 619x701, 99FB10B2-A4E7-4F7D-82C0-683C675CF6F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any con managed to even get close to what Eirtakon was?

Getting real sick of glorified trade halls with fuck all going on.

Mcm and Dublin Comic Con are so depressing

>> No.10149372

It takes time to get to eirta level https://youtu.be/7VMjOjkwwoc

>> No.10149949

eirta also was the right time and place to. The first wave of massive nerd culture in Ireland was rising and eirtakon was there. Started off modest but still quite big and it only grew until it imploded

>> No.10150410

Yeah no, the general scene is dead.

Now that Eblana is finito, LARP in general has kinda died, and was already treacle-speed for the last few years IMO.

Nevermind the frankly boring conventions we have. God help the likes of Jim Fitzgerald who run around with electric pads trying to keep the poor girl alive but it seems almost a wasted effort to me.

Re; Sean, this thread truly is a clustershag. If you lot don't think he wasn't devastated by the Hearne incident, you need your heads examined. Sure he's a dork but he's not malicious.

So what do we do? I dunno, wait around for the Zoomers to get bored and set up conventions themselves or, better yet, realize this geek shit is a bit inappropriate for people cruising into their 30s and 40s.

>> No.10150750

Yeh never mind Sean’s leaping into the Pro Vic, Comicsgate, & Animegate stuff.

>> No.10150876

He couldn't care less about Keith Hearne. Wouldn't be surprised if he made Keith paranoid with his crazy talk and caused him to do it.

>> No.10150926

>realize this geek shit is a bit inappropriate for people cruising into their 30s and 40s
But I don't want to get new hobbies

>> No.10150970

I wouldn't say inapproiate but going to every con thing is immature as you get older. Stick to the bigger events
Maybe only go for a day
Go on holidays instead and focus on other stuff

>> No.10150999

That's pretty sick of you to say anon.

>> No.10151009

Reminder to everyone that if you're old enough to post on this board then you're not a conventions target audience

>> No.10151015


Doing that right now.

Getting too old for this shit. But still nice to meet the few I still know floating around.

>> No.10151039

True its not even the anime or cons that people get sick of that makes people leave the scene its this gatekeeping or drama bullshit.
I am surprised Sean hasn't decked someone or left with these allegations against him. Yes he can be annoying at times but these allegations are rediculious

>> No.10151115

This is pre the Geek Eire thing but at nom con years ago one of the Geek lads was making horrible rape jokes at the side of the hotel.

>> No.10151189

Who? There's really only the 2 of them. Who could it have been?

>> No.10151523

I hear about all this gatekeeping, its just salty nonsense. Something Sean would say.

>> No.10151527

Well you accused him of something god awful

>> No.10151549

Someone who likes James Woods can’t be bad.

>> No.10151550

Everybody likes toy story and that has Tim Allen.

>> No.10151593 [DELETED] 

Rape jokes aren't so funny these days. Its kind of forced, you know?

There, I made a rape joke you fucking snowflake. Try to ban the thread because there's humour you don't approve of. Its amazing, you come onto a place on the Internet that's known for being politically incorrect, in order to argue for political correctness and to spread unsubstantiated rumours about someone, clutching at any straw youse can.

I'm just going to leave two names here, of the people likely to be spreading all of this shit because they've made themselves obvious, although there are more. Cal. Nathan.

>> No.10151619 [DELETED] 

One more name. Jessica.

>> No.10151637 [DELETED] 

Isn't Nathan that sleazy guy from Ballyfermot who runs guild of nerds and ran a Irish dash con?

>> No.10151645 [DELETED] 

Sounds like someone with a grudge.

>> No.10151666 [DELETED] 

Most of this thread is grudges. It seems to be why they go after people

>> No.10151694 [DELETED] 

Exactly, and none of this is related to geeky conventions or whether they're good or not. It just happens to be the place where all of these salty cunts, with fucking ancient ties to that community, would gather to just talk shit about everyone they don't like.

This is just a grudge thread, therr is literally nothing about cosplay here, and before anyone starts, don't give me this shite about how youse are all bringing up bullshit dirt on this man, for the sake of everyone's safety. Everyone knows that the topics here haven't changed in years, because none of the regular posters here have moved on with themselves in life. I doubt that many of you even go to the conventions or are a part of the community in any impactful way, beyond the aul granny-like gossiping that usually goes on here.

For all our sakes, please fuck off and get some counselling. People want to have discussions without your mentality ruining shit constantly.

>> No.10151711 [DELETED] 

True. The only reason why this thread has any power is because 1. Everyone knows it exists 2. Some of the old guard still have sway in cons. So anything said here will resonate in people's heads.
Cosplay anyone have any Cosplay plans. I am trying to make armor for the first time but it's a major pain

>> No.10151820
File: 3.56 MB, 2988x5312, 1478455494510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had another wank to Ryuko lads

>> No.10152266

That's another thing I have always wondered about how come for all people being all progressive and shite on about how some lad is right wing and then allows random people to objectify female Cosplayers like this.

>> No.10152269

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.10152272

I get depressed when James Woods makes news, he is one of my favourite actors, I adore Hercules and Videodrome but my god is he a fucking gowl bag. He's like discovering your dad used to ride a motor bike and had a cool jacket but now all he does is watch boomer news and give out about Millennial

>> No.10152274

Such a fucking meme word

>> No.10152275

Why is this girl a meme? Did she do something or is one poster just obsessed?

>> No.10152285

Don't forget simpons and family guy. Isn't that the sad state of life older you get the more you give out about youth.
Kelsey Grammer, Tim Allen, James woods all right wing actors.
What the hell is blue pill?
I'm sorry I'm not that old that I need viagra

>> No.10152289

Bluepilled = soiboi, i.e. you

>> No.10152310

A actual incel approaches
Don't worry sir a trip to Amsterdam is not that expensive

>> No.10152313

>anyone I don't like is an incel
Sorry to disappoint you, soiboi. I've gotten me hole plenty. You're just a faggot

>> No.10152359

You re either a incel or alt right using terms like basedboi so casually.

>> No.10152369

Or I could just be someone who's taking the piss out of you for being a clearly pussified and overly sensitive handbag
Lurk a few more years while you're at it as well before you post again, r/ireland refugee

>> No.10152371

Definitely an incel.

>> No.10152378

>maybe if I keep calling him an incel, one of the pretty cosplayers will sleep with me!
A few more filters on your Facebook profiler ought to do it, soiboi

>> No.10152379

>Ireland, the country of women that look like my close relatives.
Sort of want.

>> No.10152382

>what the hell is bluepill
>le ebic alt right

lurk moar pls

>> No.10152461

Are you even a congoer? Or just a random troll at this point

>> No.10152463

He's telling you to lurk more before posting because you're obviously a board/site tourist in general who has absolutely no idea about the way people go on here you fucking spastic. Fuck off back to boards.ie

>> No.10152553

what Anon said. Given how ubiquitous (and I'll admit overdone) the redpill/bluepill/ironpill/blackpill meme is online, the fact you don't know it and are unironically using the term incel as an insult (on 4chan of all places) doesn't exactly announce your status as an oldfag.

And yes, I was a congoer a long time ago. You'd probably recognize me but not know the name.

So yeah, lurk moar newfag.

>> No.10152554

Based and redpilled

>> No.10152563

>braze kek

So yeah, actually talking about conventions for a change....is there anything decent coming up during the summer or is it a total wash?

>> No.10152593

I heard Qcon is still alive

>> No.10152996
File: 104 KB, 543x1198, _20190420_114530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you senpai

>> No.10153032

Nice. Give us more

>> No.10153108
File: 230 KB, 1080x836, _20190420_114351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10153127

What's her insta? I knew her Facebook page before but I forgot it

>> No.10153155

>During the plantations, Irish men were discriminated against. Irish women went off and married English men.
So 1641 was a beta uprising? Wow, Phelim O'Neill was even more based than I thought.

>> No.10153343

So much incel terminology being posted here. It’s straight up the Geek Eire lads.

>> No.10153376

Lads, I don't want to face that I am too old for cons at 26

>> No.10153410

>During the plantations, Irish men were discriminated against. Irish women went off and married English men.
Why are women such whores?

>> No.10153697

Kys newfag

>> No.10153701

Thx Karl

>> No.10153724


Insta is private so I won't post too much I think some lad snitched

>> No.10153814

She will be on a Geek Eire podcast by next week.

>> No.10157226 [DELETED] 

Tony Stark dies.

>> No.10157441

Black Widow too.

>> No.10157734

Sean uses the infinity gauntlet to replace Captain Marvel with Alita

>> No.10157789
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1552413157797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people unironically enjoying Marvel capeshit

>> No.10158501

Oh fuck you iron man dies faggot

>> No.10158921

Keep on fighting the good fight for men’s rights Karl.
Ya massive incel.

>> No.10159316
File: 306 KB, 839x951, 1553346027394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone stop shitposting and talk about cons. Which ones are coming up within the next year and how many of you are actually going to any of them?

>> No.10159579

Yep, I was wondering why this was ongoing, and I'm more than disappointed. Comments with names of other people here have been deleted. People who were accused of being regular posters in this shitheap. Nice to see that suspicion being confirmed! Now I just wonder if it was Cal, Jess, or Nathan?

The levels you stoop to, to somehow have comments removed on a board, because people find your regressive shit and take issue with it. You're a pathetic bunch of felchers, alright.

I'm looking forward to DCC, although its a toss up between that and Q-Con. J-Con is getting interesting with its lineup of guests now, too.

>> No.10159654

Hi Karl.

>> No.10159660

Who the fuck is Karl and why is this newfag absolutely obsessed with him?

>> No.10159685

Is J con actually good for anime fans?

>> No.10159793

Loser alt shite lad.

>> No.10159801

He must've done a number on that anon to be living in his head rent-free like that

>> No.10160198

So I hear that new DCU con has someone doing blackface?

>> No.10160410

Probably Q-Con and J-Con, potentially Akuma and Kaizoku too.

I actually might have the money to cosplay again which is nice!

>> No.10160675

I look forward to checking out DCC this summer. It seems like an enjoyable convention even if it is one of the more mainstream ones.

I haven't been yet and I'm not sure what to expect because the other conventions I've been to have been organised by small committees. I'd imagine the difference will be quite apparent. I've heard positive things and negative things about it. Mostly that it is to a sense a glorified trade hall but I've also heard it's a great day out with friends. It seems quite family oriented too which is nice.

Would anyone recommend this convention?

>> No.10160678

Indeed I would. Just like I'd expect a catholic not going to a con while transporting a giant wooden cross. Unless he's cosplaying as Anime Jesus. But Hijabs, MAGA hats or assorted political bullshit should stay out of cons. Not that you'd see tons of hijab in a con, or hardcore christians, because anime are satan's work, apparently.

>> No.10160711

MAGA hats have no place in a convention setting.

>> No.10160804
File: 289 KB, 640x825, 35FC3397-3C5B-48A7-9F44-193CDA2A3819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s ok as long as you’re interested in the guests but there isn’t much going on at it.

You could easily just spend a few hours there and fuck off to do something else.

Be aware the trade hall is like 90% Pops

>> No.10162211

It's a hat you fucking eejit, get over it

>> No.10162243

I've heard that about the trade hall.
I think that I'll keep it in mind but ill certainly give it a go this year and see how I find it. One day pass should be enough.

>> No.10162301

I will the day you get over women having rights.

>> No.10162469

What are some upcoming anime cons in Ireland? I heard Q-Con was pushed back to August, that's one I usually go to.

>> No.10162517

Worldcon is in August. But it's very Sci-Fi. And is the sort of Con were provision of 'sufficient' mobility scooters for attendees is a concern. It will have a very aged clientele

Amikon is DCU AMS's attempt at rebooting Eirtakon. Initial indications are that they're putting a con on. Otherwise it's been very low key.

J-con is trying to slip into Eirtakon's spot hoping thast by existing they will come. I've heard little positive beyond that 'it exists'.


All the reasonably entertaining cons died for various reasons./

>> No.10162787

Imagine being controlled socially by a hat. I just want to share an image of the Covington Catholic kid just to trigger you, unfortunately this phone has no image of him.

>> No.10162809

Imagine being triggered by women having rights.

>> No.10162826

>implying you'd ever in a million years square up to a 5 foot Muslim teenage girl wearing a hijab at a convention there with her friends and tell her to take it off because her 'political bullshit' isn't welcome at conventions
Loving every laugh. Trying to come across as a fencesitting faggot who'd treat everyone equally isn't working lad. Stop getting blown out by a hat

>> No.10162846

Big hand for Karl English.

>> No.10163338

Dick move calling someone's full name out on 4chan.

>> No.10163346

>Be a weeb
>come onto a board about Irish conventions
>Watch an argument start up about how a hat is an indicator of apparent sexism, according to the person pushing said argument as well of desiring to ban people from conventions over a hat.
>Be the person who just wants to watch their goddamn anime, and go to events with like-minded people who would not let political narratives spun by pathological liars from another country rule their lives.

SJWs, fuckoff. And know that you'll never be accepted because of your attitudes in any community. This is not gatekeeping, its sanitation. By drawing a distinction between you and your attitudes as opposed to a weeb like me, that is an effort to make sure thst there are less people, whose good intentions will not be misled by your bullshit.

A hat won't kill you, unless its a top hat with a razor brim. Knives, clubs, fists and guns can kill you though. So, equating a hat with violence - which has been done by your kind before - is stupid. Equating a hat with sexism, as well as a desire to take the vote away from women, is not even just foolish, it shows that you have no wills of your own, if you believe something that deranged.

>> No.10163353

Watch out lad, that sad obsessed faggot will just call you Karl or an incel again

>> No.10164028


>J-con is trying to slip into Eirtakon's spot hoping thast by existing they will come. I've heard little positive beyond that 'it exists'.

It's been pretty cozy from what I've found. J-Con and Q-Con are both later on in the year, is Amikon really the only upcoming one? Gonna have to miss out on the Sunday because I have an event on. Will check the Saturday out though.

>> No.10164581

She posts here occasionally

>> No.10168428
File: 78 KB, 787x787, 1540777416982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keith Hearne lost his appeal. Hope the scumbag rots inside.

>> No.10168507

Actual Justice in an Irish Court?

Hell froze over.

>> No.10168532

Justice has already been done in giving him those years. Common Sense is being upheld.

>> No.10169420

Anyone know if Natrasha had anything to say about her rapey friend

>> No.10169767

I'm more interested in seeing what those other two have said about him.

Also, "Natrasha"? There's that Mean Girls mentality again.

>> No.10169963


Bitch defended the rapist after he was found guilty and claimed the victim was lying.

>> No.10169975
File: 49 KB, 270x480, you fucking kidding me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10170002

The last line is so weird. "If this angers you unfriend me" as if she knows and understands she said something irrational and offensive but doesn't give a shit because of friendship or something.

>> No.10170408

Bitchy much?

>> No.10170414

Maybe she copped onto herself after this?
Like this is just when he was sentenced.

>> No.10170422

Exactly, It seems like shock and denial. I'm sure logic kicked in pretty soon after. There's really no need to bring her up over an initial reaction and resort to name calling. *That* is trashy.

>> No.10170703

Pretty much this. Has no one ever heard of a shock response before?

Its kind of fascinating, this thread always needs someone to be a scapegoat. And seeing as the convict didn't get anything out of his appeal and it would have been pointless to harp on about it, the focus immediately switched over to someone else to talk shit about.

The cringe of that is fierce.

>> No.10172602
File: 222 KB, 1011x1049, ygwnp1t6c45x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love cosplay but honestly I don't even feel like bothering again this year. Why is our con scene so dull lads? I've tried to get groups going and in general make some fun out of them but quite honestly the fun I used to have taking pictures with people or even just looking around a con.

Is this what it feels like to get older at cons?

>> No.10172751
File: 24 KB, 538x632, 345678987654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nearly 27, only started going to cons at 23 and I feel like I really missed out on the whole cringy but fun teenage years and the college aged years of cons, missed the boat on ever getting in with a cliques or group and now I feel like I'm too old for any of that to ever happen to me, in the last year and especially this year I noticed the con scene here is mostly the zoomer generation taking over the scene as the older groups are dying out

>> No.10172955

The Zoomers will save the scene lads. Soon the old fa/tg/uy tier cringers will be dead or legally banned from going 500 meters near schoolkids.

And yeah, what partially killed it is the cliques and the spiteful attitude that these threads show. No one actually likes each other in ireland, we just degenerate into cliques that hiss at each other and never mix, causing *every* scene to die.

We deserve it desu

>> No.10173402

Clearly you’ve never been staff at a con.

>> No.10173797
File: 66 KB, 254x600, PunkNene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I was a zoomie. 15 years later here I am - furred and scratchy at the neck, as far around as I am tall, stewing in my own bitterness.

Todays zoomies are tomorrows fatguys. What they are now we used to be. What we are now they will be.

We had time but no money. Now we have none of either.

But still we go. Because our friends go too.

And if I shaved my head I might just be able to do Eggmann.

>> No.10174601

Despite your view of yourself, that's a far less bitter response than most of the other posts here, so you're selling yourself short on that outlook there.

The next generation will have its good people. As well as its blind well wishers, and its toxic cunts and trendies. But there essential component for getting a good convention going is something you've already said. We go because our friends go too.

I'll try a cosplay this year, something with a bit of fabric and foam work.

>> No.10174916


In all fairness cons need to cater to the older crowds properly here it's an untapped market.

When Eirta had croke park they should have had an area separate for adult stalls, cosplay guests and panels.

No ID No entry to the area so if people did hook up they wouldn't have to worry about pulling someone underage.

>> No.10177119
File: 1.02 MB, 300x226, Linna_Blink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought about it running a con a while ago and wrote up my thoughts. https://pastebin.com/AvrNixAJ

Being bitter is different from being a bastard. One is a feeling, the other is an action,

Beside, I actually had a good time this year at Kaizokucon.

>> No.10177788
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1555089124957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows Amikon? I was kinda expecting it to be a disaster.

>> No.10177886

When's it on?

>> No.10178316


>> No.10179052

I read over this. Please do not run a con. Looks like you were already making a bollocks out if it from the plan.

>> No.10180277
File: 384 KB, 1232x923, 18999D76-5CDA-40F4-91EC-7368999F4D2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the Geek Eire guys going full Alt Right with posting of Laura Southern content.

>> No.10180508
File: 76 KB, 509x768, Lauren Samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based, truly /ourgirl/

>> No.10181438

Lol just randomly finding this con thread

Wow people are so toxic.

Bit stalkerish nit picking on every bit of detail cause you can.

>> No.10181521

>on every bit of detail cause you can.

like what

>> No.10181766

Well you have been going on about geek eire for years now at this point
Seems either you fancy him or obsessed to hate him

>> No.10182015

^^^ person above me explains it better

Meh words but yeah, just sayin like it just looks like you're watching them and waiting for something to rant or moan about?

Like oh a new post, lemme screen shot it and put it on a platform to rant and talk shit about it.
Like it's clear you screenshotted on their personal facebook, you either stalked their profile or just a shitty friend.

But yeah, dis none of mah business just strange to see someone to do that on a con thread

>> No.10182304

Who knows they could have a major crush on them otherwise they aren't bothering people.
They stick their groups, give panels drink and head home like majority of the rest of the con goers

>> No.10182495

So there's no more conventions until august or so now? Pretty dry.

>> No.10182634
File: 458 KB, 638x357, tumblr_ojcbhbaB4F1vw7i5vo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Irish hamplanets even compete?

>> No.10183781

You're an obsessive dip, aren't you?

>> No.10183823

Mate you're friends with him on Facebook? Maybe unfriend him and get on with your life. He might be alt right and uneducated on topics but you're wasting your time checking out his posts and if he has a small enough friend list you're putting yourself in a bracket. He might be sound enough irl we don't know that.

>> No.10183825

What exactly makes you 'alt-right' these days? I voted for the gays to be able to get married but I don't want Ireland to turn into a caliphate like the UK did. Am I alt-right?

>> No.10183833

>What exactly makes you 'alt-right' these days? I voted for the gays to be able to get married but I don't want Ireland to turn into a caliphate like the UK did. Am I alt-right?

Getting off-topic but probably anything that goes against the given narrative in media? It's just a target identifier of 'them' vs 'us' stuff.

This is an extension of outrage culture, they aren't actually interested in him, they're interested in freaking out over this 'alt-right' stuff.

>> No.10183898


>> No.10183904

Looks like I was correct. lol.

>> No.10183944

Its very obvious who's coming out with outrage culture claims. Let's be fair.

>> No.10183946


go watch some anime.

>> No.10184032

Sure aren’t we all Nazis these days.

>> No.10184379

Isn't the whole nazi thing from 4chan essentially. You guys seem really obsessive over a small group that just interview people and discuss anime as a hobby
It's more productive than bitching for someone for 5 years
Why not go after the owner of otaku con
His group has gotten big and he groomed underage girls
Or hunt down the owner of gamer fest

>> No.10185914

So Vic Molester I mean Mignonia has been invited to MCM Comic Con Ireland. And I thought my respect for the Irish con scene could sink no lower. I'm done.

>> No.10185951

The Vic case is an interesting one, it's a clear example of outrage culture based not on fact but on claims by women crying out without evidence. Claims that would surely give them their 5 minutes of fame without question. What happened until innocent until proven guilty?

>> No.10185952

Where were you doing the Cosby case?

>> No.10185969

The 'facts' are that there are hundreds of first hand accounts of him sexually harassing underage fans. None of these did it for attention, that's a blatant mysoginistic statement. If you don't think witness testimonies are evidence enough you can find video evidence of his harassment too, all of which are being used as evidence in court.

>> No.10185979

To assume these women are flat out lying for attention is disgusting man.

I won't be supporting mcm if they're having him as a guest.

>> No.10186045

>that entire twitter thread of Vic's announcement

What's with the literal army of fans ready to defend their hero Vic?

>> No.10186064

Would the outcry be the same if he was a woman with these claims coming from men? I highly doubt it. Maybe his fans feel they want justice enforced properly and not by a mob online. Leave it to the court and if he's guilty he's guilty. Until he is legally declared as such he shouldn't be subjected to assumptions not exactly based on solid facts as of yet.

>> No.10186066

>Leave it to the court and if he's guilty he's guilty.

Ya'll know he's the one taking them to court, right?

>> No.10186157

Yes think it only started last week

>> No.10189302 [DELETED] 

Made for BBC

>> No.10192613

Does Ireland have any LARP events or is it just that Eldoran one or whatever

>> No.10193913

Eblana you mean, and that ended recently. There's a couple WoD games on atm, the players are a bit cliquey if you ask me but the LARPers are friendly enough if you're their kind of person.

>> No.10194007

So Ireland Comic Con is next week right? I take it that none of us are going.

>> No.10194568

I'm looking forward to it

>> No.10194574

I'm a poorfag so yeh, as for Vic, cry a little, cry a lot anons.

>> No.10194591

As for Vic who really cares?