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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10131492 No.10131492 [Reply] [Original]

Heya everyone, con season is picking back up here!

What's everyone's upcoming plans for them? Hatsume fair, Metro, Super, and Mizucon are all around the corner.

Got any good tea with con drama?

You can join us here on our discord as well

>> No.10132311


I think drama in our state is mostly dying except between the costhots trying to get Instagram popularity. Cosplayers just wanna have fun, no?

>> No.10132474

OP do YOU have any good tea? What's that thread title supposed to be in reference to?

>> No.10132554

Metrocon isn’t worth it imo. Tickets are way too overpriced, guests are mediocre at best, and the convention space is just too small.
They were also selling the badges and lanyards separately?? Most cons I’ve been to just give you the lanyard for free. Is metro really in such a hole where they need to do that??

Not to mention the abortion protest lady last year but they couldn’t really help that

>> No.10133624
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I think OP is referring to SwampCon and the fact that the winners of the cosplay competition had mostly Amazon bought cosplays.

That's what the drama and FB seemed to be like a week ago.

>> No.10134001

That contest was a total shit fest. 2 of those judges aren't even crafters. I have no idea who on their team thought they were a good idea. Does Swampcon even have any cosplayers in their staff? Apparently North FL is infamous for its rigged cosplay contests which would make sense since those judges also judge other cons in that area

>> No.10134663

I think there's evidence of one of those judges entering an entirely commissioned cosplay into a craftsmanship contest too

>> No.10134734

oof the more these judges are brought the more dirt i hear about them swampcon's reputation is going down the shitter not that they had much of a rep to begin with

>> No.10135220

I agree expect for this swamp con drama, the drama seems to be dying down.

>> No.10135616

We are getting to the poInt where most people buy their costumes anyways. Costume contest are going to turn into popularity contest/audience choice.

>> No.10135842

It's not exactly dying, OP of the call out post gets daily PMs of dirt on the judges but I guess she's already said what she needed to say not to mention the people who PM her know the judges well and want to stay anonymous

>> No.10136373

What's everyone's next con/event?
FL Polycon
Hatsume Fair

>> No.10136619

I’m thinking of going to Hatsume Fair but it’ll be my first year going alone so im afraid ill get bored

>> No.10136651

Hatsume, Mizucon, and Metrocon.
I don't understand why people keep giving Supercon their money when it's overpriced and it's clear that they never really gave a damn about anything except making money

>> No.10136655

>Supercon their money when it's overpriced and it's clear that they never really gave a damn about anything except making money

You know it was bought out by NYCC right?

>> No.10136682

Wouldn't you say Metro is heading down that same path? I mean, charging extra if you wanted a lanyard?

>> No.10137433

What’s the down low on the hatsume competition? Anyone here competiting?

>> No.10137823
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I might take a swing at it. Never competed there before.

>> No.10137976

And just like that the contest is over before it even started

>> No.10138041
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Honestly the contest at hatsume is more about having fun and not about "omg I gotta win!". Most of the people in the crowd don't even cosplay or don't even know too much about it. Getting all huffed up about not placing and people seeing it just puts cosplay in a bad light. We aren't Toddlers & Tiaras.

>> No.10138106

If you're implying I'm getting huffed up about not placing or something I'm not, in fact I'm not even competing or attending Hatsume all I'm saying is that Temjin's cosplays are not easy to beat.

>> No.10138122

Honestly most truthful comment about hatsume competition I’ve heard all day

>> No.10138185

I wasn't, just putting in my 2 cents on what it's like there. I agree that going against Temjin in a craftsmanship contest is very hard, the man is very talented and someone I look up to in the prop scene.

>> No.10138797

Im worried about the possibility of you overheating at Hatsume with wearing that, be careful please

>> No.10138842

Yea even a simple dress can get you overheated depending on Florida’s crazy weather

>> No.10138844

Also cannot stress enough to bring/wear sunscreen and/or bring an umbrella to shade yourself.

>> No.10138845

heat exchange vest + ice packs and built in fans = profit

But seriously it is hot there so idk. Worth going just for the icecream mochi tho

>> No.10138900

You can literally get ice cream mochi at Publix it’s called my moi in the ice cream freezer isle. But they do have really good food and nice places to take photos

>> No.10139001

i wouldn't go to hatsume for photos though, it'd be better to go when it's less crowded.

>> No.10139040

Yea a lot of cosplay photographers go to hatsume tho but I agree at certain hours it can get very crowded

>> No.10141833

ill be doing afo. not sure if i should cosplay

>> No.10142690 [DELETED] 

Im going to hatsume as a giant inkling dude.

I have a question, or maybe Im asking dor advice really.

One of my friends whose really obsessed not just with cosplay but winning cosplays is meeting us there, and because Im doing an inkling, he decided he was going to do the same thing and now wants to group with me. Hes always riding my coat tails doing whatever sort of cosplay that Im doing. I always get the impression that he just really wants to make sure that he somehow always wins, and increases his "cosplay celeb" status.

Now, I dont take cosplay too seriously, its just fun for me, but hes getting annoying. Should I just tell him to heck off or am I the one taking this too seriously?

>> No.10142693

Hatsume, Ultra, Mizu, Hopefully Metro and Super

I have a question, or maybe Im asking dor advice really.

One of my friends whose really obsessed not just with cosplay but winning cosplays is meeting us there, and because Im doing an inkling, he decided he was going to do the same thing and now wants to group with me for the competition Hes always riding my coat tails doing whatever sort of cosplay that Im doing. I always get the impression that he just really wants to make sure that he somehow always wins something and increases his "cosplay celeb" status.

Now, I dont take cosplay too seriously. I do competitions, but its still just fun for me, but hes getting annoying. Should I just tell him to heck off or am I the one taking this too seriously?

>> No.10142740

Well if you think of it this way you can win a group award if you enter group. But seriously hatsume is cool and all but an award from hatsume isn’t gonna boost your “cosplay celeb” status honestly you only get to be a cosplay celeb thru good craftsmanship among other things winning awards is only part of it and that’s like winning awards at big comps

>> No.10142791

Yeah, that makse sense, so I guess he's not sperging out too much, it's just a pattern I've noticed. He's always trying to get his way into cons and become a judge or "cosplay guest" somehow. Like, I think he's a guest at ultracon and hes actually selling prints of his cosplay photos. It's cringey as heck, although to be fair, I think he's donating whatever he makes to a charity, but uhg.

>> No.10142849

I'm getting to the point where it's time to return to small cons for me. That's where the regular people fun still lives, and don't have to pay 100 in admission just to go. Everyone sells the same stuff anyway. Less ego, and more local cosplay. I will drag myself to Super ~just because~ now Ultracon finally has good guests, and maybe even HeroHype too.

>> No.10143067

>Hero Hype
You two must really hate yourselves huh

>> No.10143158

Ultra sucks but its nearby for me and I know a lot of people going... thats my attempt to justify it.

>> No.10143197

How’s the contest like at ultra?

>> No.10143261

That's unfortunate, but have fun nonetheless.
FloridaCosplay.Org are "cosplay guests" at this event, so it's gonna be rigged like Comic Con Revolution, you'll win if you're part of their crew for sure, but if you're not... Well, good luck.

>> No.10143281

you guys have fun at hatsume?
i was only there a short time but i had a lot of fun

>> No.10143326

It was super hot but yea tons of fun!
Ugh omg Florida cosplayers is a joke for real

>> No.10143344

Not to mention Irving can't run an con to save his life.

>> No.10143345

Hes an alright guy but his cons are glorified toy shows. So if youre in south fl think of paying 20$+ to get into the btl show at miccosucee.

>> No.10143813

SawCon should be pretty alright.

>> No.10143850

Mizucon, AFO, Iwai and Holmat probably. Metro isn't worth it and Supercon hasn't been since it left the MACC.

>> No.10143857

Probably AFO at this rate. I heard FL Polycon was good for a first year college con

>> No.10144217

Am I the only one who thinks the MACC is probably the worst venue in the state? Even after the remodel it looks run down as shit.

Anyway super is back at the newly remodeled Miami convention center this year.

Sadly I will be at a show in NC that weekend so its the first super I will have missed in awhile.

>> No.10144275

The MACC makes me feel nostalgic about old Supers, but it really wasn't a very good venue. Supercon hasn't been very fun for me in the past few years, but I'm hoping that'll turn around this year.

>> No.10144367

i was asked to be a guest at Orlando Hero Hype and said yes because i’m still a small time cosplayer and that’s exciting but now i’m hearing that it’s a shitty con so i’m a little nervous

>> No.10144420

Everything is just a step along the journey, if you think it'll be fun then do it. Who cares if other people dont like the con.

>> No.10144449

When people tell me if a con is good or bad, it's just letting me know if I want to spend my money on it. I assume you're going for free if you're a guest, so just enjoy and make the most of it. You'll always find people who think it's a good con even when it's not.

>> No.10144772

I'll be at Ultracon on Saturday. Nothing better to do.

Anybody down for a meetup? I will be out of cosplay since I don't think it's worth cosplaying.

>> No.10144774

The problem with Super is the price really. But I might just fork it if I'm really bored that Saturday.

>> No.10144786

Oh no, the MACC is definitely shitty. My point was that the con itself (programming, etc.) has just been getting less worth the cost of attendance for me since it was in the MACC.

>> No.10144787

Do you mean the fan panel programming or the guest related stuff?

>> No.10144803

I saw someone in the discord trying to create a meetup for ultracon today. Don't know how successful it was.

>> No.10144821

>discord meetup

Ah...It's nice to see that. I can't join the discord meetup because I'm banned from there. Something stupid I did to someone, completely my fault and I earned myself a well deserved ban.

It's a really fun community too so I would recommend joining.

Hopefully someday I can rejoin but I need time to pass and hopefully to become a better person.

I will say hi though if I see some familiar faces at ultracon!

>> No.10144837 [DELETED] 
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Hi Ozeu

ur a faggot

>> No.10144848

Yeah yeah I know. Truly I'm disappointed and sad in myself for the most part but I'm trying to move forward from this and become a better person.

>> No.10144854

Get professional help

>> No.10144858

Thank you and I will. This was a real good kick in the ass. Nearly lost all the friends that I had made because of my toxic incel tier beliefs about women and my angry behavior.

I'm completely at fault here and don't expect to be allowed back in for a long time.

>> No.10144861

quit blog posting no one cares nigga

>> No.10145976

How was everyone's Hatsume? I got blown by a toga cosplayer so that makes it my favorite con so far this year.

>> No.10146030 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10146053

Felt pretty shitty when I got home and found event tickets in my pocket that I forgot to spend. Other than that it was pretty fun albeit hot.

>> No.10147518

i was only there a day and only for like 2 hours but even though i didnt get blown, i got a lot of nice compliments :)

>> No.10147768

So Ultracon was an embarrassment, like more than usual and Irvings a dickhead.

>> No.10147816

Yea did you see the cosplay contest? It was a joke

>> No.10147819

I was the inkling in the contest actually. It was embarrassing lol. They literally had prejudging on stage.

And the girl who was dressed as Fiona from lol got harassed by Irving the con owner while judging was going on. He was accusing her of being a guest and telling her to leave after wed finished getting off stage.

>> No.10148643

Did anything else happen? I knew Ultracon was gonna be a shit show, but man.

>> No.10148787

As far as Im aware, thats it.

>> No.10148893

Can we actually get a florida cosplay server without /k/ shitting it up? Jesus fuck they're annoying.

>> No.10148940

How are they fucking up the server?

>> No.10149407

Uh everyone on that server is an annoying snowflake, i literally left yesterday lol

>> No.10149411

you're false flagging lol.

>> No.10149413

no i'm not, stop trying to false flag my false flag. Have you ever been on the server b4fore?

>> No.10149617

Bitter anon is bitter

>> No.10150128
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>everyone on the server is a snowflake
>hurr durr look at me I left the server because I’m different because I’m not a snowflake hurr durr

Imagine being old enough to post on 4chan and be in that discord but being that much of a whiny baby. I bet you just lurked for a few days, didn’t post a thing and then left

>> No.10150440

i was actually a member of that community for a while and i contributed too. nice try loll

>> No.10150456

You were? Who was the server owner?

>> No.10150482

Nobody cares. Make use of the handy dandy sage function or stfu.

Anyway, what's Otakufest looks like it's trying to make something out of the August/September void. Anyone thinking of going, or is it too close to AFO?

>> No.10150671

I'll be doing AFO since it's local for me. I'd love to try Otakufest but that 3-4 hour drive can be annoying. Just did it for Hatsume and about to do it for Mizucon.

>> No.10151575

I haven't been to any anime cons in awhile and I see Mizucon is coming up. How is Mizucon? Never been to this one before.

>> No.10151796
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Metrocon will now have bagcheck in compliance with the TCC

Lord I wanna like this convention but I feel like TCC is trying to ruin it. Yes, I understand the safety aspect of it, but jesus this is annoying and it's mostly just security theater.

>> No.10153137

Is this happening with all the cons? I felt like Supercon started doing that last year and was pointless, since people would just re-enter anyways.

>> No.10153176

At metro at least they’re scanning you at re-entry too

>> No.10153741

I'm not from your state, but please tell me about any ridiculous Florida Man incidents you've had at cons or meets.

>> No.10154719

Had a Goku cosplayer arrested at Metrocon 2015 for sexually harassing a girl at the rave. I know one you gulls has the pic, give it up

>> No.10154906

It died for a little while and came back under the same staff as Anime Iwai (at least it seems that way) so it'll probably have the same vibe as iwai/chibi-pa: Laid back tiny con based around big parties at night.

>> No.10156896

Probably Mizu, Metro, and Otakufest.
Metro isn't all that bad and still fairly enjoyable.
Supercon even with the new owner is asking too much money.
Otaku seems fun and it reminds me of the old days at the MACC even if the location is shit.

>> No.10157043

I remember that. During that same metro I had the person in the next hotel room randomly tell everyone in my room that he was a furry and that everyone in his room was also a furry.
Luckily we didn't hear any of the gay orgy that must have happened.

>> No.10157929

Heading? More like been there, doing that and pretending they're doing you a favor and you should be thankful. It was more expensive than ever last year, virtually dead and they played it off like there were thousands of people. Only went Saturday last year not bothering this year. Saving my money for AFO and Matsuri.

>> No.10158665

HolMat opened registration and hotel rooms today. Will you be attending? I'm weighing my transportation options.

>> No.10158775

>everyone on the server is an annoying snowflake
I don't know how you can even say that when the server owner's name is nazi themed, but okay faggot.

>> No.10158834

Oof. It's too close to MFF for me. If friends aren't going then I see no reason to go.

>> No.10159520

I’m moving to Orlando from out of state late this summer. Never been to any Florida cons so I’m wondering what the scene is like. What’s worth going to nowadays? What’s worth avoiding?

>> No.10160208

Nayrt but that only further validates the statement because that sounds like the epitome of annoying snowflake

>> No.10160531

It's not that they're snowflakes per se, it's that its 4chan bruh, and /cgl/.

99% of the people there on the discord are bottom tier trash or young college students. You're not going to see people of actual worth there.

>> No.10160539

Worth it:
HolMat, AFO and maybe Supercon? Iwai is good if you like room parties.

Holiday Matsuri is definitely worth the wait, though.

>> No.10160540 [DELETED] 


I mean look at this guy. His girl leaves him for an abusive asshole (which says a lot about him) and then she commits suicide while he just watches.

Then gets dropped by Reed Pop because...he's not worth it and goes on a temper tantrum.

Sad shit right there.


>> No.10160775 [DELETED] 

Scene is hit or miss. The Orlando scene is much better than the one in SoFlo

You might find some great people, you might not. Just be careful.

Iwai staff is mostly great, except for a couple of people, and filled with wholesome peeps from my impressions with them. The attendees though....not so much.

I mean you have an actual rapist walking about because an Iwai staff member doesn't have enough balls to ban him.

Just be careful.

>> No.10160816

>actual rapist


>> No.10160837 [DELETED] 

I'm name dropping him since he's a huge asshole.

Gabriel Jacomino. He's a 600 pound tub of lard incel, so you can't miss him, that harasses and touches girls without their consent. He was in the process of raping a passed out girl at a party too when he got caught.

He's a borderline pedo as well and has said sick shit about wanting to bang children.

But that's ok, he's still allowed to house parties by a certain member of the community that believes he's the king of cons but he's really just a huge loser at a dead end job. He's the Iwai staff the didn't have enough balls to ban him from conventions even though he cares about them oh so fucking much.

>> No.10160865

Who would actually let a confirmed rapist over to their house? I've got to stay clear of their house parties

>> No.10160872 [DELETED] 

Someone that doesn't have the balls to say no in person.

I'm not going to name drop him because he's not a completely horrible person unlike Jaco. Like everyone he has faults, everyone has good and bad in them (I fully do too), but he can become a little shit really quickly if you get on his wrong side.

Just be careful of people in the community. We're all humans and we all want friends and to make connections but that can leave us vulnerable to get really hurt.

>> No.10160898

Its really fun honestly, there's more of a party scene here than anything else. Dont go expecting a ton of Japanese guests or anything like that. There is a lot of great cosplayers and cool people.

>> No.10160920

Why do you keep blogposting, creep.

>> No.10160923 [DELETED] 
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Cuz I want to?

>> No.10160934

Someone seems salty. What're you trying to prove?

>> No.10160936

Salty means I envy something.

I don't envy being broke and having no future.

>> No.10160939

I mean spending all day on 4Chan makes it seem like youre broke and have no future.

>> No.10160942

You don't shitpost at work? I feel bad for you

>> No.10160951 [DELETED] 

what constitutes a dead-end job? Like, they work at McDonalds or something? Everyone on staff I’ve ever met had a real career job, like working in insurance, or accounting. I think one of them is even a trained chef.

>> No.10160961 [DELETED] 

what constitutes a dead-end job? Like, they work at McDonalds or something? Everyone on staff I’ve ever met had a real career job, like working in insurance, or accounting. I think one of them is even a trained chef.

>> No.10160963

Oh no, don't get me wrong.

Almost all the Iwai staff is wholesome as fuck (and old lol) and I believe their cons are great even if the attendees are for a large majority toxic and full of trash. I'm just referring one person on staff that has continuously made fun of me, so I can make fun of him.

But my definition of a dead end job is someone that's content with mediocrity their whole life and doesn't want to improve.

Respectful sage.

>> No.10160972 [DELETED] 

Uh... like what kind of job? Like, call center work? Or disinteresting IT? Medical supply service? What’s their occupation?

Any job you can be content in, and say their just fine with “mediocrity”. You could say that about stock brokers making 6 figures if you wanted to.

>> No.10160977 [DELETED] 

Uh... like what kind of job? Like, call center work? Or disinteresting IT? Medical supply service? What’s their occupation?

Any job you can be content in, and say their just fine with “mediocrity”. You could say that about stock brokers making 6 figures if you wanted to.

>> No.10160986 [DELETED] 

Wow drama

>> No.10160988 [DELETED] 

I'm not going to say his job to dox him and give him more fuel cuz I want him out of my life.

He's continued to be an asshole towards me even when I asked for him to stay away from me and ignore each other's existance, so I can be an asshole to him. But he definitely doesn't earn as much as me.

>> No.10161011 [DELETED] 

I just want to be able to go to cons in peace with my friends and the new friends I'm making and if we see each other or any of the discord people we ignore each other. But if they still comes after me physician then well.....I'm getting my concealed carry. So if they die thats their problem since its self defense at that point.

>> No.10161020

You are not getting your concealed carry anymore bitch.

>> No.10161023

>friends and the new friends
stop false flagging

>> No.10161026

Seriously man, I do have a CWP and people that are mentally equipped at the proper standards to have a CWP do not say the fucking shit you just said. The whole basis of a cwp is to only use it if you are cornered. No one on discord even gives a shit to "come after you" much less spend the time to corner you. You are not even worth the god damn energy. You are actually more of the type to corner someone.

>> No.10161027

Are you really making gun threats on a cosplay board right now

>> No.10161030

go back to /k/ bitch

>> No.10161033

hes not ours nigger

>> No.10161034 [DELETED] 

And why is that?

>> No.10161035

Being psychotic obviously

>> No.10161036 [DELETED] 

Yeah if I'm fucking cornered and they're about to attack me. I don't want to kill any of them unless the give me no choice.

>> No.10161038

you're fucking delusional

>> No.10161039 [DELETED] 

Dude....I'm not going to hurt anyone unless they come after me at a con with bad intentions. If they do then all options are on the table to defend myself.

>> No.10161043
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>> No.10161045 [DELETED] 

If they don't give a shit that's good but that iwai staff member is still continuing to cause problems for me weeks after we told each other to ignore each other. I thought we had reached an understanding but apparently not.

>> No.10161046

imagine being such a paranoid psychopath that you convince yourself that a group of people who want nothing to do with you are going to attack you at a convention

>> No.10161047

you check your mailbox yet bro

>> No.10161048 [DELETED] 

this nigga mad bc he acted like a moron and ended up with a restraining order lmfao

>> No.10161050 [DELETED] 

Most of them want nothing to do with me and I respect that; I want nothing to do with them. But that Iwai staff member has continued to harass me even after we agreed to ignore each other's existance.

>> No.10161051 [DELETED] 

You mean the restraining order that got denied by a judge because it was frivilous? And is going to be dismissed?

>> No.10161053
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>> No.10161055 [DELETED] 

I count making a restraining order against me when we agreed to ignore each other as harrassment. It was totally unnecessary. I hope he lawyers up because it was already dismissed by a judge due to lack of evidence and will be dismissed in the final hearing because I've already hired legal counsel and we will be collecting attorneys fees. Which aren't cheap.

>> No.10161059 [DELETED] 

And now. Silence. You should really pay attention to your checks the next couple of months. Because you'll be getting a couple of grand removed to cover my attorneys fees

>> No.10161062

This is wild, ya’ll in CGL go hard. Literal gun threats lmao

>> No.10161063

im gonna shove you in a locker faggot

>> No.10161065 [DELETED] 

It's Florida and stand your ground. If one of these people breaks their word and comes after me with malicious intent in real life I'll defend myself.

>> No.10161066

Cause I’m a CREEEeeeeeEeep


You’re edgy as fuck

>> No.10161068

thats not how it works bro!

>> No.10161069 [DELETED] 

I'm sure. I've already gotten legal council over this and force will be met with force. Look can we just ignore each other. I have more friends and we just want to enjoy a con in peace

>> No.10161070 [DELETED] 

You’re so delusional that you’d take someone looking at you the wrong way from across the con floor as a threat and grounds to shoot someone you fucking psycho

>> No.10161072 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded? I'm talking about someone coming up to my face and threatening physical violence.

>> No.10161073

they're all gonna get sick of you too

>> No.10161074

jfc youre dense as shit.

>> No.10161075

>I have more friends
Funny how a guy who couldn't make friends for 28 years all of a sudden made friends in a week

>> No.10161077

That would be true if you were anyone else. You’re a paranoid psycho. You’re unwell. You have no grasp on reality.

>> No.10161078 [DELETED] 

Not likely since I've known them for at least a decade. The discord people were not my only friends by long shot. And honestly, most of you are beneath me when it comes to life accomplishments. The lesson learned is that I aught to be more careful when picking friends and keeping my distance from trash.

>> No.10161080 [DELETED] 

I reconnected with a lot of people. I even have a friends with benefits now

>> No.10161081

can you pls stop acting like we didn't all see the screenshots lol

>> No.10161082

Your attorney doesn't count

>> No.10161083 [DELETED] 

That's your opinion. But the court doesn't think so. So have fun getting stomped by a law professor that specializes in these types of cases

>> No.10161084

>friends with benefits
Lmao yeah ok

>> No.10161085

Damn even after you showed your attorney that unsolicited self harm pic you sent people on the discord? Or I’m guessing you conveniently left that detail out.

>> No.10161086 [DELETED] 

You known I should just stop posting. Most of you are low level trash that won't amount to anything and are stuck in dead end jobs and sadly have no future.. And the iwai staff member especially especially.

>> No.10161088 [DELETED] 

I did not.

>> No.10161090 [DELETED] 

Homie you were begging girls for feet pictures, and messaging people “Creep” cut into your leg. Please tell us again how you’re above us

>> No.10161091 [DELETED] 

It sounds like you did a very bad job of leaving him alone.

In fact, it sounds like you did a horrible job of leaving anyone involved alone.

>> No.10161092 [DELETED] 

Oh or worse. Being a 28 year old unemployed drug dealer with no family and no future.

>> No.10161094 [DELETED] 

Because unlike you I have a loving family, money, and a career and the desire and intelligence to get a degree and to go for a masters.

>> No.10161097

says the guy whos been in the same job for almost 10 years, with zero satisfaction and fucking blog posts about it.

youre stuck being a wage cuck while those in the discord are living life and earning their degrees and getting their dream jobs.

youre a fucking incel and everyone knows it. its disgusting the way you act. aint no one below your sad ass

>> No.10161098

Why are you replying to yourself? Are you that retarded?

>> No.10161099 [DELETED] 

I mean I’m on my way to fuck my girlfriend after I just graduated yesterday while you’re here being a child and trying to scare people with gun violence.

Try again dumb fuck

>> No.10161100

i fuckin love you bro lmao

>> No.10161101 [DELETED] 

Lmao. I earned my degree in 2013 manga cum laude bitch in an actual stem field Then I've been at my job which I like since 2016, this being my 3rd year and have gotten promotion after promotion and have seen my salary spike to a very heafty amount. I have an actual loving family, good friends, and I'm going for my masters soon. What do you have? Living in fucking west Perrine with all the drug dealers leeching off your girl?

>> No.10161103

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.10161104 [DELETED] 

I have a leg that I haven’t carved creep into and sent pictures to for people to pity. There’s that

>> No.10161106 [DELETED] 

I have my self respect too that’s nice.

>> No.10161107 [DELETED] 

Small things which I'm getting therapy for at the moment. Meanwhile your life is a fucking mess at 28. I really hope you fix yourself

>> No.10161109

I've never seen so much horse shit in one cgl post

>> No.10161110 [DELETED] 

Im 24. Don’t know who you think you’re talking to you cuck

>> No.10161111

>I have an actual loving family, good friends

If only you had any mental stability to go along with that

>> No.10161112 [DELETED] 

Oh you must be the photo g who couldn't even pass calculus at a shit school. That's like the easiest class

>> No.10161113


>> No.10161114
File: 904 KB, 1242x1166, IMG_1271_Edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in this thread smoke weed?

>> No.10161115 [DELETED] 

The only friends he has are the imaginary kind.

>> No.10161116
File: 821 KB, 1330x1080, 1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161118 [DELETED] 

Wrong again :P, I’m not even part of CGL I’m just here to shit on you

>> No.10161119

Obviously not the con shooter since he needs to seriously chill

>> No.10161120
File: 24 KB, 633x188, stem major.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you sure youre stem bro?

>> No.10161121 [DELETED] 

I'm not those. I'm an econ major with a statistics minor.

>> No.10161122 [DELETED] 

Omegalul, that’s not STEM dumb ass

>> No.10161124


Poignant as ever

>> No.10161126 [DELETED] 

Not like the math is much different especially in finance which uses a lot of stochastic, partial differential equations, probability theory, and programming.

>> No.10161127 [DELETED] 

Working on it. Nobody's perfect

>> No.10161129

Yet you're on here judging a whole discord server

>> No.10161131

still not stem, still not a statistics major

youve got a diet math degree thats nowhere as hard as a real stem degree

>> No.10161132 [DELETED] 

I've specifically said a large majority of people not everyone. Go back to school for reading comprehension. And the lolitas too. Printing stickers for the rest of their life sounds pathetic.

>> No.10161133

Says the guy who thinks doesn't know what a STEM major is maybe you should go back to school for a real stem major

>> No.10161134
File: 815 KB, 905x904, 1486258528535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand your ground isn't a magical "kill people and get out of jail free card" you delusional and dangerously ignorant faggot. There has to be a credible threat to even claim it, mean words don't count, and you'd be doing it in a public space with plenty of witnesses to attest to your unstable ass getting trigger happy. But hey, you claim you're so far above us that I'm sure someone as brilliant and accomplished as you already has your "self defense" plotted out.

Hell with your mental instability, I'd be surprised if you could even pass the background check to get a CWP and purchase a gun. Either way, you should really reconsider things before Bubba rapes your ass in prison after that murder charge your ramping up for.

>> No.10161140 [DELETED] 

I'm going to take advice from my attorney. Not some LARPing /k/ faggot that didn't have the balls to actually serve so he has to pretend to be a soldier while cleaning pools

>> No.10161143 [DELETED] 

That's the plan with my masters

>> No.10161149

Ever pointed a gun at someone for survival before?

>> No.10161150 [DELETED] 

This is probably he final thing I'm going to say, but it's super pathetic that I with all my problems have managed to eclipse all of you. Get your fucking shit together

>> No.10161155 [DELETED] 

No. But I'm not pretending to be as tough as actual people who've served and had to do that every single day. So take that shit and shove it.

>> No.10161156

hey roast me next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10161157

The only time this proud police supporter kneels is to suck a hero officer’s dick

>> No.10161158

>You're not going to see people of actual worth there.
Of course you're not, the discord is cosplay based. It's like finding a gold coin in a pile of fresh manure.

>> No.10161162

You've also publicly stated, on numerous occasions, that you're too scared to even own a gun for fear that you'd shoot yourself.

>> No.10161167
File: 7 KB, 229x238, 8f4dbea373d677fc7a454358dabcb3f6e79158ba_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a fucking pooptard

>> No.10161169

Your attorney must be underpaid to deal with a basket case like you.

>> No.10161170 [DELETED] 

Yeah. I was hoping for too much and wasn't careful enough with the people I kept close. Plus I had actual mental issues that I didn't address that bit me in the ass which is completely my fault. I really don't have animosity towards a good bunch of the server. They're cool. It's just certain people there are shitstains and need to be put in their place.

>> No.10161173

my minecraft servers are backed up try it bitch

>> No.10161179 [DELETED] 

Oh also >why are you old balding
>Is obese
Glitterbarrel pls.

>> No.10161182

im sure posting more things that you overheard while using an alt after you were banned will convince everyone that you're a perfectly sane and balanced person

>> No.10161184 [DELETED] 

I don't have to convince anyone. I'm done with you people. I'm just giving you the finger while saying my goodbye bitch. And tell chinlet dreams to get some jaw transplants and to stop dating a white supremacist that gets butthurt that minorities make more than him .

>> No.10161185

I would ask who hurt you but based on the pictures you did.

>> No.10161186

you might want to bring a printout of this thread to your next therapy session

>> No.10161188

How many goodbyes are you gonna post?
Got it all out of your system?

>> No.10161189

Good to see all that money you're supposedly making bought you a happy, healthy life.

I'm just a proud white boy though and can't live knowing this brown incel is making more money than me. I must kill myself now to atone for this great shame I have brought upon myself and my proud white ancestors.

>> No.10161190 [DELETED] 

Oh is this actually the printer fixer. A little bird told me you got so mad at a black guy in Seattle who's an actual success and that you resorted to calling him racial slurs to make yourself feel better. Stay in school kids. Otherwise you end up like these people.

>> No.10161191

This guy fucks

>> No.10161192

you're going to reply to this post

>> No.10161193 [DELETED] 

I do too now. I have an actual fwb at that I met on another server

>> No.10161194

Are you fucking stalking me what the fuck

>> No.10161195

This guy fucks

>> No.10161197 [DELETED] 

Your wife told me about it before I got banned. And another person on the server told me the other story

>> No.10161198

Isn’t that the chick that puts guys in pp jail?

>> No.10161200


>> No.10161201

Did your ex boyfriend take you back after you finally agreed to suck his dick?

>> No.10161202 [DELETED] 

Nope. It's a girl. And actually not obese.

>> No.10161204

What in the everloving quiznak is going on? From one convo about cons and then it spiraled into craziness. Cue the popcorn.

>> No.10161206
File: 132 KB, 326x52, 1447451181160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161207 [DELETED] 

Shows over buddy. Enjoy the read though. I sure did

>> No.10161208

You remind me of those boys in middle school that always claim to be getting laid when everyone knows they're not.

>> No.10161209

This guy fucks

>> No.10161211
File: 125 KB, 996x720, 1321697006403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure. And what did this "girl" say when she saw that shit you carved into your thighs?

>> No.10161212
File: 32 KB, 480x480, image0-231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161213

How about an actual member that did serve? Cool your shit because you are digging a fucking grave and this shit WILL be held against you if you ever go to buy a gun or apply for a permit. Even your lawyer would be telling you to shut the fuck up right about now if he was anything worth the dollar you gave him.

>> No.10161216 [DELETED] 

Yes coastie. I'll take your advice because I respect all those who served. I'll still speak to my lawyer about it but it's Florida. Guns are easy to acquire. Maybe not for concealed carry but just for leaving it in my car.

>> No.10161217

What does she say when she pulls down your pants and sees a word permanently carved there?

>> No.10161219

Again, I have a very distinct feeling they are not even going to waste the energy to corner you to even make using such level of force legal.

From a law enforcement perspective, you are running very far on the wrong side of the line right now.

>> No.10161221 [DELETED] 

Ouch are you ok?

>> No.10161222 [DELETED] 

I hope not. But if I'm being cornered by them violently I'll have to defend myself. It will be very unlikely it happens. When I said this I got this crazy libtard that filed a restraining order which was dismissed by a judge. I have the final hearing soon and it won't go well for him I don't want to speak to that guy or approach h at all. But if he comes at me with force I'll meet it with force. Fair enough?

>> No.10161223

Dude where are you getting the notion that anyone would come at you with force when everyone has made it obvious they don’t want to be anywhere near you?

>> No.10161224

No one's been trying to harm you physically you paranoid piece of shit.

>> No.10161226

Everyone literally just wants you to stay away, why would we be approaching you if we happen to see you in public?

>> No.10161227

Aren't you scared that everything you said in this thread could get you Baker Acted?
It wouldn't be very hard man.

>> No.10161228 [DELETED] 

There's this specific person who I mentioned earlier that loves to fuck with me and tell really awful jokes at my expense. He won't do that anymore hopefully since I'll be away, but if he does it to my face I will throw hands with him or worse. I'll rather just walk away but if he continues badgering me I have grounds to at least stomp his face in.

>> No.10161229

normal reaction to someone trying to get a restraining order against you : "This guy wants to kill me!"

>> No.10161230

A restraining order isn’t force it’s the dead opposite, no one wants to be near or around you

>> No.10161232 [DELETED] 

If that's the case then great and we have nothing to discuss further. The restraining order guy also threatened to cause trouble by calling security everytime he sees me which I don't want. I just want to go to cons and ignore this people and they ignore me.

>> No.10161233

>tells really awful jokes at your expense
>I will throw hands with him or worse
You really think someone making mean jokes about is gonna hold up in court if you get violent? Wow

>> No.10161234

you don't have grounds to stomp someone's face in because they told a joke???????????????????????????????????

>> No.10161235

Pro-tip: Someone existing in the same building is not cornering you.

Pro-tip harder: Even going for pulling out that gun will get your ticket punched quicker then you can fire because now people are going to be jumpy just seeing you. Literally no one wants to bother you and you are making things up as justification to carry a weapon you are not even remotely qualified to carry and operate.

>> No.10161236
File: 42 KB, 540x611, fullpower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, just stop, you're making this way worse on yourself.

>> No.10161237 [DELETED] 

Ill tell him to stop first and give him a warning. Then all bets are off.

>> No.10161238

No you do not have grounds to stomp his face in. Now you just revealed a reason to fire on you you even reached for a place that a gun may be concealed.

Frankly, if I met you and saw you approach me, You would get one warning and drawn on because I now have knowledge you are mentally unstable and will attack someone without any physical provocation.

>> No.10161239

dude after this thread we're ALL calling security the second we see you

>> No.10161240

Guy files a restraining order and plans to call security to have you removed, and you take that as a threat? No sane person would read that as threatening. If anything it's defensive and shows he doesn't want you anywhere near him, meanwhile you plan to deliberately put yourself in the same area as someone you claim to be threatened by all while spouting how you're gonna kill him and claim self defense.

You killed your own self defense case. Good going dumbass.

>> No.10161241


we almost made it

>> No.10161242 [DELETED] 

I think we mostly agree. And yeah I fully expect them to enjoy the con as much as they can. Them being in the same building or even the same room doesn't affect me at all. Just ignore me lol. But if for some unlikely reason they approach me, tell me I'm a piece of shit, I'll tell them to fuck off, retreat out of there, but if they still follow me I'll get security. If they get violent before security gets there well....that's when I'll defend myself. Sound fair enough?

>> No.10161245

Bruh just don't go to the con.

>> No.10161246

Oh yea man, you're gonna get security alright

>> No.10161247

No because no one would follow you or get violent, you’re just projecting hard to justify pulling a gun on people trying to mind their business.

>> No.10161249 [DELETED] 

I won't go to like small events. But I do have friends that go to cons and I want to enjoy the cons with them like Holmat, Super and Otakufest.

>> No.10161251 [DELETED] 

If nobody follows me and gets violent. I have no problem with them. They're just strangers.

>> No.10161255

oh he's paying the bdsm hooker from a furry pedophile server? i wonder if he carves the safety word on his leg to make sure he doesn't forget it

>> No.10161256

>if nobody follows me and gets violent
like you're doing online rn?

>> No.10161257
File: 78 KB, 494x491, 3735DCA8-2AD2-4A45-BDDC-B2508F960B8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10161258 [DELETED] 

I'll rather avoid that and use it as a last resort if things get physical but the sense that I'm getting is that you guys won't. So we're cool. You guys ignore me, I'll ignore you. If you want to say hi for some god forsaken reason lol you're more than welcome.

>> No.10161260

you're fucking stalking us and threatening to pull a gun on us wtf do you expect you absolute freak.
Seek help.
Or just pull the trigger on yourself already.

>> No.10161263
File: 59 KB, 489x435, 1544725787640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes, i really think you should both stop talking to eachother even "anonymously" before the court date, the more you talk to eachother the more evidence you give the opposing counsel

>> No.10161264
File: 59 KB, 1024x638, B7463DCC-B6CF-4A44-AA6F-F84D1F487515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK this was spicy

>> No.10161265

but his parents love him UwU

>> No.10161267
File: 2.87 MB, 500x374, DC18E004-E18D-41C9-9695-5E0B9402D9B5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161269 [DELETED] 

I don't have an alt on the server. I'm done with you people. I'm not stalking anybody. Enjoy your life and for some people on the server get your shit together. You know who you are.

>> No.10161270

dont give him false hope. he's probably disowned

>> No.10161271

you forgot to add "anymore" to that

>> No.10161273

But his dad is disappointed in his sons failure to ever get a girl. If anything, suicide would probably be relieve them of the burden of knowing they brought a total failure into this world.

>> No.10161274

that wouldn't surprise anyone since he never shut up about how disappointed his parents are in him

>> No.10161276 [DELETED] 

So here's another question. What should I do besides what I've already said? Stay away, ignore each other, if you come at me with malicious intent I'll retreat and call security, but if you're bent on getting physical I will defend myself. Fair enough?

>> No.10161277
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x3024, 1944B82F-B710-4E91-B43A-8B50D4F1FB60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, use this to calm yourself down. Got this one free just for you

>> No.10161278

If they approach you, literally just take your phone out and start recording. That way you have evidence and proof that they are messing with you.
If you can’t prove anything then it’s all he-said she-said

>> No.10161279
File: 380 KB, 1122x661, die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161280 [DELETED] 

Okay. Good idea. I'll still retreat cuz I don't want trouble.

>> No.10161281
File: 42 KB, 600x726, 1477652764793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161282

congratulations, you just lost $250

>> No.10161283
File: 20 KB, 575x356, lKPaHzp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for some people on the server get your shit together

>> No.10161284

Christ this thread went to shit fast inb4 nuke

>> No.10161285

You’re bent, you wanna justify shooting people for existing at a con that don’t want to be around you.

>> No.10161287
File: 36 KB, 199x200, 0683B074-CB91-4CF7-AB3D-7924E6C9586E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161288
File: 221 KB, 446x649, 1556072036165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know that 'concealed' is the operative word in 'concealed carry'
letting everyone know you have a gun defeats the purpose and paints you as a trigger happy retard
you'd also have to have to believe the person being violent poses a well founded threat of great bodily harm or death to you or another person, which is extremely unlikely to happen in a crowded place with tons of witnesses barring some drug induced chimp out
also, i'm sure drawing and firing a weapon in a huge crowded venue will probably hurt your case a lot more than anything you construe would help it. seek mental aid

>> No.10161289 [DELETED] 

I don't want to kill people m8. You can enjoy the con without fear. well just ignore each other.

>> No.10161290 [DELETED] 

not bait, that man will whatever you ask for foot pics

>> No.10161291
File: 382 KB, 392x500, 6EB7E6D3-2E7B-4BD7-A90B-028B6B6B2D1C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161292 [DELETED] 

Hey I'm not perfect either. I have a ton of therapy and self improvement to do

>> No.10161293
File: 49 KB, 249x252, 1513536753249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161294

not bait, that man will pay whatever you ask for foot pics

>> No.10161295 [DELETED] 

Ehhh now that I got my first full footwhore I really don't want it anymore. It was something worth trying

>> No.10161299
File: 480 KB, 674x702, 1447877499349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's also not forget that self defense isn't pre-meditated.
If you know that if you are going into a situation where you believe you will be in danger enough to fire your weapon at another person, then it is first degree murder.
This entire thread can absolutely be used against him in case he does any harm at the event no matter what.
He's digging himself a bigger hole than he needs. (Ironically)

>> No.10161300
File: 104 KB, 750x1334, FA548F99-8C93-4B59-82EA-09424B1AD120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161302 [DELETED] 

Also guys. I apologise for being unstable. I mean no harm to anyone and will do my best to keep my distance from you guys. We can just pretend we don't know each other. I don't want to hurt anyone unless it's the last and I mean last resort.

>> No.10161303
File: 136 KB, 1920x1080, 1551155775827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161305

dude you starting all of this and even saying that last comment makes it sound like you really dont mean a single word of that. but im just a bystander ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.10161306

Damn that pic helped huh, good im glad that calmed you down

>> No.10161307 [DELETED] 

I mean believe what you want. I just don't want trouble at cons.

>> No.10161309
File: 112 KB, 759x1092, 1514784538464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161310

Nigga if you didn’t want trouble at cons then you shouldn’t have said shit

>> No.10161311

>being so unstable that you think you can apologize and backtrack your way out of situations

this right here is proof you haven't done any work to change at all

>> No.10161312 [DELETED] 

My bad I guess. But I'm glad I reached somewhat of an understanding with you people. Enjoy Mizu. I won't be there out of respect for y'all but I will be at otakufest, super and holmat with friends.

>> No.10161315

that doesn't help at all you need to like not be anywhere near any of us like ever

>> No.10161316 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry but I'm not going to stop going to cons with friends because they're fun. I'll keep my distance.

>> No.10161317 [DELETED] 


>> No.10161318

you're gonna be real good friends with con security lol

>> No.10161319

>is asked to not talk to a group of people
>makes an alt to cyber stalk them
>gets caught and is told not to talk again
I guess 3rd time is the charm for you then?

>> No.10161323


>> No.10161325


>> No.10161326 [DELETED] 

I guess. I made the alt because I still had friends on the server but I quickly learnt I was hated. You should just exited. That was my mistake. Aorryy

>> No.10161327

Holy fuck go away

>> No.10161329


>> No.10161335

Then just don’t go to cons. /end/

>> No.10161353

Look I'm sorry it turned out the way it did. I'm going to seek therapy soon. I plan on making up with everybody, including you in the future.

>> No.10161358
File: 259 KB, 1224x1060, that's kind of sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10161361

This guy fucks

>> No.10161363
File: 26 KB, 283x314, 1476006185641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to seek therapy soon.
You said earlier that you were already seeing a therapist though...

>I plan on making up with everybody, including you in the future.
Who are you even replying too?

>> No.10161364

Its directed to a certain individual, she knows who she is.

>> No.10161366

Go away

>> No.10161370


>> No.10161371
File: 25 KB, 355x266, 911B23FC-3337-4DFF-B951-47350E9D2F91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fixating so hard on this

Imagine being old enough to post on 4chan and considered an adult but being such a “we live in a society” cuckold that you have literally turned willed yourself into a giant can of vagina repellent

>> No.10161382

When normal people lose their virginities this dude finds them

>> No.10161386
File: 249 KB, 1039x935, B102B886-386C-4B05-AE79-0C5E21B61CF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual fwb

By that he actually means fully weathered bodypillow

>> No.10161622

Fyi that's not me . I'm done with everyone on the discord. Just leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. I want to move on with my life and grow.

>> No.10161637

If it helps at all, no one wanted to make up with you even when that was said before, so saying this didn't make a difference.

>> No.10161721

>premeditated SYG
lol this thread is a gold mine.

So I was thinking of trying to go to Japan this winter but it looks like moving expenses are going to wreck that notion here soon.
Should I go solo to HoliMat?

>> No.10161882

Good. I don't want trashy people from the bottom of society in my life

>> No.10161969


>> No.10161998
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>I don't want trashy people from the bottom of society in my life
How do you live with yourself then?

You're looking down on others because they supposedly aren't successful according to your skewed standards, but what have you really accomplished? You got a degree in an easy major to obtain a basic ass accountant job, yet you think it's others that are settling for mediocrity. Good fucking going.

Think you're better because you claim to have more money? It's not exactly hard to accrue savings when you're such a massive cheapskate with no dependents, took an easy mode career path and failed so spectacularly to obtain a social life. But of course you have to cling to and over inflate what little relative financial success you have, because that's literally all you have going for you. Take that away and you have nothing.

Money can't buy good character, and your actions continually prove that you're utterly bankrupt of any modicum of basic human decency. If we're "trashy people from the bottom of society," you're an absolute dumpster fire. Nothing but a garbage human that feeds off of and then shits on the good will of anyone willing to give you a chance.

You're like that child on the playground that gets rejected from the group for being a terrible person. You have to make up for it by deflecting blame and portraying yourself as better, because the alternative is admitting that you're the problem. Meanwhile everyone else sees your bullshit for what really is: the desperate outcry of a sad, lonely and insecure child. The difference is, those kids eventually grow up. You on the other hand, are a grown ass man that continues to alienate himself from every group he tries to be a part of, and you'll likely keep repeating this cycle endlessly until you eventually die miserable and alone.

Don't want us in your life? Good, we don't want you either. Now prove you're sincere for once and fuck off faggot.

>> No.10162008

Lol you're probably the teacher that got his degree from an easy as college in Oregon of all places and teaches children at a no name school. Enjoy your broke as life living out of your parents. And econ requires linear algebra and to actually know probability theory lol. Things your stupid mind can't undo

>> No.10162012

And btw. I have a social life. I had friends outside of your shit discord. In fact I'm making fun of you with them while we're drinking at a bar.

>> No.10162015

Oh yeah. We're celebrating me going back to school at UM for my MBA. :^) have fun being poor and hanging out with a drug dealer

>> No.10162019

This thread is the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.10162021
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That might actually be believable if you hadn't whined so often about what a lonely little incel you are.

We all know how you cried and begged for forgiveness because the discord was all you had. But like I said, you're the child on the playground. You keep spouting bullshit to make yourself look better, but we all know you're full of shit.

btw, your hand doesn't count as an fwb :^0

>> No.10162026

I was lonely because I had lost touch. Now thanks to the drama. I've regained them as good close friends and not just them. So thank you for being trash and allowing me to reconnect. I love these niggas and I'm really happy laughing at you losers while sipping down mojitos

>> No.10162039

Fuckin take shots of rum like a man

>> No.10162042

Why not get a DUI while you’re at it

>> No.10162052

How much longer until you break down, carve something into your leg and show some of your new "friends"

>> No.10162063 [DELETED] 

As soon as you get a job and stop touching girls without their consent in your rock Lee cosplay kai

>> No.10162066
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pull up

>> No.10162069
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>> No.10162074

We all know you’re the biggest piece of shit and a pathological liar, that you’ve even proven how badly you lie in this thread.

Nothing you say can hold value, admissions aren’t even open and you don’t even get accepted to a masters program instantaneously

>> No.10162075

k lol. Says the guy without a masters because he's too stupid and had to spew his garbage at little kids to feel good

>> No.10162076

with every post you make you sound like a bigger retard you keep assuming you know who's posting what but then again based on your past with women you never knew how to take a hint you really don't know a single thing about any of the people you've talked shit about yet they know everything about you because all you ever did was whine like a bitch about how miserable you are and how much you hate yourself

>> No.10162085

And yet you’re still without a masters too, and can’t identify who you’re actually talking to

>> No.10162087

Protip: Some MBAs require work experience.

>> No.10162091
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Protip; Having a Masters degree doesn't magically make you a likable person that would make an employer want to hire you

>> No.10162093
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>using a 50 cal as a melee weapon
Patrician taste.

>> No.10162095 [DELETED] 

I already have a career. You know using arima models to forecast sales using R and Python. SQL and VBA to manipulat data and present it to senior executives who I work really close to. And being really good at Excel and numbers. All the things a middle analyst should do. I'm only really dissing this people cuz they keep insulting me.

>> No.10162100 [DELETED] 

But it's time to end this thread cuz it's been silly for a while. Just stay away from me at cons and life in general. I will never like any of the people from the discord and you may never like me. But I won't cause trouble for you and I expect you to do the same. Sorry for all the cgl people who were enjoying the show. All fun things have to come to an end lol.

>> No.10162101
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Hey good for you man, I'm a 3rd party in this since I wasn't ever around for any of this stuff when it happened. All I really have to say is that it doesn't seem wise to talk to the group of people who are bringing evidence against you in an actual court case.

>> No.10162103 [DELETED] 

No worries.

It's not even a case. My attorney took a good look at it and laughed. The judge did too because he denied the restraining order because it was ridiculous. My boss already knows at work and she's laughing at how stupid the situation is.

So I'll be fine

>> No.10162105

Did your gf laugh too? Oh wait...

>> No.10162106
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gf (pp cage)

>> No.10162107

gf (hand)

>> No.10162108

Isn't she a lonely old lady? Why don't you marry her already?

>> No.10162114 [DELETED] 

Soon fuckers. Soon. A gf will come but I have A LOT of work to do on myself before that happens.

>> No.10162120

New thread pepperoni nipple fellas

>> No.10162124

Do you really believe after almost 30 years you're finally going to get a gf? Yes because you're doing such a great job working on yourself right now

>> No.10162126

Caught again lying

We know you can’t get a gf

>> No.10162660

anyone have a refreshed invite link to the server?

>> No.10162704

Here you go, friend https://disboard.org/server/join/415917823202951189

>> No.10162992

What happened to the Florida general discord?

>> No.10164482

Seriously dude? I've known about this server for a year and the one time I need an invite so I can invite my isolated Florida friend there so he can make local friends and it's locked?
Come the fuck on.

>> No.10165060

Oh my bad dude this is the right link to the discord server https://discord.gg/kdAJ5CA

>> No.10165784
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TFW no dommy mommy gf who holds the key to your pp cage

>> No.10168973

link is dead now