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File: 155 KB, 468x640, 96e20ada-c221-4f4f-b209-5479bf6ba4d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10105091 No.10105091 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread about the mixing of cultural clothing and lolita (such as wa-lolita, qi-lolita, etc)? Kimono, qipao, hanfu, hanbok, dirndl, etc. I don't care. Post coords, pieces, discussion, whatever, just please no cultural appropriation discussion, save that for Tumblr.

>> No.10105093
File: 341 KB, 1020x1360, b65061ac-dfe3-4090-84ba-467b9ac7f4f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10105104

This is not lolita in any way

>> No.10107310

This is literally wa lolita style.

Keep the ignorance up, poser.

>> No.10107311

I'd like a bit more poof, but it's saying something that when wa is actually done well, you can barely even tell it's stil lolita.

>> No.10107327

nayrt but this doesn't look lolita to me, too. For me, it doesn't have one of the most essential features of lolita: the right silhouette. And while you can sometimes (well, rarely, but anyway) let go of it, nothing else really screams "lolita" in those coords to keep the balance. I honestly don't care about labels and such, just wanted to share my opinion.

>> No.10107330
File: 31 KB, 290x387, d48d2690-140e-550e-b1ea-386a0867681f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nayrt, but there are quite a few classic and gothic pieces that are long and don't have much poof that are absolutely lolita. For me it's the styling and the trims that still make it lolita, but that's just like my opinyun.

>> No.10107333

Sorry, obviously roleplayer, but this is what wa lolita looks like. One of the reasons it always looks terrible when westerners do it (other than most of those westerners being hideous and obese) is that they insist on the poof, which is the antithesis of wafuku. In the Japanese community, poof is really not the defining feature of lolita — it doesn’t take more than a glance through their snaps to see that. It’s more of an atmosphere or aesthetic, a more nebulous and subtle concept than most of you poseurs can grasp.

>> No.10107336

Is it though? Maybe it's just me but it looks like something a Chinese brand came up with.

>> No.10107348
File: 75 KB, 683x1024, 5EC7D8E0-A8D2-4249-947A-8DD288FC14FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image is from a Chinese brand, but it’s a Japanese look that was invented in the 1920s-30s and became popular again in the mid 2000s with the help of magazines like Kimono Hime. Today a lot of Japanese people would call it lolita — I’ve seen them tagging coords of this style that way.
Here’s a dump of stuff tagged 和ロリータ.

>> No.10107349
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>> No.10107351
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>> No.10107353

So lace automatically makes something lolita? Because the only vaguely lolita thing about >>10105093 is the incorporation of lace.

This one has a lot more lolita elements, though.

And this is a regular lolita silhouette with wa print and detailing.

>> No.10107355

Posted these to show some of the variety of wa lolita for someone who is very obviously a newfag at best, fetishist at worst. Please lurk more before you start to set yourself up as an authority.

>> No.10107392

I don't care what this is it is cute as hell and I want it on my body

>> No.10107397
File: 180 KB, 464x750, lolita1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayrt, I would call the coord you posted still way more lolita than >>10105093 because, even if both are long and with less poof, your example still has a reminescence of the popular lolita silhouette, with the narrow waist and A-line gown + the flounces. Also, that is a coat so maybe the underneath dress looks more lolita? Anyway I get what you mean, and I agree with you. As I said I don't think you always have to 100% follow the popular lolita silhouette in order to be lolita. But personally >>10105093 doesn't have enough lolita elements in it for me to consider it lolita. The shoes and sleeves especially take away from the look. Same goes for >>10107349, although we can't see her shoes. I honestly think wa lolita exists, but in a narrow space. Most of wa lolita coords either don't look lolita or look bad, at least to me. But wa lolita can definitely look good if one has enough knowledge and style.

>> No.10107496

The kimono here looks cheap and she should wear something underneath , like a fake collar or a blouse

>> No.10107498

This is a hakama kitsuke with some cute elements for me it is not lolita.

>> No.10107506
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>> No.10107508
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>> No.10107509
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>> No.10107525

Is it a chinese dress she wears?

>> No.10107531

>it's the styling and the trims that still make it lolita
it looks obiously cheap and ita. If it was nice lace I would have considered it an experimental coord but it's just crap.

>> No.10107730
File: 1.00 MB, 730x1000, DR00240_TP00142N_P00639_004__01851.1508403742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about dirndl country lolita.

>> No.10107733
File: 200 KB, 650x974, surface-spell-alpenrose-gothic-ethnic-lolita-corset-jsk-13..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10107736

I love these so much, they’re so beautiful

>> No.10107741

Dirndl-lita is about the cutest you can get when mixing cultural clothing with lolita, desu

>> No.10107742

Just let the thread die. The whole argument up top where whichever idiot decided to post a new taobao creation then defend calling it lolita by calling everybody else newfags, then misses all the points by a good mile, pretty much tainted this thread. Don't post good stuff in a tainted thread, make a new one when this one finally falls off the board.

>> No.10107743
File: 50 KB, 448x600, 544E4CA5-CB2B-4F1A-AE86-091CB35C9FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to contribute, here’s an idea that I wish was more explored: highland dress lolita. Not just tartan skirts, but actual, full blown, highland dress inspired coords. This skirt’s the closest thing I’ve found so far

>> No.10107745
File: 7 KB, 162x311, 1D497BE1-64EA-4C04-9618-D2F2841C61ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traditional women’s dress. This could be turned into a coord so easily, with a cute blouse and a matching tartan skirt/sash combo. To make it perfect, you could include a rosette on the sash, wear cable-knit stockings, and black shoes.

>> No.10107746
File: 9 KB, 183x275, 89BA3486-4630-46CA-95F6-7A1A0FD29D45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another possibility, coords done in the style of highland dance costumes! There are already a whole bunch of JSKs like this, they just need the right accessories.

>> No.10107748
File: 41 KB, 400x600, AD59A804-F258-4A57-A7A8-905D1E7F6772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s also plenty of inspiration to be found in men’s dress. Really, I’m surprised that no brands have run with this yet.

>> No.10107767

I agree with this... A nice Prince Charlie suit would sure be a great starting point for some cracking good ouji, wouldn't it?