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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10104357 No.10104357 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is saging >>10083005

>> No.10104358
File: 2.23 MB, 1718x1718, 30591167_193845421421578_5918811202741338112_n copie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this fabric called or what search terms can I use to look for it?

>> No.10104437
File: 180 KB, 373x280, Smoko crabbo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to do my first cosplay at some point this year and I wanna try and decide on a character to cosplay. I have a list made up of all different characters, but I don't know how to actually decide which one to go with.

Do some of the more veteran peeps of this hobby have some kind of screening process of which character to cosplay, or am I just being too autistic about this?

>> No.10104449

i usually go by character's popularity and the ability to make the cosplay
Like nobody wants to see an Attack On Titan cosplay after 2015 and you probably don't wanna wear/make full armour or smth super slutty on your first go

>> No.10104452

That actually helps out a lot then, I've only got two to choose from now. Thanks for the advice anon!

>> No.10104456

No problem, you got this, Anon!!

>> No.10104478
File: 1.35 MB, 1654x1018, Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 12.38.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i have the basic idea for the major pieces and how it comes apart, but my google fu with finding weathering tutorials is apparently weak af.

does anyone have good resources on distressing the hem of a skirt like this?

on a construction note, the skirt looks like its made of fabric with a bunch of different textures. not sure if i should follow suit for my cosplay, but i do think it would be more visually interesting than crafting it all out of the same cloth. thoughts?

>> No.10104488

I think a variety of textures would look good! For distressing, I recently discovered that a steel brush works wonders to make your torn edges look natural. There's also a youtuber called nuclear snail who has a method with a hammer and it looks quite good so you can find that video.

>> No.10104559
File: 116 KB, 484x645, IMG_20190107_151120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funnily enough, as though a sign from above, this skirt popped up on LM!

i think i see... chiffon, tulle, a kind of velveteen, cotton??? hmm, i'm going to have to think it out a little how i wanna do this, but i'm pretty excited about its feasibility now

>> No.10104638

It looks like glitter polypropylene or something sythentic and thick/crisp. I thought glitter satin at a glance but the folds are too sharp for it.

>> No.10104641

I narrow it down to series I like first, then pick the most popular one or two out of the bunch (if being recognized is important to you). Then I pick a character basing on how much I like the character, difficulty of the costume, and popularity of the character (again, also depends on how important it is to you to be the most popular thing).

>> No.10104674
File: 388 KB, 813x1280, 5832581-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I am looking for a female gakuran top or something similar. Having trouble finding one. I don't mind adding details myself/

>> No.10104878

Can someone recommend a good elementary makeup tutorial for guys? I know literally nothing about this, but I learned from a friend recently that most "successful" male cosplayers wear makeup frequently in their cosplays, so I'm interested in trying it and seeing if it might up my own cosplay game a few notches as well.

>> No.10104887

if you're comfortable tailoring, just buy a smaller sized men's gakuran.

>> No.10104893

Thanks x
Where though? Do any cos shops carry them? Or should I just buy a legit one from eBay?

>> No.10104900

look up ‘natural male makeup’ if you know literally nothing. you can advance to more anime looking styles once you’ve mastered the basics of not looking hungover

>> No.10104901

Look up John maclean on YouTube. He has a really nice, simple tutorial for men

>> No.10104911

I live in a large city in the US, but the comms in my area seem inactive on Facebook. Taking a 3 year break after a really catty comm, I want to try joining one again. I don't know anyone in my area who is into EGL, and I don't feel like borrowing out my stuff to friends that aren't even interested in the fashion. Do comms even use Facebook anymore like they did 4 years ago? Am I missing something?

>> No.10104998


>> No.10105010

Has anyone ever bought colored contacts before? I feel a bit spooked on this since I'm buying something that goes right on the surface of my eye, whats a reputable seller or brand I can shop for?

>> No.10105041

Honeycolor is my go to, I haven’t had any bad experiences with them. Just make sure you know your prescription and look up reviews for whichever lenses you’re interested in.

>> No.10105358

Adding that HoneyColor doesn't check Rx. I know what my prescription is and I simply gave them the contact info of a real eye clinic and ophthalmologist who I've never seen before in my town and got my lens quickly.

>> No.10105375
File: 155 KB, 267x321, 20190214_235443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, how the fuck are you supposed to make this hat? I've searched everywhere but haven't found anything and I can't even figure out what kind of hat it's supposed to be to search for something similar. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would love you for ever

>> No.10105381

Break the hat down to two parts, a poofy brimless bonnet/beret and a nun's cowl. Mock up the bonnet first for the right poof and sag, then add on the cowl part and join the pattern pieces together. It's hard to explain without pictures, but the cowl part should be rectangular and the bonnet parts are one big circle to 2/3 of a circle or triangular (your choice of making it out of 4 to 8 triangles). You'll have a lot of gathered bulk around the rim of the hat if you choose a circle base.

>> No.10105383
File: 9 KB, 458x458, 94E48C7C-B22B-45E3-B05F-45FCF5BC24BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like a beret to me, just with a stiff fabric bit at the front. it might be easier to just buy an existing hat, cover it with the fabric you want, then add the decoration separately (maybe give it interfacing so it doesn’t droop) to the front.

you can try looking up nun habits to get more inspo for how you can shape the front, but those are starched into their shape and i have zero experience with that.

this chef hat (attached) seems to have a basic shape you could try to copy if you felt like making it yourself — just make the band narrower

>> No.10105389
File: 51 KB, 570x767, 63D09060-2429-41E7-BA57-CADE00B75C97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a quick google search didn’t really turn up much that’s close to the character design you’ve got, but hopefully the shape of this nun’s sweet cornett gives you some ideas on translating that design into a 3d shape

>> No.10105501

I buy from uniqso. They don't require a prescription either.

>> No.10105737

Hey guys!
Help me to find a GOOD online shop to buy lolita stuff with Euro!

>> No.10105743

If you're not in the USA PinkyParadise has always been good to me. Depending on what you need EOS's New Adult line is pretty comfy and so are Super Pinkys.

>> No.10105920
File: 94 KB, 1200x678, yareyare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to spray paint my polystyrene-made hair pins for the first time. Also gonna cut my wig to make it look like his hair style (already cut a lot down on the sides, making a girl's wig look like a guy's at least. Not entirely confident about managing to do the front though).

Anything I should watch out for to avoid making stupid mistakes?

>> No.10105925

test your paint on a different bit of polystyrene before doing the real thing, just in case it eats the polystyrene or something like that

>> No.10105926

Already did. It does the job. (Only did one coat though, don't know if I'm supposed to put way more than I think I should).

>> No.10105954

Then go ahead, just do thin coats and don't try to completely cover it in one go so it doesn't drip

>> No.10105955

I am here asking for help to find pepakura files for some gundams... to make a cosplay, any help would be greatly appreciated...
the ones I am looking for a mostly from the new generation (build fighter/try)
the ones I am looking for are:

-build striker full package (along with the universe booster)
- Hi-nu Vrabe gundam
-Gundam GP01 Zephyranthes
-Kamiki burning gundam

>> No.10105971
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Fuck, I've ran into a big time problem.

The hair clips (french style) I've got screwed and glued into my hairpins won't stay. I knew polystyrene wasn't really the best material to work with but now I'm stuck with it. What can I do to fix this considering all stores are closed ?

>> No.10106092
File: 324 KB, 664x683, HWS_Marin_Concept_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys recommend is the best way to do the trim on Marin's dress? I've already got a pale blue dress I can modify, I'm just not sure the best way to go about looking it look the part.
Would sewing something look better, or should I shoot for some good fabric paint?

>> No.10106625

I'm looking to buy a Momonga/Ainz costume from Overlord. Anyone have any they recommend?

>> No.10106660

What glue did you use anon? Id try contact cement and super glue

>> No.10106672
File: 97 KB, 735x1039, presales_fate_astolfo_seifuku_cosplay_1526637660_5e5f546c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to do the most basic of basics casual Astolfo cosplay for my first con, either seifuku or maid. Anyone have any experience/links?
I'm a complete newbie with only some jfash/lolita past experience, ability to read some moonrunes, and very insecure in styling wigs as well. Also, a very much fucking poorfag.

I looked at Bodyline for the seifuku and maid dress but none of theirs look very accurate.

>> No.10106680

Lusty 'n Wonderland

>> No.10106693

Here's the outfit: https://www.skycostume.com/servant-astolfo-fate-grand-order-fate-go-fgo-navy-costume-cosplay-costume.html
here's a wig:

>> No.10106719

I think sewing embellishments on would look best but if you're low on time a different fabric may be better.

>> No.10106778
File: 32 KB, 293x440, 1550299522539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to find something close to banjous jacket, I cant even do the basics so sewing a full bomber jacket is out of the question
Where would I look for something like this or at least get close enough

>> No.10106789

that is very helpful, especially the costume having male and female options. and it's a reasonable price. Thank you so much anon.

>> No.10106823

Where can i purchase a high quality maid costume?

>> No.10106847

The con I'm going to isn't until May, so time isn't too much of an issue. I'm a returner to my sewing machine (not a newbie, I just wasn't in a position to do much with it for a long time), so I'm not 100% confident about sewing the hoops, but I want to try if it'll look good.

>> No.10106887 [DELETED] 

I'm >>10106672. planning on doing casual, but also, something really caught my eye and I'm a little curious and swayed now.

How reliable and safe are sites like these/this particular site? Price just seems too good to be true. Tried going to the original seller's taobao page but for some reason it doesn't load right.

>> No.10106892
File: 48 KB, 384x500, O1CN017jWIds1ZXvrxkC1VI_!!3849403205.jpg_500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>10106672. planning on doing casual, but also, something really caught my eye and I'm a little curious and swayed now.

How reliable and safe are sites like these/this particular site? Price just seems too good to be true. Tried going to the original seller's taobao page but for some reason it doesn't load right.

>> No.10107157
File: 255 KB, 480x309, 1879556-642px_whitebeard_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pretty new cosplayer and I want to go as whitebeard this year. How the hell do I get that moustache a going? I'm thinking light craft foam but I feel it wouldn't work well.

>> No.10107181

Labor is dirt cheap in China and the fabric will all be the cheapest polyester and thin cotton. They're not going to put reality on their site and the mannequin has ideal proportions. That said, if you are willing to mod the product out of the bag and iron out the wrinkles, you should be okay.

>> No.10107184

Look for a "sukajan" or "souvenir" jacket. High quality silk ones might give you sticker shock but you should be able to find something fairly close for ~$50.

>> No.10107207
File: 60 KB, 420x346, gul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i find a guile wig?

>> No.10107211

The hardware store, or a commissioner

>> No.10107299

what kinds of mods?

Darn, I'm really torn now. so much to ponder on. feels like I'm getting ahead of myself...
I'm also scared of getting assfucked by my country's import fees. Even if I ask them to mark as gift, sometimes they don't and the fees end up being more than the item itself.

>> No.10107308

I think you may have to tailor it to fit better and possibly change closures because they tend to not be great quality in cheaper garments

>> No.10107329

Alright. I think I'll just stick to the casual simple stuff after all. Maybe when I get more a feel for cosplay and more cash I'll advance on.

>> No.10107384

Lurex? The fabrics are all different (mesh, ??, organza, velvet or taffeta?) but they all have that glitter thread in them.

>> No.10107466
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Thanks anon, I'm gonna keep digging but I did find one of the jackets he wore in the show even if it's only available in Asian small
Thanks though I was getting no where before

>> No.10107609
File: 104 KB, 800x1000, f43dd276799c298c01ef1824c78e1d15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to spray paint lycra? I want to paint a Spider-Man costume I have to look like Miles' costume from Spider Verse but don't know how to go about it. I was thinking about using fabric spray paint for car interiors if regular stuff wouldn't do the job

>> No.10107806
File: 85 KB, 380x600, 224394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the easiest way to make something like the swords that are on Calibur's back and keep them attached?

>> No.10107962

For the attachment I'd take a strip of something sturdy like heavy fabric or faux leather, wrap it around all four swords or stick it to the back with a heavy duty adhesive, and make the top loop around your belt in the back and close with a snap.

>> No.10107983

The way he stands hurts my back

>> No.10107991

Oh, hey, another Samurai Calibur. I just cosplayed him for three days straight, so I've got some real-life experience with this.

For making the swords: EVA foam, with PVC pipe swords. I used insulation foam board for mine, which was a mistake - EVA is the way to go. Much softer, less crumbly, takes hits better. What I did for mine was make the top and bottom swords hot-glued into the sheath to add stability, while the middle two could be removed for pictures. My swords were about 5 feet long, but at that length they were slightly unwieldy and I think a 4' or 4.5' length sword might be better while still looking huge.

For attaching them: I used velcro attached to the back of my suitcoat, and that worked decently well even though I had some severe technical difficulties with getting the velcro onto the suitcoat due to a broken sewing machine. I'm convinced that if I had been able to do it properly then that would have been no issue. The biggest thing that went wrong with mine is that the adhesive on the hook side of the velcro formed a stronger bond to the paint and paper exterior of the insulation foam than that exterior was adhered to the foam itself, so by now with the con over those hook pieces are almost totally off. That wouldn't happen with EVA foam.
However, when I ultimately rebuild my swords for the next con, I have an idea where I could sew buckles (like, the plastic backpack ones) to the coat, and then have the opposite ends glued into the interior of the sheath so that you could easily buckle and unbuckle the swords without much difficulty.
I also saw a guy on instagram who just did it with fishing line, but that's not a route I really want to go down.

The velcro was extremely stable, I felt, while I think anything else would be significantly less so. I felt like I was in control of where my swords were at all times, and that accidental bumping was at a minimum. I can post some pictures about details if you want, sorry for the essay.

>> No.10108281
File: 26 KB, 917x688, brucecampbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on an Ash cosplay and obviously I want to get all good and bloody. Thing is, I have no experience with blood makeup!
Browsing stores (and online) there's such a wide variety - stage/screen makeup, capsules, tubes, squirt bottles, "dark", "fresh", "thick" varieties... I just don't know where to start. I'm wearing it to a convention so although I'd like a wet/fresh look the priority is definitely something that will stick around for 5+ hours without needing reapplication or anything like that.
Any recommended brands or styles? Is there a certain 'type' of blood makeup I should be looking for?
If you don't want to write an essay for my dumb ass even hints on where to start researching would be much appreciated!

>> No.10108355
File: 122 KB, 564x813, 7fa224a6ef93156ad8d7a66b9ea28c13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would velvet be a good choice for the brown fabric here? I have 5m of brown velvet that were given to me and I'm trying to figure out how to use that

>> No.10108548

No the detail is very helpful I have never made anything with EVA foam before most of my other cosplays have had little to no props. Pictures would be much appreciated

>> No.10108872
File: 126 KB, 400x635, hxhvolume33cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a novice cosplayer here, trying to do a Kurapika, I've already got a wig I really like and am working on touching up a cute dolphin plush to bring along. I'm doing his Hiatus Boat Arc attire.

Basically I'm looking for good red eye contacts, (prop) gun, suit (I have a black one that's dead on but would rather match the covers), and ideas on how to make the chain - or if it's better to just look into premade cosplay-chains for the character.

>> No.10108899

Brown velvet would be beautiful! 5m looks like it might be too little for this project though; usually that's the bare minimum for a full, 1 layer skirt and bodice. You'll probably need at least an additional yard, especially for the cape and skirt swags. You should figure out the exact amount extra you need in muslin or something.
If the brown velvet is accessible to buy more of, I'd go for it! Otherwise you might want to find something that has slightly less fabric.

>> No.10108918

I use these for Remilia and they're quite nice https://www.pinkyparadise.com/Vassen-Dolly-Plus-Red-p/f26-dolly-plus-red.htm
I'm not sure what gun he uses, but I've gotten my prop guns from etsy, so that might be a good starting point. You might get lucky in a thrift store for a suit. I would honestly just buy his chains, but I'm lazy when it comes to props. Here's a tutorial if you're into making props! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjHyzUqtoRM

>> No.10108949

The dolly eye red contacts have a harsh limbal ring. I don't know if you're looking for a more blended look or a hard ring is okay, but you can also try the Super Pinky red contacts. They're super bright to the point where I want to go with the wine red contacts instead.

>> No.10108961

Ive never put fishing line in the end of a petticoat before but I decided to try it, and fucked it up. I sewed a folded ribbon on the ends of each of the bottom tier layers, but I’m having trouble getting the line through. I should have just fed it through while I sewed it on but I didn’t think of it at the time, and now I’ve got 4 layers at 30 metres each that need fishing line through them. It’s not that it’s impossible, it’s just that doing it normally has proved to be incredibly tedious. Any advice or tricks at all is greatly appreciated!

>> No.10108966

Just seam rip one side of it and redo it with the fishing line inside it mate, you’ll save yourself time and frustration.
If the ribbon is relatively wide when folded, look into getting a bodkin to thread it maybe? Or a drawstring threader.

>> No.10109010
File: 171 KB, 1125x716, Kurapikagun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the help! Hard or harsh ring should be perfect actually but I'll look at both, gonna get a contacts prescription soon.
Gun is pictured (best available angle) but it doesn't need to be dead on, it's not the character's whole thing. Hadn't considered Etsy and they have a few that might fit from what I see. Same with the suit, gonna be spending the next month or so before the next con I can hit looking.
That chain tutorial is actually really interesting and makes it look pretty simple. I might honestly buy a prop but work on these over time, see what I like better and what not.

>> No.10109035

It depends on your desired result.
If you'd like something a little more realistic, then:
>cover foam or styrofoam with some felt then use a low-heat glue gun to attach wefts of hair, making sure to do so in a way that hides the tracks. Hairspray to seal.

If you'd like something cartoony, then:
>carve the shape from a floral foam or styrofoam block. I'd personally suggest floral foam as styrofoam is very porous and a pain to carve. Alternatively a pool noodle could be an inexpensive medium. It's already roughly in that dowel shape too. Though you might need to run a wire through the middle to keep its shape. Cover with stretchy, non-see through fabric. If you'd like to get extra fancy, you could use a long faux fur fabric.

If you'd like a mix of both, then:
>make a few trial patterns out of paper to get that cone shape down pat. Once you're ready, buy some lightweight worbla/craft foam and cut into shape. Use an adhesive like contact cement to keep the shape. Then use a dremmel to smooth the edges and a heat burning tool to draw light, thin, hairlike lines to emulate a mustache. Plastidip, spray paint, and a matte sealant.

I don't suggest method 3 unless you have that stuff already on hand. It'd be unnecessarily pricey to do it otherwise.

>> No.10109037

I feel that way looking at the Persona 5 characters too. Especially Ryuji.

>> No.10109038

I'd suggest doing a deep dive into youtube's SFX community. I think you'd find a method that speaks to you more readily than we'd be able to suggest on here.

>> No.10109047

Yeah I figured it might fall a little short, sadly it's pretty old and was in storage for a long time so finding the same color is going to be really hard. But if you have any ideas for what else I could do with the yardage I have I'd love to hear it!

>> No.10109049

You can get that size of chain at the hardware store but it's going to be really heavy in metal so look if they have it in plastic. Otherwise you can make your own by shaping sections of a foam dowel but it's going to be way more labor intensive.

>> No.10109100

What are some absolute needs for someone who is freshly deciding to get into cosplay? What do you wish someone told you when you started, or is something you think a newbie should know but isn't necessarily obvious?

>> No.10109119

When making your own costumes:
1) press your seams as you sew or you'll get weird creases
2) skip the costume fabrics at the store and go for real garment fabrics or you'll look like party city
3) be careful to clip all your thread bits, stray threads look terrible in photos
Just for wearing cosplay:
1) always wear makeup, even if you're a dude or your character doesn't wear makeup, or you'll look tired and washed out in photos. Just foundation and a touch of eyeliner, maybe eyebrows if your wig doesn't match your natural hair color.
2) wear a wig, unless your hair is very pretty and is a perfect match for the character you will look better with a wig.
3) for the love of god iron costumes before wearing them

>> No.10109143
File: 97 KB, 500x700, 1352047438156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but
foundation always makes me look like a dusty/caked crackhead ten times worse, no matter what type what shade I use. wat do? is it really 100% necessary? I keep up a skincare routine too, my problems are mostly big nose pores, acne pick scars and some blemishes.

>> No.10109148
File: 36 KB, 600x424, Diamond.(Houseki.no.Kuni).600.2332002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have recommendations for a nice Houseki no Kuni cosplay? There's loads of them around so if someone has a hood experience with one I'd like to know. Most of them don't seem to offer custom sizing and since I'm always between sizes that kind of worries me, so if any have custom sizing that'd be great too.

>> No.10109150

Ntayrt, but in my experience as an MUA, there are plenty of people who say that foundation makes them look terrible, but they're almost always using the wrong formula or colour, or over-applying. I personally prefer having base makeup over eye or lip, and I would for sure call it a necessity for cosplay makeup. If someone isn't currently using it and looks fine, adding it could elevate the look a lot imo.

>> No.10109167

Well I recommend foundation because otherwise your skin might be too shiny in photos and look sweaty/oily, maybe try a different kind of foundation or a bb cream? I'm not an expert in makeup so I'd ask in the makeup/skincare thread

>> No.10109332

I've tried everything I know though... All kinds of brands, all kinds of colors, following tutorials. I'll research further though. Maybe I'll try a korean brand.

my skin is actually the opposite, it's extremely dry
I've found bb/cc creams (at least the ones I've tried) to be pretty much the same as foundation, just as thick and all.
and will do, thanks

>> No.10109344

I have an extremely tangled long Miku wig from years ago and wanted to salvage it. I've tried using some hair oil product and brushing but even then it didn't do much. Anything I can do or should I just trash it? kinda hurts, since I spent so much cash on it back in the day.

>> No.10109368

How are you applying the foundation? I found that using a cushion made a huge difference and I go through this huge hydration ritual (serum + moisturizer at minimum, let sit for 15 min) before primer and foundation. Foundation used to cake on my skin and show off creases before I discovered better prep and application steps.

>> No.10109382

You can try Mane n' Tail detangler and a lot of patience, if you have big knots that the comb can't work through what I do is pull small sections out of the knot with my fingers until I can rip the rest of the knot out, that way I don't have to cut as much fiber.

>> No.10109384

I've tried all kinds of stuff. Bare fingers, brush, blender/sponge, all that. And I put it on after my usual skincare.
Cushion and cushion foundations look really appealing though. I'll give it a try. thanks for reminding me.

>> No.10109423

use a wide tooth comb, silicone spray and start from the bottom.

>> No.10109431

I bought one on Ezcosplay that was pretty good in terms of quality and sizing, the only thing I'd be careful of is shipping time, since they usually ship late or cut it pretty close even when you give them a wear date. Not sure what the quality of the summer outfits is though.

>> No.10109522

>silicone spray
as in like... wd-40? really?

>> No.10109583

holy shit no why would you use something highly flammable and irritating to the skin on your body??? just google silicone hair sprays

>> No.10109594

there are silicone sprays for hair...

>> No.10109607
File: 87 KB, 216x206, Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 7.44.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I sew the red parts of mistas shirt and/or what are they called?

>> No.10109629

Food grade silicone spray exists . I've bought it before for wigs.

>> No.10109630

It's ribbing. You can buy ribbing fabric from fabric stores and see it on with a stretch stitch.

>> No.10109647
File: 12 KB, 224x224, 412F14505B69412FBD9FE91E5D8C726C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-sorry im retarded

>> No.10109659


ok thanks

>> No.10109686

how do you paint wonderflex? can I just slap some spray paint on it and call it a day, or do I have to do anything else to it?

>> No.10109749

If you're doing a rule 63 cosplay and the original character wears a tie, would it be better to replace it with a ribbon? a necklace? keep it as a tie?

>> No.10109750
File: 242 KB, 1078x768, C773A0BF-C407-49DF-884B-038CDA3BFF7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m looking to go as Julius Belmont & Dracula, but I have no idea where to shop for the clothes or who to commission these outfits from. Any advice? Money is of no concern. I want to make these cosplays count and go all out on them. Thank you very much in advance.

>> No.10109752

Ties can be styled super femininely and look really cute, so I'd probably keep it.

>> No.10109753

Does anyone know where to buy nice/high quality feathers for costuming? The large stiff wing feather kind, not the fluffy kind.

>> No.10109756

I've ordered sewing commissions from Saffronian Cosplay before and was super satisfied with her work
I think she has a different Castlevania character costume for sale rn too?

>> No.10109779

Thank you so much anon! Checking that out now.

>> No.10109826
File: 392 KB, 1346x755, 2019-02-19-224402_1346x755_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be my first time working with any kind of moving parts and circuitry in any form, so I'm really clueless about how this might work. This is what I've come up with so far for Nano Shinonome's moving key, and my main question is how can I make it so it's removable but when it's attached to the motor to spin it is very secure? As in, secure enough to withstand active physical movement (like jumping and sudden movements). This is probably a really, really stupid idea, but I was thinking maybe some kind of screw on mechanism like bottle caps by hollowing out the inside of the key's dowel so it can be screwed on or off.

Also, not sure what the best way to attach the motor to the harness would be- I was thinking maybe screws?

>> No.10109949

Strong magnets?

>> No.10109971
File: 1005 KB, 1600x2133, 1543234988642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna cosplay pic related and was wondering what headband width I should go for. I'm guessing anywhere between half inch and an inch but i'm kinda lost.

>> No.10110001

Even if they're "strong" magnets, I still feel like since you can just pull them apart to detach them enough vigorous physical activity would be able to do the same. Am I wrong?

>> No.10110010

I was told on the other thread that I shouldn't wear circle lenses if I receive them frozen. But don't they freeze in airmail anyways?

>> No.10110018

according to this the cargo hold is typically maintained above freezing: http://enroute.aircanada.com/en/articles/what-temperature-is-it-in-the-baggage-hold

>> No.10110027

regular akemi or ptsd akemi?

>> No.10110066

PTSD Akemi, the one without glasses

>> No.10110118
File: 479 KB, 965x526, RedMageBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing Red Mages from Bravely Default and was wondering what style of wig would work for Ringabel, I was planning on using Jareth in titanium blonde from Arda for it but am not sure if that's the ideal choice for his pompadour

>> No.10110121

How realistic vs cartoony do you want it to be? If you go for realistic the Jareth seems good, if you want the cartoony dramatic pompadour the front might be a bit short, a Buttercup would require more work but it would be long enough for a big pompadour

>> No.10110144

I used Jareth last time and it looked alright? but ideally, I'd want to make it look as much like the character as possible. though maybe a halfway between cartoony and realistic might work better.

>> No.10110588
File: 494 KB, 1130x1900, Rebellion_DMC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on making pic related soon but I'm stumped as to how I should even go about doing it. Are there any prop makers who can tell me how they personally would do it? It would be very much appreciated!

>> No.10110595

what can you do to stop acrylic from fogging up inside a helmet?

>> No.10110615
File: 60 KB, 517x369, wig spikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get wig spikes to have a smoother and harder look like in the picture?

I can do fluffy/more natural looking spikes just fine, but I've tried combing the outside/non-teased bit of the spike for a smoother look after a coat of hair spray right before another coat and it doesn't look quite right.

>> No.10110666

I roomed with a guy at Youmacom who was cosplaying Captain America, and had a stainless steel version of his shield (which was rather heavy) which he attached and detached from his arm with super strong magnets. He could swing that around a good bit and it wouldn't come off. I think he had a lever to get it off when he wanted attached to his wrist, but I feel like you could put enough leverage on a key that big to take it off when you wanted.

Probably the SUPER PRO STRATS would be a magnet plus some sort of elementary locking mechanism.

>> No.10110669

Tried dish soap?

>> No.10110680

That sounds pretty wild, but wait, aren't motors (especially small ones like DC motors) usually powered by magnetic fields? Wouldn't a strong ass magnet so near by/even touching it mess it up?

>> No.10110710
File: 6 KB, 253x225, hollow bolt but not screw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've developed my retarded bottle/bottlecap idea from >>10109826 into something a bit more refined using an actual long screw. My question has now changed to- is it safe to drill a hole into a screw? I know there are hollow bolts, but I specifically want the pointy end type screw (as I'm obviously not going to be able to make a pilot hole with matching threads). It wouldn't be a very long hole, just long enough to sit as much as possible on the spinning thin rod part of the motor and I would fill the gaps with hot glue. Would that affect the structural strength of the screw? Is that safe?

>> No.10110723
File: 108 KB, 347x521, T2a42SXmFaXXXXXXXX_!!32312230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the blue lolita shoes I can find are more towards aqua, which won't match the powder blue dress I want to wear them with. I think black will look jarring because there will be nothing dark on top and white looks weird as they blend into the tights. Is it better to wear the wrong shade of blue? Or another color? Or is there somewhere that sells powder blue shoes?

>> No.10110777

>screw on mechanism
This ciould work pretty well

>> No.10110779

>best way to attach the motor to the harness
choose one with mounting holes and just plain sew it
>but I've choosen a superb motor with a flat base with no mounting holes!
epoxy it to a piece of fabric or thin leather and sew it down, or epoxy it to a piece of sheet metal or plastic with mounting holes and sew it down

>> No.10110783

I wouldn't because it's ugly. Yet, if I didn't find it ugly, I wold make the blade with latex-covered foam and the handle with whatever self-hardening putty you're most comfortable using (I'm VERY partial to epoxy but that's just a personal bias) , maybe covered in a single layer of latex paint.

>> No.10110786

Safe? Yes. That screw is surely be much stronger than teh rest of the costume, anyways. Good idea? Not so sure. Hard to do without the right tools - which you likely don't have, given the general tone of your questions (not a derisive comment - just a fair warning that it's not a beguinner's task). To be honest, the bottlecaps thing looked actually better because it would offer enough force for a lightweight key.
You have a better option: go to a hardware store and buy a long nut. Yes, they do exist. They are called coupling nuts, or extension nus

>> No.10110794

Yeah, I'm definitely on the look out for one with mounting holes, though it hadn't occurred to me to sew it instead of using short screws. And if I end up not being able to find one, I'll definitely be using that second advice. Thanks for the tips!

Well, for what it's worth I do have access to a power drill with small enough drill bits, and I have someone who is more experienced with working with power tools and doing stuff like this than I am that could help. I am going to be keeping the bottlecaps idea on reserve if this screw business ends up not working out, but the width of the cap/neck relative to the key's dowel and length of the connection makes me feel like it might not be *as* secure as it could be.

That said, thank you for this information on coupling nuts. That's a huge help, and does seem a lot easier (and accessible). Am I right in thinking that threading for nuts and screws like that are standard, so I don't have to worry too much about matching them?

>> No.10110795

>Am I right in thinking that threading for nuts and screws like that are standard,
yes they are - in different standard sizes. You still have to get the right one.

>> No.10110813

Help/Stupid Question - Does anyone have a helpful guide/explanation to buying from 2taobao?? I've dipped my toes in before but it's also really difficult to tell which items are scams and which items are actually for sale, since a lot of chinese lolitas seem to use 2taobao listings as a sort of wardrobe post.

>> No.10110914
File: 47 KB, 1024x1024, example-5419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I know it's cgl sacrilege but I absolutely hate wearing foundation. Not just in a "it's a hassle" or "Im bad at it" way but I have OCD about having a layer of paint on my face, it's unbearable. I have decent skin and I'm planning on just wearing some spot concealer for my next cosplay. I guess I'm just looking to see if anyone else has done this or has any pictures of cosplayers in minimal/no foundation makeup. Of course I'll be doing eye and lip makeup. I just need someones approval please help.

>> No.10110938

I never wear foundation. it helps that I have nice skin. Sorry I don't have any pictures though.

>> No.10110948

desu u said you already have nice skin, I think concealer is bare minimum
but am slightly concerned if the texture difference will appear in photos. why not consider like a powder compact to apply on top ? but u might not even need it

>> No.10111100
File: 235 KB, 2048x2048, 0ACFE7FA-860A-4712-88E9-8B2C624142F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of boots is Kairi wearing? I’m not sure if there’s a specific term to use to search for them.

>> No.10111104

they look like moto boots to me so you could probably try searching for that

>> No.10111117

you could also get away with chelsea boots although they aren't quite as chunky

>> No.10111123

Those hardly look like Chelseas

>> No.10111129

I'm in the process of learning. Get the xianyu app and copy/screenshot whatever you don't understand and put it into Google translate. Shopping through a SS will be easier. There's a spreadsheet of them in the taobao thread

>> No.10111130

Press the pips in the top right on an item and then press the chain icon, this will give you the item link to paste into the SS

>> No.10111289

It's imperative that you know how to do research, keep a budget, and what stores/sites to buy from. A vast majority of questions on help forums like these and on Reddit are filled with the same questions because people won't do a simple google or youtube search. There are so many good resources out there, but new cosplayers for some reason would rather hear from 1 maybe 2 people on a forum. I don't understand it. Forums should supplement questions that can't be answered via research.

Newbies should know to:
>Seal your body paint
>Under no circumstances should you use spray-on hair color. It will never look good. (Unless you're doing a shit post costume)
>Costume and make up tests are important, don't skip out on them. It'll prevent a lot of problems from happening on the wear date
>Don't wear anything fragile into the dealer's hall (like a dangling hair accessory or wings. Rip Tsuyu's hairbow :'( ))
>It's always better to save your unfinished costume for next year than to rush a shit project.

And like >>10109119 said, wear a wig, iron your costume, and wear a makeup - even if it's a "no-makeup" look. Imo, even if your hair is pretty, it won't ever survive the day styled for pictures. Natural hair is subject to oils and can't be styled like a wig can. Especially if you plan on wearing a costume more than once, it'll be a hassle to re-do each time.

>> No.10111290

I aim on taking artistic liberties to make it a little easier on the eyes lol but thank you so much for your advice! It's a big help

>> No.10111315
File: 366 KB, 1365x2048, 1550038664865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are still here I would really appreciate pictures.

>> No.10111352
File: 110 KB, 900x1200, DyXX7fAUYAAvA2X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Spider-Man Noir; I'm wearing goggles (elope's "Cat Eye") and a balaclava. Unfortunately they tend to fog up almost immediately - any tips to help mitigate that?
I really like the mirrored look of the lenses so I'd rather not switch them out for fabric or plastic with holes, if possible.
I'm also looking at getting a faceshell - would that affect fogging at all?

>> No.10111414

They look a lot like the Wincox from Dr Martens
They sell visor anti fog spray for motorcycle helmets, try amazon

>> No.10111527
File: 175 KB, 1062x666, shoeoptions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get your guys' opinions on shoes to wear? I bought one of those latex plugsuits for Asuka but I don't want to walk around a con without some sort of shoe obviously, but I'd like it to be as seamless and non-distracting from the suit as possible.
I can't do any sort of built-in shoe or attaching a sole to the bottom as I'm trying not to wreck the suit. I've been considering some sort of rubber work shoe/croc situation, they aren't the cutest but it might be most similar.
I've seen some people use PVC wedges/heels as well. I think a wedge looks a lot better, but it's still not the most accurate thing.
Finally I've been considering some sort of rubber boot, a little more fashionable I guess lol but ofc still not accurate. I'm just trying to stay as close in material to the latex as possible.

If you guys have any opinions or other ideas I haven't considered I would really like to hear! I'm a bit stuck on this one.

>> No.10111672
File: 9 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 25mg of face paint enough to cover to a whole face ?

>> No.10111784

Anyone know who sells a decent quality Madoka school uniform? I'd rather not buy $70 of jankiness. This looks okay to my untrained eye, am I right or not even close?

>> No.10111788

I like the rubber work shoe the most, it'll be the most unobtrusive, I think. Plus rather than cutting it, you could maybe try painting it to match your suit/the shape you want, if you have access to an airbrush?

>> No.10111802

You could just add a rubber sole to the bottom. It should be mostly invisible, but at the most you'll see a tiny black sole like the third picture. If you need more support, you could slip in an insole under the suit.


>> No.10111817

>I can't do any sort of built-in shoe or attaching a sole to the bottom as I'm trying not to wreck the suit.

>> No.10111833

What is reading comprehension? Sorry. Listen to the other guy

>> No.10111933

Oh shit, totally forgot. I'll post as best a guide as I can tomorrow.

>> No.10111943


>> No.10111957

You're likely better off buying the costume off another cosplayer. There's no guarantee you'll receive exactly what you see on a Chinese factory website and even then the product photos suck. Red bow is too narrow and pinned low, skirt is an unironed mess. Trim on collar and jacket look cheap and wrinkled. I wouldn't pay $70 plus shipping/taxes for obviously Chinese sweatshop product.

>> No.10111960

Curious about this too. Every time I try to spike a wig the fibers stick to me, not each other.

>> No.10112036
File: 878 KB, 4032x3024, A2E52327-DE87-49BD-BD84-72DB7B6ACA94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chelsea is a bit off for what I’m looking for, moto boots works better. I wish those Wincox weren’t so much, they’re perfect but I can’t bring myself to spend $100+ on shoes.

I found these at work the other day to use as a last resort but I have until June to find something with less straps. Thank you guys!

>> No.10112077

Most people I've seen in tutorials use tacky glue and their fingers. Get in there and get messy!

Most flyaways can be clipped off after drying.

>> No.10112116

I'm not sure what to do about my lip piercing (center labret) in cosplay, I can't take it out because it's relatively new and knowing my skins capability to heal, it'd probably close up within half an hour.
I know people usually say to go with clear retainers but imo those just look like herpes sores so.. nah.
I'm thinking of just getting a stud that's as small as possible with a flat surface and in gold so it's more similar to skin tone and then photoshopping it out of any pics I'll actually post. Would that work or would it still be annoying? Anyone have any better ideas? I don't cosplay any childish/innocent looking characters btw, since it doesn't fit my face and body anyway.

>> No.10112234

So I got a shipment of color contacts today, but the vial for one of them is broken (and I think it broke when the mailman tossed it onto my porch). The lens is still moist, and it was still floating in some liquid - it's just that the glass shattered a bit. Is it reasonable to just wash it off with some contact lens solution and figure out some other way to store it? Which way would be the best? Or is it a total writeoff, gg no re?

>> No.10112243

Oh hell no, do you seriously want microscopic glass fragments to shred up your eyes? Is your own personal health worth less than a $20-$40 accessory and you prefer potentially spending $$$$-$$$$$ and dealing with agony to fix? Please photograph the broken mess (for a refund if you really need the cash), throw it out, and try again.

>> No.10112249

Okay. I was wondering if microscopic glass fragments actually existed or if they were just a meme. Lens has been duly thrown out.

>> No.10112282
File: 24 KB, 404x606, 61Hm0xvmccL._UY606_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a certain type of bodysuit (I'm a man), and although I'm not finding what I'm looking for in men's there are quite a few options in women's.
I am pretty slender (and it's meant to be skintight anyways), are there any special considerations when "cross-dressing" or should I be good to go as long as I approximately match measurements?

>> No.10112737
File: 82 KB, 1252x1252, 87kGXjAj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, what do you guys think is better when making a sword prop, expanding foam with worbla or EVA foam with worbla? Would there really be that much aesthetic difference?

>> No.10112771

Most people I know who used both prefer EVA foam, if you're using Worbla you don't really need the rigidity of expanding foam

>> No.10112833

a friend of mine had a small flat stud like you're describing for the piercing in her nose, and to hide it she would put a little piece of the sticky part of a bandaid on it. I guess this will only work if your skintone matches one of the common commercially produced bandaids though.

>> No.10112973
File: 44 KB, 474x1083, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bit of a more technical question, so here goes:

I've made the jacket, I'm looking to how I would make the shirt. From the looks of it, it looks very similar to a baseball jersey crossed over with a dress shirt. I'm running into issues with making that band where the buttons are supposed to be. Looking online, it's called a placket. (I'm self-taught and never took lessons/used patterns, so most of my "designs" are trying to imitate what I visually see)

The issue I have is trying to figure out how to make said band. First attempt was tubing and then topstitching it on, which looked pretty good. Issue was, I made the two front tubing pieces and then one for the back panel, so there were obvious seams at the shoulder seam (not to mention extra weight since it's two tubes being sewn together). Not sure if this is important (or if it would even be visible) with the jacket on top.

Trying to make a single long tube is a lot trickier and uses several times more material, which is a bit wasteful IMO. I don't even have enough continuous scrap material to try it out, let alone actually nice shirt fabric.

What would be the proper technique to get this right? My research just shows that most shirt plackets are just "extra material that gets bent over, ironed, and then topstitched", but I don't think it will work when it's supposed to curve around like in pic related.

>> No.10113000

I think this might be the way to go too anon. I'll look into painting rubber shoes - is airbrushing the way to go, or a latex-based spray paint maybe? Thank you!

You're fine anon haha. I was really trying to thinking how I could add a sole without permanently attaching it/altering the suit but it involved a lot of magnets and it sounded terrible lol.

I gotta say anon, depending on how new the piercing is, any piercer worth his salt wouldn't want you messing with the jewelry too much for a while. Even a piercing that's healing well can get irritated quickly. You could get a flat top put on, but I would get something that you're alright with keeping on for the next few months at least. The best way for a piercing to heal well is to leave it alone as much as possible.

Tbh, if I were you anon I wouldn't worry about it much. I got a vertical labret like a week before a con, lemme just say it didn't prevent anyone from complimenting my cosplay or taking pictures of/with me. I did exactly what you said and just shopped it out in anything I actually posted.

I know cgl is very vocally opposed to piercings and tattoos in cosplay but fact is, people at cons aren't going to say anything. It doesn't "wreck" your cosplay, the only thing people are going to notice for the split-second they pass by you at a con is how much effort you've put into the actual costume itself. Don't stress too much about it, promise.

>> No.10113064

Anyone have any experience ordering something on Rakuten? There's a vest I want for my costume that's only offered there. Never really ordered from there before so I just want to know if there's anything I should look out for or if there's a history of sketchiness.

>> No.10113118
File: 238 KB, 1000x1000, stitchnditch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A stitch in the ditch technique.

>> No.10113165
File: 531 KB, 459x535, cardigan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a word for this type of cardigan fit?
I mean the way it is loose and maybe a little cropped but not baggy.
I am looking for off brand lolita cardigans but this is not how most cardigans fit in the US and it is really frustrating to look for them.

>> No.10113189

What kind of fabric should i use for a 40k or warhammer fantasy banner? I will cosplay a commisar
I want something that could last for thousands of years for weeb reasons

Now...how can i attach embroidery in my leather jacket? i want to use the jacket for two different cosplays, i can send it for repairment as long as i dont sew the embroidered eagle (someone redpilled me about magnets but i can´t find them)
Pls halp

>> No.10113200

Medium to heavy cotton, maybe from the upholstery section

>> No.10113409

That's a great idea, thanks. Maybe that'd also work with latex or some other sfx makeup stuff.

Thanks anon, nice to hear it's not as much of a big deal as people on the internet make it out to be. I understand being bothered by it in 'proper' photos, but that's an easy fix. As for the messing with a new piercing thing, I don't think it'd be a problem to change it because the next con I'm going to is a few months away, I just don't want to take the risk of not having anything in, even after the healing process.

>> No.10113667 [DELETED] 

I've just started my first project involving worbla, and I could use a little help getting past the initial analysis paralysis.

I'm working on the attached character's mask, which is currently on my workbench as three pieces of 2mm EVA foam - a pair of mirrored face panels and a wedge shaped 'forehead' panel. I also have worbla cut to size for wrapping around one side and the edges of each piece.

However, I'm not certain about the means to bring this all together properly. Is Worbla durable and self-adhering enough to assemble this angular 3d shape by pressing the heated edges of the three pieces together and setting it on a cardboard form of the mask's general shape to cool?

Because this piece is relatively thin and has no solid core, I worry that it might lack the structure to take its proper shape while soft and/or survive airline baggage.

Clarity eludes me.

>> No.10113670
File: 58 KB, 1106x648, Ironclad mask closeref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just started my first project involving worbla, and I could use a little help getting past the initial analysis paralysis.

I'm working on the attached character's mask, which is currently on my workbench as three pieces of 2mm EVA foam - a pair of mirrored face panels and a wedge shaped 'forehead' panel. I also have worbla cut to size for wrapping around one side and the edges of each piece.

However, I'm not certain about the means to bring this all together properly. Is Worbla durable and self-adhering enough to assemble this angular 3d shape by pressing the heated edges of the three pieces together and setting it on a cardboard form of the mask's general shape to cool?

Because this piece is relatively thin and has no solid core, I worry that it might lack the structure to take its proper shape while soft and/or survive airline baggage.

Clarity eludes me.

>> No.10113677

As long as you fit the measurements you should be fine. Make sure the height is enough if you’re taller than the average woman.

>> No.10113819


>> No.10113833
File: 70 KB, 1024x1024, 01_Dragon_Ball_Supreme_Kai_Zamasu_Dope_Style_Baseball_Jersey_-_Zamasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I'll try that. Does it work well with curves? The shirt, from what I can tell, is similar to a baseball jersey, like pic related with the black stripe being white instead. I'm worried about how it'll work around curves.

>> No.10114017

where do I go for wigs on a budget but not cheap shiny plastic party city-tier, stuff that's good enough to wear casually outside?

>> No.10114100
File: 101 KB, 1080x600, resident-evil-2-remake-claire-tyrant.jpg.optimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I was looking into making a Mr. X outfit, where would be the best place to get a trench coat similar to the one he is wearing in the remake. And, what would be the best way to make the mask, silicone or latex?

>> No.10114126
File: 2.34 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20190225_212712309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Och you'll be fine, I've made this using the same technique of smooshing the edges together after the foam wrap It won't survive being properly crushed though, the edges will just snap, so put it in a plastic carton in your checked bag and you'll be fine!

>> No.10114195

It's just a poorly drawn regular men's dress shirt that isn't buttoned up all the way. For what it is, I highly recommend buying a cheap one rather than making it. Materials alone are likely to cost more than like a $5 shirt from a secondhand store.

If you insist on making it, get a basic men's shirt pattern that has a button band front and follow instructions. I recommend doing felled flat seams for finishing the edges, or just get out a dress shirt you already own and see what was done.

>> No.10114238
File: 1.77 MB, 3088x2320, E5C5797E-93A1-4AE9-97B5-A026185DB7C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What jojo character could I pull off if I lost 30 pounds?

I went to a con as the world recently and it was rly embarrassing because my costume was made in a week and now I have a year to prep

>> No.10114253

Start by learning how to rotate images

>> No.10114284
File: 39 KB, 288x512, ca8774e7bfc942b7750d1b5f3ca4ed95e03d0db5r1-288-512v2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10114285

I was thinking Gyro or Giorno but my face may be too wide and my eyes too hooded

>> No.10114310

Gyro not so much, but Giorno yes actually, you could.

>> No.10114452

Amazon (I like the store MapofBeatuy), Ebay, and wig-supplier, light in the box, taobao, aliexpress, etc.

>> No.10114466

Agreed. Johnny is your best bet.

>> No.10114481

Hey, I'm making a prop sword with expanding foam, would it be okay to seal it with worbla and then paint it? I've seen people use paper mache but I'd really rather not if I don't have to.

>> No.10114487

That sounds expensive.

>> No.10114585
File: 92 KB, 512x640, 6D51AA64-53E7-46E1-B184-7386F27F76BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case I don’t make a good Giorno...

What are some ideas on how to make a good King Crimson costume? Specifically being able to see while wearing the mask, and where I can find some sort of morph suit with the red/white design

>> No.10114618

I just checked the prices and now I'm depressed. Know of any alternatives by any chance?

>> No.10114624

Apparently some people use lightweight spackling or plaster, but desu paper mache sounds inexpensive and more lightweight.

>> No.10114629

Yeah, I think I'm gonna mache it. I was just worried it would look a little tacky or cheap y'know? Anyway, thank you for your help!

>> No.10114646
File: 116 KB, 420x420, 778dae59d4f5b2e2f68458467fe0a1a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to cosplaying and I really want to cosplay Terry Hintz, where should I start?

>> No.10114652

Is anyone else getting a Payment Refused error on Honey Color? I'm using the same credit card as previous purchases but it won't go through despite trying different addresses.

>> No.10114656
File: 759 KB, 576x1024, peterb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I find a jacket like Peter's in men's sizes without spending a fortune? It's been driving me up a wall.

>> No.10115285

I can’t imagine you doing anyone but Kira, and even then doing it poorly. I think you understand based on this post:



Giorno (Like almost every jojo character) is a female exclusive cosplay basically

>> No.10115289
File: 421 KB, 401x620, your next line is something about me being retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but I think you're full of shit.

>like almost every jojo character
I don't know what kind of females you've been looking at anon but I think you need to broaden your views.

>a female exclusive cosplay
Yeah, no. If that's the case then every single typical bishounen anime/manga character is only for females.
Some females can pull off males, some males can pull of females, some females can pull off feminine males, some males can pull off masculine females... on and on.

>> No.10115301

Why are you trying to limit someone else's hobby? Anyone can cosplay any character as long as they please.

>> No.10115319

Thrift stores.

>> No.10115362
File: 101 KB, 529x885, eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making an extremely dumb side costume for a con and just wanted a basic opinion for hair options. While the white/orange ones would be more impressive and accurate, I'm worried that the bright white could look too distracting and alien like

>> No.10115427

What is the best fabric to make a cloak out of? I want something that won't be too heavy as I'm mostly wearing the costume to summer cons, but it would also need to be able to support fur lining

>> No.10115452

Look up “jojo cosplay”, yes males can pull of characters a lot of the time but it’s mostly girls

Yes but what I’m saying is that he won’t look the part

You could dress Boogie as Spider-Man but he won’t look it.

>> No.10115474

Totally understandable. One cosplayer suggested smoothing out the paper while its still wet and then sanding when dry to give it a cleaner finish. Hopefully that helps.

>> No.10115478

Make a list of all of the components of the character's look (hair, clothes, makeup, accessories, etc.), then either buy or make them.

If you want a more specific answer, ask a more specific question.

>> No.10115479

Peter probably bought his from there too

>> No.10115480

>I'm worried that the bright white could look too distracting and alien like
It wouldn't. There are plenty of white haired characters walking around. It's funny that you say that considering that it's one of the more natural colors you'll see at a convention

Also, I like 1.

>> No.10115490

They've been no help so far.

>> No.10115700

Depends on the look you're going for, if it's utilitarian wool or linen, if it's more regal velvet or a finer wool

>> No.10115729

Lucaille wigs; make sure you order directly from their site, not from a reseller. In my experience the wigs look and feel very nice, they're not dirt cheap but definitely budget-friendly.

>> No.10115735

>series full of hunky beefy hot men with gay undertones has a large female fanbase
wow who would have thought

>> No.10115737

>he won't look the part
What makes you say so?
>you could dress boogie as spiderman but he won't look it
first of all what boogie?
second of all why are you comparing this dude to whoever the fuck boogie is?

I get your point, not all cosplays look good on everyone, no, I get that. But I don't see how that dude is THAT unbelievably far from Giorno or Johnny.

>> No.10115741

There's nothing there!
Any other site?

>> No.10115778


Show us the sword. Different swords will require different materials and techniques.

>> No.10115977
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here know how to make eye lenses for a Kamen Rider costume that I could actually see through? I'm planning on making pic related but have no idea how to make the eyes.

>> No.10115986
File: 46 KB, 450x600, PATCH LONGSLEEVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making these patches? it looks like its just printed fabric that was cut out then sewn on. would I need backing for the cut out and if so what backing would i need?

>> No.10116047

Medium weight interfacing, satin stitch the edge

>> No.10116101

They can't actually see through the eyes. There are typically inconspicuous small slits that allow the suit actor to more or less barely see what they're doing.

>> No.10116132

Like >>10116101 said, the lenses aren't where you're actually gonna be seeing out of, unless you want to make the helmet like Stronger's. For Ryuki, I'd make the sight slits in the bottom if the eyes, or the lower corners. As for actually making the lenses, heat form some red reflector material. You'll need a mold and some patience, but it should work

>> No.10116162

Stretch Wonder-under. Fuses both sides, then satin stitch down the edges.

>> No.10116478

I've always been interested in cosplay, but have never found a character that I felt I could emulate close enough, as I'm kind of ugly with curly hair and glasses. After reading some of the Ciaphas Cain novels from the 40k universe, I realized that I could probably do Gunner Ferik Jurgen without feeling embarrassed. Mostly because his entire shtick is that he's the most disheveled thing in the universe.I'm entirely new to clothes/prop making, but want to try to make his uniform with props (either melta or lasgun). I have access to a sewing machine and kit, 3d printer, and woodshop.
How much would doing this cost in time/money, what other tools would I need, and does anyone have any advice/resources not listed in the stiggy?
TL;DR: entirely new to cosplay, need advice on how much time and money it takes to into cosplay

>> No.10116491

Break down the costume into parts first and plan them out. Draw up a spreadsheet if you need for a list of parts and cost estimates. How much the costume ends up costing you can vary wildly depending on where you call "good enough" or if you are savvy about saving money. Now take that amount and multiply it by 2, that's more likely how much you will spend on the costume by the end.

Having resources is certainly nice, but it doesn't come with knowledge and experience. Start with straight stitches with a sewing machine, for example, and make smaller, simple garments before doing complex stitch-witchery. You'll have yourself a lot more sanity and disappointment that way and improve your skills quicker.

Don't go broke on food/lodging for the sake of cosplay. Don't count on your first (few) costumes to be "perfect". Enjoy the journey and keep an open mind to learning. Use the internet and Google everything! Chances are, someone has asked the same question about "how do I make X" before and there is an answer for it. There are always multiple ways to do just about anything and experiment with what works best for you.

>> No.10116552 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 179x282, 18f4b394-17ce-4d28-a094-50d897a2bdc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking for my brother because I am a lolita, and even when I cosplayed, I only cosplayed grils.

How much makeup would you suggest for this guy? And does he need a wig? So far I only suggested foundation and eyeliner. My brother has black hair, this is his first time cosplaying and I'm not sure if he'd be able to style a short haired wig into what this guy has.

>> No.10116608

It's a good recommendation to always get a wig. It'll more easily take the anime hairstyle, never go flat or oily, and you can get one with blue undertones to match the character. As for makeup, foundation, concealer, and eyeliner sounds correct. Maybe a powder for a smooth finish, but otherwise okay. If he wants to be extra, go for a contour

>> No.10116669

Look up "male cosplay makeup" on Youtube and look through a few of the tutorials, it should give you a good base. I really recommend using a wig, get one that is pretty thick, and if neither of you is confident styling it take it to a barber (or commission it)

>> No.10116706
File: 48 KB, 400x600, e5290e2b8ba7f1b7562c60a9d23e5a00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone happen to have patterns for rainbow knit socks?

>> No.10116782

Cool fact! Is there a tutorial online that explains your method for the lenses? Because I have no clue how to do those things.

>> No.10116798

I have less than 24hrs to slap together something akin to a "thot police" outfit. No stores have any police outfit stuff in stock. help???

>> No.10116835

Have you checked sex shops? Police stuff is a popular bedroom costume so they may have something with a hat and handcuffs, then just wear a white shirt and a black or navy bottom and you'll be set. If you have foam or anything to sculpt it and metallic paint you can make a badge really easily.

>> No.10116849

>patterns for rainbow knit socks
Google does. I just found a bunch. I won't link here though, because it's something every one needs to learn how to do when they want an answer to something, instead of posting on 4chan and hoping someone replies hours or more later.

You can do it anon! I believe in you~!

>> No.10116923
File: 194 KB, 271x640, Vinegardoppio_jojoeoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly having a really hard time finding components for my Doppio cosplay, especially for clothes in purple. Anyone have any pointers, or would it make more sense to buy white clothes to dye purple?

>> No.10116949

I'm trying to learn more about male JP fashion and buying clothes, are there any resources for the fashion-bereft out there?

>> No.10117025

You'll definitely have better luck finding clothes in white to dye purple. You can control the color that way too. You won't have to worry about finding "almost that shade but not quite"

>> No.10117116

You might have better luck in the J-Fash Help thread >>10110775

>> No.10117296
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, 1548013748410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make cosplay friends?

>> No.10117308
File: 1.83 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK do I cover this in other fabric? There is absolutely no patterns for this cap so I bought one, this thing is fucking hell. How the hell do I even do this? Fuck

>> No.10117366

I've tried before posting. The ones I've found like in the photo I've posted will cost some. The rest have a obvious patterns on the sock or looked pretty thick and I'm really only looking for something that plain and thin. Perhaps I missed out some?

I'm completely new to knitting, so some guidance will be appreciated! Thanks for believing in me, anon, but it looks like I must trouble you a while longer.

>> No.10117368

making a plush that uses a pattern for no stretch
the only fabric I can find in the color and style I want is stretch
how fucked am I?

>> No.10117403

Can you line the stretchy fabric with a non-stretchy fabric?

>> No.10117429

You can use a pattern for regular stripes and just change the colors to make a rainbow

>> No.10117627

I have a white Amazon wig (from mapofbeauty) that I want to dye light purple-ish lavender. I know synthetic dyes work best (rit & idye poly), but I have a pack of Dylon fabric dye in Intense Violet that would be super easy to use. I don't want to waste it if it's not going to work, but do you think it's worth a try? I don't need a lot of colour payoff, just a lavender. I've also never dyed an amazon wig and don't know how well they take colour.

>> No.10117640

Where do you buy your blouses? I dont have a massive budget but I wanna buy my first blouse (preferrably white) and want something of good quality

>> No.10117836

You can't fit a square peg through a round hole. It must be frustrating to have a perfectly good dye right there, but you should use the synthetic if you want good results. I'm happy to see MapofBeauty being mentioned on here.

>> No.10117849

cover it in duct tape and cut it off in pieces, instant knockoff

>> No.10117852
File: 477 KB, 800x753, C4824114-B8BB-447F-8EC0-44750A22E60B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what kind of material would be best to buy for mistas white line patterns on his shirt?

>> No.10117854

Ah, I guess you’re right, it’s best to just get a proper one.

And yeah, I’ve never seen them mentioned on here either but lots of people in my community use them. How are they, in your experience?

>> No.10117856

You might have better luck in the J-Fash Help thread >>10110775

>> No.10117862

They're great all around. Fast shipping and one of the best shops on amazon in terms of good color, length, and style selection. For the price, it's amazing that the wigs are heat resistant too. Of course they're not going to be arda quality for the price, but I think they're a good middle man between Party City and Arda tier - especially for extremely long wigs like for Miku, Sailor Moon, or Tsuyu. I've used their wigs for my last two cosplays and haven't been disappointed. Their wigs do shed, but not horribly like most cheap wigs. The only issues I've had with them is that the wig isn't extremely full (I'm not sure if I would recommend for styles that require a lot of volume or spikes, but at that price it wouldn't hurt to test it out) and that there were short scraggly pieces of hair beneath the top layer of bangs, like a centimeter long at the band that made my forehead itch. I probably should've just cut them off now that I think about it....

Anyway, good luck with your project!

>> No.10117896
File: 30 KB, 361x361, 01kBe2M_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, you're a fucking genius. Thank you!

>> No.10117915

You might want to use masking tape instead of duct tape... It won't gum up your scissors and leave tons of residue.

>> No.10117947

this. also, remember to give yourself seam allowances when making the pattern

>> No.10117970
File: 29 KB, 680x160, 3EB58FB3-A13E-4893-9515-6DC4FFA1371B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m trying to work out how to make a hooked sword similar to pic related, plus a hilt, while making it kosher for “no metal blades” convention policy and general TSA rules.
Foamcore board and balsawood are definitely too brittle for luggage, EVA foam isn’t great for thin blades, and hardwood would require finding a properly equipped workshop to use.

Is there a good source of solid PVC/hard plastic sheeting online somewhere to be used for a thin ~4 foot blade? I don’t know if that would be any easier to work with than a plank of hardwood, but I’ve already got a hilt and pommel based around PVC pipe designed and set aside.

>> No.10118210
File: 9 KB, 360x460, 718orywYuaL._AC._SR360,460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to finally buy a mannequin for cosplay. I've borrowed ones like pic related, but they always feel kinda cheap and off. Would there be better options outside of making my own?

>> No.10118223

Stockman is the industry standard but you can find similar models for cheaper, the idea is to get a form that has every measurement a bit smaller than your own and pad it until it's perfectly your size, and make a tailored cover on top of the padding. Adjustable forms are great if you're going to make things for people of different sizes but if it's just for you the padding method gets you the closest fit.

>> No.10118236

Thanks for the tip! It's just going to be for me so that's perfect advice

>> No.10118349

Just do a search for "heat forming plastic sheets" or something similar. Plenty of videos showing different ways to do it

>> No.10118350
File: 1.12 MB, 2592x1944, 20190302_182818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought this costume online as one of my first cosplay since it was more intricate than what I was capable of and had a couple questions.
(this one, for reference https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Fire-Emblem-Awakening-Lucina-Cosplay-Costume/32837515699.html )

The cape came with a really long string. Is there a specific way I'm supposed to tie it? If not, I'm tying it as close as possible, how do I go about hiding the rest of the string that hangs out the front?

Is there a specific way to wear a folded neckerchief? The one they provided seems to be a long cone of fabric that they tied up in two spots and attached a pin to. I just roll it around until it looks decent and let the rest hang off the back but I don't know if that's the proper way.

There's these armor pauldron pieces with elastic straps that I just plain do not understand. Are they supposed to strap on over my actual shoulders? That seems to be what the product pictures are doing but they keep slipping off and Lucina wears hers over her arms, but the straps are too big to rest there.

I'm still waiting for my wig to come in and after I took this selfie I realized how I was actually supposed to set up the belt, so there's still a lot I'm working out. I'm consdering scrapping the pieces entirely or replacing the elastic. But overall I'm pretty happy with its quality for a premade thing from china. Wish I knew how to get the shrimp smell out of this leather.

>> No.10118501

whats a piece of clothing I can wear in tights that prevents a bulge from showing?

>> No.10118507

dance belt

>> No.10118551
File: 13 KB, 360x270, 1551138013990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't ordered circle lenses in years.

I'm finally cosplaying again and now places like pinky Paradise are asking for an eye exam??? Even though I'm just asking for 0 power?

Where can I go buy lenses where it is not a hassle?

>> No.10118633

If the string is long enough, you can have it go over your shoulders, under your armpits and tie it in the back, so the end of the string is hidden? But honestly the whole costume looks really cheap and poorly thought out

>> No.10118655

Yesstyle has GEO brand lenses at a good price and you don't need to do the paperwork.

>> No.10118704
File: 1.40 MB, 4032x3024, AA2A7E2D-DB21-4CEC-AD53-5EC201F36EA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I cut 1 hole too high at my Spider-Man mask, I sewed it closer but there’s still imperfections.
This is how it looked like last night

>> No.10118707
File: 3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 018A2981-72E2-4574-8E8A-B45BEF84EBF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how it looks like now

>> No.10118711

uniqso, thedollyeye

>> No.10118831
File: 538 KB, 1440x1684, Screenshot_20190303-113131~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

I live in the states, I've been doing a lot of reading about legality of this, do you think my package will be seized? I just ordered.

>> No.10118847

i order contacts from uniqso fairly often, and they have never seized any of my packages from them.
im waiting on a package from them now actually, i'll let you know if i have any new isuues.

>> No.10119121
File: 732 KB, 523x1745, Sadayo_Kawakami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any reasonable way to make custom stripe patterns? Ideally on a knit fabric. I would be willing to get it custom printed if I need to but I would prefer to make it.
For such small stripes will this be a nightmare?

>> No.10119258 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x300, giorno hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't plan on cosplaying as him, but my hair is long enough in the back to do it Giorno style.

How do I achieve this look? Is it just a braided ponytail with a band holding up a hair loop?

>> No.10119349

Looks good! I can't really see the imperfections in the second pic. Did you have a question or were you just showing us some progress? (which is fine, good job lol)

>> No.10119384

On stretch fabric, apart from getting it custom printed, your best option is probably fabric paint. You'll want to use masking tape to get straight lines of regular thickness, and if you want to make sure they're parallel make yourself a template board that you can pin the fabric on top of before masking, just a large piece of cardboard with your stripes marked out.

>> No.10119722
File: 365 KB, 834x691, Mayaref4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For someone who's a relative novice when it comes to sewing, how hard would it be to make a cosplay for Maya Fey? I've been on the fence about commissioning it, but I was thinking about possibly making it myself. I know her outfit is basically a modified kimono, but I've never really modded any patterns before aside from shortening a garment. Do you guys think it's something doable or would I be better off commissioning it?

>> No.10119725

It looks like a good first project, it's fairly simple and the materials aren't too precious, I'd go for it!

>> No.10119908

What kind of face shapes look good in a hime cut? I've been on the fence about getting one for years but I'm too scared to mess up my hair. I have a round face shape so I can pull off most hair styles. My main issue is that I have naturally thick, wavy hair that turns into curls and I'm having a very hard time finding pics of hime cuts on anything other than straight hair.
Would a hime cut look ugly like this?

>> No.10119998
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x900, Optimized-20190304_173028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried doing the stitch in the ditch technique as mentioned here >>10113118 on test fabric, but the rounded edge puckers like mad. I did different combinations, with interfacing, without, using a bias band and stretching it around. Every instance the rounded edge bends upwards or downwards instead of lying flat. Any ideas?

>> No.10120009

You're in for a hair disaster

>> No.10120013

> I have a round face shape so I can pull off most hair styles
>round face shape
>pull off most hair styles

Kek please post the disasterous aftermath

>> No.10120027

clip your curves, anon.

>> No.10120032
File: 608 KB, 449x754, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know which wig shes using? The ones on amazon/ebay look weird

>> No.10120064

Bought a pink secondhand blouse, how do I get makeup stains out of it? It's not chiffon it's AP's cotton/polyester blend

>> No.10120070

>Nobody wants to see Attack on Titan cosplay

Speak for yourself

>> No.10120088 [DELETED] 

I've literally been told by every hairstylist I've gone to that I can pull off almost any hairstyle because of my face shape.
Do a little research before you speak.

>> No.10120096

>the person I paid to do my hair that builds their customer base by return customers said nice things about my hair

WOW really?!

>> No.10120099

I meant oval not round.
Literally every single hairstylist I've ever been to has told me I can pull off practically any hairstyle because of my face shape.
No need to be full of bile for no reason, anon.

>> No.10120101

There's a difference between compliments and giving constructive criticism. All it takes is a little research to find that oval face is universally the most versatile face shape for haircuts.

>> No.10120103

You seem very gullible

>> No.10120106

you sound sad and ugly
fabric painting would probably be best i use freezer paper since you can iron it on and it sticks really nicely to cloth.

>> No.10120107
File: 74 KB, 627x669, googlingiseasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound incapable of doing any research.

>> No.10120110

>anon switches stories on what their face shape is to sound like they're telling the truth but I'm the one who's in the wrong and needs to do research


>> No.10120113

I know what my face looks like so it makes no difference to me what you think. Continue spouting your insecurities though.

>> No.10120114

You're the one screaming about how others must be ugly if they don't buy your story, classic projection of insecurities.

>> No.10120218

The first outfit would be simple enough to practice executing your skills well. The sleeves will probably be the trickiest part. I think it's a great idea, go for it!

>> No.10120220

Ask her. It's impossible to know the brand by looking at it.

>> No.10120225

Hey sorry to be a bother but those pics would help alot!

>> No.10120229

I'm making a strapless pointed sweetheart bodice out of stretch satin. I'll be inserting boning into the lining and invisible straps to the top, but do I also need interfacing? It's for a ballet-style dress, so I don't want it to be too bulky, but I also need it to stay up.

>> No.10120231

That's the first thing I did, anon, and it still bends upwards/downwards

>> No.10120236

Does the material have stretch? Could it be getting stretched out when you sew the curve? Maybe use some sort of interfacing?

>> No.10120251
File: 26 KB, 350x523, iawbmlsymfaygzymuaqerzwhpbfjacpdbqsxojiy-350x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think this would be difficult to make /assemble? this would be my first time cosplaying and i hope i can do it for ax

>> No.10120253

Wash it.

>> No.10120263

Yeah, it should be pretty simple. Capes, "witch" hats, face masks, and all of the other accessories are pretty easily attainable. You might have to make the collar, but it shouldn't be all too hard. The eyes are the first focal point, so please be sure to apply them neatly

>> No.10120290

thank you so much
feels amazing knowing there's a chance
good luck on your endeavors

>> No.10120315

don't spray paint it. just get a zentai zone or herostime suit

>> No.10120322

Dish soap is great for makeup stains

>> No.10120411

The (practice) material is twill, so minimal stretch. So minimal, that the collar stands up. Tried it with interfacing, same result. I tried it with a bias band, collar lies down, same exact issue with the corner.

I think I'll just try making it like a normal collar (sew it right sides together, flip it under, and topstitch allowance to keep it in place). In my mind it shouldn't be too messed up this time around.

>> No.10120594
File: 57 KB, 447x596, 6E350B10-061A-4469-A4D0-6EAE469688A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a little less than 6 months to put together my king crimson cosplay

How do I make the mask? I want this shit looking good

>> No.10120618

foam, or you can try 3D printing it if you have access to a printer. I think it would be cool to have glass cabochons for the eyes, they would really pop and have the gloss of real eyes, and if they match up to your actual eyes you can leave the pupils unpainted to see through them

>> No.10120703
File: 17 KB, 390x673, its phos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a complete noob at sewing and i need to get this outfit in pic related done for july. Is this good for a first project or should i go for something less complicated?

>> No.10120733

Should be decently easy if you use heycutsew's pattern for this uniform. Be sure to use a thicker stretch fabric like ponte de roma for the black part so its flattering.

>> No.10120736
File: 776 KB, 1125x1845, 3029E448-6CC3-41C8-AFF9-AF65E069064C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do Giorno and am working on going skellymode (currently Uber skinnyfat) for it

My deadline is September. Is this achievable? How would I not fuck up the wig?

Backup is probably gyro or Johnny

>> No.10120750

I’m this guy


>> No.10120763
File: 313 KB, 710x528, faceshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some cheap options/alternatives for a faceshell to wear under a zentai suit? I don't need it to be Spiderman or any character in specific, just something that'll round my face off and give me room to breathe.

Hard Mode: I don't have access to a 3D printer.
Lunatic Mode: I wear glasses.

>> No.10120765

You can find partial shells that only cover the mouth and nose and are cheaper
It's a very ambitious project for a complete beginner, you can give it a shot if you want but I'd recommend starting with something easier, Johnny seems more beginner-friendly.

>> No.10120782

I’d think with buying a pre-made costume it would mostly be looking the part ahead of time

Is the wig the hard part then?

>> No.10120795

do you mean the moonstone one that's available for 20 bucks? i'd love to buy that but i don't live in America and its price converted to my currency is waaaay too expensive. Do you think i can get away with using similar rompers/bodysuit patterns and making slight alterations to them? Thanks for the suggestions btw!

>> No.10120985

Do they have other pattern companies in your country? You can try using mccall’s pokemon go pattern as a base maybe, though it has some additional seams. I’ve used it before and it runs big around the leg holes.

Make a muslin out of cheaper stretch fabric first to figure out what modifications you’ll need to make, seam rip it apart, and trace the new pattern on freezer, parchment, or butcher paper. puff sleeves should have lots of guides online as well.

If those patterns are expensive too, you can look into pattern making methods like duct tape patterning or flat patterning (they should all be pretty forgiving since you’re working with stretch fabric)

>> No.10121040

Aw, you too, anon. I'm happy that you're so excited to press forward. There's always tough moments in costume making, so remember this feeling when the going gets tough. It'll help you push through! And come back if you ever need more help.
Thank you! Good luck to you too!

>> No.10121093

Best navy blue box hair dye?

>> No.10121121

Oh yeah if you're buying the suit that's miles easier, the wig is a pretty complicated style but you can get a couple $5 wigs on aliexpress to practice on. I don't know the first thing about fitness so I can't comment on that.

>> No.10121150

i'll try these, thanks anon!

>> No.10121169
File: 323 KB, 567x376, C77EAE61-EB14-452E-B307-179BAF5B8937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m cosplaying as these two characters for two days, but which character should I cosplay as first?

>> No.10121171

To be more specific, Friday and Saturday at the same convention (FanExpo Dallas)

>> No.10121392

Just look at the schedule and see if there are any cosplay photoshoots or meetups for thing you're cosplaying from, and plan what to wear for the 2 diff days off that

>> No.10121458

are you using body paint for the character on the right? if so, i'd do that day one, and spidey on day two. that way you're covered if your skin turns out some weird shade because the paint.

>> No.10121487

Thank you very much. I’ll think about it. But I am Black, so some colors do not stay on my skin as strong as light-skinned people

>> No.10121501

crossplaying a guy who wears a suit and I'm a scrawny girl of average height. I figure my best bet is probably to buy one meant for an adolescent/young teen but would anybody be able to tell me from my measurements what size i should go with? or if that's a shitty idea and I should do something else?

>> No.10121515
File: 361 KB, 680x837, Ghiaccio.full.2185774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosplaying this dude

What's the name for this style of jacket? I can't seem to find anything similar

>> No.10121526

i've always thought it was based on a howie coat. If you are looking to buy something instead of making it there are premade ghiaccio cosplays available though.

>> No.10121603

Suits always look better tailored. You'd be better off buying a cheaper suit and paying for it to get tailored.

>> No.10121631

That sounds good; I found some cheap ones in the right color online, but even if I do get it tailored I'd like to come as close to possible to it fitting me decently because I'm worried I'll either be swimming in it or it'll be way too small. I've bought other things in a men's small before and they're pretty big on me, which is why I thought going with a young teen's size would be better. I guess I'll just purchase the slightly bigger option and hopefully take it in if it is too large

>> No.10121709

Imo you should still be able to get it tailored even it is a couple of sizes too big, but slightly larger should be just find. Even approximate sizing + tailoring for that perfect fit would work.

>> No.10121946
File: 435 KB, 680x715, IMG_9371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I have an appointment for a contact lens evaluation on April 18th, and I intend on getting the fitting done some time after that.

Based on pictures, the Air Optix colors look real enough except up close. I also don't mind the bit of brown you can see in the middle.

I've heard that green is barely noticeable, and blue seems like the brown in the middle stands out too much, so I was thinking gemstone green.

Does anyone wear colored contacts here? Any brand advice - is there something better I can get than Air Optix? I'm in the USA, and I have to get the Rx for the specific brand.

>> No.10122205

Thank you!

>> No.10122240

Trying to tint some glass lenses on my helmet blue. I'm trying to make it so you can't see through them but all the tinting stickers that I've found are transparent. Do you have any suggestions on how to get a darker hue that obscures the inside?

>> No.10122435
File: 601 KB, 1189x1390, __richter_belmondo_castlevania_dracula_x_chronicles_and_etc_drawn_by_kojima_ayami__bdaa07ed6881f871df388972ef36c19b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding accessories like gauntlets, boots, and belts, is there a particularly affordable source of premade leather/faux-leather items that still look decent?
Or should I be looking to make my own from basic patterns and eat the cost of raw leather-like materials for the sake of control over the end product?

Finding gauntlets in particular is worrying me. Belts are common and can be altered, and boots can be faked with homemade covers, but gloves seem a lot more involved.

>> No.10122638
File: 452 KB, 3200x2129, Wire-Colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the best way to stick bunch of electric wires to shirt's sleeve?
I am making tech-priest mechanicus cosplay, for arms i'm making shell like armor made of corrugated plastic tubes. But i want to make it with space left so you can see some places underneath it where i want to have bunch of wires glued to black sleeves so it creates illusion of electronic components inside the armor.
I guess i could sew them on with thin black thread but that would be really time consuming. I hope there is some sort of magic trick glue that would keep it together, wont fall of and wont be visible.

>> No.10122924
File: 469 KB, 500x533, IMG_9364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need help finding a plain gray Furisode for pic related

>> No.10122945

You could meet in the middle and have certain products premade while others are commissioned or handmade. You just need to ensure that they all have a similar look in material and color. Gloves aren't too hard to make imo. There's plenty of tutorials within the larping, ren faire, and cosplay community to get you through, but if they're a point of contention for you then consider having them commissioned.

>> No.10123343
File: 62 KB, 509x600, PMiSS_remilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would the best way to make Remilia's wings be? I want them to be slightly curved (but not as curved as in the photo).
This will be my first cosplay, so I'm kinda lost on what to do. The tutorials/guides aren't exactly what I'm looking for either, as most of them are feather based wings or fabric over a wireframe.

>> No.10123357

You could use a wooden frame, cover with worbla (or insulation foam). I don't have a video of this on a large scale, but here's one of dollmaker doing it: https://youtu.be/DeOCoWs2qhs?t=234, 19:00-21:09

>> No.10123359

Oh bollocks the starting point is wrong. The video should start at 3:39-8:51

>> No.10124137

Thanks for the tip! Although after thinking about it for a day, I decided I might try using chicken wire instead.

>> No.10124145

As a fairly new Aus lolita, I'm have some questions that I need answered and I thought it would be better to ask here. How do you go about your day in your dresses in a hot climate? I want to wear my dresses, but it's too fucking hot and I start sweating everywhere. It's gross, and my dresses will get dirty quickly. This leads me to my second question, how do you wash your dresses? The tags for mine say dry clean only, but I've never taken clothes to the dry cleaners before and have just washed them at home up until now. I don't know if I can trust them to not mess up my dresses because I don't know how the dry cleaning process works and as you all know the dresses are fucking expensive. Do they treat each item of clothing individually according to their tags? Are they all just lumped in together? And if you're a lolita, are there any trustworthy dry cleaners that you would recommend around the CBD?

>> No.10124204

Good luck! I hope it works out well for you!

>> No.10124205

>You might have better luck in the J-Fash Help thread >>10110775

>> No.10124281
File: 123 KB, 666x499, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it easy to change left wig's color to something like right?

One on the right is much to short.

>yes i know theyre really roughed up and shit

>> No.10124632
File: 80 KB, 652x1020, 1dc2799e9934c55271c6d5e798427e0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any chance at all an unexperienced anon like me can make this boy's top? don't have sewing machine either, manual hand sewing only. maybe somehow modify a top? i don't know.

any chance at all or is it just better in the long run to fork the cash to buy/commission the top?

>> No.10124636

P.S. another question
Regardless of how I get the top, when I do, how do I wear it? I have tits. around 34A (US)/B (EU)/90cm bust.
any way I can manage it without something like a strapless binder being noticeable?

>> No.10124672

Does anyone have a tutorial on how to make collapsing angel wings? Preferably light for packing..

>> No.10124674
File: 54 KB, 800x800, 2017-White-large-adult-angel-wing-catwalk-underwear-show-props-festival-Angel-Feather-wing-cosplay-costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image, sorry.

>> No.10124722

Manual sewing to make any type of clothing is going to take an immense amount of effort and time. It's not impossible, but it definitely teeters on self-punishment. I'd suggest trying to make it with hem tape or modifying a strapless tank top. You might wan to add some sculpted padding to look like muscle on top of the binder to make it look more defined.

>> No.10124723

>"cosplay wings"
Take your pick. I'd suggest watching a couple of different videos as not all of them are collapsible. It might differ whether you want them to move or you just need them mobile enough to transport

>> No.10124919

Mobile enough for transport! I feel a little off though because most Ive seen just cut right into the fabric without any finished edges, thought Id ask here first.

>> No.10124954

I doubt those are collapsible, anon.

>> No.10125397
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1552103847962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a removable arm for Nero. I'm thinking of using magnets. Any idea of finding strong enough magnets for a mannequin arm + some foam?

>> No.10125452

Oh that's odd, a vast majority of the ones I've encountered use a backpack system,
Here's one with pvc pipe and plastic: https://youtu.be/yl9AZ5GFzWM
Here's one with snaps: https://youtu.be/IKbMuGA-Uio
Here's one with wire: https://youtu.be/2rK3Koshiag?t=250
You can also buy a wing harness from a couple of costume retailers online

>> No.10125803

What's the best paint for detail work on EVA foam with no base coat? I'm fine with the matte black of the foam, but I want to put on some detailing in red.

All the information I can find is about spray paint, not brush paint.

>> No.10126103
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, image (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh I'm trying to do Nero too! I wanna make the Pasta Breaker from scratch lol. Hope yours comes together well.

Trying to figure out how to put this together since it'll be my first time actually creating something for a cosplay

>> No.10126402

What are some cheaper alternatives to chain mail? I'm working on a cosplay where a majority of the character's body is covered with it.

>> No.10126512

Pop tabs from soda. Give them a little bend, clip a slit at the top and get ready to spend hours upon hours chaining them together.

>> No.10126736
File: 173 KB, 449x480, Th075remilia01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm >>10123343 , and was working on choosing a fabric for my upcoming Remilia cosplay. I'm thinking of cotton or some sort of cotton poly blend, but am having trouble finding some that are the appropriate color, or white (for dyeing). My local Joann's only had Kona, which wasn't the color I wanted, and also wasn't the thickness I want.
Can someone recommend me a fabric that would work for this character?

>> No.10127446 [DELETED] 
