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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9996699 No.9996699 [Reply] [Original]

share the good bad and the ugly

>> No.9996707
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>> No.9996710

Starting off with the ugly, are we?

>> No.9996711

Best girl

>> No.9996715

Less snark, more contribute.

>> No.9996721

Does she even still make videos?

>> No.9996778

Dear Tyler, I love you so much <3 Marry me, I will buy you all brand in the world!

>> No.9996779
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Does it actually legal to be so perfect in this universe?

>> No.9996780

Anyone else feeling cringey about all the videos Lor is posting with her gf? How long have they been dating? And how awkward is it going to be if they break up ?

>> No.9996782

I mean, you guys are creepy, but honestly she's my current fave lolita youtuber.

>> No.9996786

What's wrong? She is my favorite too and I express my true feelings as is.

both >>9996779>>9996778

>> No.9996789

She's not perfect. desu I like her content enough but people act like she's the best thing ever when she's just mildly above average in what she puts out. Her coords aren't special, she's not cute physically, and her closet isn't impressive for someone who's been in lolita since 2010 like she said, in fact it's pretty sparse for someone who's been a lolita for 8 years.

>> No.9996793

> people act like she's the best thing ever
Because she is. At least, nobody else youtube better. So technically she is the best.

>> No.9996794

Lol no she's not. Stop kissing her ass for no reason, it's pathetic.

>> No.9996802

> Stop kissing her ass
You can't stop me from doing this!

(Don't be such a jealous poop. Just bring your own favorites)

>> No.9996803

>I dislike someone so I must be jealous

I thought summer was supposed to be over

>> No.9996806

l like LWLN. It's the only lolita YouTube I watch. I think she takes the fake newscaster persona gimmick a little too far. The constant voice inflections kind of get on my nerves. I don't like the basic AP look so I'm not a huge fan of her coords, but they are all solid. I'm glad she's willing to get a little edgy instead of being fake nice like other YouTubers. I like that she uses her natural hair but I wish she would style it a little better.

>> No.9996809

I just wish she would style/trim that bang clip in, it looks so bad. Her hair is very lovely and that clip in ruins it.

>> No.9996812

I didnt even watch them because i couldnt care less about their personal life
Id like her to do some updos since i cant see half the coord with her hair

>> No.9996825

Her voice is so grating and I'm not a fan of sweet, I only watch her videos for tea. Also Tyler, just say fuck.

>> No.9996834

It's better than no bangs. No bangs looks pretty awful in sweet and I don't think she could pull it off. She could invest in a better clip though, it's pretty shiny.

>> No.9996837

It's because there's no good lolita youtubers, so out of the shitty limited pool there is, she's slightly less shit.

>> No.9996848

I would prefer no bangs and styled to go with.

>> No.9996865

It’s been a while. Perhaps she’s taking a break from YouTube.

>> No.9996866

Has hello batty finally stopped?

>> No.9996867

god I hope so

>> No.9996868

Sparse? Not everyone is a hoarder, and some people have other priorities as well anon. I started at the same time and have about half of what she has because I have bills to pay and can't justify 50+ dresses in a style I only wear 50% of the time.

>> No.9996869

>the bad and the ugly

that makes up all of them

>> No.9996871

You sound bitter about your finances so you try and justify it with >muh hoarding

>> No.9996877

You sound like a smug bitch who thinks she's better than everyone else because she spends all her disposable income on lolita. I'm not even bitter so I'm not sure where you're getting that from. Just saying your definition of sparse is questionable.

>> No.9996882

>I'm not even bitter
>You sound like a smug bitch

Do you realize the irony in this or are you dumb?

>> No.9996886

>50+ dresses and tons of blouses/accessories isn't sparse by any definition

The only kind of person who would suggest that it IS is probably a person trying to sneak in a brag about how they have so much more. Or someone who just really hates Tyler and wants to talk shit. (I don't like her either before you start accusing me of wking) Either makes you an asshole. But yeah, I'm stupid and bitter about finances because I disagree with you.

>> No.9996888

>The only kind of person who would suggest that it IS is probably a person trying to sneak in a brag about how they have so much more

That's a lot of assuming and projecting when it comes to motives and actions. Which is something someone who's deeply insecure would do. I'm glad you admit to being stupid and bitter though, the first step to overcoming any problem is admitting it.

>> No.9996889

Sparse lmfao 50 pieces is a standard amount

>> No.9996892 [DELETED] 

Keep talking shit anon, I know you can't help it because it gives a deeply insecure person such as yourself a feeling of power. If pretending you won a stupid argument online makes you feel better, glad to be of service I guess.

>> No.9996895 [DELETED] 

Stop projecting.

>> No.9996898

She just put out a video about how she wants to do lolita things again, but honestly i like her content :^) I like travel vlogs and unboxing stuff

>> No.9996903

>I like her but...
>she's average, she ain't cute, her wardrobe sucks, her coords suck, not impressed1!!1

just want you to know, you sound pretty jealous.
that is the weirdest string of negative reactions to anon compliments of another lolita I've seen in a while.

>> No.9996911


>>9996837 here, still don't think she's hot shit but you sound nuts trying to insist that 50 dresses is 'sparse'. I sure don't have 50 different t-shirts and that's literally what I wear every day.

>> No.9996913 [DELETED] 

Wow, people really need to stop riding her dick so hard. There are a whole bunch of overly sensitive wks

>> No.9996914

40-50 is average for someone who's been in lolita 3-5 years so why is everyone getting upset over an anon mentioning someone who's been in the fashion way longer should have more?

>> No.9996918

I agree with all your points but I still love her. Not everybody has to be the most innovative lolita in the world to be likeable. Her personality and enthusiasm makes her cute to me
50 main pieces really isn't a lot for 8 years though, idk what these anons are about

>> No.9996919

But that’s assuming everyone buys in the same rate. Not everyone in Lolita buys the same amount per year, and some Lolitas sell a lot and prefer to cycle through dresses instead of buying and never selling.

>> No.9996920

Do you not know what an average is?

>> No.9996921

Most people don't keep their clothes forever.. I can't imagine wearing the same shit I did 8 years ago.

>> No.9996923

That doesn't change the average at all. That includes lolitas who change out dresses.

Why are her WKs trying so hard to ignore facts holy fuck.

>> No.9996924

No one is saying that 50 is alot, are you blind
50 is an average amount and it certainly isn't "sparse."

>> No.9996925

Is your vendetta blinding you? Literally no one in this thread has been saying that her wardrobe is amazingly extensive, just that it's average and not sparse.

>> No.9996927 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9996928 [DELETED] 

>e-everyone disagreeing with me is a white knight!!!!
>i-i totally don't have a vendetta what are you talking about
Nice try.

>> No.9996929 [DELETED] 

You need to lurk more if you think this of all things is a vendetta.

>> No.9996930


That's what I'm saying. The issue is that some people seem to think that average=sparse. Apparently that makes us white knights? These anons are delusional I give up

>> No.9996931 [DELETED] 

>l-lurk more!!!
>t-totally not a vendetta
Nice try.

>> No.9996934 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck TIDF is coming in strong. I wish there was a mandatory forced lurk period so stupid shit like this wouldn't happen.

>> No.9996946

Lolita is not regular clothes. It's not like Forever 21 and H&M shit that looks like garbage a year later, and is basically a rag after two. Lolita is actually quality and durable clothing, and let's face it, most people do not rewear the dresses multiple times a month, like you do regular clothing. Plus different eras have different styling so it's not usual to have an 8 or 10 year old dress and rewear it today. Some old school pieces will be a whopping 20 years old.

You sound painfully new if you think 8 year old dresses are unwearable.

>> No.9996947 [DELETED] 

Why is it that the people who say this are always newfags?

>> No.9996948

They very well may be new- I consider myself new, still (2 years) and I'm still blown away by the quality of brand dresses. I have just over 20 dresses and have probably owned 2x as many since I've been in the fashion (how do we know 40 is average anyway?); figuring out your tastes and turning over dresses that don't suit you - which may change over years or even months - is also a thing

>> No.9996949 [DELETED] 

stop projecting

>> No.9996950

What ever happened to that coord-closet app? It would be a great way to actually collect real data about people's wardrobes

>> No.9996951

Sorry, but not everyone is a poorfag who wears fast fashion. Plenty of normie clothes are made well and last years. I don't wear the same shirt multiple times a month and I still don't have 50+ shirts. Like you said, styles go in and out. People's tastes change. Most lolitas sell pieces that no longer interest them to make space for new pieces instead of hoarding them for 8 years and pulling them out again to style differently.
Neither did I say 8 year old dresses are unwearable; simply that it's not likely to keep the same style that long.
Spotted the newfag, people like you always project their newfagging.

>> No.9996952 [DELETED] 

no anon, sorry YOU got posted

>> No.9996953 [DELETED] 

You're the one spamming the thread about WAAAA NEWFAGS1!!111!!! so... maybe you should lurk a little more and take your own advice instead of crying after being lambasted.

>> No.9996954

I like how's there's only 3 notable lolita youtubers and thats it. Why havent any of you gulls launch your youchube careers yet?

>> No.9996967

Because anything tagged as lolita is getting black balled on youtube

>> No.9996973
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Gravelvet has a YouTube

Because gulls shit on everyone so what is the point

>> No.9996978

>Because gulls shit on everyone so what is the point

So much this. It already takes a thick skin to wear lolita, and a thick skin to be a YouTuber but you need a particular type of thick skin to be a lolita YouTuber since the whole demographic you are making content for are nitpicking salty haters. You can put out a lot of good content like Lor and CathyCat and still be hated, ragged on for your looks, voice, collaborators, etc. There's a lot more negativity than positivity that comes with being a lolita YouTuber and desu for most people it's just not worth it.

I personally miss the days of blogs. I'd love to put out more lolita content but no one follows blogs anymore and I just don't want to deal with YouTube and showing my face/body/coords all the time.

>> No.9996985 [DELETED] 

>people shitting themselves over someone describing someone else's below average for how long they've been a lolita wardrobe as sparse

When did /cgl/ become this hugboxy?

>> No.9996989

I can see why LWLN is popular but I really find her monotone a bit grating. If she's trying to emulate shows like Last Week Tonight, why doesn't she study how they report? Oliver obviously puts in a lot of intonation and varied cadence into his reporting and monologuing to make it more dynamic, and thus more interesting to the viewer. She should really do the same, because I cannot listen to 20 minutes of the same cadence over and over.

As for lolita youtubers I like, I really do like victorianme. She puts out good quality videos and her lolita lookbooks are some of the most polished on the internet. I also recently discovered milkybox who's ok for filler while I do chores, and she's relaxing enough to listen to. I suspect mentioning the name might bring the ire of a few salty anons though, but oh well.

>> No.9996999
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I just came into this thread to talk youtubers and everyone is shitting themselves over how many dresses is appropriate for years in fashion. Who cares what you consider average or sparse just shut up and keep it to yourself.

On topic though I love milkbox's video's. Wish she'd do more toot or boots cause I actually really liked them! I also do love LWLN, weird intonation and all.

What are some you guys hate?
I recently came across Talullah Bee and she really truly annoyed me so much I couldn't watch the whole video and I love hauls. Also this is petty but her wonky ass eyeliner is terrible and I hate it. Pic related.

>> No.9997013

Newsflash sweetie you ain’t perfect either. Nobody is. It’s okay to enjoy and appreciate imperfect things and people for those sides of them that are good. Take a chill pill and learn a bit of kindness.

>> No.9997015

>50 dresses
Do you realize how manic you sound or are you dumb?

>> No.9997022 [DELETED] 

>manic for using the word sparse

This is just sad how upset this has gotten you.

>> No.9997027

Yeah but tyler wears regular gothic too? Not everyone is a lifestyle lolita. She's under no obligation to fill up her wardrobe to some arbitrary number to please your delicate 10k anon fag sensibilities. I collect delicate and expensive knitwear as well as some other niche fashions, so I don't need or want more than 30 dresses.

>> No.9997030 [DELETED] 

That's a new anon. More than one of us think you're a dumbass, dumbass.

>> No.9997032 [DELETED] 

Okay but you seriously do see the irony of what you replied right???

>> No.9997037 [DELETED] 

I'm having a good laugh at all these whiteknights getting megatriggered over the dumbest shit

>> No.9997040 [DELETED] 

Nice samefagging

>> No.9997042 [DELETED] 

FUCK anon, you sure showed me. Do you want to know a secret? Literally every single post you do not like, no matter where it is or how far back in time it was made, was by me. I am samefagging all of it.

>> No.9997050 [DELETED] 

Yeah someone has really got their bloomers in a twist. Plot twist: their wardrobe is hella sparse and they need to assert their dominance by samefagging and talking shit, lest we discover how SPARSE it is

>> No.9997053 [DELETED] 

Way to prove how totally not bothered you are anon.

>> No.9997061 [DELETED] 

beautiful double trips

>> No.9997062

God, I love his vids so much.

>> No.9997099 [DELETED] 

At least you admit it. It takes humility and self-awareness to admit fault: I applaud you, anon

>> No.9997104 [DELETED] 

You honestly seem like you're having some kind of breakdown. Are you okay?

>> No.9997154 [DELETED] 

i can't believe i read this thread and it was not even funny.

>> No.9997156 [DELETED] 

stop projecting

>> No.9997173 [DELETED] 

Man Tyler's fans are really embarrassing getting this upset over the word sparse.

>> No.9997194 [DELETED] 

Can you stop samefagging? No one here telling you that you’re wrong even likes her, you’re just letting vendetta cloud your mind.

>> No.9997208

>I like her content enough but people act like she's the best thing ever when she's just mildly above average
You say this as though the number of lolita youtubers with a focus on humor and current events in the community is very high. There have been humorous vids made but they're either one-offs or no longer being made. Tyler, without exaggeration or fangirl-glasses, literally is the best out there.

Honestly even in terms of boring "regular" lolita vloggers who just talk about boolies and wardrobes and opening packages on cam, there aren't that many quality ones who still post.

>> No.9997212

I mega agree with this, but she’s definitely my favourite regardless, I love her kind of humour and you can only watch so many unboxings and vlogs

>> No.9997213

Discovered him recently, but I love his videos. They feel a bit awkard at times, but the style is always on point.

>> No.9997217

I like lor’s videos, but I can’t say I like the way she does her makeup and stuff like that, sometimes it feels closer to light drag than lolita and she doesn’t tone it down for non-ott coords either. I think she’d be really pretty if she tried a slightly more natural look and kept her natural eyebrows. Her videos are great though, she doesn’t spam the regular kinds of content like hauls and whatever and some of her ideas for videos are fun like the blind coord one. she does do the fake nice thing, but it’s definitely not unbearable.

>> No.9997222

>delicate and expensive knitwear
I have never heard about people collecting this, but am now genuinely intrigued. Can you show example pics of what you mean?

>> No.9997224


She grates on my nerves too. It doesn't help the whole 'woe is me and my completely escapable problem of too many dresses.' I do appreciate that she is trying to downsize but it's laughable the small number of dresses she puts away each time she 'closet cleans.' It's also really nauseating to watch her videos because her cam is so shitty and she waves the dress in front of her shitty cam like she's doing a magic trick, which isn't helpful at all.

Poor presentation of wardrobe is why I watch instahoe fashion hauls instead of lolita ones. People please do something visually pleasing and I will seriously watch you because I'm a basic bitch who loves hauls and unboxings and wardrobe lookbooks.

>> No.9997230
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It's because she does rapid fire humor when any comedian can tell you that shit gets on people's nerves. You need time to let the jokes sit in and settle otherwise it can get aggravating to mentally process. She's emulating a lolita John Oliver, who also has a really annoying voice and even a punchable face to go with it, but watch his videos next to hers and you'll see that his comedic timing gives you room to not get angry. He does pauses, sometimes rather long pauses, and sometimes even just semi laughs at his own joke before saying it to prep you a bit.

Tyler just rapid fires and has sometimes jarring edits that make her sentences sound like one if those newspaper clipping ransom letters being read aloud. It's what she defined herself as by this point, but I really think her content would be better and bring in more fans/less hate if she learned the importance of timing in comedy. Professionals don't just do it because they need a breather. She's a funny person, but a lot of that gets lost in delivery.

Not hating on her at all. I'd watch her content more if it was structured a little differently. As of now, I can only really stand it being played in the background so I can zone out and zone in to prevent getting aggravated.

>> No.9997270

Lor was my fave a couple of years back, but lately she mainly does lolita videos only sponsored she even explained why lolita content gets demonetizied by youtube, Lors private life is boring to me. Another girl I follow is Cathy Cat she has nice coords but seems pretty fake somehow.

Until the wardrobe post I thought Tyler was not at all a lolita and does the LWLN only as a job. I am still not sure the text/script Tyler uses is written only by her.
Another youtuber I used to like was lolita pixielocks now she sucks at this partykei.

>> No.9997272

> I follow Cathy Cat, she has nice coords but seems pretty fake somehow
> I thought Tyler was not at all a lolita and does the LWLN only as a job
> I used to like lolita pixielocks

Ask me how I know you are a newfag or a ita shittposter.

>> No.9997276

I dont hate anyone but I really cant get behind LWLN. I really dont like the persona Taylor is portraying and I dont think that she is funny. Nothing against Taylor herself tho, I enjoyed some of her old goth videos. Cant stand the new lolita ones tho

>> No.9997279

Look at ppl commenting her or on rc when talking about wardrobe size. A small portion of people have massive 100+ wardrobe and some have like 5 dresses but it isn’t hard to realize what is the average.

50 isn’t a huge wardrobe, it’s ok.

>> No.9997284

You are full of shit bait chan. 50 dresses is a very good number for any fashion style under the sun.

>> No.9997313

Princess Peachie is nice

>> No.9997316

It's good but it really is average. Most girls in mt comm who have been into fashion for several years have 30-60 main pieces. I have 50 too and it's far from huge.

>> No.9997330

Nice bait.

>> No.9997342

I loved this, it was so nice to hear her real voice instead of the newscaster one and her excitement for her dresses is palpable. This is probably the most excited I've ever seen anyone in a wardrobe post video.

>> No.9997378

What? Some of her old videos were kind of cute, sure, but she is such a mess now. I can't even watch her anymore because she is so embarrassing.

>> No.9997393
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I like Tallulah and miss her outfits but I think it's obvious that she's fallen out of love with the fashion. I like that she's moved on to makeup because she looks more enthusiastic about it. I wonder if she'll ever sell her clothes if she decides to leave Lolita...

>> No.9997410

I'm really curious about the people that say 40-50 pieces is average after a few years in the fashion. I know lolitas that wear this as their primary style, and, it's taken them nearly ten years to reach that amount. It seems like newer lolitas are the ones with these massive wardrobes, whereas the oldfags tend to have smaller wardrobes due to lack of interest in newer releases/searching for rarer, older pieces.

>> No.9997414

This isn't really true. Most of the lolitas with huge closests I know/have heard of have a threshold of 5 + years

>> No.9997418
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I.....CAN'T....STAND....THIS....BITCH! Her videos are extremely annoying. She reminds me of an over hyped toddler trying to figure out which toy will she play with first and can't keep her attention on one thing. It's ok to collect clothes as I collect too but her whining of what she sell off kills me and that fucking voice. Bitch put on makeup or take that pan face off the camera!

>> No.9997435

Well, assuming you aren't poor if we take a rough secondhand average of $150 and say someone who has 50 dresses has been in the fashion 5 years that means a really small average of $1500 per year on main pieces. So yeah, if you actually do the math it should be normal for someone who's been in the fashion for 3-5 years to have that many because they don't have to drop a lot of cash on it.

>> No.9997502

please don't trust people on 4chan who say they have 40+ pieces, they don't. Just roleplayers.

>> No.9997520

You sound new. That's a really average amount.

>> No.9997529


Oh you're that person who's convinced that no one can have a 40+ piece closet.

>> No.9997599

But some people don't keep everything forever. I have about 25 main pieces, and I've probably sold about 25 main pieces over time. So yeah if I had kept them all I would have 50, but I didn't, so I don't. Plus the longer I've been in lolita, the pickier I get about items, so my rate of buying main pieces has gone down accordingly. >>9997529
nayrt but nobody here has been saying that 40 pieces is impossibly huge, just that its NOT SMALL. Jesus. You all need to chill tf out

>> No.9997621

You must not come here often if you don't know what anon that's referring to. Don't insert yourself into things you don't understand.

>> No.9997624 [DELETED] 


Playing it off as a super secret 4chan legend is pretty old anon.

Also there is an anon who keeps saying that 40 pieces is a magical number which people throw out to establish street cred and is somehow paranoid that all of them are lying. It's absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.9997632


Can you even read? >>9997502 literally says

>please don't trust people on 4chan who say they have 40+ pieces, they don't. Just roleplayers.

Take >>9997621's advice and lurk more before jumping ass first into a conversation.

>> No.9997635

You can go to lj and see real wardrobes, the donuts people did to fit stuff in was fun.

Also >>9996999 has video proof of her 40+ wardrobe.

>> No.9997660

They’re annoying, that’s for sure.

>> No.9997665

I hate couples in general. Annoying af.

>> No.9997713

I love victorianme, she's adorable. Her videos are in Japanese (Chinese?) But they all have subtitles.

>> No.9997716


>not knowing how different chinese and japanese sound

Jesus what kind of hole do you live in. She's clearly speaking mandarin.

>> No.9997727


Of course there are people out there who have that many pieces but you guys act like it's the majority, and you guys wouldn't be bragging on 4chan if you really did because it reeks of insecurity. I doubt you guys have 20 pieces yet

>> No.9997729


You could be a powerpoint presentation from all that projecting you do.

>> No.9997733

so disposable and boring. I wish you people could at least try to be unique when you roleplay, but you just get defensive.

>> No.9997734

Ahh, sorry. I'm very bad at distinguishing languages. Is there an obvious way to tell the difference?

>> No.9997735


There's no serious way to actually reply to your paranoid accusations, that's why.

>> No.9997736

Amazingly, we're not all weebs and asiafags. Can you immediately tell the difference between Russian and Serbian?

>> No.9997737


I always have to chuckle at this. We're in japanese street fashion. You're kind of automatically a weeb unless you derive all your inspiration purely from western lolitas and ~oh all sorts of historical eras~, in which case Mana help you.

>> No.9997859

So much. It's so obvious they are in this honeymoon stage that is annoying to anyone they are around. I wish she wasn't in her lolita videos, because those would most likely be deleted if they break up.

On a more positive note though, I think her girlfriend's influence really improved Lor's makeup.

>> No.9997905

Yall are literally saying the same thing.

>> No.9997906

I stopped following their content. The chuuni shit is a bit much.

>> No.9997908

>Cathycat and Lor
Great choices to defend anon, real solid argument when both of them are shit people rather than just shit youtubers.

>> No.9997927

I like Victorian Me too! Finally someone mentioned her. Classic lolita suits her so well

>> No.9997951

Role play is the new meme reply and it’s boring. Just accept that some people here are actually wearing Lolita and own more than Tyler. Calling out rping should be for things that are obviously fake, not something achieved by having a good job and a few years.

>> No.9997972

But anon, if you blast them with logic that hard they won't be able to hide their Asian envy.

>> No.9997973

Anon.. the second poster is replying in agreement. Are you new?

>> No.9997991

Because there's no money in it or longevity. Standard 'kawaii content' youtuber is much better than just lolita content. DeerStalkers is proof of that alone. Their videos were great production and some fun, meme-y ideas. They've had much more success since branching out to video games and cosplay.

> pass or smash lolita print/cord/item versions are literally the dumbest thing. Just saying.

>> No.9998004

How is Lor a shit person?
Cathycat is a dumb bitch who supports the Leighs but Lor didn't do shit besides being too hugboxy as far as i'm concerned

>> No.9998015

I know! I'm surprised she's not more popular. She's the sweetest thing

>> No.9998020

Actually, I did find lolita through an interest in historical fashion. I was into festivals like the Carnival in Venice and hobbies like sewing. One day I stumbled upon a lolita modeling video and realised "you can wear fluffy dresses every day???". And thus it began.
Just because you discovered lolita through anime, Jpop, and cosplay doesn't mean we all did, friendo

>> No.9998026

I met Lor once, she's as sweet off camera as she is on camera.

>> No.9998139

Lor is nice. Cat and her boyfriend run those two Youtube channels together so I am not sure who is behind everything.

>> No.9998234


>that much in denial about being in a Japanese. Street. Fashion.

Welcome to the weeb club, there's pocky in the back.

Or maybe you're just as confused as I Do Declare, which is unfortunate.

>> No.9998237

I've never heard of her but that coord is super cute!

>> No.9998239

You mean just like you're in denial about Lolita's roots in western historical fashion?? It's also ridiculous to make such extreem associations. I mean, I adore Channel, but I could care less about the rest of French culture. Am I now a francophile?
It seems like you're doing a lot of projecting.

>> No.9998240

Nayrt but most people have difficulty believing that what I wear is Japanese fashion because "it doesn't look Japanese at all". I wear classic and gothic more than anything else but the point still stands; you'd be surprised to find out how many girls are into it because they like the historical inspirations behind it rather than to be kawaii uguu princesses uwu

>> No.9998248

Ugnn Chanel, finger slip

>> No.9998262

This. IDD is a deluded airhead and seeing how many people have the same attitude as her is disappointing. Historical-inspired OTT styled the way it often is in the west is one if the worst things that has happened to Lolita Fashion

>> No.9998276 [DELETED] 


So you like historical dress up lite? Okay, maybe go join the ~historical OTT trend~ then, and I'll be here actually sticking to the roots of the fashion instead of being embarrassed I like an aspect of Japanese culture.

>> No.9998284

Same, I also couldn't deal with their accent after a while.

>> No.9998288 [DELETED] 

>the roots of the fashion
Meaning... Victorian fashion? lmao
I'm not sure why you're so offended by this notion, no one is claiming that lolita isn't Japanese nor is anyone embarrassed about its origin country, but saying that not everyone into lolita is a weeb isn't a stretch, unless you use the word "weeb" to mean "anyone who likes anything Japanese" which is... incorrect but okay, if that makes you happy.

>> No.9998329 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ dude, no one said being initially introduced to the fashion through a love for historical clothing meant that you would forever only like classical. I liked classic first, then gothic, then oldschool. And I still know fuck all about Malice mizer or anime orJpop or other weeb stuff because Idgaf. I never said it was bad or weird, people enjoy the fashion in different ways. I don't understand why you're so salty about this. You're not a gatekeeper, you don't decide who is a "real lolita", and liking Lolita AND other aspects of eastern culture doesn't make you better than people who don't.

>> No.9998350

They're... Scottish. They can't help it.

>> No.9998364

I'm aware. I'm not dissing them for having that accent on a personal level, I mean that I'm no longer watching their content because I dislike how it sounds. I don't like the voice Tyler puts on either, and while that's her choice and Gravelvet's accent isn't, from the perspective of a viewer looking for content they find pleasing, the reason doesn't matter.

>> No.9998429

I'm kind of in agreement with both weeb and non-weeb anons here. I feel like I am what you would call a weeb-lite, I'm mostly into Japanese street fashion, culture and food, and only know about old anime. I never go to cons or cosplay, follow any groups, etc, therefore I actually end up having nothing in common with actual weebs of the day. Most lolitas in my comm are the standard weebs, and I just rarely have anything to talk to them about. I don't look down on them for liking what they like but I just simply can't relate and I feel like calling myself a weeb isn't quite the correct label.

Just like I'm pretty sure non-weeb anon understands that its a Japanese street fashion and probably loves the Japanese brands, but doesn't identify with anything else Japanese at all. Because the fashion is the only thing she has in common with actual weebs, she doesn't see herself as a weeb.

I'm sorry, but lolita has grown and evolved. Just because the West has tied it into the shitty con scene doesn't mean it's like that around the world. You wouldn't call Chinese or Korean lolitas weebs even though they are also wearing a Japanese fashion. Most of them probably don't do cosplay or anime cons either.

I can't stand that we have become so intertwined with anime cons over here, and most western lolitas find out about the fashion first being anime fans and cosplayers, and then treating lolita in the same way as cosplay. For example planning out coords 6 months ahead and making props, etc...

Anyway. tl;dr: we are both weebs and non weebs here.

>> No.9998430

Jesus fucking christ, nobody said that nobody has that much. Of course some people have bigger wardrobes. The issue here is people saying that 40-50 dresses is a small wardrobe.

>> No.9998446

Thank you! Exactly.

>> No.9998448 [DELETED] 

I actually discovered lolita back in 2000 because I was a super (western) goth and somehow looking up gothic clothing lead me to finding gothic lolita clothing and falling in love. I am not and have never been into cosplay, and I'm not really into much anime either, but I do love the fashion.

>> No.9998473

>new meme reply
It is when it's completely unrelated. Never said owning more than tyler is that big of a deal. I just constantly see people here brag about owning that many dresses, and there's no way all of you are being honest. Roleplayers always go way too fucking far. saying "50 is only a little" reaks of roleplaying an oldfag or rich girl.

>> No.9998579

Chlamydia popped up in my suggested vids again recently. Dumb bitch is still claiming to be a lolita despite only owning one skirt someone else bought for her.
No surprise she ended up divorced either, tbqh.

>> No.9998613

What? Deets

>> No.9998625 [DELETED] 

>You wouldn't call Chinese or Korean lolitas weebs even though they are also wearing a Japanese fashion. Most of them probably don't do cosplay or anime cons either.
Goddamn, you are so wrong.

>> No.9998659 [DELETED] 

Stop. No one cares anymore.

>> No.9998692

Seconding this! I've never heard of collecting delicate knitwear but it sounds pretty cool.

>> No.9998760

Wrong thread?
Is that her user or her real name? Jesus

>> No.9998766

I guess you can say it's a nickname, it's associated with her because she used chlamydia and other stds to try to insult people who disagreed with her.

>> No.9998773

Stop derailing. Post youtubers.

I wish Jessie-Kate would get back into making videos.


>> No.9998779

I want to start making YouTube videos but I don't know that content all y'all salty seagulls would be interested in. If it's not lolita 101 or drama chat, what lolita related content is even left?

>> No.9998786

It doesn't matter what content you do, gulls will still be salty about you

>> No.9998787

Hauls/reviews with detailed shots of the items.
Coord videos, showing how changing certain items can change a full coord. (I feel like the standard Lolita 101 never touch on coording that deeply.)

>> No.9998791

This would be a great idea if I were actually good at coording and not an extremely average and formulaic dresser. I'll keep in mind though, thanks anon

>> No.9998810

-Smaller/indie brands are always an interest for me, especially if outside of Asia and Oceania.
- Accesories. Always in need to see more detailed shots of accesories.
-If you have a comm, little clips from tea parties or related games and activities.
- Kind of related, but lolita-esque places in your city are always nice to see, regardless of substyle.

>> No.9998850

Let people like things anon holy shit. You sound bitter and I hate to throw this word around but, jealous. She's funny as all hell, has great coords and loves to do what she does.

>> No.9998904

Now THERE'S a blast from the past

>> No.9998920 [DELETED] 

>n-no one cares!
what a sad response to being told you're incorrect

>> No.9998921

>funny as hell
>great coords
agree that anon is jelly and bitter, but you have some shit taste there.

>> No.9999118 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 252x256, a30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9999133

Holy shit she got divorced already? That's fucking wild

>> No.9999150 [DELETED] 

oh newfag chan, you have no idea what bait is, do you?

>> No.9999184

I still rewatch old Deerstalker videos from time to time, but I can't say I would want to rewatch any other youtube lolita videos, except maybe tutorials.

Are there any channels or specific videos you find yourself rewatching again and again?

>> No.9999187

Thank you! The clip in is so shiny compared to her hair like why not just get bangs?

>> No.9999199

Which older deerstalker videos?

>> No.9999206

I get that its harder to have nice bangs with curly hair, but she can do better...

>> No.9999208

I think it might just be the unusually excessive flash in this photo t b h, it looks a lot better on her normal camera setup. With that much hair she could stand to have a HH clip made of her own hair, though.

>> No.9999211

Jesus. I just found the video and holy shit the light is bad in there. It looks like she did her makeup for her normal lighting setup, too - not at all a good call for the dark pink lighting in that room. I give it a temporary pass.

>> No.9999338

Turns out I'm a little more out of the loop than I thought, what I mentioned was like a year ago now and she's already married or engaged to the new greaseball? or that's what I gathered from IG.

>> No.9999361

What's her ig? YT link redirects me to a thai page both on phone and laptop kek

>> No.9999379

Jesus, Lor’s newest vid is so boring.

>> No.9999383

It looks bad in her regular lighting, too. It also looks bad in real life. It's better than no bangs... but at this point I don't understand why she doesn't get something a bit better quality or just cut her own hair. Oh well! I'll just sit over here with my pet peeve. I like her content, so I'll just deal.

>> No.9999487
File: 16 KB, 416x234, tumblr_static_tumblr_static__640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know...does she even like lolita anymore?

>> No.9999595

It confuses me. I have rarely been uncomfortable in lolita. The only times I'm uncomfortable is when wearing a wig, something just not fitting right or I don't plan for the weather. Lor tried to do 24 hours in lolita and it's like she put absolutely no thought into her coord. She says it's hot and yet she puts on a beret and layers blouse and jsk. Lolita is only uncomfortable if you treat it like a costume that you have to wear rather than a fashion where you choose pieces for different occasions. There's plenty of comfy casual lolita pieces so I think she is completely misinforming noobs and outsiders.

>> No.9999600

MTE. And even if we suppose that her wardrobe isn't appropriate for warm weather, why not wait with this challenge until the weather is cooler? Why cobble together a coord that's clearly uncomfortable to wear, force yourself to wear it for a long period of time when you feel like shit in general so you can needlessly torture yourself and then broadcast this "lol lolita is uncomfortable" image to all your viewers?

>> No.9999601

Filledeporcelaine and some of rosenocturnalia since i recently found out she has a yt channel.

>> No.9999602

I don’t treat lolita like a costume but because of how overheated I get even the bare minimum causes me to sweat like a hog and that is super uncomfortable. I just save it for fall and winter so I don’t feel so suffocated. And I don’t wear any outerwear except a thin bolero. All these layers make it feel about 20 degress warmer anyway thanks to my unfortunate genetics.

>> No.9999610

Nailed it. Apparently she has never heard of dressing for the weather. Like why doesn't she just wear a short sleeve cotton OP, a light petti, a headbow and ankle socks? That's what I do when its above 90 and it's totally comfy.

>> No.9999622

I'm so annoyed at her for this video. I get the "isn't it hot to wear in the heat" question so many times and no, if you adapt it it's actually quite breezy(cage skirt + roomy OP= no heat) and here comes this shit. She wore a BERET IN THE HEAT. WHAT. And now there's all these comments from people like "omg you got sick from lolita lolll" and it's like no, she got sick because she wore a whole lotta crap she shouldn't.

It's just 1 day too, how is this worth a video? Most people wear it a whole day when there's a meet.

It's a mess.

>> No.9999705

>new milkbox toot or boot video
>ran out of short videos to watch while eating dinner so I guess?
>lol moitie sleeping garden is so cliche
>I hate the corset lacing
>it's like I've seen it before

Well, considering it's a re-release, no fucking shit sherlock.

Unsubscribed. People who can't take 5 seconds to google hurt my soul.

>> No.9999716

>I want to make videos but I don't have any ideas
Then why do you want go make videos? Wtf?

>> No.9999780

I hate how they described the Baby Vampire Princess. Well duh, stating the obvious.

>> No.9999817

You don't have to watch them, hun.

>> No.9999824

And I don’t. Thanks for the unneeded advice.

>> No.9999833 [DELETED] 

salt of the earth with a tight asshole that hates everything

>> No.9999858

I watched it too, but yeah... milkbox has been annoyingly... annoying lately. I unsubbed. She just seems like she's bragging anymore and I can't take it.

>> No.9999886

I am uncomfortable wearing wigs, and in OTT. Lolita is less comfortable than normie sweatpants and a t shirt, but that should be obvious.
That being said, it's a huge misconception that lolita is always uncomfortable that noobs seem to have. I own mostly stuff i can wear in the summer, winter comes second since I can throw a cardigan over everything. I feel like "it's uncomfy so i don't wanna wear it!!!" is an excuse for con-litas and noobs who don't own enough to wear it everyday. Why in the hell would anyone wear something massively uncomfortable daily like some lolitas do? So silly

>> No.9999985

People like this remind me of bratty little girls that cry when they're expected to wear a dress to a fancy event. I don't understand why bother wearing the fashion at all if they obviously hate it so much.

>> No.9999990


>> No.10000071

>> I feel like "it's uncomfy so i don't wanna wear it!!!" is an excuse for con-litas and noobs who don't own enough to wear it everyday

Or maybe the clothing basics are just uncomfortable and If it's too hot to wear lolita I just won't wear lolita...like a sane person? I own enough to wear it daily, with both casual coordinates and OTT stuff and I still don't wear it everyday because I'm just fucking lazy and there are days where I just want to wear T-shirts and jeans.

idk what you're comfortable in, but petticoats or hoop skirts aren't really easy 'loungewear' for me. I'm also of the opinion blouses are mandatory and if it's stupidly hot to wear even a light blouse underneath, I just won't wear lolita, because I don't want to half ass it and sweat in my dresses needlessly just to say I'm 100% super lolita special 24/7 lifetstyle.

I don't think lolita is always uncomfortable, but 'it's uncomfy so i don't wanna wear it' is a pretty valid reason to not wear something when the fashion requires multiple layers, makeup and hair styling to look good - even casually.

>> No.10000613

>Does it actually legal
if you pretend to be retarded people will just assume you're actually fucking retarded.

her voice is annoying and her schtick is gimmicky. She has nice coords though! But she should probably shut her fucking mouth already.

>> No.10000617

Well, no one is making you watch her. I find her dismissal of anything classic or gothic a bit annoying but overall she seems like an interesting and passionate person to me. No one else is doing lolita drama and comedy on YouTube, so until someone else pops up, I'm going to keep supporting her. But you don't have to watch her, anon! Just click away

>> No.10000630

>She's emulating a lolita John Oliver
To me she was just ripping off Tina Fey back when she did weekend update on SNL and slapped lolita on it.

YouTube has pretty much destroyed the comedy scene cause it's all just shit like this.

>> No.10000633 [DELETED] 

Where did I say that I watched her videos anymore than once? I've seen like two and they were the fucking show with different dialog. Sorry, but I've been a comic fan longer than a lolita fan and I know a hack when I see one.

Like someone else in the thread mentioned, there's not a TON of lolita content like this so she stands out because she capitalized off a gimmick.

Maybe you should expand your horizons outside of watching fucking youtube videos with garbage content and do something else where you actually have standards and not just accepting what you are given because that's what there is to have.

>> No.10000634

Where did I say that I watched her videos anymore than once? I've seen like two and they were the same fucking show with different dialog. Sorry, but I've been a comic fan longer than a lolita fan and I know a hack when I see one.

Like someone else in the thread mentioned, there's not a TON of lolita content like this so she stands out because she capitalized off a gimmick.

Maybe you should expand your horizons outside of watching fucking youtube videos with garbage content and do something else where you actually have standards and not just accepting what you are given because that's what there is to have.

>> No.10000642

i wish people did more wardrobe videos, i love seeing everyones collections. i don't even care if the person is in the video or not.

>> No.10000730

Judging by her videos earlier this year and the overall tendency it looks like milkbox is wearing less and less lolita and is losing interest in it, so I've been less invested in her channel. Plus her editing style is so-so.

>> No.10000793


>> No.10000836

Nope, still uncomfortable with a literal child being around our meets.

>> No.10000858

Unrelated to lor but god I get this too. I basically refuse to wear it in the summer.

>> No.10000914


Found this when the 'boyfriend lolita tag' got popular. This girl seems so cute, it's a shame she's only done one Lolita video!

>> No.10000917

Oof, couldn't get past the 1 minute mark, they're both insufferable.

>> No.10000926

cringe as fuck, holy crap. she should fix her wig as well.

>> No.10000927

he reminds me of vanilla bear in male form lmao

>> No.10000931


>> No.10000937

self post?

>> No.10000938

>what is a coordinant

>> No.10000952

Nah, she's playing things up for the camera but I genuinely thought she had potential. Guess she's not for everyone.

>> No.10000992

Are you from the comm the girl is from? Or are you just talking about general kids?

The girl in the video seems pretty mature and desu by looks alone I would have thought she was over 18. Also her mom is there who is also a lolita so I don't really see the problem besides not knowing that to talk to her about.

Seems like she is different from the standard 14 year old screaming weeb ita with an awkward normie parent.

>> No.10001009 [DELETED] 

I'm more uncomfortable with people who are on edge around children. They tend to be either insecure about being old or are pedos.

>> No.10001022 [DELETED] 

nice projection, creep

>> No.10001029

Holy shit what an insufferable bitch

>> No.10001049

she has a bf

>> No.10001180

You seem really salty anon. The reason people watch, even if it's not great, is because they want more lolita content that isn't 'how to be lolita 101' or replica debates or wardrobe posts or shopping hauls. Tyler is one of very few who fill that niche on a consistent basis. It's been established that it isn't 100% awful and the comedy does appeal to some. I assume people probably do watch things outside of 'youtube videos with garbage content' probably more often than they do watch LWLN, but that doesn't stop them from wanting to watch videos related to their interests, even if it isn't great. Watching good quality shows and bad quality shows aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.10001187

If her mum is spending that much on lolita clothing for her and her daughter, and hoping to set up a you-tube channel then she should probably pay to fix her face up. I wouldn't care except the youtube channel looks like it's more about the mum and her witch nose.

>> No.10001188 [DELETED] 

Or they just hate kids?

>> No.10001196 [DELETED] 

I hate kids too, but that doesn't mean that I'm uncomfortable being around people just because they're kids. It's exactly like people thinking lolita fashion is a sex thing; making unsexual things sexual.

>> No.10001197

What? That's not her mom?

>> No.10001199

Yes, it is her mom. She even talks about her mom joining the fashion after her

>> No.10001211

The concept of my mom joining me to wear lolita is really quite strange, but having supportive parents would be really nice. I have a friend who's mom also wears lolita fashion, but my friends long since left the fashion. I still see her mom at my job wearing her AP coat. Her mom also pays for her clothes, which makes me wonder if it would be worth it for free burando

>> No.10001217 [DELETED] 

Generalization/projection, much? I am on edge around kids because unlike some girls, I have no maternal instinct and do not want to be around a very fragile, tiny human being who carries a ton of germs and can be impacted by even the smallest things. Kids are scary, I don’t trust myself to take care of them/be around them due to high anxiety about them.

>> No.10001231 [DELETED] 

Same anon. I have zero maternal instinct and kids annoy the hell out of me. I mean how hard is it to just skip meets? How about organize your own kid friendly meet? Not everyone wants to be around your germ infested brat.

>> No.10001253

No its not. Her mom is interviewed in a different video. What even.

>> No.10001265

>The concept of my mom joining me to wear lolita is really quite strange
I'm so glad I came to this thread.

The thought of my mom wearing lolita - she's fucking 400 lbs and would be a giant ita mess.

God I fucking laughed at the image in my head.

>> No.10001276

you fucking loon.

no one is saying the girl interviewing her in the video is her mom.

>> No.10001317

So if you don't watch them, how are they annoyi ng you?

>> No.10001333

Well that shows how out of the loop I am, I didn't know she even had a youtube. Does anybody have a link to her channel?

To further illustrate how out of the loop I am, I've seen her in sweet so many times, but it didn't occur to me until this video that she's not the same Tyler who posts classic coords to CoF. They look similar at first glance, their eyes and nose look the same, but the eyebrows are different. I feel dumb now.

>> No.10001334

>she's not the same Tyler who posts classic coords to CoF
You mean the one who wears a lot of handmade dresses? That's Taylor, not Tyler.

>> No.10001335

>That's Taylor, not Tyler.
And this is why I'm a dipshit. I even thought her name might be Taylor but I've been off Facebook for so long and nobody really posts names on CoF threads, I forgot most people's names. Thank you for the correction.

>> No.10001449

Not a problem. I can see why you'd confuse them though.
That said, I wish Taylor started her own channel, genuinely good handmade lolitas don't create enough of their own content from what I've seen and it'd be fascinating to hear her talk about her own perspective on the fashion, maybe even some tutorials etc.

>> No.10001487

No they're both Tyler

>> No.10001508

That anon made it sound like it. >>10001187

>> No.10001710

I wasn’t talking about THEM I was talking about the amount of videos about them that she posts is annoying. Get it now?

>> No.10002461

Hi! Same, sort of. Only I went from german renaissance to victorian to EGL. I knew I couldn't be the only one who found lolita through historical fashion.

>being this delusional

>> No.10002623 [DELETED] 

>unless you use the word "weeb" to mean "anyone who likes anything Japanese" which is... incorrect but okay
you need to re-read the PBF comic from which the word originated.

You're incorrect.

>> No.10002719


y'all a bunch of fuckin dimwits, her name is tyler

>> No.10002738

>"my parents prefer I wear this to what those other girls (sluts) are wearing, miniskirts etc"

Look at her being all smug

>> No.10002928

from that comment I gathered that her mom is trying to groom her to become some youtube influencer or something.

>> No.10003039

We are all that smug though. Lolita is a lot better than the current crappy western fashion. Mini skirts aren't really in now, but it's a thousand times better than shitty leggings, etc.

>> No.10003181

But neither of them mentioned YouTube in the interviews. Anon doesn't make any sense. I can't even find their YouTube page if they have one.

>> No.10003190

>I'm not like the other girls
Can this attitude just die already? Also wait until this girl gets to college. She'll be thotting it up like the rest of them.

Speak for yourself. A lot of us wear both and leggings are comfy.

>> No.10003387
File: 198 KB, 640x899, IMG_8059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was married to a grease ball but posted this to IG recently

>> No.10003396

Comfy =/= fashionable or looks good though. We all have comfy clothes, but you're a lolita too so you clearly see that your lolita clothes are better than leggings even though leggings are comfortable for every day.

I meant to say that us lolitas are all smug about our lolita clothes being better than stuff that is in right now. I don't agree with the better than other girls mentality though, but I also don't think that is what she was trying to say. I think it's because as young girls we often hear that wearing slutty or short or form fitting clothes is like the worst thing that a girl can do, and we believe it because we don't know better (at 13, which is how old she is). So naturally we/young girls would say it's a lot better than wearing the slutty clothes all the adults condemn. It's not as much "better than other girls", but trying to justify it as not bad, and unknowingly buying into the slutty clothes shaming mentality.

>> No.10003399

That's a fucking shitty attitude, anon. We are not better for liking dresses with coverage. Atleast I don't want to be judged for my clothing so why would I do it to others then?

>> No.10003414

Isn't she like, very young? Do people in the US marry younger in general. In my country we marry in our early 30s for the most part

>> No.10003434


Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

>> No.10003449

Most people marry in their 20s, usually between 22 - 27. If you're not married, or at least engaged by, 30 it's considered unusual.

>> No.10003456
File: 173 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181001-131916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If what she posts is true I feel sorry for her. Maybe she is in a hard situation.

>> No.10003458


Honestly, it baffles me that she is in a situation like this (no money, potentially homeless and jobless, with a health condition and clearly at odds with the father of the child who probably doesn't want it, if I understand well from what I read) and she still wants to go through with the pregnacy, Like, abortion is not a laughing matter but in her case it should be considered a really fucking good option.
How is she going to provide herself and her offspring a good, fulfilling life, if she is starting off like this? She will most likely end up a bitter, alcoholic, fat woman, living in a trailer park in about 10 years. it is very sad, but I have a hard time feeling bad for her because it is clearly her choice to keep it. She is doing this to herself.

>> No.10003461

She was married to Louis(?)back in 2016 but some anons were saying that he was abusive and she must’ve divorced him at some point (all traces of him are gone from her insta). Meets this slimy dude with greasy ass hair and I guess he knocked her up? And now he doesn’t want anything to do with her and the baby.

>> No.10003462

Geez it feels like just yesterday we were watching her crappy wedding on YT and posting chlamydia themed secrets. I feel old now.

>> No.10003474

I find it funny how “don’t like, don’t look” is something to mock when dramatic itas say it but when defending someone they like it’s suddenly a perfectly legitimate argument.

>> No.10003591

Not everyone is like you anon.

>> No.10003659

I agree with you.

It's like, when people ask me why I know so much about Adam Sandler movies if I don't like them. Because I'm fucking bombarded by shitty ads on social media and when I wait in line at the grocery store it'll be on the cover of a magazine. It's not like I wanted the information, it was literally force upon me.

Just like being apart of the lolita community long enough you will become aware of people like Tyler and K8.

>> No.10003664

>She'll be thotting it up like the rest of them.
doubtful - she has a helicopter mom.

>lolita isn't comfy
Can this attitude fucking die already?

>> No.10003686

>And how awkward is it going to be if they break up ?
IVB still has a "my boyfriend as a lolita" video on her channel and the guy in that video is now her ex.
I wonder if she'll force her current bf to do something similar. It'd be a bad idea since he's in the military, but she seems like the pushy type that would force her bf to do things that he doesn't want to do.

>> No.10004110

Wow that's tacky af

>> No.10004745

Aw man
I love the Scottish accent

>> No.10004794

If you guys ran a channel on youtube about Lolita fashion, what would you guys post about? Or a better question would be, what would you like to see the community post more about on youtube.

>> No.10004798


>> No.10004801

I feel like lolita topics are really limiting. It's always the same "x in lolita", unboxing, event footage, closet videos, lookbooks, or "lolita transformation" videos because those are topics that are easy to film.

I'd like to see lolita sewing videos akin to the sewing videos that Angela Clayton makes (like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9gbdT-AAfE)), but not all lolitas sew and filming and editing sewing videos seems like a long and arduous process.

>> No.10004876

a lolita cartoon

>> No.10005047

Seconding sewing videos. It doesn’t have to be a tutorial, just something comfy to have in the background to motivate and inspire me while I work on my own projects. >>10004801 is right though, it’s a lot of work. I’ve considered making videos like this myself but I do most of my sewing in short intervals in a relatively cramped space at night after work, which makes it hard to get nice footage.

>> No.10005875

Make-up/Hair tips and tutorials, like what suits what type of substyle/body better, how do you make these styles. You can also do this with types of dresses/skirts on different body types.
How to improve your coording skills, how certain mainpieces can work for multiple styles, how certain items can change how a mainpiece looks.
How to style/take care of wigs, how to pick a proper one and how to cut the bangs.
How to budget Lolita without being Ita, good places to look online
Some tips on buying from places hard to buy from, how it is to shop instores, how to behave when visiting a store that sells Lolita, how to not get ripped off at cons

So like propper tutorials for people starting the fashion, that might still be useful for people who are already in the fashion as well. And then maybe also reviews on items and brands and some event footage, but more in relation to like how certain meetings look like, what people do, with maybe tips on like how to behave.
I secretly want to start doing stuff like this, but I lack equipment and space to do this.

Also things I always like to see is coord highlights from (big) events. A FRUiTS style of side comment and Tokyo Fashion-ish video presentation would give such videos a better feel though, as most are a bit boring to watch with lack of info or weird shots.

>> No.10005887

I thought I was the only one living this life.

>> No.10005890
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Forgive me if this is better suited for a different thread, but this shit is so gross. Really helping the lolita image there, Lor.

>> No.10005892

I have noticed Lor is doing lately only sponsered videos but I do not get what it is wrong with the bag.

>> No.10005896

It's all bdsm themed, I imagine people would tie this with ageplay or petplay too. I see what >>10005890 is saying but at the same time, Lor has never hid her sexuality and interests in sex so I'm not sure what anon was expecting. Plus, apparently Lor has low tolerance for wearing lolita for extended periods of time and readily broadcasts the incorrect idea that lolita is uncomfortable to wear, so she's not the best person to represent the fashion anyway. Also this bag is a bad idea regardless of the fashion, I can't imagine wearing this gross thing anywhere.

>> No.10005899

I have seen bags like this in fairy kei

>> No.10005900

I can see this working in menhera but why fairy kei?

>> No.10005901

The bag itself is pretty cute, but bdsm and lolita aren’t tied together.. by wearing this bag I don’t think people will assume you’re into bdsm, that could just be me though. but i get what you’re saying, since she’s an influencer they could get that idea

>> No.10005902

Now I get it , the print is weird. I feel stupid did not notice what the animals on the bag are doing. I thought it is just a bag that does not suit lolita.

>> No.10005903

>by wearing this bag I don’t think people will assume you’re into bdsm
People assume we're into deviant sex just for wearing frills and bows above the age of 8, you can be sure that wearing blatant bdsm and sex imagery will make people do more than just assume.

>> No.10005905

The pastel colors if you do not pay attention to the print

>> No.10005906

really though? especially if you’re wearing this in japan people will not bat an eye, but i can see people in the US who can see it

>> No.10005907

Most actual lolitas that post here don't live in Japan.

>> No.10005911

I am from Europe and at first did not get it.

>> No.10006029

After high hopes for LWLN and then being disappointed - I had an idea to do a series on cgl. Basically going through threads, roasting anons and talking about how lolita really is compared to what is posted. Maybe even do some specials where lolitas who are new to the fashion get to learn about cgl and some about girls who get posted here the most, and their reactions to it.

But I don't really like the idea of being well known, even a little and I don't think my boyfriend could handle me getting a ton of attention online because he'd feel like he'd have to hide.

So if someone wants to steal this idea, please go for it.

Not that I think this idea is outstanding or anything, but no one else is doing this so it might take off.

>> No.10006031

This sounds really cringy

>> No.10006035

so does that mean you feel actual shame to be posting here?

most normies where I live already know about this site and think it's amusing. Not sure why you're bothered.

>> No.10006038

are you actually autistic that you can't see the difference between posting anonymously and making videos ""roasting"" anons?

>> No.10006040

Well to do this right, it'd have to be someone who knows the lingo of the board and can explain things to people who aren't in on the joke.

Also, that was going to be a minimal part of it.

The more interesting stuff would be like, the drama that happens, and segments of efamous girls and their take on it.

I'm sure a lot of anons would love to watch K8 or Voldie get interviewed on their own cgl coverage.

>> No.10006046

that sounds like straight up bullying.

>> No.10006048

Autistic confirmed.

>> No.10006057

how? Asking someone's legitimate opinion is not bullying.

>> No.10006121

That's a really embarrassing idea anon - for you (or whoever would do it, since you're too pussy). It's only going to accomplish scaring off newbies and reinforcing the stereotype of lolitas being dramawhores and bullies.

>> No.10006122

I heard about Voldie but who is K8?

>> No.10006202

Newbies come here all the time
Just look at >>10006122

>> No.10007685

>call someone a pussy
>you're going to reinforce bullying!!!!
lol ok

>> No.10007748

“its fine in japan” will never be a useful comment when it comes to this kind of shit

>> No.10007754

Not to mention that it's usually a void claim in general. You may not get catcalled in Japan like you would be in the west, but people will still judge you, albeit in a passive aggressive way because the culture there is different. Doesn't mean that everyone in Japan loves lolita fashion. If anything, they have access to to media that openly presents us as weirdos, sluts, wrist cutters, murderers, etc., unlike many people in western societies who may just a bit put off by some lace and frills.

>> No.10007762

Nayrt but we're on an anonymous board and not on youtube where all the newbie lolitas go...

>> No.10007770

What's wrong with telling the truth about what this place really is? Why not inform everyone of what goes on here?

>> No.10007771

Why would you tell strangers all about how you go on 4chan?

Even >>10006029 doesn't want to do it despite suggesting the idea

>> No.10007823

Not a different person.

As I said further up in the thread - most people where I live talk about 4chan openly. This isn't a secret club house.

>> No.10008561

God, hello batty looks like she's gained so much weight.

>> No.10008573

I think that this is ugly as sin, but don't think there's really a problem with her owning it, considering she doesn't wear of with Lolita. (At least that I've seen?)

>> No.10008578
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>> No.10008627

It is not ugly, only the print is very very ugly

>> No.10008665

You say you want to "tell the truth about what this place really is" while simultaneously saying it's not a secret club house and most people know about it. This is contradictory. The perception of 4chan and cgl in particular as an adder's nest of evil meanies who will hack your cat or whatever is long dead already. The only people still squeamish about it wouldn't find value in the things cgl is good at anyways (namely, honest concrit and sewing support from people who have sewn more than a circle skirt). What you're describing sounds not only boring and cringey, but focused on making new people and hot dramawhores look at and react to the meanest parts of cgl, which is such an airheaded idea I can't even believe you've been defending it for literally 4 days. Actual legit question: ARE you autistic? You really don't seem to grasp why no one thinks this sounds remotely entertaining.

>> No.10008667

hello butter

>> No.10008686

Has she? She has always had a very large face

>> No.10008689

You had me going until you dropped the autism meme.

>> No.10008713

I dunno, watch her newest video, even her upperbody/arms (seriously she has the camera up so high, it's hard to see the rest, but she does look chubbier to me, as well.

>> No.10008837

Japan may be non confrontational but they will definitely judge you and it will be awkward if you have to interact with people on any sort of professional level

>> No.10008852

>professional level
If you’re a jfashion icon then yes they will
no normal person would wear this backpack in a professional setting (unless see above)