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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 807 KB, 1183x557, lightning_loiuse_cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9765174 No.9765174 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts and feelings on cosplayers darkening or lightening their skin for cosplay.

>> No.9765176

Oh look, it's this thread again.

>> No.9765178

>caring about racism

>> No.9765188

The only crime I see here is her looking disgusting

>> No.9765197

that girl (?) on the left is so cute

>> No.9765200

I'm like half mexican and I don't find this racist at all. Like the above comment says, she looks disgusting but particularly her face. Having the tan doesn't change that.

>> No.9765204


People are so easily triggered these days and a few cosplayers have been bullied that they've quit or had to make some sort of apology.

To be honest if I were to cosplay Sombra I wouldn't try to darken my face with any products.

>> No.9765212
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Ask yourself this; Should Orlando Bloom been disallowed from taking the role of Legolas because he did not match the physical description of the character as is? Was it "wrong" for him to adjust his appearance to match the character?

>> No.9765216

Bonus round; Why are contact lenses and wigs not taken into account? Why is the problem in the choice of make-up, but not in choosing to change your eye color or hair color/texture ?

>> No.9765217

wow i haven't known jack sparrow was racist

>> No.9765218

As a vegan white male I am totes offended.

>> No.9765455

Do people not know that white people can tan naturally?
A white person can naturally become an olive or darker tone; people acting like skin color is the most defining feature of race is so stupid.

Skin is skin. Color doesn't matter. Lighten and darken how you please.

>> No.9765456

>Jack Sparrow
Good to know that tanning is racist now.

>> No.9765484
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I said this in the last thread. White people always look dirty and greasy when they try darkening their skin, so it's offensive. Only Asians can pull it off.
Pic related was posted in the last thread, and it just coincidentally illustrated the point perfectly.

>> No.9765500

That's because Asians can tan this dark naturally, but Asian beauty standards mean they prefer lightening/whitening products (not always on purpose but most Asian beauty products do this from foundation to moisturizer to specific lightening creams) and photo filters.

As a darker skinned south east Asian, personally I think if there was more representation of darker skinned characters, maybe beauty standards would change... so someone who gets a tan just for cosplay might eventually feel like it's ok to stop using whitening products/filters in their everyday life and be their natural skin colour, or not be afraid to go to the beach in case they tan

>> No.9765609
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Do you believe these cosplay of the week geeks actually take the time out of their miserable lives to go outside or to a tanning salon when they can just slap on some foundation that's six shades darker than they are? Yeah of course there's people who actually tan for it but you can tell who tans and who doesn't and 90% of them just plain don't, especially when they're going as their anime husbando the day after.
Either way, I'd agree with >>9765484 that racist or not if you're cheaping out you just end up looking dirty.

>> No.9765617


Its only racism if you wont date me.

>> No.9765652

They could just use self-tanner whether it came from a product for use at home or salon tan. I don't think anyone should have to get a natural tan because that would just be damaging their skin.

It'll still look a lot better then using foundation.

>> No.9765656

So, it's either look disgusting and like a walking insult to everyone who actually has dark skin, make yourself into a tangerine and probably not even look like the character you're trying to achieve, or go out of your way to damage your own skin.
Wild concept: You could circumvent all that trouble by just cosplaying without trying to darken your skin. You can thank me later for this crazy idea.

>> No.9765669
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If you turned orange using fake tanner then you used the wrong fake tanner. If you got streaky using fake tanner, then you applied it wrong.

Mind you, there's a lot of darker skinned characters that are not 'black'. They're 'ambiguously ethnic'. I don't really see any issue with somebody using fake tanner to pull off Zazie Rainyday from Negami!, Kaolla Su from Love Hina, or Ishizu Ishtar and Marik Ishtar from Yu-Gi-Oh!.

Now, don't get me wrong, there's a point it can get ridiculous, and the Overwatch character might just fall under ridiculous. The main character that comes to mind immediately would be Moonbay from Zoids when compared to the rest of the characters. There is a point a character is no longer ambiguous. I mean, self-tanner can only go so far. There's a point it's best not to try to hide your ethnicity. I mean, black people cosplay as white character all the time. There is a certain point you cannot get that dark as a white girl without looking like a damn fool.

It's okay to go tan for the sake of a cosplay. It is not okay to straight up change you skin color to try looking straight black.

>> No.9765670 [DELETED] 

And mind you, the only reason I responded to your post was just saying that people don't have to get a natural tan to go tan. I was talking about tanning, not darkening your skin to look like a color you could never possibly achieve naturally. I think you might have misinterpreted my statement. I didn't comment on the Overwatch character because that's just looks plain silly.

>> No.9765672

And mind you, the only reason I responded to your post was just saying that people don't have to get a natural tan to go tan. I was talking about tanning, not darkening your skin to look like a color you could never possibly achieve naturally. I think you might have misinterpreted my statement. I didn't comment on the Overwatch character because that just looks plain silly.

>> No.9766167

No it's not. I see black girls trying to look paler all the time and no one will point their fingers at them nor call them out.

>> No.9766226

The point is not for them to get natural tans, but to illustrate that white skin is capable of transforming to darker shades naturally. TL;DR SKIN IS SKIN.

>> No.9766232

It's called colorism and people are started to call each other out

Regardless as a white person, I just think when other white people try to darken their skin it just looks bad. Like there are very few people who can pull it off. Part is the reason is just typical facial features, but overall those white people who do darken don't do any shading/contouring/highlighting in addition so it's flat and weird. But if someone wants to look like shit let em.

>> No.9766247

Marik Ishtar is an Egyptian character though, not ambiguously ethnic.

>> No.9766248

what if a white dude wants to cosplay jim crow, is it even legal


>> No.9766265

Will this thread ever cease to exist

>> No.9766267


>> No.9766271

Because being white has never been a negative in western society. Light-skinned black girls get treated better than dark-skinned ones.
A white person darkening their skin is just being a tool. A black person whitening their skin is just trying to fit in and improve their quality of life.

>> No.9766302

>it just looks bad
it's not racist still
Yeah sure buuuh cry more. It's not racism stop feeling so freaking sensitive about everything fucking snowflake.

>> No.9766334

no one has anime eyes or good enough hair to do most anime hair styles. wig with no split ends> natural frizzy hair, usually greasy from what the anti-wig ppl I've seen have done

I was going to cosplay Shante and started tanning 6 months before the con. I couldn't get the wig right so the tan was for nothing. I like taning beds though because it's the one place I can zone out. But spray tans are quick as fuck and most places do coupons to keep it cheap. Why spend $20 on new foundation to make your skin darker when you can get a fake tan for the same price?

>> No.9766350

Yes, but there's nothing wrong with being racist.

>> No.9766708 [DELETED] 

>is so sensitive that the word "racism" triggers them to this level
>tells other people "cry more"
Lmao, sure showed me. Keep painting yourself brown and screeching when we all tell you that you look like a muddy, dirty cavebeast.

>> No.9766710

>is so sensitive that the word "racism" triggers them to this level
>tells other people "cry more"
Lmao, sure showed me. Keep painting yourself brown and screeching when we all tell you that you look like a muddy, dirty cavebeast instead of an actual brown or black character.

>> No.9766719

sure, triggered tumblrina. : ^) jokes on you, I'm perfectly fine with one or another. Thankfully I'm not a sensitive bitch like yourself that gets triggered about every little thing about the world. Keep calling that 'racism' if that makes you happy.

>> No.9766728

Ok Courtney. Hope you sort your foundation out one day.

>> No.9768124

I read your post about facial features coming into play, and I realized I maybe shouldn't have put a horse in this race. I argued there's no issue with darkening your skin within limit through fake tanner. However, I also will go from paper white to dark as a tree trunk if I didn't stay out of the sun. 1/4th of me would not be white. I may have shown a little bias saying that it could look okay within reason for certain characters. I just consider myself white, but I guess technically I'm not 100%. My mother just happened to inherit her mother's skin, and not her father's. Huh. I'm out.

>> No.9771330

Yah this. I always wondered why no one called our jessica alba for lightening her skin, putting in blue contacts and wearing a wig for susan storm

>> No.9771354

Kaolla Su is Indian

>> No.9771379

Whitening no.
Darkening yes.

>> No.9771382

You have great points.
You have to be 18+ to use 4chan.

>> No.9771391

Perfectly legal, you'll just look like an asshole. People will definitely try to engage you, some might try to attack you, especially if they think they can get positive attention for it.

>> No.9772230

Yeah I'm pretty sure you're not, dear.
Just because someone may look weird because they use a darker foundation doesn't mean it's racist you dumbfucks

>> No.9772332


If you're actually comparing dying your hair to artificially trying to look like a different race, you're being purposely obtuse.

Don't try and artificially change your skin tone to look like another race. It's tacky, has uncomfortable connotations and will probably look ugly. Just wear the costume.

>> No.9772334

who gives a single shit if its racist or not if it looks bad

>> No.9772789

>Be a caucasian girl with eastern genes and beige skin but blue eyes etc
>Tan like hell during summer, like 3 shades darker
>People think you're brownfacing
When will this fucking discourse stop?

>> No.9773188

are you mentally challenged, anon? Look at the thread theme you dumbfuck

>> No.9773296

It's only racist if white people do it. Fuck white people.

>> No.9773326
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No, it's for ACCURACY , you stupid tumblrina

>> No.9773364
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>> No.9774049

Anyone caught altering their skin to look like another race should get stomped out on sight.

>> No.9775998

>White people always look dirty and greasy when they try darkening their skin, so it's offensive

>> No.9776007

I feel this deeply.
I'm from a southern european country, takes me a day just walking in the sun to get visible tan lines, if I go to the beach in the summer I tan a LOT.
I got called "olive skinned" when living in northern europe and I was super pale back then from having avoided the beach all summer.
Pisses me off that we get called out for "brownfacing" for something we achieve naturally, it's stupid as fuck.

Also had someone tell me it's racist if I tan with a cosplay in mind but it's fine if I just happened to tan in the summer and by chance cosplay the character while being tanned
>would probably get called out for "brownfacing" either way

>> No.9776031

nayrt but GOD you’re annoying as fuck! Anon is saying they don’t care about the question, because the fact it looks awful means it doesn’t matter if it’s racist or not.

Either way - in general, most white people don’t have the facial features that would suit darker skin, so they’re going to look like a minstrel shitshow no matter what.

>> No.9776110

>Plenty of white characters in Overwatch
>Still chooses to cosplay one if the POC


>> No.9776138
File: 33 KB, 306x489, 42C3302800000578-0-image-a-54_1501229482676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So should we go after the Chinese cast members who were given the roles of Japanese people in the movie adaption of Memoir of a Geisha? What about these two actors; >>9765212 ?

Also; I was born with white skin / pink tone. My family is mostly black / brown. Because I happen to be born the pale one, am I not allowed to darken my skin in cosplay even if I am ethnically the same "race" as a character?

What about the person pictured here? Is she "allowed" to paint her face either white or black for a movie / photo shoot or is that not okay?

To what extent do our genes limit our ability to cosplay? Why is it empowering for a plus-size person to cosplay a character, but it isn't for a person who was born the wrong color?

>> No.9776140

It's called liking the character you mong.

>> No.9776146

People only complain about this topic if its a white person doing it. Ive never seen anyone go after an asian or POC who altered their skin for cosplays. As long as its not done in a malicious or mocking way who gives a shit. Reika running around on her instagram dressed and darkened to be Egyptian and no one cares and just praises her instead yet we have a whole thread here on who can or cant / if its good or bad. Just do what you want and dont be an asshole about it.

>> No.9776162
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The girl who cosplayed the Overwatch character is clearly not mocking the character in any way. It's obvious she intended to represent that character to the best of her ability and there was no underline motive to make that character somehow "stupid-looking".

>> No.9776166

Its all the same person..

>> No.9776176

The cosplayer here >>9765484 got shitload of backlash from what I read, to the point she retired the cosplay completely.
I think Reika more easily gets away because her fanbase is just so big that the complaints get drowned in the middle of all the fans praising her. A lot more people would also run into her defense right away. She has darkened her skin for cosplays loads of times, I don't think she gives a shit about the subject anyway.

>> No.9776177
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SJW shitters make the worst parents. Just let your fucking daughter dress up as Moana, she's not hurting anyone apart from your butt.

>> No.9776180
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> Says you can't pick and choose
> Picks and chooses

>> No.9776194

She gets away with it because her English is limited, and the SJW can't slam her in Japanese.

>> No.9776199

But... Elsa is based on a fairy tail and Moana is a 100% made up by disney character. the only "real" thing about moana is the legend of maui

>> No.9776221

I don't know Pion Kim's level of english to compare but that's probably it too. I think Reika legit doesn't care anyway.

>> No.9776249

It's like if someone covered their face in pork skins, put on a wig of greasy, stringy dishwater-brown hairs, shitty neon blue contacts and said "I totally look white lmao aryan master race xDDD".
It demonstrates how shitty your idea of that race's appearance is that you'd even walk outside looking that way, and it's just disrespectful.

>> No.9776251

>To what extent do our genes limit our ability to cosplay?
You can cosplay whoever you want. Just don't alter your fucking skin color to look like another race.

>So should we go after the Chinese cast members who were given the roles of Japanese people in the movie adaption of Memoir of a Geisha?
Japanese and Chinese people are usually the same complexion.

>am I not allowed to darken my skin in cosplay even if I am ethnically the same "race" as a character?
You can do it if you want to but you better come with this same energy when someone checks you on it.

>To what extent do our genes limit our ability to cosplay?
If you're not Asian don't paint your skin and alter your eyes to look Asian.
If you're not black don't do blackface.
etc etc It's not that deep.

>> No.9776254

Tanning is not racist. SJWs need to stop.

>> No.9776255

>>9766728 >>9771382
I actually meant to reply to the anon above you ranting about snowflakes and tumblrinas. I’m so sorry, ugh lmao.

>> No.9776277

What about Nazi or Nazi-inspired cosplay?
I have a facebook friend whose profile picture is a Nazi cosplay. I don't think she's racist but I also don't really know her that well, and I think it's weird to make that your profile picture, like why does she want that to be the first thing people see?

>> No.9776279

define 'nazi inspired'. is this something like star wars empire or something like red skull?

>> No.9776280

Some anime and lolita brands have Nazi-inspired uniforms. In her case it is a Nazi costume, even though she could use more recent, normal cosplay pics of herself as her profile pic.

>> No.9776292

She's either racist and attention-seekingly edgy, or just attention-seekingly edgy. Either way, whatever backlash may come to her will be a good experience for personal growth.

>> No.9776337

Not everybody is an autistic liberal, kid.

>> No.9776357

>why does she want that to be the first thing people see?
To make sure you know how edgy she is and not a SJW

>> No.9776361

I wouldn't want to hang out with someone who dresses as a nazi. I think it's needlessly insulting, racist, and try-hard edgy. I know having feelings is outdated but that's my honest answer.

>> No.9776380

Yeah, some people are autistic conservatives. Case in point, anon's friend.

>> No.9776383

Lolita's not a costume, anon, it's a fashion. It's probably to weed out people like you.

>> No.9776392

Are you incapable of reading? Nazi clothing isn't Lolita.

>> No.9776394
File: 65 KB, 480x854, metamorphose die walkure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen Die Walkure?

>> No.9776433

>some Lolita sets are based on [x], so all [x] are Lolita, you uncultured swine!
What kind of retard logic is this?

>> No.9776439
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That sounds hilarious though Anon

>> No.9776910

But altering your skin tone isn't black/white face. If I put on darker foundation and made my lips ridiculously big etc, then that's blackface because it's meant to make a caricature out of black people.

If you darken/lighten your skin to look BETTER for a cosplay, I support it 100%.

>> No.9776934


>> No.9777030

I really enjoyed that you attempted to make a point and then contradicted yourself immediately after.

>> No.9777034

Sounds like you're upset that you're not Asian and will never be able to pull off darkening your skin.

>> No.9777069

If your dressing up as a character it a fine change your skin change whatever you need it's fine.
What's not ok is dressing up as a race. At that point it's black face.

>> No.9777109

>Is it racist?
Is this the modern equivalent of "who wants to be a millionaire"?

>> No.9777110
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It's like it's such a badthink that it transcends rules

>> No.9777920

the keks just keep coming

>> No.9777939

>Sounds like you're upset that you're white

>> No.9778327

>so angry that they replied twice
Must've struck a nerve

>> No.9780142

what was the name of that black guy that cosplayed Sora from Kingdom Hearts? The one that put tons of pale foundation on his skin and looked ugly as hell? Tbh, it must be hard as fuck to cosplay someone more than 20 shades lighter than your skin.

>> No.9780156

Oh shit we got James Bond in the thread

>> No.9781591

Not racist.
It may look like shit but that isn't relevant here.

>> No.9785509
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Anything white people do is racist.
That why mainstream is brain washing white males to be cucked and become soyboys.
And that's why white woman are brain washed to be blacked. And become a only mother to a black kid. And the cycle of white genocide begins.

>> No.9785540

I don't remember his name, but I know exactly who you're talking about, and pretty much everyone on here knows exactly who you're talking about. He sometimes comes on here and bitches about being posted in the bad make-up threads.

That's not really racism one way or another though, it's just shitty cringe-worthy cosplay. He could go the opposite direction and smear boot-polish on his face and carry a banjo and it'd be less visually offensive than his usual make-up.

>> No.9786160

I have some cosplays where I'm pale, and some where I'm tanned. I haven't had anyone jump down my throat about "blackfacing" because hey, I'm also... not white.

Contrary to popular belief, not every nonblack PoC (Latino, Desi, Arab, Native, etc) is naturally tan year-round. I save all my darker-skinned cosplays for the summer and autumn because that's when I become solar-absorbent. Any other time I just look like a full-haired brunette white bitch. I've seen people get upset about or hesitate doing Overwatch's brown girls due to pale skin and it's a wild concept to me because I, an Egyptian, should not be barred from cosplaying Pharah, an Egyptian, just because I'm not brown 365 days a year.

The only reason this is an issue in the first place is because of the increase in standards over the years. White people were able to cosplay darker-skinned characters like Kaolla Su, Casca, Ed, and Aisha Clan-Clan without doing anything to change the colour of their skin 15 years ago, now they feel they absolutely have to hit every detail.

Bronzer-tanning looks gross and gaudy, but there's nothing wrong with natural or spray tanning, and it's not impossible for white people to tan. There are hemp lotions with SPF which can expedite the tanning process. There's really good artificial tanners which work with typical whitepipo red-undertones. There's lotions that have toners that build up a gradual, natural-looking tan over months.

It's really that simple:
1. No bronzer overkill- learn how to tan for your base skin tone. Only do tan cosplays during high UV times of the year. Remember no one is owed a justification.
2. Don't darken your skin at all and let the costume and wig be the focus just like the old days. Remember no one is owed a justification.

>> No.9788831

Sjw again

>> No.9789220

What on earth would trying to adapt your skin tone to the character you're cosplaying have to do with theories of race-based hierarchy? Sounds totally retarded to me. A racist person is a person who would never want to cosplay as someone from another race in the first place.

>> No.9789861

>darkening skin makes you look uglier
Yep, only whiten if anything

>> No.9789873

There are numerous studies that show whites are consistently rated more attractive than darker people, of course people will want to emulate that and that's why skin whitening is so popular.

>> No.9789884

>Because being white has never been a negative in white society.
Call me shocked

>> No.9789957
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>Yep, only whiten if anything
Nah, paleness won't help the facially challenged.

>> No.9792268

>hurrr samefag
whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.9792272

Moana is the new Pochahontas except Moana was never fucking real and Pochahontas was. Pochahontas' real story is actually really fucked up (similar to how the story Beauty and the Beast is based on contains beastiality rape and Stockholm Syndrome) while the legend of Maui isn't nearly as tragic.

>> No.9792296
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@ everyone ITT saying darkening is racist

Show me a good white cosplay of a black character that has not been attacked or mocked anyway for "stealing" a character of color. You all say one thing but then behave another, just like >>9776180 pointed out.

Japanese cosplays don't count because Japanese people don't hold this sense of race gatekeeping as Americans do lol.

>> No.9792313

>so angry they replied 2 weeks later
Must've REALLY struck a nerve

>> No.9792650
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>> No.9793638


>> No.9794009
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Sure you did

>> No.9794354
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It's can't be considered racism, they're just trying to match the character. There's not a single thing wrong with that apart from the health issue they can get for fucking up their skin.

>> No.9797438

I'm mexican and honestly who fucking cares. Its in poor taste but I wouldn't get upset about it.

>> No.9798808

I'm going to do EMIYA Archer as a white person, it should be alright to just get bronzer or some sort of makeup stuff. He's just tan, anyways.

>> No.9798990
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Racism aside, it always looks like garbage. Never seen an instance of blackface that didn't look disgusting/like shitty photoshop. Picture related.

>> No.9798994


>> No.9799160

This. Your skin color is not preventing you from cosplaying anything.

>> No.9799162

Lightening and darkening a shade is fine. But, if your skin looks like french vanilla before makeup, it shouldn't look like english breakfast after.

>> No.9799178

THat Part.

Because racism isn't so, for lack of a better phrase, black and white. In the modern era, it's social suicide to be a bigot. Most are taught not to be one. And just because one is racist doesn't mean they hate every race. Even during Jim Crow, not every white person was lynching black people. In Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail, he critiques the "white moderate".

>> No.9799183

Every cosplayer is mocked for all kinds of shit. For being too thin, being too fat, being too dark, being too pale, etc. You'll be hard pressed to find any costume, regardless of quality or intent, that wasn't mocked to hell and back.

Don't blackface. It's not that deep.

>> No.9799203

>Even during Jim Crow, not every white person was lynching black people. In Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail, he critiques the "white moderate".
Does not outright lynching people of another color, but not caring for them and being complicit in their oppression or those who hate them at the same time really exclude you from being racist? Are you sure you're not setting the bar a little low there, anon?

>> No.9799226

yo why do everyone think whites only come in shades of pasty
almost all the normies i know are pretty tan naturally since they usually come from middle - southern euro. isn't it kind of supremacist to believe all whites are pale northerners who could never get dark?

>> No.9799708

The problem is white people don't naturally look like >>9798990 (and god have mercy on them if they did, lmao). You can always tell they're brownfacing/blackfacing because the makeup always looks bad and unnatural as fuck. Don't give yourself too much credit.

>> No.9799818

>all of my friends will not hesitate to just point-blank call someone a piece of shit racist if they tan for cosplay
>they straight up mock people for doing it because "lol she says she has ~native american~ ancestors, don't try to justify it you racist hypocrite"
>My grandma's entire side of the family is Cherokee
>Me and my brother are Cherokee/Italian so we tan like fucking marshmallows
>I actively avoid the sun because if I don't I get really obvious and super stupid tan lines

basically I don't trust any of my friends and i'm pretty sure they would all turn on me in a heartbeat if I purposefully tanned and then cosplayed an ambiguously ethnic character

>> No.9800546
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Those aren't friends. I have friends both side of the political spectrum and they don't give if shit if I black face my self for fun or not. If your friends personality consist of political shit then you should move on. Because people like that have no personality and are shallow. Live your life by your own rules and fuck those who judge you or tell you how to act or live your life.

>> No.9800880
File: 1.48 MB, 1436x1674, pepmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit can't be racist if you date tyrone or a loyal asian bro. But I recommend asian bro over Tyrone if you like a future to look forward to.

>> No.9802109

You don't have friends. You surrounded yourself with basic cunts. Poor form anon.

>> No.9802109,1 [INTERNAL] 

i'm pretty sure your friends secretly hate you

>> No.9805150

People can go on all day about how lightening or darkening skin tone for cosplay is offensive or racist. But I honestly cannot see WHY it is. Just, "don't do it, end of story. Shut up."

Like, if you put in the effort of creating a cosplay of a character you really like and want to go a little bit further on accuracy, why not? If it's not over the top, and it's done competently. They're not trying to insult anyone, or be a caricature. They just want to cosplay a character.

Like, I see no issue personally with someone cosplaying a caucasian character when they're not, so it feels the same way in reverse to me. Unless you think certain people are special and exempt from being racist in which case sorry but you're wrong.

>> No.9805165

Pale skin is just more attractive. Why on earth would you want to darken yourself in the first place?

>> No.9805238
File: 21 KB, 295x369, Michelle_Louise_Root_webx.max-656x369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pale skin is just more attractive.

>> No.9805252

That's a naturally ugly person, they wouldn't be any better looking with darker skin.

Ask people who they prefer physically: Desire doesn't lie. Look at East Asians, an entire race of people who prefer white men and women.

>> No.9805282
File: 66 KB, 625x626, cff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9805284
File: 57 KB, 620x366, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're ugly partly because of the flaws caused by having skin that's too pale. The wrinkles, eyebags and pimples would be less obvious if they were dark-skinned.
Also, Asians don't prefer white people as an entire race, you've just been deluding yourself with Chinese fuckboys who fetishize white women as status symbols. At home, they make fun of white features all the time (especially the noses, the women supposedly looking masculine, etc). If you saw the shit some of them say about Caucasians, you'd be livid.

Pale skin is appreciated, though - but that's because dark skin is associated with being a poorfag who works all day, while richfags stay indoors, not because it's inherently better-looking. Meanwhile, white people in the west go out of their way to tan themselves brown because in their society, richfags travel and chill out at the beach, while poorfags are stuck indoors working all day. Sorry to burst your bubble, anon, but being pasty is not a point of beauty (especially if you don't already have good features).

>> No.9805299

Fuck off with your tumblr sensibilities.

>> No.9805318

>They're ugly partly because of the flaws caused by having skin that's too pale. The wrinkles, eyebags and pimples would be less obvious if they were dark-skinned.

The flaws would still exist, they'd just be less immediately visible.

And the people with the flaws wouldn't have had a 16-30 period where they had beautiful pale, peaches and cream skin to begin with.

>you've just been deluding yourself with Chinese fuckboys who fetishize white women as status symbols.

There was a study from Sichuan province a while back that showed:

1) Chinese men evaluated the faces of white and Chinese females to be equal in attractiveness.
2) Chinese women rated white males to be slightly higher in facial attractiveness to Chinese males

There are entire communities of Asian American males formed around a simple premise: That society is unfair to them on account of not enough white women being interested in them. Not brown women, not black women, not even their own women, but WHITE women.

>Pale skin is appreciated, though - but that's because dark skin is associated with being a poorfag who works all day, while richfags stay indoors

That's conjecture that has never actually been proven.

>white people in the west go out of their way to tan themselves brown

Most people in the west don't use artificial tanning, and if they do tan on the beach, it's because they want to look bronze. Not "brown". You think those men and women in places like Australia want to look like Indian men and women? lol.

>being pasty is not a point of beauty

It is in western beauty standards: Fiery redheads, freckles (within reason) as an attractive trait etc.

Whether or not these are the standards of other races is immaterial, but conejcturing on the fact that so many non-white men want white women, and so many non-white women want white men, I'm willing to bet a good number of them agree.

>If you saw the shit some of them say about Caucasians


>> No.9805344
File: 277 KB, 1200x890, bronze-engineering-by-mjs-engineering-uk-ltd-1200x890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And the people with the flaws wouldn't have had a 16-30 period where they had beautiful pale, peaches and cream skin to begin with.
So, aging doesn't exist? And the way you describe it as "beautiful pale, peaches and cream skin" sounds creepy enough for me to doubt you're even white yourself.
>There was a study from Sichuan province a while back that showed:
Source? What was the sample size? Which women and men's faces were used? What part of China was this study conducted in? Who reported it?
Also, having to bring up mentally ill Asian-Americans and Eurasians makes your argument look weaker, not stronger.
>That's conjecture that has never actually been proven.
It's been confirmed by countless sources and actual Asian speakers, so I'm leaning more on believing them than you.
>Most people in the west don't use artificial tanning, and if they do tan on the beach, it's because they want to look bronze. Not "brown"
This is bronze, anon. If you're not colorblind, you'd definitely class it under "brown", not "white". Hell, when I Googled "bronze skin", the first result was a very obviously biracial woman, then an Indian-looking woman, other women who could pass for Latinx, black women, etc. I'll leave it at that. If you want to RP otherwise, I can't really stop you.
>It is in western beauty standards: Fiery redheads, freckles (within reason) as an attractive trait etc.
Redheads get relentlessly mocked and shit on for having freckles and overly pale skin.
>Whether or not these are the standards of other races is immaterial,
You brought it up to begin with, though.
>so many non-white women want white men, I'm willing to bet a good number of them agree.
Sure. That doesn't look Google translated at all.

>> No.9805345


Men don't see women as status symbols. We just want someone hot to fuck tbqh. If there was a super rich, high status girl but she was ugly, I wouldn't want her unless I could get her cash.

t. male

>> No.9805346

>what is a trophy wife
There are women I'd fuck, and then there are women I'd take home to mother and show off to my friends. Both have to be at least somewhat attractive, but there's a clear difference.
t. other male

>> No.9805350

>So, aging doesn't exist?

It does. For all races.

>Source? What was the sample size?

Can't find it right now, but I'm sure I'll dig it up again at some point. As far as I remember it was about a thousand or so students at Sichuanese university.

>what part

I already told you, Sichuan, i.e. the interior.

>Also, having to bring up mentally ill Asian-Americans and Eurasians makes your argument look weaker, not stronger.

They represent the majority of Asian American men (unfortunately). If you don't want that though, simply go to Zhihu and search for 白女人,西方女人 ,欧美女人 or more recently 乌克兰女热/俄罗斯女人。Recently a lot of Chinese guys have become delusional and think Russian/Ukrainian women desire them above their own men, lol. Those questions are full of delusional answers about how all Eastern European men are abusive drunks and all Chinese men are noble and chivalrous in the eyes of E. European women. But it gives you some insight into the obsession East Asians have with white people in general. It's no exaggeration.

>It's been confirmed by countless sources

Such as?

>Redheads get relentlessly mocked and shit on for having freckles and overly pale skin.

The ugly male ones. Female redheads are largely desired. As are the male ones with good aesthetics.

>This is bronze, anon. If you're not colorblind, you'd definitely class it under "brown", not "white".

There's a world of difference between a Southern European man/woman and some literal feces-skinned dalit from India. Bronze is the former.


Asian women in the West throw themselves at White men. Cohabitation rates between white males and asian females are so large that its actually a majority of America-born asian females that live with white men now.

>Sure. That doesn't look Google translated at all.

Weren't you the one just claiming you knew what Chinese talked about on their forums/boards? You can't even recognize a one-clause sentence?


>> No.9805354

>NAYRT but

LOL sure.

>and then there are women I'd take home to mother

LOL except in this case it is the opposite. East Asian men would get shit from their parents (well, chinese and koreans would anyway) for dating outside of their race most of the time. The "trophy" aspect is only an indication of the desire for white aesthetics above social respectability.

Not to say I approve of such relationships. AMWF is even more disgusting and fetishized than WMAF.

>> No.9805362

>They represent the majority of Asian American men (unfortunately)
Source? I could link you to /r9k/ and r/incels right now and say that's the current state of white men. Delusional people on small corners of the internet do not speak for an entire race.
>Such as?
The fact that it's been a staple since before colonization or any other form of contact with whites, for one. More:
>There's a world of difference between a Southern European man/woman and some literal feces-skinned dalit from India. Bronze is the former.
Southern Europeans with dark skin are often mixed with non-white, so if you were trying to prove having dark skin is white, you kind of shoot yourself in the foot there. Regardless, we both know "bronze" isn't what you're pretending it is. I've posted a very clear image, and you can consult the results on Google when you search "bronze skin" if you still don't want to believe. Like I said, though, you're free to RP. It's funny you call it "feces skin" just before you copy it. Same thing, sorry.
>Asian women in the West throw themselves at White men.
Tell that to the PUAs who try to get Asian women and film their cringy encounters as the women flee.
>n. Cohabitation rates between white males and asian females are so large that its actually a majority of America-born asian females that live with white men now.
>Weren't you the one just claiming you knew what Chinese talked about on their forums/boards? You can't even recognize a one-clause sentence?
I didn't say that, you assumed it and then tried to "one up" me.
Someone's pissy. Upset your Google-fu got called out?

>> No.9805363
File: 882 KB, 714x1260, 1504648769860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The buttmad robot ITT from /r9k/ having a mental breakdown over someone saying Asians don't worship him and that being pale doesn't cover all his other flaws
A fitting end to such a poorly made thread.

>> No.9805364

No more replies, it's a dumb /pol/ak.

>> No.9805366

>Source? I could link you to /r9k/ and r/incels right now and say that's the current state of white men. Delusional people on small corners of the internet do not speak for an entire race.

Most white men condemn losers on /r9k/.

>The fact that it's been a staple since before colonization or any other form of contact with whites, for one.

I'm not arguing they had a preference for pale skin before whites. I'm arguing that it isn't necessarily linked to noble/peasant divergence like you say. All you have posted are people conjecturing just like you. No proofs I'm afraid.

>Southern Europeans with dark skin are often mixed with non-white

Right, and they're not the ones that are considered attractive in S. European beauty standards. Or even in LatAm for that matter. Attractive, bronze men are men with actual olive skin, not literal Sudanese shit skins.

>Tell that to the PUAs who try to get Asian women and film their cringy encounters as the women flee.

That's why nearly 50% of American-born Asian women live with White men right?

These stereotypes exist for a reason. Getting an Asian girlfriend isn't hard as a white professional in East Asia. You can keep deluding yourself Bebe, as you've been doing for the past half decade, or you can face reality and self-improvement.



>I didn't say that, you assumed it and then tried to "one up" me.

lol ok:

"If you saw the shit some of them say about Caucasians, you'd be livid."

>Someone's pissy. Upset your Google-fu got called out?

Why don't you go to Zhihu and search for what I told you, if you actually believe that Chinese men consider Western women to be ugly horse faces?

>> No.9805367

Most Asian American males prefer White females, and most Asian American females prefer White males. If they didn't, perceived lack of access to white pussy wouldn't be such a sore spot for Asian American men in the first place.

Do you hear them complaining about a lack of access to Black or Indian pussy?

>> No.9805373

>doesn't deny being from /r9k/

>> No.9805376

>Most white men condemn losers on /r9k/.
>I'm not arguing they had a preference for pale skin before whites. I'm arguing that it isn't necessarily linked to noble/peasant divergence like you say. All you have posted are people conjecturing just like you. No proofs I'm afraid.
Conjecture from scholars and professors, ie people more valid than you. You haven't posted actual proof of anything, either, just "Check this forum" and "There was this study that i conveniently forgot about and can't find pls just believe me ok".
>Right, and they're not the ones that are considered attractive in S. European beauty standards
Those are the ones that you're claiming as bronze. They're the same color as ""shit-skins"", no matter how hard you deny it. Bronze is brown, not white.
>That's why nearly 50% of American-born Asian women live with White men right?
So, the number isn't even actually up to 50%, but you said "the majority of". Kek.
The link you posted makes sure to separate "cohabiting" from "marriage", by the way. It's almost like people go through phases. Like a "white fever" phase. Interesting.
>lol ok
Stay angry.
>"If you saw the shit some of them say about Caucasians, you'd be livid."
Where does that say "I browse Chinese forums"? Nowhere?
>Why don't you go to Zhihu and search for what I told you, if you actually believe that Chinese men consider Western women to be ugly horse faces?
Your proof relies on small corners of large online spaces, and you expect me to take you seriously. Wew.

This is a bad thread, anyway.

>> No.9805381


In the real world.

>Conjecture from scholars and professors, ie people more valid than you.

Look up the definition of conjecture and get back to me.

>You haven't posted actual proof of anything

I didn't make any assertion about where the desire for pale skin came from.

>So, the number isn't even actually up to 50%, but you said "the majority of". Kek.

If you include Hispanics it's >50%.

>The link you posted makes sure to separate "cohabiting" from "marriage"

Would you prefer the marriage statistics instead? 50% of American-born Korean women and 40% of American-born Chinese women marry White men.

>Stay angry.

I'm not a low SES black woman who spends all my time on imageboards. What possible reason could I have to be angry with you Bebe?

>Where does that say "I browse Chinese forums"? Nowhere?

So when you say:

>"If you saw the shit some of them say about Caucasians, you'd be livid."

Where are you referring to exactly?

>Your proof relies on small corners of large online spaces, and you expect me to take you seriously. Wew.


Keep trying.

>> No.9805396

>In the real world.
Really? Because you've been trying to convince me that bronze is a shade of white, and utterly failing. I think you're a bit delusional, and living in your imagination.
>Look up the definition of conjecture and get back to me.
I did. Have you?
>I didn't make any assertion about where the desire for pale skin came from.
Uh-huh, sure.
>Would you prefer the marriage statistics instead? 50% of American-born Korean women and 40% of American-born Chinese women marry White men.
I looked that up myself and found
It states the number is actually dropping as of 2010, and that only 28% of all Asians even date interracially. Even the first article you link asserts that intraracial marriage is far more common than interracial marriage. Do you just pick and choose things from different articles that confirm your biases, even when they blatantly contradict you?
>I'm not a low SES black woman who spends all my time on imageboards. What possible reason could I have to be angry with you Bebe?
I'm not even black, neither am I autistic enough to know or care what SES is. Calling me by pet names makes you look even angrier.
>Where are you referring to exactly?
Exactly what it reads.
>Keep trying.
If you had reading comprehension, you'd know I typed out "small corners of large websites". I understand it's hard to read when you're seething at your keyboard.
I'll leave the thread here. You can have the last word if you want. See you in the next thread, where you'll try to argue that cosplayers are vile sluts and I should be dating you instead of a filthy, evil Chad who showers daily. :^)

>> No.9805762

>bronze is a shade of white

Is someone like the model Fabio brown to you?

Because to most people he's white.

>It states the number is actually dropping as of 2010, and that only 28% of all Asians even date interracially.

Because that's including all Asians, not just those raised in the US. There's been a flood of FOBs to the west coast over the past twenty years so it skews the figures, since first generation immigrants of any group tend to marry within their own. If you look at those raised in America the numbers are significantly higher.

>Exactly what it reads.

That doesn't tell me where I should be looking.

>I should be dating you instead of a filthy, evil Chad who showers daily. :^)

Chad is an attractive white male. Why would I care if you date him?

>> No.9805825

Guys, don't you know by now not to feed the trolls?

>> No.9809428


Brown man giving you 1 minority point to do what you want when you want, fuck the haters. Cosplay the shit out of life. I'll buy you a beer as you darken your skin to look like Soma from Godeater, because fuck that is some serious dedication I don't have and I respect you for it.

>> No.9809535

>brown man giving you 1 minority point
You sound obnoxious as fuck.

>> No.9809702

As long as you can make it look good it's fine to whiten or darken your skin for a cosplay. Honestly I feel you should look like the character as much as possible. If you don't have the body type or skin colour and you can't change it to look alike while looking good, don't do it.

If you can't get that change in skin colour look good, don't do it. I dislike this bad filthy looking "dark" skins, but I honesty also hate bad whitening and it can also look very odd and unnatural. I can never get over it when people only whiten their face (like many Chinese lolitas) while their hands and such show either. Like, we can see you're not that pale and you just look stupid that way.

>> No.9811950

What matters more is if it looks good or not. I mean, hell, a lot of cosplay is Whites playing mukokuseki Asian characters. Problem is the further from your natural skin tone you go, the more artificial and weird it looks.

>> No.9812004

My wife looks wild. Her skin is super pale but her hair is almost black and curls into spirals. This thread made me want to snoop through my wife's makeup bag to see what her skin tone she is. I didnt know people could actually be described as alabaster...

>> No.9815666

I'm a slav.
My people are still oppressed by the WASPs as the weird and "ethnic" whites, WW2 genocide, slavs were captured in early medieval times as a slaves (guess the etymology of the word!).
Now I'm expected to be PC on par with the "real whites", despite modern media and people being prejudiced to my race that isn't a race.

>Explain this tumblr

>> No.9815704

What relevance does this have

>> No.9815710

Why does that mean you should darken your skin in a way historically known as a method of mocking other races?
You're not black, neither do Slavs in general like black people at all. Stop trying to guilt people, holy fuck.

>> No.9815737

>it's okay for me to be racist because my ethnic group used to be oppressed

>> No.9815791

So it's wrong when you personally can tell the difference between the people, but not when it's another group of people you can't differentiate between. Perfectly sound logic.

>> No.9815850

Is that what Slavanon is saying? Fucking kek

>> No.9818409

Nah, that's what the cunt he's responding to is saying.

>> No.9818419 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 500x501, 44a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're cosplaying you're probably a trans anyway. That's objectively higher on the opression scale than blacks so you've immune from criticism. Blacks make fun of transgendered individuals all the time and our life expentancy is far lower.

>> No.9818507

>I was oppressed so why can't I oppress other races by painting my skin in a way that was made specifically to mock them >:(

>> No.9818731

>implying anyone is opressed by their race
Unless you're a gangster or a child molester or something you have the same opportunities as anyone

>> No.9818763
File: 294 KB, 700x525, 1505890790215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem is white girls don't pull off looking brown well at all. I mean look at this girl. She just looks like a retarded oompa loopa.

If you're going to cosplay someone who's skintone is different than yours, then just wear the cosplay and leave your skintone alone. You don't see black cosplayers painting their faces white when they do white cosplays. It's the same shit. Stop making fucking clowns of yourselves.

It's understandable when the characters skin is like green or blue, but going full opposite race of what you are you will literally just look like an ugly mentally delayed individual, please stop it and get some help.

>> No.9819133

Yeah, okay anon
Regardless, there's no reason to mock other races, even if it's ""just for cosplay"".

>> No.9819330

yes it's racist. the end.

>> No.9819390

It’s racist. People will endlessly do mental gymnastics about why they deserve a get out of racism free card because they know it’s racist.
If you’re going to do it, do it, that’s fine, but don’t act all wide eyed and shocked when you’re called racist. Just be racist and move on.

Your makeup will look like hot trash, and nobody will focus on your costume more than they will the fact that someone did blackface at the con; but if you aren’t confident in your workmanship to the point you feel people won’t recognize the character unless you paint your skin poop brown, I guess that’s for the best.

>> No.9819484

Is she darkening her skin in some way is discriminating sometime based on their race?
If yes, then it is racist.
If not is not racist; go read the definition of the word, you ditzy nigger.

>> No.9820653

People have attempted to try and change the meaning of racism over the past few years. It's really quite sad.

>> No.9826934
File: 18 KB, 300x100, 164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's racist if you're a pussy

>> No.9826961

>be american asian
>live in redneck south
I doubt the validity of the whole American Asian dudes and white women part, at least from my personal experience. The few of us stick tight and from my friends I have never heard this sentiment at all. In general, we don't give a heck what race she is as long as she is a quality person

>> No.9827267

Never because people say "oh this thread again" or take the bait, and reply anyways. Just don't reply at all and let the thread die.

>> No.9834498

It's scientifically proven that only whites and asian can be racist. That's why diversity hire won't hire white man and Asians. Tus those people shouldn't cosplay outside they skin tone or character.

>> No.9834528

>It's scientifically proven that only whites and asian can be racist
Are you retarded? How about providing a source for your stupid baiting bullshit if it's "proven". Also did you really bumped this thrash thread from the bottom just to post such a piece of shit?

>> No.9834544

>falling for bait
>bumps thread to respond to bait after complaining about the bait-poster bumping the thread
Brainlet life

>> No.9835122

It's okay

>> No.9837645

>being this envious of white people

Sorry that you can't cosplay any character you want.

>> No.9837865

It's not racist. There is no more to say about it. If anything, NOT doing it is racist because it's denying the physical differences between ethnicities. But if you have eyes and can see, you can see that people have different skin colours. You are not being progressive by saying everyone look the same.

>> No.9840315

>being so desperate you literally spin "Stop putting brown shit on your face. You don't look like us, you look like a caveman covered in mud" into "I'm jealous of whites"
Some of us are just tired of seeing this ugly shit >>9798990 lmao. If we were actually jealous, we'd probably be encouraging you to do this to make you look even worse. Too bad you weren't smart enough to consider that.

>> No.9841598
File: 3.95 MB, 1372x1372, C78C817D-11E9-4D69-A431-C4023F7CE2D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people suck this girls dick, but she does brownface. Someone I follow on Twitter talked about it today and I investigated... Both taken in the same area at the Gaylord. Different times though.

>> No.9841805

She honestly looks bad in both pictures

>> No.9842466 [DELETED] 

It's obvious who you are.

>> No.9842584

>if you cosplay you’re probably a trans
>a trans
What are you smoking anon?

>> No.9842874
File: 1.43 MB, 400x254, 65C024B2-2ADE-4411-8842-AF07FB42BCDF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9842894

Let's just all agree that everyone everywhere is fucking racist in some capacity or another. Some are just more militant about it. And darkening or lightening skin for cosplay is completely acceptable as long as it looks good. The end.

>> No.9843385 [DELETED] 

You're one to talk, Daana

>> No.9843401

As a general rule of political correctedness b'.s., you can only be racist if you're white.

>> No.9843614

If it looks bad it's not unacceptable for racism reasons, just because you mess up your makeup does not make you racist, it's only unacceptable to people who want to look at good cosplays.

>> No.9843723

I really don't like her personality, but is this really brownfacing or just going a lot paler for that redheaded costume and having a bad flat tone for the other? Because the rest of her skin is pretty close in color and doesn't look painted.

>> No.9844738 [DELETED] 

That poster is just a jealous bitch who wants her own dick sucked.

>> No.9845981

i think it is unracist b/c you are trying to look like another race. if you dont like, why would you try to look like them?

>> No.9846086
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter.

>> No.9847484 [DELETED] 

Get a life.

>> No.9847496
File: 67 KB, 607x473, Michael-Jackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael Jackson spent a lot of money on his racism.

>> No.9847539

He had vitiligo, dummy.

>> No.9847570
File: 959 KB, 448x352, BIT4TTM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that nose job was the result of treating vitiligo.

>> No.9847598 [DELETED] 

exactly, negro nose on white skin face would looks strange.

>> No.9847697

Whites have a copyright on nose jobs now?

>> No.9847993 [DELETED] 

You wish people were calling you a thot and you'd suck all the dicks to get there.

>> No.9848589 [DELETED] 

We know who you are.

>> No.9848779 [DELETED] 

Considering most of them look shitty after, whites shouldn’t even be getting nose jobs in the first place.

>> No.9849504

I am Native and have to darken my skin if I cosplay Pocahontas. Eh.

>> No.9849529


dressing up as a member of another race is not racist.

Only black dickheads (and their white virtue signalers) push while cosplaying as a japanese anime character.

>> No.9850508 [DELETED] 

What up missy?

>> No.9850713

Lol forget being racist, these girls just look bad. Like, awful.

>> No.9850762

>Only Asians can pull it off
>Character is Mexican
How does that works? As Mexican am I not allowed to cosplay as a mexican character because I am not Asian?
Why are asians so racist?

>> No.9850770
File: 142 KB, 1020x576, F028A9F0-AAA1-4E2D-8B03-2CF0F960FC96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet white people seem to think their natural features and skin tone are fine when cosplaying Asian characters?

And yet we still have no problem identifying who the character is without the white cosplayer putting on yellowface to ~remain authentic to the character~

If you think respectfully portraying a character entails painting your skin color to match theirs, why don’t white people respect Asian characters the same way?

If you can understand that skin color isn’t a costume for Asian characters, why do you think it is for black characters?

It’s because you’re racist, which is fine, you can do racist shit, people do racist shit every day; but people are always on these threads looking for people to tell them they’re allowed to do racist things without being called racist. If you want to do racist things, you’re racist.

>> No.9850779

what are you on
I said people who cosplay another race aren't racist

are you autistic to miss my point by that margin?

>> No.9850790

Only Asians can darken their skin without looking dirty. If you're a pale Mexican, sorry. I'm sure you can look decent in that cosplay without it, but brown makeup will just make you look worse, and it might kinda confirm the "Mexicans are dirty" stereotype to people.

>> No.9850941

No its not, this is so dumb, you are trying to portray a character.

>> No.9851567 [DELETED] 


>> No.9852915 [DELETED] 

Minorities are a mistake.

>> No.9854755

How the hell do you do yellowface with makeup?

>> No.9855124

Unsure about makeup, but anon can be referring to eye tape?

>> No.9855857 [DELETED] 


Hey buns. How it hangin?

>> No.9856904 [DELETED] 

Jealous much? xoxo

>> No.9857659

Can someone explain whats going on here? Half of this is unrelated to blackface and seems like it’s full of angry vendetta-chans. Name dropping? Who? Can an anon spill?

>> No.9857905

They have a vendetta and they are not subtle about it.

>> No.9858167
File: 12 KB, 236x255, saltychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nayrt, but I don't think that you understand vendetta, because the cosplayer they posted definitely darkened (or lightened) their skin, which is what this thread is about. Stop derailing the thread, salty-chan

Anyways, let's see more like >>9765174

>> No.9858196

Thank you for answering this.

I have no idea why people are STILL so stupid and obtuse to have to have this answered but here we are.

>> No.9858205
File: 12 KB, 400x400, tyTc1Nl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People only complain about this topic if its a white person doing it. Ive never seen anyone go after an asian or POC who altered their skin for cosplays.

Because, you obtuse buffoon, white people are in the lead.
You cannot be the owner of most of the world's money & so much of its land because you stomped on other races and THEN have a fun time dressing up as those races to get your jollies on.

>> No.9858212
File: 157 KB, 220x167, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Being this obtuse in 20fucking18

You and your type are so exhausting that no one explains to you and just says "end of story."

1. Expand past your narrow little life and think or others for once.
2. Stay stupid and let your mind limit you and eventually cost you having some opportunity had you been kinder.

>> No.9858213 [DELETED] 

Hi Buns on Buns Cosplay.

>> No.9858223

>You are not being progressive by saying everyone look the same.

Haha no one is saying that at all.
We know races look different. We're saying you don't get to wear race as a costume. Stop fighting people cause you have no morals or think we live in a vacuum untouched by historical context.

>> No.9858231

anon, why post three times?

>> No.9858243


Because some of us like to answer questions pointedly in their own box.

But you're right, I used obtuse way too much. I need a better term like simple minded or dimwitted.

>> No.9861309

Yes! Unless it's a tan imo. Most people naturally tan and it's common for people to get fake tans too.

>> No.9861779

Arguably, tanning to fit a specific character is under the same mind set of painting yourself (or other methods) to be a dark character, so your argument doesn't make sense.
>people naturally tan
>people naturally have dark skin
Unless it's stated the character uses fake tan, the skin color shouldn't need to be changed at all.

>> No.9865476

the more ACCURATE a cosplay is the BETTER it is.
This is an undisputable fact that everyone here agrees with.

>> No.9865759

>Guise it's raysis to wear makeup.
The thread.

>> No.9865800
File: 159 KB, 936x682, 712Big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it's considered racist due to the USAs minstrel shows and other poorly done raceplaying.

Plus traditionally there are few colored characters out there so white people slapping on makeup to play a dark skinned character makes people salty.

>> No.9866124
File: 220 KB, 500x372, 1475925813509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it racist?


Equating "I want to look like a character" and "I want to mock a race" is stupid.

If the most egregious racial hatred you experience is a cosplayer benignly trying to match the skin tone of a character, you're pretty well off.