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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 68 KB, 544x539, 21BA688E-6E01-4F31-BB37-B6B081636422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9764038 No.9764038 [Reply] [Original]

Y’all already know what it is

>> No.9764041
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>> No.9764044
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>> No.9764047
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>> No.9764049
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>> No.9764051
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>> No.9764067

Puff puff

>> No.9764070

Opinions aside- where is this from? Was it an RPA thing?

>> No.9764089
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>> No.9764091


She looks like a doilie..

>> No.9764106

This is classic con ita right here. I love how bad it is.

>> No.9764116
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>> No.9764128

I can’t really hate the girl for her face because something happened to her making her be as disfigured as she is. I mean she hides her hands because she’s got no fingers from what ever happened. But man there’s no excuse for that horrible outfit. She’s also pretty damned rude in the chats.

>> No.9764129

The same girl?

>> No.9764134

Nah they’re different. The one in the raincoat is awful though. One of the mods on the lolita amino had to delete her comments because she suggested some poor girl wear cat tights with her new body line skirt

>> No.9764137
File: 33 KB, 749x214, C939A063-4A75-4C0F-9DEC-80AEB7314E8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.9764166

so i've never used this app
but like
does anyone ever call people out for not wearing lolita or is it a hugbox?

>> No.9764181

It happens a lot on Lolita amino because it’s not completely full of asslickers. But when it does, it usually ends up with ita throwing a fit and getting banned/strikes by mods. Alt fashion and a lot of the other Lolita aminos were made to be hugboxes. Rarely do I see actual crit on Alt Fashion.

>> No.9764197

wtf is that hat

>> No.9764198

People get called out on their shit all the time. Mainly the same like 10 people do the “ that’s not lolita” comment but it does get addressed. You just get a lot of “ waaah lolitas are meanies”

>> No.9764201

Ugly as lace.

>> No.9764203

I remember her now! I told her that those tights are meant for short skirts and not For Lolita at all and she replied “they hang close to my knees cuz I’m fat” why am I not surprised?

>> No.9764261
File: 22 KB, 512x287, Amino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for shit quality,it was like that

>> No.9764418

With proper hair and hair accessory, girl on the right would be super cute. I love that IW dress. And it looks like she's wearing the IW petti that's supposed to go with their OPs

>tfw tax return in 2 days
>tfw that petti is still in stock in two online stores

>> No.9764463
File: 258 KB, 750x1198, B2DD3546-EA9B-491C-B959-5FB414F4EBC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets take a moment to appreciate her bio
>I’ve been wearing Lolita since I was a kid!!

>> No.9764469

Wow, so amino is now where all the itas post. I haven't seen quality itas like this in a while.

>> No.9764478

Was she born in 1995 to Victorian parents?
I thought she was younger, this makes it even worse.

>> No.9764496

I don't think this one is that bad? It looks like it's raining so I can't blame her for not having an ideal coordinate

>> No.9764501

/int/ here
What is an "ita"?
Is it a fat/ugly/old/poorly-dressed lolita? All of the above?
These women are attractive. What makes them the subject of criticism?
Post successful examples

>> No.9764506

For most lolitas, it's a badly put together outfit that is painful to look at.

For some of the people who post ITT it's poor, old, ugly, fat, vendetta, non matching pinks etc

>> No.9764507

suppose i come to /int/ and ask what's that cartoon bear thing you love to post there...

>> No.9764525

After being in this fashion for so long, I've concluded that it's just more noticeable when an ugly/fat lolita dresses badly. When they dress well it goes under radar, but when it's bad, it's pretty fucking bad.
I've seen average and pretty girls dress ita but they don't draw as much ire because they don't have a glaring physical flaw to hone in on in addition to poor clothing choices. Being ugly and/or fat complicates things.

>> No.9764541

if she nyxed the necklace, hat, and wig, and wore a lace bonnet, and added more pearl accessories this would be fine. I don't hate the lace, and I'm really glad she had both the cape and the overskirt in that lace. a more natural and voluminous wig would have looked better.
there's enough blue in the coord, so I think switching the necklace for pearl strings would look nice (as well as tie in the shoe pearls)

>> No.9764544

>tfw still searching for this jsk and I see this ita pegasister enjoying it

>> No.9764548

Alt fashion, which is where this gem was from, is a hugbox. People get weird about criticism even if it's polite.

>> No.9764559

how acceptable are open arms in lolita?

>> No.9764579

Wait IW OPs have a specific petti? How did I not know this?

>> No.9764583

I think other anons answered pretty well, but I have to ask, why would you go here? I have nothing against crossboarders, it just seems weird to go on a random board if it doesn't interest you in the slightest.

>> No.9764585

You can wear whatever with it, but most of the brands release petticoats. IW usually releases some different lengths and fluff levels that suit their dresses well.

>> No.9764645

as long as you ask verbally, and the lolita says yes, hugs are acceptable.

>to answer your q:
bare arms only work for summery or country coords, and ero coords. long wigs or sufficient necklaces should balance. it's too much to have chest collarbone exposed AND upperarms.

>> No.9764697
File: 207 KB, 960x940, 26991579_1537415006365570_3964220068013084309_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She entered this ugly costume looking clusterfuck into a contest.

>> No.9764703

God I'm so glad this type of OTT royal clusterfuck look has died out some.
>flashbacks to sceptres and Madonna crowns fucking everywhere

>> No.9764706

I wouldn't call this ita but it definitely has a lot of problems that could have easily been fixed.

>> No.9764707

that heart really looks like a black eye....

>> No.9764715

I come to this board occasionally to look at cool pictures of cosplay
I only ever see salt and bitching about frilly dresses though. Pretty boring

>> No.9764718
File: 22 KB, 326x251, fdececc8aba5790631568437b643af18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should...not come to this board?

>> No.9764719

Then just go to Instagram?

>> No.9764728

Did she take the selfie naked...?

>> No.9764738

that's just an OTT coord. the only thing she could have done without is the big heart drawn over her eye in what looks like lipstick.

>> No.9764742

I don’t see what’s so bad about this one? She just needs to steam her dress and maybe add some jewellery and she would be fine.

>> No.9764752
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>> No.9764757

The hairstyle doesn't suit lolita (and a real waste too, she has great curls) and neither does the makeup; the dress is wrinkled; the plain OTKs look cheap (lace topped socks are always better than plain ones), and the shoes are quite ugly. The lack of accessories isn't glaring but it doesn't help.
I own this OP, it's a very easy to wear, but she looks like a normie trying on her friend's lolita dress.

>> No.9764759

is the girl on the right the infamous D.A.H? The one true cisboy?

>> No.9764782

Was this deleted? I can't find it.

>> No.9764784
File: 291 KB, 750x747, 5C9180CE-3A80-40E8-A7F8-3C46A7F09335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gem from instagram

>> No.9764785

Where are they? Deleted?

>> No.9764787
File: 94 KB, 480x640, Baby HP op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bright reds and wines
>giant sloppy veil with collar
>grey wig, no other grey in sight
>uncut bangs
>flowers out of nowhere (I see she was going with painting the white roses read a la Queen of Hearts, but it really doesn't go with the print)
>blouse neck looks sloppy
>kokoshnik plus English-style monarch collar? wtf

make is amateur but it would pass if everything else was cleaned up and better styled.
this theme would have went better with pic related as the base.
or a solid op, like that one plus asian lolita's much better Queen of Hearts coord.

>> No.9764788

no seriously she does have a lot of mental health issues

>> No.9764790

She dresses like the girls in my comm who attend maybe two meetups a year and get angry at passerby’s who compliment our “costumes” because
>lolita is a fashion, not a costume!!!!!

>> No.9764791
File: 301 KB, 1034x1964, 058B1B3D-B051-40F2-BE20-118DA3433174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9764792
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Gif says it all.

>> No.9764794 [DELETED] 

Anon, you forgot the best part.

>Also, you can comment with concrit but >I’d rather not see a bunch of comments >saying my dress is too short, I know I’m >super tall

So concrit', but don't concrit'?

>> No.9764796

>the mask
Will anyone who is in the west ever be able to pull them off?? I want to wear them myself in my non j fash outfits, but I don't want to come off as a koreaboo

>> No.9764798

>>9764791 #
Anon, you forgot the best part.

>Also, you can comment with concrit but I’d rather not see a bunch of comments saying my dress is too short, I know I’m super tall

So concrit', but don't concrit'?

>> No.9764801

Isn't that bodice supposed to be fully shirred? And is she not wearing a bra? What is going on in this picture?

>> No.9764832

No one ever said she didn’t anon

>> No.9764841

But I mean, I’m not surprised considering her “pronouns”

>> No.9764874
File: 64 KB, 604x601, BU9T18uFQTuqoFLecBYZpV0_A4gJ2SuQ2rI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9764882

I actually think this is kind of cute. It's definitely not an eyesore, and she herself is really pretty! Just need to get rid of those wrinkles lol and work on the socks + shoes

>> No.9764884

I don't really understand her ways but she doesn't look atrocious and her gender/sex or whatever isn't any of my business, so.
Then again I haven't seen any of her full coords.
Odd contribution, though.

>> No.9764933

this picture is old as fuck. Post new material

>> No.9764934

Brand lolita since 2004,eh? Anyone even remember it from egl?

>> No.9764935

For god’s sake, it is an outfit from like forever ago. Vendetta?

>> No.9764939

It is shirred, she just has it stretched to the absolute max.
Someone commented concrit regardless, I wonder how well she'll take it

>> No.9764981
File: 865 KB, 602x551, omgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot this

>> No.9764992


>> No.9764999

>this coming at you at top speed

>> No.9765004

*it/its, can’t believe I missed that. My bad.

>> No.9765013
File: 96 KB, 489x696, e93c03a3cccd39b86e043ba1f1d5242a--alice-in-wonderland-illustration-original-alice-in-wonderland-ilustration[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but alice is supposed to wear an apron

>> No.9765085

Can anyone explain this phenomenon to me where people claim to have been wearing lolita since they were young/a kid/their mum dressed them in lolita? I really dont understand, is it for the credibility or something? It's possibly the most retarded claim I've heard people try to make and personally if someone said that to me i wouldn't give a tiny rats ass. It bears literally no meaning, I'd be very interested to hear about people who have actually been active in communities for a very long time but to just claim "i've been wearing lolita since i was a kid!" just seems so ridiculous and untrue, and even if it was like, so what? Good for you? Do you now automatically transcend everyone else? This has never made sense to me, but perhaps I'm reading into it wrong.

>tl;dr why do people say they wore lolita since they were a kid?

>> No.9765087

This is incredibly baffling. I can't believe she actually looked at this photo and decided it was good enough to post online.

>> No.9765092

Yeah, it's a credibility thing new lolitas and/or itas pull. It's basically code for "I've been doing this since I was a kid so my advise is always right and my coords are always good".

>> No.9765094

In their heads they must just think Lolita is pretty dresses and not it's own subculture. They wore a dress once when they were five and therefore they're lolita???
It might also just be like a gender thing, I can't explain it well but they must think they're going back to their girlish roots because they're wearing a dress all of a sudden.

>> No.9765099

lol a fat chick wearing a food print. classic. what the hell is even going on with this coord?

>> No.9765141

Yeah these are pretty old, I just save a bunch of itas in a folder and dump from time to time.

>> No.9765160

Ew, why is grandma trying to wear lolita?

>> No.9765242

I just wanna ban noobs from wearing IW if they're gonna disrespect it like this.

>> No.9765246
File: 85 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_oeivn8QVSW1synvpvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I think she could pull it off if she dressed better and fixed her hair.

>> No.9765255

She? With that chin?

>> No.9765256

That Rainbowdash is just as sad as her outfit

>> No.9765257
File: 149 KB, 600x634, 6F3BE708-EFBF-4D8C-8FF8-96D1069960F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their idea of “ wearing it since they where a kid”. It’s just itas not really knowing much of the fashion and thinking poofy dresses with lace = lolita.

>> No.9765261 [DELETED] 

Depending on what her actual age is, I find this alright. She didn't go for anything OTT. I feel plain black OTK's, or even plain black with a hint of white would've looked a lot better though. I also feel that heels would suit an older lady more.

>> No.9765263 [DELETED] 

Adding to this, even a modest petticoat would've been needed as well.

>> No.9765265

Depending on what her actual age is, I find this alright although she does need a modest petticoat. She didn't go for anything OTT which is a plus for an older gal. I feel plain black OTK's, or even plain black with a hint of white would've looked a lot better though. I also feel that heels would suit an older lady more.

>> No.9765267

It’s kinda weird her and her mom dress alike

>> No.9765270

I think she dressed up her mom for the event.

>> No.9765316

The comments for this is pretty funny. Like her only excuse for why she won’t look into a underskirt, blouse and longer socks or tights is becuase “ I live in Arizona. It’s hot here. I can’t wear it. Lolitas in Japan go without blouses why can’t I?”

I was raised in Arizona. It’s hot..... in the summer. You don’t go outside.....in the summer because it’s hot. Using the weather there isn’t an excuse to dress like shit in Lolita. Don’t like the heat? Move. It’s what I did. You don’t even need to leave the state, just go up north to flagstaff.

>> No.9765330
File: 147 KB, 640x640, IMG_3121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steampunk needs to die

>> No.9765335

/int/ here
Why are all you girls so mean?

>> No.9765342

No, steampunk should only be allowed for those who are dedicated to it, bad steampunk ("I got goggles so I'm steampunk") needs to die

>> No.9765344


Kill them all; let God sort them out.

>> No.9765345

Lolitas are not lovelies. We don’t ass pat people who did bad in the fashion and refuse to improve. So we use them as an example for those who lurk and are wanting to get into this fashion the right way.

>> No.9765348

Would you ask this on other boards besides this one?

>> No.9765353


>> No.9765355

Lolitas are mean nine times out of ten. Comes with the hobby apparently.

>> No.9765356

if you can point me to other boards where girls are being as mean as in here i will indeed ask them too

>> No.9765367

Why are men allowed to be mean on 4chan but not girls?

>> No.9765412

I'm pretty sure she's been into lolita for a while. She always critiques other girls coords and has been in a lot of past /cgl/ discords.

>> No.9765420

Ive been visiting this board for 5 years already and this is super tame to how brutal and outright malicious people used to be in ita boards.

>> No.9765425
File: 201 KB, 638x960, 5C74B37B-FAE1-4A1B-9635-42FC38AC1891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9765427

??? What's wrong with this?

>> No.9765428

This is pretty cute, albeit the seams on the waistcoat look a bit crooked. Was it made from a replica or a real brand piece?

>> No.9765429
File: 381 KB, 1365x2048, 5F13091F-CD34-4C59-AE56-ED93CEAC2059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9765432


This has the same energy as that comic that you scroll really fast and that girl runs at you on the screen...only me?

>> No.9765434
File: 271 KB, 720x540, 1499779871197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9765436

Nothing matches???

>> No.9765437

I actually really like the concept of a print being used as a waistband, it's a cute way of incorporating it into your coord.

>> No.9765438

>everything has to match 100% or ur ita
Enough with this meme. Being so anal about color matching is stupid and makes you look like an insecure newbie more than anything. That coord isn't perfect but it looks fine.

>> No.9765441

This basically, at least with the ones I've known personally. Some of them didn't even wear dresses as a kid so it's not a case of them misunderstanding little girl clothes, it's an outright lie. But they think that if they say they've been wearing lolita for 10 years (and they're usually 12-17 so that translates to wearing it since they were a baby) that automatically gives them flawless lolita cred and ought to shut up anyone who wants to criticise them.
>this is a good first attempt but Doc Martens aren't really suitable sweet lolita footwear and you might want to invest in a (better) petticoat
>UM I'VE BEEN WEARING LOLITA SINCE I WAS A KID so I know what I'm doing ok UwU

>> No.9765444

girls should always be lovlies and fart butterflies anon

>"ita boards"
>visiting for 5 years

Holy shit do not want
Where did you find this? Please tell me it's not some Patreon thot reject attempting "lewd lolita boudoir" because that's the vibe I'm getting from this picture.

>> No.9765448

She's a wannabe suicide girl, also well known in the country lolita scene because of being full of drama and toxic af. She does soft porn and has lot of fanboys who pay.

This girl is so full of shit lol You'd even need a whole thread for her

>> No.9765461


Bologna sausage gone wild

>> No.9765472

what's wrong with her dress? i mean people are supposed to be posted in this thread for their clothes only, right?

>> No.9765504

My Mom and I dress alike (with respect to normie clothes). And we're the same size so we trade/share. Though I tend to dress a little older/trendier than most women my age and my mom dresses very trendy/cool compared to women her age.

>> No.9765513

This is actually really decent for steampunk

>> No.9765520

>people are supposed to be posted in this thread for their clothes only, right
No. That's a front to make fun of people cgl deems hideous.

>> No.9765522

>refuse to improve
Just because someone doesn't want to be criticised doesn't mean they don't want to improve.

Insisting on someone doing something your way or else isn't really going to guide someone towards the learning path. It forces a lot of people to rebel more.

>> No.9765528

Did u get a pic of it? The post was deleted when I last checked.

>> No.9765530

Cosplayers are worse desu

>> No.9765531

i come here to jerk off

>> No.9765534

>jerking off to the shit in this thread

>> No.9765540

not this thread in particular, just the board

>> No.9765542

And we use those who do rebel as examples for those who really want to do this fashion right.

>> No.9765544

So do it, if you haven't already.

>> No.9765546

Welcome to high school

>> No.9765550

Really? I'm under the impression that most anons want these girls to take their advice or else.

>> No.9765551
File: 465 KB, 843x543, lolita trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tag abuse on IG is getting out of hand.

>> No.9765566

Their face really bothers me, and I'm not sure why. Also, that is an ugly wig, damn.

>> No.9765590

Nayrt but I saw the thread before it was deleted. Assuming she removed it because of what people where saying.

Here’s what was said in summery:

>Lolita 1 suggested to wear an under skirt to help out because she is tall. Also said that a blouse is essential to the look.
>ita responds “ but the girls in Japan go without blouses all the time, and I mentioned I was tall and not to comment about that. It gives me anxiety when people mention my height”
>Lolita 1 says that blouses not worn in Japan age usually for old school cordinates and that bodylines antique clock isn’t old school lolita and doesn’t get a pass.
>Lolita 2 comments about how blouses are essential to help it come together. Also mentions that tights would look better on her legs rather then short ankle socks. Also mentions how bad the shoes are.
> “but Japan lolitas don’t wear them. And I live in Arizona. It’s hot here so I’ll stick with the short socks and no blouse to keep cool”
>Another lolita chimes in about how she also lives in Arizona and that the lolitas of the area wear blouses but made of chiffon and suggest a hoop petticoat to help with the heat of a ruffled chiffon petticoat.
>Lolita 3 mentions the blouse and agrees with the other lolitas about a under skirt to help with the length. Also suggests brands that make dresses for larger sized lolitas so they fit properly be it tall or fat.
> “it’s hot where I live. And I can’t really afford any custom brands as I’m too poor for such luxury “
> Savage AF lolita comes in and says “ of you are that poor, don’t get into lolita fashion”

Pretty much that was it. Because she came up with excuses for honest crit to improve, no one wanted to deal with her shit any more. I’m guessing she removed the post out of shame because she wasn’t getting the ass pats she wanted. I suspect she will post to the alternative fashion group soon becuase that’s a cringe asspat city.

>> No.9765626
File: 546 KB, 1080x1610, Screenshot_20180126-153417_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand she happens to be the mod of the community nearest to me,where people like pic related are let in. I might as well just be a lonelita for ever. Also,they sometimes do joint events with a Steampunk comm

>> No.9765627

My condolences. The lonelita life isn't that bad, really.

>> No.9765631

Is rather be a lone lolita and looking good, over being in a comm where rainbow rose flower crown is an okay headrsss for milky planet too anon.

>> No.9765639

Thanks you two!
Maybe later I'll dump some more pics from other Spanish Comms, they're all gold

>> No.9765695
File: 89 KB, 686x875, 002ACC2F-E636-463B-9BF3-794FDAF99981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“My coord for the day”

>> No.9765697
File: 36 KB, 500x240, fgh121fgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even her pictures look smoky

>> No.9765722

>I don't want to come off as a koreaboo
I think it's less of looking like a koreaboo, and more of it looking a bit ridiculous unless you're sick. Most people in Asian countries aren't wearing them as a fashion statement, it's because of all the pollution from China, "yellow dust" that they wear them.

>> No.9765761

it's a way to say "inb4 my dress's too short, i know, im very tall" and i see nothing wrong with it

>> No.9765777

>someone wanting to be called it/its

Wow, that new. Normally those type of people despise it.

>> No.9765781

this is not ita. the ribbon trim on boater doesn't match, but that's a nit. can also nit the color of the pants.
the waistcoat isn't bad at all, almost looks like MAM

>> No.9765787

DAMN, I feel fot you. That comm is so full of shit, asspats and it was specifically created to make her (her?) the mod of the comm when she had drama with the other comm of the area. I was in the group but left since I couldn't handle all of that bullshit. Gladly my comm is quite decent.

>sends hugs

>> No.9765788

Probably because she's not actually trans, just wants to feel special.
Can you imagine referring to someone as "it"? I feel cruel just thinking about it.

>> No.9765791

>almost looks like MAM
In what way does it look like MAM? It's AP fabric, or a replica of AP fabric.

>> No.9765796

she could have gotten or made herself bloomers.
I'm 180cm and I do my best to look modest even though I'm tall. in my experience, thick thighs look too sexy and can't pull off short lengths.

she can wear whatever she wants, but if she wants to post pics online and interact with the community she's going to get concrit.
bloomers, proper fitting bra, an Aline petti, and nicely styled hair would have made this okay. maybe a larger shawl so as not to accentuate her shoulders/arms

>> No.9765799

MAM uses pompom trims and is known to make sweet ouji items. it almost looks like what a Coty vest would look like, if there isn't already one.

>> No.9765810

that's actually a cosplay op she used years ago and recycled it as 'lolita'

>> No.9765822

forgot to mention she's been a lolita for more than 10 years!!1!

>> No.9765838

It’s a maid costume dress with too short of a skirt, no petticoat, bland normie accessories, and ugly shoes. This would still look bad on a someone pretty.

>> No.9765862

Bless you anon.

>> No.9765868
File: 36 KB, 384x512, Amino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> post this saying it a super laid back Lolita coord.
>Deletes it when people point out it's not.
The great flounce continues!

>> No.9765876
File: 315 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180126-132225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, walk into a fashion, accusing every one of being snobs.

>> No.9765878

Is wearing any plain old dress or skirt lolita now?

>> No.9765882
File: 195 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180126-132611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We..well, according to behind the bows....

>> No.9765883

Young people on Japan are starting to wear them casually. Either for warmth in the winter or for privacy so people will not talk to them.

>> No.9765885

People who come into the fashion expecting elitist behavior from the community are the worst.
"I know you're all catty bitches but please pat me on the ass and tell me how kawaii I am pls no bully"
Fuck off with this attitude.

>> No.9765890

I can't understand how the rest of the members of the SLA bear with her.
Sage for offtopic,I'll (re)start the conversation in the Spain thread,so more anons can weigh in on the topic

>> No.9765893
File: 77 KB, 350x451, U5kRg71516996427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh I hear you, anon. Pic was my first reaction to that post.

>> No.9765894

Apparently so, and saying otherwise makes you Hitler.

>> No.9765902

>"I know you're all catty bitches but please pat me on the ass and tell me how kawaii I am pls no bully"

it's not what i would call expecting an elitist behaviour, elitists don't welcome anybody so it should be simply "I know you're all catty bitches"

>> No.9765907

This girl and people like her basically expect/fear elitism because they have a preconceived notion of lolitas being raging bitches (note how she mentioned btb), but at the same time they want us to accept them. It's odd but it's happened many times in the past, and in the present too apparently.

>> No.9765913

No she wanted asspats too. Or maybe she wants to prove how bitchy she is in hopes of getting the elitests attention.
> Hey, I can be as bitchy as you! Notice me,senpai!

>> No.9765920

To be fair, an overwhelming amount of you are actually catty bitches.

>> No.9765927

Well yeah. As a corollary, the overwhelming majority of lolitas who are "concerned" about that are poorly dressed.

>> No.9765928

Young people have worn them as fashion for years, but it's more of a Japanese thing than a Korean thing, if any specific country.

>> No.9765935

It's too easy to not get posted here, anon. A tiny bit of research and an open mind is all you need.

>> No.9765955

>Insisting on someone doing something your way or else isn't really going to guide someone towards the learning path

This so many times, especially the part about doing something the way anon wants, because sometimes it's not the same as getting good at fashion.
Ugh, anon, sometimes I feel embarassed when people who isn't a part of community try to get in and see, what lolitas actually are

>> No.9765986

I read BtB every week like the petty bitch I am but I still don’t see where people get this AP/Baby über alles idea from. There are plenty of secrets about nice offbrand and the discussions in the comments can be pretty balanced, too. Are they only seeing elitist AP/Baby brandwhores because that’s all they want to see? I can’t think of another explanation. To be honest I downright dislike AP and am neutral about Baby and I still don’t see burando bogeymen hiding behind every bush.

My local comm gets one of these like every two months. 99% of the time they’re cosplayers who’ve been told lolitas are all elitist snobs and they come into the comm seeing bitchiness everywhere even if in reality, everyone is super nice to them. I’ve personally been accused of bullying/elitism twice, once when I told a girl that her Madoka wig was too cosplayish to wear with classic lolita and the second time when I posted a link to our comm’s shopping guide on a “um where do i buy lolita cloths??” post. Apparently I didn’t use enough heart emoticons or something. I’m starting to think that these people WANT us to be mean to them to satisfy some kind of victim complex. You can compliment and coddle a newbie for an entire meet and afterwards she’ll still take to social media to complain that the elitist lolitas ignored her because she can’t afford AP.

>> No.9765995 [DELETED] 

> wahhh accept my half-assed, tacky coord without judgment. I know the fashion has guidlines for a reason but I don't want to follow them. Think of my feelings pls.

>> No.9766003

>these people WANT us to be mean to them to satisfy some kind of victim complex
Honestly, I think this is the main issue at hand.
Every now and then my comm gets the odd girl who doesn't wear lolita, doesn't attempt researching or even asking us how to get lolita on a budget, never attempts talking to any of us, and decides for herself that we're elitist bitches because our meetups have dress codes, while peppering her posts and comments with "pls no bully". I have 0 tolerance for assholes like this, they turn out to be ten times worse than any lolita they claim is a mean bully uwu
Honestly, I'd rather our bitchy reputation puts these people off from even attempting to join us. The less whiny babies littering our comms with their tears and delusions, the better.

>> No.9766004
File: 103 KB, 750x750, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the medical paperish type ones are more popular in Japan, but the one in the original photo the girl was wearing was the black one more associated with guy kpop stars.

Either way, though, I think if someone wears it out in public in a non-East Asian country, it would be a bit strange. Nothing for people who are used to getting attention in lolita, but it's not really a fashion accessory anywhere but in East Asia where it got common from what other anon said about pollution, and now is part of the norm in fashion there too.

>> No.9766006
File: 41 KB, 350x269, 4KZ0ND1516999374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9765955 #
> wahhh accept my half-assed, tacky coord without judgment. I know the fashion has guidlines for a reason but I don't want to follow them. Think of my feelings pls.

>> No.9766013
File: 170 KB, 750x750, 1A7F410D-DED7-475A-B2C7-4813F6D7CEC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It starts

>> No.9766016
File: 128 KB, 750x565, BCFB3050-1051-4BDC-B358-C8C8DF67F177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both tagged lolita fashion

>> No.9766018
File: 14 KB, 236x265, 1475002812578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9766021

>I'd rather our bitchy reputation puts these people off from even attempting to join us
Same, because a lot of the time these people aren’t even really interested in the fashion. They’ll flounce and make a big show of ~leaving lolita because the community is too toxic~ even though they hardly even got a single coord together. They want an audience. Either an audience of frilly lovlies who’ll tell them how kawaii they are, or an audience of social media whiteknights who tell them they’re too good for this world when they come back crying about how the mean lolitas bullied them.
Unfortunately this reputation doesn’t repel the attention seekers while it possibly does repel people who are genuinely interested but shy. I know girls who wore lolita for years before joining our community because they were afraid that they wouldn’t be welcomed. They were, and a few of them are my friends now. I wish we could refine our filters or something.

Honestly I think that if you wore these or the white ones out in my area people would think you have SARS or something.

>> No.9766050

Without the ears and face paint it just looks like a plain outfit. I was expecting the full on outfit.

>> No.9766054

I think it would be remarkable if I was posted, given that I just lurk massively. I’m gathering info before I attempt, if I even ever do. My reply was posted with humorous intent but it..genuinely has some truth to it. It’s a fairly large community so obviously some cattiness happens; that’s natural. However, I don’t think it’s silly to dismiss the fact that the online community can be vindictive and overall... negative. Of course I assume that this experience quite different from anything IRL. Calling someone an autist/n*gger might not be as palatable in the open air as it is on an image board.

>> No.9766059

Anonymity definitely brings out the worst in people, and you have to remember that you never know if you’re talking to many people, one very pissy person or someone who doesn’t even wear the fashion but just comes here to stir shit. IRL interactions are completely different and I’ve honestly never had a truly unpleasant interaction with anyone from my comm, even when I was a total ita.

>> No.9766062

cgl is hardly an accurate reflection of the community though; not all gulls are actually lolitas, many are simply roleplayers and lolitas-at-heart, or even just some shitposting randos looking for a laugh.
The actual community, while it can be vindictive in some cases, is generally so accommodating and accepting that we actually have issues kicking out people who actively harm us, because we don't want to be perceived as "mean". This stereotype of being meanies makes many girls overcompensate for it to the point when terrible people feel free infiltrating our comms with little to no repercussions. Being meaner will only do us good, imo.

>> No.9766080

You have a great point. Honestly, your response was very refreshing to read and I’m happy to hear that there are people who have a fun time. Not to get too cheesy but it’s reassuring and a bit inspiring. Thanks for taking the time to respond and share.
>>9766059 That’s a very interesting thought I actually haven’t seen before or considered. Thank you as well.
Sorry for blog post, I wanted to give a reply. I don’t want to derail any further, though. I’ll sage this. Thanks again.

>> No.9766091

God yes, it annoys me so much how assholes get to walk all over people in my comm and anyone who stands up for themselves is perceived as mean. People come into the group with nasty attitudes and if we’re not all hugs and kisses back at them they call us toxic. Idk about other comms but mine is such an easy target for emotional vampires, it’s ridiculous.
>tfw was going to say “it sucks” but only just caught myself

Aw you’re cute anon, I’m glad I could help you feel a bit better. Sometimes being on 4chan too much sours your perception of people so it’s good to take a break once in a while. I know I need to.

>> No.9766118

holy shit really? Damn, no sympathy at all then.

The coord itself looks good, not sure if vendetta or posted for the kinda cringey pose.

>> No.9766150

This is almost impressively bad

>> No.9766171

Why. Also why does this girl look familiar

This is cute if I don't look at her makeup or the fucking cat ears.

>> No.9766203

>literally pieces of plastic instead of cat ears

>> No.9766230

Anyone saying this isn’t ita is fucking blind.

>vest made from replica
>browns don’t match at all
>tacky af bow tie
>can’t even bother to wear pants that actually fit and don’t look baggy and poor in design
>shitty boater hat with non matching ribbon

Everything about this is trash and anyone thinking otherwise has shit taste.

>> No.9766358

Say it with me folks
Lolita is not Cosplay.

I want to kick blizzard in the nuts for making this skin.

>> No.9766361

I don’t think it’s amazing and does need some work. But I wouldn’t call it ita level of needing work. It’s just a meh coordinate.

You sound mad that no one agrees with you on this. It’s okay. It happens to all of us.

>> No.9766363

there is also alice in wonderland and queen of hearts in this thread

>> No.9766364

No one said anything about feelings. Don't insert things into the argument.

>> No.9766370

Getting some serious "last known photo" vibes from this one, yikes

>> No.9766378

I hate you, Blizzard... you have no idea how much.

>> No.9766382

This looks like fucking shit, I cant believe >>9766230 is the only other person who agrees. Everything is awfully and disgustingly mismatched, terrible construction on the AP fabric waistcoat and why little bears cafe? Surely there was a more fitting replica print they could get their hands on. I'm not even someone who thinks everything has to be perfectly matched and if you dont stick to a 3 colour palate then its ita but jesus, at least *something* has to match to pull your coordinate together if you're going to have that many accessories, not to mention a print in your outfit.

>> No.9766383

Name? Morbid curiousity

>> No.9766392

>She does soft porn and has lot of fanboys who pay.

wtf, she is fat and has skin stretch marks

>> No.9766397

I know, but this is what I hear from itas on the regular.

>> No.9766408

Unfortunately anon, there are large numbers of people that think large women are sexy.

>> No.9766414

Here’s your (you)

>> No.9766420


>> No.9766422

Agreed. Tired of going to SATX’s steampunk convention and seeing amazing outfits contrasted with “omg cogs and goggles and brown=steampunk”

>> No.9766425

Yeah, I get it. It is frustrating to you when people dress bad in your opinion. Whatever.

That doesn't mean people need to fall in line with everything you say or else they are trash.

>> No.9766464

gold that she's pulling out the skirt perfectly to show off an angry stretch mark. wow.

>> No.9766503

ugh, one of (kind of) coworkers wants to be called it/its. It's really challenging.

>> No.9766514

I don't know who this girl is but there are plenty of amazingly dressed girls in the AZ comm, underskirts and everything.

>> No.9766525
File: 54 KB, 1500x1700, 1514106205106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine it's a house cat

>> No.9766603 [DELETED] 

It's not frustrating in the slightest. I just get a kick out of itas who:
>want to wear some god awful hottopic dress,
>call it Lolita,
>insist they know the "rules" of the fashion, >
>run away crying when the concrit rolls in.

>> No.9766608 [DELETED] 

I never said they were trash, anon. Now who's inserting things? No, it's not frustrating in the slightest. I just get a kick out of itas who:
>want to wear some god awful hottopic dress,
>call it Lolita,
>insist they know the "rules" of the fashion
>run away crying when the concrit rolls in.

And its always to the tune of

>> No.9766613
File: 31 KB, 350x467, Hotmess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said they were trash, anon. Now who's inserting things? No, it's not frustrating in the slightest. I just get a kick out of itas who:
>want to wear some god awful hottopic dress,
>call it Lolita,
>insist they know the "rules" of the fashion
>run away crying when the concrit rolls in.

And its always to the tune of

I mean, you really want us to keep quiet when a girl walks in wearing this dress and refuses advice?

>> No.9766618

Refuses advice and then claims to have been wearing lolita for 10+ years and also she met Misako at an event once and she called her kawaii SO THERE!!!

>> No.9766633

Add one more, this guy is colour blind.

>> No.9766645

Now see, this one gets it. Thank you anon

>> No.9766651

Oh I know. I’m friends with a few of them and was there when the drama of 09 happened. There are perfectly dressed girls in the comm. But I was referring to the newbies in the comm using the “ it’s hot” as an excuse to break the basic rules and guidelines of the fashion. Lately it seems that the itas here from are multiplying. In the last three weeks alon we have had the replica ita not wanting helpful concrit and telling people to shove their opinions. And we had the “ I put a petticoat under my skater dress ita earlier this week. And now we have this “ I’m tall so don’t comment about my dresses hemline and no blouse, it’s hot here” ita. I can say right now in the warmest part of Arizona, it is maybe 80 degrees for the high. It’s not hot. It’s perfect right now for the frills.

>> No.9766656

Apuestaprincesa . Her whole account is in Spanish but you can laugh at her swollen face anyway

>> No.9766657

Nothing wrong with grannies wearing lolita anon. They just have to wear it well enough to not get posted here. Ita knows no age.

>> No.9766661

But she's not obligated following your advices, that's the key. Itas owe you a nothing, anon

>> No.9766668

Nayrt, it's true they owe us nothing but they come into our communities and want to be accepted. This might be news to you but aesthetics and appearances matter in fashion communities, and when you join a fashion community and you don't know how to dress yourself, you'll receive constructive criticism because people will want to help you improve and look your best. This isn't a bad thing like people think it is.

>> No.9766669

It's a replica

>> No.9766693

You are right. She doesn't have to follow the advice and we don't have to stop criticizing her. There, now everyone is happy.

>> No.9766695
File: 373 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180127-053134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, tallita was so upset about her concrit', she made her own amino with FFC as the BG pic.

>> No.9766696
File: 672 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180127-053140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9766707

that's a man baby

>> No.9766729

This girl is one of those girls who just can’t take concrit. I had an agument with her before, because she just couldn’t agree with the concrit. So this doesn’t surprise me at all. I wonder why these girls keep posting heir coords online, if you only want asspats share it with your friends instead of the world.

>> No.9766757
File: 455 KB, 720x1028, Screenshot_20180127-072151~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9766769

>constructive criticism because people will want to help you improve and look your best

But this is not true, people only want to feel better about themselves. Criticism is never constructive, when a person didn't ask for it. Just stop acting like a coward trying to bleach your bitchiness and admit being bully twat, because this is what you are.

>> No.9766770

They ask for feedback by posting their coord to a fashion community.

>> No.9766771
File: 646 KB, 1725x3192, A8369800-3AC7-49DB-A23D-923E716C81B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita in the same community at her and FCC here. They post their shit in the community page where we all agree to not post the ita images here ( but they do still get posted from time to time). That, however, doesn’t mean we are going to give you praise for looking bad. We do give concrit there and are as nice as possible unlike in the more pubic groups. Can confirm that FCC and tallita think their shit is flawless and that any form of help is a personal attack on them. There is also another friend of theirs that wears just as shitty of a petticoat as FCC ( same shape). I think this girl might be their “ mentor” since she’s got “better” dresses but dresses like shit reguardless. Here is an image of said “ mentor” with a nice lovely shot of FCC and her saggy socks on the side. Let them have their “fat lolita” group. They won’t improve if they only want someone saying “ you look amazing, so kawaii, don’t change a thing”.

This, this is perfect.

>> No.9766772
File: 80 KB, 1300x860, FDD705F4-004C-43E2-A3AD-1338E9526C11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it’s this anon again.

>> No.9766774

So how is telling a person that a cosplay, rockabilly dress, or a kimono isn't Lolita bullying?

>> No.9766775

>Criticism is never constructive
How so? Do you think bullying means advising someone to wear a blouse or a petticoat, or giving them links to places where they can find better quality clothing? Because you're very sheltered if you do.

>> No.9766779

Thanks anon. I got bored and decided to make an ita Amino.

>> No.9766782 [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180127-080337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9766784
File: 373 KB, 720x1027, Screenshot_20180127-080337~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9766788
File: 466 KB, 1219x1199, 297640A6-D0AB-4AF5-9B50-E72AEB018792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to use her actual finger licking good pose.

>> No.9766791
File: 94 KB, 551x671, 429E16F9-873B-4636-8F3B-B5643596021C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please anons.

>> No.9766795
File: 532 KB, 720x1022, Screenshot_20180127-081814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you.

>> No.9766797

I'm adding that too!

>> No.9766833

Alright I’m curious. What amino is this?

>> No.9766840

>drama of 09
Storytime? I love stories of the vomm from back in the day. I didnt join until a few years after.

>> No.9766843

Yes,and I'm relieved it is

>> No.9766858

It’s probably the dress drop incident. From what I heard was there was a group order with a few of the girls who where also in the maid cafe that batty maid before her YouTube channel took off. Some type of squabble that she was involved in ( no shock there). Batty Went to republic ramen and dropped the dress on the dirty sidewalk floor infront of the other girl she was arguing with then left with her pussy pose to Teheru and had dinner. Girls from ramen showed up at teheru and started shit at the sushi bar. Az comm was seperated into two halves. You where either on one side of the other. It ruined friendships and is the reason the comm had such a hard time uniting again until the last 3 years.

I may be telling the story wrong becuase this was like 9 years ago and it’s ancient drama that anon brought up when it didn’t need to be. I think it’s still called the dress drop drama.

>> No.9766861

Woah I've never heard that story before. Did it involve the girl batty accused of stalking her? The oldest drama I know about is S and her gensobox scandal.

>> No.9766884

Batty thinks all her haters stalk her. It’s kinda hard to not know what she’s doing when she shoves herself all over the internet. But this was actually only a few months before that.

>> No.9766890

>gets a kick out of someone crying
Hey you sound so cool n edgy.

>> No.9766891

>we don't have to stop criticizing her
Just keep in mind the crit isn't really for the person - its for you to get off on insulting someone.

>> No.9766893

What about those who are just posting to social media. They're all just asking for it right?

I hope you're somewhere asking for it too.

>> No.9766894

>telling someone to wear a blouse is an insult

>> No.9766900

Who fucking gives out links in an its thread unless someone asks where something is from?

Like the comment is never
>hey this looks like it doesn't fit - heres a link to maxicam

The comment is usually
>reee fatties!!
>o god that doesn't fit she looks terrible! Literally the worst thing I've ever seen!

These threads aren't to help. Its so people have a safe space to throw insults without any consequences because people here are just generally unpleasant assmongers.

>> No.9766901


>> No.9766903

Are we talking about cgl's ita threads specifically? I was under the impression we were talking about the community in general, sorry if I misunderstood.

>> No.9766931

Yeah I meant these threads.

>> No.9766939

In that case I suppose you can say that gulls who are serious about wearing lolita can learn from these threads what not to do - But it's true that ultimately these threads are about the schadenfreude.

>> No.9766961

If it where not for these threads, I wouldn’t have known what not to do in the fashion. I learned by others mistakes to not make them myself. My logic isn’t perfect, but nor is yours.

>> No.9766962

Lets see how great you look then?

Oh that's right. You know better than to post because we all know what will happen.

>> No.9766985

Jeez anon, you seem to have a personal hatred for this thread. FCC is that you?

>> No.9766986

Post yourself first anon. Or are you too chicken shit to do it yourself. I have posted myself in ita threads to get honest to god crit without hesitation. Why? Becuse people here will tell you exactly what is wrong and if you ask for how to improve they will help you without you passing judgment onto them for not liking your outfit.

>> No.9766987

I'm guessing it's some amino hugbox ita that got posted lol.

>> No.9766992

You can always self post in the coord help thread instead, just saying.

>> No.9766993

It's one I made called pettyfrills.

>> No.9766998

No, we want the honest truth, not asspats.

>> No.9766999

What is the link to this amino? I have a whole folder of amino itas and screenshots I’ve buried deep in my onedrive that I’ve been wanting to dump somewhere.

>> No.9767000

I have posted there. But when I have a bad cordinate and I know it, I’ll post it here to get a different outcome of responses.

>> No.9767001


>> No.9767004

Same. Not that brand can't be ita. (I've seen pics of the girl who stuffs herself into cotton candy shop.) But it's less likely that someone investing more into their outfit will look like a cheep mess.

>> No.9767005

Who's handing out asspats in the coord help thread? You'll get told your coord needs to be improved if you post there, even if you need to start from scratch.

>> No.9767006

It's super new, so it's not gonna be pretty and . But here http://aminoapps.com/c/Pettyfrills

>> No.9767008

You get better crit here plus more people come here so you get quicker responses then the coord help thread. Ita threads usually are only up a few days and it helps you keep the anon image. Posting in the help thread red flags you as you come here. Some people don’t want their comm and friends to know they come here. When your friends and comm don’t knows then you can get a better feel of what your comm thinks of you since ita threads tends to have people going “ this girl is in my comm” then proceeds to say what the comm feels about you not knowing you post here.

>> No.9767010

So your saying that they will criticisize my coord in hopes that it will help me to improve. That's funny, I'm getting a strange case if de ja Vu. Where have I heard that before? I

>> No.9767022

I got bored. I actually expect it to be taken down within a day.

>> No.9767025
File: 44 KB, 236x236, EF33454A-13C1-49A4-8F41-49FCECACE16D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was posted to the ita thread for a shaky outfit a while back. I asked my friends how to improve and I got a bunch of great concrit. One of them went super in depth and pointed out things I would have never noticed. Concrit is great for those who actually want to grow instead of those who only want asspats. Getting posted to the ita thread isn’t the end of the world, it’s an opportunity to learn how you can improve.

>> No.9767027
File: 351 KB, 749x926, 0FA3D1FA-8E98-44A5-9866-29C0AA52AA34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just ignore “you’re all bullies T^T” anon and post more itas?

>> No.9767030

>the coord help thread isn't for helping people coord

>> No.9767041

I love this reply t b h

>> No.9767058

The point I was making, anon, is that both threads help people improve. This one just doesn't coddle you.

>> No.9767069

Ohhhhh, dump away.

>> No.9767084
File: 47 KB, 329x512, Amino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9767099

Is she using her fat as a petti?

>> No.9767100

Those shoes look like they’d make a ‘clunk’ sound.

>> No.9767106
File: 211 KB, 748x930, 001A114C-4691-4163-8009-73CB37988EAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love seeing people’s old ita pictures, this is so heartwarmingly terrible and nostalgic. Itas just aren’t what they used to be.

>> No.9767110

Cosmates gotta love it

>> No.9767114

Those Anna House shoes, holy shit. These coords are undoubtedly ita but at the same time they're so charming, goddamn me and my nostalgic ass.

>> No.9767138
File: 1.70 MB, 640x1136, 18DB4BDA-13B3-4D2E-A695-F8E705C3C860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll post more full body when I can

>> No.9767172

Someone please show this to her!

>> No.9767181
File: 1.06 MB, 2896x2896, 50D19E87-1B95-41F1-8CB4-5C14BA3FA0F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a small dump on petty frills but I have more. Sharing these honorable mentions more screenshots available on og post.

>> No.9767183
File: 827 KB, 2896x2896, D728B7E4-EF05-4D43-8501-149C4E55B6FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9767188
File: 968 KB, 2896x2896, 0C63956F-C64D-43D8-B4BF-465BD6191815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9767213

I never claimed to learn from these threads tho so why would I?

>> No.9767215

Pettyfrills is my kind of amino

>> No.9767216

You sound paranoid. No one is gonna know who you are from coords you may not even end up wearing

>> No.9767218

Your friends gave you help. Not anyone in this thread unless you know your friends post here.

>> No.9767220

There's no real concrit for how people look and dress. Its subjective.

All this board is made up of is cunts discrediting other peoples opinions to make theirs look correct.

>> No.9767320

But ccs is HUGE! how can you be that fat and still be able to walk?

>> No.9767337

I hate that I know her shitty icing bow is from Hot Topic. They're so low quality...

>> No.9767426
File: 262 KB, 749x919, 93589C45-7989-4F52-95EF-84B562BAA995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9767433
File: 434 KB, 1500x1401, 4EFA72C8-752F-4959-AD8F-29B2F51E7F29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767434
File: 223 KB, 732x1084, DBEF9192-DD56-480E-9A3F-CDC6C8E29E30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl deserves a pettyfrills page

>> No.9767459

I feel bad for the girl on the right. She’s got a nice coord

>> No.9767475

is there any way to use amino without installing their shitty app? why would i need an app for something where web browser is sufficient

>> No.9767476

Because it's an app?
I don't like it either, but an apps an app. They want you to download their bullshit.

>> No.9767478

>why would i need an app for something where web browser is sufficient

I hate nu-internet too.

>> No.9767504
File: 576 KB, 640x1119, IMG_0793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767522
File: 63 KB, 480x415, a742bd83f60d7a53ecff1d53aa826daf2634b3a3b9943e5a027b692ffb0592c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767541

It’s called a emulator. Look into it.

>> No.9767543

that's still installing their "app", only on the emulated android, it only makes sense to do if you want to access it on your pc...


>> No.9767553

You sound like the kind of weeb that can’t watch American cartoons without having the Japanese version then subtitled becuase “ Japan translates better then English”.

It’s an app. You download it. On your computer or not, the app or site will get pinged and get your service. I don’t know why you’re soo set on working around the app as it was intended to be used. Hate the new internet as you want, it won’t change so suck it up and adapt or continue being a salty “ muh centennials ruining the internet” tard.

>> No.9767558
File: 115 KB, 599x401, 1484376000045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767559
File: 83 KB, 600x389, D5B2F99F-2CCD-4554-A741-65F2799919B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767567
File: 40 KB, 720x540, BK9sMdgCMAAjjyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am annoyed that I mandatory need an app (a pretty ugly word btw) to access some blog service which could be perfectly well accessed like, say, facebook with a web browser if its creators hadn't decided to enforce their app instead.

It's also a pretty bad trend when they make an app to access their service and try to force it over the ordinary web interface, like imgur when you access it on your phone doesn't even allow you to upload pics unless you fool it by switching your phone browser to "desktop mode" so it thinks you are on desktop, and when you are on desktop it's perfectly ok that you upload the pics without their app.

Web browsers were created specifically so people wouldn't use a hundred programs to access a hundred sites and these guys try to unwind it for their personal profit on our cost.

Yes i think i am annoyed legitimately, it's rather a /g/ topic though.

>> No.9767573

You must have a shitty imgur app then becuase I can upload and do all the same shit on there as i could on a web page version. Sorry your too stuck in the past to not want to adapt to the change that is inevitable. Go back to /g/ if you want to complain about tech shit. This is for jfashion and cosplay, not technology and K.A.T fuckery.

>> No.9767578

>You must have a shitty imgur app then

that's the last (you) you got

>> No.9767588
File: 433 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180127-224922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767590

Vendetta. This photo is old and she admits it's not her best.

>> No.9767605 [DELETED] 

See >>9765141
Keep up.

>> No.9767606


>> No.9767607

Is she not as cringy ragey as before. I remember the whole deco drama last year when the amino said no to drawings. Did she mellow out finally?

>> No.9767609

Loving this.

>> No.9767628

They probably just need a better phone.

I don't remember my amino account name... too risky to post their anyway...

>> No.9767663

Her profile on the Lolita Amino says she’s from Michigan so probably that’s her comm

>> No.9767724

My friend had the Bodyline set on the life. I feel ten years younger looking at this picture.

>> No.9767759

I agree you and the anon who posted it, it’s absolutely heinous.

I’m guessing the amount of support for it is just the person in the pic samefagging all over the place.

>> No.9767762

Please just piss off and stop lurking these kinds of threads if you can’t handle it. You sound like such a goddamn child.

People are going to criticize shit regardless of what it is and for whatever reason they want. Accept it and move on with your sad life. Nobody is going to walk on eggshells for you.

>> No.9767771

>samefags with grandpa
I’m d y i n g

>> No.9767803

Oh so she's back eh? She'd deleted everything last time I checked. Ty anon.

>> No.9767825

Look, ita is all about a badly put together outfit that hurts to look at, but the hard truth is that being a fattychan makes almost every possible outfit into one of those. It's not an either/or thing. The way you dress is affected by your body shape, and you have to take it into account.

>> No.9768036



See? This is what I was talking about. You claim to help people yet you have an Amino for itas. What's more, these girls don't even know. Don't pretend any more.

>> No.9768044

NTAYRT but it's not about that. It's about people like you who are willing to do all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify being mean to people who don't really deserve it.

>> No.9768057

So if we are so fucking mean and you're such a saint, why are you here? Normal people avoid what they don't like.

>> No.9768084
File: 39 KB, 280x373, 32AAA6BF-D82A-459F-B1B4-64B2751B52FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petti Little Liar strikes again (1/2)

>> No.9768086
File: 164 KB, 1063x1461, 90E2B8AA-4257-4E2D-BE4C-58068D65B2A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9768123

How can she make such bad coords? I seriously hope she’s trolling at this point.

>> No.9768197

I wouldn't really call it lolita but my wife likes to dress our daughter up in frilly dresses and psudeo lolita print skirts
I thought it was cute but now im hoping she doesn't build a complex about it

>> No.9768198

I've never thought about, but that's probably because this is the only female dominated board so everyone else just sort of rolls with the bants as is necessary in your standard male culture

>> No.9768341

>these people WANT us to be mean to them to satisfy some kind of victim complex

The "bullying" obsession makes me cringe. Sure, nastiness happens, and people can be assholes to each other, but we are not children, we are not forced to associate with one another.

Bullying doesn't happen outside of high school. It's either normal human friction/disagreement or actual harassment. Living forever as a 14 year old is fucking creepy.

>> No.9768345


At first I was like "this isn't that bad" but then the socks, AND ONLY THE SOCKS, were black.

Rule of 3, people. I know it's an oldfag thing, but if you use a color in your coordinate, you have to use it in THREE ITEMS, ESPECIALLY if the color is not in your main piece.

>> No.9768468

Been here for quite some time. I found out about lolita from here so of course I'm gonna stay.

>> No.9768515

>knew about lolita/j-fash in early 2000s
>never got into it though
>spend years visiting /cgl/ randomly when I need a break from /pol/, /sp/, /a/, and /toy/
>particularly loved lurking in the ita threads
>time spent lurking on /cgl/ gradually increases over the years
>suddenly $1000's of dollars spent on clothing
>how the fuck did I get here

>> No.9768544

New thread

>> No.9769074

>particularly loved lurking in the ita threads
and why is that I wonder

>> No.9769393

Cute! sound like vendetta

>> No.9769398

Apuesta princesa

>> No.9770455

Jesus I thought she quit like 6 years ago

>> No.9772741
