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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9657874 No.9657874 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't seen a thread up in a while, so I thought I'd start one.

Now that the summer heat is finally gone, what coords are you going to get to go outside with?

>> No.9657876
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>> No.9658354
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A very Morose Wedding

>> No.9658356
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And the Solemn Congregation

>> No.9658360
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Matrimony beneath a hollow,
sealed with a Kiss
quietly glowing

>> No.9658362

Why do your captions read like A Series Of Unfortunate Events titles?

>> No.9658390

I think it's kind of cute
Good luck OP, I hope your thread doesn't die

>> No.9658878
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Glad this thread is back~ moving over from >>>/fa/12821692
If anyone has any stores they recommend for casual mori, and tips on completely re-doing your wardrobe i'd love to hear it

>> No.9658883
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>> No.9658885
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>> No.9658888
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>> No.9658895
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>> No.9658904
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>> No.9658907
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>> No.9658909
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>> No.9658920
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I'm still new to this fashion, so I would like to know which of these shoes are good for mori. Also, do you gulls wear mori year-round or only in the fall and winter?

>> No.9659001

all of these seem in line with mori style imo. The grey being more casual, and useful for a less winter outfit. The rest look great for layering with thick socks for the fall and winter and would work well with a lot of stuff.
I personally am striving to wear casual mori year-round and that gives me a lot of time to find pieces I really like.

>> No.9659063

>tips on completely re-doing your wardrobe i'd love to hear it
Best advice is to take your time. The hardest part is finding what you like and what looks good on you.

What are your wardrobe goals? I think the best thing you can do is ask yourself if you feel comfortable in your clothes: physically, of course, but are your clothes also practical for your lifestyle? Are they sending a message to others that you like?

Remember that you're going to like a piece best when you first acquire it. If you're on the fence about something, leave it at the store; you don't want another thing you don't wear taking up closet space.

They all can work. I especially like the third pair, but that's just personal preference.

I don't actually wear mori; I just take inspiration from it. Most mori stuff is just too baggy to look good on me.

>> No.9659067

a bunch of fat people at a wedding in a forest does not mori make

>> No.9659119

Is mori still a thing? I always wanted to purchase a magazine about it but I don't think they sell them anymore.

>> No.9659124

>tfw it's still in the 70s/80s in NY

>> No.9659175

all of them are very nice!! Love them!

I wear it all the time! I live up north in an historic fishing village so it fits. (except at work!)

>> No.9659198
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>> No.9659200
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>> No.9659204
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>> No.9659210
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>> No.9659214
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>> No.9659216
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>> No.9659218
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>> No.9659221
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>> No.9659286
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>> No.9659314

Do you know a store where I can find mori for men? all the pages I've found only have women's clothing

>> No.9659339

second hand stores are the best for this
this is pretty much what I look like in the fall/winter/spring

colourful nordic wool sweaters/socks green/brown/tan jean/pants bunch of wool/cashmere scarfs/hats some hand knitted cashmere&mink peacoat army surplus wool coat(WWII swedish comfy as fuck/easy to find and cheap wear this all the time in -30) wool leggings/undershirt clarks desert boots modified with a sheet of textured vibram glued to the sole so I don't slip and crack my dome open on the ice probably gonna pick up some surplus wool pants soonish the swiss and german ones are cheap and comfy

woolwoolwoolwoolandandmorewool become one with the sheep/goat

>> No.9660150

r/ing hairstyle inspo

>> No.9660340
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>> No.9660374

It's technically dead, but many of us like it here and it's not impossible to find clothes that fit the aesthetic, so these threads continue.

>> No.9660405
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>> No.9660406
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>> No.9660408
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>> No.9660409
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>> No.9660411
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>> No.9660424
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>> No.9660428
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>> No.9660430
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>> No.9660435
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>> No.9660438

Thanks for the dump. I especially like the bottom left style pictured here; it's very different.

>> No.9660440
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>> No.9660441
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>> No.9660444
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>> No.9660445
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>> No.9660473
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Opinions on subtypes/themes like dark or hama?

>> No.9660623
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>> No.9660627
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I am personally not a fan of OTT mori, so I don't pay much attention to dark mori because it feels very costume-y. I like looking at hama and yama for some inspiration but it doesn't suit my climate so I've created my own terms for this style.

>> No.9660629
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What originally drew me to mori most was the low maintenance, effortlessness the style had and how I can feel very put together while not having to worry much about makeup or changing my hair color. I could just enjoy being more "natural"

>> No.9660632

Dark Mori, Witch, warlock, Hama (Japanese witch), Strega (Italian witch), Waorlega (old Celtic for warlock) have a decent following around tumblr and I assume instagram as well, and most gulls don't tear into it when it's mentioned, but it's not a thing that's really discussed here. Maybe it's a difference in the feeling the clothing inspires. Mori is a comfy studio ghibli movie where you are 80 years old drinking tea with someone or thing you love, whereas Strega is mysterious and dark and just a recurrence of all the girls in the eighties who couldn't admit they were gay for Stevie nix. Strega can be downright enchanting and a bit seductive, but more often than not its just a new form of being an edgy teenager. I'm actually an herbalist, and it trigger me so much to see people talking about making potions that get you money luck.

>> No.9660836

I don't know why but recently I've been super into Mori
It's just so cute and looks really comfy, kinda like something a forest witch would wear (in a good way!), especially dark mori
It'd kinda sad, because I don't think this is a fashion that would suit me.
First I have a larger chest, and baggy clothes look really bad if you're busty, doesn't fall very nicely and so.
Secondly, I don't think I would be very good at the whole layering aspect, it's something that I really like, but it seems like it's kinda hard, and I don't think I have the talent for it..

Idk, I was just browsing the thread and felt like venting a little. Sorry for being kinda OT

>> No.9660842
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Give it a try! we all comfy here.
I have the feel that people who are into mori are less judgemental in a way, just wear it and take it easy.

>> No.9660851

Thanks for your kind words anon, it makes me feel a bit more open to trying it out, but I feel like I would think I looked really bad in it, and then it unfortunately doesn't really matter what others think

>> No.9660907

Waorlega? That's definitely not a Celtic word or from an Celtic language, where did they get that idea?

>> No.9660909

Nevermind, looked it up- turns out it comes from a word in Old English. So it is Germanic in origin, not Celtic!

>> No.9660997

Before I even knew mori was a thing I used to wear a mix of hama and regular mori as one style (I mentally called it "Old World Girl Scout"). As for dark mori, I do wear it sometimes but I make sure to tone it down to keep from being OTT and costumey like >>9660627 and >>9660632 said, although sometimes it ends up looking more grunge or romantic goth than dark mori.
I'd encourage you to try it at least a bit, but if you don't feel up to it there's nothing wrong with still following the threads. I read all the larme and lolita generals, plus lunarcore and cyberpunk threads on /fa/, even though I don't wear any of those styles but still find them aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.9661305

Anon please. Where did you get those lace-up boots on the far right, the ones with fluff inside? I need...

>> No.9661378

They're thrifted but the label inside says they're from Mossimo Supply Co, which is sold at Target apparently.

>> No.9661411
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your pic is more dolly-kei though but I agree it's very similar to mori and I personally love them both.

pic related, my favorite dolly coord

>> No.9661815
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Thanks anon, I might give it a try...
Anyone know where I could look for mori stuff? Especially darker mori
Like, etsy stores, taobao stores etc
Also, what could be good essential pieces to start with?

>> No.9661965

I've found New Look to be good for mori stuff!

>> No.9662693

I have a list of mori-feeling media saved from a past thread. Please feel free to add on to it.
>Movies: Try Whale Rider and Secret of Roan Inish. Also Jane Eyre. Any Jane Austen remake/interpretation.

>TV shows: Rosemary & Thyme, Last of the Summer Wine

>Anime: Natsume Yuujinchou, Mushishi, Kino's Beautiful World

>Books: Norse mythology. Mushishi manga. Yokaiden manga. Aldo Leopold's "Sand County Almanac." Annie Proulx's "Shipping News." Jane Austen. Collected poems of Emily Dickinson. Chinese poetry.

>Moomins (animated series and books)
>Studio Ghibli
>Garden of Words
>Wolf Children

>Angela Carter's book of fairytales

>The Hands-on Home'
> 'Forgotten Ways for Modern Days'.

>mori feeling music; ichiko aoba, popoyans, kotoringo, yeye, and sachie hiraga

I also think that Astrid Lindgren's books are mori, especially The Six Bullerby Children. The movies of it are very good too, but I don't know if there are English versions of them.

>> No.9662706

I would also add The Secret of Kells and The Song of the Sea to that list!

>> No.9662995

For dark mori I'd say good starting pieces would be a plain black blouse, a plain blouse in some other dark color (blue, gray, purple), two or three flowy skirts of varying lengths and one or two loose sweaters or vests, plus a pair of shoes. I use a pair of black lace up ankle boots.

>> No.9663075

I'd like to add to the list too
>Movies: Nishi no Majo ga Shinda (The Witch of the West is Dead)

>Books: Beatrix Potter!

>TV shows: Anne with an E

>Music: Agnes Obel, Celia Pavey, Aoi Teshima, Aurora (a lot her of imagery/videos are nature-based), and as much as I dislike her, Taylor Swift's Safe and Sound vid/song give me mori vibes.

>> No.9664155
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I was reading through some archived threads where anons were saying that new mori was disappointing and not fairy tale-ish like mori originally was supposed to be. So how could you make it more fairy tale like again? Does it just seem lacking because it's a dying fashion, or have the colors and cuts of the clothing changed, or is it a lack of accessories or what?

>> No.9664203

See I love mori but this is why people say it's an ugly fashion

>> No.9664301

It's because people don't want it to look "costumy", just look at posts earlier in the thread.

>> No.9664481

Thats not even mori, its natural kei/system.

>> No.9664691

I’ll add two!

>Video games: Stardew Valley

>Anime: Mahoutsukai no Yome

>> No.9664704
File: 82 KB, 388x560, pinkhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be. It's a glorified bag lady fashion, I dunno why anyone would think otherwise.

Pic attached is the traditional definition of natural kei. Even in its evolved form it's nowhere near what you're calling natural kei.

>> No.9664723


wrong that's nothing but old school lolita, or what they call Pink house system.
No one in Japan associates that style of clothing with Natural kei.

Natural Kei Magazines and publcations:


More Natural Kei brands

Heres pink house listed under goth girly.

>> No.9664734
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This is exactly why the creator of mori said "not simple, not natural"
True natural kei is more simplistic than mori and typically lacks the frills and dramatic layers.
This is the style she used as a base for mori girl.

>> No.9664744

Translation from the branatsu page:

Pink house born in 1973 is a dollry (DOLLY) ladies brand developed by Melrose Corporation.

Sticking to quality is strong, and prints of cloth are handmade by craftsmen one by one manually in factory in Japan. Also, among the brands of the same family, the movement of the frill feel supple in pink house clothes. This is due to the softness of the material and the high level of sewing level when applying frill.

Because there is a certain quality that the long history tells, we continue to attract fans who have become mother generations and continue to make core fans for younger generations.

>> No.9664753

Huh. Okay, I stand corrected. Makes me wonder where multiple blogs got their definition of natural kei then, did it just spawn from one person being wrong about it and then multiple places referencing that? Because the "little house on the prairie" thing comes up pretty frequently.

>> No.9664766
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I believe someone in the western community did not want to categorize pink house with lolita, and appointed that name not knowing that natural already existed.
On Japanese fashion snap pages PinkHouse is usually paired up with Angelic Pretty, Baby or other lolita brand pieces.

Choco was trying to clear up confusion, as mori girls tend associate styles that look like the posted photo with mori.
SM2 is in fact an old natural based brand (est around 1980).
I've even heard some call this look toned-down mori.

>> No.9664799

Is that Stinky from Moomins? Why do nips have such a hard-on for that series?

>> No.9664817

Yep, they do love moomin!
Japan seems to have a love of anything European created or with that aesthetic.
Peter rabbit is very popular in Japan too.

>> No.9665556
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>> No.9665558
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>> No.9665559
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>> No.9665561
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>> No.9665563
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>> No.9665564
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>> No.9665566
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>> No.9665567
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>> No.9665570
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>> No.9665571
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>> No.9665573
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>> No.9665574
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>> No.9665583

safe and sound always gave me that vibe too! I don't really care for her or any of her other music, but I want to live in the cosy feeling that song gives me. It feels like I'm living in a forest.

I'd like to add mumford and sons to the mori vibe if you like a slightly folky feel to your mori. Broken crown is a great song, 10/10.

>> No.9665585

I've been into mori for ages, I just had a thought: the western brand free people is like, mori's sexy cousin

>> No.9665815

/r/ing mori boys!

>> No.9665823

I think it's because people want to be able to casually wear mori, it's so comfy that removing the fairy tale-esque aspects makes it appropriate to wear out in public.

>> No.9665834

What exactly makes it fairy tale?

>> No.9665840
File: 2.69 MB, 5120x3000, Morithemessubstyles1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is virtually dead in Japan, so nothing new for this style is being produced.
New fans should look back at mori girl lesson, papier, spoon, Valon, and Choco's magazine to get a feel for what the style is like.
Mori is far more varied than lace and frill, which is just part of the "romantic/girly" theme.
There's no reason for mori style to be uninspired or boring.

*Image is very large, and shows a few mori themes and related or substyles:
Boyish, Folklore, Girly, Natural kei, Outdoors (Yama Girl).
Mori Gyaru was mentioned in early magazines as well.

>> No.9666188

Is 98-74-96 too fat for mori? What with all the layers and all

>> No.9666224

It's not the most flattering style for a large figure, but you should be fine. Mori has much less rules than something like lolita, and looks good as long as your outfit has the right vibe.

>> No.9666246

wearing antlers head pieces or fawn freckles, and even having a slightly unnatural hair color
(mori does stick to natural hair colors, but I use to see a lot more sunset oranges and rose golds)

>> No.9666277
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I have similar measurements to you, and I think it looks fine. The one issue you want to avoid is getting dresses that are too tight across the chest. I also like to get dresses that go to below my knee/ mid calf, since it helps elongate your body, and can help if you have a short torso.
Mori is generally quite baggy, so unless you carry a lot of weight in your face or limbs, you're not going to look too different from someone who's skinny.

>> No.9666292
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Shugo Tokumaru and Vashti Bunyan are very good mori-like musicians. Also Fleet Foxes, The Decemberists, Paper Kites, The Civil Wars, and depending on how "pagan" you want to get, probably Michelle Mays. When it comes to movie soundtracks, the list is almost limitless. Brave and Lord of the Rings are essential in terms of film scores. I found a lot of these artists through mori girl playlists on 8tracks before 8tracks put up the proverbial "no fun allowed" sign. Video game OSTs like Braid and Botanicula are also good.

Speaking of video games, I HIGHLY reccomend Botanicula/Amanita Design games in general. Breath of the Wild is also good, but what Legend of Zelda game ISN'T mori to some degree? The older Animal Crossings were also nice, but the newer ones are also wonderful if not as mori-like as the previous ones.

Also, don't forget to to actually read up on old European folklore and fairy tales. Even if they're usually really dark... Well, it IS October!

Lastly, I found Maleficient to be very eyecandy for mori. Most Disney movies are.

That's about all I can think of.

>> No.9666341

Alexander Rybak has a sort of folksy fairytale feeling to his songs.

>> No.9668197

Was Natural Kei ever popular in the West? Maybe it's just because I'm new to jfashion, but I think I've seen maybe two or three people say they wear it.

>> No.9668205
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the classic

>> No.9668206
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>> No.9668207
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>> No.9671494
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Any anons have experience with Favorite One stuff? I think it's one of the last mori kei Japanese brand still left standing, hoping some anons here maybe have stuff from them. Their stuff looks so darn comfy, I just want to know how they work irl or if it's actually stiff uncomfortable material.

>> No.9671495
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Posting a couple of apparently wa x mori stuff that was in their shop as well for discussion.

>> No.9671498
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>> No.9671503

I love how rich the colors are.

>> No.9671530

I really detest wa stuff.
Traditionnal japanese costums are very pretty the way they are no need to bastardize them.

But that is less offendint thant wa-lolita.
I tend to prefer my lace on white or cream-colored dress. The white of the lace just clash too much with vibrant colours. It hurts my eyes.

But well it's just my taste , and those people should continue to experiment even if I don't like the result.

>> No.9671533

I see where you’re coming from, but the Japanese don’t see it as changing their style to something else.

They see it as taking a western/generic style and adding a bit of their own traditional culture.

>> No.9671773
File: 54 KB, 640x368, Klovharun-640x368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of you lifestylers or semi-lifestylers?

>> No.9672296

I'd love to, I enjoy hiking, taking walks in the forest and going to rustic cafes and I love how comfy the clothes are, but I live in a big city and I have to take the train if I want to go anywhere with a more natural environement. Also, I live in a hot region so I only wear my winter wardrove (where I have most of my mori pieces) three months a year at best.
I would love to wear mori everyday, but I can't find any fresh mori clothing for men, so I stick to wear mori-ish normie clothes most of the time.

>> No.9672323

Semi-lifestyler, I guess. I live in semi-rural suburbs and study in a smallish town out in the country, I have a little garden and buy most of my food at farmer's markets during the spring and summer, I bake my own bread and cook lots of old recipes that my family has been using for generations, I go hiking when I can, about 3/4 of my clothes and furniture are thrifted, and I wear Mori about 5-6 days a week during the fall and winter. I wear it less during the summer because it gets hot and disgustingly humid here, but I'll try to sew a muslin dress or two to wear next summer. I'd love to be even more mori, but you can't escape modern society that easily.

>> No.9672326

>I can't find any fresh mori clothing for men, so I stick to wear mori-ish normie clothes most of the time.
This might be a retarded idea since I woke up like ten minutes ago, but maybe some vintage milsurp? Milspo is sharper than mori but if you toned it down with sweaters and scarves you could maybe get a manlier mori.

>> No.9672601

- Skirts/slip dresses: if cotton is soft, can pill over time depending on frequency of wear/washing style but overall recommended
- Tops: typically soft and breathable if cotton, basically shapeless, same polling thing as above
- Capes: Kinda stiff but it’s on top of everything else so it’s a bit negligible
- Coats: Acrylic based ones are fine, I’ve removed the liner in the sleeves of mine because it was a polyester lining and felt gross, feels fine with just the acrylic and washes no problem

I don’t have any OPs and the reviews on those seem to complain about stiff material, most of their other stuff that’s cotton based is fine. If you’re looking at linen items just remember that linen (usually) softens up with heat and washings over time.

>> No.9673276

what's your frame like? i have small measurements but a wide frame so i look bigger in mori than a lot of plus size folks i know who wear it

>> No.9673472
File: 457 KB, 1152x2048, received_1738555672839512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-lifestyler here. As time goes by, the more I get into the mori quiet style of living, and it's nice. I work on a farm, hike a lot. Self posting from a summer camping trip to sleeping Bear dunes, wearing just the base of a coord so that I didn't melt

>> No.9673474

Nice. I'm envious desu.

>> No.9676439

Why is Mori so unpopular?

>> No.9676531


Aaaaa thank you so much, anon. Think I'll ditch the OPs that have complaints about stiff materials and look at their slips and tops instead. Thanks for the advice on linen as well.


There's a tendency for the layering to end up looking like a bag lady if you're not careful, maybe that's why? Personally I just really like loose clothes, gonna admit I'd be just as happy in pyjamas, but it's easier to find inspo in mori for loose pretty clothes that don't look like I really did just crawl out of bed.

>> No.9676888

who is she? ;_; her fits are so goddamn cute

>> No.9677255

It's not really a style that lends itself to being popular if you think about it. Mori activities don't really revolve around socializing, sharing coords, conspicuous consumption, etc. so there's nothing that keeps it in the public eye.

And what >>9676531 said, it's terribly easy for it to go wrong. I personally dislike variations beyond the beige/light brown/ivory/white lacy looks, and who knows what other people's standards are for it.

>> No.9677528


>> No.9677808
File: 62 KB, 493x700, MoriGirl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of any place to get nice long skirts?
I only know of Artka, Axes Femme and the really busy ones with lots of frills you can find on alliexpress.

>> No.9677967

Where I live, winters are super cold, at least like -5 c, but it can get to like -20 c (idk what that is in Fahrenheit, but it's cold as balls), so I was wondering, what kind of jacket could work for that kind of temperature, while still being mori?

>> No.9678002

mori seems perfect for cold places to me with all the layering. A long woolen coat would be nice, oh and maybe with a cap with fake fur, that always looks cute in my opinion. And don't forget a huge knit scarf to finish it off.
On the other hand it's annoying that half your coord gets hidden by the coat but at least long skirts will peak out.

>> No.9678004
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Artka has some very mori-ish coats too but I have no idea how warm they are since I've never ordered a coat from them.
You can also wear thermal underwear for extra warmth under your coord but you probably already know that.

>> No.9678016
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I don't have any specific one to suggest since where I live the average winter temperature is 4°C, but a longer wool coat would be good, especially vintage. An old fur coat would also be great, but those are very hard to thrift and expensive to get otherwise.

>> No.9681837
File: 75 KB, 564x564, 1508364277387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be included in a mori "capsule wardrobe" for travel, specifically for a weeklong trip?

>> No.9681913

I wear barn coats. I've also scored a classic all-wool red original scottish Macintosh coat at a thrift store. Thrift stores are your friends, moris. So is layering.

>> No.9683105

>all-wool red original scottish Macintosh coat
Sounds nice. Pics?

>> No.9683423


I am, but I'm not very fashionable. Working on getting a wardrobe together while getting rid of a lot of my old stuff I don't like anymore. Using Marie Kondo's method.

I grow herbs, cook, bake, make soap (the real kind, not melt and pour), and knit. Love nature. My ideal life would be a little cute house in the woods on some land, with chickens and dogs and a big garden to keep me busy during the day.

>> No.9683542
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>> No.9683543
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>> No.9683545
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>> No.9683546
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>> No.9683601

Just convert a normal capsule travel wardrobe - 3-4 tops, 2-4 outer layers (coat + sweaters/cardis), 1 OP, 2-3 bottoms, 2-3 pairs of footwear, and accessories as needed. You'd just need enough to layer/tuck in or out while staying comfortable.

>> No.9685738

I’m a semi-lifestyler (like 80% of the time). I live in a cute antique-filled small town in Texas right outside of the big city (it’s an old German-founded town with a festival every other weekend and a farmer’s market on saturday mornings). I live right off of Main Street, so I walk to old stores and look at antiques and eat at the little cafes made out of old houses and stuff often. I visit my grandparents house often, and my grandmother and I are very close and enjoy birdwatching and gardening (she’s taught me so much about different birds and plants). I recently started a succulent garden on my back porch about a year ago, and have been propagating them like crazy all year (to give as Christmas presents this year). I also love to paint, craft, crochet, and sew, and I’m even a sewing instructor professionally. I also like cooking, but I never have the energy to do it.

It’s super hot here, though, so I very rarely get to wear my *best* mori clothes, or at least not the entire coord I’d like (I can rarely have my waist length hair down or wear scarves, since sweat central ugh). But I’ve been trying to work on cuter mori summer-looking or warm clothes! I wish I could hike more, but there’s nowhere to really do that here (it’s super flat here—but I like to travel to hike when I can). It is hard to hike in mori clothes though. Do any of you have any advice of how to hike better in mori?

>> No.9685740
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Holy crap sorry for the blog post.

Pic of a recent coord that I forgot to put in the last post too.

>> No.9685761
File: 71 KB, 480x625, coordisnap-41824-2161883-c2zx5yc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I like where you were going with this, but I think it could be polished up a bit. I'll start from the top and work my way down.
Please don't take offense at the amount of crit; I just really love mori and want more people to wear it (well)!
The tl;dr version is essentially:
The line between cute mori looks and homeless bag lady can be fine. Quality pieces, careful styling, and little details in mori make the whole look seem intentional and somewhat polished. I think a sense of lightness or softness is also common in mori looks.
You have nice, long, thick hair! Here, though, it's not styled. I would recommend trimming your bangs and trying out some simple hair styles. Adding a braided element to your hairstyle here would take it up a notch, and full braids/updos are also a good way to keep cool and keep hair out of the way!
>top half
Here, the shirt and vest are not playing nicely together. While I really like the gobelin of the vest, the neckline doesn't work with the peter pan collar of the shirt, imo. The vest also seems rather large on you; have you considered altering it?

>> No.9685795

Very nice! I'll post some of my coords when I get home.

>> No.9685805

Are you mtf?

>> No.9685813

This reads more dolly-kei to me? Or just layered hipster. I don't want to be rude, but maybe check out some guides online. >>9685761 has good advice as well

>> No.9685835

>(it’s super flat here—but I like to travel to hike when I can).
I feel you on this. I live in South Jersey. The highest point SJ has an elevation of 380 ft, so if I want an actual hike I have to drive like three hours west to the Poconos.
>It is hard to hike in mori clothes though. Do any of you have any advice of how to hike better in mori?
Boots are the most important part imo. Either a pair of cute hiking boots or regular lace-up boots that are sturdy and comfortable, and broken in. If you thrift them, put in foam insoles since the boots would probably have been broken in to the previous owner's foot shape.
For socks, you can get vintage-looking hiking socks or get woolen military ones at a milsurp store, since those are made to be very durable. I have a pair of olive green ones, which fit pretty nicely with my mori color scheme.
A shorter (knee to a few inches above the knee) skirt made out of durable but not very heavy material is good. Look especially for athletic skirts.
Over all, for hiking you have to cut back a bit on the flowy and baggy mori silhouette, but you can still keep the feel by utilizing colors and textures. Test out your coord's comfort level at home, and switch out any parts you don't feel you could hike in for normie athletic wear. If you're not sure, err on the side of being more comfortable and less effay.
Also, you might want to check out yama kei ("mountain girl" an offshoot of mori) for inspo.

>> No.9685837

Does dolly even have a comm?

>> No.9685847

Does it need to have a comm to be a thing?

>> No.9685860

I... are you asking if it has a comm. or implying that if it doesn't have a comm. this outfit can't fit in that category?

>> No.9685895

Sorry, I see that it looks dolly but I was just asking if it has a comm because it never really gets mentioned. I should have been more clear.

>> No.9685901

Oh, not really. It had some western blog attention back when it was popular so you can find guides and things, though. It's a very cute look!

We should maybe do mori/natural kei/dolly kei threads since they have a similar aesthetic and a small following. Kind of like the casual cute threads (when they are up)

>> No.9685920

Combined threads sound like a good idea. Lolita seems like the only j-fashion big enough to sustain regular threads by itself.

>> No.9685937
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FWIW, I follow this chick on Instagram, and she tagged it as dolly-kei

>> No.9686113
File: 60 KB, 480x480, 1395977533217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm back! My internet went out for a while, and I had to fight with Comcast.
>top (cont.)
The top jacket is too heavy for this outfit. In general I feel like your coord is too heavy, which is part of why it's reading more dolly kei.
What is the middle layer? A silk robe? It doesn't work here. The pattern clashes and competes with the vest rather than complementing it. The length and shape are too similar to the top jacket, and it adds no embellishment elsewhere.
Asymmetry and interesting layers are important to creating a cohesive mori look. Here, both of your jackets AND your skirt end at roughly the same point of your leg.
For this to work, the under jacket would need to either be at least a decent bit longer than the top layer. Otherwise ditch it and emphasize the vest.

If you do like vests, I think you need to go more fitted or oversized. Short fur and leather vests are my jam, but I have seen chunky knitted ones used as well.
Here, those tights are doing you no favors. This would look at least 20% better if you swapped them for a lacy or frilled sock in a lighter neutral. Right now you're unbalanced and losing your leg.

The shoes also look a little old lady. If you want to make these work, consider swapping out the laces for something softer, like ribbon.
Maybe this is personal preference, but your color scheme doesn't read very mori to me. As others have said, I get more dolly kei vibes from this outfit. If you're not already interested in it, I'd recommend checking it out.

>> No.9686164

Okay, yeah that makes more sense. I was like "huh, that's oddly spot on for dolly kei for a mori fuck up"

>> No.9686365

I’m glad, because this is actually freaking adorable as dolly kei. I mean, it’s not really mori, but as dolly kei, she looks really cute. (I wish my hair would get that long without going full frizz)

>> No.9686537
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>> No.9687667

Now this is a subgenre im interested in.

>> No.9687908

comfy core
chinese halloween
goober core
trash mouse
gooberer core goober core strikes back
clown core
granny golf
witches in church
laundromat core
chef boyardee
alpaca core
and last but not least, lyre playing song of my people happy mask core

>> No.9688462

looks like you came out of the closet, your grandmas closet that is

>> No.9688483


>> No.9688490


>> No.9688491
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>> No.9688496
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>Goes into the mori thread to say how dumb mori looks
>Tries to act confused when someone isn't having your shit today

>> No.9688504

I don';t think you understand the irony of your post, anon-kun.

>> No.9688508

Sorry, "she" was just very masculine. Its only an observation

>> No.9688509

Thank you for all the time and effort (most of) you took for good concrit! I really appreciate it, and will endeavor to keep it in mind in the future.
I was a bit lazy with this coord and I’m ashamed that where I actually knew I cut corners were so easily visible. It goes to show that I need to put in the effort in the future. It was the end of the day when I took the photo, since I’d forgotten to get a coord shot earlier, so I’d already taken out the pins I had in the back of the vest (I had planned to alter it soon), as well as had scrubbed off my makeup and taken down my braid. I’ve also been putting off getting my bangs/fringe trimmed bc I work 4 jobs and am super tired and lazy. I thought the detachable collar was cute though, but I see your point now and I’m sorry for not putting in as much effort as I could have, since this fashion is important to me as well, and I should do it right.

Thanks! I’d love to see!

No, but why does it matter? I just have a long face lol.

It was supposed to be dolly-kei mixed with mori t b h. I see the hipster comparison though, so next time I plan to make the jfashion influence and style much more intentional and not cut corners. And don’t worry, it’s not rude! I do really love dolly-kei, but there’s like zero community for it online, and the only ones I’ve ever found on insta were more like “living dolls” than “wearing cute oversized granny clothes to look like a doll” or worse, read super fetishy.

I’d love to see a thread for oft-forgotten styles and substyles though! And even fashion that falls in between other ones, like general “girly” fashion and otome and such!

(Will reply to more in another comment bc lol wall of text)

>> No.9688520

Thanks again for taking time out of your day to give advice! I’ll definitely look into fixing all of this! (Not sarcasm lol, honestly grateful for your time). Trust me, I love dolly kei, so I will definitely look more into that as well, as I said before, it is supposed to be dolly and mori mixed. But I think in the future I’ll just stick to one style, and keep it safe and polished, if I post it online, so as to avoid mix ups.

Lol thank you. I really need to stick/commit to one style, is what I’m gathering here.

I love granny clothes so I see no issue with this?

>> No.9688526

Nope, just wasn’t wearing makeup and my haircut does my face no huge favors in regards to femininity.

>> No.9688956

What kind of makeup do you usually wear with mori or dolly coords?

>> No.9692563

I wear a lot of pink house and I've always considered it being natural kei. I started getting into mori girl and natural kei around 2008. I was inspired a lot by the coords by Moss Marchen, although she is mainly a lolita. However, I have tried wearing my pink house coords at Lolita meetups and let's just say that I've been shunned for it. I do not like the silhouette for Lolita and prefer the style of Pink House. I feel that a lot of Pink House dresses align more to Natural Kei. Not only the ones that are very complex that you see a lot, but the simple ones as well.

>> No.9693222
File: 72 KB, 771x1100, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like I stated above, Lolitas pretty much distanced themselves from the Pink House aesthetic long ago, hence the cold reception you got.

I have no issue with Pink House pieces being used for a natural coord as some are def ok for that, but in the west when someone says "natural kei" Pink house is being used as the core representation of natural when it's far from it.
Posting real natural gets this "that's not natural kei"!!1111 reaction.

Here is a list of Girls Channel Natural kei discussions. Most talk about favorite brands, difficulty & expense of wearing the style etc, but you will not see Pink House discussed in their threads.

>> No.9693799

Thanks anon.
I really wish pink house was more accepted in the west. Some of their dresses can be as complex or more complex than lolita brand dresses.

I hope lolita will someday shift back to more of Pink House's style and not focus so much on prints, but the construction as well.

I love mori girl and natural kei because of its emphasis of textures, piece construction and layers.

>> No.9693836

Just because they're complex doesn't make them lolita. I'm not sure why you're upset that lolita weren't thrilled to have you go to a lolita meet up wearing Pink House, which generally is not lolita.

>> No.9693894
File: 188 KB, 246x430, pink_house.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read that Pink House was originally considered lolita, but then lolita began to change to what it is now. Maybe the articles I read were wrong. If so, I apologize. I also don't blame the lolitas for calling me out on it. It really doesn't fit the current style.
However, if the more complex Pink House dresses are not truly considered natural kei nor lolita, I guess they are in some weird middle ground.

I guess this comes from my need to label. I wear mostly pink house, so what am I? Does it vary by what Pink House dress I am actually wearing. Also, Taobao brands such as sweet dreamer is considered lolita, but have pieces very similar to Pink House. I am just so confused now.

>> No.9693904


I've read the same thing, and do believe it inspired and began lolita fashion.

You can spot Pink House at the very beginning here (1977 era)

I can understand wanting a style label to fall under, but I guess at this point Pink House is a style all it's own.
That's not necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.9693911

It was used by lolitas in the beginning, before lolita even had a name probably. I think some things can still be used to make a lolita coord, but Pink House is not lolita today.
Not everything needs a label; having a distinct style of one's own is pretty cool from a brand perspective.

>> No.9696883
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I think my favorite thing about mori is all the neutrals and earty tones. Not only are they much easier on the eyes, but I've noticed I'm having a much easier time making outfits as my mori/normie clothing ratio changes.
Pic related, found a scarf pattern that was a good mix of warm yet pretty. I find making/altering stuff rather than just buying really helps me feel more "connected" to the style, if that makes sense

>> No.9696910

>tfw no mori friend to knit Tiny Owl Knits designs for
her stuff seems so fun to make but doesn't suit my personal aesthetic at all so i can't justify it. check out her stuff if you haven't!

>> No.9698175

I agree

>> No.9699081


I'm so glad to see another anon making their own clothes and accessories... that's what I like about mori style too. I'm making the Elementary Wrap by Purl Soho in a warm, golden yellow yarn for some of my outfits. I love the idea of having a hand-made wardrobe.

The scarf looks lovely!

>> No.9699103

this is the dream

>> No.9699342
File: 80 KB, 523x719, 779be62261db71505209f25453f523f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked out her stuff, the animal themes aren't so much for me but I'm loving her other stuff, thanks for the recommendation!
Thank you! I've never had variegated yarn work out so well for me so I'm super excited to wear it. Right back at you about seeing another diy anon! Hopefully one day I'll be brave enough to make something more complex but dainty like this

>> No.9700298


You're welcome! I could never variegated yarn to behave either. Remember one of the best things about knitting and crocheting - you can do it over!

>> No.9702317
File: 150 KB, 450x596, spoon-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you wear perfume with your Mori coords? I'd like to but I don't know where to get "foresty" scents.

>> No.9702561

you would probably like indie brands like sixteen92 and arcana wildcraft

>> No.9703456
File: 140 KB, 375x500, 8141661510_d63ef931db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've added all the musicians suggested to this playlist, add some more here
Mori Kei: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPw1layEOiwxuUDsHQdxlhF5Y6F7wJLxy&jct=q_9n_FSVwjzE1Gu-6Gb8tP0XpxE6kQ
Try adding only one song per artist, if people really like them they can discover more of there music elsewhere.

>> No.9703550


You might also look into making some of your own - it's easier than you might think, lots of tutorials on youtube and all over the internet. You could probably make a nice mori-ish perfume just with rosemary and lavender essential oil, plus some kind of carrier oil.

>> No.9705137


Thanks for sharing anon!

>> No.9705356

"Sleeping Bear Dunes"
hello fellow mori, I live up here! welcome to our beautiful county

>> No.9705358

I use a face mister, forest mint and orange scent. perf.

>> No.9706325

What are your favorite Miri girl shops. I see pink house is a big one but what other favorites are there?

>> No.9706343
File: 65 KB, 374x657, Gramm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it isn't necessarily a shop (I don't think it's even being sold anymore) but GRAMM is my favorite mori brand by a mile

>> No.9706556

Those are really cute anon
Would you happen to have a link to their website?

>> No.9706597

nayrt but here you go!

>> No.9706620

I use Commodity cologne and mix the moss, tea, and rain scents together. It's hard to find good "earthy" scents in women's perfume that don't have some kind of floral undertone so I usually just go for men's fragrances.
Plus side is that it takes forever to go through it since you only have to use a tiny bit because of how much stronger cologne tends to be.

>> No.9706974
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more GRAMM incoming

>> No.9706981
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>> No.9706989
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>> No.9706995
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>> No.9706999
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actually, here's a stock pic of that item that's way better

>> No.9707002

I get my perfumes on etsy! There are a lot of mori-appropriate handmade/natural scents on there if you search around. Recently I got some autumn themed perfume from BathSabbath which I liked a lot: https://www.etsy.com/listing/168374990

>> No.9707006
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>> No.9707007
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>> No.9707013
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Gonna post some mori/mori-appropriate images and ideas for coords and crafts

>> No.9707018
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Forest keychains

>> No.9707020
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>> No.9707021
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>> No.9707022
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Small embroidery for necklaces

>> No.9707024
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Layering with rain boots/gardening boots

>> No.9707025
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>> No.9707030
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Animal pattern fingerless gloves

>> No.9707033
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Moss necklace

>> No.9707037
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Handmade patches

>> No.9707039
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>> No.9707145

I like Axes Femme a lot, especially now that they have a global shop

>> No.9707426
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I've seen mori lolita coords before and wanted an opinion on if this jsk could work. It's longer than it looks in the photo.

>> No.9707877

I'm big in the chest ( and kinda big all over too) - The nice thing about Mori is it doesnt just have to be the big cozy sweaters. Think about the fabrics that draw you. Dresses or shirts can be fitted and then have flowing skirts, or overalls and a sweater layered on top! You can dress for your shape and still find a place in the style, it just might take some expermentation.

You might also find as you get started you care less about what you thought you would look bad in cause you feel cute and its super comfy. (( i thought my baggy dress would look dumb, but everyone loved it and it made me see it in another light)) Start small and try to find items you love. It'll work out in the end.

Places for dark mori:
https://www.hippieboho.com - place is ridiculous, but good base items. Adding trim, details, etc to suit your own direction and aesthetic bring the pieces to life.
Etsy - you can find some amazing original pieces.
SockDreams - favorite place for stockings. So cozy.

>> No.9707884

yeah i think so, though i think that minimal poof would be a big factor in making it look effective.

>> No.9707888
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(I have one of their lipglosses and its such a great smell)
I also love

>> No.9708007

Totally agree with you! Mori can definitely be done with more shapely figures. I have a large chest and hips and just use fitted/more figure-hugging tops, and belts on loose dresses.

>> No.9708400

I could probably be more of a lifestyler. I live in a small village in a rural area with forests, mountains etc. I should maybe take some pictures of coords out in nature.

>> No.9708412

>I should maybe take some pictures of coords out in nature.
You definitely should.

>> No.9708414


Where to cop cardigan

>> No.9708640
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>> No.9708641
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>> No.9708642
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>> No.9709388

Is pleb music ok too?

Some western bands seem very mori to me like Alt J, Bear's Den (so comfy), First Aid Kit (folk, My Silver Lining is the most known), Fleet Foxes (the song White Winter Hymnal most of all) and the entire soundtrack of Life is Strange.

Some individual songs:
Lay me Down - Crosby and Nash
Without You - Junip
Reunite - Isbells
Hollow Talk - Choir of Young Believers
Willow Tree March - The Papar Kites

>> No.9709391

oh anon you wouldn't happen to have any sources for these? I've tried reverse image search but I didn't find anything.
Except for knitting patterns for the gloves but I just want to buy them because I don't have time to knit.

>> No.9709393

>Willow Tree March - The Papar Kites
The Paper Kites, excuse me

>> No.9710993

Sorry most of it besides the gloves was from old yesstyle or taobao pages that are no longer up! But the embroidered necklace is from here https://www.etsy.com/listing/120795987

>> No.9710995
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from https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Eucca

>> No.9710998
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Mushroom necklaces from https://www.meadowandfawn.com/

>> No.9711011
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>> No.9711012
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>> No.9711919

what are you some of you guys doing for the holidays this year? making gifts, baking foods, etc?

>> No.9712791


I was watching some videos of rural Japan and I thought some of you might like to see! There are a lot on Youtube showing the natural scenery, small towns and shops and food, onsen, etc. This video shows a forest hike I found really beautiful.

>> No.9712797

Although it is not really holiday specific, I want to make some headbands, scrunchies, and brooches with the little free time I should have over the holiday break.

>> No.9715448

I'm kind of jealous of guys. All it takes for them to achieve a flawless mori look it to dress like Snufkin.

>> No.9715455

All the time. I love fragrance in general and have a lot of "glamorous" ones for at work and when out of mori, but in mori I mostly wear Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. I'm a BPAL nut and have fistfuls of imps at this point so I switch it up a lot, but my usual favorite is Blood Kiss which is mellow spicy, and in this season I like wearing The Old Goblin, which is like a wintery pine forest magically inserted into a small bottle.

>> No.9715468
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I'm really trying to branch out and find a good source of mori clothes in North America now that I'm back here but I can't stop missing Franch Lippee. Goddamn I want this dress from their 2017 autumn/winter.

>> No.9717300

Kinda off topic, but could someone give me some examples of how to wear these?
I feel kinda stupid, but I really don't know how they work lol

>> No.9717489
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ugly mspaint collage but these are some of my fav type styles with them. You can also wear at least some hair combs tiara style, depending on the direction of the teeth

>> No.9717874

Ah, okay, I get it now! Thanks anon

>> No.9717943
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>> No.9718295

Sauce on the boots?

>> No.9724152

Are there any good mori taobao stores left?

>> No.9726847
File: 451 KB, 500x281, yamanosusume.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I just have an anime suggestion for anyone interested! It's called Yama no Susume and is short episodes about hiking. Very cute and calm series with nice nature scenery and one character who sometimes wears mori kei inspired outfits.

>> No.9730960

You can try aliexpress too

>> No.9730998


Hey there Anon. you know a place where I can get clothes like this in Canada?

>> No.9731001

Solstice Scents has great foresty scents

>> No.9731004

https://869787.taobao.com/ (mixed)
Or just search for 日系森女

>> No.9731601
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They also have a sale for the rest of the year.

>> No.9732911
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I gave is a try today on more the casual side. Not perfect but I like it.

>> No.9732912
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I just saw the jacket wasnt showing

>> No.9733518

Are there any western shops that sell things that could have a natural kei or mori vibe? I guess it could be considered like a cutesy hipster style? Or are we just stuck with free people and thrifting?

>> No.9733520

>take a picture of a homeless girl
>post it to tumblr saying it's my friend wearing mori as a joke
>get 100+ likes

This fashion is the real joke

>> No.9733538

Do you mind? I’m allergic to straw

>> No.9733540

Wow sure showed me

>> No.9733572

Why can't you use a SS anon?

>> No.9733590

I can and do! I was just curious, mostly. I like exploring new brands and businesses.

>> No.9733606

sorry anon, it's a cute normie outfit but i see exactly zero mori

>> No.9733612
File: 148 KB, 1200x675, altard-state_1200xx3888-2187-0-203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have an altar'd state near you? my best friend wears mori and shops there pretty frequently. shit's overpriced af but they have nice sales occasionally and the quality is a little bit nicer than your run-of-the-mill fast fashion.

>> No.9733651

Isn't altar'd state a Christian store? lmao

>> No.9733899

My favorite is anthropologie, but it can get pricey. I always lurk for the sales.

>> No.9733916
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April Snow if you have it in your area.

>> No.9733928

I love Altar’d State, and their Mori selection is fantastic and gorgeous, but holy crap I have to wear headphones when I go in there because the music alone is this obnoxiously Christian smug music and everything with words on it is either tacky quotes or bible verses.

>> No.9733946

>thinks 100 likes is notable

>> No.9734215

That's what you get for going into a Christian store. Christians are all really smug.

>> No.9734268

I've got a few mori-ish pieces from Mossimo Supply Co (which is a Target brand), although like 95% of their clothes are normie.

>> No.9734269

I think it's more the fact that 100 people thought a homeless girl was wearing mori kei

>> No.9734498


>posts on tumblr


>> No.9734513

>calling others honey

Sounds like you should go back to tumblr.

>> No.9736034



>> No.9736078

Target is doing this brand called Knox Rose. Most of it looks cheap but some of it is pretty nice and could work for mori.

>> No.9736244

I added Múm's green grass of tunnel, it's sooooo good.

Also can someone post more dark mori?

>> No.9737724


Seconding this! I think the clothes are quite nice in person and great for MoriKei.

>> No.9738801
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Who said she wasn't wearing mori? Homeless people can enjoy fashion just like anyone else, Mori just happens to be something you can do with $20 us and a thrift store. But if you need to validate your aesthetic preferences by how expensive it is, by all means, spend as much as you can. You clearly couldn't understand why mori is so well loved.

Dang, maybe you actually have to live in the forest to be /truelifestyle/

>> No.9738867


>> No.9742029
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>> No.9742030
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>> No.9742031
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>> No.9742033
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>> No.9742035
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>> No.9742053
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>> No.9742058
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>> No.9742060
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End dump

>> No.9742135

>money spells and potions trigger me
You get angry when someone who bases their fashion off of dark woodland witches ends up actually being pagan? I'd be more offended if they just wore it as a shallow fashion. They predate you and are the inspiration for your niche fashion style.

>> No.9742371

Why do pagans take their religions seriously? This sounds dumb as saying that certain fashions are appropriating other religions. lmao

>> No.9742437

>things that didn't happen

>> No.9742593

I think they were more annoyed that the ~herbalist~ who thinks they are somehow better than other witches and pagans

t. practicing pagan who could give a fuck

>> No.9743595

I love Alter’d State, great mori clothes. As a Christian I’m sorry you guys get a bad impression of us, at my local store the music is very soft, probably just bad management at other stores. But yeah, smugness is an issue with more evangelical groups, and that’s certainly not a Christian way of acting. Franchesca’s Is another western store that you can get some mori-ish pieces at.

>> No.9745610

You seem like a Christian how we're supposed to be.
Most Christians seem really chill in my country though so yeah it's just some extreme groups ruining it for everyone.

>> No.9746159

omg this literally looks like the kinda shit I wear day to day just to dress warm

>> No.9746241

I wish we had Alter'd State in Europe, I'm a pagan and would happily shop there! The clothes look cute.
I go to my father's Christian church with him sometimes when I visit home and everyone is really friendly. Lots of tea and chat afterwards, nice people!

Are there any other Christian stores like this in the US?

>> No.9750233

although this isnt all to folksy it does have a nostalgic feel to it.

>> No.9750264

r u ok

>> No.9751670

I know that mori likes to use more natural fibers in the clothes, like wool, cotton etc. But are there rules for jewelry? I assume people choose metal over plastic, but would pearls be considered more mori than gems? How do I judge what pieces of jewelry are more mori than others?

>> No.9754614

I would think stuff with a more "modest" look would be the way to go, like less jems and more lockets and the like. But thats just what i think.

>> No.9754915

For me, I have very little jewelry. What I did wear tended to be secondhand. Now, most of my jewelry is either gifted to me by important family members, or was handed down to me by my late grandmother. Hers is all '40s era. It's just lovely.

I think pearls are lovely~ I have one necklace bought for me when I turned 18 which makes them special! I think items like this are what can add to a wardrobe. It's all about the feel.

>> No.9754920

For me, mori jewelry would mostly be stuff made of things like wood, cloth, and leather. Think leather straps for necklaces, or wooden bracelets. Metals would mostly be rustic-looking stuff, like a dull brass trinket over polished gold. I've a few necklaces with leather straps that have things like bits of lace or ribbons on them, or a tiny wooden apple, things like that. Pearls would probably be fine as long as they're not too extravagant looking.

>> No.9757010


I like a lot of indie jewelry designers. Mori boy here, but designers like Narcise (narcise.net) and thrjar (thrjar.com) are exactly what I like for my own use

>> No.9759151

Not joking, the gift shop at Cracker Barrel has a lot of mori-able clothes
and old timey candy
you know, if you're into that

>> No.9759476

I bought a shirt with Crisp but I shipped it with surface mail. So hopefully I will see it 2-3 months from now

>> No.9761998
File: 13 KB, 236x314, 5cc510ca3d5d3dca6bb601d41d7620d1--gyaru-makeup-ulzzang-makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What styles of makeup do you like to wear with mori kei? Pretty much all the tutorials I see are really minimalist/natural, but I actually tend to wear lowkey gyaru style makeup focusing on large eyes and rosy cheeks/lips. I like the youthful, innocent look it gives paired with flowy, feminine mori coords

>> No.9762920

I think mori is one of the styles where you can get away with not wearing any make-up

>> No.9763472
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i was probably one of the anons youre referring to from a past thread and i thought id try to explain a little bit!
i cant speak for other anons, but i used the word fairy-tale wrong. i meant more whimsical or story book! not fantasy-type elements.

i went on tumblr and tried to pick photos of western mori girls that kind of represent what mori girl is now (in the west obv) i felt bad posting them though so i've covered their faces

so a few years ago when mori wasnt dead, the general style everyone was wearing was pretty much whats in this thread and what brands like wonder rocket and one peace/cawaii was putting out. they didn't necessarily wear brand but did a good job finding pieces that fit that aesthetic!
but now (especially on tumblr) the style is so... boring and same-y? there's a lack of small details that really make the style (like laces, mix of fabrics and patterns, motifs, etc) and when there is it ends up more like what the girl on the right is wearing which, isn't really mori at all... like the style isn't about looking like an elf or a witch, you know? i think the whole strega thing has really taken over which is part of it.

i don't really know how to explain further.. mori is supposed to be a mix of quirky/crafty, pretty, cute, but now the style has turned plain and kind of dirty looking (i don't know how to not sound mean by saying dirty but i don't know what other word i could use haha. i don't necessarily mean actual dirt.. idk)

anyways if by off chance one of the girls i used as an example reads this thread im really sorry for using your photo! also sorry for such a long and rambly post

>> No.9763655
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You make some really good points! Also, I do like the outfits those girls are wearing especially that one with the ocarina, though I just don't look at them and think of mori kei but rather just a natural flowy style.

This pic is from Choco's fashion and style book.

>> No.9763656
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From mori girl lesson 2

>> No.9764344

>tfw you discover mori kei but are in your 40s and will look like an actual bag lady instead of a cute forest sprite if you wear it

>> No.9764454

Go for it anon! Who cares! The true spirit of mori girl is not caring what others think!
In all seriousness though you only live once so just do what you want. I think as long as you keep it clean and on the more simple side you'll be fine. Focus on having nice shoes and well styled hair. Keep it to maximum 3 layers and make sure your clothes are ironed.. Stuff like that!

>> No.9764967
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I think mori kei is actually a great style for adult women no matter how old you are because it doesn't focus on being SO over-the-top-cutesy/girly like a lot of other j-fashion and it uses a lot of modest cuts, long skirts etc. I agree with that other anon you can definitely keep things from looking bag-lady-ish by making it simple, clean (probably avoiding murkier colors would help) and paired with nice hair etc. Even adding mori kei elements/inspiration to a more normie outfit works too. I'm in my mid-20's but many women in their 40's and up chat with me about my clothes when I wear mori kei because it's a style that suits them too, as it can be very mature and even rather elegant despite the down-to-earth whimsical feel.

>> No.9765214

no i get what you mean, traditional mori looks more manufacturened, theres prints, more complicated knits, little splashes of color. these are nice but more like a deep woods witch, like there's a natural feeling to this, like the clothes are hand made and theres more a focus on true earth tones rather than a mix of pale and earth and natural hues
even this dude thats the most close to what these girls are wearing is still with knits, and a little bit of printwork and machining to his fashion

>> No.9767074
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I just watched LotR again, and oh man I forgot how peak mori-ouji the hobbits are.

I started this thread last fall, and it's been really nice to see it stay alive. Even if there isn't a lot of street fashion going on, and most of the publications have stopped, there is still a cute little community left.

Autumn long since gone, we have passed through the longest nights of winter, and now await the dawn of spring. Are there any spring inspired coords you all are looking forward to wearing these next couple of months?