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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9644267 No.9644267 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>9638359

>> No.9644268
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>> No.9644270
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>> No.9644272
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>> No.9644274
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same person

>> No.9644275
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>> No.9644276
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>> No.9644278
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>> No.9644280
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>> No.9644286

I like both of these.

>> No.9644288

Not ouji. It's just too mundane looking. And now she's not even ironing her clothes to throw on.
The cream and white don't look so bad together until you get to the solid tights and shoes. But I do like the top a lot.

>> No.9644306

nice off-white classic shoes and a kc next time.
wow, she's getting better but overall she just needs to work on styling her whole body. she looks unkempt. needs petti and hair mousse and longer bangs. her make isn't right for this. needs to be softer, girlier. the beret is a little big and would look better with a large wig, or twin braided loops.
starting to get flashbacks to February, when CoF was flooded daily with that one guy's terrible floords.
missed opportunity with the legwear here. one extra color could have been pulled in with different solid tights and rings. this is lovely, so close!

>> No.9644365

When she smiles like that she looks like a macaque.

>> No.9644371

I wish I could unsee that cameltoe.

>> No.9644429

This just looks lazy; it's too basic to even be a 'casual' ouji/homme aristo look. I like the shirt and the damask trousers, but it looks like she's got half way through getting ready, then given up and chucked on an un-ironed jacket. She looks untidy, as does her room. Would it really have been too much effort to wear a waistcoat, do something with her hair, and at least wear an ironed jacket?

>> No.9644433

The shirt and the waistcoat are ouji, but nothing else is. Waistcoat needs ironed, though. Jacket, trousers, hair-style and shoes are all waaaay too nomie, and this really isn't CoF - she should put her daily outfits on her own Instagram/Tumblr/FB/whatever unless they're polished and finished enough to actually be Lolita or Ouji. PLUS that cameltoe :/ :(

>> No.9644436

I really like this except the shoes - those soles don't go with the dainty feel of all that floaty fabric. The uppers of those shoes are fine, but the not-quite-rockinghorse wedges don't work. Maybe a necklace and some bracelets would have finished this off, too.

>> No.9644446

Nice jacket, and a good balance of ivory and cream. I agree with >>9644288, solid leg-wear is too plain for the level of detail on the jacket and waistcoat. That Meta jacket really is lovely.

Also, her waistcoats/bodice thing in this case always seem to fit weirdly (she had a similar problem with a waistcoat in the last thread) full length pic looks like it MIGHT be coming open or just has weirdly arranged buttons, and selfie pic looks like it's too loose above her bust, and because it's stiff fabric, it's gaping oddly - and as one of the crosses from her glasses chain fell in, it's more noticeable.

>> No.9644450

Her expression in the full face pic looks decidedly concerned!

I'm guessing it's pretty cold where she is with the shawl and the gloves, but the gloves seem a bit awkward - if she was wearing a Lolita coat they'd be fine, but with just the shawl and a lightweight fabric dress they seem out of place. I like the stripy socks/tights with this.

>> No.9644498

Can't un-see that camel toe

>> No.9644638

Simple but I like it

>> No.9644645
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>> No.9644647
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>> No.9644649
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>> No.9644651
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>> No.9644653
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>> No.9644734

This is simply lovely and nicely put together. I agree >>9644436 that a necklace and bracelet may add to the look, but I like the simplicity of it as is, too.

>> No.9644760

My favorites ITT right now

All that Moitie <3
Personally I'd like to see the coord without the corset though or replaced with a shorter waist cincher.

>> No.9644795


>> No.9644799

What's the name of this print? Lolibrary isn't working for some reason

>> No.9644802

rosette collection by AP

>> No.9644803

Rosette collection by AP

>> No.9644875

Why the blouse and the cardigan over the jsk???

>> No.9645574

I love this outfit, especially the the tights <3 So much beautiful white MmM. Agree with >>9644760 about the corset. Glad she's started blurring the distracting backgrounds.

>> No.9645575

This is really cute. I like the blouse collar over the cardigan.

>> No.9645578

Simple but elegant - nicely balanced.

>> No.9645594

She is my weight loss inspiration.

>> No.9645602

>thinking you'll get these results with weight loss

It looks like it's more of her body type than her body fat percentage. Don't get all depressed when you loose the weight and you don't look like her.

>> No.9645607

>stick m'leggy out

>> No.9645608

shes has a naturally tiny frame. you shouldn't try to be something that might not be healthy for you.

>> No.9645617

I am so confused about what's happening here. The blouse is on top of the jsk but looks tucked in?? What?

>> No.9645703

how old is she?
>those hands

>> No.9645723

I love the shoe circle!

>> No.9645790

So much clothing, so little style. I probably used to dress really similar to her when I was in high school but now I've dialed it way back. Blending jfashion with normie clothes takes talent/skill and time (which she doesn't seem to have much of since she's a mom or w/e) to put together decent mix-and-match coords. I think she should spend more time putting together full coords and posting less frequently rather than doing this half-assed stuff. Also better brows would probably do her wonders.

>> No.9645809

This kind of dressing just screams socially awkward teen.
I wish she'd just stop shitting up CoF with her awful coords, she can wear them out whenever but stop shoving them in our faces. Not everything you wear needs to be on Cof.

>> No.9645858

Who cares?

>> No.9645900

Is it just me or is CoF really slow this week? I see some nice coords that barely get any likes and the popular ones are only around 300+ likes or so.

>> No.9645903

I was thinking the same thing earlier. My engagement is way down this week in general, what gives? It's just on Facebook, too....the same content crossposted everywhere I normally post had very normal return.

>> No.9645915

It seems like coords that would get ~300 likes are barely breaking 100-150. CoF posts haven't been on my feed that much for a few weeks. Did Facebook change their algorithms or is it really just a slow period?

>> No.9646056

Probably because it's back to study/work season

>> No.9646082
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Small dump

>> No.9646084
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>> No.9646086
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>> No.9646088
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>> No.9646089
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>> No.9646090
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>> No.9646091
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>> No.9646093
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>> No.9646094
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done for now.

>> No.9646127

Source on the dress?

>> No.9646131

Atelier Boz

>> No.9646156

It's been this way for a while now. It's very weird.

>> No.9646169
File: 117 KB, 960x960, 22046865_1872942116051132_3458320376673051239_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping coords that haven't been posted yet

>> No.9646171
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>> No.9646173
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>> No.9646175
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>> No.9646178
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>> No.9646179
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>> No.9646181
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>> No.9646183
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>> No.9646185
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>> No.9646188
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>> No.9646191

The comments again

>> No.9646192
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>> No.9646194
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>> No.9646200
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>> No.9646202
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>> No.9646206
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>> No.9646209

Aside for not being sure about the headwear, I love this.

>> No.9646210

these chicks are disgusting. honestly.

>> No.9646213

>This kind of dressing just screams socially awkward teen.
She said she's dressing up to take her kid to school or some shit.
>we have to deal with these for an entire school year

>> No.9646221
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>those piercings

>> No.9646223

This looks super cute
Where is that Wonka badge from?
Reminds me of Rikku but with short hair

>> No.9646226

The dress and cardigan are cute, and for pastel dye on her real hair, that isn't bad. However, her accessories cheapen the outfit. The headband looks like a bunch of those cheap gift bows stuck to an alice-band. I know they're probably made of real ribbon, but that's the look they give.

I don't mind piercings with Lolita, but I do wish people would wear jewellery that matches their outfits. Facial jewellery with pastel balls does exist.

>> No.9646228

He admits the pics aren't good quality, and they're really not - maybe he should wait until he's got better quality photos before putting them up on COF - you can barely make out what he's wearing.

>> No.9646230

Outfit is really cute - love the bonnet. Nice mixture of sweet, classic and old school elements. Her expression in the two photos though!

>> No.9646233

Another one where the pics make it hard to see what's in the co-ord. Dark/black outfits in artificial light don't often come out well unless it's proper photographic lighting. You can't tell any of the details on the bodice of her dress, what the lace is like on the head-dress, and you can barely make out that her make-up's done to match the mask! I really like the idea, but from the photos there's not enough to really judge the execution.

>> No.9646235

Very elegant; I really like this. Nice use of an ombre wig. The hat is different, but I like it.

>> No.9646237

I'm really jelly of her itabag. That said, I feel this leans towards yumekawaii and such, not lolita. AP's collabs with Disney tend to not be very polished and the shape of this one specially isn't very traditionally lolita.

>> No.9646238

I don't get why someone posted her to the Ita thread - her wig's a bit costume-y, and she could take the glasses off for photos, but it's not the worst textured wig, and other than that, this is just a meh-tier Lolita outfit - neither amazing nor terrible.

>> No.9646242

Her outfit pictures got so much better. I feel she reads the concrit on this board.

I wanna copy this editing style but it'd be too obvious. I wonder if she'd mind?

This is very casual and wearable. The setting for the photo isn't very good though. It's obvious someone taller than her took the photo so she look flattened.

>> No.9646246


>> No.9646366

paper mask as a headpiece so rori

>> No.9646414

Get this girl bangs ASAP. The rest of her coord is nice, but she needs a little something hair and makeup wise.
I'm not sure what time of day this was taken at, but her hair seems pretty frizzed out. A good wig would definitely add volume and maybe balance out her face shape, and some eyebrows would help too.
Brown shoes.

>> No.9646483

The dudes handsome, but I'm not a huge fan of the velvet vest and steampunky hat.

>> No.9646497 [DELETED] 


Go to the gym fatty.

>> No.9646506

Yeah your taste is a little skewed. "over 22 bmi" =/=fat

Some of these are larger than my taste, but ffs

>> No.9646514

Most of those girls look totally average, if not thin.

>> No.9646518

I have fatty vision I can see though all the clothing trickery designed to hide the fatty.

>> No.9646519

Don't reply to the bait. They're in other threads too. Just report and move on or ignore.

>> No.9646521

Theres maybe 2 average in there, the rest are overweight, but most not by much. None of them are thin at all though.

>> No.9646522 [DELETED] 

Fatties spotted

>> No.9646537

what is there to be jelly of? it doesn't even look like an itabag, it's just that to alice bag with random stuff in the window.

>> No.9646613
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oh my

no no no no no

>> No.9646616
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>> No.9646618

but I love her room background. gothic rooms are hard to come by so it's like good gothic and a nice room post in one, every time.

>> No.9646625

>the horses are running away from her coordinate

>> No.9646630
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It just makes me think of all the strange TNG hats.

>> No.9646639

Guinan did it better.

>> No.9646667

I usually only see people using that same cheap knockoff heart panel bag. I like the shape and the stuff hanging from it. Didn’t even think of the contents that much, and they aren’t the point anyway.

>> No.9646674

it's on sale rn, go buy one

>> No.9646684
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>small dump to catch up

>> No.9646686
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>> No.9646687
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>> No.9646688
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>> No.9646689
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>> No.9646690
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>> No.9646691

legendary op, needs a steaming though

>> No.9646692
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>> No.9646694
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>> No.9646695
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>> No.9646698
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>> No.9646699
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>> No.9646700

H...how can she see with such a fat face?

>> No.9646701
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>> No.9646702
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>> No.9646703
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>the end

>> No.9646705

should be cross posted to the ita thread immediately

>> No.9646712

Is this velvet? I need the name of this dress

>> No.9646720

why does no one wear this salopette good?

>> No.9646724

Is she tryin' to do an african look?

>> No.9646733


One thing she could easily fix is matching pinks. The dusty pink and pastel pink look weird together

>> No.9646735

Cursed image

>> No.9646736

This is the same girl who's doing the bad ouji for taking her kid to school, right? Or does it just look like her and equally crazy coording

>> No.9646762

"Bad Ouji" kek

>> No.9646795

This outfit is super cute with the blazer. Not a huge fan of the bag with this coord, but that's just a nitpick.

I really like this one just because it makes me nostalgic. She looks very doll-like.

Don't knew why he included the third pic. You can't see what he's wearing and what's with that expression?

Not a huge fan of the shoes, but besides that I fucking love this.

I was thinking the same thing. The bag itself is cute, but itabags are all about the merch and this one's sadly lacking.

>> No.9646803

I almost like this but her hair is just so gross. So messy and thin, and the uneven, faded color makes it sadder

>> No.9646840

>Don't knew why he included the third pic. You can't see what he's wearing and what's with that expression?

i believe thats called having a sense of humour, but what do i know

>> No.9646914

>the contents aren't the point anyway
Literally what are you talking about? The merch is the ENTIRE point of an itabag

>> No.9646916

misfire, meant to reply to >>9646667

>> No.9646932

So regal

>> No.9646964
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>> No.9646965

>sweet things come in small packages

>> No.9646974
File: 296 KB, 1440x1440, 22135456_10101068431671234_3799950786263041295_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like one of those sheep that can't see because they have wool growing over their eyes.

>> No.9646980

honestly i kind of like this.
except for the shoes. they look so clunky and plain next to all the detailed parts

>> No.9646981

This looks more like a cosplay than actual OTT ouji or whatever she was going for. It's too messy and cheap looking.

>> No.9646984

I don't know if I like this...

The colors make me think of Mardi Gras, but I see they're going for a Pan's Labyrinth cosplay.

Yeah same. I can see this with pointy shoes for some reason. .

>> No.9646987

I really like this. I think the eyes on the gloves and the hair in front of the eye sockets like a woolly ram are really cute touches. I wish the bangs were either straightened out or more purposefully styled, but that's a small thing. Agreed that>>9646980 nicer clunky boots or perhaps vintagey lace up boots would prob bully look nicer still.

>> No.9647005

barely any of her outfits so far have been 100% attempts at lolita. everything save for the haenuli skelly coord has been awkward normie fusions, heavy on the normal. why is she posting these to CoF?
it comes across as lazy and like she has little understanding of lolita, and even less of ouji.
I hope she levels up her wardrobe, but I think she should only post polished or at least good-faith attempts. all of this other stuff should stay on her fb or something.

>> No.9647036

I'm gonna be nitpicky right now: I almost like this, but whats keeping me from liking it entirely is the fact that it feels too busy and kind of unpolished. I'm hung up on the fit of the coat and those platform sneakers. If the coat were better tailored and a few of the accessories were dropped, I would probably love it. The colors are nice, but I'm a little lost on what the concept here is supposed to be.

>> No.9647086

I want to like it, I love that she's doing ouji, it fits her face and features very well, but... There's too much going on, too much of everything, the faux diamonds on the crown thingie look cheap, the eyes on the gloves barely look like eyes, I wouldn't have noticed them if >>9646987 hadn't mentioned it... It's just a mess.

>> No.9647090
File: 2.93 MB, 480x270, 1421082116577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool design and details but....

>> No.9647122

She's wearing her socks with the bows on the wrong side. It's a tiny nitpick but I can't unsee it now. Really cute coord otherwise though.

>> No.9647123

Velvet Tiered Color OP, by Moitie.

>> No.9647124

>it's a fashion, not a costume

>> No.9647157

I know it's supposed to look like this, but that eye makeup is more distracting than anything.

>> No.9647160

How has she been in the fashion for so long and be this terrible at dressing herself?

>> No.9647219

I think it's a Moitie op.
You can probably find it on lolibrary.

>> No.9647279


look closer at the Haenuli co-ord, she wore a striped normie work shirt that looked like it was for a man as a blouse .....

>> No.9647284

Don't copy that collage style, it's cluttered and distracts from the outfits being showcased.

>> No.9647289

If she wanted to do a hime look with an African twist, then she should have worn a hime outfit. She's wearing pink sweet tights, and a sweet pink print on the dress... but an OTT gold and black headdress combination. It just clashes

>> No.9647291

I really like this old-school co-ord. I think some chunky shoes would be perfect, but I like it as it is.

>> No.9647292

i'm feeling bad for her. She looks like the human form of a potato.

>> No.9647293

That sack cut really doesn't suit her, and her hair/wig don't look right - it's the cut, it's too straight and chopped-off looking. The all-over lace at the top is pretty, but the dress its attached to doesn't look polished enough, or detailed enough for Lolita.

>> No.9647295

This is gorgeous! nicely balanced, and the blouse is perfectly fancy enough for the ornate print. Plus, she coordinates with the background.

>> No.9647298

Is that a red over-skirt, or how the dress comes? I like the coffin print UNDER the red, but if that's an overskirt, I think it detracts. If that's how the dress comes, I'm not digging it. I love the bat-collar waistcoat, too. Not sure if the turquoise hair goes with the red, either.

>> No.9647299

This is very elegant, she looks beautiful. Is hat OP velvet? it looks so rich and deeply red.

>> No.9647309

I think this is Pan's Labyrinth inspired, and I like the concept but there's a few things (most of which have been pointed out already), which are ruining this. I'm going to itemise it in case the guy in the pic sees this:
~ The horn's paint job isn't the best, and some darker shades in the 'valleys' of the gold part to bring the dark of the base through, and maybe some gold on the 'ridges' of the dark part.
~ The green fabric leaves/flowers look a bit cheap.
~ I think some less cluttered laceything/necklace/whatever at the centre/top of the jabot would look nice, and one less brooch at the cluster on the lapel. At the moment, all the details look cluttered rather than layered.
~ The jacket doesn't fit well. It ends up looking a bit saggy and shapeless from the waist onwards.
~ The eyes on the gloves aren't vey well done. The gloves themselves look a bit cheap, too.
~ Solid colour shorts would have worked better than pinstripe here.
~ Those shoes really don't go with that outfit. They're like sneakers with platforms?? Chunky/platform is fine, but those uppers are just not very elegant at all. Maybe 18thC style shoes would have gone better with some kind of OTT almost baroque-level-fancy outfit.

However, there things that wok with this outfit - the colours go well together, and are well balanced. The emerald green is a nice touch, and i think including that colour really adds to it. I like the diamond tights and floaty blue chiffon on the shirt/vest/whatever its attached to. I like the blue lace as a mask/veil, even if some people here don't. The star cape is quite a nice idea, even if because of the fit of the jacket it looks a little frumpy here. I love the lantern-bird-cage. I really like the CONCEPT of this coord. They've clearly put a lot of effort into this outfit, which I respect.

>> No.9647310

She always has an expression like she just smelled a really bad fart.

>> No.9647316

Looks like a Troll Doll with its eyes closed.

>> No.9647340

Just greentext for fuck’s sake

>> No.9647352
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Mini dump incoming

>> No.9647355
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>> No.9647357
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>> No.9647361

It's coord.

>> No.9647365
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>> No.9647366
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>> No.9647367
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>> No.9647370
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>> No.9647373
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>> No.9647376
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>> No.9647378
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>> No.9647385

I love this so much. I never thought I wouldn’t mind jellies in lolita.

>> No.9647391

I love this. It's nice to see her facing the camera for once. This photograph appears warmer and less exposed from her other photographs too? I hope she keeps up this style of photography.

>> No.9647399

Love all of these.

I think a red bag would really pull this together.

Can’t bring myself to like this. I hate BTSSB going in this direction.

Looks too much like a visual kei cosplay.

Again, a pink bag in the same color as the shoes would pull this together. I don’t like how the bow looks perched on top of her hair either.

I hate her face, but left coord is good enough. I’m bothered by her using a short-sleeved bolero on top of her long-sleeved blouse though, it doesn’t even fit her well. Just wear the blouse by itself.

I like the outfit, but this fad of shoehorning fandom stuff in random coords could end.

>> No.9647400
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>> No.9647402
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That's all I got for now.

>> No.9647428

I love those tights so much. This is a very elegant, subtly Gothic co-ord.

>> No.9647429

I really like the print on that JSK, but the blues don't match - the blue in the JSK is almost green, it's a teal bordering on emerald, and then her headdress has royal blue, and her tights mid blue... Also the JSK sits awkwardly at her waist.

>> No.9647432

is this britfags vs. US spelling again?

>> No.9647435

Creepy-cute done really well. I'm not usually a fan of Hallowe'en kitsch, but I love how the bold patterns work together here. It breaks so many rules, but works out so well!

>> No.9647436

From what I can tell through the lack of resolution and bad lighting, she's cute.

>> No.9647437

I like these, she clearly has an extensive enough wardrobe to put together 2 very different coords and they’re well balanced

>> No.9647439

I feel like she was trying to match the different blues in the print but they should be balanced better. The tights need to be a darker blue for the headdress to work.
Also all the patterns are concentrated at the bottom of this outfit so it looks unbalanced.

>> No.9647440

This is beautiful. Does anyone know the name of the dress?

>> No.9647449

Randomly, I really like that pillar.
I love it when lolitas pose with interesting backgrounds in CoF, it gives me a tiny glimpse into the world of someone I'd probably never meet.

>> No.9647457

I'm not on CoF, where are her shoes from?

>> No.9647467

about >>9647378, that's a captain america print from a taobao brand. If anything, the crown tights are what's shoehorned, because Steve does not stand for monarchy.

>> No.9647471

She stated it as Victorian Maiden, but that's as far as I know.

>> No.9647473

she really is the female version of that guy who flooded cof with his awful 30 day coord challenge

>> No.9647476

No. Coordinate is one word.
There is no reason for a hyphen in the shorthand version of it.

>> No.9647481

Just a bunch of people being really thirsty over an average looking guy with some low quality coord pics.

>> No.9647483

essentially this.

>> No.9647487

This isn't even remotely lolita at this point. Did anyone say anything on her post about it? This doesn't qualify for CoF at all.

>> No.9647488

why does she have no face from spirited away on her head?

>> No.9647550

I really like this.

I want to like this, but the dark tights are throwing me off. I know that there are black accents in her coord, but it looks very summery and then those tights just look too formal for the rest of it.

Left is a nice solid fall look.

I wouldn't've known this was a fandom coord if others hadn't pointed it out. I think it looks very cute and succeeds since it's an outfit first, not a costume.

>> No.9647559

Why does she have two purses?

>> No.9647562

To carry her stuff? Most lolita purses carry barely anything.

>> No.9647567

Yeah, most purses are notorious for not carrying anything and the little usakumya bag she has is no exception. The white heart one looks plenty big. It doesn't make sense to have two.

>> No.9647576

That tiny Usakumya can carry one lipstick and some cash, maybe. Its main point is to be cute, it's not meant for functionality at all.

>> No.9647594

Woah. Are those teeth? In the tights?
That’s metal as fuck.

>> No.9647597
File: 842 KB, 245x235, 513E1DA2-7009-46B0-BCB5-75139D6B23AE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag detected

>> No.9647598

busy clusterfuck

>> No.9647604

I know her as an acquaintance, she is really cute

>> No.9647639

hubba hubba

>> No.9647678

how do you not know horror garden?
gorgeous poof
this is great with the cardi
wish she did more with the make up. she looks washed out and hidden. at least a pink lip would bring her face out
he isn't average though. but you'd think after the
meme, girls would be way more self-aware. I do wish his pics were better quality.

>> No.9647681

That left one is so unflattering. The boots make it look worse

>> No.9647862

Co-ordinate is British English, Coordinate is American English. However, the hyphen is falling out of favour in the UK, so it's becoming somewhat outdated even for British spelling, but it's not actually wrong.

>> No.9647942

His outfit pictures are always so poor, and he didn't manage a single full body picture...why??

Love this, the shoes especially.

>> No.9648161

its lolita vs newfag again

>> No.9648166
File: 2.88 MB, 667x4433, hubba hubba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw hes a literal meme and people still commented thirsty bs

>> No.9648185

Cause the usakumya is cute? If you're in this fashion for practicality then boy I have news for you

>> No.9648188

It doesn't say on CoF either. Maybe ask her on Instagram if she has one?

I've heard that Demonia has shoes like these but I can't vouch for the quality.

>> No.9648216
File: 52 KB, 564x805, bodyline platform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im almost sure those are bodyline?

>> No.9648240

Those look about right. Is the Bodyline site still loading really slowly for anyone else? I thought they fixed it.

>> No.9648268

God, behave yourselves.
Yes,he's handsome we get it. They're like the female version of beta orbiters in games. How embarassing.

>> No.9648269
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>> No.9648270

only the rakuten is up and these arent available right now, sorry anon

>> No.9648278

she needs to make her bangs wider. The side locks of her Hime cut are jutting into her face and making it look long.

>> No.9648287

Lmao oh my god. They're even worse than what I thought. Fucking thirsty yet they're probably the first to chastise thirsty guys

>> No.9648386

That angle is so, so unflattering for her face. Why wouldn't she cover it with a pixel or emoji or something? Christ.

>> No.9648438

I really don't understand the taste of the people on CoF, these both look really messy and unimpressive to me but they both got quite a lot of likes.

I would really like to see the most liked photos in the group, most of the majority reacting seem to go for really garish shit.

>> No.9648442

It's just the ones that stand out most when people are scrolling through fb

>> No.9648447

This is really cool. The colors work together beautifully. I just wish the person had some better eye prosthetics for the gloves.
That, and shooped their skin smoother. Very lovely work and concept, otherwise.

>> No.9648692

this is quite pretty, other than the underskirt not meshing well at all. I'd only wear an underskirt with a skirt that had ruffles or significant lace trim at the hem.
what's messy about >>9647357 ??
it is wearable, fun, and pretty balanced.
it's also casual but with a jsk, which is hard to come by.
>she also looks like she's happy and enjoying herself.

>> No.9648707

is she... standing on her toes??

>> No.9648750


>> No.9649270
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>incoming dump

>> No.9649273
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>> No.9649278
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>> No.9649283
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>> No.9649285
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>> No.9649286
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>> No.9649288

This one is actually cute. She obviously knows how to dress herself, she just chooses not to.


>> No.9649289
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>> No.9649294
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>> No.9649296
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>> No.9649297
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>> No.9649299
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>> No.9649300
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>> No.9649301
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>> No.9649304
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>> No.9649305
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>> No.9649306

the shoes are not really loliable (could maybe, just maybe be pulled off in some kind of b&w hime/rococo style) and she needs pettis.
other than that this is okay balanced and wearable. black t-strap shoes would have been great.
>but why does she hate headwear? does she have any KCs at all??
I chuckled. the dark barrette doesn't match though. wish it was gold.
she should look into having the bodice altered to be roomier in the bust. not sure if braless or heavy binding is the culprit here but a supported bust shape would help flatter her waistline, especially paired with the balloon skirt.
colors, accessories, hair, and overall styling are quite lovely though. the flats work, which is rare. Anyone know, are those Irregular Choice?

>> No.9649308
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>> No.9649311
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>> No.9649314
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>the end

>> No.9649316

I wish the veil on right could be added to hairbow on left to leave a single accessory more fitting than having both. having both looks sloppy without styling the wig and the bright warm red flowers do not match the wines

>> No.9649327

tights with knee-high boots next time.
she looks like korilakkuma. v. cute! nostalgic for that style of wig too
>gold shoes
why not lav? someone needs to release a shiny gold headbow for these girls that want to wear gold shoes. a few instances of gold in jewelry just does not cut it for balancing shoes.
glad she's experimenting with what she has but it's becoming very clear that she's not buying wisely for her wardrobe. I'd like to see full realized coords and she might need to downsize and focus on having several available coords for only a handful of main pieces.
what a cutie in this coord! white printed otks may have been more successful than the pink but I love this!

>> No.9649329

This is fine but the artwork really stands out on that dress- why would you cover it up?

>> No.9649334

>please clean your mirror

>> No.9649337

Agreed it hurts me to see a dd hidden

>> No.9649344

>learn your angles, my dude
right is better coord because blouse fit is nicer, though the shoes are questionable, but left is much more flattering angle.
chiffon bloomers would help the gf. love seeing them dress up together. super jelly.
first coord of hers I've liked. the turtleneck cutsew is gorgeous with this and the main's fit is finally right. very nice

>> No.9649348

I like these.

This sweet decora-kei style is usually not something I like, but this is seriously cute.

The top half of this is so light and flowy--I love it. I wish the bottom half was equally interesting.

I just like the feel of this photo.

>> No.9649377

Why does he always look like an overfilled sausage. Buy things that fit dammit.

>> No.9649444

Same reason why anyone squeezes themselves into dresses that obviously don't fit well, the delusion of burando status.

>> No.9649493

His color matching has gotten better but he really needs to buy clothes that fit or alter them if he really wants that burando status so much like what >>9649444 says.

>> No.9649500

I don't really see an issue with her wearing a coat with that print? If she wore another print would you say the same thing?

>> No.9649505

It's an iconic print that is large and bold so it looks strange when the detail is covered compared to something like Eternal Carnival from AP.

>> No.9649515

I guess, imo I like the silhouette of the coat over the print more. Prints doesn't always have to be the main focus.

>I just like solids more sorry

>> No.9649516

That blouse is way too sweet for the gothic look she's going for.

>> No.9649639

This is so dull with black, cream would have been better.

>> No.9649656

She looks like a chubby mini doll, I love it

Is that petit the wrong shape? That dress looks weirdly lumpy

Super elegant and she has a really really pretty face

>> No.9649665

That's a terrible attempt at OTT. Lol at the yurio badge, keep your animemes out of lolita.
Also is she suffering from dwarfism or something? That dress is so long you can just see her cankles peeking out

>> No.9649669

This is so cute. I love it!

>> No.9649670

She folded it down so she could use the dress as a skirt. I've seen a lot of lolitas do that with dresses, or fold straps in for bustier style. I'm not sure that it works for her particular jsk with how it has layers. But I can see what she was trying to do.

>> No.9649671

I just noticed she has a prosthetic leg. And this is at least the 3rd time I've seen this photograph.

Coord is alright. Not bad, not amazing.

>> No.9649676

I love this coord! She looks pretty awesome! It's simple, but we'll put together.

>> No.9649684

This dress looks bad. She's pretty enough to pull off lolita. But not this outfit. This outfit is a sad show. The dress looks like a pancho mixed with a grandma normie dress pulled from a bargain bin. And the socks aren't much better.

>> No.9649688

This dress is far too small for her. Just because you can get it on doesn't mean it fits. Get it altered, buy a dress that fits or slim down. There is no reason to look like a stuffed sausage.

>> No.9649697

This is just so sweet. They are super adorable.

>> No.9649706

how new can someone be?

>> No.9649715

You are so painfully new, and obviously trying to fit in.

>is she suffering from dwarfism or something

Literally yes. If you'd been here for longer than a week, you'd know that.

>> No.9649739

I've been here since 2011 but alright.
I just don't have FB. And her coord looks ugly either way, that's just my opinion, no need to be butthurt about it anon chan

>> No.9649779
File: 62 KB, 540x530, IMG_20170905_175237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i'm sure anon.

>> No.9649793

whatever helps you sleep at night, if you think a cheap bodyline dress with lots of cheap accessories make a cute ott coord, you might want to think about it, girlie

>> No.9649794

(also i'm gonna need that tote bag in my life)

>> No.9649883

>I just like solids more sorry
Thats really obvious actually. Do you like artwork? The artwork on that dress is amazing. I'm pretty sure its part of why it costs so much even second hand.
If you don't care for prints why even comment? I like it when people cover parts of misty sky but its silly to wear a print just to cover it all. Do you wear graphic shirts under plain sweaters?
>inb4 I only wear lolita

>> No.9649906

Selfpost? She looks fine, but not so cute you'd get three separate anons fawning over her beauty.

>> No.9649920

Yeah, Selfpost for sure. Shes pretty average.

>> No.9649988

The leg wear in this ruins the whole outfit.

>> No.9649997

Yes because covering up 3/4 of the print defeats the purpose of wearing a print. It would've been better off if she just wore a solid underneath the roland.

>> No.9650012

dwarfchan gets posted all the time, seriously. did you take a 6 year hiatus? did someone just thaw you out of cryogenic sleep?

>> No.9650017

Damn she has a completely flat ass, even in high heels.

>> No.9650071

haha heels don't boost your ass, anon. they only make your legs appear longer and your calves slimmer. Mine is just as flat so I know the deal *sigh*

>> No.9650088

I get the motif she was going for, but the random bits of red don't make any sense.

>> No.9650125

I think this would be cuter if the person on the left had bloomers or an underskirt or something... maybe even tights. I hate the way her socks are rolling down off her thick thighs and her skirt is practically a tiny little breeze away from showing her ass. I get being a tall lolita, I have similar issues but too much thick thigh showing makes it look like a bad costume.

>> No.9650138

Who cares? I don't think I'd want to see a bootylicious ass in jfash.

>> No.9650235

Damn anon you sound upset about a girl wearing a print under a coat

>> No.9650358

yeah like ageplay. I get that vibe too. she should definitely be wearing bloomers or even just a petti that is closer to the same length as her skirt i think.

>> No.9650378

>didn't answer any questions
Fuck you too- You're probably not even the anon I replied to. So why did you reply? Fucking shitposter.

>> No.9650383

>the I know who's posting meme
Post their IP.

>> No.9650589


>> No.9650592

Be real. This is just cgls flavor of the month to hate on.

>> No.9650604

Your conversation is not private you dumb fuck. Anyone is allowed to chime in that doesn't make them shitposters.

>> No.9650606

I've worn graphic shirts under plain sweaters all the time. You sound autistic as fuck.

>> No.9650610

So do I but its not like I'm posting them online.

>> No.9650651
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>> No.9650653
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>> No.9650660

She looks cute but that dress is boring and shapeless and looks like a nightgown.

and this is super unflattering as well. bleh @ the current state of some lolita fashion.

>> No.9650662

the combination of the muumuu dress with that hairstyle and her lack of lips gives a granny vibe

>> No.9650663

It's one of the sack dresses released by AP, most sack cuts don't have a defined shape or waist ties, hence the "sack" shape.

>> No.9650665

thanks captain obvious

>> No.9650667

the red is brought in and balanced very well. main pieces that are only one or two colors can be really versatile. the focal point is the lyrical bunny necklace which uses all three coord colors. this is a successful coord imo.
all lolitas should know how to turn out several creative coords with a non-print dress

>> No.9650668
File: 723 KB, 1279x718, IMG_2130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only had to point it out because the previous anon was nitpicking a sack cut for being a sack cut.

>> No.9650671

love her but this needs work. it's the legwear that really sucks here
what anons have kind of failed to articulate is that the print has a kind of wide, narrative design. with the coat only showing that lil sliver of the action the view is neither visually appealing nor does it make sense. your brain can't fill in what's being hidden as there's no pattern. a border print like Marionette, where the bulk of the illustration is not in the center/is spread out around the skirt, kind of needs to be fully displayed.
a solid sk would have looked nicer under the roland anyways.

>> No.9650673
File: 984 KB, 500x281, ohyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ot but love Milk. what a babe

>> No.9650789

Why were only these posted? There have been at least ten other photos posted in CoF before and after these two. Dump or don't, don't pick and choose.

>> No.9650831

Why not? Maybe those were the only ones the poster liked/hated and wanted to discuss. They're on topic.

>> No.9650835

Typically you just do a dump to generate discussion and keep the thread active. Next person who does a dump shouldn't have to check the thread to see what has and hasn't been posted, you should just be able to go from the last post chronologically.
If we all just started posting the shit we wanted to personally talk about whenever we wanted the thread would be a mess.

>> No.9650999

Yup. This.

>> No.9651330

Why don't you post or start a new thread then instead of whining.

>> No.9651880

Nayrt, but why start a new thread to knock one off the board, for exactly the same thing? Just post correctly and it's easier for everyone.