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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 65 KB, 940x940, sta_ik_nu_op_de_blacklist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9623328 No.9623328 [Reply] [Original]

Previously, in the post-Abunai thread >>9613716
>Nishi vs Tomo part 2: Exposing the Lies aired on /cgl/ and it was great.
>Mixing fetish wear with cosplay to appeal to two markets at once. Now that's clever business!
>BritFag came for Abunai advice and advice it got.
>Animecon accidentally opened up Novotel reservations too early, decided to cancel all bookings made before 8am except they didn't.
>ACC happened and just like last time it was shit and bootleg items were everywhere.
>€150 3D printer and how 3 of us have ordered one already. Also here's a printable Tully by Smoke: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9q8zxb7wc2k6swk/tully.stl
>Prop-Anon explains scaling and made fast progress on Nethergundam, Smoke is 3D printing stuff and loving sintra.
>Some Joker made a Dutch Cosplay Blacklist Facebook group and how this little idea of his is bound to fail.
>Lot's of mentions of dildos. It's almost as if your qt hardworking Leidse BF's aren't giving you gulls the release you need.

The next five major events:
>Special Edition Cringe Party (September 23rd, Dordrecht ZH), the invite specially stated 4chan is welcome at this event...
>Elfia Arcen (September 23rd & 24rd, Arcen LB), the second edition in 2017 of this outdoor fantasy convention. Now with 100% more Hertog Jan breweries in the vicinity!
>TomoFair (September 30th & October 1st, Nijmegen GL), literally a gym hall with dealers selling bootlegs.
>Firstlook Gaming (October 7th & 8th, Utrecht UT), a gaming convention for gamers living the gamer life.
>Dutch Comic Con Winter Edition (November 11th & 12th, Utrecht UT), a comic con that actually has some events to keep you entertained.

Links and advice:
>Defending yourself on /cgl/ only makes things worse. It's best to take things posted here lightly and move on.
>Our con agenda: https://www.churi.nl/agenda
>Newcomers guide: https://churi.nl/newcomers-guide
>Discord: https://discord.gg/kjQxd4S

>> No.9623376

I heard that there are blacklists on convention. Every con has its iwn. But they are never perma bans. So thats why creeps return after a year of 2 . Just to be banned again ( most of the time). Only chris klinkers is an exception and has a lifetime ban( not seen him on any convention)

>> No.9623501

Is anyone legit thinking about going to that 'cringe party' event? Is it even legit?

>> No.9623503

I wouldn't be surprised if she locks the door behind us and unleashes white knights onto us.

>> No.9623526

All those events are cringe, no need to name it like that. Ah well, I wouldn't go. As far as I know it only attracts creeps and people new to the community. I also remember her trying to appeal to lolitas by inviting them along to a weeb party.
Personally, I stay away as she is toxic af.

>> No.9623552


Also, love the OP image!

>> No.9623561

I am quite sure that the Foot Fetish guy got a permaban from Animecon years ago.

>> No.9623588

As covention staff what i know is that the length of the ban depends on what happened. And usually we try to hear out both sides after the event beacause usually its a he said, she said, they said story.
Also this get discussed during Anigenda meetings. What other conventions do with the info is their problem.
(this is what i have been told, dont hold a position where I actually have a say in this)

>> No.9623607

>Prop-Anon explains scaling and made fast progress on Nethergundam, Smoke is 3D printing stuff and loving sintra.

Smoke explained scaling digitally too...

>> No.9623644

Pretty sure Battlething still has a permaban from multiple conventions as well.
(Although most people might not remember him as this is 2011-2012 we are talking about)

>> No.9623667

What cringe party? Is this a lolita event or from someone within the anime convention circle?

>> No.9623668

>Is anyone legit thinking about going to that 'cringe party' event?
Not me, I really don't feel like travelling 2 hours for something silly like this. At best those few people there get to see how laid back gulls really are, at worst I get thrown out for being a big meanie. The only reason I put it up there is because the invite mentioned us directly. Besides, it's not like we've got that many events going on in the near future.

>Is it even legit
It is: [facebook] /events/497536167246498

Read the OP, con agenda or check the link above. As for the OP image, it's just a lazy recreation made in Photoshop. Nothing to write home about really.

Right! And that cool 3D print with the colour changing LED, advice on how to smoothen prints and the first sneak peak at her Lucario plan!

>> No.9623669

I read your explanation, smoke-anon! :3c

>> No.9623670

i-it's cool, people

>> No.9623701

I like how people thought I was Smoke. But it me. Prop.

>> No.9623717
File: 246 KB, 559x438, Vaan_-_012_CG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Prop-Anon, don't listen to Anon's lies!

>> No.9623738

Come on OP, I know it's you.

>> No.9623775

No I'm prop-anon. I like trains.

>> No.9623812
File: 1.58 MB, 500x250, Ben angry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triggering me into using my (new) tripcode
>became a tripfag

Thanks OP. You have what you wanted.

>> No.9623828

That last one wasn't me tho. Besides if I really wanted to trigger you I would had claimed to be Prop-Anon and how the Mat 64 is way better than the V250 and VIRM-IV combined.

>> No.9623851

I miss Blazikont and her amazing Blazikont.

>> No.9624070

Blazikont is still around... In a way

>> No.9624334

Ah my bad, thanks for pointing it out. But I guess "Special Edition" says enough. I kind of doubt if she is good at organizing, since she's always so bad with arguments.

>> No.9624553

Fuck your Mat'64!

>> No.9624788

someone know what happened with that capt boomerang cosplayer? he is being accused of being a creeper towards underaged girls or smth?

>> No.9624894

Havent heard about that

>> No.9624946

The only thing I know is that he ask me friend if she was the one who punched him in the face last comic con.

>> No.9624951

Was she?

>> No.9624962

he was the founder of dutch suicide squad or something. got kicked out of that group because of innapropriate behavior (mainly) towards ladies.

there must be a story behind this, deets?

>> No.9624971

That moment when Cosplay Blacklist Michael starts vendetta and accusing someone else without proof......

>> No.9624974


I mean I'm not surprised, but I thought it'd take at least a couple of months, maybe weeks.

>> No.9624994

Well that was quick. Care to share a link or screenshot while I fetch myself some popcorn?

>> No.9625019

What did he even do exactly? They where so vague on FB...

>> No.9625043

i got some info that hes sending messages to some guy he got beef with, blaming him for pedofilia (without proof) he even threatend him saying he is going to make sure that he wont be allowed to visit any convention anymore

>> No.9625044

No, It was another cosplayer with the same or similar cosplay.

No idea. I want to know myself, but when I ask, he ignored my question.

>> No.9625047

I was wondering the same thing after seeing the boomerang dude make a video, so I went to the blacklist dude his page and watched his latest video. He called thom out, as well as davey from dutch garrison and rajesh.
He pretty much wants to solve things himself with his fists, with an 'I do whatever I want' attitude.

>> No.9625050
File: 75 KB, 620x349, 543e6734d58e1f7ba6f9fd26d69868ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9625055

>He pretty much wants to solve things himself with his fists, with an 'I do whatever I want' attitude.

Those guys are so hopeless. He is basically just a overweight average height person with an attitude. Guys with a big mouth like that always keeps an eye out not to step on the toes of really tall and strong bouncer type guys with even more argressive attitude, because he knows those guys would knock him the fuck out. Or get stabbed by a skinny eastern europe guy with a more argressive attitude than him.

>> No.9625056

So exactly what I expected to happen.

He certainly didn't waste any time.

>> No.9625062
File: 505 KB, 1333x1000, IMG_20170908_232429r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After some crazy detail work it's almost ready for painting

>> No.9625068 [DELETED] 

Brilliant! So not only do we have some delusional white knight who believes creating a Facebook page for his personal blacklist makes it official, but he's already drunk on power and drawing personal matters into things. What a true professional he is, a true professional idiot that is. Let's just his claims of "several cons have already contacted me" are either false or to kindly tell him to sod off.

>> No.9625070

Brilliant! So not only do we have some delusional white knight who believes creating a Facebook page for his personal blacklist makes it official, but he's already drunk on power and drawing personal matters into things. What a true professional he is, a true professional idiot that is. Let's just hope his claims of "several cons have already contacted me" are either false or were to kindly tell him to sod off.

>> No.9625073

Jesus, that looks insane.

>> No.9625088

I'm more worried about him being violent at cons than anything else.

>> No.9625285

I hope he does get violent at a con. I can only imagine the look on his face when that con orders him to add himself to his silly little list.

>> No.9625469

How often can you really wear a costume before people get sick of seeing it? I'm not really a cosplayer and prefer to spend my crafting time making things I can use or wear on a more daily basis, but I'm considering doing a certain very intricate cosplay just to test my skills and hopefully learn some new ones. With how little free time I have though, this will probably take me over a year to make and will push aside any other projects. This would be worth it if I can just wear that costume to every con/faire I go to from there on out, but is this feasible? I don't want to become That Person who everyone gets annoyed with because they keep milking the same old costume.

>> No.9625471

As long as you don't 'sandbag' (aka compete in the same costume over and over again), no one will really care.

I keep wearing the same costumes sometimes too, because it's just comfy or a character I love. I just no longer compete with it or do high-profile stuff with it.

>> No.9625484

He shouldn't ''solve things out himself'' ... He really only makes an idiot out of himself and shows his true colors. Can't expect that people take your Blacklist page seriously if you start vendetta yourself without any hard form of proof.

Michael just another dumb autistic idiot if you ask me

>> No.9625487


This guy is gonna be a hero in some small circle of autistic and ugly female cossers with no possibilty to become big, get attention etc because they cant improve.

And other people who actually grow big, visit cons normally or arent weird fucks who can think normally wont like him.

This guy seems like a person, if he would get into a fight, even a 12 year old can floor him and he will scream weird slurs like he is right and saving the community from pervs, because no one else cares.

Hail Dutch Cosplay Blacklist. True friendzone admin trying to get on the good side of female cossers so he seems like a "nice guy" and this way can get a decent girlfriend.

>> No.9625491


that is some nice looking prop you get there ~

>> No.9625665
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Or this shit.

>> No.9625672

Pathetic really. I've met thom and he doesnt deserve to be called a pedo.

>> No.9625673

sure he has trouble with personal space but that doesnt make someone a pedo. gonna stay on the fence until more info leaks out though. i've heard some talk about inappropriate personal messages on facebook and im not sure what to believe anymore.

>> No.9625674

Agreed. As long as there is no proof, there is no need to call someone a pedo.

I do think, however, that he is an idiot and an asshole. He also grabbed my gf's ass at a con once. But she's no minor.

This whole vendetta thing is getting boring again. I gave the blacklist shit a few weeks or months but it turns out the owner fucks it up within days. What a surprise. Next topic? Any cosplayes you look forward to seeing? Do you know someone who's working on something cool? Like, apart from prop and smoke obviously ;) keep up the great work

>> No.9625685

About half of the autists I know tend to not understand the personal space thing. For example latching onto somebody (following around the con) over enthousiastic hugging, laying a hand on somebody to comfort them etc. Ass touching obvs crossing the line /is harassment.

>> No.9625688

I'm still looking forward to moekke her mercy. Aside from that, I might be making a 5 foot tall sword soon. Just sorting my stuff out right now.

>> No.9625693

People need to start saying clearly what he did, otherwise it's going to look like their just bullying an autist who made stupid mistakes.
Harassment should never be excused, but if he actually harassed people then there should be clear examples.

>> No.9625699


Not Pedophilia, but Ephebophilia.
Thom was kick out off Dutch Suicide Squat because he harrest 14 and 15 year olds.
They won't tell you that online, but have no problems telling you that in person. So do that instead of defending everyone who got attacked by the blacklist.

I get that you guys find the jokers way sickening. But defending Thom's Ephebophilia makes you guys just as wors

>> No.9625704
File: 492 KB, 1078x1324, Screenshot_20170909-190959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so does someone have dirt on the maker of the blacklist?

>> No.9625711

If both sides gonna be vague about it, we'll be none the wiser. I lost my respect for olga, the now squad leader. She's too old for pettyness like that. Also she was piss drunk at animecon.

>> No.9625713

hi michael

>> No.9625734

Pointing out that you guys are doing a 'the enemy of my enemy, is my friend' without thinking it through, doesn't make me Michael. I'm even saying his way isn't the good one.

But yeah, I'm mad, and maybe a little bit beyond correct. My friend got harrasted by him (and I'm also mad at her for not comming out for it, because she's afraid nobody will believe her and think she's lying for Michael), yet people are defending someone they have never heard about before, because they don't like the other person.

If you have lost your trust in one, like>>9625711, ask someone else of the group. And do it in person, than they are more talk active and can't log out to avoid the question.

>> No.9625793

'you guys' I know thom. I ain't saying he did nothing, but I don't think he's a pedo. There is no complete picture, so no way for me to judge correctly. Michael is like a fat white version of pedro, except for pedro being a decent cosplayer. 'harassed' is a big word, if you ain'gonna spill anything, it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.9625804

Waiting for those first blacklist diss-tracks to appear.

>> No.9625836

just report that page for practitioning against the law and move on. What a subject.
The conventions have their own security and measures against people that do not follow the rules. Don't play own cop or support people that do so. This ain't the usa

>> No.9625847

As Female con orga what annoys me most is their "Tip" to go to THEM if you need a trust person.
Firstly I don't walk around with a gaint Staff on my shirt for nothing. And If there are people capable of actually doing shit is the Orga.
Secondly don't trust the Orga OK that can happen go to a security (With a V) or EHBO personel in uniform. They are LITERALLY TRAINED to act in those situations.

This is just next level Don Quixote white Knight.

>> No.9625850

Also just sending such a list to a Festival is against the law. And the official thing the Orga has to do is take that info to the cops.
Its against the law to just save and spread around personal information about people.

>> No.9625860
File: 226 KB, 1040x780, IMG_20170909_221754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


first layer of paint


>> No.9625865

Why are you screaming? Anyway nice paint, I can't wait to see it post-weathering.

>> No.9625870

just going inbetween this whole discussion

>> No.9625872

Facebook won't do shit about that, they even don't do that when somebody recieves unsollicited dickpicks or dickvideo.

On the other hand call Thierry Baudett and donkey (A Baudett is Donkey in French) and you will get a 24 hour ban at least.

>> No.9625877

Baudet is litteraly donkey. Also this creepy politician is a prime example of the arseholes that should get and deserve a ban.

>> No.9625903

At first I wanted to give a serious reply, because I'm aware I can't win. I either am just a anonymous person who could have made shit up or expose my friend and throw her before the wolfs. Because it would give me credibility (don't get me wrong, I still try to pressure her to spill her beans. But I get her fear for getting accused of beeing the one who ruined someones life).

>There is no complete picture, so no way for me to judge correctly.
>Michael is like a fat white version of pedro, except for pedro being a decent cosplayer.
>'harassed' is a big word,

Are you really trying to help your Ephebophilia friend (and again, it's something different from pedo and I don't agree on pedo)? It doesn't look that way when you word it that way.

P.S. if someone thinks I'm too melodramatic about me helping my friend and that the solution is simpel. Please share it with me, because I'm to attached to my friend to be able to find a simple solution.

>> No.9625934

Nobody can win on here, because we're outsiders. The only one who knows whats going on are the people involved and whatever info they bring out. I'm not saying your friend her claim isn't legit, but you aren't telling what happened to her either. If somebody truely deserves what's coming, like getting banned from conventions etc, I wouldn't defend that person. Even if it would be my best friend, which thom isn't, I met him once.

Michael being an asshole is something that I can judge on, based on his video where he promotes violence. Now he's getting so much backlash at his blacklist page he's crawling back.

There are no 'simple' solutions. The fastest way is to tell a staff member. The 'simplest' for her is to report the guy, and ask them to keep her id hidden. The shittiest thing to do is tell Michael in a 'I want revenge' type of way and get him beaten up.Somewhere in between you can search for people who also claim to have a negative experience with the guy and add all harassment claims together.

I'm not whiteknighting on 4chan, really anon I know better than that.

>> No.9626531
File: 439 KB, 810x1383, Screenshot_20170910-132950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Één arrogante lozer die zo'n lijst bijhoud om zijn persoonlijke haat mee te verspreiden verdient ten eerste geen vrienden, volgers en zeker geen aandacht.
Gebruik je kop. Zo'n lijst is gevaarlijk. Zeker in de handen van Cosplay-Nazi's als hij is.

Those are some harsh words.

>> No.9626583

I have to wonder if a list can be dangerous if the actual people who do the banning (as in: convention organisations) ignore it. Right now, this blacklist is nothing more than some annoying dude on a little crusade. Just another flavour of drama.

>> No.9626600

Organisations like Animecon will not touch this with a 10 ft barge-pole.

>> No.9626611 [DELETED] 

An unofficial blacklist, as in an actual list and not this vendetta FB page, could definitely be a danger even if the current cons ignore it. For starters new cons or events might take such a list serious or even assume it's legit. The odds of this happening might be slim, but are still present as all it takes is an outsider organising something. Terracon for instance jumps in mind, but let's also not forget our friends from Showmasters who rushed in head first into the Dutch con scene last year.

Now imagine such a list or the complaints being public, or the list getting leaked in full detail. Despite it not being official, some people will take everything on it as the truth and start a witch hunt. Knowing this community in which news spreads fast and everyone loves a good gossip, it wouldn't take long for everyone and their mother to hear about those on the list and what they've supposedly have done wrong. Their lives would be affected by it as their reputations are damaged, friends and family members question or turn on them, and depending on the accusations potential employers might refuse to hire them all because of some rumours of old that have been spread over the internet. A lifelong punishment for something that already has been punished, that's not what I call justice.

Even worse, is how there's zero control over an unofficial list. Anyone can be put on it for any reason whatsoever. There is no innocent until proven guilty with these things, instead it's the other way around. All it takes for you to make it onto the list is someone making a false report or you saying something bad about the owner. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if being on /cgl/ would be considered enough reason to be put on such a list list by some people out there...

>> No.9626613

An unofficial blacklist, as in an actual list and not this vendetta FB page, could definitely be a danger even if the current cons ignore it. For starters new cons or events might take such a list serious or even assume it's legit. The odds of this happening might be slim, but are still present as all it takes is an outsider organising something. Terracon for instance jumps in mind, but let's also not forget our friends from Showmasters who rushed in head first into the Dutch con scene last year.

Now imagine such a list or the complaints being public, or the list getting leaked in full detail. Despite it not being official, some people will take everything on it as the truth and start a witch hunt. Knowing this community in which news spreads fast and everyone loves a good gossip, it wouldn't take long for everyone and their mother to hear about those on the list and what they've supposedly have done wrong. Their lives would be affected by it as their reputations are damaged, friends and family members question or turn on them, and depending on the accusations potential employers might refuse to hire them all because of some rumours of old that have been spread over the internet. A lifelong punishment for something that already has been punished, that's not what I call justice.

Even worse, is how there's zero control over an unofficial list. Anyone can be put on it for any reason whatsoever. There is no innocent until proven guilty with these things, instead it's the other way around. All it takes for you to make it onto the list is someone making a false report or you saying something bad about the owner. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if being on /cgl/ would be considered enough reason to be put on such a list list by some people out there...

>> No.9626622
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Pretty content with this prop.

>> No.9626623

Very nice!

>> No.9626625
File: 96 KB, 851x315, viencon2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viencon Summer Festival has a date and new location.

>> No.9626632


>> No.9626633

I want to go. Hopefully this time it won't get cancelled. This convention has the potential to be really fun if everything works out well.

>> No.9626636

The only thing that triggers my autism like a motherfucker is the fact that the black doesn't go all the way down the edges of the decorations, but it's not like I could do better.
Looks fantastic otherwise.

>> No.9626639

Eh if it's still during the summer vacation I can't go. The north has a later summer vacation I understood.

>> No.9626642

same a bit, but it's a lot of work to do the edges cleanly, especially because you have to go over it 2-3times before the paint is covering. Since it's a commission i'm not going to dedicate that to it, looks good enough as it is

>> No.9626646

It's basically TomoVienParty then

>> No.9626648

I wonder if Tomo Party 2018 will be on the same weekend.

>> No.9626649

No need to shame female cossers. I don't him and the whole situation, but just a pro-tip based on common sense: rather than being childish and attack people, you could actually try to educate them if you want them on your side. I'm rather skeptical about pages like these, but I can understand why some female cossers might feel drawn to a page like this if they've been harassed or are scared of harassment.

>> No.9626651

I hope Tomo would be that dumb to do it.

>> No.9626656

Tomo: Hold my beer

>> No.9626675

I too want this to succeed, but I can't help but feel a bit skeptical. The date is one week after Abunai and likely during the same weekend as ACC, meaning Viencon has some serious competition. Not just in terms of date, but also the monetary resources of their potential visitors. To make things a bit more problematic to the majority of weebs, it's also at the start of a new school year which is always a busy and expensive period for anyone attending college or university. Speaking of experience I also know the location is in the middle of nowhere, so day trippers are likely to pass unless they seriously feel like traveling for several hours. Then there's the issue of rounding up enough people to make it worthwhile to even rent a cottage at Center Parcs in the first place. This shouldn't be an issue to us gulls, but it definitely means a fair chunk of people will be forced to pass because they couldn't round up enough people.

But time will tell and I for one hope it will succeed. At least the place itself is nice. I loved how my cottage had roof window right above the bathtub. Being able to stargaze from the comfort of a warm bath is definitely one of those little things that makes life better.

>> No.9626682

This is up to 4 days of weeb fun at Center Parcs and all of its facilities, party hard, firing up the BBQ and spending the night drinking beer at your cottage with your friends, some random folk you met and maybe the people in the cottage next to yours. Honestly that really doesn't compare to TomoKidsParty.

>> No.9626721

Hate to say it, but Tomo would kill Viencon if they put it on the same date. Last Viencon was already cancelled because of lack of reservations, which is just a fact. I won't argue quality but we live in the Netherlands after all and a 5,- euro for 2 persons cosplay beach party is going to draw a lot more Dutch people than some yet to prove itself convention with a much higher pricetag to get drunk from drinking beer. If it's just for drinking beer, isn't it much cheaper to do it at home? Do people generally have good impressions on convisitors that just go to cons to get drunk?

>> No.9626723

I feel like gulls are financially better off than most of the cosplay comm.

>> No.9626725

>Honestly that really doesn't compare to TomoKidsParty.

So you're saying Tomo is not up to the challenge?
Hear that, Tomo. :)

>> No.9626729

I'm sure lot's of people in the comm have stacks of money left after Acon and Abunai hotel reservations and the one con they want to visit in EU to see cool cosplay guests..

>> No.9626802

I'm not saying one is better, just that they are different from eachother. Also let's not forget how Viencon's original plan for 2017 intended to include having actual events throughout the duration of the con. We obviously haven't seen any details yet on their plans for 2018 so what Viencon will really be like isn't clear yet, but I'm fairly sure they'll try to walk this path again further increasing the difference between Viencon and Tomo "Deshima at a lake" Party.

Now yes, if Tomo decides to pull another Tomo and hosts an edition of TomoParty simultaneously with Viencon then it will be Tomo who gets more visitors. As mentioned in >>9626675 Viencon has some major challenges ahead of them which can either make or break their con, with cost and location just being two of them. It's no secret the majority of weebs are poor teenagers, and it's no secret Tomo appeals to these people with their low prices as that's where the real money is to be made. Luckily for us we all know visitor numbers don't say anything about the actual quality of a con.

>> No.9626817

Last few years Tomoparty (Tomoparty exists for 2 years?) was a week before Abunai, right? So I think we can expect that next year as well. Tomoparty - Abunai - Viencon.

>> No.9627069 [DELETED] 

Guys behind Viencon should just go homd, if the stuff about the location and dates are legit then it will be a complete disaster.

I am wondering why people are still thinking there's a chance it might work.

The guys behind Viencon must be living on a different planet or something.

Everyone is wrong, from chosen date s to venue, to topgraphical location to possible very high accomation proces ( centerparcs aint cheap )

Its like a total basement dweller with no concept of money thought this up.

>> No.9627072

Are there seriously people thinking this circlejerk of a Viencon is gonna work in any shape or form?

Come one guys, my neighbour's dead cat knows more about organizing a event.

>> No.9627140

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think nothing was planned for Viencon last year. No events, guests or anything was ever announced except the money you need to pay. The only thing they offered before they pulled the plug, was basically a meet with your cosplay friends at Center Parcs. Something you can arrange for yourself, saving you additional costs for a Con?

>> No.9627423

Have you tried getting your neighbours dead cat to volunteer at Tomo? They could use some help making things decent.

>> No.9627503

There was at least a cocktail workshop announced.

>> No.9627519
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>> No.9627549

>expecting all events listed as soon as they announce their date.

Even Animecon hasn't done this, yet tickets are already up for sale. Yeah ok, we know what we get. But usually events slowly start forming and lining up when they find the required people.

>> No.9627564

tomo is looking for volunteers for tomofair.
so if you think it's shit, this is a nice opportunity to help out making it not-shit ;)

>> No.9627567

Good idea! if we're with enough people maybe we can overthrow the tomo-government!

>> No.9627594

No thanks I rather want it to die out

>> No.9627611

Hi Tomo[insert name]

>> No.9627698

anyone remember a cosplay gala that is supposed to be in the november? I remember being it in Belgium

>> No.9627704

>since someone is paying me for it, my standards are lower

>> No.9627715

No use beating a dead horse, or cat.

>> No.9627726

the issue is with the guys in charge, not the individual gophering

>> No.9627754

i get paid 150eu for this, i'm not going to enormous lengths to lower my hourly wage even more
It makes sense when you get paid a standard amount for a prop, you have a set level of quality you get.

>> No.9627799

Agreed. The makers themselves often have higher standards than their clients. Clean and good work is always necessary, but sometimes, time and budget limit you and more often than not, the client will be more than satisfied with something that doesn't satisfy yourself as much.

Especially if you get paid that little for a prop.

>> No.9627843


Ah you mean the Winter wonder cosplay ball?


>> No.9627972

Dunno what regular hourly wage is for you, but 150 euro for a prop doesn't sound like like a small amount of money. Then again I'm not american, where you can ask a lot more for custom made cosplay pieces.

>> No.9628017

150 for a custom made prop is cheap as fuck, even in Europe. But we're all just used to cosplays from AliExpress and props from Ebay and Etsy that are of questionable quality.

Smoke could've asked much more for that prop if she wanted to.

>> No.9628049

But she wouldn't have gotten it because us dutch are cheapasses.

>> No.9628072

Exactly. This is why I'm not doing commissions. I do get enquiries and my first question is often 'what is your budget?' and if it's too low I just refer them to someone else. I'm not cheap.

>> No.9628080
File: 125 KB, 680x440, thehistoryofmoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dunno what regular hourly wage is for you, but 150 euro for a prop doesn't sound like like a small amount of money. Then again I'm not american, where you can ask a lot more for custom made cosplay pieces.
Maybe you should stop being an entitled little poorfag and attend a crash course in basic economics. You aren't just paying someone for their time, but also the tools and materials used on the item as well as their experience. If you would read back a couple of threads you would had known this isn't just some shitty foam Dva gun made with pre-made patterns. It's a prop made from scratch using only some reference files and made by someone with the experience to guarantee a final product that lives up to one's expectations. If anything Smoke could had asked a lot more for this prop.

>> No.9628081

I forgot halloween is getting closer, saw a bunch of stuff at xenos. Kind of want to cosplay, wearing a costume = free entrance to the party. But I kind of don't want to ruin a decent costume nobody will recognize with all that beer sloshing around...

>> No.9628089

lol chinese plastic replicas from this sword are already 170$

yeah i know it's cheap, but it was part of a set and had to try out some things + kinda for a friend. The pattern itself is reselling quite a couple times right now because of nier automata popularity so I don't mind as much.

hence why i'm selling a lot of shit to us customers desu, they're not picky about the budget like dutch are.

If i would make this sword for a complete stranger again I will charge atleast 300eu. Material cost is about 60eu.
I'm quite cheap for cool commissions, but i'm increasing my rates lately since I notice it's simply not worth it, especially when time is getting more expensive for me. I still get a lot of people who think it's outrageous though.

>> No.9628099

>But I kind of don't want to ruin a decent costume nobody will recognize with all that beer sloshing around...
Assuming you want to be unique and not just slutty [occupation] #41, why not just put together something low-tier from your closet? Do some light sewing, make some accessories and maybe put on some spooky make-up. I mean in the end everybody will probably be too busy enjoying the party to care about your outfit.

>> No.9628434

yeah! Thank you anon! now i need to think of cosplay to wear. (i am guy) any sugestions?

>> No.9628642

Why are people starting up random events like scream like goku and naruto runs? They are an embarrassment to the anime / cosplay community. And I thought the pantreon hoes were ruining the reputation of cosplayers.

>> No.9628654

Remember when you were young and did all kinds of things because they were LOL so random eksdee? That's why. Now get off your high horse and let them have fun as you ignore them just like everyone else does.

>> No.9628665 [DELETED] 

Every time anime, manga and cosplay are starting to get a better name there are these things ready to pull us backin to the weeb pit in the eye of society.

>> No.9628841


Well, since it's a gala/ball thing I would say wear a tuxedo. And look at what character you love the most and try to dress up as him I guess?

>> No.9629022

depends on what you like. Something like a disney prince is an easy choice, but debonair ezreal is a much cooler option.

>> No.9629397

Tuxedo Mask.

>> No.9629404

I have a tuxedo. I just don't know a character that has a tuxedo. Thinking of going as Butler or some yoi stuff.

Disney prince would be cool. My base is now black tuxedo.

That would be epic!

I do have a broad build.

>> No.9629494
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Me in a fragment from tweakers' video report of Gamescom!
Gotta fix the lights

>> No.9629810
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And as of today, Prop-Anon also has her 3D printing working...

>> No.9629822

Is that an A8?

>> No.9629835
File: 985 KB, 720x695, Screenshot_2017-09-13-21-17-58-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiding al that fat

>> No.9629853

Quick, who is this and why should I care about her?

>> No.9629880

it is!

>> No.9629884

Have you done any mods to it? Safety, quality or otherwise?
I've been eyeing 3D printers for the past few days thanks to lots of new inspiration and motivation after Abunai.

>> No.9629889

Everyone's getting A8 here. It is an ideal printer for modding and it has the largest community for it. For mine i didn't do much yet but i atm upgraded to a glass bed, and some couple changes like printed buttons, belt tensioners and a new fan mouth.
As usual with chinese diy printers it's not very safe or anything, and you'd need to solder some connections or install mosfets/fuses to have a considered somewhat 'safe' printer. It requires you to screw the power cord directly on the psu, and the hotbed connections are not very reliable as i've seen so far.
But for 150eu it prints amazingly.

>> No.9629896

Yeah, that's the stuff I've found so far as well. Fused power switch, MOSFETs for extruder and bed, soldered bed connections for safety, new fan shroud and maybe some frame stabilization for better print quality.
Building all sorts of kits is one of my hobbies anyway, so having to assemble it myself is the opposite of a problem.

I'm just kinda wondering if I should go the DIY route with something like a modded A8, or buy a slightly nicer kit (but more expensive) to begin with.

>> No.9629913

I would go with the regular A8 (or A6, basically the newer sister) and then order an AM8 frame immediately
There's not many kits that outclass it afaik.

>> No.9629932

I'll probably end up getting an A8/A6 or follow a Youtube guide I found to build a full custom Prusa clone or something. We'll see, I'd have to find room for it first.

Side note, talking about A8s and A6s while the conversation isn't about cars feels weird to my inner /o/tist.

>> No.9629946

I haven't done anything to it yet, I only got it working this evening.

>> No.9630407

I think she looks cute. You can see she is holding in her stomach, but I think she wouldn't have such a big belly if she didnt.
But could you please go to fb with your petty vendetta. Being overweight doesnt make you a bad person, so unless theres still a spicy story coming, please leave it at this.

>> No.9630495

So..who's planning on going to viencon? Seagull house anyone?

>> No.9630553

Have fun in Tokyo gull!

>> No.9630554

>Seagull house
Let's wait with that until after Viencon announced their prices.

>> No.9630645

I'm planning to do. But I'm not sure if I'd go for full 4 days..

>> No.9630689

SeagullCon 2018 is already in the making.

>> No.9630827

churicon :D
In spring at the keukenhof!!!

>> No.9631489

Try #6 to get the eye of agomotto properly printed. A moment of prayer.

>> No.9631510

Let's see if Ashley is going to get hate for darkening her skintone, considering her popularity and all.

>> No.9631572


>> No.9631606

Implying i would want to share a space with all these mouth-breathing disabled seagulls. Fucking disgusting, i'd rather burn all my dresses.

>> No.9631613

Rude desu

>> No.9631616

The only thing I'm going to hate her for is her shitty craftmanship.

>> No.9631618

Bad cosplayer? Sauce please

>> No.9631631

Haha nice :P

>> No.9631699

Why wouldn't you come? We will give you a rating and a screenshot right here after the event.

>> No.9631719

Awww, I didn't catch you there! Looks nice, Smoke. When did you go?

>> No.9632035

Was at gamescom!

>> No.9632837
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I was being silly. Even with legs folded I fit inside it.

>> No.9632941

Wait, if we're talking about foot fetish guy, are we talking about the little fat asian guy who always brings stuffed animals/dolls to cons?
He kinda assaulted me a few years ago, I though he was perma banned?

>> No.9633049

Ashley Ilunaneko

>> No.9633108

Eh dunno but he still goes to cons. Saw him last year at amsterdam comic con I believe. I dunno whats with chris, I don't think he's perma banned, I'm guessing he has so many haters he doesn't feel safe at cons anymore. Maybe the belgians know more

>> No.9633235

Why is there a nazibook in your bookcase? Fucking antisemite

>> No.9633277

TRailer of the movie based on the "Nazibook" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkGQcw52KQQ

>> No.9633284

The film is not nearly as 'good' as the book. The book makes you think. It's funny at times, but generally it's a lot more about how society nowadays thinks people are a joke but bring them into power anyway. Case in point: Trump.

I like books that make me think. Doesn't mean I'm an antisemite.

>> No.9633335

Haha :p

>> No.9633355

>Getting triggered by an historically incorrect book about Hitler
Spotted the Brotege

>> No.9634178

Is it me or was this years Abunai opening movie just bad rather than the usual "so bad it's good"? Acting-wise everyone is just standing still waiting for their next line, not interacting with their environment and clearly lacking a secondary goal for their scenes. Hard cuts are everywhere, often to the same few camera angles some of which even break the line of action. Even worse, despite all these cuts the pacing just feels extremely sluggish. Audio-wise all the vocals sound hollow, probably due to using only one microphone. Even something as simple and cheap as using clip-on mics recording to the actors mobile phone could had easily prevented this and help deliver a bit more punch to their lines.

Yes I know these are just staff members having fun, but come on. The previous opening movies were so much better both in terms of writing, directing and editing. That gives? Also here's a link to the video for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea0QPk_ywpk

>> No.9634205

Would rather go blind and deaf than watch an Abunai opening/closing.
Made the mistake once back in '10.
Still cringing.

>> No.9634220

I can never make it through the first minute.

>> No.9634251

Tfw you've seen a ' plus size ' cosplayer online and realize you're heavier than them. Be a midget plz.

>> No.9634422

The one producing them for three years was really nice, but he quit last year. Did love his cheesy cardboard set, which had cost a lot of time. I wonder who produces the video now

>> No.9634450

They have a different writer/different group of writers now as well. The Pindakaas en Sushi guy used to be involved, but he quit together with the director/producer.

>> No.9634461

Totally agree.

>> No.9634516

Watched the video. Apparently the director is still involved, but doesnt do any of the filming/montaging things he used to do. Explains a lot.

>> No.9634520

Haven't they all been rather bad? Especially the acting and accents. I remember one that also had this really weird transpositive message forced in for no reason where they kept repeating that Dutch needs genderless pronouns. Filming and editing was decent but the writing and actors are always cringeworthy.

>> No.9634532

Last year's was fun. The one with the cardboard spaceships and Lord Freezer. It really appreciated it's own sillyness, which, in combination with all the jokes, made me laugh out loud mulitple times. It was obvious everyone had so much fun making it. I think with the candy zombie one, some people just took it and/or themselves too seriously. Not to mention all the people that overestimated their own acting skills... I wonder if it'd be better if they did one of these movies in Dutch. I'm sure most people would atleast sound more natural that way.

>> No.9634607

To be honest, I think people are a bit too focused on an accent. It takes a lot of time and devotion for some people to be able to pronounce something right. Before judging them on accents, please remind yourself that the fact that they are able to communicate in a second language is already something to be proud of.

Please bear in mind that an accent is very hard to learn and maintain if it is not your and your country's native language.

A teacher in training who struggles with the British accent for more than a year now.

ps. acting is a whole other thing. Nevertheless, I am not an expert, so I won't be judging them too harshly as I do appreciate the effort they put in it!

>> No.9634962

I once told an abunai staff member that I liked their video and they acted like I was crazy. Trust me they know it's shit. Also never complimenting them again, most of m got attitude problems.

>> No.9635038

>A teacher in training who struggles with the British accent for more than a year now.
>The British accent

Which of the many? Because boy, it varies.

>> No.9635107
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Lucario WIP

>> No.9635226

Douglas did the Abunai movies for and with the Abunai crew. But the opening and ending of 2016 and the Christmas special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxfivwvfX5Q were his last contribution.
I missed the 2017 opening but watched a bit of your link and it's just... way too long. Watching the Abunai staff have fun (with bad acting and bad accents) is fine and all, but it goes on for way too long.
I assume they're still looking for help with filming, directing, scriptwriting, cardboard props etc.

>> No.9635580

I'm guessing RP. That's what they teach when you study British English.

>> No.9635730

just heard it's going to be busy as fuck at tomofair.
the whole nishi drama gave them a lot of free advertisement, so I don't know what you guys are trying to do here, but it isn't working!

>> No.9635736
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>Implying us gulls actually hold any real power over the Dutch con scene
>Implying it was us gulls who made the whole Nishi vs Tomo thing blow up
>Implying we held started a campaign to let people know is of their actions rather than just having shits and giggles about it
>Implying the real reason TomoFair will be crowded isn't due to clever marketing and handing out "free" tickets to everyone and their mother
Silly Anon, it's almost as if you aren't really one of us.

>> No.9635774

It's always busy as fuck at Tomofair. They give out free tickets like candy. Their whole business model is based around pulling in as many people as possible to justify the prices they charge vendors. Wouldn't be surprised if they strip the event of activities and do away with tickets alltogether.

It was a dick move of them to hop right into Nishi's weekend, but in the end these are two very different events and we won't know until after both events are done if Tomo being little shits affected Nishi or not.

And as someone noted before: Nishicon doesn't have to draw in the same number of visitors as Tomofair to 'win'. Nishi 'wins' if they sell enough to survive and people want to come back next year.

>> No.9635785


>> No.9635799

So whats y'all's thoughts of those cosplay music video's? Been watching alot of them on YouTube lately and im curious about your thoughts

>> No.9635820

the showcases on cons; YES PLEASE.
the fanfiction-kind: 90% cringeworthy.

>> No.9635841

I love the shit out of those. Even the fanservice ones. But only with 'older' cosplayers in it or else it feels creepy. Like nyx rising that has a dream daddy cmv. Oh and I love series as well, like parle productions their marauders.

>> No.9635914
File: 172 KB, 1440x1134, Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. Since when is this cosplay related ?

>> No.9635959

Oh nice ill look them up!. Amy favorite channel?

>> No.9636015

Agreed. Tho i do like some of the fanfiction kind

>> No.9636049

I wish I had friends to make fanfiction cmvs with, Then again I'm too awkward :/

>> No.9636109

I wanted to make some of my own to be not cringy...but it never happened.

>> No.9636574

Just ask them. Im sure they wouldnt mind. Or ask cosplayers of who you know make cmvs

>> No.9637018

>Expecting someone to actually put in any effort to achieve their dreams
Silly Anon, this is the Dutch community. Here we're too busy trying to buy perfect costumes for little to no money and arguing how we should be allowed to compete with them at serious competitions.

>> No.9637104

Made me chuckle

>> No.9637110

>Made me chuckle
Me too

>> No.9638016

Any dutchies here who make cmvs then?

>> No.9638323

Dutch stereotype cheap but expect everyone to pay them a fortune.

>> No.9638631

I know right. I know one cosplayer who does commissions and asks alot of money for them

>> No.9638710

Depending on the quality of the commissions, that's reasonable.

>> No.9638714

Speaking of commissions, does anyone have experience commissioning Dutch cosplayers/costumers? I would love to hear some reviews, good or bad, as I'm interested in getting a cosplay commissioned in the future.

>> No.9638733

If the commissioner has little or no experience or doesnt do a lot of commissions, avoid requesting an entire costume or anything like that. You might end up waiting a year or nothing at all in the end. Sincerely someone who's been trying to finish a cosplay commission since February but lost all motivation to finish it. Working on someone elses costume isnt as satisfying as your own.

>> No.9638776

I don't get why people want to see markiplier live, every somewhat popular youtuber gets a stage while they are only funny on camera. Without their editing they wouldn't generate that many views. Having listened to his recent covers he isn't a good singer either.

>> No.9638802

Another reason I don't do commissions.

u sure you're in the right thread?

>> No.9638812

Markiplier has a show in the RAI.
I guess it counts because I've seen some people talking about dress up as YouTubers to his show.

>> No.9638880

I'm expecting jacksepticeye cosplayers fangirling about septiplier.

>> No.9638951

I bought a ticket for his show in Tilburg. Not only do I like his videos, he actually put a lot of time and work in these shows. I have seen some bits of his previous show on youtube (Someone filmed it.) and I really liked it. Its not for everyone, but I think many who like improv and comedy might enjoy it!

>> No.9639018

I do like his video's, I just don't think he can make an entertaining show on stage.

>> No.9639021
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Are you guys 12?

>> No.9639051

I wish I am /sadface/

>> No.9639593

Somehow I cannot place a reply to someones comment.

But about commissions. I know some good and some bad people. Here's a few I know:

For weapons designs (but not actually made for you because she's on a break right now:) Vicky ligt props & design. She made a amazing lux staff, star guardian jinx rocket & is now working on some stuff for herself.

For props: Bianca something (From MMC?) made for example some damn nice gems for a Sivir cosplay. Also made the weapon of Noctis.

Syrupcookie. Most people know here so no need to tell what she can made or has made. (But I do hear some bad things as well, as in: Not delivering on time.)

Craftsncosplay for costumes I guess. I do not know many other people who make cosplays, maybe some of you guys know? Price can be decent, but sometimes also a bit expensive.

And I know one other, but I am afraid some people will get into shit with that one if I would post the name.

>> No.9639595

Does anyone knows someone where I can commission some small 3D printed stuff? Good quality. Delivered fast?

>> No.9639599

If you already have the models you can simply use 3hubs.com to find a hobbyist in your area. Most of them know what they're doing and don't charge much for a print. If you require actual modelling however you could always try some FB groups, Fiver or find a (game) design student.

>> No.9639602


Thank you, I will look into that!

>> No.9639604

Why wish to be 12 when you can get into lolita. Its practicly the same

>> No.9639627

Or start cosplaying, both fit the childlike atmosphere of being 12.

>> No.9639632

Has anyone seen the new Abunai Sextape?
Where can I find it again?

>> No.9639634

>The new sextape
So that's what happened at the gull after-party!

>> No.9639693
File: 358 KB, 800x1066, IMG_20170910_164005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am a game student that just got my own printer so if you need anything i guess i could make you some. 3D modelled and printed the hilt on this prop commission.

>> No.9639695


My request is pretty simple actually. I want the small daggers on Katarina's legs but I can't find any decent 3D file that has the details as well. Do you got a site/name/email I can contact you on?

>> No.9639723

My facebook is /WillowCreative.NL/

>> No.9639781

I was too late / the sale code for vicky her etsy shop didn't work, I wanted to buy some of her patterns/ maybe get a custom made pattern for weapons. Also saw bianca her gems, I think her fb name is royal icing, they looked great.
I know the partyvengers were selling props at etsy as well, the vorpal blade looked interesting.
Commissioners aside, anyone knows what the shop is called that sells foam katanas/link his sword etc? I need something con friendly for 1 or 2 time use.

>> No.9639783

I do cosplay, but a lot of new cosplayers started really young. I got into anime at age 13, then stopped watching it and started cosplaying at 20/21 years old. Then again my mom didn't like the idea of cosplaying at all so I most likely wouldn't be allowed to buy costumes/go to cons back then

>> No.9639787

Vicky does etsy sale codes quite regularly, so wouldn't be so sad about it

>> No.9639833

who was in it this time?

>> No.9639862

Some people post so many complete costumes for sale, like where do you get the money to buy a load of costumes to wear just once? I already feel guilty when I buy one wig and I have to sell it because I don't like the shade of blonde.

>> No.9640341

If you sell a lot of costumes and sell/buy them efficiently you can easily buy 3 cosplays for the price of one over the course of a year.
Also some people actually work.

>> No.9640426 [DELETED] 

Lol there we go again. Limburg? That has to be the most decentralized spot in the entire country.

Also, this whole idea sounds like an excuse for a bunch of people to take of (underage) girls in bikinis.

Also, I noticed the cocktail workshops and other "adult themed ideas" They got demographics completely wrong, first time cons like this attract young enthusiasts and firsttimers, not grizzled young adult cynical gulls.

This is a egotripping event beyond compare, stop giving it attention.

>> No.9640429
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>Tells us to stop giving a con attention by bringing up the subject long after everyone moved

>> No.9640435

Ur completely right, for soms reason the page stopped scrolling at 50% and i assumed it was an actuality again.

Honest mistake

>> No.9640712
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>People refering to Elfia as a con

>> No.9641069

Please don't get us mixed in with the weebs. We have a bad enough reputation as it is.

>> No.9641512

Hmmmm how shall we name the fantasy fair equivalent of weeaboos?

I know someone who brags so much about how mature she has become, because she stopt liking anime and is now a Disney and fantasy fair fanatic.

The way she talks her old friends down and idolises the Disney/fantasy community, is te same as a DBZtard making fun of a Narutotard for liking a populair anime.

>> No.9641615

Convention - /kənˈvɛnʃ(ə)n/
3) a large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political party or a particular profession or group.

Fair - /fɛː/
1) a gathering of stalls and amusements for public entertainment.
2) a periodic gathering for the sale of goods.

>> No.9641628

Oooof, I get that everyone is a bit like-hungry in current day and age, but some people make such drama over it

>> No.9642043
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What are likes?

>> No.9642066

I would be interested in a source too.

>> No.9642095

Everybody and their moms are getting their tits out these days.

>> No.9642352

So did anything happen with the whole blacklist/pedo drama? Or did it just die out?

>> No.9642405

As expected the whole blacklist thing died out. Not all that surprising really considering it was only made to satisfy some delusional neckbeard's vigilante fantasy. "Let's ignore all cons and their staff and instead have people go to some random bloke for some (street) justice", what a fucking idiot...

As for the pedo drama, it went forgotten as nobody had shared any real proof or reported him to the police. Plus unlike some people he was smart enough to keep his head low during all the drama until it passed. So yeah, it just died out.

>> No.9642409

Did she have her device's language set to French or something or is she just retarded?

>> No.9642410


I think he meant pedo as in Pedophile? Because his name is Pedro I believe?

>> No.9642425

You must be new here. Pedro isn't a pedophile, he's a professional tea connoisseur who got banned for threatening someone during/after a drunk livestream during Animecon 2016. The pedo anon referred to got kicked out of the DC group for chasing late teens or something like that.

>> No.9642436

Nah he's talking about Thom. Last thing I saw was Olga and Michael fighting, guess she's not on his side anymore. Why is it that good drama dies first and petty vendettas keep returning?

>> No.9642438

damn you beat me to it.

>> No.9642447

I know Pedro is not a pedophile. I just mistook the post of the other anon for speaking about Pedro. So my bad for misreading that. No need to jump the fence.

>> No.9642459

Because only then you'd have a chance with markiplier, right?

>> No.9642657

Probably considering his gf has the body of a 12 year old.

>> No.9642679


so there's a new one?

>> No.9642704

When did this happen? Or is this bait?

>> No.9642727

Their still friends.
The reason he stopt the blacklist thing is actually because of her. She has problems with Thom in her prived life and because of all the attention, people started to dig into her life aswell.

So she ask Michael to keep it down, so that people whould fuck off and he did.

>> No.9642782

I just found the new Abunai sextape! It's only 2:30 long but damn is it good. Enjoy gulls!


>> No.9642793

I can't stop watching. It's sooo hot!

>> No.9642800
File: 104 KB, 800x1101, 1311798857561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I recognize the girl in this video
I'm not sure if I can still look at her the same way I used to after seeing her like this.

>> No.9642809


I can't believe they did that to a minor!

>> No.9642820

Man... can't believe they still show their faces in public after this.

>> No.9642838

Cba to download it. How many people are involved?

>> No.9642899
File: 260 KB, 518x531, 1504994600745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a low budget sextape is higher quality then most con vlogs

>> No.9643067

Dude's notorious for flirting with underage or underage-looking fans. Does YT just attract hebephiles or does something about YT fame turn regular guys into hebephiles?

>> No.9643155


at least 3!

>> No.9643194

omg I remember her from Abunai beats

>> No.9643291

Why is nobody talking about the guy though? I know the lighting is bad and he isn't in the frame much, but I for one am very curious who he is.

>> No.9643315

Can people make some (censored) screenshot(s)? I'm curious just how these people look, but I can't download it either.

>> No.9643319
File: 395 KB, 600x600, 200%lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9643353

And here I thought it was a joke to cause drama. It's better than the last one.

>> No.9643355

Okay, what the fuck. I did not expect HER.

>> No.9643521

Who is it though? I don't feel like watching porn with people I might know in it, I can't handle the cringe if I come across them on the con floor.

>> No.9643527

I'm starting to get the feeling there is no porn, just a Rick Roll or equivalent thereof. Or perhaps it is porn and it's a classic tubgirl. I'd rather not see that again...

>> No.9643532
File: 59 KB, 480x270, Abu_sextape_2017_snapshot_00.04_[2017.09.28_17.59.09]_censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go Anon!

>> No.9643537

I love you!

>> No.9643569 [DELETED] 

Just watch it already you thirsty cowards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwJGYgO1gWA

>> No.9643674
File: 1.76 MB, 956x716, illidan_hornsWEBM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am currently 3D printing these for my demon hunter cosplay

>> No.9643753

Damn those are nice horns. Still looking for a way to make nicely curved horns like that without a 3d printer.

>> No.9644012

I can highly recommend considering 3d printed ones. I made mig horns myself with foam and worbla, but they were really heavy and uncomfortable to wear longer than an hour. Papermache is a commonly used technique, but it isnt that sturdy. 3dprinted horns are not only lightweight, but sturdy as well!

>> No.9644022

You also try sculpting them out of clay and then making a hollow cast with urethane resin. They'll be super lightweight and you can make a lot of copies with the same mold

>> No.9644062

I can't believe I took a selfie with that girl. Now I feel dirty

>> No.9644066

No! Churi was supposed to be pure!

>> No.9644075


Churi IS pure

can't say the same about Bootleg Tully tho

>> No.9644083

So... Tomofair, does anyone have good expectations this year despite it being really bad the last few years?

>> No.9644099
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I made my previous ones with a 3d model and pepakura. It makes it very easy to make the correct shape immediately by making a pattern from that. You can create really complex shapes with pepakura from patterns you can never think of yourself.
But I'm not satisfied with paper mache horns when I can 3d model and 3d print them myself so yea.
Yes you can, but I find clay to be very heavy and easy to break when you make a mould. Moulding with a 3d print master is much easier, so I am considering that.

>> No.9644101
File: 193 KB, 780x1040, IMG_20170929_112556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and part 1/8 was done printing this morning! Minimal supports since support surface is always very ugly, 5% infill.
When all parts are done it's expected to weigh 200 grams. I didn't risk printing it hollow which makes it about 15-20% heavier.

>> No.9644102

If clay is heavy or breaks when making a mould, then something is going wrong. it does need an understructure, like wire and styrofoam. The actual clay sculpt is not that thick. Usually max 2,5cm, some appendages are the exception.

>> No.9644108

honey pattern infill at 10%, will help with the weight. the rectangle pattern is always standard but different patterns will help with the weight and strength

>> No.9644116

Lines is actually very light and fast imo so I usually use that, since they switch direction every layer and theres lots of air between. Honey has to print fully every layer. It's not necessarily the weight or strength thankfully but I don't want any risky top surfaces drooping down into the print making it ugly. Might even cut open the print to take out the infill since it's easy to remove

>> No.9644294
File: 442 KB, 766x1199, nedergundamvoordenederglorie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing to say.

>> No.9644408

This is way off topic, but I want input from Dutch people and /int/ is full of retards.
I'm considering attending university in the Netherlands, but based on my experiences, the Dutch can be kind of hard to get close to, especially if they aren't satisfied with your mastery of the language. Any tips on making friends?

>> No.9644427

At my study 53% of the people are from outside the Netherlands and the language we are forced to speak is English. Most foreign students end up in friend groups with Dutch people. But they do point out that the way we interact is quite coldly.
My experience with the university life here is that English is mostly used around the campus and in the lectures, so not knowing Dutch or only knowing a little is perfectly fine. Some people really like it when you try!
But I must say, that when you do a study that requires you to speak Dutch and you don’t master it well, people will be very judgy. At my last study, my professor wanted to let me know my Dutch wasn’t good enough for a university. And made fun of my mistakes.
I don’t have tips on making friends, because my social skills suck.

>> No.9644432

>dem hips
Step aside blazikont, Nedergundam is thicccc

>> No.9644438

>especially if they aren't satisfied with your mastery of the language.

Don't know where you get that from. But the reason foreigners have a hard time to learn Dutch, is becaus we will immediately switch to English when we notice that they're foreigners.

To be precise, when we hear someone is learning our language, but not planning on living here, we question that person on why they're wasting their time.
Especially with students who try to learn it. Like, most of our studies are available or even only giving in English. It's really not needed.

>> No.9644444

Also to add. We aren't an affection showing country.
We don't give random huggs.
We don't like it when couples kiss on he street. (It's appropriate to scream "get a room" when you see a kissing couple).
We don't hold hands often (this is apparently common in Spain).

What seems hard to approach to you, is common to us.

>> No.9644455

Also, we're often described as cold but we don't see the need for smalltalk.

Check out stuffdutchpeoplelike.com, it's a fun website and explains the mysteries of our culture quite well.

>> No.9644456

My friend groups in uni have always included several foreign students, usually ones who didn't speak Dutch very well. Practically all Dutch university students speak English and won't expect your Dutch to be flawless but it's appreciated if you're trying to learn, especially if you have a cute or funny accent. Be prepared for people to try and trick you into saying funny or vulgar things.

Anon is right though, we aren't a huggy kissy people, especially in the Randstad. It doesn't mean we don't like you, just that you're not a close friend (yet) or family member. We're like that to everyone we're not BFFs with and it's nothing personal. Compared to the English we're actually very open to the point of TMI sometimes. Depending on your culture it might take some getting used to but it's definitely possible for an international student to make friends here. At my studies all international students mixed with the Dutch students and I've never known anyone to only hang out with other international students, even if there were a lot of people from the same country like Germany or Poland.

>> No.9644523

At my study the lingua franca is English, which everyone has a decent enough mastery of to use for casual conversation. Knowing Dutch is not at all necessary to engage with people here. Your experience may vary depending on which university you're planning to go to. Delft and Leiden are very international-friendly places in my experience.

I can get that you feel like we're hard to get close to, but this is usually more an issue of cultural perception. We're not very socially open people, and personal space is considered rather important. Don't expect more than maybe a pat on the back from good friends.

As for making friends, the best way to do so is probably out of a common interest. Universities here usually have a shit ton of societies, clubs, projects, events and other stuff going on. Try to find if there's something there that interests you, it's usually a great way of finding like-minded people. Even just going to interest drink type events can be a good way to meet people.

>> No.9644542

That's reassuring
>Don't know where you get that from.
My experience has led me to believe the Dutch prefer to stick within tight-knit groups. Like everyone else, they prefer to communicate in their own language, which can make it difficult for foreigners to make close friends. Maybe the university environment is different.
>To be precise, when we hear someone is learning our language, but not planning on living here, we question that person on why they're wasting their time.
I understand this line of reasoning, but it seems very naive to me. If I'm going to be a guest in another country, it's only proper I learn to use it's language.
I am familiar with the directness of the Dutch. From what you're telling me, I shouldn't worry about trying befriend locals, even if they come across as hard to approach.
>funny accent
My accent is pretty weird, now that I think about it
>I've never known anyone to only hang out with other international students, even if there were a lot of people from the same country like Germany or Poland.
Excellent. I am very glad to hear that
How popular is rugby?

>> No.9644559

>How popular is rugby?

Decently from what I know.

>> No.9644564

>they prefer to communicate in their own language
That's really not that much the case. Even the majority of stuff at our cons is often in English
It ain't soccer, but it's there.

>> No.9644599

Did you mean: 'Football'?

Soccer is for amerifags.

>> No.9645116

Welp, Tomofair was garbage as expected.

>> No.9645126

Uni environment is, obviously, completely different. Since everybody has to speak you're not too much of a minority so its not weird. If you drag your sorry ass to Tokkie town of course you're going to get a wholly different world a hurt opened; you'll be like a babyscented steak in a dingo den.

I also play rugger: if you're a good centre come study at the former KUT in Tilly.

>> No.9645146

Hope that you got a free ticket for that event..

>> No.9645153

Of course he did, everyone and their mom got a free ticket remember?

>> No.9645183
File: 1.11 MB, 305x239, disappoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just found out someone I admire not only buys LimeCrime makeup but paid actual money for a Tomo ticket

>> No.9645187

Care to elaborate? I'm going there tomorrow because it's five minutes away from my home and I -obviously- got a free ticket. It'll be my first con ever, and I'd like a little heads-up as to exactly how much disappointment I'm in for.

>> No.9645193

It's not a con Anon, it's a fair. Expect a gym hall with dealers selling mostly Japanese candy, clothing, bootlegs and your average manga/DVD's. Outside you'll find a bouncy castle, some overpriced food stands and that's about it really.

>> No.9645194

Nayrt, but the one time I went it was basically just a big hall filled with a bunch of dealer stands that sold mostly crap.

>> No.9645219

Eh, I suppose I'll just have fun shopping for an hour then cycle home again. How bad are the queues?

>> No.9645227
File: 95 KB, 960x720, tomofair2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this pic on the facebook page of one of the dealers.

>> No.9645229

It's all about buying stuff, so don't expect much more than people selling stuff. If you plan on spending money, do be careful. There are bootlegs everywhere. However, there are a lot of vendors though, so if you take a good look around, you might find something nice. Same goes for food. Much of it is expensive, but if you see something that looks good, give it a shot. If you can get some good food out of the experience, it wasn't all bad. Atleats, that's my motto.

>> No.9645249

I do believe you're overestimating the size of this little fair. You already have a ticket, so you can pretty much walk right in. As for dealers, you can go through the stands within 10 minutes if you are looking for something specific, maybe 30 if you take your time to browse.

Just a quick heads up however, Tomo is notoriously passive when it comes to dealers selling bootlegs. So do yourself a favour, if you are planning on buying any figurines or other merchandise make sure to do a double check to see if the item is legit or not. item Take out your phone, search for the barcode, the item in question on Google item or look up a knock-off on Ali Express and compare. And yes, there will be asshole dealers trying to pass off bootlegs for official items and pricing them as such. Hell, TomoFair even had a raffle last year in which one of the prices was a bootleg figurine...

>> No.9645262

Bootleg merch, bootleg Pikachu

>> No.9645273

Bitches about bootleg, but torrents movies, tv shows, anime and music or enjoys them on unofficial streaming sites. Enjoy that double standard life my friend.

>> No.9645275

A blow up pikachu really? Sad stuff.

>> No.9645296
File: 38 KB, 438x499, AAAAHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your comparison would only work if I had a magic 3d printer that creates merch for free.

If someone is already at the point of wanting to spend money for a product, it's only natural that they'd want the genuine article. Complaining about cons facilitating bootleggers that sell fake merch to naive, yet well-intended costumers is super justified.

Besides, it's cool that you (think you) found a contradiction, but you're not even a making a point since piracy of movies has absolutely nothing to do with bootlegging anime merch.

>> No.9645309

Think twice before you say something, since real fans still buy stuff like that and use official sites like netflix, etc. But enjoy your bootleg and piracy as much as you want, I just rather spend my money on something that looks good.

>> No.9645326

Spare me the Think Twice speech, because your pants are on fire. So you don't have any movies anime's tv shows and or music on your computer or phone that was from unofficial channels? I can smell the bullshit from here. But keep living your lie while bullshitting on that high horse. I'll enjoy knowing you do have some shit you haven't paid for or from unofficial channels, as does anyone.

>> No.9645340
File: 362 KB, 2048x1152, tomofair2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9645351
File: 971 KB, 2048x1152, bootleg_kart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that for you

>> No.9645360

Except unlike with selling bootlegs nobody makes a profit from torrenting...

>> No.9645371

Last Tomofair attracted all the local creeps. But that was a different place.

>> No.9645386

The difference is that bootlegs try to paint themselves of as the real deal. When you torrent you know that it is not the actual source, you aren't being duped into believing that you get an actual official product.

>> No.9645394

Nayrt, but in a time in which Netflix and Crunchyroll are cheap.
Using VPN is legal in the Netherlands (so if you have Netflix and/or Crunchyroll, you have their whole catalog without regio limitation).
ITunes, Spotify and Record labels taking over YouTube.
Beeing even able to buy 2 euro movie on YouTube.
And a rolling secondhand market and simply sharing legal copies.

Living the legal life is pretty darn easy if you spend a little bit of money.

Stop trying to reflect your guilt on other people.

Sincerely, someone who made her 60 year old German teacher laugh out loud, when she tolt him she still buys CD's and DVD's.

>> No.9645405

hurr durr moral high horse, hurrr

>> No.9645408

What's (You)r problem? (You)'re not contributing anything besides dumb accusations which (You) can't even properly back up (You)rself.

>> No.9645410

"Hurr durr" seriously?
You have to be atleast 18 to come here.

>> No.9645418


what's this I'm twelve

>> No.9645425

A+ rebuttal, anon!

>> No.9645440
File: 252 KB, 780x1040, IMG_20170930_233853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Printed and spray primed one horn (still needs sanding)

>> No.9645489


There is no "accusation" just stating the obvious.

>> No.9645495


OMG that's so cute!

>> No.9645519

>Using VPN is legal in the Netherlands (so if you have Netflix and/or Crunchyroll, you have their whole catalog without regio limitation).
Using a VPN is legal, but using a VPN to spoof your location to gain access to media a provider hasn't licensed for your country isn't. They can get in serious trouble for this and it's no secret Netflix has been actively blocking VPN traffic because of this. Just something I find worth pointing out Anon.

>> No.9645552
File: 1018 KB, 1400x785, brood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bread has gone stale and mouldy. A new bread has been baked and is available for all to consume at >>9645548