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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9598297 No.9598297 [Reply] [Original]

Last time in the windmill cosplay and cute tulip mascots general >>9579892
>Abunai Beats, the schedule, general complaints, and a lot more Abunai talk!
>Castlefest happened and went by pretty much unnoticed
>Lots of Demon Hunter WIP and congrats Smoke!
>How to deal with hangovers
>What's the most evilist thing you've ever done at a con?
>People mistaking /cgl/ for /lgbt/
>Tomo: How do I find a qt Dutch cosplayer with Japanese roots?
>Lewd Churi upskirt
>Cosplay jargon talk
>We had a BBQ last weekend and we're all trying to make the "worst" pun.
>Lots of posts from people who really just need to talk things out in person instead of taking a shit in our threads.

The next five major events:
>TomoParty (August 19th, Ewijk GL), a cosplay themed beach party.
>Abunai! (August 25th - 27th, Veldholven NB), the last big Dutch anime convention of 2017.
>Amsterdam Comic Con (September 2nd & 3rd, Amsterdam NH), a comic con with a mediocre reputation.
>Special Edition Cringe Party (September 23rd, Dordrecht ZH). The invite specially mentioned us and how we're welcome to join.
>Elfia Arcen (September 23rd & 24rd, Arcen LB), the second edition in 2017 of this outdoor fantasy convention. Now with 100% more Hertog Jan breweries in the vicinity!
The full con calendar with Google Calendar support can be found at https://www.churi.nl/agenda

Friendly reminders for newfags:
>We have a newcomers guide at https://churi.nl/newcomers-guide
>Defending yourself on /cgl/ only makes things worse. It's best to take things posted here lightly and just move on.
>Posting WIP pictures and/or progress about your current projects is encouraged.

Are you badass enough to handle a flock of Seagull critics? Come and join our Discord at https://discord.gg/kjQxd4S

>> No.9598298
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With Abunai coming up it's once again time to have a little meet. This year I will actually be there myself so things should go smoothly. If you're interested in meeting up please fill in this Strawpoll so I can decide what day and time works best: http://www.strawpoll.me/13706967
Once I've had enough replies I'll post the full plan here in the thread later on.

>> No.9598547

I also more have an issue with this, rather than nudity. But even people with full costumes can look rather out of place. Take those biker Sailor Moon cosplayers for example, that have this "imma bad bitch" attitude, even though the real senshi are a lot more gentle and feminine (even the tomboy ones).

I guess that's the most important thing. If your cosplay isn't canon, at least try to do something that suits the canon character. With lingerie and bikini cosplay I've seen both a lot of hits and misses with this.

>> No.9598741

At the risk of sounded gatekeep-y, I get the feeling a lot of the people who do this don't really know or care about the characters they're cosplaying. They pick a character because of their design or because they're popular and don't bother with that character's backstory or personality. You often see people like this posing very OOC too, because what matters to them is looking good in their cosplay and they don't care about portraying the character accurately. If someone wants to get in on that Sailor Moon fandom but knows that the regular senshi outfits have been done hundreds of times, they'll go for a "sexy" or "badass" version to stand out from the crowd, not because they think that's what the character would actually wear. It probably doesn't even occur to them to take that into consideration because the character itself is not a priority, standing out is.

>> No.9598797

I agree completely.

>> No.9598818

Agreed. There are people who fall in love with a design first and then do some research to learn more about the character in order to make it a complete cosplay, and that's totally okay in my book. There are many ways of getting into a series, showing appreciation for a work etc. But when someone just dresses up to look pretty, and not caring about the source material at all, that's just really disappointing to me. Not that people are under any obligation to please fans, of course they aren't, but cosplayers who love the source material more than the attention (and/or themselves) will always be my favourites.

>> No.9598855

Sad thing is, I love overwatch but I can't play the game/barely watch youtubers play it because I get motion sickness. So cosplaying from it will make me look like a fake fan.

>> No.9598859

Motion sickness from gaming. hahaha

>> No.9598860

Being stupid enough to run both events and help out as a gopher I'll have a busy schedule, but I'd love to see you all again. I put in the least inconvenient timeslots for me.
Also OPa, I owe you some booze so come find me...

>tfw Abunai! replies to your emails with XD's

>> No.9598876

sorry to hear that. But on the flipside; I'm glad that means one less overwatch cosplay.
It's a fun game, but I'm already tired of all the OW cosplays...and have been for about a year now I think.

I'll admit; I do like it when someone does a different skin, but I used to want to do Pharah. Not touching OW cosplay now at all.

>> No.9598917

My body is a failure

>> No.9598965

I don't think you're a fake fan for liking a game you're unable to play. You can get a decent understanding of the characters through other means, and as long as you like gaining the understanding, you're a fan, right? If you want to express that by cosplay, fo for it.

... On the other hand, one has to one if Overwatch cosplay still counts as self-expression when everyone and their gerbil is dressing up as casual Tracers and what not. Overwatch is the skinny jeans and fake Uggs of cosplay.

>> No.9598973

I missed out on the Minecraft hype because I couldn't watch or play it for more than five minutes without needing to puke. We can be failures together.

>> No.9598977

I wouldn't worry about coming across as a fake fan too much. If you know is the basics you'll know enough and the only people you will have to prove yourself to anyway are the stuck up elitist neckbeards who attack you for "cosplaying something you don't know" if you can't name the background prop from map X, added in update Y where they nerfed Z.
Besides, Overwatch is just another cosplay hype just like Naruto and Bleach once were. If anything I hope those who build a reputation around their Overwatch costumes manage to expend to other franchises before the Overwatch hype dies out. It would be a shame if these people become irrelevant because they kept holding on to the fame of one costume for too long.

>> No.9599057

Don't see the problem. Watch those synematic video's and be honest when people ask you about it. You honestly like the game, so there is no fake in that too me.

>> No.9599174

Abunai ~ can not wait for the people raging tomorrow/this week when their unpaid ticket is cancelled.

>> No.9599189


>At the risk of sounded gatekeep-y, I get the feeling a lot of the people who do this don't really know or care about the characters they're cosplaying. They pick a character because of their design or because they're popular and don't bother with that character's backstory or personality

This is sadly true. Some people don't even bother to read a wikipage. At least research a bit.

When it happens the other way around is also soo much fun to watch. People claiming they know the series/character and then they get burned by the cosplayer when he/she destroys them with actual facts from the series/character they cosplay.

>> No.9599454

I sometimes do it, but I find myself always getting MORE passionate when I research the character. If I don't, it's not the right choice and I drop it. But usually, I get really passionate about the character I'm doing and end up spending hours watching said character, reading about said character and more.

>> No.9599471

I think that's pretty normal. After all, you're spending hours, days, weeks or however long working on that character's outfit, so it's almost to be expected you're passionate about them. I don't understand how anyone can put so much of their time into making the costume of a character they're not even into. Or do all these people just buy their cosplays?

>> No.9599511

Exactly the same! Also someone here who would love to cosplay cool designs from OW, but I don't play it, so I feel like I wouldn't be as passionate about it.

>> No.9599529

I get you. I also sometimes start acting like the character while making the costume. Sometimes this gives me skit ideas, or just general performance ideas for on the confloor.

Not sure how I'll incorporate being a giant windmill into a skit yet though.

>> No.9599538

make raspberries and wave your hands like those crazy dragonball z characters while youre waiting for your glue to dry

>> No.9599541

If my glue is not dry during my skit, something is seriously wrong.

>> No.9599544

hey it's still practise then i hope

>> No.9599603

Gotta work tomorrow? It's time for midnight memes

>> No.9599933

I do that too. Helps me alot with acts!

>> No.9599944

>Not sure how I'll incorporate being a giant windmill into a skit yet though.

You do nothing. You just sit there, being the Peeta of the giant robot fighting games. Then you get up, be like "Yay, I won!" and calmly walk off-stage.

>> No.9599986

Someone in discord mentioned don quichote. Would be a fun stageprop desu.

>> No.9599996

Don Quichote is a classic.

Is there anything else that loses to windmills by default? (Like... a bird? A seagull?!) You could send a wave of silly enemies as Nether Gundam in its windmill-state and watch them lose. And then our favourite mecha wins everything ever by doing nothing.

>> No.9600004

As is accurate to the series, until it got defeated by the greeks in the finals...

>> No.9600007

We don't mention the finals. That part of the finals never happened.

>> No.9600036

Its that your finals are all the way over in Brasil otherwise I'd still have a half finished don Quichotte costume at home to tag in

>> No.9600057


>> No.9600110
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>>COME TO BRASIL >>9600057

>tfw everyone will overlook your finals because they're in the same weekend as the ECG's.

>> No.9600178 [DELETED] 
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how do you like my d.va cosplay

>> No.9600192

Don't worry, your fanclub will be watching the livestream together to cheer you on!

>> No.9600218 [DELETED] 

>when your ass warps reality

>> No.9600219
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Thank you. TO VICTORY

>> No.9600222 [DELETED] 

>Dat liquify

>> No.9600247 [DELETED] 


>> No.9600359 [DELETED] 

That's how.

>> No.9600697

I have the same, and it's not exactly funny if you are a gamer having to deal with it. It's why I could never finish games like Half-Life and generally tend to avoid FPS games. Overwatch is still quite OK for me though.

Btw the same counts for theme park attractions.
> Wants to ride a certain attraction
> "Warning: Don't ride this if you have motion sickness!!!"
> Rides it anyway
> Ride itself was awesome, but now totally feel nauseous and dizzy.

It's a hard-knock life for us.

>> No.9600980

You know those pills that you can take against car sickness? If those work for you, there's a chance they'll also temporarely solve your gaming sickness problem.

>> No.9601127 [DELETED] 
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You must be extremely salty, editing someone elses picture. What did that girl ever do to you?

>> No.9601295 [DELETED] 

C a t e

>> No.9601316 [DELETED] 


>> No.9601319 [DELETED] 

Except the fact she's not even on here anymore so try again

>> No.9601344 [DELETED] 

Anon >>9601319 is right, I don't go here anymore.

>> No.9601349 [DELETED] 

Except for the fact that you're not her either so please gtfo

>> No.9601376 [DELETED] 

Probably just that meatwall fucking around

>> No.9601386 [DELETED] 

Having your bf/neckbeard titan doing damage control is just low. Ah well, what to expect from someone who has no future even if they tried.

>> No.9601392 [DELETED] 


>> No.9601395 [DELETED] 

>Ah well, what to expect from someone who has no future even if they tried.
Says the one on 4chan bashing on other people lmao

>> No.9601409 [DELETED] 

Tell him irl if you're that tough bitch

>> No.9601414

Why spend time on something that is worthless?

>> No.9601416 [DELETED] 

What is he going to do? Sit on him?

>> No.9601417

Holy shit can't you guys just get whatsapp or some stupid fucking app where you can whine and moan in private without having to ruin this fucking thread with your gay ass drama.

Jesus tap dancing Christ just organise a fucking boxing ring at Abunai so I can watch your fat milky white mantits slap on each other in a round of well-meant mud wrestling.

You weeaboo fucking cunts.

.t angry LARP fag

>> No.9601418 [DELETED] 

No, he is going to throw my cosplays away ;)

>> No.9601424 [DELETED] 

Maybe he should

>> No.9601538

This is why we can't have nice threads

>> No.9601577 [DELETED] 
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Mattie, waar is de drama?

>> No.9601849 [DELETED] 

>everyone look at me, I'm an entitled larper who thinks they're better than everyone else.

>> No.9601902

We could ignore them. Just like we'd in real life when in fear of being associated with shitbags who ruin everything for everyone.

Any other topics worth discussing? Nether Gundam never gets old. Or hey, some anon in the old thread mentioned feeling burned out. That happen to anyone else here? And if so, how did you relight the fire?

>> No.9601908

I tend to leave it for a bit, do some other things. If I get re-newed interest and energy I go back to it, or if not, I skip the project.

I'm trying to do meditation through calm.com but I keep forgetting it so my 7-day streak is actually just 1 and the other 2 days I forgot.

>> No.9601932

I was/am experiencing the burn-out feel as well. But I thought the advice some anon gave was pretty good. I was also not really THAT excited about abunai but I just decided for myself to actually enjoy the thing like I did in the beginning without big handmade cosplays. So I bought a complete, generic cosplay for the first time and Im gonna blend in with all the other weebs and actually go do things than only posing for photos 80% of the time and missing everything on schedule that I was planning to do.

>> No.9601954

>everyone look at me, I'm a dramafag who has nothing to do with the actual board

Keep your drama back at home, between 4 walls, where it belongs.

>> No.9601975

I think I may be approaching a burn-out. Like, you ever get that feeling you HAVE to do something new every big convention? That there are certain standards you have to meet? That you have to be noticed otherwise it's a step back and you might as well quit? That if you aren't noticed, you're not really part of the convention, or the scene, anymore? Mind you, I'm still having fun, but I'm pretty sure I'm putting too much pressure on myself.

>> No.9601987

I have sort of this feeling too, but lolita related. My wardrobe can be easily divided into daily wear pieces, fancier dresses and special occasion wear. I wear lolita a couple of times a week, so when a meet comes up I don't feel much for the easier to wear daily pieces. Likewise the special occasion wear is so tied to that occasion I don't wear it much outside of that frame. That leaves me with the fancier wear. So while my wardrobe keeps growing I feel like I have worn everything to a meet yet and I keep myself wanting to repeat the same three dresses because I like them a lot but I cannot justify wearing them while hanging with e.g. non-lolita friends. I don't want the comm to think I only own three dresses and I really wanna style creative, new and inspiring outfits, but it is hard to think outside my comfort zone and forfeit occasions that would be perfect for wearing my favourite three or so dresses. I realize I am rambling a bit now, but this thread could use some conflicted original Dutch lolita feels.

>> No.9601999

It's the same with cosplay, I think. I'm sure we all have our favourite costumes, ones we'd like to wear over and over again until they're no longer wearable. But if you do that, you will get comments after a few conventions, wondering if you don't have anything else to wear aside from that one character is everyone is starting to hate because the series or game or whatever has been labeled overdone and overrated. Even if you do something just for personal reasons, for fun, you'll be judged.

So instead, you try to keep up, put together new cosplays, see your hobby become more expensive and demanding and...

Well, I guess it's a little worse for lolitas. With cosplay, you mostly have worry about the big events. But lolita meets are more frequent, aren't they? Ouch... Plus, I know that if I had a few favourite dresses I would want to wear them over and over again, just to get the most out of them while I still can. Especially with the cuter stuff. You need to right face and body to make something like that look good, so there's this time limit, isn't there?

>> No.9602033 [DELETED] 

you don't want to know.

>> No.9602034 [DELETED] 

still his ass is huge

>> No.9602084

So Tomocon is up tomorrow. I will be wearing my swimsuit Mei. What are you going to wear tomorrow when you attend the party?

>> No.9602085

I'll be doing a rain dance at home

>> No.9602089

I'm going to a concert tonight, so I will be lazy tomorrow. Have fun!

>> No.9602163

I hope the weather will be kind to you.

>> No.9602164

Tomo arranged a tent, so that will be fine!

>> No.9602180
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>15 ~ 19°C
Sorry, I like my nipples too much to freeze them off.

>> No.9602317

It's tomorrow? Normally I would have seen a shit tone of advertisements by now...
Now that I think about it, I also haven't seen much of advertisements for their last event.

Is Tomo alright? We can't lose one of our favourite "zeik" topics.

>> No.9602335

What's the difference between special occasion and fancy wear? Do you mean themed/seasonal pieces, like Halloween prints?
I have several fancier pieces that I only wear to meets/on special occasions because running errands while dressed like a Rococo princess isn't the most practical. Likewise I have a bunch of casual pieces that I wear regularly, even to work, that I rarely wear to meets because they're so plain. I usually don't take coord pics of these either, because I'm usually running out the door and don't have time to fix up the background, optimise lighting, take fifty photos so that there's at least one decent one, etc. I don't even always do that for meetups.
Lately I've been moving away from buying really extravagant pieces or busy prints that I can't wear casually, because I don't like having to wait for a meetup to wear a certain dress or have dresses that I can only wear a few times a year. I'm trying to buy more pieces that can be dressed up for meets and down for regular wear. Hopefully that way I'll get more use out of my wardrobe and there won't be such a divide between normal wear and meetup wear.

>You need to right face and body to make something like that look good, so there's this time limit, isn't there?
It depends on the style and how much you care what people think. Practically everything looks better on people who are young and beautiful, but by wearing lolita we're already disregarding a lot of what most people think is attractive. Some styles age better than others, but styles like OTT sweet look outlandish anyway whether you're a teenager or in your thirties. I think people should wear what they like for as long as they enjoy it, not stop as soon as they reach a certain age. It's more that with age we also get more responsibilities and less opportunity to dress up compared to when we're young and carefree. On the other hand, the older you are the more likely you have a career going and mo money mo burando.

>> No.9602351

I think Tomoparty is (almost) sold out, so no advertisements.
Have to say it disappoints me. We could use less crap and more quality

>> No.9602369

I have a few militairy styled pieces I sometimes use for LARP, so I don't feel like wearing those to meets as well.
I do know the struggle of pieces looking too fancy or too casual. I also find myself saving tiered dresses for meetups, they feel bigger, somehow, even when I only wear one petti.

The worst part even is that some dresses are so coordable I can make a lot of different outfits with them. This makes me want to repeat the same main piece three meets in a row, with different coords, because I am so excited about coording it. But that feels like a bit of a faux pas too.
I don't worry about being too old (yet.)

>> No.9602437

>This makes me want to repeat the same main piece three meets in a row, with different coords, because I am so excited about coording it.
I've done that before, because someone organised a themed meet and the only dress I had that matched that theme was one I wore to the previous meet. I don't think anyone will think less of you for it, unless they're super petty.
Are there many lolitas who also LARP? I only know about one... maybe that you lol (hi)

>> No.9602641

Eh. Most of the comm doesn't know I do LARP. The girl who you are probably thinking of show a bit more of her LARP on her social media, whereas I myself rarely put anything on there. So there are at least two Dutch LARPlita's.
But thanks for your reassurance, that helps.
Gonna wear lolita to a theme park tomorrow, super excited!

>> No.9603020

They can say it is (almost) sold out, but is it the truth? They could also tell the last few years that TomoCon sold out, but every year so many websites have giveaways. That is also a way of 'selling out'.

>> No.9603310
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The Strawpoll results are in and as expected most people voted for meeting on Saturday evening. After a quick peek at the schedule it has been decided that we'll meet at 19:30 in the Abdijbar. This way there''s plenty of time to grab a bite and freshen up beforehand as well as enough time for people to make to the concert which is bound to start late anyway.
To any newcomers, as long as PostNL doesn't fuck up look for a table with a Tully plush sitting on top of it. We don't bite so just say hi and before you know it you'll be one of us.

tl;dr: The meet is on Saturday at 19:30 in the Abdijbar. Look for a Tully plush and say hi.

>> No.9603349

>OTT koltec lolita

>> No.9603432

Ill be half an hour later due to events. Bringing them seagull outfit with me ofc.

>> No.9603501

Can you post a pic of the Tully?

>> No.9603526

I can tell you the dj for Abunai Beats(atleast if it's the same dj as last year).
He's a guy called Jeroen Bergmans(been to highschool with him), he was asked last year by the guy called Joep(One of the Abunai Crew if I was correct) if he wanted to dj as he knew the guy from School(HBO).

>> No.9603537

Correct. Joep is one of the Abunai Crew members, they do a 'Meet the staffmember' thing now and ehm he likes to annoy everyone with "Poppy"

They let everyone vote for genre's and give suggestions, which is a very good thing for good song options!

>> No.9603543


Despite that, the sun was shining. And I saw a lot of "bikini cosplays", "slutty version of X", "slutty genderbend version of Y".
Save for the rain in the morning, the afternoon was actually quite nice.

>> No.9603569

aside from the annoying kpop fans spamming it and it will just be a kpop night.

>> No.9603584

Each genre is only played once and has a 30min slot.

>> No.9603640

This took me a few seconds.

>> No.9603682
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No biggie.

I should be receiving these Huis ten Bosch plushies somewhere in the next two or three days. They're probably chilling at Schiphol customs right now with an employee wondering if I should get fucked for going 50 cents above the tax-free import limit.

>> No.9603881

Awesome, so no time to get into one style, because you switch to the next.

>> No.9604125

So erhmm.. How was TomoParty? Anyone got pictures?

>> No.9604192

Have you ever had a social life and went to a party? Mixing things up is great, just get a drink during a beat you dislike.

>> No.9604535

The food was really horror! Long lines and poor quality. For the rest, it was not too bad actually ... And they finally stopped using tomocoins!

>> No.9604623

So I heard that Cyarin, a dutch artist, is coming to Abunai and is helping the Kaomoji stand. I really hope that I don't run into her. I'm so sick and tired of her two face BS. Please if you are someone who thinks she is an amazing person, please don't. She is a toxic person that seriously only thinks about her follower count. She will only be friends with you if you are able to help her get more followers.

>> No.9604637

Had beef with her or something?

>> No.9604645

I'm so tired of people posting their silly line ups for abunai. But some of those cosplayers look so retarded in their pictures it at least gave me a good laugh.

>> No.9604650

Yes and I'm not the only one. I support her carreer but I don't support her actions she has done and is still doing.

>> No.9604658

>I hate someone but won't say why exactly
Here we go again...

>> No.9604683

I want to keep my identity hidden of course and can't say too much.

She litterally uses people, is abusive, toxic, two faced and uses subsidy because she "can't work". She can work but she is lying to her helpers (for her autism and such) about almost everything.

>> No.9604701

So you got any examples/proof? Don't expect us to do something with it if you're that vague...

>> No.9604719

Soneone else here. The dutch art community is shut tight in the up-highs, spilling anything will almost definitely get you identified instantly. /a could tell you a lot though, they hate her.
There's a reason that even though Cya has double the followers, Liosh(other dutch aritsts) gets all the high-end job offers.

>> No.9604722


>> No.9604947

Agreed on all counts, and I've actually defended her on here before. But she's easy enough to avoid. Just don't talk to her, don't let one person out of a few thousand ruin your weekend.

>> No.9604959
File: 63 KB, 622x477, 1ufv7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newsflash: nobody cares about your cosplay lineup!

>> No.9605094

If you want drama, do it right. If everyone is so upset with her, you can stop vaguebooking and just spill the juicy details.

>> No.9605329

Wasn't she the one who gets mad when people tell her that their art is inspired by her? Heard her say somewhere that it is equal to people stealing her artstyle.

>> No.9605347

Nah, there's a difference between art inspired by her and literally tracing her art though. She's only bothered by the latter which I totally understand.

>> No.9605395

I think she isnt after peoples follower count, rather just interesting people. There is a huge difference between the two

>> No.9605458
File: 782 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170821-184227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abunai public transport PSA: on Saturday and Sunday there will be no trains running between Eindhoven, Tilburg and Den Bosch. Expect long waits for the NS busses and possibly having to let one or two busses pass depending on how busy it is. If you're coming from the north you can bypass the NS busses by traveling to Nijmegen instead of Den Bosch, then Blerick and finally Eindhoven.

>> No.9605681

stupid question maybe, but I know about a couple of different materials to swords out of. Now I once got a huge board form work which had a poster stuck to it. I believe it's foamboard? Anyone knows if it's sturdy enough for a sword and/or can be heat shaped? Is sintra just a brand name or is it more dense/something else?

>> No.9606098

Sintra is indeed a brand name for PVC foamboard/Foamex/Forex. I don't know if the board you got is PVC or not though.

>> No.9606117
File: 587 KB, 1549x537, cyarintea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone that had to endure working with Cyarin has beef with her.

>> No.9606118

Cyarin once reported me to security at Abunai because I walked past her stand while we had some beef from 4 years ago lol

>> No.9606152

Hi Deveny.

>> No.9606174
File: 42 KB, 386x108, literalywho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this sad 'guess the poster' meme

>> No.9606183

it is sturdy, but my advice would be to buy thin metal rod and sandwich it between to pices.
If it is foamboard, how can heat form it with a heat gun, be carefull the stuff gives off strong fumes, but it will cool off fast.
so work fast and accurate.

>> No.9606208


That would be fine if she didn't discart people not deemed interesting to her on a whim.

I thought we were pretty ok friends for a while, but I'm a working girl and I am not especially talented ( in a way that I have like an insta account with 2349 billion followers )

I am fine with my own "limitations" but she put me aside like I was nothing, caring more about her "reputation" and "who she wants to be seen with" instead of normal relationships and friendships.

I think all this social media and instagrammu fucked with her already above average impressionable brain.

>> No.9606258

that wouldn't have been Abunai 2013, right?

>> No.9606261


>> No.9606263

huh, I think I actually remember chatting to her back then in 2015 and she mentioned she had a stalking circling her booth and called security... funny how different perspectives change a situation

>> No.9606265

something with death threats as well or something

>> No.9606270

might've been 2014 but I remember kaomoji existing back then since they were across her booth...

>> No.9606272

Yeah that was probably me. I had some beef with her when we were teens, way before she got popular. I haven't talked to her since.
I was just passing her booth while browsing the dealerroom and had to go with security because she panicked from seeing me or some shit.
I'm so glad I cut her out of my life years ago and I couldn't care less about her drama but that shit was petty.

>> No.9606285


So like, I hope you weren't banned from the con just because she panicked?!

>> No.9606287
File: 300 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20170806_121358r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a sintra katana (that one from nier automata), it's 10mm sintra and it's quite as tough as MDF, more bend-resistant en lighter. Didn't tru thin boards yet.
Commonly known as closed cell/moderately expanded cell PVC, got mine from http://cosplayshop.be/en/product/armour-plate-sintra/

Katanas and thin blades definitely don't need a core with this stuff, it's just as strong as wood and holds it's shape well, and also less prone to snapping in half.

>> No.9606291

to add: sintra foam boards are often used for prize cheques and posters, so it's very likely yours is the same stuff aswell.

>> No.9606292

Not really, but I wasn't allowed to stay in the same area as she. Security was also really mad at me but I really didn't have a clue what they were talking about. Later I got to tell my story to a steward and they told me the security heavily overreacted because of her panicking and they shouldn't have treated me that way.

>> No.9606297


Sounds like classic Abunai staff.. it's the same shit every year, they should really get their act to together and act a bit more professional.

>> No.9606299

She suddenly seemed way more interested in me when she found out I was working a high-end job. We only talked a handful of times, then I found out she'd started shit talking me behind my back.
Say what you will about her art, as a person she is just awful.

>> No.9606308

Thank you so much! I have a couple of props on my list and because most cons stopped allowing wood as a base this is a great alternative

>> No.9606314

That was exactly my problem aswell, but this substitutes perfectly.

>> No.9606316

She's on such a high horse while she actually hasn't really accomplished anything aside from social media.
Her bio says she's a concept artist for animation and games but she never made any concept art.
All she does is draw herself and some semen demons all day long. It's not really what most studios are looking for.

>> No.9606361

did she tell you that or do you just assume? lately i've seen her hang around with people who aren't well known, and she seems to be happy.

>> No.9606365

She is stilm a "self proclaimed artist" but she has worked for Lego with character designs. In the end Vio made her bases for the male characters (heard that part) and that's basically all what she has done. Oh and drawing an ootd for attitude holland and some clothing brand that isn't really out there yet

>> No.9606473

But it is in one's advantage to have such a huge amount of followers, so if she takes the right action, I think she can get some good work.

Also for the record, I don't know her personally. But I have worked in the creative industry before, and I learned it definitely helps if you are "popular".

>> No.9606493

Problem with her is is that she has a lot of empty promises. She does a lot just for exposion. At this point I personally don't even think she draws anymore to just draw and especially to learn. Before she hit above 8000 followers her art was imo more her own thing. Now all I see is iust her drawing things that people like, more going towards aesthetic fashion and fanart. Also her draw me cyarine kind of stuff that made her basically boom into popularity

>> No.9606504 [DELETED] 


I've talked a lot with this bitch. I made her cry once, and I have never before felt that sort of sociopathic glee.

>> No.9606505


If I had a fucking dime for every time I've had to listen to this bitch cry about how "stressful" her easy fuckin' life is, I'd have almost enough money to commission one of her shitty artworks.

>> No.9606508

As someone working in the game industry I can say that Cyarins work has zero value as concept art.
Her work is just fundamentally bad. She keeps making beginner anatomy mistakes because she can't take any critism and she doesn't want to do anything outside of her comfort zone.
It would be a nightmare to work with an artist like her.

It's a joke that she calls herself a professional.
I've seen an actual professional concept artist at work laughing about her shitty instagram art, she means nothing here.

>> No.9606509

Aren't you confusing her with Loish? Loish worked for lego

>> No.9606511

Cyarin worked on the Lego fairies or something serie. Loish did that with the first version, they kept her designs but now they revamped it and cyarine made those designs

>> No.9606517


I knew there had to be a reason LEGO sucks now.

>> No.9606533
File: 83 KB, 564x940, f9228261f7ef53d503f07073bddc6c11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean these? I don't see any cyarin influence in here.

>> No.9606537


What do you mean? It looks like trash. It's CLEARLY her style.

>> No.9606540
File: 75 KB, 512x587, ''''''''sketch''''''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it's Cyarins

>> No.9606541
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>> No.9606546

She did the designing so not the official art work

>> No.9606556

The designs look like ass.

>> No.9606579

What's with the random green glow on chick in the front? Can't be coming from dud in the back and no one else has it?

>> No.9606585


She has a green racing stripe on her whole body.

>> No.9606590

She has been touched by the Fel

>> No.9606594

I think Cyarine's art is usually pretty to look at, but to me, that gets boring after a while. 99% of her art is pretty girl illustrations (half of them with weird tighs), and after I've seen a dozen, I'm just, 'well, that's nice, but what else is there?' It's all just incredibly safe.

... I'm sounding like and art teacher, aren't I?

>> No.9606597
File: 435 KB, 801x801, -font-b-DIY-b-font-font-b-Paintings-b-font-Rhinestones-Landscape-Diamond-Mosaic-Animals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She might as well be painting those tasteless landscapes you see being sold at Walmart or the Dollar Store.

>> No.9606656

She still does afaik. LEGO have worked with Loish for years. Cyarin was a one time thing.

>> No.9606824

Animecon has been quiet for a while now...
Anyone knows anything?

>> No.9606919


Am I still in the Dutch thread? Or did foreigners chime in because we where talking about Cyarine?

>> No.9607017

Nothing new, but to recap here are the facts and rumours we've had so far:
>Animecon has a contract with the World Forum that expires after Animecon 2019. The World Forum agenda also still lists Anime 2018 (June 15th - 17th) and Anime 2019 (June 14th - 16th) as events so that's something.
>Animecon did not announce a new date (and theme?) during the closing ceremony which is unlike them. You also couldn't buy tickets for next year right after the closing ceremony which pretty means something is going on behind the scenes.
>Supposedly, the staff has been unhappy with the World Forum and already discussed moving to a different location during a meeting earlier this year. Also according to rumours the World Forum broke the terms of their contract with Animecon, allowing Animecon them to end the contract early and leave if they desire to do so. More rumours, but some claim this is due to Oracle almost getting Anime 2016 cancelled/postponed at the literal last minute.
>The first rumours about Animecon moving to a new location happened before Anime 2017 and during Anime 2017 Ahoy Rotterdam was mentioned in the hallways quite a lot.
>Anon made a lengthy post about how we should not book a room on the days mentioned in the World Forum agenda, stop spreading new rumours and instead wait for an official announcement. For once we actually listened and so here we are waiting...

I do hope Animecon announces something after Abunai. I really don't like this silence one bit...

>> No.9607067

>> according to rumours the World Forum broke the terms of their contract with Animecon, allowing Animecon them to end the contract early and leave if they desire to do so.

From what I've heard (from my friend who's part of the staff) no terms were broken but there was a safety issue because the world forum isn't build for a capacity well over 7000 people.

>> No.9607081

Well, I guess that's one more rumour debunked.

>> No.9607239


All i'm going to day is : No need to panic cogs are turning behind the scenes.

Winter is coming...

>> No.9607274

Speaking of winter, I wouldn't mind a big anime convention somewhere in the colder months. Allows for more cosplay options. Nishicon is cute in an awkwardly 'I can't believe we traveled back to 2007' kind of way, and I don't see them playing the role of big anime con anytime soon.

>> No.9607305

Nishicon has potential. They have the right kind of location and can become the next Animecon.
If and that is a big IF they get the right people to work for them. Dian and Erik do most of everything. And last i heard they broke up.
Also they moved their date to February so as not to be on the same weekend as Tomo, but tomo is holding an event on the same weekend in February.
Nishicon has its work cut out for them.

>> No.9607315

>tfw I just realized that the Chun at the yearly picknick and the Chun at the twin meet are two different people

>> No.9607364

>Also they moved their date to February so as not to be on the same weekend as Tomo, but tomo is holding an event on the same weekend in February.
tomo has an event nearly every weekend

>> No.9607370

Tjere are 4 weekends in a month. Nishicon anounced this month's ago. Its common decency not to hold an event in the same weekend.
Tomo is being asses, people can only spend their money once.
Tomo is just showing their true color a. k. a. that they are douches.

>> No.9607379

Nishicon moved the date to not be in the same weekend as TomoFair Amsterdam, right? And now Tomo planned a new event in the same weekend of Nishicon. Sorry Tomo, but this shows once again that I was right to choose not going to any of your events anymore.

>> No.9607413

Fortunately, the content of those events is very different. I prefer the comfort of the Theater Hotel over being packed together like sardines in a large hall that's either too hot or too cold.

>> No.9607418

What Tomo Event is planned on the same weekend as Nishicon? I can only see TomoFair A'dam on their site which says it's on the 6th of January.

>> No.9607420

Wait, what event is Tomo hosting in February? I can't find anything on their sites nor FB about a TomoEvent.

>> No.9607421

TomoFair Rotterdam.

>> No.9607422

Rotterdam? ANOTHER TomoFair? ..... Wow

>> No.9607424

Yes, saw a post somewhere about it. It is one day.

>> No.9607426

I can't find anything about this happening, but it's definitely a dick move if it's true. Nishicon already changed dates so it wouldn't be simultaneously with TF Amsterdam. Hosting TF Rotterdam during Nishicon's new date is nothing but an active act of aggression.

>> No.9607429

I received an email about it:
"Dear exhibitors,

On Saturday the 24th of Febuary 2018 the newest edition of TomoFair will take place. This time in Rotterdam!"

The rest of the email is about prices.

>> No.9607430

They mailed the info to existing dealers. They don't even mention in the e-mail that it's actually in Capelle a/d IJssel, which is kinda rude considering they're already asking us to book our tables.
Poor Yaycon, their date got swamped.

>> No.9607435

Do you know where in Capelle a/d IJssel?

>> No.9607436

Let's all support Nishicon!

>> No.9607462

YaYcon has loyal vendors, volunteers and even visitors. And it's a small scale event. They should be fine. They'll be happily doing their own little thing over in Amersfoort. At worst they won't be able to sell tickets to random cosplayers who are just desperate for an occassion to cosplay.

As for Tomo... There's money to be made from those fairs. I bet they can cover most of their costs with the money vendors pay for their tables.

>> No.9607470

I agree but I do think nishi needs to step up their game. As much as I like them, they still have a lot to improve. Pr

>> No.9607476

I would love to, but only if it's going to be worth my time and money. Considering last year's train wreck and my dislike for Tomo I'll just skip both events. As >>9607305 said, Nishi really needs to get more people involved in organising their con if they want to succeed. My biggest issue has to be their non-existent online presence with their outdated website and inactive FB page. When people look up Nishicon all they see is a whole lot of nothing: no hype, no announcements, and loads of outdated information. To me all that does is make me wonder if Nishicon is even alive to begin with. That's of course not mentioning their MsPaint designs, poor selection of events last year and all the other work that goes into organising a con which they obviously could use a hand with. The only problem is, even if they asked for help I doubt there are that many skilled people left with a bond strong enough to invest their free time in Nishicon.

>> No.9607477

I don't, sorry

>I bet they can cover most of their costs with the money vendors pay for their tables.
Painfully true.

Yaycon hasn't announced a new date yet, have they? With Nishi and Tomo in February I'm guessing they'll move their date. I hope they don't skip a year again at least.

>> No.9607479

You are right. They are too silent right now! And the same problem was last year, as they did last minute promotion.

>> No.9607490
File: 88 KB, 373x363, yaycon-announcement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YaYCon will announce a new date at Abunai!

>> No.9607493

Last year was hell. They announced the con on April Fools, only to not really post anything until roughly 2 weeks before the con. Their schedule was an Excel screenshot and their site still had events from 2015 and 2014 listed on it. It's even come to the point where my long time con friends who always LOVED Nishicon didn't even knew it was still around. Not that I feel sorry for them, after all they are doing this to themselves.

>> No.9607495

I agree with this!

>> No.9607501

Yeah, they're turning themselves into a joke. I want to like them, I do, but often times it just seems like they don't even like themselves all that much. Like the 'Not Animecon' thing. As a little inside joke, it's fine. As theme for the whole convention, it's obviously not. It reeks of desperation and cringe.

>> No.9607513

Speak of the devil! That makes me really happy, I loved yaycon this year.

>> No.9607537
File: 3.62 MB, 5134x3851, IMG_20170823_160709-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what I just picked up at the post office? Tully plushies!

>> No.9607541

Cute! Just in time for Abunai!

>> No.9607555

The problem is trying to organize an rvent with basically 2 people, while working full time and participating in cosplay compos 2 times a year.
Animecon had atleast 20 people working for them at almelo.

Most people underestimate the amount of work and time that goes into organizing an event of this porportion. Very selfless work where 90% of the time you get told how shitty things went 10% of the time. And how everybody else could do a better job at it.

*tldr : You need good people to make a good festival.

>> No.9607591

Where the fuck are these rumors coming from. They're engaged. Stop making up crap vendetta-non

>> No.9607612

Not that anon, but their relationship status is confusing as hell.

I don't want to discuss their prived lifes one here, so I won't go to deep on it. But one of the two has still a relationship status on Facebook with his in-between-ex. And the other has Single.

Plus some other things they pulled, you really can't blame people for beeing confused.

>> No.9607623

I was pretty sure they were engaged too and then i looked up same thing as >>9607612 and now i'm confused, even as someone who knows them quite allright.

>> No.9607641


Not the anon but their relationship status has been like that tot ages now, they're just big trolls and still together

>> No.9607676

I have it from one of them personally.

>> No.9607682

Also i mentioned it because It can have an impact for nishicon.
and 10/10 prefer nishicon above Tomo.

>> No.9607717
File: 114 KB, 375x432, 1503511647136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In answer to the question in the image: not sure... DynamicCon?

>> No.9607730

We're pleased to announce DynamicCon 2018 will take place on 24th of February! /jk

>> No.9607799

Omw to Eindhoven right now. Building up tomorrow. The hype ie getting real!

>> No.9607812
File: 69 KB, 600x536, dexter dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly Anon, you're supposed to build up in Veldhoven!

>> No.9608343

Well apparently it's bullcrap to both of them so whatever anon.

>> No.9608424

They look adorable!

>> No.9608475

OMG, that's so cute!

>> No.9608521

Anyone already at Abunai on Thursday that knowns how roll shag? I bought something because I have a giant headache but turns out I'm too much of an autistic spastic to roll.

>> No.9608531

Shag and hash or weed doesn't go well imho. Just bum a cigarette and roll a fat one with that instead. And no, I'm not at Abunai until tomorrow.

Polite sage for off-topic.

>> No.9609243

it's a perfect moment to learn how to roll then
go on and earn that name and stop being a disgrace to us stoners

>> No.9609383

Have fun at Abunai everyone! Don't do anything I wouldn't do and if you're going to Abunaai someone try to wear a rubber.

>> No.9609482
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, 4L_QGTENsyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly they moved the Karaoke, still a nice place but it's on the otherside of the building.

>> No.9609487

You could say they put it upside down even.

>> No.9609489

I didn't know Abunai was in Australia

>> No.9609501
File: 10 KB, 370x139, 2850003455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear a rubber
Will do.
I hope some QTs come to my room for sexy shoots soon.

>> No.9609534

Lots of traps today at Abinai

>> No.9609537
File: 235 KB, 1000x1250, abunai_bingo-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alrighty gull, let's not forget about this little card this week.

>> No.9609538

It's me being lefthanded that makes it look like I am from Australia. Also the lines for our wristbands were pretty fast again.

>> No.9609585
File: 355 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170825-200905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Animecon update, turns out the dates on the World Forum agenda were legit all along.

>> No.9609795

Unsuccesful traps it is, never seen this many hairy/non groomed guys wearing female costumes. And I've even been to yaycon

>> No.9609939

Deshima really stepped up their game this year.

>> No.9610111

It's typical for Abunai to have a lot of really ugly guys wearing ugly dresses and non-effort crossplays. I have no idea what they are trying to achieve because it's neither funny or impressive but somehow I see a lot of them do photoshoots.

>> No.9610145

I guess you just didn't manage to clock the more successful traps. There are lots of very decent ones this year. As staffmember I'm kinda surprised.

>> No.9610404

So did those guys really propose ?

>> No.9610410

2 times already this weekend!

>> No.9610419
File: 1009 KB, 3984x2241, rsz_20170826_195112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy af

>> No.9610436

How do I get with traps here then

>> No.9610506

Choke me Teddie

>> No.9610507


>> No.9610528

Personafags REEEEEEE

>> No.9610530

The dude with the asian girl he'd only dated for 9 months was cringy af.

>> No.9610544
File: 612 KB, 3984x2241, rsz_20170826_223428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet is nice af

>> No.9610545

Saw some of you gulls today, was lurking like a creeper.

>> No.9610552

How do i get laid im drunk af pls respond

>> No.9610604

Party hard tonight faggots

>> No.9610629

Beats sucks, irrelevant music???

>> No.9610647

Cute af

>> No.9610658

Say "ik ben wanhopig" to random cossluts

>> No.9610704

Your mom is irrelevant! Also where is everyone? I can't even go take a piss without losing everyone!

>> No.9610755

Already tried Marktplaats?

>> No.9610771

No I want legit advice pls I've been wanting a cosplay gf for years

>> No.9610773

Marktplaats is your friend.

>> No.9610840

Didn't expect the results of the karaoke compo. Also DDR Light compo was nice.

>> No.9610847

Hentai block was awesome

>> No.9610862

Room 218. Cuties only. Don't want whales so don't even try

>> No.9610866


>> No.9611039

Sausage party

>> No.9611064


>> No.9611075


>> No.9611082
File: 93 KB, 1039x748, IMG_20170827_111015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With love, whale-chan

>> No.9611088

Omg, that's so cute

>> No.9611096
File: 1.23 MB, 4000x3000, JPEG_20170827_092529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did this.

>> No.9611106

Who else team /WaitingInTheShadowFeelingLikeShit/?

>> No.9611124

The AMV compo was damn boring this year Jesus.

>> No.9611139

Seagull critics be like let's hijack the the Abunai Beats beamer chat

>> No.9611154

Not me, I'm a whale tho so major props to who posted this

>> No.9611183

Watch out guys balloons are scaary cause terrorism

>> No.9611187

Are you one of those waterballoon fags?

>> No.9611195

You're way cuter than that 2D whale tho

>> No.9611207

No but I'm sitting nearby

>> No.9611222


i need healing

>> No.9611258

Shut up Genji, this isn't yours.

>> No.9611462

thoughts on abunai, gulls?

>> No.9611526

meh at best.

some fun things happened yet im happy to finally get back home.

also some juicy rumors i need to confirm ;)

>> No.9611527

Spill them, anon.

>> No.9611557

Just got back from Abunai 2017! Had an amazing time! Really impressed how the foodcorner was put together. Firmly enjoyed the compo's on saterday as well. Like omg, that black butler act... right?!

>> No.9611588

Had a lot of fun, although it was quite tiring.
Got to say there were a shit ton of skull grunt cosplayers on the day i went.

>> No.9611593

It was comfy as fak

>> No.9611602

I am kinda wondering how the guy is doing that was horribly sick (alcohol poisoning?). I saw and heard that the Sylvana cosplayer who went K.O is okay!

>> No.9611604


From where we were sitting, we had a grant view of her "changing" behind that curtain.

>> No.9611613

Are the cosplay compos still a huge cringefest like they were years ago?

>> No.9611615


The sunday compo only had 3 people joining. The rest had canceled. Ilunaneko, some person cosplaying Kirito and ehm HelloAngela or something with the same act as Animecon with her headhunter cos.

I didn't see the other compos

>> No.9611630


Yep, Saturdays CAC had 5 love live dance acts and one zombie owari no seraph dance acts.

one cooking show act with two extremely near sighted the legend of zelda cosplayers.

A nice age of voltron act

Olaf from frozen.

cringy & visible stage ninjas and a stage banana.

Bad lip syncing & bad dubbing

Right after the CAC were the ICL Preliminarieswith only 2 entries.

One was a pokemon act of nurse joy making a little one the side by charging money for healing ashs pikachu

the other was a black butler of Grell & Madam red where she was changing from her default outfit to her party dress behind some portable curtains. (she was completely visible)

TL;DR much weeb, much cringe

>> No.9611774

To me it was interesting to be at Abunai again after so many years. As per tradition I immediately got disoriented in the hallways, but after finding the Abdijbar everything came back to me. The weather worked out (no heat wave!) quite nicely, I didn't felt like dying from the heat and all was right with the world. In terms of events there unfortunately weren't that many that grabbed my interest and I'm still somewhat sad about the Gunpla speed build being full. I really wished they had a sign-up form rather the "rush hour at Utrecht CS" style walk in. Abunai beats was interesting as well and it was quite fun to see people getting upset every single time the genre changed. It's a shame the airco failed however, that heat was unbearable.
Speaking of things that made me sad, the game room really felt a bit too plain. Now I don't mind seeing the multi player classics like Smash Bros and other popular (current-gen) games, but especially the latter are games I can just as easily play from the comfort of my own couch. There was barely any real retro nor any quirky Japanese games which one would expect and normally only be able to at a convention. A shame really if you ask me as those little oddities are what keeps a game room fresh and interesting.
But yeah, despite me leaving early to avoid overcrowded NS busses I had a great time and will definitely be rolling the dice at next years hotel room hunger games. Kudos to the staff and everyone who volunteered to make this happen, you're all the collective MVP!

>> No.9611800

Balloons are illegal next year because it's literally terrorism.

>> No.9612349

I missed this meme, care to explain?

>> No.9612395

Brought back my love for black butler

>> No.9612428

Two dudes were almost banned for popping a balloon because some girl got a panic attack from it because she's afraid of terror attacks. I watched it happen from distance and these guys were amazing trolls and the group of friends surrounding the girl with the terror attack were immensely triggered.

>> No.9612444

Wait, did this happen outside on Saturday? I do believe I heard something go bang somewhere but couldn't be arsed to check it out. I mean it's a con, if I had to check out every little thing that happens I wouldn't even have enough time to breathe...

>> No.9612479

Sunday just before the ending ceremony.

>> No.9612496

I was right behind them, they talked for like more than 30 mins with a staff member

>> No.9612516

Please more details. The more I know the better it becomes.

>> No.9612528

Banning them for popping balloons would be highly silly. Balloons pop. That's what they do, even without a little help. It's a common fear people with common sense try to work through by exposing themselves to situation where balloons might pop.

However, I do think the convention would be in the right for kicking someone out for that if they did it for the express purpose of upsetting people. That's pretty much harassment and shouldn't be condoned.

>> No.9612552

Last lolita meet I was at, a bunch of fireworks started going off close to where we were sitting in the park, in the middle of the day. People looked up for maybe five seconds, joked about how awkward it would be to be caught up in a warzone while wearing lolita, then went back to snacking.
At least there weren't any balloons. That would have been terrifying.

>> No.9612556

Yeah pretty much this. Popping a balloon by accident? Shit happens, no biggie. Purposely popping balloons behind peoples heads to scare the living shit out of them? Give them a fair warning and throw them out if they continue.

>> No.9612577

How many balloons did those maniacs pop!?

>> No.9612581

Stop fetish shaming please!

>> No.9612621

They popped one balloon on purpose. The maniac screeched at them to stop. They stopped. Maniac continued to screech and threatened to stab them with a wand.

>> No.9612627

Abunai forecast: 90% chance of balloon terror.
JM was being annoying though, to be fair. :^)

>> No.9612638


>> No.9612645

If that's the case, they both needed to pop a 'stop being an asshole' pill. I feel bad for the steward/staff member who had to deal with the complaints.

>> No.9612683 [DELETED] 

This. I was sitting right next to the group of guys on a bunch of blankets. Yes, they were being annoying by slowly draining some balloons of air. Then one popped and this batshit insane woman shows up and starts screaming loudly at them about girls having panic attacks and them making girls cry, which was clearly bullshit.
The guys didn't take her seriously and joked about it for a bit which caused the bitch to rage out even more. At this point a staff member was called and sat down at their blanket to talk it through for like an hour. They seemed like ok people to me, just weirded out at the terrorist threats.
The guys just so happened to be sandniggers too.

>> No.9612802

My favorite part was where she shouted "Ik heb wel mannen veel groter dan jij in elkaar geslagen" and then said she wasn't threatening them but actually "warning" them, which was 100% legal in the Netherlands according to her.

>> No.9613204
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This post con depression is hitting me hard already.

>> No.9613239

Who were the douchy people playing around with water balloons and pool float tube thing? There is always one shirtless 'I'm better than everyone' dude that acts dramatic 24/7. Robert or something?

>> No.9613243

Don't worry, there's ACC this weekend.

>> No.9613251

Water Balloons? when was this, I was sitting outside nearly the entire day on sunday.

>> No.9613252

Great, a giant shitty dealer room to remind me how last weekend was so much better. How is that going to help me over this con depression?

>> No.9613254

If the shirtless dude looked like the Hulk who took his dieting all the way to Auschwitz and back you might mean Isai.

>> No.9613259
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Next weekend in Belgium: Manga & Cosplay Festival in the Japanese Gardens in Hasselt.

>> No.9613260

>not having post-con inspiration to work on your new cosplay with all of your new ideas.

>> No.9613261

It was sarcastic, anon.

definitely oh god yes

>> No.9613267

so sad they have to accept dance groups just so they can fill up their programme, or that is how i see it at least.

Dance "acts" and acts together on a stage.Friday was fun to see some acts, saturday too cringy, sunday was the same..
But overall the con was nice. Had a good atmosphere. Disliked abunai beat because it was just hit play and songs play. What is mixing ? Deshima is a bit better.

Happy this year they had more doors open for fresh air.

Security was more in place, but those meathead, old men with a back problem and some young guys even a small girl cosplayer can win against. Not to mentioning the lack of their IQ.

>> No.9613270

I Actually hope you meant the Security and not the Stewards, cause those where some of the best I have seen in years on Abunai, the red shirts did a great job imo and it seemed they had a lot more people compared to previous years.

>> No.9613271
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>Not thinking your ideas over and realising how terrible they are, how they won't fit you, and how the next proper con to wear them isn't until next year.

>> No.9613273


Indeed the security and not the gophers.

>> No.9613276

This seems confusing now since,
Blue shirt = staff
Red shirt = Steward
Gray shirt = Gopher
White actual security outfit = Security

a well, I had a pleasant convention all in all, didn't notice to much drama or stuff going wrong at all :)

>> No.9613281

There was some retard smoking on the dance floor again, luckily they kicked him out. Guy got all aggressive against a Steward.

>> No.9613295

people were continiously shutting down those oddities and booting up familiar games they wanted to play with their friends. we even got complaints that we had a Japanese-language game set up.

>> No.9613302

As far as I could see, they threw a total of 5 water balloons, mostly to each other.

>> No.9613312

Yeah we tried setting up some cooler stuff but people kept requesting Tekken and Mario Kart

>> No.9613314

That's sad...

>> No.9613318

Deshima a bit better? Those guys are way better than Failbunai Beats. For the friday Beats would be better, because nobody wants to go too hard yet. Saturday is the day where people like me want to go hard. This year with beats on saturday is the worst decision ever. Cringy not go to hard dancing, most people actually stood still.. And the DJ (like you said) doesn't even mix or has crowd interaction. I could also put on a spotify list on it.. The concept is nice that the audience can choose, but not for the saturday. I actually left when the metal shit came in. Hell, i actually wanted to leave during R&B, but gave it a chance. It never recovered for me.

Eventhough Deshima is not for everyone, atleast they do mix, atleast they have crowd interaction, and atleast they have a viarity of musis choice. They may be not as good as 5 years ago to my opinion as i like the harder stuff, but they have to concider music for everybody which is a difficult task. Especially if they are EDM specialised. I do give them props that they always try to bring out the best they can to make it a nice party.
As for friday, they did a great job for the lesser night, and deserve to be placed on saturday.

Compared to both of them, you can see where more energy has been put into. The group i was in, all felt the same thing. So pleaseeeeee, bring back Deshima to the saturday! It has always been the highlight for alot of people.

>> No.9613325


>> No.9613332

Deshima was only dubstep with memes mixed in, not a single bit of D&B. It's danceable but gets old real quick

>> No.9613335

This year around Deshima actually put in some energy for the first time in at least 5 years. I don't know why they switched it but they really showed effort this year and actually had a good show for once. As for Abunai Beats I only disliked the first 30 minutes.

>> No.9613344

I didnt go to either but putting deshima on friday sucks, rather have people half dead on sunday instead of saturday

>> No.9613358

Actually, they did play a few D&B. I was surprised about that!

>> No.9613359

I just read some drama on Anime Fans Nederland. Apperantly Tomocon is backstabbing Nishicon?

>> No.9613363

They're holding their new event TomoFair Rotterdam on the same day as Nishicon. Right after Nishicon changed their dates because it was on the same date as TomoFair Amsterdam.

>> No.9613364

"Fresh news". Not really, we have been talking about it before here.

>> No.9613376
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>> No.9613391

But Tomocon kust discussed it? I haven't read it before.

>> No.9613400

I don't follow Stichting Tomo at all, so I missed that part. But the fact that TomoFair Rotterdam and Nishicon is in the same weekend is something that has been discussed here (cgl) and some forum somewhere.

>> No.9613407

seeing the deshima sounds guys rage at abunai beats was the only highlight of the saturday evening.

>> No.9613408
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Chill the fuck out with your stupid behaviour.

>> No.9613415

Ok first confirmation: Lychee tea almost got thrown out of the dealerroom because most od what they were selling was bootleg.
There was a big crowd of staff and security at their table on Saturday. They then had to remove almost everything from their stand.

>> No.9613417

That is just how Mark really is.

>> No.9613419

Mark has told me before his plan is to break all the smaller cons.

>> No.9613422

I have heard the same story.

>> No.9613433

Can confirm, their shitty practices are no secret here. There's a reason /cgl/ greatly dislikes Tomo and everything related to it...

>> No.9613438

Is this real..? If so, where is this?

>> No.9613445

It is real and it is on someone's timeline. Someone posted about them being on the same day and this happened. There's also someone continuously defending Tomo and complaining about how some festival in Kyoto was much more crowded.

>> No.9613452


That is also why they do soo much give aways with cosplayers. "giveaway".. those tickets are 1 step away to have "free ticket download" button on their site, but hey..

All those ticket give away almost anyone can do is free PR. Don't know how they try to make money besides vendors..

because the quality of "judges" that have shown up at their comps.. well.. i guess anyone who wants to can be a judge there.

Weeb and crappy cosplayers judging other weebs. Tomo its crowd in a nutshell.

>> No.9613469

Raging is a bit overreacted, but they were indeed not so happy. I have seen it myself, and just asked for their opinion. From what I heard, is that they were forced to the Friday because Abunai wanted to try Abunai Beats for the Saturday. How would you feel if your succesful event which is always on the Saturday, is forced to a slower day? They aren't hateful towards Abunai beats itself, they even think it's a healthy competition as it's something they don't do.

The only rage as you say, they opted is that the music choice could be better. And actually I agree with them. Why choose a certain style, and not playing the bangers? Don't get me wrong as I did enjoyed the event, but I was hoping to hear the more popular songs myself. They did say the same thing, as that might be the rage you say it is. Truth to be told, the Abunai Beats DJ could do a better job and play the real popular tracks, and not mediocre song.

Deshima is not really my thing, but to my opinion they are indeed the better ones.

>> No.9613471
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this guy explains it pretty well

>> No.9613476

>positief verbazen
>will go to nishi anyway

this post is full of contradictions desu

>> No.9613480

Maybe he already booked a room? Who cares.

>> No.9613492

There is one thing that i think about and havent seen people talk about.

What about the vendors ?

Will they choose Tomo or Nishi. It is a big factor siince both are kinda populair, my preference goes to Nishi, and people also wanna buy nice things.

So things like nozlan, photographers, cosplayers, comps, vendors etc.are gonna be a deciding factor.

Excluding cheapass broke autistic weebs who only go to tomo because it is free.

>> No.9613501

How well did Nishicon last year? I think that is also a factor.

>> No.9613510

Horribly, hence why we've been discussing how Nishicon should really step up their game if they want to remain relevant.

>> No.9613511

Red Dot is owned by the organization of Tomo. So that's why I believe they want to destroy smaller conventions. To gain a monopoly as vendors. Smart move.

>> No.9613513

Tomo is becoming for expensive for vendors, so at the very least some of the smaller ones are having second thoughts. MangaKissa prefers Nishicon as well. Nishicon could 'win' this (as in: sell enough tickets to survive comfortably and establish their own niche), if they start acquiring good lectures and other events, and actually promote themselves as having such.

>> No.9613539

I haven't been to nishi last time, I need a roommate before I know for sure if I'll go. Alternatief slapen is an option but I kind of want to enter a contest and walking is shite.

>> No.9613549

Yeah, this is true. Tomo is becoming more and more expensive each year for vendors and yet the quality still remains shitty because they only care about money. I prefer going to Nishicon as well.

>> No.9613554
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FYI the room prices in the Theaterhotel are per person, not per room. In other words unless you forget to mention you have a roomie you won't be off any cheaper than you would when rooming alone.

>> No.9613555

Vendors are definitely one of the bigger competitions Tomo and Nishi have to fight over.
Afaik NozLan, Performous Karaoke, DDRNL and mangakissa will be at Nishi.

>> No.9613612

I read that if you're in your own you need to pay 50 euro a night extra?

>> No.9613638

>Afaik NozLan, Performous Karaoke, DDRNL and mangakissa will be at Nishi.
Pretty sure half of those would never choose tomo either way, even if they had that weekend off

>> No.9613642

Not saying i jave done this before. but you can fit 10 people in a junior suite withno problem.

>> No.9613653

Nishicon more like Nichecon

>> No.9613721 [DELETED] 
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New thread >>613716

>> No.9613744
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This thread is has reached the bump limit. A new thread can be found at >>9613716

>> No.9613875

This. I ruined my Saturday because I drank too much on Friday.

>> No.9613999

there was almost no dubstep played, what in the actual hell are you talking about
it was mostly stock EDM though, which was what somewhat disappointing, I wanted more weeb shit
did like the old Dutch banger block at the end though

>> No.9614030

I thought they didn't care as long as they got payed

>> No.9614034

pn means per nacht though

>> No.9614047

Congratulations you can read. Now read the upper box that states €150 p.p.