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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9570293 No.9570293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please don't turn this into a fat vs thin debate, I just want to know if it's possible to pull off cosplay at a larger size

>> No.9570307

as long as you dont have a condescending lying obnoxious personality like her then nothings wrong with being bigger you can still pull it of cosplay is for fun not about making money, fame or who is the hottest
if your doing it for the right reasons then you shouldnt care what people think its just for fun not like ur making money?
appreciate the character and try your best to be accurate and dont make them unnecessarily lewd for attention
fatties will always be made fun of thats just how it is and you can never be accurate with body types but that dont mean you cant look good
you cant do something and expect everyone to like it

>> No.9570309

Is the character fat or chubby?
If yes, then it can be good. If no, then it's not good. I have seen only few good fat thin characters which have looked good.

>> No.9570314

Well yeah obviously, with lipo and shapewear.

>> No.9570317

She is cancer
Also your cosplay has to be spot on otherwise your fatness will be the only thing people see and comment on

>> No.9570321

Do it because you love the character who cares if your bigger if your doing it for fun?
But remember you will never be able to be the accurate character so you can only be the fat version.
"Look its Fat ___"
>Fat Samus, Fat Misty, Fat Rin.
If your making a social media page rather than going to cons and having fun I personally wouldnt do it because your asking for hate and judgement it looks sad.

>> No.9570324

Go back to the commune you fucking hippie, cosplay is all about accuracy and if you don't have that you're worthless.

>> No.9570325

>Is it possible for plus-sized cosplay to look good?
Only if you're cosplaying a fat character. Otherwise, no.

>> No.9570348


Essentially, this. Now can we please stop posting definitely-not-moomoo threads?
On topic: For example Moomoo could easily cosplay fat female characters and she looks fine with shoop in the photoshoot pics, otherwise, nope.

>> No.9570427

Yes, but only if they have large tits.

>> No.9570453

I think it depends on WHY you want to cosplay. Do you just want to dress up as your favourite character? If so, go for it. Cosplay for fun is for everyone.

Do you want to enter competitions, do it professionally/semi professionally, or do other things where faithfulness to the original character is very important part of it? Then you can still cosplay, but it's best to pick characters that are a similar build to yourself. (And that goes for whatever body type you have). There's more thin characters, but that doesn't mean there's no larger ones nor that all thin people are the same shape/can pull off all thin characters.

>> No.9570464

Sadly, this is seen everywhere. Oh, you're not Ash. You're Black Ash. You're not 2B. You're Fat 2B. It's dumb as fuck. Like, I'm sorry I don't look 100% like the character. I can only do so much.

>> No.9570465

Yes. As long as the cosplay is well made and you look good in it. Ignore the people saying you should only cosplay fat characters. That's no better than telling black people to only cosplay black characters.

TFW no one gets mad at skinny Roadhogs or Rose Quartz cosplayers.

>> No.9570482

But black people should only cosplay black characters... So, whats your point?

>> No.9570485
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This, or if you ask specifically people who are fat fetishists.

Those are the 2 real answers. Anyone else who compliments you is just being nice from social obligations.

>> No.9570495

Yes, it just requires being thoughtful about what cosplay will suit you. I think this can be done a couple ways.

The way that will get the most positive reaction from other people is to pick larger characters (Rose Quartz, Roadhog, the Witch of the Waste). You avoid >>9570464's (correct) observation because you won't be fat Pam Poovey, you'll just be accurate Pam Poovey. To a certain extent (depending on whether you're Lane Bryant plus-sized or morbidly obese), this extends to characters who are drawn plump but not fat (Cinderella's Fairy Godmother) or are drawn like average people instead of supermodels to start with (Ms. Frizzle) before the dreaded "fat version of character" kicks in.

The second is to pick costumes that flatter your body -- honestly, this is one of Moo's cuter cosplays. If it wasn't Moo (and if the stockings and nails weren't so awful), no one at a con would think "What a terrible cosplay." No one would pay attention to it, but, as a corollary to no one paying attention to it, no one would shit on it.

>> No.9570509
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>> No.9570727

No,unless the character is supposed to be fat

>> No.9570737

If a white can cosplay an Asian character I don't really see why a black couldn't cosplay a character of another race as well. Sure it may not be 100% "accurate" but plenty of characters miss physical marks like eye color, chest size, height, build, chub vs super skinny, etc

>> No.9570739

Yes, just don't cosplay a super thin character and wear clothing that is way too small for you.

>> No.9570742

I think you can cheat a little too, like if your just slightly large or overweight you could pull off things like "curvy"characters like power girl or velma

>> No.9570771

It depends imo, if you're really lucky and have a thin face but big tits and fat ass then you can get away with a lot more than a girl with egg man body. Also don't be a bitch about it or be overly "body positive"

>> No.9570773

oh yeah you also need a flat stomach or gtfo, shape wear is useless

>> No.9570775

she's hot :o

>> No.9570776

Actually, cosplay is about fun. You may not have a good COSPLAY if it's not accurate, but if you're having fun then you're a good COSPLAYER.

>> No.9570779

Not sure why you'd ask this on the crossboarder board, you know what the answers are going to be. The cosplay community's opinion on this and the r9k-types who roam this board that think they know cosplay because they went to a local convention once opinion on this are going to be polar opposite.

>> No.9570780
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>> No.9570784

Can we stop having these fucking threads already?

>> No.9570823

But white people should only cosplay white characters...

>> No.9570829

Dependance on how large, which characters etc. I've seen too many fat Harley Quinn cosplayers in a plus size fb group

>> No.9570830
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>> No.9570863

Can we post good chubby cosplay then?

>> No.9570874
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>> No.9570875
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I really like plus size Cosplays. looks cute. There are some nice outfits like this on amazon


>> No.9570928
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A risky selfpost but here I go. I think that if the costume is well made and the person wearing it is not obese even competing is okay. I myself haven't competed but I don't think the weight of the cosplayer should matter. Of course skinny cosplayers tend to look better but well fitted cosplay, good posture and stuff like that help us fatties.

>> No.9570934

You're adorable!
Cgl loves to hate on anyone who threatens them or makes them insecure, and well made outfits on a chubby girl versus their bought limp eBay cosplay really sets them into a rage. Honestly all the people in bad cosplay threads aren't even bad these days, it's just body shaming.

>> No.9570936
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>> No.9570940
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Bitch gonna need all her command spells to get me over there desu

>> No.9570980

>Is it possible for plus-sized cosplay to look good?
Why do people take photos of them?
Oh wait...

>> No.9570983

>this is considered thicc somewhere

>> No.9570989

You are so pretty !

>> No.9570993


from a male

>> No.9570994

what? Are you implying that anon is a male or should we get head over heels for you bcs you have a dick?

>> No.9570996

what? no im just clarfying that find her cute and that im a male

>> No.9570998

why do you have to tell your gender though? Does it somehow make the compliment better?

>> No.9571002

Translation: He's a male and we should take his opinion with a grain of salt because he might be biased from finding her attractive, and not actually thinking that chubby chan can cosplay

I think that anon looks great even though I tend to dislike chubby/fat cosplayers. Maybe because her costume looks good and fits her properly as she said

>> No.9571003

back on track: Most of the time if the cosplayer is finding ways to make the outfit look good on them I don't really mind them being fat. The problem is when fatties decide to cosplay things that do not flatter them.. like bikinis for example.

>> No.9571004

dick or gtfo

>> No.9571005

You look great and you know it or you wouldn't have posted this
You smug, smug bitch

>> No.9571308

Your cute because your not pretending to be body positive yet shopping yourself thinner and smoother. What makes you beautiful is your courage to post that as well because your not half naked pretending you're confident while doing it. Your naturally cute and pretty. Plus it's well fitted, nothing is hanging out and it looks great on you.

>> No.9571331


>> No.9571391


>> No.9571436

this place got autistic

>> No.9571462

You're not fat, though. Like, your arms and waist are thicker and I see it on you a little bit overall, but you're not a fatty. I don't go by /cgl/ definition of fat ever because it doesn't mean anything here.

You're also wearing a really "safe" cosplay that's hiding your body and maybe problem areas well. Like good for you, though. Cosplay what you want.

I think more what the OP wants to know is how really chubby girls can pull off things. >>9570509 is fat for example, but it works okay because the focus is on her chest and her waist is pulled in.

>> No.9571465

No kidding

>> No.9571469
File: 51 KB, 259x275, 1450988691763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hippo Hips

>> No.9571470

Are you expecting asspats? Fuck off

>> No.9571474

Whites can cosplay asians because theyre somewhat close, but with blacks the dark skin is always unsettling and disturbing.

>> No.9571481

Kinda cute atleast for such a flat chick.

>> No.9571484

Yes it does. It makes people to listen to him and take him seriously.

>> No.9571664
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>> No.9571752

mmmmm I love cottage cheese.

>> No.9571790

All of these salty gulls with "fat people can only cosplay fat characters hu hu hu", but yet you know they're going to try to cosplay the dragon maid with their AAA chest.

Cosplay whoever the fuck you want. Look great with your big huge boobs hanging out of your costume and your ass being fatter than any of these salty gulls'. They'll be as nasty as they like on 4chan but won't even have their headbow straight irl.

>> No.9571791

No. Kill all fatties.

>> No.9571797
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>> No.9571798
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>> No.9571802
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>> No.9571840

Hey what character are you cosplaying anon. Or were dI'd you get the dress?

>> No.9571965

cute, do you have any more pics/cosplays?

>> No.9571977

I'm not a fat hater but I really don't like these.

>skimpy kanna
No thank you

>get better makeup and a better bra please Velma

>this just looks gross

>> No.9571981
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>> No.9572157

pantry raider

>> No.9572191

I am cosplaying Miria Akagi from deresute and the dress is homemade!
Yes I do but I think one selfpost is enough. I have been cosplaying f8r 10 years now so I have plenty of other cosplays too.

And thanks for the nice comments. I am working on losing weight though.

>> No.9572198

>I am working on losing weight though
good luck!

>> No.9572199


>> No.9572214
File: 807 KB, 833x996, InkoandAllMight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the same boat as a lot of people. I feel that as long as you're putting in the effort to make yourself look good in something, it doesn't matter as much if you're plus size or not. As long as the costume doesn't look like it's suffocating you, I could care less. Although, I really like seeing plus size girls cosplaying bigger characters, there's just a certain charm to it.

Biting the self post bullet as well, mostly because I really loved cosplaying Deku's mom and I actually felt good about myself in this.

>> No.9572222
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Yeah, you're super cute.

>> No.9572233
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I think everyone can cosplay who ever the fuck they want as long as they put effort into and enjoy themselves.

>> No.9572239
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>> No.9572812

one day she'll get that fucking large, she won't be even able to hide her huge ass tummy

>> No.9572823

Found the fatty

>> No.9572836

/v/irgin that lurks /cgl/ here, I think you look good. Your costume is really cute, but I have no idea what you're cosplaying as.

Also, while we're on the subject
>good posture and stuff like that help us fatties.
Are you considered fat? I mean you maybe a little chubby, but no way would I call you fat.

>> No.9572876

White people and Asians look nothing alike. Are you fucking blind? Pick any Asian from any country and they look nothing like white people unless they're part white.

And how is dark skin unsettling and disturbing? This is textbook racism that will be defended with "But, I don't hate black people."

>> No.9572886

>And how is dark skin unsettling and disturbing?
Its really off putting unless theyre cosplaying someone black. Something like 1/10 000 black people are atractive.

>> No.9573093

this x1,000,000

>> No.9573097

True, the same goes for rape.

>> No.9573117


>> No.9573147

Now go ahead and say that to a black cosplayer's face

>> No.9573162

well, if you have the same bodytype like the one you want to cosplay, I don't think there is a problem then...

>> No.9573190

*tips fedora*

>> No.9573262

Ever heard about personal preferences? Sure I can say it to their face, you want me to say to manlets also? Black people arent atractive, get over it honey.

>> No.9573312

I am not sure if it is a real or sarcastic remark with a pic you really went and found out of all the photoshoot pics and cropped to show only me.

>> No.9573320

"Wow this person has a bad photo taken of them and published! They must be super ugly!"

>> No.9573340

well desu being fat makes people ugly even without any bad photos.

>> No.9573368


>> No.9573570
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I'm with you, who cares about what other people want to cosplay? I understand the hate if the person is annoying or starts drama, but not everyone is blessed with an amazing figure and pretty face.

>> No.9573582
File: 39 KB, 300x400, Cosplayer Taylor Hobbs _ fotógrafo Kayhettin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand that you think cosplays should be as accurate as possible down to the skin color, but describing it as "unsettling and disturbing" makes you sound like you have some serious issues.

>> No.9573583
File: 324 KB, 446x488, su.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"personal preference"
>proceeds to generalize all black people as unattractive
which is it, anon?

>> No.9573594

>Blatant corset lines

>> No.9573597

My main concern with this isn't that she's fat but moreso that her fucking ass + slit must be on full display. Jesus Christ how did no one tell her this was NOT. A good idea??

>> No.9573599

post ur tummy

>> No.9573969
File: 1.31 MB, 1440x2266, 20170625_122614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so brave
Didn't she delete this a week or so after showing everyone her true form

>> No.9573971
File: 814 KB, 774x639, 1481223929891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not embarrassed about her body
>99.9% of her photos ate shopped

>> No.9573973
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>> No.9573974

Nearly all black people are unatractive.

>> No.9574006
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>> No.9574015
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>> No.9574022

You don't need to be attractive to do cosplay, that anon understands this as a self-aware ugly person.

>> No.9574097

what are talking about? of course you have to be.

>> No.9574108

I know, but you don't.

>> No.9574163

Call it preference if you want, but I call a smeerp a smeerp. A racist by any other name is still a racist.

One day, people will understand that racial preference is not a real thing.

>> No.9574174
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This is the most stupid thing I have read in a while.

>> No.9574182
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Goddamn /cgl/

I'm a 2004 oldfag that comes onto this board once every 3 months or so to see what all the fembots are fussing about, and every single fucking time you have this thread up.

Every single goddamn time.

If you are so self conscious about your weight, hit the fucking gym and do something about it.

Like Jesus fucking Christ holy shit.