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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.9457753
File: 397 KB, 826x944, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to be that guy but could I get some concrit on this? I posted to AANI yesterday asking for some crit and got none.

I'm really trying hard to figure out a chibi style for myself and I find outside opinions very helpful for learning.

>> No.9457808

Her eyes confuse me, as they just look vacant and I don't get where her pupils should be. But otherwise, she's cute. I like the proportions and body language.

>> No.9457823
File: 229 KB, 740x367, chibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The style is super cute anon! I personally like the eyes. Some crit on your sketches:
- some of the heads are sunken in, the upper left one in particular looks awkward
- proportions are a bit inconsistent (I tried to match the upper left's body with the upper right's)
- bottom right's head is kinda floating away, move it to the left a bit.

>> No.9457830

I personally disagree with the first anon about the eyes as I think with something this stylized there doesn't need to be a visible pupil, the "vacant" quality can add to the effect. They look cute to me as-is.

The biggest issue IMO is the feet, they look a bit like an afterthought and as if you're not sure what you're doing with them, they look flat compared to the legs. I would try to give them a bit more of a purposeful defined shape. Sorry I don't have an example as it's hard right now on mobile - maybe searching for that dump of chibi styles an anon did a few threads back would help? The head shapes and arm lengths also look a bit wobbly/inconsistent but close enough that it seems easy to fix past the sketch phase.

I love the aesthetic of these characters - especially bottom left, I would buy a charm or sticker of this - and would be super interested in seeing them more fleshed out.

>> No.9457876

I sell some amigurumi stuff, and they have done well for me. Dolls, on the other hand, depends on the style? This year I'll try to do a few crochet dolls myself and see.

>> No.9457989

Not a huge fan of the hands especially with 4 fingers instead of 5. They remind me a lot of western cartoons whereas the rest of your style looks pretty standard anime chibi if that makes sense. I think everything else about it is pretty charming, and I agree with what >>9457823 pointed out! If you find a cute lineart and coloring style I think they'll do well, holographic uchuu kei girls seem to be pretty popular when done right.

>> No.9458076
File: 785 KB, 800x600, SAM_9043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half my table is amigurumi, mostly animals/pokemon. I'm not sure how well dolls move though. I had someone interested in commissioning an Ike at an event yesterday, but we'll see if he actually sends me an email about it.

>> No.9458323

How much do you sell each for? Do they actually sell well?

>> No.9458402

Prices range from 10-60. Kero was 35.
I've only hit up small cons/events so far where I have little to no direct competition (other ami or plush in general), so in that regard they sell well, but what specifically varies. I did a small anime con where the demographic was mostly teens+ and it was my smaller/cheaper ami that moved, whereas yesterday's event was game themed at a university and I sold all of my pricier ami.

>> No.9458614
File: 7 KB, 163x148, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the crit anon! Im glad the proportions and body language are looking good. Ive really struggled trying to learn chibis so I'm glad Im getting somewhere.

Awesome crit! Thank you so so much. I think Im getting at what you are saying with the sunken in head. Its too far back in the space and wouldnt be where a head should be? It looks like very small changes you made to the alien girls heads but gosh darn they look way better. Thank you so so much for the advice. I'll try to fix some of the inconsistencies. I do know thats a weak point of mine. Again thank you so much! Im glad I can get this advice on the sketches before I work hard on coloring and lining.

Thank you! I will try playing around with the feet a bit more. I love the stumpy fat limbed/even sometime cankle-y look some people draw haha so I tried to work with that. But I agree that it could look better with a more defined shape instead of a U shaped nub. Its not something I had thought about so thank you thank you < 3 I really appreciate everyones help!

Thank you for the advice! I did consciously decide to go with a 4 finger which I know is more common for western art. My train of thought was that chibis always go for simplification so 4 fingers seemed like a way to further simplify the hands. I'll try messing around with 5 fingers though and see what looks better

Again thank you so so much everyone for the helpful advice. I want to learn from my mistakes so I can correct these and keep those thoughts in mind when I am working on future art work as well.

>> No.9458867 [DELETED] 

Has anyone ever ordered any paper from www.thepapermillstore.com? This stuff is so cheap compared to what I've been researching so far it seems too good to be true. What's the catch?

>> No.9458929

>What's the catch?
I think you will be buying the paper direct from them. Says it's neenah paper from neenah, WI, I assume that is the online store for the manufacturer. Thanks for the find. I will get some locally first to test and try it out though.

>> No.9458934

I've been eyeing that brand stock from amazon, but I hate ordering from amazon since it's boxed and packaged by idiots most of the time since the reviews show the ream is just tossed into an oversize box and gets dinged badly when you get it.

>> No.9458992

Has anyone used the shrinkydink paper you can print on before? I believe it's called Inkjet specifically—how was your experience using it/do you have any advice for anyone else? I hope this is the right thread to ask this in

>> No.9459000

Inkjet refers to the printing process, not the shrink plastic.

Shrinkydink is the namebrand shrink plastic, but I've heard that their newer products warp in dimensions now. So I use Graphix's printable shrink plastic and it works great.

>> No.9459031

Oh, that makes more sense. I'll look into Graphix, thank you!!

>> No.9459061

Just another anon chiming in to say that Grafix inkjet paper works amazingly. Acrylic charms are expensive to get made in my area (and are still fairly uncommon in AAs here) so I've been doing shrink charms for a couple of years now with the aim of eventually upgrading to acrylic. Because acrylic charms are uncommon though, I'm still able to charge ~$8 for my shrink charms and they sell pretty well thanks to looking way better than laminated paper charms.

>> No.9459170


Has Graphix improved upon the most common complaint I've heard about them? Being that the printed ink can run when exposed to liquids ( a big complaint when sealing I've seen in more than a few reviews )

>> No.9459173

I've never had it run. I leave it to sit for a while after printing before cutting, and again for a while after shrinking before sealing. I use clear nail polish to seal mine (2-3 layers with drying time in between). I've heard recently though that nail polish may yellow them over time. None of the ones that I've made and still have (some almost 2 years old) have yellowed yet but I'm looking into new methods of sealing to be safe before doing my next batch.

>> No.9459175

Hm, that's definitely a problem with the ones I've been printing. But isn't that an issue with all printed shrink plastic?

Sealing makes the colors more vibrant and true to color, so I don't see why you wouldn't be sealing anyway.

>> No.9459315
File: 96 KB, 332x315, output_sbUrp3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey me again sorry to be a big ol dummy but I just want to clarify what you mean by the heads sunken in.
I thought at first you had adjusted the face a bit but is it just the rounding out of the top of their heads that you fixed? I really love the adjustments that you did and I want to make sure I'm understanding it properly. Thank you!

>> No.9459341
File: 103 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.947824094_l4t7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, Adam Ellis's post about his Redbubble-tier ripoffs is trending like wildfire, despite the fact that the designs that aren't directly stolen from brands like Milkboy were already standard anime bootleg fare. Pointing this out to people doesn't deter them from buying, or stop the announcement from being reposted everywhere, but it's hurt his credibility as an artist.

Fan merch is one thing, but copyright laws are clear about direct replicas of designer items. What a tool.

>> No.9459363
File: 110 KB, 310x243, skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, anon, I'm glad you liked the crit! I didn't touch the faces at all yeah, just rounded the shape of the head. Pic related is kinda what I meant.

>> No.9459384

Does anyone have any recs for a good office printer? I've been using an absolutely ancient printer for package slips, and I feel like it's on its last leg. Bonus if it also acts as a scanner. I'm not printing actual artwork on it so it doesn't need to be fancy or do color.

>> No.9459391

I don't get why he didn't do his homework better before launching this line? Maybe a quick google search didn't bring anything up immediately so he didn't think he needed to look further? I think this was a result of laziness more than anything but damn.

>> No.9459402

he prob doesn't care because all of his shit is basically a rip off of things other people have said or pop culture shit in general

>> No.9459403

Look for amazon warehouse deals or other similar. I was able to find a good printer for only $20.
There are also printers specifically for labels that don't need ink.

>> No.9459413

I have a Dymo printer on the way so I'm good in the label printer department, but I'll dive a bit deeper into Amazon!

>> No.9459516 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 1033x679, mynigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, artists:

I wrote an entire ecommerce platform and am planning on using it to sell a bunch of stuff. The first site I spin up is going to be selling insanely offensive shirts and stuff along those lines. I need an artist who's not afraid or butthurt about the N-word, etc. If you can make Undertale-tier drawings of shit, that would be enough.

Compensation can either be per-drawing, or 20% of profits on anything of yours that sells. We'll talk about this, it is negotiable.

Contact me at bigbuffnigger@horsefucker.org if you are interested. Yes, this is a real email address. Please include examples of your work.

I am also working on programming a game and could use an artist for that, but that's further down the line. Feel free to contact me if you have interest in this project as well.

>> No.9459519

>I need an artist
try craigslist

>> No.9459523 [DELETED] 

Try fucking yourself.

>> No.9459541

>Try fucking yourself.
I gave an honest option. I think your answer is sign of how you plan to "negotiate" after an artist gives you their work right?

>> No.9459545

guess your parents vaccinated you huh?

>> No.9459572 [DELETED] 

Negotiate with the artist after they give me their work? What are you talking about? Nobody said that. That's retarded. Why are you being a histrionic bitch? Could it be because you are:

>> No.9459577 [DELETED] 


>> No.9459581

Not that anon but

>We'll talk about this, it is negotiable.

3/10 for getting me to reply

>> No.9459585 [DELETED] 

You probably are that anon samefagging, but:

Is English your second language? Yes, it's negotiable. Not after they send me the work I have them do, but before. I assumed this would be obvious but apparently there's a lot of autism on cgl.

Or wait - are you telling me I should pay people to see examples of their existing work / their portfolio? You have got to be fucking kidding me, please drink bleach.

>> No.9459594

>Why are you being a histrionic bitch?
>you triggered yourself

>> No.9459598 [DELETED] 

>I called you a histrionic bitch and say you're triggered
>n-no y-y-you're the one that's t-triggered anon!!!!!!!!
>the "I know you are but what am I" defense
You're extremely bad at this, I recommend you stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.9459604

You should try /ic/. This thread has mainly people who are already making money off of their art/their own art related business. Even if your offer was tempting or if the work was appealing to them, most schedules here are already full.

>> No.9459605

this belongs in >>/gd/ /3/

>> No.9459612

I'm humoring you by giving a suggestion yet you are reduced to replying in insults, do you know what triggered means? honestly. good reply on histrionic, you definitely were referring to yourself. +1

>> No.9459613 [DELETED] 

it's artist alley and he's looking to contact an artist, seems legit to me

>> No.9459618 [DELETED] 

I'm insulting you because you're being a cringey turd. Try craigslist? You expect anyone to believe that was a serious suggestion? Maybe I can get a fresh viral load of poz cum there, but a decent artist not so much. It's extremely obvious you are just butthurt by the content of my post and are trying to shit up the thread because of it.

I'm sorry you're so upset that you're overweight and can't fit into your dresses, my ita friend, but trolling on cgl is not the answer.

>> No.9459623

What? This thread isn't an artist alley. It's a thread for artists who sell in artist alleys. Sharing merch sources, getting concrit, discussing cons, etc. It's not a thread for hiring artists. How new are you?

>> No.9459626


You don't know anything.
You obviously don't want a decent artist, or at least pay for one because you're posting here and not actually contacting artist you want to work with.

>> No.9459628

I'm pretty sure this is a troll, they're overreacting to pretty tame posts left and right.

>> No.9459632 [DELETED] 

>You obviously don't want a decent artist, or at least pay for one because you're posting here and not actually contacting artist you want to work with.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. I'm posting here to get in contact with an artist I want to work with. I've sent replies to everyone who has emailed me so far. I feel like you're a 16 year old fat girl with nothing better to do than to shitpost on cgl.

Heh. If you say so. I guess I underestimated what a haven of obnoxious sjw shrews /cgl/ is. Reaction on other boards has been much better. Anyway I've already gotten some interesting emails from some talented people so it looks like I win, girls.

>> No.9459634
File: 51 KB, 750x730, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9459639
File: 44 KB, 625x626, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9459640

Why is janitor-chan so useless?

>> No.9459694

I've worked for a couple of decent clients that had ads on CL. It's not the worst suggestion, but everything has sort of gone sideways here anyway.

Does anyone here have experience with Designer Con? The original organizer's new con CurioCon's coming up next week so I was wondering if anyone's going to be shilling at that one.

>> No.9459707

Quick way to test the stability of resins over time: Go find a tanning salon and leave a product in a tanning bed for a half hour. The UV blast will let you know what's up.

>> No.9459712

I don't have personal experience but I have plenty of friends who do DesignerCon and absolutely love it. Although, DCon is geared heavily toward toys/collectibles so unless you're a 3D/plush artist, I don't think you would have a good time. A couple of my friends who do it do carry prints, but they usually sculpt/make something 3D as a DesignerCon exclusive.

>> No.9459733

this is NOT the way to reply to very tame posts/suggestions. What artist in this thread is going to want to work with you now after seeing how you handle the tiniest bit of critique/questioning?
>I mean your original post was cringe enough but yikes at these replies, lol

>> No.9459745 [DELETED] 

>very tame
>pretty tame
>very tame
>pretty tame
>very tame
>pretty tame
>very tame
>pretty tame

You're outing yourself as a samefag. Go back under your bridge, fatty.

PS: Masturbate all you want to the idea of me never finding an artist, but plenty of people have contacted me and seem very interested :)

>> No.9459755

Just ignore/report anon. Hopefully janitor will show up to clean out the trash soon enough. These idiots show up occasionally and are just validated by attention like any kissless virgin.

>> No.9459758

Well that misfired but you get my point.

>> No.9459887
File: 183 KB, 1080x1080, C-yA9JlXsAQGwE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His original tweet gave the impression he was actually going to manufacture authentic clothing, like the Kaneda jacket. Seeing the actual stuff, yeah, it's just basically redbubble shit. He doesn't even bother to replicate the other aspects of the clothing, just slaps a logo on an american apparel shirt. What a bait and switch.

>> No.9459893

To your original point, yeah he's skirting a copyright line. When I saw the original post blow up I didn't know who he was, I assumed it was by someone legit who was possibly capable of licensing and at the very least manufacturing the actual clothes.

>> No.9460043
File: 59 KB, 900x900, ugly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how he would feel if someone started a fashion line based on "faithful recreations" of his comics.

>> No.9460066

Is this the same guy whose tweet was going around asking about making those clothes?? I assumed the same, what a letdown, it's absolute inaccurate garbage

>> No.9460146
File: 245 KB, 591x479, blehg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. I admit I paused when I saw it, a nice Kaneda jacket would be pretty sweet to own, but figured it'd be upwards of 100 for it so I didn't really investigate. How is a teepublic "faithful recreation"? He's just lifting logos and not even very well.

>> No.9460191

Does anybody have any experience with printed vinyl? I'd like to do a small batch for a personal project but I'm at a complete loss on where to start on the production side.

>> No.9460265

Anyone have any Touhou bead art? Anyone gonna be selling bead art at ACEN?

>> No.9460273

Did he take the tweet down?

>> No.9460305

He took the tweet down but looks like the store is still accepting orders.

>> No.9460312

This thread reminded me why so many guys in AA are just insufferable.

Why not just admit a mistake and move on? I've had to do it before with some of my prints when I was just starting but I think it's something else when you've been around awhile.

>> No.9460343

I've gone back and forth on this many times and just have never decided what I feel is best. Do y'all sell your display copy of merch if it's the last item? I'm specifically asking for things like charms and buttons where I'll easily get more stock for the next con. Prints I keep only one display set until I retire the print basically, and it's harder to take down a print from my display than to sell someone the last button or charm. I'm only selling at 2-3 cons a year. I do some online sales, but I'm trying to use my shop to get rid of excess stock primarily and then pre-orders on new stock to help fund my costs and such.

>> No.9460347

I'll sell my display copy at con in person if someone REALLY wants it. It's a pain in the ass to do, so I usually don't do it until someone asks me if I'll sell them the display. I wouldn't sell my display copy online though if that's what you're asking.

>> No.9460350

Honestly my displays get a bit beat up after awhile and I'll only sell them if someone really doesn't care that it might be a little worn from so many setups and takedowns.

>> No.9460355
File: 65 KB, 600x900, Cx2p7N_UoAAdWMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he took the Milkboy design off his site, but not the Postboy one. Galaxxxy, another Harajuku brand, acquired the rights to produce DBZ clothes in late 2016.

pic related

>> No.9460358

"fictional" brands? he is either lying or did 0 research, as if fan approval for this business venture would absolve him of the responsibility of artistic integrity.

why would anyone assume clothing depicted in a comic or cartoon was necessarily fictional, anyway? because the Japanese are lolsorandumb ?

>> No.9460365

If it's the last day of the con, I don't see why not to sell the last display item if isn't too troublesome to take down and if it doesn't tamper with the actual display too much.

I speak as a crafter (ie crochet) and I tend to sell the last item of the type of merch. I feel it's important that I take a lot of pictures of the stuff I make so when I'm replicating them later, it'll make my life easier.

>> No.9460388

I do, unless I'm selling the item online too and it would benefit me more to have it on my table to promote it. But if it's not available elsewhere then it's better for me to just sell the last one or remove it from my table because otherwise I get questions about it and have to repeatedly explain that it's sold out.

>> No.9460489

It looks like he removed the announcement from his Facebook page

>> No.9460498

Hey anons I just got progress shots from an artist's monthly Patreon pack and I'm surprised at how damn rough the artist's sketches were before line work. How rough are your base sketches?

>> No.9460507

I don't line since I mostly paint my works, but my base sketches look like fucking scribbled garbage. I usually clean them up if i'm showing them to other people though (like clients or patrons)

>> No.9460508

>I'm surprised at how damn rough the artist's sketches were before line work
u mean like this?...example vid https://youtu.be/uym3V778a7M?t=12s

>> No.9460509

i more or less know exactly what the final drawing is going to look like, so my sketches are pretty clean

>> No.9460562

Usually at cons where I sell out of a print, someone will pay to buy the last one off the display, and I tell them to just come back as soon as the AA closes.

>> No.9460680

mine are rough as all hell, but i usually sketch at least three times over the top of the previous one (and sometimes more) before i line my stuff.

>> No.9461131


Same, mine are a mess. For some artists, once you get more practiced its easier to skip that cleanup step in sketch stage and just jump right to inks? I used to do 1. basic layout shape scribbles, 2. construction, 3. refined sketch, 4. inks, but that's a lot of time to spend when you have a billion other things to get done too.

>> No.9461148

>Storenvy shows all the people who added things from your store to their cart
>You can email them to remind them to buy it
Isn't that kinda...rude?

>> No.9461176

Abandoned Cart emails work. I work for an eCommerce and it's standard practice for us to send an automated email 48 hours later if someone puts something in their cart but doesn't buy it. We get a lot of sales that way from people who were still debating on an item, or just literally forgot to finish checking out.

If we see someone with a really big order that they didn't follow through on (like $500+), we'll often call them up on the phone and ask if they were still interested in the item and if there was anything we could do to help or answer questions.

I wouldn't suggest going THAT far on a $10 Storenvy purchase, but I'm just putting in the comment that follow through with wavering customers boosts sales and is standard practice in a lot of industries.

>> No.9461185

Sometimes retailers will send email reminders to people saying stuff along the lines of "we noticed you left something in your cart! Here's a coupon!" to encourage customers to actually check out and buy. It helps with sales, a lot of times people will load up their carts but then quit at the last moment when they see the total and the full weight of the purchase and spending money brings them out of the joy of impulsiveness and loading up the cart.

>> No.9461192

Forgot to add, so it's used more like a gentle nudge to remind the customer about how great the product is, or inspire a slight sense of urgency (i.e. "Don't miss out!" or "these won't be around for long!") rather than "hey... are you gonna buy this or nah".

>> No.9461239

Depends on how well I know the subject and what the medium is, but it can range from really messy to clean. Like for digital sketches, I'll have a ridiculously rough underdrawing that I can clean up in one or two passes while drawing with pen or brush I can keep it pretty clean without a base sketch.

>> No.9461440
File: 191 KB, 514x272, ImBetterAtTracingThenDrawingMyOwnJunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Etsy. They already sold like 20 of them.

Seriously, why do I even bother making my own stuff. Or why do I even bother taking cool things and trying to make them into my style.

>> No.9461466

I get a 20% return rate on my abandoned cart emails. Shit works, senpai.

>> No.9461518


Do they actually share the info of the people who have your things in their cart? That sounds pretty shitty, considering the person hasn't even committed to a transaction yet. A cart reminder from storenvy itself is one thing, sharing your email with a person before you even buy anything from them is a whole other thing.

>> No.9461542 [DELETED] 

I say the same exact thing. If you are honest and try to make oringial concepts no one looks your way, but the minute someone steals it's "YAAAASSSSS TAKE MY MONEY". I really don't understand it and this whole pin thing is making it worst. I've seen pins made from official work left and right.

>> No.9461552

I sell my display buttons, charm, prints because why not?.

My popular stuff seems to sell out fast so I am often flexing my display. If a print sells out, then I move the other prints around so it's not awkward. I know not everyone has the option, especially if you have lots of prints.

Same for buttons and charms. If one sells out I put one at the bottom in it's place. It's a lot of moving and flexing, but I never want to turn a customer away. I was selling Lucky Packs and when they all sold out I flipped the bin over and added these cheap prints I made at home. When those were gone and I had nothing left to fill the space I just packed it up.

I say the same exact thing. If you are honest and try to make original concepts no one looks your way, but the minute someone steals it's "YAAAASSSSS TAKE MY MONEY". I really don't understand it and this whole pin thing is making it worst. I've seen pins made from official work left and right.

>> No.9461555

>made from official work

Seriously. I've seen some Sailor moon pins that are ripped from official art and screenshots. Like, not even tried to make it in a different art style.

>> No.9461558


The problem was that the sealing was making the ink run, not sure about spray sealants though.

>> No.9461568
File: 76 KB, 1200x900, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please help, I've been researching endlessly for a week and I can't find what I assumed to be a pretty normal paper.
I want to do my own prints from home. Whenever I buy prints from cons myself the finish of the paper is always semi-glossy (when you bend it in the light you can see a distinct sheen)

That's what I want. But I can't fucking find it. My criteria is this
1.semi gloss/satin-ish coat on one side
2. 11x17
3. cardstock, or any thick/durable paper.
4. compatible with inkjet printers.
5. doesn't cost a shitload

So far I'm finding nothing that fits all of these criteria. I swear, if printing places like catprint can do something this simple for less than a dollar a print so can I. WHERE ARE THEY HIDING ALL OF THE DECENT PRINT PAPER? Please someone help. I'm desperate.

>> No.9461573

You mean something like this?

>> No.9461585

Did he take the site down too? I can't find it now.

>> No.9461592

yes, I think so. Must have gotten too much backlash. The site is down and the teepublic shop it redirected to is empty for now. Too bad he's not going to acknowledge any wrongdoing.

>> No.9461598

is this stuff comparable to the average print you find at AA? Because catprint does 11x17s for 65 cents, apparently. I'm not sure if their lowest price ones are just garbage, though.
At 80 cents a sheet, I could get higher quality and more reputable thick photo paper.
This, for example. But, I don't want to spend more printing at home.

Thank you anon. I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do.

>> No.9461611

Oh, then, yeah, putting Modge-podge on the Graphix batches I've done makes the colors run if you do it within the first day.

Sorry for my poor comprehension!

>> No.9461622

I found a value pack on these that significantly lower the price per sheet. This might work out then, thanks anon.

>> No.9461706

Are acornpress/zap/inkit the only "low" MOQ options for wood charms? Haven't had the greatest of luck looking on Alibaba so far either.

>> No.9461713

I'm gearing up to sell at my first event. I was planning on doing prints and making buttons and I was wondering if there were certain Photoshop settings I have to have my stuff on to print correctly? I just printed out a page of buttons but a few of them came out very different color-wise to what I was expecting and the actual print wasn't very crisp. I thought about switching to printing on photo paper but I'm not sure if that would make a difference at all. Or is it most likely that the printer itself is the one with the issue?

>> No.9461733

You understand the difference between RGB and CMYK? What printer you have? The DPI?

>> No.9461780

You guys can report this stuff to the companies in charge. There's so much fan merch out there that companies can't possibly find all of the merch that's ripped straight from the official art. Most of their sites will have a section for reporting these things, so by all means, please do. It's not just unfair to sell this stuff- it's illegal.

>> No.9461793


As you said, it can really be anything. Paper quality, printer, monitor color calibration. We need more info to give proper advice.

Photo paper is absolutely necessary for good quality prints but make sure you have a good enough printer first.

>> No.9461814

Someone on AAIN posted pins made of the ghost from Mario and I thought it was like an official pin from Nintendo and. I'm surprised no one said anything. A girl on Instagram posted Sailor Moon pins and I've seen Rilakkuma pins that definitely weren't from the company either.

I don't mind fan art at all, but this isn't fan art this is just straight up I'm going to copy and make bank.

I will definitely start reporting. It's just really shitty that indie artist have it hard enough trying to push their own without having to deal with this too.

>> No.9461962
File: 103 KB, 1280x960, software_colorbars_image03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure your monitor is calibrated correctly and document dpi is set to around 300 or more.

>> No.9461965

I'm on the fence about this too. I've been selling display pieces of fast selling keychains but I'm wondering if it's more beneficial to me to keep the display on my table til the end of the con so I can redirect people to my online store if it's sold out at con...

Prints I care less about since less people buy prints online anyways and I usually overstock. As long as the display isn't super banged up I'll sell it.

>> No.9461999
File: 275 KB, 1100x827, Gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little crit help? Not looking for tips on HOW to color, just looking at which one I want to decorate further.

Do I want the gold against the bright satin blue or do I want to make it super contrast so it's all bright. I'm actually tilting toward the dull.

>> No.9462066


I would say go bright! The dull looks more dirty than coppery.

>> No.9462093

What I do is tell them it's sold out, but if they don't mind waiting til the end of the con, I can sell it to them then. Some people will pay up front to "claim" the display piece as theirs instead of waiting to pay til the end. This way, I can still use my display to redirect people to my store. A lot of people are surprisingly super cool with this method and even if one person isn't, if your stuff is popular enough to sell out - someone else will want the display and will be okay with waiting until the end of the con.

>> No.9462147

The bright. The dull looks like you don't know how to color.

>> No.9462305

Look into ICC profiles.

>> No.9463606

AA related because of killer heat at AX: Can anyone recommend me a really good antiperspirant/deodorant? I was dying last year and want to be prepared this time. Losing sales because I look like a sweaty mess makes me anxious

>> No.9463700

Degree Clinical Protection is great.
If you can't find that, the active ingredient is Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex GLY 20%. I know there are other brands that have that amount, too. It's super strong, and actually comes with printed instructions to tell you how to apply it for max effect (hint: put it on before you go to bed)

Might also help to buy some blotting papers to keep your face fresh.

>> No.9464021

I've actually found that type to not work as well as Degree Active/Sport. Test both anon. The sport versions tend to smell nice when exposed to heat, the clinical protection one has too much of an obvious chemical smell.

>> No.9464556

I'm going to table at my first comic con (I usually do anime cons). Because my fanart / style is very anime I'm nervous if I will do good at a comic con. I was thinking about doing some Disney pieces but not sure what other stuff is popular outside of the anime world that would look good in an anime style. Is having anime art at a comic con a huge draw back?

>> No.9464573

You're going to have shit sales. I'm not sure what possessed you to table at a COMIC con when your style is anime. We've had this question asked many times before, and every time, people who have tabled at a comic con with an anime art style have pretty much had the same experience: shit sales.

It doesn't matter what you draw. Someone else in the AA will have drawn it, but in a style that appeals to the average comic con customer.

>> No.9464606

can confirm.

>> No.9464698

I was really hoping that wouldn't be the case. The con was only 75$ for a table so I thought it was worth it since I've been and it had decent attendance. i guess I can hope enough kids/teens come that like Steven universe / Disney that I can make an ok profit and not waste my time :/

>> No.9464710

Yall can try to report but absolutely nothing will be done unless the artist/copyright holder reports it. Etsy does not care otherwise. there are loads of threads on etsy complaining about this type of stuff and nothing is ever done. You can also @ the directors /artists on social media to try to draw attention to it. But they rarely ever reply. Etsy has become such a shit place...

>> No.9464717

I didn't mean report it to Etsy. I meant report it DIRECTLY to the companies/artists.
>Most of their sites will have a section for reporting these things
It helps to read the entire post before you act like a know-it-all.

>> No.9464748

I've thought the same thing and still didn't do well.
Good luck.

>> No.9464784

You'd probably be better off selling your table or seeing if you can get a refund if you're trying to actually make money. It sounds like you think you're exempt from this curse that affects anime artists at comic cons. You're not.

>> No.9464812

even if you can make the money back is it worth busting your ass for 3 days (assuming its a 3 day con) to hopefully make back the table/travel/food/time?

>> No.9464823

Anon, I have a super anime style and I sell at a few comic cons per year. While it's not /as/ profitable as an anime con, you can still make a profit or at least cover your expenses. Just make sure you do have a good chunk of video game/western media stuff and you should be fine.

>> No.9465065

Pricing help?
I bought a button press for my own merch, but I wanted to offer a better service for other artist, however I'm not really sure what to charge.

How much would you guys be willing to spend on custom buttons? What about extras like sparkly buttons?

At the time I can only offer 1.5 inches.

>> No.9465097

I read the picture as "Autist Alley"

>> No.9465111


>> No.9465196
File: 23 KB, 480x336, 1483511225362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of a massive asshole would I be to report booth who sell finished bootleg products they obviously didn't make, or things that use bootlegs as materials like those grotesque pokemon figures?

>> No.9465200

It doesn't make you an asshole. I've done it a couple of times both to the AA head and to the IP holders. Most of the time they're thankful because they couldn't have caught it on their own. If someone is blatantly breaking rules, you're not being an asshole by making sure the rules are enforced.

>> No.9465204

I asked the same question for C2E2 last month and got mixed answers. My art is definitely cute anime style and I did great there, but it's really going to depend on your content, skill level, and the size of the event. I had a mixture of anime and game prints and my game prints did the best. I managed to sell out of several things and I brought around 40 of each print. I think your style will deter a fair amount but there's still a little bit of overlap with anime/comic con attendees. Don't expect anime con level sales but since the table was only $75, I will be very surprised if you don't at least make that back. If you're really worried, take sketch commissions. Good luck!

>> No.9465206

Can't agree at all. Small comic cons aimed only towards comic fans, maybe. but Comicons are essentially synonymous with pop cutlure cons now. I've always done well at them because they're so mainstream, more casual anime fans attend and then end up finding there's very little there for them, choosing to spend on me instead. Vs an anime con where everyone is directly competing for the same audience, a comicon tends to pull so many types people that you can end up making good sales regardless.

>> No.9465214

Not at all. Everyone from other artists to customers to the people running the AA will appreciate it.

>> No.9465529

I've had to report people selling food in the AA.

>> No.9465590

.....food isn't controlled by any IP holders that I'm aware of

>> No.9465592

Yeah but a lot of AAs have restrictions on food for liability purposes and stuff. Lots of AAs have it in their contract that you're not allowed to sell food

>> No.9465617

watch out for my Fanime booth next year where I'll sell nothing but authentic McChicken sandwiches

>> No.9465629

Has anyone else here ever done embroidery pieces for artist alley? I'm planning to do a mix of little cross stitch and more intricate embroidery alongside some more conventional stuff. I wouldn't be straight up copying pixels-to-crosstitch which I see a lot (that's as bad as pixel-to-perler imo). It would only be smaller pieces, but I just don't know if they'd sell.

>> No.9465664

oh, were you talking about reporting to IP holders? I thought you meant report to AA staff.

>> No.9465703

Other store services like 3dcart do the same thing. You don't always have access to their name but if they were logged in there are options to shoot them a reminder email thought the store service.

>> No.9465709
File: 982 KB, 599x583, emb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i loooove embroidery.
depending on how complex and aesthetically pleasing it was, i'd be willing to spend up to $40 on something small like a brooch or hairclip.

pic sorta related, not a brooch but has nice texture and pleasing colors

>> No.9465711

Shopify gives you full name, email, and address, if those things are stored on the platform. This is why stores have privacy policies - there are rules to be followed to safeguard this kind of info. It's pretty shitty how much I would see storenvy and etsy shop owners take screencaps of their backend and post them online. Seeing customer names and info in threads on storenvy facebook groups whenever the store owner had an issue with something.

>> No.9465717

...You realize you can't just open up shop to sell food, right? There are LICENSES you need. It's actually illegal, not just Funimation saw someone selling Attack on Titan logo patches and told them to take it down illegal, to sell food without a license. Some venues outright forbid it, even if you are licensed, too. Are you 14? How do you not know this?

>> No.9465795

I'd probably be going for much smaller and cheaper end items, but that's encouraging to hear!

>> No.9465845

I know that some lolita indie brands like My Inspiration does a lot of ribbon embroidery for accessories, so it happens and sells!!! You could do more fandom related stuff, I'm sure it would sell!

>> No.9465849

Like for humongous comic cons like C2E2, you have to have a decent skill level to sell well (or have a ton of cute chibis to attract people). If you have a consistent theme at your table, you will get a good audience! Like I think one artist had a lot of drag queen fanart at C2E2, which I thought was memorable since it's not typical at a big con.

It's not a horrible cost at $75 for a table but if you're not spending money on hotel, it's probably worth trying!

>> No.9465856

this is a vast overreaction to that comment lmao

>> No.9465865

Fellow A-Kon artists- Is it just now hitting you that there's going to be a LOT of competition this year? I woke up this morning, realized that, and it's been on my mind ever since. I usually do well, but there are so many artists this year. What if people skip over my table? What if my neighbor's display is huge compared to mine? What if there was an error in the judging and I'm put in the corner of shame with the shitty artists? What if the AA is too big and con goers get tired and don't make it to the part where my table is? There are so many things that could go wrong.

>> No.9465878

Any thoughts on Lohkay?

>> No.9465884

I got in, but backed out when I saw how the alley had doubled in size. New location, crazy amounts of competition. I'll see how this year goes first.

>> No.9465952


I'm a bit worried, too. The map is out (I found it through twitter) so you can check your location and that may or may not help you feel better. I've got a more niche table theme but none of that matters if people never make it through the huge AA. I guess I'll just see how it goes.

Did they ever post setup times? I'm curious about how long the Wednesday setup window is.

>> No.9465954

How far are you guys willing to travel to sell at a con? For me I wouldn't wanna travel more than 4 hours. The problem is I live in the midwest and there arent a lot of popular conventions in my immediate area. The biggest con near me is probably anime midwest and thats still about a 5hour drive.

There are a lot of smaller cons but I dont know anything about them and have been struggling to lookup any information regarding tabling at them. I dont wanna spend 200$ for a table to go to a small con with shitty attendee count.

>> No.9465961

Literally who? Your post is the first I'm hearing of them. You tabling with them or something?

I probably would have backed out too, but I get most of my merch made for free. I was getting a hotel room anyway because all of my friends go to A-Kon annually. I figured I might as well go through with selling. The competition is going to be rough. I'm in the good part of the ranking chart, but I feel so underwhelming compared to others in the same rank as me.

>I've got a more niche table theme but none of that matters if people never make it through the huge AA.
Yup, one of my biggest fears. I think I'm going to stock up on small, cheap stuff. At least the high energy tweens/teens will be running around the AA for sure.

>> No.9465975

is 20$ the new standard for 11x17s? I hadnt been to a con in about a year and recently tabled at one a couple months ago and almost everyone was selling their 11x17s for $20. I had mine set at 10$ and customers were really surprised (one customer bought 6 of my prints because she was so happy about the price) I did super well at this convention so im not sure if i should up my prices or not?

>> No.9465980

Lohkay is an artist who draws incest, rape, loli/shota, beastality who recently got doxxed and banned from selling at Anime Expo.

>> No.9465983

Well, good. lol

>> No.9465987

Wasn't there drama about her being a lesbian but she hates bi people?

>> No.9465988

Ahh I've been admiring MI for ages now! I definitely need to work on my ribbon embroidery after seeing their stuff. I'd like to do tasteful fandom pieces. Just a question, do you think cross stitch would be too simplistic to sell? Would I be better off really honing my freehand embroidery?

>> No.9465999

There are a few cons I go to that are 3 hours away and its not too bad. The one con I go to that is 4 hours away though.. Thats a nightmare. 4 hours is my limit.
Everything else that is good is 8+ hours away anyways. I really don't want to fly to a con either.

>> No.9466011

The longest I've driven is 15+ each way, and I've been on a greyhound for over 24 hr for a con but that was more for when I was in high school and strapped for class. I regularly drive 5-7 hrs for cons even though I have decently popular ones in state I don't attend, because I hate myself.

>> No.9466013

Just read up on her at lolcow. She seems like she has an annoying personality, but most artists do. I don't really see an issue with drawing rape, lolicon/shotacon, or furry stuff. If it's not your taste, don't draw or look at it. Simple as that.

Personally I think the art community as a whole has seriously been lacking in some good lolcows lately, so maybe everyone is up in arms about this because it's the closest thing to good art drama we've had in ages. I miss deviantArt drama.

>> No.9466016

same. my only real issue with things like that being drawn is when they're illegal, which i am pretty sure loli/shota is in most places. the rest, however, i have no issue with.

>> No.9466020

I think it's fine in the US? That's where she seems to be anyway. I know it's illegal in a few countries. Canada, UK, and Australia if I recall correctly, but there's a good chance I'm wrong.

>> No.9466031

gotta agree with her on that one desu

>> No.9466089

Thought the whole fiasco was pretty funny. To be honest, though, her art is so stylized yet unremarkable that she wouldn't have lost sales from me anyway. I would've skipped over her booth for being too tumblry.

>> No.9466107

Yes. I'm a shitty artist in the corner of shame.

I've started feeling hopeless and wondering if there's even anything I can do in this last month that will make a big enough difference. I do fine at other cons I go to because I have lots of creative merch types most people don't have, but I don't think congoers will even make it to my table, and I just don't have the skills to make great print art. To be real, my only goal right now is to not be one of those artists crying at their table.

>> No.9466122


It's a legal grey area. Virtual cp (which sexualized depictions of "loli" or "shota" age characters would be) is banned by a Bush-era law but was previously something protected in some older Supreme Court cases. It's not a good idea to sell it and it's really best left on websites that explicitly allow / don't ban loli/shota stuff. It's very much a "don't get caught" type issue but the only people prosecuted for it got caught with actual cp on their computer and the anime stuff was mixed in.


My only goal will be to make back my costs. I'll consider anything above that something to celebrate.

>> No.9466143

If it makes you feel any better, I'm going to be spending ALL of Thursday morning doing shopping. I'll make sure to go through the whole AA if you guys want to drop your location closer to the con.

>> No.9466151

Are you me anon I came onto this thread just to say the same thing.

>> No.9466154

Does anyone know if the artists are at the same area for AX? I skipped it completely last year. It's pretty dumb not have A/C in the summer.

>> No.9466158

As someone who's not the biggest fan of her art or her bad attitude everytime someone calls out her kinks (seriously, have all the weird kinks you want, but don't pretend that they're not weird as fuck), I don't really see the grounds for banning her from a convention. The person with the AX staff seems to be a tumblrina on a power trip honestly.

>> No.9466171

The area it was held in had an A/C system, they just refused to turn it on until someone passed out. I'm assuming it'll be better and on 24/7 this year but we'll see.

>> No.9466194

The grounds is that she could pose a danger to bisexual people that she is in the vicinity of. Weird kinks and stuff isn't the problem, it's her wringing out her biphobic rhetoric and making people largely uncomfortable and posing a danger of creating a conflict on the AA floor.

People can create dark content and remain good people, but publicly stating malicious views and demeaning others because of their choice in marriage partners isn't.

>> No.9466204

I dunno about that. I haven't looked that deeply into her tweets or other postings but it's not like she's posted direct threats against bi people. Unless she has a history of violence against certain people or unless someone, bi or otherwise, has legitimate reason to fear for their safety in her presence (outside of oh no she hates me), then there really is no grounds for banning her from an entire event.

Also I believe the girl who said she would ban her is part of the art gallery team, not the aa. They're two different venues, I believe, and while she could put in a bad word to the aa head it's unlikely she has any real jurisdiction over who gets banned or not

>> No.9466206


A danger?? I only saw her first tweet, so maybe there are more aggressive ones that I'm not aware of, but having a shitty phobic viewpoint doesn't make her dangerous. Her being a bigot on twitter isn't the equivalent of threatening to show up at a con with a gun. Being uncomfortable isn't the same thing as being physically in danger. I still don't see the justification.

>> No.9466210

I can't speak for the Art gallery person, but would you really want someone who's bad reputation is growing and causing dissent to be represented in your art gallery/AA or do you wanna softban them and save face?

If she does get banned from AA I wouldn't be surprised because sometimes it's the professional thing to do to separate yourself from someone getting bad press.

>> No.9466213

>a danger for expressing a dumb opinion via a tweet
Are you for real?

>> No.9466214


Half the artists in any given AA have shitty reps for getting into some online drama or other. She's already been approved for a table at AX so booting her at this point is anything but soft.

I'm not defending this artist's viewpoints, but some of the stuff I saw on twitter and kiwi is blowing her transgressions way out of proportion. She and her wife are both being doxxed and they're both being called despicable things. This isn't the way to solve these kinds of issues.

>> No.9466215

But I don't think being "represented poorly" is really something that con organizers think of especially when it comes to aa. I think it's pretty much assumed by most parties that artists it vendors only represent themselves and don't really have a say in the event's public identity, if that makes sense. That and I think you're vastly overestimating her influence and impact in literally the largest anime convention on the continent. Of tens of thousands of people she might influence or impact a hundred, if even that.

She's probably also paid for her table. Banning her and giving her a refund sets a pretty bad precedent in terms of legalities and general operations. It's probably more trouble than she's worth

>> No.9466217

It's the same thing as someone who's being openly racist somewhere and asking them to leave because they're making people uncomfortable.

Sure it's just words, but being uncomfortable still means people don't feel safe. And saying those things and letting her stay in AA basically implies what she is saying is okay and demeans other artists/customers/people.

>> No.9466219

Holy shit, saying bi people are faking it is nowhere near the same level as being belligerently racist.

Banning her from a con just for her dumbass "hurr durr bi people are just faking it" tweet opens up a whole new avenue for harassment. An artist got a table at a con but you didn't? Just sift through their tweets until you find a comment sufficiently problematic and report them for it!

>> No.9466224

Actions still have consequences (ツ)

>> No.9466229


I don't think people are saying there won't be consequences for her actions, just not ones AX is gonna take. This will probably drive people away from her table and give her a worse reputation. And while it can be a slippery slope from saying terrible things to DOING terrible things, having discriminating views isn't really a threat level a con should be worried about. As long as you're not advocating violence or saying you'll commit specific crimes against people, cons can't police what people say.

Let the market get her out of the game.

>> No.9466248

They recently posted an update on their tumblr, copying the tl;dr version:
>I am so sorry. I am an unmedicated insane person. I’m not in control right now. I don’t hate bisexuals, or heterosexuals or any sexual persuasion and I never wanted to hurt anyone. I am taking a hiatus to get control of my mental state.

>> No.9466250

>Let the market get her out of the game.
EXACTLY this. If people are that bothered by her, they won't buy from her and she won't be returning to a con she can't financially justify tabling at. Problem solved. Making con staff into the morality police over a tweet is stupid. Save that shit for someone actually causing problems at the con.

>> No.9466291

They are banning her from tabling in the FUTURE at AX. So this summer Im sure she will be there, but the coming years after that she is banned.
I think she really pissed off the AA member since they were victim of rape twice and Lohkay's tweet was some rape tweet shit thing idk.

Basically now Lohkay apologized about saying shit towards bi people but not sorry about the incest, rape, pedophile, etc etc.

Also what are everyones thoughts about het apology??? Honestly I have issues with het blaming it and excusing herself because of mental illness and meds. Yeah like mental illness is a thing but its not a scapegoat to save face and make people feel sorry for het

>> No.9466294

Unfortunately, letting the market get people out of the game doesn't always work. Just look at that princeichi girl who's had tons of complaints about failing to follow through on orders and send her customers what they bought. No consequences, no fallout.

>> No.9466309

>They are banning her from tabling in the FUTURE at AX. So this summer Im sure she will be there, but the coming years after that she is banned.

They're not doing anything currently as far as anyone knows. The person talking about banning lohkay is 19 and a Gallery volunteer, they are not staff and do not make decisions on who gets to be anywhere. If anything they'll likely get in trouble for speaking on behalf of AX as though they have authority to do so.

>Also what are everyones thoughts about het apology???
I'm bisexual and don't give two shits about what she said in the first place and think everyone is just freaking out because they like being the morality police. The fact that they immediately latched onto her "problematic" art as fuel for the fire only cements that idea too.

Literally who. Just wait until she makes some misguided statement about sexuality or anything tumblr cares about and then the horde will descend.

>> No.9466315

it took me a while to realize you were saying "her" and not het like heteros lol

I do feel like it's kinda trying to push the blame off herself and blaming her illness like it's a total other state of mind, but if she's really sorry she'll have to actually prove it with how she acts from now on.

[being real honest, I do feel like she meant the things she said and she just blurted them out in the heat of the moment, regardless if her wife is bi or not. I mean she basically did say that bis were basically using lesbians until they got back with men, so she probably has a vendetta against bis who have male partners, but that's just my opinion]

>> No.9466317

Ah shit sorry im on my phone and cant type for crap lmao. Yeah i meant her;;

Idk i feel like her apology is just an excuse but we shall see in the future if she is actually sorry

>> No.9466318

Does anyone have enamel pin packaging inspo? I got some made.

>> No.9466322

Not convinced but whatever. How hard is it for people to just say "hey I was stupid about this one thing and now I think I know better so sorry for all the people I passed off with my ignorance"? I feel like her apology makes an excuse and doesn't really address her harmful misconceptions about bi people. But hey, tumblrs a sucker for dat mental illness

Check out the artist Jen Bartel. Her pin packaging designs are super cool

>> No.9466325

AA Reg for Anime Milwaukee 2018 opened May 1st and is open until May 31, 2017! (idk why they opened it up super duper duper early this year?)

>> No.9466328
File: 109 KB, 1024x576, C8FbNLOVwAAWs2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(S/O to mamathzilla on twitter for these cool pins)
I like how they cut the cards to be kind of like evolutionary stones for the Flareon/Jolteon/Vaporeon.

Made me consider cutting backing cards into miscelleanous shapes to suit the design.

>> No.9466351
File: 146 KB, 1500x1000, il_fullxfull.1085024886_ilbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imgur inspo/dump anon from a few threads back. Here is all the enamel pin packaging I have saved. I dont have too much and some of them arent even that great, but I hope its helpful. Personally my favorite ones that I have saved would be from "weareextinct"


>> No.9466380

Not that anon, but pretty sure there was itabag and tumblr drama about her. She takes loads of preorders for merch and then mismanages stock so she sells out of preorder merch at conventions pretty consistently. There were people complaining about her on the itabag Facebook group saying they hadn't gotten orders from back in January or something. She ignores them and only refunds if they open disputes.

>> No.9466381

>sift through their tweets until you find a comment sufficiently problematic and report them for it!

I fail to see how this wouldn't be valid?

>> No.9466384

You're the best imgur anon, your albums are always awesome. Also great taste btw with all that paperbeatsscissors packaging.

>> No.9466392

It's not valid because it's impractical as fuck for AAs to be about an artist's personality and beliefs and to expect cons to vet artists based on that.

Why not just make a note of if an artist is a shitty person and not buy from them?

>> No.9466416
File: 58 KB, 900x900, tumblr_ooo0k1jXCh1qjobupo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem anon. I am so in love with paperbeatsscissors art. Art that is a sort of mix between illustration and graphic design always makes my kokoro go doki doki.

>Im not sure if graphicdesign/illustration mash up is the best way to explain it but I dont know how to describe it

>> No.9466417


I agree anon. I hate when tumblrinas pull the "I have a mental illness!!!" get out of jail free card.

>> No.9466434
File: 75 KB, 588x616, 0jdksjdk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could pose a danger to bisexual people that she is in the vicinity of

are you... okay...?

anyway, i thought the AA volunteer was stepping in to try and ban her for being biphobic, but i looked through AA volunteer's twitter and she's legit powertripping. despite admitting this is her first year volunteering at AX, she's trying make a list of artists who draw things that make minors ""uncomfortable"" (like ships they don't like, lmao) and get them banned from AA. not bothering capping her entire twitter but it's all there in the with_replies tab

>> No.9466436
File: 85 KB, 585x820, 0jdksjdk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that she's trying to get fakku banned despite having 0 real influence is hilarious, though

>> No.9466442
File: 682 KB, 638x1350, 555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao what the actual fuck?? I was a bit for getting Lohkay banned for a few various reasons but this bitch is on a complete power trip.

I think pic related makes me the most uncomfortable.
>lohkay thinks fucking real life dogs is A-OK

>> No.9466444

frankly i don't give a shit if people want to draw bestiality or rape or whatever, i just think it's stupid when people try to justify it or argue against it using the law to have some sort of moral high ground over fictional characters bumping uglies. lohkay blowing off bestiality by saying it's "just" a misdemeanor is dumb af though

>> No.9466486

>i just think it's stupid when people try to justify it or argue against it using the law to have some sort of moral high ground over fictional characters bumping uglies
We're in the same boat anon. IRL legality need not apply one way or another, we're talking about pure fiction. Characters don't actually have species/genders/ages/etc because they're not even living things, they're concepts that exist to communicate ideas and stories. You can find the ideas gross or whatever but they're not being actualized no matter how extreme what's depicted may be.

kek I saw some of this. This girl is as much a lolcow as lohkay, just in a different way.

>> No.9466517

She says stupid ass things sometimes (on or off her meds, though I suppose she's even more abrasive off her meds), but powertripping volunteer and kiwifarms are way over the line. I can't help but think there's a grain of truth in that a visible minority queer women get targeted and thrown under the bus a lot more easily. At this point, no one cares about the bisexuality tweets anymore and are just going after artists for drawing "unsafe" things. Her blog is tagged, her tumblr posts are tagged, like jesus, what ever happened to don't like don't look. The idea that her art would be used to groom children is absurd too seeing as how raw and awful the situations are portrayed as.

>> No.9466518

Fuck... I, and many others actually believed she could do something about it. Jfc in some shitty way she isnt't any better than lohkay. Smh I really thought she was ...genuine. But ofc she a bitch on a power trip.
Pshh first year and she is acting all high and mighty...im sure this is all going to end up biting us in the butt. She seems to be a potential (if not already) nightmare to future cons if she acting like this towards things she dislikes.

Yes beastiality and rape is horrible and what not, but wow the fact that this chick is trying to ban other things. I swear...and people are blindly idolizing her now too, i was guilty as well..

Well this whole situation is one fucky mess lmao

>> No.9466524
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>I can't help but think there's a grain of truth in that a visible minority queer women get targeted and thrown under the bus a lot more easily.
Low hanging fruit, anon. It's way easier to get that sweet sweet moral superiority fueled power rush when you go after people who are already vulnerable in any way, because you have a much better chance of actually hurting them and causing them lasting damage. Then you can look back and point at it as an "accomplishment."

>> No.9466527

this is pretty much the entirety of how tumblr (and now tumblrites on twitter) operate. they don't care about making a difference, just causing damage to easy targets and feeling good about it. lohkay was moronic, but the rest of these people are just playground bullies.

>> No.9466619

>first time volunteer
>"AX" and I are going to have a little "talk

I'm glad this lohkay business happened just for this comment. The funniest shit

>> No.9466637

Wow I thought people were going a bit too far with going against Lohkay but this is just lolcow worthy.

Any deets on the ships she hates?

>> No.9466705

>ban anyone who has ever had sex from being around children

>> No.9466748

Yeah it's amazing to see how far people will go once they consider themselves morally superior and decide the other person might as well die.

>> No.9466757

tl;dr blog post ahead, but it's relevent to the lohlay fiasco

i've been the target of this bandwagon bully shit once or twice.
i said something offensive that i didn't realize was offensive, but instead of someone coming to me and telling me why it was inappropriate and why i should probably apologize, i got like a dozen people vaguetweeting about how i'm garbage and that everyone should unfollow me.
my first instinct when seeing that was to just self destruct and offend as many people as possible to get rid of any followers who were that fickle. my feelings were hurt that people who i thought were supportive ended up turning on me at the drop of a hat

it's dumb, but i can see why she kind of imploded when everyone started bitching her out. it's really alarming to see huge amounts of people abandon you over one misguided tweet

>> No.9466764

I agree, on twitter I know a lot of people who would drop me the moment they found out something as silly as "I don't really care for BL" because they'd see it as me hating gay people or some shit.

It's a weird challenge to always be on your toes and to make sure you never say anything out of line or else everything will fall apart.

>> No.9466769

Does anyone have suggestions for sites that do custom oppai mouse pads? I see a bunch on alibaba and such but I want to get some opinions from people who have actually used said services. I'm pretty picky on print quality.

>> No.9466771

If any bored artist/anon can help me with filling out the jury system for cons in the artist alley convention list, I'd really appreciate it!


>> No.9466815

The bigger the following, the worst the backlash too.

>> No.9466837

Someone should report volunteer-chan to AX. This person is a little crazy.

>> No.9466846

I did it and I've seen some other people doing it, the person in >>9466436 post a link to a report. https://twitter.com/ctset/status/860752238628569088
I think this is the dorm they used, it's the one I used at least. http://support.anime-expo.org/customer/portal/emails/new

>> No.9466848

ngl, it would be hilarious if they got kicked off the volunteer team for powertripping

>> No.9466875

I'm definitely reporting her when I get home. As an artist, I would never want to sell at AX after seeing this. As a customer, I wouldn't want to support a con that lets it's volunteers do whatever they please.

>> No.9466926

Nah good luck man. There is some weird oppai mousepad mafia that wont share any sources

>> No.9466937


Literally no one who does them will share sources or their experience with sources, I've tried asking people before. If it did become easily accessible it would definitely flood the AAs with ugly ones (half the ones in AAs are already pretty fucking ugly tbqh) but it's frustrating as hell that you can't even try it out without sinking a huge amount of time and money.

>> No.9466954

I only found him a couple months ago but his stuff is a huge inspiration for me. He's definitely leaning on the graphic design side.

>> No.9466964


Tumblr and Twitter:
>this chick low-key insulted bisexuals and also her art is problematic, let's doxx her and get her banned!!

Kiwifarms doxxing thread:
>why is tumblr full of fat chicks who finger themselves to gay boys and think they're more superior than yaoi fangirls by falsely claiming 'I'M A LESBIAN!!!'
>and of course is fat as a pig...
>She has the potato head disability.
>hope this disgusting dyke swamp donkey is never allowed children or animals. Fucking disgusting deviant.

Tumblr and Twitter:
>Yay social justice, safe spaces, yay!!

I don't like her art but this is disgusting. Way to embody everything wrong with callout culture, kids.

>> No.9467043

why are you surprised about kiwifarms being full of pathetic losers, anon.
anyways let's not use the word problematic here, lohkay purposefully tried to get a rise out of people and succeeded? should she be banned and doxxed? no. is she annoying, obnoxious and not really worth your pity? hell yea

>> No.9467046
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This may be the worst one of these I've seen

>> No.9467053

Anon what have you done. I almost threw up.

>> No.9467061

Like other anons mentioned, people are very tight-lipped about their sources. If you've found them on Alibaba, then just message those vendors/sellers for pictures or samples and go with the one you like best. I imagine that's how everyone finds their particular manufacturers, outside of hopping on someone else's group order

>> No.9467095

It's not like it's impossible to draw sexy Rick. Why create this monster?

>> No.9467098

Anon isn't surprised by the farm, they're pointing out how hypocritical tumblrites are by endorsing/celebrating harassment/doxxing/use of slurs for people just for being the kind of "wrong" they dislike. But then, that's not really a surprise, either.

>> No.9467099

this...misses the mark so hard.... on either being an appealing husbando pillow or being a gag pillow. jesus christ

>> No.9467108

A Rick body pillow would be a lot more appealing as a funny one, probably as on-model as possible, but if you don't have a grotesquely detailed style like this, it gets super unappealing super fast.

>> No.9467128

An on model one would be hilarious. This is terrifying. Like...what were they even going for?

>> No.9467226

this would work better if it was either:
>in the show's style
>had actual proportions of rick and didn't have the "detailed close up for gross stuff" style that some cartoon gags have

>> No.9467263


Can't expect anything better out of a liberal fag desu senpai

>> No.9467315

>but it's frustrating as hell that you can't even try it out without sinking a huge amount of time and money.

Like literally any other business?

>> No.9467320

nyayrt, but i'm guessing any ships tumblr calls "abusive" (characters that argue) or "pedophilic" (either young adult/teen like sheith, or two adults with an age gap like pharmercy)

so pretty much most ships

>> No.9467349


Running a small business as an artist is not the same as any other business and you know it. But keep making shit up to justify hoarding your sources like a bitch, anon.

>> No.9467359

hoooly shit anon, chill out. yeah it's annoying to have to do the work yourself but you're not entitled to anything. get a better attitude about this. if you want the stupid mousepads so badly nothing's actually stopping you.

>> No.9467378

I've done oppai mousepads. All it took was reaching out to a couple of vendors on Alibaba and comparing their quotes until I found one with the best deal. If you are so averse to sinking time into this, you probably shouldn't be doing AAs anyway. Sending Ali quote requests takes all of 2 seconds. I hate people like you who ask to be spoonfed. I share my sources with my friends but I have no obligation to help you when you throw shitfits like this online.

>> No.9467384

Are you the same anon last thread that was sperging out about oppai mousepads? You need to chill out. Go on Alibaba, type oppai mousepads, read the reviews, and pick a vendor.

>> No.9467391


Proof of >>9466926

>> No.9467394

There is no mafia! I'll give you a secret. The quality is the same for all of them. I seriously just pick someone off of the first page every time because I'm paranoid that vendors will get "comfy" with me and slack off if I become a repeat customer. There is no difference in print quality. Even if there was, your average customer is an idiot. They can't tell.

>> No.9467412

I'm not the person who got angry. I was the original person who asked, and I appreciate the advice! I figured maybe there was a specific Taobao or Ali seller that people really liked or were sourcing from. I'm just nervous about sinking my money into getting some and then receiving products that I wouldn't want to sell to people.
That and I checked the resource doc and there wasn't any links to mouse pad makers, and the Taobao resource doc is down.

I'm selling to furries and they can be ultra picky, trust me.

>> No.9467422

There isn't one source that everyone uses like with Vograce. Like the other anon mentioned, it's just a matter of shopping around. I recently changed suppliers because another Ali vendor gave me a cheaper quote and the quality is honestly pretty much the same. You can actually ask them for samples before you go ahead with your order if you're super worried about quality control. A word of warning though, there is a fair amount of alignment imperfections (kind of like with lanyards) so if you're anal about stuff like that, it won't be a great product choice for you.

>> No.9467423

Could you describe to me the alignment imperfections and how bad they can get? Mine are going to have the characters showing off their butts, so I don't need to worry about aligning nipples or genitals. I understand if like, the gel pocket doesn't perfectly end where the butt ends, but I just want to know a little more about what I'm getting into. I've only ever gotten paper goods, charms, and buttons made, so getting into bigger products is a new thing for me.

>> No.9467581
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So, for AA veterans, tell me if I'm going down the right path.
Just getting into the AA scene (first-timer). I'm buying my own printer and doing my own prints from home. I'm going to try and create everything in-house, so I'm going to have to drop a lot of money before I can get started on anything.

So here's how I broke it down
One-time expenditures. Including: printer, printing peripherals, PVC (for display), portfolio, card holders, book displays, cashbox, other presentation and production items:
around $600.

Cost of refillable items, including: paper, ink, clear bags, business cards, etc. (per 100 of each)
Around $100-200 (and can go up indefinitely)

Not including the cost of the convention booth, which may be $100-200.
I've been literally autistically calculating the price of literally everything, including the cost of ink per ml per print (per sq ft) at different price points. I have an enormous list with every single minute detail and how much everything costs down the the fraction of a cent.

I'm honestly looking at almost 1,000 to start my first convention, and it's a little daunting. But, there is a significant drop in price once I buy my permanent items. Is this normal? Am I crazy? Is there any way to make back this amount of money in a single con?

I am a perfectionist when it comes to my art, and most of the things I want printed probably can't be done by a print shop or online print seller (if you're curious, it's nsfw).

>> No.9467591

i earned 2.5k my first non-single day con, and my art and merchandise available at that point was mediocre

>> No.9467597

It took me a couple of conventions to make back my set up costs and break even on the conventions themselves. My set up costs included a printer, badge press, display items and lots of art supplies (such as Copics which are a big initial investment but cheaper with refills).

Everything gets much cheaper once you've made back those initial costs, and most of those things you won't need to replace regularly.

>> No.9467601
File: 78 KB, 564x815, Blondie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked through her twitter feed and honestly, as a white trump-supporting right-winger her anti-white anti conservative tweets make me feel uncomfortable and unsafe (kinda like a bisexual person would feel reading lohkay's tweets).
I think she should be banned from volunteering at AX because I fear for my personal safety as a white person since she promotes the idea that white people can't suffer because of white privilege. She might hurt me (physically, even) the way lohkay hurts the bisexuals.

I'm just saying, we have to protect the nazis as well as the fags. It's equality afterall.

>> No.9467611

What con was it? And what kind of merch did you sell? I am strictly a 2D artist... an ecchi/hentai artist.
Thanks, I was worried that I was spending way to much, because usually I see people say stuff like "don't ever spend over 300 on your first con!". And I'm like.... that's not gonna happen.
Side question, what kind of printer do you use? At first I was leaning towards the Epson Artisan 1430 but now I am more inclined to get the Canon Pro 100.

>> No.9467623

>white trump-supporting right-winger!=nazis
Also punching a Nazi is as american as apple pie from what I hear from buger people.

>> No.9467630

I don't know, I thought everyone to the right of John Oliver was literally Hitler.
Honestly tho, reading through this AX volunteer...I mean, super AX artist insider, she seems to hate on white people way more than Lohkay ever hated on bisexuals.
By her logic, any white person can complain to the higher ups at AX and say that they as a white person feels "threatened" by having their volunteers be so openly hostile towards whites.

>> No.9467640

>I thought everyone to the right of John Oliver was literally Hitler.
Well I guess it's time to get out of your bubble. Anyway you better get those screenshots before she goes private.

>> No.9467641

In an incredible twist and abortion of twitter justice, the AX volunteer pulls a lohkay and won't shut the fuck up about opinions no one asked for and ends up being canned for having opinions about certain people.

You heard it here first, I'm taking credit if this actually happens.

>> No.9467642
File: 19 KB, 586x228, ea374d99c18943becb85e2d991c7f084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh... the morality police? Trying to blaklist an artist who draws gore, homosex, and incest?
All white reading Killing Stalking? A Korean webcomic about homosexual serial killer rapists?

>> No.9467644

They're exactly as they sound like? Your image may be shifted a little to the right or the left instead of aligning perfectly to the mold. It occurs pretty often but usually aren't super noticeable to the point of making the item a defect. I've had one misaligned pretty badly by like a centimeter or so once but you can take photos and get your manufacturer to make up for the defects. The worst misalignment issue I've had was when one of my mousepads was printed upside down so the gel inserts were on their head and the flat part was their butt. Thankfully, it was only one out of a batch of 100.

I'm wondering why you feel the need to splurge on a printer and go in house when you can simply just go to a printer like catprint for your first con to cut costs? You could try a printer first before purchasing an expensive printer to gauge if there is interest for your work. Your estimates for your one-time expenditures kind of sound high to me? It costs like $40 for a PVC set-up tops if you include the clamps as well. Portfolios are like $15~$20 off of Amazon.

>> No.9467645

I'm collecting a few jems as we speak. Here's a pretty ironic one, not related to hating white straight males, but of her being a hypocrite.

>> No.9467648

will you be selling works that are ecchi/hentai in nature? will it be original or fanworks?
Ecchi shit - especially loli or shota - will immediately turn off a significant portion of con attendees.

I sold only prints and badges at that con.
The specific con doesn't really matter, it was 20k attendance though. I've since tripled my profits from that con.

>> No.9467659
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Well, I was thinking mostly fan-works but also a few ecchi pinups of my own characters. What do you suggest? I always assumed that fanart sells better.
I don't really draw loli or shota, so I don't think that would be a problem. Even if I did, I absolutely do not want to fuck around with grey-area laws about distributing depictions of anime minors.

That's good to hear, anon. I'm happy for your success. I wish some of it will rub off on me! If it's not to personal, what is your online following like? What is the kind of content you draw?

Another question, which is a bit off topic, but would you say presentation is important towards sales? I see some setups with really cheap PVC (with the text and bar-codes still on it, ugly), disheveled tables and generally just eye-sore material on display for all. Would it be worth it to decorate and polish your display? Shit like good color coordination and aesthetic table lay-out. Do you think it effects sales? Sometimes I see super ugly tables with poorly taken care of prints and I am turned off. I'm wondering if that's just me, and I'm notoriously picky.

>> No.9467661
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>I'm wondering why you feel the need to splurge on a printer and go in house when you can simply just go to a printer like catprint for your first con to cut costs?
Anon said they were concerned because they draw ecchi/hentai, but so do a LOT of other artists. I know they're not all printing at home.

It takes 30 seconds to shoot an e-mail and ask if it's okay to have 18+ stuff printed. Do not make your life harder than it needs to be.


>> No.9467663

Awesome. Thank you so much for the advice!

>> No.9467665

Oh yes, and they will be prints. Thinking of also selling some compilation sketchbooks and short comics. Unfortunately, it's much cheaper to print them online and you can't usually buy less than 100 copies (which turns out to be a LOT of cash to drop, and I don't think I can do it for my first con after buying a high-end printer).
Any suggestions on that? I see quite a few higher-skilled artists selling sketchbooks at cons, and I'm wondering if they sell or if it's a waste of time.

>> No.9467668

I honestly don't think it actually affects sales unless it's like SUPER atrocious. That being said, you should definitely put time and effort into polishing your table if it gives you personal satisfaction. You should sell work that you're proud of in a space that you're proud of, otherwise you'll spend the weekend miserable and not feeling your best. I'd say if anything, having a poor attitude will affect sales more than a less-than-perfect display, so if having a shit display makes you unhappy, put in the effort to make a good one.

>> No.9467670

i could not ask for a more perfect icing to this disaster of a cake

>> No.9467671
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>Well, I was thinking mostly fan-works but also a few ecchi pinups of my own characters. What do you suggest? I always assumed that fanart sells better.
With all due respect, no one cares about your OCs unless you happen to have a popular webcomic. Fanart all the way. You CAN open up some on the spot commissions, though. People love art of their own OCs.

>would you say presentation is important towards sales?
Presentation is everything. AAs are so oversaturated these days. Go above and beyond with presentation. I don't mean make a big, obnoxious display. I mean have everything neatly organized, visible prices, eye-catching display, make sure all of your merchandise is visible and not spilling over (ex. don't have your keychain display on top of your 4x6 print album- YES I've seen this).

For whatever reason, I have my AA table examples mixed into my room inspo folder. I can't find any amazing examples right now, but here's a decent display that's small, but appealing and organized.

>> No.9467678

Honestly I always sell better at cons where I wear a "uniform" behind my table, usually just a cosplay from a previous year, although this year at AX I'm going to do swimsuit DVA in case of heat again.

>> No.9467679

Also agreeing with that presentation point. I can't stand those generic wall-of-prints displays that are 8ft tall and surround the table. They all look the same and if I go back looking for a specific artist, it's so hard to find them in a sea of the same displays. Memorable display = people remembering your table and coming back to show their friends.

>> No.9467682

Nayrt, just wanted to mention that the profit margin for books is much less than prints. Sketchbooks/ashcans generally won't sell for much higher than $10-20 - the highest I've ever paid for an ashcan-sized/type sketchbook was Artgerm's at $30 and quite frankly I still feel ripped off.

Meanwhile, I've merrily paid $150 for a (basically inkjet) "giclee" print before but I'd probably pay at most $30-40 for any book from the same artist. So books will sell but the amount of work you need to put in and the profit margin are never going to be as high as individual prints. Do it for yourself if you really want to have a book, but don't use it as a profit cornerstone.

>> No.9467683
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The reason I want a printer is so
1. I have full control over my printing.
2. I can print what I need at home during the con evenings if I run out of stock (fortunately I live pretty close to a bunch of con locations). I could even bring it to a hotel with my laptop if I was so inclined.
3. I won't feel awkward as shit getting a quote for prints of big oily naked ladies from a distributor
4. I won't ever run into a situation where a distributor thinks my art is too vulgar to print
5. I could also use that printer for my own hobbies. I'm really into origami and papercraft.
6. I can make personal Christmas cards for my family, lol.

Here's a list of my one-time expenses: Printer and peripherals (around 500).
Table items: PVC, industrial clips, portfolio, cash box, business card holder, book displays, paint (to decorate the PVC and displays), clips/hooks, stickers (around 95 dollars).

In the end, after doing some seriously autistic calculations, each print off of a home printer (including paper and ink costs) would be around $0.58. Catprint's cheapest option is $0.65, and that's using a low lb paper with questionable quality. It's a huge initial investment, but over time it can be worthwhile.

>> No.9467684

Exactly! Thank you for wording it that way. I couldn't get the thoughts out of my head correctly. Back in 2012~, the giant displays were new. It WAS a good way to get your table noticed. Now I'm more likely to notice and remember a table with a smaller and more interesting display. Bonus: You won't have to worry about your displaying falling down, rocking back and forth, annoying your neighbors, being 2cm over the con's max height limit, etc.

Absolutely. If you can stand sitting through the day in cosplay or lolita, do it.

Cosplay is a great conversation starter between you and potential customer. I mean that as in when they come to your table, say something like "You look like you have great taste in anime!" if you're cosplaying from the same series. Do NOT try to get someone to come to your table by yelling out that you like their cosplay when they're just walking through the AA and are no where near your table. That's fucking weird.

Lolita works surprisingly well as a selling point if you're selling crafts. I have no idea why this is, but I'm guessing you attract all of the people who want to be lolitas? Something like "Ooh, if a lolita is selling it, IT MUST BE LOLITABLE!" maybe.

>> No.9467693

Honestly if it's something you can afford and you're fine with the costs, more power to you. Those are some good points. Go for it. Is that your art you're posting or just random Nier fanart? I'm guessing random fanart since it's got a 4Chan filename, but I just wanted to ask anyway.

>> No.9467703
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All the PVC needs is a little spraypaint and some TLC, and to have the prints NOT be treated poorly, ripped and bent, held up with dusty tape and glue.
I hate seeing prints treated carelessly. Sometimes it can't be helped with transportation, but as an artist displaying my own work I can't think of anything more important than keeping my prints looking as perfect as possible.

You know what's weird is that I have had people pay me commission money to draw my own OCs. I've had it happen several times, actually. I don't see the harm in including just a few prints of them, but I will keep them in short supply.

Do you think cute cosplays and uniforms make people attracted to you and more likely to buy your merch? Being your own booth babe. Selling ecchi as a cosplay girl might get me some extra sales. But then again, it might also attract creepers.

I mostly wanted to sell books for prosperity. I know the profit margin is wayyy less (2.50-5.00 a book vs 0.60 for a print at the same price) but it just seems like a cool thing to have. Doujins at the vendor hall fly off the shelf if the artist is good, really, I was looking for a specific artist at AX last year and the dealer told me his stuff was so popular it was sold out almost instantly. Maybe some day I could be that good (lol).

>> No.9467704
File: 521 KB, 720x960, tumblr_nr9cu0Ne8X1r7ty59o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you say presentation is important towards sales?

presentation won't make or break your sales, but it goes a long way. i agree with the other anons saying it helps people notice your table and find it again, which is vital in increasingly crowded AA halls.

most people see a table display before they see the actual art, so if the display is eye-catching and encompasses an aesthetic they like, they're more likely to stop and look at the art instead of passing by. for example, if i loved cutesy shit, i'd immediately stop to look at >>9467671's stuff once i saw the display, because i know i'd be in for something kawaii as fuck.

i want to stress though that the actual quality of your work is what will determine if you make sales. your setup could be top tier, but if your art doesn't cater to the crowd somehow then it won't help you as much as you might hope. all the people i know who AA have the basic PVC pipe setup, but they still make a disgusting amount of profit because their art is nice + it's fanart of trending series.

best of luck with your display though anon, i love seeing people get creative with their setups.

>> No.9467706

Just posting Nier stuff. I don't want to post my art since I'm pretty self conscious. It's much more easy to ask honest questions on /cgl/ when they're not associated with your identity. Not that I'm ashamed or anything, I just want straightforward answers with no fluff.

>> No.9467710
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I personally like original pin ups more than fanart ones (especially if it's of an interesting design/monster girl/that type of thing...pic related, ignore the fact that it's a 3d model, you get me), but other anons are correct in that fanart will always be more profitable than original work, unless you have an established comic or are really well known (like loish or sachin teng for example).

My online following is decent. I have 25k followers on tumblr (my oldest art account) and 12k on twitter. However I only had 200-300 followers when I first started artist alley. I draw mostly fanart with some cute animal/oc portraits thrown in. I have sort of a generic painterly kind-of anime style.

I am like you , I get turned off by sloppy/lazy set ups. Being coordinated with colors alone and well balanced layout is great. Definitely put some thought and time into your display, and draw/mock up ideas. I wouldn't say it terribly affects sales - but it's definitely a good draw and it makes you more memorable. People are more likely to remember you in future years.

I love sketchbooks, but they are a pretty niche item and mine - that I have done in the past - have sold pretty terribly. They are better online sellers or packaged in some kind of deal - like a sketch book, 2 prints and a set of buttons for $50 or something.
You could consider zines? They are very easy to make and have their own community that they would appeal to.

>> No.9467711

autocorrect bs

>> No.9467716

You and I are very similar then. Most of the prints I have bought at AAs are OC pinups. Maybe we might find ourselves tabling next to eachother someday, lol.
You sell your prints and sketchbooks online? Do you package them yourself and send them off to your fans? I was also looking into this, but I have some concerns about anonymity.

>> No.9467719

maybe! i wish you luck with your foray into artist alley.

And yes to both, although it's kind of a pain so I only sell 4 months out of the year (1 every season). I wouldn't worry about anonymity, although if you are truly concerned there are several companies who will handle shipping goods for you, although it's not worth the hassle imo unless you are shipping bulk (they're typically used to hand out kickstarter rewards)

>> No.9467723
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I wouldn't be too worried about anonymity if I were selling non-erotic artsy prints to a clientele that was mostly female. I enjoy what I do, but I know fans of drawn pornography (especially enough to buy physical copies of it) can sometimes be unsavory.
Speaking of anonymity, is there any phone credit card reader that doesn't send my name/address to the person purchasing from me? I heard the Paypal card reader does, does anyone know if Square protects your information?

>> No.9467973

What kind of uniform did you wear? Just curious.

>> No.9468004

Yes, it's always good to look like you fit the job. At an anime convention? Look like you belong there and look good while doing it.

>> No.9468263

Would paypal still send the info if you have a business account? I have one and it's nice being able to not have to show off my full name to everyone.

>> No.9468270

I was wondering this as well, but it seems (and I might be wrong) that their cardreader is it's own "thing" mostly separate from your paypal account.
I've actually had good experience calling paypal's customer support before. Shocking, I know. I might just call them up later and ask about the anonymity issue with the card reader.

>> No.9468276

i'm not even sure she's been actually banned

>> No.9468303

Same. People who say she's banned just pull up the tweets made by some first-timer volunteer who also said they would "have a talk" with AX about Fakku lmao.

>> No.9468318
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>it's been raining everyday I come on
>can't find any new bugs due to it
>rain stops
>panickly try to find the bugs
>take a break
>mfw it's fucking raining again

>> No.9468386

She's not banned, she's getting threatened by a internet warrior trying to morality police AA. Ironically, the so-called volunteer and self-proclaimed hero is getting her rocks off to the same non-con/gore yaoi shit she condemns.

>> No.9468889

afaik paypal send your entire info..full name and address as you have indicated on your account creation. I've seen one artist setup a PO box as his address and that showed up on my receipt info for him. clever.

>> No.9468936
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Has anyone had experience with Another Anime Convention/AAC up in NH? Their AA sign-ups open on the 10th I'm just a little skeptical since I've always heard of it as a party con that exists to get drunk at.

>> No.9468949
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What advice would you give to someone who wants to start making their own merch?

>> No.9468951

Read the fucking FAQ.

>> No.9468983

I was looking for "Things I wish I had known going in" advice, But thank you.

>> No.9469018

What kind of advice specifically are you looking for anon? Do you have any concerns or apprehensions about making merch? Sorry your question is vague and I want to offer some help if I have any insight

>> No.9469020

Don't toss all your eggs into one basket - my print friend started printing at a generic local UPS before doing better prints else where, but this way she tested the waters with not too much invested, and got money back and more some for later on. This was years ago, and she only did AA for 3 years till she focused on other school/work stuff.

Also, I think it's a good idea to setup your goals and expectations. What kind of merch do you want to make? Can you afford it? Will it take a few events till you can put money aside for your own printer/embroider machine/etc? There's a lot of questions to ask yourself.

>> No.9469103

it's better to work on increasing the skill and appeal of your art before you invest in varied merch types. I know it's hard but try and make friends in AA that are comfortable sharing their profit margins and compare yourself.

>> No.9469107

It's definitely a party con but I've never done poorly there. I live an hr away, but I'd probably drive ~4 hrs for it.

Nice Ryou.

>> No.9469163

I'll be tabling for the first time at Fanime at the end of this month. The e-mail said not to block the alley behind the tables. Exactly how much space is between the tables?

I want to have something setup so I can hang wallscrolls and prints in the back. I know I saw Yuumei's table last year where she had that setup, but how much space am I working with here?

>> No.9469203

Yuumei makes such beautiful art. I'm only a bit sad that alot of times she never runs her own booth anymore.

>> No.9469279
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This ho is damaged.

>> No.9469285
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This bitch.

That sucks. I was actually hoping to see her at A-Kon. Does A-Kon require the artist to be at the booth or is it one of those cons that lets you have an agent?

>> No.9469287

How are the police going to help them? Stop wasting tax dollars on nothing.

>> No.9469291

Sexual offenders have to stay a certain distance from children at all times or they get in trouble.

>> No.9469293

But she's not a sex offender.

>> No.9469295

She's not a sex offender, though. She's just an angry fatass. Big whoop. The cops are going to want actual evidence. Even legitimate rapists go free without that.

>> No.9469301

So this self absorbed cunt is actually filing a police report against some random degenerate fujoshi she was offended by?

>> No.9469307

Yup. Looking at her twitter this is probably the most positive attention she's gotten for anything, so she seems to be riding a high.

>> No.9469310

What? I thought that's what this was all about that she did some stuff with shotas and got caught?

>> No.9469311

I don't understand what sjws mean by "unsafe". Never for one moment did I ever get the impression lohkay was going to assault or confront any rando in public, bisexuals or otherwise. I'm just going to assume "unsafe" is code word for "being in the same general area as other human beings who you disagree with"

>> No.9469313

no? she said she didn't think bisexuality was real, which made people mad, then people found out she drew rape/incest art and they're trying to get her banned from a con for it.

>> No.9469318

Shota isn't illegal, especially not drawing it yourself (since it quite literally is your own artwork). Maybe if she was importing it from foreign nations in bulk, she MIGHT be investigated. You can't be put on a lit for drawing anime shit by yourself.
Still, literally calling the cops? This girl is even more entertaining than lohkay

>> No.9469321

No, the whole "calling the police" is over drawings. She's wasting everyone's time because drawings can't come out and assault you like she apparently thinks they can.

>> No.9469323

>trying to become a bigger lolcow than lohkay

>> No.9469329

Do people in this thread not realize the lohkay drama is just a honeypot to see who supports lohkay? You'll all be added to the blacklist that AA staffs are sharing across cons now.


>> No.9469335
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>> No.9469336

Prepares tin foil hat

>> No.9469339

This is.... terrible publicity towards AX itself. Basically it's a warning that if you try to join the AA their volunteers will look through your body of work and potentially report you to the police if you draw anything they think they can get you in trouble for.
I'm 99% positive most anime fans and anime artists have delved into some questionable hentai, honestly. And since these bitches are extra sensitive, anything that isn't pure vanilla might be used as fodder for a social media flogging.This shit is literally scaring away sellers.

>> No.9469341

This basically does this
If AX was smart they would quarantine this bitch asap.

>> No.9469343

ax would probably save more profit by booting this volunteer than booting lohkay if this volunteer keeps going at it like this

>> No.9469345

Are there any other AA staffers actually backing this girl?

>> No.9469347

If they keep her they should have a disclaimer in their registration page that their AA is staffed by easily offended sjws and if you draw anything "unsafe" they'll call the cops on you.
I'm sure that will really attract a bunch of talent!

>> No.9469348

It's usually only a few feet, when you're back to back with someone and not a wall, so actually something like that would probably really super duper suck for the person who's backed against you and anyone in your row who needs to exit past you. Generally it's around 5-6 feet from table to table, at the worst, so taking into account that you need around 2 feet to fit yourself and chair, and around 1.5 feet for people to fit through (more is preferable since not everyone is skinny) there's not a lot extra. I've shown up to cons where the amount of space behind the tables differed from row to row so there's never any guarantee of how much space you'll have, unless you're ADA or something.

Also keep in mind that just because there's, say, 6 feet between the tables, that doesn't mean 3 feet is yours to use as you will. You need to leave space for people to move through. So many fucking people forget this and take up max space and block the exit and I hate them.

>> No.9469350

They don't care, AA sells out so fast every year there is no concern whatsoever.

>> No.9469351

How old is this person anyway? She mentioned she was an adult, which kind of amazes me. Does drawing questionable art = sexually assaulting people to her? That is such an irresponsible leap of logic.

>> No.9469354
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doubtful, i've mostly just been seeing other volunteers subtweeting her (person in image works at access control)

>> No.9469355

she's just 19 according to her own tweets, probably born and raised on tumblr

>> No.9469357
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>> No.9469358

Sooo should we maybe report the volunteer to AX or something?

>> No.9469359

What is the current state of aa's that require some fanart/original art any change?..though a few I've seen are centered on the east coast cons.

>> No.9469365


though i'm not sure if there's a more proper way to report specific volunteers

>> No.9469366

>I'm just going to assume "unsafe" is code word for "being in the same general area as other human beings who you disagree with"

Yup, you got it. I once got uninvited from a fandom meetup because the other girls felt 'unsafe' because I wrote fic with the wrong character on top. They're bullies hiding behind the veil of social justice and probably too fucking dumb to even realize it.

>> No.9469368

I think they'd care when it comes to nsfw. A lot of people go to AX just to buy hentai. I've seen lines of people waiting for hours since opening just to buy monester girl rape doujins from independent artists. So, if one artist gets banned from AX for drawing noncon, gore, incest, and homosex that means any other artist is subject to the same treatment. At least half of the doujin imports sold at ax have that and even more. Last year I bought some stuff by fatalpulse, and his material is way more horrific than anything lohkay has drawn, and most of it was sold out by the time I found it.
It's even more concerning if lohkay wasn't even selling her bizzare porn in person, since that means, as an artist, if you've EVER drawn weird porn, you're blacklisted even if you never advertise it at the con.

AX gets a lot of attention from Japan and Japanese artists. You're going to have a hard time separating the Japanese from weird porn, and there shouldn't be a double standard for western artists.

>> No.9469370

>Shota isn't illegal

you might want to look into the protect act lmao

>> No.9469377

Shota is not illegal in the US unless it's based on real kids.

>> No.9469379


This. Everytime this argument comes up about problematic porn, I think about how women in hentai are being raped 99% of the time and a woman actually enjoying sex is more like a niche fetish. Never seen a SJW talk about that. They only pick on targets that they can have some effect on, it's obvious they don't give a shit about the cause, they just care about pushing around another person and making them miserable.

>> No.9469426

Only if it's the likeness of a real child or a photorealistic 3d depiction.
In California it is legal across the board. You can draw it, buy it, and own it physically. Some states it is more restricted, but not illegal. AX is in California, so they have no reason to ban artists for loli/shota unless they want to be a more family friendly con. I don't see it happening, since so many Japanese doujin artists sell there.
There's no reason for this power tripping volunteer to report her to staff, let alone the authorities.

>> No.9469448

The only reason they don't mention it is because they can't bully Japanese artists on twitter. I honestly don't think sjws have any real moral convictions, they just enjoy drama, bullying, virtue signaling, and inflicting harm to "wrong think"ers. You can't get that from Japanese people since 1. They don't give a shit and 2. The language barrier.

Like I don't think this AA volunteer would bother reporting lohkay if she couldnt start drama on twitter and look like a "hero".

>> No.9469460

This whole thing is definitely going on even longer than it should because of the attention from people like her.

Also her being white and having such a passionate anti-white rhetoric is just hiding in plain sight. Sjws who are so anti anything often are trying to cover their own ass from something in my experience.

>> No.9469485

She's not white, she's a mestizo. I was digging through her tweets last night and she had some posts complaining about having to fill out legal documents as "white", since she isn't. No matter what stripe of sjw you are it's manditory to bitch about white people, especially if you aren't one. I mean she seems to enjoy the role of morally superior victim. She's the virtuous oppressed minority, and she is in love with herself for it.

>> No.9469517

Nayrt I'm mestizo and while it's annoying to be registered as white it's not a big enough deal to shit about it. I have noticed that yeah like most SJWs she likes to roll around in her own victim complex. As someone already pointed out though, calling someone out for noncon while also consuming it just makes you look like a joke and also discredits yourself/argument. >>9467642

>> No.9469544

If anyone tries to call her out on reading Killing Stalking, she'll probably just claim that it's her way of coping with her own rape or whatever.

I've seen people use that bullshit excuse all the time on Tumblr because God forbid you enjoy something that isn't Steven Universe levels of feel-good happy sunshine friendship power pure.

>> No.9469566

>she seems to enjoy the role of morally superior victim. She's the virtuous oppressed minority, and she is in love with herself for it.
lurking the posts awhile and I can point out that it sounds like she has NPD - narcissistic personality disorder. and hoo-boy, only real scenario with dealing with them is run...run as far away from them.

>> No.9469583

If she was acting like a professional about this, she would have just reported her and moved on. But no, almost her entire twitter feed is complaining about this girl and reblogging snide comments about her.
It's not against california law and it's not against AX policy. She's not a registered sex offender, either. There was literally 0 reason to bring her drama into the business world. Attacking someone's source of income is just fucking low.

>> No.9469701

new thread >>9469700

>> No.9469764

>I'm just going to assume "unsafe" is code word for "being in the same general area as other human beings who you disagree with"

Got it in one.

Eventually the pendulum is going to swing in the other direction, and we won't be able to get actual stalkers, harassers, and rapists banned from cons because these shitheads have cried wolf endlessly.

Yes, that's exactly what they believe. The anti-shipper movement is growing, attracting every neo-Puritan and bully on the internet.

The Fundies have discovered that if they frame their hatred of sex and fun in social justice language, they can get away with behaviors that would get them ostracized if they came straight out and admitted they were doing it for religious reasons.

>> No.9469823

She isnt an anti-shipper and she reads non-con rapey, murderous, abusive comics herself. She is a hypocrite. She's doing this 100% for social justice cred.

>> No.9470052

Of course she's a hypocrite, that's a necessary part of being a SJW.

>> No.9470335

>one of my mousepads was printed upside down so the gel inserts were on their head and the flat part was their butt
do you have a picture of this? it sounds really funny

>> No.9470716


Again, no one in the US has been caught and prosecuted simply on virtual cp charges. The only people who HAVE been caught and went to jail went for real cp and also happened to have lolicon hentai on their computers. A case of someone have purely virtual cp would never stand up in court or if it did in lower courts, it wouldn't in higher ones.


It seems more and more that these SJW ship haters can't see that most fans differentiate reality from fantasy. Just because someone likes rape and shota porn or fics doesn't mean they want to watch it in real life or have it happen to them. You can like problematic things while recognizing they're problematic and still not be a terrible person.

>> No.9472126

This is why you keep most, if not all of your opinions, off of your social media. Especially if it's your art-related social media.

"I don't like this anime" or whatever is fine, but any more than that and you're pushing it. Keep professional and keep that shit away from public eyes. It's more to your benefit than anyone else's.

>> No.9472597

Fakku! Has never had rape or bestiality on their website, the most beast like thing they have is Monster Girl fantasy shit. $10,000 says the retard seen Berserk or Ubel Blatt sitting on a table and got triggered.

>> No.9473431

Just thought, I'd let you anons know -

Youmacon's AA signups are going to be open Wednesday May 24th @ 7pm EST. It's a FCFS but I reckon it will be even harder to get it since they're giving tables to the AA from MMX.

All the info is posted / links will be posted to their AA facebook page.

I won't be applying this year because it overlaps with a business trip I have in November, but good luck!

>> No.9474508
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>never had rape
>or bestiality
>o-or underaged
pic related

>> No.9474538

And somehow, AX is condoning that sexualized pics of preschoolers but not http://www.inpassingcomic.com/?comic=chapter-2-page-30, where the pedo rapists are very obviously not the good guys and the ramifications of their actions are obvious.

>> No.9474580

you have mental issues.