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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9408221 No.9408221 [Reply] [Original]

AX is in 3 1/2 months. Anyone going this year?

>> No.9408236

Inb4 the typical seagull reactions to any large con:
>it's shit
>aren't we boycotting it?
>people still go to this?
>it's too corporate
>the staff sucks
>too much drama
>the panels suck
>too many people

Meanwhile normal people will go to the con and have a great time.

>> No.9408239

Kek it's so true
If I went to cons strictly based off of /cgl/ opinions...welll...I'd be staying home a lot

>> No.9408249

OP here. Isn't it a good thing that there are a lot of people? I mean, I can agree that staff/volunteers are pretty awful, but it's only in the case of trying to get into big panels.

>> No.9408311

Your reading comprehension is questionable.

The point is, cgl talks mad shit about most cons even though the con itself is fine. /cgl/ is just up its own ass. So take opinions with the largest grain of salt available.

>> No.9408319

Basically. You should just go to see/hang out with friends, and only if there's someone or a panel you REALLY want to see.

I go for showing off cosplay too though, fun being an attentionwhore for photos.

>> No.9408417

Might go, only because I have a couple of friends from the UK & Denmark coming in. I haven't heard much from the AX Facebook page or Twitter in terms of guests or concerts, so I'm probably going to get my ticket last minute unless they announce someone that really catches my attention.

>> No.9408426

They never really start announcing shit until around the end of May at best.

>> No.9408454

This isn't limited to /cgl/ though.

>> No.9408830

Boyfriend is going for the first time, while this'll be my 4th time or so. Still planning out my cosplays, but hopefully I'll have them done in time

>> No.9408833

Going for my first time ever and I'm so stoked.

>> No.9408838

when were we boycotting it?
the staff does kind of suck but i guess that's life - getting stuff from people you don't like (and vice versa)
definitely too many people

having a lot of people fucking sucks when they're your competition for everything. want to buy stuff that's limited (or in the case of certain booths like gsc, buy anything at all)? want to get an autograph? want to get into a panel? hope you like waking up early as fuck.

>> No.9408867

I hope they actually turn the AC on in the AA this year.

>> No.9408892

Coming down from Australia, will be attending on the Monday.
First time going to a con in the US, any pointers?

>> No.9408918

what are your objectives? or are you just going to see what a big con is like?
in any case, prepare for lines
you probably won't be bothered by the heat since you're from australia. it'll probably be cold in comparison to what you're used to.

i hope they don't have a massive fucking choke point at the front again

>> No.9409000

Me and my friend need to plan we come from canada

>> No.9409064

>>it's too corporate
Why is this a problem? Way better than Fanime with its shitty fan panels.

>>the panels suck
This is a lie and we all know it. The panels from the Japanese guests make it worth the price of admission

>> No.9410616

If I believed half the shit I read on cgl I would have never gone to a con.

>> No.9410628

You guys really didn't get the point of that post.

>> No.9410634

the whole AA was a choke point

>be me
>said I would never go to AX again
>went to make coworker happy
>only interested in AA

>> No.9410668

Never gone to AX before and I'm worried that A) it's going to be hotter than the surface of the sun b) it's in the middle of a pretty fug part of LA.

Is it worth it for a cosplayer over 25 to go looking to meet other cosplayers and maybe start a group? With the cosplay.com forums sucking I have no idea how to meet other cosplayers interested in the same series in the region.

>> No.9410671

>With the cosplay.com forums sucking I have no idea how to meet other cosplayers interested in the same series in the region.
Facebook groups

>> No.9410880

It was okay in the back. The front was a death trap. If there was a fire you would have died

>> No.9410998

>only because I have a couple of friends from the UK & Denmark coming in
Same here. Do I know you?

>> No.9411014

Thanks! Do you have any recommendations for SoCal groups that aren't dramafests or high school hobby groups?

The ones I'm pulling up for Orange County seem to be more geared towards kids trying to find rides for cons, not a lot of meetups and activities and discussions that I can find. Just a burst of activity around a con looking for rides, then radio silence.

I'm hoping to hit up Labyrinth of Jareth this year but, not knowing anyone in the area yet, I'm kind of worried I'll just be wandering about aimlessly. My memory could be foggy but I could have sworn cos.com used to have specific regional sub forums for cosplay stuff outside of cons.

>> No.9411027

i understood the point of the post, but the fact that people argue against corporate cons or a lot of people because would they rather that there are only fan-made panels with shitheads?

>> No.9411124

I'm not familiar with any groups in that area, but groups with decent discussion should pop up a few weeks before the con when people start getting more hyped.

>> No.9411361 [DELETED] 
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Which days are the best to attend? Frankly, I've never been to AX (I've lived in LA my whole life) but which days are the most "lit".

Excluding the parties. I've been to some crazy ass AX parties, considering i'm someone who doesn't consider themselves a Otaku.

>> No.9411362
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Which days are the best to attend? Frankly, I've never been to AX (I've lived in LA my whole life) but which days are the most "lit". I've gone to smaller cons but this would be my first big anime con.

Excluding the parties. I've been to some crazy ass AX parties, considering i'm someone who doesn't consider themselves a Otaku.

>> No.9411398

Generally the weekend days are the best days because that's when the most attendees are free and they put the biggest events on those. This year is a little weird because of the timing of when the 4th is.

You sound like a normie so you probably wouldn't be interested in anything at AX though.

>> No.9411453


I'm more in the comics/western animation realm rather than the Nippon weeb world.

>> No.9411485

In that case you would definitely not find much of worth at the convention itself.

>> No.9411624

then why are you going to Anime Expo instead of SDCC

>> No.9411757

First time going. Doing project anime expo before hand then going to anime expo. Pretty excited. Only waiting for the reservation from the hotel email to come through from the project anime portion.

>> No.9411765

This will be my 18th AX and I'll go for at least a day just to keep the streak going.

I'll admit, though, that I probably won't have any fun. Much of what makes a con enjoyable is checking into a hotel and being "on vacation" for a few days, and AX has gotten too damn expensive to do that without overcrowding rooms to a point that I'm too damn old for.

>> No.9411775


Because Comic Con is not the same as it used to be. It's all corporate and lame now. I am really looking forward to Camikaze and LA Comic Con tho.

>> No.9411965

I've been going to AX since 2002, but I've never been to a con party. What are they like?

>> No.9412058

Yeah,my thoughts exactly. The most fun i had was staying at the JW and hanging out with new people.

At the very least I'm excited to try cosplaying again, and meeting the people from last year's seagull meetup again.

>> No.9412092

Staff is useless. I was on a broken ankle last year and they couldn't be bothered to give me any information that was correct. Still managed what I wanted to get done, but it was only by going directly to con ops and asking them.
I agree, it's a great con. I've gotten all the signatures I've ever wanted. I still buy a badge just in case certain people make a return visit. Luckily the panels I want are never full so there's almost no problem. Almost because last year was a nightmare and a half.
Sunscreen and water my friends. It's been mild two years in a row, but that just means we're overdue for pain.

>> No.9412124

How far back have you gone? Sdcc hasn't changed much for the decade and some I've gone minus prices and availability

>> No.9412156

Hey, 'First AX' poster here, sup con veteran! I was in 03-06. I remember when the pictures of the old AX venues would be loaded to coscom and how, to a teen in the east coast, AX seemed like the mecca of awesome cosplayers. TristinCitrine, Kamui, the girls who did the awesome Utena cosplay, Xel-Ko, the takarazuka cosplayers... AX was my dream con.

When I finally got here and saw where the new venue is I guess I kinda got overwhelmed. It's just so isolated in one of the bleakest parts of LA. So much of the fun of cons is socializing and meeting new people and wandering about, but how can you do that when the convention center is so isolated.

And also, coming to a new con after all these years, you totally keep wondering, 'am I too old for this now?' I guess there's this fear that there will be like 18 years between you and the average con attendee.

>> No.9412185
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>It's all corporate and lame now
and you think AX isn't?

>> No.9412345

>Staff is useless
>Still managed what I wanted to get done, but it was only by going directly to con ops and asking them.

These two statements conflict with each other.

>> No.9412441
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Has anyone decided on what they're gonna cosplay or walk around in? I hoping that my second kigurumi comes in so I can have another one to wear.

You're right & I keep forgetting that. I keep thinking that "Oh, it'll change this year. They'll release some info super early that'll get me to go.", but no. It never happens.

>Same here. Do I know you?
Maybe? I don't know too many of my friends who go on /cgl/.

>My pic from the last AX I went to. Got my Kill La Kill shirt signed by Eir Aoi.

>> No.9412934


First, get that pessimistic dildo out of your asshole. I'm not trying to escape the corporate shit, I just wanna enjoy an anime con you fucking weeb.

>> No.9413104

dont forget umbrellas!
that's how you spot the veterans

>> No.9413124

I've been going for 6 years and I've never brought an umbrella

>> No.9413427

>Maybe? I don't know too many of my friends who go on /cgl/
It's just that I also know a bunch of English and Danish people going (including myself) to meet up with. A group of 6 to be precise.

>> No.9413822

>I'm not trying to escape the corporate shit

Previous reply

>Because Comic Con is not the same as it used to be. It's all corporate and lame now.

>> No.9414352

bleakest parts of LA?
it's in the middle of downtown next to one of the largest sports venues and theaters in Los Angeles, the fuck are talking about?

>> No.9414380

Still hideous tho

>> No.9414393

It literally is one of the worst parts of LA

>> No.9414741
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Indiana resident hoping to try and make it this year. My biggest worry is if I'll be able to save enough money for everything, since it was just me and one other friend planning to go this year. My biggest motivation is certain regulars/artists who I know are usually there that I'd kill to meet.

>> No.9414752

No. I went once, hated it. I don't go to panels because nothing at any convention is ever worth seeing. The AA and DH are usually the only things I care about, but not worth the price of traveling to LA, booking a room, and only spending time in the DH for that. The arcade was so garbage. I was super disappointed.

I appreciate the people who find this convention fun, but I'd rather go just for one day and then hit up Disneyland for the rest of the time.

>> No.9415296

So what happened to the 5 day thing

>> No.9415323

Flying to a con solely for the AA and DH sounds like an immense waste of time unless that con happens to be SDCC. Disneyland gets old. I had an annual pass and let's just say I don't have one anymore.

It's still 5 days, or 4 and a half days of actual con. If you're press/exhibitor it's probably 6 because of the setup and press stuff they'll cram onto 0 which means coming a day early

>> No.9415832

You guys are talking out of your ass. The shit you see at the LACC doesnt even scratch the surface of the shithole that is LA.

>> No.9415870

>still hideous tho

>> No.9416082

umbrellas are a life saver when you're stuck outside for hour(s) waiting for a panel

>> No.9421143

So Monday night of the JW is waitlisted for me. Does anybody have any experience with waitlisting? Don't know if I should book another hotel that night

>> No.9421189

I'm going to AX as usual, probably gonna use up 2 days on commisioning like usual and got $1k set aside for it.

Just praying that the air conditioning is on this year and they keep it running the whole con so AA doesn't turn into a living hell again.

>> No.9421275

im going this year but i will probably skip next year no matter what.

>> No.9421324

What's everyone's cosplay plans for the con?

>> No.9421336

I'm a gull and I always have a great time!

>> No.9422750

What's the range of normie cosplays at AX? Just anime? Japanese vidya? Non-japanese vidya or western comics?

>> No.9422758

Range at AX is everything, although certainly a heavier slant to vidya and anime

>> No.9422949

Working on a couple things for this con, I'm really excited. I've been going for 7 years

>> No.9426012

So nobody has any cosplays planned out for this year's AX?

>> No.9426437

first ax plus first time cosplaying
throwing down Nicolas brown, Satou, and a jedi. might add one more but I dont know

>> No.9426506

Hoping to masquerade again this year, waiting on them to open up submissions for that, hopefully our group places this year last year was judged so strangely compared to other cons.

>> No.9426594

does anyone have any experience volunteering as an attendee? Do they give you free tickets before your hours or after?

>> No.9426615

i know what im cosplaying, but i dont start planning the days out until much closer to ax

>> No.9426661

I'm planning on entering the masquerade too. What happened last year for judging?

>> No.9427458

first time @ AX this year. i typically only go to Fanime and a couple smaller local cons. don't think i've ever been to one this big. hope to have a good time

>> No.9427459

nothing overtly bad, just weird for my friend and i compared to other masquerades like they lined up everyone who won backstage so everyone who didn't just kinda sat there (and we couldn't leave till it was over) and ontop of other weird management things like having to be there early but not getting a chance to rehearse on stage, and some strange judging decisions, hopefully it's better this year.

>> No.9427506
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Totally going this year! Super excited.

>> No.9428196 [DELETED] 
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How easy is it to have sex at AX?

Any of you filthy cosplay sluts wunna get down?

>> No.9428217 [DELETED] 

I'm going, anyone else want to hook up? I'm going with a few people from work

>> No.9428294

Havent done it personally, but my friend gave me their ticket before the actual con - so i assume you can do the same.

>> No.9428297 [DELETED] 

just flash some cash and we'll play with you big boi ;)

>> No.9428301

Thinking of going as 9S depending in progress, and fixing up an old Bravest Warriors cosplay because of the new season. We'll see.

>> No.9428319 [DELETED] 
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This actually works, I've fucked tons of girls at cons in part by using this method.

I have to get the girl's interest at first, but the first chance I get, usually when paying for food or something, I flash a huge wad of cash and their attitudes completely change.

It's just a $100 bill on the outside, some $20s, and like eighty $1 dollar bills in the center.

Doesn't matter, still tricks the con sluts, their attitudes completely change and they start acting more sexual towards me.

>> No.9428579

I'm doing 9S too! Hopefully they'll be a lot more Nier:A cosplayers about too.

>> No.9428707

Finally made plans with my flakey friends about attending. How fucked are we for accommodations?

>> No.9428710

Are you dickbutt guy? If so I'm really excited for you to come around the con, I may even draw one in advance lol

>> No.9428735

If you're sufficiently shota one of you is getting your dick sucked. Maybe both at the same time.

>> No.9428749

>want to go as 9s
>coat is way too hard to make for someone who doesn't know how to sew

>> No.9429226

Planning on getting a hotel for the first time, does anybody have any tips?
Sorry for such a newfag question, I genuinely don't know where to start

>> No.9429323

It's already too late, you should have gotten it months before.

>> No.9429419
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Don't touch the liquor from the mini fridge. They'll charge you up the ass for it.
Make sure to bring some blankets if you're gonna sleep on the floor. I slept in the floor last year and I was freezing to death.
Bring enough liquor if you're gonna have a room party.
Don't smoke in the room. They'll charge you for that Shit.

>> No.9429600
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headpats only plz

>> No.9429738

I'm wearing Toobs
I bring headpats

>> No.9429876


>> No.9429879


>> No.9429994
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>> No.9430029

I mean I guess I could just be a normal 2B but where's the fun in that?

We will have to duel. Or maybe we can gangpet a few Nines?

>> No.9430039

Let's recreate the tower scene

>> No.9430142

See if you can find a house to stay in,relative? Me and a few coworkers are staying in some family members house like 20 minutes away.

>> No.9430542

AirBnb will work well

>> No.9430694
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>tfw first AX
>Kinda sad that great guests from last year are likely not coming (missed fucking ZUN)
Is there any hope that the guests will be decent this year?

>> No.9430742

50/50 chance

>> No.9431157

It's going to be my first year at the con. I joined a kik chat hoping to meet others. They're great and helpful.
If you guys want in its #animeexpo2016

>> No.9431203

The crowding at Fanime will at least have prepared you better for AX than other cons.

Give up being anywhere near the con center.

>> No.9431212

Any guest list announced yet?

>> No.9431270

it's also right in the middle of the fucking ghetto

>> No.9431275

This will be my 5th AX and I'm not that excited, desu. I might not even go to the actual con and just go to a meetup outside the convention center. I definitely won't go for more than 2 days.

I've had a lot of fun in the past but last year was just awful, even though I was only there for one day. It took me more than an hour to find parking since the people in charge of it were super unorganized. AA was super cramped and sweaty with no air conditioning (although I did find a lot of awesome stuff).

And then there was the karaoke contest. There were a lot of technical difficulties which screwed over a few good singers, and there were way too many people so it went on for too long. The worst part was that some annoying 12 year old girl sat next to me and wouldn't stop talking about her charter school and her school play and stuff, and got upset when everyone started making fun of Sonic. (and I couldn't tell her to fuck off because she was 12) I had a lot of fun at the contest a year before but that experience has turned me off of all future AX karaoke contests.

>> No.9431511

What's your artist name you'll be selling under at AA?

>> No.9431940

I hope Araki comes. He said he would like to last year. If he does I want to cosplay Baoh and camp out like a day in advance to get him to sign my Jojoveller. Would anyone care to join?

>> No.9432563

Nice! Hope to see you there.

Unfortunately my work demands a basic level of strength and doesn't let me be shota.

You can always commission it or buy pieces and work with it. A lot of people buy D.Va suits and it doesn't stop them.

>> No.9432582

>AA was super cramped and sweaty with no air conditioning
Don't think that is going to happen again. AX won't want to deal with a lawsuit if they try that shit again - since they admitted to shutting the AC in the AA on purpose to save money.

>> No.9432609

Joined that thing for a while, mods are kind of annoying and everyone is a little too underaged. It is about time someone made a cgl kik again for AX.

>> No.9432737

>implying weebs would bite the hand that feeds them

>> No.9432764

If he shows up I'm instantly buying a plane ticket to haul my ass over there. I'd join you for sure Anon!

>> No.9432822
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>Araki comes to AX
>hallways swarmed with the sound of JoJos

>> No.9433385

I went last year with the bae and had a great time. We're not going this year, though, the funds are too low.

>> No.9435051
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Woah I never thought I'd find another pic of my Magenta Magenta, thanks!
Fanime gathering was great.

>> No.9435052

>camp out like a day in advance
Don't bother. In 2014 when the gaming room opened, they just threw the doors open and let people walk right into the room ahead of everybody that had been waiting in the massive KLK line for hours.

>> No.9435370

I heard that the person who originally organized the /cgl/ meetups isn't going anymore.

Who is in charge now of making it happen?

>> No.9435395

attorneys do the biting... they are always hungry to go after big fish that trample the little fish.

>> No.9435397
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>last year anisong matsuri announced
>Eir Aoi, Jam project, Flow
>super excited ask friends to go
>"sorry anon it's kinda expensive not all that excited"
>this year they announce some dumb shit EDM
I'm surrounded by plebs.

>> No.9435431

Ugh, I hope the Neon District event isn't flooded with people like that. I just want to hear Pipo Password live... assuming Teddyloid even comes again.

>> No.9435442

You know I never thought about it like that. Now I'm excited.

>> No.9435507

oh its totally going to be full of ravers

>> No.9435603
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I just saved it from one of the Fanime threads jere

>> No.9435688

I can tolerate ravers, I just don't like people who go to concerts to try and get pussy but don't actually give a shit about the music. Let actual fans attend, if you wan sum fuck you don't need to buy a ticket to get it.

>> No.9435698

So is that Neon City thing supposed to replace the normal rave?

>> No.9435887

I got sooo close to losing my v card last year to a drunk chick, but some anon cockblocked me from taking her to my room.

>> No.9435916

he stopped you from raping her, you mean

>> No.9435928

wow...pig disgusting

>> No.9435942

woah bro it's not like that she was slightly buzzed that's it. This asshat was just trying to be a "le reddit whiteknight". She was having a good time being around me and everyone there, but I just want her to pay attention to me so I grabbed her hand like in my rom com mangas and it's not like she was fighting me.

>> No.9435989
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So is the pre-show day worth it? Me and my crew are going to hit sat-sun for sure, but we check in on friday. the nightlife and mingling with fellow anons are why we still hit these cons anyways so it sounds worth 20 bucks on paper.

>> No.9436027

Thoughts on the the novice category in the masq. being nixed?

>> No.9436030

how can someone lack this much self awareness. You're lucky you got stopped or the chick would probably have (rightfully) pressed charges

>> No.9436127

This is AX's first preview night so no one can give you an accurate report on it. If it's like SDCC's it's good for one thing: buying stuff. SDCC's preview night only has a few panels going on so there's nothing to distract you from getting your purchasing out of the way. At SDCC this isn't really a problem for me because I don't go to a lot of panels anymore but for AX I actually want to do other things and time in the hall comes at a premium.

AX's preview night supposedly will have everything you might expect from a normal day at con (panels, karaoke, exhibit hall, even a concert) so you might still have to juggle things. I guess they figure they might as well make some cash off of it since they have to reserve the convention center for setup for the day anyway.

I imagine there will be some growing pains since this is the first preview night ever. I weep for the staff and volunteers because it's 6-2am for Friday on top of all the hours for the rest of the con.

>> No.9436134

any tips for keeping ink on a shirt if you wanna wear it?
I've followed some online tutorials like drying it to set the ink but im nervous to wash it in cold water with salt or wear it.

>> No.9436139

I'm going this year though I will admit that last year was rather chaotic

>> No.9436142

don't wear the shirt. you're going to ruin it because bacteria loves all the little bits of you coming off every day and it's going to yellow it. i don't know if a setting spray used for art will seal it but you're better off just not wearing it. buy another one if you have to.

>> No.9436160 [DELETED] 
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Some of you gulls are alright. Don't go to AX this year.

If you do go, you're probably the kind of person I'll be looking for.

>> No.9436188

thanks I didn't think their was preview nights in the years before but I never really looked into it because it was usually thursday anyways. I gess we will pick it up and give it a test run since we are going to be in the area anyways. hope to meet some anons there this year. last year was a bit dry, though I also was alone and kinda just there to buy and lurk.

>> No.9436217

I'm going to cosplay Bulma, though I'll only be able to go on the Monday.

First time going to AX, don't know what to expect

>> No.9436237

what are you going for? panels? guests? autographs? just to go?

i can try to explain things (cynically) if i know what you're aiming for

>> No.9436241

What's the max amount of money I should be carrying in AX? I don't want to be in linehell just for an ATM.

>> No.9436256

what are you aiming to buy and do you have a credit card? if you have a cc, bring maybe $100 as backup/food money. most booths take credit cards nowadays. if you don't have a cc, bring as much as you plan to spend or think you might spend. if you're going wild at the GSC or Aniplex or Bushiroad you can burn through $500 fast. i bought 3 figma and there went $150

>> No.9436343

>linehell just for an ATM.

i havent seen lines for the atm at AX in a long ass time since just about every booth takes card now since cellphone care readers are extremely common.

regardless though, i keep like $50 in my wallet just in case.

>> No.9436348

Not again after 2014.
They usually get good guests but I learned that trying to go for autographs is pointless.

>> No.9436351
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It was the fucking pink shirt guy wasn't it?

>> No.9436352

You just have to sacrifice sleep to get your autograph. I'm mixed about the current system. I hate not getting sleep but it's also easier in that less people are willing to forego sleep so competition isn't as bad as it could be.

>> No.9437023

i dont buy a lot of things, so i kept ~400$ in my wallet and had extra money at the end

>> No.9437057

I'd say 200 if youre modest, 300 if you aim to splurge. You never know when youll see that ONE thing that you need to drop money on.

>> No.9437059

Oh boy I can't wait for Game Rave to show up at AX this year so that they can sell the same old shit

>> No.9440156

Neon District just announced the performers.
Taku Takahashi, TeddyLoid, Pa’s Lam System, and more TBA

>> No.9440181

Me too, anon. It's gonna be lit.

>> No.9440292
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Looking forward to seeing the inevitable thirsty dudes try picking up girls.

>> No.9440311

>First time going to AX, don't know what to expect
Long lines, crowded everything, hot as fuck outside.

But its fucking worth it.

>> No.9440330

any gull cosplay gathering this time?

>> No.9440340

Anybody staff AX before? wanna know what im getting myself into

>> No.9440360

yay Pa's!!

>> No.9440429

My brother staffed at AX 2 years ago, he was a guest escort; AX had him rent a tux so he'd look like a bodyguard. The experience was so bad/confusing (no one knew where the guest was supposed to be) he swore to never attend AX again

>> No.9440459
File: 133 KB, 795x1395, supersexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey how are you doing haha ;^)

>> No.9440464

Third time going to AX. This might be my last convention for a while. Haven't cosplayed in 2 years. I'm thinking of going out with a bang and splurging on the cosplays.

Also still have an extra room at the Westin. No idea if I'm canceling it or if I'm dropping it on someone that needs it.


Never cared for the EDM lounge. But since they're annoucing Taku Takahashi and TeddyLoid, I'm conflicted on buying tickets. But seriously, where's my Anisong Matsuri lineup announcements?

>> No.9440471

what days do you have it? me and a few others don't have a room for monday night.

>> No.9440537


June 29 - July 6

>> No.9440586
File: 11 KB, 128x128, 1417651704920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I might actually go for this

>> No.9440761

What guest? Sounds hilarious and weird how they didn't have a handler. Very AX like.

>> No.9442117

How would a guest not know to attend their own events? Isn't it what they're being paid to be at the con for?
I would think they can pick up and read a program guide like everyone else.

>> No.9442260

>But seriously, where's my Anisong Matsuri lineup announcements?
They're announcing two performers a day next week according to the latest email.

>> No.9442657

It's the convention's job to maintain an itinerary. Guest should always be accompanied by a handler and a translator. If the convention didn't provide one it's the convention's fault.

>> No.9442823
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Any one of you wonderful cucks got a hotel reservation they want to get rid of? Or room for three people at least to room with?

I'm moving suddenly and wont be able to drive from home anymore like I originally planned months ago.


>> No.9442855

Are you cute and willing to put out?

>> No.9442859

Girls only room. State your name and gender.

>> No.9442860
File: 52 KB, 500x548, 1492704882902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unironically the cutest youll ever meet. Objectively AND subjectively.

I'm a very cute girl(male)

>> No.9442864
File: 17 KB, 400x400, B76oB-WIcAAE5oM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boi's only room. state your name and gender.

also you have to participate in the orgy and pay money to sleep in the bath tub.

>> No.9442872

I've got some hard disk space for you

>> No.9442881
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>> No.9443829


>> No.9443837


I don't really get what the obsession is with this chick lately? From what I understand, it's just a youtube vlog thing, but she just uses a bad MMD model her avatar? Saw a bunch of videos and it just felt like every other youtuber, but with an MMD model and speaking in Japanese.... Like I was watching anime Pewdiepie? Am I missing something?

>> No.9443881
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She's basically anime Pewdiepie but as an AI built to be a Youtuber.

Obviously it's a voice actor in a mocap suit, but it's popular because she's a) cute b) 2D c) smug as fuck

>> No.9444039

Her videos playing superhot are quite entertaining

>> No.9447377
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In the process of saving up
>$350 for JW Marriott
>$90 for AX pass (not gonna buy mine until I'm more financially secure for the trip
>$40 for gas
>$60 for Little Tokyo
>$100 for food
>$600 for dealers hall shit
>mfw I earn roughly $250 a week, $100 for rent money and I need to save $100 every week until the trip
>mfw I only saved up $400 so far
The struggle is real

>> No.9447393

>cosplays planned
Planning to go as TJ Detweiler if finances are kind to me, otherwise same cosplays as last year

>> No.9447567

Maybe you should slum it a little more. Skip little Tokyo, cut down on dealer hall stuff. You have to live on $50 a week for everything else in your life coming up to the con or am I reading it wrong?

>> No.9447585

>hasn't bought their hotel yet
Good luck anon

Mine was
>$775 for flights
>$250 for hotel split
>$45 for con ticket
Still working on food and spending money to take, already at $700

>> No.9447619

Person who never went to AX before. Is it too late to get a hotel and tickets?

>> No.9447640

The $350 is a hotel split as well.

>> No.9447642

Live on $50 a week. $30 once a month.

>> No.9447647

Tickets should be fine. It's $80 right now for the 4-day but it will be $90 starting in May so I would do that right now. It's best to get them early next year for price reasons but AX hasn't put an attendance limit on them.

It is definitely too late for a hotel at a reasonable price however. I would look for an airbnb. Look for one that is within walking distance of one of the hotels in the AX block so you can use their free shuttle service to the con. I booked an airbnb a week before the con last year for $90 a night and I would walk to the Marriott from there.

>> No.9447657



You can still get some of the hotels with shuttle service to the convention but none of the close ones.

>> No.9447698 [DELETED] 

I only go there for their God tier bakeries anyway.

Last year I go there for bakeries and groceries and I overspent on ramen because the stores there have a brand that I absolutely love, but I didn't have the time to cook them and it went past the expiration date, so I'm definitely cutting down groceries wise

>> No.9447700

$50 to live on every week, except on one weekend where I have to live on $30.

Last year I go there for bakeries and groceries and I overspent on ramen because the stores there have a brand that I absolutely love, but I didn't have the time to cook them and it went past the expiration date, so I'm definitely cutting down groceries wise

Also, is $600 too much for dealers hall cash?

>> No.9447967
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>Taku Takahashi

>> No.9447977

Damn I really want to see Ali Project but I don't know if I want to pay $65 for an orchestra ticket.

>> No.9448379

Think about it this way, when will you have another chance to see them?

>> No.9448384

I guess I'm still waiting for the schedule to come out to decide what I want to do.
I'll have a look at the panels and decide from there.

>> No.9448390

I'm only a 20 minute drive from AX so I've never stayed in a hotel, so I wanna know how much of a party con AX is?

>> No.9448394

.....do you not meet new ppl at AX or come to the /cgl/ meet?

>> No.9448396


>> No.9448454

I don't know how people even meet others at these?
Last time I went it was pretty depressing.

Wasted time for me. How do you guys find fun with these events?

>> No.9448475

Does Mr. Freeman still come to the meets?

>> No.9448487

Currently on the fence about going
I went for the past few years since I had a part-time job and just saved up funds for all the useless crap I buy, but as of now I can afford to go, but it'd be digging more into a rainy day fund than spending money.

I met a few people online who are going, but i'm probably gonna say hi and then go our separate ways cause they probably want to be with the other online friends they're closer with.

I talk to people in lines but once the line starts moving, never talk to them again.
I've always went with my friend so I never actually stuck with some of the cool people I meet for more than a short chat after a panel.

On that note, how annoying/unwanted is it when someone asks to tag along for a bit? I didn't mind the few times when people asked me because i'm desperate for friendship and the friend I go with is anti-social, doesn't say much other than the same 5 things, and pretty much uses me as a mental safety blanket so I can't ditch him either.

>> No.9448596

I've never been to AX but I'm moving to LA in June, so I'm looking into it now. Thing is, I'm in the minority of con-goers as far as interests. I like people watching, taking pictures, and I buy stuff from AA; I don't care about guests, usually don't buy from dealer's halls bc of jacked up prices, barely ever see a panel I'm interested in. It's hard to figure out what cons are going to appeal to me because I know they're not aimed at me.
Here's a question for you:
>Why do you go to AX?
Is it to be seen in cosplay? Shop? Get some socializing?

>> No.9448602

Socialise with people and show off cosplays because of the huge attendance.

Also go to anime studio panels if there are any.

>> No.9448608

>$775 for flights
ugh lol flight prices are soooo jacked months ahead - waiting till the 8 or 6 week mark to book the flight. My mom been buying her flights 2-3 weeks out, so I'm not used to that mentality lol.

>> No.9448668

>I like people watching, taking pictures, and I buy stuff from AA
Considering AX has the largest crowds (a good thing in your case) and probably largest AA of any US anime con I don't see why it wouldn't be great for those things. I personally go mainly to see the guests/concerts in person but a huge event like this has wide appeal so it's not just good for one thing only.

>> No.9449112

Which is why I'm probably gonna say fuck it and buy a ticket, though I really hope tickets will still be available next month since I don't have the money right now.

>> No.9449153

>is $600 too much for dealers hall cash?
Considering most of what you will find in the dealers call can be bought online without insane markup, yes. Don't waste your cash there.

>> No.9449651

Especially by AX standards?

>> No.9449691

Is anyone interested in this line up? Seems like a huge disappointment compared to last year.

>> No.9449851

First time going. How do concerts work? Do I have to pay for each guest?

>> No.9449856

>Only 3 guests announced

how are they getting away with this?

>> No.9449881

Minorin alone is enough to get me hyped, also Alipro and Garnidelia are solid picks for me as well depending on what songs they do. They still have six more artists to announce though so I wouldn't mark it down as disappointing yet anyway. Last year's is a pretty tough list to follow especially when you consider they just dropped the whole announcement out of fucking nowhere. This daily announcement stuff doesn't hit as hard.

Each night's concert includes everyone listed under performers for that specific show, tickets are separate for each night.

>> No.9450054

Freeman is taking a break from conventions so I wouldn't expect to see him anytime soon. He's handling some shit

>> No.9450082

I don't even know why I have a ticket. Half my peeps aren't going, lines went nuclear, and I don't spend money on anything but food and drink.

I'm basically seeking shelter from normalcy at this point.

Too bad, he's awesome.
Support AA instead. Unless you find the buy of buys it isn't worth.

>> No.9450086

They honestly didn't announce a ton of guests until the last stretch of before the con last year.

>> No.9450117

Going, haven't thought of many cosplays. Wanted to do Kumatetsu but prolly won't have time.

>> No.9450120

Bring booze and sunscreen.

>> No.9450122


>> No.9450128

Did a Techpriest last year and got some recognition, girlfriend did a Krieger and that was a tossup between people who knew and people who moved out of the Nazi's way, so it was a win/win either way.

>> No.9450415

I don't know why this idea popped in my head all of sudden, but I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen this year. How high are the chances of something happening? Last year I think there was an incident in Little Tokyo.

>> No.9450448

the only thing bad that's going to happen is the fuckhuge lines like usual. maybe some people bringing autograph lines to the next level with overnight camping

seriously the only bad thing to happen to sdcc in all its high profile glory is some guy stabbing some other guy over a seat in hall H. there was a lady who got hit by a car when rushing back to the moving line she was camping at one year but i don't count that because it was before the convention. if sdcc never gets hit ax won't get hit.

>> No.9450467

At the risk of sounding like a sheltered baby, is AX in an okay part of LA? I'm a girl and I'm travelling alone and I'm a total spineless wimp, so I wanna know if I should be prepared for anything.

>> No.9450480

the LACC itself, the hotels, and the adjoining areas like LA live are perfectly fine. if you wander off on foot too far you might have trouble (ie skid row) but I don't see why you would even walk in that direction unless it was on purpose

>> No.9450571

It's a pretty good area but 2 blocks down is skid row which is pretty much hundreds of homeless tents and next to that is the Mexican neighborhood. It's not a problem really, shit is super segregated. Just don't walk in that direction and always take Lyft or the designated shuttles.

>> No.9450613

If you booked at the Westin the whole downtown area is safe, since it'll mostly be office workers and locals. Lots of good places to eat too. At worst you'll get someone trying to sell you flowers or a bag of boiled peanuts.

>> No.9450731

Those are EU to US flights btw

>> No.9451007

similar price for hawaii to lax at the moment... should drop to around or under >600-500 ish lol in about a month or so...

>> No.9451067

What does that even mean? AX dealers have the same stuff as everyone else. There are just more of them. Order your waifus online and save your money. Or give it to the Artist Alley.

>> No.9451175

Longshot, but can a VIP badge holder help me with some presale ticket stuff? I can provide feedback to verify I'm not some crazy person.

>> No.9451436

>Tell us ur dreams anon
my nightmare is being near "that guy" who just loses it and randomly attacks anyone near him. I make it a habit to be in constant aware your surroundings especially people and those loners who seem to fidget or talk to themselves as they walk in a crowded spaces. Keep your safe distance and power walk past potential creepers.

>> No.9451463

I booked my flights back in January. Got them for about $480.

>> No.9451487

If it makes you feel any better such a nutter wouldn't be able to get anything he could actually harm people with besides a knife

>> No.9451593

>skid row
>2 blocks down

ehh its not THAT close to where LACC is. its much, much further away.

anyways,>>9450467 where are you staying at? how far away from AX? the general area is pretty safe mostly because of all the people in the area.

>> No.9451709

Anyone not from LA planning to get a metropass $25 for a weeks usage? I'm trying it out after reading about it and I am able to preorder it online so it should arrive at least a 3 weeks prior of AX (says it has a months expiration at time of order-use it or lose it). I've been walking my route in the past since the hotel I am at is not on the block but about a mile out and even if its a 15 min walk and prefer the lazy convenience of a bus that goes by every 20min apx. to get back to my hotel perhaps a couple times each day.

>> No.9451763

I feel like such a lame ass. I want to go to the Neon District thing, but I don't care for raves/dancing/drugs/whatever. I would just like to sit down and chill out to the music. I'm probably going to end up passing on it.

For the MYTH event, do you have to buy a ticket for it? There is no information on the AX site.

>> No.9451813
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This is my first time going! I'm so excited for neon district and line waiting.
Do any girls go to the /cgl/ meets or is it just a sausage fest?

>> No.9451816

It's all girls, all the time.

>> No.9451842

I think you should go if you're interested, anon. Music is the main draw for me too, and I've never felt like I was unable to enjoy a concert specifically because I wasn't drunk/high/being a real raver (not to put those things down, you do you and all.) Just hang out on the edges of the crowd where there's more breathing room.

>> No.9451845

>I feel like such a lame ass. I want to go to the Neon District thing
I'm read it as 18+, beer garden, and japanese edm...certainly a entertaining way to drink, mingle and hookup on the final ax night. I'll be leaving on the 4th so little sense to see ax on day 4 that I already saw during the first 3 days.

>> No.9451859

Please don't go to the regular /cgl/ meetup, it's mostly cringe crossposters that aren't even gulls. Join the discord now so you can make it to the gull meetup.

>> No.9451862


>> No.9451908

is it The Seagull Lounge?

>> No.9451918

I've read about this elusive gull discord for months now, but whenever someone posts a link it's always to some weird fetish group or something.

>> No.9452070

will brownies be served?

>> No.9452743

What's your ideal budget, dealers hall wise (in your opinion)?

>> No.9454011
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>idoltrash confirmed for Anison

>> No.9454057

> Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls
> Aquours

The one year I decide not go, they do this.

>> No.9454064
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>mfw the best sounding thing would be the EDM concert
>mfw I don't even like EDM
I'm just going to say this now, male artist are infinitely better than female artists.

>> No.9454071
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>Ali Project and Cinderella girls are on different days

Fuck I can only go to one REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

>> No.9454079


>> No.9454082

Can't wait til VIP tickets for anisong sell out before the general sale even starts. Premier access is bullshit.

>> No.9454086

I agree and I'm pretty bummed that they didn't get any male bands this year. I was really hoping for Radwimps or Granrodeo.

>> No.9454110

Not surprising at all, considering they're drowning in cash and popularity after Kimi No Na Wa

>> No.9454117

I'm extremely disappointed in the anisong even this year. It's very jpop and idol focused, which is great for people into that but I'm not. Would it have killed them to have a bit more variety?

FLOW is also pretty damn popular, didn't stop them from performing at AX last year.

>> No.9454141

>they didn't get any male bands this year
That is pretty weird, I wonder if they'll end up announcing more stuff last minute like the Cowboy Bebop jazz concert and panel last year.

FLOW was fucking good too.

>> No.9454281

Then dont go??? J-rock and male groups always tour the US. Let the idol and jpop fans have this for once. Pretty sure they would say the same thing everytime a j-rock, visual kei, or male group would attend.

>> No.9454299

Holy fuck, I am hyped about the Cinderella Girls concert. What do people wear to these? Should I wear my Mika cosplay?

>> No.9454311

Not the anon you replied to but they could have made one day idol/jpop focused and one day rock/vkei focused to cater to different tastes.

Personally not that interested in this Anisong (was also hoping for Radwimps) but it's alright. It's money I can save for other stuff.

>> No.9454387

>Then dont go???
>J-rock and male groups always tour the US.
There are a large number of popular jrock groups that haven't been to the US in years, if ever.
>Let the idol and jpop fans have this for once.
This is Aqours' second year in a row, and last year also featured several other jpop artists. They also had jrock groups, something that this year COMPLETELY skipped over.

I'm allowed to complain about the lack of variety this year. Don't get your panties in a twist.

>> No.9454476

Aqours didn't even perform last year.

>> No.9454558

this is the #1 improvement. the previous AX it was probably all sponsor money to fly them over, do a stage show, and that's it. this is an actual performance

>> No.9454817
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>Aquors performing
>need to get my AX pass and tickets
>forgot that I spent 3-4 hours on a will call line to get my MCZ tickets I bought two years ago
>mfw I don't want to go through that shit again

>> No.9454874

I was only in the will call line for about 30-45 minutes last year the day of Super Live but it was a total clusterfuck, they very suddenly moved the line from the convention center to the theater and it ended up wrapping all the way around the block. I kept my spot but I'm sure tons of people got fucked by that.

>> No.9455247
File: 678 KB, 1280x720, 1465874786597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be a hot summer, isn't it?

>> No.9455254

Why even ask? It's socal in July, of course it will be

>> No.9455286

It's always hot in July.

>> No.9455288

But it seems the past few years have been relatively cool for an LA July

>> No.9455292

I'd still bring some sunscreen and an umbrella since you're probably going to be sitting outside for hours if you want to attend any of the worthwhile panels.

>> No.9455335
File: 27 KB, 300x300, sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw coming from a country where 'summer' is 23C

>> No.9455726

How were day 0 lines last year? Trying to figure out when I should arrive on day 0 to get to idolshit on time.

>> No.9455767

I once had to table next to a..lady who arrived from the upper northeast to the warm west..in the AA the a/c was off so it felt like 90+ degrees. o m g deodorant must be foreign to her, the worst time of table setup in my life - like truly smelled like poop/sweat/body odor.

>> No.9455804

Gonna volunteer this year. Figured the free tickets would mean more to spend on.

>> No.9455844


you serious? thats like cool as fuck in socal.
35C/95F+ is what i probably will consider hot.

>> No.9455858

lol..I keep my A/C at 74F

>> No.9455909

It goes very fast, 30mins at most for badge pickup.
This is fast compared to fanime 4hour wait.

>> No.9455949
File: 64 KB, 650x400, imas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, wear your cosplay! People will come in plain clothes, cosplay, or even special happi coats. Bring lightsticks too. There will be a lot of people with lightsticks especially in the front. If you want to get one of the fancy multicolor ones look up King blades. You can change to many different colors which is handy for when a group has a lot of different character colors. The people at the front will have a large group doing wotagei dance moves and verbal calls to the songs.

I believe there is a combined call guide in the making for all the idol groups.

>> No.9456021

I want to go to the Love Live and IM@S concert, but don't actually wanna go to the con. I can do that right?

>> No.9456062

you need an AX badge to enter/receive tickets at will call.

>> No.9456063

Ah, fuck. I hate AX.

>> No.9456068

I think you can get away with a pre-show night badge and those are i think 30 or 40 dollars.

>> No.9456078

These anison lives have really come a long way since the old days of con crowds just standing still quietly in even rows. Last year they had AWM branded lightsticks for sale as well and a solid amount of the crowd had them.

You only need a Friday pass though for the June 30th idol concert.

>> No.9456369

So what are the chances July 1st concert tickets will still be available next Friday? Because I won't be able to buy my ticket until then.

>> No.9456391

I'm not taking any chances on that, I'm going tomorrow to get a payday loan

>> No.9456424


Clearly, you guys don't know what a ghetto is or what it looks like.

>> No.9456494

Very high, I don't think they ever completely sold out last year. You probably won't be able to get seats in the front half of the theater though.

>> No.9456520

last year when I bought tickets they were already 30 rows deep. from friends with premiere they say VIP went really fast for day 1 concert

>> No.9456584

Can a premier fan help me with tickets tomorrow?
I would have upgraded my badge but premier has been sold out for a while.

>> No.9456616

lol everyone and their mom is trying to find people with premiere to help them
good luck getting one of those on 4chan of all places

>> No.9456623

This shit is annoying too, because it's just going to encourage scalpers and make it more difficult for anyone to get them.

>> No.9456653

ah i wasn't aware. i'm assuming this is largely for the idol concert?

i'm gunning for ali project, i'd even give up my spot after seeing them.

>> No.9456666

Is there a discord set up for AX?

>> No.9456674

Tickets for Super Live go on general sale tonight, not tomorrow. If you're lucky you could still end up with decent seats in the 500 or 100 section because of the way the automatic selection works. It's not like you're in any danger of not getting tickets.

>i'd even give up my spot after seeing them.
For anyone considering something like this, tickets to this type of show are usually single entry scans. You can't leave and go back in. There was no proper set list last year so there'd be no way to know when to switch anyway.

>> No.9456731

oh just ali project? thought you meant the day 0 concert. everyone wants day 0. if it's day 1 there might be some people still with VIP. one guy I knew had a shitload to sell because him and all his friends bought them but I think he's run out. in any case getting orchestra shouldn't be a problem for day 1 concert

>> No.9456804
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>one guy I knew had a shitload to sell because him and all his friends bought them
Disgusting scalpers, there's so few seats in the pit that you could potentially end up with people who paid months ago for early access not getting any because of that kind of stuff.

>everyone wants day 0
That's the power of Idols, I suppose. The Day 0 VIP honestly isn't even as good as Day 1 since it doesn't include a hi-touch invite, only some vague goodbye event that the AX staff can't explain.

>> No.9456831

What department?
Depending on the position, it might not be worth it.

>> No.9456984

he actually just redistributed them to non vip people who were looking for tickets for base price. everyone wants day 0 so you can be close to the stage as possible. the front 10 rows or so are VIP and they will probably sell out in an instant tomorrow.

>> No.9456996

I know you need a badge to get in the concerts, but do you need a badge just to buy a concert ticket?

>> No.9457012

It's the front 6 rows, and they obviously will sell out instantly when people are buying the maximum amount to resell. Also, even if he's selling them at base price he could be fucking over other premier fans and reselling them at all is technically against the terms of sale. Also, the front row of orchestra has an arguably better view of the stage compared to the rearmost rows of the pit and that's why I mentioned the VIP bonus being underwhelming.

Nope, you only need it to pick them up.

Reminder for everybody that Super Live general sales start in 15 minutes.

>> No.9457024

Kicking myself really hard for flying later on day 0, fuck. If we registered as a group, does everyone have to be present to pick up badges or can I send another attendee in the order? I was the one who paid for it though so it is technically under my name.

>> No.9457043

Bought an orchestra ticket for July 1st. Am hype for Ali Project. Got seated in row V but can't find that row anywhere on the seating chart.

>> No.9457044
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For the convention badge? Everyone has to pick up their own badge with photo ID. For event tickets you only need the order confirmation number/QR code to pick them up according to the FAQ. How late are you getting in? If everything goes right you can probably make it in time if you have a couple hours to spare from the time you land.

Here's a labelled seating chart. Where'd everybody get?

>> No.9457055
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Thanks senpai, I was scared I was gonna be put in the way back but this doesn't look too bad.

>> No.9457064

Welp I failed. Is anyone selling concert 2 vip tickets? Is there a Facebook group for sales?

>> No.9457089

Will orchestra tickets be doable for the Day 0 Anisong or is it gonna be a bloodbath?

>> No.9457098

I got two row H Loge seats. Honestly expected to be way further back.

>> No.9457100

There's still plenty of orchestra seats open for Day 1, so it shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.9457104

How was the ticketing process anon? Saw something on twitter about a queue?

>> No.9457108

Honestly think it'll be Bloody. Ppl asking more for day 0 pre-sale codes!

>> No.9457115

The page was a plain "Ticket sales starting soon" message until it auto-refreshed to a checkout queue page. The checkout queue auto refreshes when it's your turn and you could only select pricing tier you wanted and it auto assigned tickets. From there you could either cancel or buy them. Looks like you can select seats now though, so you can just see the damage for yourself.

>> No.9457116

Look at the website.

>> No.9457132

Friendly reminder: 2 months left.

Get Hyped!

>> No.9457133

it switched to select seats about a half hour in

>> No.9457138
File: 400 KB, 1785x1204, seats3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seating chart comparison if anyone's wondering between last year's initial sale versus this year's

>> No.9457143

>Super live or kawaii live

dang i dont know wich one

>> No.9457144

Shit there are better seats than what I have but they didn't give me the option when I bought mine. Wish I could refund my current ticket but it looks like that's not possible.

>> No.9457149


yeah it's fucking stupid and now I have a VIP ticket and an orchestra ticket I need to sell

>> No.9457151

I'm guessing they opted to skip opening the mezzanine this year because they're expecting to fit everyone in with the smaller configuration.

When people don't buy the tickets they're offered those seats become available again. There's a little bit of drama brewing about it on twitter and AX are claiming they resolved a technical issue with Showclix but I bet it's really just this.

>> No.9457153

a large swath on the 100 block opened up for sure and then a bunch of vip tickets. some guy in my group got a ROW 5 TICKET. that's the ones in the front of the stage

>> No.9457156

which departments are worth it then?

>> No.9457159

Interesting, just another PR disaster for AX as usual I guess.

>> No.9457165

does anyone want some VIP row D seats?

>> No.9457170

lucky guy, i was clicking for that seat too!

>> No.9457171
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>accidentally got kawaii live and super live mixed up
>bought super live tickets
>like some of the super live performances but am idol anime trash
>too socially inept to sell tickets and don't feel like it
time to not get upset and make the most of it, anons

>> No.9457173

You'll enjoy it anon, I'm going to both.

>> No.9457183

dude has like 3 seats now. the row 5 and then a couple in row A. we have a large group so we're just redistributing everything to other people in the group

>> No.9457188

did he put his name on all of them? i was afraid they'd remove some tickets if i did that.

i would kill to have row 5 spot, but i'm only interested in one artist really.

>> No.9457193

if its like last year it doesn't matter at all. they just needed the purchaser to pick up the tickets in person and that was that. you could sell them, give them away, whatever.

>> No.9457435
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I most likely will be rooming with complete strangers via the cosplay.com thread on the forums. I'm kinda nervous. Anyone have any experience with this? Are people overall ok or are they cringy or creepy? I know beggers can't be choosers because it's better than the alternative (which is rooming with 1 friend in a shitty, cheap hotel), but I'd still like to hear some stories for peace of mind (or otherwise).

>> No.9457444

I find often it depends on how crowded the room is that will heighten tensions. 7-8 in 1 room is the severe tipping point for stress levels to shoot up.

Creeps are less of an issue compared to slobs or people being inconsiderate, mostly boiling down to additive lack of sleep over a long con like AX.

Which hotel are you in and for how many nights?

>> No.9457460
File: 18 KB, 207x215, nows my time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is NOW

>> No.9457461

So far there's 3 people - I'm the fourth (if thing work out) although I think the total number of people they want is like 5 or 6. It's for 4 days including day 0, so June 30 - July 3 (checkout on the 4th of course). And it's at the Double Tree.

It's all dudes and I'm the only girl which is only a slight concern. I don't really care but I'm not sure if I should..? I don't want this to turn into a huge deal but even if it were all chicks I'd still be nervous as I won't know anyone there.

>> No.9457534

it's honestly luck of the draw. sometimes you get nutters and sometimes people are really chill. some guys can keep it in their pants and others are going to be thirsty af. you can get an idea of people by talking to them online before the con. if they sound normal they'll probably be normal (or normal enough). if they say stupid shit or weird/creepy shit you might have problems.

>> No.9457862
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Ive roomed with lots of people over the years, usually with con friends Ive made at various cons. But on a few occasions I have extra room in my rooms and I wanna cheapen my stay I've opened my doors to folks on cosplay.com.

Out of the 9-10 randoms Ive had in my rooms, only one of them was absolute gutter trash scum. Everyone else has been really cool, respectful, no money hassles, generally cool people that just wanted to make friends/enjoy their trip.

One dude however was absolute garbo, but in retrospect there were signs beforehand that I chose to ignore because I really wanted someone else to chip in for carpool money. Big mistake. Like >>9457534 said, you can get a good idea of people by talking to them online before the con.

>A day or two before the con, scumbag asks me for permission so he can "smash" in our hotel
>Think he's talking about Smash Bros (I'm a big fan) so initially I say "Yeah sure dude, do you even have to ask?"
>The conversation progresses and the context seems a little off because he starts talking about his ""girlfriend"" that he's meeting at the con while still on the same subject
>A little confused at this point so I ask for clarification
>He was actually asking if he could fuck a girl in the room we're sharing between 6 people.
>Say something to the affect of "Dude, wtf no of course not. Why would anyone even ask that?" in the most appalled way I can muster
>He just laughs it off and apologizes like nothing happened

>> No.9457873
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>Tried several times to skimp out out carpool money (keep in mind we drove from LA, to fucking San Jose for like 6 hours for Fanime)
>Tried to negotiate the cost of the room (which was only like 65 bucks or something low) because he "didnt even come back to the room one night"
>even though he took showers, left his shit in the room, and even took a whole bed to himself while someone else far more deserving volunteered for the floor for at least 2 nights

>Try to avoid him all con while I'm having fun with my other friends, but occasionally I'd run into him and we'd start chatting
>At one point he starts going on about his internet ""girlfriend"" (which at this point I didnt think actually existed)
>Starts showing me and a friend her nudes on his phone
>Like actual nudes of some random girl that Ive never met and couldnt give two shits about
>In public
>Me and my other friend just look at him with absolute disgust and are like "Dude, why would you think we would care about this? Not to mention you really shouldnt be showing people personal shit like this"
>Sure he thought we were just joking. Because he most definitely brought it up again later during the con and laughed.

>Later I run into him again hanging out with his ""gf"", who was most definitely underage, and looked like she was having an awful time
>Tries to get me to hang with him to lighten the mood, but I'm busy in cosplay doing something or the other

Im sure there was more shit Im just repressing, but if this dude didnt literally carpool for hours with us to and from I'm sure he wouldve tried to run away without paying at all.

That was the con that I learned to follow my gut when it came to filtering out the scum before a con. Infinitely more trouble than their worth. As long as you're perceptive enough to see and now ignore those signs youll be fine after chatting with whoever.

>> No.9458028

Wait so are the Kawaii live tickets up yet?

>> No.9458045

Tickets On Sale:
Premier Fan: Monday, May 1 at 6 PM PDT
General Attendee: Wednesday, May 3 at 6 PM PDT

sage for spoonfeeding

>> No.9458291

Guest of honor and anything hospitality related.

>> No.9458413

la metro pass has $7/day +$1.50 for the tap card i think.
might be cheaper to take uber/lyft there desu. easier and faster

>> No.9458475

this desu

If it were me, I'd shell out the money for lyft/uber if all i was doing was hotel too convention center and no where else around the city. But if you want to travel around central LA then the pass would be cheaper.

>> No.9458868

I'm going as an attendee this time not doing an AA table ..otherwise I think I'll be doing 2-3 trips each day (convention 2 hotel and back) for 4 days. Might be adventurous and go futher into koreatown for food perhaps. I make sure before I go on the metro to hide all signs of my convention attendance and look as local and plain as possible lolol.

>> No.9458908

That makes sense. I'll probably ask for a Facebook from each of them and chat with them and low-key see if they're cringy or whatever. I did find a backup room or two so if I'm unsure about anything with them, there's other rooms I can check out too. Thanks.

I'm kinda nervous but excited too. I'm not the most socially acceptable person but I'm excited to meet new people and possibly hang out with someone during AX and have fun. Lately the guy I go with has been semi-avoiding me and I don't know if I'm just a boring, shitty person or he just wants to spend AX alone from now on. Either way, I need people to go with who are fun to be around. I don't need someone to go to all the same events or be at my side the whole time. But just having someone to talk to would be nice.

>> No.9458925

It's not hard to be social waiting in lines or hitting up meetups, but I know what ya mean.

This will be my first AX really going it alone as well.

>> No.9458950

first bad sign of thirsty af if they act very bro-confident "together". goodluck

>> No.9458970 [DELETED] 

Ill buy one off you for $150 if they are VIP. Email me.

>> No.9458979

Oh yeah, chatting in line is great. It's easy and if you have CAH it can be a fucking blast. I usually bring it and have random people join in and the line goes much quicker. Talking to con-goers in passing is easy and fun. Rooming with them is another thing, however. We all have habits behind closed doors that can make or break a friendship, even if it's a 4-day one.

I've been going to AX for over 10 years. Last year was really depressing because the guy I always room with and go with just seemed to avoid me. I went to a lot of things alone and while it's nice to go places at my own pace, it was sad not having anyone to talk to and nerd out with. I just wanted someone to talk to.

I hope you don't have that experience, anon. You should look into the whole rooming thing too if you want company. And Facebook groups can be a good way to find people to meet there (idk I read that somewhere in this thread haha). Worse comes to worse, I can give you my info and we can meetup or something. I might be a terrible human being though so...haha.

>> No.9459075

Damn. What a horrible experience. Sorry you had to go through that. But at least it's not a common thing, right? At least he was your only one. Still, that must've sucked.

Is this something I can check online before hand? Haha. I mean people can sound completely different online and then I could meet them and they could be total creepers. I guess I could low-key stalk their Facebook profiles, just for the sake of knowing who I'm dealing with..

>> No.9459080 [DELETED] 

>Is this something I can check online before hand?
not really...just wait and see, as you sit quietly in the corner just observe them in their natural habitat. Hopefully, they grew out of that behavior - but it's an obvious sign of overcompensating their immaturity with false bravado. Only gets worse if their is an enabler aka jerk/douche that convinces them to do stupid things while he plays smart and acts as the mature of the bunch.

>> No.9459083

>Is this something I can check online before hand?
irl personalities are different from online - other than just wait and see (unless you are lucky enough to come across some personal videos of themselves lol), until you are there all you can do is sit quietly in the corner just observe them in their natural habitat. Hopefully, they grew out of that behavior - but it's an obvious sign of overcompensating their immaturity with false bravado. Only gets worse if there is an enabler aka jerk/douche that convinces them to do stupid things while he plays smart and acts as the mature of the bunch.

>> No.9459091

>asks me for permission so he can "smash" in our hotel
strike one
>>He was actually asking if he could fuck a girl in the room we're sharing between 6 people
double strike!! ur OUT!!
>quietly ignore him and find another and tell him everyone cancelled so he don't feel bad or angry and to stalk u guys at the con.

>> No.9460074

Considering splitting a room if anyone is looking for someone. You can reach me on Discord: Leo#8180. It'd be great if you are local so we can meet up and see that we're both not weird.

>> No.9460495

Ah, I'll keep an eye out. Thanks. I just wish there was a way I could know before the con, haha. But I guess it's one of the risks that comes with rooming with strangers.

>> No.9460523

you should list basics:
where coming from
what hotel / type of room

>> No.9461196

I spend the whole night watching a bunch of different dorks on Youtube just recording their days and talking about how much fun their having.
>Hey guys, good morning. It's day 1! Let's go check out the dealers room.
>Here we are having some lunch outside.
>Panel time! I love Fullmetal!
>Pokey! Ooooooo
>Ok, let's go drop off all our swag at the hotel room
>Sit on the big nice hotel beds and watch Judge Judy on the day time TV.

I'm so excited, and I have no idea why this brought me so much joy and some much jealously.

>> No.9461740
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why is it so annoying to get tickets?

>> No.9461758

Why aren't you faster??

>> No.9461760

okay, just got them. This has to be most annoying ass system on how to pick seats but it's done.

>> No.9461842

How good are orchestra ? Like I'm only 5'3" will I be able to see?

>> No.9461862

not completely sure, i just kind of took the closest ones i can get, but 5"3 is near average height so it should be fine.

>> No.9461863


next thread so I'll know where to look in 3 years when I wanna reminisce about past AX