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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 105 KB, 588x497, jack_sparrow_cosplay_by_alysontabbitha-d84pw65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9385470 No.9385470 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>9345856

Thread Guidelines:

Feel free to post things ITT like (Keep it /cgl/-related; means either cosplay or J-fashion [e.g. Lolita/Brolita, Nanchatte, etc.]):
- Usefull guides that can be applied to crossplaying/crossdressing
- Questions, help, sharing advice to improve your appearance to pass temporary as the opposite gender (Male -> Female, Female -> Male)
- pictures of crossplay/crossdressing coords, selfposts
- personal experience/stories regarding crossplay/crossdressing

Not allowed:
- Anything in sexual context/fetish stuff
- Anything related to gender transition like hormones, operation etc.; >>>/lgbt/ might be the better place for this

Collection of guides and informative material (general, MtF, FtM):
(Still empty, if you have anything helpful, share it here or send it to me via e-mail)

WIP (will be added to the spreadsheet later on)

Contact for suggestions or contribution: cgl.crossplay@gmail.com

>> No.9385481

what the fuck is that op pic. could you not find ANYTHING ELSE to represent this thread

>> No.9385510
File: 22 KB, 332x518, fake abs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked this in the help thread, but crossposting here because I might get more helpful answers.

Does anyone know where I can buy an airbrushed muscle shirt like this for crossplay? Either premade or commission, I don't care which. The only seller I know that does these is Kawaii Ugly, and they're not accepting commissions right now.

>> No.9385515

It's crossplay, what's your issue with it?

>> No.9385526
File: 155 KB, 688x800, bb2c6575d604e154d62974eb6958b623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been considering making my own 3D muscle shirt sometime. I don't know where to buy any premade ones, though. Regardless, we need more ftm crossplay tips up in these threads.

For instance, any good tutorials for faux facial hair? Not that mascara stubble junk, but realistic crepe wool and stuff. Pic related. I want to be a viking sometimes you know?

>> No.9385608


Please elaborate your point anon

>> No.9385611

I want to buy my male friend some otk socks since he loves them but I'm afraid they won't fit. What's a good option?

>> No.9385616

>Regardless, we need more ftm crossplay tips up in these threads.

Once again, I'd appreciate it alot, if some FtM crossplay anons could share their secrets and material with us to fill the literally empty FtM sheet.

>> No.9385618

Stan Winston school of effects has some great tutorials. You gotta pay for them, but they're the best of the best

>> No.9385628

I've picked out some OTKs with a male buddy myself. He's 6`1 but was able to wear womens' socks just fine. On the back of many packages(or if there's size charts online) there's a size guide according to weight and height. If unsure maybe go a size up?

>> No.9386450

Some replies to >>9364037 that I wanted to get to for a while but forgot to and then #2 got saged, oops.
>t. tranny
See, that's part of the problem, I don't want people thinking I'm going full, permanent trans either, going all "congratulations on coming out" and such, which while it's a nice thing for those that actually are, I'm not.
>The first thing that comes to their mind is that you're probably buying it for someone else.
Yeah, this is what I hope is the assumption.
>who would care enough to trace your mail on amazon
>unless you have shitty folks who just open anyone's packages without their permission, buy online
Others opening stuff addressed to me isn't what I'm worried about, it's more so about advertisers getting ideas. I probably shouldn't really be that terribly worried since uBlock Origin means I never see the end results of their efforts to start with, but I supposedly am anyway (probably because of physical junk mail).
>Just say that you are an actor in some x small place and your character uses woman shoes. Bonus point if you search an actual play that actually has crossdressing characters to namedrop.
This seems like a pretty good idea quite tbqh.
>Buy a disposable credit card with cash at the store, then use that to buy your clothes online, and set it to deliver to an abandoned house, where you'll keep watch from across the street and then intercept the parcel once it arrives, before driving away in your getaway car which you rented with a fake ID.
>It's a foolproof plan.
Best idea, 10/10.

>> No.9386861

I've only ever done short beards but I assume it's about the same for longer facial hair. Take it slowly and sit back and check often to make sure the 'hair' looks like it's sitting naturally and is applied evenly. For such a big and full beard like the one in your picture, I wonder if having the majority of the beard as a single piece and then using individual strands to blend it more naturally onto the face and hide the edges of the mesh would be a better way to go about it. It would certainly save you time.

>> No.9386929
File: 6 KB, 400x400, watisthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're being really fucking retarded anon.

No one will care if you are buying woman's shoes or not if you are male, especially if it's online. You are not only overthinking this, but blowing it way out of proportion. Either do it or don't.

How are you going to wear these things outside if you're too scared to buy them as well, faggot?

>> No.9386995

I don't think that anon actually had any intention of crossplaying and is just being a being tedious slow burn long form troll

>> No.9387008

what are the crossplay essiantls here guys.

im crossplaying chie from persona 4 give me a rundown

>> No.9387024

be thin and twinky
use shapewear
epilate most body hair (not pubes) and exfoliate often. use magic shave powder on pubes.
look into "no makeup" makeup.

>> No.9387329

You're probably right honestly, maybe I need to lock my /g/-induced paranoia away and stop overthinking this shit. I should just take that anon's advice of swallowing my manhood and just letting that Tumblrina MUA go to town.

>> No.9387507

Must I epilate my hair can't I just shave it off??

>> No.9387560

You can, and I recommend you do so at first, but you'll get stubble and not the effect you're looking for. And it won't last long

>> No.9387662

It's not a must, but it is the better option on long term.
If you have pale skin and straight dark hair, then you won't get around epilating anyway since shaving will leave dark dots all over your skin because the dark hair roots won't get touched.

>> No.9387664

Not everything is about MTF cosplay, anon, women crossplay too

>> No.9387666

Is it possible to contour my face to look more manly without looking completely retarded or going into drag king territory? Most examples I've seen are downright scary (ex: most Levi cosplays)

>> No.9387677

For more subtle crossplay I do a small contour just below outer cheekbones, under jawline, and down sides of face. Makes you slightly more angular without being dramatic or obvious.

>> No.9387680

>tfw there's a male character you really wanna crossplay but there's very few examples of even men doing it well
Sucks when the majority of protagonists in your favorite media are male. It would require fake facial hair too which is always a pain in the ass

>> No.9387698
File: 151 KB, 770x578, tumblr_ntt5wyMjHz1r35os0o6_r1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Other general tips:
Packing isn't 100% necessary but will help you think about how you stand, sit, walk, and pose. One easy way is to wear one pair of panties, with a pair of boxer briefs or briefs on top, using socks folded into a phallos shape. The double pair of underwear will keep things comfortable and in place.

Don't forget your hands; groomed nails are an easy way to break the illusion.

Mens' and womens' shirts, coats, jackets, etc. are buttoned differently; keep an eye out for this.

Lower all your waists; if a man has a garment at his natural waist, you'll want to set it slightly below your own natural waist to elongate your torso. Jack in OP would have benefited from lowering their waist.

Contacts shouldn't be enlarging if you can avoid it; I know that honeycolor can sort contacts based on diameter, but in general costume contacts are smaller than circle lenses.

Faux body hair is not just on your face; OP is a good example again because with the shirt open so low and facial hair that dark it looks a bit weird when there's nothing on their chest. Adding some crepe to peek out right in the V would've made it a tad more convincing.

Speaking of, V-necks tend to be a bit more masculine, though that's more relevant for crossdressing/drag/trans than it is for cosplayers who rarely have a choice.

An easy way to add some width to your FtM crossplays is to attach shoulderpads to your binder. Subtly fills out casual garments a bit more.

When you do your make up, subtle contouring is great, but put your focus on your eyebrows. Lower them, put them a bit closer together, get a detail brush and draw in individual strands to make them look coarser and rougher. Even for characters with groomed brows you'll want to do this; avoid Instagram brows at all costs.

>> No.9387712
File: 570 KB, 1044x1044, Data_with_pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be Data for Halloween and for the eyebrows I think I need to wear eyebrow wigs due the fact that his eyebrows are painted over (so drawing them on won't work) and my natural brows even unplucked are nowhere near thick and full enough. Can I attach eyebrow wigs with pros-aide adhesive without destroying them?
I also can't a male version of the uniform, only a female version, but the only real difference is the darts but I fear they will be distracting

>> No.9387993

Anyone have any recommendations for epilators?

>> No.9388004

The one I own is the Braun Silk epil 7, highly recommend

>> No.9389561

Does anyone have tips for general body shape? I have hips for days and it's hard covering that up especially when I have a binder on.

>> No.9389693

Pad the sides of your waist

>> No.9389935

what do you think of making a crossplay of a gender bender ( in this case,a guy crossplaying as a female version of an originaly male character, or vice versa)

>> No.9389954

I guess I don't get the point? Personally I (female) crossplay when I love a design a lot and think I could pull off the character in body/face as well, and only genderbend when I love a design but am too feminine to make the original convincing.

>> No.9390032

well, my idea is that, since i am too thin and (in comparation with most guys in my city/country) femenine (body), and my face is too childish (i am 20, but my face havent changed since i was 14) and slightly femenine to do most male characters, but i am too tall to do a female character ( i am only 5.6 ft tall, wich is not too tall, but if i get close to any female cosplayer ill look masive in comparation, all the cosplayers in my city are around 4.9 ft tall).
so , i consider that crossplaying a genderbended character would be more proper, since it would be posible to take more liberty with the design and the height diference with other cosplayers would be justified because is a femenine version of a "super manly character", so i wouldn't look out of place
(dont know if i explained myself bc my english is not that good)

>> No.9390042

>complain when the OP is ftm crossplay for once
>as if these threads aren't always mtf faggotry central
you egotistic little shit :^)

>> No.9390071

But he doesn't get a boner from women crossplay... /s

>> No.9390100


Honestly, I'd put gender bender under AU OC cosplays, which is exactly what it is anyway.

ie- expect not to be recognised (unless you're doing some (net-)famous artist's fanart), and expect some people to call you a snowflake.

But hey, it's your time and money, so if you want to crossplay a gender bend, I don't see why not. Just don't expect asspats/e-fame for doing it; keep things low key and you should be fine.

>> No.9390249 [DELETED] 

Wearing chasity cage while crossplay???

>> No.9390262
File: 19 KB, 317x260, fat hips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an ftm crossplayer and I want to cosplay a character who is young and have a really thin waist. My problem is that I have some fucking big hips and, like pic on the pic I have some fat thighs ( mine are less fat ). I don't know what to do to hide them ( most slimmer panty doesn't work )

>> No.9390263

At 5.6 you are bang on average girls height probably a little on the short side even. anon.

>> No.9390268

Just tuck, man.

>> No.9390287

This might be a stupid question, but have you tried out men's pants or women's pants? They're cut differently and I've found that men's pants slim down my curves tremendously.

>> No.9390357

How do I make a beard less dense than this? I need to make a goatee want it to be a more realistic density

>> No.9390358

If I'm making armor that isn't flexible and gives me the appearance of a male chest, I can get away with not binding right?

>> No.9390432

Quit being a fatty-chan

>> No.9390778

sadly men pant make me look like a midget but I should improve my tailoring skill, thank you to make me rethink about this !
I'm doing it but I would not be thin before the next con, I'm not a full fatty, I wear size 8 tshirt and size 14 pants

>> No.9391333

Mens' pants and a shirt without a defined waist will go a long way, but the down side is that it'll make you look a few pounds heavier than you are because it will no longer be obvious that all of your weight is in your thighs. I used to be a 6 top, 10 bottom and had this problem. A good pair of compression shorts will help some (I use one from underworks) but don't expect miracles.

>> No.9392146

Does anyone here do drag? I wanna start but there's so few resources for drag kings. It's different from just crossplay or crossdressing but you can't post stuff like this in /lgbt/ without it getting hijacked by the trans brigade.

>> No.9392322

A large part of drag is performance; even moreso for drag kings. I think a good place to start would be to create a character.

I would love to see more drag kings and drag king shows, but sadly I don't know where to look either!

>> No.9393012

Any chest binders anons swear by?

>> No.9393027

gc2b has my heart, I used their nude half binder with a 36DD chest and not only did it flatten it out to the flattest I've ever gotten it, but it breathed so easily I forgot I was even wearing it.

>> No.9393036


Holy crap any pics of that in use?

>> No.9393050

Any good ftm guides for eyeshadow and liner out there? Most everything I've seen involves exaggerated black liquid bishie liner, as opposed to something more realistic.

>> No.9393071
File: 2.63 MB, 4032x3024, 20170218_174323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best shot I have that shows most of my chest, 90% of my pictures are of me lying down or wearing a cosplay that already obstructs my chest.

>> No.9394635
File: 524 KB, 506x673, Screen Shot 2017-03-17 at 1.41.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also swear by GC2B with a 32G chest. It's not perfect, but by far the closest I've gotten to flat. And EASILY the most comfortable binder I've ever owned.

>> No.9394655

Speaking as a ftm, gc2b are comfortable and good for bigger chested people, but they also don't hold up nearly as long as underworks. I wore my underworks on the daily for almost 2yrs before it got stretched to the point that it didn't do much, my gc2b started popping seams not even half a year in. Also, underworks full length give you a nice shape for the rest of the body as well.

>inb4 fatty
I never had more than a c-cup and got a BMI smack dab in the middle of average.

>> No.9394661
File: 615 KB, 510x765, Screen Shot 2017-03-17 at 2.20.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older pictures with my old Underworks 997

I like the shape of the GC2Bs better, in an Underworks I got this weird "shelfing" you can kind of see in the first picture, the GC2B has a more natural slope. Additionally, the full length underworks never did anything for me in terms of body shape because it always just rides up.

39-32-43 measurements here, so with that big of a difference I just couldn't keep anything to stick on my hips, even trying to tack it down by layering it under things etc.

>> No.9394842

Could you show us the character? I could probably give you better advice that way

>> No.9394881
File: 30 KB, 280x360, 1479991078781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an amateur when it comes to cosplay and never tried crossplaying before, but I really want to try going as Mina from Sun and Moon at a coming local con.
I feel like passing won't be too big of an issue since she doesn't have too defined feminine shapes.
Should I just do it?

>> No.9395037

Just go for it senpai. I did my first cross this last weekend, and even though I'm definitely man-in-a-dress tier it was a good time.

>> No.9396013

>Should I just do it?
If you feel like it, yes. Just do it. It'll be lots of fun!

>> No.9396047

can't you tell they're from a third world country

>> No.9396616
File: 630 KB, 850x1200, 1480625235770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, i've had this plan for months to go to a convention together both crossdressing
I've ordered this from ebay, I followed some buy guides off Youtube, which boiled down to "highest rating possible", and got my dimensions.

Any ideas for a wig though? This one, for example, would go below my shoulders which is too long, but it looks like the best option unforunately.

Any other tips? I'm not gay enough to shave my legs (yet) so I'm probably gonna break character a bit and wear stockings or something. First time cosplaying in general so this could be a disaster and may never leave the hotel room

>> No.9396666

Aight, thanks fellas. I'll start thinking about it, hopefully I can even train a Pokémon team in game to match the cosplay.

Can't you either cut it shorter or curl it a bit more so it hangs higher?

>> No.9396761

I could try but I have no experience doing stuff like that, so I would be following Youtube tutorials. It cant be too hard at all though.

>> No.9397275

If you get some nude tights you can double up on them if you don't want to shave

>> No.9397327

Would nude tights be enough to cover up my hairy ass legs? Is there similar stuff for arms?
I'm a pretty thin, small dude so there isn't much to cover.

>> No.9397370

Do you aim to pass?
If you do, just get rid of body hair, covering both hands and legs without looking awkward is impossible for a character like this. You should also find someone to do your makeup, because you obviously won't be capable of learning the process overnight. Practice your kawaii schoolgirl walk as well as some poses for photos, that is always a good idea.
If you just want to do this for keks without doing anything with your manface — don't even bother about the body hair, just let it sway down your legs for extra glory and grotesqueness.

>> No.9397387

I feel like I should do my waifu some justice, but I guess I'll have to make the decision between a joke cosplay and being a pretty girl for a day when my costume stuff comes in.
It's not till the summer so I have some time which is good.

>> No.9397524
File: 2.91 MB, 590x4167, 1467512429646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depending on the thickness of your leg hair, nude tights can work, but you might need to wear 2 pairs. And after a quick google for "arm tights" I found this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00EDSXFZM/ref=twister_B009VJE1UG the nude colour might work. Or if you really want to DIY try pic related with nude tights

>> No.9397535

this, crossplay threads are always ugly ass fetishist 6'3'' mtfs trying to be kawaii lolis to jerk off to themselves and for once when there's ftm content they're bawwing about it

Instead of trying to shave down your hips, could you try padding your waist a bit to make your body more rectangle like?
and also this, womens' pants are made to bring out hip curves so a different cut helps out a ton.

>> No.9399939
File: 2.22 MB, 2000x3000, 610fcfc8gy1fds1lsbndej21jk2bcb2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the flavor of the month (season) cosplay

>> No.9399940 [DELETED] 


source for both: http://m.weibo.cn/u/1628426184

>> No.9399944
File: 772 KB, 1580x2559, 610fcfc8gy1fdplg9vx3vj217w1z3kbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


source for both: http://m.weibo.cn/u/1628426184

>> No.9399960

Wait, is that a guy?

>> No.9399967
File: 760 KB, 1920x2560, 610fcfc8gy1fdp83nyj2yj21hc1z4kb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't confirm it entirely, but judging by the other pics posted on that weibo account, I would certainly believe it.

>> No.9399969
File: 813 KB, 2000x2000, 9f2a1b2cgy1fdq497wgpwj21jk1jk7pj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9399970
File: 375 KB, 1295x1296, 9f2a1b2cgy1fdq48zz65sj20zz100n6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9400086

Where can I get a male bunnysuit?

>> No.9400238

Ahhhhhh this 2B is good.

>> No.9400537

Yea, no, I'm not buying it.
The account has pictures of other people as well, like a ripped guy in a vks.

How did you even get to the assumtion?
How would you even do that level of cow tits?
I mean, sure, extensive amounts of photoshop would work, but come on.

>> No.9400555
File: 1.01 MB, 1564x1564, 20170321_034006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide if it's worth it to actually try to crossplay because thick thighs/wide hips. Should I continue trying to portray the actual character gender/pass as male, or should I covert what I have so far into a femme/genderbend version of the character and just not bother? I know it's not a huge help that I'm kinda pudgy either.

Cosplay is a very, very WIP Yuri Katsuki and I'm not binding here, for reference.

>> No.9400562

I feel like shaving is always easier than trying to do some hair hiding method. No one will care if you shave, and it may even be welcome, and if it isn't then that hair will be back in a week anyway.

>> No.9400586

Shut up, and learn to pad.

>> No.9400928

This one is a girl.

This one is a guy.

>> No.9400946

>implying padding works

>> No.9401299

>How would you even do that level of cow tits?

You know that vests with silicone tits are a thing?

>> No.9401569

Yes, but they don't look like that, generally have obvious seams, and don't match the skin tone very well.

>> No.9401586

little bit of makeup and photoshop will fix that right up. notice they have like no skin texture. This picture has been airbrushed to hell and back

>> No.9401621


It's the same guy

>> No.9401636

is wearing a surgeon mask ok in crossplay.

>> No.9401708

Speaking of silicone breasts- anyone have any experience with them? Lately I've been thinking about investing in one for future cosplays.

>> No.9403345

Tips on making fake facial hair pieces look real? Should I bleach the knots if it's human hair?

>> No.9403918

Blend it in with crepe hair, having the lace or edge of a hair piece visible really kills the realism

>> No.9404031

Not fatty, just thicc and pear shaped

>> No.9404095

are you retarded? That's definitely not a guy

>> No.9404848
File: 105 KB, 956x534, mjepj7v4zikmi44ka7uw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its this character costume right?

It might be enough with just padding your waist a little bit. You already have a stronger upper body which goes a long way in this.

>> No.9409918

Are there any reccomended corsets that are not too expensive for MtF's? I got one cheap one from ebay to try it out last december but it barely did anything to shorten my waist.

>> No.9409924

Maybe try this wig:

>> No.9409979

Even if it's not a full beard? It's just a small goatee

>> No.9410072

That would depend a bit on the character and how accurate you wanna be or not, is there any particular reason why ya wanna wear a surgeon mask?

>> No.9410971

Just a little sensus: how many of you just lurk this thread?

I'm quite curious to know if you all are just a few regulars or a bunch of lurkers.

>> No.9410996

Honest question: What's the difference between crossplay and crossdress?

>> No.9411004

Not him, but most tend to start with masks as a way to fight anxiety or hide their identity.

Try going to a physical store and ask them for advice on how to choose. To be fair, there is no one-fits-all with corsets and the best are custom made for your body and purpose, so look into that. Also, custom made corsets can be expensive, but choose the right one and it'll be your life long companion. Although I can't recommend you a store (as I live in Hu3land), I encourage you to look around not-so-local malls for some.

I have none, so I sugest you look for drag resources, they have plenty of information there.
> Mad because can't pad
> Blame padding

Also, a question: are there any exercises to grow my thighs and hips?
I have a defined and thin body from capoeira and running, thus my hips are pure bone. I have a tiny waist but my hips fuck up my ratio. Padding works, yeah, but some clothes can't be worn with padding. Any advice on thigh and hip exercises and diet? Is it even possible?

>> No.9411010

In essence, none. But one is so you can be pretty/confortable with yourself and the other is more like a tribute (as all cosplays are) while trying to keep the character's integrity.

>> No.9411011

i just lurk and have never posted in here but i was considering it once i finished my cosplay

>> No.9412045

There, is a girl.

>> No.9412520
File: 75 KB, 640x960, 17309008_2031427920413957_7321249367455261546_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There, is a girl.

Well, too bad then.

>> No.9412589

Been lurking for weeks, first post. I'm just getting into it, so not much to post about and quite a lot to learn.

>Although I can't recommend you a store (as I live in Hu3land)
Not that anon, but could you recommend me a store? I just happen to be huezillian too.

>Also, a question: are there any exercises to grow my thighs and hips?
Well, squats, side lunges, hip abductions, kickbacks, glute bridges, stuff. However, it is important that it is weighted, heavy, low repetition strength exercise, not high repetition endurance exercise. Which is a problem, because running and capoeira might actually make it harder - quite literally, more definition, less plumpness and volume.
Depending on your fat distribution, eating more may also help, but that is a rare case for males not on the titty skittles or dieting specifically to boost natural estrogen intake and cut off testosterone.

>> No.9412713

I'm from Rio, the one I have was custom made by an acquaintance (one of the few that know of my hobby), but I think I saw some stores on malls like barra shopping (largest around). The rule of averages tell me you're probably from SP, so look around and see what you can find.

Yeah, I'm not willing to mess with hormones. I'm also quite skinny, been like this for as long as I can remember, close to no fat... yeah... no plumpness.
By weighted you mean dumbbells and whatnot? How shall I start? Any sources I can follow?

>> No.9412719

I'm >>9412713
Just forgot to add that I'm pretty sure Victoria's secret makes somewhat custom underwear, probably not corsets, as people stopped using them after the victorian era altogether, but bras and whatnot.

>> No.9412797

I know that feel. Been below 55kg and sub 5% body fat basically all my life.

>By weighted you mean dumbbells and whatnot?
Yes. Kinda. Maybe? Basically, yes.

>How shall I start?
Hit the gym?
I mean, you could get the weights yourself and/or go to one of those outdoor gymmy places I think you guys have, but the kind of muscle building exercise that will get you volume is just better suited to machines and supervision.
IIRC, the ideal is something between 7 to 12 reps each exercise, and you should be tired to the point of not being able to do one rep more when you're finished , so it is kinda hard to do correctly on your own and without the convenience of just grabbing a new weight from the rack or switching the weight on the machine. A custom series for hip/thigh/butt, made just to you by a trainer/instructor/professional would also give better results than any prebaked exercise routine on the web.
Though you could probably just google a routine and up keep upping the difficulty as you go along, I suppose capoeira is quite leg-intensive and you'll probably find it easy and light and less than effective.

Also, try and eat more. You'll need more calories and proteins to build the plumpness, and you'll want a little bit more fat to cover things up and make them a little softer and extra plumpy.
I know, I know, you can eat until you can eat no more and still not put on a gram, but try, or do something silly like GOMAD or throwing olive oil on everything or eating desserts without a care in the world. At least it is a problem that not only lets but rewards you for eating all the pie you can and want.

MG, but close enough to check stuff out in São Paulo once in a while. Thankies, and my undying admiration for ever using a corset in the heat of Rio.

>> No.9413158

I've mostly been lurking in these threads for around a year, sometimes I post if I have relevant tips. I might post more after I have more good experience.

>> No.9413863
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X-posting from the help thread since y'all are way more helpful
(I'm not >>9394881 btw, just had the same idea and love fairy-types)

Hey all! So I'm doing a (cross)play of Mina (pic related) but I'm having a lot of trouble with 2 things.

I don't do cosplays a lot, so I'm not really sure where I could get a wig for the best bang for my buck. I don't have a ton of money to spend on it, but at the same time, I don't want a super cheap wig. Any advice on where to look?

Second, her backpack is a nightmare. I know it's not a great pic to show it, but it's like a duffel bag, but the strap goes across it lengthwise. I was thinking my best bet might be buying a cheap duffel bag and cutting the straps, then manually tying them to make it look right but I'm not sure.

Thanks for any help!

>> No.9413890
File: 868 KB, 1500x1500, 2241-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly that bag looks like a regular old small duffel bag without the handles

>> No.9413926

Yeah I was thinking of just finding one and just cutting the straps off but wasn't sure, thanks for the confirmation!

>> No.9413932

For the wig, just buy a lacefront one and dye the tips using the sharpie method

>> No.9416773

I miss Asuka, what happened to the fucking guy? Did he kill himself because of the shame? Life was funnier then...

>> No.9416831

Crossplay is cosplay that is also crossdressing. I'm a woman. If I just dressed like a man (which I arguably do already but without the intent of passing for male) it would be crossdressing. If I dressed up as a male character like Captain Jack Sparrow it would be crossplay

>> No.9416840

probably ran back to his hugbox on FB and screaming "i'm not bothered" through the tears

>> No.9417130
File: 1.92 MB, 1750x1850, Padding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the purposes of crossplaying at some point in the (probably far) future, I went and tried to see if I could get decent proportions with what I had on hand + some shapewear to smooth things out. And I have to say, for just a waist trainer, leggings (x2) and some scrap foam I think it did a decent job. 42" around the hip with the butt padding in, 40" without (and flat as a board.), 29" at the waist with the waist trainer on, 5'9".
(I can't pose for the life of me.)

>> No.9417251
File: 46 KB, 620x343, gt5_ProfilePhotoShooting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't pose for the life of me
lel, its ok. Reminds me of the driver poses from gran turismo

>> No.9420692

Anyone here who crossplayed as idol characters (LL, Idolm@ster etc.) before? Any tips on passing in those kind of costumes?

>> No.9421805

I'm looking to make my first decent crossplay, so I'd like to ask for some advice in modifying your body cosplay (FtM).

The costume is very fitted, so I'd like to know how to get my hips and my enormous butt to be more masculine and how to enlarge my shoulders a little bit.

I'm looking at some binders recommended on this thread, so I hope I can find one good for me (I'm quite small chested, just a 36B)

Thanks for any advice!

>> No.9421890

I heard that compression short for man work well, you can also pad your waist to erase the contrast with your hips ( for your shoulders you could try shoulder pad but they only work if your top is made of thick non stretchy fabric ), like other anons said, gc2b and underwork have good binder

>> No.9422122

Thanks. My hips are really big and the character is really thin, so padding would make him very weird. I'll look at the compression shorts. Any suggested brand?

>> No.9422249

Nayrt but underworks has good shorts as well. Also, make sure to drop your waist.

>> No.9422647

Okay guys, is there any alternative way to hiding my junk?

I've tried countless times of pushing my little guys up into my body but I just /cannot figure out where they're supposed to go/. Please guys, tell me there's another way.

>> No.9422662

That's pretty much your option other that wearing a skirt. You can try moving everything backwards with some tight underwear but for really good concealment you need to tuck.

Try getting your balls really cold, like submerge them in a glass of ice water for a little bit and they should start trying to migrate back up

>> No.9423214

I want to do a Konata crossplay, how do I explain to my parents that I want to wear a schoolgirl uniform without getting weird looks or my parents thinking that I'm gay.

>> No.9423314

>I want to do a Konata crossplay
>without getting weird looks
got bad news for you bud

In all seriousness though, why do you want to explain to your parents you wanna crossplay? In my experience theres no real way to say you like wearing dresses and skirts without coming across as gay or a fetishist.

>> No.9423360

Same. I'm getting into king in and it's so annoying. Especially when the community is mainly ftm Trans or already super butch. The drag indo on wigs and facial hair sucks because most kings already have their own hair styled kingly and are growing a beard.

Ugh, I wanted to punch my ex drag daddy for telling me to just grab an outfit from my closet. Bitch, the manliest thing I own is a denim dress.

>> No.9423476

it's mostly that I don't want to get weird looks from my parents.
I mean pretty much everybody at a con can be considered "weird" by normy standards.

>> No.9423491


You ever see Silence of the Lambs, kid? Tuck your shit Buffalo Bill style

>> No.9424488

I've recently become interested in crossplay and want to try it out. But I'm not sure where to start when it comes to shopping for clothes. I don't really have a character in mind, I was just thinking of starting out with a simple schoolgirl outfit, maybe some knee socks or thigh highs as well. Where do most people go to buy the clothing for cosplay or crossplay? I've tried looking online for clothes, but I'm worried that if I order female clothes online they won't fir me. I kind of suck at figuring out how womans size clothing works. So maybe going to an actual store to try on outfits would work better for me.

>> No.9424497

When it comes to body hair for MtF. Is getting an epilator a good choice? Waxing costs alot if you are gonna do it regularly. Are there any areas epilators wont work well on? Also is that golden shaving powder i think it was called, is that good for the area around the hip and the genital area?

I order most all my clothes online, there are often charts to determine the waist and chest and other such measurements. Remember to look into shapewear since female clothing can be formed after a more feminime figure.

>> No.9424780


Shapewear could be helpful. I'm a pretty big guy so I guess it can help me look more feminine. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.9427053

>WEARING A CHASITY CAGE ??????????????????

>> No.9427309

>Are there any areas epilators wont work well on?
I've heard you'll bleed from your armpits but I have no personal experience to back that up.

>> No.9427480

There's still a bulge unless you wear a skirt dude.

>> No.9427511
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>> No.9427809

Not the same anon
Some people gets weird looks from their parents just for liking anime or normal cosplay or even just going to the con (unless it's comic con because Marvel now it's mainstream) and you aren't defying anything.
Crossplay gets even weirder looks for the same and for wanting to look like the opposite gender.
Getting understandable parents is a lottery.

Unless you want to go already dressed from your home or they give you the money for the costume and want to see where the money goes, don't say anything.

For cosplay I know three options:
- Buy online from a store
- Order it just for you to some cosmaker
- Handmade
In my country online means shipping from the other side of the world so not my fav option unless it's really good.
The second one it's quite good if you don't have the ability to handmade and if you want to c(r)osplay since you know the costume will suit your body, something that can be a problem when buying online.
Make sure the maker it's good and responsible since they can either have shitty ability or just use said they skills for themselves and spend only one minute in you, or they can spend half a year for the littlest thing and be terrible. Happened a lot to friends
The third one it's the best since you decide your fate but you need ability, practice, knowing about fabric, etc

>> No.9428193

I told it to my mom and she was cool with it.
Then again she's also on board with stuff like gay pride so no surprises there.
I was planning to get myself measured and see if I can find something pre-made on Ali Express since it's going to be something I wear once.

>> No.9429022

do you cosplay mate? As in male characters? If so, then how is this different? If you're going from t-shirt normie to miku miku dance, then you're gunna have a bad time.

Does it worry you that they will question your sexuality? Your interest don't dictate your sexuality. So what if they question it, you know your own sexuality and it's your own business, so wear your dress and weeb that shit up mate.

>> No.9429045

I never cosplayed before but one of my friends frequently crossplays as Nico from Love Live.
People sometimes say that I'm "just like Konata" so I thought it would be funny to crossplay as her and the fact that the upcoming con tends to be hot making a skirt a way better option.
Like I don't plan to look convincing just want to have a fun time.

>> No.9429145

I just feel you would have an easier time with people "getting it" if you had cosplayed before.

But in all seriousness, just do it. Everyone get's accused of a sexuality throughout their lives, but you really don't control that, nobody can force themselves to be gay, straight, bi. You will only be attracted to what you are attracted to.

TLDR: Fuck other people, it's none of their business

>> No.9429604

well I'm not really worried about people in and around cons thinking I'm weird.
Considering the fact that crossplay isn't that uncommon and The Netherlands is tolerant of stuff like LGBT.
It's mostly my parents I'm worried about.
But like I said my mom doesn't seem to mind.

>> No.9429641

>A little bit short in the arms

>Get worried

> Look in mirror and i look amazing

holy fuck guys i think i can pull it off

>> No.9429866

Oh shit what if I'm only 5'5?

>> No.9430116

Whats the best thing to stuff a bra with. because im not paying for breast forms at this rate so whats the best alternative. i know where ican buy a cheap bra but i dont know what goes in it

>> No.9431193

Depends on whether you need something approximating cleavage. If no, socks. If yes, pantyhose filled with birdseed.

>> No.9431397

Buy an A-Cup and B-Cup nude adhesive strapless bra. They are similar to breast forms but a fraction of the cost. They also make it easy to create fake cleavage.

>> No.9433966


>> No.9434034

I'm ftm crossplaying for the first time this year and I hate 90% of youtube tutorials out there to make your face look more manly. It just does not translate well to real life, especially concealer lips, heavy eyeliner, and muddy dark contour. Does anyone have any better makeup tips to achieve a more boyish face? I think I'll just take a few tips, make my eyebrows look fuller and my jawline look a little sharper, and maybe use a light brown mascara very sparingly to achieve a pretty boy look.

>> No.9434040

Don't use make up on your eyes. Actually don't use any unless you want beard shadow

>> No.9434899

Male sized female shoes are hard to find that arei na price range

>> No.9437476

If the strap doesn't go top to bottom, and is only on the side, you should look at some small military seabags. They come with two straps, but you can just cross one strap over and remove the other.

>> No.9437492

Tell them. Be like, "Hey, you're gunna look at me weird, but hear me out. This may sound strange, but I want to dress up in a schoolgirl outfit and wig to match a character from a show me and my friends watch."
I mean, unless your parents are old school, I doubt they'd give a damn since you're doing this WITH FRIENDS.

>> No.9437694


I am not a drag queen (just a bi nerd), but I have too many crossplaying friends, tucking works, this tutorial is helpful (I know buzzfeed but it's really useful)

>> No.9438418
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I think my shimakaze-kun went pretty alright this weekend at MTAC, especially since it was my first time crossplaying!

I'm looking for harsh advice to improve so I can be the best trap I could ever be!

Anyone here going to MEGACON next month in Orlando?

>> No.9438450
File: 296 KB, 1077x1849, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might just be the lighting / camera but if not you certainly want to do a better job with hair removal, via shaving or whatever your chosen method is. May also want to really consider basic bitch makeup to help contour your face and help the appearance. If possible you may also want to try and reduce your belly. Otherwise looks pretty good anon!

I'll be doing awoo for a few upcoming cons and I really look forward to it. I just need to get the makeup down.

Does anybody have any really good recommendations for tucking underwear? I have a gaff which works fine but a lot of what I read says "tight panties" are more than enough. Any specific brands or materials I should be looking for?

>> No.9438464

That was shaved and makeup haha! My legs had some serious red marks done to them due to my first time epilating and my face had always looked 5 years older than I really am!

I'll have more time and effort into it by the time that megacon comes around nexy month!

>> No.9438481

Fair enough, sorry. Color compression and jpg artifact just tends to make skin not look as hairless as it really is.

>> No.9438550

>tucking underwear
You can cut the legs off pantyhose and then pull everything up tight in the back like a thong

>> No.9438616

Is nylon really that good at holding everything in place? Seems way too stretchy.

>> No.9438621

once you pull it tight it works pretty good.

>> No.9439387
File: 2.47 MB, 3020x4179, nep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 6 ft 4 in
> 260 lbs
> Wants to crossplay

Do you think, that crossplaying my waifu (pic related) by me would be a good idea? Any advice on this one?

>> No.9439399

Is the weight fat or muscle?

If it's muscle, maybe? Unless it's all upper body, then that would be hilarious, but obviously not super accurate.

If it's fat, get. /fit/. Don't put on too much upper body muscle, concentrate on lower body. And when you're slim, then do it.

>> No.9439458
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Follow your dreams my man. Just don't expect the same response to it at the con that a 5' 2" 120 lb person would get

>> No.9439461

That might actually be perfect, thanks anon!

>> No.9439469

Anyone have any recommendations for a good binder? I have trouble with the full shirt ones, so pref to a zip or a velcro one.
Lil bit busty but not too big

>> No.9439490

I have a boxy shape. How can I get a more hourglassy shape for crossplaying purposes? What's the best way to fake boobs under a shirt?

>> No.9439491

Either get fit and hope you have wide hips or wear a corset. Wear a padded bra.

>> No.9439497

In the process of losing weight. Around 210lb right now(was 220+ when I started)

Any kind of corset will do? Same question with padded bra. Any brand in particular?

>> No.9439525

I wouldn't cheap out on a corset if you're going to get one but I have no recommendations, sorry. As far as padded bra just pick one in your price range that has your choice style size and color, you don't actually have boobs so you don't need to worry too much about the intricate things.

>> No.9440511
File: 94 KB, 755x755, 1477285864884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these big people have to work out to be presentable
>tfw 6'4'' 140 lbs

>> No.9440574

Wow you're perfect for cosplaying skeletons.

>> No.9440738

thinking of buying this dress for a convention but the measurements are kinda weird, 91cm for length sounds really short

>> No.9440739

nvm I just didn't have measuring tape on hand, it's a fairly reasonable length

>> No.9440750

Just don't put on weight, anon. Losing it is hell.

>> No.9441058

Someone knows good exercises for a male to lose fat and don´t gain muscle?

>> No.9441066

Diet. Caloric deficit. No / low carb. Cardio.

>> No.9441185

How do you go about removing hair as a male? I've been using an epilator but it's too painful to use on the face.

>> No.9441211

Im lucky enough that I can get by with a nice electric razor. Also there's that magic shave powder, never tried that on my face but it's my best option for my stomach where my waistband would irritate the stubble

>> No.9441884

Plucking. Seriously.
Wash your face with warm water, dry, pick the hair as close to the base as possible, then yank in the direction of growth.
Not as painful as it sounds (except for the area directly under the nose, fuck me) and gets rid of 99% of beard shadow.
You only need to pick at the thick manhair, girls have some fine facial hair too, it's not visible and a pain to remove.
I also reccomend putting up a podcast or an audiobook or something. You're gonna be here for a while.

>> No.9441956

I had decided to try plucking once. I plucked so much that plucking is now an idle action of mine, and I don't even notice any pain from it anymore

>> No.9442537
File: 104 KB, 400x738, gatchaman-crowds-rui-ninomiya-cosplay-costume-version-02--001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so probably a stupid question since I don't lurk
here enough but what are some good stores I can buy an outfit from? I know AliExpress or Ebay but I really wanted to crossplay something for AN this year and I don't know how long it would take to ship.
The other hard thing is that I don't know who I should go as. I would love to go as Rui but it's hard to find anything for him and I just don't have the time or skill to make my own. I thought about either z1 or shimakaze but it's just hard to decide and I really don't know anyone that could help me.

>> No.9442593

If you want to get into sewing that could be a pretty easy costume to put together. Really just adding belts and lace trim to simple articles of clothing. Skirts are EZPZ to make too

>> No.9443831

How do I achieve girl mode without maiming or permanently hindering my chances of becoming a father in the future? I'm talking about clothes, tios and tricks that help me pass as a girl better (or just hide my general dudeness).

Working out to a fit but not muscular build, having a padded bra and perhaps some bandages/corset to make my waist tinier?

Any othet tips? Makeup, etc? Piercings? Thinking about piercing my ears so I can wear cute earrings.

>> No.9444111



>> No.9444263
File: 492 KB, 750x813, HTB1ByYPKFXXXXcBXVXXq6xXFXXXK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a dumb set of questions but I'll ask anyway since I couldn't find any simple answers easily. I'm planning on buying this, but was unsure of size measurements. Its available as medium and large (Bust/Waist/Heights 78-88/62-72/152-165 and 84-94/68-80/158-175 respectively) but I don't think either would fit me. I'm 5'11" @ 140 lbs with a 32-34" waistline. Should I try and go for their uhh, one-size custom option and try and go for flat chest or should I try for something with a chest and add fake breasts (of which I do not know how to make)Theres youtube and google for that so I'll leave that as something separate. Also should I try and add in consideration for uhh, like fake hips or, what is /cgl/'s recommendation. This will be my first time going to a con in a crossplay so, I'd like to try and get as many of my ducks in a row before the con comes up as possible. I did also read those guides to becoming traps, and wasn't sure if that was something I should try to follow to make the outfit look better as well.

>> No.9444278

fake titties are easy and you wont really need fake hips/butt since you'll be mostly covered up there. just make sure your ribcage will fit

>> No.9444301

In your opinion what size should I order? Medium would fit better for chest I think, but neither one are long enough. I'd be like, 180-182 cm I think.

>> No.9444974

no idea. measure your chest and go from there. If it is too short you could just pad up, be a slut and show off your sweet panties

>> No.9445115

I bought a breast plate from Elea's Closet through instagram, they occasionally will post random pieces that are on sale for almost half off so if you wait you can get a pretty good deal there.

>> No.9445123

Also a dance belt to smooth it out

>> No.9445134

These are really helpful for keeping your junk in check

>> No.9446385
File: 235 KB, 650x433, FelixArgyle-Cosplay-Trap-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go for their uhh, one-size custom option and try and go for flat chest or should I try for something with a chest and add fake breasts (of which I do not know how to make)Theres youtube and google for that so I'll leave that as something separate. Also should I try and add in consideration for uhh, like fake hips or, what is /cgl/'s recommendation. This will be my first time going to a con in a crossplay so, I'd like to try and get as many of my ducks in a row before the con comes up as possible. I did also read those guides to becoming traps, and wasn't sure if that was something I should try to

5' 10" @ 130 lb w/ 27" waistline here. Have that same cosplay.
I'm assuming the L size -- I have a large ribcage (32 inches/81 cm) and it fits decently w/ fake boobs. Waist was a little big on me but YMMV because you're bigger than me. Hips are whatever cuz skirt. Length was nice for me.

Biggest problem is shoulders v_v 18 inches shoulder width makes you look all kinds of disproportionate.

That being said, anyone got advice to make shoulders look smaller?

>> No.9446484

I wound up ordering the one-size and sent him a message about my sizes, But thanks anyway man. I didn't realize till after Aliexpress has a new user $100 off till I put in and finish paying for my order. Do you have any makeup tips or other suggestions since you wore this before?

>> No.9447307

>make shoulders look smaller
aside from experimental surgery, you can add hip pads to balance out your frame

>> No.9451084

>tfw strong jawline and extremely deep set eyes

I don't want to look like a drag queen in makeup.

>> No.9451087


Shoulders are the killer for me, too. I can fit into most lolita stuff except for the shoulder measurement.

>> No.9451253

A good makeup can help smooth your face features, watch some youtube tutorials.

>> No.9451264

>tfw 30
Yeah sometimes reality sets in and you have to play the hand you're dealt. Doesn't mean you can't try and have fun with it

>> No.9451272

Nice post! I'm 34 and feeling pretty happy with my xdressing. I know that I need to put a lot more effort than I had 10 or 15 years ago

>> No.9452409
File: 83 KB, 600x866, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then don't overdo the make up. It won't fix your strong jawline but it will improve the appearance of your sunken eyes. Further things like a good wig will help improve the overall shape of your face.

Though I suppose if you're ivan Ivanovich Ivanski you might have a more difficult time.

>> No.9454591
File: 2.83 MB, 480x640, -3-645683a3aa 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how convincing are these fakers, /cgl/? 2 bras

>> No.9454674

Are those fake boobs?
If so how

>> No.9454755
File: 149 KB, 1000x750, Honeyview_IMGP7562 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 push up bras
>some herbs and massaging for a year +preexisting gyno to get enough boob to fill large a-cup
>alternatively you can stuff the bras with a sock or two

>> No.9454991

Rinplayer here, thought occurred. How would I add fake breasts the best, considering this has fully visibile shoulders and such on the Cyber variant

>> No.9455014
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>> No.9455021
File: 165 KB, 1180x592, nubra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>layer multiple nubra style pads (they're like $3 a pair) and/or tape your boobs together to create cleavage. 2-3 pads might be enough for your purposes
>if that's not enough, strapless push up demi bra or maybe remove bra straps if the outer bits aren't tall on it
>if that's still not enough, stuff a small sock or 'cutlets' in each cup of the demi bra
>add some small sized in ear headphone silicon tips for tits if you want that extra detail
you can try pushing your boobs together to see how much cleavage you can muster first.

>> No.9455510

Not much of any. not that I can really push them together to begin with / have them stay pushed together. Also, push up bras are supprisingly expensive. Almost as much for the bra as the shoes I bought. (then again I'm looking at Victoria Secret, which might be more the issue)

>> No.9455527

Go on aliexpress for bras and stuff. Can be had for $10 each.

The nubra are $3 each and glue onto your skin and pulls what little you've got together. Same effect as when you push them up and together with your hands. This is just for the top bit of the cleavage. The bra and filling is just for foam and if you're cleaver with foam you could just use that too.

Another trick to have a bit more material to work with is to massage them so more blood flows to them, making them temporarily larger.

>> No.9456718

>115 lbs
>Still haven't crossplayed yet

>> No.9456720

A true hero of our time.

>> No.9458661

Dance belt Recommendations?

>> No.9458716

Also for clarification this isn't for mtf so light bulge is fine but I figured the folks in this thread would have better experience theatter

>> No.9459398

Eurofag here. How do I get proper tucking panties? Prices on ebay start at 30€ for stuff that looks real shitty.

>> No.9459905

Lose weight.

>> No.9459947
File: 129 KB, 736x1058, 4ea92ffc6b1b67cb19e260e44bb2b767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good tutorials for nose contour and eyebrows? I'd like to make my nose look a little slimmer and everything I find for eyebrows are to make them look bigger/more Instagram fashion rather than anime-like.

>> No.9460071

>That's definitely not a guy
isn't that the point of cross playing

in any case, it's definitely a guy
sage for replying to bait

>> No.9462217
File: 92 KB, 499x768, CteS0CvWyw8HLh-sXB3Tqx8evWXXjtflTXvM0wvGRGs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are opinions on people cos(cross?)playing trans characters? Not that it will stop me from doing it whatsoever but I'm just kind of curious. How would a female go about a mtf character and have it be, say, accurate?

I've been wanting to do Petrichor for ages.A lot of the outfits look so comfy too.

>> No.9463039

Most congoers I've met wouldn't really care whether you're crossplaying or not as long as you get your characters details right, as in clothing, make up, wig... There's so much other stuff to be accurate with, that your sex is quite secondary.

If there are any assholes, they are simply more critical about the craft of your outfit just because you're of the opposite sex. Then again, there are also people who think crossplay in itself is cute.

>> No.9464369

How would I determine if I could do a tomoko/felix crossplay? I'm not sure if I could pull them off. I'm having a hard time deciding what would be a decent crossplay to do.

>> No.9464455

extremely underappreciated post

>> No.9464788
File: 2.10 MB, 1401x2393, Felix.Argyle.full.2037394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felix is pretty slim and not that tall, so I think you would need those if you want to look like the character.
Anyway, post measures or pictures if you want further opinions.

>> No.9464814

have contact info? or should i just upload it to an imgur or something and post the link?

>> No.9465538

Lol, my mom found out about my crossdressing/crossplaying by randomly running into me in a different town. I was with my girlfriend at the time which really threw her off. She was like "So does this make you straight then... Or lesbian?" Was a fun conversation to have at a con. Apparently she just couldn't understand the fun of a couple dressing each other up and doing each other's makeup. Like shit, she grew up during crossdressing rockstars. Not that Dee Snyder is a good reference point, but you get my drift. She's still unsure of my sexuality.

>> No.9465558

So I do crossplays and similar stuff, and I was looking for ideas on a haircut I could get that'd be cute regularly but versatile enough to use in cosplays. I don't like wigs unless I absolutely have to use them. I usually wind up just getting my hair cut/dyed a specific way before a con. But that's annoying because it looks weird without the costume. I'm probably asking too much and should resign to wig life, but any help would be appreciated. I have a lot of hair to work with, it goes down to just below my shoulder blades.

>> No.9465662

If you post stuff here, hopefully more people will comment.

Depends on a lot of things, from the kind of characters you want to play to the kind of hair you have. You could of course choose the characters based on your hair. But srsly, wig is the only correct answer.

>> No.9466104


hopefully this album works
if you have any ideas for other characters i'd fit, that's cool too.

>> No.9466330

I know a wig is ideal, but they'r too expensive to get a good one. My budget is more 40 bucks for a haircut. I get a deal with a salon because I get them discounted tattoos and piercings. Na decent wigs are like 100 bucks plus shipping. And wigs are hard for me with this much hair. I'm probably just bad with wigs. Also, tattoo coverup costs like 4 dollars. That's what's killing me (not really.)

>> No.9466809
File: 448 KB, 1715x1410, Muscle-Suit-3-17-2016-2-01-45-PM-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any tips on making a realistic muscle suit/places to buy one that are between the thousand dollar ones and the cheap inflatable halloween muscles? im a girl looking to cosplay a pretty buff dude- ive found subtle ways to make myself a bit taller and makeup and all that, but the character has his arms exposed and as nice as being ripped would be, i was looking into muscle suits as a possible alternative. a lot of the ones ive found have just been super exaggerated superhero muscles or cheap halloween ones. alternatively, if you don't think its possible or would be convincing enough, ill try to think of something else (or bite the bullet and just get jacked) thanks!

>> No.9466940
File: 119 KB, 608x407, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my budget is $40 for a haircut
>decent wigs are like $100 plus shipping

What fucking planet do you live on that decent wigs are $100+shipping? My wigs cost less than your haircuts!

>> No.9467272

He's actually on my list of cosplays I would want to do, though I'm not sure if it would count as a crossplay.

>> No.9467281

I use Capezio, get the quilted one with the thong back.

>> No.9467286

I've had worse, I ran into someone I knew from the Marines while in crossplay, when I was making a beer run at a con.

>> No.9470350
File: 58 KB, 377x332, IMG_0360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you be too masculine looking to do crossplay? I'm 5'9 and hovering in the 150lbs range and dropping. I'm kind of worried about my face and body, though. Chin is pretty blunt and looks like it'd be an issue and I got hair out the whazoo when it comes to legs where even shaving leaves massive dots. I've thought of using an epilator but no one seems to mention/recommend it.

>> No.9470611

You can use nair to chemically dissolve the roots of your leg hairs. You've got the manlet height to crossdress though. You should do it.

>> No.9470658

Oh really? I'm actually glad to hear that. I've always thought I've been too average in height. Too short to be tall and too tall to be short deal.

>> No.9471982
File: 223 KB, 507x757, 1491626184603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'9 is manlet and good for crossdress
>I'm barely 5'6 and stopped trying because I was a head taller than all my female peers
>Finally realize my friend group is full of shorties
I can feel my hope returning. I guess it's time to start making plans to dress as pic related

>> No.9472040
File: 42 KB, 490x250, IMG_0317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll make it together anon.

Guess we're not the behemoths we thought we were.

>> No.9473375

Be careful with Nair and other chemical hair removers. Test it on a small patch of skin first before going all out because you might have an adverse reaction.

>> No.9473379

Try sugaring wax.

>> No.9474124
File: 199 KB, 1242x1003, IMG_5459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MtF turned trap here
Cosplaying felix at an upcoming con
I've been on hormones for a bit over two years. I have a decent hourglass but I'm still not as shapely as him. Should I get a corset or waist trainer? And should I bind my boobs? What products would you recommend to do so if you think I should? Not trying to spend too much as I'm already extremely invested in the con.

>> No.9474206

>MtF turned trap
>crossplaying as a male
>that crossdresses
Why did it take me so long to suss this out?
But in all seriousness it's hard to give you any straight answers Waist strainers do less shaping for the trade-off of being cheaper; so if you only need to pull your waist in a bit then that could be good enough. There's no way for us to really know.
And it's also hard to give an answer about the binding, since we know nothing about the size, but since Felix is flatter than a board you probably would want to.
In the interest of saving money you could look in to alternative chest binding methods, As for shapewear, one of my friends keeps telling me to check out http://www.underworks.com/women-shapewear if I ever wanted to do a more shapely/exposed character, so maybe you could start your search there

>> No.9474696

Does anyone have recommendations for chest binding tape?

>> No.9474806

I need a cheap corset recommendation, and im really surprised there isn't one stickied in here. Any reccs?

>> No.9475101
File: 1.26 MB, 1219x1795, 1492040401823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to do a Hardgore Alice cosplay, she's one of my favorite character designs from the first arc.

The later story arcs also have some great character designs.

>> No.9475174
File: 1.33 MB, 2576x1932, 20170504_125028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time trying to crossplay (head only as a test) and was wondering if there's any way to make the nose look more feminine

>> No.9475192

nose countour

>> No.9475350

If you have some pudge, get a corset. If not, a waist trainer will do fine.
>should I bind my boobs
Same issue, are they big or not? You have the reference, just see if you're flat enough to get away with a sports bra before you invest in binders.
I can't point you towards decent waist trainers/corsets, if you're slim enough you could get away with a cheapo Chinese one from Aliexpress or eBay. Binders at Underworks or gc2b usually get recommended.

That's gonna be a harder nose shape to contour for, it's easy to put on too much. But just google some wide nose contour tutorials or pictures even and you should find something suitable.

>> No.9475655

I will agree that the later arcs have great designs, but I love HGA, and she was one of the few characters that moved me to tears, so I want her to be my first attempt to get back into crossplay, and due to life circumstances I'm gonna have the disposable income for it a lot sooner than I hoped. So I might be asking lots of questions here in a few months

>> No.9476494

mtf crossplayer here. So I'd really like to do crossplay, but I have absolutely no idea on how to do make up. Does anyone have any tips or know any good guides/youtubers with tutorials on how to properly apply make up. I know it does take practice, but I have no idea where to start. Thanks for the help in advance.

>> No.9476624

Just order a basic set of stuff off amazon sorting by recommendations / best seller. Eyeliner. Eye shadow. Mascara. Foundation/Concealer close to your skin color and possibly a reddish concealer if you have very visible beard shadow after a good shave. Just watch a ton of videos and then go try it. I would recommend finding a MTF or cross dresser / drag youtuber specifically because they will have more information specific to male faces and beginners. Practice is the only thing that's going to make you good at it, so don't go and buy the most expensive stuff right out of the gate.

>> No.9476953

Adding to what >>9476624 said:
Look up the sticky, there's a blog with a ton of resources. After you practice concealing your manliness (drag/MtF/crossdressers, what anon said) you'll need female makeup, so that's why you need that blog.

>> No.9478525

How big are your boobs? You could bind them, but if they're not that large, a little extra meat always makes the crossdress more convincing.

As far as waist trainers/last go, if you use them for a severals hours a day for a month or two they shrink your waist considerably (in my case after only a month it shrunk my waist by 5 inches)

>> No.9479900

is this thread autosaged yet i remember this thread starting when i was on vacation in march

>> No.9480140

Not yet, less drama and dumping pics leaves for some more constructive posts

>> No.9483884
File: 257 KB, 1536x2048, 18575415_1489613321060702_805686660_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly the thread is still up when I got my cosplay. I only have one picture at the moment, was all I could grab with privacy. Does anyone have any suggestions they could pass to me on anything that stands out to them?

>> No.9484480

>any suggestions
off yourself

>> No.9484497

Can do!

>> No.9484499

Your face, wig and shoulders stand out the most, anon.
You do have some passing potential though. Your face is somewhat mannish, but you could try softening it with makeup. Also style your wig, and maybe add in some padding as well.

>> No.9484752

Unfortunately because of the of the cosplay, it's going to be pretty much impossible to pass in this. The short wig doesn't frame your face femininely, your shoulders are a massive giveaway, and the neckline shows off your manly chest. it doesn't look bad, but you won't look anything like a girl.

>> No.9484975

For FTM crossplayers, do any of you wear cologne instead of your regular perfume? I'm cosplaying Ignis soon and was considering on getting some to wear for him so I can smell manly and not like a Lush store.

>> No.9485213

I wear very light stetson cologne in the original sent or Old Spice and had very positive feedback/compliments for doing so.

Just don't use Axe please.

>> No.9485391

I agree with >>9484499 your face has potential, style the wig, learn some make up and pad, though this costume choice isn't great as a lot of your shoulder/collar area is exposed and man shoulders are hard to hide.

>> No.9485394

what con? because i'm cosplaying Felix too and it'd be funny if it was the same one, (its not crossplay as i'm male and so is he?)

I'm having a little trouble with his eyebrows, i dont want to shave mine so i'm learning cover up, for anyone who is good at it, is the cover up ever like perfectly concealed? because in pictures its hidden VERY well but in person i feel like it looks obvious and not great.

>> No.9485440

Axe is my least favorite anon, reminds me too much of high school gym lockers. Thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.9485633

Don't make a big thing out of the character being trans - for example don't give a mtf character a beard shadow or dick bulge unless she has one in canon - and you'll be fine.

>> No.9491657

Not quite topic relevant, but how well does the dress sit on you? Like did you have to squeeze yourself in or is it pretty roomy? How does that dress fall on you (how much of your legs are covered; not super short?

>> No.9492405
File: 258 KB, 528x1324, IMG_20170512_150415807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really new to this all so sorry for the retarded questions...

How far will makeup bring me? Can it really enhance my face to the point i look a bit "cute" for atleast one day at a con? Tbh i'm not aiming to actually 100% pass as a girl, but to look the most cute i can.

I'm still reading about it. I'm 5'7 and 165lbs but i'm confy with my body desu, the extra fat helps with my legs. However, my face is really fucked up, i'll just kms later.

Can makeup properly hide beard shadow, make my nose a bit more feminine and maybe help with my eyes? (I'd really like to wear eyeliner + shadow for a crossplay i'm going to do, but i don't know how they work yet)

>> No.9492427

From what you showed, if that's you, you look pretty feminine already. Look up how transgirls do their makeup they probably have a lot of tricks for shaping faces. Some cosplay makeup channels will too which might also help.

As for beard shadow, look at what dragqueens do. (Do what they do for eyebrows too. Eyebrows really make or break a feminine look even on legit girls)

>> No.9492617
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170525_070527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bigger upper body and girly legs. I wanna do a Madoka cosplay in the distant future. Can I pull off leggings?

>> No.9492666


Good make-up skills will influence your appearance by a LOT will decide how well you pass as the character. It's definetly one of the most important abilities for cosplaying.

You should check out the google docs in the OP and look out for other tutorials on youtube and the likes.

>> No.9492677


>> No.9493087
File: 197 KB, 493x740, monokuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, i'm watching them out and thinking about what i can do.

About the eyebrows, the best choice is to cover them and draw on them (like drag queens and some cos/crossplayers do)? If i need to shape the eyebrows, i'd rather not mess too much with them (because people will notice at work and all), but i fear that if i don't do much with them, they'll not look good

btw my objective is a monokuma (female/femboy) cosplay.

>> No.9493157
File: 13 KB, 450x465, socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to buy long socks like pic related? How are they called?

I can't find anything like that on aliexpress (the ones i find are for girls up to 1,65m. I'm 1,75 and the last time i bought them, they were too small, suposed to go over the knee but they were under it >< so i need long socks for a tall person.

>> No.9493175

They're called over the knee socks and you can buy them at a lot of mainstream stores like Forever 21 and H&M.

>> No.9493242
File: 256 KB, 1024x1365, medukacross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really does look like you can pull it off. Of course, I'd rather recommend shaving your legs instead of leggings, which would look unnatural for the character.
I've been trying to do that lately, but I just can't get to like it. Even if my natural brows are too broad, I prefer them over drawing brows higher which just make me feel clownish.

>> No.9493249

anon you got great material
you should totally go for it

>> No.9493264
File: 269 KB, 993x600, drama_lama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>con next weekend
>about an hour away from home
>learned some more stuff over last year so want to remake a crossplay
>have no car
>train usually hot and crowded
>too late to book a hotel
>no dressing room in con center
>it's either the toilet or the street for girling up
what do

>> No.9493476

I guess toilet? Because i think i'm going to do the same next year but it will be awful (i cant crossplay in my house and have to remove the makeup before i come back) but it's probably awful.

>> No.9493490
File: 1.46 MB, 974x763, Darkness_(KonoSuba)_Anime_Concept_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was thinking, why havent any one done a crossplay as darkness from konosuba, or at least i havent seen any
she migth be a prety easy character to crossplay as

>5.5ft tall (1.70 cm) - she is taller than most female characters
>big frame and box shaped body - she already have big complexion with not so pronunced curves
>armor covering breasts and hips -- so, as long as you make the armor with rigid materials, you wont need padding to fake the breasts and the hips, also, most darknes cosplays use soft/fabric materials for the armor
>long sized dress - it covers most of the skin
>also the neck of the armor almost cover the adam's apple

what do you think? it migth be a good crossplay for my first time?
i already have similar height and similar figure , any idea? opinion? any advice?

>> No.9493834
File: 483 KB, 1280x756, TrapcglCross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the charts circulating on 4chan are shitty memes, but this one actually made a lot of sense.

>> No.9493899

There is atleast one. He's also reading here every once in a while. Look up Fasntnig Troll on worldcos.

>> No.9494229

>1,80 meters
>horribly overweight
>want to crossplay Konata
my friends told me to just do it.

>> No.9494679


Dropping the waist of whatever the top is. A bit of shoulder padding to even it out. There are things called compression shorts for ftm (basically hardcore spanx), but that will help mostly with weight distribution not bone structure).

>> No.9495053

I mean are deep set eyes a masculine feature? I kinda always envied girls with deep set eyes because they have lid space for more complete/blended eyeshadow

>> No.9495058

Shave a few times to get used to it and start exfoliating. With time you won't get the 'dots' (ie, light razorburn)

>> No.9496900
File: 183 KB, 1280x777, mercy_wip_by_muju-da3n3h7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1,81 meters height
> skinny as fuck
> have a moderate ass though
> hideous underbite

How gay would i look if i decide to crossplay as Mercy from Overwatch?

>> No.9497588

Sounds pretty good to me. As she's wearing that skirt thing, the ass won't be that important. Get your make-up right and the underbite won't bother much either.

>> No.9497695
File: 40 KB, 591x800, serj tankian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw everyone tells me i look like Serj Tankian from S.O.A.D
>Tfw i'm 18 and just want to crossplay
>Tfw i'm fucked even before trying

But without the beard, i have a slightly weak chin (that's why i still haven't lasered the beard yet). I think this kind of helps my face looks more "round" (Many people told me i should keep the longer hair because it helps with the "round" face, even if i didn't mention this). Any advice, please?

In short, if you look at my face from the front, it's a normal face, a little round. If you look at it from the side, it's a slightly weak chin, which makes my nose bigger.

>> No.9499024
File: 82 KB, 354x500, 61Sjk+EIIKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently purchased this book on European Historial Fashion from the 1300s-1920s. Okay, I got it because it was cute.

Does anyone know of any books about Asian Historical fashion with lots of pictures?

>> No.9499257

why was this posted here?

>> No.9499307

I thought about it and figured it was the best place for my question.

>> No.9499321

But it has nothing to do with crossplay.

>> No.9499344

I didn't notice the R in the title.

Sorry. Disregard my posts.

>> No.9499423
File: 65 KB, 284x518, unnamed (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, I really want to cosplay Mio from K-on. I can get the vest pretty easily, since I have an older sister who has a similar one, she can lend it to me. I'm rather fair skinned and I'm around her height(I'm kind of short).

My only issues are:
when I shave my legs, I get little bumps and ingrown hairs and I want them smooth and soft.

My facial structure is a little different from the character and I don't know how to do girl make up and can't tell my mom to do it for me since it'd be awkward.

and the last thing is that I don't know how to do hip padding nor breast padding.

It'd be really awesome if you guys could help me out, thanks in advance. I'll post pics when my cosplay is ready.

>> No.9499485

shameless self bump

>> No.9499548

/cgl/ moves slow enough that a bump is mostly irrelevant.
In regards to your concerns:
What I did to remove the bumps and hairs was just shave more often, and get my legs used to being shaved. It's helped a lot.
if you can't get a hold of makeup then there's nothing you can really do. But if you can, you might want to look up drag queen and trans makeup tutorials.
for hips you could learn to make your own, or buy clothes that have padding included. For breasts there are many options: buy false ones, stuff a bra with socks and manhandle the extra skin in that area to sit on top, layering different sized strapless nu-bras together and use the adhesiveness to hold your extra skin in a way that looks convincing. It all depends on how much money and time you want to spend

>> No.9500497

thanks for the help

>> No.9500897
File: 191 KB, 600x638, 1421779491369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads always disappoint me. I mainly come here to see cute tomboys crossplaying as femmy anime boys.

>> No.9501201
File: 72 KB, 690x999, 091 - wyyp7AL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a femmy boy crossplaying as a cute girl

>> No.9501680

I will be both crossplay and cosplay for the first time this summer. I'm worried, the pervert I am, that it will turn me on though and I don't want to walk around with an erection. Especially since I'll be wearing a skirt.


>> No.9501700

Hmmmm if it's a kind of fetish i would advise to not crossplay?

For some reason i get turned on while dressing too, but it goes away when i look at the mirror and start looking at how cute i look. Then i don't get this problem again. Tuck and wear something oversized like a lolita skirt? (If it fits on your crossplay)

>> No.9501985

We've already bought wigs and all though. Tucking sounds nice, wouldn't a boner rip it up though?

>> No.9502243

Proper tucking won't even allow you dong to pop up.

>> No.9502307

Well that's just great then. I'm still not feeling like actually wearing pantsu though, seems like such a huge step when it's my first time ever cosplaying.

>> No.9502485
File: 107 KB, 960x960, RockySuiko-Junko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We sure wouldn't mind sharing some more pictures, but you could start by dumping some yourself.

>> No.9502780


>> No.9502938
File: 23 KB, 250x309, 557796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dance belt, guys.

Can you spread the word around, too? I seem to need to answer this every other crossplay thread.

>> No.9504036

That was an unexpected mention.
Go for it man, she is a pretty good cosplay for the first time. The trickiest thing is shaping the armor pieces.

>> No.9504575

Hey guys. Boy here, one quick question here...

Should I wear pantsu or normal boy underwear while crossplaying?

>> No.9504588


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