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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9360568 No.9360568 [Reply] [Original]

Auto sage plagued our last thread >>9273586

Whether you're a cosplayer, photographer, lolita, into another form of Jfash, or just interested in the con scene or getting into these hobbies, feel free to post here and find friends.

Please note this is not a hook-up thread, and please keep things /cgl/ related. <3

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
>Other interests
>What are you looking for?
>What are you NOT looking for?
>Contact info

>> No.9360669 [DELETED] 

Repostan since I was late to last thread

02/13/17(Mon)11:04:46 No.9355160
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104 KB JPG
>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay mostly, jfash to a lesser degree. I love gyaru fashion, especially old school. I like nanchatte too
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
KamiCon, AWA, going to AX for the first time this year
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Idolm@ster (765 and CG), seasonal anime (current favorite: Kobayashi-san), Pokémon, Vocaloid, utaite (esp. Kyounosuke Yoshitate), Kagepro, Panty and Stocking, Osomatsu-san, Higurashi, Galko-chan, a bunch of moeshit and underground comedy anime, eroge and mobage
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Ryuko Matoi (KLK), Mega Gardevoir (pkmn), Kido Tsubomi (Kagepro), Senbonzakura Miku, Mika Jougasaki soon (im@s)
>Other interests
Figure and merch collecting, reptile and amphibian care (frogs especially), piano, traditional Japanese and electronic music
>What are you looking for?
Friends, especially ones I could hang out with irl since there's nobody in this hick town, but online friends are still great! I would prefer female friends but if you are a boy and promise not to catch feelings feel free to talk to me
>What are you NOT looking for?
Political extremists (alt-right and radical SJWs), people that get offended by "problematic" elements of anime, thirsty fuccbois
>Contact info:
Skype&Twitter - usadapyo
Instagram - chunk_and_friends (i only post pics of my animals)
Email - otakutakuto@gmail.com

>> No.9360672

Repostan since I was late to the last thread:

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay mostly, jfash to a lesser degree. I love gyaru fashion, especially old school. I like nanchatte too
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
KamiCon, AWA, going to AX for the first time this year
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Idolm@ster (765 and CG), seasonal anime (current favorite: Kobayashi-san), Pokémon, Vocaloid, utaite (esp. Kyounosuke Yoshitate), Kagepro, Panty and Stocking, Osomatsu-san, Higurashi, Galko-chan, a bunch of moeshit and underground comedy anime, eroge and mobage
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Ryuko Matoi (KLK), Mega Gardevoir (pkmn), Kido Tsubomi (Kagepro), Senbonzakura Miku, Mika Jougasaki soon (im@s)
>Other interests
Figure and merch collecting, reptile and amphibian care (frogs especially), piano, traditional Japanese and electronic music
>What are you looking for?
Friends, especially ones I could hang out with irl since there's nobody in this hick town, but online friends are still great! I would prefer female friends but if you are a boy and promise not to catch feelings feel free to talk to me
>What are you NOT looking for?
Political extremists (alt-right and radical SJWs), people that get offended by "problematic" elements of anime, thirsty fuccbois
>Contact info:
Skype&Twitter - usadapyo
Instagram - chunk_and_friends (i only post pics of my animals)
Email - otakutakuto@gmail.com

>> No.9360674
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
cosplay, crafting, and cons
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Almost all of them in the southern US. I sell crafts in AA for a living
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
rocket league, deadman wonderland
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
OC character, donut steal
>Other interests
long walks on the beach etc etc
>What are you looking for?
crafting friends and people who live nearby that can help me with anime cons. I currently don't have a reliable table partner and its awful.
>What are you NOT looking for?
NEETs, I know too many irl as it is.
>Contact info
poochyenarulez is my name for skype and whatever else.

>> No.9360677

wow, what a coincidence, two alabama people post at the same time. I'm adding you!

>> No.9360694

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
I would say cosplay or even jfashion but I'm lazy so rip, cons it is
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Acen and local ones
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Im@s Cindella Girls Starlight Stage and love live casually
Anime: Aikatsu, Madoka, Pripara, yuru yuri, gochiusa, Precure
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Uzuki Shimamura (imas cg)
>Other interests
Figures, Koume Shirasaka, hardcore, BTS
>What are you looking for?
Mostly other people to discuss animu figures with, also experimental music
>What are you NOT looking for?
Uh people easily offended I guess
>Contact info
Line: Aubreyxleech also same on skype but uh I would prefer line

>> No.9360723
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
27/F/Northeast US
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
AAC, CTcon, RICC and BCC - some I do cosplay events, others I doof around
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: I like puzzle games, and love to replay older gen stuff like Dr Mario, Banjo Kazooie and (so much shame) Star Fox Adventures - IT'S LEGEND OF ZELDA, WITH STAR FOX.
Anime: YYH, Card Captor Sakura, Toradora, One Piece, Ranma 1/2... I like slice of life stuff or just fun characters, trying to keep up with "Hey Boys, I'm a Giant Weeb" aka Watashia ga Motete Dousunda, and really loved Galko-Chan.
I like a lot of Western stuff, Miraculous Ladybug, Lazy Town, big Star Trek fan...
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Miss Frizzle, Yu Yu Hakusho characters, Yoko Littner, Louise Belcher, Sakura Kinomoto and lots of others (been cosplaying since 16)
>Other interests
Cross Stitching, AMV making, writing and reading, derping on dork stuff
>What are you looking for?
Low Key friend to chat with, talk about dork interests and motivate each other with costumes, etc.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Relationship, already in one.
>Contact info

>> No.9360740

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay (doing it for the 1st time ever this year) and Cons
Mid 20s/M/VA
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Only been to local cons a couple of times so I haven't done much, up for pretty much anything though
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3, STALKER, Unreal Tournament, Planetside 2, DOOM, M&B Warband
Anime: Black Lagoon, Gunsmith Cats, Bubblegum Crisis, Girls und Panzer, Noir
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
None yet, but planning on cosplaying as Freedom Stalker from STALKER
>Other interests
Guns/Weapons, Collecting Militaria, Drawing, Graphic Design, Reading Manga, Hiking, Shitposting
>What are you looking for?
People in the VA/NC/WV area with similar or same interests
>What are you NOT looking for?
Anyone under 18, anyone who has children, anyone who's severely mentally ill/on meds, SJWs and leftist antifa types, normies (REEEEEEEEEEEEE)
>Contact info
Discord: Awoo#3050
Email: m00nman88@mail.com

>> No.9360747

Basically Lolita > Alt Jfashion = Cons > Cosplays, but I'm really getting into couple/group cosplays nowadays!
I visit Nebraska and California a lot too though!
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do?
I go to most south/east Texas cons! Going to AX for the first time and hope I can make some new friends I can hang with there too!

Best part of a con are friends and spending time with them. Lolita events/panels/shopping are good too but secondary. Parties can be pretty fun but not a necessity.
Games: Pokemon, Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, casual af
Anime: Zero no Tsukaima, I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying, Binbougami ga, Kancolle, Kyoukai no Kanata, Idolm@ster, Lucky Star; mostly moe, comedy, but I want to go back to watching horror genre too.
Brand: M E T A. Royal Princess Alice is good too
Prints: Midsummer Night's Dream and The Basilica at Night are holy grail. Plus themes like: foxes, architecture, chocolate, constellations, nurse
>Characters/series cosplayed
Me/bf have done: Monomi/Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa), Rikka/Yuuta (Chuunibyou), MC/707 (Mystic Messenger), Umbreon/Looker (Pokemon)
Planning: Mallow/Hex Maniac (Pokemon), Sakura (Street Fighter), maybe Hyouka Fuwa
>Other interests
I love math, dressing like a weeb, and reading drama. I'm very passive about fandoms and don't follow things consistently but feel free to talk to me about stuff like animals, school, paranormal/horror, Stranger Things, Walking Dead, Over the Garden Wall, Mr. Robot, cooking, and movies!
>What are you looking for?
New cgl friends, especially those forgiving of absences with contacting. I do want to get to know some people in SoCal because I'll be visiting that area more often in the future.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Anything romantic/political extremists
>Contact info
In order from most used to least: tsunderelolita (line id/insta), x-mizutama-x (skype), tsunderelolitagull@gmail.com

Messaging you!

>> No.9360762

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
just cons, might get into cosplay once I get fitter.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I might go to sakura-con and KuroNekoCon. Depends on how I'm feeling and how the timing is.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
anime: haikyuu, YoI, Ajin
games: civ VI, mini metro, occasionally overwatch
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Never cosplayed but want to try!
>Other interests
/mu/, /lgbt/, /g/
>What are you looking for?
Friends, people in the spokane or seattle area.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Annoying people or other garbage.
>Contact info
discord: marlboros#2617

>> No.9360764

here, am currently taking Abstract Algebra and am considering jumping off a roof.

>> No.9360774

okay all math except that class. desu most math majors i talked to also hate it lol, it's just... unnecessary.

>> No.9360775

same, hopefully real anal will be better

>> No.9360778

WOW, all children and no 30 or 40 year olds??

>> No.9360790

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?

J-fashion and non cosplay crafting



>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc

I like mostly simulation, visual novels and rpgs; Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Yokai Watch, Dmmd random cute pet or dressup games. I also like indie games!
I love girly anime and some seinen shows; Aikatsu Stars, Sweetness and Lightning, Kobayashi's Dragon, Love Live, JoJo, Aggretsuko etc.
I mostly wear casual cute, nanchatte and himekaji; my favorites are Liz Lisa, Ank Rogue, Honey Cinnamon, Bubbles blah blah! Girly stuff

>Other interests

Crafting accessories, baking and collecting cute stationary

>What are you looking for?

Someone mature and typically responsive/interested in being friends. Preferably a girl. It would be nice to send snail mail with someone.

>What are you NOT looking for?

I'm not interested in men, or anyone with an edgelord sense of humor or. Sorry to sound like a sjw. I just want to talk about cute fashion.

>Contact info

If you're interested let me know your LINE

>> No.9360911
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, or just cons?
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
cons really aren't my thing, but i want to go to more brand tea parties and travel to lolita events once i'm settled down
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
games: animal crossing, old WoW, elder scrolls, harvest moon
anime: meduka meguca
brands: angelic pretty, BTSSB
prints: fantastic dolly, fancy paper dolls, and melty cream doughnut are some of my favorite prints i have right now. i'm on the hunt for toy prints and more 2010-2012ish sweet
>Other interests
knitting and embroidery
>What are you looking for?
friends! preferably lolita friends because shared interests are nice. i'm a lonelita and i find that meets aren't really my cup of tea, so people to talk frills with would be good. i'm not the best at initiating conversation so patience is very appreciated

also sometimes i drop off the face of the earth for days/a couple weeks at a time, so somebody who's okay with that would be nice
>What are you NOT looking for?
romance or flirting or that kind of weirdness, extremist types, people who are super into talking politics all the time, people who want to push their views on me/tell me what to do
>Contact info
line: frenesiii
discord: momoko#8900

>> No.9360919

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, I am into lolita as well. Unfortunately I am not active as a lolita.
20/F/The Netherlands
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Bigger cons in my country, Gamescom in Germany.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
>>Idolm@ster cinderella girls SS
>>Macross Delta
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
>Minami Nitta (Im@s), Kotori and Nozomi (Love Live).
>Other interests
Gaming, Greek Mythology, Teaching
>What are you looking for?
A fun friend to chat with about all the geeky stuff!
>What are you NOT looking for?
Anything more or less than a friend.
>Contact info
Line: Hemeracos

>> No.9360975

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and cons


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Dokomi, Connichi, maybe Gamescom. I'll be having my first table at the artist alley this year with some friends at a local con. Photoshootings and parties i guess

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
I'm not up to date with the recent anime unfortunately, I will pick up some in the next season. I like indie and otome games a lot. AAA games are cool too, but i'm not into ego shooters. On my phone I play lovelive! and fire emblem heroes.

>>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
last year: chloe from life is strange, two Umi outfits from lovelive, mito from owari no seraph

>>Other interests
I'll be starting fitness in a month again after a break. I'm really into game design and I absolutely love to draw/paint. Also I'm figuring out how to do 2d animations in a good, non shitty way. Oh and I like music festivals and concerts (mostly metal/eletronic stuff) too

>>What are you looking for?
Some fellas from germany to hang out with at a convention or some art buddys. Maybe even someone to play multiplayer games with? I also like the idea of sending cute letters and stuff to eachother

>What are you NOT looking for?
Males, sorry, it just never works. Bitchy people or people who self diagnose themselfes with several diseases. Dramatic people in general, regardless of the topic

>>Contact info
discord: Minnie#5595

>> No.9360978


>> No.9361007
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>I also like the idea of sending cute letters and stuff to eachother.
>writing letters to each other in old-style, overly polite German
I'm not sure if we share many interests, but I like Love Live and I'm neither male nor bitchy.
I also don't have discord, would line or skype work? That is if you are into this idea.

>> No.9361059

>be over 30
>want to post but afraid of being labeled creeper by default

>> No.9361063


You mean these letters in calligraphy style?
Ah, feel free to add me on line: mintbot and to explain your idea more to me. I'm pretty much open to anything fun sounding

>> No.9361066

Reposting from awhile back

>>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, some jfash, cons, photography as a fun hobby now and then
>>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Been to Animazement, Otakon, Oak City Comicon. Going to Megacon this year
>>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Survival horror like Silent Hill, Resident Evil. Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop, One Punch Man, Trigun, Yugioh
>>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Rick and Morty, Soul Eater, Daria, Legend of Korra
>>Other interests
Art (Painting, sketching, Artist's Alleys), writing, some photography,
>>What are you looking for?
Friends to hang with, go to cons/out on weekends
>>What are you NOT looking for?
>>Contact info
Tumblr: exodiatheforbiddenone
Skype: (never really use but) atiyatortilla

>> No.9361080
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Gonna repost again for more friendlies

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, or just cons?
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
The usual MCM Expos, Kita, Ame, Aya, HJ. Also doing some international ones like AX next year. Going for the cosplay, panels, and hanging out with people.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Animal Crossing, SMT/Persona series, Rhythm games (Rhythm Heaven, Ouendan, Taiko), Pokémon, Splatoon, TF2, and a few VNs
Animu: Monogatari, Wakfu/Dofus, Girls und Panzer, Initial D, Log Horizon, Gatchaman, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Kaiji (too many to list)
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Mostly TV/vidya stuff instead of actual cosplay like Finn (Adventure Time), Minato (Persona 3), Mettaton (Undertale), Squidkid (Splatoon) and Kenji (Katawa Shoujo), got some more interesting ones coming up like an Advance Wars tank, an Ace Attorney character, and Nozomu from SZS
>Other interests
I make and sell things on Etsy and do DIY projects from time to time, photography, travelling, 3D modelling (and 3D printing)
>What are you looking for?
Peeps to talk to about making cosplays/suggestions or talk about animu/vidya. Any tips for selling better on Etsy too would be great.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Relationships or dramu (banter is alright though)
>Contact info

>> No.9361082

(Forgot my Discord: Mic#4338)

>> No.9361085
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and conventions. I'm interested in Jfashion too.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Youmacon, Midwest Media Expo. I mainly go to the dealer's room and game room. Honestly, I just like spending time with my friends at cons and dressing up. Wandering around is fun too.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Vidya: Persona, Ys, Touhou, SotC, 100% OJ, Animal Crossing, RPG Maker games (Yume Nikki, LISA, Mad Father, Deep-Sea Prisoner's games, etc.)
Anime: Serial Experiments Lain, Kino no Tabi, Monogatari series, Katanagatari, Ping Pong the Animation, Mononoke, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita, Paranoia Agent, Kaiba... There's a lot of anime that I like. I'm fond of Satoshi Kon and Masaaki Yuasa.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Reimu (Touhou), Patchouli (Touhou), Homura (PMMM), Madotsuki (Yume Nikki), Senjougahara (Monogatari Series)
>Other interests
Reading (literature is love; I just finished The Fatal Eggs today), drawing, plushies/figures, writing, cute stationery, and learning Japanese.
>What are you looking for?
Whether they're in-state or online, I'd be happy to make new friends with similar interests.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Romance and SJWs.
>Contact info

>> No.9361096
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best boy

>> No.9361100

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Mostly lolita. I used to go to a few different cons and cosplay a little, but it's not really my scene anymore.
24/F/WV, aka basically the middle of nowhere
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
In the past I've gone to Colossalcon and Tekko. Might go to Tekko this year for the fashion stuff, but it depends on my schedule.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Basically anything nintendo cause I'm a basic bitch.
Anime: Anything with cute idol girls, or cute girls in general!
Brands: Old school Baby, Meta, IW, AP
Prints: Not that into prints, but florals and foxes are my weakness
>Other interests
Sewing, thrifting/antiquing, crafting/art, cute stuff
>What are you looking for?
People to chat with about weeb and frilly stuff. I'd love to find some friends I could hang out with locally, but I know that's probably not gonna happen since the only people in my area who like this shit are usually cringy teenagers.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Dudes. Sorry, but I'm just not interested in talking to guys. Also, super salty gulls. I like a bit of salt, but I've known a few to many gulls that had super high sodium levels and sometimes it's a bit much. And small talk. Like don't start the convo with "hi" and expect it to go anywhere with me.
>Contact info
Line: idoltrash0048
Email: brownflorallolita@gmail.com

>> No.9361106

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay & Lolita
26/Female/Philadelphia Area
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Cons- Otakon, Anime Next, NYCC
Con interests- Photoshoots, people watch, hang out, pub hop
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games- Zelda (Majoras Mask), Fatal Frame, AC4, Resident Evil, Paper Mario (64+TTYD), Skyrim
Anime- Azumanga Diaoh, Nana, Rozen Maiden, Ranma 1/2, Naruto
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Last of Us, Resident Evil, Homestuck, Big O,
>Other interests
Movies, food culture, camping/hiking, DnD, musical theater, beach, debate
>What are you looking for?
Chill people who just want to hang out and do whatever, preferrably in lolita when sensible. Im fine with getting up to explore the pine barrens to just chilling around and watching tv/playing videogames.
>What are you NOT looking for?
People who are offended at differing opinions. Im a centrist/libertarian who often will start debates just for the sake of hearing another sides reasoning.
Anyone prone to drama
>Contact info
Skype- malicecolleen

>> No.9361108

Fave brands
Metamorphose & innocent world

Sage for double

>> No.9361111
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>tfw you're lonelita and too shy to contact anyone

>> No.9361122

Come to KuroNekoCon. I'm a biased opinion because I'm staff, but we're working our ass off over here and it gets better every year. If you're in the spokane area and don't need to travel for it, really no reason not to (although I understand not traveling for a two day con).

>> No.9361128
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Just give it a try. I know it's hard. I'm pretty shy myself. But even if it doesn't work out, it's not like you lose anything. And something good might come out of it in the end.

>> No.9361145

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Itabags, mediocre cosplay, anime convention staffing, artist alley artist


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do?
Attend Sakura Con, staff for KuroNekoCon. Attend Kumoricon when I have the money. I run panels and photoshoots, table in the Artist Alley, and I really enjoy attending both industry and fan panels. For KuroNekoCon I'm a guest liaison.

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
One Piece, Fate/Zero, Fire Emblem (playing Radiant Dawn rn), Ace Attorney, Tales of Series, GANGSTA., No Thank You!!!, Psycho Pass, My Hero Academia, One Punch Man, Re:ZERO. The best thing airing this season is Tanya & The Forces of Evil.

Big on webcomics so: Sakana, Sfeer Theory, HiNaBN, Dumbing of Age, El Goonish Shive, Oh Human Star, Avialae, Griefer Belt, Trying Human, etc

I am really, really into One Piece. I took two days off work to drive to Seattle and back to see the new movie when it came out. I've been a fan for nine years, it just fills me with unfiltered joy every time I get to watch the new episode.

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Recently One Piece & No Thank You!!!

>Other interests
Engineering, Robotics, Visual Novels, D&D, Board Games, Figure Collecting, Web Comics, Indie Comics, LGBT Comics (just drown me in comics pretty much), been ice skating again since YoI came out.

>What are you looking for?
Self-sufficient adult friends with similar interests. Possibly interested in hotel splits for Pacific Northwest or North Cal cons for Artist Alley ventures.

>What are you NOT looking for?
Kids, NEETS, romantic connections, salt, far right extremists.

>Contact info

>> No.9361160

Messaging you!

>> No.9361162
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and cons, do some photography every now and again but have not done so in the past year or so.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I've been to Anime Expo, Colossal, Katsucon (currently there now), Indy Pop, Otakon (when it was in Baltimore), and NY Comic-Con. I usually just go to panels or hit up the vendor area. However I was a consultant on a Street Fighter panel a friend of mine got to do a year ago.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Rune Factory, Persona, Street Fighter, Professor Layton, Danganronpa, Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy
Anime: Madoka, Sailor Moon, CCS, Tokyo Mew Mew, Zero no Tsukaima, Fairy Tail, Ghost in the Shell: SAC, Aikatsu, JoJo, Magipoka, Soul Eater, Psycho-Pass, Reborn!
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Karin Kanzuki (Street Fighter), Sakura Kasugano (Street Fighter), Haru (Reborn!), Lettuce (Tokyo Mew Mew), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Yukari Takeba (Persona 3), Suzuka (Outlaw Star)
>Other interests
Really like cycling and running, and have been reading and writing more as of late.
>What are you looking for?
Friends? People i can see at cons maybe?
>What are you NOT looking for?

>> No.9361192
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, some dandy but it's too fucking hot, cons
...why didn't you just say ASL, what
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
All the shitty local cons and the one good one. SoCal cons when I can. Try to do the big Eastern cons - Colossal, D*C
I mostly just wander around and weeb watch.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Currently maining Overwatch, anime is backlogged as fuck.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
A couple Sentais, mostly DC stuff, One Piece, working on Bravely Second
>Other interests
/co/ stuff
>What are you looking for?
TIDDIES. Friends that understand the whole what's socially acceptable thing.
>What are you NOT looking for?
PENISES. People that will make me cringe from second hand embarrassment.
>Contact info
Instagram is my /cgl/ social media. Vallelated

>> No.9361229

>not wanting peen with your tiddies

>> No.9361247
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That's a v good point

>> No.9361256
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Anime Boston, PAX, I'd be down for conparties but have never been
>Favorite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Big into Resident Evil rn, Metal Gear is goat. Not a big anime guy, so mainly entry level stuff like Samurai Champloo and One Punch Man.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Metal Gear, Star Wars, GoT
>Other interests
Movies/Musicals/Acting/Comedy/Video Editing
>What are you looking for?
>What are you NOT looking for?
>Contact info
Skype: UnusualCharacters

>> No.9361268
File: 233 KB, 600x483, 1418710732138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah

>> No.9361426

Guess I'll give this another go

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Lolita and cons. I've dabbled in cosplay but I like lolita more.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do?
Anime Boston, Pax East, BCC. I like to go to AA and shop. I also enjoy panels a lot. Never been to a party.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Pokemon, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Sims, Heavy Rain, Animal Crossing. I'm not a huge gamer to be honest though I like to keep up with what's out.
Anime: YYH, March Comes in Like A Lion, Sailor Moon, Kyousougiga, Kimi ni Todoke, Gatchaman Crowds, Flying Witch. I tend to enjoy slice of life more than anything.
Brands: Angelic Pretty, Meta, Inori, Little Dipper
Prints: Pink Lemonade, Elisabeth Unicorn, Melty Berry Princess
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Hanna Anafeloz, Prince Soma, Aoi Asahina, Kusuriuri
>Other interests
Drawing, webcomics, western comics (Runaways, Saga)
>What are you looking for?
Friends to chat with mostly.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Relationships, people who want to talk politics
>Contact info
Tell me your discord or insta if you're interested in chatting!

>> No.9361434

okay, I will! I'm in the Cd'A area during the summer so it's not like I need to travel.

I've just never been to a smaller con (literally the only cons I've been to are ECCC and SDCC) so I'm a little nervous about being at such an intimate con. I'll make an effort to head over.

>> No.9361446

Awesome! I hope you have fun - small cons are a different feel from cons that huge, but you get the the chance to actually interact and talk with guests which is cool.

The Manliness Panel is always a comedic gem and 100% worth it btw.

>> No.9361612

I'd like to message you but don't want to post my insta on the chans. Can you email me at makingdorkfriends@outlook.com? We go to similar cons and a YYH fan is always a good person to know!

>> No.9361625

Sure thing! I didn't post mine for the same reason. I'll email you now

>> No.9361715
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and Cons
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Otakon LV, Sabakon, Level Up Expo, Anime Expo.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Fallout Series, AC Series, LoL, Indie games, Pkmn
Anime: Neon Genesis, Spice & Wolf, Durarara
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Mae (NITW)
>Other interests
>What are you looking for?
Friends with similar interest, idfk.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Anyone whose co-dependent, abusive.
>Contact info
Discord: JacyTheTrashAngel#1248
Telegram: JacytheTrashAngel

>> No.9361725 [DELETED] 

>post myself on one of these threads
>Find below a single person from my area
>"Ask me for context details in thread"
>I'm the only one to ask
>Still get nothing

What the actual fuck was the point of posting in a friend finder thread without 1. Looking for other people in your area and 2. When one shows up not even dignifying someone reaching out for friendship.

I just. Why even bother posting?

>> No.9361726

>post myself on one of these threads
>Find a single person from my area
>"Ask me for contact details in thread"
>I'm the only one to ask
>Still get nothing

What the actual fuck was the point of posting in a friend finder thread without 1. Looking for other people in your area and 2. When one shows up not even dignifying someone reaching out for friendship.

I just. Why even bother posting?

>> No.9361870
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Looking to get into menhera/yamikawaii, but other than that I just read watch and draw
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Desucon & Tracon/Panels, artists alley, karaoke
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: FFTA, Zelda games, Ace Attorney, Prof Layton, Fire Emblem
Anime/Manga: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, FMA, NGE, One Piece, Oyasumi Punpun
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
>Other interests
Drawing, theatre, lizards, roleplaying games
>What are you looking for?
People to talk with about this stuff mostly, won't mind a new confriend either
>What are you NOT looking for?
Overly sensitive people, people who don't understand the importance of not being a dick, you know, be cool and sensible thanks, also not looking for a conversation about politics/sjw/etc
>Contact info
Email: contine.lidia@gmail.com
Discord: Nakkilapsi#2849

>> No.9361874

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, mostly. Love going to cons


What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Dutch Comic Con, Rotterdam Comic Con, Hearth's Warming Con, occasionally the Gothic and Fantasy Beurs

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Silent Hill, Tekken, Monster Hunter, Pokémon, Bioshock, all those indie rpgmaker horror games like Yume Nikki and Ib
Anime: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, Shiki

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Noriaki Kakyoin, Queen Chrysalis, working on Jotaro Kujo and Madotsuki

>Other interests
Psychological horror, art

>What are you looking for?
Friends, people to hang out with at cons, currently trying to build up a bit of a JoJo gang at Dutch Comic Con this March.

>What are you NOT looking for?
SJWs, people who are going to be all superior and megalomaniac about things.

>Contact info
Instagram: @whitenoiseghost
Kik: WhiteNoiseGhost
Deviantart: WhiteNoiseGhost

>> No.9361899

T b h, they prob forgot they posted in the thread and didn't check back. Sorry man. Though admittedly that's their loss not yours. Don't take it personally, if they forgot to check a thread they prob wouldn't end up being a good friend either.

>> No.9361940 [DELETED] 

I've talked to you a couple times on insta and other places believe it or not. You're a cool person so it's nice to know you're a gull too.

>> No.9362182

reposting from last thread

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
cosplay, photography and cons!
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
MCM London, Hyper Japan, BAGC sometimes. I just walk around and buy stuff really, normally in a small group
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Anime: DanganRonpa, Prison School, Guilty Crown, Space Dandy, Cowboy Bebop, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Games: Ib, Witch's House, Bioshock, Dishonored, Dangan ronpa, No More Heroes, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Overwatch
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Junko Enoshima (Dangan Ronpa), Vanilla (Nekopara), Tsukihi Araragi (Bakemonogatari), Nonon Jakuzure (Kill La Kill), Hana Midorikawa (Prison School), Nozomi Tojo (Love Live!), Star Guardian Lux (League of Legends), Asuka (Evangelion) Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4)
i think theres more but my memory is bad
>Other interests
gaming, baking, making games, voice acting, singing, drawing, napping alot, ahegao
>What are you looking for?
people to speak to in general, people with common interests, possible con buddies
>What are you NOT looking for?
dont really want dick pics sent to me out of the blue
>Contact info
instagram: salthime
discord: pastry puffer #4341
battle.net: kneesan #2411
skype: konorchie
email: saltiesthime@gmail.com

>> No.9362357

Lotsa MA/Northeast peeps this time around. Anyone interested in a Boston meet up?

>> No.9362473
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cons and photography, I'll cosplay once I hit atleast 20% bodyfat
21/M/KS & midwest
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Naka-kon, Nebraskon, ACEN.
Midwest cons in general.
I attend voice acting panels and AA the most. I like the creative side of the community. 2 autistic 2 party
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Racing simulators, fighting games, Rushing B.
Shoujo and slice of life are my favorite genres
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I'm still stuck on the whole "can I cosplay someone that isn't black?" Thing
>Other interests
Producing music, DJing, road bikes, Photography/filmography, street fashion
>What are you looking for?
People for the Naka-kon seagull groupchat, other weeb influenced content creators, people that shitpost on twitter, midwest weebs in general
>What are you NOT looking for?
No bully pls
>Contact info
Line ID: TsundereBoys
Twitter: @flatfeets, @tsundereboys

Is Tokyo in Tulsa worth going to? I might skip AFW and go there.

Aye, were you in the Nebkon chat?

>> No.9362482
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay/ WeebTrash some jfash, dabble in lolita mostly indie brands
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
cons in CA and TX some in the north, love going to the AA for unique merch
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Fate series//Jojo/Bakemonogatari/KissHim not Me/Shakugan no Shana/
Overwatch/Touhou/KanColle/ MGS /survival horrors/Spatoon/Pokemon/vocaloid
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Jotaro-Jojo/ Sousuke-Free!/ Lavi-D.Grayman/ Homura- PMMM/ 707- MysMe
>Other interests
occult/supernatural/ gems and minerals/vaporwave/synthwave
>What are you looking for?
con buds or chat peeps
>What are you NOT looking for?
>Contact info
Line id/ ig : spikeyham Skype:peachotter

>> No.9362546

I would be depending on where and when

>> No.9362666
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Jfashion & lolita coords (but not a brololita).
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
None lately. So sad work keeps me from APOP
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Tokimemo and retro games
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Listen Flavour, AP, Kikirara Shouten
Pill prints & Dream Sky
>Other interests
Musical theatre, bar-hopping, noise pop
>What are you looking for?
Friends to swap style inspirations with
>What are you NOT looking for?
Dating or politics chat
>Contact info

>> No.9363408 [DELETED] 
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Anyone in here is more than welcome to join this comfy FA/CGL Discord: https://discord.gg/R5UfBdA

It's active, has a decent amount of people in it, isn't boring, and everyone is generally kind and helpful. Seagulls and /cgl/ related discussion are always welcome, just keep shitposting in the shitposting channel and don't be annoying!

>> No.9363418 [DELETED] 

There's also the normal /cgl/ Discord too:

>> No.9363422
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Lolita and general jfash.
Mid 20s/f/East coast.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I mostly hang out in the vendor hall and artist alley spending all my hard earned cash. Also I go fashion shows and tea parties if applicable and see a few panels.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Brands: Angelic Pretty. I wear sweet exclusively but I love a toned down look. I own a small gyaru wardrobe as well but I'm not super interested in it atm.
Other stuff: I barely watch anime these days, but I like horror manga and cutesy stuff.
>Other interests
Cooking, baking, home decorating, normie fashion, makeup, coffee and tea, trying to be as girly as possible.
>What are you looking for?
Are there any centrist or slightly right-leaning gulls? Pls add. Also a friend who wants to swap/send each other links to good deals. Mostly looking for someone online because I'm probably moving soon. I move a lot.
>What are you NOT looking for?
I don't mind if guys add me. I also don't mind politics talk. Let's vent. I am not looking for sad NEET-types.
>Contact info

>> No.9363454

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Kosupure ~
25/F/Denmark (25% England)
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I haven't had much of a reason to attend Danish cons for around 10 years now, so mostly been involved in the UK community.
So, for UK cons; Kitacon, Amecon, MCM Expo on rare occasions. Considering hitting up Genkicon or J-popcon in Denmark in the future to see what's up.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Manga: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Kaiji, Monster
Games: Zero Escape series, Corpse Party series, Danganronpa series, SMT series, Ys series, Silent Hill 2.
I'm generally a big fan of the horror genre and pretty much been married to Jojo's Bizarre Adventure for 10 years now. Jojo is important.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Previously cosplayed from part 2 and 7 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, K-On, Clover, Persona, Earthbound and probably more. Been at it since 2003, not particularly proud of most of my stuff and trying to change that.
In progress at the moment;
Junko (Danganronpa), Ochako (Hero Academia), Joseph Joestar pink rhinestone variant (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure BT),
>Other interests
Music (I'm a pianist and singer, previous assistant music teacher), traveling, cooking and bird law.
>What are you looking for?
What are YOU looking for?
>What are you NOT looking for?
furries and diaper lovers
>Contact info
Got none, can create some if wanted. Warning: I'm horrible at responding but almost always happy to socialise.

>> No.9363576

Gonna shoot ya an email.

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and cons with some gaming.


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
D*C, PHXCC, and some local SC and NC cons

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Anime: AoT, One Punch Man, Saber Marionette, Code Geass. Im way more into european and american animation.

Games: Panzer Dragoon, Shenmue, Psychonauts, Bioshock, Dishonored, Nioh, Bloodborne, Blazblue, The Witcher, Zero Escape, Ace Attorney and many more

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Complete and utter capeshit. Cosplays include: Riddler, Clock King, Captain Cold and Captain Boomerang. Currently working on Scarecrow.

>Other interests
Teaching, fencing, scuba diving

>What are you looking for?
Con friends, and non-cringe actually-has-their-life-together nerdy friends

>What are you NOT looking for?
Romance, students of any kind

>Contact info
Discord: TheXXVth

>> No.9363594
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
The first three! Lolita is my main, but cosplay is very fun and I usually do it in groups.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Central TX cons, recently started doing AA at small local ones and it's definitely an experience. As an attendee I usually go through AA, game room, and fashion shows. The people I go to cons with usually throw a party at some point. I'm up for anything at cons!
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Brands: BTSSB, AP, and Cornet. For Jfashion, MINT Neko, Swankiss, galaxxxy, and any yumekawaii/menhera/FK brands I can get for cheap secondhand.
Anime: MP100, Devilman, Kaiji, and YOI are faves right now. I generally try to watch as much as I can and I prefer older shows.
Games: I'm mostly a squeenix hoe (KH, FF, TWEWY) but games like Overwatch are fun. I'm satisfied playing Nintendogs though, so. Looking to play more anime fighters too!
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Hestia (Danmachi) was the most recent one. Future ones are Makoto (Street Fighter) and Mob (MP100)!
>Other interests
Itabag making, drawing, snail mail, basically hands on creative things! I love film and studied both that and animation, so I can talk about that for a while lol. I love music, and I guess online thrifting counts as a shitty hobby too?
>What are you looking for?
Whatever <3 I just like friends. If you love fashion/music/art/film I will talk to you for a very long time.
>What are you NOT looking for?
No Romance please, I'm not interested. I don't mind most people, just be polite until we get to the shit talking phase! I don't mind gender either.
>Contact info
lineID: krispychicken
email: crysdesu@gmail
Ask for discord if that suits you!

>> No.9363650


Googled the ID and it looks like this Discord has been spammed constantly on /fa/.

Last time someone posted a Discord I did the same and it had been spammed all over /r9k/.

These Discords are just honeytraps set up by ronery 4chan guys from other boards and then re-branded as 'CGL Discord!!' here just because they know girls are active and will join. It's like the 4chan equivalent of a shitty dating network or school disco.

>> No.9363664

can basically confirm

the discord that anon linked is 99% /fa/ and 1% gull, and the actual /cgl/ discord is full of thirstmasters who don't even into cgl hobbies. there are only a few lolitas there and they all suffer together

>> No.9363669

I love you!!!

>> No.9363670

I figured as much

>> No.9363673


It's wrong on so many levels, not only does it come across as a creepy attempt to catfish, the logic behind the plan is retarded.

>Girls aren't interested in me so I'll trick them into joining my chatroom. That'll be sure to make them think I'm not a fucking loser.

>> No.9363677

I remember someone grabbed my email address from a BST thread and put it in some...file...virus...thing.

I don't know how these things work.

Anyway, mine was added with hundreds of other emails collected on 4chan and after collecting a dude amount dude decides to drop an insane amount of mailing lists all these addresses.

Shit took months to finally get fully out of.

>> No.9363680


>MINT Neko

Yaaasss favorite brand. Glad I'm not the only whitey buying it.

>> No.9363689


Yeah, burner addresses or contact info that doesn't use the same username elsewhere are the way forward. I learned the hard way too when I got emails from guys who were looking to fuck a 'femboy' because I'd posted it once in response to someone in a thread I wanted to keep talking to. The content of the emails were just so crass too, like why would you ever think it's appropriate to randomly contact me uninvited, open the conversation with TMI shit about your dick and what you'll 'do to me' and then expect to have any chance whatsoever.

>> No.9363692

MINT senpai <3 I modelled for him at a con last year and on top of the clothes being super cute and comfy, Mint-san himself is very nice and sweet. I love all of his designs to death now!

>> No.9363704


That's cool! All I really know about MINT Neko is that it's an offshoot of h.naoto. I've been to some of the physical stores in Japan and they were really cool. I think it's just great that as a brand they offer something which is unlike any other street fashion, they do really daring designs and cuts. It's really hard to keep up with them though, I feel like there are just constantly more and more items being added to their lines every month.

>> No.9363821

And this is why I can never leave contact info in the friend finder threads.

>> No.9363834

I agree! I think my favorite thing about MINT pieces are the comfy androgynous fits while still having an air of cute and sometimes gothic design! They offer a lot from a street fashion and are constantly changing what they do. I'm really jealous but happy you got to see the physical store. How was it?

Also it's cool that the way he draws cats makes you love cats (and I usually don't, I'm a dog person myself)!

>> No.9363888

Maybe people just want like.... Friends.

You really don't have to be a hyper critical turbo feminist.

>> No.9363902

It's easier to be friends with people you share hobbies with. Tricking people who think they are talking to others that share their interests only to figure out that they were only wanted because of their gender isn't a good way to make friends.

>> No.9363913
File: 37 KB, 640x480, Kagurakick-asschick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
I've dabbled in some cosplay (mostly idorus), but I would love to venutre more into lolita, fairy kei, and nanchatte seifuku!
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I regularly attend Youmacon, but I've been to ColossalCon too! I'd like to go to more in the upcoming years though.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Love Live!, IM@S, Style Savvy, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, and various JRPGs
Anime: Gintama, Jojo, Osomatsu, Fate, and idol anime
Brands: mostly Angelic Pretty, but I like some indie brands too.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Nico Yazawa (LL), Ruby Kurosawa (LL), Sakura Chiyo (GSNK), Osoko (Osomatsu). Currently working on Selkie (FE Fates) and Acerola (Pokemon)
>Other interests
I've been learning to sew and make props, and I love cooking yummy food and making desserts!
>What are you looking for?
I'd love to talk about Jfashion with people all over! Also possibly meeting up at cons with people!
>What are you NOT looking for?
Sexual/romantic advances.
>Contact info
email: steamboatsenpai@gmail.com
twitter: @SteamboatSenpai
discord: SteamboatSenpai#8668

>> No.9363917


Is there a none /fa/ discord

I don't need fashion tips..

>> No.9363941

This is something I'd love as well. Purely cgl discord. Cross your fingers and hope no crossboarding r9kers dont try and spill spaghetti

>> No.9363948

i'm not interested in people who try to shoehorn themselves in where they don't belong, especially if they're going to be creepy fucks like they are in the /cgl/ one

there's that EGL discord but it's so rigid and altogether no-fun-allowed

>> No.9363951

That's why I'd like a purely cgl one, not an egl one.

I wouldn't call the other one /cgl/. it's pretty much r9k and /fa/ that has spammed cgl for more women posters

>> No.9363953

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
I only wear lolita right now, but I'm interested in getting into other jfashion as well!
18/F/Southeast USA
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I don't really go to a lot of cons
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
The only games I really play are minecraft, osu, and ACNL
anime: Sailor Moon, FLCL, Madoka Magica, K-on, Ajin
Brands: Angelic Pretty, Mary Magdalene, Innocent World, BTSSB
Prints: Mercator Antique Shop, British Bear
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
>Other interests
Astrophysics, writing (post poetry), sewing, lil bit of baking
>What are you looking for?
Lolita friends! But anyone with interests in common can feel to contact me.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Creepy Dudes. Republicans, or bigoted people in general
>Contact info
Discord: AndromedianLace #0518
Skype: Grand Ol' Swinklejinks
Email: Sarcasticstick@gmail.com

>> No.9363956

Feel free**
I also like skipping over words while typing.

>> No.9363966
File: 6 KB, 199x200, shucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y-you too!

>> No.9363985

I hate you

>> No.9363987
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Momocon, Dragoncon, AWA. The standard ATL conventions as you can see..

I actually like the panels at Momocon a lot, as a few my favorite youtubers end up there. I usually go to the Karaoke at every con because my friend kills it at singing and I record it. Aside from that I just wander around find shit to do, sober conversation is more my thing, I don't party at all.

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: currently Overwatch, WoW, looking forward to the new Mass Effect, mainly a PC gamer.

Favorite anime by far is One Piece

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
One Piece: Law, Dragon
WoW: Wrathion

Need to find more characters that fit me..

>Other interests
Boring old people stuff..
Oh I like to watch a lot of capeshit movies, and some decent shows at least..

>What are you looking for?
Iunno chill people I guess, people that have their shit together a bit maybe

>What are you NOT looking for?

>Contact info
Discord: ZXI91#4907

Pic is unrelated, just one of the random pics from Dcon this year

>> No.9363996

y-you too!

>> No.9364026
File: 117 KB, 250x367, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I attend most cons in the SoCal area (AX, PMX, ALA). I mostly enjoy the jfash fashion shows and panels, but the dances and parties are obviously fun too.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Brand: Angelic Pretty (I only really wear sweet lolita, although I am currently saving up to get a more hime-style dress).
Prints: top three are Dolly Cat, Milky Planet, Dream Sky
Games: I like a lot of games, notably Zelda, Pokemon, pretty much any Bethesda game but mostly Skyrim, and war strategy games like Age of Empires.
Anime/Manga: Ouran, Junjou Romantica, Kodocha, Homonculus, Death Note, starting to get into Madoka
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I did a horrible closet Miku my freshman year of hs but that's really as far as my cosplay experience extends to
>Other interests
Horror and scifi movies, Japanese language (its my uni major currently even though I still kinda suck), MLP, writing (fiction, poetry), Legos
>What are you looking for?
F R I E N D S. I am lonely. I really want some new lolita friends, but also want to befriend more cosplayers.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Romance (I have a boyfriend)
>Contact info
Discord: mostembarrassingbehavior #5820 (I'm not 100% sure how this site works yet though lol)

>> No.9364034

added you guys on discord!

>> No.9364103
File: 25 KB, 500x281, IMG_0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met a couple of nice internet seagull buds last time!

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Just Lolita and Jfash--though I love admiring art/cosplay. This is my first con season in Europe, but I'm pumped.

25/F/Central EU

>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
First con season here, so would love some recs (Anywhere in Schengen area.) At cons I love Jfash panels, hanging in the gaming room, fashion shows, parties, whatever.

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc

Brands: Moitié, AatP, Sex Pot Revenge, Axes Femme

Anime: Basic tier, e.g. Evangelion, Shiki, Cowboy Bebop, YOI, etc.

>Other interests
Writing, classical music/art/opera, VK/jrock, traveling, history, etc.

>What are you looking for?
Con friends, internet/snail mail pen pals, lolita friends.

>What are you NOT looking for?
Romantic shit.

>Contact info
Line: gh0ulprincess
Discord: nocnica #8735

>> No.9364295
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'Just friends' sure right okay

>> No.9364298
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Yeah it's all one big feminist conspiracy. Damn those feminists from stopping us all being friends!

>> No.9364357

And this is why I don't bother with discord. Wew.

>> No.9364362

LOL jesus christ. Can we just keep a running list of these thristmasters?

>> No.9364438


Imagine being that obsessed with getting laid, like literally to the point where it consumes you. I'd always heard /r9k/ was the posterboy 'tfw no gf' board, but I didn't realize the userbase is actually full of legit /pol/tards rapists looking to prey on cosplayers.

This shit is why people need to be careful with what details they give out in these threads. They are lurking and they will pull creepy shit. A public blacklist of creepers in these threads with their social media accounts/discord names/photos would actually be a good idea.

>> No.9364476
File: 218 KB, 843x1079, 1485818958950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
cosplay, specifically idol cosplay
22/f/Ontario, Canada (located in the GTA)
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
i'm heading to anime north and fanexpo this year, but would love to travel down to the US some day
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Love Live!, idolm@ster, seasonal anime (Gabriel Dropout, Kobayashi-san, Konosuba, Kuzu no Honkai, Little Witch Academia, New Game, gochiusa, etc. I like yuri overtones and all-girl casts if you couldn't tell), Vocaloid
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Currently just Love Live! but I'm interested in others too.
>Other interests
Figures, merch, j-fashion, fitness, reading/writing/drawing, politics (i'm a centrist, so not extreme but I'm going to law school so I like talking about the law sometimes)
>What are you looking for?
Friends to do idolshit with, go to cons with, hang out with.
>What are you NOT looking for?
I'm not interested in men, teenagers, drama, relationships.
>Contact info
Discord: qtkt#8136

>> No.9364484

I'd say TnT is worth it so long as you live in a neighboring state, I wasn't even aware of AFW desu

>> No.9364525


Have you ever used discord?

It's like the easiest way to connect with people without giving them any real info..

>> No.9364538


It was really good! Pretty small, but the staff was really friendly and there was a gacha machine that dispensed a double pack of pins with different MINT Neko art on them, I thought that was a really nice touch. Closetchild is definitely the place if you want quantity though, I visited every store in Tokyo and they all had a huge representation of MN clothes for cheap. The website doesn't do any of the closetchild stores justice, they're rammed wall to wall with cheap J-fash, I'm sure everyone here knows it and will say the same but I can't recommend closetchild IRL enough if you ever travel out to Japan. It's just...ok_hand emoji

>> No.9364645

Yes. I had friends invite me to their groups. It seems good for group chats and bot shenanigans. Personally, I don't care for group chats. That's all.

>> No.9364675

Hey! It seems we have similar interests. Do you have Line perhaps? (I am the 20y/o/F Dutch gull). Would love to have more people to talk to about Idolm@ster and upcoming figurereleases.

>> No.9364721
File: 129 KB, 1417x1902, meirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
In order of importance: lolita fashion, conventions, shitty bought cosplay
20/F/The Netherlands
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Most of the big Dutch cons. I like meeting up with friends, taking pictures of cosplayers and doing karaoke.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Dragon Age, Etrian Odyssey, Ace Attorney, Hearthstone, and also really into otome games (Amnesia: Memories, 7KPP, Code:Realize etc)
Anime/manga: NGE, Berserk, Oyasumi Punpun, Yowamushi Pedal, Oreimo, Kagerou Project, Suzumiya Haruhi
Brands: Sheglit, alice auaa, Moitie etc. I pretty much only wear black.
>Other interests
I'll just put some bands I like because I'm really into music. Andrew Jackson Jihad, Ramshackle Glory, The Get Up Kids, Neutral Milk Hotel, William Bonney, Snowing, Crywank, Indian Summer, The Front Bottoms, Nana Grizol, Bomb The Music Industry, Tigers Jaw etc
>What are you looking for?
Fellow lolitas to talk to about fashion shit, possibly Dutch friends to hang out with at cons, people who aren't boring to talk to
>What are you NOT looking for?
Thirsty dudes, SJWs, any talk about politics, people who don't share any interests with me
>Contact info
Skype: androidsarepeopletoo
Discord: nef#2504

>> No.9364833

Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
casual jfash, and cons
18/F/eastern washington
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
sakura con, knc, kumoricon,
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
I play retro pc/console 99% of the time, I watch pretty much any genre (alot of moeshit rn)
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I did some mo3 a while back, some avatar, doing berserk and wario ware this year
>Other interests
I like prop making, sewing, drawing and retro gaming
>What are you looking for?
a freindly freind/vidya bud
>What are you NOT looking for?
ghosts, clowns, or mimes
>Contact info

>> No.9364886


>> No.9364960

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Lolita & cons
19 / F / NYC
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I used to go to Otakon, NYCC and Anime Next, but I haven't been to a con in about 2 years
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Silent Hill, .flow, Wadanohara, Borderlansd 2, Tera Online
Anime: anything cute and light hearted pretty much. love moeshit
Brands: Meta, BTSSB, Angelic Pretty
Prints: Milky Planet, French Cafe, Teddy Motors (not really a print but its ok right?)
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I've only ever done horrible closet cosplays that don't really count
>Other interests
Dance, particularly modern and ballet (both classical and contemporary), art, high fashion, philosophy, drum corps, cute things, puppies, studying chinese, cooking, thrifting
>What are you looking for?
More lolita friends or general local weeby buddies to hang out with
>What are you NOT looking for?
Lonely NEETs
>Contact info
discord: mahou shogun#8124

>> No.9364970


Hey I could play the conformation bias game all day with Tumblr lolitas on a power trip but that wouldn't be fair on the vast majority of everyone.

Just because there are a couple of creeps doesn't mean every man ever is trying to creep on you at all times.

>> No.9364975

This FA/CGL server is not a honeypot, it's been around since June of last year and has always been an /fa/ x /cgl/ server. It spawned based off of those threads that popped up on both boards last summer and may occasionally still pop up. The hobbies of both boards overlap in many ways so it's all justified.

Yes, right now it's an overwhelming amount of people from /fa/ right now, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to shill it on here some to balance that out since this is a thread to find friends and whenever actual /cgl/ discussion happens in the server it's pretty good.

Anyone who won't join because of stupid reasons like "ewww there's gross ronery boys in there that may hit on me" needs to get their head out of their ass. You're not that fucking special. Anyone who's a pain in the ass gets banned, it's that simple.

I genuinely had no idea stupid shit like what's described in these below posts even happened.

Your level headedness is much appreciated.

>> No.9364988
File: 3 KB, 125x92, laughing_lucas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a sec, now that I actually looked at this image it's fucking retarded. You find an instance of me posting the server on /fa/ and some other recent Google results and are trying to connect it to a bunch of autistic posts from other threads?

Literally none of those /r9k/-esque posts in that image are from any of the threads in those Google. Try a little harder next time.

>> No.9364997

*those Google results

>> No.9365002

>t. one of the men in that server

>> No.9365004

>t. autist with no proper retort except ad hominem

>> No.9365006

and yet you're resorting to the same thing

have fun in your sausagefest circlejerk and keep on making the rest of the lolitas uncomfortable

>> No.9365009

The FA/"CGL" discord isn't even worth going to anyway. Even ignoring that it's also shilled on r9k, it's dead. Nobody talks about anything cgl related and as you'd expect the only thing that gets any kind of discussion is the video game and off topic channel, filled with thirsty guys. It's also very very dead.

>> No.9365010

I've explained myself and the server already. I'm simply making fun of you because you clearly had nothing to say.

Nobody posts the server on /r9k/. There is only 1 invite link under my control and I only post on /cgl/ or /fa/. So, you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.9365013

i do have something to say, and that's that the server is full of men who have no interest in /cgl/ related shit

sorry i don't like your server bub, your feefees seem real hurt

>> No.9365018

I couldn't care less about your opinion, I assure you. I only cared about explaining that the server isn't a honeypot and I wanted to address that dumb image trying to prove it's a honeypot by performing the longest reach ever known to mankind. You replied with an ad hominem and I called it out, that's all.

>> No.9365021

Do you cosplay or do you dress up in Lolita?

>> No.9365022

you sure do seem to care about my opinion because you keep on replying

defend yourself more, it's hilarious

>> No.9365027

I cosplay occasionally when I go to cons.

>> No.9365114


The fact is, you're posting a server which has nothing to do with /cgl/ claiming that it does and yet it has only ever been advertised on /fa/ as an /fa/ server.

The same thing has happened with /r9k/ before as proven by the posts. It doesn't matter if it's not specifically *your* server that was posted on /r9k/, the fact is that it's a common practice to cross-post Discord servers on different 4chan and advertise them as two different things in order to artificially engineer a situation in which a bunch of girls looking for cosplay friends are stuck with a bunch of desperate and thirsty guys pretending to like cosplay.

It's creepy, sly and it's fucking weird. If some actual bad, rapey shit (Which apparently /r9k/ are quite keen on the idea of doing to /cgl/ girls) happened from an IRL meetup through these sorts of Discords, it would be considered as a form of grooming in a court of law. That's not me expressing a dramatic opinion; that is literally how the law would see this - grooming.

Stop taking personal offence because someone insulted your ronery /fa/ circlejerk Discord and remove yourself from the equation for a minute. This isn't about persecuting you, this is about warning gulls of what goes on with Discords that are posted onto /cgl/ - they have a right to know the sorts of people who will actually be in a chat that they may think is limited only to /cgl/.

And if you ARE in some way opposed to the idea of warning other gulls about this very messed up grooming scenario then we can only assume you specifically are part of the problem, in which case I'll be reporting the server along with all of the details to Discord and they can make a judgement call.

>> No.9365119
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, cons, getting into crafting
21/M/Greater Washington DC Area
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
KAtsucon, Otacon, MAGFest, and any other cons I can spare time for. I try to hop around panels, but I mainly party, hang out with friends, and cosplay.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Currently on an Overwatch and FFXIV binge, but I also play LoL and DoTA. Huge PPMM fan, as well as Evangelion, Code Geass, Serial Experiments Lain, and Re:Zero since its so popular.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Madoka Magica and Evangelion, but more to come!
>Other interests
Getting into sewing, general PC gamer,I play Magic the Gathering a lot, and I have a small figure/manga collection.
>What are you looking for?
Friends to play games with and make Instagram/Twitter less barren. Con pals too.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Extreme Politics or people that can't take a joke.
>Contact info

Twitter (Brand new)
Instagram (Also new)

You seem cool, add me?

>> No.9365122


>it would be considered as a form of grooming in a court of law

Okay now people know you're 100% trolling or full maniac.

>> No.9365130


Okay - if you're so confident, prove me wrong. I can cite countless cases where chatrooms have been used to groom girls who have later been abused and raped, and you?

>> No.9365135

are you the same fucker who's posting in the lolita thread about leaving it? can you fuck right off?

>> No.9365154
File: 715 KB, 791x936, 0r80IDG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Mostly cosplay and cons


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Youmacon, Shutocon, trying to do Acen eventually

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
games: ace attorney, animal crossing, pokemon, harvest moon, sims, witcher series, solid snake
anime: jojo, samurai champloo, shouwa genroku rakugo shouwa (fuck season two is so good so far), nana, paradise kiss, nge, most sports anime, fist of the north star, gundam, kimi ni todoke, lucky star, yotsuba&!, azumanga daioh!, FMA, Clannad, Berserk (manga only), Ore no Monogatari, I can't understand what my husband is saying, chihayafuru, yuri on ice, maria-sama ga miteru, etc etc.
for western stuff, homestuck. not super into steven universe, undertale, etc.

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Teto Kasane from VOCALOID, Matryoshka Miku, Jade from Homestuck, Rei from NGE

>Other interests
Rupaul's Drag Race, I am a huge cat mom, tattoos, hair, cute clothes. I'm a psychology major with a minor TESOL so I love those subjects.

>What are you looking for?

>What are you NOT looking for?

>Contact info
LINE ID: taromilkcha

>> No.9365159


No and with your attitude you shouldn't be surprised that more than one person takes exception to you, now answer the question.

>> No.9365161

I'm >>9361426 and I added you although my insta is mostly food and lolita so I hope you don't mind

>> No.9365164


This isn't the under 16 chatroom on fucking AOL.

>> No.9365197


>> No.9365236

Hey I'm really interested in befriending you, but I don't use discord anymore! Do you have any other way to contact each other? (line, skype, email?) I'm >>9360747 btw!

>> No.9365314

>Paranoia intensifies

You must be pretty terrified and nuts to consider saying what you are saying.

Have you ever seen a meetup image. It's minimum 80% men in pretty much every single one. The internet doesn't have women remember?
Suggesting that every male is grooming young impressionable lolitas is not only wrong it screams of insanity.

>> No.9365362

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
I think cosplay is cool but I've never done it before. I like cons though.

19/F/Western US

>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
norcal cons, go to AA

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc

Etrian Odyssey, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Tales of series, Bethesda games, mmos, pretty much any jrpg.

anime/manga: Mob Psycho, Gintama, Golden Kamuy, JoJo.

>Other interests
Drawing, DnD, good books, cats..., writing

>What are you looking for?
friends! somebody fun to talk to

>What are you NOT looking for?
creepy people, people who don't share interests with me, rude people... basically someone who isn't a dick and likes the same things i do, romance

>Contact info

>> No.9365394

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and con, might try photography in the future


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
for the first time this year, attending Momocon with 5 year long internet friends

Anime: Mushishi, Aria the animation, Tatami Galaxy, basically anything atmospheric or artsy
Games: Dark Souls, Okami, Animal Crossing, so many more
Films: Blade Runner, Seven Samurai, Birdman, Her

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Doing pompadour anime delinquent this year

>Other interests
I'm a writer, looking to get into some voice acting, and this past year gym and powerlifting

>What are you looking for?
Some more cool cosplay and/or ironic weeb friends, online or in person. Any discussion or assery is welcome.

>What are you NOT looking for?
Already in a relationship, so none of that. No dickwads in general.

>Contact info
Discord raviews#1571

>> No.9365412
File: 442 KB, 720x838, 2017-02-21 23.29.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita,
Photography, or just cons?
I've only been to two video game cons and one horror but I've always wanted to go to anime ones. And I'm very interested in cosplay though I haven't done it yet. I'm basically new to all of this.
23, M, TX
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I'm thinking of going to A-Kon and Animefest since they're the closest ones.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Konosuba, Nichijou, My Hero Academia, Jojo, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Osomatsu-san, Dr.Slump, No More Heroes, Metal Gear, Danganronpa, Zelda, Digimon, Amazing World of Gumball, The Nice Guys, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Pokemon, Evangelion, Yokai Watch, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, too many other things to list.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I'm planning on Nightwing and Robin (Young Justice) and Joseph Joestar (New York) but may end up closet cosplaying Shinji Ikari this year if I end up going to A-Kon.
>Other interests
Figures/manga collecting. Film and filmmaking.
>What are you looking for?
Just weeb friends to talk about weeb shit.
I'd like to go to a con with someone since no one here is into anime so anyone close by would be cool.
>What are you NOT looking for?
People who can't take jokes. Not looking to talk about politics or SJW stuff.
>Contact info

>> No.9365464

Reposting from last thread

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and cons only
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Basically every con I can go to. Could only attend austrian cons but plan on going to ones in Germany too in the near future (if I can find somebody to go with)
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Soulsborne series, WoW, Kingdom hearts, Metroid, DayZ despite its obvious flaws and lots more
Anime: Berserk, Steins;Gate, Jojos, Clannad, Mirai Nikki (yeah I know), really like some qt lil love stories in my animes
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Eldar/Aeldari Farseer (Warhammer 40k), Federation Trooper (Metroid Prime 2), Jotaro Kujo (jojos), Sora (NgNl), currently working on a lagiacrus blademaster (MonHun)
>Other interests
gaming, drawing casually, music, nothing out of the ordinary
>What are you looking for?
Friends to have generally fun with, play games, go to cons, make cosplays together, cosplay together
>What are you NOT looking for?
uuuh idk, people with a bad sense of humor I guess
>Contact info
skype: captainschlachtschiff
Email: cooleshitemail@gmail.com
battlenet: Schinken #2521

>> No.9365476

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and cons. I cosplayed a bit in the past but I really want to work on my skills and actually get decent. I think Lolita and some Jfashion is cute, just don't do it myself.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Generally do Anime Boston and PAX East every year. I've been to Katsucon and I'd like to go to more.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Don't want to list everything but:
GAME: Favorite is probably Persona 3. I enjoy RPGs the most. Currently playing Firewatch, Dangan Ronpa, Fire Emblem, and just got into Civ 5.
ANIME: Used to watch a lot but stopped watching it recently (whoops). Definitely planning on getting back into it. Recent favorites have been Madoka Magica and Kill la Kill. Pretty into Shinkai movies.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
My last cosplay was terrible and from ages ago so I am too embarrassed to post about it. My dream for a while now has been to do a really good Touhou cosplay.
>Other interests
Art, reading, travel.
>What are you looking for?
Friends, cosplay buddies, and people with similar interests!
>What are you NOT looking for?
People trying to send nudes, high schoolers, anyone incredibly immature.
>Contact info
Kik: To.the.Lighthouse
Don't want to post all my contact info here but let me know if you want to talk but don't like Kik.

>> No.9365497

Thats fine! Food and lolita are pretty good.

>> No.9365672

>a blacklist
Eh, they can keep making fake names and profiles, I think it would be more effective if we as a group made sure everyone knows how to keep themselves safe online, kinda like the con self defense thread that went around a little while ago.

Everyone should be using burner accounts.

>> No.9365723
File: 44 KB, 303x450, 1473007582509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Lolita and jfash (but mostly lolita)


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I haven't been to a con yet but I'd like to! Don't want to go alone though.... kind of need friends for that haha

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: overwatch, Ib, Misao (and other jrpgmaker games)
Brands: Atelier Peirrot, AP (but nothing since 2015), baby's solids, My taste is all over the place

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
None (but I'd like to cosplay lovelive! I tried cosplaying before, I cosplayed SeeU from vocaloid when I was younger, I sewed the whole thing but I didn't have a credit card so I couldn't order a wig, and being an idiot I decided to scrap the whole thing. Such is the idiocy of being a 14 yr old)

>Other interests
baking, internet gossip (well, this is cgl after all), writing, music, anime, whatever's on netflix

>What are you looking for?
Someone to chat to, maybe I'll bump into someone who's in my area, idk, I need someone to go to meetups with anyway haha, I'm currently lonelita. I'm very open to the idea of penpals, I think it's super cute. I don't mind being a shoulder to cry on or a person to vent to, as long as we can talk frills and also be friends, that's cool. I'm putting my email address at the bottom just so I'm not putting 100% of my info out there, but I'd prefer to chat over discord, if we can.

>What are you NOT looking for?
Anyone who isn't interested in lolita. If you just cosplay, that's great, but my interest is very limited so I don't think we'll be a particularly good fit. I don't want to send or recieve nudes so that's a nope as well. I don't really gel with super immature people or people who want to create drama, that's not my style. Probably best to say no one too much younger than me, really.

>Contact info

>> No.9365730


Just get pictures of the guys who try being thirsty and put them all on an image and circulate it around. You can probably reverse search the image back to a Facebook or something and alert their friends too.

>> No.9365801
File: 2.51 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplayer! I was obsessed with lolita when I was a regular here 10 ish years ago tho.
24 f ann arbor MI
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
youmacon, motorcity comic con, grand rapids comic con, colossal. I go to some panels but mostly being in cosplay keeps me busy.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
games: LoL, overwatch, battlefield 1, Bioshock, Black Ops zombies, Left 4 dead. Used to game more when I had more free time!
anime; AoT, general tv: GoT, TWD, The office, anything postapocolytic o or zombie (Z nation too!)
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Katarin, Diana, and Sejuani from League of Legends, just started Orchird Mercy from OW
>Other interests
I used to be really into mma/jiu jitsu and am looking to get back into it soon. Im also a chemist so science isnt my life but I can appreciate science and engineering and enjoy talking about it
>What are you looking for?
conbuddies! people to exchange crafting skills, Id love to make more female friends with similar interests. I love hosting tea parties and dinners.
>What are you NOT looking for?
internet/text friends
>Contact info
@skrivvacosplay hit me a DM!

>> No.9365950

Do they send photos though?

>> No.9365954


Some do, yeah. You probably wouldn't meet up without knowing what they look like, so if they seem particularly thirsty you can just bait them into taking a picture and then warn everyone else.

>> No.9366086

>a server which has nothing to do with /cgl/
Completely incorrect. You clearly have some poor reading comprehension.

>and yet it has only ever been advertised on /fa/ as an /fa/ server
Also incorrect. It's always been a fa/cgl server and has always been named as such. Neglecting to include /cgl/ in the name once or twice or just referring to it as a "fashion discord" when I've shilled it on /fa/ !== honeypot.

>Stop taking personal offence because someone insulted your ronery /fa/ circlejerk Discord and remove yourself from the equation for a minute. This isn't about persecuting you, this is about warning gulls of what goes on with Discords that are posted onto /cgl/
I'm not personally insulted. I wanted to clarify that the server isn't a honeypot like those other /r9k/ servers apparently being posted around here are. I'm not opposed to anyone being warned about creepy behavior, I'm opposed to shit being said about this server that isn't true and stupid images that someone actually took the time to make reaching for connections that aren't there.

>And if you ARE in some way opposed to the idea of warning other gulls about this very messed up grooming scenario then we can only assume you specifically are part of the problem, in which case I'll be reporting the server along with all of the details to Discord and they can make a judgement call.
You're pathetic, and I'm sure you're aware of that.

This back and forth with you has been a waste of time.

>> No.9366111

>I'm opposed to shit being said about this server that isn't true and stupid images that someone actually took the time to make reaching for connections that aren't there.

I dunno anon, you google the URL of the discord and there's only /fa/ archive links and nothing mentioned about /cgl/ at all. For all intents and purposes it's an /fa/ Discord server.

>> No.9366114

Bruh I'm from here and I'm in the server. There's at least 5 other girls from /cgl/ in there and the guys there are pretty polite and genuinely seem interested in learning about cosplay/lolita. Stop trying to act like a friendly server invite is something malicious without ever being involved in the server. Christ.

I was linked to it from here.

>> No.9366116

>I was linked to it from here

It's literally only been posted in this thread and the one we just had that was active yesterday. All other times have been on /fa/.

>There's at least 5 other girls from /cgl/ in there and the guys there are pretty polite and genuinely seem interested in learning about cosplay/lolita. Stop trying to act like a friendly server invite is something malicious without ever being involved in the server. Christ.

I've been to the server and it was full of thirsty guys who were wondering why it was linked in /fa/. So in other words this is literally just your creation to try and get /cgl/ and /fa/ people talking. Well fucking done, you proved the pictures correct.

>> No.9366119
File: 64 KB, 600x694, 1468846985263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guys there are pretty polite and genuinely seem interested in learning about cosplay/lolita

So they're not actually lolitas and they're not actually cosplayers? Right.

>> No.9366127

>t. triggered male upset that we're seeing through his gross facade

>> No.9366134


inb4 he blames feminism for 'assuming the worst' despite what he's actually doing.

>> No.9366146

I hate to sound like a white knight but I fucking hate guys in this hobby now.

I honestly blame girls like Jnig for promoting all the wrong shit about it.

>> No.9366154

>Anyone in here is more than welcome to join this comfy FA/CGL Discord: https://discord.gg/R5UfBdA

Pretty good discord got lots of lolita advice from nice gulls, and some nice guys.

>> No.9366161
File: 1.80 MB, 500x278, neko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
cosplay, jfashion, photography, cons
21, fem, canada
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Animenorth, animaritime, halcon, otakuthon
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
skyrim, pokemon, zelda, fate, project diva,
oreimo, evagelion,
liz lisa, american apparel
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
vocaloid, love live, re zero, fate, doa, nekopara... list goes on
>Other interests
cars, diet, modeling
>What are you looking for?
>What are you NOT looking for?
>Contact info
email: nekohimesama123@gmail.com

>> No.9366165


Agreed, I used to think 'cosplay is not consent' was a shitty tumblr bandwagon thing but from this and other things I've seen at cons recently I'm starting to see how it has actually come about (Even though I don't think it'll do anything to deter creepers because they know exactly what they're doing).

I put a lot of it down to the 'gamer bro' lifestyle which has kind of spread the meme that even the biggest loser can find a hookup at a convention. Basically second-rate thirsty guys telling third-rate thirsty guys that they need to get laid and to use cons and cosplayers as a vector for that. All in all I'm fucking fed up with all the sexually-driven stuff in cosplay recently, it's getting annoying being a male in cosplay and having to worry about not coming across as a creep when you don't even have any intention other than to find friends and have fun. Girls are understandably suspicious and guys are the type of /r9k/ chucklefuck we're seeing in this thread, using the "I'm interested in cosplay really!!" excuse to get laid.

I wish guys would stop thinking with their penis all the time. The whole reason you've had to apologize for sounding like a whiteknight is because they're so fixated with sex that they'll assume you're only taking a stand against they're behaviour because you have some ulterior motive to get into someone's pants. These people really can't be fixed.

>> No.9366185
File: 81 KB, 500x548, Gentle Persuassion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, enjoy/admire Lolita from afar, interested in EGA and have ideas/lists of pieces I want but holding off on it
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do?
AnimeNext and CPAC. I've been to NYCC before but I don't enjoy the focus or how crowded it is. I'm mostly into the social aspect of cons (crowd watching, checking out other cosplays, taking pictures/getting pictures taken, mingling, etc.), but I also spend a lot of time in the dealer's room looking for harder to find figurines. Not too much into panels usually, and masq I'm neutral on.
>Favorite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Danganronpa 1&2, MGS series (not obsessed with it though), War Thunder, Elona+, a few various strategy games and shooters too depending on what I'm feeling.
Anime: Gosick, Dantalian no Shoka, Toradora,Gintama, Oreimo,Nichibros, Monster, etc. Mostly into romances and mysteries, and comedies that are actually funny. Honestly don't watch much newer anime anymore.
>Characters/series cosplayed from
Mikorin-GSNK, Ocelot-MGS3, Gundham-Danganronpa 2 (planned for June), Johan Liebert-Monster (planned for June), along with others planned for the future
>Other interests
Writing, reading, I'm all over anything vaguely related to the Victorian period or Gothic literature, used to paint models, collecting figurines, other various weeb-related hobbies
>What are you looking for?
Preferably people in my area or go to the same cons I go to, people who are alright with giving/receiving cosplay critique, people who like sharing/talking about any sort of J-fashion they're into, talkative types
>What are you NOT looking for?
People who add others and never talk. Any sort of drama. Anyone who doesn't really have an interest in anything /cgl/ related
>Contact info
Email: Krieger2014 at hotmail
Also have skype, discord, tumblr, and most other popular things, so I can leave that info if needed

>> No.9366193

Agree with pretty much everything you said. I'm a male cosplayer too and always have to make sure I'm not coming off as flirting or anything when talking to a girl about her costume.

I know half of the male population on this board will say "lel who cares if she thinks you're flirting, beta phag." The issue that I think a lot of dudes don't realize is that any even semi-attractive girl at a con has already been hit on by a fuckton of creepy desperate guys throughout the day. Even if you're attractive and genuinely interested in her costume or fandom or something, there's a good chance she's going to be on edge talking to you.

If males keep it up, cosplay will eventually become seen as a fetish by the public. This is exactly what happened with furries. A loud minority fetishized it, and now the public sees it as purely sexual.

This isn't to say the issue is caused by purely guys. Girls should chill with the hyper sexualized costumes. But guys definitely exasperate the issue. Admire from afar, but don't go up to a girl spouting creepy shit. It makes it harder for the guys looking to make actual friends.

And hell, cosplay is already a category on a lot of porn sites. I'm sure stuff like that just encourages the thirsty dudes.

So yea, "cosplay is not consent" signs are warranted.

>> No.9366238


>> No.9366253

maybe she means fitness and eating right?

>> No.9366347


>it's getting annoying being a male in cosplay and having to worry about not coming across as a creep when you don't even have any intention other than to find friends and have fun

I've never had this issue. Are you just making up fears in your head, or have people have come across this way to you? Girls never look scared or put off when I talk to them.


>If males keep it up, cosplay will eventually become seen as a fetish by the public. This is exactly what happened with furries. A loud minority fetishized it, and now the public sees it as purely sexual.

Lol furry was lame from the beginning, it never had any respect.

Cosplay has only gotten more mega mainstream in the past decade. It's not at risk of being seen as a fetish at all, don't be ridiculous.

>I know half of the male population on this board will say "lel who cares if she thinks you're flirting, beta phag." The issue that I think a lot of dudes don't realize is that any even semi-attractive girl at a con has already been hit on by a fuckton of creepy desperate guys throughout the day. Even if you're attractive and genuinely interested in her costume or fandom or something, there's a good chance she's going to be on edge talking to you.

I don't think you understand what it's like to be a guy. Girls don't make a move 90%+ of the time, if guys didn't make a move then no one would get anywhere.

That aside, guys should be respectful but I mean what am I going to do about that.

This thread has become too much shitposting about creepy guys at cons when it's such a small blip of the con going community.

>> No.9366592

In a positive note, the discord for my region is pretty chill and most of the creeps get weeded out quickly. I haven't been to any of their meet ups but it seems like the people that did all had fun.

>> No.9366595

I'm glad for you anon. Sounds great.

>> No.9366597

>Girls don't make a move 90%+ of the time, if guys didn't make a move then no one would get anywhere

It's fucking cosplay, you're not supposed to 'get anywhere', go to tinder if you want that shit.

>> No.9366621

You do realize that invite links can be revoked and regenerated, right? This link I've been using is simply the newest one that's been made, which was done maybe a month ago.

>I've been to the server and it was full of thirsty guys who were wondering why it was linked in /fa/
Complete bullshit.

That's exactly what happens in this Discord, any genuine creeps just get banned. There's genuinely never been a problem with anyone in there except for one guy but he became meme in the server anyway because of his harmless edgyness.

At this point I've said all I really can.

>> No.9366645


Quoting the wrong person, I never went to your shitty discord

>> No.9366673

>I don't think you understand what it's like to be a guy. Girls don't make a move 90%+ of the time, if guys didn't make a move then no one would get anywhere.

I honestly think you're a bit special if you believe that. I'm a male cosplayer, and I 100% have had more women make mores than I have. Granted, thats mainly because I just don't make moves on people at cons because that's fucking creepy. Want to get laid at a con? Make your tinder picture your cosplay and start swiping. Works for me, should work for you.

>> No.9366688

Meant to quote this anon as well:

>> No.9366699

So is everyone going to try to be friendly now? No offense but the rest of us don't give a shit about your stupid discord opinions, don't be a pussy and go bring up the percieved issues in the actual discord

>> No.9366708

I like being nice. How was your day, anon?

>> No.9366711


Most of us don't give a shit about your Discord, so don't fucking advertise them.

>> No.9366734

you seem super defensive about this discord thing that most people here dont give a shit about

>> No.9366737


He's just shilling it like crazy like we're fucking idiots.

>Have a problem with the Discord? Go to the Discord to talk about it, pussy!

Wow yeah great plan, love the way you called us all 'pussies' if we don't go join it, you've really triggered my non-existent manhood with that line.

Christ, it's just getting embarrassing to watch, it's against the rules to advertise on these boards as it is.

>> No.9366740
File: 417 KB, 1366x768, 1480395835824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make friends to cosplay with for Ota, stop fighting about the stupid server.

>> No.9366760


Then post your deets and carry on like the thread is for. There's no need to be posting servers, it's flagrant advertising and against the rules.

>> No.9366764

Anyone else feel like Ota's numbers will be low this year due to the move? ANEXT had a move to Atlantic City and the con center felt so empty at the new location.

>> No.9366767

I think with ANEXT it was an issue of A) how large the center was and B) People testing the waters/new crowds due to the move to South Jersey. I talked it over with some people and we think that the attendance will probably go up this year since last year turned out fairly well. Still, I miss that comfyness that the old location had.

>> No.9366769

True that, I really loved the location in Jersey. Sure the new one offers more convenience with stores nearby but I loved how the old one was just in the middle of a green location.

The new con center isn't that bad but you're right attendance will go up due to people hearing about how it was. I'm just hoping more of my friends will go this year since some from my usual cosplay group are on the fence about it.

>> No.9366777

Oh yeah for sure, not to mention with the old location how you had the hotel connected to the main building for AA, Dealer's Room, etc that everyone was able to walk through and hang out in. That and the grassy areas by the tiny pier, I loved how people would just throw out blankets and hang out/people watch.

I agree though, the new center is clean and pretty open so there's not a lot of crowding at least. And thank god the Pre-reg line last year took 30 minutes instead of 2 hours. Oh and having all of the different presentation rooms, bigger marketplace, and a game's room that's actually pretty good was nice as well. Really I think attendance is just the only thing that needs to improve and then it's set. That's unfortunate to hear, are they iffy about the drive/distance or is there concern about getting a hotel? Since there are some good ones right outside of the city that are great distance-wise and affordable in a group.

>> No.9366781

Hotels won't be a problem since I'm gonna be booking one today. The problem is they're going off other friend opinions saying 'Oh it's probably not gonna be that good' but if they don't wanna go I'm not gonna push them. I've got another group going and we've got plenty of time to think of something to do for a group cosplay. I did one last year for ANEXT and I think I'll try to do it again.

>> No.9366786

Good plan, I literally had that happen to me last year where a friend was playing the whole "I don't think I'm going to go... but if you want me to come I can totally come and everything!" card, and it's a headache really. Good luck to you and your group though! My group is going to try to do a group cosplay for the first time this year, so we're crossing out fingers for good results.

>> No.9366795

What are you doing a group cosplay of? I'm still looking through my options for what we could do.

I'm already getting my solo cosplays lined up.

>> No.9366802

We're looking to do a Danganronpa 2 group cosplay. We've got a Hajime, Chiaki, Mahiru, and Gundham. That'll be for Saturday at least, I've got my own plans for Friday and Sunday.

You mentioned you did a group cosplay last year, what did you end up doing?

>> No.9366817
File: 886 KB, 1680x2683, jackal4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year we did the Fans from Hotline Miami 2.

This year I'm still going through the potential ideas. One of our joke/party cosplays as an option I said was to do Street Sharks though that idea isn't appealing to everyone. I'm still waiting to see what the others suggest.

One of the main cosplays I'm gonna be doing is Jackal (pictured) from The Victories. I'm having his mask made but thinking what I'll improv in for the rest of his gear (don't feel like springing for his full suit yet)

>> No.9366827

I'm actually trying to remember if I might have seen you guys in passing last year, since I'm pretty sure that I saw one or two hotline miami groups at least.

Hmm, not sure if you or your group is into it, but since you did the Fans, maybe see about pitching a Payday 2 group cosplay? Seems like it'd be somewhat in the same vein at least!

At least on the bright side since this con is indoors, you don't have to worry about overheating in any masks/oversized gear.

>> No.9366830
File: 81 KB, 960x540, payday group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We actually did do a Payday 2 group at ANEXT last year too.

Yeah that's true, I mostly wanted to do the Jackal because I loved the look of his mask. I know most people won't know where he's from but it's gonna be fun to freak people out with how it looks and all the gear I'll be carrying with him.

>> No.9367039


It's a fucking public event where people go to meet up and often make connections. 9/10 of the people I know that cosplay met their SOs at conventions or through other nerd culturish events

it's a social event

tinder is mostly for hookups, fuck tinder and the trash that populate it


>Want to get laid at a con

Who said anything about getting laid at a con? There are things between just saying hi and being friends and looking to just fuck at a con.

>I honestly think you're a bit special if you believe that. I'm a male cosplayer, and I 100% have had more women make mores than I have.

So you're saying on tinder women often send you the first message and carry the conversation?

You must be right swiping some ugos man...

>> No.9367061

>It's a fucking public event where people go to meet up and often make connections. 9/10 of the people I know that cosplay met their SOs at conventions or through other nerd culturish events
>it's a social event

I don't think you understand what you just said:

>I don't think you understand what it's like to be a guy. Girls don't make a move 90%+ of the time, if guys didn't make a move then no one would get anywhere.

I'll repeat it - you're not supposed to 'get anywhere', it's an anime convention. Quit ruining it for every other guy with your creepiness. Nobody wants you to start hitting on them, stop making a casual association between conventions and hooking up when there are literally none.

Everything about your defense and behaviour in this thread is suspicious as fuck; shilling your shitty hook-up discord, trying to assure people that "The guys there are interested in cosplay really!!!", claiming that you're not a creeper and then mansplaining about how 'You don't know what it's like to be a guy, we have to make the first move!!'.

You seriously need to separate cosplay from girlfriends and boyfriends in your mind because the two have literally nothing to do with each other. Enough people in this thread have made it clear that they're not looking for romance and yet not only do you not follow the rules of the thread, you break the global rules and advertise your shitty Discord all while spouting your /r9k/ shit about how girls have it so easy.

Seriously, just fuck off. You're fucking creepy.

>> No.9367080

>So you're saying on tinder women often send you the first message and carry the conversation?
>You must be right swiping some ugos man...

And also, not that guy but you're a fucking cunt for this comment. If you ever find yourself someday pondering the reason you have to snoop around on /cgl/ to trick cosplaying girls into hooking up with you look no further than this comment.

Maybe you should consider the fact that the reason you 'always have to make the first move' is because you have a vile, ugly personality that most girls can spot a mile off and I honestly pity you for having to live with that.

>> No.9367092
File: 169 KB, 390x290, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9367094

Oh my god, will you discord and tinder faggots take your bull shit someplace else, please?
You're clogging up a perfectly nice thread with your retarded drama that no one else gives a fucking shit about.
Sage for rage

>> No.9367101

lol i haven't posted shit about the discord.

I'm just responding to the hysteria about public spaces and social events.

I don't give a shit about the discord. Trying to find girls via some roundabout online shit is stupid as fuck.

in person approaches are your best option, which is exactly what I'm talking about.

How the fuck do you think people are going to meet other people?

>> No.9367118


>Trying to find girls via some roundabout online shit is stupid as fuck.

No, of course you'd rather try your luck in person at an anime convention, which by the way - still has absolutely nothing to do with hooking up. Try re-reading the posts you quoted and you might actually get some perspective. You don't need to be on the fucking look out for a girlfriend everywhere you go, stop seeing shit as 'making the first move' and try just making normal friends like a normal person does. Not every girl you encounter is a potential fuckhole, so stop treating them like it.

The fact that you automatically assume girls that instigate conversation as being 'ugos' speaks volumes about you - You're a flagrant misogynist complaining about 'hysteria' over girls wanting to be left alone while simultaneously being unable to see them as anything other than a potential gf candidate. You are exactly the reason they want to be left alone, people like you are the reason we have ">Do not want: Males" listed in this thread.

>> No.9367250


>> No.9367584

Would like to chat. What's your info?

>> No.9369226
File: 391 KB, 640x360, the pose of having more friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9369284

Fuck, I didn't want to join this idiotic discussion but just in case anyone thinks that's a remotely good idea: Don't fucking find them on facebook and harass them unless you are CERTAIN the person in the photo is the person who was actually harassing you. Do you guys even know what cat fishing is?

Some shit that happened earlier in these threads was def creepy but you don't need to be so stupid about shit, post helpful info about how people can actually protect themselves or shut the fuck up.

>> No.9370117

Throwaway e-mail is memeskunk5000@gmail.com c:

>> No.9370199

Nice, writing you some mail now

>> No.9370323
File: 106 KB, 250x333, IMG_0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
I dabble in cosplay, love cons, and mostly Lolita.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Ax, pmx, ala mostly for wandering around and hanging with my friends. Some panels, but not many as my tastes have seemed to eclipse what's popular now. Of course I support AA, as I admire any fellow artist living the dream.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Bethesda, Zelda, Okami, Dark Cloud
Anime: Vampire Hunter D, Hellsing, One Piece, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Beautiful Bones... more.
Brands: Angelic Pretty, MMM, AATP, some Haenuli
Prints: Fantastic Dolly, Sugary Carnival, Vampire Nocturne, Phantom of the Opera.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Bellemere from One Piece, Baymax, Alucard- Hellsing.
>Other interests
Art, singing, reading/writing, sewing, d&d, model building, concerts/music
>What are you looking for?
Lolita or cosplay friends to hang out with.
>What are you NOT looking for?
>Contact info
blackarrowneverfails.hobbit at gmail

We have so much in common but I feel like a dinosaur.

>> No.9370903

would you mind if i sent you an email? i see that dnd and bethesda floating around in your likes 8^D im periosolon@gmail.com

>> No.9370935

Emailed you.

>> No.9371477
File: 313 KB, 583x409, Wet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and cons
>>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Eiritkon, Akumakon, Brocon. I'd do a panel if anyone ever asked and I love parties
>>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: I'm a massive Nintodler but I also like Motral Kombat, Sanic, Tekken, Scumblertale, Dark Cloud, Bayonetta
Cantonese Cartoons: Cowboy Bee-boop, FLCL, Excel Saga, Space Dandy, Kill la Kill Serial Experiments Lain, Panty and Stocking, Umaru
>>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
So far I've only done 2, Coop from Megas XLR and Tito Dickman
>>Other interests
Partying, travelling, comedy, cartoons
>>What are you looking for?
Some who's fun to talk shite with, if anyone is living in Ireland, maybe meet up at cons
>>What are you NOT looking for?
Anything romantic, anyone underaged, anyone who's dry, anyone who is too obessively SJW or alt right
>>Contact info
rustykuntzissexy On Skype, sorry for the terible name, I made it years ago

>> No.9371481

Were you Dickman at Eirta? Fair play lad

>> No.9371483

Yurt, that was me

>> No.9371885


I'm from /r9k/ and lurk here a lot since I'm in shoe designer and some of my designs came from a symbiont of many things I see here that I find interesting. Some people here have talent, they really have it.

I don't see "girls" here, I only see clothes, shoes and fragments of things that I could turn into nice shoes.

This board is cool, I hope the people here still so creative and full of life forever.

>> No.9371981 [DELETED] 
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yeah imagine

pic related

>> No.9371991
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It really makes you think

>> No.9371993
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>> No.9372028


pls no more shitposting here.

>> No.9372058
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
mostly just cosplay and to meet friends at cons but
18 f TX
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
i'm only able to attend cons in san antonio for personal reasons so that would be pax south, san japan and mizuumi con(rip) i mostly just play games there or hang around with friends at cons
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
games- animal crossings, gmod really just anything that's chill
anime- panty and stocking, jojo,space dance, EVA and kaiba
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
so far just giffany from gravity falls but im currently working on shiromori from mystery skulls and ramona flowers from scott pilgrim in vol 6
>Other interests
i sculpt small things time to time and i like to sew
>What are you looking for?
really just people to talk to or shitpost with and would be 500% down to go to a concert with anyone
>What are you NOT looking for?
just don't be a creep
>Contact info
line- trashman420
discord- creamy meme#5376
pretty much any social media platform- kingcatdad

>> No.9372081



when you stop acting like creeps theyll find u more attractive you bait

>> No.9372102

You bitches are talking shit about /r9k/, whining about how creepy men who don't have sex are

The fact is society fucked those men over. Free sex movement degenerates everything

>> No.9372112
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i'll check out the last threads after, but i honestly don't know if i'll be able to get myself to reach out to someone first..

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
cosplay and cons!

18, almost 19/F/Ottawa

>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do?
Animenorth, Ottawa Comicon and Otakuthon. Hoping to find some other cons and maybe make a trip a little down south to america in the future since i'm craving more cons.
I like attending some panels, the main masq/event, roaming the dealers hall and looking at everything, and the dances. i'm fairly new to the scene still so I haven't attended any parties, i'd also like to take pictures with people from the series i cosplay.

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
I mostly play league nowadays since im busy, but i like Skyrim, overwatch, ffxiv, tera, Zelda. I like steins;gate. k-on! and the monogatari series the most (it's hard to pick favorites desu).

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Makise Kurisu, Ahri, Shinobu Oshino, Asuka Langley, Lulu Yurigasaki (still a beginner)

>Other interests
exercising, travelling, animals, talking while doing simple activities like cooking or shopping. reading imageboards or internet gossip. I sometimes sew and make attempt to make my own costumes.

>What are you looking for?
Highly unlikely, but maybe some friends nearby? (radius of within a few hours of drive) I don't mind either gender as long as we are mutually comfortable and respectful. Someone to cosplay with, attend cons or simply talk about anime. (also i really want to cosplay nekopara with someone). Online friends are also cool,

>What are you NOT looking for?
relationship, someone who just plays league, is far away or is radical with any of their ideologies (i don't like arguing with friends). drama.

>Contact info
discord: kitten#4984
(i have a few other social medias but don't use them much. i'm planning to eventually use an instagram for cosplay)

>> No.9372113

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay mostly, though I love looking at Jfashion & lolita so maybe I'll get into those when I feel too old to cosplay
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I haven't attended any TX cons yet since I moved from out-of-state, but I want to check out Austin events if I have time
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Pokemon, Fire Emblem, a lot of JRPGs, Ikuhara and other mahou shoujo anime, a pretty big variety of stuff
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Some League of Legends cosplays and a couple others like Shinobu, Marisa, Nico
>Other interests
Singing, all stage things, I like to do online covers so online collabing would be fun, esp if you know how to mix cause I don't know how to mix my way out of a paper bag
>What are you looking for?
People to talk to! If you're good about me venting that's a plus too
>What are you NOT looking for?
Creeps and SJW types
>Contact info

>> No.9372116

On messaging sites like that, there are groups of men (usually foreign) that blast millions of women with messages and pollute the water for everybody. On the other side of those accounts is usually a little hairy indian man, or some squatemalan, it's no the people from /r9k/, many of whom are so depressed they have trouble even properly communicating with women in a casual way.

The problem is these feminist elementary school teachers pushing this friendly "be nice to girls" shit on innocent young boys. Many of them grow up with totally warped expectations for what girls want, and then wind up disillusioned when they find out they've been lied to.

In the modern no-fault-divorce society, single mothers are now the majority. Most young boys don't grow up with their father, and have no male teachers. They don't even have a single male role model until they get into a high school math or science class, when finally there is a male teacher.

>> No.9372167


It’s not society that fucked men over, it’s your grandfathers.

- Free Sex Movement meant your grandfather can have lots and lots of sex with multiple women. Men supported the Free Sex Movement, not girls.
- Much of the support of single mothers were not put in place until recently, your grandfather’s era he probably got a few girls pregnant and ghosted her. Thus, her kid grew up with one heartbroken parent always telling her child “men are scum who only want sex”
- Your grandfather probably called a few girls he’d slept with “sluts” and “whores” too, because they’d had sex with him too easily. So these women go on to tell their children “men are scum who only want sex” as well.

So naturally, now that those children are grown up and you’re the new crop, you have to deal with the consequences of all the multiple women telling their children “men are scum”.

Society didn’t fuck men over. Half of society is men, and men were in power at the legislative, title, even home levels. Men of the past chose to walk down this road, not caring whatever happened to their children.

So basically, men fucked men over.

(polite safe for replying to a troll. Sorry for derailing thread)

>> No.9372227

White knight detected. But I agree with you.

>> No.9372231

You guys on discord/line? You guys seem like good friend material.

>> No.9372275


Aigh, I unintentionally a word.

>Men supported the Free Sex Movement, not just girls.

I mean c'mon, it's the free sex movement, not the rape everybody of opposite gender movement. Both genders were in on it willingly.

One of the things I never got into, sadly. Hope you can find a friend on there though.

>> No.9372416

Post you singing on vocaroo pls?

>> No.9372529

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and Cons
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Oh boy:
Cons: Anime LA, Sakuracon, Colossalcon, Anime Expo, SDCC, and tons of others inbetween.
What I do: I cosplay, I participate in masquerades, I run events and panels, I work show floors or cons in general.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Lover of Fightin' games, Pokemon, and .hack!
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
That's a long ass list. But I've cosplayed from the above mentioned favs
>Other interests
I love to draw, I vidya, I like video editing and music and dancing.
>What are you looking for?
Meeting some new peeps! I just enjoy socializing~
>What are you NOT looking for?
Don't be a jerk, don't be a creep. S'all I can ask for lol
>Contact info
twitter: @magumausagi
email: magumalewis@gmail.com

If ya see me at a con, feel free to come by and say hi! Even if I'm a lil busy I can stop for a second and chat and meet folks :>

>> No.9373453


>> No.9373502

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, jfashion, and I used to be more into lolita
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
AX, Wondercon, ALA
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Lately all I've been playing is LoL, Overwatch, and visual novels.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Cosplayed from LoL, comic books, and some anime series.
>Other interests
Figure collecting, plush collecting, makeup, Ita-bags, drag queens, and just weeb stuff collecting in general
>What are you looking for?
A female friend with similar interests, maybe to dress up with or talk to about cosplay
>What are you NOT looking for?
Someone who is not already in the same hobbies, or a boyfriend.
>Contact info

>> No.9373606

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
I love gyaru. Sometimes cosplay, sometimes cons
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc) connichi, animagic.
>Other interests
Drawing, nails, make up, some games and tv shows
>What are you looking for?
Someone (a girl) to talk about jfashion, about cute things in general, about hair and make up and stuff. Share pictures. You can tell me how boring your job is or how shitty your family. We could go to cons if you live nearby. But you could come from wherever.
>What are you NOT looking for?
A guy. And any sexual, or love things.
>Contact info
Line: lyubow

>> No.9373663

Btw i do excercise and try to eat better, would be nice to have someone to encourage one another

>> No.9379690

>>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cons, wanna try cosplaying this year though, now I have a wage


>>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Just the MCM cons at the moment since they're conveniently timed and located.
Usually hit up the industry panels and maybe guest panels if there's anyone interesting attending or just wander the dealer stalls for waifu goods.

>>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Love Live, Evangelion, Yama no Susume, Hunter x Hunter, Non Non Biyori, Wings of Honneamise, Jojo (stalled at part 6 for some reason though).

>>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Kinda want to crossplay Eli Ayase but only if I thought I could pass. Otherwise, maybe one of the girly-er Jojos, like Diavolo? idk.

>>Other interests
I'm really into music and politics (though, I try to avoid the topic if people don't care much for it themselves).

My favourite bands are Red House Painters, King Crimson and Biffy Clyro amongst others. Trying to get into Swans at the moment and also Sun Kil Moon's recent work (I've only spun Kozelek's newest album a few times but I get the impression that it's underrated given what it is).

Also, I play D&D some times as well, I guess.

>>What are you looking for?
It would be pretty cool to have someone to talk to about Love Live. Or just like, friends in general, I guess. As long as you're okay with me being a little stiff? It's pathetic to admit but I've gotten pretty bad at communicating with people over the last few years.

>>What are you NOT looking for?
SJWs. I mean, I have a lot of friends with vastly political leanings, so I don't really care much about personal beliefs, it's more people who are intolerant of others that bother me.

>>Contact info
Discord : Yowanda-san#5883

>> No.9379746

I'm 29 and about to be 30 in a few months - but I managed to make a friend in a previous thread and we even went out to eat together.

>> No.9379894

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Larme, Lolita, vaguely interested in cpk but never really wear it
24/F/FL, USA
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I don't really do cons anymore unless there is a really good Lolita guest. I used to cosplay but I admitted I suck at sewing and would rather spend money on already made clothes.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
90s shoujo, cyberpunk anime, azumango daioh and nichijou, Yazawa ai series
Brands: I love baby's solid dresses. Also older/less popular brands like Millefeuille and Cornet. I just like dresses with unique details and pretty textures. I'm classic and old school mainly.
Non Lolita brands I like Crayme and Rose Marie seoir.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
>Other interests
Resin crafting, horror novels and movies, running very slowly, Japanese language practice, dry white wines
>What are you looking for?
Someone who I can show off coords to who will be supportive, someone who has similar taste and can recommend me good series to watch or read, someone with a snarky and silly sense of humor with lots of friendship and love to give
>What are you NOT looking for?
Fangirls who are only capable of talking about series/brands I don't care about, bossy people, judgemental people, anything romantic
>Contact info

>> No.9379896
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Oh and I also love thrift shopping, alternative jpop, and cattssss (pic related it's my cat)

>> No.9380302
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography or just cons?
Mostly j-fash but also cons and cosplay
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
The usual AZ cons, idk wtf I do there
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Eva, K-ON, Osomatsu, Maid Dragon, shounen gag stuff
Angelic Pretty, Liz Lisa, BTSSB, Adidas
>Other interests
Really into sewing and diy stuff, cooking, makeup, etc. /cgl/ shit lol
I also like all kinds of music, audiobooks, working out
>What are you looking for?
People in my state or a neighboring one. I like hanging out irl the best. I really want more OTT sweet lolita or other brightly colored fashion friends! I am not opposed to people far away either though.
>What are you NOT looking for?
People who aren't into fashion or don't want to chat. No gender preference but I would prefer girls. Also pls no sjws or super edgelords.
>Contact info
tumblr: skoolkill
snapchat: tunafishface
email: heartburnmermaidia@gmail.com
I think I might need some new social platforms. You can ask for a facebook too!

>> No.9380357

Sage for the double post but I'm >>9380302, I follow you on tumblr and I think you're cool. I don't think we have much in common in terms of life or style but you are definitely welcome to hmu there or by email if you want! I too am sort of interested in cult party, I just haven't gotten to try it yet.

>> No.9380437

Oh shit I think I've seen you at a con tea party years ago. I like your style. You look adorable in yumekawaii stuff.

>> No.9380529

That's pretty wild, but I'm happy you remember me. And thank you! Hmu if you want.

>> No.9380613
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Interested in both Jfashon and cosplay.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I attented a couple of small local ones in Arkansas, but now that I'm in Mexco I haven't been able to attend any although I would like to.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Batman: Arkham series, Hotel Dusk, The Last Guardian, ENDROLL, Silent Hill, SOMA, all of Deep-Sea Prisoner's stuff.
Anime/Manga: Mob Psycho 101, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Osomatsu, Evangelion, Haikyuu!!, Daiya no Ace, Hunter x Hunter, Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai
Webcomics: A Matter of Life and Death, Valentine, Check Please!, Fiction Skin, Knots, Friends till Death, 91 Days, Their Story
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
None, but I would like to cosplay Haruichi from Daiya.
>Other interests
The ocasional Batman comic, Bl, Figures, Itabags, just general weeb stuff,Mother Mother, BTS, Porter Robinson, In love with a ghost.
>What are you looking for?
Friendship. I just wanna talk to someone and not feel lonely for once.
>What are you NOT looking for?
Relationships, politics or social justice.
>Contact info
email: kiewit413@gmail.com
discord: akaashi#2657

>> No.9380974

Ahhh yes you're cool too! I'll send you a message. Your outfits always look so cute and fun.

>> No.9382200
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
I'm mainly into Cosplay and Photography! I would love to get into JFash and Lolita but my options are a lil' limited
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Mostly west cost stuff. My next con is Sakura and I would like to make it out to the East Coast for something this year!
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: SMT, Metal Gear, Devil May Cry, Sengoku Basara, Various Fighting Games, Some Rythm Games and currently Overwatch
Anime: Pretentious Artsy Bullshit (Kaiba, Mononoke, 5CM/S, Eden of the East) Cute Slice of Life Moe Bullshit (Yuri Yuri, Non Non Byori, Dragon Maid) but I'll generally watch anything up to 3 episodes. But above all, Gintama
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I'm getting back into the swing of things, most of my cosplay are from games, but I wanna do more Anime costumes in 2017! Right now I'm working on Raidou Kuzunoha, McCree, P5's MC and Re-Working Date Masamune.
>Other interests
Outside of your general weeb shit, I'm super into movies. I also love reading, cooking, writing and listening to shitty pop music! I also just kinda love listening to people talk about stuff they're passionate about even if I don't know anything about it!
>What are you looking for?
I just wanna make good friends! I've had a ton of luck with Friend Finder threads in the past and I just wanna keep the ball rolling and meet new people.
>What are you NOT looking for?
>Contact info
I basically just use disgruntledotaku or some variant on all social media but LINE and Twitter are the best places to chat for me
LINE ID:DisgruntledOtaku

>> No.9383378
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Jfash. Getting into mori (don't really care that it's a dead style) and like nanchatte.


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
None, I stopped going to NYCC because I don't like crowds.

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Shadow hearts series, climbing OW right now, and a lot of open world games or sim games.

I read more manga than I watch anime. Right now I'm reading Eyeshield and am really into Golden Kamui.

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)

>Other interests
I'm really into crafting and gardening. I've got a big interest in homesteading and other self-sufficiency skills. Also into collecting taxidermy.

>What are you looking for?
People to chat with. Perhaps occasionally hang out with if you're in the city.

>What are you NOT looking for?
People who need to be socialized constantly with. I have times where I go into hermit mode to recharge.

>Contact info

>> No.9383382

Whoops, email is heartshapedhandcuff@gmail.com

>> No.9384706
File: 593 KB, 976x720, 936d189d-481c-41fb-9ddc-1a4cd32aabaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
lolita, some cosplay


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I go to Anime Midwest every year, but I'm going to rufflecon for the first time this year! I usually just walk around and hang in the game room, or meet up with friends.

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Fav anime: NGE, SEL, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, Steins;Gate, Gintama, anything by Masaaki Yuasa

Fav brands: Innocent World, BTTSB, AATP
my dream dresses are searching for baroque, victorian letter skirt in green, and operetta bouquet in green

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I've cosplayed Misato from NGE, Yume no Tobira Nico Yazawa, Karamatsu's perfect fashion

>Other interests
I like sewing, watching TV. I'm a bio major, I love biology and deep sea creatures, especially cephalopods!

>What are you looking for?
Someone to talk to, friends, honestly anything

>What are you NOT looking for?
dick pics

>Contact info
Discord is lieselfogel#2494

>> No.9384729
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follow me on twitter

>> No.9385749

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, crafting, and Cons, admiration for jfashion and Lolita but no interest in participating
21/M/New York
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Mostly local stuff, was able to attend NYCC every year for almost a decade up until recently
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Dark Souls, TES, Mass Effect, Every Fallout with the exception of 4 and BOS, Fable 1 and 2, Titanfall, STALKER/ Cowboy Bebop, Black Lagoon, Ergo Proxy, Eager for Little Witch Academia
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I've done a couple of Payday cosplays in the last couple years after being too nervous to do it as a kid, working on a 40k cosplay now
>Other interests
fa/tg/uy, Love Warhammer 40k and Fantasy but have not invested in the miniatures since AOS, Reinvesting in SCA when I'm finished with school, finishing up a history degree, looking to pursue a career in law enforcement, hiking
>What are you looking for?
/cgl/ pals to shoot the breeze with, maybe meet up with.
>What are you NOT looking for?
a relationship, I like talking politics and am a more conservative person don't really care what your views are as long as your civil
>Contact info
Discord - Ian#1811
Will shoot you a message on discord later this evening

>> No.9385909

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay(this year is going to be my first attemtp), Cons and Photography, mostly doing shit-tier CMV's
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Cons only in Poland 5-7 times per year depends on money and others.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Almost everything Cyberpunk related(Ghost in the Shell, Psycho Pass, Deus Ex), mostly action with psychological aspects and also i love every kind of paradox-related things.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Going to cosplay Alexander the Great from Fate/Zero
>Other interests
TTG, paper RPG's,
>What are you looking for?
Some internet friends
>What are you NOT looking for?
>Contact info
Discord: Hazama#3964

>> No.9385928

going to shoot you a message on discord when I get home

>> No.9386030
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Repostan since I was late to the last thread:

>Cosplay, anime, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, anything cute school
F/Stoke uk
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Birmingham comic con
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Pokémon, zelda
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I'd like to try tracer
>Other interests
Cadets warhammer
>What are you looking for?
>What are you NOT looking for?
Sex pests
>Contact info:

Aiveson_uk sc

Amyiveson_uk on kik

>> No.9387832

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay, cons. Lolita is cool, but I do not participate.

Mid/late 20s/M/OH

>What cons do you attend? What do you like
to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Regularly attend Colossalcon. I've hit up Zipcon and Nyancon for the past couple years Occasionally go to Ohayocon, Shumatsucon, and Matsuricon. Tend to do it all aside from parties, depends on the crowd.

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Not a ton of time for vidya these days. Most recent game I fired up was Harvest Moon 64 to do a nostalgic play through. Generally speaking I prefer RPGs and tactical games, sometimes shooters.

Anime: All kind of stuff. Recent watches within the past couple months... Attack on Titan (took forever me to actually watch this, thankfully season 2 is coming out), Space Dandy, Food Wars, The Devil is a Part-Timer, One Punch Man, Gurren Lagann (rewatch with my SO, she had never seen it), Black Lagoon, Kill la Kill.

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Lots of piss poor attempts at cosplays in my younger days of the typical Toonami fare of the mid-2000's. Did a last minute low effort cosplay as Marshall Lee from Adventure Time last year at Colossal. We're thinking of doing a couple's cosplay from Space Dandy this year. Even though I am getting old I really want to buckle down and do some cool stuff before I reach the age of being unable to go to anything.

>Other interests
Hiking/nature sight seeing, amateur astronomy, automotive stuff, firearms, craft beer, reading.

>What are you looking for?
Expanding my social circle to include people who aren't spergs and can hide their power level when appropriate. NEO is a wasteland so I imagine the best I'll do is find internet/con buddies here.

>What are you NOT looking for?
Romance, I'm in a LTR and getting married in a year. People who don't have their shit together.

>Contact info

>> No.9388398
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
I've started getting back into cons and cosplay this year. I'm a spectator of lolita because of cgl lol
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Anime Milwaukee, Anime Midwest, and Anime Central. I don't do anything that involved at cons but I'm looking for friends who'll want to go to parties n hang out n stuff
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: anything with Kirby is my favorite.
Anime: NGE, JJBA, GITS, Lain, Dennou Coil, Kaiba, Alien 9, Akira... Anything weird or sci-fi is perfect for me
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I've only cosplayed a bit in the past (like, as a 13 year old) but right now i'm getting some jojo and eva characters together.
>Other interests
Anything about art, Drag and general gay shit, we can even go to a yoga class if you want
>What are you looking for?
A friend who'll wanna travel to/hang out at conventions or just talk cosplay and anime.
>What are you NOT looking for?
pls no romance
>Contact info

>> No.9388517

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay + cons mostly.
also super interested in Jfash (esp. gyaru, menhera and nanchatte) but don't wear as much of it as I'd like to, and love to talk about Lolita and keep up with the fashion but am too much of a broke bitch to wear it.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
A bunch of cons in the midlands/north + London mcm. I attend less cons now that I'm a broke ass student but they're still my happy place desu. Into basically all aspects of cons, particularly cosplaying, spending money I don't have on art, and spaghetting at meets. Maid cafés are also my shit
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
- games: Danganronpa (especially 2), Overwatch, Animal Crossing, Fallout 3/NV, Fable 2, dicking around aimlessly in GTA online
- anime: Oshiete Galko-chan, Azumanga Daioh, Madoka Magica, Yuru Yuri, Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon, NGNL, Nichijou, Gochiusa, also anything with some good ol' anime tiddies
- cartoons: Metalocalypse, Rick & Morty
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
starting with most recently all the way back into cringe territory- Tohsaka Rin (Fate/SNUBW), Kashima (Kancolle), Galko (Oshiete Galko-chan), Tenryuu (Kancolle), Vanilla (Nekopara), Mikorin (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun), Toshino Kyouko (Yuru Yuri), Jibril (NGNL), Matoi Ryuuko (KLK), Ramona Flowers, obligatory Harley Quinn, Companion Cube (Portal), Femscout (TF2), Grell Sutcliffe (Kuroshitsuji)
>Other interests
Metal, drawing, general weeb shit, and I'm a criminology student so that too
>What are you looking for?
grillz to talk about weeb shit with
I would l o v e a penpal to write cute letters on weeby stationery to and send drawings and photos and tea and tiny gifts and stuff, that would be fuckin rad
A gyaru friend to guide me into the fashion would also be rad
>What are you NOT looking for?
Dudes (gomen)
>Contact info
Reply for info!

>> No.9388590

Are you a part of /wtg/ on /vg/? I need a wingman: InRobWeTrust

>> No.9388699

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Lolita mainly, I also cosplay and go to cons and am interested in other Jfash.

Female, 22, Scotland

>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Kitacon, Sunnycon, some misc. anime cons, sometimes MCM if I can make it, I usually join the masquerade if I make/wear something nice, try out the parties and host a panel.

>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
I play otome games! Most Voltage and Cybird ones, hmu if you want to be friends ingame
Anime: Tsubasa reservoir chronicles, Madoka Magica, NGE, Steins;gate, Love Live, Wixoss, Gurren Lagann, AoT etc. (I keep track on MAL)
I love AP, and some Baby and indie prints - I'm a sweet lolita (in jewel tones) who loves anything hime or stars/constellations! CDC is the jewel of my wardrobe <3 I have a few pony prints and mainly ivory princess prints or navy/black starry prints.

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Madoka Magica (pretty much every version of Homura), Tama from Wixoss, Hanako, Nozomi from Love Live, Zatanna from DC

>Other interests
I'm a big Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Buffy nerd. I'm hoping to start cosplaying Disney princesses soon. I'm a big fan of smol baby cats and all things cute especially cute baby animals.

>What are you looking for?
Someone to be friends with, preferably female!

>What are you NOT looking for?
No romance or weird stuff, thanks

>Contact info
lazorkats on Line (I can provide alternative contact info. if you don't have line)

>> No.9388777

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Interested in Jfashion (larme and nanchatte), have been interested in lolita for years and am working on my first real purchases/coord now that I can afford it.


>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I try to attend Megacon and mostly hang out in the dealer's room and AA. I'd like to attend a panel one day, though, but chances are if I go to a con again it'll be to table there.

>Favorite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Pokemon (especially Nuzlocking,) Animal Crossing, Touhou, Love Live, Bloodborne, Umineko, Yakuza, Oboro Muramasa, Stardew
Series: Gakuen Alice, Fruits Basket, Honey and Clover, Yotsuba&!, Vocaloid (kikuo and hachi), One Piece. Honestly I don't watch much but it might be fun to watch something with someone.
Prints: Merry Making in the Ghost Town, favorite motifs are sweets, stars, flowers or perfume bottles.

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Sylveon gijinka from Pokemon and Seychelles from APH (both relatively ages ago, though.) Looking into Love Live next.

>Other interests
Art, figure collecting, itabagging, skincare, writing/literature, also reading webcomics like Blindsprings or The Last Halloween.

>What are you looking for?
A girl to talk fashion with, mainly, but other similar interests are also cool.

>What are you NOT looking for?
Heavy political talk.

>Contact info
Twitter - thesummerwars
Others possibly available upon request, but twitter is preferred.

>> No.9388782

you lurking cuck

>> No.9389289
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Lolita Fashion. I enjoy sweet ,classic,oldschool.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
AX,Ala,Fanime(can't this year as I have a baby)(no I won't drag baby everywhere I respect personal boundaries )
I enjoy pretty much everything.Would be happy to have a drink with folks sometime
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Preordered Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 off amazon & Crash Bandicoot for ps4
The ps2 .Hack franchises are also a fav(in regards to the anime very few were ultra disappointing but .Hack sign and liminality were the best)
Diablo Franchise ,Binding of Issac,Dark Cloud,ICO,Zone of the Enders,Persona,Catherine
Higurashi, Kaiji ,.hack sign,Fullmetal Alchemist,panty and stocking.
Innocent world,Baby,Aatp,Angelic Pretty, I buy whatever I think looks nice
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I'd love to learn how to use my sewing machine. Would love a friend to help me learn or learn together. I promise I won't constantly lean on you to do things for me. I just have a better time learning hands on.
>Other interests
I like art ? Walking, birdwatching,gardening, drinking coffee and or tea,engaging conversation
>What are you looking for?
Friends, especially irl since I'd love someone to hang out with , but online friends are still great! I would prefer female friends but if you are a boy and don't become x5 weird it's fine.
Don't get me wrong I will talk about most anything even hentai but if you take it to a weird place and assume I want dickpics "please No" :^(
>What are you NOT looking for?
Political extremes (alt-right and radical SJWs),Thirst,don't be a asshole and be open to opposing view points instead of just shutting things down because you don't like thing
>Contact info:
Email - bramblecandle@gmail.com
It's a persona so If you're interested in a friendship I would love to get to know you first.

>> No.9389297
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(If you have a prime membership come enjoy a little discount instead of paying the full 49 ) You can also enjoy the discount up to two weeks after a new title has launched

>> No.9389321
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Trying this out because I need a lolita friend.
>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Lolita, mainly. I admire Larme, menhera, and fairy kei from a distance.
18/F/US,TN but will be in FL by fall.
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I go to small area cons, mainly. I like exploring the vendors and the occasional panel. I'm not as social as I'd like to be.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: Dragon Age, Skyrim, Overwatch, classic survival horrors.
Brands: BTSSB, Angelic Pretty, some Haenuli, and Victorian Maiden.
Anime: Hellsing, PMMM, I used to like Kuroshit until it became a weeb and ita magnent. I just don't watch much anime.
Prints: Dolly Cat (my ultimate dream), Pup in a Cup, Milky Swan, and idk if it counts, but Haenuli's POTO print
>Other interests
I love hiking, writing, playing video games, and trying my hand at shitty art sometimes.
>What are you looking for?
Just a friend to discuss lolita with, maybe someone to meet in person (doubtful lel) . Possibly also someone on a weight loss journey as well?
>What are you NOT looking for?
Someone who needs constant attention, I'm an introvert. Also not someone too political.
>Contact info
My email I use for lolita stuff is coffee.cardinals@gmail.com. Most of my social media is some variant of that.

>> No.9389324


>> No.9389699
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Getting into lolita (after admiring for years), want to get into other jfash like otome, nanchatte, yamikawaii, maybe cosplay and cons
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do?
I've only ever been to katsucon once a few years ago
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc

Anime n stuff: DRRR, Gakuen Alice, Tokyo Ghoul, Ghost Hunt, a bunch more because I'm an unfortunate weeb, also a big fan of otome games and I want to play more, killing stalking
Brands: I'm an AP slut but I love most of the big brands

>Other interests
Writing, reading, music (particularly middle school emo core), I'd also like to learn how to knit and crochet, BL, baking, etc., documentaries, I like to learn a lot and talk about a lot
>What are you looking for?
Friendship mostly, someone to share my interests because none of my irl friends share them
>What are you NOT looking for?
Relationship stuff. I'm happy in my relationship
>Contact info

>> No.9391490

Ardmore? Ok City?

>> No.9397616


>> No.9397630

shhh shh shh
let it die...
let it die

>> No.9397792

Join the gyaru Amino and drop a seagull reference in your intro post, I'll be your trashy senpai.

>> No.9398578
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cons, cosplay, and general interests
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
NYCC, maybe next year I can go to NY Anime Con
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Dota, Overwatch, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Berserk, Vampire Hunter D, Jojo
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Overwatch, Monster Hunter, STALKER
>Other interests
I draw a lot and I like cartoons
>What are you looking for?
Friends and people to discuss stuff with
>What are you NOT looking for?
Nothing really
>Contact info
Skype: fearing.fire
Discord: Nodding Pelipper#8419

>> No.9398726

>tfw you're so cucked by a toxic board full of rock bottom retards and crude autistic virgins that you feel the need to defend your circlejerk on a board that only cares about fancy costumes


Why, when there are so many other more productive boards you could be spending your time on and improving yourself with? Stop wasting your time with actual human garbage and learn a new skill or hobby today.

>> No.9403600

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Do some shitty cosplay and want to get better, jfash seems cool, lolita looks pretty awesome! and attend a few cons (want to expand)
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
MCM london/birm/telford, Kita, want to expand to others
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Hidan no aria, monogatari series, familiar of zero, overlord, random trashy shows
listen to some band maid/babymetal

>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
reinhard -> re:zero

want to do an oshino meme but 2fat
making a juane from RWBY slowly

>Other interests
volenteer for first aid org
part of uni anime soc
try to do fun stuff with computers when not too busy

>What are you looking for?
fuck knows pretty much whatever, con bros? shitposting? qtgf? If I knew what I wanted my life would be in order desu senpai

>What are you NOT looking for?
people OTT about trying to get people to drink/do drugs etc, not a fan of pier pressure

>Contact info
email: ariaholmes4th@ outlook . com
discord (might not notice for a while): AriaHolmesKanzaki

>> No.9403625

>learning anything useful on 4chan

>> No.9404863
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>>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
I was briefly into Lolita circa 2012-2014, but now I'm mostly into jfashion and getting back into cosplay. Would like to go out to more cons.
>>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
It's been a while, but I usually would head to Metrocon and Megacon. Would like to make it to AWA this year
>>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
I'm casual trash so I enjoy rhythm games like Space Channel 5, and LoZ:Windwaker is another favorite. All-time favorite anime is Sailor Moon for nostalgic reasons, but I tend to watch a lot of mahoushoujo and idol anime in addition to something actually good each season like Maid Dragon or Demi-chan.
>>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
I've cosplayed as Pinkie Pie and Derpy, but I've been done with pony for 4 years now. Currently building my sewing skills by cosplaying simple stuff for local events. Pic related. Would like to cosplay as Great Fairy Mija very very soon.
>>Other interests
I'm pretty deep down the rabbit hole into kpop, would like to know more about jpop, but most of my time is spent browsing yesstyle and aliexpress, watching anime and kdrama, reading books from a different time, or watching movies from hollywood's golden age. I also read the Anne of Green Gables series in its entirety on an annual basis. It's just really enjoyable.
>>What are you looking for?
Specifically, I don’t have many female friends since I moved away from my hometown a year or two ago, so I really miss the company of not a fucking dude. Close to my age would be nice, but desu I just want someone to talk to about all these interests and if your local I’m down to hang out at the movies or something.
>>What are you NOT looking for?
A romantic relationship. I’m already involved with my boyfriend of 6 years.
>>Contact info
justforqiqs on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook

>> No.9404980

Hi, I'm >>9404863 and I really like your taste in anime. I'm not a gyaru but I certainly hold a deep appreciation for it and most jfash. Bonus: I have a small collection of cute tiny stationary and no one to write to. Please feel free to message me?

>> No.9405019
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay / Prop making / Cons General
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
Ohayo - Tekko - Colossal - Ota - Matsuri - Youma
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Granblue Fantasy , Hotline Miami, River City Ransom, TF2.
Shield Hero, Konosuba, Macross, anything from the Nico Nico Douga era in 2008, a shit ton of old anime.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Overwatch, Fire Emblem, Ragnarok, KLK, Megaman, Vocaloid.
>Other interests
Speed running video games, reading up on politics, cooking, constant amounts of studying.
>What are you looking for?
Other prop bro's or just cosplayers in general to talk to, people who want to do cosplay groups with, people who generally like video games, and are shit lords. idk, smart people who know when not to take themselves seriously. Like, all we're really going to probably talk about is either props, waifus, 'YO CHECK OUT THIS MIKU TRACK I FOUND', or like dumb pepe memes. Occasionally commentary on politics, but that's really it.

>What are you NOT looking for?
No SJW's / Super PC / Ultra tumblr kids. I'm pretty MAGA in general.
>Contact info
Discord : Ayato#6989
instagram : vjsanada

>> No.9405077

Your taste in anime is impeccable and I would be so happy to have someone to talk Aikatsu with. Can I contact you? I'm >>9404863

>> No.9405716

tfw I always get ignored in threads like this as chubby guys are ignored

tfw will never have a qt cos gf who wants to help me be a better person

>> No.9405738
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Yo dude, I'm a chubby male and I don't come onto 4chan of all places expecting to hook up with someone. Yes, it's got its fair share of shit posting waifus, but I'm going to tell you as one guy to another ;

Having a woman as your crutch and motivation point is one of the worst things you can ever do to yourself. Hell, I was in that same boat before I became a full fledged shit lord. I began adapting good study habits, pondering why things work they do, and how to work with / against them, I took up power lifting and dieting.

Prop making, that fun stuff.

You don't need a woman to carry you, if you can become your own carry. Besides, you get to that point, you'll have a much better idea of what you want besides a cosplaying QT.

>> No.9405739

Suck it up fatass

>> No.9405741

yo senpai you are right desu
lived this long without bitches, I dont need them

time to become a bro desu desu

>> No.9406050
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>>9405019 here
TFW my hard drive shat itself, so to that one person who added me over Discord earlier, I am so sorry. I did not forget you, I need to replace my hard drive tomorrow so I can talk to you, and continue working on the pepakura files I had.

>> No.9406077 [DELETED] 

super belated because I haven't checked this thread in a while but here's a oneshot that I managed to find I did of one of the Tangled songs a couple years ago


>sorry for shit mixing and quality

>> No.9406080

super belated because I haven't checked this thread in a while but here's a oneshot of mine that I managed to find of one of the Tangled songs a couple years ago


>sorry for shit mixing and quality

>> No.9406758

Sorry for the late reply, haven't check this thread in a while.
I'm not, but I'm pretty competent in comparison to the standard autist you find in WT. I play T3-4 German Tanks (fuck the Panther line, seriously, it's hell) and T3-T4 German planes. So next time I'm on I'll see about adding you when I get the chance.

>> No.9406802

>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
Cosplay and cons!
22 f ny
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I've been to anime Boston, nycc, anime Midwest, otakon and anime next. Panels, parties and meet ups are chill. I want to try cosplay chess.
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
I don't really have favorites but I play league a lot.
>Characters/series cosplayed from (if applicable)
Anbu kakashi, ganta igarashi, rocket raccoon, arsenal, dot (animaniacs), yuffie and I probably forgetting some.
>Other interests
Video games, sports, comics, arts/craft
>What are you looking for?
People to talk to about anime/manga or ocassionally hang out with or see at cons
A gym buddy
People to play league with
>What are you NOT looking for?
>Contact info
Whatsapp: cartoon cartoons

>> No.9407017
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>Cosplay, Jfashion, Lolita, Photography, or just cons?
>What cons do you attend? What do you like to do? (panels, AA, masq, parties, etc)
I don't really attend any cons
>Favourite games, anime, brands, prints, etc
Games: SoulsBorne, Shadow of the Colossus, No More Heroes, Pikmin, Metal Gear Rising
Anime: JoJo, Tatami Galaxy, Monogatari series, Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain, Kara no Kyoukai, Mononoke, Mushishi, FLCL
Brands: Jane Marple, Axes Femme, Amavel, Liz Lisa, Mary Magdalene
>Other interests
Umineko, art/drawing, playing bass, nutrition & working out, movies (some of my favorites are Oldboy, Drive, Whiplash, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Grand Budapest Hotel)
>What are you looking for?
It would be nice to make some friends with similar interests
>What are you NOT looking for?
>Contact info