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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 71 KB, 540x787, 9ec87b1f136586d29218f79d7b17de21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9315253 No.9315253 [Reply] [Original]

Ask and give advice on coords.

>> No.9315262
File: 43 KB, 612x612, m990199809_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice on how to coord this? I bought it cheap at auction a couple months ago and I've struggled to coord it ever since. With a white blouse, it washes me out really badly but cardigans look too busy with the details on the bust. I'm thinking maybe I need a dark, structure blazer or jacket with some chocolate accessories? Any other ideas?

>> No.9315287

Dark brown is the most obvious choice, but I think you could try pairing it with dark red or navy as well.

>> No.9315937

If you want light colors, try coordinating it with beige or dusty pink instead of white. Even off white will be better than stark white. And like >>9315287 said, dark brown will be a great accent color as will bordeaux.

>> No.9315963

Since other anons have suggested dark colors already, if you had lighter coords in mind try dusty rose and/or ivory, not white. I could see it working well with either of those, possibly with dark brown accents to pull everything together.

>> No.9316222

I should clarify that I have tried coording it with offwhite/ivory and the problem isn't that it doesn't look good, it just doesn't look good on me. I do like the idea of dusty rose though. I think I'll definitely try to find a dark brown or bordeaux jacket, that should work nicely. Thank you all for your suggestions!

>> No.9316906

If you struggle to find a blouse, an outer in those colors would work nicely as well with an off white blouse

>> No.9317150
File: 1.69 MB, 732x978, I know it's wrinkled but.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babby's first oldschool/brand piece, very new in general so I'm a bit stressed about coording anything.
roast me pls

>> No.9317157

I like the red with sax but I wouldn't use the scarf. It makes it look a bit frumpy. You need a proper blouse.

Are you going for genuine old school or are you coording an older piece modernly? Real old school didn't use berets or shoes like that, but chunky plaforms/RHS/black shoe, iirc.

>> No.9317158

What is that red thing? A cardigan?

>> No.9317439
File: 48 KB, 240x240, ChandelierFlockySkirt-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Copy pasted from last thread, I posted just before it died

I just got this skirt on a bit of an impulse and have no idea how to coordinate it. I normally go for super gothy oldschool type looks and this is a bit casual/almost classic leaning and I'm having a hard time coming up with a coord that fits my gothic taste. Doesn't that I didn't notice its covered in gold glitter and all my jewlery is silver.

To start with I'm thinking of adding some belt loops with thread so I can cover up the waistband with ribbon, it's completely shirred and looks weird unless its covered up.

>> No.9317587 [DELETED] 

an overdress perhaps? to dress it up as well as hide the waist. fitted one not peignoir of course

>> No.9317602

That's a good idea, thanks anon! I honestly forget about overdresses until just now haha

>> No.9317610

The red is shoehorned in, drop it
Also where is your blouse?

>> No.9317612

Introducing a new color (especially on a two colored garment) isn't shoe horning. While she needs a blouse, there's nothing inherently wrong with the red as an accent.

>> No.9317644
File: 56 KB, 450x570, cesky krumlov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz help.

>> No.9317651

Sauce on the dress?

>> No.9317659

blouse is still in the mail, but I do plan on using one
What do you mean by scarf? I'm trying to coord it modernly, yeah.

should I wait for the blouse and then try to get help again?

>> No.9317724
File: 731 KB, 1317x591, PinkOldschool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these items, will they look alright together as an old school inspired coord?

What would you change/add?

>> No.9317736

The dot pattern on the socks bother me. Maybe it looks better irl, but as it stands, they look out of place.

>> No.9317738

Personally would wear plain lace topped socks with it.

>> No.9317739

Maybe use a white blouse for more contrast and UTKs for more of an oldschool feel.

>> No.9317743 [DELETED] 

with that blouse you really dont need the wristcuffs unless you plan to dress it up a bit more elsewhere. do you have a bag as well?

>> No.9317745
File: 419 KB, 1037x827, shoes + socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was afraid of that. They aren't too obvious in person, but I lack lace top otk's that are solid pink and can't easily find them for whatever inane reason. Ngl, I'm on a budget right now due to moving and buying $25+ brand socks are just not a priority atm.

I would put the whole coord on and take a pic, but I am still waiting for the dress and blouse to arrive from my old place.

>> No.9317750
File: 81 KB, 700x700, w-07840-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whups, forgot bag, it isn't exactly old school but I have this one, I also have a plainer looking AP bag that came with a lucky pack.

I kinda like the wrist cuffs with long sleeves look (I also have long arms so it kinda helps hide that) What should I add to dress it up?

>> No.9317754

I am not a new lolita, and yet I am not sure what you mean by UTKs. I honestly can't figure it out.

>> No.9317756

UTK = Under the knee (socks)

>> No.9317776

ooohhhh, of course. for some reason I have never seen that abbreviated, which is dumb because I always type OTK

>> No.9317817 [DELETED] 

go ahead and dress it up as you please, its just already more oldschool inspired than old school and keeps taking steps and steps away from that

>> No.9317839

well, I did say >old school inspired coord
I was asking for opinions on what to do, if I had an idea of how to dress it up as I like I wouldn't have asked.

>> No.9317897 [DELETED] 

and im saying with what you have and especially that bag, those coloured socks, its not even old school inspired. its just a plain jsk youve coorded with a lot of pink.

>> No.9317936


Yes, ditch the cardi entirely, come back when you get the blouse. Many itas have gone before you, the cardi basically turns any lolita outfit into a shapeless tent. If you really want a cardi, either go for a bolero, or a short, cropped cardigan.

>> No.9317948


Basic bitch coord:

- white blouse and white lace tights (please no hooker fishnets). If white doesn't work with your skintone, add a brown bolero (easy mode) or matching orange cardi/bolero (hard mode).
- Brown shoes and bag
- Hair accessories: either something in matching blue, or go for a brown hat or beret that's matched to the shoes/bag.
- Keep your jewellery consistent, either all gold or all silver.


>> No.9317991

They're more often called high socks or knee highs, depending on your region

>> No.9318097

Thanks for her tip! I'll come back when it arrives

>> No.9318311

give it to me if you can't coord it.

Otherwise I coord my op with red shoes and a heart bag, white socks, and a red bow clip.
Use a white blouse and either like a blue beret, bow, or boater hat for headwear.
Brown shoes and bag also works.

Definitely switch to a white blouse and white knee socks. A white heart or boston bag would be cute if you can find one, or an usakumya even.

>> No.9319456

Just sell it then it sounds like you came here to complain

>> No.9319557


I actually like the cardigan and the red / sax coord. Definitely post another pic when you get the blouse, I'm curious to see how it turns out!

>> No.9319739
File: 67 KB, 426x640, matryoshka embroidery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idiot question thread is gone and my question IS for a coord, so...

Recently got this Jane Marple JSK and planning to wear it tomorrow. However there isn't much room under the skirt, my less poofy A-line fits alright but I can tell nothing bigger would squeeze in, and this is a fairly small petti. Is this normal for JM pieces to have less room? Just want to be doing right by the dress, this is my first JM item.

>> No.9319788 [DELETED] 

just go for an otome look. the whole front portion has zero gathering theres just no way to shove a petti in that.

>> No.9319817

Thanks, I was thinking it was really off trying to put one under there but wasn't sure if I was interpreting it right, save myself some embarassment. Does JM just vary in skirt gathering between items? I feel like I've seen their stuff used in regular lolita coords before with pettis.

>> No.9319977
File: 248 KB, 1018x866, 7bb92478c28bceb6eedaad385316ac51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping to dabble in gothic lolita this year but I am having a bit of trouble deciding what skirt to buy. Ideally I would like to incorporate the items on the left, especially the tights. I usually wear classic so I am leaning more towards the innocent world skirt on the top left. Would appreciate feedback a lot! Thank you in advance.

>> No.9319980

Yes, it varies. It's not a lolita brand, it just makes some items that work for lolita

>> No.9319982

The IW skirt at the top right is a lot more versatile, you'll be able to use it in classic coords as well as gothic depending on styling. I'd go for that one if I were you.

>> No.9320952
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 7451_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, you are telling me what I am doing wrong, but not actually addressing the question I had, which was "what would you do?". Telling me "this is wrong!" over and over when I ask "what should I do?" is not exactly helpful.

this is helpful.
I thought that might be the case. I am not too familiar with coording pink, these are gifts and cheap stuff I have accumulated over time and now maybe have a chance to wear. I just remember back when I first started lolita all one color coords were fairly popular, all pink, all blue, all white, all black etc. I used to have a folder for it! But I suppose breaking up the pink would be better. Probably look more balanced too. I have the bag that came with this lucky pack as well, would this work better?

>> No.9321065 [DELETED] 

>tells me im not helpful
>tells me im helpful

fuck off mate

>> No.9321097

>Makes several unhelpful posts
>makes one helpful post completely separately
>expects me to know they are the same person


>> No.9321678 [DELETED] 

>you think the other several unhelpful posts were me

>> No.9321683

Not that anon but someone telling you exactly what to do does not present you with an opportunity to learn, though. If you want the solution quick, it's fine, but trying and getting it wrong nine times then getting it correct on the tenth is worth far more for your personal development.

>> No.9321693

Bro I think you're confused please learn how anon img boards work kthx

>> No.9321718

Either IW skirt is a good choice. I'd choose based on what type of coord you want to make and how much you can use it in your classic wardrobe

>> No.9321737

I don't really want to argue about this, but this is a "help thread" where people are asking specifically for help. Anon's original post was pretty straightforward, "is this old school and if not, what can I change?" I don't think its rude to want an answer to both questions. This thread is supposed to be a place where you can get suggestions, not just be told "This is wrong."

>> No.9321766
File: 3.17 MB, 2896x2896, 20170116_160920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What socks would you choose for this JSK? So far, the only other part I have planned is the matching headbow in same color, white shoes and white blouse(short sleeve or long sleeve).

>> No.9321768

Forgot to add, 3 actually is the same color as 4 from what I understand

>> No.9321770

Those are all awful but 2 is the least awful.

>> No.9321773

1 or 5

>> No.9321821
File: 146 KB, 800x600, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a pair that are most suitable, rn your choices are quite ugly, or you could go with tights.

>> No.9321826

Kind of a newb, could you please explain to me why they're so awful? I was just trying to find matching colors, is it the patterns? I really do want to learn!

>> No.9322021

You just need to develop a proper a proper "eye" for textures big bulky socks don't go with delicate construction like the one you pictured. The non-bulky options you listed aren't even the right color.

The main piece of your outfit is the dress and if you detract from that with overly busy socks its going to be too much. Starting new you should just stick to safe coords until you develop a better eye for it.

>> No.9322028

Like >>9322021 said, your socks are too bulkie and in some instances too normy to go with it. Until you get some feel for what would work I recommend using brand socks as your inspiration for what to look for.

As the saying goes, "if you have to ask if it's appropriate for lolita then it's not"

>> No.9322036

Until you're more experienced, never do offbrand socks unless it's just solid ankle socks with lace or something. I would definitely recommend looking for some AP otks with some sort of star print, but if you need to go offbrand either choose plain lacy socks or subtly patterned tights like the top right in >>9321821

Other anon was also right to nudge you towards Lolita Desu, they typically have a lot of socks in stock and are really easy to order from. Unless I'm buying new from brand I usually get my socks from them or Wunderwelt.

>> No.9322047

where do I find girls that dress like this irl

>> No.9322048

lolitas in the wild are very rare

>> No.9322049 [DELETED] 

I want a QT Lolita gf

>> No.9322050

That's not a scarf. Those are neck ties. This particular jsk has a halter neck tie bodice instead of the normal jsk straps.

>> No.9322054

Most of the girls I see online that dress like this are the stereotypical "anime girl" so basically socially awkward fat chicks with bad hygiene.
It's a shame too because it's a really cute aesthetic and the fit in OPs pic actually looks adorable af,

>> No.9322055

Well lolitas usually aren't very cute so good luck

>> No.9322058

I thought the red cardigan was a giant scarf/pashmina rofl.

>> No.9322061

Notice that the very few people who are replying to you are feeding you misinformation.

No one wants you here. This is not a hookup board. You are not supposed to go on other boards and ask where you can find "girls who drive cars like this IRL" or "girls who like mechas like this IRL" or "girls who like wallpapers like this IRL"

you're shitting up the thread by contributing nothing of value and asking us to spoonfeed you.

>> No.9322067


>> No.9322074

/fa/ please go.

>> No.9322077


>> No.9322096

Thank you for your input!! I really appreciate it. I'll be on the look out for a constellation pattern non bulky pair!

>> No.9322112 [DELETED] 

im not gonna start trippin just so some idiot can tell me apart from other anons

>> No.9322142
File: 2.43 MB, 1020x830, TB2f2682929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a while back asking for advice and wanted to follow it up. The main thing I am looking at is the wig, I know brown is the safest bet and will probably be more versatile so I am leaning towards that. But my SO likes the red and it would help bring a little bit more colour in to an almost all back coord, I am just not sure how appropriate red hair is for gothic lolita.

Also of note I am planing on taking apart the cuffs of that cheep bodyline blouse and rebuilding them to look more the the cuff pictured below it.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.9322163

the red is too cartoony and will tip your coord into cosplay looking territory.

try a hear piece with a burgundy rose to bring out more of the color.

>> No.9322164

>hear piece

>> No.9322183 [DELETED] 

honestly both those wigs are gross. they part from one point like some weird little anus

>> No.9322194

I coord mine like this:
-white blouse
-red bolero
-white lace topped socks
-red shoes
-red beret with the dove brooch pinned on it.

I've also done all white with it, and you can do white/brown.
I found this pair of ankle socks in the perfect shade of brick orange but I'm still trying to find other things in the color to make a coord with it.

>> No.9322198

Thank you, I will do that.

Well I wont be able to unseen that. In the end I probably do need to go with a wig from arda or epiccosplay as they are the only companies I know of that consistently make wigs that fit huge american heads.

>> No.9322283 [DELETED] 

whats the name of the dress?

>> No.9322285 [DELETED] 

perhaps consider not buying cosplay wigs for your lolita...

>> No.9322340

It was form this taobao store,

I can't tell if it is a knock off or something original. The only other place I can find it is a alibaba store turning it around for twice the price.

I am open to it. I am just defaulting to what I know as size is a concern.

Sorry to ask to be spoon feed on this but are "Gothic Lolita Wigs"/"Dolluxe" a reputable brand in the community? And are they sized larger then Asian wigs?

>> No.9322601
File: 143 KB, 800x800, TB2yhQvbxeI.eBjSsplXXX6GFXa_!!417597651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this blouse work for sweet or is it too classic?

>> No.9322605

It looks like a replica of an Atelier Boz design.

>> No.9322607

I think it depends on what main piece you plan on wearing it with.

>> No.9322621
File: 330 KB, 700x1200, l397-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point.
It's this one in win, I thought a high neck blouse would look the best
If anyone has any better suggestions than I'm open for ideas

>> No.9322625


Yup, that's a replica of a Boz dress.

>> No.9322630
File: 1.80 MB, 1477x987, lolita coord 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been away from j-fashion in general for a really long time, what do you think of this /cgl/?

What should I do for legwear and a purse or should I start over completely?

>> No.9322678

You bought a replica. It will be shit. You need to start over.

>> No.9322765 [DELETED] 

mature sweet, yes
it looks kinda weird cheap fabric tho anon, almost like nylon?

>> No.9322801

Not sure if >>9322621 counts as mature sweet.. I think it might be a bit too bright
I just snagged the picture of taobao, so it might be nylon some weird blend
I'll probably look for a better one, I'm just unsure what kind of blouse I should go with

>> No.9322825

beret link?

>> No.9322827

I think it's cute. I like the flow of the bunny theme in your accessories.

>> No.9322830 [DELETED] 


I'm inclined to agree. The photo looks stolen to be honest as it looks just like Atelier Boz's usual stock photos, as looking at that TaoBao site I can see immediately all sorts of stolen photos, such as from BABY and from Mary Magdlene on just the front page. I'd run a mle and instead try and start from scratch / hunt down one of these dresses secondhand. The Japanese secondhand market is your best place to start looking, it's more abundant than the Western secondhand market for Boz pieces.

>> No.9322836


I'm inclined to agree. The photo looks stolen to be honest as it looks just like Atelier Boz's usual stock photos, and looking at that TaoBao site I can see immediately all sorts of stolen photos, such as from BABY and from Mary Magdlene on just the front page. I'd run a mle and instead try and start from scratch / hunt down one of these dresses secondhand. The Japanese secondhand market is your best place to start looking, it's more abundant than the Western secondhand market for Boz pieces.

>> No.9322869
File: 57 KB, 443x275, cba64e69f71a6bfee05abe95b56841b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel the sweater/cardigan you chose would fit well, maybe switch it for something like this, also ditch the beret.

>> No.9323003
File: 449 KB, 1126x828, modular.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make "modular" outfits, not sure how well they work.

>> No.9323006

Are you asking how the format looks or how those coords look? The idea is cool but I don't like those shoes with either of those coords.

>> No.9323009


Thanks, anon!

>> No.9323022

How the coords look. The shoes have kinda been bugging me too, luckily I didn't actually buy them yet. What would you suggest?

>> No.9323025

Different anon but pink shoes would match both coords well in my opinion.

>> No.9323027

I think the color is clashes with both coords (unless the shoes are pink. They look beige though) and the shoes are little classic and mature for two relatively sweet coords. I think pink shoes (to match the cardigan) could work, although I don't have any specific shoes in mind.

>> No.9323104
File: 58 KB, 650x650, antaina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are more of a beige. I typically wear classic so that definitely might've marred my judgement there. Pink was my first thought, but it's hard to find 'em in my size without turning to Antaina. That being said, I think I'll go with these (in pink).

>> No.9324003


>> No.9324044

The coord is from "Altered Imagery" on tumblr.

This particular coord is from http://altered-imagery.tumblr.com/post/134253321462/somethin

The text of her post says:

Something a little Jane Marple-inspired without the big price tag.

OP: Innocent World - $40 from a lucky pack.

Head bow: Ebay - $2

Necklace: Jane Marple - $35, but simple pendants can easily be bought on the cheap from ebay and op shops.

Waist tie: Taken from one of my Jane Marple dresses. It’s really just a length of velvet ribbon with some end caps so it’s easy enough to D.I.Y.

Socks: Jane Marple - $30, but similar pairs can be found from plenty of other brand and off-brand sources.

Shoes: Rule London -$65 on sale (these are actually leather, so I hope they’ll last me longer than cheap pleather ones)

Bag: Second hand from the opshop - $5

>> No.9326396
File: 68 KB, 515x645, 517853-2503-2015-11-20328355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question, which kind of blouse should I use with pic related?
I have an upcoming meet and I have no idea which blouse to use.

>> No.9326415

Peter pan or high collar would both be cute, depending on where you want to take the coord (high neck is more mature, etc.)

>> No.9326562

Thank you!! I will experiment a little and see what I can come with.

>> No.9326600
File: 993 KB, 873x1821, cord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babies first cord and babies first time here. Fucked up and posted in the wrong thread before. I wanted something simple and pretty basic and not full lollita with this.

>> No.9326606

>not full lolita
what... isn't lolita about this? I don't understand?

>> No.9326609

I feel as if it could be improved on way more? Maybe I worded it wrong. I wanted a simple cord over all.

>> No.9326782
File: 472 KB, 1350x765, 10101723251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner, wanted some advice on where to go from here. Please don't pay attention to scrawny hair: I haven't decided on a particular wig design yet and my own hair is the same colour and almost the same length as the wig I want to purchase, so I left it unobscured.

Things I noticed myself:
—That blouse just isn't looking right at all. It's a tad bit small for me. Also, I think I busted one of the sleeves when washing and ironing it. Wanted to order a custom-fitted handmade one instead. Maybe with ruffled sleeves that are a little longer? Like, a few cm above the elbow.

—The bows at the hem look kinda ill-fitting, should probably remove them.

—Wrist cuffs look sort of silly as well. Should opt for something that is not an indiscernible mess of fabric. Also, need gloves to hide those ugly hands.

—Not sure if my silhouette is right.

>> No.9326784
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_1301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>9326396 I tried some blouses but I would like some feedback on which one looks better, I don't want to look ita.

>> No.9326791

I think you're probably overthinking this just a bit, Anon, but imo:
-Your hands are fine, maybe just paint your nails or get fake ones. Somewhat agree about the wristcuffs, though, they're a little odd-looking
-The dark tights+ black shoes make this a little bottom-heavy with the white blouse + the dark print being on the bottom of the dress

>> No.9326792

I think I'd go for lighter colored tights, the bottom half of your coord feels "heavy" with the dark print, dark tights, and dark shoes.

>> No.9326799

This is really cute, anon.

>> No.9326806

I guess bottom middle - the bib on your dress is an offwhite color, so it's looking weird when you pair it with a stark white blouse. Bottom middle looks the closest to the bib's color, so I vote that.

>> No.9326809

Switch to white tights and lavender shoes and you good!
i think some good tips for people just starting out are:
- tights should echo blouse (a light blouse should have light tights)
- shoes should echo purse (you have lavender wristcuffs and purse, shoes in the color would tie the coord together really nice)

>> No.9326814

None of them DESU. They're all a stark white instead of off-white, like >>9326806 said.

Go with a blouse that goes under the bib, or one in the same shade of off-white.

>> No.9326848
File: 148 KB, 500x600, 1adb5fe2cbd5f57be0cc8662fb8de179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a good headbow to go with AP's antoinette decoration but I'm not sure what I'm looking for, I don't normally wear that more classic style. I don't think I want a bonnet, I'm not sure if I like the antoinette decoration set's head accessories.

I plan on my blouse and (pattern) tights being pink, and shoes will be gold glitter parties. I have pink headbows but that might be too much pink.

The closest thing I have that matches is eternal carnival headbow (pic related), but it's not an exact color match and I don't know if it fits that style. The antoinette decoration ivory colorway is kind of a weird yellow/ivory and slightly shiny, it doesn't really match all my other ivory stuff. I guess my question is, what head accessory would you pick to coord with that jsk?

>> No.9327012 [DELETED] 

improve it by adding necklaces, earrings etc in the matching silver religious theme. do you have a petticoat?

>also, coord, not cord

>> No.9327016 [DELETED] 

theres nothing wrong with the bows on the hem. please dont massacre your dress anon. I like your curly hair btw

>> No.9327685
File: 1.26 MB, 844x1236, cant decide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me decide whether or not to buy the outfit on the top or the outfit on the bottom?

>> No.9327709

Are you looking to wear them only items in pic? The red cardigan would work with both JSKs, while the AP one is too similar in colour to the dress.

>> No.9327796

I think a cream cardigan with a cream dress is just fine, and more versatile. Personally I prefer the top outfit.

>> No.9327798

I love the bottom coord, it's a lot more interesting than the top one which IMO is too safe. I'd like to see the rest of the pieces you're using for it.

>> No.9327812
File: 87 KB, 480x640, 109P322-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently got pic related, not sure what sort of blouse to wear under it. The organdy is pretty shiny in person, and cotton and chiffon both look a bit off to me for some reason...

>> No.9327884

Thanks anon
You're my hero

>> No.9327925
File: 2.58 MB, 2432x1292, something like this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda what I was thinking. I already have shoes to match, which would be a plus, but the red cardigan would be something different for my wardrobe that I could probably make use of.

A really rough idea of the direction I'd try to go in with each outfit.

For the top outfit I'm thinking of using a felt flower brooch on the cardigan, something to bring more colour to the top half. The OTKs in the picture are opaque, I think, with a similar colour of pink. I'd perfer to see where the dress sits on me before deciding on OTKs, socks or tights though.

The bottom half I'm a little stuck on since I very rarely wear red. Using brown heeled oxfords and a matching brown bag might be cute, VM even has a brown hat that could match, but I don't know how it would look with the reds. The easier route would be to go with the items in my picture, maybe a matching red velvet ribbon for my hair.

>> No.9327929

The tricky thing is that it's very, very difficult to match reds, and the items that you've chosen definitely don't. If that doesn't matter to you, I think the cuts and patterns are very cute and would go nicely together. Overall, though, the top coord is more cohesive and flattering IMO.

>> No.9327935
File: 69 KB, 720x960, 10402491_903885909631802_2789158532002550258_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I totally agree, mostly why I don't own many reds, but in that case would be it better to wear white shoes with red socks? It would probably be difficult to find ruffled red socks.

>> No.9328337

perhaps something with a bit of texture would look better then as a contrast to the shinyness, like a velvet bolero?

>> No.9328386
File: 399 KB, 500x600, Harlequinade AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting coords and coord inspiration for AP's Harlequinade print in sax. I bought the "switching" version of the jsk.

>> No.9328415


Thank you so much, anon, that's PERFECT.

>> No.9328566

Is that from Innocent world? Why not go for a country look with dark brown boots an a straw hat?

>> No.9328572

A+ Coord baby-chan! You did well!

Don't forget to do your make-up and hair too, nothing ruins a nice coord than messy hair and a greasy face

>> No.9328613


Well, more like congrats on not fucking up the most basic coord possible, really.

>> No.9328771
File: 494 KB, 504x620, hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it would be too OTT, but maybe try commissioning a hat or something? Voodooodolly currently as an off-white hat that could look nice, you could probably add some matching pinks and gold to make it a closer match. I think Missdangershop on Etsy also does commissions for headwear.

>> No.9329349

It's short, so I'd try it with a corset for a really oldschool gothy look. Or else maybe a gothic/classic blazer or vest, say one of the nicer BPN ones.

>> No.9329360

Anon pls, you say that like it doesn't happen all the time

>> No.9329368
File: 84 KB, 480x640, B40HA901-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone talk me out of buying this dumb hat pls

>> No.9329371

That hat is dumb.

>> No.9329376
File: 1.30 MB, 1000x849, loloops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol oops made a coord
>Eternal ita at heart

>> No.9329378

I like it. I'm not very good at this talking you out of it thing.

>> No.9329381
File: 1.83 MB, 500x281, itsok.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9329394


You have a lot of options if you go for matching some of the other elements rather than focusing on the ivory colourway. A gold crown that matches your shoes and the gold trim on the lace/dress. A pearl headdress (looks similar to the icing dots on the cake on the print. Maybe a feather headdress echoing the feathers on top of the cake (in the print). You can add cameos or macaron-shaped hair accessories, too, if you have them.

If none of them look right/are too much on their own, you can try to mix and match some smaller elements, for eg your pink headbow with a mix of pearls, or a gold crown with feathers to the side, that kind of thing.

>> No.9329459

it looks like a $5 craft store prop + some nice lace, you can absolutely diy for much much cheaper

if you want a minihat, at least go for one with a curved brim, they look like actual millinery at least

>> No.9329601
File: 168 KB, 1022x625, unicorn dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some help deciding what shoes and bag to coord with this dress?
These are the ideas I have, but I have a really hard time deciding because I have pretty shit taste
Pls help

>> No.9329643

actually all those shoes look fine, i just think the bags are too clunky for such a detailed print.

>> No.9329652
File: 277 KB, 1341x793, anchorcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up the anchor OP yesterday and I'm trying to come up with coord ideas. I usually do simple coords so normally I'd probably do something like on the right. A boater hat, solid navy tights, some pearl jewelry, and probably some white gloves(I like the look of the ones in the picture so I'd make myself a similar pair in white) . The left is if I wanted to do something more loud. Are the print tights to tacky to go with the print? I usually do just solid colored tights and avoid socks since I have thick legs.

>> No.9329848

Thank you anons!

I'm still looking around, but baby currently has this in stock:

Do you think that one might be good? I'm so used to just choosing a matching headbow so this is new territory for me.

>> No.9330261

Your reds do not match.

>> No.9330267


Yeah, looks good, go for it.

>> No.9330279

Burgundy hair can work in gothic lolita but I don't think that red wig looks natural enough, go brown. Maybe try another high-neck blouse if you can find one, since Bodyline's material quality isn't great and the attachment point for the detachable sleeves might look weird with a JSK that already has an unusual neckline.

Agree that you should get a cream blouse to work better, but if you can't get one fast enough, I'd go with top right or bottom right - using the high-collared white blouse looks more jarring, as it looks like you're trying to make a continuous line with the cream panel on the bodice but the colours obviously don't match so it doesn't work. Using the peter pan collar, maybe with the bow as well if that matches IRL, makes it look more like you're deliberately coording white and cream (which is a thing, some people don't like it but it can be done) as two separate colours, rather than just failing at matching your whites.

Depends on which is more your overall style, but I love the top coord and a cream cardigan with a gold emblem should be really versatile. Don't agree that the red cardigan would work with both JSKs, it looks too dark for the pink floral fawn one.

>> No.9330284

The blouse is cream and the hat and both dresses you showed have stark white lace, it doesn't match.

>> No.9330290

I don't think they're tacky but since the print and most of the rest of your coord has no gold in it, I'd get the navy x white version of those tights instead if Teja Jamilla still has them.

>> No.9330300

make the shoes red and this is actually really cute

>> No.9330303
File: 253 KB, 676x1500, il_fullxfull.1102657889_4uj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked and sadly they don't and custom orders are closed. If they had white on navy I'd definitly order those instead.

They also have it with light blue on navy, but I'd be worried it wouldn't match the light blue in the dress.

>> No.9330428

>Holy shit, you're right
How the Hell did I miss that? Don't worry, I'm buying the same blouse in white

>> No.9331411
File: 36 KB, 600x600, lc8opj-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!
Just wondering because I'm bad with bags, what kind of bag would work better? Something kinda like this?

>> No.9331419

>Yeah, that looks cute!

Not to mention that this bag will work great with other coords. Whenever I'm unsure about buying a bag/headbow, I always fall back on if it's versatile or not. Chances are you'll be using a lot

>> No.9331420

How would you even coord a cream blouse?

>> No.9331442

No, it is so cheap looking and will bring down all of your coordinates. All of Loris is crap.

>> No.9331500

>will work great with other coords
Yeah that's what I was thinking as well, it's pretty neutral
What about it looks cheap? It looks fine to me?
Also, I said "something kinda like this", implying that I'm not getting this exact bag anyways.
And if not this bag, what other bag should I go with? Just a plain white bag?

>> No.9331540

That anon doesn't know shit about dick or had a poor experience. I've used a Loris bag nearly daily for over a year and it has, at worse, some removable scuffs on the bottom. The bag you chose is fine.

>> No.9331807
File: 480 KB, 1006x465, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9331978

>4 shades of blue
Why would you do this

>> No.9332176
File: 1.26 MB, 1233x987, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super indecisive and could use help deciding on a hat/ tights combination. I also have berets in black and brown but I prefer boater style hats.

>> No.9332185

I don't really want that blouse and the socks appear different because of the lighting.

>> No.9332220

I think the black hat and brown tights go best.
I recently received the blue version of that skirt/waistcoat combo and its really cute!

>> No.9332257

Sauce on the bag?

>> No.9332276
File: 1.09 MB, 3000x1996, lasserglass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's january and I'm already planning my stupid OTT Halloween coordinate. I wanna be the Lasser Glass from the movie Oculus. No one is gonna get it, but it'll make me happy since it's one of my favorite movies. I wanna make a headpiece that looks like the top of the mirror, minus the two corner pieces. So those three middle ones. What material should I use? I was thinking some expanding foam, but I'm scared it'll be to fragile to craft with. Maybe just some thick craft foam like cosplayers use for armor? I literally have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm also not sure what dress to use. I was thinking my rose jaquard by H Naoto has a spooky vibe to it, but I'm not quite certain. Part of me kinda wants to go full aristo with a full length underskirt, what do you guys think?

>> No.9332277

Also, if all my efforts fail do you know where I could commission a headpiece like this, anons?

>> No.9332633

Thanks anon <3

>> No.9332803

That's the combo I was leaning toward too actually. And I was surprised by the quality! This is the first Miss Point set I've owned and it's really nice. I just wish the material wasn't so heavy since I live in Texas.

Here you go anon.

>> No.9332813

Yeah I was surprised at how heavy my package was as well, I got the long black coat as well so I paid a heavy price at customs

>> No.9332874

I'd say craft foam could work, and it would be nice and light, and you can use thick stuff for the core and then build up layers of thinner stuff for the details?

Just a thought but could you also make the 2 outer corners of the mirror design into shoulder pieces to go with the headdress?

>> No.9332931

Ohhhh I wanted that coat! But with my warm climate I'd never wear it. Sucks you had to pay customs but I be it'll look great on you!

>> No.9332992

Thanks, anon!

>> No.9333010

Not the anon you're suggesting those items for but is that a current Meta bolero or an old one?

>> No.9333031

It was released in 2012: http://lolibrary.org/apparel/short-sleeve-puff-sleeved-bolero-interlock-fabric

>> No.9333293

That's brilliant! I will be the prettiest haunted mirror to ever...be a haunted mirror? Not sure how I'll mount the shoulder pieces, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Also gonna ask the sewing groups if they know any 1700s dress patterns I could frankenstien a bodice to a dirndl style skirt since the mirror originated in the 1700s.

>> No.9337602
File: 1.29 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I coordinate ivory and cream together? I have eternal carnival in ivory and I'm wondering whether I can wear this headdress. Or will it look too yellow?

>> No.9337963

Hey, i think this is the right thread to ask this but if it isn't just point me to the right direction.

So I'm writing a character who's a NEET hikikomori, and I'm trying to picture what kind of clothes she wears, how she wears them and what colours. Thing is, I suck at fashion of any and all kind, and my colour co-ordination is atrocious. Is there any tips or even guides that you can give me so that my shitty character isn't a colour blind weeb? Thanks

>> No.9337973

>NEET hikikomori
>isn't a colour blind weeb
pick one

>> No.9338601

I thought the cardigan was cream. Just got it in the mail and it's stark white. ugh

>> No.9338997
File: 94 KB, 250x333, EldaJSK-Maplepink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when you coord something should your tights always match your blouse?

I wanted to do a brown blouse with this JSK but brown tights seems like really too much.

Would a dusty pink blouse, matching pink tights and brown shoes work better?

>> No.9339005

Blouse+matching tights is sort of a guideline to help people visualize balance in an outfit. But the pink blouse and tights sounds great.

>> No.9339024
File: 596 KB, 960x1046, Nemurin_anime_chibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it makes the most sense for them to be wearing pyjamas. Why would they have any reason to dress up if they aren't going out?

>> No.9339047

Sauce on the dress? I dig the goth nun look

>> No.9339247

Nameless Poem by Ista Mori.

>> No.9339993
File: 511 KB, 486x582, Screen Shot 2017-02-01 at 5.46.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I acquired this blouse without thinking about how I would coord it, and now I'm just not finding anything that will work. Definitely leaning towards a skirt over a JSK, and more towards sax or white as the main colorway. Any thoughts?

>> No.9340013

It should look fine with pink too, and if the bow at the neck is removable I think it might work with navy as well, as long as you coord it properly that is. Consider wearing it with an underbust JSK, it'll show the details around the bust nicely.

>> No.9340108
File: 547 KB, 614x538, Screen Shot 2017-02-01 at 7.27.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: Just found this on Yahoo Auctions Japan and on first glance, it seems like the best option I've found yet. My main concern is that the lace on the skirt is ivory, while the lace on the blouse is white. I'm wondering if other aspects of the coord would distract from this or balance it enough so that it's a moot point, but I'm skeptical. What do you think, gulls?

>> No.9340321
File: 47 KB, 700x459, 179471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita NEETS are my life force
>10+ points if gothic

Just read one of Mihara Mitsukazu's manga or something

>> No.9340842
File: 1.63 MB, 2000x3000, baby&#039;s first coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby's first coord here, I'm super nervous and could really use some advice.

I wanna stick with a white blouse but I can't decide if I should go with short or long sleeves? And what kind of neck length/design would be most flattering?
Any pic examples would be really helpful. Thaaank

>> No.9340848
File: 199 KB, 500x800, babs first coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that image is way too fucking big. Idk what I was thinking

>> No.9340858

A sax blouse would look great here, to balance out the lace on your JSK. And... maybe personal preference, but I would go without veil. The print and OTKs are busy enough that I think the veil would be overkill.

>> No.9340859

I used to own this, so I know it's not as dark as pictured.
I would try wine or bordeaux.

>> No.9340862

I think a white chiffon blouse would look lovely. I'd go with long sleeves and a standing collar, but I think any collar would look nice. With or without veil would depend on the occasion imo.

>> No.9340869

Thank you, I think you're right about the veil. I'll save that for when I want to try OTT (if I could even pull off OTT with this print? Worth a shot eventually).
I might try a sax blouse and change the shoe colour to match? I'd be very blue though...

Thank you! This is incredibly helpful! I'll have a browse around and hopefully find something I like.

>> No.9340881

Don't get me wrong -- a white blouse would work, too. Either way, princess sleeves might look nice with this coord. I'm imagining a more flowy fabric like chiffon?

>> No.9341250
File: 283 KB, 500x800, babs first coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry for coming back here but, thoughts?
Also thinking about changing the wig to a light/mouse brown

>> No.9341266

That bottom blouses looks too mature for this print. I'd go with a peter pan collar or something similar to the top blouse. Also make sure you're looking at white blouses and not off white, otherwise it will clash with the print and shoes.

>> No.9341495

I'd go with the middle blouse if I had to pick between those three, simply because it's the most white. Definitely agree with what other anon said re: being careful with the shades of ivory vs. white vs. off white.

>> No.9342004

It looks good, but I would suggest no cuffs and cute, delicate gold or rose colored jewelry (stacked rings could be nice) and some matching nailpolish to soften the hands. Bottom half of the outfit looks fine, match your tights with your bag and cardigan.

For a lighter look, opt for tights match the color scheme of your dress and play with opacity. The blouse blends in well with the outfit, but I can also imagine the coord with longer sleeves.

Personally, I would lose the big headbow and opt for soft waves with a barette. A beret could look cute as well.

>> No.9342334

Still trying to get some opinions on this, as the auctions will be ending soon... Will it clash? The shades of pink and blue seem perfect, but that ivory vs white...

>> No.9342341

You really need to have all ivory or all white. Not the answer you're hoping for I'm sure but it will just look like you got dressed in the dark.

>> No.9342347

Do you have any ideas of some other skirts that might look good with this blouse? If I can't coord it, I might as well try to sell or trade it on here, but I want to give it an honest effort first. I'm just at a loss, as I'm not the most experienced with more difficult coords.

>> No.9342410

Not really into sweet, so I don't even have saved inspo. I'm sure you'll find something to suit it.

>> No.9342593
File: 941 KB, 1090x489, numbered haul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon from Feels thread who bit the bullet and put in a big wunderwelt haul. Here's some of the items from the haul, as well as a dress I already own. There's more items but these are what stood out to me.
I was thinking of pairing the purse in 12 with a straw boater hat, but not sure what outfit to compliment them with.
Please concrit my pairing ideas:
8, 14, 10 (blouse, skirt, apron)
6, 3

Styles I'm aiming for are old school sweet and possibly country? I'm a sucker for straw boater hats. Please feel free to recommend me pieces.

>> No.9343238
File: 78 KB, 450x500, 59177_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm regretting this purchase more and more. Haven't made a single coord with it yet, the only ideas I have seem boring or I don't have the items or it and i don't wanna splurge just for things that would suit one skirt

>> No.9343240

I'm especially stuck on what kind of headpiece would work best besides a beret

>> No.9343247

I'm not too sure about the coord you came up with the blouse, skirt and apron but it might look okay once you actually try it on.
From what I can tell these pieces go along with one another just fine so it's mostly a matter of trying things on and experimenting. Don't be afraid to mix and match, especially when you're going for simple old school sweet!
If you want to add in the bags I'd suggest picking up a pair of black shoes to match them, and the boater hat idea you had is super cute! You should definitely do that.
Since you're going for old school you don't have to get any lolita-specific shoe like tea party shoes, plain mary janes (either with a heel or platforms) will do as long as they're cute and work with the general aesthetic.
Sorry if this isn't really helpful, I just feel that based on the items you've picked out and the style you're going for there really isn't much to suggest. Except for maybe arming yourself with a good stain remover, some of these pieces look like they'll need some serious TLC once you get them.
Good luck, anon! You're off to a great start, you can do it!

>> No.9343249

Well it's not a very fancy skirt, simple ("boring") coords will probably compliment it a lot more than anything complex and over the top. What coords did you come up with?

>> No.9343254

Why not try a pink bow of some sort? It's nothing groundbreaking but it doesn't have to be to look good. A side bow, large bow, even hair clips will look really cute. If you're crafty, you can track down some ribbon that matches the dark pink in the print and make bows out of it, if you want to bring an element out of the print into your coord.

>> No.9343263

Samefagging to add: Socks: Stock up on them, you can never have enough! Off white or white depending on the color of your blouses and lace, OTKs or knee highs depending on your preferences, ideally with lace at the top and maybe with a simple pattern in pink or black.
Another piece that will serve you well in old school is a pair of bloomers, or even drawers if you like the peeking lace look.

>> No.9343281
File: 290 KB, 1223x1326, bunnycoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to work out what I want to do with this; I'm still pretty new so I'm nervous that I'll put together a terrible coord. I've got two different solid blue tights I'm considering, solid pink stockings, and textured pink stockings, and I'm stuck between the wigs.
I'm leaning towards the pale blue (right) tights, but I'm worried that my balance of color might be off since I don't have a good sense for it yet. I'm also open to suggestions for other legwear, if anything comes to mind.

>> No.9343305

There's only so much you can do while looking at product photos. Since tights are cheap, I would try many options and see which ones look best. Also, both of those wigs are great staples so even if one or both don't work for this particular coordinate, they would still be of use to you for others down the line.

Experiment in front of the mirror or even when going out.

>> No.9343806

The pale blue tights are lovely. The longer wig looks as though the bangs are a little thin so I'd go with the shoulder-length one.

>> No.9343859

I think this would be cute with either a white or sax blouse, or a cardigan/bolero in one of those colors. For headwear either a big pink headbow, bow clips, or a beret works.
There are lots of ways to go about coording this, you sound like you're just in a slump or something. I'd take a look at other coords with this print or similar color schemes for inspiration.

Solid tights usually look like shit, either use textured ones or get otks.
I think the blue against more blue would be too much as well. I would match the white color of the bodice ruching/ the pearls.

>> No.9343907

What are good stain removers that won't hurt my new babies, especially with something delicate like lace?

>> No.9344234
File: 871 KB, 876x662, Screen Shot 2017-02-05 at 1.15.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having horrible luck finding a good match for this blouse (Nanairo Prism from BTSSB). Could I get a second (or third) opinion on this skirt?

>> No.9344324

basic bitch coord with white blouse and legwear and pink shoes and hairbow?

>> No.9344345
File: 171 KB, 900x698, Haenuli - The Story you don&#039;t know, Close up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I reserved Haenuli's The Story you don't know because omg purple and omg amazing bodice but I'm just having a hard time to find a matching blouse. I'm not even sure if black or white would be the better choice. To make it even more difficult my bust size is about 107 cm.

Any suggestions?

>> No.9344368

Maybe a bolero would be a better choice. I can't imagine any kind of neckline that might work with those neckties. I'd personally coord it with black as a colour.

>> No.9344370

They look amazing together, go for it

>> No.9344372

Black, and either high collar or a lower cut blouse that doesn't peek much. Krad made a nice chiffon off the shoulder number that would look nice.

>> No.9344373

A high neck blouse should work but since your bust size is large, a blouse with a square neckline (or a bolero like >>9344368 suggested) will flatter you a lot more.

>> No.9344379

Everything but the JSK is garbage

>> No.9344382

Generic garbage Taobao kei

I'm so sick of that bag and OP

>> No.9344385

>thinking this is classic

>> No.9344395

Just because it didn't fall apart doesn't mean it doesn't instantly stand out as tacky knock-off garbage. When someone has one, it's the first thing you notice.

>> No.9344438


I'm the brandwhoriest of brandwhores, but props to Loris for not falling apart while knocking it around for a year. Meanwhile my IW book bag fucking flakes if I barely breathe on it. And to be quite honest, I can't tell. All of it is plastic garbage to me anyways, because lolita fashion apparently dictates that the only thing you should accessorise with is plastic garbage, especially sweet lolita.

>> No.9344591

for real trying to determine if this is sarcasm because i'm having so much trouble with matching this blouse I no longer trust my own judgment

>> No.9344618

Yeah, I was looking for OTKs first but the only ones I could find in similar colors were way off in theme and I figured that was a no (like cosmetics or hearts).
When I got the dress I tried it on with white tights and it looked really washed out, which is why I started looking for blue or pink.
I'll keep looking for OTKs that work, that would be my first choice anyway. Thank you!
Thanks! That's a good point about the bangs, I hadn't really noticed that.

>> No.9344843

I would coord it with things I already have and use a headbow, even if it is boring. It might be boring for CoF but for daily life, lolita is interesting enough no matter how much you dress it down. And the favorite coords thread made me realise most of my favorites are really basic.

>> No.9344894

Where are you located, anon? Different countries have different products available.

>> No.9345123

Holy shit this dress is GORGEOUS. Lbr it's going on my WTB list now, lol.
Anyways, black is definitely going to be your best bet. Because of the ribbon detailing, I would maybe go for something off the shoulder. I'm thinking chiffon? It should be easier to find a free size in a blouse of that style, too.

>> No.9345274

USA, sorry. I plan on picking up some oxyclean but I've never actually used it before, is there anything else I should go for? Any anons who want to share their own stain removing methods?

>> No.9345278

what is classic/sweet

>> No.9345279

>not Antoinette Decoration

>> No.9345283

Did I say it was straight up classic?

>> No.9345376

Not at all, it looks really cute.

It's just fancy sweet.

>> No.9345780

lol thank you anon, hopefully the auction will get relisted since it ended with no bids ;v;

>> No.9345784

I still prefer the top JSK personally, and the red cardigan would definitely go with it. Maybe you could go for that combo instead, since the top cardigan didn't work out?

>> No.9346265
File: 1.55 MB, 1162x2332, 20170206_201534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i just ditch the underskirt? I think it looks better without, but the dress is short.

>> No.9346276

Get a shorter underskirt

>> No.9346280

Yes. Underskirts don't actually look good if you are trying to add a lot of length. If it's too short sell it.

>> No.9346328


Get a better petticoat, one that's the right length for the underskirt. Right now the underskirt is in folds, so it distinctly looks like you're wearing one skirt on top of another. Ideally you want it to look as if the ruffles were sewn onto the same skirt as the top layer of fabric and not a totally different skirt.

>> No.9346355

Definitely ditch the underskirt. It creates a weird silhouette, especially as it cuts off on the widest part of your calf, and looks very unflattering with the tea parties.

>> No.9346415

I'm stuck on what kind of shoes to wear with a ballet themed coord. I want to do something very elegant and airy so RHS will probably be a bit clunky. I want white shoes and I already have Bodyline s530 but, again, they seem too clunky. I have seen designer shoes shaped a bit like pointes but that's a bit out of my budget. (My budget is around the price for a Bodyline or Antaina pair)

>> No.9346439

I tried a quick aliexpress search with ballerina style shoes but most of the results are flats, along with some hilarious miu miu knock offs, but maybe you should check it out to see if any of them works for you. Sorry I couldn't be of anymore help!

>> No.9347841
File: 91 KB, 640x700, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any legwear recs or general concrit? I was thinking textured/crochet looking tights or otks. It's my first time not doing all black so I have no idea what I'm doing, feel free to tear me apart.

the lace on the jsk and headbow is ivory btw.

>> No.9347907

Dont wear a cream blouse with this, get a white or off white blouse. The cream will clash so bad with the white on the dress. I think the best legwear would be white old school socks with the super ruffly lace on top.

>> No.9347911

That blouse looks very ivory, and that dress looks stark white. You're going to want to make sure that your trims all match your blouse.

>> No.9348960

Like I said, the lace is on the jsk and headbow is ivory. The blouse is listed as "unbleached" on WW, so no idea what I'm getting into. But yeah, of course I won't wear them together if they don't match. Assuming the color matches, is the style of the blouse ok?

>> No.9349014
File: 62 KB, 488x319, jskcolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better pic of the lace color. the thing on the bottom is a piece of paper where the seller had written their name on.

>> No.9349040

Thanks for your advice! For now the dress alone looks just fine for casual wear

>> No.9349124

What type of coord is appropriate for a high tea?
I feel like I need to be very OTT, but I don't like this type of styling.

>> No.9349134
File: 38 KB, 450x600, AaTP-Ophelia Bouquet JSKII Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to buy this piece....what type of blouse{neckline and such} is right for this dress? I'm looking at a few already but im slightly stumped.
>middle piece is removable as well so to open up *bust* area more

>> No.9349235
File: 149 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-8-17 at 4.20 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newer lolita; does this look awful? I can't tell, I think it looks cute but I think I'm just too happy that my AP blouse came in. I think the blue and lavender might look weird, does it?

Sorry for the dumb question!

>> No.9349243

That really does not work at all, sorry. It's not just the colours, but the neckline doesn't seem to suit the dress either.

>> No.9349252

Yeah, I was iffy about that as well; the big part is removable, but I'm not sure if anybody wears the blouse without it? If I were wearing it with another JSK and had a similar issue with the neckline, could I remove the white frilly part and wear the blouse alone?

>> No.9349289

Not with that jsk the colours clash very badly. Your picture doesn't show enough of the blouse and what it's like without the collar so I can't say what sorts of things it would work with without the collar or with it. It's not a piece Im familiar with sorry.

>> No.9349315

It's okay, thank you for the advice! I'll post a pic of the blouse a little later, probably

>> No.9349551

That blouse really doesn't match the dress's style, which is more toned down classic. It also looks like the blouse doesn't fit super well in the forearms (is it snug?) but it could just be the picture. The dress is giving you some boob loaf as well, consider wearing a binder or sports bra.
For a better coord, use a cream/offwhite blouse with the dress and save the AP one for something like holy lantern or otherwise spooky/nun styled.

>> No.9350019

I would get rid of the skirt, or get a shorter one at least. Also a more voluminous petti for sure!

>> No.9350027
File: 941 KB, 2526x1854, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gulls, I need help, this will be my first coord and I don't want to fuck it up.
I'm considering couple options.

1. Blouse or sweater?
2. If I pick the blouse i'm considering either pair of tights. If i pick the sweater, i'm leaning towards the polka dot tights, the knit ones may clash with the sweater.
3. Which bag? The salpoette has white heart motifs on it, but the bunny bag is way cute. Im just worried the color may not look right, the cup is a weird blush/beige color.
4. What should I do for hair? I was thinking about putting the small bow in with a low side pony or just naturally styled hair/wig.
Also i'm removing the ears and tail on the shoes.

Please I need your expertise.

>> No.9350045

I'd say for a dress with as many details as that salopette has, that sweater is a little too plain. On the other hand, depending on where you live, it might be a little chilly to wear a short sleeved blouse, so you might take that into consideration.

I think the pinks on the bunny bag look much duller than the pinks in the dress. I'd opt for the heart back.

If you do a low side pony, make sure it looks nice. Curl it, straighten it, wrap a braid around to hide the elastic. I think that could be cute though, I don't think that salopette can handle too much poof so you don't have to make your hair big to balance it out.

>> No.9350047

White blouse and polka dot tights.
It's my opinion that there's nothing wrong if the colours aren't perfect, I'd get the bunny bag. That's just me though. Maybe buy both?

>> No.9350049

I will probably end up buying both yeah, haha.

I was thinking since the salopette is so busy, a simple sweater would balance it out. I am also looking for a big cowl neck sweater to replace this one.

>> No.9350062


I would have picked the sweater as well, but mostly because the blouse looks short enough that it might come untucked if you lift your arms (the salopette seems open at the sides down to the waist? hips? I think?).

Seconding that the bunny bag would look okay even if it doesn't match 100% -- that's the beauty of pastel vomit dresses, they're fine with most other pastels even if it's not a 100% match.

>> No.9350118

I prefer the blouse but either top should work, getting both is a good idea.
To be honest your legwear choices all seem a bit plain for the dress. I would opt instead for printed OTKs, maybe white with pink/blue?
The blue bunny bag would look adorable I think, but isn't the most versitile if you plan to reuse it for other coords.
As long as you have some kind of hair accessory whatever hair would be okay.
Also on the shoes, I kinda wonder if white is the best choice if you are using white legwear. Either switch the shoe color or use a different base color for the legwear.

>> No.9350120

Thank you, I tend to prefer simple looks, and don't like printed otks for the most part, but never say never i guess.

I would like to add more sax to my color scheme. Either get the knit tights in sax (may look dumb) or get pink shoes.

>> No.9352992

Didn't see a help thread, sorry if this doesn't belong here.

I'm having trouble coordinating a couple cream/red coords, mainly because I'm having a difficult time finding legwear. I don't want to wear solid cream tights/OTKS, or cream ankle socks, but the only legwear I can find is in whitexred colorways.

My goal is to find cream legwear with red polka dots, but i feel like that's a long shot. Any recommendations for items or shops would be super helpful, it's been stumping me for the past couple years.

>> No.9352998

My first thought is legwear from Innocent World is more likely to have creamy/off-white colors than stark white.

>> No.9353010

definitely true, i have a ton of cream otks from IW, but the closest thing to red is burgundy, they have really good earthy tones.

>> No.9353255
File: 589 KB, 2048x2048, E1AF65B8-2D27-4CCB-AB54-3533DA68DBEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having the worst time finding a similar brown to match this. The bows on the dress are slightly darker than this picture, but definitely lighter than the average brown.

Does this look close enough? I don't want to do pink for a blouse... I could do a white blouse but it seems too plain.

>> No.9353304
File: 26 KB, 250x333, 2007 - 073705 (5)_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling to find accessories for this dress right now.
I got it a little bit ago for relatively cheap, and I can't find good accessories to match.
I am getting a periwinkle and black rose cameo from etsy
And the seller gave me these socks to go with it (the black ones)
But I'm iffy on the socks because of the ice cream on the ankles.
I may wear boots to cover that up, though.
But I have 0 idea on what to wear for the headpiece. Or for bracelets.
My budget outside of what I've already spent is $100.

>> No.9353654

Those socks don't match the dress at all, what was the seller thinking. Please don't use them.
You could get away with coording this all black with periwinkle accents if you wanted. Another route would be a cream blouse and legwear, black shoes and bag, and a periwinkle hair accessory. You could use a long sleeve blouse to avoid finding wristwear too.

>> No.9353706

Sorry anon but the browns look like they have different undertones (the ones on the right look a bit more yellow than the left), assuming this is what the colors look irl, it'll look bad.

>> No.9353799
File: 534 KB, 807x724, anonhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just throwing out some ideas

A simple black bow or a beret for something more wintery. Offbrand or brand. Flower clips would look nice as well. Keep it simple and go for black, or bring out the blue shades in the dress. Cost should be no more than $20.
Plain berets also look nice with flower clips and bows pinned to them. It's also a good way of working other colours into your coord.

Basic pearls. Can be offwhite, blue, or black. Super versatile in other coords. Cost will vary.
You said you've ordered a cameo necklace, but keep your eyes peeled for a locket. A simple vintage style one would make a nice statement piece of jewelry. Try second hand stores and ebay for one.

Plain Ankle Socks: No more than $5 on Ebay and good for Summer coords.
OTKs: $30ish. Go for a floral or lace print. Oldschool styled lace topped otks could work as well.

If it were me I'd stick to black legwear with a black blouse, and cream legwear with a similar coloured blouse (or whatever colour it is that matches the lighter parts of the print.) Although if you've got one or are interested in buying one, a light blue blouse would look nice. I'd also stick to matching your bag to your shoes.

It's a pretty versatile piece, so you can make it more sweet or more classic, plus really dress it up or down depending on the occasion.

>> No.9353916

Thanks, I'll ditch those socks in favor of black ankle socks. (Which I may be able topick up from Kohls)
I'm going to do a little shoe hunting though, as my feet are too small for burando. (Unless boots which I can get away with wearing bigger sizes)
I generally need to buy kids' sizes.

>> No.9353928

If you're using ankle socks then make sure your blouse or bolero has short or 3/4''length sleeves, otherwise it looks odd.

And how small are your feet? The Bodyline shoes come in size 235/UK5 and are good basics.

>> No.9353933

US size 2/UK size 1. Bodyline is way too big.
In Japanese sizes, I think my feet are a 20.5?
I have a short sleeved cutsew from Meta I'm going to wear with it. I'll be in NYC during the summer with it, so I'm trying to stay cool.

>> No.9354016
File: 369 KB, 1400x1250, current items for horror garden coord 2-12-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a few threads back asking for some advice on assembling my first coord. I've got everything in the pic together and would absolutely love some feedback. This is my dream dress so I want everything to look as good as possible.

The golds look a little off in the photos but it's because of the lighting in the different pictures- I'll get some worn photos soon that shows that they all match when taken under the same lighting.

>> No.9354062

axes femme kids has shoes that might be suitable :
(there are some more in the outlet section, basically all that say キッズ)

>> No.9354112

Anon for a first coord this fine, but just keep in mind that mixing gold and silver can often look tacky unless you have the correct balance, (I think youve got it down here, but with bigger items i.e gold bag with silver shoes, it can look out of place) Just something to keep in mind, kind of me nitpicking to be honest.

I'm going to nitpick a bit further and say that heart earrings dont match with the coffin/cross motifs in the other jewellery

>> No.9354135
File: 981 KB, 1133x426, different lighting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was risky to use the white ring and ivory polish, but I don't think there's any silver? Pic related, the pin can look silver in some lighting but it's a yellow-gold. (Sorry for the atrocious picture quality, just grabbed a quick pic with my cell phone).

I'll keep searching for some gold coffin earrings. Since there's bows on the dress and shoes I was hoping it wouldn't clash too much, but you're right that I could definitely do better. Thank you so much for the feedback.

>> No.9354958

Are cherry print things rare? I'm struggling to coordinate two JSKs with cherry related items like socks and decent jewellery

>> No.9355331

about as rare as strawberries, which I feel is not very rare

>> No.9355648
File: 54 KB, 500x600, e3818b068483a5b520a8e9763b783346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one got any good headpiece suggestions for this op? Maybe a hair style suggestion? I've got pretty much everything else down.

>> No.9355673

Maybe a long, loose braid with small decorations in it? I think BTSSB have done that look in a fair few fashion shows. And then something ruffly on your head. The dress's detail comes from its ruffles so you should focus on texture with your hair and head wear.

>> No.9358097
File: 493 KB, 626x577, Screenshot 2017-02-14 at 7.54.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing I have as of right now is the jacket.
And no, I will not be using the pink bag.

>> No.9358421

Side braid with a tilted hat, or at least a canotier with some matching blue tones and pearls.

>> No.9358490

I like the 'braid' suggestions that have been posted so far, but I'd like to remind you to tease/fluff your braid OR use a wig/extensions if you don't have enough volume.
This dress is pretty OTT with all the ruffles and oversized bows, so if your hairstyle is limp then it will look out of place next to such an ostentatious dress. Something like a hime-gyaru bouffant + canotier would be really striking and rococo-esque, though.

>> No.9361053
File: 94 KB, 700x700, w-14261-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I coord this skirt? Somehow my attempts looked kind of awkward but I'd love to wear this if I knew how to do it.

>> No.9361443

I think a straw hat with white lace a red bow and some strawberries would look cute, add a straw bag to match the hat. Red tea parties, white blouse with a peter pan collar, white frilly ankle socks and maybe a red knitted bolero if you can manage to find one. A dark brown wig would look cute, too.

AP will be releasing another Strawberry print, I'm not sure if they'll be releasing accessories to match, but you may want to keep that in mind.

>> No.9361486
File: 105 KB, 400x533, BOZ JACKET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help coording this for a teaparty. I want to go OTT with it. I am a man, and the jacket falls right above my knees. Any suggestions?

>> No.9361492

What is your hair like and are you willing to wear a wig?

>> No.9361496

Not good hair, I would prefer a wig actually.

>> No.9361509
File: 362 KB, 447x508, men&#039;s formal hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend something slightly longer for your hair but very neatly styled and slicked back away from your face. Lace-front wigs will be your friend here if you opt to not use your real hair, but as a man it might be a lot easier to go to a good barber and have them help you out.

Take good care of your skin and wear a little makeup. There are threads in the catalog designed for this if you need additional guidance.

Pair the jacket with a pair of very well-fitted black slacks, possibly with a gold trim (if you can find it and it is high-quality). Alternatively, white dress pants in the same fabric and shade of white. Black leather or white cotton gloves. Black leather shoes or white leather, if you can find and afford them. If you opt for headwear, do a good deal of research and find something thematically appropriate.

Do not skimp on the accessories or main pieces here, quality is key.

>> No.9361513

Thank you for your input. You mentioned thematically appropriate, what do you feel, in your opinion would fit with the theme?

>> No.9361521

No problem man. It's not every day a someone asks for input for a male coord so I'm more than happy to give my two cents. Cannot emphasize enough the importance of good hair and makeup though, please practice it several times before the meetup.

I asked several people and they all unanimously said the coat reminded them of two things:
1. women's clothing
2. the popstar Prince

Given these opinions I would suggest not wearing headwear unless you find a piece that you feel would absolutely look amazing.

>> No.9361530
File: 21 KB, 640x497, sasasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha prince? that's a unique perspective.

As far as the skin and hair, I do what i can. My SO is a hairdresser and lets me use her Korean beauty products to help with complexion and such.

We have differing opinions on what the coat's theme is. I feel it has a very navy officer look to it and she disagrees.

I'm in love with pic related and wondering how i can make the jacket go with the hat better.

the collar can be opened to form a lapel, and that would leave room for a jabot which could help I think.

>> No.9361545

You should honestly have your own skincare routine, instead of just using someone else's products. My husband uses korean skin care products, they're unisex.

>> No.9361559

not only can it be unhygenic, but everyone's skin is different. noting wrong with using western products either so long as they work for you.

I'm not crazy about that hat desu. The tassle looks really tacky/color doesn't match, and the brooch in the center is just not working for me. Same for the overall shape. Right idea with the white/gold color scheme and navy theme, but I think you could do better.

>> No.9361561

Forgot to add that I think a jabot would be a great idea.

>> No.9361564

Unless you have identical skin tone to her, you should really buy your own BB cream. It's not too pricy.

>> No.9361575

Lol I meant facewash, toner, and moisturizer. Im not wearing her makeup.
I appreciate the opinion on the bicorn hat. Hopefully I can find a headpeice that will work.

>> No.9361597

I could see a really cute retro look going on with the strawberry shakes in the print. Pin your hair in victory rolls wear some red tea parties with frilled ankle socks and a red purse.

>> No.9361736
File: 561 KB, 878x614, shitty ass coord ETC cup saucer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is dying but I need help

going for a casual look, leaning toward classic, willing to venture into otome territory, but I'm fucking up. I am at a complete loss for legwear.

>> No.9361770

Have you tried Catherine Cottage for shoes? They're a straight up kids brand so you should have no problem with their sizes. http://item.rakuten.co.jp/catherine/c/0000000107/

>> No.9361814

My two thoughts on legwarmers were, colour to match the dress because you already have a lot of red, maybe polka dot to tie in bag, so I think you are good to go.

A necklace would look cute too I think.

>> No.9361854

A necklace would be great! Legwarmers too, or maybe ankle socks

There is a lot of red, unfortunately the dress is as yellow irl as in the photo, I would say an unholy pinkish tinged yellow (???), I don't even know what kind of ass backwards...it's supposed to be ivory. I could only throw a ton of red at it.

>> No.9361863

Thanks for the advice! I actually tried something quite similar to that but my reds didn't match at all. Going to get a straw hat and ankle socks for summer and try again.

>> No.9363431

My phone autocorrected legwear to legwarmers. Ankle socks would be cite though!

>> No.9363472

does anyone have public IGs of girls who wear a lot of Jane Marple? I'm saving up for some and can't decide how to coord it.

>> No.9363497

twiggy_666 comes to mind. She doesn't do many full ootd posts but she does own a lot of iconic JM pieces.

>> No.9363499

Whoops, I meant to say "full body/ootd"

>> No.9366579

What are the more Aristocrat type of (Men's) shoes?

I have been browsing for days just to figure out what the shoe style should look like.

Ouji shoes are practically disco shoes and looks too feminine for my taste.

>> No.9366694

This is super cute, and I'd say you are already in the otome territory. I would suggest using the cherry clips over the strawberry clips since they look too childish. Also adding a cute brooch to the carigan would be super cute.

>> No.9366966
File: 3.50 MB, 1368x909, which coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the same anon from the last thread, but finally my blouse is here!
I've got two coord options I'd like to perfect before my first meet (in April).
any and all help is good!

>> No.9366975

So on the left one, you really do mean to have black wrist cuffs? I don't think it would look good, both because just wrists and shoes is a bit unbalanced and because black doesn't go with the other colours at all. The 2nd one is better. If you had a red handbag or necklace it would be nice.

>> No.9366976

thank you! a brooch would be perfect

>> No.9366978

I'd go with red shoes/red beret, but I would change the blouse, instead of an ivory or cream blouse I'd pick a white one. Also, can I see the necklace you choose?

>> No.9366981

no black shoes or wristcuffs, no black anything with this coord imho. I wouldn't do red either but it's not terrible. The blouse is beautiful. Is the dress/tights lavender or purple?

>> No.9367020

I really like the coord with the red. You should keep the bow hairclip from the left coord and wear it with the beret. something cute like a red necklace or brooch would help the distribution of color in your coord.

>> No.9367870
File: 887 KB, 2448x3264, necklace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for the advice!
pic related is the necklace. Sadly I only have this blouse for now, but I'll make sure to keep it in mind.
the dress is sax and the tights are white. sorry for the shit lighting.
a brooch would be awesome, thanks!

thank you guys for the help!

>> No.9367893
File: 25 KB, 360x480, Miho_Matsuda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really not sure how to coordinate this jsk. I loved how it looked at lacemarket and never thought about the coord. XD Which blouse would fit best? o_o'

>> No.9368575
File: 1.21 MB, 1575x1575, ceskyhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this anon >>9317644 but I need help with the same print.

I tried both red and brown as suggested in this thread and also tried a mix of red/navy and brown/navy. Which do you think works the best?

>> No.9368767

Honestly I think they're all adorable coords and I give you props for exploring your options. #1 definitely looks best though. I think if you could find some heels in red it would be perfect.

>> No.9369122
File: 2.89 MB, 5312x2988, 20170225_184323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i got a socks, headware, jewelry, and shoes.
The purse i have is a plane black coach purse, so i didnt include it.
Also ignore my jew hair. Of course i washed my hair today in the stay its hunid and tunderstorms. Ill style it when i wear it out.
Also, i have no idea what that white streak over my hair is, either. Maybe a glare