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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 197 KB, 900x675, hetalia_oc___texas_by_kimika_78148-d4cfrnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9205032 No.9205032[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Figured a new thread would be relevant with the announcement A-kon just made. Thoughts?

>> No.9205116

It's almost three times closer to my house now, but I'd probably still get a hotel since it's the biggest con in the area. I was kinda looking forward to the water feature at the Anatole, but that's the only thing. I don't know anything about the convention center, but there's a lot of cool things over there.

Didn't they have a 5 year contract with the Anatole? I thought it had only been 4 years now or less.

>> No.9205191

GOOD. It had outgrown the Anatol before it even moved in. Maybe now there will be enough space.

>> No.9205197

i'm halfway considering applying to volunteer for the ANT maid cafe. anyone have experience with it/been to one? i can't find a lot of information or pictures and want to make sure it's not a COMPLETE cringefest

>> No.9205274

So what are the more affordable hotels in their new area now?

>> No.9205382

More info on this? I've been living under a rock basically and was thinking of going to AKon this year.

>> No.9205460

Define affordable.

The Omni Hotel seems to be the least expensive out of the closest hotel, excluding the Park Central Hotel which has no price listed and has a review that include bloodstains on the sink.

>> No.9205483

so, they traced a game illustration of mabinogi's nao

>> No.9205673

There are plenty of affordable hotels in the area. Google.

>> No.9206011 [DELETED] 
File: 278 KB, 500x281, 1473613520201.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dallas /fit/ anon here. I'm not into this cosplay stuff but if any attractive grills want a place to stay, my place is open

>> No.9206028


>> No.9206159

Fuck off.

>> No.9206189

Ha, I'm glad someone else noticed that. It's just someone's shitty "oc" though

>> No.9206301 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 960x960, tmp_22896-14432364812821554605669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone want to meet and fuck? Pic is me. I don't mind big girls.

>> No.9206579

Is this nigga srs

>> No.9206586
File: 3 KB, 224x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9208125

I hated the Anatole. The fuckasses who kept trashing it ruined the place. We'll never know if it was A-Kon who left or if the hotel tore up the contract then told them to leave after last year. I'm betting it was the latter which motivated A-Kon to start talking to the city of Ft. Worth.

Either way I'm glad they're moving. Where ever they're putting the overnight events I'll know where not to stay at.

>> No.9208574

as someone who went to one on their first year at A-kon, I wouldn't recommend it

>> No.9208626


the rumor i heard was that a-kon got out of their contract because the anatole wanted the con to cap attendence at something like 14k

>> No.9208711
File: 156 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nzp7fvpHmc1ts9pbuo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Oni-con have a cosplay contest? There is nothing of the website and barely anything when I search for it. What gives?
> pic not related
> I just love her

>> No.9208808

Elaborate, please.

>> No.9208927

They do, but like everything else at Oni con it's poorly run. Don't enter expecting any sort of calibur. Don't expect rules either, one year they went up like a week before the con.

>> No.9209151

You fill out the form on site and turn it in there.

>> No.9209862

I heard that they were bitching about damages and repairs done to the hotel but I rarely saw anything broken, just freaks stealing light bulbs from the elevators

>> No.9210670

Really excited for the A-Kon location change. It will be so much better next year!

>> No.9210763

you say this but that form page doesnt exist on the site

>> No.9210851

You literally fill out the cosplay contest form at the front of the convention hall.
Coming from someone who participated in their contest before, salty cunt.

>> No.9210904

Anon, there is literally no information about the contest on their site. They should at least have rules up. Who's the salty cunt?

>> No.9210935


I like watching the bitching from people upset they have to drive so far from Dallas to Ft. Worth now.

>> No.9211004

If you're so concerned about entering a contest, maybe you should enter a real one instead? Or is your stuff not good enough so you need to enter at a no-name con?

>> No.9211032

Why are you so defensive about something that is standard practice? Do you work for them or something? That's the only reason I can think of why anyone would defend not posting basic event info on a website.

>> No.9211337

It sounds like you've never been Oni-Con. This a con who notoriously doesn't post jack shit. The other anon above is trying to tell you that you'll have to show up to get any info out of them.

You'll be lucky to find signup info as it can be like hide n go seek when at the convention. It might just be a mention on the paper schedule or it'll be a piece of paper on a wall pointing at a table. They do have a Cosplay Show there but they just don't say anything about it.

This is the kind of shit in why no one outside of Galveston or South Houston bothers with this con. The people who run it do not seem to care.

>> No.9211366

Is this con at all worth going to? It's a couple hours drive from me but I was interested in checking it out anyways..

>> No.9211860 [DELETED] 

It's okay, there's lots of cool stuff at the dealers room and artist alley. But holy fuck is it gonna be some shitty panels. Most are just the same usual voice actors answering the same questions for different people as the year before. Oni is having Fumiko there too. I'm just hella excited to go to the HLC tea party because I have never been to a meet and I need to get out of my lone Lolita bubble

>> No.9211862

It's okay, there's lots of cool stuff at the dealers room and artist alley. But holy fuck is it gonna be some shitty panels. Most are just the same usual voice actors answering the same questions for different people as the year before. Oni is having Fumiko there too. I'm just hella excited to go to the HLC tea party because I have never been to a meet and I need to get out of my lone Lolita bubble

>> No.9211943

If I lived in Galveston I would have a hard time convincing myself it's worth it. It's definitely not worth a few hours driving.

>> No.9212282

It sucks that Oni doesn't try to get their shit together. They get some fairly decent guests. You would think after 13 years that they'd have their shit together. Nope. It's why not even locals don't bother going to it.

>> No.9212774

>You would think after 13 years that they'd have their shit together.
Tell that shit to A-Kon.

>> No.9212836

I would but they have their head so far up their asses that their ears are full of shit.

>> No.9212854

Who's ready for Alamo City Con? I fear it will be overrun with whovians since Tennant will be there. DBZ English dub vas being there will be fun though.

>> No.9212970

I want to screencap your post and post it to their picture galleries.

>> No.9213610

Any cosplay drama? Im just here for cosplay drama.

>> No.9213864

Aww I can't go to the tea party, but maybe we'll somehow meet around the con! HLC is actually really friendly so I hope you get to make a few friends!

I'm excited about Onicon this year since theyre bringing Minori and I didnt get a chance to see her when she was at AM. I heard she's incredibly sweet! Tbh if it wasn't for her and all my friends/lolita comm going, I wouldn't have bothered for this con. I hope it turns out to be a lot of fun! Despite how unorganized the con is, at least the area is convenient and fun.

>> No.9213959

Theres finally drama between that hasani chick and tamsyn, petty shit on both sides.

>> No.9213983


any deets?

>> No.9213989

It all seems pretty petty, theres a bunch of screen grabs of texts and conversations. Basically it seems like hasani got pissed that the other girl was "copying" her and hasani made a "call out post" about her last night. To be fair, both these people are messes. I have screen grabs of the bs but its long and dont want to clutter the thread unless yall are REALLY INTERESTED.

>> No.9213994


i say do it. it's not like we have anything else going on.

>> No.9213999
File: 658 KB, 1440x2560, 20161008_095808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pt. 1 of the call out (she has a new profile?)
(This is also the same girl that for the awful homestuck tattoo a few years ago)

>> No.9214000
File: 1.59 MB, 1440x2560, 20161008_095855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pt. 2 of the call out

>> No.9214003
File: 1.37 MB, 1379x2091, SmartSelectImage_2016-10-08-11-57-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is A LOT, about 20 images, but I'll start with these


>> No.9214004
File: 1.65 MB, 1391x1979, SmartSelectImage_2016-10-08-11-58-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9214009
File: 1.00 MB, 1395x1524, SmartSelectImage_2016-10-08-11-59-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9214043

Aww thanks! I can't wait to meet people, and I've heard good things about the HLC, I hope I make good impressions and all that! Hopefully we meet one day, polite anon

>> No.9214045


>"attempting to one up me by becoming interested in cosplaying Harley Quinn and Ivy"
>thinking she's special for cosplaying harley quinn and doing it has to be to one up her

my sides

>> No.9214058

She thinks everyone copies her every move, shes got her head so far up her own ass. I can't be around her anymore because all she does is talk about herself and shit talk any and everyone, even her "friends". Tamsyn is just as bad, honestly.

>> No.9214069

Hasani also screams and yells about black rights and blm but at the same time uses skin bleach to lighten her skin .

>> No.9214154
File: 170 KB, 1390x431, Screenshot_20161008-150347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I don't lie ."

Sure, jan.

>> No.9214226

I know what I'm doing next con......start their shit again, wonder how many I can get in on this......

>> No.9214233

I'm in

>> No.9214905

You've heard good things about HLC? Like what? I've only heard that they're all bat shit.

>> No.9214927
File: 58 KB, 960x640, 14470593_1802547209968563_1229983015878969577_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half assed semi decent
>almost screen accurate but not fully

>> No.9214986

There are a handful of up-your-ass SJW lolitas that give the comm a bad reputation, but the rest are all daijoubu.

>> No.9215047

The bat-shitters are the loud minority and honestly, most of them don't really attend meets outside of big events. They're easy enough to avoid though since they are so vocal. The rest of the comm are generally very sweet, but have little to no presence online unless you know the individuals personally. In short, what >>9214986 said.

>> No.9215220

>hooker boots for kylo ren
>"screen accurate"

>> No.9215229

I hate when people cheap out on pants and shoes. The upper part of this cosplay has a lot of texture and detail but then you get to the skinny jeans and hooker boots. At least get something with an interesting pattern or drape for the pants. And spacy boots. Christ.

>> No.9215473

I am. Im more worried about the sheer amount of families with their unruly kids.

>> No.9215559

Im wondering about the oni-con teaparty,
if the only winners to the best outfit contests they usually have will have to fit the theme.
I dont really own any ocean/sea themed outfits.

>> No.9215573

Any more texas drama?

>> No.9215582

All this looks like is low-tier bottom of the barrel nobody cosplayers who have equally shitty kylo cosplays. This isn't even notable drama, give me something more juicy.

>> No.9215630


i don't know what to tell you, anon. everyone else on my timeline seem chill. if there's any other drama i don't know where it is.

>> No.9215694

Just curious about the type of gulls going to Oni-con. Are you a lolita, cosplayer, artist alley, casual attendee? I'll be doing first AA table there.

>> No.9215877

I'm a cosplayer and a Lolita- mainly Lolita though. I hope to get a AA table soon, but I'm getting stuff done before that happens. There's gonna be more cosplayers at the con, with a few "normal" people just wearing cat ears or something but meh. Overall mainly chill cosplayers and a few over excited weebs sprinkled in.

>> No.9216079

I'm like the latter anon, but I'm not gonna cosplay this con. I actually think there's going to be a good amount of lolitas though, since there's more programming and Houston lolitas don't really have more options for close cons this year. For sure tho Onicon generally attracts young weebs, closet/easy cosplays, and normies like mentioned before. I hope the party scene is better though, I haven't really ventured there considering it's been a while since my last onicon.

>> No.9216198

I bet you're not even from Texas.
So in answer to your question: No, unless you want some low quality, petty or extremely forced bullshit

>> No.9216369

Ive been seeing forced bullshit from some nobody i dont even know trying to attack someone else because they blocked them months ago, but its so forced its not even worth givin this nobody recognition at all.

>> No.9216407

Just tell us who it is already anon we know that's your end game.

>> No.9216558

This Hailey chick preying on Matt and Mason though. Like, whyre texas cosplayers so petty?

>> No.9216625

I've been trying to figure out the Matt drama for hours. There's always something with him.

>> No.9216652
File: 59 KB, 500x424, 86b64065-0ea8-4980-a68b-ee799a50f33f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm like 90% sure she doesn't even really know him. Her call out post was like reading an 8th grader's book report on a book they never read.

>> No.9216836

That's fair, good to know!

>> No.9216844
File: 92 KB, 477x180, alamo-city-comic-con-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody going to alamocity comic con?

>> No.9216882
File: 1.32 MB, 1392x1753, SmartSelectImage_2016-10-10-22-53-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, if I looked like this, I'd be upset too.

>> No.9217282

It's always the fat Hamsteaks causing the problems.

>> No.9217297

Oh gross

>> No.9217376


had no idea who this was so i went looking and


just say girlfriend.

>> No.9217403

Missy will be at ACCC in her half naked glory

>> No.9217430

She whores herself whenever possible if a con gives her a chance.

>> No.9217466

I don't get why shes always a guest tho? Her stuff is novice at best. Who is always "hiring" her to guest?

>> No.9217478

They have gotten a little bit better as of late.

>> No.9217537

When she's gone down to 0 cons recognizing that she's a shit skin showoff then I'll believe it. She keeps conning shows to believe that she has credibility.

>> No.9217563


>> No.9217591

Wait, she cons the conventions?? Do tell!

>> No.9217609

She gets recognized as a cosplay guest at cons. Guest = Free shit. She doesn't deserve recognition.

Her Paetron is showing off skin. She wants to get recognized as a cosplayer but its titillating poses for weebs to fap at. She should be working at a strip club.

>> No.9217625

Whose dick is she sucking to be a cosplay guest/judge? XD
Like I said, her stuff is just novice, so is this a low key Hioshi Jackson thing, where she's paying people or what??

>> No.9217660

Honestly, all of her bitching sounds like she is just some fat and jealous bitch. It doesnt even sound like she personally knows the people she is attacking.

>> No.9217794

She also has the bitchiest attitude. She acts like she is exclusive to be around and she must be the center of attention. Plus, most cons only have her at a booth in the back. Most of the time, she really isn't a guest, she says she is to make herself sound better.

>> No.9217826

Hell yeah dude

>> No.9217851

Kek, whatever. Nobody takes her seriously anyway. All her friends talk shit behind her back and love watching her make a fool of herself.

>> No.9217906

I liked her page a few years back when it was actually cosplay related but unliked it once she started with her whole "Mafia" thing and her page turned into a shrine dedicated to her.

That's the only "drama" around that I know of, nothing else really notable.

>> No.9218006

Any more on the Ryan / Fvccboi Fantasy story? I haven't heard anything outside of that one first post that disappeared awfully fast.....

>> No.9219341

She isn't technically a "guest." She purchases artists tables and sets it up to seem as though she was an actual invited cosplay guest.

>> No.9219373

That's tacky af, not to mention desperate >_>

>> No.9219391

Whats this about

>> No.9219457

>>9217794 mentioned that. Cons don't give two shits about if she says if she is invited as long as she sucks dick and pays for the booth. I wish conventions would actually call her out and say she isn't an invited guest.

>> No.9219479

I'm still newish to all this stuff, but why don't they say anything????

>> No.9221892

I'm still new to this shit, where should I go to see if there's any people wanting to share a room for ANT?

>> No.9223832

How is Anime North Texas?

Always ignored it before since it was smaller, but is it worth checking out if you live in the area?

>> No.9223844

Because "cosplay bullying". It's not worth the backlash. The best you can do in that situation is make sure all the vendor and con rules are being followed and that the person in question isn't misrepresenting themselves AT the event.

>> No.9223958

How is informing convention attendees correct information "cosplay bullying"? If anything, Missy is the one bullying her way into these conventions and forcing the impression that she is a guest. Conventions just need to grow a pair of balls and be professional when dealing with people like Missy.

>> No.9223990
File: 82 KB, 720x540, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is Akon shilling hard

>ticket prices going up to $60. rumored to be going up to $90 by next year

>> No.9224076

I don't think you know what that word means anon

>> No.9224212

Let's see what it cost around the US for the top 5 biggest cons in the US

> AX - ~$100
> Otakon - $100
> A-Kon - ~$70
> Anime Central / Anime Matsuri - $70

People wanted them out of the Anatole. They moved out of it. Now people don't want to pay the price to move into something bigger. Big anime cons are stupid expensive to put on.

Deal with it, pre-reg early, or don't go.

>> No.9224496

Its not bad, though I prefer the smaller cons, but you should plan on leaving early or late. There is an event that happens around the hotel that shuts down all the roads.

>> No.9224596

The image is a traced off Nao from mabinogi... cheaaap.

>> No.9224599
File: 5 KB, 183x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure version.

>> No.9224760


No akon is somewhat cheap considering the size. Most attendees just aren't used to major sized cons that use multiple hotels/locations for their programming. They would flip out if they ever attended something like AX or Dragon Con

Bigger venue looks better to major companies anyway. Sponsorship means money. Money means better guests or bands.

>> No.9224942

More like the op image was traced from the Nao figure and they're not related at all.

>> No.9225012

I honestly just picked something off google images.

>> No.9225160 [DELETED] 

I'm not happy with Missy's shenigans either, but most of the time if a convention makes a formal statement against a cosplayer, e.g. Old Spice guy at San Japan, things get out of hand.

>> No.9225163

I'm not happy with Missy's shenanigans either, but most of the time if a convention makes a formal statement against a cosplayer, e.g. Old Spice guy at San Japan, things get out of hand.

>> No.9225222

>Old Spice guy
God that drama was so dumb, plus that joke is beyond dead. SJfags are the worst.

>> No.9225225


>Most attendees just aren't used to major sized cons that use multiple hotels/locations for their programming. They would flip out if they ever attended something like AX or Dragon Con

Maybe people would be more okay with Akon raising prices if they had half as good programming as AX or D*C.

>> No.9225502

Who is Missy? Never heard of her.

>> No.9225565


>> No.9225609

Honestly this. It's one thing if A-kon raises the prices and has good programming. It's another if they raise the price and still bring shit list guests and nobodies for entertainment.

>> No.9225643
File: 1.06 MB, 800x960, 1476336801499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW the only Texas con goers who dislike you are people who are unanimously loathed by everyone in the state
Feels good being on everyone else's good side

>> No.9225649


>> No.9225656

The difference between Missy and Old Spice Guy is that she openly announces herself as a guest at a convention she just paid a booth for. She isn't even listed as a guest in programming but goes around on social media saying so?? Conventions need to step up and give correct programming and guest information when cosplayers pull this shit.

Old Spice Guy is a pedophile who buys a badge and walks around taking pics of underage girls. He never announces himself as a guest though. That's when it's wrong for a convention to call out someone. In Old Spice Guy's case, he broke the rule and the community made a riot about it which forced SJ to make a statement about it.

>> No.9225749

Honestly, speaking as someone who has worked staff on a con for several years, it's probably not worth their time to "call her out". They get the money from her buying a vendor booth, and if her advertising herself as a guest when she isn't happens to bring in an additional traffic, well, that's more badges bought without the con itself having to pay her in any capacity. If she does happen to do anything that looks bad for the con, all it takes is a simple "she was never a guest and in no way represents us". Trying to kick up a fuss because some minor cosplayer has delusions of grandeur is more likely to result in a headache for the con staff than just letting her play pretend.

It takes two seconds for a con goer to look at the official guest list and see she's lying, and if a guest can't be bothered to do that, it's their own fault if they somehow let her convince them she's more important than she is.

>> No.9225754

And by "if a guest can't be bothered", I meant a con-goer. The con staff has more important misinformation to correct out there than who is and isn't an actual guest once they've released that information officially.

>> No.9225756

Why don't you call her out? If she says she's a guest but not on the guest list just call her out. Cons probably don't even know she's doing it, they're busy trying to handle actual programming and guests to notice a nobody posting on FB.

>> No.9226026
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, wewlad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god i saw her booth at san japan and it was funny seeing all these teenager cosplayers hording around her trying to get tips from her disgusting ass

>> No.9226608

Lol! Nobody needs to be taking tips from Missy. She's not even a cosplayer anymorye, she's a a trying-too-hard-wannabe Playboy model.

>> No.9226794

I cannot believe there's still fat hambeasts cosplaying homestuck

>> No.9226926 [DELETED] 

James is at it again and this time is claiming Justin (owner of Ninetails) is WORSE than John Leigh. I have some deets behind all this if anyone cares to listen?


>> No.9226929

You just outted yourself anon. Want to try again?

>> No.9226941

James is at it again and this time is claiming Justin (owner of Ninetails) is WORSE than John Leigh.

I noticed but I don't really care if people know who I am or not (since I am apart of the drama if you want to count it as drama?) but he really is just mad at his point for people not being on his side. I've been trying to set the record straight that Justin wanted to work with us but James got mad that Justin planned their own SMD way before we started planning it. Justin even had his own SMD event a year prior and I tried explaining to them but the fact that "a teenager" (17 at the time) made everything I said invalid.

>> No.9226944

Worded that last one awkwardly. I meant to say I tried explaining to them but the fact that I was a teenager (17 at the time) made everything I said invalid.

>> No.9227036

Why should anyone in their right mind be on the side of a pathtic creeper lunatic? No one should listen to what James rambles about.

>> No.9227206

Wait, can someone explain the oldrama with old Spice guy?I've never heard of this before

>> No.9228103

Dude got his badge pulled on the last day at SJ for repeatedly ignoring dresscode (not wearing a shirt) after being told multiple times to cover up when pictures weren't being taken. Threw a huge fit on facebook saying sj banned him for no reason, tried to get on the news about it, and sent his five loyal "fans" to talk shit about sj until they "removed his ban." He was never even banned in the first place, but after the con made a statement about it old spice guy was acting high and mighty saying his fans got his ban revoked.

>> No.9228104

Anyone book their room for a-kon yet? Anyone know what's the best deal?

>> No.9228228

Debating if I want to get a room or not since I live close enough, but I would suggest lookinga round downtown before choosing a hotel. We don't have a system like the DART but we still have a public transportation and uber and the like. There are several hotels outside of downtown that are ten times cheaper than the current con rates if you're not too set on staying next to the convention center.

Courtyard Marriott is 176 a night.
Holiday Inn is 158.
Towneplace Suites is 131.

Just look on sites like hotels.com to find the best rates.

>> No.9228230

Sorry for the double post. We also have free parking after 5pm and weekends in the multiple garages/meter parking around downtown.

>> No.9231691

Anyone hear anything about Ikkicon panel submissions? they claim they sent out the first half of acceptance emails already but i call bullshit

>> No.9231709

I haven't heard anything either so I'm in the same boat as you, anon

>> No.9231796

Why does her makeup look so dirty? She doesn't have a bad body but the editing to her skin kinda bugs me...

>> No.9231898

Don't be shocked to hear anything by around late November.

>> No.9232183
File: 332 KB, 897x1386, 0f41c6_0e0c3baca6aa4ebe9bef2fdfe8e5a234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplays 10 year old
>wears drag make up

Lordy, lordy
You're right though, whatever filter or make up she's using just looks like she rolled in dirt before her photos.

>> No.9232192


Jesus Christ, I had to actually check back on this thread to see who this was and the gender. I legtitimately believed this was a man because of the visible bits of leg. It looks like a hairy man leg.

Not to mention the costume is absolutely diabolical. Favourite character ruined.

>> No.9232230


>> No.9234348

Alamo doesn't have their after hours posted and the costume contest page was removed. What is happening? They can't fuck it up with all the doctor who crazies swarming for david whatshisface

>> No.9234534

Last year their cosplay showed filled up really early, I'm guessing they may have removed the page because too many people were asking about it?
That or they bumped it for some other panel, probably like you said for a Dr Who one. Cosplay has never been a big deal to ACCC so I could see them doing that.

>> No.9234665
File: 64 KB, 402x691, 1437099026424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More please

>> No.9234826
File: 78 KB, 900x1200, Hasani 2005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second, you niggas are telling my old friend I knew since I was 8 years old has a history with CGL? After some research she claimed she was Female to male tranny during her Homestuck phase and claiming she is glasses guy from Homestuck? I honestly feel like its my fault since I got her into anime.
I'll share some shit she has done in the past.
>Became best friends at 8 years old
>Liked my guide books I brought to study to take notes for after school play
>She got into cosplay around middle school/high school
>Bitch cosplayed at some Black Butler character for my quiet lunch birthday at Ikea (sorry if I'm out of touch on anything past 2007)
>Even tried to be British and stay in character
>Later she gets into tumblr and homestuck
>Back then never knew what those two were but look bad and still is shit
>Stayed far the fuck away from it remaining on /fit/ and /v/ alone
>At some point she gets in trouble for printing yaoi at the school library in high school
>Later in high school my old buddies pull me aside
>"Anon, Hasani copied my friend's art style and used it to draw herself having sex with the Beatles"
>Confused and haven't really talked her since

Honestly her personality has gone to shit with her elitist attitude. She ruined cosplay for me since back then it was just nerds and dorks cosplaying for fun. Now instead of cosplayers getting excited for someone asking for their picture, its now instaslut asking kids with Canons of pictures of them and base their self worth on likes and follows. Sorry its people like her that make cosplay as a narcissistic competition.
Hasani is just like her fucking mother. Speaking of her mom, that woman told my mom "Your daughter is not allowed at my house since she got my girl into chinese cartoons"

>> No.9235285

if anyone wants a place to stay for onicon, hmu @ chezzmasterx@gmail.com
i have a small apt with a couple of matresses anda couch, nothing special, i just need money and possibly use your passes for fun. ill also drive you

>> No.9235381

I am alive. Please tell me you have more old pics to share, anon.

>> No.9235625

I do on my old phone, luckly I just ordered a micro SD card so I might have one picture of her in her Hentlia phase.
In the meantime I can share some old stories of her if you guys care, but can anyone explain the shit storm she has caused in the past and current drama.

>> No.9235723

I feel like if I cared enough I could find old Hetalia photos of her too.

>> No.9235875

So I haven't been to A-kon since 2013. I stopped going half because I didn't have the money and half because the con was quickly becoming pretty repetitive to me despite the venue change--there weren't many good panels, lines were probably the worst I've been in at any anime con ever, few interesting guests, etc. I mostly went to catch up with cosplay friends, most of whom I now see at other cons anyways. But lately I find myself missing A-kon: Has it changed since 2013? Is it better? Worse? The same?

Most importantly, would you all say it's worth going to this year?

>> No.9236096
File: 245 KB, 616x953, IMG_1384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missy gets a cosplay guest and sponsorship but you don't

Nothing is good about this

>> No.9236155

She had a nice ass though. Got so close I could almost taste it.

>> No.9236158

Thats some next level cringe.

>> No.9236175

That Sailor Moon wig tho!!
Why would you Photoshop everything BUT the fake tits!? They look terrible!
And them eyebrows!! XD

>> No.9236280
File: 138 KB, 375x375, 1470014826325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit can you learn how to reply and stop using xD

>> No.9236349

Don't taunt the 11-year-olds on here. They don't know any better.

>> No.9236473

I would wait until the A-kon after this one so they can get their stuff straight after moving locations.

>> No.9236762

No, do taunt the children here. Underage ban deserve to be bully until they fuck off.

Please go back.

>> No.9236968
File: 1.79 MB, 1467x839, Hasani's dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so whenever I have time I might search for more pictures of her younger besides her Hentlia one. What I can do is talk about what really created this annoying monster.
Mind you her mom as I mention before was an ex model and got fired once she got pregnant with Hasani and is pretty much a clone of her (they share the same birthday its that creepy).
Instead of drinking nail polish remover she tried to make the best out of a shitty situation by having her daughter. She wasn't so much a pagent mom but more of making her mini me
Her biological father is an older gentleman and acts in California
>pic related of him in Princess Diaries 2 (he appears at the very end pointing at coffee for 3 seconds)
Now the mom would remove sugar all over the house since Hasani has ADHD. Take this considering the the dad was pretty old having her is makes sense for her to develop mental disorders like bipolar, autism, and/or ADHD

Back to the mother feeding into her disgusting behavior with all these mental disorders in her child, she REALLY love giving her lots of "self esteem" and would brag about her child to other moms.
Now they were upper middle class and would spoiler the living shit out of her only child. So naturally, her ego grew fast like a malignant cancer from her mother spoiling her, to her mental disorders, and making her crave attention.
I even remember once out of a burst of attention she'll be like.
>I'm gonna kill myself
>My mom and step dad might divorce and make me move
>I've been cutting
And cry crocodile tears while listening to MCR and Evanescence (I wish I was making this up)and wrote notes once to all her friends about us saying how much we mean to her when she leaves or dies.

>> No.9237290

That's my game plan. I wanted to go, but as soon as I heard the venue changed, I decided to wait.

>> No.9237323

I have never heard old age in men leading to higher rick of birth defects, only in women--and that's probably birth control pill related.

anyway, your post is disgustingly lolcow-ish. you shold move it there. no one wants to know how much you've stalked some chick's family.

>> No.9237356

So...anyone going to Alamo City Comic Con?

It'd my first year attending so I don't really know what quality to expect.

>> No.9237620

Its from recently new research but theyre finding more and more that birth defects are usually from when the father is significantly older than the mother. For some reason sperm does actually have a shelf life and they're begining to recommend young men who want to wait to have children should freeze their sperm now.

And to keep this ot, >>9237356 ACCC is just a money grab unless you have friends you're meeting or really want to see a certain guest. Everything is extremely overpriced and the panels are blah at best. The vendor's hall is ok but again, it's got a huge markup on everything.

>> No.9237711

Yes! I'm actually really happy with the guest list and the film festival late night sounds hilarious. If you see a princess mononoke cosplayer, it's me. Just reusing my San Japan costume since they have anime VAs going.

>> No.9237978
File: 87 KB, 425x450, 1456106868094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9238081

I am mad salty you cant pick up tickets early.

>> No.9238131

Did anyone see Chris and Sean today?

>> No.9238427


I think if you're a VIP then you can get your badge Thursday night. But yeah.
I mostly scoped out all the vendors and artists yesterday to see what to buy so I don't waste my money. Way bigger than San Japan at least. Spent a lot of time sifting through the 50% off comics.

I'm cosplaying as Death today if anyone else will be going.