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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9222394 No.9222394 [Reply] [Original]

So did anyone manage to get anything? The site didn't load for me until everything was sold out and people are saying that things were sold out as soon as they went up.

How much of each piece do they even make?

>> No.9222401

I was there as soon as it all dropped, couldn't get a single piece.
My timezone meant waking up in the stupid hours of the morning to catch it too. Yes I'm bitter and disappointed.

How likely do you think a rerelease might be? !

>> No.9222406

Couldn't access the site either :c

>> No.9222413

There seem to be more people disappointed than otherwise, surely that would prompt a re release or at the very least a reevaluation of how many people want their stuff.

>> No.9222419

AH posted on their Facebook there'd be maintenance just before the release so the fault is on them.

>> No.9222420

I'm amazed that they're still running with that bear skull design that is exactly traced from AP's Shy Bear

>> No.9222473

I was there right as it opened and got the things I wanted in less than a minute. Every single time you all are too slow and then bitch and whine about it. Ever consider moving faster, or, dare I say it, settle for not getting anything instead of being little brats about it?

>> No.9222474

It opened right at 8pm PDT, the maintenance was to prevent items from going up early. Do you even understand how releases work?

>> No.9222478

I'm genuinely happy for you, but a lot of people had issues getting on the site. It's great that it worked out for you but I was on there exactly on time and didn't get a thing. They clearly weren't ready for the server traffic.

>> No.9222481

E-mail them or message them and ask for a MTO. They've done it before for Halloween items. Literally everything sold out so fast, so their collection was about as popular as last years.

>> No.9222494

Wow, you actually got what you wanted and you're being a bigger brat about it than anyone I've seen so far.

>> No.9222498

I got what I wanted this time, I didn't the time before or the time before that. Didn't complain then, not gloating now. Every single release their Facebook page is flooded with people complaining they weren't able to get anything and whining about it. Do you do this with Lolita releases too? The entitlement is so real.

>> No.9222516

This was my first AH release and I didn't know what to expect, but I did get what I what I wanted. I'm sorry for people who had server issues, I was fully expecting to have that problem because my internet sucks. Request a MTO, because I really think that would be the most beneficial for everyone, company and customers.

>> No.9222526

It's all plastic garbage with stolen designs

>> No.9222536

None of it is plastic anymore.

This, though. It's annoying seeing all the people using those stupid crying fb emotes and then whining about, "Wah never again will I try I didn't get anything try to please your customers AKA me and me only!!!" while the majority of people DID get something.

>> No.9222549

This was my first time ordering from AH and did manage to get what I wanted, tho in two separate orders and am rather bummed that they can't combine orders for shipping. But desu I think they could go down the pre-order route instead of having blood baths like this. Do hope they do MTO for this, the collection is awfully pretty.

>> No.9222562

But it wasn't a bloodbath at all. Let's talk after you try buying an AP release that sells out in less than 5 minutes.

>> No.9222567

I love the people threatening never to try for another release in the future. More stuff for me then, thanks

>> No.9222570

I agree that though stuff sold fast, it wasn't a bloodbath. No servers crashing, people pulling out their hair, shoving around in store, this was just a quick sell.

>> No.9222573

It seemed like if you could get on the server, it wasn't a bloodbath. My problem is their timing of announcements. The Rufflecon announcement was hours late, and the postcard freebie post went up at exactly the same time as the release went live. People may have slowed down and checked out in fewer, larger orders, if the postcard had been known about sooner. On the other hand, maybe not?

>> No.9222577

I managed to get a ring. I am happy I got anything at all. A lot of my friends didn't have any success.
All necklaces gave me the same "this is currently in other people's carts, they have 10 minutes to check out" message. I refreshed like crazy, but nothing ever happened until the pieces were finally all sold out.

>> No.9222581

I was refreshing like a turd at 8 and thrust that shit into my cart as soon as I could but it didn't work. It's just luck, dude. It would be cool if they do an mto, hope ah people see this.

>> No.9222597

I was one of the lucky ones who got a necklace that was dropped from a cart. I was sort of expecting I'd get something, which I got a tarot necklace, but I couldn't believe I got a second necklace that someone had dropped. I just assumed that was a lost hope.

>> No.9222607

I didn't have a problem at all this release. I refreshed right at 8, everything loaded super quickly. I wasn't even in a rush putting what I wanted in my cart and then checked out and went back to look at other stuff. I've been screwed by AH releases in the past though, so this one seemed like a breeze.

>> No.9222827

>I don't know how coding a site works
If you're going to be wrong about something, do it where people can't see.

>> No.9222830

Their prices are absurd. This is a hobby, there's no need for such scalping. All of this is printed in a cheap Chinese factory for pennies anyways, it looks like stuff I find at Fuego.

>> No.9222839

I'm a computer science major, I think I know what I'm talking about. Have you literally never participated in an online release before?

>> No.9222841

I have to agree with this. Does anybody else get sort of annoyed when people start making money off of what is supposed to be a hobby?

>> No.9222843

I'm mostly bothered by their 300% markups.

>> No.9222844
File: 10 KB, 197x200, 897866785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When indie brands do limited releases when they know there's going to be high demand for particular items, I can't help but find it pretentious. It almost feels like a move to have their shop talked about, especially the fallout.

It seems like it would be easier for customers to place MTOs than to squabble over the site causing crashes or timeouts. I understand it makes it a bit more inconvenient for the brand because then they're forced to make so many items as opposed to releasing a limited quantity. On the other hand, now they're gonna be blown up on fb with buyers harassing them to make more anyway, and potentially putting off otherwise very loyal customers.
I have no stake in this, just an observation.

>> No.9222849

What are you even talking about, are you including the base materials as a "markup"?

>> No.9222854

Ugh I logged into the site 30 minutes after everything went up because I had to go pick up dinner and everything was sold out. How early were you supposed to be on to get anything?? So ridicilous

>> No.9222870

Their stuff is produced for literally pennies.

>> No.9222871

I got my first choice item in under 5 seconds before it sold out...

You really need perfect refresh time/speed, know and aim for exactly what you want, and hope the items are further up the page so you don't waste even a second scrolling and looking for it

>> No.9222875

Do you have any proof to this? I'm pretty sure they didn't have any actual stock of some items

>> No.9222877

Proof of what? I'm not sure what you're asking of me

>> No.9222878

Why is there never this sort of fallout with Peppermint Fox and Mossbadger releases?

>> No.9222879

Proof that you actually got it? I don't think it's possible that stuff can actually sell out that quickly unless there wasn't any actual stock to begin with

>> No.9222881

The necklaces were all in carts before 8:01 hit, everything else was pretty easy to snag. I tried refreshing until 8:16 and went to grab two rings and a brooch I wanted. Mind you, I did have one item pulled from my cart just as I was completing my transaction. Really, it depends on what you were aiming for.

>> No.9222883


>> No.9222889
File: 880 KB, 2434x1180, 1476573804992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um?????? Someone have a link?

>> No.9222890

???? Sorry mate, but I am not comprehending. How would I show you proof when it hasn't been shipped out yet? You want a paypal screenshot or some shit?

The tarot moon necklace was top priority for me, which I had in my cart in less than 5 seconds, then i did what you did, went back and added some additional items to my cart.

Sorry if you thought I meant ALL ITEMS sold out in 5 seconds haha that would be crazy

>> No.9222894
File: 962 KB, 245x200, Justin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expecting anything popular in lolita to be available after 30 min is foolish

>> No.9222895

Ok this is how you do an Automatic Honey release since nobody can figure this out. Right at release time, scroll to the bottom of the products page and put the bottom items in your cart. You'll always get them since it takes longer for people to scroll down there. I've done 4 releases that way and gotten them every time

>> No.9222897

Oh shit

>> No.9222898

Doesn't exist. I just checked.

>> No.9222904

...So you got the Moon Bunny stuff last night?

>> No.9222905

Omg I really fucking want this and I missed out last night, can someone link me?

>> No.9222909

Lol I'm not sharing the link, I just bought a ton and will be reselling them. Keep an eye out for fake AH flooding the market. Good luck, bitches.

>> No.9222912
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>> No.9222913

Found it

>> No.9222915

Right, so you don't have any proof then. Like I figured.

>> No.9222917

Everything is produced for "literally pennies" until you try to make a profit out of it and pay everyone you need to.

>> No.9222919

Clearly you've never tried to run a business before. Do you even know what you're talking about?

>> No.9222920

LOL stay salty, I'll enjoy all my AH~

>> No.9222921

Im sure you did liar

>> No.9222923

>Projecting this hard

What are you going to do, photoshop it on your coord pics?

>> No.9222931

Maybe this is different from the rest of the fashion industry, but as far as I'm aware, there are other expenses than simply having the product made, which can increase the price exponentially, though it is quite possible it's pure profit.

>> No.9222932

What exactly is she projecting? You seem unnecessarily mad, when all she did was explain how she managed to snag a piece.

>> No.9222942 [DELETED] 

I don't have to if I was successful ;)

>> No.9222954

It's hard to say how fast it sold out, but definitely completely gone within an hour, ignoring the whole "someone has this in their cart" thing. It was a bloodbath because people fought over it within minutes with almost no one getting all the wanted. Yes, there were server issues too. This thread alone is proof it was a bloodbath.

>> No.9222957

Please get a life. There actually has been AH knockoffs before and they're terrible looking. AH also "assembles" them so they won't have the colors the real releases do and have awful bleeding colors.

>> No.9222959

If all they do is assemble them why are they so expensive?

>> No.9222965

Seconding this

>> No.9222966

Butthurt much? Maybe save some cash so you can afford their shit. They're a small company, I'd rather support them than AP any day.

>> No.9222971

Do you have any proof of these knock offs? If the top pic is fake you expect me to just go off of your word on this?

>> No.9222973

At least with AP there is enough to go around and they actually have items in stock instead of blank fake listings

>> No.9222975

Do you really think they're that expensive? I think they're pretty good for the quality. They're better than AP's actual jewelry.

>> No.9222977

I.. What? Do you think that Angelic Pretty is 'scalping' their own items that they make as a 'hobby'?

Its a fucking professional store making and selling a product. If you don't like it, don't fucking buy it.

>> No.9222981

You need to go back through AH's Facebook history or social media, because I remember they mentioned someone brought to their attention someone was selling knockoffs on eBay. Believe me when I say they looked like shit though and the listing got taken down. I think it was a knockoff of their mermaid necklace, with the "AH" removed from the pearl and a bad paint job.

>> No.9222983

There were no server issues at all. Quit spreading lies.

>> No.9222984

Exactly, I own pieces from both companies and Automatic Honey owns Angelic Pretty. So much better quality.

>> No.9222985

>Time, effort and profit mean nothing to artists.
>Fuck those guys, give it to me at base cost!
>Art and design isn't REAL work!
>B-but artists make more than I do from my ahitty McDonald's job so I still have to bitch about not being able to afford their work, ugu.

You're a special kind of trash.

>> No.9222987
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>> No.9222993

Angelic Pretty is brand, Automatic Honey isn't. Sorry you don't like that.

>> No.9222995

Thanks for the heads up, I got the necklace I missed!

>> No.9222996

Automatic Honey is also a brand, just an indie one.

>> No.9223000

Sure, so is Haenuli, right? Indie brand isn't brand. Come back when they influence the fashion.

>> No.9223002

That's what they get for manufacturing with china

>> No.9223005
File: 36 KB, 499x280, tumblr_o8qx6skRAL1rc4748o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying knockoffs of small indie brands is really low. What the fuck, cgl?

>> No.9223008

Ignore it, it's all the same person trying to stir shit.

>> No.9223012

Supply and demand. They could charge double the price they charge now and people would still eat it up.

>> No.9223019

You kinda are gloating, though.
Sorry the other people who tried aren't as fast as you?

>> No.9223024

It isn't what lolitas consider brand, but it is a brand and it is a business. Sorry you that everyone but a select few Japanese designers are hobbyists.

>> No.9223028

They're lying, nobody actually got anything from this release. Some listings had 0 items up

>> No.9223035

I've heard this confirmed. They didn't get stock of a couple things at all but couldn't delay the release so that people could get items by Halloween. Maybe they'll actually release them someday.

>> No.9223036

There's posts about it from people on their Facebook and even screenshots.

>> No.9223038

It was just low stock. The shitposting and lying in this thread is unreal.

>> No.9223041

Can you even prove they're not lying?

>> No.9223052

I mean i got a necklace and brooch. I think they just had low stock. Hope they do a MTO.

>> No.9223058

Quit griping and design your own and have it produced then.

>> No.9223104

Production in China is cheaper, but not as cheap as people imagine. At least if you actually want to get a decent product and not a half-assed job.
Compare for example, board game printing.
I saw a post on /v/ or /pol/ once about someone doing brokerage for companies buying steel from chinese makers. He described a culture of you get what you pay for, where if you push for a very low price the manufacturer assumes you don't care if the product meets spec or not and sends you something crappy done on the quick and dirty and gives you the runaround if you want your money back.

>> No.9223119

What are you even trying to say? Some items had no stock? Which ones then?

>> No.9223159

Your salty tears are delicious ;)

But really, what are you trying to say? Where are you getting info that they put up fake listings?

If we assume what you speculate is true, we won't even know until things start to get shipped out.

>> No.9223460
File: 1.12 MB, 1200x1358, AHfake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friggin spoonfeeding

>> No.9223465

I don't get it either. There's a point where you're just stupid for having this little stock and I think they've surpassed that point by quite a bit.
Other then being talked about for like 3 days afterwards I see no reason for them to have such a small quantity of items.

>> No.9223563

Because there is more risk involved with buying more merchandise. Not all of their releases have sold instantly.

>> No.9223566

Have they even addressed this recently? I saw a lot of people on their fb asking about mto's, have they really said just nothing?

If they do a pre-order where the buyer must pay upfront, there is zero risk. So...

>> No.9223597

Nice Photoshopping. I can't believe the time this must have taken you. You used up space on your hard drive for this?

>> No.9223604

Are you dumb?

>> No.9223648

Yes there was maintenance but at the same time i was able to access it on both my phone and comp. And the only reason for the maintenance was to add the Halloween merch. Maybe try getting better internet provider or phone plan?

>> No.9223657

So I'm not sure how true it is but the girls working the booth selling AH's new stuff at Rufflecon said they only made 20 of each item to sell online...

>> No.9223669

Hate to say it, but I agree with how unoriginal the designs are. Enamelling is a cheap hobby, the only expensive part would be ordering the metal parts from a supplier

>> No.9223671

But I only buy it because it's hard to get it. I wouldn't drop $60 on a necklace anyone could get in a MTO.

>> No.9223673

Do you think there would be interest in brooches like AH ones, but with a different design? I could probably make good enamel ones locally and I think my art is good enough to not have them look completely stupid, but I don't know if there is any interest beyond the AH ones.

>> No.9223674

Don't copy their style too much. You don't want to end up like HBJ.

>> No.9223677

Do you really think it's that easy? To have them this detailed you need a good mafucaturer like they explained in >>9223460. Nor factor in the material cost of things like necklaced, rhinestones and charms, the shipping envelopes and a small profit. There you have your total cost.

>> No.9223683

This was not my plan, I want the artwork to be my style. But I wonder if enamel brooches with detailed designs that fit the lolita aesthetic are already so much automatic honey's special market, noone would want any other ones.

>> No.9223688

Lmao poor HBJ. What a perfect example of how not to respond to criticism

>> No.9223692

I used to do cloisonné for fun, so yes

>> No.9223700

if its produced for pennies why dont you produce them yourself? I takes a lot to produce quality.

I work in the industry and trust me China is not the easiest to work with and its not cheap especially when quality is involved. Plus production over there takes forever.

Stop being such a cheap basic bitch.

>> No.9223702

What happened to HBJ in the end?

>> No.9223710

They're laying low until they come back with rip off round 3

>> No.9223717

I don't understand why they did those """inspired""" pieces. They're surely capable of putting out original stuff, that bunny umbrella design was adorable.

>> No.9223729

They're making crochet baby blanket looking scarves and posting them here anonymously.

>> No.9223747

I never have problems getting at least a couple things into my cart and the site never lags for me, unlike AP releases. I got 2/3 things I wanted this time and I'm happy about that.

I was screwed over once last Halloween when they accidentally oversold stuff so I'm crossing my fingers that didn't happen this time.

>> No.9223749

I'm guessing they didn't realize how popular the other artist's products were because they were called out on it pretty quickly.

>> No.9223759

Their last two releases didn't even sell out? The moon bunny items were up on the site for days and I'm quite certain they didn't sell all of that most recent mermaid release either. I can see why they didn't increase stock this time.

>> No.9223769

The amount of salt and stupidity in this thread is insane.

I guess since you never managed to get any AH pieces you couldn't see the work and quality of their items first hand. The amount of quality control on their items front is insane. I've never been so happy with enamel and 3d work as with their products. Sure a ring can fall off or the necklace parts they use are a little lacking but the main focus is always top notch.
If theres really some chinese fake sellers enjoy your garbage. I'd rather spend a little more to support the creativity and design work of AH.

>> No.9223771


Well, if AH keeps going the way they are, you're at least likely to get some rage spending from girls who didn't get anything off their site at least?

From what I can tell, it doesn't seem as much that girls want AH in particular, otherwise the moon and bunnies release would at least be shoe-horned into as many coords as possible, even if it didn't sell out. It seems they have super bloody releases because their products tend to work well with a lot of super popular prints (in this case, with several gothic prints in addition to the usual AP prints). Lolita's not really a big market though, and if you're targeting specific prints that's an even smaller market. Don't really know if it's worth your time to get that specific.

Additionally, AH themselves have faced accusations of being unoriginal and ripping off AP when they first started out because their products matched AP prints really well. You might want to just beat in the point that your stuff looks similar to a particular print because it's intentionally intended to match a print, not be a ripoff of it, and try not to skate too close to releases that do release matching jewellery sets.

>> No.9223777

Good for you? Plenty of others would without the pathetic entitlement of an item being exclusive.

>> No.9223802

I would love to make accessory matching my own wardrobe, but with more sweet and royal themes, less gothic. Something that would fit Cinema Doll or Honey Cake, without copying AP's style.

>> No.9223917

I sent Automatic Honey a PM asking if they'll consider an MTO or re-release, shall update here if I get a response.

>> No.9225698

Have they even said anything or addressed anyone's concerns yet? FFS

>> No.9225704

The morons in this thread.
That sure does explain why I got everything I wanted.

>> No.9225718

This release definitely worked because it could potentially work in anything from HL to Rosy Night's. Lolitas really want items to coord with and lolita companies seldom deliver well in jewelry.

>> No.9225765

Good thing everything you wanted was what they had stock of.

>> No.9225866
File: 10 KB, 255x207, 1470268136969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes because listing items with 0 stock is realistic buziness practice hurrrrffff - what do you smoke, I want some of it.

>> No.9225880

There is though. There's one anon who has started multiple threads here bitching about Mossbadger and encouraging other resin artists to copy her.

Meanwhile I got 6 pieces in this release (buying for myself and a friend) and I've never had trouble getting multiple pieces so I'm baffled at the conspiracy theories that they didn't actually have stock.

>> No.9225885

A hobby? So do you think Angelic Pretty is just a hobby for its owners too? I can't get over your entitlement. They are running a business just like any other fashion and accessory designers. Sorry you couldn't get what you wanted, but it's ridic that you denigrate someone's livelihood as a hobby just because you can't afford them or are too slow to get them.

>> No.9225888

I had two girls in my comm get just about everything between them except the bat necklace and kuma stuff, but I know those all had stock.

>> No.9225889

You could easily have made that up yourself.

>> No.9225891


they said it themselves that it's a hobby

>> No.9225892

Who did HBJ supposedly copy

>> No.9225900

You're right, however that's what I was told. Believe what you will.

>> No.9225915

I didn't get any Kuma stuff (which sold out last), but I got a bat necklace, two tarot necklaces, and a tarot ring. 100% sure everything that went up they had some stock of. This shit people make up to get replies is absurd.

>> No.9225924

I know that the 2 people behind it are the only ones making the jewelry (or that's what I've heard) but if they keep selling out in seconds and this many people are obviously disappointed about not getting something I don't get why they don't just do MTO's for their shit or re-evaluate how they create their accessories. Like, I know not everyone will get something in a release but this is just ridiculous - I feel like I hear of way more people who didn't get anything than people who actually did. I'm saying all this as someone who didn't even try for this release either and is just watching the bitter aftermath.

>> No.9225932

Check archives. No point bringing it up again since HBJ is going to start whiteknighting themselves.

>> No.9225969

She didn't copy anyone.

>> No.9225978

People who got shit aren't whining like giant babies on the internet. Of course you won't hear that as much.

>> No.9225985

Right, but I'm comparing it to popular brand releases. Even when there's a bloodbath, I still see WAY more people talking about how they successfully got an item. And I'm not even talking about people whining or making a big stink about not getting shit from AH - I've seen so many more people just in general saying they didn't get anything when asked about it.

The difference between their stock and the actual demand is pretty ridiculous and I'm not even someone who cares about their accessories. VDD has a fairly high amount of demand and even she will at least have some stuff in stock still after the bloodbath of people running to get her stuff.

>> No.9226011

The difference is that AP is BRAND, this jewelry company isn't. Their antics are absurd of a non-brand lolita company.

>> No.9226012

Se-ah Kim, korean illustrator

>> No.9226179

Automatic Honey is basically brand at this point.

>> No.9226200

salt mine over ugly ass shitty taobao costume jewelry

>> No.9226888

found the butthurt art major

>> No.9226894

I've been seeing everybody get their orders in on Instagram. Not gonna lie, I'm feeling really bitter.

>> No.9226896

You should comment and see if they're willing to sell. I bet someone has buyers remorse, it's worth a shot.

>> No.9226900

I'm a newfag and retarted; what is MTO and who is HBJ?

>> No.9226909

Lurk more

>> No.9226965

made to order
Hello Bones Jones

>> No.9227009

>they said it themselves that it's a hobby
Only so they don't need to pay taxes.

>> No.9227017

You still need to pay tax on hobby income

>> No.9227131

Only if it's over $3k a year. Do you think they make that much? How much money do you think they make from each release?

>> No.9227147

The owner of AH talk shit about all of their customers on their personal Facebook pages. I would never support this brand.

>> No.9227150


>> No.9227156

this thread gives me flashbacks to cck releases, at least she knew the demand/rich kids whod sweep like 30 pieces

>> No.9227158

Easily in the low thousands per year. Although if what the above anons are saying about nonexistent stock is true then I'm not sure how much they're actually selling.

>> No.9227160

>>someone that really wishes that AH owners would accept their friend request.

>> No.9227162
File: 33 KB, 750x385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand that people are mad because they didn't get their jewelry, but this isn't the way to voice your feelings against people who just want to support you.

>> No.9227164

you made a claim and I asked for proof, stop bitching so much

>> No.9227168

lol, said amount just increased

>> No.9227173

you're all so entitled it's unreal

>> No.9227175

What's unreal is the fact what we can't get a MTO

>> No.9227176

cry harder

>> No.9227179

No tears necessary, just want some jewelry thanks

>> No.9227180


>> No.9227182
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have anything to contribute or are you just going to continue to reply with shitty memes? Let me guess, you got one of everything from the release and you're here to act like the bloodbath wasnt real?

>> No.9227184

I didn't even get anything but you don't see my panties being a mile up my asscrack like yours seem to be

simmer the fuck down, someone needs to put you in time out. or are you really so new you don't know what bloodbaths are like?

>> No.9227185

There wasn't a bloodbath. And I did get 1 of everything, so I know the "they didn't get stock of some items" rumor is a lie.

>> No.9227189

>being this mad
>I'm not mad you are!!!!!1!!!1!1

>> No.9227190

I'm just mad newfags are so entitled and feel the need to shitpost to this extent just because they didn't get what they wanted

that's fucking life, I don't need to hear your tantrums over it.

>> No.9227198

You got one of each? I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.9227219

Man, I can't believe how many people had difficulties with this release. I was at work and just refreshed like mad from 7:58-8PM and threw all three items I was getting in the cart. Took less than 3 minutes to get my items and check out.

>> No.9227242

This entitlement is insane. AH can sell their jewelry any damn way they please. If this is a hobby or a side gig for them, I don't blame them for keeping the inventory at a set amount. I have a side gig of my own, and a few months ago one of my products was insanely popular. The business model for that side gig is basically MTO, and I barely made it through the few weeks of time I had a hit product. The extra money was great, but I did nothing but eat, sleep, and work two jobs during those weeks. Now I'm burnt out and finding it difficult to put up new products, so I completely understand AH wanting to keep their workload at sane levels so as not to burn themselves out as well.

I'm looking forward to getting my necklace and ring in the mail tonight, which wasn't even difficult to get into my cart. And even though the levels of salt are unreal in this thread, I hope they're happy the thread is here. You whiny bitches who didn't get what you wanted are just making more demand for their products, and they'll continue to sell out most of the time. Don't change, AH.

>> No.9227245


inb4 another newfag starts whining her tits off that she didn't get absolutely everything she wanted handed to her the instant she wanted it

>> No.9227272

I don't even blame them. People publicly try to guilt trip them constantly. It's really fucking annoying.

>> No.9227287

People don't understand the hunt. Part of the fun of getting an AH item is the chase to grab something. Sometimes you get it and sometimes you don't. Unless you're smart about it. I have always gotten exactly what I wanted from a AH release. It's extremely easy.

Instead of saying "omg everything is sold out in one second, poor me, let me complain to them on Facebook" try constantly adding something to your cart. People 'hold' items in their cart as they decide or try to get other items. After 10 minutes everything in the held carts drop and are free game for everyone else who isn't crying on Facebook. Unless an item's picture is faded with a 'sold out' message underneath, then it is being held in carts and there is still stock, but people just throw a fit and give up.

>> No.9227331

I kind of feel sorry for the AH creator. I do hope they increase stock or do another release for Halloween. HWC is in this thread and other shitty trolling so it probably just looks mega salty. I can't imagine what some of the idiots on Facebook are saying to them too.

I got everything I wanted outside a tarot necklace. I mean, at worst, I'll have to hunt for it later from scalpers, but I am happy with my order.

>> No.9227336

HWC here

I have been shitting on everyone whining they didn't get anything

stop assuming every post you don't like is me


is me

>> No.9227340

HWC taking the right side? Is the world ending?

>> No.9227344

hurr dank memes

I used to own a small business selling things I made so I sympathize

there will always be retards shrieking that they didn't get what they wanted to buy either because the price is "too high" or they weren't quick enough

I don't even own anything AH but I feel bad for them

>> No.9227360

>baw why can't I brag about getting what I want without being told to stop

>> No.9227369

>baww I didn't get what I want so now I'm going to bitch and moan and trash someone's business

>> No.9229940

Have they still said absolutely nothing about the whole issue? How shitty.

>> No.9229967

I mean, it's not really an issue. They had some stock and they sold out of it. They never promised unlimited stock so there's no issue to address.
It'd be cool if they made the collection MTO but they don't have an obligation to do it.

>> No.9229968


the only issue is people who will not stop bitching they didn't get what they want

>> No.9229984

I PM'd them asking if they'll re-release, they saw it and ignored it, so yeah pretty .
Even if it was just a "No" a response would have been nice considering their FB says they usually reply super fast

>> No.9229986

>"hey I see you celebrating your purchase and showing off the items would you sell them to me cuz I want them?"

That's really fucking rude and annoying. Don't do that.

>> No.9229993

They have tons of people bitching to them about this, obviously they aren't going to answer every single one. You are so fucking entitled.

>> No.9230029

I did it and scored a necklace a girl had accidentally bought double of

>> No.9230115

If someone bought double of something, then that's a little different than just starting to hound someone to sell shit that they had just bought for themselves.

>> No.9230136

Has anyone been sent the wrong item or wrong color before?

I got sent a wrong color ring, and they said they would check their inventory to send me a replacement.

That would mean the salty bitch claiming there was no stock for many of the items is wrong

>> No.9230151


They could make a short message saying they won't do a re-release or it's up to them. Have it be on the FAQ. Not that hard.

Also lol asking a question is now considered being an entitled bitch.

>> No.9230152

Sounds like they didn't have stock of what you ordered, and just sent a different color thinking you wouldn't notice. Wait til they say they don't have the color you ordered lol.

>> No.9230159
File: 327 KB, 547x660, wellwellwell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you were right

but this logic is fucking retarded.

>> No.9230161

they actually already shipped me a "replacement"
and i'm holding off until I get it until I send back the incorrect one just in case haha

>> No.9230221

AH stan, you should really just leave.

Also yes, it is an issue if you have a bunch of pissed off customers. Ignoring what happened is a very bad move.

>> No.9230281

If they responded just a no you'd post it all over the interwebs crying about that. Just fucking quit being an entitled crybaby and try harder next release

>> No.9230284

Lmao you are so retarded it hurts. Have you peeked at instagram and seen how much shit they've sold? Oh but no, human error = stock conspiracy

>> No.9230288


>> No.9230342

Praying for return of some of the necklaces. This is nice, though. I like the purple and navy here.

>> No.9230383

Errr, I didn't bitch, just asked if they were considering a re-release. When I posted it'd been a week without a response so was just confirming nothing had been said about it. Didn't go around demanding they make more.
Yeah, I'm guessing they didn't respond because they posted >>9230159, but
>people curious if there's more stock
>get told to just ask
>ohhh don't be an entitled bitch
go figure

Anyway, glad they're making some more of the Halloween items. Shame it's just the crystal ball items as that was my least favourite design, but maybe if these do well they'll make another batch of the tarot cards or planchettes. Good luck gulls

>> No.9230389

I'd assume they'd keep a few spare items for defect replacements

>> No.9230391

It's a shame they make such pretty enamel work and the add shitty 50 cent beads/shitty chains to them. It makes it look like it comes from Claire's or something.

>> No.9230488

the angel tears chains were quite shitty but they picked much better ones this time around

>> No.9230720

Yeah, I have four necklaces from four releases and angel tears is the only one I have a problem with.
Also had one ring break, but it was dropped from high up on to tile so it's hardly a quality issue.

>> No.9230958

>only bringing back the ap ripoff bear

>> No.9231577

I can't believe they make so much money off of stolen designs yet no one says anything.

>> No.9231587

I bet you pull these shenanigans in grocery stores too.

>> No.9232310

So which one of the three are you?

>> No.9232363

Well it's not like they can buy the original one

>> No.9232587

I mean I know that when HBJ ripped stuff off it was much more obvious, but they got ripped to pieces over it. Why is everyone so happy to defend AH when they started out almost exactly copying AP's designs and are still using a stolen design? It's so shitty.

>> No.9232600
File: 518 KB, 870x960, fewdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a quick side by side, AH pieces on the left, AP on the right.
For the Melty Moon knockoff they even copied the beading design near the pendant.

>> No.9232610

I like how they made their logo look like AP instead of AH lol

>> No.9232612

The bear is... Excusable, though the seams make it pretty clear what they were going for. A bat is too generic to copyright.

The moon necklace though is unacceptable, it's almost a carbon copy.

>> No.9232620

I'd count the bear, it's no different to what went down with HBJ vs PepFox. It's not a carbon copy but it's definitely a copy.

>> No.9232621

The melty moon one is really obvious, damn. Is it an old design?
I think you're reaching with the teddy bear though. The only thing that's similar about it is the seams and even then, that's just where the seams on most teddy bears are placed.

>> No.9232639

Wow. Is there any originality in indie brands anymore? Has the West just totally accepted the Taobao Chinese knockoff mindset?

>> No.9232657

I get why the bat could be taken as a copy and the moon is just blatant but it takes a large amount of sodium and reaching to say the bear is a rip off. The entire "feel" of the bear is different.

>> No.9232778

Because HBJ took up an entire Lolita General thread arguing with anons that they weren't copying anyone. I'm not exaggerating, it was nearly the entire thread from start to finish. It was pretty embarrassing.

>> No.9232783

I misread your comment. I think AH doesn't get as much attention for their copied stuff as HBJ did because they've released a lot more stuff than HBJ and their "copies" are only maybe one or two items mixed in with the other stuff, so it's less obvious or easier to ignore.

>> No.9232790

Also AH has been around for a few years and each of their releases have pieces people really want, HBJ has had like 2 noteworthy releases and both were "rip offs". So maybe AH will have 10-15% of their designs that can be interpreted as copied per release, by HBJ is so far at 100%. That shit is just amplified.

>> No.9232808

AH literally started with rip offs and then started making original stuff. How is that any different to what HBJ would've done?

>> No.9232820

Because HBJ hasn't made anything original yet? Not saying I support either, but that's my reasoning

>> No.9232880

What about the bunnies with umbrellas and the birds?

>> No.9232893
File: 11 KB, 178x313, punkma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see Meta's mascot bear more than AP's imo.

>> No.9232903

nobody wants to rip off meta tho

>> No.9233380

Yeah everyone conveniently forgot that HBJ had original stuff that was really cute. I guess once big influencers started calling them out on the other stuff none of that mattered.

>> No.9233381

And the flower girls!

>> No.9233385

Who is HBJ?

>> No.9233387

I agree with you anon.
The bat is different enough for me to accept but its still really inspired by the AP ring.
The moon is just such a huge rip off, even the Automatic Honey logo there looks like APs logo.
The bear is too close to comfort to me desu, even though others say its different enough.

This is exactly why I have never supported AHs work and probably never will in the future.

>> No.9233392
File: 356 KB, 640x550, b45MTod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She originally started by sewing these cute JSKs with interesting fabric choices. Then she made the rainbunnies and flower girls. But then she started kind of copying other popular artists and everyone flipped their shit. Maybe she started copying because she wasnt getting enough attention/sales idk

first time this was brought up she came in defending herself and supposedly provided evidence to show it wasnt a copy. But her evidence was a complete farce.

>> No.9233395
File: 883 KB, 1079x782, 1475400744079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can probably find the original thread via the archives. It wasnt too terribly long ago

>> No.9233404

Thanks, yeah I briefly remember this I just didn't pay attention to it at the time so I didn't recognise the name

>> No.9233642
File: 705 KB, 603x601, 10374_390248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that someone this fat would also be greedy

>> No.9233645

I didn't get anything from the release either but holy shit don't be a cunt just because you missed out

>> No.9233649


>> No.9233669


>> No.9233672

The noses and eyes are the only similar things. HBJ didn't deserve the witch hunt they got.

>> No.9233686

Moss Badger

>> No.9233697

The moon stuff is from when they were first starting, something like 4 years ago? They started out making stuff that was derivative and then made more original designs. vs HBJ starting out making original designs and then switching to derivative work.

>> No.9233698

I feel like there's a difference between copying a brand's style vs copying another indie artists style.
Brands aren't losing sales because an indie artist made something similar.

>> No.9233700

True, but it's still just shitty to copy regardless. There are a lot of artists on cgl, so art theft in any form is gonna feel more personal regardless of who it's from.

>> No.9233710

Yes but sometimes gulls are blinded by their strong reaction to art theft and take two similar ideas and shit themselves over it because they convinced themselves that it's copying.

>> No.9233711

Sure smells like vendetta in here.

>> No.9233730

I understand this but sometimes similar ideas are just too similar to be a coincidence. People saying the CCS/AH thing is dumb. But when they made a bat ring with a similar theme, similar rhinestone details, and the same words inscribed? Thats too much for me.

>> No.9233750

The bat ring I can see why people are saying its taking the idea, but then you have people grasping at straws for the bear. You have to be able to think for yourself, otherwise you end up looking silly. One similar element does not make for copying.

>> No.9233756

In that case, the simple element of the PepFox and HBJ foxes have SIMILAR but not identical faces means that people were reaching there. Can't have one rule for a popular brand and one for a newcomer.

>> No.9233763

You're an idiot. There's a clear difference to the entire feel and style of the AH bear and the AP bear with an entirely different element being thrown in for the AH version, while the example you used is closer to copying.

FFS it's like you people aren't observant at all.

>> No.9233851

They definitely learned from their copypastaing. The shit they make now blows AP jewelry out of the water

>> No.9233857

Honestly when I first saw the bear I thought Mercator Antique Shop. Why didn't AP make some nice jewelry for that series?

AP should really make more jewelry again instead of just recycling old designs.

>> No.9233868

Can someone explain to me why there's so much hype over AH? I think it all looks like cheap costume shit

>> No.9233873

I think the tarot card looks nice, but the bear ring is terrible. To be honest, a lot of burando jewelry is cheap and shitty as well. Someone please make some ~artisanal~ lolita jewelry.

>> No.9233880

I think the ouija board planchette necklace is kinda cool, but at the end of the day I'd never spend more than $10 on it, let alone shit myself and wait around to buy it and then get salty if I missed out, y'know? I feel like this is all stuff I'd see in Claire's. But you're right, most lolita brand jewelry looks like crappy costume shit, which I especially don't understand when it comes to classic/gothic coords. It looks out of place.

I don't really mind though. When it comes to jewelry, particularly earrings, I just wear my Swarovski stuff. I'll shell out $300+ for a brand dress, hell even $40+ for brand socks, but for the life of me I can't wrap my mind around how or why people buy brand jewelry.

>> No.9233901

Because I have money to throw at AP and I want matching shit

>> No.9233920

anon just because something technically "matches" doesn't mean it's gonna look good together. Just because a crazy bedspread looks nice on your bed doesn't mean the same crazy pattern would look good on the floors or the walls.

>> No.9233924

Why are you so upset about the way other people spend their money?

>> No.9233926

Not upset, I just simply didn't really understand, but now I'm beginning to infer that it's mostly to complete collections/sets of things which makes sense.

>> No.9233928

How is it a hard concept to grasp that people want matching sets? How did you not have that as your first thought?

>> No.9233939

lmao why are you getting so upset over this? And because I find the pieces to be ugly and believe the quality doesn't match up with the price, unlike pretty much any other brand items. I'm not a collector or someone interested in having complete sets so I don't really think like one.

>> No.9233949

I'm not. I just don't understand why you have such a hard time coming up with the most obvious reason for buying brand accessories.

>> No.9235000

I just want them to do a preorder or another release with more stock. Please AH...

>> No.9235084

I got a necklace in and brooch and it is great quality. I buy AP jewelry as well--I will say AH seems to be better quality.
I am very happy with my purchase, and would buy from them again.

>> No.9235123

I kind of agree with you but I like how a lot of brand jewelry looks. Some of it I'd buy but items like qpot I could never bring myself to spend retail on. Its not even a precious metal so I find it hard to justify spending so much on a piece that will just tarnish over time.

>> No.9235142
