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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9211249 No.9211249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

G'day sheilas,
So there's an argument in /fit/ atm, and I was told to come get your advice about it.
Just wondering if you girls can check it out.

>> No.9211255


>> No.9211258

The basic gist of things are whether /fit/ or /fa/ is more likely to pull you sheilas.

Whats your take?

>> No.9211262

Someone once dared to ask opinions of larme in a women's fashion thread in /fa/ and they shit on it. Since I'm only here for larme, no thanks on /fa/. They're more picky than lolitas.

/fit/ maybe; it's obviously attractive for a guy to take care of himself, but we would probably assume most of you are gay, soz

>> No.9211263

Neither unless there's some sort of group /fa/ girls I'm not aware of.
>tfw all you want is a qt lolita girlfriend to twin with

>> No.9211266

>implying we aren't gay
>implying semen isn't a high quality protein source
>implying we are saying no to any sort of protein
>implying men don't have the more aesthetic body out of the two sexes
>implying a mirror isn't all we need to be fulfilled
>implying we don't want to keep all the tight spandex for ourselves
>implying we're sharing meals with anyone who isn't lifting heavy
>implying woman can spot my bench
>implying it's unfair to you if we date you because we will force you to get /fit/
>implying we don't all wear squat plugs daily
>implying Big P is gay
>implying homosex sex isn't best sex

N-no homo.

>> No.9211267

We need more board crossovers. This is a blast.

>> No.9211268

So any of you girls an archaeologist?

>> No.9211270

>we would probably assume most of you are gay, soz

>> No.9211271

Come visit anytime girls, we're usually just lifting, shitposting and eating.

>> No.9211272

we share a lot in common, anon. perhaps we can make this work

>> No.9211274
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any of you girls chicken farmers?

>> No.9211276

>this post

>my head

>> No.9211277
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Now that the dust has settled, what girls consider to be more important, massive quads or visible abs?

>> No.9211278

i need someone who knows how to raise a cock ;)

>> No.9211280

They're both gay, so neither. I'd stick around to watch them fuck though.

>> No.9211283

/fa/ is worst board
We really need a women's /fa/ board or an alt fashion board.

Would pick /fit/ over /fa/ any day

>> No.9211286
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>tfw no /cgl/ gf to dress me up in cute outfits while calling me a faggot for enjoying it

why even live

>> No.9211288

I think I speak for all of /fit/ when I say that this is the answer we want the most out of you:

Do you care about legs?
Or should we only do curls like CHAD does, since you're only interested in a guy's biceps and maybe abs.

>> No.9211294
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>lifting for girls
Never gonna make it.

>> No.9211295

I know this is a joke but if a guy has stick legs and great arms I'm not interested
If he has okay arms but strong ass legs I'm still interested

Also I like a bit of gut over a strong stomach, cut looking abs are okay sometimes but I'm more of a fan of the bulking look and not the cutting

>> No.9211297

>prefers legs over arms
>familiar with bulking/cutting terminology

Shoo shoo /fit/
Let the girls answer properly

>> No.9211299

I only have eyes for /pol/

>> No.9211302

>implying no one other than /fit/ can know words

I'm sorry can you rephrase? my little lolita brain needs things explained slowly and in bad french

>> No.9211304

omelette du fromage

>> No.9211305

oooooh okay thanks

>> No.9211306

I prefer delicious legs to big arms and abs.

That being said, I'd rather watch two /fit/ guys fuck that date one.

>> No.9211309


Punchline incoming?

>> No.9211310

n-no homo?

>> No.9211312

I got a bone for you to examine ;)

>> No.9211313
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>I like a bit of gut over a strong stomach
t. landwhale

>> No.9211314

Depends. Maybe /fit/, if the guy is willing to cosplay my husbando.

>> No.9211315
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what does /cgl/ think of the klokov body type?

fuck that twink ottermode shit.

>> No.9211316
File: 37 KB, 491x315, 1459541736105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ spills over into /fit/ a lot

t. /pol/ack getting /fit/ for the racewar

>> No.9211319

Wasn't it the height war? Man, am I mixing threads...

>> No.9211322
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Manlets will never learn, but their height cucks them out of the gene pool so no need to wage war.

>> No.9211324

>cgl girls
>not obese

Pick one pls

>> No.9211330
File: 547 KB, 1000x1092, madoka lifting dyel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile on /fit+cgl/

>> No.9211332

I vote /fit/ and /fa/ fags to just fuck each other. None of us want you.

>> No.9211338
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What bodytypes look best to you?

>> No.9211342

My boyfriend frequents /tg/ and /k/ and I've honestly never been happier. When I dated a /fit/ guy, he was a total manchild.

>> No.9211343
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this desu, I'm skinnyfat don't deserve either

>> No.9211344

6a and 8d.

>> No.9211346

d8 with more chest hair
c4 is also nice.

>> No.9211349

If you would get together with a /fit/izen, chances are that you'd be force-fed nutritional info in the first week and set on a path of health.

I mean, it's only hard to lose weight when you don't actually know what you're doing and tumbling through crazy crash / meme diets from women's health magazines. It's about changing the lifestyle after all.

>> No.9211353
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the results of /cgl/ /fit/ crossovers

>tfw no qt3.14 /cgl/ gf to lift for

>> No.9211363

>force-fed nutritional info
wait so is it bad that I told my roommate how to bulk and that fat converting into muscle is a meme? dudes a /fa/ twink.

>> No.9211364

Obviously not, knowledge is power. But why would you tell a twink how to bulk? Bulking is for bodybuilders on hella roids at the upper range of what can be achieved muscle-wise. For average joes, lifting at maintenance with extra protein intake is a perfectly fine way of building muscle.

>> No.9211367

B-but SS.. gomad...

>> No.9211368

cause the fucker is 5'' 9' 126 lbs. Nigga can't cut so he literally has to bulk.


>> No.9211369

That's so 2012 /fit/. 2016 /fit/ got lazy and uses apps. Myfitnesspal and 5x5 are your cruise control to swole.

>> No.9211377
File: 30 KB, 474x395, fat fertility godesses throughout the ages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, to all the seagulls, if you seriously want to get thin and kawaii, try installing that program. Yeah, Myfitnesspal. It's a calorie counter that accesses the huge databases full of nutritional info that all mass manufacturers of food are by law required to give up to the public by now. You can select the actual food you bought at Walmart and just type in how much you had of it if you just weigh it before / after cooking. It's a great way to slim down, over months and months, if you stick to it.

>> No.9211379

dubs of truth
>went from 180 (30% bf) to 156 (not 30% bf)
>6 lbs till goal of 150

>> No.9211383

Are there cosplay boys that dress like Lolita women haha that would be awesome if there was...

>> No.9211384

Hey /cgl/ did it hurt when you fell from heaven? ;)

Because boy, your face sure got messed up.

>> No.9211386
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>> No.9211389


>> No.9211391


>> No.9211392
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>> No.9211395
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Neither, I'd rather date /lit/

>> No.9211397

Someone post the /fit/ guy wearing a dress

>> No.9211408
File: 21 KB, 500x375, 1475426483219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fit actually claims they don't lift for girls
>see this thread

>> No.9211409

please refer to >>9211266

>> No.9211418

I'd like him better without the two tumor-looking things on his neck. The name of the muscle escapes me at the moment, but it's super off-putting.

Other than that tho, he's hot. 8/10 would dress up as husbando.