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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9195291 No.9195291 [Reply] [Original]

Otome game Cosplay, game inspired casual wear and discussion thread

>> No.9195301
File: 117 KB, 500x667, tumblr_oculkpVjCb1tsb9u9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Seven, but whoever designed those glasses needs to be punched in the face because there is so way they'll ever look good IRL

>I'll never have the perfect Zen cosplay BF

>> No.9195303

they didn't even look good in game.

>tfw 90% of cosplays of any otome game are girls dressed as dudes
>for mystic messenger its the above but done even more poorly

>> No.9195307

I don't know, I got stuck on his route because I wouldn't be outright mean to people and I'm tired of him being a tsundere bitch.

>> No.9195311

>for mystic messenger its the above but done even more poorly
The unfortunate fate of a FOTM cosplay, honestly. If something's popular, you can always guarantee half the cosplays are shit just because people throw things together before moving on to the next big thing.

>> No.9195347

Thanks for making the topic, OP !
>tfw 6 hours since last chat
Im on the fence about cosplaying MM but it's neat you can use your smartphone with the game mainscreen as a photo prop if you did.

Sadly the only character I could do proper is Seven because I'm a redhead with glasses.

>> No.9195369

There is this wild thing called a wig and contacts

>> No.9195376

I wanted to cosplay as the MC for MM, but I feel like not a lot of people would be able to tell unless I dressed my bf up as Seven or something haha

>> No.9195397

Oh I know, it's just that I look awful with dark/ white hair because of my gingerdom and I really don't want to be Yoosung.

>> No.9195448
File: 417 KB, 1389x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you wore the white dress/red bow outfit with the bondage and then dressed up your bf as jumin? I feel like most girls would just push you aside and want a pic of your bf or worse try and touch him and stuff unless you're good at being territorial. That's the vibe I'm getting from this fandom atm, I could be wrong.

>> No.9195470
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>> No.9195471
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>> No.9195480
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I mostly only have pictures of Seven cosplays, but here's a pretty Zen.

>> No.9195488

If you do this though, you gotta get those long ass 'hime-bangs' that cover her eyes.

>> No.9195517

that's one shooped jaw

>> No.9195547

was this thread started as a thinly disguised MM thread

>> No.9195560

>not liking a bit of tsun

It'll get better anon, trust me. It takes a few in game days but he'll get there.

>> No.9195565

>thinly disguised
Nah. Pretty sure the intent was super out in the open hahah

>> No.9195568

The cringe thread got off topic on MM stuff, thus this thread was made

>> No.9195570
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I laughed when I saw this one so into the thread it goes

>> No.9195571
File: 124 KB, 475x740, 558927c0-b746-4439-866b-a897ba8e12fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zen called me several times this day

Feels good

>> No.9195581

>only got one call today
>call was missed
>didn't even see it for hours

I have no idea how I missed it.

>> No.9195589

Have there been any good Jumin Han cosplays yet?

>> No.9195591
File: 168 KB, 720x1280, c0224771-8889-4f27-af25-9b11da879f87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Yoosung just hung up on me...

>> No.9195592
File: 477 KB, 540x960, 6011df7b-09a0-44fb-ac8c-7c162d5f98ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best one I've found

>> No.9195605

Why does it look like they just reused a Kuroshitsuji Sebastian cosplay? Right down to the wig and eye makeup.

>> No.9195619
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>> No.9195629


>all this heavy eye make up
Kills the cosplays for me.

>> No.9195634

What day were you on? Did you call him first?

>> No.9195640
File: 174 KB, 494x740, af083c3a-3220-4b7a-9017-3fd554547442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 5, he called, I'm on Zens route.

I think it was because I got an email in the same moment

>> No.9195648
File: 286 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_oda14iSh6b1u7yx3go3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh. Thats never happened to me...Make sure you report any bugs because that one could become a big problem. Especially for people without calling cards.

>> No.9195654
File: 71 KB, 400x538, tumblr_od5k1bAmyL1tbaxf9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I ever complete my quest to find the perfect puppy Yoosung? I have low hopes.

Speaking of which, I wanted to see if you could booty call him (2am) before he gets too attached to you/before day 7 and after day 4 and it surprisingly works. Woke him up and got some cute sleepy conversation before he fell out but at least he answered...unlike Zen.

>> No.9195666

Thank you. I really want to see more Zen cosplay!

>> No.9195691

Oooh I like this Jumin!! Good find anon.

>> No.9195753
File: 63 KB, 462x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9195759

so ive been playing to get zen's route this whole time and i just got yoosoung's route and i dont understand, i was flirting so heavily with zen...
i think i messed up because i was way too nice to yoosoung when seven was messing with him and got him to quit gaming, but i just felt bad for him and now im stuck with his route and all i wanted was zen.... any tips? should i just go for the bad ending or start over, or should i just play it out and aim harder for zen next?

>> No.9195771

If you haven't, play it out and try to see the positives in Yoosung. He's the opposite of my type too but he has lots of character development!

>> No.9195772

I'd say start over...The suggested timeline is Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, and then Seven for the correct story setup. You might spoil yourself to a bit of the others' backstories.
Next time go along with some of Seven's teasing. No need to be a bitch but joining in the jokes is fine. You can also purposely choose the wrong answers for texts from Yoosung so you don't get any added hearts.

>> No.9195778

I thought you only got Jumin when you paid the 50 hourglasses to unlock stuff. Same with Seven?

>> No.9195780

I disagree anon. I have played them all and honestly it doesn't matter which order you take the casual routes. I accidentally started with Yoosung and yes while his is a little more dark I don't think it makes big enough of a difference to tell other anon to scrap his route and begin again.

>> No.9195784

its 80 family

>> No.9195785

JaeHee: Anon, whatever you do remember that I am always supporting you.
Zen: I'll support you too.

I'm not crying it's just raining inside the house.

>> No.9195786

i want to cosplay MC just so i can romance a jaehee cosplayer and get out of the friendzone

>> No.9195787

I would volunteer to be the JaeHee in that case. I went from loving Zen to loving JaeHee and now I want both. Every time I get those double hearts I just get all dreamy because I'm rotten and want them both.

Pretty sure my route ends up with me being forever alone while JaeHee and Zen get super close even if they don't date.

>> No.9195790

You do. Its 80.

I have as well and I'm just saying that the story flows best together when they're played in that order. Since anon asked, I gave my input. Its not like they can't go back later though - save the game on the 5th day before the chats or at a good time and come back to it at a later date around the same time. It also helps to save at that time so you don't have to replay everything to go back for the bad ends.

>> No.9195803

True. The way you worded it made it seem like it was gospel, but I forgot you can save, so that's a good point.

>> No.9195807

I can't stand JaeHee and it makes me sad because a girl in an otogame is so rare. She just reminds me of this girl in my friendgroup who has a similar personality and I can't stand her (that whole calculating/I'm right thing) so I keep projecting.

Tbh I don't understand how people are saying Seven is the tsun option? I see JaeHee as it, she's really cold and cautious but she keeps asking if you're ok in messages and stuff while Seven is more lighthearted and joking and flirts with you. Yeah his route is definitely the most angsty but it's not tsun

>> No.9195819

>slept 16 hours after buying a route
>missed about an entire day
Can I restart? fuck

>> No.9195841

>can't stand JaeHee
You mind if I ask why? I mean at first I didn't like her because she was a bit like Jumin where she had no personality and was just a bland assistant but she gets so much better and really looks up to you. The only person that strikes me as the "I'm always right!" person is Jumin. I've been yelling at him for three days now for being such a massive dick.

But yeah, definitely give JaeHee a chance because once you get past the first few days and get closer to her, she's so sweet and is always calling you because she wanted to hear your voice and how it just makes her day to talk to you. Her personality does a complete 180 from boring robot to a woman loosening up and realizing she deserves to be happy (thanks to you!)

But I do get what you're saying though. I have a friend who is just like Seven (as he is without getting further into his route) where it's all unfunny jokes and bad typing and lawlrandom-ness. It's really put me off going his route but I'll probably save it for last.

>> No.9195842

You can restart if your game was saved recently otherwise you'll have to go through the days between then and now again.
Also restart around midnight! That way you won't miss any chats.

>> No.9195845

I just don't like her character. I see her as very hypocritical and just very rude. I know she's supposed to be the overworked assistant and stern but a lot of the time I just think she's being unnecessarily cold to Yoosung and Seven. The only time I thought she was funny or cute was when she got drunk. Her obsession with Zen is off-putting (I know it's just a game but if I had a friend who was secretly obsessed with me or a friend who was famous I'd call them out on it so fast), and I didn't like how she'd get concerned whenever I'd flirt with Zen.

>> No.9195852

Yeah she is a bit obsessed with Zen but I guess I'm used to it because the way they portray her as a fan is very true to Korean fangirls. They're very strict with how they treat their idols (aside from the crazies) and maintain a strict distance away and buy a ton of stuff to benefit their oppa.

>> No.9195853

Jaehee is not cold though. Maybe you're just projecting your (ex?)friend onto her? Yeah she's cautious and by-the-book, but very kindhearted. She worries a lot about others, especially those she admires, which is why she gets upset when she thinks you're going to cause Zen trouble (MC being too flirtatious with him could cause celebrity drama).

>> No.9196031
File: 141 KB, 936x1024, e2e98bea4ab9d765cc3d0ffccac67f2725c677b4_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this thread will just become an MM thread, not that I'm complaining. But since we're on the topic of Otomes, has anyone done a good cosplay, or any cosplay of the boys from Wizardess Heart?

Popping up a cosplay I found of the MC from wizardess heart.

>> No.9196143

I feel the same way, honestly. I like her when it's not concerning Zen but from my (admittedly Western) perspective some of the dialogue sounds so much like the jealous girl being salty the new girl got picked over her. Especially that conversation where she's basically being like 'don't trust her, trust me zen~' and gets also like 'you'll create a scandal if you visit zen, but it's totally fine if i go!!'

I feel like i'd like her if I did her route but since I'm doing Zen's now I find her manner really offputting.

>> No.9196158

Jaehee isn't like that at all. She's very sweet, just stuck under Jumin's thumb. Her route is great.

>> No.9196161
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>> No.9196280

>Yeah his route is definitely the most angsty but it's not tsun

Anon he's tsun. He's flirty until you really start flirting back then he'll back off and try to change the subject. Just because he doesn't act like the stereotype all the time doesn't mean he isn't a tsundere.

>> No.9196300

>I feel the same way, honestly. I like her when it's not concerning Zen but from my (admittedly Western) perspective some of the dialogue sounds so much like the jealous girl being salty the new girl got picked over her.
So I'm not the only one thinking that lol..

>> No.9196304


I feel this. Yes she keeps repeating that she doesn't want Zen to be in a relationship because of a 'scandal' but her actions and her insistence that she's been his fan for longer, she's more trustworthy, she's really dedicated etc. etc. scream that she has an attitude at the very least of 'if I can't have him, no one can'

>tfw I would love jaehee if she grudgingly respected Zen's wishes, or only 'advised' him against it once or twice

>> No.9196306
File: 32 KB, 640x360, filename_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing about Mystic Messenger is that I have exactly the same haircut as the player character. It makes me want to cosplay her, but I feel like if I do, no one would probably even notice I'm cosplaying something. I guess I would need a group.

>> No.9196310

I really loved her route. I think other players are just confusing her devotion and protectiveness to Zen (as a fan) as hostility towards MC. She's extremely sweet otherwise, and her character is very relatable.

>> No.9196313

spoilers asshole

>> No.9196323 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 103x129, 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on day 6, so that would be a spoiler for me too. It's pretty much the least spoilerish image I could find where you see her. Unless I go for this, but then people would complain it's anti sized.

>> No.9196324
File: 27 KB, 103x129, 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on day 6, so that would be a spoiler for me too. It's pretty much the top thing I get in google search, and imo one of the lesser spoiler ones (as opposed to kiss scenes and whatsnot). Anyway, I found an avatar image too after a looong search, so have it your way.

>> No.9196325

Hmm I can't delete the older image anymore, too bad.

>> No.9196336
File: 164 KB, 500x357, tumblr_od1zn15Wnw1vzs76ho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the original JaeHee anon but maybe I got a lucky turn in my route because at first she did warn me away from Zen and was very upset that I might cause Zen problems or even ruin his career but once I started being friendly to her, she stopped immediately. I could flirt with Zen and even make flirty comments to her in the same chat and she'd never say anything about it and actually wanted the three of us to talk more. She really opened up and we both talked about Zen and she wanted to share her merch of him with me and everything.

>> No.9196341
File: 822 KB, 500x280, 380a6e08267215a837fd93ac426853f17e03d8fe_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaehee: Aah~ You're beginning to sound more like Zen.
Jaehee: I want you to like me more.

Then why won't you go on a date with me? You've already come up with ten places you want to meet me on Day 11!

>> No.9196378
File: 145 KB, 1383x2048, FB_IMG_1474642221996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Han will see you now.

>> No.9196380

You had me until I enlarged the picture.

>wig dandruff???
>dandruff on the suit???
>that seaweed tie

>> No.9196411

>kids being salty they got banned

It's fun seeing people who flat out cheated by changing the times on their phones got banned.
I'm very happy with my 60 HR compensation though.

>> No.9196419

Was that what all the fuss was about on the FB comments? I just glanced at it, saw complaining, then left.

>> No.9196430

Some entitled brats have even made a petition.
I wish they realized how good Cheritz has been to us compared to so many other companies.>>9196419

>> No.9196489


I think a lot of the hate towards her is from people who haven't played her route. She doesn't really come out of her shell in the other routes so you don't get to understand why she's so closed off. Still mad they went with the friendzone ending though. I wish I could've dated her for real.

Actually, I played her route first and despite Jumin slowly kind of redeeming himself in other routes, I still really don't like him. His route seems really gross from what I've read of it, too.

>> No.9196492
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>> No.9196496
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>> No.9196504
File: 87 KB, 608x1080, IMG_1844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though MM has some of the most self-entitled fans i've ever seen. Game is free but still demands hourglasses over the smallest things. Cheritz has been really kind to the international audience when there was no need for thembto. I hope this doesn't put them off of making more mobile otome games.

>> No.9196521

I hope so. They're just whiny teenagers more than likely with all the complaints that they can't play during the day for X reason so they deserve to cheat the system. That and they probably want all the hourglasses to waste on calling characters.

>> No.9196531

>that shitty drawn tattoo

At least they didn't overdo on the make up.

Yep, I don't have the cap with me but at least one person complains how students can't possible wake up on time for all the chats, how it's unfair to them, and how expensive hourglasses are (have these people ever played any mobage?)

>> No.9196538

>have these people ever played any mobage?)

I have the impression that since it exploded n popularity, most of this people have never played any mobage (or any otoge, for that matter).

>> No.9196539


Am I missing something? I'm a college student and yeah, I miss the 1am-3am chats but I don't see why that's an issue? Do you absolutely need to 100% every day for some reason?

I haven't even used my hourglasses except on the early days when I thought I needed to get all the chats. Now I just save them up to unlock modes.

>> No.9196542

Anon they're just a bunch of whiny entitled kids, nothing they're claiming makes sense. I'm a student as well and I just put on an extra alarm not to miss the chats. That 30 minutes of lost sleep isn't going to make much difference.

Probably, the people most confused by the petition seem to be those playing otoges or mobages, because compared to the money you easily waste in those games, hourglasses are nothing.

>> No.9196543

Hello fellow loser then~! I'd set an alarm but I'm the type that once I wake up I can't go back to sleep for a long time so it's better I just miss the two chats. So far I've had good luck and it's always been Yoosung or Seven instead of JaeHee or Zen whose route I'm on.

>> No.9196548

Yeah it really depends on how fast you can go back to sleep, I'm always sleep deprived no matter what so for me it doesn't really make a difference, and I gladly pay a few dollars for hourglasses to get my missed chats back.

Overall the game is one of the most laid back games I've played in regards to paying for stuff, you can easily play through all routes without ever paying a dollar, especially when they give out compensations like today.

>> No.9196549

It really is laid back. I've never played a mobile dating game so I had expected to pay to unlock things but it was a pleasant surprise to be compensated enough to unlock deep mode whenever I finish since I have over 110 HG now saved up.
The only thing I could see myself spending money on is the unlimited calling cards. I hope they start selling merch soon though since I missed out on the VIP bundle.

>> No.9196553

The bundle will be back in Oct. and I think there may be some drama CDs for sale on their site...I haven't been there in a bit.

>> No.9196555

I want the VIP bundle though I can't afford getting one when it'll be released again unfortunately.

They even include english translations in it, how amazing is that?

>> No.9196581
File: 112 KB, 492x740, IMG_1847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On another note. Just a reminder that Amnesia:memories is only $3 for another 1-2 days or so on humble bundle so get on that.

>> No.9196603

I have a seriously hard time getting guests. I have 3 failed and only one completed. Also some answers I pick just becomes awfully rude like wtf

>> No.9196606

Just use the email guide, anon.

>> No.9196612

Maybe next route. I want to make my first route completely without guides, but damn it, I'm sure I'll only have 3 guests in the end. I just seriously insulted the campus students

>> No.9196622

Third anon but I had to google the answers to some like with "RamG" and the photographer. The others I just tried my best. Maybe it'll be easier next route.

>> No.9196623

>humble bundle
I had no idea this was even a thing. Thank you so much anon! You're saving my poor student wallet.

>> No.9196626

Well some of these are completely unreasonable. You blamed me for suggesting the wrong color of thread? Really??

>> No.9196630

>search Amnesia:memories

Am I missing something?

>> No.9196646

I only see shit games in the current humble bumble, where is amnesia? Please spoon feed me, anon

>> No.9196672

>he has lots of character development
I think that's why I loved his character, too. I hate the whole cute but yandere shit, but it didn't go where I thought it would. His route made my heart warm.

>> No.9196757
File: 25 KB, 236x354, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded it on Sunday and it was still at the 2.99 price. It may have ended but I hope it didn't, Amnesia was a lot of fun even though it's hard since you have to answer basically perfect for the good end.

>> No.9196778

Touma's routes were hilarious.

>> No.9196847

It looks like it ended, anon. Oh well.

>> No.9196862

Maybe I'm weird but I really like Jumin? Going through the Zen route just made me like him more. Maybe because I'm also a cold jerk who makes fun of my friends but would actually try my best to do what's right for them.

>> No.9196879
File: 257 KB, 600x900, a9bfddbe3129bf313d35f03ac284f27f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jumin is my favorite for sure. He reminds me so much of why I played through Alice in the Country of Hearts for Blood Dupre. I love the fact that they added little quirks to him so he's a confident jerk, but he acts more like a father than his own dad.

I'm planning a group cosplay for it for an upcoming convention, and hoping to get one last person for Jumin. My entire weekend lineup will be from otomes, and hoping to have my Country of Hearts group too.

>> No.9196890

I didn't like Blood Dupre though??? My tastes are too confusing.

Also I'm seriously jealous. I want to do a MM cosplay group but I don't know anyone who would suit most of the characters.

>> No.9196891
File: 47 KB, 540x283, tumblr_nsyzh4Lik71rvdh8no6_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw on Day 10 and waiting for time to roll over

>> No.9196899

I like him too, but I like Zen more, so for Zen's sake I need to diss him. Guess I can be pro-Jumin on his own route (I'm currently also on Zen's).

>> No.9196906

Fuck you weiners for making me download this fuck ass game. I hate that I love it.
Anyway, how do I get Zen's thirsty ass to hop off my dick? I'm fixing to settle down with Jumin's delicious ass self but senpai won't notice me.

>> No.9196916

sempai won't notice your ass until you shell out 80hg for the Deep story. Pick your second favorite and farm for hourglasses.

>> No.9196917

Compliment cats, be a proper lady when evevyone else is goofing off, and make fun of Zen with him. Also take his side sometimes when he tells Jaehee to do something unreasonable.

>> No.9196925

pick one or fight me senpai

>> No.9196926
File: 76 KB, 1440x1440, 2016-09-23_18.46.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoosung is so cute. I forgot in his GR that he actually goes to bed at a reasonable time so I called him early in the morning and woke him up. First time I ever felt bad for waking a fake character up. At least I got to hear cute sleepy mutterings but god did I feel bad for a second.

The things Jumin tells Jaehee to do are kinda unreasonable though. "I'm coming by in the middle of the night to drop off my cat kthx"
I wanted to protect the poor assistant but I needed to finish Jumin's route too, anon! No bully, please!

>> No.9196929

Oh, I completely misread your post, I thought you said "when Jaehee tells Jumin to do something unreasonable" and I was about to start WW3 I'm sorry

>> No.9196931

She couldn't if she wanted to anyway. He lets so much roll off of him...

>> No.9196949
File: 127 KB, 600x900, oriond5zw8z7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand how Amnesia got so popular when some routes are legitimately horrifying and all are bad in some way. I still love Orion though. Such a sweet pea.

>> No.9196950

Is anyone else unable to respond to text messages? I'm not sure if it's the game dynamic or a glitch. I'm on the 10th day and the texts I've gotten tonight I can't reply to.

>> No.9196957
File: 68 KB, 533x800, fc6750dc306474e36af47f29bea3a758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to get to that Deep Story.

I played through Yoosung first, and I felt like his route really resonated with him. It's deliberately creepy at first and it escalates from 0 to 100 really quickly, but by the end, I felt really satisfied by it. I think the prank played on him was one of the best parts.

I share the same feeling, anon.

>> No.9196962
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>> No.9196964
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>> No.9196965

Some you just can't answer. If you're on one of the last days it may be scripted that way.

>> No.9196966
File: 529 KB, 424x638, utapri___nanairo_no_compass_by_dinocavallone-d6qw93n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9196967


>> No.9196971
File: 362 KB, 1024x1536, code_realize___rebirth_by_akabarayashiki-d9jcs49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9196973
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>> No.9196978
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>> No.9196981
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>> No.9197020

Shit, I know them irl

About to finish up Yoosung's route and wondering if I should go with Zen or Seven next ~

>> No.9197030

You should probably leave Seven for last.

>> No.9197036

I've heard that his route is the true ending, but I've already been half spoiled by scrolling through the Tumblr tag.

>> No.9197227

Does Queen Bee's Sweet Mating count?

>> No.9197246
File: 789 KB, 797x526, Lupin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How confused will I be if I skip Yoosung and do his route after Jumin & 707? I don't really like his character archetype much and I don't want to wait another 11 days to start the deep route after I finish Jaehee's.

(And a Code: Realize cosplay to stay /cgl/ relevant)

>> No.9197249

God damn you /cgl/ I've been playing MM for the last few days. Day 7 on Yoosung's route. I can't wait for it to pick up. Zen is probably next.

>mfw I fell asleep early and missed the late night chats/calls. Gah

>> No.9197254

Yoosung is changes archetype once you're on his route. I don't think the order affects your understanding so you won't be confused, just possibly spoiled.

>> No.9197290

>how do I get Zen's thirsty ass to hop off my dick

Oh anon, he's always thirsty, and if he's less thirsty he's busy giving you relationship advice and telling you to have safe sex

>> No.9197326
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>just got the game last night
>didnt really get that it was in real time so missed all the day one phone calls and had to pay to answer the messages in the chat room.

I feel like a foooooool. Either way having fun with it so far, but will admit the whole 'party planning' thing is confusing me. Like I guess the semantics of it hasnt happened yet because I certainly havent gotten any emails about guests or what ever.

>> No.9197331
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Man that was my reaction when I watched the anime. I havent played the game but I was told it was pretty beat for beat (which was half the shows problem, it did not do a good job translating the different routes thing into a single narrative)

but like, the fact that the main guy's route involves him attempting to murder you several times over i sone thing, that Shin also skeeves me out and seems to not really be the best of people is another, but then theres fucking Toma.

I cant even. That this is the good route is not something I'm really ok with, even if he does let her out and 'learns the errors of his ways' and thats not even touching his bad end.

But yeah Orion was a cutie patootie. I think the only things I liked in that story were Orion and Ikki.

>> No.9197340

Same here anon, watched the anime (MC's design is adorable though) and I just couldn't imagine liking any of the guys. All of them seemed horrible. Later on I read what I could find about the actual routes in the game and it didn't really make me feel much better.

I think the same about Diabolik Lovers though, where all the guys are just as bad, if not worse in some cases.

>> No.9197343

Oh man, how nostalgic

Doctor was my first husbando

>> No.9197400

So basically Stockholm Syndrome: The Games ?
>Which one will make your heart dokidoki after days of living in a cage and being brainwashed? Pay $39.99 to find out!

>> No.9197401
File: 1.23 MB, 444x250, 147745-weird-al-yankovic-sipping-tea-GdeO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the whole party planner thing you'll get characters in the chat saying they know X organization/person and maybe you should invite them? You have to agree and then you'll get an email from X asking you a question to basically determine if it's worth their time to go. You have to get all three questions right to secure them as a guest.

Most of mine are Correct, Correct, Incorrect and I got a "Maybe I'll come if I have time that day" answer so I'm not sure if that means I've got a 50/50 chance of them showing up or it's an outright no chance.

>mfw the romance writers guild wanted to come just to meet Zen and bewitch him into marriage
I felt no regrets at outright rejecting her.

>> No.9197415

>Day 7 of Zen's route.
>He's totally dtf.
>Warning! The game branches here!


H-he still kicked her out, though. I'm still in, r-right?

>> No.9197432

Not that anon, My only secured guest is the crazy catlover
At least Jumin will have someone to talk to

>> No.9197462

Toma's the only one that pulls the cage shit, but all the guys got some levels of problems.

Honestly though that's why I find it fun.

>> No.9197486

You're good. He ain't gonna pound that butt that early. Make sure to call him at night if you visit his home again.

>> No.9197491
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Hahaha, anon I totally feel the same way. With MM and amnesia. I just finished Jumin's route and the whole time I'm thinking "why is it such a problem if he wants to keep me locked in his penthouse??" Toma's is definitely 10x worse but I was kind of into that, too, he just wanted to protect the heroine. Maybe I just have issues.

>> No.9197506
File: 160 KB, 606x1062, IMG_9941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Zen so much.

>> No.9197508

Aaaah it's 1:30am on day 8.. And it says "today v" over it, but I can only open day 7.

Is it just because there's no chatrooms for day 8 yet? Or should I report it as a bug?

>> No.9197513

Please no spoilers...

>> No.9197516

It is because no chatroom as been opened yet.

>> No.9197518
File: 124 KB, 900x1200, CsByakQUEAAZdiA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from a random barely-plot-related conversation in Yoosung's route, you're fine.

>> No.9197521

Ok good! Im on Zen's route and I don't wanna get spoiled too much

>> No.9197565
File: 506 KB, 500x283, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just got Jaehee's good ending with passionate "female friendship is as good as any hetero relationship" speech


>> No.9197571
File: 1.27 MB, 960x1280, eb5aaf1e-0e3f-443b-a307-152c5f7c74d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Jumin don't stop whining about Zen not wanting to do his stupid cat commercial I'm gonna punch something

Accept a no ffs

>> No.9197628

Im thinking of making straps for each Mymes character with the phrase "Have you eaten yet?"

>> No.9197632

>no abs

>> No.9197634

Do it, but add in their favorite food to make it less boring.

>> No.9197641

Ikr, I also find him so annoying for holding on to that. I didn't dislike Jumin, but I'm starting to...

>> No.9197713
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Got banned on MysMes even though i've never touched the time on my phone at all (desu i don't even know how to change it) and even had the update for 2 days just fine. The worst part is that i'm still getting notifications from the app about emails and messages;;; i'm all for banning abusers and cheaters but it sucks to be wrongly accused and in the same boat as all the entitled brats.

>> No.9197716

Try contacting Chertiz and explaining your situation. You're not the only one who seems to have been mistakenly banned.

>> No.9197959

This kind of irritates me. Once I have time I'm planning to rectify this problem. If I can't have my yuri end I'll make it myself

>> No.9198007

I knew from the start from other anons that it would end in friendship but I was actually pleasantly surprised when I got to the end and the dialogue was surprisingly romantic. I mean she did give you (without spoiling as best I can) a chance to be together. It's just vague enough with a massive hint in that she spent her entire savings to give you this that you could really see it was romantic. Truthfully, I see it as romantic even if it's not strictly yuri as evident by the "Our female friendship is as good as any malexfemale relationship!" speech.

>> No.9198171
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yea but at least diabolik lovers was supposed to be full of assholes who know they were giant assholes. Amnesia wasn't as intentional and aware.
though im bias, I love violent assholes in otome.

>> No.9198216

>implying [good ending and after ending] doesn't involve you sharing a home and cuddling at night
>being this hetero

Even if it's not romantic, I'm super down with being heterosexual life partners that cuddle and kiss each other on the mouth sometimes.

>> No.9198223

OP here and I'm more than happy with the knowledge that I'm together with Jaehee the way that it ended. Oddly enough, it makes it easier to be dismissive to her now that I'm starting Zen's route because I know in another life we're sharing our lives together already.

>> No.9198258

Why don't you guys just play actual yuri games?

>> No.9198277

Because often times they suck?

>> No.9198282

Those are things?

>> No.9198291

>game has one female character
>homo players who enjoy otome games like character
>Why don't you just play actual yuri games?!

Implying we're shitting up the game by liking the only non-female character while at the same time liking the males as well. Please go back to /vg/

>> No.9198312

Most of the time, they're based around schoolgirls, which gets tiring really quickly if you've been out of school for 5 years.

>> No.9198314

I love yuri but god almighty is the selection for yuri games pitiful. A lot of them feel very fetish-y, have only schoolgirls like >>9198312 or are just plain bad.

>> No.9198370

>>>Possible spoiler alert Zen Story mode <<<

Do you only get to stay the night at his house on Day 7 when on route to the bad end? Are there other opportunities to stay the night?

>> No.9198395


If I remember correctly, you stay the night in the good end a bit after the bomb scare but you don't sleep together. If you call while there, he'll tell you a some of a bedtime story before you fall asleep and then talks gently to your sleeping form. I believe you stay over twice (?) but you guys don't sleep in the same bed even if you ask to.

>> No.9198403

Whoops. Its once, you get sent back the first time. Either way, theres a wall between you when you sleep over.

>> No.9198452

small Seven route spoiler

>he wants to start a family with MC
Why the fuck do I love that so much, why is that so adorable to me.
This game is ruining me slowly.

>> No.9198458

Yes please. That's adorable and funny (Also is this like a Korean courtesy/friend thing? Asking all the time whether someone has eaten?).

>> No.9198464

I'm still confused as to why MC is totally okay with staying in a dead woman's apartment rigged with crazy security if you touch anything and also 707 watching you on camera all day like big brother. Like, it doesn't make sense to keep me there because it gives me access to the important party documents if I am LITERALLY NOT ALLOWED to touch a damn thing. Would my other friends/family not realize my actual place is abandoned for a week? Do I not have a job or studies?

>> No.9198465

They all talk about having a family with the MC (or at least being a good husband/father) at some point. Except for Jaehee of course, for obvious reasons.
Not sure how I feel about dudes in their twenties who already start talking about marriage and stuff after knowing the MC for not even two weeks.

They're are just breaking the fourth wall and make sure that you as they player don't forget to eat and get proper sleep and, y'know, not game 24/7 like an addict (in other words, don't become Yoosung).

>> No.9198468

>707 watching you on camera all day like big brother

But yea, I agree with you. It's like the biggest and most obvious plot point was never properly explained. At first I even thought she couldn't leave the apartment...
Those ~important~ party documents seem to be irrelevant too, seeing how a certain someone could have kept the MC at his place until the party with no apparent consequences.

>> No.9198471

Actually it is a Korean thing. Here's some snippets if you don't wanna read the whole thing.

>I brought up how endearing, although strange at first, it was that Koreans consistently ask if I’ve eaten and if I respond that I haven’t, inevitably food shows up
>The women then began to discuss how they saw this as a habit and not manners because they do it without thinking. It’s more similar to, “how are you?” and the response, “I’m fine” even if you’re not really fine, they explained.
>Are Koreans really asking if you’ve eaten? - Probably not. When you meet a boss, teacher, acquaintance, friend or any number of people, they will probably ask this out of habit and nothing else and the expected response is for you to say, “yes”. However, my husband says that around meal time, your friends might actually be asking if you’ve eaten and then it’s just up to you to figure out the appropriate response. But if you say, “no” and you’re not hungry then say that you’re fine afterward so there isn’t an awkward shuffle to find you food in the aftermath.

Article that talks more about it and whatnot:

>> No.9198476

>Koreans consistently ask if I’ve eaten and if I respond that I haven’t, inevitably food shows up
>mfw periodically forget to eat because busy
>mfw if I ever lived in Korea I would feel like some homeless lady that gets pity food if I didn't just lie every time and tell them that I ate

>> No.9198489
File: 110 KB, 490x740, 3e1f7d61-9804-4f84-bcb8-3a327399da13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to punch that Echo Girl in the face

>> No.9198504

dem tiddies tho

>> No.9198507

I wish. It'll probably just end up being the three first ones, if anyone ever does cosplay them.

>> No.9198521

Banned anon here. I've mailed them but seeing as how many emails they'll probably get because of this whole incident makes me feel like mine would be missed out or not read.

Come on cheritz, i have faith in you!! <3

Also apparently quitting the app halfway through a chat is considered a ban too. gg to anyone who's game freeze/lags or if you run out of battery on your phone.

>> No.9198535

>Not sure how I feel about dudes in their twenties who already start talking about marriage and stuff after knowing the MC for not even two weeks.

I mean the game only spans 11 days, and if they don't then it'll just feel lacking in the romance department.

>> No.9198536

>quitting the app halfway through a chat is considered a ban too.

Hahahaaaaa. Fuck. My phone has crahed out SO MANY times mid-chatroom.

>> No.9198562

I'm not interested in girls, and lol that includes Jaehee as well.

>> No.9198564

She and her playboy tits can fuck off. I love how she thought she could sway with big tits but got dissed lol.

>> No.9198588
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>Call Zen to try to make him feel better.
>Hangs up on me.

I got the bad end, didn't I?

>> No.9198611

Not sure what "game inspired casual wear" is? And do people actually do that?

>> No.9198769
File: 804 KB, 747x496, fuka_axel_ozmafia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In one of the phone calls with Zen it's implied that MC is still going to job/school until the actual bomb threat happens (one of you're available responses is that you need to leave to go to work/school soon). Phone calls are hard to track down though and I can't remember what day it was on.

>> No.9198833

So basically everytime I say no I haven't eaten yet I'm being that awkward person who takes "how are you" to mean "please tell me exactly how you are, how you've ever been, and how you expect to be in the future." Got it.

>> No.9198835

I thought the implication was that you went along with it because clearly someone put you there for a reason and it's probably safer to stay in touch with these guys and stay there in case something happens.

Also free apartment!

>> No.9198846

I suppose like, if you wore the outfit that the MC in Amnesia wears, but without the wig or certain details. It passes for casual wear, but anyone familiar with the game would catch the reference.

>> No.9198856

Wow, hostile. You on your rag?

>> No.9198905

Anon, I'm confused whether you've played through seven's route or not. The party documents are explained.

>> No.9199037

Well fuck me too, I have quitted the halfway through also plenty of times now. Alright, I guess I will have to be more careful from now on, and hope they didn't notice that... Thanks for the warning!

>> No.9199110

That seems really limited, so I'm not entirely sure that was the OP's intended meaning. I know a lot of MC's wear elaborate gowns or school uniforms, which are not really casual wear.

I thought it was like those things you see on Instagram of inspired outfit of a such and such character but with otome characters? Though I haven't seen that done.

>> No.9199139

I did this right now too

>mfw Zen might find me annoying

>> No.9199143

You can wear school uniform-like things casually, like nanchatte.
With ballgowns, that's where the "inspired by" aspect comes in. You can use similar colors or accessories, again so a fan would recognize it but a normie wouldn't think much of it.

>> No.9199252

If anyone missed out on $3 amnesia:memories on humble bundle, you can still get it here. https://www.indiegala.com/store/product/amnesia-memories/359390

>> No.9199261

>This deal expires in: 00:17:40:39
Just snagged me a copy, thanks anon!

>> No.9199465

Just like MM.

>> No.9199598

Thank you so much!!

>> No.9200040 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 537x416, aa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join a Japanese chatroom to learn some more of the language before visiting next year.
>Turns out that Japanese guys are thirsty af for gaijin ass.
>A couple of them are legitimate qts.
>It's like a real life MM!
>Except you have a boyfriend and he's already jealous of your 2d husbandos.

Takeshi likes horror movies. He's probably the 'bad end' husbando who wants to recreate Ito comics with your dead body.

Akira is too strict and told me off for not knowing my kanas yet. He's probably gay, but objectively the qtest.

Momoko stopped talking, but she'd probably turn out to be a huge bitch like Jaehee anyway.

>> No.9200067 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 486x456, ohu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiro's route LOCKED IN.

>inb4 he asks if I'm the weirdo who posted about them on 4chan.

>> No.9200136 [DELETED] 

Hiro's sending unsolicited dickpics already. Abort mission.

>> No.9200147 [DELETED] 

>all these yaoi ships for MM
It's not too prominent or anything and I don't mind it but I can't be the only one who never got into it right? Sure I can like a ship that's two guys (or girls for that matter) but I've never gotten this obsession with turning everyone gay one way or another.

And I was hoping this would work out for you anon.

>> No.9200218

Got Amnesia last night thanks to anon and I'm playing Kent''s route..
All I can say so far is I made a horrible mistake and I want to date my work manager instead.

Waka, save me please. I'm going to beat the shit out of this bad bondage outfit douche.

>> No.9200287

The sad part is that Kent's one of the more tolerable guys.

>> No.9200307
File: 324 KB, 770x1024, e18d1f0821442c0613ffd7b5353dd093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to realize that when I got introduced to "Too sexy for your gaze and a minute away from a fedora" and "I dress like taxi cab is a fashion style but lemme just shank you in this alley kgirl?"

>> No.9200310

Orion is best boy.

>> No.9200332

Just finished amnesia too and slight spoilers!!

The final (ukyo) route messed me up good. I played the routes in order from top to bottom and while i cried in the final route, i enjoyed Kent's (that "why do i want to hold your hand" scene won me over) and shin's route. Orion is the cutest little spirit and i enjoyed his retorts towards the guys absurd requests.

>> No.9200375

I almost forget how awful all the outfits are with the exception of MC being a qt as fuck girl

>> No.9200383

Orion I can understand for weird outfits but Shin, Ikki, Kent, and Ukyo are just straight up wacky.
I do like Mine and Toma though.

>> No.9200518
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They really are, I like how in other games their outfits become slightly better??

>> No.9200589
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Wish they would just keep their cafe outfits on all the time

>> No.9200591
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>> No.9200611
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Regarding Amnesia's Shin and Toma, all I can think is "Are these two fucking?"

>> No.9200623

Anon I can't stop laughing. That is the best way to describe the awful Amnesia outfits. Underrated post.

>> No.9200629

They're best friends, almost to a brotherly level, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a corner in the fandom that shipped them.

>> No.9200636

I just finished Kent's route so I've been exposed to them all a lot more but here's the rest if you want them:

"I still cling to Dir en Grey visual kei era for my daily outfit inspiration"

"My future occupation as a five year old was a pirate despite serving tea for a living"

"My shoe size is more ridiculous than Sora from KH but say that to my face and I'll burn your house down"

Seriously, Wakka's shoe to head ratio.. goddamn.

>> No.9200881

Anyone know where to get a good sweater for MM's mc? I found the perfect one, but it was like $150 and I'm not shelling out that kind of cash. I thought it'd be easy to find since it's just a tan turtleneck but I'm having more trouble than I realized.

>> No.9200915

She wears something different in just about every cg anon. Can you give any reference pics to what you want?

>> No.9200924

I got that phone call today, I'm on day 8.

>> No.9200963
File: 547 KB, 800x531, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know where I can buy / play any of the Alice games or even if it's translated?

>> No.9200964

>got on Zens route

fuckkkkkk yeah. First route of the game for me. Was kinda afraid I was going to get the day 5 bad ending.

>> No.9201046

Just started playing MM. Thanks to you anons. Turns out my YOUNGER sister has been playing it [She's 12]. I had it open and she was asking who I'm going for and I said the cat guy. ...Money spent later and NOW I can play his route. Ffs. I got Yoosung first, but restarted about 7 days in because I didn't want him. So fucking needy. So now on track [maybe.. Only day 2] for Jumin.

>> No.9201049
File: 1.91 MB, 1366x768, keeeeeeeeent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kent will forever be best boy. Made my perfect ending into a wallpaper actually.

>> No.9201053
File: 40 KB, 480x640, amnesia stage play.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ukyo is my husbando, I will fight you all.
>tfw the character designs were what first drew me to the game
>tfw i have bad taste

>> No.9201067
File: 63 KB, 640x480, Yami_Bakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just making sure, you got Deep Mode unlocked right? Cause otherwise you can't get Jumin in Casual Story Mode even though you get hearts for him.

>tfw I'm not sure if I'll get Yoosung or Zen for Route #2
I want to play them all but I'd really like to get Zen since I've been trying to get him from the start but got my waifu forever Jaehee first. I am intrigued by Yoosung's desire to be locked away in a room with just his computer though. Come're little masochist boy~ kekeke

I quit for the night after getting Kent's normal ending but when I get home from my college classes I'll pick it up again and replay to hope for a better one. It's going to suck starting from the beginning again but I'd rather do a whole new try than pick up from my save point or consult a guide. More fun that way.

No offense but all I know about him so far is that he's got a crazier face than this muthafucker and he likely died while trying to peep into my hospital room. Your husbando is batshit but at least he doesn't look like he's wearing a straight jacket like Kent even if he could use one.

>> No.9201194

You can still love Ukyo and hate his outfit, come on anon. The hat is so so bad. I'm obsessed with him too.

>> No.9201214

I always go for the batshit ones, anon. Midousuji Akira is my other favourite.

I fucking love the hat, and the green hair and the skirt over pants. I'm sorry, I have no shame.

>> No.9201218


Am on day 10 and thar crazy unknown dude just came to kidnap me and Zen my love just saved me. Seriously got an adrenalin kick out of it

>> No.9201241

Call him tonight anon, best phone call in the route.

>> No.9201251

Will do!

>> No.9201278
File: 116 KB, 700x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot to mention the stiletto boots and the sloppy undone tie. Jfc, his design is so bad but at least someone else appreciates Ukyo like I do. Best guy by far.

>> No.9201658

>tfw got bad end 1 of Seven's route just for Unknown

I hope my HG money has been well spend and that they're making the Unknown route I desire ever since I finished the secret endings.

>> No.9201805

I would think with the amount of people wanting routes for V and Unknown, they could make them. Especially if they're pay to unlock.

>> No.9201809

>"I dress like taxi cab is a fashion style but lemme just shank you in this alley kgirl?"

Try Shin's almost murder mystery route, decide to share Ukyo's room for shits and giggles, literally get shanked to death.
I should've heeded my own prediction.

>> No.9201821

>finally going to seduce Zen!
>enter Yoosung
>strangely attracted to his naive ways
>want to dom/sadism the hell out of him
>50/50 split for which route I'll get

Using all my save slots so I can hopefully be set for both instead of having to restart when I finish one.

Who should I do first, Zen or Yoosung?

>> No.9201856
File: 1.13 MB, 2327x1341, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the world made you think that was going to turn out any other way?? Lol.

>> No.9201861

>get a call from Jumin
>pick it up right away
"hey, you picked up right away"
>game glitches out and it says i missed the call
>call him back
"I'm working, bye"

>> No.9201868

I knew it would end badly but it made me laugh that out of everything, I got stabbed to death when that was the joke I made about him the first time I saw him in Kent's route.
I figured he'd be more the type to choke you to death while whispering sadist love lines in your ear.

>> No.9201869
File: 111 KB, 549x693, Thats Great!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon...I am so sorry for you. Poor child.

>> No.9201890

Holy shit I forgot how bad these outfits are. I wonder what made the character designer think this was ok.

>> No.9201896
File: 119 KB, 640x360, tumblr_static_tumblr_static_2iyqfsbphd448kgso8k4owkgs_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just getting started with otome VN games and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations? i'm a very visual person so good art is the first thing i look at. So far i've only played MM and Amnesia (which i really love). Also something with an interesting underlying story would be great. I'm looking into getting OZMAFIA but are there any others? I can read moonrunes so non-english ones are fine too.

>> No.9201903

There's The Men of Yoshiwara series that gets pretty steamy if you're into that.
Same company that made MM also has a couple of games that are translated.
Hakuouki is also good.

The otome game general on /vg/ has much more info desu. Go poke around there.

>> No.9201917
File: 94 KB, 288x798, 1444306545494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-Route-specific spoilers, I think~

I just finished Zen's route first and I don't like how suddenly it ended. I haven't gotten the after-ending yet, but I wish there had been some way to help V more. Or some understanding of what happened with Rika.

>> No.9201921

I'd say this was a spoiler but I'm literally on day one and I already suspected.

>> No.9201937
File: 114 KB, 500x667, tumblr_od0d7vX7PV1qiph5zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astoria: Fate's Kiss has a great lesbian romance with Medusa that's gone in to three seasons now.

Medusa cosplay for relevancy.

>> No.9201956

I'm planning on cosplaying Zen from MM soon! I just bought his wig and I'm waiting for the 30'' wefts to come in. I'll post progress when I get the chance!
I've also been dealing with midterms so I haven't gotten around to Zen's after-ending. Agh, I'm too impatient for this...

>> No.9202076

It takes time and if you ask me they're probably already working on it. Give it a few months since they'll need to have everything voice acted and drawn.

>> No.9202084

You'll get to know that after finishing Seven's route which unlocks the secret endings

>> No.9202114
File: 788 KB, 686x688, mm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phone crashed a few hours ago when it was low on battery, and now I just opened up the app again to an account ban. Two routes in, and ~960 hourglasses left. Welp.

I sent in a bug report explaining, but I don't expect to hear back.

>> No.9202115

OZMAFIA is really good, definitely play that one. Code: Realize is pretty fun and very pretty, as well. Seconding >>9201903 though, check out the /vg/ thread.

>> No.9202148
File: 65 KB, 683x1024, CqOiGnOUAAAK7Jn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man like most peoples response on how to get the good endings for Zen talk about supporting him, be understanding to Jaehee and attempting to mend bridges.

I feel like I'm doing good and then I go to check my answers against a guide every now and again, and it keeps saying the right way to the route is to act like a jealous bitch around Jaehee and be mean to her... this... worries me. I dont want to be mean to my bae.

>> No.9202151
File: 333 KB, 1031x800, tumblr_ml9j064Orm1ru510ho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone played or cosplayed from Nameless or Dandelion? I really enjoyed the characters from Nameless better, but I enjoyed both games.
Yes I know, I has trash taste, please pardon me.

>> No.9202154

Don't worry you're on the right track.

>> No.9202229

>those crusty headphones
Oh god why.
I do hope you get your ban lifted though. It sounds like their ban mechanic is way too sensitive.

I keep seeing them on Steam but I haven't really looked at them yet. Already doing MM and powering through Amnesia: Memories so I don't want to start another yet.

>> No.9202323

I just finished the good ending for him, and to be honest, ending up with him is the only ending that I want. But I guess I'm too curious not to play the other routes.

I just played prologue bad ending since it's easy to access if you have to start over anyway. But now I really want to play a route based on that, lol.

>> No.9202324

anon you responded to. Just finished my route to and he is so perfect. I'm going for Yoosung next but it will be hard beating that Zen action

>> No.9202350
File: 138 KB, 720x1280, 71n0xacCvnL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly related but does anyone else play BYFWM? I never knew how much I wanted a game where I had to work out to earn anime boy affection.

>> No.9202365
File: 127 KB, 634x1000, 158627-Wand_of_Fortune_-_Mirai_e_no_Prologue_Portable_(Japan)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding that OZMAFIA rec, it's well worth it.

Other than that, I like the Starry Sky series. It doesn't really have a big overaching storyline, but instead focuses on the different guys. It's got a ton of different games tho with usually 3 guys available per.

Also Wand of Fortune, if you've got a PSP or Vita. Fantasy and gorgeous art, I can't get enough of that. Pic related

>> No.9202368

I had no idea this existed, bless you anon. Time to get fit for husbandos

>> No.9202387

I played that for a bit but the starter guy was such a douche that it made me ragequit.

>> No.9202433

I'm playing Nameless right now. I'm enjoying it, though I've only finished one route so far. The premise is a bit silly, but I really like the characters, and the art is nice.

>> No.9202469

Same as >>9202387. First guy is such an asshole.

>> No.9202489
File: 2.32 MB, 1366x768, KENT OH YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a wallpaper for you. I feel like I only go for green haired characters in games or the one with the green color scheme. Red is probably the second one I go for if someone with brown hair isn't available. Blondes piss me off and annoy the fuck out of me since they tend to either be shota-like or just too bland.

: | Im too picky in these games, but I don't like the HAHALOLRANDOM characters, so.. The Brown/Green ones are usually more grounded and THINK instead of acting. Also usually cold which.. I like.

>> No.9202606

He's only mean because he caaares anon!
No but he is kind of a douche and the name calling sucked. I had to edit his dialogue possibilities for the free training so he only says super motivational positive things, but it didn't bother me too much during the story.

>> No.9202618

I love the art for Amnesia but I hate the designs so much.

Though I feel like that about a lot of otome games, I have no issues with attempts at interesting designs but a lot of the times the guys just look awkward. Or worse, they all have sameface.

>> No.9202630

I think Idea Factory uses the same character designer for all of their games? I imagine they must get bored after awhile so they guess they might be trying to see how crazy of a design they can get away with.

>> No.9202638

I also love kent. Maybe there's something wrong with us all?

>> No.9202681

I've been meaning to get around to playing Nameless, especially since not only is the blond my type, but he's also voiced by the Korean Chat Noir voice actor and his voice is hot

>> No.9202695

I own and have beat his route. It's a good game but it's so long I haven't even gotten around to finishing a second route yet.

>> No.9202709

I started playing MM because of you bitches. I'm on the last day of Yoosung's route and he's not even my type and I'm in love he's just such a sweetie (after the rika garbage). I am way too emotionally invested in all of these characters. Going for Zen next. I haven't been this giddy over an otome game since HnKnA.

>> No.9202711
File: 439 KB, 1600x1077, fohjhaffqhquhofwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up - Code:Realize will be free in October for Playstation+ members. Definitely worth the download.

>> No.9202724

Is the Bodyline Heroine dress good quality? I want to get it for normie wear.

>> No.9202737

Welcome to the hell, anon. I'm on Zen's route now after the game pretty much tossed a coin between him and Yoosung. I'm oddly excited for Jumin's route though?

>> No.9202746

for a moment I thought you were talking about a bodyline dating sim. I'd play the fuck out of that

>> No.9202828

I kinda want to cosplay MC because I feel like there'll be a ton of MM cosplayers at a con coming up soon and I have the perfect wig, but I'm unsure which outfit to do and which would be most recognizable? I'm having a tough time finding references, sometimes she wears a cowl neck sweater but it's different colors sometimes, or the sleeves are different lengths. What do you guys think, is there a specific outfit I should try?

>> No.9202878

I just finished Zen's route and am on Jumin's now. It's such a radical change since Zen is very expressive and sweet compared to Jumin. Jumin's gap moe is powerful though.

>> No.9202888

Yeah I can't help but grin like an idiot at Zen's route so far because he's so cheesy but it's so sweet and the phone calls are the best. I'm just looking forward to Jumin's for what I expect to be a shady possessive ownership route. He just seems like he'd be kinda crazy.

>> No.9203196

I also just finished Zen and is going for Yoosung, but it's so hard to not cave in to Zens flirting now. He even called yesterday that bastard

>> No.9203550
File: 168 KB, 1468x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, what is a good otome game with at least one guy with glasses? I've played Amnesia and MM.

>> No.9203568

Zen: Do the other RFA guys text or call often?
Me: Yes fairly often.
Zen: Who, who!? I'm not dead yet!

This jealous dork is all I ever wanted..

>> No.9203569

Slightly OT but you guys are so reliable and have good taste. What is a good dating sim I can play on my phone without much commitment or paying too much? I'm ok with a one-time purchase if it's good, but don't want a pay-to-play bullshit. Just want some kawaii animu boys to make dreamy eyes at me when I'm waiting for the bus. My phone is an android btw.

>> No.9203590

>getting paid to draw increasingly stupid designs

That person is living the dream

>> No.9203591

>get a call from Zen during Seven's route
>he wants to know what I see in Seven
>answer that I find Seven sexy
>Zen gets offended I called someone sexy that isn't him

My heart belongs to Seven and Unknown but I can't help but smile whenever Zen calls me.

>> No.9203592

Diabolik Lovers

>> No.9203606

I love Yoosung so much, I can't imagine trying to dirty talk him when he gets flustered by calling him honey.

And even from a dead sleep, he at least picks up the phone at night. Unlike Jumin sometimes. You know he's up playing with his damn cat anyway; pick up the phone.

>> No.9203672

I'm shameless but you could get MM and a calling card. While you wait for the bus you can just call your fave and hear about his day or whatever. You could also play the game if you want. It's real time but if you miss chats it's no biggie to just read the log. I'd do it just for the calling card though because some characters are super cheap.

>> No.9203723

I managed to get 707 on the phone this morning (day 3 of deep story common route) and was absolutely shocked. He did tell me not to rely on him picking up though lol.

>> No.9203733

Was the all-boy call card always this expensive? I don't mind paying in games, I've already paid for hourglasses in MM.

I don't know if it's a glitch but when I go in to buy an all-free- calling card it first says it costs 5,99$ , then it changes into my local currency and suddenly it's 24$ which I find to be quite a lot

>> No.9203742

You can call him all the time once you get his route, but before that he's basically too busy to pick up

Must be a glitch because it has always been around $25

>> No.9203837

Honestly? Just pick one of the boys you like best. I mean $24 for unlimited calls for 5 people is good but I'd only pick one of the cheaper ones to see how you like it. Personal fave would be Zen though if you like flirting, Yoosung if you want someone cute and a student, Seven if you like bad jokes and stuff, and Jumin if you like serious business types.

>> No.9203838

whoops I think I have you confused with >>9203569

>> No.9203842

How do you even get that idea, pretty much every series has a different character designer.

And seriously everybody asking for noob recommendations, that's what vndb is for.
Isn't this the cosplay board?

>> No.9203847

There are otome cosplay photos in the topic for relevance.

>> No.9203859
File: 108 KB, 822x605, Lyon_c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Code:Realize is good and has 2 really nice glasses characters. I'd also like to take a moment to recommend my all-time favourite OELVN, 7 Kingdoms: The Princess Problem. Only a demo is out right now, but it's free and it pretty much plays like a full game already. Also glasses boy is best boy, pic related.

If anyone else is interested in indie visual novels made in the West, I'd be happy to oblige. There's a ton of good free ones too.

>> No.9203877

I also want to cosplay MC, but I have the same problem with not knowing which outfit is recognizable enough.

>> No.9203881

I already spend about 25$ each month on Idolm@ster game , and being a poor student I try to limit myself to only paying that much for one game. But now I now that is the actual pricing and not just my country

>> No.9203901
File: 299 KB, 540x404, Lloyd_from_Backstage_Pass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore OELVNs. Hit me with your recommendations! I've played basically everything by Sakevisual and Hanako Studios already. I'm not a huge Winter Wolves fan because their stat raising is pretty broken, but I'm interested in giving C14 Dating a try.

I'm a fan of OELVNs with GOOD english voice acting, too. I thought I didn't care about voicing and then Backstage Pass knocked it out of the park.

>> No.9203912
File: 519 KB, 722x486, yamato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feeling. Sometimes I look at what I spend on Idolish7 (Idolm@ster with boys) and it's so much more than I'd pay for a non-phone game on an actual console.

>> No.9203924
File: 51 KB, 600x942, stage play ukyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter Wolves honestly has pretty subpar writing most of the time. I really want to support their games but I've only enjoyed maybe one or two of them. I haven't tried Backstage Pass yet because the price point is a little high for me right now (and I have a ton of unfinished games lying around) but if it's as good as you say, I'll add it to my list. Most English-language voice acting is so bad that it turns me off to the game.

As for games I recommend, it's pretty old and you have to look past the art/GUI stuff but the story is absolutely amazing: Frozen Essence. It's pretty much what got me into OELVNs. Magical Otoge Ciel actually surprised me with how good it was. It looks very polished and the story is interesting enough. Memoirs of an Angel never really became what the creator envisioned, but what's there is still really good for a free game. Aloners is really enjoyable and non-standard, the writing is very good and other games by the same creator can be worth checking out as well. Then this is not a visual novel, it's just a text adventure but it's so damn good and it's somewhat similar in structure to an otome game: Way Walkers University. The main guy is also just really good.

>> No.9203957
File: 583 KB, 715x443, momo_yuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Backstage Pass is easily worth the price. It's got an extremely high level of polish, and in addition to the published romance routes there's the hidden gay girl option and two friendship routes. And, yeah, the voice acting is actually really good. Lloyd's VA absolutely sold him as a character for me (if only he wasn't gay and thus non-romanceable).

Thanks for the recs! I will definitely look into them, and I'll trust you on Frozen Essence and give it a shot. In OEL looking past certain flaws is kind of part of the game sometimes.

I'm dropping a throwaway email and if you want to send me a message I'd be more than happy to geek out about games and add you on line or something.

>> No.9203981

I don't think anything will be very recognizable considering she just wears regular clothes. Use some props? You could make an RFA lanyard like Jaehee wears and carry around a folder of party plans/guests with art from the app on the front?

>> No.9203989

Hakuoki is okay but it's reaaaaally not interactive, it's a hardcore visual novel and it takes SO LONG to get to any good parts. The boys are super pretty though.

Thank you anons!

>> No.9203993

>$25 each month
What exactly are you paying for? I'm familiar with the game but not the gameplay.

>> No.9204077

It's for unlimited calls. You call the boys on their phones and get conversations with voice acting. You can do that in-game by using in-game credits (hourglasses) but you aren't always guaranteed that they'll pick up and talk to you since the game is in real time and sometimes they're sleeping so for some people the unlimited calls instead of buying more hourglasses makes more sense.

>> No.9204081

Any gulls play Seduce Me on Steam? I thought it looked ridiculous but it's free so I ended up downloading it and it's not bad. Plus some of the voice acting is actually really good too. I'm starting to get sucked into it...

>> No.9204114
File: 517 KB, 509x740, joou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do! Erik's my fave of all time. I'm debating cosplaying it to do it *some* justice as the few cosplays of it look cringy.

>tfw you're more of a beefucker anyways

>> No.9204119

The voice acting was atrocious, the art was kinda cringey, and the routes had way too much recycled text between them to be interesting. I'm glad I didn't pay any money for it but sad I wasted my time.

>> No.9204145
File: 438 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the banned anon from a few days ago. Feels great. Cheritz is doing so much for the international audience. Time to continue dating jumin

>> No.9204158

>The voice acting was atrocious
Suzu, Naomi, Damien (oh god Damien), Matthew and James have all sounded quite good to me so far. The others are okay. The only ones I would consider bad were the devils (Malix was atrocious) and sometimes Erik.
The art is cringey in spots I'll give you that. The first time you see Diana and she's standing over you looks disgustingly shitty but I think the regular character images look fine.

>> No.9204159

I started Damien's route first and holy shit things escalated fast with his backstory. I would love to see people cosplay from this and do it well, especially if they did the Incubi forms because I'm a sucker for monster boys.

>> No.9204170
File: 97 KB, 734x1087, sam_x_mika_from_seduce_me_by_nai_ii-d8l05zp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know someone was working on succubus Diana, but I don't think she'll finish it. I've been playing around with the idea of cosplaying Mika in pic related.

I played though both games and my favorites have remained Erik and Sam to be honest. I'm a sucker for both flirty and tsundere characters.

>> No.9204188

>sad I wasted my time
>not loving guilty pleasure Incubus sex otome
Somebody didn't work hard enough for a good end.

>> No.9204209

Or they actually have standards...

>> No.9204227

Yeah no, I got the good ends. Did you notice how the text was very similar for every single sex scene?

>> No.9204247

I kickstarted it. Erik is great and I adored his voice actor, but some of the games voice acting is iffy and the writing takes a bit of a nose dive somewhere in the middle. Its a bit redic and pretty fun but the quality isn't consistent throughout.

>> No.9204265
File: 18 KB, 340x340, standardsLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't some pretentious hobby we're basically playing newgrounds shit.

>> No.9204267

Only because you don't understand enough Japanese to actually play something professional.
There is a huge difference between most cheap Renpy games and actual PSP/Vita Japanese games.

>> No.9204270

Yeah but I also played through the normal human endings after I told the Incubi to leave and those were all fairly different. Plus the game's free and entertaining with a lot of voice work (quality notwithstanding) and there's some nice chunks of story in here even if some of the scenes reuse text. You're free to dislike it but I think it's a nice game for what it is.

>> No.9204273

Im gonna assume you asked about Idolm@ster. I play Starlight Stage so I pay to pull cards daily in hope for really rare cardsthat gives your character a new 3D model and better stats

>writing it doen makes it really soundlike a waste of money haha

>> No.9204331

what are the best otome phone games?

>> No.9204341
File: 112 KB, 590x1065, IMG_1554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I'm seeing in most fanart and cosplays is the cowl neck sweater from 707's route! I decided to go with that, especially because I had great luck at the Goodwill today lol. A prop would be really cute though. Sorry for shit blurry photo, I can't find a proper res one right now on google.

>> No.9204397

Cheritz is so good for such a small company. I want to buy even more stuff just to support them.

>> No.9204441
File: 286 KB, 740x493, diabolik lovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seduce Me is a fucking trainwreck. The writing is painfully bad, the game drags, and as mentioned before, there's a ton of recycled lines. With some games, the art makes up for the writing, but here the art is no more than mediocre. The voice acting was the worst part. If you can't find good voice actors, don't fucking do it. It just detracts from the game.

There's so many better free games, just because it's free doesn't mean you should play it regardless of quality.

>> No.9204494

>Have you eaten breakfast yet?
I lied and said I had even though I just got up and fixed coffee.

>Good girl!

I'm so sorry Zen, forgive me even though your fridge only has water and beer in it.

>> No.9204575
File: 136 KB, 600x844, ae3caca929357d568e2ea761e5b87e4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out that Collar x Malice by Otomate will be releasing in 2017 in english!

>> No.9204631
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1200, BAD.APPLE.WARS.full.1942014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hella excited for both this and Bad Apple Wars! Collar x Malice is supposed to have a more mature plot and the detective stuff is supposed to be legitimately good and interesting. I also love the art. It's done by Hanamura Mai who also did Amnesia.

>> No.9204679

>Bad Apple Wars!
Are there any other 2017 releases announced?? I just went to look this up and holy crap i'm so excited for this!! i guess it's really time to get a PSvita

>> No.9205119

>currently in Zen's room alone
>spending the night
>decide to call him for cute romance
>"Babe I'm sorry I had to send you away.."

B-But I haven't left, baby!

>> No.9205472
File: 192 KB, 356x200, excalibur-face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Tits McGee shows up

>> No.9205818

Echo girl is such a bitch, I know. The entire time I was sitting there like "seriously?!" Like, you're old enough to take a no for an answer - chill out.

>> No.9205837

To avoid spoilers, I'll just say she's a psycho bitch that when she grows up will probably become a black widow.

>> No.9207448

>playing through all the routes
>Seven slowly becomes husbando
>sudden urge to crossplay??
I don't know why because I don't crossplay and I wouldn't suit him. Plus cons are probably gonna be saturated with shitty Sevens and I don't want to be one of them honestly
>but I love him
I hate having a round baby face. This game has given me way too many feelings and I'm so conflicted!

>> No.9207471

I thought you were reffering to Sarah from MM

>> No.9207575

Hmm...will there be a new thread since this one is almost off the board or?

>> No.9207683

There's always the /blog/ thread on /vg/ if you just want to talk about games.

>> No.9207723

They hate us. It's better to stick to here.

>> No.9207725


>> No.9208106

only because you act like tumblr idiots