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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 21 KB, 304x304, awa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9160109 No.9160109 [Reply] [Original]

Anime Weekend Atlanta is about a month away.

Anyone here going?
>what are you looking forward to?
>are you cosplaying?
>advice for new comers?
>thoughts on the con?

So far had a blast last year looking to go back and have more fun this year.

>> No.9160350

Waiting to hear about the usual "Send Hayley's friends" to Japan contest scam.

>> No.9160426

You mean Hayley Becker or Hayley Kuma?

>> No.9160489

>>what are you looking forward to?
honestly? hanging out with friends I haven't seen in a while. They moved away for grad school and are now moving closer for their job and I'm excited to have them to hang out with again.
>>are you cosplaying?
I am, still a bit in the air about what, but stuff I already have.
>>are you cosplaying?
Pre-plan? I guess? Mark the things you def want to do to or experience. maybe make alarms for it.
time in the dealers room can fly by without you realizing if you're a dealer's room shopper (I'm guilty of this), this is esp true if you're a cosplayer, you might get stopped a bunch and it'll take much more time.
>>thoughts on the con?
AWA is my fav Atlanta con and i think on of the best in the SE. If nothing else, people watching there is fun.

>> No.9160865

>going to Anime Drunk Fratcon Weekend

seriously this con is garbage, everyone is wasted or high at this con. Good luck trying to sleep at this con staying at the hotel attached to the con so fucking annoying. There so many parties going on you can't ever fucking hear yourself think.

>> No.9160924

>what are you looking forward to?
The cosplay, the crowds, the panels at AWA are okay but nothing I'd go out of my way for honestly. Hopefully the dance is better this year
>are you cosplaying?
>advice for new comers?
Don't fucking stop in the hallway, also the bars that are at the con center have surprisingly good food but avoid the gift shop at all cost. Also bring a portably usb cell charger because finding an outlet at this con is like finding a winning lotto ticket
>thoughts on the con?
My favorite next to Nekocon, some of the staff is pretty chill. Night staff can be odd at times though.

>getting a hotel AT the con
>not expecting this
I will say that AWA has more drunks than I have seen at most cons(excluding nekocon), but I've never had an issue with anyone. If you do just tell staff and they take care of it, that is, if there is an issue.

>> No.9161548

Hell yeah. I drive five hours to get there, and it's always well worth it.

>avoid the gift shop at all cost
Why? What happens there?

>> No.9161642

>what are you looking forward to?
The cosplay, maybe one of the concerts, and I'd like to check out the Meta fashion show. I'm not really into Lolita but I'd definitely like to see something new from my cons.
>are you cosplaying?
Yep! Two iDOLM@STER costumes and...not sure what else. Someone was talking to me about doing Fire Emblem: Fates stuff but I'm not really sure. I might just bring those two and go casual for most of the time.
>advice for new comers?
Last year, they had food trucks in the dealer's hall. The lines were long but the pay-off was surprisingly worth it. Also, this con has more thirstier dudes than any other con I've been to, and I'm average at best. It can get a little annoying when you just want to enjoy things without someone hitting on you, but as long as you're polite but firm, you should be fine.
>thoughts on the con?
I went last year and had the time of my life. Hoping it wasn't beginner's luck.

>> No.9162317

Any lolita or itabag meet ups planned?

>> No.9162318

My little sister is doing her first lolita. Plz no bully.

>> No.9162323

It's just a big rip off. There is a Walmart and target not too far away if you need something

>> No.9162376

>I went last year and had the time of my life. Hoping it wasn't beginner's luck.

Last year was a blast, I went as space dandy and met up with like 3 space dandies 2 girls and 1 other guy. Holy shit I never had so much fun.

>> No.9162397

Neither. I think they're talking about "Hayrii Bear". AWA sent her to Japan last year I think to participate in some idol contest and now her and Sara have some kind of idol panel for their dance group, Danzoo-Dash

>> No.9162478

FYI anyone looking for a room respond to this post. 130 for the weekend my room has an extra bed so it's not floor space. I'm about a mile from the con but ubering daily.

Just throwing it out there since last time I roomed with someone but this year I can actually afford a hotel, it was just cheaper to get 2 queen beds for some reason

>> No.9162730

>what are you looking forward to?
Cosplaying, panels, contest, fashion show, dealer's/AA, being in a closer hotel finally, going to their rave for the first time due to aforementioned closer hotel, playing Overwatch in the game room if they have it

>advice for new comers?
Don't wait until Saturday to get your badge, or you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.9162746

Anyone from South Georgia going. Lowndes County here. Ive never been to this event, but there were a few from my county from /a/ that went to the Kizumonogatari showings

>> No.9162748

Is there a cgl meetup planned? I don't remember if there was one last year, I got carried away at the con.

>> No.9162859

What's the best group on Facebook to advertise photoshoots at AWA?

>> No.9162863

Sorry, I should specify -- to offer (free) photoshoots.

>> No.9162878

Okay so who is actually going to the tea party? I still haven't decided on it.

>> No.9162996

My friends circle and I are not. We decided that price doesn't justify the experience.

>> No.9163022

I decided to go. It's expensive but I figured I'd give it a shot since I'm coming from out of state. I also had fun at the Galaxxxy mixer last year so I figured why not.

From what I hear though, it doesn't seem like a lot of people are going. Only one other girl in my comm mentioned she was going.

>> No.9163023

More chances to win the raffles then.

>> No.9163026 [DELETED] 

Anyone from GCSU going?

>> No.9163028

Anyone from GCSU going?

>> No.9163168

I'm skipping it. Too expensive

>> No.9163206

Well, probably the AWA group.

I want pics with you!

>> No.9163423

There's a lolita meet but it was pretty bad last year

>> No.9163792

How so? Deets plz

>> No.9163800

Anyone know who's in charge of planning the lolita tea party this year and fashion show? I didn't go to the Baby one but I remember the shit storm. Is it a different planner this year?

>> No.9163801

Aw, bless her. I hope she has fun.

>> No.9163894

>what are you looking forward to?
Getting to wear some of my first hand made cosplays!
>are you cosplaying?
Yes, I will be going as Launch, Yuki (wolf Children) and a bought cosplay- Krul tepes
>advice for new comers?
I-I am new 0////0 Any advice or booths/panels I shouldn't miss?
>thoughts on the con?
I've always heard this is a decent con with lots to do, Big in size, and it's not too far from where I live in Tennessee.

>> No.9163924
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>what are you looking forward to?
Meeting new weebs, and spending time with old ones.
>are you cosplaying?
Gumi, Stocking, and Space Patrol Luluco
>advice for new comers?
Most of the good stuff happens in the main room (under the escalators) or in the courtyard.
>thoughts on the con?
Always worth the four hour trip.

>> No.9164032

My friend was driving home from this con last year and got t-boned on the interstert. She's okay, but she still = wheelchair.

If you see a Fionna in a wheelchair, come say hi!

>> No.9164086


The world needs more cirno cosplayers

>> No.9164097

Yes it is...but it is someone who has never run or done events before. It will likely be a giant shitstorm.

>> No.9164131

Currently wondering this too, I'd be down for a itabag meet!

>> No.9164143

You should ask their security head Paul Liistro who he works for.

He apparently has told people everything from the FBI to the bomb squad, but I hear he is just in some bogus retail or desk job.

>> No.9164372

The one that's always crowded with photographers and stuff with the fountain thing right?

The schedule for panels doesn't usually go up until like a week or two out from the con but once it does just go through and see what interests you and you can peek in to see how they are. Don't feel like you have to go to a lot though just walking around is really fun too.

>what are you looking forward to?
Everything but hanging out with con friends is up there.
>are you cosplaying?
Yes, hopefully Arabian Rin Matsuoka, Maid Rin Matsuoka and Atsushi Mursakibara. I don't have any of them totally done yet though so if something awful happens I may end up not cosplaying RIP
>advice for new comers?
If there are events you're interested in don't forget to go to them, set a timer or something. I originally came to see ZUN in 2013 but ended up totally missing him because it was my first con and I got too caught up in wandering around.
>thoughts on the con?
The only con I've been to desu but always a blast and filled with friendly people. The price of traveling through two states and buying hotel rooms sucks though.

>> No.9164660
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Almost time for my favorite con again, and I can't get off work.

I may just quit. Shitty job. I'm a-comin', AWA!

>> No.9164791

Hey, its the salty rape fucker from the Facebook group that Paul told off. how you doing buddy? your ass still sore?

>> No.9164838

Is it the girl who makes all the posts about it? Because she's a grade A ita and I've never understood why she's even a part of the community.

>> No.9164844

I thought I was going, but my friend is being a cunt. I can't help you if you don't return my texts and it's too far of a drive to go alone.

>> No.9165053

Yes, that's where all the cool kids hang!

How far you gotta go?

>> No.9165193

I thought I wasn't going to go (fucking national guard drill just has to be that weekend) but after much deliberation I have decided to say fuck it and go at least for Friday! I'm super excited now and am planning last minute cosplays. I'm thinking about doing Minnie May from Gunsmith Cats since my boyfriend wants to do Rally!

>> No.9165305

I'm doing an itabag panel! Time is TBA right now though. Keep an eye on the itabag facebook group.

>> No.9165316
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Here's to hoping it doesn't rain this year!

>> No.9165415

which one?

>> No.9165920 [DELETED] 
File: 480 KB, 450x599, 1383586338102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I got a muddy footprint on my frills last year

>> No.9165927
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Mfw I got a muddy footprint on my frill last year.

>> No.9165941
File: 12 KB, 150x96, shiit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw phone died
>lost charger
>already left party from con saying I was going home
>friends already went back to hotel
>hotel was a mile away
>its raining
>wig starts becoming undone because rain
>hotel washing machine broke

Bringing a 5000mah charger this year for sure

>> No.9165986
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>tfw car caught on fire midway through the drive to ATL

Yeah, I had to sell it to a GA dealership, bum a ride home after the con, and get a new car. Otherwise, great con.

>> No.9166897

Anyone got history taking public transportation or what not around Atlanta

>flying in
>subway/lightrail doesn't go up to cobb

I'd rather not do a bus, but don't want uber to rip my wallet a new asshole.

>> No.9166949

Yo, I live here and have epilepsy so I exclusively use public transportation. What questions do you have?

>> No.9166968
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What the buses are like are my only real question, I am from up much farther north east of GA and buses are like a last resort there.

The options I were considering were
1. Take the red/gold line from the airport then uber from the station to the hotel/con
2. Do pic related and use full on public transportation

My flight is getting in around 3:30 so it would be about 4:30-5ish by the time I would get to the end of the light rail

>> No.9166986

Same anon as above, I actually live near the airport and will be doing the full public transport route. The buses are average city buses and I find that the times they list are generally accurate, and since art center station is the beginning of the route (and con is at the very end) and it's right before the business day gets out you shouldn't have to worry about having space/difficulty moving your bags.

>> No.9167031

Nice, thanks for the heads up!

>> No.9167091

If you don't mind, I will glady pick you up anon. Save you money etc.

>national guard drill weekend
jesus of all the weekends to drill

>> No.9167105

your wallets asshole must be pretty tight if Uber can rip it with how pathetically cheap the rates are.

>> No.9167110

Don't forget you can always take the subway as far as you can and then use Uber, especially if you have one of those promo codes. I did that last year when I took the Greyhound.

>tfw I can't go this year because of being new college student
It's going to suck hardcore when I get my grant money refund but no conventions until summer.

>> No.9167239

>4 more weeks

I am so readyprobably going to double up my workouts though

>> No.9167284

I'm going to guess that the fashion show models have already been notified?

>> No.9167458

Unless you like modeling clothes designed by a pedophile, do you really care if they have been notified or not?

>> No.9167756

The brands this year are Meta and 50% Dangerous so not seeing the issue. Unless you're talking about the Vic collab with 50% Dangerous but I don't think that will be a big part of the show so I don't care.

>> No.9167833

I have not received anything.

>> No.9167834
File: 75 KB, 298x473, flanderspeekb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my favorite con is less than a month away

>> No.9167875
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>mfw my favorite con is less than a month away and nothing is even halfway done

>> No.9168121
File: 149 KB, 973x1074, the smarterest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just have to not fuck up my cosplay between now and then

>> No.9168164

We're not going to the Tea this year. Too expensive and Meta does not interest us. If was was AP or BTSSB that would be different.

>> No.9168224

I only found one other girl in my comm that is going. Not a lot of interest in this.

>> No.9168521

I haven't heard of anyone I know receiving anything but that's just people I know. It's going on two weeks now and I'm wondering if AWA/the designers/whoever are just being slow (which is possible considering the tea party wasn't announced until not too long ago) or if I just didn't make it.

>> No.9168829

Is Saturday a good day to go?

>> No.9168867

gonna let you know, it doesnt matter which con you're talking about, saturday is almost always the best day to go.

>> No.9168917

>just a collab.
Oh you poor naive little frill. 50% blood on the dance floor looking wannabe is being funded by Vic.

>> No.9169283

Tables posted http://awa-con.com/events/artists-alley/

WOW there are a lot of artists. I've never sold at such a large convention before. I hope I can stand out.

>> No.9169352

I want to see your art!

>> No.9169656
File: 1.50 MB, 3074x2592, 2016 Hama con.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably don't, but here it is. I'm a crafter selling mainly animals tails and ears, some with lights. My tails with lights are my biggest sellers since people are looking for something to have at the rave. Cat tails sell well too because of the anime neko thing. Then mainly furries buy the regular fox and wolf tails.

If anyone comes by my table and mentions this post, I'll give you free candy and snacks.

>> No.9169661

I'm not into animal tails and ears normally but those light up tails are really cool.

>> No.9169691

Can I see your cat years? I'm actually interesting in buying lol

>> No.9169707
File: 2.29 MB, 4608x2592, DSC01627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my god-awful cat ears. I only sell them for $8, so people buy them. I don't even sell them on etsy anymore because of how terrible they are. Right now, while I have time before AWA, I've been trying to make new ears that actually look good and add LED lights to them, but I'm having trouble getting it just right. If I don't figure it out soon, I'll be stuck with either selling no ears, or crappy ears.
I honestly hate headbands and clips, wish there was some 3rd option for ears. Thought about maybe doing cat ear hats instead. Don't know.

>> No.9169888

I guess I will be expecting people running around with their asses on fire.

>> No.9170025

>what are you looking forward to?
Hanging with friends, drinking, partying, meeting new chikas
>are you cosplaying?
Yep: Jinpei, Ness, Luffy
>advice for new comers?
Talk to people. Be kind
>thoughts on the con?
Been going for 12years, still my favorite con.

>> No.9170349

I am a sucker for anime neko bullshit and attend festivals and shows year round. I will be stopping by for sure! <3

>> No.9170763

>what are you looking forward to?
Cosplaying with my best friend, even if he just needs to get a tracksuit for it. Merchandise for sure. It's the week after my birthday so I'm hoping I get some spending money from my family.
>are you cosplaying?
Yes, as Okita Souji (from Fate), oni Rem from re:zero, Colonel Violet from Dragon Ball, and I'll probably end up in a few backups if I have time.
>advice for new comers?
I don't really know, it'll only be my third year and I'm in control of the room for once with one at the main hotel so I'm excited for that. I guess you guys should know that haggling is possible. A friend of mine got the SDCC exclusive SSJ2 Gohan figuarts for like $120 which is apparently a steal.
>thoughts on the con?
Definitely my favorite con, though I'm in Florida so there's not much competition. It's the only con I've been to that has more than like six Type-Moon cosplayers so that's awesome.

>> No.9171093

I want to bang you while your friend is tied up in hisntrack suit and I spank you for how truly slothful you are.

>> No.9171380
File: 578 KB, 781x635, tumblr_obdemit3Z01r2r59eo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9171439

If my Wig for Launch actually makes it in time I wanna get a picture with you!

>> No.9171449

Yes, definitely! More OG Dragon Ball cosplay please. I want to use the wig for Fanfan as well one day.

>> No.9171503


First name begins with R, rhymes with "when"? Or do we have multiple salty rape fuckers in the comm getting banned from groups?

>> No.9171565
File: 38 KB, 640x640, shimoneta_blue_snowtundra_kajou_ayame_cosplay_1442159975_a48c251f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you looking forward to?
I'm really excited for Metamorphose being there! They're my favorite lolita brand. It's too bad I'm only going for Friday so I probably will miss all their events but I'll at least be able to see their stuff in the dealer's room and maybe buy some stuff.
>are you cosplaying?
I'll be cosplaying as Blue Tundra from Shimoneta. Yay for easy last minute cosplays!
>advice for new comers?
Get yourself one of those external phone battery charger things. They are a lifesaver. Trying to find your hotel in Atlanta without a GPS at 1 in the morning is not fun.
>thoughts on the con?
Well it's the only big con I've ever been to so my opinion may be biased but I think it's really fun. I've never not enjoyed it before.

>> No.9171594

Anyone know where some bank ATMs or places with cash back? I tried to find some with Google Maps last year but it led me to the middle of the mall parking lot.

>> No.9171672


>> No.9171678

in the lobby of the main hotel

>> No.9172559


LOL, chill, dude. If you're the man in question there will still be plenty of scene newbies who don't know to stay away from you.

>> No.9172696

weird question but you didn't cosplay as that last year did you?

>> No.9172774

They mentioned how great that it's an easy last minute cosplay, so I'll answer that for them and say no.

>> No.9172810

ah derp, I had to walk some Shimoneta cosplayer back to her room last year and hope she was okay. She was drunk or something and completely lost. Just hope she is alright.

>> No.9173199

You must think that you are didnt in assuming who I am. But your assumptions are far from correct and that has made you, truly slothful. You must have the gospel as sign of her love to prove your diligence!

>> No.9173470
File: 84 KB, 499x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my fucking cosplay gets here in time I'll be going as Makoto Nanaya from Blazblue.
Probably only go Saturday since I don't feel like buying a hotel and I live in Florida.

>> No.9173591

Hey it's the launch Cosplayer again, what day are you gonna be Colonel Violet?

>> No.9174322
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>AWA 2015
>standing at crosswalk with sister
>dude in pickup yells "HOMO!"

>> No.9174475

P-post pics?

>> No.9175263

I'm not sure yet but probably Sunday since Fate Friday and Rem will be my Saturday cosplay. Possibly Saturday night if I change but I'll know more closer to the con.

>> No.9175266

ur not getting a free fap 2nite

>> No.9175650

Anyone hear back from the fashion show yet?? Common AWA! It's crunch time.

>> No.9176091

I'm friends with most of the qt girls who will probably get in and it looks like they've heard nothing. Maybe Meta is just busy? The suspense is killing me, I just wanna know!

>> No.9176384

Yea wasn't me. I don't really drink at cons. I hope she was okay though that sounds pretty scary

>> No.9176838

Has no one really been contacted yet? We're 3 weeks away from the con...

>> No.9177933


Just got the email today. I recognize some names. Congrats to the chosen!

>> No.9177961
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>3 weeks away

don't remind me

>> No.9178101

I'm so excited, anyone know what the purple highlighted names mean?

>> No.9178119

More advice for new comers to awa and General anime cons please? I don't wanna mess stuff up?

>> No.9178128

Oh it's means you confirmed. Ok.

>> No.9178129

This. I have gone the last 4 years and I am terribly dissapointed every year.

>> No.9178175

There's a shopping mall within walking distance right behind the hotel that AWA is held in just past the sky bridge. You don't have to just eat subway and food truck food all weekend. I may have not realized that before and just had subway all weekend because it was in the hotel.

>> No.9178180

Like others have said in the thread
>Bring a portable USB charger
You will need it, some that will recharge your phone 2-2.5x times are on Amazon for 20 bucks. YOU WILL NEED IT.
>Eat offsite
Aside from one or two bars which unless you sit at the bar and drink, you'll be waiting a while for food. Even if you sit at the bar, you'll wait a while. There is a small strip mall less than a mile away and uber is pretty good.
>Expect to be bumpped around
The second floor gets crowded as shit towards the dealers hall
>come early and stay late
I did 10am-230pm(con) 300-430(rest eat cosplay fix up) 4pm-2/3am?(dance/party/etc)
>there will be drunk people
Last year I ran into a lot and a good amount of the age group going to this con is 21+, just tell people to fuck off if they need to be told it. This con has 4ish bars attached to it.
>Cosplay shoots near the floor elevators
and finally
DONT STOP IN THE DAMN HALLWAY, this con only has like 1 of them connecting the first floors together aside from walking outside. Last year it rained so it sucked if people started stopping.

Other than that basic cosplay/con rules apply
ask before taking a photo, don't be weird, and have fun

>> No.9178370

Cumberland mall has pretty good mall food. They also have some nice stores if you need a break from the con for a bit. Just be mindful about your cosplay. I've heard stories of employees giving cosplayers shit.

>> No.9178628

Well, what do you think you should stop doing?

>> No.9178699
File: 117 KB, 600x600, 1323123516269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i heard theres going to be a deadpool photoshoot.
seriously though, it's a fucking anime convention, find a better cosplay to do than the one's that's been done before a million times, hell, get an actual anime cosplay or stay the fuck out.

>> No.9178780

Ughh I'm done with deadpool

>> No.9178811

I'm looking forward to groping lolita and cosplayer tits and asses like I do every year.

>> No.9178849

Also keep in mind AWA's convention center is pretty damn big and a bit confusing to navigate for the first day so take your time figuring out where shit is, especially if you have photoshoots or meet-ups planned somewhere.

>> No.9178967

There's a Steak and Shake nearby that, if I recall correctly, does unlimited pancakes after midnight for $4.

>> No.9178972

Really? I've never been given shit about being in cosplay before. I remember one year my boyfriend needed more eyelash glue for his false lashes so we went to Macy's (or at least I think it was Macy's idk some department store with a makeup section) to get some and the people there were super nice and really excited to see us all dressed up.

>> No.9178981

Seconding what >>9178972 said. When it rained last year I went over in OTT lolita to buy an umbrella and went into several stores trying to find one for cheap and got positive responses the entire time. I think they're used to it all by now.

>> No.9178992

I can see some stores depending on if people are coming in with masks on or large costumes that bump merch

>> No.9179036

Well yeah, most malls do have rules against masks and if you're being a nuisance you'll get treated badly but just showing up in costume/Jfashion and shopping like a normal person won't get you random hate like the anon further up has heard tale of.
I mean the cashier I talked to even asked if I was part of the event at the convention center so they're very used to it by now. So much so that in the food court I barely saw anyone 'normal' give attendees a second glance. The only issue I saw was the typical giggling teen girls talking about how 'weird' everyone was.

>> No.9179579

Went into the mall last year quite a few times and everyone was pretty cordial. There were more than a dozen cosplayers and lolitas in the food court so I don't think anyone really paid any mind.

Just don't be a pain in the ass for them and I'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.9179835

There are actually two hallways. Except none of you retards ever realizef5 about the one downstairs.

>> No.9179859

So I know the Meta e-mails went out, but did the 50% Dangerous ones?

>> No.9180372

So quick to model for a pedo.

>> No.9180642

Anyone know any good photographers coming to this con? I'm getting one shoot with a guy I've worked with before, but I'd like to get my second one with someone new.

>> No.9180722

If you come by my AA table I've got a Makoto pin-up just for you.

>> No.9180798

I'm so excited for awa

>> No.9180862

>cosplay Makoto
>Not wanting to show it off

>> No.9180961
File: 196 KB, 500x514, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id love to show you guys, but the costume is in the mail like I mentioned. It said delivered, so I should be able to pick it up Monday though!
I had the tail and ears commissioned by a fur suit maker and I think the tail may be a -little- too big, but I love it regardless.
It's stupid heavy though so I don't know how I'm gonna be able to survive walking and doing stuff in it lol

>> No.9180977
File: 779 KB, 2460x3473, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super ghetto pic because I'm about to get to bed, but here's what the tail and ears look like. Haven't figured exactly how to harness the tail yet, and pictures makes it look smaller than what it is.
And I know it's kinda more of a Forrest brown rather than a reddish brown, but does anyone know if it's be possible to gently spray paint some reddish brown on it? Is that a thing? Also going to go on a hard cut for the next two weeks before AWA so I can be in pique shape.

>> No.9180980
File: 192 KB, 588x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Peak holy shit

>> No.9180993

All the same I admire your determination to see the cosplay through. I'm not sure about the spray paint though. But nice bod (respectfully of course).

>> No.9181186

Who made that tail?

>> No.9181238
File: 106 KB, 640x640, morg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are you looking forward to?
I'm not really sure yet! I might go to the meta teap party, and im excited for the fashion shows!
>are you cosplaying?
Yeap, Morgiana from Magi.
Might just wear lolita the other days.
>advice for new comers?
It's my first year going to AWA
>thoughts on the con?

>> No.9181272

Kaito_kid_ on Instagram.

>> No.9181301

Okay so it turns out the Dragon Ball/Z/GT/S shoot is on Saturday at noon so I'm going to try to make it to that. I may end up leaving in the early afternoon sunday so I'll probably just throw on a kigu. If you want to get pictures Thursday or Friday night I don't mind changing into it since it's pretty comfortable and fun for an evening cosplay.

>> No.9181348

The cgl meetup has been at the cheesecake factory every year, this'll be the fourth!
Saturday at 5pm work for people?

>> No.9181372

I'll be at a photoshoot so that's a no for me. If you guys are meeting up later in the evening as well I could show up but I'll be helping in the dealers room until they close.

>> No.9181498

Please wear a wig. You have gross looking hair

>> No.9181529

Did you seriously send us one of your fucking sexting photos?

>> No.9181541
File: 119 KB, 462x1045, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously I'll be wearing a wig, my hair looks nothing like hers. Plus I literally mentioned I was about to hit the hay but I wanted to show my tail and ears.
Because I try to send "sexy pics" by holding on a squirrel tail, wearing baggy basketball shorts as well as bed hair since I had just gotten up from my bed to take a pic. Nice try though, 3/10 made me respond

>> No.9181752

Is there a way to check the hotels en masse to see if they have anything available? I just need Friday night, the other days i have covered.

Is there a way I can check all the hotels in the area en masse for availability, with flexible bed ranges, etc.. Navigating each of these hotel sites with their super annoying UIs is giving me cancer.

>> No.9181872

Like bed hair and a squirrel tail every stopped an attention whore from posing.

>> No.9181894

Why is /cgl/ like this?

Make people afraid of posting their shit?

>> No.9181966

Because being anon means you can say w/e you want to people. I don't think that anon has ill intentions. They're just being mean just to be mean. Most of the time we ignore people like that.

>> No.9181988
File: 2.64 MB, 1242x2208, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>initially say in the beginning I'm cosplaying Makoto Nanaya
>Just now realize I'm "attention whoring"

You'd almost think that the fact I'm going as Makoto, in her battle outfit too (not her school uniform, mind you) , would have made you realize I'm already in your terms an "attentionwhore" lmao

Literally that blacked out sensor bar and gym shorts covered more than the actually cosplay will cover lol

>> No.9182080

Because it's the truth? Who the fuck takes a picture topless and then posts it on cgl? Are you going to censor the undertit during the con? No. I know this board is infested with Tumblr sjws but fucking seriously comon. You spent more god damn time editting your tits out then putting a sports bra or some other shit on. Why the hell would you spend extra effort edifying thr photo just to show off a tail? fucking comon, most of us are not that stupid.

>> No.9182092

Please tell me you won't be at AWA.

>> No.9182105
File: 61 KB, 433x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I just got out of bed and I sleep topless with shorts on. It's easier to snap a pic real quick with the main stuff I wanted to show rather than stop and find a bra and then a shirt. So I went back to bed and scribbled it out, because my bed is comfy.
You getting a little too salty for no reason, anon.
But if you think people get off to giant sensor bars like you're implying, then oh well not my problem. Nor my concern

>> No.9182148

You sound so mad. Just let it go, holy shit.

>> No.9182167

Please don't come to awa. :)

>> No.9182302

Can we all make it to the con and have fun before we talk this into a pissing contest? I mean shit let's fucking have fun not turn this into a dramafest.

AWA is my favorite con, I want to keep it that way.

>> No.9182306

>Known namefag attention whore
>Tries to explain sext photo as pure laziness and manages to fuck it up.
>"I needed shirt AND bra kekeke"
>Starts samefaging
>inb4 Screenshot of "you" tag like people actually think that proves they are not Samefag and not just switching browsers.

I hope security chases you out.

>> No.9182309

Implying AWA is not already dramafest of the southeast snobbiest cosplayers.

>> No.9182347

nigga AWA is fun as shit. If anything it is know for partyfest.

I have yet to have a bad time at AWA

>> No.9182387

What nigga you be triping. Momocon be off as chain. Sluts everywhere.

>> No.9182585

Ok in all seriousness parinoia/vendetta-chan, please don't come to awa. We already have enough bitches here in ga, we don't need another one!

>> No.9182589

You must be thinking of Katsucon.
AWA is chill AF.

>> No.9182709

Someone is just jealous and salty.
Just because you weigh 3000 pounds and don't have the body confidence to post doesn't mean you can fuck with other people. Please don't come to awa.

>> No.9182854

Please calm your aspergers.

>> No.9182903

its ok sweetie. I will make sure to report your sleazy AF cosplay to security for being to slutty. and you will have to cover up.

>> No.9182931
File: 66 KB, 500x378, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing Makoto Nanaya had been cosplayed at AWA multiple times before
Keep trying jelly fatty

>> No.9183045
File: 92 KB, 500x275, This Makoto print is NOT gonna be for sale LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol all the salt coming from this cosplay. Keep up the good work and show that Blazblue love.

>> No.9183053

works for me. We meeting near registration again?

>> No.9183065

Idk I say post as many as possible. Can't fap to cosplay and lolita if it's not posted.

>> No.9183078

How is walk-in registration on Thursday as compared to pre-registration? My boyfriend decided to tag along at the last minute so I'm pre-reged but he's not. Will I end up waiting longer for him or will he end up waiting longer for me?

>> No.9183082
File: 57 KB, 480x640, 592aa18c0d3f99b3e7ac2cc77a37681d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PERFECCCCCCTTT I was gonna wear mine Saturday because I've wanted to cosplay launch for a long time and I feel like Saturday is gonna be a big day.

I'm really happy there's a photoshoot, I should probably look at what the fuck is going on and try to be semi prepared :x

My boyfriend might be a tinshinhan with curly red hair because he is not dedicated to this lol.

>> No.9183116

I usually get there thursay at noon and the walk in line is shorter the pre.

>> No.9183130
File: 66 KB, 640x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an amazing drawing.
Did you do that? Because if it'll actually Be for sale I'll totally buy it!!
And I know lol, I've never seen so much salt for a cosplay before, this is rediculously entertaining to the max, and I'd love to me salt/vendetta/paranoid-chan in person to match a face to the salt

>> No.9183133

Nice, man they're such a cute couple. I miss her. But yeah, awesome, Saturday it is then. Sucks that the Type-Moon shoot is at literally the same time but the panel for that is Friday so everyone will be cosplaying Fate then anyway.

>> No.9183152
File: 168 KB, 1365x731, maki4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as her outfit equals the same amount as a typical bikini, she will not be kicked out. From the stock picture, it is fine.

I dont appreciate fake calls so...

>> No.9183162

That one is not for sale, but I do have a Makoto print and was thinking about doing another one for AWA. Any requests for what you'd like to see with Makoto?

>> No.9183249

What do you think this is Momocon or some shit?

>> No.9183356

I'm a big fan of anime characters that work out, so having one of her working out or liftin' weights would be amazing.
Also because I'm a huuuuge gym person lol

>> No.9183409

Walk in is less of a weight honestly
Aside from Nekocon up north AWA is probably the biggest party con out there

>> No.9183454

Dude you need to go to MAGfest. Literally nothing but party.

>> No.9183501

Honestly pre-registering feels like paying with your soul for a cheap discount. It's definetely not worth it now.

Last year pre register folks had to waste like 1-2 hrs in line past 6PM, it was absurd.

It's why I never preregister for AWA.

>> No.9183588
File: 25 KB, 200x435, Lum_Invader.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note: will I get in trouble for cosplaying pic related, or is it just anon being a salty bitch?

>> No.9183610

the later

>> No.9183800

I see what you did there.

>> No.9183825

Any parties planned?

I git nothing ti bring some booze

>> No.9183827

You guys make me feel like i'm doing AWA wrong :|

I don't party at all

>> No.9183830
File: 450 KB, 640x957, 1470656921838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to go to any parties, AWA... Well it porbably has the most on them aside from otakon.

This is THE most drunk con on he east caost

>> No.9184125

Neko is definitely not a party con

>> No.9184614

It's ok I don't party either. To be honest I actually do like parties but I never get invited to any at cons because I guess I am not good at making friends with random people. Most of my con interactions are people asking me for photos. I don't really care though cons are fun anyways.

>> No.9184630


Well, I just don't really do parties, I mean my idea of a party is at most a lan party or friends hanging out.

Cosplaying and meeting like minded fans is what I go to conventions for.

>> No.9184752
File: 208 KB, 1023x723, 2_whole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are your costumes comming along?

I'm currently waiting on a wig and I'm pretty much ready.

>> No.9184764

Tips on getting into one of these parties? I'm a girl and confirmed cute through compliments and the such. I've never been to one because I'm really shy.

>> No.9184765

sounds like a plan!

>> No.9184768

At the point where I want to give up, but already put so much effort into it, that I can't.

>> No.9184769

*Dragoncon is the most drunk con on the east coast imo.
Though AWA takes it for the anime con only category :P

>> No.9184782

Why do you want to give up?

>> No.9184822
File: 271 KB, 378x638, ToS character large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not turning out exactly perfect. Its not bad, but not perfect either. Even though its not a complicated costume, I feel kinda annoyed that I'm spending a lot of time and money on a costume that isn't perfect.

Its a cosplay from a mmorpg, tree of savior, I was much more hyped of the game then than I am now, Still love the game, but not as hyped about it as I was. Oh well, either way, I'm gonna get it done. I just can not find the right boots though...

>> No.9184887

I still have so much to do for my cosplay. That and I just recently ordered my fabric for it so it'll get here by Monday hopefully. I'm working on patterning everything out perfectly until then and getting the prop together so it'll be streamlined once the fabric gets here. Still freaking out of course. At least my other three cosplays are already done.

>> No.9184923

Also very naive. Literally just painted a huge target to get raped on your back.

>> No.9184925


1) Most people aren't scum

2) Maybe she knows her limits and won't get blackout drunk

>> No.9184929


1) Its a shame the scum get to them first usually.

2) Didn't realize you had to be blackout drunk to get raped.

>> No.9184936

We seem to be on the same page then. It doesn't matter if she's blackout drunk or walking around the con sober, she could still get raped if there's a rapist around that wants to commit the act. So wanting to party doesn't make a difference.

>> No.9185032

Except she just put out a flag that attracts the fuckers like flys to shit. the only thing saving her from them at this point is we are the only ones replying and no one has tried slipping in pretending to be helpful.

here's my reply. if they want you, they will invite you in person. never take an internet party invite.

>> No.9185037

If your shy and want to take it easy you can party with us. 1 guy 2 girls and we just get drunk and have a good time.

>> No.9185076

Have you tried a dsw or amazon? At this point you could probably just paint the bottom of the soles gray.

>> No.9185172
File: 85 KB, 421x375, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, I've looked several places. I can't find any of the same color scheme or even any men's boots with a heel like my character does. Found one or two women's boots, but, of course, they are too small.

Oh well. I'm giving up on finding the perfect boots. Just need to figure out what material to use for the shin guards now.

>> No.9185185
File: 5 KB, 226x223, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ran into some money issues last second so I'll only be doing 2 this year instead of 3. One is almost done just need to cut the wig and paint a design on the shoes, and one is probably ~halfway done but the bulk of the sewing hasn't been done yet, though the good news is that everything seems pretty easy.

>> No.9185268

Where are all the sex parties this year?

>> No.9185295

Touhou orgy 2.0 when?

>> No.9185751

Any of you locals going to JapanFest?

I've never been, is it worth?

>> No.9185768

>Any of you locals going to JapanFest?
>I've never been, is it worth?
I've been there a couple of times. It's mainly a japanese culture thing, so unless you're really into that stuff, I wouldn't bother.

>> No.9185830
File: 273 KB, 2560x1440, IMG_20160817_221309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time on this board.
Usually a /b/k/o/an/out/pol/ kind of guy.
40/m, hot rod mechanic so I know colors and textures.
I own multiple seeing machines.
I'm curious how/what I could present myself as at a comicon (raised in San diego- never went).

Again, just curious because atl is just a couple hours away now.
Pic is cayman (alligators little cousin)

>> No.9185842

Eh don't worry about it. I don't party either. I'm always the grandma of my group and end up passing out but I've never had a bad time at AWA.

>> No.9185908

How many of you are actually female and not just guys saying they identify as female?

>> No.9185947

Surprisingly not terrible. I got my main one done last week and I'm on the final stretch of the second one. My "stretch goal" looks pretty attainable. I just have to find some motivation to get cracking on it.

>> No.9185949

There's honestly more girls on this board than guys imo.

>> No.9186185

Will the GA/SC clowns be kidnapping people at AWA?

>> No.9186206

This is the south. I seriously don't think those clowns are gonna keep doing this very long. One of them is going to get shot.

>> No.9186250

Theres a few near my campus, they'll probably get stabbed

>> No.9186257

What the hell is this about?

>> No.9186268

People dressing up like clowns and kidnapping people in Georgia and the Carolinas.

>> No.9186277

wtf are you even asking?

>> No.9186287

I think hes asking what he should dress up as and that he's efficient with paint and sewing.

>> No.9186494

Have they actually kidnapped people? I thought it was just a bunch of edgelords doing this to freak people out

>> No.9186567

Not going this year!
Thing is someone always begs me to go last minute, offers to pay for my ticket or drive my, just wants company. Ugh.
I hate the dumb staff. Every year they are dumber than the staff before.
And the stupid doors. Don't lean your head out to yell to your friend to get your pruse from the car. CAUSE THEN YOU HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY OUT AND WALK BACK AROUND.
Literally had a staff member force me out the door cause i leaned around it as it was closing and then went to step back. It was not crowed at the time at all, momentary ghost town, bitch said she'd take my badge if i didn't walk out and back around to come back to my cellphone that was charging in the wall by the glass doors. Glad it didn't get stolen while i walked around.

Grade A work there awa.

>> No.9186568

purse, not pruse, no idea what pruse is

>> No.9186586

Panic time

>> No.9186707

>looking forward too
Hopefully meeting new people and seeing some good costumes. As well as stocking up on cheaper manga.
Yeah, I'm trying to organize a munakata cosplay from danganronpa 3, but if that isn't possible I've got sigma from VLR
have fun
It's entertaining, though a little cramped compared to dragoncon or momocon.

>> No.9186805
File: 63 KB, 181x166, 1380321969568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I own multiple seeing machine.

>> No.9186940

Is anyone looking forward to buying a certain item from Meta? I would be so happy if they brought some leftover stock from the Secret Laboratory series.

>> No.9186970

As much as I think traps are cute as hell, both girls are 100% female.

>> No.9186987

Cramped compared to Dragoncon? What? Nice to see Zero Escape cosplays though.

>> No.9186988


It's barely cramped at all lol in comparison to Dragoncon don't be ridiculous.

>> No.9187151

Yeah, someone got grabbed on my campus but pulled away and ran off in time. Sounds like theyre trying to but havent really lol

>> No.9187282

door guards can not take your badge. they can notify someone that can but not for leaning your head out the door. Usually the door guards are last minute volunteers that are just live sign posts.

>> No.9187520

>realize I forgot a set of wings

Amazon don't fail me now

>> No.9188214

Amazon is life blood for last minute things. This is why I have prime

>> No.9188327

Their latest series have all been cute af so I'm excited. I hope they have lots of staples (bags, shoes, bloomers, socks), those are my favorite Meta items

>> No.9188432

The "Cramped" is really my only vice about Dragoncon.
I feel like AWA and momo I can actually breath at in comparison to running through the Dcon marriot lol.

>> No.9188438


It's not only that.

But you have to walk A LOT at dragoncon and it's hot as fuck.

I clocked in 27 miles walked over this last dcon.

Makes wearing costumes painful as fuck unless you wanna just sit around.

Momocon/AWA are all indoor and comfortable for the most part, so I'm looking forward to that.

>> No.9188461
File: 13 KB, 341x341, tp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9188658

The schedule has been posted! What events look the most fun to everybody?

>> No.9188767
File: 31 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna fug you up on Saturday nidai!!

>> No.9188846

I'm only seeing the 2015 schedule?

>> No.9188898


>> No.9189024

Any good hentai panels this year?

>> No.9189053

That what I always thought

>> No.9189327
File: 68 KB, 169x143, DESPAIR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9189333

True that. I actually ended up being really dehydrated this year on saturday. That's with drinking a ton of water all day...

>> No.9189757

So how far are you all traveling? I'm just over 3 hours away.

>> No.9189765

2 hour drive for us.

>> No.9189767

5 min commute from work :P, 25 mins from home

>> No.9189789

I'm a little over 4 hours away.

>> No.9189845

3 hour drive + the time change.

>> No.9189903

1. While I'm usually an advocate of staying at the hotel connected to the convention center at cons, I wouldn't at AWA. Some of the rooms open up directly onto an area used for the convention, and that should be an automatic flag for people expecting quiet. The Wydham Galleria is considerably cheaper, an easy drive away, and very high quality.

2. Every year, at every con, there has been an increase in people openly intoxicated and partying. I don't know why they would pay this much to do it at a con instead of doing it at home for free, but that's not the point. The only thing stopping this is heavier moderation from the con-staff. As far as hotel-room parties go, that's always going to be a crapshoot. Sometimes you get stuck next to a room of quiet and reserved con-goers, and other times you're inbetween two rooms full of Belushi-wannabes.

Yeah, the staff manages to drop IQ points every year, it's kinda terrifying. As far as the door thing is concerned, I've never had that happen. I've been going in and out those damned things since AWA has been in that building and they haven't said shit. Guess you found the one missing more than just a handful of her marbles.

3 hour drive, but it's 4 hours in time (time zones are a bitch)

>> No.9189912


>2. Every year, at every con, there has been an increase in people openly intoxicated and partying. I don't know why they would pay this much to do it at a con instead of doing it at home for free, but that's not the point.

From what I see on Facebook, a lot of people have con friends across the country so this is the one chance they have to party together.

>> No.9189948

they do start to enforce quiet times at a certain time.

>> No.9190066

7 hours. Our timezone is one hour ahead so more like 8 ughhh

>> No.9190085
File: 23 KB, 368x349, CpsHZ7YWEAA4wpR.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally live 15 minutes away from cob galleria.

>> No.9190300

8-9, southern Virginia

>> No.9190337

Eight hours, I think. Miami here.

>> No.9190351

Like 30 min from my house. Though, I will be going to the airport to pick someone up, so more like 1Hr.

>> No.9190355

6ish hours from Louisiana. Weeb road trip, I'm already making a playlist

>> No.9190369
File: 57 KB, 399x451, IMG_9993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five if I go, but the military postal lost my cosplay so I'm in the process of tracking it down, I'll be lucky if i find it in time desu
Feels shit man, I hate the military

>> No.9190378
File: 355 KB, 500x281, 9b8bd07ee4f256ac6072f9532c64138d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got an email from artist alley awa
>Power and Internet for your table are available through our venue, the Galleria. Power starts at $85 (for a 10 amp, 120V power strip) and Internet starts at $90 (for a 2MB connection).

They're joking, right? That is absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.9190430

The power is a little ridiculous but the internet I can believe. It's probably imposed by the venue. I staff another con and I remember our venue was wanting each artist and dealer to pay around $100 extra EACH for internet and wanted us to pay another couple thousand for our internet. Personally I would use your phone as a hotspot or something like that. If the venue gives you a hard time tell them that you are legally allowed to do that. I'm pretty sure that hotels and convention centers are not allowed to force you to use their internet. (Although someone can correct me if I'm wrong.)

As for power, I don't know what to tell you, senpai.

>> No.9190641

the hotel won't give you an issue a out using your hot spot, the cell towers Wil however. They are overloaded to hell and back.

With a laptop and a router though, I can share that 90 dollar internet connection amongst you.

>> No.9190674

They are serious, if you really need internet and don't have a cellphone that can act as a data hotspot, you can buy or rent little wifi hotspots from many cellphone retailers or online for a fraction of the price if you're only using the internet a little bit (i.e. no bittorrent and youtube binge).

As for power, if you can't power your devices off of a portable battery, you're pretty boned.

>> No.9190714

>Tfw coming fromLA

I mean fuck the west coast but this con is my favorite con ever

>> No.9190853


Mad respect to you guys coming from so far out!

>> No.9190939

are you new to the convention scene or just dense?

have you ever tried to use a cell network for anything during a con?

>> No.9190948

What do you think the convention is going give you for that $90 fee? you think they're going to give you a T1 line? No they're going to give you the same overtaxed wifi that everyone else is using. The question is are you going to pay a lot of money for crappy wifi or a little money for crappy wifi?

>> No.9190951

I'm going to have to hope my phone can stay alive for 10 hours straight, and hope my phone actually gets signal and isn't incredibly slow so I can take credit cards. A competent venue would make sure their vendors have what they need to actually function.

>> No.9190952

They should have dedicated wifi for the vendors and staff. Preferable free since the staff would benefit it from it just as much as the vendors.

>> No.9190956

lol give something away for free? That's not how a venue makes money. >:3

>> No.9191012


bring portable batteries with you, they go for around ~$30 on amazon, should help a lot.

>> No.9191020

Why not get a powerbank from Amazon? You can get 2-3 full charges from the ones that cost between $20-30.

>> No.9191263

Confirmed for dense as shut.

the Wi-Fi connection is rationed out so the same shit with the cell towers dosent happen. 2mb is fine to run payment systems compared to not being able to connect period. Just because you cant online stream your boring ass fan art booth doesn't mean the Wi-Fi is crappy.

>> No.9191264

It was tried, the vendors abused it. now we have to pay.

>> No.9191663

How do you do fellow defender of freedom. Which branch? Navy here.

>> No.9192033
File: 51 KB, 254x419, IMG_0006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makoto Nanaya cosplay finally came in, and just looking at it before even trying it on I know it won't work.
Don't ever buy from CosplayHouse guys, this shit took four months to "make" and the thigh high socks are fucking mid calf socks (which actually made me laugh)
But in all, this is a good thing because I'm inspired to make my own Makoto Nanaya Cosplay and use nicer material and shit and learn how to sew. This is gonna be my first hand made cosplay and I'm gonna use this bullshit one as a reference but hopefully I can work hard and enter in a contest for the first time ever.

>> No.9192037

Oh, Navy here as well. Where are you stationed? NAS JAX here

>> No.9192050

I learned my lesson on buying cosplays recently too.

I'd only ever done super easy normal-tier characters and I wanted to cosplay Krul Tepes. Found the perfect cosplay on ebay,-- loved how the details were, loved the ruffling and the proportions looked great.

I get it and it's complete shit, completely different than the picture. The buttons were falling off, the material was like a shitty haloween costume, and the sizing wasn't as they listed. I took my accurate measurements to make sure I ordered the right thing.
Currently disputing this nightmare with paypal.

>> No.9192055

Thigh-highs are super important.

>> No.9192074
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Same, I ordered my Kaga cosplay from an EBay seller once and it took about a month and came out EXACTLY as pictured. It was perfect. Only thing is I lost a little weight before it got here and the skirt was a little loose. But Cosplayhouse? A entire website dedicated to cosplay? Absolutely shit
Told them I'm gonna leave a shit review and I'm asking for a refund on the props I didn't receive yet, hopefully they'll give it to me.
I'll take pics of this shit when I get home

>> No.9192122
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Tragic "just got off work hair" but oh well. I definitely need to cut for this cosplay, and get more muscley defined. Thigh highs are my own, again, cosplay came with mid calf socks hahahah
Also I need to figure out how to keep my boobs in place and from popping out, maybe a elastic band?
Cosplay didn't even come with her boots or arms sleeves or fingerless gloves, but instead orange and black gloves with fingers? (Because I asked them to send the costume because they said their still making the props, supposedly) I swear they didn't even try.
I foolishly paid $230 for this, but hey it's a lesson.

>> No.9192135

still enough time to make the gloves and some boot covers. It'll be good practice for making a full costume.

>> No.9192144

sewing in some moleskin lining on the top (particular over the nipples) and using some prosthetic adhesive is your best option to keep the puppies in place, though if you're not that savvy about applying chemicals to your tits, it's probably better to go with double-sided tape and/or spirit gum, which will be less secure, but still more than enough to keep you from falling out of your costume.

>> No.9192208

oh wow, thats a lot. Thats not even including the tail and ears, right? The tail is amazing.
You look good anon, hope it works out.

>> No.9192243

how the fuck is that tail going to stay in place, looks heavy

>> No.9192261

When I see you I'm going to ask for a hug, no homo. I used to cosplay Rachel back in the day.

>> No.9192273

Hahaha good question.
There is a hook on the base for a belt, so I'll need to figure that out, but the bend of the tail I'll use invisible thread, kinda like the stuff you find on dresses to hang them up, or something like fishing line but not fishing like obviously.
I'll attach the string holding the tail to my chest area under my crop top to hold it up.

>> No.9192532

Yu guys should stay the hell away from hellocosplay as well.
I guess they steal pics from somewhere because what you get is nothing like what you order.
I have great luck with eBay, but fuck all these cosplay website stores, they're the ones that screw you over.

>> No.9192548

I'm sticking to local dudes. Luckily enough Atlanta has a lot of talented folks, it can be pricey though.

>> No.9193116

Anyone here selling floor space or hotel or anything? My hotel plans just got fucked up

>> No.9193292

depends, who are you and do you murder people and ehats your budget. I got Waverly space.

>> No.9193859

I'm looking for space too. I'm looking for a room for myself though, how would that work out? I don't want to show up, get scammed, and then have no where to stay for a few days.

>> No.9193934

Expedia still has Marriott rooms for $89 a night.

>> No.9193952

Are we looking at the same Marriott? It is showing as $198/night.

>> No.9193960
File: 159 KB, 887x299, Marriott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's there just a bit down on the page when you search for the Cobb Galleria area. I procrastinated on booking too so I was happy to find this.

>> No.9193961

Try clearing your cache anon!

>> No.9193966

I see it now, thanks! The problem is I only need it for the 28 and 29th which affects the price by a lot. My friend won't be getting there until the 30th and I'm staying with her.

>> No.9193967

how the fug

>> No.9193968

Anyone know if the Marriott has shuttles over to the con? I don't want to deal with parking.

>> No.9193989

parking at the con has never been an issue has it? I always past the offices without issue for the past 3 years. This is a suburb not Atlanta lol.

>> No.9193994

I've never actually gone before, I just assumed parking would be a hassle/expensive like most other cons.

>> No.9193995

I have never had trouble parking at or near AWA. Unlike a lot of other conventions the Cobb actually has plenty of parking nearby.

>> No.9193996

Still looking for a room at Waverly or Sheraton.

>> No.9194014

a room room or sleeping space?

>> No.9194019

Do rooms at the convention center ever get cancelled in the last week?

>> No.9194021

Room room.

>> No.9194098

Are you looking for Travela Wells on the fb board?

>> No.9194236

Can't say the same for next year with the new SunTrust Park being built.

>> No.9194277

Does georgia actually finish any construction they start? What about that statium?

>> No.9194412

MLB is very vague about the address of the new Braves stadium. It's said to be located at the intersection of I-75 and I-285, which is right where the Galleria is located. The planned finish date is in April. AWA occurs right before post-season. So if next year's AWA happens on a game day, parking is going to be absolute SHIT.

>> No.9194458

Oh my god....that will be horrible! I hope AWA looks into that, even if they have to move the date slightly to avoid something like that happening.

>> No.9194862


Lol it's almost done and oh boy traffic is going to be even a bigger shitshow

>> No.9194965

Anyone know if there's going to be a lolita swap meet this year? Or where it would even be?

>> No.9194977

FYI, we will be meeting at reg on saturday for the /cgl/ meetup at the cheesecake factory. Last few years have had a good turnout and were a lot of fun! I'm thinking 4pm, anyone have times that work best?

>> No.9195019


The One Piece photoshoot is at 4pm on Saturday :(

>> No.9195032
File: 3.27 MB, 1400x2725, falling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangan Roll Call!!
Who all Dangan Ronpa at AWA this year?

>> No.9195156

Find a better meetup spot then reg.

>> No.9195223

AWA just posted in the yoyogi club begging for Lolitas to go to the tea. Interesting that this was NOT posted in the local comm. I was told that the ATL comm mods do not support this. They have a meet up elsewhere the day of the Tea.

>> No.9195290
File: 73 KB, 480x280, tumblr_inline_mlhf3sVlvv1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going as (brown)sonia on saturday and possibly sunday!

>> No.9195455

I'd be down, I take it they are okay with coming in cosplay right?

>> No.9195574

Aah shit, itabag meet is the same day later at night for dinner. What about Friday?

>> No.9195586

Not the person you are replying to but I'd probably be down for friday at four honestly. Looks like the Happy Hour specials reduce the costs of some of their food.

>> No.9195791

>cosplay done
>airline is a check
>hotel is a go

Who else is completely done here?

>> No.9195860

Well, my cosplay isn't completely done, but I'm an artist, so that isn't really my priority.

This will be the biggest con I have ever sold at, and I feel like I should be more nervous than I am, but for the first time, I actually feel like I'm ready for a big convention. I actually have all the crafts done and ready to AWA. I can't even fit more inventory in my car if I tried.

I feel like I'm ready, but very worried about something going wrong x.x

>> No.9195915

Anyone here ever get any shit form TSA for traveling with cosplay? Just realized some of my cosplay is kept together by metal wiring (wings specifically). Has anyone ever gotten shit from them about it.

>> No.9195923


How screwed are you?

>> No.9195931

just cut my last wig, now all I gotta do is pack everything.

>> No.9195952

Nevermind I am a dumbass forgot I could just shit shit to the hotel via USPS for cheaper and less hassel.

Time for a new thread?

>> No.9196051

You can do what? Please elaborate.

>> No.9196066

Fucking christ you Itas love to make shit up? they posted it was the last day to get tickets you delusional cunt

>> No.9196079

New thread: >>9196076

>> No.9196150

Of course, most of us will be in cosplay.

>> No.9196627

I will be there. Last year's meetup was fun!

>> No.9197379

this is a goddamn lie, the lolitas that aren't going to the tea party either think it's too pricey or don't like Meta. I wish I was going but I'm not bc I have to work, why do you guys have to start shit for no reason?