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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 29 KB, 480x430, 14079661_1755970857992330_3789436335876320601_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9179161 No.9179161 [Reply] [Original]

KayyBearr as Cammy White from Street fighter.

>> No.9179164
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>> No.9179169
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Belle from Beauty and the Beast

>> No.9179172
File: 39 KB, 539x960, 14203272_629794817176485_7161940986895115795_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hermione Granger

>> No.9179174
File: 146 KB, 728x1021, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179175

she's too light for it to count desu.

>> No.9179180
File: 151 KB, 680x1021, CammyPanterona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not white though so it's still a racebend.

>> No.9179184
File: 312 KB, 500x750, untitled_by_enchantedcupcake-d6i3owg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power Girl

>> No.9179185

anyone got some of those pictures that were lost when the black thread got deleted?

>> No.9179188
File: 138 KB, 960x960, 14222208_1101790399907614_7896206089778379171_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the shitty ones but here's the one I posted of Panterona and Kayybearr

>> No.9179191
File: 68 KB, 680x1020, f17189fc109f2b2ba728841051d46c49_w7qXeJPN15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179192
File: 391 KB, 740x1110, qSi9X7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179195

i was hoping for thicc as fuck goku costume and elasta-girl

>> No.9179203
File: 82 KB, 636x960, gk9ZxCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they both looked like shit so i didn't save them. You can see plenty of thick black women on google.

>> No.9179208
File: 59 KB, 500x669, 8af150651f396155569e6bacdf60d42e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

race and genderbent

>> No.9179213
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>> No.9179214
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>> No.9179216
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here's black Harry for your racially ambiguous Hermione

>> No.9179221

Is Yaya's lower body really that weird? I'm just now noticing it

>> No.9179222

she just has no hips or ass so her huge implants imbalance her body

>> No.9179223 [DELETED] 


>> No.9179226

She's adorable.

>> No.9179231
File: 239 KB, 670x867, 12973612_1000928493327139_913311631168081657_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panterona as Wonder Woman

>> No.9179233
File: 95 KB, 500x750, bb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179235 [DELETED] 

These are all so bad lmaoo

>> No.9179242
File: 83 KB, 500x667, tumblr_o567t3GpDy1qf0jd8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179246
File: 80 KB, 900x600, sailor_lead_crow_cosplay_by_llangelusll-d959uoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179248
File: 66 KB, 500x331, tumblr_nqoc44RXNe1rjzirso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179256
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>> No.9179269


Her ass is literally concave lol, was so weird watching her walk in Wonder Woman

>> No.9179313

the detail on this is amazing

>> No.9179400

inb4 someone starts posting white girls cosplaying anime characters.

>> No.9179401 [DELETED] 

>Cammy White

>> No.9179426 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 600x600, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9179427

some anime characters arent japanese, but most of them are. so whats the problem here?

>> No.9179745


>> No.9179775

She got the ass for it

That's more than what you can usually say for modt Cammy cosplayers

>> No.9179798

Do people need to categorize cosplayers due their skin color? No white cosplayer ever gets their cosplay called racebendend version of a character. Or white version of character x.

Great cosplays, just don't get why bring race to this thread on the first place. They are the character regardless of their ethnicity, skin color etc.

>> No.9179802

lol exactly this. Why is it only racebending when Black girls cosplay Japanese girls?

>> No.9179804
File: 154 KB, 2048x1366, 12291824_10156236884690032_6650744884956346267_o_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179807
File: 337 KB, 1024x684, Otakuthon2014_SailorMoon_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially for you, anon.

>> No.9179812
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>> No.9179813
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>> No.9179816
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>> No.9179822
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Wow you're so clever anon! No one would have thought of such a hilarious post but yourself

>> No.9179849 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 800x1200, 1072472_628434697265900_9067678084943928275_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179856
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>> No.9179857

Why is this a term that exists?

>> No.9179861
File: 317 KB, 960x1280, 1411049574752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9179868

I feel like "racebending" could be when you for example change the hair colour to black when you're black yourself, like in >>9179812 (which I think is unnecessary by the way) but not when you're just not the same ethnicity as the character.

>> No.9179887

Oh my god she is an angel! What a cute face! Not gonna lie, racebends are normally pandering/ ugly but this one is so simple and cute.

>> No.9179894

I do think certain wig colors go better with certain skintones but I still don't consider it a "racebend". It's just a black person cosplaying Sailor Moon. If anyone said I was "racebending", I'd probably laugh

>> No.9179896

damn who is this? tried googling marting wong but it's not her lol

>> No.9179899

Low tier bait

>> No.9179912

Racebending actually came about from back when M. Night Shamalamadingdong made the Avatar the Last Airbender Movie and made some interesting cast choices. The term stuck around since then.

>> No.9179914

Who is this goddess?

>> No.9179918

Isn't that white-washing? Which is the opposite?

>> No.9179924
File: 112 KB, 500x702, tumblr_ndzkf3Hk411srxd2qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill Bill Vol. 3

>> No.9179926
File: 711 KB, 800x1200, michonne_the_zombie_slayer_by_elyspencergross-d6pwptt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because white girls cosplaying Japanese characters are the norm in the west. With that said, it should still technically count. But when I think of racebent cosplays with white cosplayers, I expect something along the lines of this Michonne sans blackface.

>> No.9179951

They used the term more as in they were changing the races in general. For example, Zuko was changed to a dark Indian man. It was also a pun off of firebender, waterbender, etc.

I'm not really into debating the appropriateness of the term since I didn't come up with it nor did I come up with this thread. I was simply here to explain where the term came from since someone asked why it existed.

>> No.9179953

I am that same someone. I don't want to debate about it either but the term is just silly to me. I'm not racebending, I'm just cosplaying.

>> No.9179966

Then you and I actually have the same opinion about it believe it or not. I guess no debate would've ensued either way. It's just cosplay.

>> No.9180141
File: 69 KB, 640x960, 10991307_673015192807066_8457956269657257225_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9180144
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>> No.9180146
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>> No.9180149
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>> No.9180151
File: 127 KB, 477x720, tumblr_nsz7fqWBLk1sk6uczo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still one of my favorites

>> No.9180153
File: 80 KB, 573x960, 12771476_975145615910064_6920087224598305351_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9180155
File: 82 KB, 636x960, 12742748_972599706164655_944362901104325285_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9180161
File: 379 KB, 1002x750, blackfaced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my personal favorite

>> No.9180169


>> No.9180188

I can't seem to find it on google and my old hdd crashed on me so I can't post it! Does anyone have racebent Yuno Gasai?

I'm latina looking to fiiiiiinally cosplay Yuno (I've been waiting for a boyfriend because it's top of my list couple cosplay.)

>> No.9180196

that's racist. anyone who wears blackface should be sent to prison for hate crimes, or at least thrown out of the con

>> No.9180208

This look so laughably bad. I'm not even offended, this is just bad cosplay

>> No.9180225

She just had to go brown with a character with maroon skin

>> No.9180233
File: 78 KB, 600x800, Leola Bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9180241
File: 52 KB, 452x922, ref-su-garnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Seriously what

>> No.9180282

that's clearly a black person
you can tell from the nappy afro

>> No.9180343


>> No.9180344


>> No.9180599

The only ones I have a problem with in this thread are the obvious black face >>9180161 and the fact that the Ravens aren't GRAY

I think I'm in love >>9179242

>> No.9180635

Who is this?

>> No.9180649

Peachibunni on tumblr

>> No.9180661

I want Yaya to sit in me, crush my windpipe and kill me instantly.

>> No.9181719

nice b8

>> No.9181861

>zap muthafucka

>> No.9181868
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>> No.9181873
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>> No.9181875
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>> No.9181879
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>> No.9181986

Love this so much. Perfect hair.

>> No.9182140

Absolutely Disgusting

>> No.9182166

>"She's only trying to be as accurate to the character as possible!"
>wears shit-tier dreads

>> No.9182286

>you will never find a sailor senshi group that has actually dyed their real hair instead of using wigs that look like shit.
Why is nobody willing to go all the way for cosplay?

>> No.9182288

She has the perfect face for this

>> No.9182295
File: 131 KB, 794x1200, sailorV_chakacumberbatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9182362

Actually. Luna is a cat. So idk if this really applies? Unless you're going for species bent?

>> No.9182365

That's a man.
I'm black and I thought the worse part of this was that the color was wrong. The skin needs to be Maroon. Not sure why she picked brown, maybe because of the VA? That or she's stupid.

>> No.9182367

>nappy afro
>seeing what's pictured as nappy

>> No.9182401

This is a really lazy cosplay though. Its such an easy costume too.

>> No.9182451

> Easy = lazy
So people can't do simplistic costumes?

>> No.9182496

yeah, L from death note. remember THAT craze?

>> No.9182512

What is this???

>> No.9182516
File: 57 KB, 720x405, mgid-ao-image-mtv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9182557

It is racebending though, just as much as any of the ones posted in the thread.

>> No.9182598
File: 242 KB, 1280x887, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lazy cosplay
It's not really 'lazy' at all. That's exactly what the character wears. I've seen some bad Kiki's before but this isn't one of them.

>> No.9182739

I second that. At least for anime characters of Japanese descent, which is the vast majority.

Oh well maybe it's because I'm European, and therefore don't see the 'race thing' the same as Americans. People here seem to base stuff more on skin color, rather than 'race' itself.

Have you never heard of Sailor Moon live action?! Their hair looks on point, it's the closest you can get to how they would look in real life.
But yeah, you can't expect cosplayers having that type of quality wig budget.

>> No.9182803
File: 1.00 MB, 1944x2430, IMG_20160904_040449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super filtered but she's really cute

>> No.9182866
File: 68 KB, 441x524, cats3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you don't know what you're talking about. Human Luna is canon.

>> No.9182989

Youre not cute if the only angle you look it is up above and to the side with filters like crazy.

>> No.9182998
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>> No.9183000
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>> No.9183016
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>> No.9183023

Calm down. It's obviously a selfie.

>> No.9183052

This is probably my favorite Hiccup.

>> No.9183092
File: 274 KB, 716x536, animation_michiaki_sugimoto_ep186_03_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lead Crow is dark though? This isn't a racebend at all.

>> No.9183240

but she isn't black so it still counts I think. not every dark anime character is black.

>> No.9184007
File: 107 KB, 736x981, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc her excuse was that she's German and didn't even know what blackface was. A lot of the black cosplayers of this character don't paint their skin so maybe she was under the impression the character is supposed to be black.

>> No.9184019

I don't even care if this is bait this is some funny shit.

>> No.9184063

Shittiest Ryuuko by far

>> No.9184150

If you wear a cosplay like this without any sort of tights underneath, I'm just gonna assume that you let random people fuck you in the bathrooms at cons

>> No.9184164

How is this girl even so popular?

>> No.9184219

There are tons of black weeaboo men and a few race traitor white weeaboos that'll fall for any average to above-average black cosplayer.
That's what seems to have happened with all these black cosplay girls who just do swimsuit and bunnysuit versions of characters and have tons of likes. Kay Bear I genuinely like, though. She's one of the few black cosplayers that consistently pumps out good quality costumes

>> No.9184269

Both of them are Japanese. Japanese can be both as pale and as dark as that.

>> No.9184340

I don't know. I don't like any of her cosplays. I don't really think she's that cute either but a lot of other people do so that's why she has the followers

>> No.9184368


dat ass

>> No.9184401 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 201x203, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, I'm not sure anon. Could be the same reason most scantily clad female cosplayers get notoriety. Ya know, her construction skills.

>> No.9184500

I guess that means I can officially say I have an ass then

>> No.9184522

hell she could have done a pinkish red makeup

>> No.9184590

And her patron nudes that rake in 1k per month.

>> No.9184595

Painting yourself of brown is not blackface, feel free to wander outside of tumblr to search information with pictures.

>> No.9184617

HOW? Man, people are dumb.

It was b8

>> No.9184647

If I knew I'd be doing it too

>> No.9184736

Shes a cutie and constantly has good cosplay that fits her skin tone. Definitely not the worst famous cosplayer out there.

>> No.9184762


>> No.9184763

You literally sound exactly like
>you can tell from her ponytail that samus is a proud queer trans white-passing womyn loving womyn of color
The picture is fucking pink and it has a rectangle head because it's a rock.

>> No.9184771

Definitely only "famous" because of her Jinx and other flavour of the month LoL cosplays

>> No.9184841

>A lot of the black cosplayers of this character don't paint their skin
Then they are doing it wrong too. I have 2 major rules about cosplay
1. Wear a fucking wig
2. If the character has a strange color (red, blue, etc) find the time paint that color.
If you want to cosplay a white character and you are black that's fine. Black character while white? Go ahead, you don't need to change skin color to do it. Yet I get upset when someone wants to cosplay a smurf and they don't take time or effort to be blue.

>> No.9185430
File: 903 KB, 1280x720, Super.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9185783

>"Race traitor white weeabos"

>> No.9185995

That's not the point of this thread

>> No.9186025

I like this. You can tell exactly who she is meant to be, without any need to blackface

>> No.9186111

The two are literally the funniest people on earth.

>> No.9186300


>> No.9186365


>> No.9186461

What is it with black people and always opening their mouth to look like they are screaming? Seriously. Almost every music video, self shot video, vine.. Etc. Its so unappealing and makes no fucking sense. Supergirl doesn't even have a shouting power ffs, so it makes no sense.

>> No.9186645


I'm pretty sure she's yawning, you goof.

>> No.9186861

this was the dumbest thing I've ever read

>> No.9186927

oh HELL yes

>> No.9186929

got em!

>> No.9186932

...what ass?

>> No.9186934

thats actually pretty cool

any more black dudes?

>> No.9186937

not sure if right girl is a trap

>> No.9186944

well played andre... checked

>> No.9186951 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one here who kind of likes Kawaii Goods?

>> No.9187084

are you blind?

>> No.9187117

Are you a whiteknight?

>> No.9187127

are you a faget?

>> No.9187171

No this is patrick

>> No.9187191


>> No.9187207

Wait...you mean she's actually cosplaying supergirl and not just Howl in a supergirl outfit

>> No.9187210

I wonder if he went around talking like that eras Luke.
>Jive turkeys don't mess with me. Sweet Christmas.

>> No.9187215

I literally cant grow my hair out enough to do Mars' hair, it starts to curl once it gets jaw length and no straightening iron will keep it smooth, especially not in the Florida humidity.

>> No.9188964

>thinking using your real hair instead of a wig for cosplay is something good

>> No.9189008

I think you dropped your white hood there bro.

>> No.9189014

A few race traitor white weeaboos fall for any average to above-average black cosplayer, and the rest has yellow fever.

>> No.9190513


>> No.9190532

I can't stop looking at that perfect broom

>> No.9192473
File: 84 KB, 638x960, 12377674_797647987027540_1867233796254151041_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9192612

HFS - he looks awesome. Wish i wasn't a skinnyfat sack of shit so i could cosplay Luffy :'(

>> No.9192619

Thicc :O :O :O

Also, muh dick!

>> No.9196100

Are you retarded? She's obviously a rectangle with a super tight corset on, you can fell by how she has flat hips

>> No.9196674

O shit I laughed

>> No.9196684
File: 372 KB, 960x1280, 1410746652887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but those breasts

they are nice, arent they?

>> No.9197123

the vast majority of characters are created by light-skinned peoples and cultures, and are ambiguously light skinned to begin with, so, yes, it's fine to categorize cosplayers with vastly different skin tones than the characters they portray. why do you automatically assume this is a bad thing?

>> No.9197266
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1462772635895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b o o t a y

>> No.9197297

Generalization faggot

>> No.9197693

Weebs into Asians? You don't say.

>> No.9197698

Damn her titties look nice

>> No.9197726

70% sure those tits are part of the costume, aka fake, and not in the silicone way.

>> No.9197735

If so, that's a great costuming/photoshop job.

>> No.9197746

You ugly jealous bitches play mental gymnastics to delude yourselves.

>> No.9197756

Yeah, those are fake boobs made for the costume

>> No.9197765



> when retards try to look smart

>> No.9197868

>perfection doesn't actually exist

Oh well, back to 2D for me :(

>> No.9197896

Thanks for actually finding the source, based gull.
It must be difficult to be blind when surfing the tubes.

Butt srsly, jump on unsuspecting anons when they are bitching about minute or irrelevant details, rather than factual observations.

>> No.9197926

You're dumb if you think anyone's boobs look like that that DON'T have implants

>> No.9197949

To be fair, it wasn't implants.

>> No.9198272
File: 123 KB, 750x923, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because she's just another patreon stripper.

>> No.9198443

So? It makes good money and you can do it from home. Smart choice.

>> No.9198488

>tfw it's necessary that she cosplays headband Rikka

>> No.9198505

better than being a real stripper, imo

>> No.9198509

I wish I knew where someone uploaded her nude shit, if someone does. I'm not that well paid or have the inclination to shell out $25-$50 for her sets, even if she is a qt3.14

>> No.9198511

lewd =\= nude

sorry anon, it's a racket to extract cash from betas

>> No.9198526

Alright, then the lewd pics, I don't care. I think she is attractive and want to see more pics of her, but I'm not going to throw that sum away every month.

>> No.9198572

Ngl, I have no issue with people doing it. If they can get neckbeards to shell out cash for underwear sets, why not?

>> No.9198677


some people think it gives cosplayers a bad name by making the hobby all about sex

>> No.9198691

I used to be one of those girls that bitched whenever I saw someone in a skimpy cosplay but now I care more about the ones that don't even put any effort into it. Go the sexy route if you want but don't throw some shit together and act like you're the best cosplayer in the world. Like, don't delude yourself; just own up to it.

>> No.9199125

Real strippers get more exercise.

>> No.9199182

Though the money is probably really, really nice, I feel like it's kind of shitty to have a fanbase made up entirely of just gross neckbeards.

>> No.9199245
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>> No.9199267

this is so cute!

>> No.9199738
File: 45 KB, 240x240, captain arabia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9202142

>scar and peach fuzz beard
10/10 regardless of race.

>> No.9202145

This is actually pretty awful

>> No.9202232

I'm shocked.

>> No.9202283

I don't understand. Why couldn't she where the actual mask under her hijab?

>> No.9203142

Nigri shared her page

>> No.9203298

How is this supposed to be racebent?

>> No.9203642

because Psylock is asian not white.

>> No.9203687


Uh-oh! Looks like *somebody* didn't read the comics!

Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock was born in England and was raised in the small town of Maldon, Essex. Betsy was Sir James Braddock's second adopted child and she, her twin brother Brian, and elder brother Jamie had a very privileged life......."

Direct from the wiki page. See link for further reading:


>> No.9203766

She's in a Japanese woman's body, so her appearance (and her race) should be Asian


>> No.9203769

Does this actually qualify as racebent?

>> No.9203770

Don't be a dumbass--try reading the entire wiki page next time before you try getting all uwu comics elitist!

Psylocke is a white woman's 'soul' in a Japanese body--the costume that girl is cosplaying has been worn exclusively by post soulswitch Psylocke, who is in appearance Japanese, as her body is not actually Betsy Braddock's, but a Japanese woman's named Kwannon.

The only way a white Psylocke would NOT be a racebend is if she was wearing the costume Betsy wore as pre-soulswap in her Psi-Division days, which is distinctly different from her X-Men outfits and her appearance post-Kwannon swap.

>> No.9203775


That looks like the dude who's playing Mr. Terrific.

He'd make a fantastic Alex Wilder, though.

>> No.9203819

She is basically a black Jessica Nigri

>> No.9203865

So, she's British, then. Glad we cleared that up.

Okay how come nobody cosplays as the pre-soulswap Psi-Division version of Psylocke?

>> No.9203883
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i don't have enough /co/ related laughing reactions for this, and i have about 20 or 30 of them

>> No.9203911

How do you guys feel about black cosplayers using natural hairstyles for cosplays? (Natural hair as in afro, braids, locs, etc.) I've been wanting to do Trucy from Ace Attorney with short, asymmetrical box braids but idk if it would look weird.

>> No.9203916

I think it works depending on the character. Example >>9179214

>> No.9204039
File: 7 KB, 256x144, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In olden times they were called minstrel shows. Now its just black face.

>> No.9205623

racebent ravens are always good ravens.

>> No.9205625

possibly best luffy ive ever seen?

>> No.9205666

broom is perfection 10/10

>> No.9205709

oh you
yeah it is, because of the whole "Hermione Granger is actually black" meme; anon is trolling us

>> No.9205918

that cosplayer is obviously not white

>> No.9206158 [DELETED] 

I want a black girlfriend but my parents are racist. ;_;

>> No.9206237
File: 259 KB, 400x600, Trucy_AA6_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it! I think it would look cute. You could try to mimic the overall shape of the hairstyle (pic related, remember she has kind of a ponytail). Luckily, she has a top hat thar covers a good part of her head, so it's not like her hairstyle is her most recognizable feature.

>> No.9208805


I think it looks great when you do it like >>9206237 says.

I did Princess Leia with afro puffs and people love it.

>> No.9208815

So cut off contact.
Terrible people are terrible people, regardless of you coming out of their vagina or not. Cry more.

>> No.9209177
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>> No.9209190 [DELETED] 
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>I want a black girlfriend but my parents have my best interests in mind. ;_;
>inb4 >>>/pol/

>> No.9209281

More for the rest of us

>> No.9210839 [DELETED] 

i feel bad for black women

>> No.9210842

we feel bad for you too

>> No.9210861


I used to follow her page on facebook and then unliked it when she started spamming my feed with her half naked pics I felt embarrassed to open facebook in public because of that shit.... She literally is the black Jessica Nigri except less cosfamous obviously.

>> No.9210890

A white chick as Rikku? Yes. Obviously.

>> No.9211046

Obviously?... Isn't being blonde haired and green eyed usually a white thing?

>> No.9211060

Have you never played the games or anything? Her entire race (Al Bheds in case you want to look it up) was based on middle easterners though skin tones varies from lightly tanned to very dark.
There are some folks that could be read as white - like Leblanc - but Rikku is not one of them.

>> No.9213804

Middle Easterners are still Caucasians, and it's not uncommon for blonde hair and blue or green eyes to pop up amoung them.

>> No.9213812

Literally what? No they are not. White people /=/ middle easterners. Arabs, egyptians, pakistanis, ect. are not even close.
Either way, thats what her race is based on but its true that hair/eye color oddities do crop up. At the end of the day, its a game so there will be some realistic things (like all Al Bheds usually have swirls in their eyes) but yeahhh, def. not white.

>> No.9213820

I said Caucasians, which is different from "white people", which these days seems to be only applied to Europeans.

>> No.9220126


>> No.9220155

>when you want to get in touch with your 1/16th Native American genes

>> No.9220484

Awesome, she can star in the film for all I care.

>> No.9220541

Is a shame the only portrayal of Psylocke you've ever seen before is Yaya Han's.

>> No.9220550

That's because race changes with time and the term "Caucasian" has never been used for anything scientific and originated a long fucking time age, and these days people consider Middle Eastern and white people to be different races so that's completely irrelevant.

>> No.9221138

And "white people" has so much scientific backing, right?

>> No.9222088

>people consider Middle Eastern and white people to be different races
Because they are lmao
Americans are weird as fuck.

>> No.9222095

God, fuck comics.

>> No.9226579 [DELETED] 

>niggering up my hobby
No thanks, chief.

>> No.9226580 [DELETED] 

>muh hobby

>> No.9226931

shame she didn't find out about it until after becoming jaded as a real stripper.

>> No.9226989

I don't care either. The only thing I dislike is it creates pressure for other girls in cosplay to do sexual things or strip down to compete. Had a few of my friends give into it to get pageviews and it's a sad thing to watch.

>> No.9226990 [DELETED] 


>> No.9227682

what is this persons problem?

>> No.9228899
File: 697 KB, 2048x1361, 1473321170937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best comin' thru

>> No.9228986


>> No.9228989

I don't understand. Is this like, your argument to the statement? A shit-tier selfie, filtered so much it doesn't even look real?
Or is this just a shitty self-post to the thread?
I'm honestly confused. Go away

>> No.9229046

Tell your friends to grow a fucking spine. No one forced them to be desperate for attention.

>> No.9229074

>implying most of /pol/ doesn't have jungle fever

>> No.9229077


Minesweeper cosplay?

>> No.9229078

The best thing on this thread.

>> No.9229159

Damn, those are some Luffy like limbs.

>> No.9229166

I know! The cult based female oppression is just wonderfully cute here!!! I'm soo happy she was allowed to go out, and allowed to be photographed as well!

>> No.9229468

Perfect proportions

>> No.9229536 [DELETED] 

Careful, you might hurt your hand thumping your bible too hard

>> No.9229746

"cult based female oppression"? What country did this con take place in?

>> No.9229750

She was hot before she got those awful implants....

>> No.9229756


Come on just say "not white people," we're not mad

>> No.9229758
File: 113 KB, 960x617, 1472688237551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait until Tumblr: The Thread goes kill.

>> No.9229770

Obviously not an Islamic one because she's still alive.

>> No.9229773

Only two more to auto sage!

>> No.9229775


>> No.9229776
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>> No.9229845

I didn't until that black chick at my office started practically begging for my dick. I'll stop fucking black chicks the second white girls do.

>> No.9229846

>You wouldn't spray that with your fire hose and try to white wash it

>> No.9229847

No. At least a real stripper actually works for it.

>> No.9229932

They're not Japanese, they're aliens.

>> No.9230767

No, I don't actually....

>> No.9230771

You do realize you have to be at least 18 to use 4chan...

>> No.9233402

I'm 32.....

>> No.9233966

Death Note was really popular among teenaged types in 2007-2008, after which everyone forgot about it.

>> No.9234533


>> No.9234887


Decent stuff, but bad photography.

>> No.9235455

photoshop ..

>> No.9235461

but that face.. can't be helped can it?
why are black women so ugly, the best ones have white in them.

>> No.9236529
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>> No.9236542
File: 65 KB, 958x960, 14224836_1040422762738921_5135232288970895722_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, i've been e-crushing hard on this girl for ages now. she seems to be stuck in the gender politics echo chamber on some of her social media tho which is a damn shame.

>> No.9236954
File: 55 KB, 960x700, binglebangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FionaNova's Junko Enoshima
don't know if it counts as a race bend since the original design was black w. afro ponytails but

>> No.9236964
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>> No.9236979
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>this entire thread

>> No.9237271

Why isn't every white american that cosplays in here? Seeing how they are mostly asian you know anime......

>> No.9237298

An albino Asian is still Asian. Rikku has green eyes and blonde hair, but her facial features (eyeshape, nose, teeth) are all Asian. And I'm not talking about Middle East, her features look totally Japanese. Same for Tidus, Yuna, Wakka, and so on. Final Fantasy tends to do this more often, prolly because: Japanese developers. But in the case of Final Fantasy X, it's also because it's based on Okinawan culture. Therefore all the characters look like Okinawan Japanese when it comes to facial structures.

lol this

>> No.9237303
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 00132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How people see this facial structure as anything other than Japanese is beyond me. To me this just screams "Hello, I'm a Japanese with green eyes and blonde hair".

>> No.9237552

This is racist whitewashing. It's okay the other way around but this. This is just wrong.

>> No.9237605 [DELETED] 

Japanese looking aliens, like Goku.

>> No.9237611

They're as Asian looking as Superman is White looking, though.

>> No.9237625


lmfao not even blackface

>> No.9237694

To be fair they only look super Asian-i-fied in the cutscenes. The in-game renders look nothing like that.

>> No.9238892
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>> No.9238919

"are anime character asian" is an argument that does not need to be in here.
regardless of whatever cherrypicked series or example anybody will pull out, Japanese think they look Japanese and Europeans/Americans think they look white.

>> No.9238923

You know the only accurate answer is to day they look like caricatures. Because that is exactly what they are. No human being could exist with anime or cartoon proportions and would look stupid if they did. So the fact that it is a fantasy means people see what they want, which is generally themselves.

>> No.9239031

Get that weak ass bait outta here.

>> No.9239154

Took me a while

>> No.9243452

Since most cosplay is westerners playing Asian (Jpn) characters as displayed on Anime. Once they go thru the visual blender we call animation I score cosplay more by costume equity and detail. Details that help the illusion gets ++. And since I'm a het guy, cute girls get more attention that being said...


Great job, love the Jiji and the broom. (bonus cute girl!!)
Simple costume but I see this character done a lot so poorly. The little details make it really go (did I say she was cute too?)

Two thumbs up for this drink of water...

Great job, hopefully bouncing thru some cons with this

Ok male drool affecting my assessment.

More male drool excellent costume she should do some video doing some WW things.

Another good job... and for the Cosnazi's out there and the hardcore HP fans a question ; maybe the Potters hailed from a Commonwealth country in the Caribbean, does any of the lit actually say Harry is a white kid.

I see my favorite HP char here! Ms.Granger! Everything I say about Harry also applies here
(HP as a parable about racism?)

Another excellent costume, since I'm a guy I am again finding it difficult to find something wrong with it. I'm all for good looking women in good looking costumes.


I'm gonna stop singling out specifics pics now but gonna say this. When I read books I think of how the characters may look and it's nebulous. When a movie comes out I might start visualizing the characters differently based how close I think the actor portrayed the character. Good cosplay is a opportunity to see other ways to visualize the characters.

>> No.9246041

What are you smoking?

>> No.9250205

I don't like to talk social issues with cgl, but lets be real, Garnet may be an alien species, but she matches all the stereotypical 'black woman' design codes. The average person is going to see her and think black woman. Her hair, her lips, her hips, voice, etc. Same with the purple girl. I don't think that makes someone racist that that is what they see in her (it would be racist if they said shes a shit character because of these traits).
So can we please stop jumping at people who portray her as black? I don't see people shitting on people who portray Pearl as white, seems like most people assume that and its acceptable

>> No.9250206

Because hair doesn't grow that long and the amount of bleach and dye it would take would destroy the hair and bankrupt the girl it was attached to.

>> No.9250361
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haha, ouch anon...

>> No.9250512

as a guy seeing that
no fucking way...women so many illusions

>> No.9252353

Two of the best people i've met at any con

>> No.9252895

I can dream...

>> No.9252936
File: 99 KB, 800x1200, 14468639_1563997383617651_7256746698914922456_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9252991

that's what she's supposed to look like though

>> No.9253208

This girl is white, not brown.

>> No.9253934

She looks more white than black.

>> No.9255033

She's not passing as white... she look mixed but since Emma Watson is obv white this still counts as racebent....

>> No.9255063

her proportions are so good for that extreme shoujo style

>> No.9255064

it's not 'lazy', as that other anon said. it's a simple cosplay, but you can tell she put real effort into making everything look nice instead of cheaping out. i love when people take simple cosplays seriously

>> No.9255106

Except a million times hotter

>> No.9256069


Stretch marks on her ass giving me life

>> No.9256088

Are you retarded??? Who the fuck said she was black? Who said this was an exclusively black cosplay thread?

>> No.9258517


I was just talking to my bf about this while playing the hd collection lol I was wondering if I was imagining things or if everyone got super Asian for the cutscenes...

>> No.9259648
File: 55 KB, 405x759, WE WUZ KAINGZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9259653


this thread needs to fucking die already

>> No.9259667

Source, please...

>> No.9259668

pls give me source

>> No.9259678

Ffffuck this is great.

>> No.9259685

This, so much.

>> No.9264790
File: 101 KB, 640x960, whiteSailorMoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct me if I am wrong, but considering that most people cosplay as characters from Japanese cartoons, comics, and games... aren't most people cosplaying in say.. North America, race bending? Like, every white guy dressed up as Ryu or white girl dressed up as Sailor Moon?