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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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9173039 No.9173039 [Reply] [Original]

Pic Related.
What trends would you like to go out of style? What are you sick of seeing? Brands you predict will become popular next year, styles you would like to see more of...ect.

>> No.9173043

I want the idea that everything has to be ultra matchy to die so we can get original, cool coords again.

>> No.9173046


>> No.9173052

"Lolita Chalenges" on Instagram.
If I have to see another coord on a bedspread or on someone's floor again and again,filled to the brim with a bunch of hastags...I'm going to lose it.

>> No.9173071

Crosses! It got already better this year, but hope for them for vanish completly.

>> No.9173073

I'm sick of seeing voodoodolly's head pieces shoehorned into every Ott coord. I think they're gorgeous but the novelty has definitely worn off for me...

>> No.9173076

Are floordinates really that bad? I'm camera shy, so I always post my coords (on tumblr, I don't really do instagram) just laid out against a white background. I didn't know people hated it that much.

As for trends I want to die, can AP stop putting crosses on everything? I'm not even uncomfortable with wearing them, it's just gotten tedious. I'm also sick of high-waisted everything. I'm short and skinny (by American standards) and it still doesn't look as good on me as other cuts.

>> No.9173080

Someone else feels the same way I do. It's like the gothic version of a 3F bonnet when it's shoehorned into every OTT classic coordinate.

>> No.9173085

I want to see more military style.
Super happy AP is doing a set for this soon. I really might have to bite the bullet and buy it to show my support.

>> No.9173088

>What trends would you like to go out of style?
dressing for likes

>What are you sick of seeing?
a lack of creative and original content so severe that all we can talk about is each other

>Brands you predict will become popular next year
AP will continue to reign, and nothing much will change. people say OTT classic replaced sweet but sweet is still queen, as shown by the ubiquitousness of AP. i do not see that abating.

>styles you would like to see more of
daily lolita and street style.

>> No.9173090

Seconding. I like things matching but I think as long as it's in the same cool or warm tone, someone shouldn't have to worry about people nitpicking for no reason other than they looked at a color on a monitor and decided things don't match.

>> No.9173094

I wish more people would post floordinates here if everyone is gonna be pissy about seeing someone actually wearing things.

>> No.9173095

desu I wish fatties with good coording skills would do this instead of posting pics of them stretching it out

>> No.9173097

I think more people seem to be upset about clothes being on the floor since they think it's dirty, at least what I've read before.

>> No.9173099
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i know ouji is increasing in popularity and i hope that if it does, people will stop treating it like a super special or sexy thing.

and bring back decadent aristocrat, pic related. the reign of sweet has all but snuffed it out.

finally, watching vlogs of gothic festivals really drives home what a non-subculture lolita is. seeing people in a range of styles, from basic to OTT gear /cgl/ would blast as "costumey," dance their hearts out to live bands they adore makes lolita feel so shallow by comparison. there is nothing lolita offers that can compare.

>> No.9173101

The false obsession with cleanliness needs to die. The floor in your house is probably cleaner than the seats you sit in at restaurants. Setting your purse on the counter of a public restroom is germier than putting your shoes on carpet. People need to lighten the fuck up.
I don't even think anyone who calls this shit out actually cares, they just want to start shit or pretend they're cleaner and better than the person they're calling out.

>> No.9173108

Yea, this gets argued to death but I always put mine on a bed. Maybe we should call them bed coords?

>> No.9173115

I believe most of Lolita has become more and more shallow through the years due to the fact that the Internet gives us everything that we want.
There are only a handful of people In the Lolita community that I can think of who actually put thought into their outfits. Everyone else is so obsessed with owning the latest and greatest dress or print and being E-famous. Lacking originality and regurgitating outfit ideas from each other. Lolita has lacked creativity as of late and it's quite depressing.

>> No.9173120

>things that need to die in 2017
Every freaking meet turning into an impromptu photoshoot because the efame whores need constant validation from strangers on the internet
Fat girls thinking it's okay to wear ops off the shoulder because it doesn't fit. Not wearing Pettis because their "already fluffy."
Oversized flower crowns that look like you're trying to become one with the nature.
Glitter bukkake on the face, plz don't do this anymore

I wish there was more solid/texture love. That AP Katrina rehash was such a let down. The lace looked hot topic tiered at best.

>> No.9173131

People are afraid of doing things that other people aren't doing. Few people are calling out others for doing this and letting it continue. If you (not OP, but anyone) want to see more creativity, be creative and begin showing it. Otherwise we will continue along this same path and it will only get worse.

As far as trends go, I want to see less muted colors and more vibrant crazy shit. But considering I still have a long list of 2008-2012 releases to collect and the value has gone down, I can be ok with this. I'd really just like more NWT socks. It's getting hard to find them unused.

Less crosses. I think they can look nice depending on the piece, but JFC crosses and berries are things that probably shouldn't go together.

>> No.9173134

I feel really upset that Lolita lost that "subculture" feel of some time ago, usually connected with goth subculture but not always. I agree with >>9173115 Lolita being too much affordable and many options around led people to just hoard prints and making a cookie cutter coordinate or the most OTT coord ever that usually look very costume-like or not lolita (yes, for me long skirts aren't lolita). I'm sick of seeing too much elaborate items sold everywhere, especially Taobao crap, it makes me think lolita isn't anymore a street fashion nor a fashion connected to a subculture if you are lifestyler but a every expensive cosplay where people compete online for the most amazing OTT coord. Most of the modern lolita items are too much for everyday.

Trends that need to die?This OTT craze, OTT 2010 wasn't that much compared to this, the new OTT lolita look like a perfect princess costume while OTT sweet had a more street feel similar to decora fashion rather looking elegant and elaborate with tons of lace and bows.
Also underskirts where there is no need. And fucking crosses or ugly washed out colors in AP. Nothing good they are doing lately, these faded pastels and jewel tones look ugly and taobao tier most of the time, the only print i like was Melty sky. I want back old sweet.

>> No.9173138

I wish AP would choose bright almost neon pastels and red instead of these sad toned down colors. They make me feel depressed, i want my sweet lolita bright, crazy and colourful.

>> No.9173142

There are fatties already doing this, you just don't know it.

>> No.9173145

Well obviously? I can just think of some fatties who's coords I like but them looking like they're sausages who were packaged too tightly just ruins it

>> No.9173146

I do this for that exact reason. My coords get appreciated without people flipping a shit about how I personally look in it.

>> No.9173154

And then someone makes the mistake of trying something new and different. Next thing you know they're getting shouted down with all kinds of bull shit telling then to just knock it off under the guise of "well you can't make it look good"

If you're gonna just say this to people, at least post what you think would look good. Or name someone that could pull it off better.

>> No.9173166

>Glitter bukkake
>needing to compare things to jizz

>> No.9173168

Hey, are you the girl that wears radioactive cupcake non stop?

>> No.9173173
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I'll never be a fan of sweet prints but I know they're probably here to stay. I'd like more people to appreciate solid colored pieces.

I like some OTT coords, as long as you're not putting giant wings on or armor or something not practical to wear outside. That lands it into costume territory for me but I want to see more elaborate outfits without props and still keeping the look.

Like >>9173099 said about ouji, I want that to have more wearers and it's popularity keeps increasing, even proper EGA to come back too. As long as they get clothes that fit them. AP needs to release their goddamned ouji sets to order already, I'd pay a lot to wear something like this.

>> No.9173176

I think it'd help if it happened outside of the help thread too, like obviously some people are gonna post bedcoords there. But they don't get posted in defense of taste mostly because people who are shitposting others don't have anything to back up their taste.
That's what I'm sick of.

Like if you guys want oc, you need to contribute.
And before anyone jumps my ass, I've contributed before and will do so again in the future when I'm not at work.

>> No.9173178

>i want my sweet lolita bright, crazy and colourful
I think you're confusing sweet lolita with ita

>> No.9173181

This is so true. I'll post more creative coords on my private accounts but I don't want to share anything on cof that incorporates things that aren't strictly lolita. I'm okay with someone telling me something doesn't work, but usually people just say "that looks like shit" with no helpful criticism.

>> No.9173230

WIGS. I know they have always been around but it's getting too much lately.. If just the fake looking ones could disappear I would be satisfied, but 80% of my comm wears a fake looking wig now.

>> No.9173248

I'm working really hard to get my natural hair fixed so I don't have to wear wigs. I sort of agree with you that most look fake/shiny and that's annoying.
On the other hand, I can't just dye my hair to match a coord, so some times I do need a wig, even if it's another natural color. It'd just be easier to have a nice natural hair option for when it's too hot or if I'm going to do a ton of moving around.

>> No.9173258


>> No.9173261

I chuckled, thank you.

>> No.9173262

>What trends would you like to go out of style?
I don't know what's trendy

>What are you sick of seeing?

>Brands you predict will become popular next year, styles you would like to see more of...ect.
I want to see more goth. I think AP will continue to be the most popular in the West.

Well we don't have festivals just for us, we have teaparties, which is pretty special. But I agree, when I first discovered lolita it felt more like a subculture than now. Though maybe that's because I used to wear it to visual kei concerts and I actually spent time reading gothic&lolita bible, which talked a lot about lifestyle lolita, only it was just called being a lolita.

>> No.9173273

>Every freaking meet turning into an impromptu photoshoot

Meets have always been like this through, remember the celebrity status the Oregon lolitas had back in the LJ days? They had a ton of meets, and took a billion photos at each meet of eachother. If you want to crack down on this, enforce a "No cameras" rule at some meets.

>> No.9173280

Yeah I always thought that photography went hand in hand with this hobby but this is the second time I've seen it complained about. I think the other time was in a comm thread? Seemed really out of the ordinary and anon needs to just no to pictures and let others do whatever they want.

>> No.9173286
File: 140 KB, 425x604, sweet8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But sweet lolita was pretty bright and colorful, atleast in some colorways.

ex. compare the bright colors of Fruits Parlor (2008), Whipped Magic (2008), Dreaming Macaroon (2008) to the prints released today, which are just kind of a drowned out mess of unidentifiable pastels. Even Sugary Carnival, in comparison, is more bright design wise than some of the pastel prints today.
(or even some non printed pieces like colorful drop)

Pic related, the last good era of sweet lolita

>> No.9173287

>I can't just dye my hair to match a coord
I don't mean to pick on you specifically, but I this sort of attitude is part of the problem. Why do lolitas feel this overwhelming need to MATCH everything? Why can't girls just wear their natural hair, even if its dyed or in an extreme style? It's supposed to be a street fashion for fucks sake. I've never met a punk or goth that was less than just because their hair wasn't the right color.

>> No.9173293

I left lolita since I was tired of OTT being the norm, not sure if that's still a thing

the rise of classic wouldn't bother me as much if sweet lolita brands like AP released more traditionally sweet stuff

>> No.9173297

This. It's a super fucking weird mindset that I've only ever seen lolitas have. Your natural hair is probably fine. The insistence on using wigs to "match" screams "costume" to me.

>> No.9173299

Well coordinating is part of the fashion, it at least has to go together somehow. Pink and black don't necessarily match, but they do go together well.

>> No.9173300

A natural brown wig says costume to you? It doesn't also depend on any other part of the outfit?

>> No.9173304

Wigs do not equal costume, people wear wigs everyday for all kinds of reasons. Some people have bad hair and want to wear a natural looking wig, whats the problem?

>> No.9173310

I hate all three of those prints, they're so garish. So I love this more muted trend. Your treasure is definitely my trash.

>> No.9173311

Not that anon but my hair is shitty and really thin thanks to alopecia. I wish the argument would stop being wig vs no wig and just become does it or does it not look good.
A lot of arguments should be less splitting hairs and more just going with what works.

>> No.9173314

It's not the wig itself, it's people acting like they need a wig for their coord to be complete or properly "matching". To me, that's a cosplayers mindset.

>> No.9173325

I get where you're coming from, but I don't want to wear my natural dark hair with my pink AP every single time. Once, sure. Every time for the same dress? No I want to change things up, I only have 8 main pieces at the moment. I have 2 coords for each dress. I have like 11 wigs because I just like to change my hair color a lot but I don't want to damage my hair. And like I said, I do want to wear my natural hair once it doesn't look like shit.

>> No.9173331

This it looks like raver clothing.

>> No.9173333

>dance their hearts out to live bands they adore makes lolita

I wish this was a thing. The only problem is that all the bands that are lolita related are either dead or Japan-only.

What other kind of things should be good to do at meets to resurect the "subculture" feeling? I do miss it.

>> No.9173334

AP doesn't really do washed out pastel colors like they used to though. Their recent releases are really bright in comparison to Toy Parade, Dreamy Dollhouse, and Decoration Dream (to name a few from that same era). Maybe you're only looking at stock photos or something? Those always tend to be washed out more than the actual dresses.

>> No.9173341

Look, some people like >>9173311 probably wear wigs for everyday occasions for various reasons and that's understandable because their hair is actually lacking. But if you /only/ wear a wig with lolita, for no other reason than "it matches" then I'm sorry but you're not wearing a street fashion you're wearing a costume. Do you wear wigs with your normie clothes? If you do, ask yourself why your natural hair is good enough for those outfits and not for lolita?

And again, I'm truly not trying to shame anybody, or single anyone out. I just can't wrap my head around why girls choose to own dozens of wigs when their own hair is perfectly fine or could use minimal styling.

>> No.9173345

*if you don't
God, I hate posting from my phone.

>> No.9173346

Fair enough. The ubiquity of wigs is only an issue in the sense that it has become expected that you wear one with lolita. I've seen shit like people complaining that a girls natural blonde hair "doesn't match" a gothic coord and that she should be wearing a wig. It's really weird. But you're right, I don't think there is anything wrong with individuals wearing wigs as long as it isn't seen as compulsory.

>> No.9173350


Because my normal hair lacks the volume needed to balance out lolita coords? Even with a toned down coord, I need a certain amount of curl and volume, imo, to really support even a simple bow. I used to try to style my natural hair for lolita and it just fell flat and didn't complete a coord the way a wig can. I wear natural color wigs that match my hair color. I love my regular hair and love it in my work clothes, but I don't think there's anything wrong with someone wanting a wig for a coord even if they do like their own hair. It's only costumey if you're doing a crazy color or something really hime perhaps.

I guess it's that even with styling, there's something a wig has that my own hair doesn't. What works for normal fashion won't work for lolita.

>> No.9173351

You are shaming me though, I just don't agree with your stance on wigs, it's pure bullshit. How the hell is a natural looking wig going to make what I wear a costume? You'd have an argument if it's was some crazy brightly colored, shiny costume wig. My hair is short and an unusual natural color, but healthy and thick. It's out right jarring in a lot of the lolita outfits I wear out. Unless it's 80+ degree weather out I'm going to put on one of my natural looking wigs to complete the look. Most people out cannot tell it's a wig.

Also what the other anon said, sometimes you wanna change it up without having to damage the shit out of your hair, another reason for wigs.

>> No.9173358

Unusual natural color? The fuck?

>> No.9173359
File: 49 KB, 400x225, Not This shit Again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just agree to disagree. There is a time and place for everything including wigs. Don't shit up the thread with Wig Debate Part 1000

>> No.9173361

Dude every street fashion uses wigs. Wigs are a part of what makes it street fashion and not normie fashion.

>> No.9173365

>What trends would you like to go out of style?
Fucking props like wings, halos, madona crowns, horns and scepters. With bonnets and veils (and very toned down flower crowns, not the big ones) I understand, since they're wearable and look like something that could actually work. But fucking props. They make the fashion look costumey. I miss the good old days where you could wear a skirt, some tights, a nice blouce, matching shoes and call it a day. Or maybe a nice jsk without all the fucking lace layers and bows everywhere (they can look nice yeah, just not my thing). I need more wearable stuff, not fucking costumes. Save those tacky things ony for themed photoshoots, don't go out like that.

>What are you sick of seeing?
Nightgowns, please stop wearing your grandma's pajamas, they don't look good most of the time

>styles you would like to see more
Wearable non ott gothic, jewel toned basic classic pieces (not sweet), nice things without prints that are not full of lace everywhere

>> No.9173366

They probably haven't had the argument 200 times like you and I have.

>> No.9173391

>likes Nuclear Cupcake
You are trash.

>> No.9173406

All the names for this dress are hilarious.

>> No.9173431

>booger cupcakes
>radioactive cupcakes
>nuclear cupcake
>vomit cakes
>slime cupcakes

I don't know if its better or worse that it was inspired by a trip to america

>> No.9173442

>flyover cupcakes

>> No.9173452

trend i want to die: trends you want to die threads

>> No.9173453

This is why I make a point of always using my natural hair. I've been made to feel crappy about it in normal clothes which makes me even more adamant I'm not changing something so fundamental to match clothes. Hair, skin and eye colour aren't just more accessories to play with imo. I don't mind looking at some cords as performance art with perfect colourscheme matching wigs, circle lenses and fake eyelashes but it's not my preference. Are you wearing the fashion or is the fashion wearing you??

>> No.9173459

Right? Cgull negativity is boring at this point.
What about things that people enjoy?
Do people here actually enjoy things?

>> No.9173466

Just curious, and no need to jump into a rage over this, but do you also not wear make up?

>> No.9173467

No. We enjoy nothing.

>> No.9173468

ikr there will always be some thing that ppl do and is ugly these threads do nothing these are all fairly popular cgl opinions its just a shitposting thread desu

>> No.9173488

you stopped wearing the clothes you love because you disagreed with a giant trend others were wearing? I think you are too affected by what others are doing.

I think that's a part of this overblown self-consciousness that the internet, great uniter and divider that it is, has helped the Western comm develop.

>> No.9173491

Nah, more floordinates I say. I just want to look at the clothes in a pretty layout without having done any work on it.

Cgl sure has some bitter bints. On the one hand you hate efame thirsty bitches, then on the other people posting outfit layouts...which is it? Or would you prefer no photos of lolita at all?

>> No.9173496

Mostly a rhetorical question. But I do agree with you. I've only spent two years frequenting this board and that's what I've managed to gather. I also would briefly pop in here back in 2010 but I don't remember much.

Don't get me wrong, every now and then someone will say they like a coord and no one fights it. Those moments I'm truly in awe of because when I post that I enjoy something I'm immediately informed of my shit taste regardless of how all over the place my taste actually is.
But they have no way of knowing and I know deep down they just want to shitpost because I gave them something that's easy to disagree with.

>> No.9173498

It was probably more that at the time if you weren't OTT everyone shit on you for being underdressed and boring. People like you are what make the community frustrating to deal with, chill out.

>> No.9173500

I think the real answer is all three. They want to shitpost most of all but in order for that to happen you gotta post stuff they don't like which efame hungry bitches and floordinates.

>> No.9173501 [DELETED] 

it was at the time anyone who wasn't in OTT got posted to the ita threads by my own comm often for little things like "no wristcuffs" or "plain tights" or "too boring"

I became discusted by the com, and disgusted by the fact that costumy was the norm. lost interest in the fashion due to the general bitchiness.

>> No.9173503

Honestly I've found this in any hobby.
The more you listen to others opinions, the more you'll find you can't actually win.

>> No.9173504

Don't feel bad. I've mostly stopped watching any kind of films or shows because apparently anything I enjoyed was shit so there was no one to discuss the thing I love with...

>> No.9173510
File: 47 KB, 505x960, 13346777_287617708246783_3932382098741312203_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking "fawn" makeup and flower crowns. Last con I went to there were at least 20 shitty homestuck/undertale fawn cosplays. Pic related, some ita from my old highschool

>> No.9173511

I'm a part of a bunch of dumb fuck nerd hobbies and none of them have been as quick to lynch as lolita. The worse you'll get from anywhere else is a cold shoulder. They don't have callout blogs or their own 4chan board used to talk shit. It's possible to do your own thing in other hobbies without people pulling photos from your private FB and posting them all over the rest of the internet.

>> No.9173513

it was at the time anyone who wasn't in OTT got posted to the ita threads. by my own comm often posted me for little things like "no wristcuffs" or "plain tights" or "too boring"

I became disgusted by the com, and disgusted by the fact that costumey was the norm. lost interest in the fashion due to the general bitchiness.

every hobby has its assholes like >>9173503 said but goddamn lolitas are a special type of asshole. been on cgl for a while. old /cgl/ is something that even lolcow can't parallel with its bitchiness.

>> No.9173529 [DELETED] 

Nah, I got posted to /ck/ once. I was posting food photography I'd done and I guess that guy didn't like it cause he reverse image searched my blog.
I've been shunned by some douches in the MtG crowd as well because I used proxies.
Nerd rage is some unreal shit man.

>> No.9173543 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 1358831827285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucking dare you not spend $400 on a gauntlet of might

>> No.9173553 [DELETED] 

The best part is a guy gave me a spiel about downloading movies illegally and told me his roommate was in jail for it.
I just scooped my cards and went elsewhere. Someone else got mad at me once and actually yelled at me because I didn't understand why having gay fanart of 2 female magic characters was wrong... she legit yelled "because get your lesbian porn out of my face" and I don't think I've ever been so confused.

Most expensive card I have is only worth like 10 bucks. I eventually bought cards.
Now I spend all my money on lolita.
Sorry for blog posting.

>> No.9173564

You selfposted to 4chan and someone made fun of you. Really, what did you expect.

>> No.9173567

Maybe grey?

>> No.9173569 [DELETED] 

I posted pictures of food. Someone else posted a picture of me.

Should note that later on ck had a self post thread and I did self post and then got lots of compliments on my make up. Also that was the most chill self post thread to have ever happened on 4chan. There was like zero shitposting in that thread. And it was on topic cause we had to talk about food we liked.

>> No.9173574

shit like that happens all the time though. welcome to the site.

>> No.9173576

I'm really bored with long-sleeved sack dresses with bibs.
I am also bored of brands just riding on prints and skimping out on finer details and paying attention to textures.

also, please more variation in cuts; more halter necks, drop waists, bustiers/vest bodices etc.

IW is the only one solidly delivering regarding construction imo but they stick to the more demure styles and I need wild things sometimes.

>> No.9173577 [DELETED] 

eh, i don't care so much about the 'pirating' aspect but for me at least, the bullshit prices of things help balance things out. i'm glad all the bullshit cards are a hundred dollars so that almost no one ever plays them, it makes it so no one in my group has any ridiculously strong instant win decks. i've spent a pretty equal amount on lolita and mtg, but.. that is in the thousands. i'll still proxy common stuff i just don't have yet, or am just trying out before i commit to buying

>> No.9173585

curb the OT stuff y'all. trade e-mails or something.

I agree that people are too worried about how they look. a lot of gulls take it too far and make comments on how someone's forehead is too big, or a person has "man hands". at that point it's not about the coord and more like people just want to swim in a sea of archetypes. boring as hell

>> No.9173586

>Every freaking meet turning into an impromptu photoshoot because the efame whores need constant validation from strangers on the internet
I'm really not a fan of the whole photoshoot aspect either which is why I will usually just stand to the side when it's happening or offer to take photos. I also don't want my photos posted to fb, I'm very private and don't want others to know about my life unless I indulge it. It's kind of annoying that it's an expected element, it can't simply be enjoying dressing up for the sake of it and having tea, I guess cause you bought this crazy expensive outfit and you want proof of that/ others to know/ to get something out of it. And that's fine, I get it, I just don't care.

>> No.9173599

>What other kind of things should be good to do at meets to resurect the "subculture" feeling? I do miss it.
create content. art, music, literature, skits, poetry. do academic studies of fairytales depicted in prints, like you would critique other derivative art forms. (isn't it weird that for such an artistic fashion, no one really does reviews or critiques of releases? "unboxings" are more about ACQUIRING the item than they are about EVALUATING it.) host sewing/DIY workshops to learn to appreciate, if not use, techniques ignored by mainstream fast fashion that are common in lolita. track the stories of specific dresses, map out their sales/resales on a map. build a narrative of some kind.

i believe that the toughest challenge the lolita community faces is that our coords are the end game, so all we discuss is the coords of regular people. there is nothing else to which we can apply the types of skilled aesthetic eye for detail that develops as a lolita.

goths evaluate way more than the outfits each other are wearing. they have a realm of art, music, and literature associated with their lifestyle. they have a stronger sense of history and more appreciation for elders.

lolitas look at older lolitas and think, "ew, she got old."

and remember, goths had to start somewhere. they basically started with music and clubs. that won't be how a lolita subculture develops. it might take lots of different comms building lots of different traditions before a common subcultute (outside of tea parties and coord shots) emerges. in my opinion, the things that make lolita unique from other fashions involve quality and artistry of the garments, so activities and discourse around those things would be a good place to start. and topical for our times, since fast fashion and convenience foods are a waste, and there are movements toward appreciating items made to a better standard--not only because of their quality, but because of their ethics and sustainability.

>> No.9173601

Lol. Yumemiru Macaron is muted, not the garbage over designed pieces with prints all over the dress.

>> No.9173605

Have you ever seen raver clothing?

It's beautiful. I bet you like Mercator Antique Shop.

>> No.9173612

>track the stories of specific dresses, map out their sales/resales on a map.
to explain this:

don't use names of previous owners, but maybe keep track of where your items come from and go to. i bought my first brand from Germany but i live in the US. before that, it was in Japan. so many 3 people from 3 different continents have worn it. whose dress has traveled farthest during the resale process? it would just be a fun party game, but one that is kind of unique to the lolita economy.

>> No.9173613

u sound boring

>> No.9173646

4chan isn't your blog

>> No.9173663
File: 60 KB, 341x353, 1466586924731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fat girls thinking it's okay to wear ops off the shoulder because it doesn't fit.


>> No.9173664 [DELETED] 

This was like years ago, man. It was basically me learning my lesson.

The best part about people who get mad about proxies is that proxies are actually used in tournaments sometimes. the boyfriend of the chick that yelled at me plays in tournaments and I guess they use land cards to make proxies on the fly for stuff they want to try out in their decks. If it works, they buy it.

I already apologized and sage'd the thread because of the blog posting. If someone can get away with it in a CoF thread then I should be allowed to as well.
saging again cause OT makes anons so pissy. BUT WHAT DOESN'T?

>offer to take photos
Thiiiiis. Do this please? I would love to have someone in my comm who also didn't want photos that would be more than happy to just take pictures of everyone. Shit, I'll do it maybe. I have a fairly decent camera. A lot of girls in my comm are really paranoid about photos getting passed around though and it seems like all the girls that do want their photos posted online do it themselves.

>> No.9173666

>also, please more variation in cuts; more halter necks, drop waists, bustiers/vest bodices etc.
I am right there with you.

>> No.9173702

I'm pretty fat and I can't even fit into most OPs....

>> No.9173707

Whenever I see landwhales in brand I want someone to diagram how they did it. I know some of them don't zip it up and wear a cardigan, but others have no outerwear so what the fuck is going on. Or are some dresses more forgiving than others? I don't really have a lot of shirred pieces.

>> No.9173744

i have blue hair and wear a natural wig with lolita because i'm already dressed weird and i don't need people staring at me for any more than that, it can just be personal preference.

>> No.9173748

This sounds like a nice idea.

>> No.9173756

>have blue hair
>worried about people staring


>> No.9173762

There are girls in my comm who are much bigger than me and they just buy two dresses and sew them together. I haven't met anyone who doesn't zip up... once they get altered I think the zipper goes away cause I never see one on those girls. They only ever seem to get JSKs too - never OPs but probably because those are the most costly and they have to buy two at a time. Or if they're only a little larger than I am -- I'm usually right below APs measurements for most of their JSKs -- they can just use fabric from the pockets or from inside the waist ties to just add a couple of inches for their bust to be more comfortable.

And I never have issue with my waist, I just have a very large upper half. I hate being a fucking inverted triangle.

>> No.9173769

My top three are Engelsbeginn, Sleeping Garden, and Leif's Basilica at Night.

>> No.9173785

I personally use wigs only because I get headache so damn easily from up dos and especially AP bows. My hair is a freaking bitch to work with and I need to use a lot of products which irretates my scalp. I have started to use a lot more wigs lately and I just love how easy it is compared to using my real hair. On the other hand my mother thought the wig I was wearing was my real hair so I only use the most natural ones close to my own hair color. I would go for pixie to ease my wig wearing but I would look so dumb in it and don't want to put on a wig always to get milk from grocery store etc.

>> No.9173788

That depend's really. In my country meets are super chill and nice and we only quickly snap some coord shots. We don't usually even take a group photo.

>> No.9173791

It's common for fat girls in my comm to remove the elastic and pretend the dress was never shirred in the first place. You can always tell when someone did this because the side seams will be too far forward. And of course the waist always sits way too high.

>> No.9173799

not worried, just not looking to be yelled at for more than one reason at a time u know?

>> No.9173825

I also wish that Aristocrat would make more of a comeback again. Boz and Moitie still produce it as the major brands, but you see a lot less of it now as a whole. AatP used to put out some really nice stuff on the boystyle side that was good for aristo, but they've become a lot more sweet style and cutesified over the last few years or so. I rarely see available now their previously always available it seemed plain black wide legged trousers.

>> No.9173909

I was in the Dutch comm and people will just take pics without asking. I'm a lone lolita now, I think it's too much to expect them not to take pics

>> No.9173963
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>I rarely see available now their previously always available it seemed plain black wide legged trousers.
man, i love wide legged trousers. they get a lot of hate but they are my jam.

for major brands, does alice auaa count? EGA-ish street fashionistas of Japan seem to wear a lot of it, so i believe it counts as a good source for aristo items, but i am not sure if it counts as a major brand.

pic related; this guy seems a huge alice auaa fan, i think he has at least one aa item in each snap i have seen him in.

>> No.9173967

alice auaa counts! their website looks stupid but it is one of the ''real'' gothic brands of japan

>> No.9174036
File: 98 KB, 500x667, 1450887887797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm no, that AP print isn't one of my favourites. I love more stuff like Toy Parade and French Cafè, the lattest in red is very bright and bold unlike recent AP red items.
If this sweet coordinate is ita, then i don't know what are you talking. Maybe you are too used to see faded and dark colored AP items all the time and forget sweet before was more colourful and bright at least in some colourways/coordinations.
AP did also some solid colored or applique items in red, brighter pastel pink or sax blue like pic related. There were faded pink items in older AP as well but today these colors are becoming too dominant. I feel bad AP choose wine red and navy for their sweet prints, i loved their black or red colourways.

>> No.9174049

Fatty chan here. I always obsess over the measurements of brand and will only buy pieces I can fit. APs measurements are always very varied and some can even go over my measurements. Unfortunately the issue with shirring is that even though it can stretch 3 inches more on you, it still kinda makes you look stuffed, since it only goes as far as your body takes it.

Also some girls do alterations.

>> No.9174053

I wish appliqué would come back.

>> No.9174278
File: 14 KB, 250x333, 26c399bf73707a8025d9306d63d62b7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.9174286

>i know ouji is increasing in popularity and i hope that if it does, people will stop treating it like a super special or sexy thing.
I liked ouji's comeback at first but since some of the main proponents of the style are posting less and more people are trying it, I see a lot of shit ouji coordinates these days, plus a lot of ouji with young-boy ageplay sorts of vibes. I'm pretty sick of it desu.

>Fucking props like wings, halos, madona crowns, horns and scepters.
These things get posted every thread, but I have to agree.

>> No.9174294

>also, please more variation in cuts; more halter necks, drop waists, bustiers/vest bodices etc.
a thousand times yesss

>> No.9174304

They won't post them publically without permission though, right? I regularly get unflattering pics taken of me at meets because I'm a derpface but those always stay on the event page where only other comm members will see them. Back in the LJ days people would sometimes post ugly candid pics on egl or their blog without asking and yeah that sucked.

It always creeps me out when people call ouji "shota", even as a joke.

>> No.9174311

>They won't post them publically without permission though, right?
They do. It's been a long time since I went to a meet-up but they would take pictures of the whole group during teaparty's, literally while you are eating and you don't notice they are taking a picture or you can't get away on time. One time they even posted such a picture on the fb page of the café.

>> No.9174312

Huh I'm not seeing much new "shota" sexy ouji, maybe mostly on tumblr or something? I'm just a bit off put by a lot of "sweet" ouji some people seem to want to try.

>> No.9174592

>The only problem is that all the bands that are lolita related are either dead or Japan-only
I live in a small country in Europe and Visual kei bands come to my country several times a year.

I think lolita feels more costumey and less of a subculture because on this board because we are in the same place as cosplayers. Of course most lolita's on here are conlita's.

>> No.9174628


>> No.9174636

I think lolita blogs and youtube channels are really good sources of original content but people are so afraid of being bullied and mocked that we don't want to take that chance or put ourselves out there. We've created this culture where we're so hyper-critical of each other that we can't allow ourselves to flourish. To continue with the goth comparison, there's channels like Black Friday and blogs like Gothic Charm School where, even though some people may mock them privately, for the most part goths appreciate and respond positively to their content.

>> No.9175581

Same. Like, it has been only barely over a year Kamijo toured in Europe. His music is perfectly lolita appropiate. Jupiter and the GazettE also toured Europe recently. Plus all the other bands which might not be perfect but if you like the aspect you would be able to go. Everytime I go to a visual kei consert I'm not the only lolita.

>> No.9175660
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On the one hand, I agree and wish more people would play with their color choices more. So many people don't want to use a color for a major piece (blouse/shoes/etc) that isn't either white, black, or already in their coord. They only wear hats or shoes they've seen other lolitas wear because they're so strict on adhering to the fashion. But on the other hand, I hardly blame people for playing it safe. There's an inherent risk that comes with thinking outside the box and playing with your options. When lolita was a more obscure street fashion, it had more flexibility since it was mixed in so much with other street fashions. Now that it's so much bigger and more publicized online, people are afraid of breaking all these rules they've been having hammered into them and facing ridicule or being not welcome at meets. So as much as I wish we saw more original coords, handmade pieces, etc., I can see why they're dying out and everything has become so bland. 90% of them are same shit, different print, and desu the lolita community has itself to blame.

This anon summed up one of my least favorite trends.
>drowned out mess of unidentifiable pastels
I know I'll get bitched at for using this print, but it's a perfect example. I have great vision and it still took me entirely too long to figure out what I was even looking at. The design is an overwrought pastel nightmare. I don't mind pastel dresses but when I can't even make out what's on the dress, there's a problem.

>> No.9175685

I hate people spamming these. I don't need to see your uninspired coords 100 days in a row or want to know what your favorite tea is with each print. If ten people you know do these it's just spam. And so many just go "Oh this one is too hard or I have stuff to do" anyway.

>> No.9175729

>drop waists

as a long-waisted bitch I beg

>> No.9175754

I'm so happy someone mentioned the ethical/sustainable fashion thing. honestly, while I've always vaguely had my eye on lolita, it wasn't until I started reading a lot of slow-fashion/#minimalist blogs that I actually threw myself into it.

like... buying clothes to last? knowing what quality looked like? reselling pieces you don't want anymore? knowing where the fuck your shit was made? having a cohesive wardrobe & not a just clusterfuck of a closet? lolitas have been doing this for years, and just now there are huge online communities being built around it... but we manage to do it without looking boring as fuck.

(of course, that also goes back to the "more daily lolita!!" thing. it's just not logical to expect people to wear OTT everywhere, and it also encourages a TON of waste-can't wear that prop/necklace/legwear ever again because I already took a pic in it!!!)

anyway, I agree. I think we should celebrate the quality of our clothes & the lengths that we go to take care of them as a community. it's sadly unique, but when you are walking around in wearable art it's not that surprising that we do!

>> No.9175755

OP used bukkakeru in the proper context there, actually

>> No.9175757

I don't like sweet at all, I think it gave bad reputation to lolita, it have a ageplay vives (most of times).

I want to see more casual lolita and less butthurt about it

>> No.9175762

I don't get why sweet lolitas get mad when people as them if they're into ddlg or ageplay, when looks like it. (not always ofc)

>> No.9175772

Honestly the fact that the dresses are generally so well made is some of what keeps me so in love. I love that I've got pieces that are ~15 years old and only show a tiny amount of that age. I love how the tailoring on some of my jackets is better than a suit jacket I paid double for. I love the textures, the fabrics, and the fun detailing. I love how you can fall in love with a 10 year old dress and because of the amazing resale community you have a chance of finding it. I love the history, and the fact that pretty much every dress post 2000 or so has a name. honestly I wish I knew the history of some of my pieces before I got them.

>> No.9175798

I don't want to get too off topic (maybe there should be a what I love about egl/want to see more of thread??) but yes!!!

in the slow-fashion community you hear people wax poetic about owning a used piece and the life it lived before... but with lolita? I could track that if I wanted to. I can just look at an IW skirt in my closet and know that it was a dress someone cut down (rather skillfully) because it didn't come as an sk in that colorway. I know it's from Australia. who I bought it from. if I search the comms I might be able to figure who they bought it from & so on. there's such a heavy respect for the clothes and such a strangely documented history of all of them it's beautiful.

>mfw I want to play the track your dress game at my next meetup from >>9173599

>> No.9175812

The people who are hating on the ott trend so much probably never go to real (local) meetups. Like seriously, YES the bigger events are super ott oriented, especially if you only look at the online photos posted later (ott is just more spectacular and most people want to dress up as fancy as possible when they go to an event this big/expensive), but when I go to a local meetup I barely see ott coords. Everyone just wears very regular lolita in styles varying from old school gothic to decora sweet.
Ott hasn't taken over lolita, just the big events have taken over the online photo spam.

>> No.9175823

Until they bring moitie back into the gothic lolita bible, my soul will continue to wither.

>> No.9175829

>decora sweet
>not OTT
Show me OTT sweet, please?

>> No.9175880

Because maybe I just like teddy bears or sweets or whatever and don't want to get lumped in with degenerates who want to fuck children or get fucked by their parents. Disgusting.

>> No.9175893

Okay you're right, but what I mean is that decora/ott sweet is one of the many styles that are worn on regular meets and that just some of them are a bit ott but most of them are regular classic/gothic/sweet or even old school.
What I would like to stress is: not all coords are OTT fantasy classic al all!

>> No.9175915

That's not what I'm saying...

>> No.9175934

When I go to a local meet-up it's mainly OTT. I didn't mind it at first, but for some reason they find it necessary to tell me to wear more, bigger accessories and a wig, like that's the norm. I don't mind if others think my coords are boring but don't act like I'm not lolita enough because I'm not wearing OTT.

>> No.9175948

this is my exact problem. I really don't mind what other people do, but there is an expectation that coords should be OTT (at least compared to old standards). I feel like I can't open up a coord help thread without seeing "needs more necklaces, rings, two jackets, a scepter and a live boa constrictor to balance it out." no. they don't. just tell them the blouse neckline looks awkward and those shoes don't match. that's all they /need/

>> No.9175980

Wait, what? It's not in the bible anymore? (Haven't read in ages) what is a bible worth without god?

>> No.9176054

Okay, I'm sad to hear that, than I'm probably just very lucky with my very varied and accepting comm (national dutch comm). Wigs or not a must at all (like at most 50% is even wearing them to local meets) and really nobody gives a shit if you're dressed up in a very casual way.

If your comms really are the way you describe than I totally agree with you, nobody has the right to make such comments if you don't ask for advice for actually making it more ott.

>> No.9176086

People wear cakes and stuffed animals on their heads to casual picnic meetups in my comm. More than one girl has said that OTT is their main style, and no I'm not in soccermom's comm. It really depends on where you are I guess.

>> No.9176113
File: 122 KB, 450x365, DSC_1567_R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, yes this design is a nightmare. The mid tier lace and random bow on the right need to go. The white lace on the chest bow can go, and the print needs a little bit more contrasting navy.

I wish prints were more unique. Now we only have

-plain border prints with minimal above design (milky fawn, macaroon, fancy melody)
-EXTRA large border prints where it takes up more than half the skirt (Princess Cat, Milky Swan, Strawberry Whip, Diner Doll, Aquarium Carnival)
-all over prints (dreamy sky, misty sky, the galaxy/star prints, the new astro print)

Most AP prints these days are the bottom two categories, i wish more prints with stripes or vertical designs like Sugary Carnival, Wonder Cookie or Fruits Parlor. Or wrapping lines like Jewelry Jelly. And I hate the super large border print trend. Its so ugly, the print shouldn't overpower the dress.

>> No.9177166

Because I can't have bangs (my hair won't sit up) and I look better with bangs in lolita?

>> No.9177168

So that's why 80% of the girls in my comm wear wigs and insist others wear wigs too.

>> No.9177174

>insist other girls wear wigs

see, I think that's where my sticking point is. I mean if you would prefer to have bangs in lolita but not cut your hair that's fine, but you don't HAVE to have bangs in lolita. it's very common, and it's harder to style your hair without, but you don't need them.

go bother someone about their petticoat or something jfc

>> No.9177248

If OTT is their main style, is lolita a fashion or costume to them?

>> No.9177841
File: 44 KB, 412x580, 10-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If cgl wants more real hair in lolita, then cgl needs to not pick on people for having real hair.

Either you accept that real hair is going to sometimes be frizzy, unstyled, have roots showing, not have bangs, be limp, not shiny, and sometimes dyed a color that doesnt match a dress

or you accept that wigs are going to be the norm in lolita.

Probably a fashion? Either way the fashion/costume distinction is arbitrary and doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.9177865

Yeah but the reality is people are always gonna bitch about it one way or the other, especially here.

>> No.9180868

Your expectiations of cgl to come to a reasonable consensus is about as likely as that ugly ass hello kitty dress that circulates lacemarket getting sold

>> No.9180898

Not a trend, but I would love to see the 2nd coming of LJ. Facebook killed REAL lolita discussions and then Tumblr buried under shit

>> No.9180907

tea parties.
they're ugly.

>> No.9180909

It's a shame that cgl only likes lifestylers in threads like these. Another other day they'll be shouted down for being a "special snowflake"

>> No.9180910

But they're not a trend.. theyre a staple at this point.

>> No.9180911

Then don't post your coords online? Like, have you tried enjoying this fashion without seeking attention from others?

>Trends that need to die in 2017:
Lolita fashion being so dependent on social media.

>> No.9180912

And stalked, don't forget stalked

>> No.9180990

still ugly.

>> No.9180998

Boohoo, cgl says mean things about my hair and it hurts my feelings! You're the reason for my insecurities about my real hair!
Grow a pair

>> No.9181538

Seconded on the fawn makeup

>> No.9181572

It's typically rare to get a hold of good military lolita (not ouji) and then really expensive from what I've seen, or else I would have gotten into it ages ago

>> No.9181586

This so much
I jumped on the latest muted trend because I had some nostalgia for old sweet but didn't want to have very strong colors.
Couldn't have been less wrong.
I had Holy Theater because I really liked the individual ideas: sheep, cats, bunnies, wings, stars, clouds... Crosses?
But once I had it, the colors were horribly together, no harmony, all bland and yet eye soaring. The cute animals became a bother all together, unable to be ignored to appreciate the dress Alone. A mass of stuff happening, not cohesive. What bothered me the most was how cartoonish or anime like where the faces. I miss Marshmallow bunny, or prints that had animals that resemble old stuffed animals, not kawaii anime

>> No.9181592

Have you heard of extensions and wig pieces? Full wigs aren't the norm in Japan, yet most can manage to make their hair look nice. Instead you're accepting the fact it might be ugly. Why not actually do your hair for once?

>> No.9181595 [DELETED] 

Sweet in general
The style give us bad reputation

>> No.9181631

I can't take you seriously with that horrible fobby grammar

>> No.9181671

Cosplay wigs

>> No.9181981
File: 138 KB, 879x1200, 1432855075525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you really think all japanese lolitas using their real hair look perfect 24/7 you're naieve. i'm not saying people should let their hair look shitty with their outfit- if you're wearing a dress that costs hundreds of dollars the least you can do is put effort into your hair.

not to mention good extensions and wig pieces are sometimes more expensive than wigs.

but, what i am saying, is that often times real hair doesn't stay perfect throughout the day. at a meetup, it might get flat or frizzy, the curls might deflate. so if someone wearing their real hair, posts a photo to CoF with less than perfect hair, inevitably, someone will post that picture here in a nitpick thread and trash it.

i endorse natural hair in lolita, i just realize that real hair often takes extra effort and isn't going to always be gothic lolita bible ready like how /cgl/ seems to want all coords to be.

jokes on you, i haven't worn my real hair with a coord.

>> No.9182032

Social media isn't going away any time soon... you have unrealistic expectations.

>> No.9182109

I agree. Most new (AP) releases have so much going on. It's all a blur so the dresses no longer have that special 'something' that mad my heart beat faster originally.
I got the new cat print because I really liked the secretary cat with glasses. It's one of the less busy new releases and it still looks very different next to my existing dresses. Not just in the print but they added so many extra details to it... tiered skirt, extra bottom ruffle, gold trim everywhere. imo it would be so much nicer without those things or if they at least used black trim instead of the gold...

I wish they'd go back to simple well thought out designs, with a central focus instead of a million details all slapped on the dress. They release new prints so frequently now though that they probably don't have time to think designs over a all.

On that note I also kind of wish they would stop using gold so much? I'll admit I kind of liked it originally and even bought some gold shoes but it's getting ridiculous. Princess cat didn't need it. There are several accessories I would buy if it weren't for the random gold slapped on.

>> No.9182147
File: 428 KB, 800x597, sugary1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dresses that were considered OTT in the past were actually very simple overall. A lot of the releases today are so elaborate and covered with extras like lace, tiers, ruffles and trim that they can only be worn in an OTT way.

But dresses like macaroon, milky planet or sugary carnival could be worn over the top OR casual.

example: sugary carnival in sax worn both OTT and casually/simply

>> No.9182151
File: 302 KB, 800x597, magicetoile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and to elaborate, when i say "simple" i mean without the bells and whistles of todays AP prints. I don't mind detailed dressses and fancy cuts but not when they become the norm.

sugary carnival is a very busy, pastel print, so the dress itself is simple- plain skirt, some custom lace, and thats it. No tiered skirts or mesh layers or tulle. this makes it more wearable

another example, with magic etoile in sax..

>> No.9182185
File: 17 KB, 225x225, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BJD makeup. I fucking hate how it all looks.

>> No.9182194

Aren't they all just copying off elfgutz's style anyway? It's dumb that a single person's dolls' aesthetic somehow managed to become equated to all bjds. And I feel kind of bad for bjd owners who aren't elfgutz.

>> No.9182209

I think I'm the only person in the world to hate Sugary Carnival.

I don't know it's just a really meh design to me, the colours look really faded and unpleasant in person.

>> No.9182379
File: 28 KB, 731x693, 12191470_10153203020498085_2818011669545919585_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uggh I couldn't agree more.

I actually do wear lolita as my daily fashion (well, 3 times out of 4, but outside meets and cons is my point) so my wardrobe is full of more understated pieces. I barely ever buy anything truly extravagant since it's far pricier yet I'd only wear it like once or twice a year.

I constantly hear "concrit" that's basically "I wish you'd go more OTT". Sailor OP with white tights? Should've worn themed OTKs! All black gothic coord? Should've chosen golden shoes and purse, everyone's wearing those now! Where's your wig? Why such a tiny headbow? Are you sure a single petti still counts as lolita?

Bitch simplicity is what allowed me to stay in this fashion for over 8 years and you dare school me after 6 months in when we all know you bought a twin-tail wig before you even had suitable shoes

>> No.9182408

I miss when most lolita models were regular dumpy-looking girls who wore lolita in their regular life, too.

Nah, I don't like it either.

>> No.9184137

Yeah, like I know Risa is popular and all, but I honestly prefer the older models.

>> No.9184163

I understand what you're saying and I agree but at the same time I think you have more choice besides AP, so AP should do what they want and if you don't like it you can buy from other brands

>> No.9184270

I agree completely. It almost looks like a competition to see who can pile on the most accessories and having the most going on in their outfits at times. Bring back the older, more refined styles from several years ago. I loved the classic and gothic stuff going on in around 2010. More velvety again would be nice, and fewer tacky clip art picture prints. The general trend for OTT Sweet style just seems to have 'infected' Classic and Gothic to varying degrees, and it's very noticeable in brands like AatP and AtPi.
Like you anon, I massively prefer more understated and relatively simple outfits. I can't wear Lolita / full on Aristocrat very regularly due to work, but I love wearing it when I can. More often, things like my blouses creep into my work wardrobe. But when I can go for the full look, that doesn't mean I want to look like a princess at the same time.

>> No.9184589

Other brands aren't really going for simple coords either, though.

>> No.9184633

IW does, which I like It's sticking to what it knows over all even if it does try some things at times. It's not gone overboard to jump on the hype train.

>> No.9184934

Victorian maiden, moitie, and romeo, seraphim, physical drop, chocochip cookie, sheglit, excentrique, emily temple cute

>> No.9184959

>chocochip cookie
I'm having a hell of a time googling this brand name... please help?

>> No.9184980


>> No.9184986

Poster from >>9175660 here...I was going to post Sugary Carnival as an example but I thought I'd get too much hate to get my point across if I did. I'm usually weak for any prints with carousel horses but I wouldn't wear Sugary Carnival if someone handed it to me. Fuck-ugly print.

>> No.9185106
File: 117 KB, 400x537, 283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hating on sugary carnival is hardly new, it was very popular when it came out but it got a lot of backlash on places like /cgl/, mostly for being a mash of unidentifiable pastels. as much as i love that dress, i think it started the trend of super pastel dresses that just look like lumps from far away.

though, i will say that the print has a really good design- the marshmallow ropes all around the dress ending in the horse, it just is a very distinct print compared to other AP releases.

>> No.9185168
File: 108 KB, 360x432, 07121126_5784553ec86ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Not just in the print but they added so many extra details to it... tiered skirt, extra bottom ruffle, gold trim everywhere

Along these lines, chiffon overlay and peignoirs cast over complex prints, just because chiffon.

I'm not knocking on chiffon as a material. On the contrary, when used correctly, chiffon can product stunning dresses.

However, using chiffon just because it's in, without thinking about how to contributes to the sum of the details, is just lazy design.

With a lot of chiffon-with-print dresses, I can't tell if the chiffon overlay was meant to complement the complex print, or to obscure how taobao-tier the print looks on its own. But in terms of aesthetics, what I do see most often is that the chiffon layer only adds more to an already-detailed dress, and the eyes can't figure out what to focus on (and when the quality is poor for any one of the many small details, it ends up being even more depressing to look at).

>> No.9185171

boystyle in fairy kei needs to die. just die.

>> No.9185175

Actually the overlays on AP dresses are mostly organdy but yes, they are annoying.

>> No.9185184

The idea of OTT being compulsory. Especially regarding classic. I like classic because its more subdued. Why is it a bad choice to have plain socks?
Why does everything need to have a million accessories?

>> No.9185188

remember when everyone kept asking "is OTT classic even possible?" a few years ago? it's so bizzarre that OTT classic is expected now

this article is so adorable now: http://fyeahlolita.blogspot.com/2011/07/taking-classic-lolita-to-next-level.html?m=1

oh honey if you only knew...

>> No.9185189

It's funny that you use that print as an example, I personally think especially with the navy colorway because there's such a contrast and it's a busy print the overlay balances it out very nicely.

>> No.9185192

I agree completely. It only adds to the notion of it being perceived as a costume.

>> No.9185199

I am sick of printed tights. I can't say exactly why but I am just starting to really hate them. I miss OTKs being the norm.

>> No.9185213

OTT classic is actually relatively rare. Most of the stuff that gets labeled as OTT classic nowadays are just non-pastel OTT sweet. Very few classic lolitas in my local comm or that i follow online dress anywhere near OTT.

>> No.9185219

Even so,enough gull will yell at you if you wear solid color socks/leggings/tights and that you need more accessories. Or that a dress is too plain because it has no pattern. (even if it burando)

>> No.9185221

I don't mind them aesthetically but they wear out faster than OTKs. It's hard to justify the price for something you can only get a few wears out of.

>> No.9185258

Same. They look cute in the packaging but the print usually gets distorted once you put them on and it makes the coord look so busy

>> No.9185262

same. plus if you wear lolita regularly you start to feel the need to own more legwear than you really should... like there are only so many times I can wear the same pair of tights with pie on them before it feels repetative.

>> No.9185263

I don't mind tights with simple designs on them but I think the majority of them with actual prints..like paintings and shit...look terrible.

I remember when they first came out people would laugh because it made it look like peoples' legs were dirty. Then JetJ popularized them and well, here we are.

>> No.9185276
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I hate printed tights. Hate hate hate. No matter how careful I am with them, they still end up with runs. I guess I have horrible luck with tights.

I get your worry, anon, but to the average person, lolita will always be seen as a costume, unless you're wearing something suuuuper plain colored and toned down. that being said, OTT should not be compulsory and I miss casual and simple coords that were the rage on Daily_Lolita.

The overlay by itself isn't awful. That bodice however, is the stuff of actual nightmares.

>> No.9185280

>the bodice is stuff actual nightmares are made of

I'll take it you don't like the whole ballerina thing huh?

>> No.9185285

I get what they were going for, but it just looks so garish and ugly. maybe with a different blouse? I liked the bodice on etoile twins a bit more, but the satin ribbon on that one made it look cheap.

>> No.9185288

I think I'm pretty lucky as I live somewhere with a fairly sizeable alt fashion population. You tend not to get issues or calls etc. The place is also used to larpers and historical reenactors about town. But it's more the negativity Im seeing from some other lolitas about being seen as not a proper lolita, or being accused of wearing lolita as a costume if you only wear it occassionally. Not everyone can, for whatever reasons. With the push for more OTT outfits outside of big events such as tea parties or conventions, to me it just seems to reinforce that notion of 'conlitas' which I think is a load of bull for the most part. It's not a competition. What's wrong with wanting to look elegant, in a vintage-inspired way?

>> No.9185301

I may be biased because swan lake is my favorite ballet but I think it captures the mixture of ballerina swan very well.

>> No.9185305

I'd always take ugly printed tights over any socks or OTKs. Unless you're a petite short girl they look weird. Tall girls have a weird amount of leg showing which makes dresses look shorter and chubby legs make them sit weirdly under the knee. Also tights look more sophisticated.

>> No.9185309

Nobody sees my skin gap when I wear OTKs because I'm not a total whore.

>> No.9185310

dank memes. It's not like people above average height can help it.

>> No.9185312

Nice try.

>> No.9185321

I'm also 5'10. Try harder.

>> No.9185329

sure you are, honey

>> No.9185333

Knees can be ugly but I hate the look of tights, plain or otherwise, with lolita. I think it breaks up the outfit and adds a bit more accesorization/personality to it, as opposed to slipping on plain stockings and calling it a day.

and stockings will just always have that sheer quality that reminds me of my ballet recitals as a kid.

>> No.9185335

lol, no you arent

>> No.9185443

I get this.

I always disliked legwear that's the same color as the dress too. Like mint dress with mint tights/socks. Makes the person look like one giant blob of the same color. But this was a thing even before tights became popular.

Tights with elaborate designs look awful on me anyway. My legs kinda go in at the knee, which I already hate, and the tights emphasize it by distorting different amounts where my leg is wider/thinner.

>> No.9185557

I only wear OTKs because I'm a long legged bitch.

>> No.9185573

Do either of you have any kind of proof?

>> No.9185579

I am 5'7", slim, with long legs and OTKS always have a gap with my dresses. I can't imagine someone who's 3 inches taller than me not having this same issue.

>> No.9185606

If they have a long body and short legs and only wear skirts then I can see it. Or if they only buy longer dresses.

>> No.9185607

But at 5'10 if they have short legs they probably look really retarded and have bigger problems than their knees showing like poor fits with bodices.

>> No.9185671

Your lolita worldview must be pretty narrow if you can't even conceive of the idea of longer cuts. Most of the dresses I own are >100cm, and those that aren't I wear with an underskirt. I wear OTKs exclusively and I've never had a gap.

>> No.9185993

I agree. Variety plz

>> No.9185997

>tfw read this as "one legged bitch"

my "realistic guro pirate coord" hopes were raised and dashed so quickly

>> No.9186112
File: 72 KB, 538x538, maidenform-shapewear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ex-fatty chan here, I used to wear (and still do) heavy duty steel-boned corsets. With brand, I'd also wear full-body shapewear underneath (like pic related).
That being said, my heaviest was 160lbs, still a fatty now at 135 but I on't have to rely on the corsets as much.

>> No.9186116

If this thread took place 2 years ago then sure you could call that a trend

>> No.9186273

anon, how tall are you? 135 is a healthy weight until you get below 5'4...

>> No.9186293

I'm 5'3" and sometimes even I show some leg when wearing otks. It's not necessarily preventable and it also doesn't matter if someone can see a couple inches of thigh.

>> No.9186315


You also have to factor height into it. If the dresses still comes to the landwhale's knees, chances are high you're actually looking a mini-landwhale, not a full-sized whale. Short people look fat at a much lower weight, so they can still be within the brand's measurements, but are too fat for their height.

>> No.9186335

I was thinking the same as I'm same weight. My measurements are rather small compared to average lolitas and I'm still a bit chubby but I would never call myself fat. I admit I could lost few kilos but that's really it.

>> No.9186378

Peignoirs. Especially on fat girls
I think they look great in cpk and other j-fashions (if you're thin), but not in lolita because of its silhouette. It just makes you look like a weird floaty meatball who doesn't understand that cult party kei is more than just peignoir plus flower crown

>> No.9186382

>tfw most otks fit me like utks because of disproportionately long legs

>> No.9186476 [DELETED] 

I had a bodyfat of around 35% at 127 pounds and I'm 4'11. I was pear shaped and yet I could grab literally the exact same amount of flesh that would fit into a 34d bra, and I really do mean literally. She's probably similar. BMI is actually really pretty inaccurate for both women, short people, and people who are more sedentary like 80% of the US population. Asian's even have a completely different scale. Despite the fact that I'm not Asian it was much more accurate for me. I was still morbidly obese by medical definitions and body fat percentage when bmi told me I was almost in the "healthy" range.

>> No.9186478

I had a bodyfat of around 35% at 127 pounds and I'm 4'11. I was pear shaped and yet I could grab literally the exact same amount of flesh from just my lower stomach that would fit into a 34d bra, and I really do mean literally. She's probably similar. BMI is actually really pretty inaccurate for women, short people, and people who are more sedentary like 80% of the US population. Asians have a completely different scale and despite not being one of them it was much more accurate for me. I was still morbidly obese by medical definitions and body fat percentage when bmi told me I'd be in the "healthy" range in about 5-10 pounds.

>> No.9186492

I'm 5'6, my lowest was <100 aha, so I definitely feel the chub more now.
I'm pretty much exactly like you 4'11 anon though, as far as bodyfat distribution goes. I'm hourglass, which translates horribly into lolita - AND I'm pretty sure I can currently fit my belly fat into my bra. Being a teenager was great, can I trade being in my twenties with that again? Fuck this grown woman shit I used to have a flat belly and sometimes chocolate.

>> No.9186499

I have androgynous alopecia, baldness isn't kawaii desu.

>> No.9186505

Salty. Do you even enjoy the fashion anymore?

>> No.9186522

Bukkake literally means "toppings" or "sprinkled on top" you fail weeb.
Unless you think Udon Bukkake is a meal of udon and jizz.

>> No.9186530

Speaking as someone with your height and a history of eating disorders, you are fine and >100 lbs is really worrisome

>> No.9186532

I guess I'm just confused because at 135lbs I had a stomach that was still slightly concave and I'm only 5'3 (then again, I'm willing to bet a fair bit of my weight was in my chest)...

That really just goes to show that weight (how many lbs someone is) isn't a good way to tell how fat they are.

>> No.9186543

>5'6, less than <100 lbs
Well hello Skeletor

>> No.9186558

>Your lolita worldview must be pretty narrow
this is the most pretentious thing I've ever read.

>> No.9186561
File: 4 KB, 139x104, nyeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi there! Ha they were dark days, I was always cold.

>> No.9186884

Yeah below 100 for 5'6 is a bit into the genuinely unhealthy category, but I can see not liking being at 135. I get tempted to try to aim for a little below 70 which even though it sounds ridiculous to most people is actually only 15 pounds under what several doctors have said would be a perfectly healthy weight. Just to see if maybe I'll actually get some waist definition instead of only a 1 inch difference between my literally too flat for children's training bras chest and square hips + a butt that's still not great after working out.

inb4 "just gain weight" all gaining weight ever gave me was a pot belly, back fat, tons of cellulite, and horrible "chub rub" long before it ever gave me some straight up man boobs with nips literally almost the size they are and 2 cup sizes apart. As horrible as having a (somewhat) literally prepubescent chest is I sure as hell don't any of that back.

Anyway I got way off track. I hope you find a weight you're both relatively healthy and comfortable at.

4 inches is a pretty decent difference. I'm also super skinny fat and have a really odd frame that's technically small with giant shoulders. Breasts will only weigh around 5 pounds at absolute most together. And that's bigger than your head territory. It's almost definitely due to a combination of height, frame, and you having way more muscle than me. I'm borderline bed ridden and I was huge for a lot of my life so it doesn't take much to have almost twice as much as I do.

Weight, body measurements, frame size, bf% and muscle definition altogether are the only real way to know once you're out of the visually overweight area. However if you're in the overweight bmi category and you're not so muscular everyone can tell and points it out there's a 99.9% chance of you being fat. If you're any of the things I listed in my original comment there's also a very real chance of you being morbidly obese.

>> No.9186943

you're the weeb here for knowing that dumb shit.
I just like lolita. I don't give a fuck about japanese shit.

>> No.9186952

>just like lolita
>don't give a fuck about japanese shit
oh anon

>> No.9186955

Am I the only one here who kind of likes Kawaii Goods?

>> No.9186958

A trend that I want to die is >>9186955 shilling for Kawaii Goods in 3 separate threads

>> No.9186975

I must have totally missed your height when I read that, my bad, anon. 4 inches IS a pretty big difference.

I kinda feel you on having an "odd" frame. I honestly think that's why, despite gaining a shit ton of weight due to worsening mobility issues, I still have a 10 inch difference between my bust/hip measurement and my waist measurement (44inch bust/hip, 34 inch waist. I'm aware I'm fat, once the cause of my mobility issues are figured out, I'll be getting into PT and starting some sort of exercise routine Was previously 38/28/38). It frustrates me because I feel really disproportionate having such a LARGE difference there. It's not the same, obviously but it makes getting clothing that fits incredibly difficult and always has.

I'm sorry about you being bedridden for so long though, anon. That sounds terrible and I'm glad you're doing better now (I can kinda relate, given mobility issues as mentioned above).

>> No.9186992

I hope things get better for you too. Losing weight will definitely always help. I went from having my feet hurt in less than a minute to being able to stand for at least ten minutes in supportive shoes before it starts to get unbearable. I'm also pretty sure it helped with my back pain too.

Also if you don't have any medical reasons not to you can always lose weight by restricting, it's usually only 20% exercise at absolute most. I managed to lose 107 pounds purely though watching what I eat. I'm still struggling with BED but some of the best advice I ever got was to stop thinking in black or white and not go crazy when I messed up. Or to focus more on the longterm affects of me making it even worse instead of having a chance to make up for it later. You probably don't have it I'm sure, but I feel like it's good for anyone trying to watch what they eat. Good luck.

>> No.9186999

yes, yes you are

>> No.9187010

Thanks anon. I've noticed my pain has gotten worse as my weight increased, but I'm not sure if the weight increase is because of the increasing pain (diminishing mobility) or if the pain is because of the increasing weight. Thankfully, the on-going gain seems to have stopped and I've stabilized at 190lbs. What I don't understand is that my eating habits haven't really changed -- if anything, I eat less now (on average, I also have some issues with binge eating) than I did before I started losing mobility. Right now, I'm working on eating healthier foods, controlling portions and learning how to realize when I'm hungry or when I'm full (since ugh, for whatever eason, I don't notice I'm hungry until I'm dizzy/nauseous from lack of food and don't realize I'm full until I'm on the verge of throwing up from eating.). I'm not sure if it's at the level of being a full-on eating disorder, but my counselor is definitely concerned and we're working on a plan to fix it.

I appreciate the advice though, I really do.

>> No.9187015

What working out do you do, is it consistent, do you go to a gym, and what do you actually do? When you say only 15lb, it's actually quite a lot at that weight....it's 17% less than a recommended healthy weight which is a huge amount, if you are 17% overweight you wouldn't say it's "only a bit".

I would not try to go under that weight but actually start lifting heavier weights (particularly for your butt, I had to get to being strong enough to squat my own bodyweight to even get butt because Asian flat butt genetics) or if you're doing that already, trying to switch stuff up with levered bodyweight exercises. You can get a little more chest if you work that out as well and having the boob fat covering it makes it look more like perky boobs not moobs. When you do cardio try to do stuff with resistance and also higher intensity intervals e.g. if you run or cycle, go up hills, try swimming for the water resistance, etc.

>> No.9187018

You may have seen me post around before. I'm the anon that used to frequent /ck/ and came here one day and saw some AP stuff and I just wanted to buy it so I did.

>> No.9187023 [DELETED] 
File: 1.90 MB, 540x353, giphy (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trends thread
>click it
>anons talking about weight again

>> No.9187024

It's all calories in calories out. Your tdee could have gone way down and certain medication can make you very prone to over eating as well as make it hard to tell when you're hungry/full. I used to always have the problem of not being able to tell when I'm full until I'm in really bad pain, but the longer you stick to restriction the smaller your stomach gets and you realize not stuffed doesn't equal empty or hungry.

I can't even really walk right now t.bh. At one point I did do donkey kicks and that helped but since I haven't been able to keep up with it and lost a lot of weight it's back again.

>When you say only 15lb, it's actually quite a lot at that weight

Sort of, for more normal people it's more like someone saying they're thinking about going down to 100 instead of 120. I'm not sure of my exact bf% at the moment but I'm super skinny fat, Ideally I'd get a bit lower and replace it with muscle. Which he said would be fine, just losing it on the other hand he wasn't so fond of which is why I'm hesitating.

>boob fat
Any inches added to my chest will be pure pecs. I'm literally as flat as someone with a mastectomy. Literally less than a bug bite. I didn't get any till around 30% bf and I was a little over an a-cup. My stomach was literally twice as big not to mention health risks and etc. I don't want to be rude but I've had this exact conversation over 30 times on various sites. I do appreciate the more detailed instructions though. If I recover enough I'll look into it more but desu right now it's just really depressing to think about.

>> No.9187025
File: 1.90 MB, 540x353, giphy (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trends thread
>click it
>anons talking about weight again

>> No.9187030

Thanks anon! I think a lot of my inability to register hunger/fullness might come from growing up in a house with essentially no food. Some sort of weird survival thing. Hopefully I figure this out and figure out how to eat healthier. My goal isn't 100% to lose weight, just to start feeling healthy again (even though my blood sugar/blood pressure and resting heartrate are all apparently pretty good!)

To keep on topic (sorry for adding to the derailment) the trends I'd REALLY like to see go away in 2017:
>overly matchy-matchy coordinates
>dresses that are theme-confused. I get that Magic Amulet or whatever was taking inspiration from Menhera but oh my god, crosses AND star of david?
>OTT please, please let it die. Half the stuff people say is "casual" these days just makes me sad. They're just simple "proper" lolita coords

What would I like to see more of?
>old school
>a resurgence of gothic
>more spooky-sweet prints like Holy Lantern or Horror Garden
>more casual/every day lolita.
>chunky platform footwear!

>> No.9187058

Have you looked at darebee? They have some microworkouts and ones that can be done lying down, sitting etc to activate muscles...maybe those will help? You may just have to resign yourself to a chest like Kiera Knightley in Guinevere

>> No.9187064

Even if you don't care about japan you're still dressing in jfashion so you at least care about that aspect

>> No.9187079

Is that enough to make me a weeb though? I don't watch anime or anything.

am I still a weeb if I like chinese stuff more?

>> No.9187083

God, I hate when people describe things in memes.

>> No.9187189

Pastels are cute fag.

>> No.9187214

>OTT gothic
>dark guro themes (I miss suppurate system)
>visibility of casual lolita and simple outfits without being nitpicked to death
>cat prints because we always need more

>gold shoes with everything just because
>flower headdresses with everything just because
>bad madonna crowns and veils
>dressing for likes
>AP putting crosses on everything

>> No.9187226

>I get that Magic Amulet or whatever was taking inspiration from Menhera but oh my god, crosses AND star of david?
>taking inspiration from menhera

You fucking what? It's a generic AP Halloween print.

>> No.9187338

You, I like

>> No.9187458

Just liking one thing from japan doesnt make you a weeb. It's only when you start thinking youre japanese does that happen

>> No.9187605

Dude, have you not...seen that the Star of David is ALL OVER menhera shit? That was what I meant.

>> No.9187627

APs amulet print looks like a dead ringer for a Meta print I saw recently...I know all the brands rip each other off tho

>> No.9187632

>star of David

Way to show off how much of a newfag you are. What's used in menhera is an Asian sign, look up "kagome crest."

And no, this is a classic AP Halloween print with inspiration from occult topics.

>> No.9187633

>AP putting crosses on everything

Yes, let this end.
I'm not a fan of religious symbols pervading everything even if it's only on prints to be ironic or because people think it's pretty. There are other things that are equally as pretty that haven't been done yet by AP.

>> No.9187641

Sorry, I'm not super educated on Japanese/Asian culture outside of casually looking at cute fashion. I had no idea there was such a similar looking symbol in Asian culture. Thanks for letting me know!

>> No.9187649

So maybe you shouldn't talk out of your ass about things you don't know about? Saying Magic Amulet is inspired by menhera just because there's a religious symbol used in both is absolutely stupid. AP has been using religious symbols like crazy recently, and an occult themed Halloween print doesn't make it menhera related.

>> No.9187658

Calm down, anon. I got confused because I saw a symbol being used a lot in menhera and then saw it in the new AP dress so I thought that there was some crossover/inspiration happening. It was a mistake but there's no need to be this salty.

>> No.9187667

>No need to be this salty

But you're clearly new and need to lurk more before posting. You posted one of the dumbest things I've ever read a newfag say, ever. I'm saying this for your own good, learn more about the fashions before actually posting here.

>> No.9187754

This is one of the dumbest things to get upset about, please calm yourself down

>> No.9187768

>The Shatkona is a symbol used in Hindu yantra that represents the union of both the male and feminine form

Well that's interesting.

>> No.9187784

>newfags shitposting is dumb to be upset over


The more you know.

>> No.9187968

You really come off as a smart ass with a stick firmly planted up your rear.

Also stop with the whole "fashions can't cross over" -- those symbols aren't just for lolita nor are they just for menhera. They are a motif that the fashions have in common. It makes sense to mix the two. Menhera is just as thematic as lolita. Yes there is a general style of menhera but it isn't the only one.

>> No.9188602

fawn make up and fckn crosses man like so many prints i am like that is cute but crosses just kill any dress. i think they are offensive as fck

>> No.9188985

For cosplayers, anything that involves the casual hipster cosplay.

>> No.9188993

Menhera is dying in Japan, why would AP pander to it? It's one of those fast fashions that burn out just like cult party kei, fairy kei, uchuu, etc. Just because it has religious symbols doesn't mean it's pandering to menhera, hell, AP is nothing but religious symbols nowadays with their holy melty cross meme dresses.

I'd rather be right and sound like I have a stick up my ass than wrong and look like an idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about.

>> No.9188996

>Menhera is dying in Japan

Kek, it's already dead in Japan. Westerners are keeping it going.

>> No.9189123

From what I understand it's been around for awhile, or at least, gurokawa is.
Like other anon said, westerners are keeping it alive and there are lots of menhera shops still selling things so... not exactly dead yet. You're just attempting to make a prediction.

>> No.9189127

Anon, get your head out of your ass. AP wouldn't pander to menhera. I'm the one who said it was dead in Japan. It's really obvious AP wouldn't go in a menhera direction.

>> No.9189130

I hope you realize that anon was agreeing with me.



Saying AP would put out a menhera print is one of the most newfaggy things I've ever heard.

>> No.9189134
File: 57 KB, 485x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop, I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.9189144

I agree, anon. Im starting to dress that way, because I love it and miss it. I think you should just do what your heart wants to, too.