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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 55 KB, 587x781, Toe-Sucking-Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9092079 No.9092079 [Reply] [Original]

Toe sucking Edition
Previous thread: >>9051009
Anyone going to prereg today?

>> No.9092082

I'll be there (me >>9092065 )

So what is this convival thing? Is it just some bar promotion? Cosplay or not at it? First year I'll have to actually look into of con shit now that its closing at 9.

>> No.9092085

Before the other thread autodeleted, the meetups are at 5 pm and 9 pm on Saturday. The 9 pm meetup is by the stairs, not sure where the other one will be held.

>> No.9092086

It looks like a couple of different events scattered through the city. Bands, shows, dances. They're hosted by the con so cosplaying shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.9092104

Im going to prereg.
theres a burlesque show saturday night

>> No.9092147

im heading over in a few hours. I heard check in isnt until 4?

>> No.9092150

Website says registration starts at 2.

>> No.9092181
File: 93 KB, 500x500, 1467264612753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fat
>tfw can only cosplay fat characters
kill me /cgl/

>> No.9092184

cosplay road hog. popular and easy

>> No.9092207

Yea it 2-9

>> No.9092248

I don't have an asian/slender build so I can't cosplay a lot of characters already. I'm not ripped so there goes jo-jo and the like, and I'm not fat to pull off comical fat guys.

Fortunately, anime isn't my only interest and video games have a lot more characters with my body type.

My recommendation is do full-body stuff. Stay Pupft Marshmallow Man is always a classic

>> No.9092255

I would go to prereg but there's nothing I want to do until like 10:30 or 11 tomorrow so I'm just going to wait in line and kill time

>> No.9092560

Anons I fucked up. My wig didn't arrive in time, are there any dealers that have long brown wigs? Not getting there until tomorrow morning so I can't go check myself.

>> No.9092581

A long brown wig is generic enough that you should be able to find one fairly easily in the dealer's room

>> No.9092589

Thank you! I know some cons don't have dealers with wigs and this is my first time at Connecticon so I have no idea what vendors were going to be there.
On that same note-- anyone see any Godzilla shit?

>> No.9092605

The dealer's room isn't open till tomorrow. I'd imagine there must be some Godzilla stuff

>> No.9092786

Ctcon is my home con and I've never once seen a wig stand here, sorry anon. Hopefully this year they will, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

>> No.9092795

I've seen the occasional wig stand. It's not like ab though where there are three of them

>> No.9092800

What the fuck you talking about there's one every year lmao

>> No.9092903

To my knowledge there's nothing important going on after the con closes tomorrow. If it turns out to be no fun, does anyone want to go see finding dory with me

>> No.9092912

I'd be down to see finding Dory again. Would we just be going to the 10:15 at the theater next door?

>> No.9092935

Sounds like that would be easiest, but there's a chance it'll sell out because of the con presence. I might have other plans though (I might need to bring a friend home) so I'm just gonna call it as I see fit tomorrow night. We could also try to do a CGL viewing on saturday if there's others that want to. I'll try to update the thread with my plans by 8:30, so stay tuned :)

>> No.9093074
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So whose going to be the anon of the year and host the room party?

>> No.9093370

Yea I want in too lol

>> No.9093376

Oh shit, I figured it was open Thursday too. Tells you how much I know about the one day I wasn't planning to go hahahah.

Thanks anons! I mean, if I don't get a wig then it's not a big deal. It's just for a simple, last minute Tohsaka Rin cosplay so I can just throw my hair up. The only reason I was hoping for a wig was because I have a large white chunk in the front of my hair and I know how petty people can be about not having accurate hair/using real hair for a cosplay.
Sage because I'm not providing useful content to the thread

>> No.9093485

Pokemon website still down and I don't want to sign up with google...this is the biggest problem. Not that I'm going to be late as fuck and don't have a cosplay

>> No.9093515

>this fucking line
End my life /cgl/ senpai

>> No.9093520
File: 91 KB, 240x255, no longer flavortown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"anons have always been pretty chill and normal in public."

>kinda want to go to meet up
>will be with friend
>friend says 'kek' irl both unironically and to annoy me
>will think it is okay to say it around "fellow 4channers"

H-have fun at the meet ups guys

>> No.9093522

You still stuck in the garage?

>> No.9093526

People who add fucking angel wings to their fucking cosplay for NO reason can FUCK OFF

>> No.9093527

Rip it's okay. I know people like that irl. I've become an expert in the art of "hey guy, let me introduce you to these things that are away from the general public"

Not anon but fuck, I think I might have cut the line, but the guy was so vague with his instructions. was the pre-reg significantly shorter than reg or am I a sly fuck?

>> No.9093529

I forgot my tape at home sorry senpai. Maybe tomorrow

>> No.9093530

Are you people also on cgl because there's nothing to do in line?

>> No.9093533

Yeah man. I've been here for 30 Mintues and I'm only just now inside the garage

>> No.9093535

I didn't eat much when I left. Fucking help

>> No.9093537

Was going to wait with anons in line since I have to wait for my cousin to get out of registration but holy fuck i don't want to wait THAT long for fun

>> No.9093539

Where are we meeting up?

>> No.9093566

Is that a general question or do you actually want me to wait with you. Cuz this panel boring as fuck

>> No.9093569

90% sure I saw the zootopia seagull

>> No.9093571

Fucking furries

>> No.9093574

I'm starving and I'm in the middle of the line
Fuck my shit up forever

>> No.9093578

>I think I might have cut the line
Dude I just remembered how like 2 years ago at Connecticon I kept looking like a massive fucking asshole because I kept accidentally cutting lines and getting super dirty looks.
>Accidentally cut Laura Bailey line because there was one line that was cut into two sections but the second section didn't look like it was for the Laura Bailey stand
>Kinda like the second panel of loss.jpg
>Get in the back of the fist section
>Big black guy security man sees and thinks I'm some kinda narcissist
>say to me "Loo, I know who you think you are but there are other people blah blah blah."
>Freaking out and apologizing because one of the five things I hate most in life is line cutters
>Leave the signing all together.

>Marble Hornets cast were there
>Was faggot fanboy for MH at the time
>See their booth, seemingly unpopular, only one dude was there talking/buying stuff
>I immediately bolt there
>One of them goes, "There's a line."
>The fucking line wrapped around the side of the booth so I didn't see it
>People in line starring at me
>Kill myself mentally

>Little Kuriboh panel was at the building across from the Con (I forget its name"
>Haven't the slightest idea where the start or end of this line is
>Follow back (forward)
>I see what I think is the end
>Get in
>Instantly realize I had yet again cut the line
>Don't even care at this point just deal with the shame

[reached character limit with my second Marble Hornets story]

>> No.9093580

rip to your spending money

>> No.9093583

Was going to ask where people were in line but this is a clusterfuck, and there's no land marks for me to go by

>> No.9093589 [DELETED] 


Marble Hornets 2: Electric Boogaloo
>Last year
>I cannot stop thinking about how much of a retard I looked the previous year
>Vow to apologize this year, as they were at the con again
>Everyone tells me "lol anon its okay they probably don't even remember it was just one dumb incident"
>Do not care
>At con
>Their booth is in sight
>confirm with myself that there is currently no line
>My friend also confirms there is no line
>Dressed in same cosplay I went in last year
>Get to the booth
>First thing one of them fucking says "Thanks for following the line rules this time."
>They were just probably joking about the fact that we walked through the masking tap outline of how people should form the line.
>Apologize for last year
>"...oh, yeah it's fine don't worry about it."
>Finally free of this mental burden

>> No.9093590

If you find me i'll reward you with a dollar B)

Im in a wirt cosplay. The magic word is "wheres my dollar bitch". Better hope you choose the right cosplayer

>> No.9093592

Marble Hornets 2: Electric Boogaloo
>Last year
>I cannot stop thinking about how much of a retard I looked the previous year
>Vow to apologize this year, as they were at the con again
>Everyone tells me "lol anon its okay they probably don't even remember it was just one dumb incident"
>Do not care
>At con
>Their booth is in sight
>confirm with myself that there is currently no line
>My friend also confirms there is no line
>Dressed in same cosplay I went in last year
>Get to the booth
>First thing one of them fucking says "Thanks for following the line rules this time."
>Realize they were just probably joking about the fact that we walked through the masking tap outline of how people should form the line.
>Apologize for last year
>"...oh, yeah it's fine don't worry about it."
>Finally free of this mental burden

>> No.9093593

Idfk what wirt looks like

>> No.9093594
File: 30 KB, 500x500, Wirt_Over_the_Garden_Wall_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9093595

are you in line near a guy with a purple cap?

>> No.9093598


>> No.9093601

>people smoking in line
End your life quickly

>> No.9093602

You sure? That Wirt is chronically glued to his phone

>> No.9093606
File: 100 KB, 440x498, [Glass Him].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9093612

I mean, im with someone with a blue Dipper hat. No purple hat though.

>> No.9093627

Wirt update: currently outside of the convention building

>> No.9093635

Fuck I was looking in the wrong place the whole time

>> No.9093637
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>> No.9093639
File: 46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smoking in line

>> No.9093643

Im gettin lunch but ill be back in in like half an hour

>> No.9093646

What's a cheap place?

>> No.9093653

Anywhere outside if the con. Food trucks are the best

>> No.9093655

Are they here yet?

>> No.9093668

They've been here since yesterday. Over the bridge past the science center

>> No.9093670

Infinity Hall has special connecticon discounts

>> No.9093697

Dollar wirt has returned to the convention center

>> No.9093705

Go to the cafe and have lunch with me please i'm Steven universe eating chicken

>> No.9093706

Im going into a panel, sorry yo

>> No.9093713

I'm gonna bring a duffel bag full of pop tarts for the anons starving in line tomorrow

>> No.9093719

The hero 4chan doesn't really deserve

I will find you and get my dollar

>> No.9093720

Good luck B) a small hint is that im pretty short

>> No.9093759

So is the prereg line a clusterfuck right now? Ps I'll be in zootopia cosplay because I got roped into being a fucking furry

>> No.9093792

I bought my tickets before hand and I have to wait in line for 3 fucking hours anyway with the people that didn't? This is absolute bullshit

>> No.9093823

Lol I saw a chick in a zootopia costume on here in front of me in line

>> No.9093838

Most likely was me

>> No.9093839

Dollar Wirt has been found. Now I've up'd it to $2. Code word is "wheres my dollar bitch". Cant get it if you got me the first time

>> No.9093844

Stop playing anime games, they're bad for you. Also Fuck this line.

>> No.9093850

Stop creepin senpai

>> No.9093857

Fuck who beat me to it.

>> No.9093864

Some guy in a steven universe shirt

>> No.9093867

Sry bored as hell

>> No.9093888

Is there anything worthwhile in there or is my waiting for naught?

>> No.9093892

All for naught probably, but hey congrats on the trips

>> No.9093974

Give us another hint I don't wanna end up swearing at a random 14 year old

>> No.9093987

Im with a dipper

>> No.9094014

Spots are open on garage floor 5 if anyone wants to move their car out of the sun

Is anyone interested in Finding Dory tonight or should I wait until tomorrow for max amount of people?

>> No.9094019

I'm still interested.

>> No.9094039

I'm not wearing a cosplay, my badge is in my pocket and I don't have glasses. Code phrase is "Tell wirt to give me my 2 dollars"

>> No.9094078

Anyone see that Saitama cosplay? It was on point

>> No.9094161
File: 1.18 MB, 1456x2592, 14680146160841767600857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /anime drink/ here?

>> No.9094164

Wig anon from earlier in the thread. Snagged a wig but the bangs are too long. Anyone happen to have some scissors? If so, come find me. I'm the shitty Tohsaka on the stairs by the escalator.

>> No.9094180

Anon I think my cousin needs a ride home tonight so I probably cannot see FD, but if you're around and willing tomorrow I'll be down

>> No.9094201

Saw two zootopia couples. One couple significantly smaller than the other, i'm going to assume that's you because the others were holding hands and being lovey dovey

>> No.9094211

>being lovey dovey

Yikes I sure hope that wasnt me
Also when is the meet

>> No.9094212

There is no feedback panel this year. That's a good sign

>> No.9094251

I have yet to be found. To make it easier, i am now stationary, within the convention center

>> No.9094258

Rip i'm in a panel though

If you're a small individual then it wasn't . Like i'd say the ones that looked like a couple were 5'8"+ and the others were between 5' and 5'4"

>> No.9094260

Ill be here for a while. My feet are killing me because my shoes suck

>> No.9094281

I am tiny so yeah no haha

>> No.9094295

Meets are 5pm Saturday between CC and Marriott, and again on Saturday at 9pm at the stairs outside, the latter of which is because the con closes but people want to stay later, and who better to have a good time with than some gulls (check thread tomorrow for more details; there may be a room party). The former of which (5pm) is because a fair amount of people said they can't go to the 9 one.

P.S. i have to drive home so I'm personally not eager to go to a bar after we meet up but I'd be down if people are insistent (wont drink though)

>> No.9094300

Fuck me I just passed a second Wirt. Small too. Now that I know there's 2 idk If I can do it

>> No.9094302

My phone is basically dead so rip me. I'm going to go grab food and watch the dating game or something.

>> No.9094315

Thats the thrill of the game yo

>> No.9094324

Wurt anon I just scared a small child because of you.

>> No.9094326

#GETREKT wrong wirt

>> No.9094327

Was it a small child near the panels? Or elsewhere?

>> No.9094332

$2 wirt is leaving at 8:30. Come find me on the top floor. First person here wins. Were by the charging stations

>> No.9094333

Come listen to Thelma Houston with me in my car no homo

>> No.9094334


>> No.9094335

The other wirt was near here too though

>> No.9094340
File: 2.85 MB, 1998x2503, 20160708_200715-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wirt anon is going turbo mode

>> No.9094343

This Wirt was getting on the down escalator. She was so confused and upset, I felt really bad telling her to give me the fucking dollars

>> No.9094388

Wirt anon has left the convention. Met 2 people but only one chose to claim the money, so i'll be back tomorrow at 10am sharp with some fre$h ca$h B) good luck fuckers

>> No.9094410
File: 1.95 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage for selfpost, day one was lost of fun guys, if you see me tomorrow say hi!

>> No.9094411

i likely cannot attend the meets, but stop by the GhastlyGear booth (AC 225) for a free bad manga dialogue button, made out of actual bad manga. just let the ouji or one of his helpers know you are a seagull.

>> No.9094422

Will you be Wirt again? Looking for you is the only thing making this con fun for me.

>> No.9094433

Yeah man B) theres a possibility that i'll change part way through the day because the boots and ~4 layers of clothing kills me, but i'll probably be wirt for most of the day. And if i do change, ill update everyone and keep the game going

>> No.9094439

Shit, you cute as fuck

>> No.9094455

holy shit ur a qt3.14

>> No.9094468


Please stop self postin, claudie.

Also, meet up is 5 tomorrow in the outside area between Marriott and Con. And then again at 9 on the outside stairs. Bar trips are gonna happen.

Can anyone tell me if the parking lot is out of space?

>> No.9094471

Sorry dog, one of those is me. Im not even from wherever this is. Just scroll while hammered and would like to hammer her. With my dick.

>> No.9094474

It's OK, she looks horrendous in person.

>> No.9094507

Thanks guys!

I think other people should post what theyre actually wearing too, since I like to say hi to gulls but I'm honestly worried I'll grab the wrong person

>> No.9094559

Saw probably 5 zootopia couples and apparently none of them were you...thankfully you didn't pull a wirt and have me scare those poor people.

Wearing figuratively nothing, materials came in too late, and I didn't want to work long nights to get a cosplay done. Was torn between a few cosplay choices but all of them would have taken about a month and my materials took like 3 weeks to arrive.

I can confirm that wirt is worth finding.

Another anyways
Anyone see something that we all need to check out in the dealer's room?

>> No.9094567

Stupid fox comic artist is there, I know I enjoy them. Didn't see any thing too good otherwise. Maybe the art supply booth.

>> No.9094569

Looked up images of wirt online (since I have no clue who or what the character is)
And you really nailed it, nice job

>> No.9094577

One of the sellers was selling sparkly resin dragon statues. I recommend saving your money and googling that stuff. I bought one of thos same statues at the rennaissance faire a month ago and it's marked up literally triple the price at the convention.

Just that seller though. Looks like most otherplaces don't have such overwhelming markups (except of course for the candy stores)

>> No.9094585
File: 462 KB, 1920x1080, Twin_Princes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being prince Lorian again tomorrow. Say Hi if you see me, will be at the meet up, if not both then definitely the 9 one.

>> No.9094604

who else /living vicariously/ this weekend?

>> No.9094605
File: 3.16 MB, 4128x2322, tragedy thrills me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

room is well situated for it

>> No.9094640

Is it just me or is the AA/dealers super pathetic this year? I usually spend all my money day one and I barely bought anything today.

>> No.9094641
File: 2.16 MB, 4128x2322, 1468034582739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these are the meetup locations.

>> No.9094679

Wow actually yes, does anyone know if the lot will be closed off tomorrow?

>> No.9094700
File: 714 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yooo some couple cosplaying zootopia today got engaged

>> No.9094705

Holy shit dude, Claudie got engaged???!?

>> No.9094714


Did they really get engaged though? I thought that might've been just another cosplay proposal stunt. If it's true though, that's pretty cute

>> No.9094929

I'll be the Farnese running around with the god awful wig. Please, if you see me stop and say hi because I have zero friends up here other than my husband. Moved across the country vertically and it is literally the worst.

>> No.9094961

who /fmv/ this morning?

I love showing up early to watch these on Saturday

>> No.9095000
File: 3.86 MB, 4128x2322, 20160709_084208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please, if you see me stop and say hi because I have zero friends up here other than my husband.
stop by >>9094411 and say hi, i will be there all day and will not be able to escape conversation

pick up a fucked up dorito face button

>> No.9095066
File: 3.13 MB, 2054x2434, 20160709_103137-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wirt anon here. Because im a poor shit, ive decided that I would make some prize bags for whoever can find me. First person still gets $2 + a prize bag though. There are 3 prize bags, so 3 people can come claim one. I'll be arriving late because im still filling them with fun shit. Code word is "wheres my prize bag bitch". Good luck. Ill notify you when I've arrived at the con.

>> No.9095078

Gonna camp out at th entrance until you get here. I want my god damn prize bag.

I'll harass the shit out of you then. (Not really, I'll probably just awkwardly say hi)

>> No.9095086

Ima find another way in then.

Also prize bag update: you have a 33% chance of getting a shitty prize bag

>> No.9095090

I like those odds

>> No.9095104

Are you gonna be with dipper again today?
Also, are you a boy or a girl? I'm afraid of being that other anon

>> No.9095117

No, my friend wont be cosplaying dipper today. And im a dude

>> No.9095123

I definitely would have yelled at a small girl, bless you for this information.

>> No.9095135

i really want to buy something but I don't want to spend THAT much money...

Man this blows. All the coolest stuff is rediculously overpriced.

>> No.9095161

Bf and I are no face and chihero, come find us and we'll give you chocolate gold coins!

>> No.9095162

Wirt anon has arrived

>> No.9095168

Come get your prize bags fuckers

>> No.9095173

Where's waldo irl

>> No.9095175

Pretty much. The big red cone should be fairly easy to spot. The real challenge is picking the right one

>> No.9095180

>tfw your eating next to strangers
Rip my life

>> No.9095183

I'll do it if you do anon

>> No.9095192

Wirt anon is currently in the area of the furry parade

>> No.9095196

Any parties tonight?

>> No.9095202

People wearing spats irl <3333

>> No.9095207

There is 2 prize bags left

>> No.9095211

Still with the furries?

>> No.9095213

wirt i have freaked out and confused 2 other wirts so far

>I'll harass the shit out of you then. (Not really, I'll probably just awkwardly say hi)
do it! i am on lunch now but will be back soon, probably within 30 mins

>> No.9095216

That was the most exciting part of my weekend, bless.

>> No.9095226


Kek rip in fucking pieces


>> No.9095239

Omg Wirt I approached another Wirt and they were so upset that people kept coming to them for gift bags

>> No.9095252

Wirt anon is currently down for the count. Having an allergic reaction to the chocolate someone gave me so if you need me, ill be throwing up in the bathroom

>> No.9095255

Omw, which bathroom

>> No.9095257


I've always wondered, do people just not remember they are allergic when they eat something, or do they eat it anyways knowing they'll suffer the consequences

>> No.9095258

Any anons want to grab something to eat? I got a really bad stomache ache from one of the food trucks yesterday so I'm just going to be in line in the con.

>> No.9095259

I went down to panera bread so not in the convention center

I assumed my reaction wouldnt be that terrible since it was one little piece of chocolate

>> No.9095260

I met you today! You looked great!

>> No.9095263

AH thank you! Were you the guy with the big group of people? I was surprised by how many people recognized me, actually. It was really coo.

>> No.9095264

Wait there's a panera? Fuck this food

>> No.9095265

Its like down town, by the burger king

>> No.9095283

Wirt anon is now at panda express eating rice and dying

>> No.9095286

So if the Black Night cosplayer lurks here, I was probably the Elizabeth you saw last year as I'm wearing the same cosplay.

They seemed so dissapointed when I hesitated and as I was varying outfits of Elizabeth both this year and last year...
Yup, probably me.

Also this wig looks like a bowl cut and I hate it

>> No.9095295

Gonna go practice for smash tourney any other /cgl/guils in it

>> No.9095304


>> No.9095307


nah, but its all gud. My fault. Throwing up a few times and eating rice seems to have cured me so im back at the convention center walkin around

>> No.9095316

Lord of the Wirts 3: Return of the Wirt

>> No.9095317

Return of the prize bags. Get em while theyre hot, fuckers

>> No.9095336

are you still requiring a password?

also who wants to play CGL against humanity on our mobile devices tonight? tried it with roommates last night and had a blast.

>> No.9095341

Yes. "Wheres my prize bag bitch"

>> No.9095345

Depends on when really

>> No.9095364

Is it just me, or is this the most boring con you have ever been to?

I cant even find any interesting panels to lurk in.
I bought a weekend pass but i'm already considering leaving.

>> No.9095397

Wirt anon is in vidja game room. 2 prize bags remain

>> No.9095415
File: 2.43 MB, 1894x2639, 20160709_155713-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come snort a fat fucking rail with Wirt anon

>> No.9095426

still have bad manga buttons for seagulls, AC 225

ask the vampire, he will let you pick

not sure yet, going to lolita swap meet and might be free after

>> No.9095428

Wirt anon confirmed for qt3.14

>> No.9095434


>> No.9095441

Work that ATM wirt

>> No.9095443

Now you know that i am #loaded

>> No.9095476

Wirt you still here?

>> No.9095481


>> No.9095484

Anyone here for the meetup yet?

>> No.9095489

Wirt anon is in meetup location with one last prize bag

>> No.9095497

Anyone wanna go to burger king with Wirt anon

>> No.9095541

i totally passed you guys on the way to my hotel room. forgot 5PM was the meetup but saw Wirt giving away the bag i think.

you are probably already there and i am going back to my artist table soon, but i want to say thanks for adding some zest to Connecticon this year

>> No.9095583

Lorian anon here, missed the 5pm meet up because I didn't know craftsman prizes were being given out so close to meet up time. Will definetly be at the 9pm one, out of suit because fuxk armor after 10 hours.

Also where are you farnese anon? I love berserk with all my heart and need to snap a pic.

>> No.9095662

I was in teal with a white wig! There was a big group shoot happening, yeah!

>> No.9095678

Farnese anon here-- I changed out of her at about 1. Sorry!!

I never found your booth. Not sure why, but I walked around the dealers room for two hours and never found ya.
Oh! Yeah I know who you were! Right before you came up to me I had someone call me "far-nay-see". Fun fact.

Currently hanging out alone in the board game room if anyone wants to chat. I'm the Tohsaka Rin with the giant ferret plush.

Also, are most cosplay contests up here like the one that took place today? Where the focus isn't on the craftsmanship portion and they just kinda gloss over it? Back home the big thing was craftsmanship with little skits, but so far it seems to be the opposite around here.

>> No.9095682

Noooo oh well you better post pics in thread of your farnese.

I'm not sure how it is for the cosplay in other parta, I do know they value sewing skill far more then most other things, just seems like a trend.

Also how to identify anons at 9pm? I'm out of cosplay so I gotta look for you

>> No.9095688

If wirt sticks around it will be an obvious landmark, otherwise I guess look for the group of people that look like they don't know each other. Not wearing a cosplay, and I have a dark red shirt. I've seen 4 (5?) seagulls today so I can try to round people up, but no promises (especially if some or you changed out of costume)

>> No.9095689

We're meeting up at 9 on the stairs right? I'll still have my massively ferret plush so you can find me by that. I'll wave it in the air and pray I don't accidentally fling it

>> No.9095704
File: 3.11 MB, 4128x2322, ghastlygearbooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never found your booth. Not sure why, but I walked around the dealers room for two hours and never found ya.
oh damn! i am in the back half of Artist Colony. the signs for artist booths are numbered so if you can find the 200 row and follow it up to 225, i will be there most of tomorrow (with a small break to do my own shopping).

pic related is what my booth currently looks like from the aisle, it is not a full pic but best i have atm

>> No.9095710

gonna look for you soon, waiting for roomies.

>> No.9095721

Wirt left around 8:30 i think

>> No.9095723

Location pics?

>> No.9095724

People dispersed on rain. Who's here? Couple of us in marriot. Standing next to escalators

>> No.9095726

I looked forever for you and by the time I found the booth someone else was there filling in and I didn't know if they'd understand the lingo. Will you be there tomorrow?

>> No.9095727

Yeah I left at 8. I woulda liked to stay till 9 for the meetup, but im utterly exhausted.

Wirt anon will be at the con tomorrow though, with one last unclaimed prize bag B) I wont actually be in my Wirt cosplay though, so I'll just tell you guys what im wearing and where i am, so whoever gets to me first w/ code phrase gets prize bag

>> No.9095730

Yall it's raining so new meeting spot is downstairs by the escalators in the marriott

>> No.9095734

where you geeks at?

>> No.9095738

were you the judy who was going hard at the dance evolution arcade machine yesterday

>> No.9095741

Haha yes that was me

>> No.9095743

red shirt guy: had to leave in a hurry but it was nice meeting up, have fun

>> No.9095745

your dancing is perfect. i tried dancing today and my movements were so off and late

>> No.9095747

In L bar, big table

>> No.9095752

Haha I was only choosing songs that I already had a lot of practice with as a young weeb. But thank you!

>> No.9095771
File: 89 KB, 974x592, sirris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm late to this thread but it was rad meeting you. Great work on your gear!

>> No.9095776

No problem man, you too (if you were that sirris I met, didn't know you were a gull).

This wig destroyed my hair and I'm caked in makeup still

>> No.9095779

Yeah I'm the Sirris. Also it's all good, it's an occupational hazard of being 6' 3" desu.
Best of luck in washing all that off-- I'm just taking as many deep breaths as I can now that I'm no longer in 5 tightly-belted layers.

>> No.9095888

Most contests have separate divisions for craftsmanship and skits. Sometimes they can be judged together. This con tends to be heavier in skits, though. A lot of craftsmanship entries don't go on stage.

>> No.9095889
File: 924 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had fun at the meetup tonight! Posting a photo of my Farnese for the berserk anon since they missed it. Sorry the full body photo sucks... My husband took it from a super high angle and made me look stumpy. Bonus selfies because I felt weird posting a photo with my face blocked out.

Also I'll take literally any help or advice you guys have for this god awful wig. Please help, whether it's how to successfully cover all my dark hair or styling advice. Because I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing when it comes to wigs

>> No.9095908

Hearts unbroken thank you farnese anon.

Had fun at the meet. Sorry we couldn't hit the town but next time we should! I will be not cosplaying tomorrow, crafting contest is over and not enough people recognized me to warrant and encore.

I'll be wearing a berserk cursed mark shirt tomorrow, I'll try and snap some pics now that I don't have gauntlets on if you guys are there.

>> No.9095913

After a while I finally figured out what gull means so I think that's a better answer to your statement, actually. I feel like a retard lmao.

I'm entirely new to this board-- I mostly just shitpost on /mu/ but a friend told me to check the CTcon thread. It looks pretty neat but to be honest I'm pretty limited in terms of cosplay due to muh budget. Maybe when I have some more shekkels I'll get more into this kind of thing.

>> No.9095927



>> No.9095947

Share the drama lol

>> No.9096000

Toesaka anon you were super cute!! Thanks for coming!

Please share the dramu and get this board renamed /drama/

>> No.9096129

I encountered toe suck guy trying to advance on some random rave looking chick with striped stockings at the hotel lobby

>> No.9096134

And the legend lives on

>> No.9096258

At 4:42 in the morning? Toe suck never sleeps

>> No.9096318

Had a lot of fun yesterday, can't wait to come back next year. Lip sync battle was ballin'

I abandoned my Anon cosplay because I couldn't see shit, was stuck in uncomfortable dress shoes all day, could hardly use my fingers because of the morph suit I was wearing, whenever I tried to lean into a plate of food my suit chocked me, abandoned the plans to go to a bunch of panels so I could wander around the venderhall and honestly none of that put a tamper on things. Tons of great cosplayers and everyone was really nice.

Was with a McCree who when asked the time would pull out a spoon, raise it over his head, and yell "IT'S HIGH SPOON." I was the dude in just a suit and green hands next to him if you managed to get a photo with him.

When I was waiting for my ride back a fucker dressed as Tommy Wiseau came out of butt fuck no where and began throwing a football around and I got in that shit so quick and we both just started yelling out Room quotes .

>> No.9096353

Wirt anon will be at the con around 11ish with 1 last prize bag and a few left over cosmic brownies that i cant eat bc chocolate. I'll be in a ram kigu that will probably be tied around my waist because it is hot as shit.

>> No.9096367

>people who stop in the middle of crowded halls to catch pokemon

>> No.9096371

Hope he got kicked in the teeth. His pic is in the last ctcon thread as well as his name

>> No.9096383

What kind of Pokemon are in Hartford?

>> No.9096401
File: 755 KB, 281x207, leg drop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assert yourself

>> No.9096403

I thought he got banned from all new england cons?

>> No.9096420

It was personal drama from someone who couldn't hold their liquor. Bitch killed our vibe.

But again, thanks for nothing, /cgl/. No assistance given for a bro in need.

>> No.9096423
File: 1.58 MB, 400x300, goodbye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you just leave your room and just venture into the con, like so?

>> No.9096425
File: 3.28 MB, 4128x2322, 20160710_103130_5_bestshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made grab bags! gonna walk around but stop by AC 225 for discounted merch

>> No.9096427

Hey anon it's the Tohsaka from last night. I can't stop by your booth today (my cats are having issues and I have to get to them ASAP), but if you have a website or anything please let me know so I can check it out!

>> No.9096456

Wirt anon has arrived

>> No.9096466

Why is that picture so huge...
I'll try to stop by in an hour or two, hopefully you're not on break!

>> No.9096478
File: 3.18 MB, 1947x2568, 20160710_114515-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you

>> No.9096501

I am seriously the worst at locating this spot...

>> No.9096519

aw i hope they will be ok. it was good to hang while we could! ghastlygear.etsy.com is my usual shop, it is on vacation now. i will un-vacay it after the con

unadulturated cellphone camera mafnificence

i am not those people! they are my helpers. they keep the magic alive while i wander and get stuff

>> No.9096522

count the sign numbers! walk down the aisles until you find the 200s, then go up or down to get to 225. i am back for a bit but going to finish my AA crawl when my helper returns in a few, look for a gothic ouji with a violin bag

>> No.9096624

Farnese anon where did you guys get that berserk poster? I'll buy the original if I have too

>> No.9096650

>i am not those people!

>> No.9096690
File: 2.07 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20160710_152155728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home now. I had fun this year but mostly AROUND the con, not really because of it. Felt like the events and panels were barebones as fuck. More than a few times my friends and I wandered around, asking each other "Wtf do we do next?"

>> No.9096793

So what did everyone buy this year?
Big Daddy Pop! figure
Peridot artist print
Skyrim wallet
"triggrd" shirt
weird commie Asian drank
an ice cream cone

>> No.9096837
File: 121 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else notice this hidden gem in the schedule? (see the bottom)

I bought a really cool "pill case" from the seller anon
Other than that I didn't actually buy anything other than food, but I did get some nice handouts from other anons, including buttons, a Fakku subscription (my boy), and assorted goodies from the Wirt Prize Bag.

Was looking at the printed liquor canteens, but I rarely ever drink so I felt it was going to be wasted money.

Wish I found a cool fig that I wanted, but I really didn't spend that much time in the vendors room, so that might be my own fault.

>> No.9096853

What was in the wirt bag?

>> No.9096882

I got some treats, like mini cookies and a cosmic brownie. Pretty much what one might expect from a prize bag.

>> No.9096895

never got to find wirt. was he cool?

>> No.9096914

Yeah mate.
At least to me, all of the gulls that I talked to were pretty chill people. Wish I could have stayed later at the meetup, too

>> No.9096940

Lol he's a middle schooler and underaged b&

>> No.9096949

Still was lowkey qt3.14 js

>> No.9096950

A cloud sticker.

A bodyline headdress, that I got totally ripped off on because I was a stupid fuck who didn't double check.

A pair of lolita socks, that I also probably got ripped off on too.

And the plainest, cheapest, steampunk goggles that I plan to decorate myself.

I'm sort of mad at myself for not thinking through those lolita purchases.Which is ironic, because I was pointing out the one booth with the overpriced shit from taobao.

Dealer's room and Artists Alley, was kinda meh this year. Though I did get a kick out of my mom an experienced seamstress, (who comes for GoT, MCU, & SciFi shit) critiquing the clothes from that handmade lolita booth.

>> No.9096954

A few pins
A bracelet from artists alley
IASIP poster

>> No.9096970

I actually saw a lot more cool stuff than previous years, but everything that looked cool was either really overpriced, or simply outside of my desired budget.

>> No.9096998

Wait? It was that Wirt? I passed by him a ton of times but never went up to him because I thought he was twelve or a girl.

>> No.9097001

i think hes just a tranny (ftm). i was picking up tranny vibes, but i could be wrong

>> No.9097011

Fuck that, cosplay as an ironic d.va. It can be as shitty as you want it to be, and everyone will see it as a form of irony.

>> No.9097022

Every Wirt I saw looked really young, and I saw 3 different ones, so there's no telling if you saw the "right" one.

Potentially scaring children is just part of the game

>> No.9097026

well everything is overpriced at cons. And sometimes I knowingly get ripped off but it's so tempting when it's right there in front of you to buy

>> No.9097070

The wirt anon had facial piercings. Was pretty chill.

>> No.9097086

Elephant plush
Calcifer mug and coaster
Lupin glass
Deer cowl/hood
Some prints, a few charms
Lotsa snacks (bf loves them)
A new wig, a nice prop

>> No.9097087

In that case its prolly safe to say that hes at the very least 16/17. Im not sure if you can get facial piercings if you are younger than that

>> No.9097089

Damn I didn't know there was tea for sale. That's my jam yo

>> No.9097098

Shit man, I didn't see this until now! Thankfully I snagged her business card. Here's her website: jadiekins. com
I'm going to message her about gettig a print of the b&w berserk art because it was genuinely amazing, but I don't know if it's on her website.

>> No.9097116

This is accurate

Wasn't really judging in the first place though.

>> No.9097118

There's a stall called tea and absinthe that comes every year, they're pretty good. They also sell honey sticks, which is my jam.

>> No.9097126

Me neither. Long live Wirt anon, i hope he comes back next year. He was the only fun part of the con for me.

If you are reading this Wirt anon, let us know if we'll get to see you next year

>> No.9097127

Ohhhh shit I'm bad. Every year I go there with my friends and just get so many honey sticks, and it has not occurred to me until just now that they sell other things.
I wasn't into tea until recently, so I never looked at that seller as a tea seller, just as my honey stick vending machine, and I kind of just mindlessly go there an get my honey sticks as a sort of ritual. fuucckk

>> No.9097146

If you're a local anon, Tea & Absinthe always goes to the CT Renaissance Faire every year, too. Their tea is delicious, and they have a lot of fandom-inspired names.

>> No.9097151

the civil war bucky popvinyl
two blind boxes (one dangan ronpa from which i got genocider syo, and one psycho pass from which i got kagari)
a couple stickers

a significantly smaller haul than i usually leave cons with, but i am broke as shit right now, which sort of worked out actually because there wasn't much stuff i actually wanted to buy

>> No.9097165

I really wanted to get one of those cool medieval iron tankards but they were like $75

>> No.9097167

Wirt anon will def be around next year B) I also may be attending Hartford Comic Con in the fall if i have the money

>> No.9097183

Make sure to make your presence known in next year's thread bb

>> No.9097193

I know, and I fucking buy their tea at the ren faire, but I just make completely different associations with them at the convention.

I don't really think about the brand name, I just associate the ren faire version with the wood floored tent/trailer, and the CTcon version with the 3-sided open area that has honey sticks

>> No.9097205

I'll be at HCC on Saturday helping my friend run a comic book stand, so if you do show up, I'll be there.

>> No.9097209

Highlights of CTCon 2016:

>pokemon go
>wirt guy i guess

why was this year so shit

>> No.9097218
File: 139 KB, 1080x1295, Screenshot_2016-07-10-22-04-02-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this gem scrolling through the ctcon tag on tumblr.

Top fucking keks Wirt Anon

>> No.9097383


Nope just AAC

He apparently has a gf now tho

>> No.9097402
File: 49 KB, 720x720, Toe Sucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo let me suck on dem toes!

>> No.9097452
File: 90 KB, 540x960, AngryDylan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you mad toe sucker dude?
Cant handle people putting you on blast?

>> No.9097565

I mean, he ain't wrong.

Be a man and step to him. Can't believe you're scared to fight a dude that looks like a makeup dummy.

>> No.9097669

So lets see some fucking pics. There a new thread coming? Con itself was shit, kind of wish we could have just stayed on the vip bus they had the whole time. Meet up was fun, always nice seeing people, apologize for my buddy, hes a good guy but gets real excited when theres drinks going around.

What we bought at the con:
45 monster hunter figures (Legit, one of the others with me loves MH and haggled for 6 boxes of the MH figures for $3 each instead of $8)

Couple overwatch buttons

DBZ flask for my buddy (his first con, had to commemorate, he and his girl were saiyans for cosplay)

Some overpriced asian snacks
Berserk poster and deck of cards
Legend of dragoon and gantlet legends.

>> No.9097692
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I saw this thread during the con, hunting Wirt anon seemed fun. Only notable thing that happened to me was some guy trying to get me to go with him. Board games were fun tho, but video games were less so. Like, 10 guys crowded around melee??? I love smash but no thanks
Hauled a shitton of board game stuff tho, X-Wing is consuming my wallet.

>> No.9097698

I wanted to play melee too, except people wouldnt get off the fucking machine or let others hop in, and every other smash machine was some clusterfuck of chairs that you couldnt even see the screen.

>> No.9097751


Oh my fucking god I know him. He used to work in Walgreens and asked my mom if he can take me on a date.

>> No.9097798

lmao you gotta be bullshitting right?

>> No.9097811

No, really. He asked my mother if he can take me to the movies and he got overly-friendly with her. To the point of calling her his "work-mom". He would follow me around Walgreens to the point that I would go to the Krausers across the street. It was a long time ago though.

>> No.9097830

Ahah that's crazy

>> No.9098248

Wait what's this guys name? I also might know him.

>> No.9098257

This is exactly why I was too afraid to find Wirt Anon.
Too many tumblrs I risked offending by accidently saying "WHERES MY DOLLAR BITCH"

>> No.9098260

Dylan something

>> No.9098486

Anyone know what went down Sunday afternoon? Around 4 on the top level of the con center, there were a few Hartford cops and 5 or so con center staff with a small group of people, including what looked like an angry dad. Half an hour later, a cop was walking into the (closed) dealer's room with what looked like a piece of art.

>> No.9098618

After the lip sync battled ended a cop w/ a dog immediately entered the room. My friend said it was a drug sniffing dog and I honestly could see that.

Also how could the dealers hall be closed at 4:30? Unless I'm thinking about the vendors room on the second floor, that closed at like what, 7:30-8ish?

>> No.9098855

on sunday it closed at 4 i believe

>> No.9098897

Dylan Banocy is his name

>> No.9098937

>berserk deck of cards

>> No.9098997

Apparently Wirt Anon goes to my school o3o....

>> No.9099029 [DELETED] 

what school
maybe I also go there

>> No.9099031 [DELETED] 

in what town
maybe I also go there

>> No.9099087

Hmmm, interesting. I didn't see a dog, but it could have been blocked from my point of view by the people. And, yeah, like >>9098855 said, dealer's room/artist's alley closed at 4 on Sunday.

>> No.9099147

oh, i wasnt there sunday, rip. drug doggo was saturday

>> No.9099176

Was the first vendor when you came in from food court. Guys were pretty awesom. They had all the berserk movie posters up and said "Even if its not popular its what I like so I'm putting it up..". Guy had a berserk tattoo sleeve too.

Not gonna lie one of the few anime I like got alot of love this year.

>> No.9099315

eyy gl hf, say hi for me

>> No.9099324

ive only ever talked to him 2 times b/c hes kind of popular and scary...

>> No.9099346

I poisoned him and he was still chill. I'm sure he's cool.

>> No.9099349

according to everyone i know he's really nice... but i am very beta...

>> No.9099357

Some say the Wirt anon is still plotting his vengeance to this very day

>> No.9099363


>> No.9099407

He gave wirt anon a cosmic brownie (bless) and he is allergic to chocolate. He threw up a few times but he is okay and was chill with the whole thing.

>> No.9099409

what town?

>> No.9099420


>> No.9099488

Would you guys be interested in a "The Room original script reading" panel next year?

>> No.9099489

should have added: would invite members from the audience to participate and act out scenes

>> No.9099560
File: 498 KB, 500x241, tumblr_n1e83n2CXT1qemizlo2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would go anon. Make it happen

>> No.9099694

100% interested

>> No.9099737

I also go to Mills and I know Wirt Anon well. I'm certain he'd be cool if you talked to him. I'm also really curious as to who you are now, if you wouldn't mind not being anon and have a Kik or something.

>> No.9099748

I would rather remain an anon sorry o3o maybe i'll talk to him someday... the only interaction i've ever had with him was when he gave me the rest of his chips one day at lunch >3> are you part of his friend group?

>> No.9099772

Yeah I am. I'm curious, who does it look like his friend group is made up of? You could just describe if you don't know names. Also, my Kik is oldhickoryhammike (not really named Mike) in case you change your mind and the thread 404s.

>> No.9099776

Mrs. Wyz's son, the kid with the blonde hair that he wears up a lot, the mormon, his boyfriend, that girl with the boobs and black hair and red glasses, and a few people in the club he runs?... im trying to leave names out but i dont know them all anyway...

>> No.9099788

It's really weird to hear people I know/am described on an anonymous imageboard. And yeah, I'd say you got it pretty well. How do you know him/what he's like, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.9100585

>high schoolers
4chan is 18+, kids. Also, please, please use some common sense and don't reveal where other people go to school on the internet.

>> No.9100610

>4chan is 18+
Yeah, and so is PornHub
But I agree, you never know what toe suckers might be on 4chan. Best to watch that tongue

>> No.9100842

I submitted it.
If they don't approve my friend suggests just an hour of angry cowboy RP.