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9047821 No.9047821 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>9040587

So, here we have another AP print nobody asked for.

>> No.9047831

This is the only AP print I've been interested in for about two years, save for re-releases. but I'm biased, I keep fish.

I just wish there were better photos of the navy colourway, because I'm sick of pastel vomit.

>> No.9047844

Time to play everyone's favourite game!

>> No.9047867
File: 74 KB, 500x889, 5a3fbaebaca800dff01497790d0e5bb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to this dress? I thought Honey Honey was on hiatus, and then they did a re-release of the cat print, but this perfume bottle print kind of ...didn't happen?

>> No.9047869

This isn't too bad but I'm coming to the realization that I just don't like AP's new art style. Something about it just looks weird to me, and it all seems so washed out in the stock photos. Maybe it'll grow on me as the year goes on, idk.

>> No.9047876
File: 1.38 MB, 690x1625, akademie_der_meeresbrise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9047878

That's not hard this time as they are the charms of the pearls at the print.

>> No.9047884

I don't know whether to laugh or cry anon.

>> No.9047916

>akamemie der meeresbriste

Acamemy of sea-breasts???

>> No.9047942

I really like the cuts only because they are different than the last couple of prints. I'm still waiting on one where it's both cut and design thats good

>> No.9047943

I wonder if they'll release a dolphin purse.

>> No.9047952

>didn't happen
Because it's disgusting.

>> No.9047964

It's supposed the be seebrise/seabreeze but idk how they got that misspelling.

>> No.9047988

I know what it's supposed to be, I'm german, but it's just so funny how they fucked up.

>> No.9048023
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New AatP it looks like. Might be releasing tomorrow. I love the print but the colors are really weird.

>> No.9048036

BIG NEWS on AP's Paris shop and tea party


>> No.9048047

Newbie here. How do I choose the right petti for a dress? Is it based on skirt length or something else?

>> No.9048051

You want it to be slightly shorter than the edge of your skirt. You also need to figure out it the skirt shape is bell or a-line and use an petticoat that matches. See the guidebook for additional details newfriend. http://thelolitaguidebook.tumblr.com/

>> No.9048065

Oh AatP how I used to love you but you've broken my heartsince 2012. Why don't you love me anymore?

>> No.9048072

Man this is some taobao-tier shit. AatP's gone down the toilet.

>> No.9048077

Does anyone know how long the Innocent World Happy Packs will be available for reservation?

>> No.9048081

In addition to the other anon's advice, I recommend you reading up more and just reading before posting because you're going to get a lot of screams of "summer" and "lurk more" if you're not careful. Cgl isn't really for spoonfeeding basic questions.

>> No.9048084

Thanks for the advice, I'm going to give that guide a good read and go from there.

>> No.9048085

While stock lasts, I imagine.

>> No.9048092

I actually like the colorways- they're refreshingly different. Though I do hope the second from the right is actually lime green and not a yucky yellow color in real life.

I probably would've guessed this print was put out by a Taobao brand, but it's not like Taobao brands put out consistently shitty designs so I don't see why that's groanworthy? Or do people just miss AatP's "usual" stuff? This is the first thing they've put out in months that I've been even slightly interested in, but I'll wait to judge once we know the cuts.

>> No.9048115

Taobao designs aren't shit, but they're on the whole still not up to par with the brand, and getting something with a design like that from Taobao would cost a fraction of what it will probably cost to get it from AatP.

>> No.9048124

Is it still frowned upon to buy from Gothic Lolita Wigs? I know there was that whole racism controversy and a lot of people boycotted them but now it seems like nobody gives a shit anymore.

>> No.9048125

I like perfume bottle prints so I remember this post in Lolita Updates forever ago. Don't think it was ever released and I doubt there are plans to. We just have to accept that some Taobao brands are fucking teases- looking at you, Krad Lanrete.

>> No.9048134

People haven't forgotten about GLW's racism, but it's not like you're made into a pariah if you own wigs from them. I have two wigs from GLW, one bought secondhand and the other firsthand- while they're great quality, they're overpriced as fuck unless you get them on sale. Buy from their cosplay line.

If you're looking for alternatives without controversy, I like Arda a ton. Great quality for the price and the Classic line is not shiny at all.

>> No.9048147

Seconding this and it's really, REALLY disappointing. They went from being one of my favorites to utter crap. I used to scroll through their stock wishing I could afford it all and now I struggle to find anything I even like.

>> No.9048177

nobody gives a shit. People need to stop their holier-than-thou attitude about these companies when they actively buy mass produced H&M sweatshop goods all the time. The wigs are decent, who the fuck cares

>> No.9048185

This is actually the first AP print I have liked in a whileeee.

>> No.9048187

>getting some serious ML vibes
>no red or black colourwar
This had 100% dd potential. I love the silhouette shown on the second dress so much.

>> No.9048227

It's frowned upon because their wigs are overpriced garbage

>> No.9048239

For US lolitas in the 48 continuous states: effective Saturday, 6/11, UPS ground service rates will change.

>> No.9048240

I need this so hard

>> No.9048241

The wigs aren't bad unless you're really unlucky, but the price is a little steep. No worse than Dreamholic or Lockshop though.

>> No.9048262

For anybody using UPS ground shipping, in the 48 contiguous states UPS ground service rates will change effective July 11.

>> No.9048399


Why do people always say taobao tier? I've actually noticed a huge improvement in taobao prints recently, much better than bodyline imo

>> No.9048411

I've never actually seen a taobao print I've liked. The closest has been generic designs that can't really be called prints. That could be the reason. Oldfags also tend to be stuck in the past back when taobao was almost milanoo tier.

>> No.9048413

lurk more.

>> No.9048446

This is annoying enough when it's appropriate, so please don't shit up the fucking thread when it's not. Anon was obviously questioning why people use it as an insult when Taobao makes great stuff.

>> No.9048455

I think that's the point. Taobao is close to brand quality, but not quite there. They are implying it looks off in one way or another when saying it's taobao tier.
While we all know bodyline is nowhere close to brand tier.

>> No.9048459

My favorite print was made by a Taobao brand, and most of my closet is brand. Though to be fair I generally hate prints. There are so many Taobao brands that it's impossible to generalize them. Souffle Song is pretty different in quality from R-Series, for example.

>> No.9048467

Didn't they release this print a month or so ago?

>I stg, AP prints look all the same

>> No.9048475

I'm not saying they're shit, I'm saying despite constantly searching taobao for lolita I've never found one I actually like. Therefore someone else could have the same problem and consider taobao to be noticeably worse than most brand as a whole. I have a lot of taobao too, with Dear Celine being my favorite. I just have never found a print that I personally like.

>> No.9048482

What is this beauty?!

>> No.9048515

Does anyone know what a cotton jsk weighs aproximatedly? And a chiffon one? I'm on the verge of adding more to an order but I'm not sure if I'm hitting the weight limit of 2kgs before it gets more expensive to ship as there's already a bag in there.

>> No.9048522

>KL teases a dress with a cat shape cut out dress
>that was two years ago
>posts an updated sketch
>over 8 months ago

I'm willing to wait but my boner can only get so hard.

>> No.9048524

Is Buyee good to buy hot releases with? I want to buy an h.Naoto item but it says "two days processing time". Has anyone else used it?

>> No.9048535

Lurk more.

>> No.9048541

Taobao is awful, I've pretty much sworn off ordering anything, especially with an SS and shipping from china the prices inflate dramatically, it just isn't worth it.

>> No.9048596

Some taobao brands are better quality than others. Souffle Song and Surface Spell or Krad Lanrete for example are in completely different leagues. Some are in the category of high quality indie.

>> No.9048666


Dang, that sucks. Thanks for the update though.

Here's hoping both KL and HH get off their butts and eventually get around to releasing these prints.

It's just called perfume bottle print so far, by taobao brand Honey Honey lolita. You might want to read >>9048125, though, it was never released.

>> No.9048667

I have a surface spell skirt and its REALLY well made, nice material and lace and good construction. I don't see why so many people dismiss taobao when there are some legitimately good brands.

>> No.9048677

Because a lot of people don't like putting the effort that goes into finding decent taobao brands. Not to mention it's not a label put on a pedestal like main brands are so the value is automatically put lower.

>more for me tho

>> No.9048692



If you look in the archives, there was a "lolita quality" thread just a bare few weeks ago. Gulls took a close look at brand and taobao items, and consistently, there's just a lot of things that brands do better, like using slightly softer lace, printing true black instead of deep charcoal grey, and printing a fabric all the way through instead of just at the surface. Yes, we're nitpicking, but if you're going to sit there and claim taobao is same quality as brand, you need to back that up rather than say you have one nice skirt from one taobao brand.

Truthfully speaking, though, the real reason you can't see why people are comparing it to taobao is because of what >>9048147 said. Almost every release has someone saying this about every AatP or AP print, brand prints have really taken a dive this year, while some (not all) taobao brands have stepped up their artwork. So if you've just joined lolita recently, I don't blame you for not being able to see the difference. Even 2015 F/W releases were much better than anything released in 2016. The layout, the colour control, the designs were just so much more coherent last year compared to this year.

>> No.9048707

I was wondering, how would one get involved in the harajuku/lolita events in Japan? Like tea parties and such

>> No.9048729

by being Japanese

>> No.9048762
File: 82 KB, 550x413, komachi_image3-e1465604236529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a new brand that's exclusively catering to plus-sized Lolitas. Apparently the fashion's being designed by DaDa and it's under Dynamite Tommy. Thoughts?
I think some of the tights are cool, but the dresses so far...

>> No.9048765

If the designs look anything like that illustration, it's going to be a hot mess is what I think.

>> No.9048766

having a good laugh at this

>> No.9048777
File: 230 KB, 501x584, 120610060079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that thread and generally agree with what you're saying. Still, I think cgl needs to move on from thinking that Taobao brands are a monolith. The only reason we lump Taobao brands together is 1) when lolita was a younger fashion, the only Taobao shops catering to lolitas sold accessories, replicas, or original dresses that were poor in design/quality, and 2) now, because there are so many shops, it's hard for any one store to get a name for itself unless it releases something super popular (Ista Mori, Krad Lanrete) or super cheap (Infanta, Souffle Song).

Most Taobao shops don't approach brand quality. But if you pay brand prices, you can find brand quality dresses on Taobao. I found this comparison of Krad and BTSSB: http://egl.livejournal.com/18964756.html.. It's much riskier for Taobao brands to invest in little details because they don't have the customer loyalty that brands have built up over the years. So, yeah, generally, they're mid-tier quality.

That doesn't make them worse, though. Rather high prices + high quality, most Taobao shops offer bargain prices + decent quality. Sure, I think custom lace and true black-blacks are great, but JUST this Meta piece pictured is ~$270 USD when I can buy the OP, beret, AND sash pictured in >>9047876 for ~$100 USD. That's without a shopping service/shipping fees included for either. The price differential is pretty damn wild, especially if you don't really know enough to appreciate what makes a garment good vs phenomenal.

"It's Taobao tier" has become the new "This looks like Bodyline/Milanoo." I get what people are trying to say, but I don't see it being true anymore. At least pinpoint a shitty Taobao store in your insults of ugly brand releases.

>> No.9048781
File: 178 KB, 800x1200, img_banner_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoo, boy, I wish they looked as good as the picture.

>> No.9048785


is this real?

>> No.9048787


>> No.9048792

"It's Taobao tier", as far as I can tell, has always meant something like "better than Bodyline, but still nowhere near brand quality".

And we're not making an overall value judgement on Brand vs Taobao, we're just discussing garment quality independent from price and other factors. You probably are getting way more bang for your buck with Taobao, but it doesn't change the fact that compared to most brand brand, most Taobao brand stuff isn't as nice in terms of quality or design.

Also maybe it's just me, but I don't get why everyone's so eager to suck Krad Lanrete's dick. Their construction's great and their designs are nice, but it's not really like they're phenomenal or anything. Mozarabic was good, but honestly that's about it.

>> No.9048816
File: 181 KB, 600x682, BLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, thinking about buying pic related off Kera shop, I can't find any measurements for TF OP's on the shop page or lolibrary. Does anybody have one or know what their sizing is like?

>> No.9048826


Anon that dress is a clusterfuck of gorgeousness. I can think of no reason why it works so damn well. 10/10 I need it

>> No.9048841

It's not the prints, it's the quality of materials.
You know how you buy secondhand brand and the buttons fall off when you wear it?
When you buy MTO or new Taobao, the buttons fall off when you open the package.

>> No.9048846

Since the boom in popularity with Lost In Sea Blue, KL spawned at least two/three other sister brands, Citanul and Ecailles de Lune (I think Dark Box as well)

Rather than 'sucking dick' as you put it, people are just interested to see what they'll put out. It's not easy running that many brands, and churning out so many styles.

>> No.9048849

I don't understand the hype around Ista Mori or Krad Lanrete. Their prints are boring or garish and their prices are like actual brand, not to mention people try to shill them on the secondhand market like brand. It doesn't help the case. Every time I hear someone say Nameless Poem is their dream dress, I discount them as having shit taste. Seriously, there is nothing else that appeals to you more than a borderline-normie dress with crosses on it? Are you even interested in the fashion or do you just want a label to hang your hat on? (using general "you" here, not person I'm replying to.)

Sure, there are good non-JP brands, and Ista Mori and Krad Lanrete (and euro brands like Lady Sloth) are actually top-tier. That should be a good indicator of what "Taobao-tier" means. It doesn't get better than any of those. Once you dig deeper and the prices get lower, you face inconsistent sizing, blah details, knockoff pieces, and garbage fabrics. Sure, okay, buy Miss Point if you really have a boner for VM. Or just accept that it's too small for Amerifatties and get over it, and buy some IW instead.

>> No.9048853


Okay, we get it, you don't like Chinese indie brand. But that's just like, your opinion man.

>> No.9048855

Okay we get it, you like Chinese indie brand. But that's just like, your opinion man.

>> No.9048858


I actually prefer brand and haven't bought indie in ages, but honestly, your comment is full of a lot of opinion that's being presented as fact.

>> No.9048862

Okay, but like where are these things announced?

>> No.9048863
File: 38 KB, 345x437, tumblr_o8kn17fw7Z1sd87t7o7_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is this clusterfuck shiny print actually supposed to be?

>> No.9048865

Don't forget wonky seams, visibly asymmetrical/uneven patterns, badly-sewn lace, fabric marker stains, broken zippers, unfinished ribbon edges, and random basting stitches that they didn't bother to unpick

>> No.9048866

sure. isn't that what we're here to do? share our uninformed opinions? I've had terrible experiences with Chinese indie. sorry, this is 4chan, I shouldn't have to sugarcoat every post.
Bloo bloo bloo! If you can't take the salt, go back to the hugbox. Lord almighty.

>> No.9048867


>that attempt to slim the silhouette by outlining it in white

3/10 you tried japan.

>> No.9048870

oh, my bad. Source: personal experience, unverifiable by you. I wasted a ton of money on garbage Chinese indie.
Hope this helps!

>> No.9048871

It's supposed to be cute, but rather failed.

>> No.9048873


It'd be more believable if she actually talked about quality and not her personal opinion on how things look.

Personally I hate AP's designs but it's not like I actually know what the quality is like, so I don't bash AP based on quality. Not "oh I discount every lolita's opinion based on if they like a design I don't like or not."

At least comment on Dear Celine's usage of mediocre lace I could find easily on ebay or Infanta's questionable construction. Otherwise it sounds like a load of nothing.

Speaking of which, how about Japanese Indie brands? I see Seraphim a lot and they have nice simple designs, but how does its quality hold up?

>> No.9048876


What is the print supposed to be though?

>> No.9048881

Seconding information on Seraphim. I'm currently eyeling two of their OPs

>> No.9048884


In all seriousness, I have no idea...maybe flower mazes?

>> No.9048889

Okay, OP here, let me elaborate:
All Chinese indie suffers from the same flaws: it is a significant cut under actual brand. Whether it be Ista Mori (the least inspired designs in the world) or Infanta (cheap-ass basics, and don't even bother buying the prints), you will not even come close to brand.

Here is my specific problem with Ista Mori other than that Nameless Poem is utter garbage: no details, no quality to speak of, no comparison whatsoever. So not only does it command an unfair price, the fabric is Joann-tier, the design is bad, and the sizing is limited (it comes in actual sizes and not shirred, which is inconsistent with the rest of Lolita fashion). For all of those reasons, it is bad.

I didn't feel the need to comment on Dear Celine or Infanta in my original post because those topics have been beaten to death. Even you spoke on them in your post that I am replying to now. Why should I have to justify myself to you? I actually don't. The secret is we agree.

>> No.9048897

>Ista Mori
>unfair prices

>> No.9048898

Girls have definitely received brand dresses with buttons that quickly fell off, though. I remember someone received an AP dress missing the star buttons. More damning than loosely sewn buttons would be fuzzy quality prints and crappy lace.
Do you have dresses from Taobao shops that have had these kinds of issues? I own seven dresses from different Taobao shops, all under $100 ($70 in average). The "worst" has fuzzy printing when you look at it closely, but the construction is solid, fabric is nice non-wrinkling quality, and the lace is pretty. The best is an utterly gorgeous chiffon dress that I wish I had two of-it's so fucking luxurious. Never had a serious issue except once I didn't get a second waist tie.

Of course there's shit on Taobao, it is a huge marketplace. But if you're smart and read reviews, it's easy to avoid the shit. The only time you get garbage fabric is if you're buying a $30 dress from some shady shop that sells replicas.

>> No.9048903

Secondhand or new?

And yes. I have. They're not replicas, either, but I sure as fuck don't buy Chinese indie anymore. Maybe I'm spoiled because I buy AP. Like anon said, it's just my opinion.

>> No.9048906

Maybe I'm biased because I own this dress and it's one of my favorites but you have to be talking out of your ass right now. Have you ever owned or even seen nameless poem in person? Unless the recent releases quality changed or something, that dress is surprisingly high quality for a taobao brand. Ista Mori's other dresses are kinda meh sure but you're really underestimating the quality of Nameless Poem IMO.


>unfair prices

What are you talking about? From taobao this dress really wasn't that expensive. Their storenvy is a different story.

>> No.9048907


I had the Ista Mori dress for a bit, and sold it because eh, crosses are not my thing. But Joann tier fabric? No details? The details were appropriate and well thought out including the lace and the pintucks (unlike IW, whose skirts sometimes have no lace hem to speak of) and the fabric was a heavyweight polyester that draped very well. Compare that to my Ragnarok skirt (which continues to disappoint me to this day). Weird fabric, unfortunately bunched up gathers, and lace that doesn't even match up (one's a lighter beige than the other).

In the end, I think high end brand will always beat out high end taobao and the pricing will usually show it. But come on, it's not like you even bought that dress. I feel really unfair comparing it to AatP whose quality is notorious for being off, but I paid 2/3 the price of that AatP skirt for that ista mori dress and quite frankly got a better deal.

>> No.9048908

lol not getting a waist tie is about on par with not getting buttons, takes twice as long to fix when you're working with unaccountable Chinese ""brands"". at least AP has brick and mortar stores in other countries

>> No.9048912

Having different sizes is a good thing, though...? Shirring is supposed to be decorative, not stretched to its limit to accomodate different sizes. I'm petite so even MM is a little big on me, and I have a BTSBB dress with corset lacing that gaps in the chest area because my bust is small. I'd love for more brands to do sizing. Also, IW does sizing and I think Meta does as well occasionally- not sure where you got the impression that it's uncommon.

>> No.9048914
File: 28 KB, 600x311, this_is_everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm off-base for calling Ista Mori overpriced. I think it should sell for about the same as Infanta, and Krad Lanrete should sell for as much as Ista Mori does. Undoubtedly an unpopular opinion because English-speaking Lolitas don't understand how the market works or how much anything should ever cost (see LM).
And just to cover my ass, this is still only my opinion. Disagree all you want.

>> No.9048916

You samefag really fast, and nice humblebrag there. Sizing is fine, but we have corset lacing for people who are under 100lbs. I prefer shirring in the interest of consistency. It makes shopping easier for everyone if they know what to expect. I stick to big brands because the sizing is more or less consistent. I'm an ultra fatty-chan because I ~only~ fit into quarter-back shirring and up, so good for you that you fit into the tiny sizes. Consistency makes the shopping experience better for everyone.

>> No.9048918

All bought new except for the fuzzy print one, I bought that secondhand. I was a little overzealous with that and didn't look at detail shots, so that was my fault. My wardrobe is mostly brand by a longshot (I have no sense of brand loyalty so I have a mix of all major brands). I love my brand dresses, but 99% of the time I buy secondhand because it's very rare I see something I like enough to spend over $200.

>> No.9048920
File: 114 KB, 1276x242, Screen Shot 2016-06-11 at 1.48.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol I didn't make that post dearie, because unlike anon, my tits are large enough to fill MM and my waist tiny enough to fit comfortably into it. It's like a fucking glove on me.

Hail MM, I fucking love you. Please don't die.

>> No.9048921

No, idiot, the AP without the buttons.

>> No.9048922

>won't spend > $200
confirmed ita
I don't spend over $200 on anything either, but I buy all brand. You're doing it wrong.

>> No.9048923

Humblebragging about having no chest and stuff looking like a sack on me? If you say so, but I'm talking about my experiences with one-size-fits-all trend rampant in the fashion. I just gave an example of corset lacing not working for smaller girls, it can still gap, and it looks shitty when all the fabric folds in the back too. Again, what consistency are you talking about? Some brands do have sizing, and it's easy to look at a sizing chart. Every dress churned out by brands does not have shirring, so there's not consistency there.

>> No.9048924

Lol you have some of the weirdest taste ever
I do not understand

>> No.9048928

Thank you both for this non-enlightening conversation. This has been an utter waste of my time and an excellent reminder of why I don't come here.
I need a fucking nap. Enjoy your evening. I still hate Nameless Poem and nothing will change my mind.

>> No.9048931

If you can't fucking figure out it was an issue because it was new, then you're a moron.

>> No.9048932


Maybe don't be so quick on calling out samefag and the conversation would be more productive. You reap what you sow, etc.

>> No.9048934

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.9048939

Odd, I've always understood taobao-tier to mean not so much the quality of the dress, but rather the design has a kind of throw-everything-randomly-at-the-dress-this-is-my-first-lolita-dress-design-please-like-me kind of vibe.

To take >>9048777's example, the taobao dress she linked not only has a sash, but also mixes beige, white and gold, gratuitous buttons and bows, both sailor collar and gold chains. I really don't mean any offence, but it really looks more like a Love Live idol anime lolita costume to me. In contrast Meta's sailor dress indeed looks like a lolita sailor dress, buttons and bows and pleats don't like like they were thrown on randomly.

Or at least, that's how I understood the term to be used.

Not going to argue the quality issue, though if some anons want to start another "quality taobao/lolita" thread, I'd really like to see which taobao brands are better than others. A lot of the issue with taobao is that the individual brands are so hard to follow, it'd be nice to see closeup photos of the indie brands gulls are talking about in this thread.

>> No.9048940

It's funny because I was being civil and just questioning where you were getting your info. Disagreeing is not attacking. Sorry you're upset?

I don't even care about Ista Mori, so.

>> No.9048943

yeah, yeah. or you can choose not to pile onto someone who actually agrees with you. your choice. sorry I rustled your jimmies. if you're so sensitive, maybe this isn't a good place for you, either.

>> No.9048951

Another quality thread with a focus on comparison between Taobao brands would be nice. I don't know much about what makes a dress great so I can't contribute expertise, but I can definitely post detail photos of the stuff I do have from Taobao.

>> No.9048953


Go take a nap like you promised anon.

>> No.9048954

Ista Mori inflated the value of that dress by selling it for a ridiculous price on storenvy (more than double the taobao price) and dumb western lolitas bought it. So you'll have people selling it for $200 trying to get back what they paid and people who bought theirs through taobao are also inflating the price because they can get away with it

>> No.9049133
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>> No.9049267

That's what I interpret it too. I can go to Lolita updates and be extremely annoyed to scroll down enough ugly prints.

Just because a few Taobao designers happen to release some really good pieces, doesn't mean that as a whole, anything from there has a cute design.

Out of like 10 new releases, I think only 2 would have caught my eye so whenever someone say Taobao tier, it's design that I think of

>> No.9049288


>> No.9049298

Snagged Aquarium Carnival last night. Apparently no one liked it in Japan, the AP store was completely empty.

>> No.9049301

It seems like taobao designers have this list of things that can go on a lolita dress, and that they feel the need to tick every box. Maybe quantity> quality explains it.

Not to say that taobao brands aren't quality, because some of them are.

Having said this I thirst for KL's King of Versailles already.

>> No.9049303

how many carnival prints can you make
give it a rest, AP

>> No.9049305

I also bought it online. But I'm always one for sax/navy dresses. It's interesting that the Japanese don't care for it though. I wonder why?

>> No.9049368
File: 109 KB, 480x640, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a matter of taste- I find the Taobao one way, way cuter. The only nitpick is the white on that little badge things on the beret and sash, which you don't have to buy. The OP itself is plain and doesn't stray that far outside of what brands usually do with sailor (collar, buttons, chains). The Meta one seems really generically designed and even looks cheaper to me, though I'm sure the construction is solid.

For a good example of overuse of bows, though, see BTSSB's mess here. Anyone want to post some ugly Taobao dresses, especially ones where you can tell they tried? It's too easy mode to ask for shitty they-tried-but-have-no-idea-what-lolita-is on Taobao, but did you ever find something that was posted on Lolita Updates where they missed the mark?

>> No.9049372

Where the fuck is my British Bear?

>> No.9049381

sitting in APs warehouse while they laugh


>> No.9049385

you're asking for pics of literally every taobao Lolita dress

>> No.9049386


>KL's King of Versailles

Whoa, what? Pics?

I haven't been excited for KL since their 12 constellations dress. I wish they did more classic prints like that and MC instead of BTSSB copycat shit.

>> No.9049389


I like some taobao but come on it's easy enough to find duds. Just look at Neverland's everything. Shitty plastic cloth, weird F+F tier designs, questionable construction. 80% of taobao is like that. It takes time to find the good stuff. At least with brand you're somewhat guaranteed a modicum of quality (although not all the time, I'm looking at you AaTP).

>> No.9049390
File: 74 KB, 400x600, DSC_0061-400x600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9049394

the price we pay for not paying scalper price

>> No.9049397
File: 38 KB, 500x399, TB1.vO1JFXXXXaOXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_600x600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9049399
File: 233 KB, 950x600, TB2N4ehlVXXXXb8XXXXXXXXXXXX_!!26107146[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entirety of Classical Puppets is a joke.

>> No.9049402

kinda like you

>> No.9049403
File: 41 KB, 374x582, rose_melody_lyrical_autumn_jsk_10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9049408
File: 402 KB, 510x783, T2ewGmXf4XXXXXXXXX_!!52330505[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9049414

Oops, I only got 4 hours of sleep. I meant to say things Taobao releases for reservation periods, not ready made. I know that seems like backtracking but I was thinking conventional lolita brands in the sense they are run more like brands than Bodyline.

>> No.9049418

>I-I know it sounds like backtracking but I'm totes not
>y-you believe me right guys?

>> No.9049424

kek either way it's whatever, post shitty everything because it's fun, but it's pretty easy mode still to do ready made like above anon said.

>> No.9049437

OTT Sailor

>> No.9049438

That looks more like a bad stock photo than anything, anon.

I own some CP, the dresses would be too long on a short person but otherwise they're not bad at all.

>> No.9049440

Post pics.

>> No.9049447
File: 80 KB, 750x740, 13445272_10208410177425387_7605007071066018235_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that left one hnnng

>> No.9049457

Why did they use dark lining for the front though?

>> No.9049478

Something I want to comment on with talk of "quality" is that we really must define it because it's such an empty and thrown around word.

A great example is I hear things like "Brand x is going down in quality" all the time but this never seems to be the case. People need to tell the release, cut and colorway and specify the issue they're having with it.

>> No.9049480


Fuuuuuuuuuck time to get scalped by clobba again. Let me throw money at you.

>> No.9049494

I need it in the black. I do wonder how the head accessories are going to work out. Or if there will be an OP.

>> No.9049498

I never said brand and taobao aren't on the same level, but there are taobao good quality brands and lumping all taobao int he shit quality category is incorrect

>> No.9049499

> Rose Melody
> bad

Anon please, try to be serious. They're not the idealized burando quality, but they certainly aren't messes.

>> No.9049503

It would be great if someone with the know-how made a guide, like "Hallmarks of a well-made lolita garment." I can tell the difference between good and bad lace, but it would be awesome if someone could write about commonly used lolita fabrics, how to tell the quality of stitching, etc. I only know what I've learned from looking for good quality normie clothes and have never sewn anything more complicated than a crappy pillow, otherwise I'd be all over it.

>> No.9049535

On this note, does Krad or Ista Mori still refuse shopping services? I've never actually bought from them before but I heard they do this so they can scalp the Western market as hard as they possibly can.

>> No.9049559

There was a disaster with a bunch of idiotic highschoolers trying to do a massive group order and Krad fucked it up and a bunch of westerners were pissed, and so Krad won't sell to them except through Clobba.

>> No.9049568

I bought my nameless poem for $92 shipped and with SS fees... Most infanta stuff comes out to about the same price doesn't it? are you only looking at its over doubled store envy price?

>> No.9049569

This, I also think people say "wow the quality/brand sucks now" when referring to stylistic choices they don't personally appreciate and it drives me up the wall.

>> No.9049592

Clobba is now the only option as other anon has said, but apparently according to clobba KL isa going to open an international website where we can order directly from KL. However, it is apparently going to be at the same price level as what clobba is currently offering. I've only seen this from a girl who emailed clobba and posted on Lolita Updates.

>> No.9049598

Does anyone from Europe/Germany have a suggested place to buy a petticoat that'll arrive in under three weeks? I forgot to pack my petticoat and everytime I ship to Germany it seems that items take about 2-3 weeks as long as they don't hit customs. Is my only hope Amazon/party stores or does anyone have experience with europe based reseller.

>> No.9049636

Lolitabutiken sells Ergi petticoats - otherwise, buy something from Japan (e.g. a Chocomint petti from Closet Child) and use EMS for 2-5 days shipping

>> No.9049641

Lolitabutiken, or you could try a rockabilly or goth shop for an A line petti

>> No.9049674

Closetchild didn't mark down my package when I ordered from them directly, but if you use an SS like Tenshi then you'll be able to mark it down.

>> No.9050332

thanks guys, i realized there was a petticoat thread and this was half answered already so i appreciate getting real replies!

>> No.9050350

Mfw I missed out on Misty Sky (Cart error x5) and they still charged me for the damn thing. I didn't get the confirmation email or even the jsk in the end so obviously it was an error by Paygent.

I just shot them an email, has anyone had this problem before? I really hope they refund me soon because the process to log a dispute is seriously inconvenient.

>> No.9050363
File: 118 KB, 720x960, 13445240_10208410183585541_732502256215611669_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, plain front has a full bustle back

>> No.9050365
File: 346 KB, 1131x851, 13412883_10208410187665643_1510135459808370072_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also get a choice of light blue or navy

>> No.9050372

Fingers crossed they'll do the 50/50 payment plans again for the reservations

>> No.9050377
File: 91 KB, 440x660, ede5829cjw1f4ov09im2ij20fr0nnadk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9050533

Yeah, it's happened to me before and another anon. I emailed in Japanese and they refunded me the next business day.

>> No.9050544

Rose Melody is terrible quality. They have replicated/stolen prints and they never put out anything new. Lurk more.

>> No.9050545

Thanks anon, that's reassuring...I wrote to them in Japanese too, so hope that makes resolving it faster!

>> No.9050550


What is this called?

>> No.9050736
File: 295 KB, 500x600, 06071614_5756743b3e067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really into the OP, but the way it's cut makes me skeptical of it it would look good on me or not. Just because the measurments will fit a 96cm bust doesn't mean it will look good on it. What do you gulls think? Should I risk it? Or should I not even try because everything looks like shit on anything bigger then a B-cup in lolita

>> No.9050750

Skip it if you're busty. The bust panel thing cuts off mid-boob and you need to be pretty flat for that to look good.

>> No.9050771

The majority of the time I take concrit advice and I like the results but something is been grinding my gears about the concrit on one of my coords. I did a coord with a yellow meta dress with VERY little red on it. You have to be super close to the dress to see that the bunny on the print has a red bow on it. The overall color scheme for the dress is yellow but multiple people said to ditch the yellow shoes which match the yellow on the dress perfectly for red shoes. I just fell like the whole red shoes and yellow dress combination is super overdone and nobody seems to be taking a risk and doing a yellow coord without any red in it.

>> No.9050791

shit, this colourway came out of the blue, but it still looks pretty good. Maybe a light minty-blue would've been good, but there is a light blue option already.

Any news from clobba?

>> No.9050797

This isn't your personal blog. If you don't like concrit, don't take it. No one wants to hear you bitch in the general thread

>> No.9050816

Whatever happened to collage anon? I haven't seen their tumblr upfated in a while.

>> No.9050826


Not going to lie this is rather a dark horse that came out of nowhere. I like this color the most.

And seconding news from clobba. I'm ready to throw some money away.

>> No.9050848

Ahh ok! That's what I was afraid of! Maybe I'll pick up the peplum jsk instead.

>> No.9050875

I've already contacted him about it as soon as I saw the release posted on lolita updates- clobba is really slow at answering on weekends.

>> No.9050915

Did they just photoshop this color on?

>> No.9051002

How's the fit of ETC ops? The bust seems oddly small...it's like 78-80 cm? I'm 86 cm, so maybe I'm just out if luck.

>> No.9051012

Okay, I was going to help you out because I own the Chocolate Bar OP you just won, but you've posted about it in at least three different threads and then you're not waiting for responses so I'm just here to say that you need to stop.

>> No.9051026

This may be a dumb question but how does KL keep westerners from ordering through shopping services? I really hate clobba and don't want to give them any of my money

>> No.9051028

What? I have no idea what you're talking about--I've never asked this question before.

>> No.9051031

Lurk more.

>> No.9051040

As far as I understand it, KL has representatives across various regions that handle orders for those who cone within the respective areas. You can only order from this closed list of representatives, and not from KL directly. Clobba is the representative for western costumers, and the only one at that.

If I'm wrong about any of this, let me know, I'm pretty intrigued too.

Can I ask what happened to make you hate clobba? It's not perfect but not the worst SS.

>> No.9051070

I've probably been on this board longer than you have.

>> No.9051082

I'm busty and am trying it. Might regret it, might not, but I'm going to try. It probably wouldn't be all that hard to sell if it's a disaster.

>> No.9051084

So sad I've only just discovered Long Ears & Sharp Ears' Studio Hiding in the gift box because it's so cute goddammit I don't want brown

>> No.9051089

That's just awful. Is it possible to use a shopping service to go through a Chinese representative and avoid Clobba? Does anyone know who the Chinese distributors are?

I want this, but I'm so salty over KL's distribution of it's prints. If it's worth half of Clobba's price, then it's worth half that. If I have to go through Clobba's scalping, I'm just going to buy actual brand instead.

>> No.9051099 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone getting tired of Muslim lolitas in your Comm?

We have a few and I'm worried. I messaged one of the Admins about it following the Orlando shootings.

>> No.9051102

I JUST sold my lavender jsk set. It's super adorable in person.

>> No.9051103

Thankfully most are sjws who don't even follow the religion's most basic rules, but it would make me nervous too.

>> No.9051105

This is really shit bait, but any "muslim" lolita is barely following the basic tenants of her own modesty codes, so being religious (other than using the headscarf to point out her religion) is unlikely, it is even less likely that she would be an extremist.

>> No.9051109

Whats your measurments if you dont mind me asking? Im so hesitant because it's a lot of money to gamble to maybe git right. At least i dont feel hesitation when i buy second hand

>> No.9051139
File: 18 KB, 419x500, ea1975d8dbca13218639319a4438df89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but I'm tired of ignorant ass people like yourself

>> No.9051140

Lurk more.

>> No.9051154

It's ugly. People keep bitching about the designs "fitting badly", but looking at the models, there is nothing wrong with the fit. So I don't understand what they want changed.

>> No.9051182

Ahhh definitely going to keep an eye out. I love the lavender and the white JSK and the mint salo (plus those cat ears are adorable!!!) Is the quality good? I've never had anything from them before

>> No.9051243

The measurements tend to be accurate. Newer shirred ETC stuff is usually larger.

>> No.9051247

AatP in particular has pretty shitty construction on some recent garments and a satiny slightly see-through fabric for prints (often unlined) that you can say is an aesthetic choice but would be called cheap coming from a Taobao brand.

>> No.9051267

This might sound ridiculous but has anyone ever worn a jsk a skirt? like tucked the bodice in

>> No.9051275


I personally havent but I've read of girls doing it online ! (like tumblr, CoF, etc)

>> No.9051279

>tucked the bodice in
I guess as long as you couldn't see an outline it's okay.... depends on thee bodice too right? Like if there's a lot of extra parts on there, you're gonna not want to do that..

>> No.9051283

Kind of, but only with JSKs that had really plain bodices. I have a sailor JSK from Meta that I wore under a more embellished AatP cutsew, for example. It only worked because the JSK lacks any real frills on the straps or other details. I also wear a really simple IW JSK with a detachable bow under a bustier of a contrasting colour, but that seems more common.

People also to use those fully-shirred Princess Bustle/Shirring Princess JSKs from Baby as skirts by "inverting" the bodice under the skirt/over the hips, and disguising the waist with a bustier, wide belt, or frilly blouse hem. It rarely looked good, though.

>> No.9051288

Just wait until this becomes a word filter or something you fucking dumb mongoloid.

>> No.9051304

link to lolibrary for dress or a picture of the dress you have? Would be helpful.

Also fuck /cgl/ advice. It's really irritating that everyone here thinks they are the fucking Miranda Priestly of lolita and it's mind boggling because have you seen the people that actually post here? Most of 4chan in general is fucking trash. It's not even a question that girls browsing here suffer from the same pitfalls that other anons on other boards do. Not to mention that even if they don't, they always refuse to prove they aren't. No one here knows how to back anything up.

I've had people on here tell me to put a lip liner pencil on my eyelid. Sure, people do this sometime but to ADVISE IT? AS IF IT WERE THE ONLY VIABLE OPTION? Like come now, child. You're being silly because you've got a keyboard in front of you and no one can stop you.

Yellow goes with yellow and as long as they are of the same tone, you are okay.

It's fucking retarded to look at a picture on a screen and try to debate color matching when no monitor is the same or calibrated the same way. As I've said in the past, it's asinine to assume that everyone anon here who wants to debate color matching is also a professional digital artist that had their monitor calibrated to the closest possible thing... and even then, not 100% accurate.

The simple version of my rant is that people come here to bitch and complain and you shouldn't listen to anything they say because they're of unforseen bias.

>> No.9051367

Lurk more.

>> No.9051411


How the fuck are you so slow to figure this out, we're infected with trolls and HWC and you're only ranting now because someone finally told you something you don't like.

THIS is the reason gulls keep saying cgl isn't for newbies, you're supposed to filter all the advice through your own experience. Asking cgl for advice isn't worse than asking for anonymous advice anywhere else, you're the one that's not selecting your source smartly.

>> No.9051452

I hope, this fuckhead is annoying. They were so excited for summer to come so they could write that, and now they can't stop.

>> No.9051455
File: 1.16 MB, 5184x3456, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this mad over being told to lurk more

>> No.9051465

>misusing the meme this hard
I wish there was a way to block people from posting until they've frequent the board for at least half a year.

>> No.9051471

I've been here since 1999 and my dad owns Nintendo

there's no way I'm new :(

>> No.9051516

I'm just going to print t-shirts and buttons with this now.

In fact, I'm going to run a lolita panel at my local con, and just have nothing but a slide that says "lurk more" on it and then get up and leave the room.

>> No.9051538

Why do you hate Clobba? They have great customer service

>> No.9051541

I've said stuff here before and it's caught on. I don't see why me stressing my opinion wouldn't do the same. I've already seen it work in other threads.

>> No.9051589


What exactly do you want to catch on, people ranting in lolita general? Yay. What an awesome contribution, you're not a shit anon.

>> No.9051652
File: 138 KB, 480x640, KoizoraandRainofWatercolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They finally released how it's going to look it.

I actually really like it

>> No.9051659
File: 126 KB, 480x640, KoizoraandRainofWatercolorJSKii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is JSK II

>> No.9051662

Why is this being released as AaTP. It should be Baby. There is nothing gothic about this.

>> No.9051666
File: 136 KB, 480x640, KoizoraandRainofWatercolorOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP is actually kind of fugly.

>> No.9051670

97-70-102. I find I can often get away with being busty in shirred AP. I'll let you know how it goes anon.

>> No.9051674
File: 105 KB, 480x640, RainyDayMemory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also being released in the same series for you non-print folks.

I do like this too. Only has two colorways of Sax and Purple

>> No.9051676

Holy shit, that's a cool colorway. This is the first decent AATP dress this year. I think I like jsk I better but not sure

>> No.9051677

I was hoping I'd like it better after photos were released, kind of disappointed by how basic and lacking in detail the cuts are. It just seems kind of crude.

>> No.9051679 [DELETED] 

fuck this is cute. I don't even like AATP

>> No.9051682

Don't do it anon, AaTP has the worst construction/quality of the major brands.

>> No.9051684

AATP has been releasing sweet stuff forever, where the fuck have you been? Or are you one of those people that thinks anything in a dark or muted color scheme isn't sweet despite the details, cut, and lace

>> No.9051687 [DELETED] 

b-but the bodice makes my heart skip a beat

>> No.9051690


>those pearl-nipple drops, though

>> No.9051691 [DELETED] 

why are your nipples so close together?

>> No.9051693
File: 71 KB, 480x640, 15_10_4_60_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the biggest headbow you've ever seen, gulls? This is on CC right now.

>> No.9051694

I just long for the better times... This isn't even trying to be creepy cute, which is often the minimum effort AaTP puts in.

I don't even see why Baby bothers having another company at this point. It should just fold AaTP into itself and stop pretending it's making 'gothic' things anymore.

>> No.9051698


You know they're close enough to look like it.

The non print has much better placement for the umbrella-raindrop design.

>> No.9051699

It'll give you a heart attack once you realise how flimsy and badly-made it is. That shiny fabric that they're using is about as flimsy as lining fabric, and there's a good chance that this cut will be boned as well.

>> No.9051700 [DELETED] 


>> No.9051701
File: 307 KB, 900x1350, a_bit_of_rococo_by_dolldelight-d3syire[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like in general or on a non-ita?

>> No.9051713

fuck I didn't think it would get this bad this fast

>> No.9051724

Basically they sent me something that was a completely different color than what was advertised. I needed it for a coord for an event and couldn't wear it (in fact it didnt even match anything I owned)

They argued with me for a good thirty minutes about how I was wrong/lying about the color and it was all camera and lighting tricks (which made no sense because the color difference was very apparently in real life, too). Instead of trying to fix the situation they just argued with me. I was kind of shocked. Had to file a paypal claim.

Aside from that I'm also not interested in paying their prices for KL when it's not even close to being worth that much.

>> No.9051726

Actually the concrit came from tumblr. I was a dumb dumb and posted in the lolita general instead of the coord help thread. Also I was wondering if /cgl/ thinks the the yellow dress with red shoes is overdone too. I noticed the trend of the read shoes with a yellow dress started with AP's Honey Cake.

>> No.9051730
File: 38 KB, 300x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.9051733 [DELETED] 

are you the anon who got the green dress?

>> No.9051756

Nope, diffanon

>> No.9051793

They won't accept other SS. You will need to speak Mandarin and provide a China address and order from one of their Chinese representatives through weibo.

KL was apparently going to open an international website, and their prices were going to be comparable to clobba's. I don't know what happened to that.

Martin's email to someone, who was posted on LU:
"Just a heads up, all Krad Lanrete, Citanul and Dark Box pieces will be quite expensive in the future. I think it's targeted at western customers as Krad Lanrete is pretty confident at their designs and fabric - the polyester fabric is imported from Japan as well."

>> No.9051804

Sounds like it's time to stop buying from Krad, knock then down a peg. Fuck this scalping bullshit.

>> No.9051806


Can we please not all it "CP"? All I think of when I hear that acronym is child porn.

>> No.9051814

I wonder if one of the more personal SS would be able to do this, like Celestial Delinquent?

Also, fuck this brand for trying to take advantage of westerners.

>> No.9051832

But it makes it funnier anon.
Some CP is good, but most of it isn't worth the price.

>> No.9051833

The rest of the email does go on to say that it is because of the quality of the products they're releasing, but I just can't understand where the whole 'targeted for western costumers' thing comes from; don't Chinese and Japanese lolitas value quality too? It doesn't make sense.

From the whole fiasco at the KL UK office, it's clear that they don't really regard western costumers as particularly special. A proper company would've kept a tighter leash on their representatives. Their Facebook page has a post apologising to westerners, shitty English and ambiguous promises included. Still lists heir etsy store lol.

My previous order with them was delayed for 5 months- no explaination from KL and no apologies given. I had to bug the shit out of clobba in order to get my goddamn order.

I don't know whether representatives charge for their services and make profit off it, like clobba does. Would like to know if Celestial Delinquent would be able to offer a better price.

>> No.9051837

LIEF does international orders, and several of us got the ugly green colourway. I'm pretty sure that's what you're talking about, anyway.

>> No.9051876
File: 78 KB, 629x798, 13394102_1757051027885654_2623795585193049357_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this while scrolling through facebook. Have a need for this dress.

>> No.9051884

Would've liked the black colourway better if it wasn't a shade of really dark green. It mixes really awkwardly with the red.

And the collab shoes look cute, but I'm not sure about the quality and whether they look too costumey.

>> No.9051885

how the fuck haven't I seen this before what

>> No.9051919


It sold out so fast, though. Is the company actually doing a second round for it?

>> No.9051936

All i get is weird shit when I reverse-image searc this. Is it available, sold out, or coming up?

>> No.9051956

Pre-order has already finished, but Angel's Heart will make a second round.

>> No.9052256
File: 476 KB, 612x859, pop0110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't the British Bear MTO be shippied out in June?
I didn't receive any information yet.

>> No.9052282

Haven't heard anything either, I wonder if there was a manufacturing error like on the Holy Lantern socks? That could probably cause delays if it was severe enough.

>> No.9052284

Give it another 7-10 days. HL didn't ship out until late-May.

>> No.9052286
File: 45 KB, 345x437, 163002-m-02-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy the 30K or 50K yen IW Happy pack?

I mostly want to get the better value but not if they are gonna fluff it up with some silly shit. It doesn't say how many pieces would come with it so does anyone have any stories from past packs?

I already have a 2 JSKs, shoes, stockings, and a bag from IW so I am hoping to get a nice blouse and more accessories.

>> No.9052294
File: 326 KB, 585x716, 1465438360318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new GLB arrives, yay!
>Anime Matsuri is in it
>Briz Blossom is in it
>Mana-sama is not in it
>Moi-meme-Moitie is. Not. In. It.

fucking dropped, i'm done. fuck you, GLB.

>> No.9052297

>>Moi-meme-Moitie is. Not. In. It.
Please say you're baiting. Please.

>> No.9052301

The King is dead. Long live the Queen.

>> No.9052302

baiting how?

>> No.9052313

They are hoping you are lying, they want you to be trolling them.

>> No.9052319

not lying, not trolling, and not baiting.

just really upset. maybe i got a defective copy or something, maybe Moitie just could not get their designs in on time for a shoot or maybe the lizard men have taken over, i don't know.

but i see no Moitie.

>> No.9052340

Other anon is being a dick. their quality isnt that bad. If you like the design go for it. its not going to fall apart on you

>> No.9052350

This hurts my heart.

>> No.9052360
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Sorry if my picture is messed up. Posting from mobile. I got the left stuff and a pair of socks in the 2015 summer pack and the right stuff in the 2014 winter pack. Both were ¥30,000. With IW packs you are likely to get some silly things.

>> No.9052374

> taking advantage of western costumers
Yes, but what will it take for western costumers to make a stand? As far as I see it, as long as we get our dresses we don't give a fuck and come back for more.

>> No.9052388

The only option would be to have a bunch of girls complain to KL. A boycott won't work (can't see that happening and no clue how much they actually make from westerner lolitas, so effectiveness might be iffy), but maybe they'll listen if a bunch of girls ask them to allow western lolitas to use other shopping services, or at least others besides Clobba. Mention how many more western lolitas would buy from them if they wouldn't jack the price up fucking sky high.

>> No.9052420

I'm surprised some people are just discovering these dresses. Do ya'll not know about Lolita Updates on FB? I'm constantly checking because cgl usually only posts brand releases and my heart would break if I missed a good release from a Taobao brand-it's a bitch to find those secondhand.

>> No.9052433

Do you regret or should I go for it?

>> No.9052479

I'm so wanting to buy that pie headdress if you don't want it.

>read that its from 2015

>> No.9052589

Not that anon, but I bought a brand new JSK from Meta that had a lot of buttons and I wore it once and like 3 buttons just popped right off, the remaining ones were verrrry loosely sewn on.
>inb4 fatty chan
It had extremely generous shirring, I could've fit another me and a half in the dress

>> No.9052603

What's the consensus on The Floral Notebook and their blouses?

>> No.9052608 [DELETED] 

Man here, why the fuck do you think dressing like that outside is acceptable?
You look absolutely cringe out of a convention. Costumey at best.

>> No.9052611
File: 169 KB, 640x496, 18264e4d-7036-45d7-bb3c-aab6289e438f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man here
Back to the garage. And fix me that grill, it isn't going to light itself.

>> No.9052614


>> No.9052617
File: 56 KB, 446x400, 1443452551077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man here

>> No.9052619

anon who said they would review bodylines pan078 (back in march ) did you ever deliver? the only review with any photo evidence is a bad quality youtube video.
Also if anyone has that petti comparison photo or at the very least the explaination of which photo is which as the post on egl doesnt provide it.

>> No.9052622

>Man here
man here also, suck my frilly dick 2bh

>> No.9052624

No non-frilly penises allowed

>> No.9052625

Woman here. Why the fuck do you feel entitled to tell us what to put on or do with our bodies. Sorry to break it to you but we don't need your approval to go outside these days.

>> No.9052627

Because I love myself too much to care

Now shoo, go back to fixing the toaster or whatever you men do

>> No.9052641
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>> No.9052667

It's not going to happen senpai. But I've only seen good things about them.

>> No.9052758


>someone offers to help right after

Anon it's like you don't even know how much we love using strangers as dress up dolls

>> No.9052764

I didn't love my summer pack. I've sold or given away almost all of it, just because the styles of most things didn't fit my wardrobe. I kept a few things from both packs that I really loved. If you're looking to fill specific roles in your wardrobe, you're better off buying selectively from auctions or lm. If you like most of their stuff from the last year or so, go for it. Where sales are at right now, you might not make back your
investment if you get unpopular stuff.

I gave those to some friends. You should poke around on lm though. There used to be tons of them on there since so many people got them in packs.

>> No.9052770

Don't respond, just report shitposting, fucking summer faggots

>> No.9052827

Thanks for the advice. I'm pretty fond of last years lines and IW in general so I think I will splurge.

If I can get a wallet and a white blouse I'll consider it worth the buy and its in the picture so heres hoping. Is there a thread for LP results?

>> No.9052839

All good stuff. They don't hold thier value as well as brand from what I've seen.
Good quality though.

>> No.9052848

No I want the idea that you can post here and get a real reply (ie not meme responses) to catch on.

>> No.9052852

You have yellow shoes that go with that?
Also yeah the red is very small. You'd be better going with white or green, as green seems to work really well with yellow.

I hate yellow and red together, looks like too many western brands color patterns.

>> No.9052853

I mean, mana's been out for awhile now... but no moitie? Damn.

>> No.9052866

Must have pissed someone off

>> No.9052867


The person who said to use lip liners as eye liners gave a real reply, not a meme. People already give real replies. Person who got con crit on red shoes received a real reply, too, tumblr or not. Most of the comments itt are real replies.

So what were you going on about?

>> No.9052880


>> No.9052885

There usually are threads for new year's lps, but I'm sure you could make one when your stuff arrives, or post in the general. Good luck with your pack, anon!

>> No.9052886

No, read all of the thread.

Because this is such a good response?

Also, you think a joke of a reply like putting lip liner on your eyelid counts as even decent advice?
Bruh, they make pencils for that to go on your eyelids. In all kinds of colors. I think it's pretty obvious that person didn't know what they were talking about and wanted to see if I'd really do it.

>> No.9052969

Why is it furry?

>> No.9052989

I think it's a winter item but still

>> No.9053015


Lip pencils are not a meme reply, though.

Serious reply doesn't mean the person knows what they're talking about. It just means they gave serious thought to the reply and then made a serious reply. In the same way your comment looks like a serious reply, but I still find it narcissistic and self-important. Why would you seek advice from an anonymous board and then bitch about the quality of the advice you get, if you can't be arsed to make a proper account on a forum where you can vet the background of the people answering your questions.

I think the other comment was a good response, too, though mostly because I wanted to write it myself and some other anon beat me to it. No one wants to hear how her feelings were hurt because someone told her to wear red shoes. She can take it to the feels thread if she wants to vent, or to the coord thread if she wants to discuss shoe colours. Why should we handhold people who can't be arsed to lurk and figure out how the threads on cgl work.

>> No.9053037

Tacking onto this and bouncing quickly: /cgl/ also historically has people in their late teens to very early 20s, all socially inept enough to be on 4chan (that's not an insult--seagulls also tend to grow up a little better than other boards)--they're 1. a little stunted as it is and 2. learning beauty and fashion as they go, for the most part.

It's not so unheard of that some lolitas think they're hot shit and dole out some seriously bad advice and they do tend to pepper the skincare/makeup/nitpick threads. Not everything is "le epic trollin". Sometimes it's genuine ignorance, and it's pretty easy to tell.

>> No.9053087

I missed the preorder cause they closed it within two days of it going up. So had to order through a FB shop that was taking orders for it.

>> No.9053090

Next lolita general might as well be Boycott GLB and KL Edition.

>> No.9053119

Are you seriously trying to argue that meme replies and ignorant replies are different in that one needs to be able to be posted while the other shouldn't?

>Why would you seek advice from an anonymous board and then bitch about the quality of the advice you get
Because someone said my make up looked bad, so like /cgl/ strains so hard over, I went to ask for advice in a different thread. That was the fucking advice I got. It was garbage, but no, my make up is bad and I should listen to you dumb fucking hens? Right?

I'm trying to prove that people are fucking retards, or that they're trolling. It's either one or the other and neither is necessary to have this board.

>no one wants to hear about your feelings go to the feels thread
how come /ck/ can do things like this but you dull bitches can't? Hmm? Why is it so hard for everyone here?

>Sometimes it's genuine ignorance, and it's pretty easy to tell.

Yeah, I could tell immediately. The person drew me a picture, so I'm sure that they are just generally uninformed and think they know best even though clearly they don't.

So why should anyone listen to any advice here? Clearly most people here don't know what the fuck they are doing.
CoF threads are the most hilarious examples of this.

>> No.9053146


Exactly. The coord thread itself had a tripfag who named themselves "not collage anon" who was every bit as bad at coording outfits as original collage-anon was good at them, it didn't appear as if they were trolling, either, they just seemed to be really, really bad at coording and didn't let that stop them from tossing many, many terrible collages into the coord threads for a couple of months.

The anons make up the board, and cgl's anons are what they are. You (general "you") are generally in for a rough time if you come in stomping around expecting anons to hand you the right answer every time. cgl is not some magic eightball or a voodoo answer box that choose to roll memes. It's just people on the internets, taking time to answer comments. And given cgl's typical userbase, it's not always going to be the right answer, a serious answer, or even a decent answer at all.

>> No.9053166

>And given cgl's typical userbase, it's not always going to be the right answer, a serious answer, or even a decent answer at all.
so why even be here?

>> No.9053182


For the same reason we do everything else in life. Just take everything with a fucking grain of salt and make your own fucking decisions. Christ does your hand need to be held all the way because you're going to be in for a bad time if you can't even use your own judgment in life.

>> No.9053229
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when will my nameless poem preorder come back from the war

>> No.9053281
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>> No.9053311

Corset lacing won't make a dress flattering if it is already way too big. Just look at the examples on Closet Child.

>> No.9053314

I don't like it either because it's a tacky knock-off of Moitie and Boz styles, but all your "arguments" are terrible. If you don't know that lots of Japanese brands have/had multiple sizes (Baby, AP, IW, Moitie, etc) then you are too new to comment.

>> No.9053448

>Diner Doll release when

>> No.9053536

Ages ago GLB said they dropped Mana, so he hasn't been in the most recent and the one before. No idea why though.

>> No.9053543

>Ages ago

probably a money issue, there is no reason i can think of for things like Boz's samey releases and Marble's ita messes to be featured while Moitie, which is releasing new items at the end of the month, would not be featured.

>> No.9053564

Clobba said that pre order should be up next month

>> No.9053674

> No fun allowed
Fucking bitter faggot

>> No.9053704
File: 126 KB, 567x851, krad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else about to fucking lose their mind over this print?

>> No.9053706

Bought some stuff from wunderwelt for the first time, and im wondering if you can pay for shipping using a seperate method (bought clothes using PayPal, but wanna pay shipping using my card, can you do that?). Also wondering if you can get wunderwelt to use the address presented on your paypal instead of the one you put on your account ( the address format is weird and im afraid I might have made some mistake).

>> No.9053722

Did you even read the thread?

Just shoot them an email. I've asked them to do corrections on addresses before and they're pretty chill about it.

>> No.9053854

Does anyone know of a good place to buy a Lolita motorcycle style jacket? The one shop I knew of on Taobao doesn't exist anymore. Or maybe advice on what to search for? Thanks in advance.

>> No.9053990

Look for "rider style" jackets on second hand sites. Meta, AP, ETC have all made them

>> No.9054124

I'm getting the OP in white, fucking love at first sight.

>> No.9054164

Anyone accidentally get a zipper off the track on a brand piece. Is there a way to fix this or am I fucked?

>> No.9054167

GDI this thread is in sage already.

>> No.9054568
File: 496 KB, 612x859, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another ugly print from AP

>> No.9054575


>> No.9054611

More like Itaquinade

>> No.9054621

Sax colorway isn't terrible but all the rest are busy as fuck

>> No.9054622

Tips for starting a shopping service? Going to be in Japan for awhile, so I figure I might start up something.

My biggest concern is taxes/PayPal, I don't really want to do business under the table so I'd like to know how keeping records works and making sure all my stuff is done legally.

How do most people calculate what to charge too?

>> No.9054684

I got my glb today and was actually thinking that o really liked some of the stuff Marbel was showcasing in this issue. Im a sucker for raschel lace. Not sorry for my shit taste.

>> No.9054720

New thread >>9054719

>> No.9055912
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I'm supposed to wear a teal coord for a friend's wedding but I don't have a teal jsk so I tried folding a too-big normie dress in half and put a big belt then a Dear Celine bustier over it. WIP obviously.

>> No.9057995

Fellow Fish anon here. Do you know of any nice Fish prints (just fish or mainly fish)? My comm is going to an aquarium for a meet so I am super excited cause I love fish. It is also pretty special event the nearest aquarium is like 1.5hrs away. I really want to wear a fish themed coord but have scrolled through the countless "marine" entries on lolibrary to no avail (not really interested in Meta's Wa lolita goldfish jsks). If all else fails I will probably go with Dream Marine or Lost in Sea Blue.

>> No.9058004

You could always wear sailor lolita if you can't find a suitable fish-themed print.

Marine Kingdom and Jewel Marine are two other prints I can think of.

>> No.9058047

I was thinking sailor as well. Perhaps if I can't find a fish dress I could find fish accessories to wear with sailor.

>> No.9059664

Fuck. I missed that shop that was doing second prorders. Real fucking salt. Was looking forwards to the dress for months