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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 79 KB, 400x300, help_keyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9023279 No.9023279 [Reply] [Original]

For all your cosplay and j-fash questions.

Old thread is auto saging.

>> No.9023282

Questions that didn't get answers in the last thread:

>> No.9023284

Did you try Malco Modes? They're based in the US, and I think they even have 2 day shipping on Amazon.

>>>9023244 I'd go with craft foam for the charm. That way it'd be super light.

>> No.9023379

I don't know a lot about worbla but superglue/moment glue as last choice should work, that shit should cure instantly but is very hard to remove in case you ever want to

same, moment glue should work. as for stuffing just do the three bra trick suggested on here all the time, should give enough filling

>> No.9023379,1 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone know where to buy bulk buckles? Ive looked all over tandy, Amazon, and strapworks but have found nowhere to buy buckles in bulk for my pleather straps (Looking for about 1 inch buckles). At tandy it would run me about $1/buckle, and that seems really steep but I am willing to go with that as a last resort.

Thanks all.

>> No.9023569
File: 361 KB, 780x553, CI_95605_1421205661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, I could use some help drafting the skirt for this. I have a hoopskirt to go underneith, and while at first i was going to do each layer as a circle skirt, thinking about it that would make the dress quite ruffly and I want each tier to lay flat. How should i pattern it to be wide but flat? I was thinking a wide aline for each layer but Im not sure if thats going to create the right look

>> No.9023570
File: 397 KB, 598x783, Rose_Quartz_GTTCG_Page.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another reference, Im not preggers but I prefer the scalloped look of the first image. This is the overall shape

>> No.9023582
File: 916 KB, 1522x2357, 087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to cosplay Suou Tatsuya from Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (on the left) and I need some guidance.

I can get any old pair of runners and red chinos along with any shirt. The hoodie is giving me difficulty. How would I go about modifying one to resemble this and what would be a good one to use as a base?

>> No.9023646

Kind of depends on how comfortable you are sewing. I think I'd probably want to find a pattern and make it from scratch, but if you can find a hoodie with a stand up collar, you could add the black "x" in fabric even if you aren't super great at sewing.

>> No.9023659
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 519778897_1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know a pattern that would work for gakuran pants? Not the flat front ones like in Another, but the pleated ones like in YuYu Hakusho or Jojo: DiU.

>> No.9023669

That's a great idea, thanks! I'll pick up some craft foam tomorrow.

>> No.9023676

Can anyone recommend lolita headdress/headpiece tutorials, that are easy to follow? I've come across numerous badly drawn paint tutorials, which are almost impossible to decipher.

>> No.9023688

No problem and best of luck with Mei! I'm loving all the Overwatch cosplays that are starting to appear.

>> No.9024006

Does anyone have any recommendations on how to travel with armor? Like how to put everything into suitcases, etc.

>> No.9024044

I'm not sure if this is the rest place to ask this but I'll ask anyway. Does anyone have any advice on bringing a large prop to a con? I'll be cosplaying for the first time soon and I plan on going as Sophie Hatter from How's Moving Castle and I wanted to make a Turnip Head to go with my cosplay. I was just wondering if anyone had any insight or experiences they could share.

I was also wondering if anyone had any tips on how to stay cool at cons during the summer? Especially when the outfit isn't made of thin material. I don't want to pass out from heatstroke.

Sorry for asking such newbie questions. I just want to make sure I'm well prepared for my first time cosplaying at a con!

>> No.9024115
File: 502 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can we do to fix my friend's chie in 24 hours?
we're cutting he wig tomorrow morning and adding buttons, the hair color has to stay because of supply restrictions.

he won't wear a skirt so this'll have to stick to being a male chie.

>> No.9024244

My friends and I usually put our armour in big rubbermaids though that might not work so well if you're traveling by plane or bus. Maybe smaller plastic containers that can fit in your suitcases?

>> No.9024259

...nothing, the wig is the wrong color and shit quality and the jacket is inaccurate. sorry, no matter what it's gonna look garbage.

>> No.9024275


>> No.9024355

make everything able to be taken apart, travel lightly otherwise and you will probably need to use a well-padded checked bag for it if going by plane (or train/bus, minus the checked part obviously)

always carry water, stay in shade as much as you can, and it's ok to add a hat to your outfit if it's necessary for your health. maybe take it off if someone wants a photo but hat > sun stroke

and now, from the other help thread that was made because people have a chronical inability to use the catalog

eyeliner, or henna, or face paint. if you use a setting spray as you should, it should be able to last all day. henna would probably be most accurate for that slightly-darker-than-skintone look
no idea what a soul patch is

your two options are sock glue (look at weeaboo stores, it's probably sold at ali too but I'm not sure) or sock garters (sockdreams stocks a lot of different styles)

I have no idea what you're trying to say... are you planning to cut out all the leopard spots or what?

>> No.9024357

Never been to a convention before and I think I'm going to start at AX in July.
I was wondering if it's acceptable/common to ask people from /cgl/ if they have extra room in their hotel rooms. There's no fucking way I'll be able to stay 3 nights at a hotel by myself because of the price and I don't really have friends who like conventions or even seem interested. Have you guys ever done something like this?

>> No.9024405
File: 401 KB, 1536x2048, 12885889_1382480981777979_6197069704084515095_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have advice on how to avoid that odd gap between the skirt/flaps of a very high-cut slit dress and the crotch? I was looking at photos of similar costumes for reference and this one highlighted this side-crotch (?) shortcoming, showing that even if the panties/crotch is covered from the front view, it's still going to show from the side views.

How do I make it so that the crotch wouldn't show in a similar costume? Do I anchor down the skirt flap somehow and to what?

>> No.9024412

the only thing i can think of is maybe a flesh coloured panel sewn into the tops of the gaps, but I've never worked with highly slit costumes so that might not be helpful.

>> No.9024538

but what style? straight leg? with 'puffyness'?

are you wanting it to stand up a bit like it is in the picture or do you care about that?

where/how are you wanting the layers to attach at? do you want them all separate and just different lengths that are all attached at the top? are you wanting them to be attached right at the layer above it?

>> No.9024566

retoasting from the last thread because I didn't realize it was auto saging.

If you're flying, large props are a giant hassle. Build your props in a way where you can take them apart so they fit in a luggage bag.
When you fly, that's a must. If you're driving, it's still solid advice.
Large/and or heavy props also get really exhausting to carry around. A lot of people make the mistake thinking "five pounds isn't very heavy. I'll be fine" but after an hour or two it's not going to be comfortable. Try to minimize on weight, or understand you'll need to take frequent breaks.
For over heating, just drink plenty of water. Don't go outside. Learn the signs of heat exhaustion (which leads up to heat stroke). Learn to tell people "stop taking pictures I'm dying so I'm going back to my room". And have a place really close by you can safely change out of/store your cosplay. Your car a quarter mile walk away in the sun doesn't count.

basically what this >>9024355 anon said.
as far as the hat goes, just take it off for pictures or carry around a parasol instead. Depending on your costume, if it's something large and figure concealing, you can invest in an ice vest.

>> No.9024567
File: 216 KB, 1024x683, godoka_among_the_people_by_enjoithis-d7sz14y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to make transparant wings like these and what they're made of?

>> No.9024570

I'm not sure how exactly they were made, but I'd suggest looking into transparent Worbla on the material side of things.

>> No.9024657

I've never gone to a convention before, but I do larp. Is it appropriate to wear LARP clothes to something like the denver comic-con?

>> No.9024801

You don't have to dress up. Plenty of people go in plain clothes. That said, unless some portion of your LARP clothes violate convention rules, there isn't any reason you couldn't.

>> No.9024819

I wouldn't know if it's what she uses, but there's transparent acrylic ("Plexiglas") sheets, sprayed over with some paints.

>> No.9024867

Im planning to attach them to a base skirt, so each layer will start slightly higher than be previous one ends

>> No.9024902

Does anyone know on AP's Tartan Holic skirt if the straps are removable or not? They seem more Maid-like to me and I want to avoid that, but I might be hypercritical of it

>> No.9024908
File: 663 KB, 1920x1080, San 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very limited cosplay experience. Trying to figure out if I can get away without a wig for San since I'm making her mask/hood and plan on having it on my head most of the time, though realistically probably not over my face since it's for Otakon and it will be hot.

My hair is brown and comes a bit past my boobs. Strategies for tucking it in a way that makes it look short? If I can't get away without one, wig recommendations for San?

>> No.9024911
File: 175 KB, 853x480, San 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another picture to show how her hair looks when she has the hood on but the mask up.

>> No.9024930
File: 640 KB, 925x989, P4D_Hatsune_Miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fabric for crazy heat cons?

>> No.9024955

Why worry about tucking your hair under with a million bobby pins and metric ton of hairspray, not to mention the stress about it looking good and staying in place all day...when you can just get a wig? I think a wig would save you a lot of trouble, anon.

>> No.9025030

I know this might be a dumb reason but because wigs are expensive and I'm already freaking out a little about how much money I'm spending on all the supplies. First time making my own costume.

I just did a quick short hair test and it looked better than expected for first try, and was only 7/10 on the itchiness scale, so maybe there's hope~

>> No.9025032


You can get a wig for $20, don't be a cheapskate. A good wig can make your costume look 100% better.

>> No.9025058

Do you mind pointing me in the direction of good $20 wigs?

>> No.9025090

Well her leggings are shiny meaning pvc, spandex, or latex, so you're going to sweat balls and have swamp ass regardless.

>> No.9025093
File: 2.30 MB, 2448x3264, DSC03892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about wearing it?

>> No.9025153

This sounds really dumb but do you know if I'm able to cut it without special tools? I don't have acces to a lasercutter or something.

>> No.9025155

Go here.
Ctrl-f "wig"

>> No.9025177
File: 246 KB, 1024x768, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, so that's a good plan, just be aware if you're doing photography you can't do any pics from bellow cause the stitching will show

so instead of just a base skirt, make it a full dress to tweak your shape, then take it apart and use it as your base pattern to copy for the layers with added seam allowance to sew down to it. make sense?

not to mention the weight of the fabric will pull fabric where you attach it down, so you'll want to stitch up much further than you think, otherwise it'll end in sadness and pain. pin your layers on the base dress while hanging from the form to ensure the best horizontal line and no sagging BEFORE you sew the layers onto the base dress.

How I would tackle this project:

make a ducktape t-shirt dress form
get a thin broadcloth or similar to create/make and adjust a base dress pattern for cutting the actual pattern so you don't fuck up the good fabric
invest in a fabric that is thin, has a bit of give, doesn't require double layers to be opaque, & doesn't have shine.
get or make a latex sheet for the star and applique that shit on instead of making a hole.
insert a zipper on the back
make a detached boob holder from the dress

wrap the fabric so length goes around the body and the width goes vertical. this will make it so you can pull and adjust so the only seam is down the back and you don't have to cut seams down the sides, plus you can toss in a zipper

do this with a form that has the hoop skirt you want attached to it unless you are lucky enough to have a talented person to help you adjust the back seam and cut.

dart and sew the excess fabric from under the breasts instead of pulling it to the back and creating wrinkles.

use some embroidery backing (don't forget to pin it) to make a thin stitched hem for the bottom hem of each petal/curve, you can cut/pull out the excess and have a clean non-bound edge without weird wrinkling or pulling on the fabric

>> No.9025189

You want a princess seamed A line skirt with each tier cut on the same continuing angle so they lie smoothly.

>> No.9025221

I haven't worked with the stuff, but this is a low-cost method: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsBrJRNvdyA
Just gonna assume you've got a dremel-type tool handy.

>> No.9025267
File: 8 KB, 275x183, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm going yo fo Tracer from Overwatch (yeah, I know) and I wantrd to try for the first time making something with papercraft and fiber glass.
I have searched everywhere for the pattern of her pulse guns but I can't find any. The only one that I found, it's .pdo file is broken! Can anyone help me? Thank you!

>> No.9025412
File: 2.13 MB, 1686x2828, wings - clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved a tutorial that looks perfect for this. The wings in your pic look a bit thin though, like PETG/clear worbla. Either way, this should work for you.

>> No.9025541

Found this on the one ebay shop mentioned in the thread as "being reliable"--

What do you think are the chances this $8 wig won't be total garbage?


>> No.9025648
File: 108 KB, 1280x1326, wilderness-explorer-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning to cosplay as Russell from Up at AX
>the clothes seem easy to find so far
>need to make custom hats and badges for embroidering
>have a iMac
Am I better off printing and ironing on the design or is there anyone here that can convert pic related to a dst or a em file so I can avoid the dreaded digitizing fee?

>> No.9025872

Thanks for the detailed breakdown anon! This helps a lot. I luckily already have a dressform. I was planning to do the star using reverse applique, do you think that would work as well?

>> No.9025915

just don't rush it and it should go fine

>> No.9025921

look for a Wilcom DecoStudio crack and do it yourself?

>> No.9025949
File: 51 KB, 356x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may not be help so much help but when I first started the idea of cosplay I got a pattern and literally bought 18 yards of the cheapest fabric I could for practice. It made a world of difference, the first two I made i just threw away they were so bad but I got the practice in before going for a more expensive fabric. Keep in mind expensive fabric does work different than cheap shit but if you are starting from 0 don't spend all your money on the good shit. Pic related

>> No.9026005
File: 122 KB, 316x634, 2147431-mts2_adore184_629607_gip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying pic related. I'm trying to work out a good base to use as the boots-- but I wear a size 12, and rain boots in a mens size 12 have really really big calve areas which will look plain silly. Does anyone have any recommendations on very basic knee high/mid calf boots? I'll take either at this point, I am at a loss in locating something suitable. Totally open to other solutions as well, I just really don't know how to approach that.

>> No.9026036

Look up boot cover tutorials and use stretch fabric to make them.

>> No.9026060

Yeah no that's the plan, but I dont know what kind of mens boots come with claves that slim. Rainboots are not an option

>> No.9026071

You're not understanding >>9026036
You buy base dark or black shoes that stop around your ankles that look like your reference image. You make boot covers for the red parts up to your knees to conform to the tight fit. Combine the two together.

>> No.9026911
File: 81 KB, 960x640, 4zlY7ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what is this arrowy silver things on yayas costume? I've been looking everywhere and can't find it.

>> No.9026919

Pretty sure those were sculpted out, molded, and cast in a polyurethane resin.

>> No.9027057
File: 46 KB, 500x750, sub12-500x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know a good place to buy a decent Maid costume?
I'm looking for something better than the bodyline ones, but not expensive as milky ange or candy fruit. Is there something decent inbetween?

>> No.9027213

Ideas on how to make clothing look worn/dirty? Current idea is to mix some light brown paint and lightly swirl with a barely coated sponge. At this point I'm open to rolling in some dirt.

>> No.9027228

But if you don't want to do that you could look for cheap arrowhead stones and paint them I guess.

>> No.9027245

Just a question, but after working on a recent cosplay I'd like to enter it in a contest. What's the difference between the different ranks, how many contests you've won or something? Also, every piece of my outfit is found clothing that I altered to hell and back, do I need to make everything from scratch to compete?

>> No.9027316
File: 38 KB, 218x320, lil gotham hush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a Lil Gotham Hush cosplay. I'm looking for a black trench coat (haha, sorry Jim Lee, the tan coat is the bane of my existence; Dustin Nguyen gets me), but I'm having low luck in finding one that looks nice.

So far my only finds are:
--> https://world.taobao.com/item/523838183242.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.wqtvD6#detail
--> https://world.taobao.com/item/523838183242.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.wqtvD6#detail

Yeah, I'm not really satisfied with either. I don't feel like they look right (plus the second one doesn't have a very high seller rating, but idk). Now, I still plan to look at thrift shops, buuut I live in Florida. I have a sneaking suspicion I'm not really going to have much luck there, lmao.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions? Any help would be super appreciated, especially since the trench coat is such an integral part of his look.

>> No.9027342

Do a google image search for "spats"

>> No.9027450

Look up tutorials on weathering clothing. MangoSiren has a good one on YouTube

Read the rules of said contest on the con page. Usually they tell you what is allowed to enter and what category you can enter under as well.

>> No.9027936

General rule of thumb is that once you've won 1st place in a tier, you should compete in the next tier the next time, e.g. once you win best in Intermediate, you might have to compete in Master/Expert next time.

It will depend on the con's rules. Some will prohibit costumes where nothing is made from scratch (but unlikely). What's more likely to happen is that it's permitted and the judges will be impressed by your modding skills...or less impressed upon hearing that you didn't make anything from scratch.

>> No.9027983

You'd probably place in beginner since I think the level above that requires like, 60% scratch made?

Lots of cons also just allow people to go on stage without entering to compete though, so you could look into that if that's all you care about.

>> No.9028001

Ah ok thanks!
Nah screw the stage I just want to win a prize for being better than other people.

>> No.9028017

I stopped competing once I won Intermediate category. I don't have the time, patience, and money to toil and slave over a Master category-worthy costume only to compete for con prizes, since I'd rather make several fun costumes in a year instead of focusing on a single one.

>> No.9028023

Yeah, there's no way I'd ever enter master. I'm just not that talented. I think I could win a beginner and maybe a intermediate, I will probs do the same as you.

>> No.9028143
File: 568 KB, 1024x640, roadhog___overwatch___close_look_at_model_by_plank_69-d9bm1uq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm relatively new to cosplaying despite always having wanted to, because there have been very few characters I felt like I could do well, being a very tall, rather fat man with a beard that I refuse to shave.

But just recently, I discovered Roadhog from Overwatch, which fits wonderfully. If anything, I'm not quite fat enough.

Most of the armor looks easy enough, I think I could make most of this with only a hammer, a hacksaw, some paint and access to a junkyard. The big things that are jumping out at me are the shoulder pads, the pants, and the mask.

I can't tell what those pads are supposed to be. Are they protective, do they have pockets, are they just a brace for the tire and the holster? It looks like something I might be able to pick up at my local milsurp, if I can only figure out what it is.

At first glace, I assumed the pants were just ordinary camo fatigues, until I noticed the clips. Due to their placement, one would assume that they were suspenders, but pants with attached suspender clips? Do they even make those? And if the belt isn't fastened, what's holding them up?

For the mask, I was thinking of cutting up an israeli mask, and melting scraps of black rubber together to form the snout shape. Thing is, I can't find any masks with filters that small, and I don't think I could make them from scratch.

As I said, I'm rather new to cosplay, so there may be some stupid questions here.

>> No.9028229

maybe try attaching the inside of the flap to the front of the underwear on top of the pubic bone

>> No.9028233

the shoulder pads look almost like a vest that's too small with pouches on the front

presumably the pants are being held up by his enormous gut/ dong pushing them out, and those suspenders look like they could probably just be made separately and then attached to a normal pair of pants
if anything them always being flopped down on the front and back would make it easier to make rather than try to find a pair of pants like that since you could hide the seam/ other connection easily underneath them

that mask looks definitely like it'd be the hardest part, getting a snout on it would just take a lot of fine tuning and handiwork plus I'm not sure of any kind of masks that have two filters other than like spray painting masks
if anything I'd say exploit the seams on the ingame model to attach the bottom of some kind of two filter mask to the top of a rubber mask that you could form to have a snout

man I barely have any cosplay experience myself I ain't ever worked with rubber good luck with that

>> No.9028304

Are there any good shopping services for Yahoo Japan? I use Samurai buyer but they don't allow people bidding during their non-business hours.

>> No.9028968
File: 28 KB, 699x400, matrix_tattoo_by_frogdeman-d3d2zfv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have any advice for putting a design on a morphsuit? I'm trying to do Matrix from Reboot, but the only thing holding me up is the tattoo on his shoulder.
Am I better off stitching it in by hand or can I find a custom iron-on patch some where?

>> No.9028995

What kind of paint should I use for my pleather suit? I have a black full-body suit I need to paint into a smoky blue color. I'm guessing spray paint would be effective, but what type should I get? I want to avoid it chipping (which is hard since it's high-stress all over).

>> No.9029076
File: 1.04 MB, 1767x2500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty new to cosplay and need some suggestions. What's a good pattern to get started on May from Guilty Gear?

>> No.9029113
File: 198 KB, 1600x900, Widowmaker_Reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi! This is probably (and um, is, I guess) a really stupid question, but what's the best way to go about making a weapon? And adding LED lights to cosplays? Specifically, I'm doing Widowmaker for a convention in July, and I have no idea where to start. Like, what sort of materials should I use?

>> No.9029167

You have set yourself an extremely strict deadline for a first time to do an elabotate project like this.
There's several options to making a weapon prop; EVA foam, MDF, Sintra, insulation foam, modding Nerf guns, making pepakura, making a custom sculpt, ...
Honestly? I would advise against continuing this idea. If you're still in the "what should I use" fase you're probably going to have to rush it a lot and it won't look as nice as it could. Never mind that you apparently also have no idea how to do electronics in costumes. I'm not trying to bash your skills, anon, but that kind of stuff takes time to research, try out, probably redo a few times because you made a few mistakes.

If you can make the rest of the costume by then (again, pretty intricate stuff so... ), just leave the weapon out. Widowmaker's recognisable enough without her gun, I think.

>> No.9029210

if you've never had experience with bodysuits/fursuits before just get it commissioned, it's not worth the effort

just find any random cosplay armour tutorial and help yourself

pretty sure you can custom print patches somehow but I've no experience with it, hand stitching is possible but incredibly time consuming


only partially related but are the 'select until there are none left' captchas throwing errors for anyone else today?

>> No.9029423

Okay nvm, I decided to go with a krylon plastic bonding spray, I just hope it won't chip too badly.

>> No.9029467
File: 1.08 MB, 767x1353, doomguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions on how to make his body armor? I'm not going for anything 100% accurate (why I provided multiple reference pictures), as it's an old game. I just want something that'll be recognizable with the rest of the outfit.

>> No.9029501

there's always paper mache if you can't get anything like foam working for you, and from the looks of it you could probably start with sports gear like shoulder pads and some chest piece to build off of

>> No.9029566
File: 74 KB, 736x794, da7597654aea208c28bbba7a9b4e1016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi friends, I'm a loser and decided I felt like trying to make a cosplay for my boy Ringabel. Assuming I have literally no sewing experience and a bad track record with pretty much any other artistic pursuit, and considering that (to me at least) his outfit seems pretty complex,
>Do you think I can do him justice, or is it just a bad idea with zero experience?
>If I just go for it and learn without proper classes, how many months could you expect I'd be stuck getting frustrated with it until I finally get it?

Know that you're beautiful and I love you all.

>> No.9029570

The wig and the belt look like an absolute pain if you have no crafting experience. The shirt would be a problem with the lack of sewing experience.

>> No.9029606

I'm sure you can buy a costume if you need too. If you have no sewing experience you could lean, (the most confusing part is rigging the thread) but I'm not sure if you even have a machine. If you are going to try to sew, get medieval patterns from the fabric store.

>> No.9029677

Thought as much. But damn, I'm already so set on it I might just try it anyway. Maybe if I get super-frustrated on it I can try to focus on a simpler project. Thanks for the answers, anons.

>> No.9029680

Would commissioning someone be a better idea, then?

>> No.9029690
File: 113 KB, 1173x1162, fabric-covered-button-01-335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some buttons to match trim color on a costume. What would be the better option, A) Painting the buttons or B) Making covered buttons with the trim fabric ?

>> No.9029817

If you paint it it's probs going to be a couple shades off so I'd day cover them if you can't buy some online.

>> No.9029823

Paint if the buttons are plastic or metal, cover if they're fabric (like your picture)

>> No.9029855

The buttons I bought for potential painting are metal. Covered button base would be made out of metal as well.

>> No.9029889
File: 310 KB, 1348x825, horrible photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apologies for potato photos and if this isnt exactly where to post this but.

I've had this dress since about middle school, it was handmade by my best friends grandma for his mom and she gave it to me. I have always really loved the dress for multiple reasons and am wondering how I can make it more suitable for lolita and what people might think the dress more fits into (classic?)

Or maybe the dress is fine how it already is?

>> No.9029900

That dress is unsalvageable for lolita.

>> No.9029908

Could I know why? Im still knew to lolita so im not sure exactly what keeps this dress form meeting the aesthetic so much that its unsalvageable.

What style would you say this dress even is?

>> No.9029910


Good job me

>> No.9029917
File: 566 KB, 410x610, being worn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres an older picture I have of it being worn, but without a petticoat, probably shouldve just started with this picture

>> No.9030006

It has bits of lolita style in places but overall, it's not really lolita. It looks more like a western costume-dress with the loose bodice and cheap-looking cotton eyelet lace. If it was blue or red or if you wore an apron with it, I'd call it Little House on the Prairie. It'd be simpler and easier to just order a piece of Bodyline.

>> No.9030028

Thats why I was wondering if any tailoring could bring it into lolita since it has some elements. The dress was of course never meant to be lolita since when it was made lolita wasnt even a thing, but I dont mind keeping it as just a little costumey dress if thats just the way it is. It just wouldve been cool to bring this into my new wardrobe.

Ive got quite a few dresses but when I saw this one laying around still I figured I might as well see if anything could be done for it :)

>> No.9030072

>It'd be simpler and easier to just order a piece of Bodyline.
And cheaper as well once you factor in the material + labor hours it will take for proper alterations.

>> No.9030086

Thank you but I don't want a piece from bodyline, if I did I would just buy one.

Im not really worried about price and labor hours, I just wanted to know if it could be done and what alterations someone might make to make the dress better suited.

>> No.9030102

It's hard to say without seeing what's inside, but it looks like you'll have to seam rip apart the entire thing and replace the bodice and trims at minimum. The top of the skirt doesn't look right, either, so in the end, it'd be easier and better-looking to just get new fabric and sew a dress if you're skilled enough to alter that thing.

>> No.9030133

No - that's not what wood glue is for even on thermoplastics/foam.

I'm going to guess you mean the ones they list as 'for machine use'? I've never used that specific line but it looks like it's just their regular dyes packaged with the salt included. You can almost certainly mix them, just make sure everything is really well-dissolved before you put your fabric in so you don't end up with splotches.

Do covered - you'll get an exact match and you don't have to worry about scratching like you would painted plastic/metal.

Good-quality fabric paint is probably your best bet, but remember to stretch the suit out to your dimensions first (stuff it with newspaper or something), otherwise the paint will crack when it stretches.

>> No.9030137

Alright, well thanks for telling me what would need to be done, Ill probably just leave it as it is then and find other ways of wearing it outside of trying to making it lolita :)

>> No.9030164
File: 122 KB, 768x1024, JuniperWoodsArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on cosplaying Juniper Woods from Ace attorney: Dual Destinies but I'm unsure of how to style her hair. I plan on buying a wig and doing the braids won't be difficult it's just the round part at the bottom that I'm unsure about.

I thought about wrapping a foam sphere with the ends of the braids but I'm not sure if that'd stay in for too long.

This is my first time working with a wig so I am a little nervous about messing up. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.9030238

so the costume im going to be wearing has a shirt made of vinyl fabric and its SUPER hot bc it doesnt get ventilated. is there anything i can wear under that can prevent me from sweating in it so much? i heard of like wet suits that keep you cool in hot atmospheres, could those work if i wore it under? sorry if i sound ignorant or just dumb but id appreciate any advice.

>> No.9030250

So, random, but I used straight rit liquid dye painted on fabric to get a pattern, it looks good but the pattern is growing small crystals!? Anyone know why? Is it because I held an iron over it to try to dry the dye a little bit?

>> No.9030475
File: 610 KB, 1000x745, ekko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been thinking about cosplaying Ekko and I want to make the bat thingy life-sized (about 150cm long) and to look really cool with some RGB LED lighting and stuff like that so the glowing parts have to be translucent and affordable. My last-ditch solution is to use some insulation foam that I have copious amounts, but it doesn't seem to let much light through and it's yellow, so I would have to color it blue somehow, again, without it losing translucency. I'm probably going to 3d print the rest of the bat if I get access to a certain printer nearby, same thing with the timewinder on the back.
Now the second challenge would be the mohawk. I have thought about shaving my real hair short and leaving a short mohawk in the middle and then attaching some extensions and somehow getting it to stay upwards. Maybe creating some supporting structure with some wire that still could be hidden would work?
Anyways, I also have to color my skin darker because I'm nordic and my sister knows about makeup so she'll do contouring and shit. The clothing itself seems pretty easy to make, and I got a month until a certain convention so there's enough time to do all this.

>> No.9030478
File: 95 KB, 736x1104, buying gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a week to design this but I am willing to dedicate a lot of time into it. I would like to make the cosplay as shown in the picture but have no idea where to begin in making the helmet. I have a good idea on the letters and know that the feather thing is a boa but that's about it. I would appreciate any help.

>> No.9030492

wrap it and tuck it back into the green knot if you're lazy, or you can do a styrofoam ball, paint it wig color, and then glue/wrap the wig ends around the balls.

I'm sure there are other ways to do it, and wigs aren't terribly hard to work with, just annoying and scratchy. you'll get used to it.


>> No.9030516

>a month
Anyways, on that sword, if you want to do transparent and LEDs you need to go acrylic or go home.

>> No.9030527
File: 179 KB, 900x638, the booty shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on doing a Jason Todd as Robin cosplay, and I need a little advice...
Do I go for the actual panty-style scaly shorts (pic related), or do I make them longer, closer to actual volleyball/sports/3-5 inches workout shorts? I'm not ashamed of my legs or anything, but visually, which do you gulls think would work better?

>> No.9030575

like they say if there's no thong then you did it wrong

>> No.9030583

Inclined to say yes, but don't be surprised if your commissioner either declines because of time pressure or asks you a higher price to make up for rushing.

From what little I know from dying clothes is that they usually tell you to mix the dye with salt. Maybe that's what it prevents?

>> No.9030653

Maybe a weird question: if you wanted to replicate this kind of succulent pattern with fabric and whatnots, what would you make the little spikey things out of? So far I've "quilted" a few rows of a rounded diamond shape, but the spikey bits kind of stump me at the moment. It doesn't help that the reference has little tufts (maybe?) instead of spikes. I was thinking of making little spikes out of fake nails, but if they're tufty... Ideas?

Reference on left (tufts circled), succulents on right.

>> No.9030654
File: 592 KB, 640x383, cacti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic like a true idiot

>> No.9030792

So, I'm trying to do cosplay photography on the side while I'm at cons for something to do. I actually went to school for art/photography so I'm pretty experienced in terms of actually taking photos. I'm not sure how pricing works? At first I'm shooting anyone for free that will let me to build a body of work, but after that, how does pricing generally work? I don't want to charge a lot like a lot of others, but I don't want to undersell myself.

Also, is it okay to offer discounts to fandoms I like or am looking to photograph?

>inb4 repostin cause I posted this in the old thread like a retard

>> No.9030893

No, the salt is there to help drive the dye into the fabric (instead of it just hanging out in the water). It's probably one of the many components of the dye mix re-crystallizing now that it's drying out - like how you get salt crystals if you let salt water dry up.

I'm not sure why you thought this was a good idea, though - if it ever gets wet at all, it's going to bleed and run and basically make a huge mess.

I'd see what other people in your area are offering, price-wise. I think between $35-$50 per person for solo or small group is what pings me as 'reasonable' for cosplay photography. I think offering discounts outright might be weird and lead to a flood of crappy cosplayers from that series, but knocking a few bucks off at the end of a shoot might be fine. One of my photog friends leaves some time in her schedule at cons so she can do free shoots for cosplayers from fandoms she really loves.

>> No.9030957

Thanks! Yeah, I didn't think about the flood of weirdos in the fandom looking to get their picture taken. This was very helpful though! I'm trying to find prices online for some photographers in my area but they seem secretive about their prices unless you're looking to book?

>> No.9031117

i'm planning to make a simple long sleeve and hopefully tea length velvet gothic dress using yumi king's long sleeve dress tutorial, any tips on working with velvet?

>> No.9031131
File: 167 KB, 846x382, Rita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Gulls. Where do one aquire big gold belt buckles as in pic related? I've checked ebay and several craftstores, but I'm not pleased with the size. I want them to be HUGE and cartoony. Help much appreciated! <3

>> No.9031162

Jo-Ann had a huge collection for Fall/Winter 2015 that went to clearance in January. They're like 3" buckles. I have one that I don't need.

>> No.9031266

Amazing! I'd very much like to purchase it. Where're you from, anon?

>> No.9031291

Thanks, I'll go for covered then.

My biggest fear is that the buttons will pop back open or the fabric covering will fall off at the con.

>> No.9031345
File: 436 KB, 716x404, Danger 5 Cool.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would i go about making pic? I know someone who is artsy (they've never done anything like pic though) and I'm completely shit.

>> No.9031455

>"I know someone who is artsy"
>"(they've never done anything like pic though)"
>expecting them be good at making this
>expecting them to help you because they're "artsy"

>> No.9031467

pay a fursuiter

>> No.9031470

Not expecting 1:1 quality, just saying that i will have some help from someone who is better at art than me, ie don't need to be completely spoon-fed.

>> No.9031480
File: 1.08 MB, 2152x1912, bABY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help me ID this dress?

As close as I can get is http://lolibrary.org/apparel/vaniran-scallop-princess-jsk

Except, I am leaning away from that as the detachable bow I have is different and so is a lot of the lace. As far as I am aware it hasn't been modifIed and it shows no signs of it..

But it is driving me NUTS.

>> No.9031501


Oh okok, gotcha. My only concern then would stem from the pants being tucked into the boot covers and having them look all lumpy... Anyone ever had experiences with that sort of thing? I suppose I could pin my pants after putting them on to be tight around the calf.

>> No.9031522

I'm to a Sci-Fi convention next july. What some easy cheap cosplay I can put together in a month?

>> No.9031524

Something you like

>> No.9031594

hmmm, the bodice looks like scallop princess but it's not scalloped...

>> No.9031612


God bless Amazon. They make these up to a size 15, maybe this could work for you? You could make boot covers for these boots so that the tucking of your pants doesn't disturb the overall shape


>> No.9031673
File: 484 KB, 400x548, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick I need a retard's guide to fusible web. The practice piece I tried work fine but when I tried making the final piece, I fucked my iron from the glue.

>> No.9031819

If it's stuck to your iron, turn on your iron to medium and iron a dryer sheet. It will come right off like a wipe. Repeat if necessary.

>> No.9031866
File: 255 KB, 800x620, okuyasu nijimura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okuyasu Nijimura from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 4

Just altogether: How? The hair, the coat/jacket, everything?

>> No.9031912

Check cosplay.com/con forums/fb groups, you may find some listings - there was a whole group just of photogs advertising for Katsu, for instance.

How experienced are you with sewing? Velvet tends to shift a LOT when sewing, and it's not super-forgiving of ripping back seams. I hand-baste first when I'm working with velvet.

I'm going to guess you got a kit with the backs and fronts you squish together in a little plastic mold? Press really firmly (you'll feel it kind of pop into place), and don't try to stuff too much raw fabric edge inside. If you're really paranoid, make a couple extra and bring them with you (maybe tack them to an inside seam, like dress shirts have?). But I've had maybe two or three fail while wearing them, ever, and I've used them on a ton of stuff for a long time - I have vests that are ten years old now and the buttons are still fine. Usually if they screw up it'll be when you're making them, and it'll be really obvious (weirdly bent back/uneven back, pops apart with a light tug), so you can just make another.

>> No.9031934

use a dish cloth if needed to create an extra barrier for the heat to hit is slowly

>> No.9031974

I think that gold painted metal or plastic either pinned or glued onto the coat would be look pretty nice for the letters and symbols
for the wig you might need two separate wigs, one black and one grey, to get his hairdo right
I don't know what you could use to draw those lines on your face either

>> No.9031988

Ooh it is scalloped! Just a shitty picture. But the lace is different than that shown in the pictures.

>> No.9032033


I imagine I could just use some sort of makeup for the lines.

For the jacket, would just a regular nice double-breasted coat work, if I mod it properly?

>> No.9032441
File: 22 KB, 313x470, images-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an easy to pack costume and have decided on Tinkerbell I was wondering if there are any tutorials on airbrushing dresses to get the leaf effect, I've never really painted fabric before. Or if there is any similar leaf print fabric I can purchase to get this effect. Help appreciated thanks in advance.

>> No.9032491

If you're not at least at intermediate skill level, I would recommend using velveteen. Velvet is not the easiest fabric to work with and it's expensive. It can't be pressed (you can steam it and very *very* lightly press it by placing another piece of velvet nap-to-nap on it) and it doesn't take seam changes well.

>> No.9032563

How do you guys/in general feel about crossplay with a skin tone that doesn't match the character you're crossplaying as? I'm a fairly new cosplayer and all the character I genuinely like are all cute grills which leads me to want to crossplay. I'm a fairly skinny/tall dark skinned male and am pretty nervous about the whole idea of being judged for not "staying true" to the character I would be going as (no idea who I'm going as but all the characters I have in mind are all pale skinned girls). Thanks to anyone in advance!

>> No.9032628
File: 15 KB, 236x233, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of making this batgirl cosplay and I'm having troube deciding on fabric for the cape and accessories. I was considering just using stretch for everything since the gloves and boot covers are the same color as the cape and belt, but then I hought that would mess up the drape of the cape and I'm making the belt out of foam.

Any suggestions for for fabric?

>> No.9032683

My legs are always cold, so it's fine, but the body, what should I use there? Because the costume also has a spandex look to it in game.

>> No.9032774

I have a strapless top that zips up in the middle of the front, but the zipper doesn't lat flat.
Should I just straight-up glue it to my skin or is there some kind of tailoring I can do on the top that'll make it lay flat?

That picture looks like she laid down strips of tape in the vein patterns, painted it, and took the strips off.
You can try that, but I personally don't have experience airbrushing fabric. I do know that you should do light layers of paint so that it doesn't get under the tape.

Most people won't rip you if you're not paper-white, but depending on how dark you are, painting yourself lighter can look really weird. You might be able to get away with a foundation that's slightly lighter, but I wouldn't stray too far.
Try sticking to characters with dark hair, it'll look less weird.
Also note that covering your arms/hands/legs will probably be a massive pain.

>> No.9032783

Add a boning channel to the lining on either side of the zipper.

>> No.9032788
File: 84 KB, 1000x1000, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few questions regarding pic related,
1) what is the thing in red called? how would one add it to a princess seam bodice?
2) does anyone have examples of dresses that have that sort of bodice with the high collar?

>> No.9032808

Any matte spandex. You can also stretch the spendex over hard surfaces like a stiff or thick foam belt to keep it consistent.

>> No.9032816

Most people won't care about character fidelity unless you're doing something super OOC like a sexy gender bend bikini outfit of a very conservative character. Focus on good craftsmanship/quality in your clothes and making yourself as cute as possible with what you got. If you want to lighten your skin get a concealer that's only a shade or two lighter than you. Anything more than that will start to look pretty off.

>> No.9032847

Yoke or bib, I think - there are more names if it was detachable (basically a fake undershirt), but it looks like you want built-in. You see it a lot on Edwardian (and some Victorian) dresses - some patterns:

I'll try to sketch up how I'd go about adding it

>> No.9032893
File: 62 KB, 676x397, 12633584_10207212056032121_7557310552427181070_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these types of skirts have a specific kind of name? I'm having a hard time searching for them.
Also how much fabric will I need for this skirt, I'm pretty bad at estimating fabric and I've never made one this full before?

>> No.9032903
File: 206 KB, 547x748, index (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, anyone mind helping me with the mask part of this cosplay?

>> No.9032916

a paper plate and masking tape for the strap

>> No.9032918

meant for>>9032903

>> No.9032928

You sure? I was thinking maybe some sort of fabric for the face

>> No.9032932

no you gotta tape the paper plate to your head for it to work
trust me i am a professional

>> No.9033284

if you check the ax thread itself, you can join in on the begging, it's not uncommon

>> No.9033339
File: 227 KB, 479x446, Basilio_(FE13_Artwork).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys how can i make fur or wefts look this good, can anybody point me in the right direction of what to buy?

>> No.9033359

"Long Pile" fake fur. Build it around a bulky light structure made with EVA foam or something else light and cheap. Most fake sure don't come long enough to have that much bulk. "Style" it into small spikes with hairspray. A furry FAQ would probably be the best guide to buying fur. I just buy from a local place when I need it. Only advice I can add there is go for something with a slight mix of tones like real fur and it will add visual depth. A solid, uniform color will make it look flat and fake. I think the furries have tutes on how to paint fur for this effect.

>> No.9033362
File: 143 KB, 336x368, toanhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what type of hat this is?
I keep thinking it's a turban but the shape is kind of weird and Toan can easily take it on an off like a regular cap.

Also how would one go about making it anyways.

>> No.9033549
File: 478 KB, 684x513, 8KOxbkn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea where to start on making a suit like this...

Any ideas?

>> No.9033553

Go to the RPF and search their forum

>> No.9033695
File: 20 KB, 384x384, images-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of cosplays with really cute elf ears last time I bought some they looked pretty obvious and costumy even after spirit gum and latex.
Any recommendations of cute elf ears?

>> No.9033769
File: 783 KB, 1200x1200, 51201602358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aradani Costumes hands down!
I have their (L>R) small elf and large anime elf ears!

>> No.9033774

You usually have to highlight and shadow them as well as blush them a little.

>> No.9033855

What's the best way to hook up a remote-controlled fart machine under my petticoat? I was thinking I could just sew a small pocket onto the inside and slip the machine into it.

>> No.9034149
File: 492 KB, 600x406, x-men-apocalypse-11-600x406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched X-Men Apocalypse and I must say I fell in love with Apocalypse's costume design. I want to do his costume for a coming convention but I have never even cosplayed before. Honestly I don't know where to begin and I would appreciate tips or advice on where to start or what to do.

I'm thinking the armour pieces will be the thoughest since they're highly detailed. Therefore that should be priority number one. Planning to use cardboard for the armor but I think the level of detail using cardboard will be hard to achieve. Does anyone know what material I can use to make it look like metal without weighing me down to much?


>> No.9034164

If you've never made a costume don't start with something so complicated, better start with simpler designs.

>> No.9034169

Don't fuck up Apocalypse for your first ever cosplay. Work your way there.

>> No.9034174

Thanks for coming to the right thread, anon.

I half disagree with other anon, you can probably not knock out a killer armour set on your first try, but you can at least try to make something and learn from the mistakes to make a better set. The main thing you need to keep in mind is that it is indeed a complex costume, so you don't set unrealistic goals for yourself. Time is something a lot of first timers underestimate, doubly so if you're a normal-job-haver. It takes time to craft something that looks good, and it takes time to learn the techniques that are necessary.

Now, a lot of people like to work with EVA foam for armours. Google it, in the context of cosplay, and you'll find a lot of tutorials on how to work with it. Depending on where you live, you can find it in the form of puzzle floor mats and/or craft foam. Evil Ted Smith on Youtube is one of my personal favourites; he does make it look a bit easier than you might find it to be yourself.
If you use EVA, or are planning to cosplay more in the future, I would recommend picking up a cheap little heat gun. You can use it to shape foams.

tl;dr sorry for the essay
>if you prepare well enough and give yourself plenty of time, you can do it
>EVA foam for the bulk of it
>useful tools: heat gun, duct tape mannequin to test fit patterns on
>look up cosplay armour tutorials, mix and match for your own needs (like how to detailwork)
>look up how to finish your armour before paint
>in general, look up a LOT, research is your friend

>> No.9034217

I need them fairly quickly (about a month) and I'm in Australia, not sure if anyone has another recommendation for elf ears because Aradani's become rather expensive when shipped.

>> No.9034227
File: 32 KB, 180x390, Apocalypse-marvel-comics-14636086-180-390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously for a first costume this will either fucking destroy you or look really bad and you'll end up feeling disheartened and bitter. i got into cosplay with the dream of making a big costume and it's taken me two years of consistent skill building to get to that point (and i'm still struggling). if you're really set on the character, maybe try on of the comic variations, they're still big but not ridiculously intricate.
>hope ur built bro

>> No.9034388

Hello /cgl/. I'm not the greatest at sewing but doing what I can and am just looking for advice. I'm going to be sewing a bunch of fake fur onto a shirt (attaching along seams and whatnot), and just wanted to know if anyone had any tips for sewing with fur with a machine. Or if hand-sewing is better, which I've heard, what sort of stitch would that be?

This is for a LARP costume and it will be partially covered up, so I'm not concerned about it looking perfect, just more or less durable. Thank you for any advice you can give.

>> No.9034531

you will probably need to hand stitch unless you have an industrial or very tough sewing machine, hand sewing with a thick needle and heavy thread.
I would suggest a back stitch, as seen/explained here. http://www.sew4home.com/tips-resources/sewing-tips-tricks/hand-stitching-basics it's quite labour intensive but very durable.

>> No.9034535

Is faux fur generally too thick for a sewing machine to handle? Is that why?

>> No.9034538
File: 1.15 MB, 2261x517, urf-the-nami-tee-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying this possibly next year, does anyone have any ideas, draft ideas, tutorials that could help? I'm hoarding them all until I can buy materials and start on it

>> No.9034550

yes, the needles are usually way too flimsy and a heavier needle doesn't really help either, newer sewing machines usually have plastic insides which just fuck up with that sort of heavy fabric

>> No.9034777
File: 9 KB, 190x266, Silas skinship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone id the type of sleeves on Silasor happen to know a good pattern for these types of sleeves?

>> No.9034789
File: 307 KB, 458x494, Nishiki_portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to create "fur" from a wig/wefts? I'm planning on cosplaying Kaden but I want the fur on his ears and tail to match his hair color.

>> No.9034814

it will look like shit, especially compared with the effort
just search for a fur that matches the colour well enough

>> No.9034820

You could, with a lot of short somewhat-teased weft, but it'll be a huge pain to prepare and assemble, especially for the tail.

Just get a fur color that's close enough. You can blend the ears with the wig since that's where the color-difference will be most prominent.

>> No.9034861

It will be tricky, but the material can be cut by scoring and snapping.You basically run your blade along the shape enough to get a little more than halfway into the material and you can usually snap off the rest if you've scored it enough. Do it in small sections so you have a lower risk of fracturing your material, but if youre using acrylic, it might happen anyway. I used this method for a clear sword and it worked out okay. Using a jig-saw on acrylic will leave you with suuuuper rough edges that you need to sand/buff in order to look smooth.

Acrylic is a really brittle plastic but it can produce some really nice results. PETG isnt brittle but you'd need to get pretty thick material if you dont want it to be flimsy.

Sorry for the lengthy response.

>> No.9035074


>> No.9035110

They're slashed sleeves. The pattern is literally strips of fabric (blue part) placed over a regular sleeve (white part).

>> No.9035111

If your machine can't handle faux fur, you have a supremely shitty sewing machine.

>> No.9035121
File: 346 KB, 584x668, shoehelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, kind of in an emergency bind. So I don't have the proper shoes (long story short: lost them) and I wasn't sure which of these I could get away with for Alex.

The plain pumps seem too low and innocent but are at least in similar style to her high heels. However, I also have a pair of high heels but they're open toe and close to the pictures. The con is literally starting tomorrow and I don't know if I should try and wear the plain ones or cheat.

>> No.9035130

First pair. Similar style is better than open toe. The third option would be wearing black 'no show'socks with the higher heels which would mimic the closed toe look but be weird af up close.

>> No.9035132

Just wear the plain ones, the others look too inaccurate

>> No.9035194

Thanks. Hopefully I wont lose these too.

>> No.9035291

For all of you armor making people where do you get your foam and what thickness?

Also does anyone have experience working with both EVA and L200? Which one is better for armor making in your opinion?

>> No.9035613
File: 147 KB, 996x713, cat earss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a good tutorial on how to make ears like the ones kittens play pen makes?
I own a pair and I'm still having trouble figuring out what the base is made of.

>> No.9035778
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 276549-3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, people are salty and unhelpful. Not to mention not well versed in simple techniques.

Buy yourself a fabric paint marker in yellow to fill in those stripes. Most fabric stores will have some in stock. Look in the tie dye area.

Now if you have a little skill also buy some lighter green fabric and a roll of fusible web tape.

Cut a shallow V out of your lighter green and fold the edges under using the fusible webbing.
You can also attach it to the jacket useing more webbing or sew it on.

As for the wig, cut some bangs in. Buy a dark brown sharpie, rubbing alcohol, spray bottle. Use the typical alcohol wig dye method.

If you are really hard up then buy a light brown sharpie and just color as many strands of the wig as you can. It's gonna take a while though.

>> No.9035933

my 15 year old machine is actually fine with fur but thanks, I'm just assuming that this person isn't going to buy an expensive sewing machine for their first few projects. if they have an older non-shit machine to borrow then it's a different story
it's not like they're sewing a full shirt anyway, a simple backstitch attaching shouldn't take more than a few nights

probably wire, since they don't have a full base

>> No.9035937

have you, perhaps, tried googling the brand name or even the dress, with the word 'review' next to it?
the short of it is - custom size is accurate and materials are generally good, but take a long time to ship and may have inaccuracies compared to the stock photos
that took me 5 minutes to find out, so clearly it wasn't so hard

>> No.9035943

Just use a tambourine

>> No.9035948

You missed
>what can we do to fix my friend's chie in 24 hours?
And it's already clearly a last-minute half-assed cosplayed, what makes you think they'd have the time and energy to learn how to even use fusible web, fabric paint, and the Sharpie wig method?

>> No.9036078
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: got the hat and patches.

Can the American flag patch be found outside military/Air Force bases (i.e.: Walmart)?

Also, got the material (duck cloth) for the sash, and I tried looking everywhere regarding how they're made, but are sashes sown together or I can have triangular sides to tie it up and where is the tied side usually put (the side or behind)?

>> No.9036107

>Can the American flag patch be found outside military/Air Force bases (i.e.: Walmart)?
Check army surplus stores.

>> No.9036129
File: 1.34 MB, 3200x4000, Boy_Scout_sash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Girl Scout/Boy Scout sashes. They're generally sewn.

>> No.9036212


I didn't miss that. Everything I listed seemed simple enough to do in a 24 hour period. Nothing was hard, especially the fabric marker. That one is just coloring in stuff like you did as a child.

But you might be right in me expecting people to have basic skills. I know I mentally raise my eyebrows at a lot of half assed stuff at cons that make me think, "What made you think THAT would work?"

>> No.9036375
File: 3.98 MB, 5344x4008, 16-06-02-12-49-58-060_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These ears don't bend though, they are rather tough .
Otherwise what kind of wire should I buy?

>> No.9036380
File: 704 KB, 960x1280, 16-06-02-12-52-22-149_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better photo of them

>> No.9036384

I think other anon was pointing out the fact that >>9024115 was posted nearly a week ago. Shit-tier Chie was obviously attending a con the next day.

>> No.9036619

Sewing faux fur is a baseline level function for a sewing machine, not something you need an "expensive" piece of equipment to do. Unless OP is using a toy Hello Kitty sewing machine, it should be able to sew fur.

>> No.9036688
File: 416 KB, 2084x1248, jimmy T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get a Jimmy T costume together for Supercon but the fucking sunglasses are turning out to be hard as hell to get right. Fairly new to cosplay and this is the first time I've put this much work into getting a costume together.

I found a pair that matches the shape but it has these red lines on it. What kind of sunglasses are these called? Should I just paint the lines white since it's just like 20 bucks? Any recs for the wig?

>> No.9036703
File: 108 KB, 385x550, haro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to do a gundam cosplay, was thinking of doing a simple Fraw Bow cosplay. However, I wanted to amp it up by doing a Haro companion that lights up, flaps, speaks and rolls around. Was thinking of doing the base from a basic hamster ball, but I'm drawing a blank of the technical aspect such as wiring and motors. Would anyone point me in the right direction for materials and equipment to use?

>> No.9036705

i'm pretty sure they sell haros like that already if it's outside of your skill level, just an fyi

>> No.9036714

I gotchu senpai

>> No.9036764

Ended up getting those sunglasses. Some advice on the nose would be appreciated though. I'm thinking of getting a cheap prosthetic one and painting it red, is that doable?

Might just make the mustache out of felt or something

>> No.9036908
File: 1.94 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160602-180711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Fabric manipulation or smocking, anon.

>> No.9036933

for the nose, yeah i'd say find a prosthetic that works and make it red. don't use acrylic paint, though. use red fx makeup, like ben nye -- it'll save you a lot of grief

also, to answer your wig question: arda wigs' derka in teal.

i dunno what to tell you about the mustache. make sure you pick up some spirit gum to attach it to your face properly -- same with the prosthetic. good luck anon! the warioware games are some of my favories

>> No.9037027
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 2005_0516photo0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know where I can find an eyepatch like this? It's got a plastic piece with holes, and you replace the guaze on your own. I've been looking everywhere to use for cosplay but I just can't find any. Should I also maybe post to the Ebay/Aliexpress threads?

>> No.9037039

In a past Fire Emblem thread there were pictures of concept art of the Fire Emblem IF/ Fates base class concept art. I couldn't find them in the archives, does anyone else have them saved? I'm specifically looking for the outlaw class.
Jlist, but my friends say some bigger Daiso stores have them.

>> No.9037050

Thank you very much! I actually found some on Rakuten, the existence of which I didn't seem to remember until you mentioned Jlist.

>> No.9037458

Hey guys I'm working on a Juuzou Suzuya cosplay and not sure how to do the braces/suspenders/galluses. They are made of gummy/rubber-like cloth and I want to colorize them. Should some generic textil-color work? (Deform of the dots and bleeding into shirt would be rly bad..)

>> No.9037588

Hopefully this is the correct place to ask this. But does anyone have experience with Uniqso contacts? More specifically the sclera ones?
Because the $99 vs $340 is tempting but also worrying.

I have worn contacts before and I've worn the not very safe color contacts before as well.

>> No.9038309
File: 530 KB, 683x1000, Cavendish.full.1804383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a way to make a fairly cheap Cavendish cosplay; And before I get berated for such a general question I do have an idea on where to go.
The current idea is to get a simple similar hat from a store and customize the buttons/blue feathers.
Most likely will get some at the very least similar looking leather boots without going overboard (aka perhaps without heels depending).
could probably find a similar flared shirt in a store to simply tweak for my liking, but the problem is the pants and jacket.
Keeping in mind that I have no intention to go above and beyond with something like $200+ for this costume I'm unsure what do to for the rest.
The flare on the sort of half pants makes me unsure how to approach it while the jacket I really don't even know where to begin.
Any advice or idea's is appreciated, including even on anything else i previously mentioned if you have a better idea.

>> No.9038355
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some older pieces that I bought secondhand where the lace on the arm straps will curl outwards (probably from frequent use). Is there a way I can get it to lay flat again? I've tried to use an iron on the lowest setting before, but it didn't really seem to help that much. Pic related.

>> No.9038403
File: 22 KB, 857x513, ssdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circle skirt is your best bet. For something that full at least 3 - 4 full circle skirts. I estimate my fabric by figuring out how long I want the skirt to be and how it will fit on the fabric while I'm cutting it. Most garment fabrics are 48 inches or, if you're lucky 60 inches wide.

Say your fabric is 46 inches wide and you want to make a skirt that is 18 inches long. You use a circle skirt calculator to figure out your waist raidus. Say it's 5 inches. So each skirt would need fabric 23 inches by 23 inches to get 1/4 skirt. 46 inch fabric, you can cut a 1/2 circle skirt with 23 inches of fabric as pictured here.

You need 3 skirts? That'll be 6 halves x 23 inches or 138 inches, just under 4 yards. I always give myself at least half a yard of wiggle room (more if the fabric isn't that expensive or I think I might want to go fuller).

If you want a longer skirt, you're kind of stuck on 1/4 cuts no matter what. So just take how long your waist radius plus the length of your skirt (remember hem allowance etc), and multiply it times how many quarters you'll need. You want 4 full skirts, you need 16 quarters so you multiply that amount (30 inches for instance) times 16. Divide by 36 to get the yardage and there you go.

For a skirt like you posted, you'll want extra fabric for the ruffle at the bottom, it'd be better to sew that separately to the bottom of the skirt after. With ruffles you want rectangle pieces at least three times as long as the finished gathered length (so if you want a 12 inch wide ruffle, start with 36 inch wide rectangle and gather down)

Hope that helps!

>> No.9038414

Since the boots gave that strap you can get shore boots, extend them with a leather or pleather scrap, paint them the same color with leather paint and cover the seam with a strap.

Don't cheap out on the plume. Get one or two legit plumes, craft and turkey feathers look super cheap.

Jacket is tough depending on how much you want to sew. That ones hard to thrift so you pretty much have to make or comission it.

Pants you can tailor down from larger pants to include the flare while fitting. If you get stretch pants look up making "lettuce edge"

>> No.9038422

L200 is generally better but EVA works just fine and is cheaper for beginners. Get EVA floor mats from scout hardware stores like Harbor Freight

>> No.9038713

I hope it's allowed to bump here..

>> No.9038729

is it bad if glue comes out of my dick????

pls respond......

>> No.9038854

Yes, better plug that up.

>> No.9039283

Posting in both threads because.

I need to make some clothes look grungy like a mechanic who's worked all day.

Thought about using actual oil residue from under the hood but the I wouldn't be able to touch anything, is there any paint with the consistency/coverage of oil grease but that actually dries?

>> No.9039354

Thanks anon I've been building for a year but my favorite foam store just went out of business. Wanted to try l200 so ill prob buy online. No harbor freights near me:(

>> No.9039455
File: 74 KB, 640x634, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cutting out pattern pieces for a cosplay. The character kind of has like droopy (harem?) pants. The pattern I happen to be using is for just regular trousers. If I extend the crotch like this (pic related) on all the leg pieces, will it droop a little, or just look completely retarded? I'm just not sure if this will work.

>> No.9039467

While I'm not sure how to answer your question they make patters for those pants available on line or in fabric stores, unless you really need the rest of the patter for it. It's what I used for my ffta black mage.

>> No.9039469

I just figured instead of buying a whole new pattern, I could just alter what I have already. It might be better for me to just buy a new pattern then.

>> No.9039483
File: 90 KB, 640x634, 7uwh0imn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us a reference image for what you want.

Based on your words, I'm guessing this is what you meant. You currently modification would just make a regular pair of pants with the crotch/thigh jutting out weirdly at the original bottom of the crotch level.

>> No.9039495
File: 376 KB, 500x827, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much anyone in Diamond is Unbreakable. But you definitely clarified this, anon. Thanks! Your picture makes way more sense, especially after looking at some harem pants examples. Now I can't stop laughing at the doofy image in my head of what my alterations would have looked like.

>> No.9039503

I'm looking for good quality flowers to buy in bulk, nothing that will fray on the edges. I've checked thrift stores, and craft stores but haven't found reliable online sources. I live on the east coast if it helps.

>> No.9039505

Look into foam flowers, they look more realistic and don't fray but cost more.

>> No.9039607

I saw a cosplayer at Fanime cosplaying an adorable character. She had a pink wig, bunny hair clips on either side of her head, a red sailor uniform, and angel wings. Does anyone know what she was cosplaying?

>> No.9039615
File: 26 KB, 174x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds most likely to be pic related. Misha from Pita-Ten. My favorite manga as a kid.

>> No.9039638

Thanks so much anon!

>> No.9039906
File: 162 KB, 1306x915, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished sculpting this. I still need to smooth it out, but what do you guys think? is it worth making a mold of and casting, or should I try again?

>> No.9039909

The only thing I can say (and this is me nitpicking, it's really great) is that the "ears" look like they are supposed to be more angular where yours are rounded. Also the left check part looks a little bigger than the right, but my eyes may be fucked.
Seriously, amazing work.

>> No.9039921


>> No.9040114
File: 9 KB, 236x354, images-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking if anyone has a recommendation on a corset that'll work well under cosplay. I'd like something that'll sinch in my waist enough to give me a hour glass looking shape as oppose to a straight up and down plank body. I want something that'd ideally be possible to hide under tight costumes without showibg buldges but still be able to give a dramatic result, has anyone had any luck with waist trainers, are they a viable solution?

>> No.9040127

Damn Anon that's really cool. I'd worry abou the symmetry though- it's supposed to be symmetrical but the eyes, horns and fangs on yours aren't.

>> No.9040132

Will permanent marker/felt tip pens go over black acrylic paint and stay there/look nice

>> No.9040159

Waist trainers won't do it.
You need a steel boned underbust corset, and I would recommend Timeless Trends hourglass cincher or Orchard Corset CS 426. There's not a lot that's cheaper and guaranteed to be of decent quality.
Look up Lucy Corsetry for the basics about corsets.

>> No.9040246
File: 34 KB, 180x180, Hosenträger-Hellblau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come one guys this must be easy for you...
I'm talking about colouring these things maybe my dictionary sucked..

>> No.9040283
File: 966 KB, 1296x1936, IMG_2201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this, its only a rough prototype, what do i use for proper horns?

>> No.9040356

I'd try to put more detail on the teeth, maybe round them out a little so it's not just obviously a rectangle with a ling carved into it.

They wouldn't show up on black, if that's what you're asking. Is there a reason why you can't just paint over it with white/whatever lighter color?

Paperclay works okay, just make sure you have a core or something. Solid clay can be pretty heavy.

>> No.9040414
File: 189 KB, 1142x630, kuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing Professor kukui, need some help with the shoes and the glasses everything else I have made or on the way

>> No.9040492

looks like he's wearing safety glasses. I've seen many like that that have the same basic lens shape + wide / fat arms that protect your eyes from the side directions.

>> No.9040498

You can look into water sandals for the shoes

>> No.9040544
File: 70 KB, 587x459, 4VEz9IZ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would the material be for the harness here? I'm guessing leather or something similar. What would be a real-life equivalent of that kind of harness?

>> No.9040709

Pink insulation foam also helps

>> No.9040760
File: 614 KB, 1672x2591, 20160605_153319-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This keeps happening on my New Home 656a.
Two questions; how do I stop it and should I just get a new machine?
The 656a is my mother's and it's 30 years old, give or take some, so my thoughts are that the technology has to have improved since then anyway and this way I won't be without a machine right after moving out (soon).

>> No.9040768

Have you tried changing the needle out?

>> No.9040769

Forgot; the thread from the top is getting wrapped around the spool the bobbin sits on.

>> No.9040770

If you pull the fabric through the machine it can cause issues with machine tension, and that can happen to the thread. If you do pull it, stop and just let it glide through and see if it fixes it- otherwise, the machine may have been pulled out of alignment and needs a service. :)
That, or if the thread is dodgy quality it can bunch and get caught like that.

>> No.9040780

No, I suppose I can try
My mom keeps telling me not to pull it but I swear I'm just holding it straight and letting it feed itself. It's been sitting for probably 10 years so we probably need to service it.

>> No.9040856


>> No.9040906

Has anyone ever used instant scar gel for prosthetic scars? Is it worth it? I need to make really obvious wrist cutting scars for a character.

>> No.9040963
File: 45 KB, 500x667, gijinkalapras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been wanting to do this gijinka of Lapras for a while, but I'm running into a few roadblocks when planning out potential materials:
First, the cage underneath the skirt. It has a unique arching pattern that I haven't found in normal hoopskirts, so I'd figure I'd have to make it myself. I was thinking of using a lightweight metal such as aluminum, should I use strips or tubing (or another alternative if possible if anons have any).
Secondly, the dress itself. I have had trouble finding dress patterns for this type, as it isn't a full skirt, is there a specific name for this type of dress, or should I modify an existing full skirt pattern?

>> No.9040969

have you looked at Fanplusfriends petticoats? they have cage ones that might be able to do that

>> No.9040985

I did!
Unfortunately, the shape and length of the cage isn't exactly what I am looking for.

>> No.9040987

I'd modify an existing pattern, it's not that much more complicated.

>> No.9041036
File: 1.08 MB, 1279x843, Bishamon Refs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help on colour interpretation:

What would you gauge the colour of the cloak to be? I'm trying to get different opinions...

I'm using the top as a cream colour, the skirt & legwarmer are doe skin, the stockings are black or off-black, the mask is I was thinking off-black for the cloak but someone else suggested a dark red, or a dark brown.

What would you suggest, or how do you see it?

Fun thing about b/w manga scans is its interpretive, but that's the frustrating part too...

>> No.9041101

Usually that screentone is used to convey red/brown so you can't go wrong with either. I'd go with a deep, reddish brown, desu.

>> No.9041123

a Bandolier is the name of that kind of harness

>> No.9041124
File: 81 KB, 500x750, 1393743003901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i'm still a newbie and i need some help on a somewhat costxbenefit cosplay

I have like 8 months to make my cosplay and i want to go as The Chosen Undead, from Dark souls series. As i never had done anything before, i want to start by the helmet.

Is it possible to make a Paperboard helmet and make it look great with the paiting and all? Where can i get some tutorials? Thanks

>> No.9041150

Would it be a stupid idea cosplaying as a white character when I'm clearly not white and have a beard?

>> No.9041154

Shave your beard, or look for a character that has a beard.
But as for the race thing, it'll look weird but oh well. Trust me, painting yourself lighter looks weirder.

>> No.9041213

Is there a good reference infographic/website that lists the weight/drape/best use for different fabrics? I've never worked with anything but mid tier cotton twill and fleece but want to learn more.

>> No.9041296

Seconding other anon, you need an actual steel-boned corset - their brand recs are good ones for off-the-rack. You may actually want an overbust, though - getting that much bust to stay up without shoulder straps of any kind is going to be tricky otherwise.

Yeah, get some fabric paint and you should be okay. Just stretch them out to the length they're going to be when they're on (put them on, measure how long they're stretched out to, stretch to that length) before you paint them, because otherwise the dots are going to stretch out too and the paint may crack or flake off.

Leather or black nylon webbing. Look around online at shoulder holsters for guns and see what you like the look of. Galco is the big name in leather holsters, I don't know about nylon off-hand.

Sounds like the timing is off - basically the motion of the top mechanism and the bottom mechanism have gotten unsynced, which is what's making it jam up. Definitely a problem that can be fixed - usually costs me around $85 to get my machines cleaned/oiled/adjusted. If the machine is otherwise running solidly it may be worth it, otherwise you can get a pretty solid new machine for around $200 in the uS.

>> No.9041309
File: 124 KB, 676x856, mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys! I fixed the horns and remade the mouth. For some reason you can't really see that the teeth are rounded in the picture, but they are, and I tried to make everything a little more symmetrical, but I'm afraid of messing up the whole thing if I go any further.

I'm pretty happy with this though. Thanks again. Hopefully I don't fuck it up when I try to make the mold.

>> No.9041317
File: 170 KB, 1858x1755, fabric-weight-drape1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best bet is still to go out and feel and work with as many types of fabrics as you can since the same name/weave/type/fiber can be quite different from manufacturer to manufacturer.

>> No.9041369
File: 36 KB, 450x300, Gwenny_Penny_Seam_Allowance[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idle question here; I'm using a commercial pattern for the first time (after a few years of making my own patterns) and noticed that the seam allowance on the pieces is 5/8". I usually sew with 3/8", so 5/8" feels MASSIVE. Is there a reason the seam allowances are so deep? Are there benefits to sewing with bigger seam allowances?

>> No.9041418

It's because 5/8" is the "standard" to use assuming that you have a serger. The serger will trim off 1/4" while it serges and create a 3/8" seam allowance in the finished product. 5/8" also allows for seams to be let out way more than 3/8" if the seamstress discovers that she needs to make the garment bigger--a 3/8" seam allowance can be let out by maximum of MAYBE 1/8" before the remaining allowance is too weak to hold a good seam. 5/8" seams also give you a little more room to tack linings, etc.

I currently have moved on from commercial patterns to drafting my own and I've switched to using 3/8" seam allowances for most parts, mainly because I don't like having to manually trim off excess allowance all the time and I don't own a serger. However, I still stick with 5/8" allowance on straight seams, like the shoulders. 3/8" does give me better accuracy and precision with detail work though.

>> No.9041566
File: 453 KB, 988x539, princessofthecrystalskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my Princess of the Crystal skirt by modifying an existing hoop skirt. there's a couple tutorials around online and if you look up "open front petticoat trichro" you can find the tutorial i based mine off of.
I also supplemented the structure with 20 yards of petticoat netting sandwiched between the top layer and hoop skirt layer for more poof and bell-shape, which you'll likely need some of with the heavy weight of the shell thing. I also had a butt pillow under the entire skirt to prevent it from wrapping around my front too much.
For the opening, I would use a couple beams of hoopsteel around the brim that you can buy off of corset making websites. It's more sturdy and will hold a better curve than tubing (which I also tried but it tends to sag and curve in unattractively). Aluminum doesn't have the same spring as hoopsteel and will also bend over time.
For the skirt, just modify an existing full skirt pattern, or there are some ball gown patterns that have open skirt sections (EA363701, 1728, and 4092 in simplicity, for example, though there are many more).

>> No.9041783
File: 178 KB, 707x1000, 37648496352894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i'm making a wig for a Chihiro Fujisaki costume, i'm very new and i've never cut or styled a wig before and I feel really stupid because I found some instructions on the internet but i'm too scared to take scissors to it even with them.

Should I cut it in a certain order? What is that picture for cutting the layers trying to convey exactly, that I hold the hair out and cut at angle for layers? I'd really appreciate a detailed/dummy proof wig styling guide if anyone has one

>> No.9041792
File: 179 KB, 379x489, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in the planning stages of my first cosplay ever, and i was wondering how i could go about making the blue- i don't even know what to call it, partial jumpsuit? part of this costume. i think every other aspect of the costume would be easy to find or make but i'm stumped on the blue shirt part.

>> No.9041903
File: 118 KB, 680x1156, chihirowigtut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, i'm not sure how to salvage their tutorial, but here i tried making my own for you, sorry if it's shit but basically don't be afraid, you can do it

always cut vertically, and try to wear your wig while cutting it so nothing ends up too short. if you got a super long base wig in the tutorial just do the same vertical snip method to get it shorter. maybe invest in a razor comb too because they're a blessing

>> No.9041907

also by 'don't do this backwards' i mean if your bangs are facing the right way in the mirror they certainly aren't in real life, so just like... do it where your bangs are backwards in the mirror so they're rightwards irl

>> No.9042172

Traditionally, that style of jacket was called a double breasted jacket. The problem is, that style went away long ago, and the name was adopted to apply mostly to suit jackets. You can still find some, but it would be very expensive.
You might be able to find something similar if you search for "Rocketeer Style jacket", but it won't be blue, so you may ether have to make it yourself, or get it made for you.

>> No.9042186

I actually prefer using the 5/8ths as I find it easier to press the seams flat when I'm not fiddling with smaller allowances. For curves though, I use 3/8ths because my pinking shears cut off just enough to allow for nice clipped seam allowances, and I'd have to trim it shorter if I used the 5/8ths

>> No.9042188

I want to dye my wigs, but I only have 2 pots and I need them for cooking purposes. Should I just suck it up and buy another pot to avoid dying for dye poisoning? Or will I be fine with just washing the pots?

>> No.9042190

>dying from
not for

>> No.9042204

Suck it up and buy another pot.

>> No.9042206

Welp, I guess no dying for me today.

>> No.9042522

This has probably been asked before, but I searched several threads and found nothing -

Tips for getting wigs to fit over long hair? I tried braiding and pinning, but maybe I just did a bad job? I also have a pretty big head, which makes wigs difficult to start with.

Any particular wig sellers good for people with big heads?

>> No.9042746
File: 628 KB, 1024x640, Mei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm looking to do a Mei cosplay for a con in August. Any ideas on how to make her coat? I haven't made a sewn piece that big before, and am wondering on how I should start/what kind of patterns and such I could use. Any information would be extremely helpful!

>> No.9042876

It looks a lot like it's just a really thickly lined qipao. You could also probably pull it off by modding a double-breasted coat pattern to only button on the inside. Either way you approach it you have to redraft the sleeves really huge.
I own this book, which is a bunch of different qipao pattern blocks that you copy according to your measurements.

>> No.9043161

So I'm going my beard out and I'm wondering what characters to cosplay as. I've got an average build and very brown hair if that helps any

>> No.9043197
File: 45 KB, 469x336, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm really interested in trying like a yanki/sukeban style. More like pic related, as well as typical sukeban style with long skirts. Is this style completely dead by now? Any resources anyone knows of?

>> No.9043224

>mei cosplay in august
have fun dying of heatstroke
and as >>9042876 said it is styled after a qipao, but i think even modifying a qipao pattern would not give you the right shape. you'd basically have to dr. frankenstein the pattern too, since qipaos are meant to be form fitting and mei has a bigass winter coat

>> No.9043294
File: 201 KB, 780x718, one-punch-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice concerning bald caps(recommendations for the cap and other products/techniques, etc.)? I'm going to be
cosplaying Saitama this summer and this will be my first time dealing with them.

I'm severely intimidated by the whole process given that not only do people seem to agree that they're incredibly fragile, there doesn't
seem to be any bald cap with overall good reviews and I can't tell how many of the bad reviews are due to the product being bad versus sheer inexperience at putting them on.

People seem mixed on what to use for application too(spirit gum vs medical grade adhesive), or whether or not you can even reuse them.

>> No.9043398

wearing a wig cap and trimming the cap to your head shape helps (or having a second pair of hands to help you). Look up theatrical videos for reference.

>> No.9043405

You'll also need to look into a good makeup artist to help you blend the edges of the cap with your scalp/face, maybe even briefly color over the entire cap so that it's the same shade as your skin. Or photoshop the heck of your photos.

>> No.9043418

If you're in America, people recommend Arda. Can't say I have personal experience, but they seem to be made for bigger heads.

>> No.9043433

I have a huge head and short hair. Arda is great. If you're not buying Arda already and you're in the US, then what are you doing with your life?

>> No.9044746

Thanks for the responses! These were super informative. I don't have a serger either, but while making the muslin I definitely noticed that the flat seams were a lot easier to work with (though I'll probably stick with 3/8" for curved seams).

>> No.9045147
File: 2.27 MB, 2744x7845, Gazelle_Zootopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions on how to make Gazelle's horns?

>> No.9045171

Jfc that cod piece is hilarious. Nice helm, anon!

>> No.9045180

Finishing up my first prop but I'm having some last-minute problems. I need to paint some details on it, however the paint won't stick. I can just wipe it off and it doesn't stick properly to the layer underneath.
Is it the type of paint I use (acryl)? Is there a way to make sure it does stick to the previous layer?

>> No.9045183
File: 14 KB, 300x219, tmp_24692-Lol-Meme-01215981662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you expecting better from furries?

>> No.9045186

Haven't watched zootopia yet but is really sad about the Gazelle cosplays I've seen lately wasn't a tribute to this musicvideo

>> No.9045864

I'm working on a SU Jasper, Lapis and Peridot costume for myself and friends. Any tips or nitpicks welcome

>> No.9045875

For the love of god, seal your paint.
Also, don't bother trying to paint your hands. You can maybe deal with your arms, but I would just go with long arm socks/gloves.

>> No.9045896

Will do. We'll probably do armsocks for all desu. What sealants do you recommend?

>> No.9045947
File: 226 KB, 1536x1022, o-HIGH-HEELS-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get better at walking/wearing heels? It seems no matter the size of the heel I get blisters on the ball of my foot very quickly which leads to me getting wobbly ankles and I really want to stop having to panic so much over any heeled cosplay

>> No.9045950

It depends on your paint. General with water based paint you want to do:
-sealant (Ben Nye's Final Seal, Urban Decay's All Nighter, Mehron's Barrier Spray)
-setting powder

>> No.9045953

Break in your shoes, use moleskin on places you feel your shoes rubbing.

>> No.9045956

Would just wearing them on small trips or around the house break them in or should I use another method?

>> No.9047357

so someone bought me this cheapish lingerie from amazon and the bra is great but on the panties (theyre a bit sheer) there's a few tiny little.. brown spots? not like shit spots but idk there's this weird stain and i want to sell the set since besides that it looks super cute but i want to get rid of the stain since it would be embarrassing to ship that off

im thinking bleach? since again, the panties are a sheer material that's almost like a microscopic net kind of material and i dont bleaching it would discolour it? or should i just try fabric softener first?

>> No.9047438


idk if this bumped the thread or not. should i just use laundry detergent and see where that takes me? i feel like some of you are bound to have something happen to your cosplay

>> No.9047823

Thank you so much! I wasn't expectibg a hand made guide, I feel a little better about trying it now.

>> No.9049219 [DELETED] 

Has honeycolor been hacked? I just received a receipt charging me, and it's the same as one I did last year, but I didn't order it now.

>> No.9049226 [DELETED] 

I checked the site, the order is on my account too. What the fuck?

>> No.9050008
File: 476 KB, 558x490, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone if Bodyline has good cosplay costumes?