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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 32 KB, 696x326, Dokomi-696x326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8988334 No.8988334 [Reply] [Original]

Dokomi just ended and no thread to post?
Didn't want to make one for the Dokomi alone, so German General but feel free to share thoughts about your experience!

> better than least year?
> was the big vendors hall worth it?
> thoughts on AA?
> cosplay thoughts?
> post pics
> also German General

>> No.8988425

too big, too long queues, too crowded
shit weather, though that's not the orga's fault
eurocosplay skits were mostly disappointing, the winner did good, though
cosplay guests were cool but it seems no one ever told them they were holding a workshop

>> No.8988470

sounds like it was not worth it.
Kinda glad then I didn't go

>> No.8989184


I am curious what other anons say about Dokomi. First and last time I was on Dokomi, tickets were quite cheap for one day (~10€), but it was still rather boring. Since I moved to the Ruhr area, I was planning to give Dokomi and cons another chance, but their prices for tickets were raised by alot. All I heard from people I know who went there was that they grew alot in size and number of vendors. But is that all? I don't want to spend that much money just to hang around and see what is going on there.

Or to put it this way: Are cons just a thing for people who do know what they want to do there and not for more random curious folks?

>> also German General
Are german anons just not interested/too lazy to answer or are there really just a few on this board? The last "active" thread barely reached 50 replies, last one went down without any answer at all.

Woran hakt's den nun Anons? Bei den Holländern ist dagegen immer ordentlich was los.

>> No.8990296

Weather on saturday was .. meh, sunday was great though.

Dokomi is more interesting for taking pictures (And being photographed). The location is hard to beat, really. As photographer that's awesome, so I always enjoy Dokomi. The program isn't that amazing though, so if you're someone who wants that, give it a pass.

Oh, and Dokomi is the only con where the food is good. Pricey, but good.

>> No.8990662

As a fellow photographer, I'll have to agree on the location. They're miles away from a German Comiket though.

>> No.8990740

>Are german anons just not interested/too lazy to answer or are there really just a few on this board?

I'd love to know as well. Are there no germanfags around anymore? We used to have threads that went really well.

>> No.8990746

I know a handful who lurk and are just too lazy to post.

>> No.8990804
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Might as well post something.
This was the first time attending the ball. It looks so amazing compared compared to the dutch ones (Anime and Abunai!).

Just check the booklet for inspiration, just walking around for 2 days sounds boring https://www.dokomi.de/extras/downloads/

>> No.8991881

Dokomi ist was ihr draus macht!

>> No.8993511

In what kind of sense though? Do you mean the number of cosplayers or the stuff they sell?

>> No.8993534

Stuff they sell. Not a lot of circles when compared to Comiket for example.

>> No.8993630

You can't compare. There is literally no other country like Japan, at least not in Europe or US. The artist valley is expanding very slowly, but still, it's definitely getting better.

>> No.8993671


If you compare the first dokomi and this year, it's like comparing heaven and hell. The communitiy has grown alot, but of course it's far away from 45.000 artists. Comiket is unbeatable in this regard, but for a German alternative it's probably as good as it gets.

250 artists is already bigger than any other german event (even bookfair laipzig) and also beats most european conventions I know. (actually only excluding Japan expo)

>> No.8994091

I'm the only one who think cosplay is fucking overrated in western and european countries? Doujin-Artists are more interesting.

>> No.8994417

You sound like that one stupid girl on facebook who commented on a cosplay that she doesn't like cosplay, anime or manga but still went to the Dokomi.

>> No.8994425

I believe the reason for the shortlived threads is the hugbox that the German community is. There's hardly ever any criticism in any group, and if there is, it's a shitstorm right away.
I'm not sure how well-known /cgl/ is anyways among the 14-17 year olds that most of the German cosplay scene is made off and the more experienced ones usually have huge networks. Basically everyone knows everyone. If you don't want to be known as the badmouthing cunt you stay out of all the drama and the evil seagull place.

>> No.8994428

Please don't underestimate how many f them simply don't speak proper english (or german). Some can't even make proper posts in the facebook group in their native language.

>> No.8994533

well I wish I knew how to join the network of the exprienced people then, even though I'm a Lolita not a cosplayer.

>> No.8995856
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How does one join a network in Germany in anything? I always feel like people are super reserved and unless you manage to find your way into their super special secret club via a friend or some other convenient coincidence, then you're basically fucked.
I'm not into Cosplay, but I'm an artist and I'm into Lolita. I remember back when I joined Lolita, Dunkelsuess was not accepting any new members, and my comm did not organize their meet ups via DS or animexx. They had a special FB group which of course was impossible to find, unless you were invited. It took me quite a while to actually *find* a meet up or Fb group (or get accepted into any of the groups, because I did not have a Lolita profile picture). Once you're in it get better, but to even be accepted into any community seems unneccessarily hard sometimes.

I'm trying to be more serious about my art stuff, and I'd just love to find some other German artist, but- how? All the groups on FB I've seen are usually a collection of weeaboos. And people rarely interact with each other or comment on your work if you post there unless it's to give compliments.
I've tried to speak to artists at cons, and even though most of them were nice, no one is really willing to talk much (even when the AA is empty and they have plenty of time). And I don't want to be all autistic "Hey I'm a random stranger but please be my friend because I love your work and I love to draw too". Since I am basically a nobody and don't know anyone, I feel like an outsider who can't sit with anyone.

Excuse my ramble, but I just wanted to get it off my chest. Is it me and I'm a spaghetti dropping socialy inept idiot, or does anyone have similar experience? H-help?

>> No.8996571
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You are not alone, it's the same for me. Nice being not the only one.

>> No.8998891

Glad to hear that at least I'm not alone. I really wish I had an artist friend, but unless a miracle happens, I'll continue to be a lonely and unpopular spaghetti dropper. At least I found friends in Lolita, I guess.

But I've heard from people from other countries that Germans in general are not very open or easy to approach. Hell, appareantly they don't even want to post n the cgl thread...

>> No.8998895

I'm >>8996571
You got me curious now, I'm a drawfag as well. I'm on mobile now, but maybe you have a throwaway mail so we can talk a bit

>> No.8999320

Funny, tat this topic is arousing now. I'm still quite at a start with being a drawfag, but I do have lot's of friends who are artists.

Just came from a meeting where I got some very helpful tips and I might even learn from two people on a more intense basis, which I'm looking forward to. (both are pros)

If you're from NRW area, it should be easy to get to know (other) artists. they are actually quite open.

>> No.8999361
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>mfw I live NRW
Are there any special artist meet ups? Where do I meet them? I know literally no one from the artist scene so I feel quite at loss on how to meet or get introduced to people. Maybe I'm stupid, but where do I get started at meeting artists?

>I-i just want to have artists friends to talk to and exchange tips n' tricks and talk art stuff with

>> No.8999464

Not a drawfag, but maybe looking around Essen, Düsseldorf and Köln for artist groups/meet ups might be fruitful? All mentioned cities do have quite large art schools and also should have a noticeable presence.

>> No.9000077

There are regular artist meetups at Sphere Bay in Düsseldorf. Otherwise just look trough a convention booklet (like the one at dokomi which is posted online), search some of the artists and figure out where they live from their facebook profiles.

Then, simply ask them if they know gathering s or would like to meet up.

>> No.9002761

What do you think of dokomi's expansion this year?

>> No.9002902
File: 327 KB, 2048x1536, 13198636_1722839687970998_4003754518351711978_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the dashcon reference

>> No.9003389

Warum zur Hölle sind diese Ball Pits auf Cons eigentlich so unglaublich beliebt? Wäre jemand so nett mir den Zusammenhang zu erklären?

>> No.9006983

Dashcon, google it and you will understand.

>> No.9009925
File: 119 KB, 220x205, rpc_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of NRW, I'm going to the RPC for the first time this year. Is there anything I should keep in mind? Are any other gulls going?

>> No.9009961

because you can't backstab your friends here without at least 10 people being able to recognize you. or someone telling the truth to your lies. that's no fun at all

>> No.9010059

Pls spill some drama, I'm so thirsty

>> No.9010076

i feel the same about it, with both Lolita and drawing
also every kind of community that did exist is starting to die out too

>> No.9010079


>> No.9010089

Cosday received a bomb threat. Drama enough?

Some people are really bastards. Who the fuck does such things?

>> No.9010113

How did they react? Are there any new safety measures?

>> No.9010207
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Random Dokomi picture dump incoming

>> No.9010215
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>> No.9010218
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>> No.9010220
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>> No.9010221
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>> No.9010222
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>> No.9010227
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>> No.9010230
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>> No.9010234
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>> No.9010235
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>> No.9010256

where is this cosplay from?

>> No.9010280

Pokemon. It's a gijinka version of butterfree(Smettbo).

>> No.9012793

early rescue bump

>> No.9013006

They're in contact with the police. They've apparently received the bomb threat via Facebook or their website? So it hopefully won't be too hard to track the person. I also hope it's just some dumbass making a bad joke.

I've heard of that prejudice towards german people... sad to say that it's probably true. ):
I'm a gerfag myself, but I'm also the type who doesn't easily make friends due to social awkwardness and shyness. I don't even mean to be impolite or unapprochable, but spaghettis...
I'm also neither a drawfag nor a loli, so I don't think I can help you with finding other artists...

Since some dutch people seem to lurk here: I've always considered visiting Abunai. How is it?

>> No.9013032

when you lurk at the Dutch board you can see everyone whining and complaining about Abunai.

In my opinion it's not as great as Animecon but it could be worse. Just don't expect too much and find some people to hang around with and you'll have a good time.

>> No.9016097
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Allow me this excerpt from an after-con thread, just after a previous edition of Abunai.

>> No.9016976

So yeah. Japantag happened yesterday. Lots of people, very hot and dusty, lots and lots of bad cosplays, a few good ones too and even half a dozen neat lolitas could be seen there. But all in all nothing amazing.

>> No.9016977
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>> No.9016979
File: 1000 KB, 2048x1536, 2016-05-21 16.30.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More people

>> No.9016982
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Some even brought their full camping gear to the river area. Tent, barbeque grill, stereo and even a fking generator.

>> No.9016984
File: 1.10 MB, 2048x1536, 2016-05-21 17.02.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not overcrowded at all

>> No.9016987

Woah, seeing those pictures makes me somewhat happy I didn't go. I probably would have died.
Is it even worth going anyway?

>> No.9017055 [DELETED] 

>Is it even worth going anyway?

Pic dump anon here (>>9016976).

Not at all desu simply because it is way too overcrowded. WDR said there were an estimated 750000 visitors. I guess, the booths are nothing special for con regulars (merch, a bit cosplay stuff, one (?) manga booth, some advertising booths, a few japanese crash courses) except for the food booths, which were ofc full too.

If you are not from the closer rhine-ruhr area, the shopping street in the Immermanstraße might be interesting since it is the heart of Düsseldorf's japan district and therefore offers a neat variation of different shops and restaurants.

There are probably a few things I missed out, but I would not expect much besides the hype it gets. It would definetly NOT recommend a visit for people with crowd/space anxiety, especially if you want to stay till the fireworks and need to leave by train right after that. The Verkehrsverbund is atleast insightful enough to order additional trains, but still it's still not nearly enough to carry the massive amount of visitors.

For me, it was still enjoyable though since I had the chance to see a friend after a long time and could chill there while looking for better cosplays and lolita coords.

>> No.9017082 [DELETED] 

>Is it even worth going anyway?

Pic dump anon here (>>9016976 (You)).

Not at all desu simply because it is way too overcrowded. WDR said there were an estimated 750000 visitors. I guess, the booths are nothing special for con regulars (merch, a bit cosplay stuff, one (?) manga booth, some advertising booths, a few japanese crash courses) except for the food booths, which were ofc full too.

If you are not from the closer rhine-ruhr area, the shopping street in the Immermanstraße might be interesting since it is the heart of Düsseldorf's japan district and therefore offers a neat variation of different shops and restaurants.

There are probably a few things I missed out, but I would not expect much besides the hype it gets. I would definetly NOT recommend a visit for people with crowd/space anxiety, especially if you want to stay till the fireworks and need to leave by train right after that. The Verkehrsverbund is atleast insightful enough to order additional trains, but it's still not nearly enough to carry the massive amount of visitors.

For me, it was still enjoyable though since I had the chance to see a friend after a long time and could chill there while looking for better cosplays and lolita coords.

>> No.9017086

>Is it even worth going anyway?

Pic dump anon here (>>9016976).

Not at all desu simply because it is way too overcrowded. WDR said there were an estimated 750000 visitors. I guess, the booths are nothing special for con regulars (merch, a bit cosplay stuff, one (?) manga booth, some advertising booths, a few japanese crash courses) except for the food booths, which were ofc full too.

If you are not from the closer rhine-ruhr area, the shopping street in the Immermanstraße might be interesting since it is the heart of Düsseldorf's japan district and therefore offers a neat variation of different shops and restaurants.

There are probably a few things I missed out, but I would not expect much besides the hype it gets. I would definetly NOT recommend a visit for people with crowd/space anxiety, especially if you want to stay till the fireworks and need to leave by train right after that. The Verkehrsverbund is atleast insightful enough to order additional trains, but it's still not nearly enough to carry the massive amount of visitors.

For me, it was still enjoyable though since I had the chance to see a friend after a long time and could chill there while looking for better cosplays and lolita coords.

>> No.9018582

I personalyl enjoyed the Japantag alot. But that's mainly due to a plan we already had and we stayed overnight.

It was full, but not overcrowded. It's rather interesting to see how our community has grown though. The amount of cospalyers is intense, way more than on any other convention that I know. Although it doesn't make sense to cosplay something big or fancy in those crowds.

Just keep in mind, the weather changes every year. Next year there will be rain again so I probably won't go.

Düsseldorf is worth a visit anytime, though. If you like japanese food, you will find no better place in this country.