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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 80 KB, 564x791, 0da53ae1d6a9c2df4adac9360ace4f81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8956695 No.8956695 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread saging.

Post your progress, recent con sightings, and things you find in tags. Anyone got some good minor character cosplays?

>> No.8956700

since when Toriel had blakc nose?
fucking deer people

>> No.8956703

From around the same time Mettaton has two-toned lips.

>> No.8956745


Homestuck is the reason why we can't EVER have anything nice

>> No.8956767

>black nose
>black lips
>short dress

god why

>> No.8956892


>> No.8956894
File: 704 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting my collar for Asriel; still wondering if I should leave it or add the stripe.

>> No.8956907

If you could make them a little taller with the tips pointing more vertically, it'd make it more bunny-like.
They're really neat and nicely shaped though, good job.

I was going to reply to you in the last thread but bump limit was imminent.
I like the shape of the collar. I do like the extra stripe, but it might be too much since Asriel has a lot of detail/focus on his head. If you want that extra tidbit of over-the-top, add the stripe, but otherwise leave it off.
I really like your progress.

>> No.8956962
File: 175 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nzmzv7ViJs1r0u3eio3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8957282
File: 409 KB, 1280x1280, sans mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8951571 from the last thread, I carved the eyes out a bit more. This was after a bit of sanding on the plaster crap. Going to fill in the big bumps with more plaster then do a good final sand.

>> No.8957289

Looking much better, anon! Just sand the fuck out of it.
Is there a reason why the part at the bottom is so wide?

>> No.8957317

don't know undertale, but that scale thing looks a lot like this girl I know, it's fucking creepy and annoying.

>> No.8957322

Lost my shit at this, anon. Thank you.

>> No.8957601

husband has a giant head, also I think it's cause it's a weird angle in photo. seriously though this still barely goes on his stupid head.
Not looking forward to starting my friend's Papyrus when I'm done with Sans since he's got a big head too

>> No.8957733
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, Cf09X12UYAAxx1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to add the second stripe. I got the collar basted on to the white under-robe and I'm gonna finish the collar hems and the bottom hems tomorrow. Can't wait to move on to the pauldrons, arms, and feet. Horns should be arriving soon, too.

>> No.8957738

I like it so far, anon. The lining for the sleeves made me smile.

>> No.8957828

Omg anon that's one of the best asriel costume i have ever see. Do you will use the goat Prosthetic?

>> No.8957829

You look like a Final Fantasy protagonist lmao
Good work though, looking good

>> No.8958660

Yes, I will. I'm a makeup artist by trade, (I'm fake dust-anon) so I'm pretty confident I can blend that sucker smoothly.

Dang, I was going for Yugioh monster card :(

>> No.8958669

>going to use goat prosthetic
nooo :(

>> No.8958671

I have faith in this anon.

No pressure ;)

>> No.8958672
File: 1.01 MB, 1746x1684, TOO MUCH BUTTERSCOTCH PIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Undyne cosplayers
Pls to lose weight
Fish is not a fatty

>> No.8958700

That lining is neat! Nice touch.

>> No.8958753

I'm not doing a gijinka route, because I think it's a cheap way out + ignores the very important fact that the character is a monster, and I hate all the face paintings. If you've got a suggestion that isn't either of those options, I'm pretty open to it.

>> No.8958760

i like the goat prosthetic as long as its well blended- cant wait to see the rest of your cosplay anon!

>> No.8958805

Gijinka more be like "let's do some che appena cosplay base i'm lazy "

Actually the cosplayer which use the Prosthetic are better than the ones who paints a black nose in a white face.

Also i'm pretty sure you will do a perfect job,can't wait to see it!

>> No.8958806

are there smaller/more subtle goat prosthetics?

>> No.8958815

My mobile is trolling me and it's mixing two languages in one.

I rewrite the first part

"Gijinka more be like "let's so some cheape cosplay because i'm lazy"

>> No.8958903

I've actually looked --the closest I've found are avatar noses/faun noses that don't look accurate-to-sprite. Would consider a goat-ish looking devil prosthetic, but I don't have much faith in the accuracy of one of those, either.

>> No.8959124
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 12383691_2577583498963552_605238398_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So speaking of fancy stuck toriels....

I dont find this one as bad but I still dont think I'm a huge fan of the design.

>> No.8959138

I love the pie. Not so much anything else.

>> No.8959157

I kinda like it because it's the sort of shit I do, I just don't like the veil and the furhead.
The pie is cute.

>> No.8959193

not as bad as that other fancy toriel since it still seems motherly and sweet instead of ott tacky princess, but i would ditch the veil thing. everything else is just nice embellishments

>> No.8959535

That's pretty nice,she looks like some medieval old lady. At the least this dress fits the character more or less. (But it's still a a redesign of the dress,i've checked there aren't any AUs with a fancy toriel so...)

But still a better fancy than the "I have the sleeves in the wrong way" one

>> No.8959539

appreciation post for that sans mask

>> No.8959587
File: 76 KB, 666x1000, received_10204480751658909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first attempt at Muffet, I'll be upgrading the and airbrushing the arms to give them a less cartoon-y look, aside from that, what do you think? What else can I improve??

>> No.8959594

*upgrading the wig

>> No.8959605

At first sight, good start.
Upgrades possible:
>make prosthetic eyes shiny to match real eyes
>threading the thread through the wrists so you eliminate that "elastic band cutting in" look
>invest in a better sealant for your paint? to avoid rubbing off at clothes
>reworking the arms to match human jointing (probably going to be the most difficult one of these)

>> No.8959665

Not a bad start anon, I like the little jump suit though I think I see a loose thread or two that might need snipping.

My big thing is make sure the gray on your arms matches the gray every where else, its a bit odd seeing the color difference.

And might I suggest a bright red lipstick? I know most muffets are toning down their lips but with the gray paint I already feel you're in danger of being washed out, or maybe a black. I dunno though I'm not a make up artist, and I know we have at least one kicking around in the thread.

And I'll echo the other anon in making the fake eyes look a bit more like real eyes (ie a shiny finish) would be a good idea.

And finally a good even coat of body paint. It looks pretty good in most places but I see a few places with some skin color poking through.

Overall its a great start anon, I ant wait to see where else you go from here!

>> No.8959714

I could make you a custom prosthetic but shipping would be ridiculous

>> No.8959822

Thanks anon, but I could make myself one, too. Tbh, I just don't think that making my own is worth putting in the effort when the northfur one is already there. I can't see any way in which mine would be THAT much better to warrant the monetary investment. I'm already dumping too much money into contact lenses for me to have two gaping money holes for this otherwise straightforward and simple outfit.

>> No.8959954

Ooh what kind of contacts?

>> No.8960329
File: 81 KB, 800x800, FB_IMG_1460579275700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8960416

I'm going to get some custom painted ones. Considering a couple different designs. Might do a regular black w/ white iris sclera, but I'm also considering a pair that has a goat eye or a vertical slit. Only downside with one of those is that contacts spin in your eye, so it might not always look the way it's supposed to in pictures. Also found a rainbow lens that I'm considering as a sclera as well.

>> No.8960483

why people heavily photoshop pics that are trying to show off makeup will always confuse the fuck outta me.

Also why paint an eyepatch string? It's not even hard to slap together a makeshift eyepatch. So many stupid decisions totally overshadow the clean face, good lip choice, and smooth (?) bald cap application (though fuck if I know if that's really the case given how shooped this shit is.) I like the colour of the eyeshadow area, but I hate the shape of it (and the brow as well.) I can't believe my fave part of this makeup is the colour choices for the highlights/shadows

>> No.8960527

This legitimately looks like a monster from some D-grade horror movie

>> No.8960861
File: 70 KB, 502x268, rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. debating something like this, or just a white iris. I think I've decided against the goat eyes -- the spinning contacts looking dorky thing just isn't worth it for me.

>> No.8960882
File: 399 KB, 787x1200, burgundy-venetian-renaissance-gown-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God, people from this site have been spamming cosplay groups on facebook.

Her sprite looks to me like it has this sort of slits thing going on like Renaissance sleeves, not just shadows from gathers. I think you could improve by adding this kind of cutout look. Or at the very least adding more fabric to the whole using cartridge pleats so it's not so stuffed, in the case that you read those details as just very symmetrical shadows.

How did you make your hands?

>> No.8961163
File: 160 KB, 600x604, muffet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how Muffet's creator drew her. I guess going from the sprite you could argue they're not gathers, but those sprites are limited in detail anyway.

>> No.8961172
File: 605 KB, 599x465, some people just want to see the world burn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the fancy Toriel? well she have a friend that made a fancy flowey cosplay.
here you are
(the comments under this photo are just hilarious,people who says ''OMG BEST FLOWEY EVER'',i lost my faith in humanity)

>> No.8961173

So is this the finished version? Because when I think "fancy Flowey" I sure as hell think "black unitard with my nan's quilt draped over me".

>> No.8961261

This is probably the best use for that weird rose fabric and I still don't like it.

>> No.8961264

yes,this is the finished version. the ''make up test'' is even worse than the costume

>> No.8961268

Please share, I need to lose faith in the fandom further.

>> No.8961280
File: 449 KB, 467x601, and the world burn burn burn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8961288

What the actual fuck.
You'd think they'd at least try to make the make up match the character, but it looks like generic crossplay make up

>> No.8961290
File: 2.32 MB, 4224x2368, IMAG0836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I carved them out of foam and then put wire in the middle so they were moveable then attached them to a corset and covered it in fabric

>> No.8961293
File: 953 KB, 330x300, aaaaaAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... at least it looks clean? I don't even know
>that collar thing

>> No.8961311

well,this girl made the toriel's dress because her and the fancy toriel are friends so...

>> No.8961323

well this sure turned into a cringe thread real fast

>> No.8961486
File: 1.63 MB, 3021x3279, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my Asriel cosplay for anyone who is interested

>> No.8961592

repaint your stripes so they all are the same shade, 2nd from the top looks like it was 1 layer less of paint than the bottom 2. Having your gloves not match the head looks wonky, also you need a tuff of fur at the top of the head like he has

>> No.8961623
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, FB_IMG_1460657136252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm the anon who asked which delta rune was better for Toriel,at the end I mixed both. Today I applied it on my Toriel's dress (which is still in work in progress),I only miss the white lines. I used the vinyl for it! What do you think?

>> No.8961687 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 600x800, CfoHMVAW4AAFX_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys came by my AA table this past weekend at Tekko. Super cool and these poses don't do them justice. Mettaton especially was awesome.

>> No.8961690
File: 152 KB, 600x716, CfoHMVAW4AAFX_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys came by my AA table this past weekend at Tekko. Super cool and these poses don't do them justice. Mettaton especially was awesome.

>> No.8961701

Shape of the head is nice, but at the same time I thought he had a shorter snout. I'm glad to see some shaving done but it's still a little long on the face; Mostly on the snout. I also think that he does need his little hair poof.
The paws look like you either bought them separately, or couldn't find the same fur. I really think you should redo them if you did make them or find someone to commission.
I think it would have also been better without paw pads as I don't think the goats in the game have them.

The stripes on the sweater look.. not great. Like they need more coats of paint. However I've never had to do that so my opinion probably isn't the best there.

>> No.8962079

Very clean! I really like it -- Kinda makes me wish I had picked a different fabric for the rune on mine.

...Why does Mettaton look like his back is facing us and his head is going full 'Exorcist'?

>> No.8962087

I think the fake arms could be improved with just a little bit of airbrushing in some soft highlights and light shadows. Most notably between fingers, the inside of the elbow, and around the bicep area. Creating just enough highlight and shadow would really help sell the arms, I think.

>> No.8962164

5/5 would hug

>> No.8962396

I thoughts this was a screenshot from sims 3

>> No.8962480

Anyone else think this picture looks like it was stretched vertically a bit?

>> No.8962582
File: 119 KB, 640x631, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8963526
File: 716 KB, 1024x1024, tumblr_o5oze7edsO1rxri5uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finished my costume! i did a make up test too but idk if i will post it here for now
also i will surely change the horns because are too big
also the shoepaws are not as bad as the photo :c

>> No.8963642

Small paws look pretty qt, compared to all those huge fursuit footed ones.

>> No.8963710

OP here, promise I just cropped out a bit of my table that was getting in the way.

>> No.8963714

Looking cute anon!

>> No.8963809
File: 87 KB, 960x720, 12974339_1756691334564980_3552985561918838497_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8963812
File: 62 KB, 540x960, 12963728_10205234145447881_3289229098240982250_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are people's preferences for how to do Undyne? I'm trying to figure out how to approach mine.

>> No.8963821
File: 21 KB, 599x337, B4tosOpCEAA7z4z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8963846

Most people don't really bother with the nose since prosthetics generally don't work. Just don't put a lot of detail on your nose.

>> No.8963932

I thought about getting cat-eye contacts, but like pictured here, they seem to always get rotated and look weird

>> No.8963939

There was a really good napstablook in the last thread, does anyone have a copy of it?

>> No.8963960

pretty solid group

>> No.8964552
File: 118 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Muffet WIP

>> No.8964580
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the edgelord shit, cosplay amino. I think this was even featured?

>> No.8964621

10/10 would hug. i love the feet! can't wait to see the finished product.

>> No.8964637

Is from an AU, right?

>> No.8964640


thank you so much!I have done a little make up test with the goat prosthetic,maybe later i will able to post here!

>> No.8964737


>> No.8964865

Jesus what a mess.

>> No.8964930
File: 876 KB, 2092x3718, sx7WxxK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its from underfell. it's started off as this au where everyone is an edgy jerk who went to hot topic, and flowey is good.

but its basically skeleincest edge:the au in most parts, and here judging by the neck chain

>> No.8965084

Don't forget Underfell suicidal woobie Mettaton, anon. That's just as popular lol

>> No.8965214

I probably wouldn't hate UF Mettaton as much if he didn't look like a damn bug

>> No.8965288
File: 2.38 MB, 720x404, tDCxhDy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.8965310

I don't mind his design, actually. I kinda like the buggy, disjointed look. And shit, I'd even be ok with the 'two personalities forced into the same body' schtick if it was an actual original character and not an AU version of Mettaton. But given that it is, it's just… really cringey.

>> No.8965834
File: 803 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_o5qdg5II8X1qzygm1o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no

>> No.8965961

Yesterday I saw the most hilarious flame in Facebook. Did you remember the big legs toriel cosplay? That one with those horrible furry legs. She asked to be shared on a fb page and then she received a lot of negative comments (but some of those are just opinion). So what she did,she destroyed her furry legs and she did a video of her Facebook's page (guys you should watch it,you won't stop laughing) and she will ban and block every person who will give her a negative comments

>> No.8966054


>> No.8966056


>> No.8966063

The post from the fb's page was cancelled but the original post is available on the girl's page,i can't link it bc 4chan sign it as spam but if you search ''Space Prince Cosplay'' you will see everything

enjoy the comments,they aren't so good as the others but still hilarious

>> No.8966080
File: 322 KB, 1356x1561, _20160417_105058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings anons.
I made this pendant and I wanted to know what people think about it. This one is a bit wonky, but it's more or less what I wanted to do. I'm planning on selling some in my country's small community and giving a few to friends.

>> No.8966089
File: 681 KB, 320x240, sparklyeyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8966111

cool idea, but those eye rings are a mess
is this resin? if it is, i assume this is the top of the mold, which makes the edges raised which looks kinda bad
i'd place the text box on the bottom, facing the bottom

>> No.8966118
File: 20 KB, 298x409, Blackface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Undyne reminds me of blackface. Too dark blue and bright lipstick.

>> No.8966148
File: 353 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_o5p95itIOc1s8s08ko2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamnit fandom
the point of mettaton is that he's this ridiculous capitalist supervillain who will do anything to achieve his own ends. that's what makes the guy funny
if anything his underfell counterpart should be the one beating up alphys, not the other way around

>> No.8966151
File: 200 KB, 967x1786, CbmzzOzUYAAa_Ru.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8966157

Thanks! It is resin, I tried to dome it and place the text box under the dome, but it ended up rounding the edges, I'll try like you described.

It's my first try at placing eye rings in a piece too, I just found some tips on it so I hope the next piece comes out better

>> No.8966177
File: 114 KB, 640x643, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8966180
File: 103 KB, 640x919, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8966283

yes she's

>> No.8966286

I do agree that death threats are too far, but the goat legs are seriously terrible for Toriel. Use that skill on something where it's actually accurate.

>> No.8966363

fun facts,people said ''kill yourself'' because she replied aggressively to EVERY comments,even the constructives one and some people replied like that. but yes,some comments like ''you are a cancer'' etc are a bit too far.

also i read the full flame before it was deleted and there was only a few comments like ''u r a cancer'' etc,the most were constructive comments and she delete all of them,and on her IG she's becoming a little attention whore

>> No.8966380

Chill out, you're going to sound lIke a vendetta chan if you keep going on like this

>> No.8966386

whoa sorry i'm just reporting the facts

>> No.8966389

these 4 posts sum up the issue a lot better than you might realize.

>> No.8966479

She probably wasn't expecting such a huge backlash over all that effort, hence her aggressive reaction.
idk, it's a mess on both sides.

>> No.8966516

agree,now she's having so much hate because there are some pages that are sharing her cosplay only for insulting her

ok she isn't the best but this is too much...

>> No.8966546

Jesus really?
If she was a lolcow, I can vaguely get it, but this seems to be the first time she's pissed off this many people and it wasn't even anything particularly interesting.

>> No.8966713

I like the look she has going on for the head, but agreed that the legs gotta go.

>> No.8966859

Guys, I want to do an Asgore cosplay in 5 months.
I really wants to but...
I lack determination
Since I will also cosplaying alone there is not a team work to cheer me up, so i maybe doing a list or a program would help me to get on track.
Where I should start, not to mess things up?From the armor, from the dress, the prosthetic or what else?

>> No.8966861

We can be your motivation, man.
Start with what you already know how to do.

>> No.8966891

Go dude! It's so rare to fin a asgore cosplayer. Try to start from the armor which is (maybe) the most difficult part!

>> No.8967107
File: 296 KB, 1200x1805, 1453143285696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please post cute Undynes

>> No.8967247

To be fair, in canon their power dynamic is pretty even, if not ridiculously toxic. They both manipulate the shit out of each other for personal reasons.

I guess an imbalanced power dynamic would be the opposite of a balanced one, but if you're gonna flip that, then you should also flip the mutual manipulation and make him Alphys's lapdog instead; JFC I can underfell better than underfell (tho that ain't sayin much…)

>> No.8967251

What con do you want to wear it for? Maybe you'll get lucky and some of us gulls will be going, too?

>> No.8967282

Wasn't there an anon doing a version of this that didn't look like shit? What happened to them?

>> No.8967668
File: 962 KB, 2000x1500, DSCF4261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture dump for local cosplay day.

>> No.8967670
File: 837 KB, 1500x2000, DSCF4212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8967681


>> No.8967709
File: 163 KB, 976x712, tumblr_o5kll3qhM21r160zxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No escape.

>> No.8967717

Good lord

>> No.8967740

am i the only one that sees Sans' sweater as a jacket?

>> No.8967755

Uhh, pretty much every Sans in this thread has a jacket on...

>> No.8967762

That's Hanari, she's probably still working on it.

>> No.8967763
File: 278 KB, 1141x953, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I noticed the same when I was hunting for boots.

(edited out most of the Gogo stuff but you get the idea)

>> No.8967772

I was genuinely shopping for a knee brace on Amazon and the recommended items were leather jackets, costume manacles and silver edible spray paint. All for Mad Max costumes I assume.

>> No.8967783
File: 1 KB, 40x28, Bpie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you all. I'm in a difficult moment so I really appreciate your cheering...like, really.
Anyway, doubt I can meet some of you: the con is in Europe, Italy, and even if it is the second biggest con in the world after Comiket, international visitors (even from the rest of Europe) is kinda rare.
Anyway, as soon as I'm settled up I will start doing some armor test and post the WIP!

>> No.8967806

Just keep in mind, it you work on things for an hour a day for five months you'll have done a LOT of work! Keep at it, dude!

>> No.8967849

hey,you can meet me! i'm from italy too,i'm this >>8963526 toriel! :>

>> No.8968044
File: 1.24 MB, 1960x1024, PhotoGrid_1460995547332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon Toriel here, I did a new make up test and I want to show you the final result,what do you think?

>> No.8968105

I know Toriel has little teeth things in her sprite, but they make you look derpy and bucktoothed.

>> No.8968108

Did she literally just hot glue accents on her armor? Why?

>> No.8968110

The makeup is a little cakey around the eyes, but otherwise it looks good.

>> No.8968123

When I tried the make up the first time I put the fangs inside my mouth but with that prosthetic I can't open my mouth so I thought that if I attached them under it was a good idea. Welp I was wrong,thank you for the suggestion!

Yup I know that unfortunately it craked when I start to put the eyeliner on. I will find a way to fix in. Also thank you too!

>> No.8968159
File: 299 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_nzmzv7ViJs1r0u3eio8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ideally they'd be the gloriously unrepentant asshole duo, but that would require people to like alphys

i think most fanon has him with a white turtleneck underneath his blue jacket, since the sprite isn't clear.

>> No.8968162

this is cute!

>> No.8968168

They're all tragic but grey sweatshirt yoga pants mettaton really takes the cake.

>> No.8968176

Honestly I want to fire a spear at Mettaton cosplayers who use their real hair.

>> No.8968245

You look so cute!

>> No.8968280

Can I ask how you made the feet? They look really cute!

>> No.8968304

thank you,anon!

the base is a pair of white boots! i bought some foam and i cut it to give the paws shape. then i glued the foam at the boots and i cover them with white fur

>> No.8968316

I kinda like this interpretation of Toriel. I see her and I feel is her. The eyes are not the best though

>> No.8968329
File: 66 KB, 642x850, badebd8e47475c09949cfefa8df8290d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Muffet clothes can be bought at Lolita and Ouji shops (Taobao) and get more fine results. Maybe take reference. For example these pumpkin Ouji pants would do a better job imo

>> No.8968332

Muffet doesn't wear a skirt, or that kind of blouse. Her face is not white either
I like the eyes

>> No.8968492

Very cute, but kinda looks like a rabbit more than a goat...
Or maybe it's me, I kinda prefer more Toriel and Asgore as human-like than having realistic prosthetic

>> No.8968574
File: 24 KB, 810x700, asgore_sprite_pixel_art_by_germanlunarprincess-d9nit3v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to hear, we'll definitely meet in Lucca then!
Cheers from Venice!

>> No.8968656

I mean people like Alphys well enough in general I've found, but like with most of fandom, they don't really 'get' her (and don't even get me started on how fandom doesn't get mtt either; fabulous robomom who makes fans feel better about themselves he is not)

imho, I think that the majority of people who don't care for Alphys dislike her because she hits too close to home for them -- she's too real (ironically) and fans don't want to see themselves as they are, they want to see a romanticized version of themselves (when they want to see themselves at all.) I've seen it happen in other fan communities with other characters, too. (looking at you Raiden, circa metal gear solid 2)

>> No.8968665

I've got to ask -- how hard is it to emote through the prosthetic?

Also if you makeup test again, would you mind testing with a lower lip colour that matches the nose? I'm curious to see if that would be cohesive with the look or not. I'm Asriel-anon, and I've noticed that the biggest issue with the prosthetic-style makeup is that there's an awful lot of white and not a lot of other interesting elements to the makeup to keep a visual interest. That's not your fault, mind you, just an issue with the nature of the design. I'm wondering if adding colour to the lip will help make the fangs pop (I don't find them buck-toothy like >>8968105 but I guess ymmv.) and also give a much-needed breakup of that white. I don't know if the pink nose by itself can stand alone in the sea of white lol.

>> No.8968688

I tried to put some pink on the lips too but I look like a bunny and the effect is very horrible. Originally I was painting the nose with white watercolor but then I change idea and I tried with pink,I tried also to color my lips but was orribile so I put white eyeshadow

With the prosthetic on I can't move so much my mouth because of it (and watercolor)

>> No.8968695

man, you really gotta blend that prosthetic more
but otherwise, this si really cute! the fangs look cute too, fuck that other anon

>> No.8968696

(The message was sent before I finishedto write fak)
Also,ok I can try! But I don't know when honestly :( it's a paint put all on. If you don't wanna wait you can search on tumblr, it's full of cosplayer which use the prosthetic and have white lips
Also if my memory is good even this cosplayer >>8966180 use the pink lips and prosthetic!

>> No.8968699

jesus fuck, that's so bottom heavy

>> No.8968702

It's pretty hard to cover it but I hope I can do better next time,by the way thanks anon! I will try my best

>> No.8968772
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, CgXmVWhVAAA5BUq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, good to know the pink isn't very successful. :C Thanks, anon!

Also my claws and horns came in for Asriel. The nails I have right now are a matte black. I'm starting to wonder if I'd like to repaint them a different colour. Wondering if I should go with a white, (warm) grey, or a kind of neutral bone colour? I think I'm going to leave the underside of the nails black (the base nail was clear) so they don't blend into the armsock too much. Pic related. (Stars above the nails are the sizes I'm using on my fingers)

>> No.8968779

I'm a slowpoke.jpg that just went on tumblr to look for these AUs. Why are there AUs of the AUs?
I saw this 2edgey4me one, and then there's one where everyone's roles were switched? Sans was like a cute kid and it was Chara instead of Frisk?
Someone please explain this to me.

>> No.8968789

Underfell is the 2edgy one, storyshift is the one where the characters switch roles.

>> No.8968847

damn, sauce? these look really cool!

>> No.8968900

got 'em from an etsy store called "NAILBEDZ"; I asked the seller to paint the nails matte black, and she did so for me w/o an extra fee. It's pretty nice.

>> No.8968980

hmm, I think it looks ok except for the prophetic blending and eye makeup.
I think the eye makeup should be much less bold/more natural
of course not completely gone but not so cakey and harsh looking

>> No.8969130

I usually wear this kind of eye make up everyday,I never thought it was too """heavy"""
Well I will try a natural one then,thanks a lot for the tips!

I think white suits better for the nails!

>> No.8969145

For regular Tori or Asriel maybe, but end game Asriel I think the black fits.

>> No.8969413

If you do another trial of this, could you maybe add like a little bit of blush? I'm curious if that would help break up the "uncanny feeling" people seem to get.

>> No.8969550

you mean in the cheeks? well i can try again next time but i'm not sure how good it will be because i'm worried it will have the same problem as ''with pink lips i look like a rabbit''
also thanks for the tips!

>> No.8969612

i saw you at the con the other week. very great costuming, i think the main issue was the grey, especially the patchiness around the joints, and colour matching it to your legs and arms. would probably get an oil based body paint like mehron, or something more professional if you have the money.

really good work on the arms though!

>> No.8970746
File: 160 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 4-19-16 at 9.44 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asrel-anon here; I've FINALLY finished my clothwork, and I'm moving on to new armsocks, horns, and the armour now. I'd really like to be done in a few weeks, (but we'll see if I can stick to it haaa)

>> No.8971000

Might be good for some cosplayers:

>> No.8971107

I've been trying to make my own LED hearts for a while now, but after seeing this I might just get this instead. Save me the trouble.

>> No.8971125
File: 15 KB, 102x98, blooklookingfornoose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm losing my shit why do they both look like they're gonna kill themselves.

> "I wanted to be Mettaton but she said I was too fat to be her husbando..."

>> No.8971150

I'm triggered anon

>> No.8971493

What the fuck is that link
My antivirus software refuses to let it open

>> No.8971649 [DELETED] 

anon's most likely talking about made up a cosplayer, not Mettaton

>> No.8971651

anon's most likely talking about a made up cosplayer, not Mettaton

>> No.8971667
File: 188 KB, 600x880, vy1fJ6y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, the comments the mtt resort staff makes when he dies indicates he's nice for the most part. also he gave that lion guy his dress.
i feel like alphys is mettaton, except without his self-esteem/job success. they have similar views on ignoring their problems and obsession with human stuff and such. everyone wants to be mettaton but we are all alphys, such is life

>> No.8971671
File: 394 KB, 448x450, MSI1vgm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8971681

Yeah that site keeps redirecting me as well. Try hitting back once you've been redirected? That seems to work for me.

>everyone wants to be mettaton but we are all alphys, such is life
You hit the nail on the head on why everyone cosplays the one but not the other, anon, god damn.

>> No.8971687

>but we are all alphys
Hey now, speak for yourself.

>> No.8971862

that's awesome anon! can't wait to see the final result!

>> No.8971955

I dont think ive seen in person a decent Undertale costume yet.

Theyre probably gonna be flooding my local cons so I guess I can try to find some good ones

>> No.8971996

I've seen a few, like I was at the convention with that really in-character Papyrus.

I'm hoping to be a decent Mettaton.

>> No.8972041

>have a phobia of sunflowers
>it's the stupidest thing but I've got an intense fear of them for no reason
>go to a con, expect some undertale cosplays, usually fine with the sight of Flowey since he doesn't have the black centre
>Almost all of the Flowey's are carrying bouquets of sunflowers and use fake sunflowers all over their costumes
>Die inside because everytime I see one I jump and hide behind my friends while they laugh at me for being afraid of a flower.

This happens a lot, I have very very irrational phobias, but can't control them. I've usually been fine at cons but Flowey has caused so many sunflowers, I got super paranoid at the last con I went to because they were everywhere and super unsettled me.

>> No.8972060


You might need to go in and clean up the prosthetic in general. The edges look so thick as is.

>> No.8972067

dont play mother 3 dude

>> No.8972072

My friend shills the everliving fuck out of that game, and was planning to play it, but if it's got sunflowers I'm gonna avoid it. One day I'll find a game that doesn't have one of my random absurd phobias...one day.

>> No.8972084

Flowey's more like a yellow daisy or something, I'm also annoyed with the cosplayers using sunflowers.

He has the absolute simplest design in the entire game so you'd think people would put a little more into making him accurate.

>> No.8972088

He's supposed to be a buttercup from what I gather, and he looks more like a daisy I agree. Cosplayers using sunflowers is so annoying, even if I wasn't scared I'd still find them stupid.

>> No.8972102
File: 162 KB, 1200x800, 1461109160321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a weird phobia.

>> No.8972106

Thanks for the image. I'm not gonna open that. But it's not my weirdest. but it's one of the ones that commonly affects me. I'm also scared of chickens, metal, cars, blue eyes, Phil Lester, and John Travolta.

...yes I'm being serious. All of said things will make me insanely uncomfortable and scared, and if I get too close to them I panic. Life is suffering.

>> No.8972179

i'm gonna agree with you on john travolta, that fucker has a genuinely unsettling face

>> No.8972183
File: 140 KB, 300x295, isthisafantasea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blue eyes
jesus christ anon how do you even survive

>> No.8972196

Did something happen to cause all of those?

>> No.8972221

I can guess that she get hit by John Travolta wearing blue lens, driving a car with also with Phil Lester while a group of chickens was roaming the street nearby a garden full of yellow flowers

>> No.8972233

Have you seen a therapist or a psychiatrist? Maybe some therapy or medicine could help, because that seems like a really horrible way to live. You can avoid Phil Lester and John Travolta pretty easily, and I guess chickens too depending on where you live, but the rest of those? Jesus Christ. Any good therapist won't shame you or call you silly about your phobias, if you're worried about that.

>> No.8972234

toppest of keks

>> No.8972694

I've slowly been helped by my friends with this stuff. And I avoid it pretty easily. Cars and metal are the main things I deal with every day. I just refuse to touch metal and refuse to cross roads by myself. If I need to get in a car the car has to be stopped and turned off. Blue eyes is a weird one, some eyes don't ping it and some do. My best friend has blue eyes yet he doesn't set it off, yet a fair few people with them scare the shit out of me.
I have considered seeing a therapist for them. But I feel like I do a good enough job of just avoiding it anyway, I'd rather not go through some of the ways people think fix phobias. People have tried giving me bouquets of sunflowers to try and help me with that fear, and people have tried making me touch metal or watch John Travolta movies, just ending with my fears intensified.

The chickens was caused by being attacked by a large group of them when I was like 3, and cars is from being pushed in front of a car by a girl a few years back, the rest don't really have causes.

>> No.8972729

>I'd rather not go through some of the ways people think fix phobias
People isn't therapists, anon. That's just some dipshit's idea of what would help.

>> No.8972765

Just live chickens or cooked ones too? If it's the former, maybe you could conquer your fear by devouring it?

>> No.8973425

Cooked ones are fine. It's good therapy when I get scared by chickens to book it to the nearest KFC. I'm a chicken when it comes to chickens.
What would therapists even do? Just be like "Lol your phobias are stupid and irrational theres nothing to be afraid of, stop being scared."

>> No.8973439

Therapists help you develop healthy coping strategies and investigate the psychology behind your fears. They also give you a person to vent to that is supposed to be objective and understanding.

>> No.8973587

If you try other random stuff those may even make your phobia worse.
Good luck !

>> No.8973588

Hey. I'm working on a sans cosplay and I've run into a bit of a wall when it comes to the bones. I'm new to this so I understand if it sounds stupid, but I was thinking of getting a white morph suit and coloring black where the gaps in the bones would be. This would only be for the visible parts (hands, legs, collar/neck). He's supposed to be big boned, so I don't think it would look too bad. Just wondering if it's the right material or if there's a better way to go about it. Thanks

>> No.8973597

You can do that if you want, just make sure you're wearing it when you do it.
And use fabric paint, not acrylic or markers.

I'm 90% sure there's pre-printed skeleton morphsuits, though.

>> No.8973606

Thanks. The only pre-printed I could find are those Halloween types that only work from one angle.

>> No.8973655

pre-printed ones look like shit

>> No.8973656
File: 27 KB, 325x538, CgmK1JKU4AA8OJF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, I went to a therapist when I had a phobia of electricity (I was too afraid to plug things into wall sockets.)

Different strategies will be used by different therapists, but CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) is usually pretty good. You're probably going to end up deconstructing the source of the fear, and come to learn ways you can rationalize and dispel your fear. It's a matter of learning how to let your knowledge of the truth of a situation overcome your emotions. A good therapist knows how to do that.

ANYWAY I'm thinking about airbrushing some colour onto my armsocks for Asriel. I was looking at pics of actual white goats to see what secondary colours were there to not look washed out, and pic related has me thinking about going with a light beige. What do you think anons?

>> No.8973661

What about light/sky blue?

>> No.8973674

I think light beige is fine

>> No.8973740

ehh, I'm trying to stick with a more natural tone/ light beige, pink, brown... y'know, fleshy undertones.

anyway, I'm about to start streaming my work on the Asriel shoulder armour in a half hour. Is that something that anyone would want to get in on? It's more of a place to chat about cosplay and stuff than anything else. If you gulls are down, I'll post a link.

>> No.8973767

well, if anyone's interested, it's youtube dotcom slash shyden slash live

>> No.8975273


>> No.8975622
File: 46 KB, 600x450, CgtT32_U4AAp0gu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's looking a little rough right now gulls, but I'm working on smoothing it all out. Made progress on Asriel's shoulder armour today. (the upper shell can raise up, and reveal that the 'petal' shapes with the heart cutouts are actually part of a flower design. Each cutout will have a different colour inside, as there are 7 petals...)

>> No.8976463

That's a really neat idea, can't wait to see how it looks when it's done :)

>> No.8976467
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my first armsock; might take down some of the colour on the knuckles, but I'm really happy with it otherwise!

>> No.8976478

Yeah the coloring is a bit dark, but the nails are sick as fuck.

Love your progress, m8

>> No.8976480

I know cgl hates makeup over masks, but can makeup for the skelebros be done well? I keep seeing godawful Jack Skellington style makeup on every no-mask Sans and it just doesn't fit the character at all.

>> No.8976564
File: 17 KB, 300x300, cfx_skull_axl_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it can!

With a prosthetic.

>> No.8976618

It can with the right make up and character. I've only seen two I actually liked, it was a regular sans and a female papyrus (but she didnt do that one design thats so popular, instead she just kept her real hair and kind of had a pompadour ponytail thing going on), it was stylized and worked really well, a lot of the 'painted on smile' ones just look really odd in person and dont usually come off right at all. I'm sure a few more will come out that will be ok, but we'll see. Frankly I prefer that over the hyper realistic skull masks any ways. I prefer my skelebros cartoony.

>> No.8977343

Thinking of making a Mettaton EX costume but in more of a "normal" outfit. Like a trendy, flashy suit or something to that effect. I'm a little unsure of colors to go with a pink blazer though. any recommendations?

>> No.8977371

if you want to do a suit you should just do the suit mettaton wears during the news portion of his show. it'd be more recognizable

>> No.8977545

I agree. I just think his EX colors are better looking so I'm pretty caught in between

>> No.8977585
File: 42 KB, 564x310, 8fa7ac414848b5cc517d1e3c19189747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could look at some of david bowie's outfits. theres a one i remember of him in a yellow suit with a polka dot tie, that sort of thing

>> No.8977590
File: 260 KB, 1161x873, yamashta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8977692
File: 60 KB, 180x300, Char_hanako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is mettaton a burn victim now?

>> No.8978254

That's exactly what we're doing for the sand and papyrus in my group, so I hope it works out. I'll try to post some progress photos maybe.

>> No.8978278

Sorry for being OT but I'm curious what aspect of sunflowers you're afraid of, I don't have a phobia of sunflowers and I'm usually fine with them but the cluster and texture of the center make my skin crawl.

>> No.8978279
File: 317 KB, 494x438, skull mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of doing a mafia-like papyrus costume, but instead of a full head mask i'm thinking something like in this picture with a wig. What do you gulls think?

>> No.8978348

I just want to know what the hell happened to you. I can sort of understand the blue eyes one. My abusive mom has blue eyes, that would send me chills whenever she got angry. Something about her eyes being blue made it scarier.

>> No.8978404
File: 77 KB, 800x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mafia-Like Papyrus

>> No.8978452

Papyrus is a little distinct because of how long his face is. Tall eyes, big teeth/jaw.
That mask is more fitting for Sans. Not perfect, but better.

There is a mafia AU but I don't know much about it.

>> No.8978490


>> No.8978538

Personally it doesn't remind me of Papyus at all. It just looks like your typical "I picked this up at the party store the day before the con" generic skeleton cop out.

>> No.8980334
File: 533 KB, 452x594, not this shit again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fancy toriel finished her dress and god,the proportions now looks god,she looked taller bc of the prospective. but still an ugly and messed up dress.

also she called this versione ''queen toriel'' 'k

>> No.8980354

I sent her a message telling her to burn it. It's a shame she won't listen.

>> No.8980362

she could at least put a petti under neath there, I can see the hoops and the drop off man. But then the lace is wonky and cheap, the pearl darping makes NO sense, the wig doesnt mesh will with the ears or color match, which I'm impressed when you fail to color match stark white. And just in general, no. Just. No.

>> No.8980364

wtf dude

>> No.8980397

Okay, these proportions make a lot more sense.
But yeah the face looks awful, I still hate the pearl draping and lace, and the wig just doesn't seem right.
I get the feeling she knows it's shit but kept putting in effort to fix it, which only made it worse.

>> No.8980461

in addition to everything that everyone's already saying, the ears also start way too low on the head, and those fangs are super walrus-y...

>> No.8980847
File: 486 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy versions are starting now?

>> No.8980859

>that muffin top
papyrus is a skeleton

>> No.8981139

We all know it was just a matter of time...

>> No.8981141

>that trim just stopping half way
>that muffin top
>that zero effort to resemble a skeleton, or the character at all

>> No.8981381

I know she's doing her costume off of that one person's fanart, but god, if you're gonna do it, at least take your spandex up high enough to hide your muffin top, not accentuate it. Also why doesn't the gold trim on the shirt go all the way around the bottom of the shirt? how fucking lazy is this?

>> No.8981733
File: 3 KB, 240x182, 1454010573939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexy version of Papyrus
jokes on her Papyrus is already sexy

>> No.8983970
File: 18 KB, 500x333, tumblr_myvz79ZR7s1scef9so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone tried Rico/Zombie boy makeup for him? Could be pretty sweet...

>> No.8984521

So any one undertaling to fanime?

How bad do we think the meet is going to be?

>> No.8984546

There was one at Kitacon here in UK a month or so ago, it looked pretty neat

>> No.8985882

>...Why does Mettaton look like his back is facing us and his head is going full 'Exorcist'?


>> No.8986229
File: 28 KB, 639x478, vs greater dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be doing an Undertale themed quiz show panel. It's shaping up pretty nicely. It's not about Undertale, more about general anime, video games, and other trivia, but with an Undertale theme. If you have been to Banzai Arcade, it's more like that.

>> No.8986393

i was looking for red ponytail wigs for a completely unrelated cosplay (Pyrrha from RWBY) and I got blue paint, eyepatch, black tanktop, etc.
Undertale fandom needs to chill.

>> No.8986521

>"Man, I could really use a pick me up right about now, time to lurk some cringey threads"
>figure the UT cosplay thread would be a good place to start
>didn't expect all of this

This is the kind of anxiety/phobia shitposting I'd expect to find on a tumblr by some attention whoring teenager looking for asspats and circlejerking but what the actual fuck.

>> No.8986531
File: 367 KB, 500x499, 919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from this, I believe. Not "sexy", just r63 humanized, which is just as cancerous given it's ""humanizing"" a skeleton...

>> No.8986763

I'm planning on doing an Onion-San cosplay, possibly to scale.
I'm planning on doing it as an inflatable, but I was wondering how I could control the two main tentacles.

>> No.8986792
File: 120 KB, 768x1280, tumblr_o4rz277vEf1sjb0blo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you aren't being the person papyrus knows you could be, anon

>> No.8986794
File: 138 KB, 768x1280, tumblr_o4rz277vEf1sjb0blo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8986798
File: 372 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_o4pjwgCUFj1uime9ro3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8986970

so fat...

>> No.8988720
File: 92 KB, 640x960, 12994439_1067558106638936_3970764333243804723_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8988828

toriel or asriel?

>> No.8990012


>> No.8990014

All that spaghetti caused some regretti.

>> No.8990024

scottish cosplay at it's finest

>> No.8990069

No help?

>> No.8990077

You could try applying this to a single, longer tube. if you use this method, I'd use elastic on the opposite side of the joint cuts to help the shape return to it's original straight shape.

>> No.8990081

Is this a thing where pull the strings to flex, or pull the strings to straighten?

>> No.8990134

The one I posted is a pull to flex, which is why I would add the elastic, to straighten again when you let go.

>> No.8990145

I was thinking more like having four strings, controlled by a cross held in the hand.

>> No.8990641
File: 352 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o64nzx6cd71smy6qro9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8990645
File: 364 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_o64nzx6cd71smy6qro6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8990670
File: 193 KB, 560x555, how horryfying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8991008
File: 72 KB, 500x500, tumblr_o4i3slY52n1ucx6qio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also underswap (which started out cool and fans made it into a fuckin trainwreck like underfell)

The only AU that is 'decent' imo is Story shift and flowerfell.

Mafia AU is basically a open world sandbox AU and it doesn't have much concrete other then the skelebros lookin after kid frisk after his parents were killed (I think )

Anywho, I'm cosplaying Alphys hopefully for animenext and I'm not sure if I should human or gijinka for her? And how would I go about making her tail without it looking retarded

>> No.8991277
File: 901 KB, 690x460, 1446328823190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplaying fan-art

>> No.8991283

As someone who has seen some terrifying suit heads I like this a lot! It's really cute!

>> No.8991288

God if the rest was proportionate it wouldn't be that bad....but those legs are HUGE

>> No.8991294

How come it flexes though?
I'm wondering if this would work for something unjointed.

>> No.8991328

Different anon here, but engineer anon. There are some simpler versions of the posted tutorial you could try to understand the idea better. Try this one:
You can apply this to any shape basically by using the same components of tubing cut with angles at the joints and string to pull through.

>> No.8991399
File: 115 KB, 736x981, ab14ea203da93e39e540b81e1bd27f73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lizard tails are very easy to make, you can just stitch two long triangles together if you want and it'll shape up nicely when you stuff it. Prepare to use a LOT of stuffing, though. Caught me unaware a bit.
If you want, you can add a bit of curvature in it, but I tried that and it didn't really show all that much. I think the weight pulled the tip down anyway.

You say either human or gijinka? I thought gijinkas were humanised versions of non-human things anyway. What would be the distinction between the two?

>> No.8991571

That doesn't clear my biggest question up.
Are regular joints a requirement?
Because that would be difficult to include.

>> No.8991648

guys she added a veil at this costume. i can't put pic because she did a video and put it on her instagram.

>> No.8991651

Not that anon but sometimes gajinka's are half human/half original form too.

>> No.8991714

What is this Underswap thing? I looked it up and Sans is the little brother, but why is Papyrus a chainsmoking brocon?

>> No.8991804

Underswap is supposed to be where personalities flip, so Sans acts like canon!Papyrus and Papyrus acts like canon!Sans
But the skeleton-incest squad took it way out of hand.