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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 600x599, ae6adb0fb22482971a083032b1b9f2fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8934799 No.8934799 [Reply] [Original]

I don't think this has been done for 2016 yet. Time for the annual census!

Your profiles won't be visible. If you're uncomfortable with a question you should be able to skip it.

>> No.8934808

Where can we see the results for last year?

>> No.8934817

Bumpin for same interest.

>> No.8934840

I don't think there was any, not on any archive at least.

>> No.8934855

Did it! I had trouble answering once or twice
For my looks i'm highly insecure and see myself as disgraceful but have been described as a 6-7 so i put myself a 6. Hope i don't look pretentious doing that.

>> No.8934860

most people put 6 or 7 anon, you're completely fine

>> No.8934862
File: 287 KB, 1000x1598, pictorialscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 is just a bit above average, which is not hard to believe. most people will be in the 4-6 range (and makeup bumps you higher).

>> No.8934864

Are there any questions you'd like included that isn't too specifically for cosplay or egl?

Your answers can also be changed to reply to questions added at a later point.

>> No.8934872

It makes me happy seeing that majority are bisexual girls (so far) just like me. If only I wasn't afraid to come out irl, maybe I could have a kawaii lolita girlfriend.

>> No.8934879

This chart always confuses me, since there's nobody that looks like me on it, and I have the same issue as >>8934855, where I probably see myself as much uglier than I actually am (I have also been described as "unphotogenic" by people who do actually think I'm very attractive).

I'll probably just put 5.

>> No.8934889

Something about whether you feel cgl has improved or gotten worse, and why, since we're not allowed to talk about it here but it seems hinted at heavily all the time

>> No.8934896

I'm lesbian and it reassures me to see many bis and homo too. (though i have some weird attraction toward deep voices and i might fantasize about stuff like that but if i see a penis in real life or a real guy holding me too close i'll run away)

Same here i'm seriously unphotogenic, i overheard two girls talking about how i was cute at a con and how i looked "better than in my pictures" it made my whole day and i actually looked good on pics that day because i was genuinely happy and relaxed and smiling naturally

>> No.8934899

All these goddamn bisexuals. Lolita really is full of gays.

>> No.8934905

I've included questions about that (one reply being option 1, great) and another about being photogenic because you galls got me interested.

>> No.8934908

read the description, ignore the pics.

>> No.8934909

Thanks, that was fast

>> No.8934917

Hey I'm gay as well! And I have a pretty magnetic personality, am moderately graceful, and I'm not socially insecure (basically I am kind of bishoujo as a person, other people's words not mine), so I think that accounts for a lot of my appeal in real life. But I've got a really long nose and my smile is kinda gummy so if you take a picture I look like a monster. It's the worst.

I'm glad you had a good experience! I get all sorts of compliments when I'm being serious characters, so I'm just gonna stick to what works for me.

>> No.8934930

According to this chart I would be a 9, but I'm not very photogenic so I just put 8.

It's been interesting to see other's results

>> No.8934939

I don't know about that chart... A lot of those 6S and 7s should be bumped up to at least 8 and some of those 9S should be downgraded. Even some lower ranking girls look better than some 8s and 9s

>> No.8934947

Yes we are hetero chan <3
Do you want some sweet homo love?

>> No.8934953 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 381x377, screenshot02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really interesting!
Although I'm not really sure what to put here, desu, because there's no mixed-race or 'other' option.

Also, I wanted to say that I appreciate the 'above average muscle mass' option for BMI.

>> No.8934954
File: 56 KB, 381x377, screenshot02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really interesting!
Although I'm not really sure what to put here, because there's no mixed-race or 'other' option.

Also, I wanted to say that I appreciate the 'above average muscle mass' option for BMI.

>> No.8934957

So, I see a lot of you ladies are in college, and around my age/class. Do you spend money on lolita even when you will have loans to repay? This is a conundrum I'm having, want to buy a cheap JSK but worried it will set me on a path of compulsive spending.

>> No.8934960

I didn't really know what to put for the politics question since I've heard that some of the words are swapped between the US and UK for political parties
I put liberal anyway

>> No.8934965

Men have weird taste.

You can chose "Other" now.

>> No.8934970

Agreed, I would have preferred mixed race or biracial, but I pass for white.

I think I'm the only person who chose socialist, but I'm a canadian socialist liberal who strongly believes in social programs.

>> No.8934977

I knew it wasn't just my imagination. I'm cis and was constantly wondering if I was a minority

>> No.8934990

I went by American definitions.

I made the how long have you been lurking question more precise. Anyone who put "longer than 2 years" or "since day one" is gone in the summary (the data is still there, it just doesn't show) until you update your answer.

>> No.8935008

>canadian socialist liberal who strongly believes in social programs
I'm with you bud, but I put liberal

>> No.8935009

Wait are we going by 4chans definition of SJW?
I said "yes" because there are many social issues I do care about.

>> No.8935017

I responded based off of my own definition of a sjw but if we're going by 4ch's definition, then I should change my answer lmao.

>> No.8935019

Caring about social issues is not the same as being SJW. SJWs are crazy by the definition.

>> No.8935022

so to be an 8 or 9 i have to be a generic white girl or maybe a model

good to know

>> No.8935031

What does being cis have to do with the high number of bisexuals?

>> No.8935034

same here, I wasn't really sure what to put because I usually vote NDP?

>> No.8935038

Not much, I just always felt like there were a ton of bi or homosexual people in the fashion and began wondering if it was just my imagination.

>> No.8935045

Are we actually gonna get results this time?

>> No.8935050

I was sort of surprised at this too. I wonder why lolita/j-fash attracts so many girls that are into girls?

>> No.8935051

shit ignore me I'm an idiot, though OP should put a link to the doc in the thread

>> No.8935059



Here's the spreadsheet.

>> No.8935061

Hey anon, I think you're confused about 'cis' and have it mixed up with straight. 'Cis' is a (kind of silly) word that means 'a person who is not trans,' essentially. So you can be cis and straight, or cis and gay. Just so you know.

>> No.8935063

ditto, i just said fuck it and leaned towards socialist, even though the ndp has frankly been drifting further and further center as time goes on

different note, wow is 4 years here really that oldfag now, relatively speaking? I still feel so new sometimes due to shifting interests and was surprised to find so few others in the same category...interested to see if/how this one will shift as we get answers

>> No.8935066

Maybe because girls that love flamboyant aesthetics want to be around other people that match their tastes, but there aren't many guys into these sorts of fashion.

>> No.8935071

I choose centre since that's what I am here but I probably should have chosen socialist too...

>> No.8935072

20 people answered "more than 2 years" and a couple "since day one" before there were more options and haven't changed their answer yet.

>> No.8935085

Not that silly, it's Latin and means "on the same side" while trans means "on the opposite side" so it makes sense. The words are also used to describe certain molecule configurations.

>> No.8935100

So far there are more transwoman than cismen on /cgl/.

>> No.8935110

I'm a bit concerned about associating this with my main personal email and profile, am I being a pussy?

>> No.8935113

80% of /cgl/ is 2 years or under... no wonder you can feel the newfag here

>> No.8935123

The only one who has that data is google. You could use a secondary account but let's be honest, google has all of your accounts connected anyway.

>> No.8935137

I am the sole black male that has taken this census.
Almost proud of myself!

>> No.8935155

When it got to the drugs question I accidently read tobacco as too many.

>> No.8935166

Sorry for being young, grandma.
I've began browsing when i was about 17, now i am 19.

>> No.8935171

Bisexual lolita here. I'm in a relationship with a man currently, and even if single would probably be too shy to flirt with anyone directly, but being feminine, the only women who are interested in me and mostly butch ones, which I'm not really into. The fashion has made me feel more confident that, if I'm ever available and looking, I'll be able to find a feminine girlfriend.

But ngl, a (very small) part of lolita's appeal for me is being around so many cute and pretty girls in nice clothes. I'm appropriate and friendly on the outside at meets, but on the inside I'm gushing over how wonderful girls are.

>> No.8935174

Age has nothing to do with how long you've been browsing, grandma. I'm now 18 after 4 years of browsing :^)

>> No.8935190

Maybe give an option for student and working part time? Instead of one or the other

>> No.8935192

Never mind haha oops

>> No.8935233


see >>8934908

do you want me to crop it to make it easier for you to focus?

>> No.8935363

It makes me realise why I always feel like things are being repeated in threads and styles never properly progress, if it's constant waves of newbies that don't stay more than 2 years then it all suddenly makes sense why the same thread happens with the same pictures all of the time

>> No.8935437

ahhhh thanks for the clarification, that makes more sense; I thought it seemed oddly disproportionate

>> No.8935458

Made me cry a little, I'm only 4 years on /cgl/ and I'm almost an oldfag now
OP maybe next time you can make this a multiple choce box? I feel kind of weird selecting one or the other race but I'm not some weird minority either.

>> No.8935521 [DELETED] 

Looking at the results so far is pretty interesting. Highest results, white women with no kids.

>> No.8935523

Where my fellow jewlitas at

>> No.8935524

Looking at the results so far is pretty interesting. Highest results, non-married white women with no kids.

>> No.8935558

>you will have loans to repay
I don't have any loans to repay and I don't think I will have any. My parents have been saving for a very long time and they can get me through college without loans and a few grants here and there if I qualify. Even though we are on a fine line between middle and upper middle class I still feel bad spending too much on lolita. I try to spend here and there. I usually just wait for holidays and other events where I get money or gifts. I don't wear lolita often, mainly weekends because lab coats don't go with my coords. It's easier to not buy a bunch of things if you don't wear it often imo

>> No.8935564

I graduated without loans because my parents saved ever since I was born. That said, I never bought anything in college and have only gone ham no that I'm employed full time.

>> No.8935574

congrats on graduating without loans. some people need loans to get through college. don't be an ass about it.

>> No.8935577

the anon was being an ass about spending habits. sorry we aren't all in debt.

>> No.8935582

I dont think you should not get into lolita because of student loans. Especially if you live in america or some other country that hates the youth, a large percentage of people have student loans. You will still can live and do fun stuff. The big thing is less during college but when you have to pay it back, and at that point buying shit in college wont matter.

The people who are going to be an issue are those who get their loan money and spend it on brando not books not realizing it all comes back, as they are the same people who will make an urgent sale for rent.

>> No.8935591

>getting asshurt because someone else is in debt

>> No.8935594

>most people only post once a week
>most complaints about the board are it's slow

so fucking post more, dipshits.

>> No.8935627

>That slightly left skewed 1-10 look rating


>> No.8935630

I wanted to pick more drugs but many were missing from the list. I'm looking at you, ketamine.

>> No.8935631

I'm a first year college student. I got a full scholarship for 2 years at my local community college and I'm living at home. I'm driving my dad's old car, and save $150 a month in anticipation of buying it from him when I graduate from CC. I have a dumb mall job. I admit that I may have to take out a loan to transfer to a Uni, but my grades are good so I hope I get a decent scholarship. My paternal grandparents are pretty rich and have showed interest in helping pay for my education, but I haven't caved yet.
I make about $350 a month depending on how much I work, so I usually don't feel bad about spending ~$100 a month on my hobbies. Which means, sewing, j-fashion, makeup, tea. Especially because I wear lolita and makeup almost every day. I don't ever eat out, drink, get my nails or hair done, or the like. I prioritize my spending and put away what I can.
You can be a student and not have crippling debt or rich parents.

>> No.8935651
File: 763 KB, 500x250, seagullsOfLesbos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs confirms

>> No.8935652

Quality > Quantity of posts, there's already an insane amount of baiting and shitposting here, forcing an increase in activity will only make it worse.

>> No.8935668

I wouldn't consider myself bisexual but I'm down

>> No.8935690

What do you mean?

>> No.8935702

I'm one of the anons that you responded to and 1. I haven't graduated yet 2. I didn't mean to be an ass, I apologize for coming off that way. I was just contributing to their statement, but maybe I shouldn't have because it was about loans. Since I haven't taken out any loans it wasn't my place to respond and I can see how it seems like I was bragging about not needing loans.

>> No.8935714

Don't apologize, anon. Not every college is $10k a semester. Mine was roughly $3k per semester. I paid for my last two years of uni in cash and I had to take a small break from my undergrad to get said tuition money. Not trying to humblebrag, but if you have the funds, cash is the best way to go for tuition.

>> No.8935728

Sorry anon, is it that hard to believe 9s lurk cgl?
I was going off the description, not the images as I felt most of them were average to above at best.
I literally get stopped in the street by both males and females at least once a week to tell me how gorgeous they think I am.
I'm sure I sound conceited to a lot of you, but I was an ugly duckling up until senior year and I'm only beginning to accept the fact myself.

Idk maybe I'm a little more optimistic than most here. But I refuse to believe most gulls are ugly ogres.

>> No.8935733

Shout out to the 8 other people who have been here more than 8 years

>> No.8935738

Keep it up, grandma!

>> No.8935742

Shout out to the one person on here shooting "heoin".

Also the 3 underage B&.

>> No.8935747

Heoin - my favorite

>> No.8935748

jeepers, I just read through my answers on this and I accidentally put xy, any way to fix it?

>> No.8935773

If you go back to the page it lets you edit your responses

>> No.8935855

Not everyone in the world has student loans to repay, sorry Anglos

>> No.8935865

You sound insecure. Anon wasn't talking about you at all, it's funny how you burst into flames at the very idea of someone not finding you as attractive as you find yourself

>> No.8935949


>> No.8935963
File: 60 KB, 900x805, 1455291730054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r9k/ pictures aside, this chart is useless for /cgl/. It's way too normie. What if there's a girl who has great features, teeth, and hygiene but has like a purple undercut and 3 nose piercings?Some people would think she was disgusting even though she fits the bill for a 9. Or a chubby girl with weird teeth and squinty eyes in sweet lolita. Someone might think she was adorable, someone might hate it because she seems juvenile or someone just might not like her face. Variance in appearance go way beyond being fucking Asian or a redhead, especially on /cgl/.

You should just rate yourself how you see yourself, honestly, no one's going to tell you the truth if you ask them directly.

>> No.8935977
File: 4 KB, 657x64, ho boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... :( Do you need help?

>> No.8936074

cgl has always been chill about underage b& though. Meow-tan was tripfagging at 15 or so and her age was no secret.

>> No.8936095

these 7 grills look like they don't know how to makeup or hair, or any fashion sense at all.

numbers aside, at leasy 6 to up, fashion sense adds a lot. Maybe +1

>> No.8936184

I agree, I said I'm a 7 but based on those pictures I'd easily hit a 9. that chart is a load of bullshit and the descriptions only aren't particularly helpful either

>> No.8936210

After using myself as an example, I get why you would think that. It doesn't really matter if I am or not though.
The point I was trying to put across (badly aparently) is that I don't think the average gull is as ugly as they are made out to be. I've always seen this board described as some variation of "salty fat uggo whores" by others or itself. While at least 90% of the gulls I know IRL or know who frequent, are all pretty and thin, but still salty.

>> No.8936223

>What if there's a girl who has great features, teeth, and hygiene but has like a purple undercut and 3 nose piercings?
She's hot.
>Or a chubby girl with weird teeth and squinty eyes in sweet lolita
She's not.
Clothing and makeup do not make someone more, or less, than what they are at base.
It's why women can go out wearing what they THINK is unattractive clothing and still be catcalled and propositioned.
>ladies, just because you think something is unflattering doesn't mean it is, so stop acting all surprised and shit

>> No.8936620

I think the issue with the chart is that lolitas have different beauty standards from most. For example I gave myself a 5, but have been told by someone that she was jealous because my features were perfect for lolita.
Seeing as it's about dressing for ourselves, it's hard to define what rating we'd get, and the chart is basically a measure of esteem rather than actual appearance.

>> No.8936671


Beauty is incredibly subjective, so you're right. I honestly do not agree with the pictures on that chart at all. I don't find many of the higher numbers to be particularly attractive (not really ugly, but kind of boring), and some of the lower one's, I'd move up a little. But everyone has different tastes, so making a universal beauty chart like that is impossible.

>> No.8936675

it's nice to see so many other non-religious anons!

>> No.8936697

I'm curious about the 2 people that put "other" as their chromosomes. Did you get tested, or was it known you were intersex at birth? If I had unusual chromosomes, I'd probably never find out. For all I know, I could- I've never gotten tested for it.

(Still put XX as my answer, since that's almost certainly right. But you never know.)

>> No.8936699

A grandma is still a grandma even if they're young. My brother became an "uncle" when he was 9 because Asian hierarchy is a little odd.

>> No.8936713

Right? I grew up christian too, I'm sure some anons got the pleasure of growing up in a non religious household, but I had to crawl myself out of it and really question my beliefs, props to all the others who had to struggle to get to where they are now.

>> No.8936728

You can't know from external stuff anyways. The only way is through testing and you would usually figure out by puberty.

>> No.8936734

Even without the photos it doesn't work. People (guys and girls) frequently call me hot, beautiful, etc. but I have a terribly unsymmetrical face and big nose. By this chart, I'm like an 8, people usually say I'm a 9, but without taking into account the opinions of others part, I'd probably be a 7. If you ask me subjectively, I'm like a 5, my uneven eyes and chin bother me a lot

>> No.8936739

XXY often comes with observable physical traits and can be noticed during childhood

>> No.8936741

It is also weird cause there is a lack of other ethnicities besides white and Asian (though many say the closer to European features the more beautiful. Inb4 all ____ are ugly since 4chan across the board seems to have a hate boner for certain races.).
Standards are definitely different per fashion style.
Been called "pretty/hot/beautiful for a black girl" often so I just based it off that..

>> No.8936742

You can read what they put in here

>> No.8936743 [DELETED] 

black girls are naturally ugly so you should just accept the compliments you get

that's as good as it will be for you

>> No.8936746

My 10 year old cousin has a 1 year old uncle. His grandad is in his 40s and cheated on his mum, got married to his mistress, cheated on her (after getting her pregnant) and then married a lady 20 years his junior who gave birth to a boy a year ago.

The guy's a sleazy wanker but at least the kid will be able to say 'I burped my uncle and changed his nappy today'

>> No.8936758

Certain asymmetries and facial quirks can even add to a person's appearance, on occasion. For me, something like a beauty mark or a distinctive nose can take a person from a 6 to an 8, for example, if it looks balanced on their face. Anyone that's a 10, by my standards, will have some sort of distinctive feature like this. Because I find cookie-cutter beauty boring. The balance is incredibly important, so not too many weird features- but one or two "imperfections" are what makes someone truly beautiful to me. (Excuse the cliche...)

>> No.8936765

Why is it such a big deal to you? I grew up Catholic and my parents have never been anything but supportive of me. If I wanted to leave the church I could.

It pains me to see so many people nowadays shitting on Christianity because it's the cool thing to do (whilst being A-OK with some more oppressive religions to be PC, you know who you are)

Every fucking day I get asked dumb bullshit about how le Bible doesn't make sense xD whereas if you did that to a Muslim they'd sweep the floor with your face and you know it (general 'you', inb4). I like my religion because the traditions and events are such a big part of our history but I'd love it even more if the modern youth would stop tipping their collective fedora at me and let us coexist in peace.

>> No.8936794

>Why is it such a big deal to you? I grew up Catholic and my parents have never been anything but supportive of me. If I wanted to leave the church I could.

Okay, now can you imagine what that would have been like for you if they hadn't, and instead they were telling you you were going to burn in hell and that they're praying for you, guilt tripping you to change your mind when you're already feeling kind of vulnerable? You clearly lucked out, let that sink in. It's up there with coming out to your parents. My parents were anything but supportive, I was never allowed to critically question anything while I lived in their house, and it's that way for a lot of people. A lot of religions will straight up disown their own for leaving a church. I don't see anyone here shitting on religion, you're clearly bent out of shape and making this all about you.

>> No.8936814

There's barely even any Asians. The chart is obviously biased towards a certain type and definitely not very fit for typical J-fashion beauty standards.

>"pretty/hot/beautiful for a black girl"
What a back-handed compliment, lol.

>> No.8936840

Thanks, anon.

"kek" and "xxyyyxyxyxyfmbbq". I'm actually a little disappointed.

>> No.8936867

>clearly everyone should have the same life experience as me so there's no excuse for different views

Also, plenty of people will criticize all religions equally. Religions don't have feelings. Religions are collections of ideas that are okay to criticize. I don't make fun of or look down on people for what they believe, or don't, but you seem to. Interesting.

Basically this.

>> No.8936875


The latter is actually pretty funny. I bet there's some intersex bitch here who doesn't realize it and just thinks she has a big clit. Probably one of those newfags who's constantly screaming tumblr

>> No.8936876

I'm pretty sure it's a common one for black people. As you can see on the chart there aren't any above a 3, it's a combination of bias of people who made the chart and society as a wholes perception of black peoples appearances.

>> No.8936897

>I'm pretty sure it's a common one for black people. As you can see on the chart there aren't any above a 3, it's a combination of bias of people who made the chart and society as a wholes perception of black peoples appearances.

Not just society as a whole, but a white western society who produce a lot of media that has shifted out perception of what is and isn't good.

>> No.8937008

nah, the Japanese are even worse for this.

>> No.8937029

That damned media.
Or its, you know, thousands of years of humans getting murdered by other tribes, so we want to stick with our own tribe.

>> No.8937215

You're basically saying the same thing. Class and race are the primary ways we decide a persons worth in this country, so it's no surprise media would be used to reinforce the image of white people on top of that racial hierarchy.

>> No.8937221

No, society as a whole.
I lived in Africa for 18 years and you're pretty ignorant and racist if you think it's only white people who behave this way.

>> No.8937234

The how often do you check cgl question is really hard to answer. When I'm active here, I check every ten minutes when I'm online, but I often spend a month or two at a time not checking at all.

>> No.8937876

studies show kids raised in religious households (christian, muslim, whatever) are less empathetic and more punitive than those who aren't.

your post expresses this idea really well.

>unrelated but don't want to wait a minute to point it out
the number of mtf seagulls is higher than i thought, and the number of ftms/AFAB genderqueer is lower than o expected. not so tumblr here as i have been led to believe.

>> No.8937879
File: 741 KB, 3328x2176, 146532556_ad2ce9f325_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some other charts

>composite image from Hot or Not

>> No.8937885
File: 805 KB, 800x1300, mmyag9s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8937888
File: 11 KB, 602x691, 1-10-scale-of-women-with-attractive-and-unattractive-lines1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

word-based (how do people describe you?)

>tfw never more than "cute"

>> No.8938088

I'm so fucking confused right now.

>> No.8938288

>dat use of aesthetic

Why is anyone giving any of these charts the time of day? They're good for a giggle and that's about it. I'm not about to tell you that everyone is beautiful either, just that they are useless for determining one's attractiveness.

You're far more likely to have a better sense of your general attractiveness by how people treat you out there in the world (ie not arbitrary tests conjured up somewhere on 4chan). Attractive people (based entirely on looks, posture and 'presence' or whatever) will be looked at consistently when they walk down a busy street where say, 80% of people of the opposite sex will attempt eye contact of some description. This will of course increase with levels of effort put into appearance, whether or not one is wearing a banana suit for kicks etc.

The people that still consistently get noticed in plain clothing and without make-up and/or obvious glooming and styling are the ones that would probably be most accurately described as the 9s and 10s of this world (possibly 8s but consistent recognition by the general public probably wouldn't be quite so conspicuous).

Hell, even an okcupid 'attractiveness quiz' or some shit is probably a better way to determine attractiveness than any of the stuff here.

p.s. I thought I'd landed at /soc/ for a moment

>> No.8938338

>majority are bisexual and white

Truly a perfect world.

>> No.8938344

Oh no, wait, you're all filthy leftists. Never mind.

>> No.8938346

but bi people aren't leftists, anon. being bi is abelist or some shit so people have to be apansexugenderqueer.

>> No.8938351

Another one of those "wuhhh Christians are always under attack" wankers. You must be a sheltered American.

>> No.8938355

I've been called all the terms from 6-10. I put myself as a 9 when I submitted my answers, I won't lie. I think I look good. I was shocked to see so many mid-tier answers in the results. The gulls that I've met in person are at least 7s, don't be hard on yourself /cgl/!

>> No.8938426


>> No.8938603

>Christians under attack
Try again. There are serious issues, but certainly not in the US.

>> No.8938611

No, I'm not American.
Far as I know, the Bible Belt is known for being heavily Protestant or whatever.

>> No.8938667

43.5% are bisexual, compared to less than 10% of the general population that identify as bisexual. I'm not complaining; I'm bi myself. But why is cgl so bi?

>> No.8938683

alternative fashion and the artsy world in general tends to have a bigger proportion of queer folk.

>> No.8938744

Thats probably a better measure but its still impossible to account for your own self esteem. Like I recently changed my hair style and noticed a lot more people checking me out lately, but is it because my hair look good or am I noticing it because I think It looks good?

>> No.8938761
File: 88 KB, 960x540, faceproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>war flashback of all the akward accidental eye contact I have to deal with.
I'm not an ugly girl and I don't think highly of myself.. but now I can't help but wonder.

>> No.8938781

But straight people are actually the minority here (34.3%). That's what surprises me so much. Is that normal for alt culture in general, or is lolita/cosplay//cgl/ in particular more queer than usual for "artsy" types?

>> No.8938783

probably because all the drama and lolcows left?

>> No.8938819

well, ask yourself what other surprising things make up the majority of /cgl/. for example: most of the board wears jfash, even though the real world has a much larger percentage of cosplayers than lolitas/jfashionistas.

now, straight guys tend not to like jfash (inb4 >i'm a guy and i think...). so women who want to appeal to men aren't likely to wear jfash. women who don't care about appealing to men--which includes bis and gays and aces--are more likely to invest in a crazy fashion like lolita or otome or whatever.

queer people are also more likely to question or challenge norms in general since they are a minority at a deeply personal level. they are more likely to be adventurous with self-expression, because they have already dealt with the realization that they are never going to be the person most people expect them to be.

most straight women approach fashion and self-expression differently because the whole beauty industry caters to them and their desires/insecurities so they rarely have a reason to step outside the norm.

on top of this, people who are "different" are more likely to be drawn to anonymity. it is not on the survey, but /cgl/ is also unusually full of people raised in unhappy or abusive homes. people who survive that shit are also likely to seek alternative lifestyles--like jfash--as well as anonymity.

jfash is weird. weird people--queer people--are way more likely to be into it and to want to discuss it anonymously. because they are weird at a fundamental, unchangeable level, and pretending to belong to a dominant culture that doesn't make space for you is exhausting.

>> No.8938822

when personal drama was banned, i started coming to cgl more often. it became much more interesting when there weren't a million "she bought 50 dicks off ebay and sucked them all" threads.

7 years ago, i would come to cgl only when a convention i had tickets for was coming up. post-drama ban i am here all day every day.

>> No.8938823

I made no mention of the Bible belt, where did you even pull that from?

>> No.8938825

out of her persecution complex

>> No.8938830

Not that anon but isn't that the first thing you think of when someone says 'religious American'? Our religious nutjobs are practically famous and they all come from there.

>> No.8938841

Most of Americans are bible thumpers, anon. The Bible belt is heavily concentrated with religious crazed morons but it's prevalent in plenty of other states.
>cant buy liquor on Sundays in my state
>well fuck you too

>> No.8938842

not that anon but nope. i live in souther New England and there is a big italian presence here, a lot of us went to Catholic schools even if our families weren't Catholic, etc. big stores like Target close completely for Easter (religious holiday) but are open Thanksgiving afternoon (secular, patriotic holiday).

>> No.8938843

>cant buy liquor on Sundays in my state
also this. fuck these archaic religious laws, man

>> No.8938854

Well yeah I know but the best known ones like the WBC tend to congregate in that area, it's easy to see how an outsider could be led to believe American religious nutjobs = Bible Belt. I mean let's be honest plenty of Americans think Europe = France and Italy and South America = Mexico and Brazil, but that's only because we haven't really been exposed to their cultures almost at all.

>> No.8938860

As long as you're questioning your beliefs and everything, it might help to accept that its not Jesus's fault your parents are retards. You don't need religion to be a shit parent

>> No.8938873

serious question, are you autistic? you are reading this situation poorly

>> No.8938883

Exactly this. My dad was practically the king of fedoras and a shit parent at the same time. He side eyed me every time I used the word God (as in 'oh my god' or 'god forbid'), tried to (figuratively) beat every shred of self-confidence out of me because 'bragging is rude', I literally wasn't allowed to say I was good at something even if I was because he'd nag me about it. Asian parents and all.

Crazy comes in many forms, anon. Remember that.

>> No.8938910

I think there is a lot of truth in this anon, plus I think there is also an element of knowing you are bisexual but not being openly bi in day-to-day life. For instance, I consider myself bi but I never introduce myself as such or put 'bi' on official government surveys etc. This isn't because of shame as such, more that I consider myself more hetro than gay, it's not a perfect 50/50 kinda thing. When you 'come out' as bi, there's an expectation to like men and women equally but that frequently isn't the case for a lot of people. Not to mention there is even stigma amongst bi people when someone doesn't have a more balanced level of bisexuality; there may even be accusations of 'doing it for attention/the guys' etc, engaging in a type of bisexuality about as superficial as Katy Perry's 'Kissed a girl'.

>tl;dr I think the sort of people that would score a '2' on the Kinsey scale would be more likely to identify as 'bisexual' in a survey such as this.

>> No.8939066

No but it helps.

>> No.8939076

No wonder religious people treat you like shit when you're such a massive cunt to them
Have fun tipping your fedora and being mentally 12

>> No.8939088


the other anon isn't the one who seems mentally 12 in this exchange. take a nap, self-righteous-chan.

>> No.8939090

Sorry not everyone agrees with your ideology and you're super buttblasted about it, it's really not my problem. Leave the thread and take a breather, wash the sand from your vag while you're at it.

>> No.8939092

>inb4 mods delete this thread because of the last question

>> No.8939140

The point about not needing to appeal to straight guys was something I didn't think of, but I see how that could play a big part. I can definitely see how queer people could be more drawn to anonymity, as well. I'm still surprised at just how many seagulls are bi, but yeah, it looks like there are a lot of different factors here.

>they are more likely to be adventurous with self-expression, because they have already dealt with the realization that they are never going to be the person most people expect them to be
I thought I was the only one that felt like that, honestly. If I'm already a freak, who cares if I look like one, too? If people are going to judge me for something I can't change, then why worry if there's one more thing they can judge me for? Fuck that, I won't sacrifice my happiness for them.

I have also been surprised at how many people here seem to come from unhappy families. To the point that I wonder if it's more common among people in general, and no one talks about it. I come from a dysfunctional, unhappy family, but even most of my closest friends don't know much more than the fact that I'm not close with my family. How many people I talk to are the same?

Your comment makes a lot of sense, thanks.

>> No.8939156

Definitely, anon, more people are somewhere on the spectrum of bisexuality than will openly identify as bi. I'm shocked by just how many bis there are here, but I do think people that are involved with alt subcultures are more likely to be aware of and to admit queerness. I'm about 50/50, so I've never dealt with that issue, but it is probably more convenient to just round to straight or gay in your everyday life if you're closer to the ends than the middle of the spectrum. No need worry about that for an anonymous survey, though.

>> No.8940532

Question: do I count as bi when in theory I would a girl, but I will never date them in real life because I want a traditional family in the end?

>> No.8940534

This, pretty much. On workplace/university diversity monitoring forms etc I never put bisexual, but in anonymous situations I do, because although I've slept with as many women as men I've only ever been in relationships with men (I've slept with a couple of my female friends, but we never became more than friends afterwards) and so publicly I appear straight. My family wouldn't care that I'm bi, but I'd have to answer a lot of questions and it seems unnecessary at the moment because I've been with my boyfriend for 6 years. If I'm ever single again I'll 'come out'.

>> No.8940775
File: 620 KB, 346x256, 84357982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to SJW it up here but in this day and age being able to create a nuclear family with biological children isn't limited to heterosexual couples.
but anyway you should give dating girls a try, you don't have to marry them or whatever. Hold a girl's hand sometime why don't you.

>> No.8940789


>> No.8940794

A man and a woman objectively make the best parents, I've seen how people with single mothers grow up and two mother are only slightly better parents.

What's the point of dating if you're not planning on marrying if it works out?

>> No.8940806

I know plenty of people with single mothers who grew up to be lovely people. Both of my parents are living proof. Happily married for 35 years and perfectly normal people.

It honestly depends on the mother and the reason she's single. Of course you'll end up fucked up if you're raised by crazy.

>> No.8940813

Well, yes, of course it depends on the people as well. I'm just talking about the general statistics.

>> No.8940818

Are you me? I double took and thought I'd wrote this for a sec.

>> No.8940824

12% of you browse /d/


>> No.8940830

Correlation =/= causality, anon. You know what they say about lies, damned lies and statistics.

>> No.8940877

Truth truth and more truth

If there were more trans people in the mix bi would be more likely to become pan. I always thought I was bisexual and became involved with a MtF transgendered individual years before I heard of it. As far as I was concerned if I like men and women then shouldn't that encompass everything 'in between' too?

Despite only being in long term relationships with men I've ALWAYS been 100x more sexually attracted to women, but then again most of us are conditioned to think of women as 'pretty' on top of them putting in a lot pf effort. I don't notice many men in the street at all but do not ogle girls because I know what it feels like. I don't really lust after men but I have a handful of celebrity males I find attractive from am aesthetist/artist's perspective. I tend to fall in love with men and want to have sex with them because I love them.

I just haven't had enough one on one contact time with a female friend to ascertain they swing that way to begin with amd form a long term relationshionship as I go down the friendship route first and skip 'dating'. I have hooked up with female besties but after they've figured their sexuality out they move on. Or I've been too scared to do more than kiss and cuddle.

I still can't wrap my head around the idea of only being attracted to people of certain genders or not being attracted to someone solely because of their gender if everything else about them ticks the right boxes. If someone is objectively attractive and has a nice personality why would it matter (barring legal, ideological and/or procreational issues but there are always other ways of doing things) Unless you're freaked out by the genitalia of intersex people maybe?

Sometimes I wonder if you blindfolded people who claim to be 100% gay or straight then unblindfolded the ones who had chemistry, they would suddenly change their mind or just go with it if the person is reasonably attractive and noone judged them.

>> No.8940880


Get your special snowflake shit outta here, ya attack helicopter.

>> No.8941071

Yes, bisexual means you experience both heterosexual and homosexual attraction. You do not have to act on both, or experience both to the same degree.

Also, most studies show, all else being equal, kids with 2 same-sex parents fare just as well as kids with 2 opposite-sex parents. However, kids with a single parent, or kids whose parents have gone through divorce, do tend to have more problems. (That doesn't mean their parents are bad or that divorce isn't sometimes the best option, but it can lead to issues.) You can have children with another woman and be fine parents. Adopt, or do in vitro, there are options. I understand if you want to avoid the potential social consequences, but you don't have to write off women just because you want kids. You can still be great parents.

>> No.8941094

I do not like this thread anymore

>> No.8941125

Then get the fuck out.

>> No.8941126

No u

>> No.8941152

Then contribute. The thread has gotten off topic...

>> No.8941184

An question for relationship status / style would be neat.

I'm cisfemale, bisexual, polyamorus, and am in a long-term relationship with a man.

>> No.8941196


Confounding factors, anon.

>> No.8941197

It's glorious.

>> No.8941510

You make a lot of really good points. I came out as asexual after being in the fashion for eight years, but not caring about what men think of my apparel (outside of job interviews and academic shit) probably factored into my choices unconsciously for years.

Also, I'm excited to see so many other aces on the survey.

>> No.8941526

Being attracted to one (or two) genders rather than literally not giving a fuck about it is being a special snowflake

>> No.8941540

Bisexuality refers to a binary categorization of sexes, pansexuality inherently assumes a nonbinary. It's political. I don't think there is technically, that is in the real world appliance, any significant difference between bisexuals and pansexuals when it comes to who they sleep with. Bisexuals may still be attracted to androgynous people, those who are transitioning or are intersexed. Pansexuality feels the need to stress the outliers strongly. It make a big point out of the existence of people who aren't manly men and womanly women as if that's exclusively what bisexuals are interested in.

>> No.8941541

really should have looked at this before putting myself at a 3, I'm probably like a 5/6 but had to factor in my body chub. I also know that people irl aren't as bothered by my nose as I am but I just... impulse. Oops.

>> No.8941569

Liberal is different in UK and Aus from what I know. I'd have preferred a democrat/republican option because that's very clean-cut.

>> No.8941572

>I'm cisfemale, bisexual, polyamorus, and am in a long-term relationship with a man.
You dress like a girl, you are bisexual, and you are a two timer. Less fancy words, and more harsh truths here.

>A question for relationship status
I agree with this, though.

>> No.8941589

You can go for the tumblr 'bisexual heteroromatic' which means that you are sexually attracted to both genders, but not romantically.

>> No.8941682

I get a cute when I look like a hobo, pretty/gorgeous when I dress up. But my face is kind of ambiguous, some 4 features and some 7. So I guess the point is just put yourself where you think you are

>> No.8941709

One of us, one of us

>> No.8941782

I'm asexual too anon, I didn't put myself down as one. While me being ace is a big part of my sexuality but me being a big lesbian is also very important. I kinda wish there was like, a 'romantic orientation' choice, but I don't think the whole split attraction thing is a Good Idea. Anyway, I think me being into the fashion is pretty similar?

I tend to gravitate towards non-sexual things, and I interpret Lolita as very non-sexual and unappealing to men. This isn't 100% accurate of course, but it's definitely a culture that centres women's interest. And while my taste in women isn't exactly the lolita fashion archetype, being surrounded by other women is very comforting.

>> No.8941805

You're not a twotimer if all parties agree to it.

>> No.8942036

Pretty cool census. I thought there was fair and reasonable set of options.

Some of the responses were surprising to me.

>> No.8942087


i am so confused by the fact that most people check cgl compulsively/several times a day, but only post weekly/monthly. what is the point? are the rest of us that interesting to read about?

>> No.8942101

Don't get me started on regressive liberals who defend Islam but shit all over Christianity. I'm an atheist, but we all know which is the more tolerable of those religions that's actually gone through a reformation.

>> No.8942122

I'm so glad that so many people answered they are happy!

>> No.8942308

I rated myself as a 4 because I don't know what to rate myself? I appreciate the bmi options a lot

>> No.8944219

janitor applications are open. everyone who thinks the board could be better, get to it.

>> No.8949013


>> No.8949257

What is with the inlfux of trips?

>> No.8949269

look at the damn date before asking newfag questions

>> No.8949288


do you even know what a tripcode is

also >>8949269

>> No.8949753

I definitely will next time. Thanks for your kindness.

>> No.8951095

this just fucking confuses me because according to this i'm an 9 except for my teeth which are at 7

>> No.8951149
File: 8 KB, 580x216, 1460072853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I didn't know it skewed this badly. I thought it was more like 50/50 or 60/40 you lolitas crazy tho

>> No.8951185 [DELETED] 

Why are cosplay and lap lumped together? I do one but not the other.

Also "heoin"

>> No.8951192

>the single mother bad parent argument.

This really pisses me off. It's true that people with single mothers are statistically often worse off, but that's not because women are worse parents or because they "need a father figure" most of the time. It's because a large percentage of single mothers are women who did not fucking want their kids in the first place, or certainly weren't ready for them. A lot of women who aren't at all fit to be parents are the ones likely to get stuck with children due to their poor life choices. There isn't really an equivalent for men because biology isn't fair. I'm not saying single moms are always bad parents, they can be great parents, I'm just saying that this is the reason there's a higher proportion of single moms who are awful parents. I fail to see how a committed lesbian couple who decides to have children after careful consideration has anything in common with an irresponsible girl who got knocked up and kept a baby she wasn't fit to care for.

>> No.8951197

Why are cosplay and larp lumped together? I do one but not the other.

Also "heoin"

>> No.8951336

Don't do drugs anon

>> No.8954134

Omnism wasn't a choice for religion.

>> No.8954138


I'm surprised we have that many people with Down's sydrome on here. On second thought, maybe not.

>> No.8954429

that's not how Down's works anon.

>> No.8957015 [DELETED] 

I'm only here to find cute lolitas pics to fap to.

>> No.8957078

looks like we're ever so slightly outnumbered fellas

>> No.8957147

i wish there was a quick way to view overlap. male jfash threads are barren, i wonder often how many male jfashionistas are here. at a cursory glance it seems most guys are here for cosplay, which is a bit of a letdown imo.

>> No.8957158
File: 99 KB, 1080x749, lurk less.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i am here daily talking with the same handful of people while hundreds of others just literally watch us talk


>> No.8957201

I'm one of those people you talk to then.
Hi, how are you, how's the senpai?

>> No.8957214

the amount of stoners surprised me

>> No.8957234

Just nothing to comment about most times.

>> No.8957247 [DELETED] 

I insist that I'm only here to find cute lolitas to fap to. It's not my fault that my fetishes overlap with this board's themes.

>> No.8957417

oh, good, well, bad, it's always bad, senpai still hasn't noticed me, but i'll take it to the feels thread.

so what's up with you? forced any memes lately?

>> No.8957423

the drug use isn't specified by frequency/reason. some people in other threads mentioned smoking pot to help with chronic illness, for example, which is a different approach and dosage than recreational use. like alcohol, the context and frequency of consumption matter more than the fact of "using" it.

>> No.8957429

I always assumed most the people around cgl were active posters. I guess now I see why there were like 5 of my things posted to that cgl humor thread. I'm not funny there's just no one else contributing!

>> No.8957517

Wow, really? I put myself at a 4 but looking at this I'd be more of a 6. Weird.

>> No.8957647

>make a slew of reaction images
>one person used one this one time

teach me your ways senpai