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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8883740 No.8883740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Kaizoku-con's next week, so it's time for a new thread

Do your part to keep this thread from getting removed

>> No.8884004
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>saving my image

Thanks anon

>> No.8884018

So screamvention?

>> No.8884628

Heading to kaizoku next weekend. Should be good fun now that they moved from their shitty bar.

>> No.8885258

The bar was shitty?

>> No.8885878

I've never been to an Irish con before and I'm thinking of going to Eirtakon this year. What can I expect?

>> No.8885913

super psyched for Kaizoku...the guests are not as good as last year but it was good craic. hoping for some serious drama this year.

>> No.8885919

very crowded, some very good cosplayers, some terrible ones. panels are okay, bring food because the options are terrible.

>> No.8886790

>completely forgot about Experience Japan

Aww shit nigga, it's only a couple months away, right? Hope the weather is class.

>> No.8887254
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Well, did ye vote?

>> No.8887262

All my candiates got eliminated early

A busy con that's straddling the border between 'big' con and local con. The panels are getting worse at Irish cons year on year but I had a blast last year for the first time in a long time.

Some fucked up little pescie of a security guard took it upon himself to lock everybody out on Saturday if they left to change clothes before the 80's disco - which was shit without booze.

The best Eirtakon was the first year in the Helix. Best variety in Showings - a mix of old, obscure, unusual and popular - an entertaining GoH and copious drinking and good traders without being uncomfortably being, cramped or crowded.

There was space to breath.

>> No.8887344

Sinn Fein all the way, for the craic. Not as if it fucking matters anyway. Fine Gael will be back in in 5 years

>> No.8888216

Ah yes, the nationalist socialist party!

FF/FG cronies wear suits. Sinn fein cronies wear balaclavas....

Only difference is who gets the cream. It won't be any of us.

>> No.8888222

you've no business here so?

>> No.8888223

there's nothing for you here, move on

>> No.8888237

>what is language

>> No.8888251

Obviously, because you don't understand it.
>being this stupid

>> No.8888265

So why are you here? What's the point? Less than half of our population even speaks Irish so it's not like you're being subjected to it on a regular basis.

>> No.8888266

>Heber harber cool bar bar bar
That's what English sounds like

>> No.8888291

We shit on our own language enough. There's really no need. Thanks though.

>> No.8888298

Sandnigger detected

>> No.8888306

Yes, we know our own history. Thanks. Again.

>> No.8888309


Sandnigger blood flows through your veins, Ahmed

>> No.8888325

>thinking that makes a difference
>trying to insult white people when you share a continent with microdicked faggots who've spent the last 100 years being colonised, nuclear/napalm bombed and culturally enriched

Nice try, Sun Wang Dong

>> No.8888337

We still have plenty of culture though. You clearly dont know much about Ireland.

>> No.8888338

Europe's joke is England, Nip My Dong. Sharia Law is never going to take in Ireland.

We're drunken, lazy slobs and the whole world still loves us anyway. What's been your latest contribution to the world? Aside from that chicken curry I shat out last week from the local Chinkey. That was some slippery shite I had, I tell you. Spring roll, very good, I like!

Don't forget that we're white, too. Something you'll never be, Muhammed

>> No.8888346


Different anon but my class clearly doesn't like their own country enough to considering that 80% of them are considering going overseas for their career.

So rage on my friend. You have plenty to rage about with the best and brightest leaving your land.

>> No.8888350

bullshit, the "best and brightest" go to college here.
Its usually lads that would have gone into a trade that are going.

Also falling for the faggots bait.

>> No.8888352

And yet still, we haven't been suicidebombed or Nagasaki'd.

>praise the queen

You're gonna have to do better than that, Charlie.

>You have plenty to rage about with the best and brightest leaving your land.

Yeah, I'm gonna be raging so hard once all of those Trinity/UCD wankers fuck off to Australia with their arts degrees to spend every weekend having a pissup at the local Irish pub. Woe is me!

>> No.8888355

How fucking stupid are the people in the Ireland generals to take bait so willingly holy shit

>> No.8888357

Err, maybe because Scottish and Irish culture share many similarities. Sorry people are too stupid to tell the difference.

>> No.8888363
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>> No.8888364

>gook still trying to make fun of white people
>can only bring up shit that happened nearly 200 years ago

Don't slant your eyes too hard there, gookmaster. Hurry up and giz me fuckin noodles

>> No.8888367

No wonder we can't have a thread about things that are actually relevant when people shit themselves over a minimal-effort troll.

>> No.8888373


>> No.8888381


Is housewife chan british?

>> No.8888383

>tfw the resident shitposter started attacking the Irish thread

Still a better thread than Potsy.

>> No.8888385

>shitposting this hard for hours
>calls other people mad

>> No.8888389

Are you just poking around different parts of cgl? I thought you'd reached the pinnacle of edge in the Lolita General, not out of your system yet?

>> No.8888415
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>> No.8888464

Behold, a fine specimen of the Celtic stock. Notice the aristocratic nose. Look upon those deep set eyes with such a noble gaze. Her pointed chin evokes supremacy. The Irish race is an ancient and sacred treasure that must be protected.

>> No.8888504

I want a foursome with her, catfish and the lizard lady.

>> No.8889225

The majority of people in the Irish threads don't browse the rest of 4chan and it's painfully obvious usually.

>> No.8889937

So lads/laddies, who's your Irish cosplay queen?

>> No.8890072

You are

>> No.8890562
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>> No.8890597

>still folding her kimono right over left
I hope she does this while she's in Japan. I love watching her embarrass herself.

>> No.8890606 [DELETED] 
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>shitposter has all of their posts deleted
>the caps lock post I made gets deleted but the rest of my chinkposting is still there

wew lad

>> No.8890906 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8891261 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8891273 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8892981 [DELETED] 

does potsy go to kaizoku con?

>> No.8893838 [DELETED] 

She probably will, check out her thread on kiwifarms they found her sex work website and its rotten

>> No.8894039 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8894049 [DELETED] 
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>enjoys food sex, pole dancing, bukkake and watersports

>> No.8894073 [DELETED] 


>> No.8894074 [DELETED] 
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size 16

>> No.8894083 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8894128 [DELETED] 
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>mods deleting images of someone in the Irish con community
>this person wants to be left alone, unattended with other people's children

>> No.8894157 [DELETED] 

yeah I agree posts like these should be left up so we don't get repeat incidences of potsy showing their dick off to kids. the more people who know about potsy's sexual deviancy the better tbqh

>> No.8894456
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>tfw stuck in little rural village of like 500 people
>no history here, no people to talk to, everyone is a 50 year old farmer
>try to go on okcupid to try meet people. closest girl to me who is interested is over an hour away
>don't even have a family to give a shit about me
>best option is to leave the country and start anew, there is nothing I would miss

Irish /cgl/ roasties will never know these feels

>> No.8894669

i really really like bananas

>> No.8894937

Me too I love eating them in just one bite while listening to weird music

>> No.8894944

Even if you move to another place you'll be lonely because you're a newcomer
And if you move to a non-English speaking country it'll be ten times worse as there'll be less people to meet and fewer still who are comfortable enough speaking English

T. Irish roastie studying abroad

>> No.8895507

Kaizokucon pub quix an hour late while I'm as wasted ss s sperm stain on a pair of panties

>> No.8895810

Was fixed anyway.

Ten-person CIT Heart of Darkness team won it using google.

>> No.8897562

how is that fucking relevant, you desperate neckbeard? learn to sage jfc

>> No.8897862

Move to a city? Or closer to one?

>> No.8897943

So. Kaizokucon was a blast. Cherami Leigh was pleasant. Hebocon was delightfully defective and most things seemed to run with remarkable smoothness. Even the panels had good variety to them.

Roll on 2017.

Also. Why do I now want to try run my own con in 2018? Would it be possible?

>> No.8898167

Yes, but it would probably be shite.

>> No.8898229

Had a feeling it would be. Still half thinking about it.

I suppose a good way to make a little money running a convention would be to start with a lot of money.

Something like a Nom-Con, but that runs on time.

>> No.8898626

No, fuck off, there are far too many cons in this country as it is, you'd just be diluting resources even further.

>> No.8899067

Unless you live in a county with no cons, there's really no point.
If you live in Dublin starting a new con would be madness.

>> No.8899090

Kaizoku was good. Bar was a massive improvement. Sad I missed hebocon, what was it like?
Did anyone else go to the skits? The cringe was intense this year. All horrific aside from like two. My balls jumped back into me when that beast with the uke played. Why do these people go outside?
Trade hall was dull too. Panels were interesting. Definitely an improvement on last year. Ques for the guest signings were long as fuck though and the puppy cafe. Didn't even get to go in it was so long.

Best ireland has at the moment though. I miss arcade con.

>> No.8899593
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I have never been to a con. I am not interested in (most) cosplay, but I am a Japanese enthusiast, or Weeaboo, if you will.

When is the next con and what sort of attractions or activites could they offer someone like me, an intellectual and connoisseur?

>> No.8899602

You sound like a fucking autist. You need to get a life tbqh...

>> No.8899604
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Pls, come back to the chat Skeletor

>> No.8899608
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Fedoracon 2016 in NUIG April sounds like yer scene lad

>> No.8899619
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I have indeed been diagnozed with autism m'lad, but I have a life, and quite the fulfilling one at that as an admirer and avid observer, and hopeful future participant, of Japanese culture.

>> No.8899645

Well..... the aim would be to offer a different sort of event rather than the me-toism. Even if I am a bit nostalgic for the atmosphere of the cons of old which weren't so crowded.

One thing I dislike is that there's a sense of a changing relationship between the convention and the fans.

Generally I've noticed at some cons as they've gotten bigger, attendees started to treat staff like paid lackeys or fast-food peons rather than fans who'd actually put a lot of effort, and given up their weekend, to make the event happen.

"Ooh, I paid to be here, I'm so much better than you....."

>> No.8899652
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Why do all vaginas, wet or dry, roasted or pure, at the end of a the day look like a monster from a B horror film and taste mank and have this intense heated stank that ya can cut with a bread knife?

>> No.8899653

If you have a daecent games room and cordon off the fighting game autists to their own dark corner of a different room, you'll have my patronage

>> No.8899662

It could be worse. You could be deepthroating a banana to weird music in your shitty apartment

>> No.8899673
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Could someone respond please to this?

I am planning on moving to Xapan and think it vital I experience some immersive Xapanese culture before arriving so I do not commit any taboo social faux pas.

>> No.8899675

>TFW no Gypo baby friend

>> No.8899687

im an ugly loser lads if i go to a con i fear people will laugh at me

>> No.8899688
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is that even still going? is everyone still there?

>> No.8899692
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>> No.8899694

Anyone ever been to Q-con?

>> No.8899700
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Everyday lad

>> No.8899710


>> No.8899726

You are undoubtedly correct. Everyone will laugh at you for being a loser virgin, normal people will instincitvely know this just from looking at you.

Do not trust or associate yourself with attractive people under any circumstances

>> No.8899738

but maybe i could meet people and make friends at a con

>> No.8899770

alright, I'll pop in tomorrow

>> No.8899785

Seek out a monastic lifestyle instead.

the material world is illusory, you must elimate desire and dedicate yourself to self-actualisation, either through organised religion, or through self-imposed isolation and meditation

>> No.8899894

I feel like Hebocon could have been a bit better organised. It was on a table in the middle of the upstairs cafe so I wasn't able to see any of it. It was far too crowded so I just gave up. Didn't really help that a lot of the people in front were standing on chairs. They should have set up a camera and projected it onto a wall or something so that people could actually see. I was pretty excited for it too.
The rest of the con was pretty good though. I got to take part in Kards Against Kaizokucon, which was so much fun. Riuchi was absolutely mind-blowing, despite having a small technical issue. Didn't get into the puppy cafe, but I got to play with some puppies outside when they were brought on a break so it's all good.

>> No.8900122

Beast with the ukulele?

>> No.8900515

I saw the tranny and the lizard lady holding hands.

>> No.8900854


>> No.8901312

wait that which shall not be named was at the con?

>> No.8901314

Miss Arcade con? Why the fucking would you miss Arcade Con?

>> No.8901427


>> No.8901496

Because it's a shit con in a shit part of the city? I missed it every year it was on, but I won't miss it this year.

>> No.8901670
File: 75 KB, 1600x1065, Bed Sheet Ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my cosplay.

>> No.8901779

Which trans? There was more than one at the con

>> No.8901851

do you think they would have sex with me?

>> No.8902817

Do trannies celebrate International Women's Day?

>> No.8902860

Fuck you! I was on this """"""SAFE FOR WORK""""" thread at work and my boss saw this pic and thinks I was looking up snuff films on the job. I'm fired now cause of you arsehole!

>> No.8902903

Kaizoku Con was a fun weekend, certainly worth the trip down. The events were varied and ran on time, there was always something to see, Riuchi was awesome, guests were nice people, the staff were chipper, approachable and helpful.

The skits were a bit cringe but that's generally something we've all come to expect but they were inoffensive.

I love the fact that it was spread out as well, there was very little of the claustrophobia that can often happen at Irish cons where everything is concentrated in the one area so you had time to breath.

Nice bar too. Fair fucks, Kaizoku Con, I will definitely part ways with my money next year for another visit.

>> No.8903319


Did you see that smelly guy in the science coat at it?

>> No.8903412

How un-self-aware does one have to be to cosplay or go to a con?

>> No.8903424

nope didn't see simon kgb/companion cube guy there

>> No.8903453

chris-chan made a video wishing people happy International Women's Day

>> No.8904553

Has anyone been to Anime Dublin before?

>> No.8904591

What date is it on

>> No.8904598

2nd of April.

>> No.8904606

Fuckit. Grand excuse to get pissed.

>> No.8904636

Have to buy your ticket online.

>> No.8907378
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which one of you guys hurt my waifu?

>> No.8907391

All me

>> No.8907439


Can you please just stop abusing people online? God, you are the one with the problem.

>> No.8907448

>implying he didn't make the whole story up to draw attention away from the fact his shitty tranny 'sex work' page was found and posted for all to see, complete with a video of him deepthroating a banana

>> No.8907453
File: 120 KB, 850x911, 665ad45c9c2b91c1be8c71fd4f513426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-does anyone wanna go to a con w-with me???

>> No.8907456

Seconding. The person anon is posting has issues and is a lolcow, no doubt about it, but they're not even relevant to the con scene anymore. There's no reason to post them here.

Take it to lolcow.

>> No.8907459

>There's no reason to post them here.

Yes there is. It's gas and makes me feel better about my life. Potsy is likr one perpetual episode of Jeremy Kyle

>> No.8907465

It's not board relevant. Start a thread for them on lolcow dot farm and get it out of your system there.

>> No.8907467

Can we go back to Amy King shitposting then?