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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8779069 No.8779069 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>8737638

Hiatus ends soon! People will probably come back into the fandom when the show picks back up again, and there seems to be new homeworld designs that people will cosplay.

Anyone see any cool cosplays recently?

I'll do a tag dump in a minute

>> No.8779090
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>> No.8779094
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>> No.8779097
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>> No.8779099
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still fav jasper

>> No.8779104
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>> No.8779109
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>> No.8779112
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>> No.8779117
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>> No.8779119
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>> No.8779122
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Has there been any solid Sardonyxs yet? I've seen a few, but none really hit the mark

>> No.8779126
File: 595 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nx80634CJS1s7dn54o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Rose is quite cute, Jasper also looks nice, but needs paint

>> No.8779129
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>> No.8779130
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>> No.8779135
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>> No.8779137
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She has a fitting face for Pearl

>> No.8779140
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More cringe

>> No.8779144
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>> No.8779148
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>> No.8779151
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>> No.8779155
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I have.. questions

>> No.8779157
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This amethyst is pretty well done. For some reason, most Amethysts look pretty bad

>> No.8779158
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>> No.8779159
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>> No.8779161
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>> No.8779167
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>> No.8779170
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someone's already made Sapphire's dress from the preview

>> No.8779174
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>> No.8779177
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>> No.8779179
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end of dump for now

>> No.8779332
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Selfpost. Besides nosegem, concrit? Esp with eye makeup. Wings don't look good with my hooded eyes ;_; Also I bought a not-so abrasive orange that I think would look a lot better.

>> No.8779354
File: 38 KB, 775x424, 1436822451984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fuck up that much?

>> No.8779366

I'd keep the wings to a minimum. I'd use eyeliner in this particular cosplay only to offset the orange.

>> No.8779389

Why do we constantly need to make new threads about this one shitty cartoon that's not even airing right now. Why can't we let it die without immediately creating another one.

>> No.8779395


This meetup was still the most immense shitshow I've ever attended, and I used to be homestuck.

>> No.8779402


>> No.8779423
File: 362 KB, 1260x765, tumblr_nv9fazofui1smn4pqo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so..is her gem rounded or cut at the edges?

>> No.8779426

the necklace is actually pretty cute, it'd make nicely unobtrusive merch

>> No.8779541
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, DJo3twg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, jasper has pretty bold winged liner in canon. i think it looks good, anon! maybe focus on making the tips of the wings sharper and continuing the liner around your lower lash line, as well as a matching orange lipstick. your wig looks promising and i like your paint color

>> No.8779548

that orange wig is just INFURIATING

>> No.8779567
File: 865 KB, 1079x1079, Screenshot_2015-11-02-10-07-32-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8779570

Did the Lapis stuff her top or something? The cloth peeking out looks like she did.

>> No.8779571

What they said. Maybe sharpen the end of your wings a bit but thats it really. Looks great so far!

>> No.8779592

peridot is usually faceted so I'm going say cut

>> No.8779605

why.. is lapis holding her gem?

>> No.8779607

i would say faceted too, but its odd that its only been in recent episodes that its shown to be faceted. unless im remembering it wrong, it was rounded until she lost her limb enhancers

>> No.8779631

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it doesn't really matter as long as you don't have one of THOSE wigs.

>> No.8779650

As far as I can guess when her gem is in her forehead it's a little sunk in so the facets don't show.

>> No.8779680

Oh hey is this another Lapis who went with plastic wings? I always wonder why I don't see more of those... they look the best in my opinion.

>> No.8779719


>> No.8779722

Is the Peridot the anon who posted here last thread? You look pretty good! Of course there are the nitpick/fix points that you and other anons brought up, but you've definitely gotten the shape and overall general feel.

>> No.8779864
File: 101 KB, 800x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a really cute jasper! if you're having any troubles getting a perfect sharp wing, this trick works wonders.

>> No.8779900

i'm gonna ignore the orange wig for a second and call out that thing on her knees in the middle
putting characters in alternate outfits is cute and fun in drawings, but when you do it irl it just makes you look like you wanted to cosplay the character but you didn't want to put work into it.
i hate it. i'm so god damn salty about people showing up to cons in alt outfits that half the time are clothes that character wouldn't even wear.

>> No.8779909

the only new preview i could find didn't show ruby or sapphire at all. does anyone have a link to watch whatever has the dress in it?

>> No.8779933

It's like with the ring on pearls gem. It's facetted but underneath her skin

>> No.8779965

Literally the only good pearl here is the one directly in the middle, and even she could use some work. Also
>dat clown witch laying down wtf

>> No.8780086
File: 210 KB, 800x450, nhzyliifoycje7y7qp8s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some kind of press release came with this still of Ruby and Sapphire attached.

>> No.8780120

>tfw you want to cosplay Sapphire's cute designs and poofy dresses
>but you're 5'10" and there's already a surfeit of Sapphires

>> No.8780123


Not with that wig and wrinkled bow you don't.

>> No.8780159

this is pretty dense. what if it has some sort of hem detailing?

>> No.8780601

doesn't matter because they were totes the first one to make it

>> No.8780763

The 'belt' of lapis her skirt, has such an unfortuned shape. It is pointing way to oblivious to her vagina.

>> No.8780765

I ofcourse ment obvious...

>> No.8780961

That's an incredibly high vagina

>> No.8781011

Still better than half the Roses I've seen

>> No.8781383

she looks like samuel l jackson lol

>> No.8781404

>pointing to

>> No.8781435
File: 561 KB, 648x971, KINw2vS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it were me, I'd sharpen the brows and fill them in as a darker shade of brown. Sharpen the wings, and I think contour and gradient the lips some so they don't disappear in all that orange lol

Nitpicks aside, you have a great face for Jasper!

>> No.8781797
File: 71 KB, 768x500, Cry_for_Help_089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of them have a proper cummerbund and the right color wig, sure. Till then? Nope.

>> No.8781955

It won't rip off my makeup at all? I'm totally willing to try this but I always thought the tape would take my foundation with it.

>> No.8781957

Foundation, body paint, what have you.

>> No.8782000

>have half finished malachite cosplay that i had to shelve but am planning to finish next year
>probably going to get redesigned before im done

>> No.8782035
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The lack of christmas cosplays surprised me

>> No.8782043

those arms look like saggy mutated titties

>> No.8782115
File: 124 KB, 283x280, MY EYES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8782116

>fat people trying to cosplay as Pearl
All of my keks.

>> No.8782416

Looking at this makes me very uncomfortable.

>> No.8782944

The anime expo 2k15 SU gathering was... More than a mess

I wish I had pics but I was a shitty looking stevonnie and didn't want to spread that about

>> No.8783147

Jasper's lips are pretty full and I think one of the biggest failings of people doing Jasper is not defining the lips. Do a darker orange lip liner slightly overdrawing the lips and fill them in to match your foundation. To make your lips look even fuller use a highlight in the center. Gives you instant pout and really elevates the look.

>> No.8783592

This was Comikaze

>> No.8784908
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>> No.8784911
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>> No.8784933

I wear cateye eyeliner everyday and I have hooded lids. wing the liner out farther and make sure it's pointed. also,?apply eyeshadow to your lids to give them depth. the trick is to extend/blend the "lid" out more with the darker color. do this above your natural lid. search yt for some tutorials for hooded lids!

>> No.8785874


Okay, count down to any characters/variants from this new Steven Bomb promo being cosplayed?

>> No.8785896
File: 165 KB, 720x1280, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F5f467049a5d113c11905e347fe891690%2Ftumblr_nzzg88hjRQ1qkw1e4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8785951

>boob arms


>> No.8785959

maybe it just the poor video quality, but i didnt see a ton of new designs. there was the new ruby design i mean, but we've already seen that

>> No.8785962

i just want to hold this girl by the shoulders and let her know that she doesnt have to follow every tutorial that gekroent makes to the letter

>> No.8786007

She has potential imo and neither wig nor gem and visor look bad

>> No.8786021

i agree on the potential part, but right now everything just looks.. really bad. the visor is so off centered its covering part of her eye, the wig's side bang things are uneven and weirdly choppy, and the wig itself could use some reshaping and cleaning up. if she took some time to work out all the problems and make some of her own original things, it could be pretty good. but you cant really say that it looks good now

>> No.8786218

do tell

>> No.8786422

There's rubies with different gem placements, boxes-taped-to-her-feet Peridot, a new Connie outfit and taller Steven.

>> No.8786429
File: 430 KB, 354x600, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copypasting from the help thread; figured I should post here too.

I'm thinking of selling the wig I used for Rainbow Quartz, and I'd love if I could get some suggestions for what price to put it at. (in USD)

>approx $100 worth of items from Wigisfashion sewed together (platinum blonde lacefront customized to have twice the amount of fibers, light blonde wig, lilac and light pink extensions)
>recently washed/brushed through

Sorry for the shitty photo. I can upload photos that better show the pink/lilac if need be.

>> No.8786984


>> No.8787028

Why the hell do pearl cosplayers always put their gens in the middle of their foreheads or between their eyebrows when her gem is way higher on her head????

Like yea, /her/ gem is in the middle of her forehead, but /her/ forehead is much larger with a receding (for lack of a better word) hair line!

>> No.8787037

You gotta place the tape on your hand a couple of times to take some of the stickyness away, then it won't rip off your make up (as much)

Its meant to be a guide, not to stick to your face
(like a thinner, more flexible and see through business card variant of the same tip/trick)

>> No.8787039

I'm not the only one seeing the nose on this, right??

>> No.8787321
File: 50 KB, 960x720, WtQNeVP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most cosplayers dont wanna shave their hair for something most people wont even notice?

>> No.8787587

>pointing to
I not sure were your vagina is. But mine is below my bellybutton, kind of were my legs begin and also in the center there. Just like were the arrow is >pointing to

>> No.8788464


>> No.8788489

I think you'll find that real people don't have heads as disproportionately large as a cartoon character

>> No.8788514

This is from that Uncle Grandpa crossover episode right? its pretty spot on if so.

>> No.8789074

i feel like this could have been good if only a few more hours of work went into it, and had a different wig

>> No.8789108
File: 91 KB, 480x734, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F951455e35a99109360d487cb19c77527%2Ftumblr_nxsm1yiQGq1r2qthho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8789130
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>> No.8789160
File: 55 KB, 528x960, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F63c28cce4b0e26dc4d7cd5a1350caf5d%2Ftumblr_ny6oktrsbd1sdenpco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this suit and wig

>> No.8789165

she kind of looks like a low budget gekroent with the shiny bodysuit and clunky boots.. i admire gekroent for posting so many detailed tutorials, but it just leads to people who follow them to the letter and do nothing by themselves.

>that stretched out diamond

>> No.8789168
File: 371 KB, 1280x960, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2Fa82c671a705af5087557a3a214f3470f%2Ftumblr_ny6b7rSA2m1uur4b3o10_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8789171
File: 438 KB, 1280x960, https%3A%2F%2F36.media.tumblr.com%2F04aecb5203512da8733c52f15bd37f35%2Ftumblr_nya8pt4Lgi1rd5l89o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youve got a point there anon. but better than them messing up completely I guess

>> No.8789178

oh my god.. what the hell is that peridot
this peridot is really cute- i like her wig and was hopeful but got disappointed by those limb enhancers. they look like they were made of paper

>> No.8789179
File: 425 KB, 960x1280, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F1d0e59b37ccf3badfe0d71b01b034dc1%2Ftumblr_ny8zuxX8aU1rkvsk0o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8789182

the mouth looks like a ninja turtle

>> No.8789187

yeah the suit looks a lot like gekroents. but a few improvements and the whole thing could look really good

>> No.8789205

>it just leads to people who follow them to the letter and do nothing by themselves
Detailed tutorials also lead to people who use them for just one part of their cosplay and do the rest themselves. I don't really get your argument here, unless it's that nobody should make tutorials to force cosplayers to think for themselves. Which imo is stupid since there's so few good tutorials in this fandom to start with.

>> No.8789224
File: 1.89 MB, 1204x1200, Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 4.56.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you might have misunderstood my point, or i miswrote it, or whatever. i meant that it's nice of gekroent to post 4 or 5 tutorials on how to make her wig, visor, limb enhancers, but it leads to really unoriginal cosplayers that obviously tried to copy everything this one cosplayer has made to the letter and ending up looking like a carbon copy of the tutorials they used. if this peridot had used gekroent's wig tutorial and did their own things for the limb enhancers, suit, fingers, and visor, they would still look original, but copying every single part of her cosplay down to the shininess of the suit and the darts in the toes of the shoes leads to them looking very much like they simply saw one good peridot and replicated everything as much as they could without thinking how they could take a different approach to some aspects.

>> No.8789227

also sorry if it sounded like i was against tutorials in general- i support them wholeheartedly since they can help people with parts of a cosplay they may have never done before, but i was criticizing this peridot's useage of all of them and the way she obviously just tried to make an exact copy of gekroent's cosplay without creating anything originally

>> No.8789553 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 1798691_192268247789168_8237040470357892914_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big improvement! Gorgeous!

>> No.8789561
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 10306743_192268214455838_4665889857774509500_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8789578
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 1798691_192268247789168_8237040470357892914_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this rose

>> No.8789629

>"Big improvement! Gorgeous!"

>> No.8789663

That wig is not that bad we've seen much worse.

>> No.8789689

Considering the mess it used to look like, it is a big improvement. Still not my favorite because of the inaccurate wig, but it looks way less 'hot mess'

>> No.8789722
File: 105 KB, 640x782, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think she'd be able to turn that into something decent, I'm surprised. Still wish she'd gone with a bubblegum pink, but she probably just stitched together a bunch of cheap milkshake pink wigs

>> No.8789738
File: 108 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nwscz1WCnI1qam4cjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the greatest, but a hella cute family.

>> No.8789744
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>> No.8789814
File: 44 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.887240316_2r7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shield looks nice. (candicatcosplay on Etsy)

>> No.8789873

and they keep asking her to make a paint tutorial as well.
but didn't hanari post a full how to for peridot too?

>> No.8789907

seriously..? she already states what paints she uses. can people not google how to paint themselves? there must be dozens of tutorials on how to do bodypaint

>> No.8789911
File: 177 KB, 720x960, tumblr_nzrzc33czM1qim4fgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she posted one but with different materials. Gekroent used eva and Hanari used fiberglass. The first version looked pretty clunky but her remake looks pretty nice. My only nitpick is her wig and bodypaint but she's remaking her wig so we'll see.

>> No.8789918

I wonder why she still uses these fingers it looks so off. I'm seeing many using gloves and fingers now.

>> No.8789943
File: 618 KB, 437x633, kitsune sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt this, this girl?

>> No.8789947

still beautiful

>> No.8789948

isn't she also doing wig commissions?

>> No.8789955

yep, it was already stated in >>8789722. i have no idea how she tamed that absolute rats nest, but good on her for realizing that it looked terrible

>> No.8789956
File: 583 KB, 638x527, alternative rose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget her edgy alternative Rose. Tumblr to the max.

>> No.8789960

i.. still dont get this.. did she actually try to say this was cosplay? MAYBE it could be passable if she wore her wig with it (and barely at that), but it just looks like a 'hey i bought some merch' picture to me.

>> No.8789964

Its regarding a thing about her showing how she IS Rose Quartz. Something about wearing this all the time to prove her dedication. Basically cosplaying Rose on a daily basis without wearing the wig. She even goes by 'The Real Rose Quartz'.

>> No.8789967

oh jesus, how pretentious. and scarily close to fucking ~*fictionkin*~ too. when you get out of costume, youre not cosplaying anymore. when you have short blue hair and are just wearing a t shirt and beanie, youre not cosplaying, youre just wearing fan merch. i think hearing that just took away any admiration i had for her cosplay

>> No.8789968
File: 75 KB, 500x590, tumblr_nq804y14qF1sq33gro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stomach.. I think I just threw up a little bit. Rose is a big woman, but she's not flabby and shapeless, she's actually got a flat stomach

>> No.8789982

This is some Heart of Darkness third world tribe looking shit

>> No.8789997

But anon, big chest, wide hips, larger than thin arms means fat, right?

>> No.8789999

Yellow star bugs me

>> No.8790028

they even ask for the exact patterns of everything. I dont want to know how many messages asking for stuff she gets

>> No.8790077

Her attitude is annoying. almost seems like she has to convince herself how amazing she is

>> No.8790107

Wow she has nooooooo business letting people pay her for wig styling. Her original wig is a nightmare and even her "cleaned up" version is messy and damaged looking. The only reason she's gotten as popular as she has is because she caters to the "sexy fatty" fetishers and people who think it's omgsoprogressive and "beautiful."

>> No.8790238
File: 69 KB, 491x640, Plus-Size-Model-Tara-Lynn-Lands-Elle-Spain-Cover-the-November-2013-Issue-395845-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a touchy topic here and especially on tumblr, but Rose isn't flabby and shapeless- she's got a super defined waist and a very hourglass shape- there's no huge gut sticking out of her dress (until she gets pregnant). In my opinion, a 'real life Rose' would be 1 part tall Amazon woman and 2 parts plus-sized model. There's no denying she's bigger than the average woman, but bigger=/= sagging and droopy

>> No.8790241
File: 258 KB, 737x1280, tumblr_ns0wjqeZNt1qzzfdxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted this before, but since it's relevant again, I'll post some Roses that have a really accurate figure

>> No.8790243
File: 702 KB, 724x1086, 1444856536282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8791109

From Peridot waxing lyrical about quartz gems it seems likely that under her dress she's rocking a build not that different from Jasper's.

>> No.8791121

You completely missed the sarcasm.

>> No.8791297

Oh no, I knew >>8789997 was being sarcastic, I just needed to rant for a moment since we were on the topic of Rose's body

>> No.8791503

people will cosplay these silhouettes before the episode even comes out, wont they


>> No.8791515

someone's already made sapphire's dress (although it didn't look great). isnt that lapis in the foreground though? or at least, a lapis

>> No.8791704
File: 865 KB, 1248x1920, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F101420651548a080a9bba3b34ce3bc4e%2Ftumblr_o04wcs04bI1t1cfk5o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8791732

shapewear needed asap, but thats a nice face in 2nd pic

>> No.8791761
File: 608 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nn2szlPMyg1qlqki3o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8791776

i feel like crying

>> No.8791855

Her legs holy shit

>> No.8791861
File: 20 KB, 500x428, 758daa3d239375a49275d826f6633a88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8791868

She should try to lose some fucking weight before attempting to squeeze into shapewear.

>> No.8791876

she's dressed like a 2000 era invader zim fangirl


>> No.8792059

i feel like that would be ok for a joking piece of fanart, but actually wearing it to a con isnt funny anymore

>> No.8792068


Man I feel so bad for Pear-chan. She's still got a beautiful face that is trapped above 200 extra pounds. Her feeder bf or whatever needs to be stopped.

>> No.8792081

its still possible for her to be attractive while overweight just those arm flaps are terrifying

>> No.8792164

You do know people in feeder relationships aren't just girls gaining for/because of their boyfriends, the gainer get off on weight gain regardless so her bf probably has nothing to do with it.
ugh it's depressing I mean even if you got off on being fat looking at those arms or legs in the mirror would surely put you off

>> No.8792268
File: 65 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1451712395338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure some parts need fixing but they still look really good.

>> No.8792274

im sorry to hear about your loss of eyesight, anon

>> No.8792288

>conflating good photography and a cute face on the Opal with "good"

>> No.8792291

Why is Opal wearing pink lipstick?

>> No.8792293

maybe it's the hiatus. havent seen much in the group lately

>> No.8792329
File: 96 KB, 720x960, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F32f8a26fe4c2d1bd85f0ff23579f18ad%2Ftumblr_nxkslh6By01renrzko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8792374

You understand that we're trying to copy a character right??
That we're all trying to look like the same character??
Not our own varients???

Cosplay isnt original. Never has been never will.
Were all trying to look as exact to a character as possible, so if some one has achieved that, and put out tutorials on how others can do the same, people will use those tutorials to look as exactly like the character as possible.
Thus looking Iike that cosplayer.
Thus looking like the character
Ans if we all look like the character!!!!
We eill all look the same!!!¡!¡¡¡!

>> No.8792380

Jesus Christ anon, calm tf down. Are you one of the people who used her tutorials or what? That anon honestly has a point, it IS weird to copy another cosplayers cosplay down to a tee, especially when you can tell who they copied. Its great that gekroent made tutorials but those should be starting points, not something to copy exactly.

>> No.8792381

When it comes to any canon that's not live action there's always going to be different ways to interpret the art so yes there are variants.
Some as minor as proportions and some a major as gold freckles on Lapis.

>> No.8792382

Her yellow body paint is the dumbest idea. Cool, you tried to be original, but for the sake of looking stupid.

>> No.8792386

Have you not seen the other Peridot cosplayers who look nothing like Gekroent? There already are variants and they don't look like each other, but they look good in their own way.

>being this autismo!!!¡¡¡!!!

>> No.8792387

Ok first off, maybe you should take a walk around the block and cool off for a minute. You're.. weirdly enraged about this topic. Secondly, Peridot is a pretty simple 2D design. Like >>8792381 said, there's so many different ways to interpret triangle hair, visor, and limb enhancers. Just look at all the Peridot cosplayers and how they all interpreted her hair, limb enhancers, body suit, visor, etc differently. With so much room for interpretation, many Peridot cosplayers are going to look different based on how they think she would look in real life. Therefore, it makes it extremely obvious if one person has just seen one cosplayer's interpretation, decided it was good enough, and just did everything they did without looking at Peridot's original design and thinking to themselves "Hey, I wonder if her limbs are shiny or matte, or if her visor is colored or clear, or if I should do a natural look for the hair, a helmet-y rigid style, or somewhere in between? etc, etc, etc". It's unoriginal. Just because gekroent did a nice interpretation of Peridot doesn't mean that it's the ONLY interpretation that's good, and simply mimicking hers down to the point where you're copying even the faults is boring.

>> No.8792543
File: 249 KB, 1280x854, https%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F4b4b01745e359c5bdd5f1167734654cc%2Ftumblr_o03242mw6q1si0eyio4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would have been better if the rest of the cosplay followed this color palette. Not just make the skin sunset palette and the rest daylight version.

Pic from the tumblr tag to contribute

>> No.8792688

this is the first time i've seen a garnet with accurate shaped sleeves. not sure what's happening with the shoulder seams though

>> No.8792696

She's really beautiful, a doll face.

>> No.8792734
File: 63 KB, 540x960, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F9c41a5095555e94f0a00c2df0268908f%2Ftumblr_nz0yqiUW8c1uvorf9o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving the sheen of her suit.
I was hoping for someone to go the spacy shiny route

>> No.8792737

Hey man, Pear-chan gets paid to have flabby arms. She doesn't even need a real job. So jelly.

>> No.8792748

sadly, it's yet another thing she copied from gekroent, >>8789224

>> No.8792791

any better picture of that one?

>> No.8792795
File: 1.47 MB, 900x1204, Screen Shot 2016-01-02 at 12.19.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't seem like she's worn it to a con yet

>> No.8792824

pick one

>> No.8792839

it depends entirely how they carry their weight, desu

if theyre able to minimize the amount of cellulite by not completely fucking giving up the moment they hit 200lbs and have an attractive face, then yes, a possibility exists.

>> No.8792845

so, no, my post was not in defense of those that say "im too lazy and weak to care of myself, my bloated unwashed body is just as attractive as ones that aren't"

>> No.8792846

*take care of myself

>> No.8792969

She has a lot of potential and looks more like Garnet than any other cosplayer i've seen but this is such a mess holy shit

>> No.8792970

What an awkward pose.

>> No.8793317
File: 74 KB, 720x960, rose1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite Rose so far--had my eyes on it since the start. This wig has the volume needed, and her gem lights up/glows. All the dress needs is an ironing, in my opinion.

>> No.8793319

pics of the glowing gem?

>> No.8793321
File: 60 KB, 960x720, rose wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of closer-up shots of her wig for you guys

>> No.8793322
File: 70 KB, 720x960, rose 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8793326
File: 54 KB, 720x960, glow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the only picture she's gotten of it so far, but I'm curious to see it actually in action.

>> No.8793328

I really wish she'd taken some of the volume out of the top and distributed it so that the wig was longer. It's way too short and squat, and just makes her entire body look absurdly tiny. On a bigger girl this would probably look better proportioned but it's practically eating her.

>> No.8793333

>That filename

You finally fucked up, selfposter.

>> No.8793335

Why is her gem so huge?

>> No.8793340

It's pretty solid but...

>"1000$ and a whole year later, I have completed the beautiful Rose Quartz"

ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS?? Why would she do this?

>> No.8793342

Hate to tell you anon, but I'm not her at all. I /did/ take it from facebook, but I'm far too fat myself to fit in that dress.

>> No.8793345
File: 43 KB, 720x960, glow 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lied to you anon. There IS a better picture.

>> No.8793348

Well that solves the mystery of whether she really used eight rhapsody wigs at $65 each. JFC.

>> No.8793354

This cosplay is really solid. I didn't think I'd find a rose I really love this year, but wow this is great.

>> No.8793408
File: 423 KB, 720x960, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are calling it perfect but my shitty editing shows what it would look like if it was near perfect.
The massive star is annoying me.

>> No.8793419

No one said she's perfect. Get the sand out of your cunt.

>> No.8793422
File: 9 KB, 229x172, tumblr_n2geylRD8u1qcj11go2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the salt is real
I'm guessing you are her?

>> No.8793433

I said solid, not perfect. I don't think we'll ever really get a "perfect" Rose, but I can appreciate a good one.

>"Hi, <cosplayer>!"
Wow, you're really salty. Sorry you can't make decent cosplays, anon.

>> No.8793434

Nah, just salty, paranoia-chan.

I've only made 1 cosplay in my life, and it turned out like shit, not gonna lie. I just admire her dedication. As I said, she's not /perfect/ and no one said she is, but she put a fuckton of work into this and it shows.

>> No.8793442

Ah how quaint. You're getting mad on the internet.

>> No.8793447
File: 29 KB, 500x275, You&#039;re_gonna_need_some_new_bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793454

If only you knew. I wouldn't critique someone if I couldn't make cosplays silly!

>> No.8793465
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793469

You must be fat

>> No.8793479

Did you really have to samefag for that?

It's common knowledge that Pear-chan has a really pretty face, and always has (though the more weight she gains, the less her genetics can protect her face from the fat). Sorry you're so naturally ugly that no amount of weight you lose will fix it.

>> No.8793483
File: 9 KB, 1359x140, laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793492

It's common knowledge that you're an SJW. Sorry your parents dont love you. <3

>> No.8793511

assuming you arent this cosplayers, a good way to not sound like you are her is to not shower so much praise on it, and dont argue with people over it. there are faults with it, and you spamming pictures of it while vehemently defending it sounds really suspicious. also, if you'd grabbed them from facebook, they wouldnt be called 'rose1', they'd be a long stream of numbers

>> No.8793515

man, im saving this edit for how im planning my rose dress. my wig is this color, but i just need more volume in it

>> No.8793517

>an SJW
>an social justice warrior
sorry for your stupidity :(

Pear-chan is cute in the face. Sorry you're so fugly and jealous that you feel the need to accuse me of being a sjw to feel good about yourself.

>> No.8793522

Awww you poor child. You must be so insecure that you have to go around calling people ugly.
Glad it was of some use! I'm sure you'll look wonderful!

>> No.8793557
File: 15 KB, 317x267, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8793591

>how do acronyms work

Do you pronounce the whole thing in your head or something? Because who the fuck would say "a ess-jay-double-yoo"? That's stupid. Use "an" if you're using the acronym.

>> No.8793593

>insults people
>can't even understand grammar

>> No.8793835
File: 82 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nyte4pBvvd1v0i103o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone trying this hard to win an argument on the internet

stay catty, cgl

>> No.8793844

stay mad, OP

>> No.8793938

>there are faults with it
Oh no her gem is an inch too wide, WORST COSPLAY EVER amirite? The only reason she's getting "showered with praise" is because she's a great cosplayer, nitpicking aside. She spent a lot of money and time on her dress and wig and it shows.

>> No.8793946

>spent a lot of money
should have just ended there. there's no way this cosplay had to be $1000
also, have you even read the thread? the gem is probably the least thing people are talking about. the 'cutout' is a weirdly huge brown star that she slapped on there, the wig isn't the right color or shape, there's no sweetheart bodice, and its wrinkly as fuck. learn to read as well. i said youre the only one showering her with praise here- she's good, but not great. you're only digging yourself a bigger hole of selfposting by the way you keep defending her/yourself. no one would defend a random cosplayer to this level, or have specifically named files that they 'just took off facebook loll~~'

>> No.8794020

same anon that saved this as a reference- any ideas how to get the seamless transition from bodice to first tier? ive made two rose dresses but the seam there has always bothered me enough that i end up selling them.

>> No.8794035
File: 1.06 MB, 1438x813, FriendShip_PeriEscape (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be worse

>> No.8794132

Two ways you could pattern it to eliminate the waist seam. The first being a modified princess torso block which would allow for best fit. With so many curves that would work, but the princess seams would go through the first tier. The second is a modified torso block with fish eyed darts which would eliminate the waist seam and not extend a seam down far. Personally I would drape that instead of flat draft those fish eyed darts just because of the curve of the skirt, but I imagine it would look nice.

>> No.8794227

Lol this thread is full of salty hypocrites who preach love and tolerance but will cut your throat just because of a wrinkle that looked like someone's dead grandmother.

I hope the creators go on another hiatus and shove it up your tumblr freak out asses.

>> No.8794396

So how's that 15 minutes of efame going for you, $1000-chan? Is it worth every penny?

>> No.8794423

>"The most expensive pieces were the wig itself (8 wigs), the styling materials (like 20 cans of hair spray), the “stuffing” for the wig, and the glitter for for the wig (combined is 400$)"
>"The fabric for the dress itself was 250$ and extra materials such as boning and thread and the base skirt and hoop skirt cost another 150, so 400$ total."
>"200 that is left went towards the gem, the make up, the shoes, fake nails and nail and nail polish, and contacts!"

I am still so confused by these numbers.

>> No.8794434

she didnt have to buy actual rhapsody from gothic lolita wigs, but chose to.. for what reason? and how does a gem, makeup, shoes, fake nails, nail polish, and contacts equal 200 bucks? did she not own any makeup beforehand and had to buy everything?

>> No.8794449

I could see shelling out 50 bucks for the gem since it lights up, but 250 for fabric that looks like poly-cotton?

>> No.8794462

Stop closplay until clean the fucking room

>> No.8794469

Normally I think comments like this are stupid because it's your fucking craft space of course it's going to be a mess.... but that looks like her kitchen. :\

>> No.8795227

How can she wear that wig for any amount of time without getting crazy migraines? It's gotta weigh a ton.

>> No.8795268 [DELETED] 

Hey guys, so apparently there has been a really spoilery short leak from one of the upcoming steven bomb episodes so beware of that (or i gues if you want to see it you can find it on youtube pretty easily)

I haven't watched it so I don't know for sure but I've gotten the impression that it shows our first glimpse of yellow diamond

>> No.8795269

Hey guys, so apparently there has been a really spoilery short leak from one of the upcoming steven bomb episodes so beware of that (or i guess if you want to see it you can find it on youtube pretty easily)

>> No.8795274

Looking to do a last minute steven universe cosplay. Any ideas for an easy DIY for Rose's Shield?

>> No.8795309
File: 83 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.636209360_63gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8795342

That is the best fucking wig for Rose I have seen and the curls are SOFT yet tight enough to be distinguished from being a huge mob. The dress needs work, but I don't care. The wig is perfection.

>> No.8795346

>thinking labeling something as 'rose1' isn't just an easier way to find the image in a folder probably filled with hundreds of other images.

Calm down, anon. The image save name arguments are the dumbest on cgl.

>> No.8795355

Probably because GLW are really good for not tangling which made it easy to choose them when styling a hug wig like this. Hell, I have some of my own that are long hair styles because Id rather have a good wig that won't tangle over something like a shitty quality Arda wig that tangles so easy.

>> No.8795373

thanks so much, anons!! ill definitely check out that pattern- im trying to perfect my rose quartz at the moment, and i think remaking the dress is my best bet

>> No.8795434

>GLW are really good for not tangling
This comment made me finally visit the GLW site after hearing about them so many times before. Slightly OT, but do you know how big their wig caps stretch? The main reason I buy primarily from Arda is because of the larger wig sizes.

>the GLW wigs look so lush and pretty wow
>how had I never visited this site until now

>> No.8795440

>Thinking fiber slickness means a thing when putting "20 cans of hairspray" into a wig

I own a GLW rhapsody and even without styling it's nothing to cry home about and definitely not worth $65. It's nice and thick sure but not much better than the $25 knockoff versions I have.

>> No.8795448

honestly its true- those nice store photos have been retouched and they're from several years ago. lately the quality has been decreasing, but the prices haven't. they tangle easier than epiccosplay/arda's silky but without all the fiber in them

>> No.8795450

They are really good and they hold their shape exceptionally well for soft wigs that are already styled. This is what they are good for. The wig caps are very stretchy and can be adjusted. The tight curled wigs to the normal straight extra long wigs are great because they don't tangle. The best part about the curly ones is that you can comb them and they basically bounce right back without being tangled and, yes, the comb goes right through them if they need slight defrizzing if you are doing activities like dancing or wearing one of the wigs to a party.

20 cans of sprays for ALL those wigs with the curls still looking soft and not crisp and gross like all the other Rose wigs. I don't know if you have ever styled a wig before, anon, but it looks like she can easily fluff those curls if needed. You throw even a slight bit of hairspray on any other $25 wig and you suddenly need to wash it. GLW are great for soft styling. Arda and other less lubricated wigs need washing after using even a little bit of product because of how 'dirty' looking they become shortly after. Arda is also good for extensive styling. Thats what they are made for. GLW are great for soft styling and wigs you don't have any plan on styling and instead plan on just cutting.

>> No.8795455

I bought a long blue wig for my sister with pigtails for her first cosplay as Miku. It has yet to tangle into an unmanageable mess and stays pretty clean when she was trying to learn some Vocaloid song I don't know.

>> No.8795619

You seem to not understand how much liquid is in 20 cans of hairspray if you think anything is going to be close to fluffable after that kind of treatment.

>> No.8795629

Didn't think about the fact that cans are also being used for the stuffing/hair undersides to create the base? Calm down.

>> No.8795634

You sound like a shill.

>> No.8795643

This is honestly all a mess.
>wig is just kind of off even if volume is there
>really heavy anime-inspired eye-makeup Rose just does not have
>not chubby or thick enough
>gigantic poorly made star and gem
>poorly constructed and wrinkles literally all over the fabric

She/you think it's really hot shit when your place looks so trashy too.

>> No.8795844

That's a lot of intimate knowledge about how she constructed her wig, whiteknight. Even if she's creating a thick layer of hairspray under the curls or whatever you're describing, 20 cans is an outrageous amount of hairspray for one wig. This is coming from someone who regularly takes wig commissions.

>> No.8795847

20 cans of spray is ridiculous. Even the peridots I know used only one or two

>> No.8795916

>arda wigs look 'dirty' after being styled
what are you on? you must be fucking up royally with your wig if they come out looking dirty after you style them

>> No.8795917

Actually my rhapsody is one of the originals. It was an excellent wig for the time, but is no longer worth 3x the price of a knockoff, even if the quality didn't decrease. Despite what >>8795450 says, it needs to be carefully detangled after wear just like any normal wig. I also don't understand wtf they mean by the cap is stretchy. It's a generous size like most nicer wigs, but not as big as the oversized 23" ones Arda makes.

>Arda and other less lubricated wigs
Confirmed you have no idea what you're talking about. Slick wigs are more tangle resistant because of the fiber content and strand structure, not because they've been oiled up with some kind of product.

I can't help but wonder if you're the Rose upthread trying to justify your $400 wig.

>> No.8795935

i actually do like the volume that the rhapsody style wigs give- im going to try to get this shape with my cosplay, but with a more accurate color and shape than the actual cosplayer. also, not going to use actual GLW because fuck that shit

>> No.8795944
File: 80 KB, 800x800, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic of the color i have in mind

>> No.8795981

Can you somehow add length to it? My problem with the above wig is that it's so short compared to how wide it is. Maybe adding some shorter curls will help balance the length since they'll be longer.

>> No.8795989

Oh, I plan on sewing some wefts super low down and only curling the very bottom of them, so they'll still have length. Then I'll curl the wigs on top so I have both volume and length. I'm not the greatest at explaining, so I can draw a quick diagram if that doesn't make sense

>> No.8795990

also, has anyone ever tried this for rose's hair? I'm trying to decide if I should go with the rhapsody route (making a lot of adjustments, however), or try something new

>> No.8796407

i kind of like this wig. those curls are soft while still beeing big curls

>> No.8796421

me too- the curls themselves are great, its the color, length, and needlessly buying glw wigs that doesnt seem good. im planning on using rhapsody wigs too to get curls like this, but just change about everything else

>> No.8796613

blue diamond attempts when

>> No.8796623

I'm waiting on terrible First Fusion Garnets It's by nature messy but know SU fags? We're gonna have some horrendous looks in the SU tag

>> No.8796674

Blue Diamond's pearl is going to be a popular one too.

>> No.8796720

I want to cosplay Jasper so bad. I've got the perfect body for her (tall, muscular legs, huge boobs) & she's my fave character and I have the sewing skills to make it really nice but...I just moved out and can barely afford food let alone cosplay. UGH.

>> No.8796727
File: 168 KB, 457x377, pearls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or her Pearl

>> No.8796732

everyone too afraid to cut wig bangs is going to be all over this one

>> No.8796733
File: 1.41 MB, 2016x1098, garnetbabu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting on any of them by Friday.

>> No.8796736

uh, top rights a leaked spoiler? might wanna delete it

>> No.8796747
File: 390 KB, 829x693, tumblr_o0gasu1o3Y1rtg6xfo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in light of the rose debate: someone on /co/ has postulated that lion was created when roses' hair became sentient and slithered off her head

we have a colourscheme for sworntosword pearl, so thats good

>> No.8796750


>Image slowly loads as preview
>Wait. Fuck. Something yellow?
>Thank you shitty internet.

>> No.8796751

Her colours are different when she's on Earth. It seems that the art direction went with monotone gems in the court and gems in their true colours on Earth.

>> No.8796784

Hate to tell you, but you might want to not be online for the rest of the week if you want to avoid spoilers. /co/ just unleashed the last leak and it's a biggun. Cosplayers will be the very least of your worries about waiting.

>> No.8796786

Eh, I'm not upset enough about spoilers to completely go offline. I'm avoiding /co/ and the SU tags on Tumblr but anything else I stumble across I'll take on the chin.

>> No.8796794

I want a couple cosplay with a Jasper so bad. best of luck anon!

>> No.8796839

Made mockups of Blue diamonds stuff. It's pretty simple, so I wanna do this right. Any ideas for a fabric? Also where to find a paint that shade because pls no.

>> No.8796865

Definitely something very drapey for the veil, and try lagoon blue from mehron paradise- I used that paint for Sapphire and it's a very nice color, I can show pictures of what it looked like on me if you want

>> No.8796873
File: 389 KB, 1280x720, Reference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see a test image of it! I color picked the image for any one who needs the colors.

>> No.8796889
File: 520 KB, 1280x1919, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing! here's a photo- i'm a fan of mehron paradise- it applies really well

>> No.8796903

color matching, it looks slightly darker, though it will probably be what I end up using, as finding the perfect shade can be difficult. Did you use armsocks, by any chance?

>> No.8796911

yeah, no problem! you can always mix it with some white to get the perfect shade. and i did use armsocks out of scrap fabric i had (honestly, they were just fabric tubes, not full armsocks, but same principle)! even with sealing, i didnt want to risk getting paint on white sleeves/gloves

>> No.8796917

I may make armsocks since only a portion of her hand is showing. I may get some sort of rolling stool to use at the con. I considered using a wheel chair draped with fabric but the fandom at con would murder me dead.

>> No.8796922

the main reason ive heard against unnecessary wheelchairs at cons (besides someone that might take offence) is that theyre really hard to maneuver around a con, crowded or not. it doesnt look like she always has to stand- i think it would still look good if you were just standing

>> No.8796929

I'm not sure how the outfit would look standing. I may try to sketch it out, but the idea I had was very drapey. I'm just not sure how the skirt and shirt go? It might just be a large veil with no skirt, and her outfit is underneath.

>> No.8796992
File: 19 KB, 400x196, veiled_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the way her veil folds around her sleeves I'm guessing it's a separate bit of fabric to whats covering her lap.

Her styling kinda echos the classic veiled oracle look and you don't want to mess up the hang of the area over the eyes so keeping the upper layer as light as possible is probably best.

>> No.8797030

You'd be better off putting wire in the hood.

>> No.8797062

wire could work, but id recommend horsehair braid more, just so it isnt 100% stiff, but still keeps its shape

>> No.8797079
File: 323 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_o0gj8vdiYi1u0q7hno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this fan art on Tumblr that fudges the details but does give some ideas about how the whole outfit could look.

>> No.8797163


Wearing armsocks when it's only a portion of her hand showing is counterproductive... Armsocks are trickiest to get looking good at the fingers and quality nonface body paint (like pax or alcohol activated ) on just your hands is quick and fast to apply. Just paint.

>> No.8797168

Hands are the absolute worst part of your body to paint because they sweat so much and are constantly touching things. It's better to have a lumpy glove than to be melting paint all over your your phone and the rest of your costume.

>> No.8797169

I thought the point of arm socks was to avoid all that gross and easily rubbed off paint on your hands?

>> No.8797178

Have you never used waterbased makeup or....

>> No.8797489

>have half-finished malachite cosplay from last year
>don't really want to finish it because of the fanbase
>maybe it'll change when the show comes back off of hiatus

it's going to be a pain to drag around a convention too. the framework for the butt-body is the size of my own torso, but none of my cosplay friends live near enough to come down and do a photoshoot.

>> No.8797540

Yes I totally agree with you. If you change those things but keep these kind of curls, your wig will be amazing anon!

>> No.8797555

nice samefag and i think fat people are usually disgusting but this girl is beautiful.

>> No.8797572

put wheels on it

>> No.8797592

christ why would you all fall for this
that YD is clearly a shitty fake, I mean just look at that neck

>> No.8797597

Why would someone go through all the trouble of rendering multiple screengrabs and then somehow "miss" a completely fucked up bodypart? Even if it is a fake, it's hand drawn, not a knockoff purse that slipped by inspection. Supposedly it's a grab from Message Received but we'll see by the end of the week if it's real.

>> No.8797620

thanks! i was actually the one who posted >>8795944 and >>8795990. i'd love some help in deciding between those two methods, since theyre both proven to make some huge hair

>> No.8797851

Have you never painted your hands before? It WILL come off, no matter what you do. Unless you sit around in a room touching nothing, or constantly repaint your hands throughout the day, the paint will fade or crack at the very least. Your hands are constantly touching things, moving, and getting sweaty. You'd have to paint yourself with oil paint or heavy chemicals (you know, stuff that stains your skin because it's bad for it) to have body paint on your hands that won't come off after a day of wear.

>> No.8797857

not the anon you're replying to, but PAX stays on all day. what youre saying is true about water based paint, but using something like PAX wont let the paint come off until you remove it with alcohol

>> No.8797873

Have you ever used PAX? Because that shit pills and peels ESPECIALLY at the hands. On the other "hand", I've used water based paint on my hands and have had no problems whatsoever unless I actually get the paint wet.

>> No.8797877

I wasn't aware most people ran around smearing the back of their hands and knuckles on things. You must lead a very interesting life, anon.

I am ex-hamsteak and have painted my hands a dozen or more times. Sure the fingertips and palms fade a little during the day but it's not as big a deal as you're making it out to be.

>> No.8797880

It sounds like you're applying too much to your hands honestly. I've never had a problem with it pilling or peeling as long as I don't cake it on

>> No.8797882

Anon, I think you're mixing up alcohol based paint (which stays on hands and must be removed with alcohol) and PAX (which doesn't stick to fingertips well and can be removed with PAX remover, scrubbing, water, etc)

>> No.8797883

Differnt anon but my PAX sticks well until the first knuckle or so. Below that it tends to wrinkle off from all the movement. I use prosaide ii, maybe different forumals behave differently?

>> No.8797887

I use the original pros aide and I'm pretty sure I'm not putting on too much, its the way that PAX itself behaves.

>> No.8797942

>that Betsey Johnson purse

>> No.8797978
File: 1.03 MB, 1364x768, Steven Universe Say Uncle.mp4_snapshot_01.18_[2016.01.05_17.13.16].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cannot unsee it.

>> No.8798162

Does that stay on with fabric rubbing it? The sleeves are tight around the hand for effect and I dont want it to smear off.

>> No.8798417

It really won't stay on. That one poster is high if they think paint is gonna work on hands.

>> No.8798521

Multiple posters think waterbased paint stays on hand backs, I don't understand why you're convinced so many cosplayers are wrong. It's pretty common knowledge.

>> No.8798620
File: 304 KB, 533x800, tumblr_navwwsNPKq1r0po6qo4_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8798636

the idea of using stilts to have opal's pointe and height is admirable but the execution.. ehh

>> No.8798673
File: 3 KB, 280x272, Wellatleastyoutried_9a7958b39fb87b7bc0fbb8f435ea162d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8799517

anyone want to do a tag dump?

>> No.8799732

New Thread:

>> No.8802744

I'm fucking laughing at this