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File: 1.26 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20151211_112659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8759905 No.8759905 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread hit archive.

Post your dresses of questionable taste.

>> No.8759908
File: 344 KB, 500x600, 11021502_5636fc8fb77ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't like it but I do.

>> No.8759909
File: 224 KB, 652x1027, eyhofreshjsk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8759910

I'm so sad this was posted. This is my number one dream dress that I have been searching for quitely and now I keep seeing people posting it and mentioning looking for it themselves.

>> No.8759928

Apparently they rerelease quite alot according to an anon last thread?

>> No.8759965

I have no idea what that anon is talking about but they don't. They released the print back in 2012 and their blog/fb page have been dead for years. They started updating again this year and I sadly missed the only rerelease afaik back in february.

>> No.8760081

Me too, anon. I didn't like it until I saw the up close pic of the print. It's actually really pretty.

>> No.8760207
File: 103 KB, 412x255, tumblr_inline_n61lr3NXwW1rr68d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see this dress I just

>> No.8760209

Fabulous dress, absolutely awful coord

>> No.8760216

I don't get the hate for it but I'm definitely waiting for the sales to start so I can buy it cheap!

>> No.8760227

I actually like this. What dress is it?

>> No.8760240

I can't believe people paid money for this.

>> No.8760457

I like it from the neck down.

>> No.8760490

I love all of elegy's stuff but it's overpriced.

>> No.8760497

Me too (only the pink colorway though; the rest are legit ugly)

>> No.8760501

This could have had potential, but it's...... that

>> No.8760526

>not wearing black/white stripe socks


>> No.8760548

maybe more

>> No.8760555


>> No.8760558

ITT: lies

>> No.8761695

It's AP from what I remember.

>> No.8761697

Only worn pic I've found so far.

>> No.8761702

ap's dreamy jewel

>> No.8761851

>ugly dresses
All lolita

>> No.8761853

I've only ever seen this dress in blue, does it come in any other colorways? I would love to see it in red or something.

>> No.8762471
File: 30 KB, 360x420, nightcarnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bubblegum pink
>accented with cyan stripes, fuchsia, navy blue and golden yellow
>how do you even coord this
>meta's name written on it in fucking curlz mt
>notre dame in the background or some shit
>there's also a furry if you look closely

God help me I love this terrible thing

>> No.8762474
File: 420 KB, 1280x924, airpop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also love this one, it's just so fantastically tacky. I like it better in the 90s barbie hot pink colorway; navy is way too close to tasteful

>> No.8762540


>> No.8762546
File: 466 KB, 676x966, OP_BL_Front_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't like the construct of it. Never saw a good coord with this dress and the print looks busy. looks like camo from a distance

>> No.8762581

I just got this dress in the mail.
Needless to say, I'm also in love with it.

>> No.8762590

Are you lost?

>> No.8762627

That tacky lace though. Ughhhhh.

>> No.8762657

fucking hideous

>> No.8762685
File: 44 KB, 500x667, 128628_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking thing in every "colorway"

>> No.8762697

I wish this looked like actual galaxies rather than just rainbow stains

>> No.8762726

Help, I love everything in this thread.
I think I'm a forever ita

>> No.8762733

Do you guys think ugly brand dresses are easier to get? Or do people still regular price them?

>> No.8762736

Depends on HOW ugly. radioactive cupcakes sells at $100 for the OP usually, JSK goes for like $70

>> No.8762737

some of them are, for some reason 80% of the time dresses considered ugly here are fairly popular in japan. so yeah people will pay regular price for them and in some cases even more. guess just a prime example how taste can change country by country.

>> No.8762742

I got my OP for less.

>> No.8762745

I own this exact dress, exact colorway. I still don't know how to coord it but god I love this dress so much. It's actually more salmon-y pink in person too.

>> No.8762748
File: 170 KB, 392x429, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always makes me think of this

>> No.8762758

I... really like this. I think if you removed the waist bow and shirring, and wore a lot of pearls, it'd have some potential. And if you added a dark blue overskirt, it'd mute the print a little.
Sorry for my shit taste.

>> No.8763442

I love the print, but I also hate it at the same time because it's so hard to pull off a good coord without it look ita and clusterfuck.

>> No.8764418

this dress is so tacky but i like it???

>in b4 shit taste

>> No.8764421
File: 160 KB, 733x1089, solitude_by_iamcharon-d3jwxp5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops dropped pic

>> No.8765585
File: 51 KB, 599x487, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHHAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8765809

That poor squashed cat.

>> No.8765817

Fuck this dress was a bitch to coord but i fucking loved it idc if people hate it. It's tacky, over the top, and i love it. I always regret selling it. Hoping to find it again at a cheap price since so many people hate it apparently.

>> No.8765822

Fuck i want the light pink/white OP and headbow so bad if you bitches see that shit for 100 or less link it here. I'd even be happy with the black. Its ugly and hard to coord so i dont want to pay more then that, but fuck do i want it!

>> No.8765826

I thought this was some weird etsy disaster but then I saw "Vierge Vampur" at the bottom. Oh dear.

>> No.8765845
File: 398 KB, 400x182, patpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The cat legs dangling down as ribbons...

>> No.8766835

Dear god. This looks like an Etsy interpretation of Victorian biscuit tins. That filename is very appropriate.

>> No.8766903

I didn't like it until I saw a girl wearing the lavender one at hyper japan. Its actually quite pretty.

>> No.8766946

This dress is an incredible work of art, I wish I could find a worn photo.

>> No.8766953

This is so tacky, but I really like it.

>> No.8766955
File: 33 KB, 250x333, ap_2010_op_fantasticdolly_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In every cut and color.

>> No.8766957

>mfw red JSK is my dreamdress
I-I think the red is really cute and has a vintage-feel.

>> No.8766959

I have always felt this way about this print. It reminds me of annoying Rockabilly communities. I don't really like anything inspired by midcentury American styles though.

>> No.8767845

I don't feel like polka dots ever work in lolita.

>> No.8767997


I fucking love this print

>> No.8768020

I saw it at the AP SF store, it's really nice in person

>> No.8768037

Thank, I especially hate this in lavender

>> No.8768041

Where is this dress from?

>> No.8768080
File: 1.12 MB, 780x662, tacky like a pritt stick up the ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this! Not lolita but I recently won a skirt similar to this on ebay

>> No.8769905
File: 469 KB, 500x290, get a load of this guy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8769917

Vierge Vampur

>> No.8769933
File: 124 KB, 291x370, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

British bear in yellow.

>> No.8770381


>Based on one of my favorite stories
>hideous print

Baby has released or is releasing a Little Prince series, but I believe it's a licensed tie in with the film's release in Japan so I'll need a service to get it.

>> No.8770387

What is it about blue and yellow that looks so tacky together...
I mean, they don't always look bad; if the shades are pastel they look fine but anything other than that looks bad to me.

>> No.8770402
File: 204 KB, 329x444, 1389243632405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8770779

Bright yellow looks bad with pretty much everything, really.

>> No.8770868

Yeah look at it, it's gorgeous. Been up for awhile

>> No.8770876

Some of the colorways aren't great, but I really like this it in pink and lavender.

>> No.8770877
File: 203 KB, 376x530, 1424130362613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this dress.

>> No.8770898
File: 566 KB, 650x965, TB2AvfLipXXXXbvXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!87503142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8770910

Oh my gosh I've never seen this I love it.

>> No.8770921

Is that a replica of Royal Princess Alice or is it just very similar print?

>> No.8771016

I hate the girl who only wears it in every color and can't coord for shit.

>> No.8771299

honestly, i wish i could see most of those dresses worn, especially >>8759905, >>8762471, >>8762546, >>8765585 and >>8770898.
i'm really curious about to how people would coord them to make them work

>> No.8771321
File: 413 KB, 1360x2048, DSC_8968_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8771326

I love the coord, but hate the dress.

>> No.8771339

I kinda dig this, in an 'art installment' sort of way.

>> No.8771343

It looks like a highlighter exploded. If it was mustard or a more muted shade of yellow, it would have been fine.

>> No.8771378

not only ugly dress, but also ugly tights, ugly shoes, ugly makeup, ugly hair, and ugly gloves.
This may be the worst thing I've ever seen

>> No.8771379

I like this to be honest.

>> No.8771382

It works in the OTT way.

>> No.8771383

Bright blue and vibrant yellow makes me think of stores like Ikea, Blockbuster, and Best Buy. They grab your attention, but they don't really make you think of anything high quality usually.

>> No.8771480

Will do. I generally don't have a lot of extra money, but I love shopping for things I know friends are looking for when I can't afford shopping. Do you have a throwaway email I can contact you at in case I find it?

>> No.8771482

I'd be all over this dress if it was ivory instead of black.

>> No.8771516


This dress looks good when worn in the model picture, I like it in an almost dolly kei way.

But on a mannequin it looks really bad, like really really bad.

>> No.8771663

Me too, im the ultimate spinster cat lady, im always doing couch florals and grandma loli. In ivory this would be the perfect ott dress for me, im half tempted to buy it and tear all the black out.

>> No.8771669

I hope the girl with the cat themed wardrobe has this dress, it would be perfect.

>> No.8771981
File: 1.30 MB, 1256x1038, 1425937770799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>8762745 and I actually have a few blouses in the mail that I want to try and coord with this. Originally I was going to use something like pic related (it was made for another anon) as my inspiration, but the navy blouse I own clashes too much.

>> No.8771987

Why can't I find this dress anywhere?

>> No.8772149

this would be an adorable minnie mouse coord, with mickey in ouji

>> No.8772166
File: 200 KB, 481x720, 1434623462457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well aren't you just fucking original...

>> No.8772188

Yes everyone who has ever owned Fantastic Dolly in red has done a Minnie Mouse coordinate with it but did you have to be rude to someone who's obviously new? Chill your shit anon.

>> No.8772202

Pretty sure it's RPA, the taobao shop is just selling the jacket. Just a coord sample for it most likely

>> No.8772260

You're the only one who's not chill, step away from 4chan if that shit gets you so fucking flustered.

>> No.8772263
File: 1022 KB, 500x474, 1369629160528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay anon, whatever you've got to tell yourself.

>> No.8772289

>that's fucking over done
>u chill

you're embarrassing.

>> No.8772301
File: 69 KB, 466x550, magic-tea-party-blue-ocean-lolita-dress-ma-30-1-466x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're both embarrasing
shut the fuck up and stop derailing the thread

>> No.8772311
File: 63 KB, 600x600, mtp 84 1-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that green color...

>> No.8772329

The JSK, in person, is really nice, but you need a dark blue blouse that's full length to offset the busy print.

>> No.8772458

Is there a skirt version? I think it would work better. Its such a beautiful print but it needs to be one shade darker or lighter green.

>> No.8772583
File: 272 KB, 600x629, FB_IMG_1450498681273-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress makes my eyes vomit.

>> No.8772590

One girl wore this in some interview. It didn't even look like lolita worn. It looked like a sun dress at best.

>> No.8772596

Omg this in white is my ultimate dream dress. You choose the worse stock photo of the dress....(probably on purpose but whatevs)

>> No.8772599

It's Royal Princess Alice. It sold out as soon as they released it. Gone forever.

>> No.8772606

It's on lace market for $325

>> No.8772621

That's dark grave not sweet monster castle. Same brand, Diff dress.

>> No.8772881

I love the color actually. I want more green in lolita but I don't like being limited to mint and forest green or emerald. I want granny smith apple green colorways to be a thing.

>> No.8772947

i'm not sure your way of using white and monochrome items to balance out the explosion of colors on the dress will work... good luck with it though, i hope then end result makes you happy.

>> No.8772966

sorry for your shit taste

>> No.8772970

I have white socks with a simple gold print in them (they're from a meta set I think, I got mine from a lucky pack though), and I'm waiting for my blouses to arrive in the mail. I was thinking of using either white or the pink blouse (its a pale pink and hopefully will match the layers in the cut), matching pink shoes, and then bringing in the colors more with accessories. I don't plan on being as monochrome as the example, but we'll see what happens!

>> No.8773952

Am I wrong for thinking this is cute?

>> No.8773957

nope, it's just a dress I find ugly in my opinion
isn't a total clusterfuck

>> No.8774788
File: 1.57 MB, 518x1433, 1450287454603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was in that "invent a new lolita style" thread

>> No.8775396

So fucking scary.

>> No.8775429
File: 122 KB, 480x640, LeiaRolandoOPset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some designs were just never meant to be made into lolita.

>> No.8775437

This is the worst anime collab Baby has done

>> No.8775471

okay but where can i get that moto jacket

>> No.8775479

Same, green is underrated in lolita.

>> No.8775492

M-muh dream dress...

>> No.8775611

this is cute without the bonnet

>> No.8775681
File: 84 KB, 589x723, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I see

>> No.8775712

That lipstick application makes me sad, but it's a good dress for a photoshoot

>> No.8776009
File: 20 KB, 245x216, 1447030935807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh shit, another ita weeb made a shit...>oh shit, another ita weeb made a shit...
>mfw I see BABYmfw I see BABY
Don't worry, it's mine too...

>> No.8776013

I need to see an early land of Ooo inspired coord.

>> No.8776053
File: 69 KB, 480x640, tumblr_naq6laWGFG1qgjjjyo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but the one for Mekakucity Actors was great

>> No.8776059


>> No.8776595

It's color theory, when mixed blue and orange cancel each other out and purple and yellow cancel each other out, but when next to each other they create the strongest contrast. Technically called "complimentary" colors but not because they look good together, but because of the canceling out and contrast properties. Same with hair color ect, if you want to get rid of brassy tones in your hair you'd use violet. So blue and orange would probably look even more jarring but yellow is still close enough to orange to contrast strongly with blue.

>> No.8777193
File: 399 KB, 2048x1498, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8777268
File: 442 KB, 500x619, lolita time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have a new Halloween theme now.

>> No.8777281

Mary mother of god

>> No.8777289

Do it anon, if I had the funds to I would.

>> No.8777712

damnit lief, i liked you…

>> No.8777737
File: 66 KB, 442x800, Leia_Rolando_(ToX).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what it was based off of, for reference purposes. Some things just don't make good lolita designs, but Baby really dropped the ball with this.

>> No.8778066

One of the girls in my comm has this dress, is horrible. The girl thinks is a cute dress, no gurl, is horrible!

>> No.8778714
File: 113 KB, 720x960, ineedthisdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found another pic in a GLB!

>> No.8778740

You guys really don't like that orange-yellow? I think it's pretty fun and a unique color. I think it was a valiant effort considering how unmatching literally all of Leia's design is and that just never works in lolita.

>> No.8778820

It's 'complementary' with an E, hence. 'completing' rather than 'looking good with.'

>> No.8778824

I like the color, personally. But the design is 2/10 hideous.

>> No.8779315

wait a minute... aren't the orange parts supposed to be gold? it looks gold on the picture...

>> No.8779566

They should have kept the gold motifs and left out the bow clusterfuck. A simple A-line skirt with the same motifs and loose, chiffon sleeves would have looked a thousand times better.

>> No.8779610

In the Inomata designs it's gold, in the Ufotable designs it's orange. So in the game proper it's more orange.

Even an opaque white and gold peignoir thing over a dark underdress would have been nicer and closer to the original design than what we got. No idea why they put those bows all over it, it looks terrible.

>> No.8779634

Pabst beer lolita

>> No.8779637

...pabst blue RIBBONS....

>> No.8779659

It's not really lolita anyways though, ETC is more of an otome brand.

>> No.8780392

That was from tumblr, she's selling those dresses. Some of them look like 70s-curtain kei. I think they go up to 6xl

>> No.8780517


>> No.8783088

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeellll nooo!!!

>> No.8783099

I think the word you're looking for is gunne sax. Which is heavily inspired by prairie looks (little house on the prairie was super mega popular at the time) and she is in fact doing exactly that. I spoke to her and she really wanted to make a lolita version of the prairie look.

I'm a big little house on the prairie fan so I really love her stuff, she did a great job. It's very different than do usual fancy princessy stuff you see in lolita. But it's lovely in it's own way.

>> No.8783100

Who's that?

>> No.8783104

I like rows 2, 4, and 5. I think they're actually pretty cute. The last one with the green stripes is my favorite. Row 3 is eh and and row 1, no thanks. But they're far from all bad.

>> No.8783106 [DELETED] 

God help me I think I want this dress. What's it called?

>> No.8783111

Cancel that, found it on Haenuli's Storenvy. I can't justify spending $250 on a tacky dress no matter how much I love it. I'll have to wait until one pops up on the secondhand market.

>> No.8783182

Dats one of my dream dresses..

>> No.8783810

They had a booth at a crafts expo in my area over the summer and I loved most of the stuff they had on hand, but I don't think I'd be able to pull it off.

>> No.8786667

The pink colourway is more easier on the eyes.

>> No.8786869

Those shoes are not ugly, they just don't work with anything else in the coord. Her hair is amazing in a very Karen O way.