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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8758493 No.8758493 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people do it? It's so stupid, makes no sense, and is uncreative as fuck. Just "har har what if Captain America became slave Leia durrrr"

Just cosplay characters in their normal clothes you homos.

>> No.8758543


>> No.8758553

They do it because they're lazy normalfags who want to feel like special snowflakes because they're the only ones to ever do X cosplay.

>> No.8758585

Look at the Lemongrab and tell me that doesn't make you smile. Crossovers are entertaining. Take the stick out of your sandy vagoo.

>> No.8758599

this. there are plenty of cool crossover cosplays, the only ones that I really think are lazy are slave leia/sailor x/deadpool
there are some legitimately awesome ones out there.

>> No.8758606

Then post them faggot

>> No.8758747

It's about as entertaining as a hairy man dressed as a scantily clad woman

(i.e. not at all)

>> No.8758755


>"In the name of the moon this iS UNACCEPTABBAAAAALLLLLL"

>> No.8758943

I couldn't agree more, this is so lame
It's not even funny

>> No.8759063

If they'd actually put real effort into their cosplays I might at least commend them for that, but it didn't fucking happen so as far as I'm concerned it's garbage.

I mean
>vans with fucking crew socks
>splotchy body paint
>bad construction
>not even fucking ironed
>Lemongrab's head

The only one who looks remotely acceptable is Marcelene and she still has a ton of flaws

>> No.8759093

Video related.

>> No.8759261
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>>remotely acceptable

All cosplay is serious business, people.

>>mfw I'm capable of chilling tf out.
>>Inb4 selfpost or whatever, I just like guys in skirts

>> No.8759264

It's not even "cosplay is serious business"
It's just cringey as fuck.

>> No.8759591

cons must be a nightmare for you, anon

>> No.8759596

I love this soooo much, especially the 'actually I'm cross-playing Harry Potter :D' girl b/c a frind if mine did that exact thing and looks just like that ffffff

>> No.8760003

The cosplays are bad. Get over it.

>> No.8760008

>tell me that doesn't make you smile

it doesnt.
would you accept that quality of sewing on a sailor moon cosplay? no, lol. so its no different here.

>> No.8760107

Crossovers are cool if they actually have effort in them.
I.E., they're not just an attempt to simplify/slut up/lol buff man in a skirt! something.
I've seen some really awesome crossovers in art and fic, it's just seldom that people do them.

>> No.8760220
File: 224 KB, 752x1063, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite crossover.

Too bad it's not really cosplayable (not that it needs to be)

>> No.8760239

You're the one trying to argue that they're good and enjoyable to look at. I'm pointing out all the reasons why I think they're awful

>what are opinions

>> No.8760276

Whenever you see Sailor moon cosplay of (insert anything here)
thats when you know the fandom has gone down the shitter.

I mean, adventure time fandom has been shit forever, but it applies to everything.

>> No.8760335

>uncreative as fuck
As opposed to just blindly following the canon source material. How is that more creative?

>> No.8760393

That wasn't me originally defending anon I was just poking fun the other anons harsh wording and post that gif
>>pretty much joined the convo to contribute nothing desu

>> No.8760544
File: 250 KB, 640x512, tumblr_mmwv68s4xr1r5gokbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiona and Cake are cute, but the rest,..oh lord. I hate stupid crossover cosplays.

>> No.8761707

who is the purple one supposed to be?

>> No.8761710

Lumpy Space Princess I presume.

>> No.8761723

The worst part is that Sailor Moon characters other than the main senshi are not cosplayed often, either. It's annoying to see these crossovers when some of the villains have similar designs sometimes.

>> No.8762273
File: 168 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m4v4lvhQFb1r0hoh3o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always liked this one

>> No.8762275
File: 200 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m4v4lvhQFb1r0hoh3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this one too of course

>> No.8762294
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>> No.8762306

I think it is what it is. Its a costume that will always be at a con, no matter how small or large. Its the kind of thing that I point out to my friends and laugh at in a 'thats a dumb idea' way, not a 'i legitimately think their costume is good or funny' way.

Atleast most of these are banned from real competitions.

>> No.8766846

Making a crossover requires some degree of creativity. Following canon dies not. This isn't a bad thing. It's better to heat a frozen meal and get a decent if samey lunch than to try to be Heston Blumenthal when you can barely make toast. Sometimes being boring is better than being wild and out there and totally unique. Please learn this.

>> No.8767090

Please learn that making costumes directly from the source does take creativity. You have to figure out how to translate 2D into 3D.

Oh I'm sorry. I forgot all cosplayers know how to do these days is beg other cosplayers for tutorials for how to do everything before trying anything themself.

No one likes your shitty crossovers.

>> No.8767111

That's like what someone people like writing fanfiction AUs instead of just writing something accurate to canon lore or writing an original story. It's fun to mash things up in "what if..." scenarios, and it allows for more creative freedom. Making things accurately is fun too, but it's a different type of fun.

Sometimes the crossovers are overdone, but it's not shit because it's a crossover, it's shit because it's overdone (e.g. Sailor Moon X, Slave Leia X, Deadpool X, etc.)

>> No.8767116
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One of the only crossover cosplay things I like are either canon, or based in official art.

Other than that, it better be damn good.

>> No.8767118



My lack of attention has once again defeated me

>> No.8767172

>Oh I'm sorry. I forgot all cosplayers know how to do these days is beg other cosplayers for tutorials for how to do everything before trying anything themself.

If that's the case than the canon cosplay is just following a standard tutorial while the crossover requires to combination of several tutorials as well as thinking of the different combination.

From an objective standpoint the crossover requires more work

>> No.8767358

i think they can be fun/funny and cute if they're a good cross over that fits, and if they're done well meaning effort was put into making a complete and professional looking cosplay, good wigs, things like that.

>> No.8767359
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>> No.8767439

They're shitfaced.

>> No.8767450

idk if this counts as crossover cosplay but I saw a pretty sick Ice king steampunk costume at AWA

>> No.8767489

Confirmed idiot.

>> No.8767790
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You can enjoy it as much as you would like but you look just as stupid and unfunny as every other meme-shouting autist. If that's okay with you then don't get mad when people point it out.

>> No.8767796

Does AKB0048 characters in real life AKB48 uniforms, count as a crossover?

>> No.8768138
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>> No.8768140
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>> No.8768146
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>> No.8768151
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>> No.8768154
File: 117 KB, 600x900, fett-chunleia-these-50-disney-crossover-cosplays-take-mash-ups-to-a-whole-new-level-jpeg-279006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8768171

Better idea altogether: don't cosplay at all, it's fucking embarrassing.

>> No.8768175

See I like looking at these. They're not horribly constructed, the cosplayers are pretty, and it's fun to see how people come up with different color schemes and details. It's like having a different skin in a fighting game. All in good fun. I'd rather see a good crossover than ten shitty canon cosplays any day.

>> No.8768318

Reading comprehension could use some work there, as could your wording, but congrats, you tried, I guess.

>> No.8769196
File: 131 KB, 640x960, 12356875_1083239848382519_1459073552705028940_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh off the press

>> No.8769514

When will Traci learn that she looks nothing like Ariel and should stop trying to act like the real life embodiment that she isn't?

>> No.8769515

A thread is never complete without an edgelord.

>> No.8769537

Is any of that nest her real hair anymore?

>> No.8769849
File: 156 KB, 960x960, Sailor Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them are alright, and pretty witty.

If it feels as forced as a reddit meme it can fuck off out of my line of sight, but some crossovers have made me audibly chuckle, so to each their own I guess?

>> No.8771957

epic kawaii cosplay man!!
lol senpai pleze notice me >_< btw i love zelda LOL

>> No.8774131
File: 492 KB, 1050x1400, 35373783_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is something like this acceptable? I normally hate crossover cosplays with all my heart but I'm weak for Vocaloid + Eva.

>> No.8774167
File: 99 KB, 170x229, whatevenisthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8774227

This would look great if done well. As long as you put the work in, this could be really cool. It's not crazy overdone like Slave Leia and Sailor Moon crossovers.
Maid of Might is singehandedly making the whole Slave Leia crossover thing overdone. That bitch has like 4 of the same costume in different colors for various Disney girls. I ended up unfollowing her because she became a one trick pony.

>> No.8774235
File: 167 KB, 720x720, 1450231025772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally %100 of "Crossover Cosplay" is Special snowflake tryhard attention whore shit.

Prove me wrong.
You can't.

>> No.8774249

>prove my opinion wrong
>you can't
That's the difference between an opinion and a fact, so not sure what you're expecting.

>> No.8774263
File: 76 KB, 500x750, ae56beee3051b560e91290d0fbde0d11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about object heads? I'm ugly

>> No.8774380

I likeobject heads, but only when the outfit is themed, I get bored of those sailor fuku object heads real quick. If you're going to put your time into it, at least have some imagination.

>> No.8774736

>not even knowing how to greentext

i like the lemongrab on its own just because it looks so stupid, but you are clearly a newfag. and as a newfag, you haven't seen all of the cringeworthy attempts at being "funny"/"unique" over the past 10 years, so you arent tired over theme. whatever you think is funny, we've seen 70 times before.

>> No.8774741

Because they think it's fun. And in most cases, it really isn't as fun as they think it might be.
Unless you play with references (I remember seeing a dude in a SW rebel flight suit, with Vulcan ears, got a giggle out of me) in a way that has some sort of sense, it really isn't that fun. It's pretty much the "lol so randum" humor in cosplay form.
That OP pic is a good example of why it isn't that fun. There is little to no bound between AT and Sailor Moon, so what's the point?

>> No.8774764

That looks really stupid and poorly made. Self post?

>> No.8775334
File: 187 KB, 850x745, sample-e5cb7509d25af9166caddb8eefd1f3f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the world of crossovers there are few boundaries and it's just as crazy with Japanese fanart. Why do we have Kill la Kill with Berserk? There's no real rhyme or reason, it was drawn because the artist thought the idea was interesting enough.

Cosplay is traveling down the same path.

>> No.8778965

Why does this person keep getting posted? Yeah it was cute the first time they did the "lel kawaii moon XD" cosplay but it got old long ago. Moving on.

>> No.8778971

Yup. Like what is so fucking funny about Boba Fett in a sailor moon outfit? Nothing.

>> No.8778995

By that logic anyone who rewears a cosplay is means it's getting old.

>Oh it was cute the first time you cosplayed as ____ but now it got old a long time ago.

>> No.8779009

god bless griffith's ass

>> No.8779020

They're right. It does.

Seeing the same joke over and over again gets tiring after a while. Like omg, she put blush marks on the moon's cheeks and a schoolgirl outfit. Wow. So funny that it needs to be rubbed in our faces every week.

>> No.8779067

But you can use those same comments toward anyone who rewars a cosplay

Like omg she makes such a good ____ it's so good that it needs to be rubbed in our faces everyweek

>> No.8779218

If it's a well-made costume it's not going to get old.

If it's a cheap closet cosplay with a mildly amusing joke, it's going to get old quick.

Do I have to keep explaining things to you like a first grader or are we done here?

>> No.8779261

>If it's a well-made costume it's not going to get old.

Yeah, that explains why people here get tired of reposts, and don't express their disdain for people who do wear the same outfit con after con. Well made costumes do get old, it happens slower than a cheap looking one but it does happen.

So my argument that the same critiques can be applied to ANY cosplay still holds true

>> No.8779272

>Why do people do it?

For fun.

Holy shit you're autistic as fuck.

>> No.8779695

Yeah. Clearly the people who don't laugh at everything because "omg I saw Ice King in a slave bikini lolololololol le meme king pls" are the autistic ones.

>> No.8779696

tumblr is here anon, visit us at double-chan

>> No.8779746

Vocaloid has tons of outfits that are almost entirely fan-made,
so I see no problem with something like this

>> No.8780619

Why are her fingers so dirty?

>> No.8780621

Life isnt so serious, anon. You may not find it funny but someone else does. And the person who made the cosplay probably does.

So maybe instead of wondering, just let it go and move on with your day because it ultimately doesnt matter.