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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8735212 No.8735212 [Reply] [Original]

I bought my first kimono last year for black friday. With the holidays coming up, I was wondering if anyone has made any great purchases or are looking forward to any sales.

Feel free to post pictures, discuss & ask questions

>> No.8735214
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>> No.8735217
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>> No.8735218
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>> No.8735219
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>> No.8735225
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>> No.8735226

I'm slowly but surely getting addicted to sou's shop. Just received a bolt of hakkake silk, and I've got a michiyuki coat on the way. I've bought a kimono and hakama for cosplay in order to take them apart and see how they're made, but now I kinda want to get a set to wear...

>tfw you're tall and all the nice kimonos are like 155 cm long

>> No.8735228
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>> No.8735230
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>> No.8735232
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>> No.8735233
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>> No.8735236
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>> No.8735240
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>> No.8735241
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>> No.8735242
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>> No.8735245
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>> No.8735247
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>> No.8735249
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>> No.8735253
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>> No.8735263

How should white people style them to avoid looking insane? These are all adorable but would not look cute on a westerner. Too bright and cheerful

>> No.8735502

Wear something with less colorful abd patterned if you're uncomfortable in it? They do come in solid colors or subdued patterns.

>> No.8735521

I know kimono-yukata-market has a great selection of yukata, but what are some good shops with more modern styles and patterns?

>> No.8735680
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OP here and like >>8735502 said, just wear what you're comfortable with. The photos I dumped were just the kind of stuff I like but there's a lot more out there of course. I'll dump a few more photos of westerners in kimono.

>> No.8735683
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>> No.8735684
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>> No.8735685
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>> No.8735687
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>> No.8735688
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>> No.8735690
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>> No.8735692
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>> No.8735695
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>> No.8735699
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Are you looking for yukata sellers that outside japan/ship overseas or would you mind some japanese shops?

>> No.8735703
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Shinei is having a big sale till the end of the month.

>> No.8735894

A few years ago, I bought a mixed lot of h.naoto clothing from Yahoo Japan. Included in this lot was a "yukata" from h.anarchy/anarchy forever. I've been trying now and then ever since to figure out how the fuck to wear this thing.

It's black cotton with screenprinted bats and text all over it, as well as patches sewn on at the shoulder, back, and "front" hem in red and yellow plaids. The problem I'm having isn't just coordinating, but also even wearing the bloody thing.

It's a weird mix:
>sleeves have the miyatsukuchi/underarm opening, but are not open the full-length of the furi
>lenth of sleeves is like a tall-size/men's kimono, but length does not match that and is in between "women's" and "men's" length
>too long to wear unfolded, just enough length to get a decent ohashori, but only if it's considerably above ankle-length
>"rings" at top of sleeves and just under where the ohashori would fold up, cords inside sleeves and a few inches above the hem to "bustle" length and sleeves out of the way
>bizarre vent extension/back slit about 40-50cm long up back seam
>collar only sits properly when pulled quite low in back, rather than the standard distance from the nap; flops over otherwise
>came with hanhaba obi in black and white plaid on one side, with black twill printed with text and bats on the other, as well as coordinating drawstring pouch

I don't have photos, but I'll try to get some later. Basically, do I try to wear this at least semi-properly, or say fuck it and sell it on to someone who can figure it out?

>> No.8735901

It's not for wearing properly, it's couture. It isn't meant to be a proper yukata. If the kimono-punk aesthetic isn't for you, sell it.

>> No.8735911

Sorry. I didn't mean "properly" by kimono standards. I mean properly for the style of the garment.

Mostly, the rings and the back slit are what have me baffled, because "bustling" the extra cloth looks really, really bad, but leaving it flat and straight doesn't look good either because of the weird length.

>> No.8735969

Try just pulling up the cords a little bit, until it reaches a more flattering length. Throw out any notions you have of the proper length, kick reason to the curb, and mess around with it a little until it looks good as a piece of avant garde kimono inspired couture.

>> No.8735974

Fair enough. I'll give it a go. I've got some red VW wing sandals that I want to pair it with for that whole punk feel. Since those shoes were based on geta anyway.

I was also thinking about wearing it more "open" in front because of the collar situation, and maybe putting a bright top under it? Maybe something from Qutie Frash, since it's a similar aesthetic. Or even pairing it with a corset-style piece from them, or their layered skirts under it.

I'll also try to get some photos of it later.

It's a really cool piece, and I'm loathe to part with it, I just can't for the life of me figure out how to make it look good without it being weird. I've been trying to find photos from h.naoto to give me some inspiration, but none of the pieces I've found even vaguely resemble it.

>> No.8739032

I know the feeling, anon. I bought a piece of vintage kimono silk from an unstitched kimono and it went to my ankles. All my weeby dreams of wearing a real vintage kimono were already pretty much crushed, but that killed the last of them.
Won't stop me from collecting them though...
Where did you find this thing

>> No.8739055

Sadly it's sold out but just a gem I found on Shinei http://www.net-shinei.co.jp/com/item/detail.php?Item=2028136&Cate=42&ashi=1

>> No.8739073
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Nico Antique's stuff has some pretty great modern styles http://item.rakuten.co.jp/utatane/c/0000000281/

>> No.8739076
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>> No.8739079
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>> No.8739080
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>> No.8739082
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>> No.8739085
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>> No.8739108

Can we have some non white folks wearing them too? Do you have any good photos, anon?

>> No.8739158
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I'll see what I can dig up

>> No.8739159
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>> No.8739160
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>> No.8739162
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>> No.8739181

I'm surprised at how good she looks in japanese clothes

>> No.8739187

For your viewing pleasure. She models all of their stuff http://www.tiara-mily.com/product-list/12

>> No.8739390


What kills me is that right now they have a 173cm houmongi on auction for 15 bucks, but it's vermilion red and I don't want to look like a fire truck. Meanwhile there's this beautiful navy one that I'd love to get, but it's only 165cm...

>> No.8739813
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you could always try wearing it deliberately short and/or without ohashori, it seems to be becoming more acceptable, especially when paired with heels and socks rather than tabi.

>> No.8739820
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as for the vermilion red houmongi, a bold geometric design obi could break up the color really nicely - darker royal blue/navy and even black and white could look really good.

>> No.8740000

$39 well spent.

>> No.8745520

There's a Liz Lisa furisode up on auction for only a small fortune.


>> No.8745566

I've always dreamed of wearing a beautiful kimono. I think they're one of the most elegant outfits I've ever seen.

It sucks because I'll never be able to wear one without being seen as a super fucking weeb

>> No.8745569

My dream is to wear a furisode for a coming of age ceremony. It sounds so silly to say out loud that I get a little embarrassed confessing to it, but it really is the most solid dream I have.

> would probably get laughed as since I'm a baka gaijin

>> No.8746292


not necessarily. if you wear it improperly you'll probably get laughed at, but worn stylishly and properly i don't think most people would think you're a weeb. just gotta pull it off right.

>> No.8746418

Fuck, I knew I'd seen it somewhere else. Hard to forget this creepy face


>> No.8747806
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>> No.8747824
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I've been really into hakama lately, going to do a coordinate somewhat like this. After a lot of searching I finally found a nice striped one for $75 on rakuten.


Are you looking for yukata or kimono? I love soubien (rakuten shop) for yukata, they have a really good selection of sets with geta and obi, most of them are quite modern. Kimonomachi on rakuten is also good. And if you have a lot of money to blow, Furifu is my personal favourite. Very expensive though...

>> No.8749882

Hi /cgl/.

I'm wanting to get into kimono and purchase a yukata, but I'm not sure where to start. Do you guys have some sort of page with a beginner's guide I can look at? I don't want to flood the thread with silly questions.

If not, where's a good resource for information (history, how to wear, etc) and some good starter shops that ship to the USA?

Thank you for your time!

>> No.8749917
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So my confession is that I was originally going to hop on here and preach about the sin of wearing kimono in any other fashion than in a traditional and respectful manner, and then I saw all the gorgeous and fun alternative designs and color pallets and I decided to pull the rod out of my ass and just sit back and enjoy the show.

I'm sorry for being so quick to judge. Thank you for opening my eyes, seagulls. :)

>> No.8751925
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love these so damn much

>> No.8751928
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>> No.8751987
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>> No.8752096

Are you people used to walk with geta?
I really love their look especially with tabi but walking with them can be a bit annoying sometimes.

>> No.8754109

I really like wearing geta. The only issue to me is that the sound on the pavement draws a lot of attention. I definitely prefer the look of geta to zori

>> No.8756048

I'm really glad you saw them! They're amazing, aren't they? I still find it hard to believe that you can wear patterned reds and pinks together and make them look good.
On another note, I remember someone mentioning in a past thread that a guy threw a tantrum over the anon wearing kimono because it offended his sensibilities. I'm glad you didn't do something like that. Cultural appropriation is a thing, but it's not as big as Tumblr makes it out to be, and wearing something like a feather headdress is not the same as wearing old-fashioned clothes. It's too bad that the SJWs can't see that, because if they focused their attention on things that could be helped and actually mattered, they'd be able to get a lot done.

>> No.8756596

Probably going to be the oddest question but for those not living in Japan. When/Where do you wear your yukata/kimono at? I'm trying to think of how many times I can wear it a year so that my purchase could be more justified than a once in a life situation.

>> No.8756611

Do you wear any other fancy clothing like lolita? Do you dress up when you go out on weekends for coffee, museum visits or something like that?

>> No.8756675

You can wear it at conventions or Japanese related festivals or multicultural events if you don't want to draw too much attention.

>> No.8757585

Male here, have one pair of low geta with two teeth, no rubber pads. Geta are fucking awesome, I'd wear them more often but winter lasts 8 months here and I don't want frostbitten feet.

>> No.8757626
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Usually when I go out it's kind of a big event like with friends usually dinner, shopping and visits to the big city. I used to wear lolita when I'd do those things.
I'll probably do this for sure though. As I do attend quite a few conventions and events where yukata/kimono would be appropriate to wear.

>> No.8759541
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>> No.8761153

Drive by comment here but I noticed while looking for weeb stuff that a ton of kimono obis are on auction right now and ending soon. They're averaging about $6 right now in bidding.

All of them seem to be from http://www.ebay.com/usr/sou_japan if anyone wants to snag any. Don't know if they're any good but they seem cheap?

>> No.8761167

Wait..wait...could this be our first documented case of someone being cured from Tumblritis?

>> No.8761692
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>> No.8761694
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>> No.8761818

I think if more information spreads about how Japanese people love Westerners wearing and buying kimono (actually they were baffled about the Monet's wife painting debacle, as they themselves had replicated the kimono) and that modern kimono is an actual THING, things could calm down.

The best case scenario might even be more Westerners entering the global kimono market and the remaining kimono-makers not closing up shop like a bunch of them did right after the economic bubble burst in Japan.

Could you imagine kimono being as prevelant a hobby as lolita currently is? Fashion at the festivals in major metropolitan cities would be AMAZING. (Of course, the uncultured idiots will still take not-so-secret photos and laugh, but they're present in every country.)

>> No.8762317


I don't think it'll ever get to be like lolita, since there is some aspect of kimono that is still about preserving tradition (as much as it is about understanding traditions and then breaking them). Wearing kimono has a lot more rules and while lolita also has rules, breaking them just make you look terrible and "not lolita" they're not potentially offensive like wearing a kimono print out of season could be (if you're going by traditions).

My response to the SJW and cultural appropriation argument has always been "don't want me wearing your kimono? Stop wearing my Western clothes!" which is a bit simplistic, but I do agree that if more people knew that Japan was much more cool with us wearing kimono people might see it differently.

Kimono are hella difficult to wear, so everytime I've gone out in it I've been complimented by Japanese ladies who have told me they are very impressed I was able to dress myself in it. All of my kimono friends are very serious and respectful of the fashion, so I've never really encountered anything negative aside from the asshats who pop into these threads screaming "appropriation." It's like... go after the weebs who wear a cheap satin bathrobe, not people who really love collecting antique kimono and wearing them properly.

>> No.8762339

Not sure if this has been asked before, but would it be offensive to wear an Angelic Pretty yukata out for something like a fireworks event? I see some people mention that being respectful of kimono and such is important to them, so would you be annoyed if you saw someone wear a yukata released by a lolita brand?

I own one and obviously can't wear it to lolita events, but was wondering if it might be a faux pas to wear it to Japanese themed events

>> No.8762366

>kimonos are hella difficult to wear
So is lolita. In fact, I might say lolita is harder. It'll be great. We'll have kimono ita threads.

>> No.8762374

Yukatas are for festivals no matter what brand they are. They are the most casual and hardest to screw up.

>> No.8762394
File: 305 KB, 700x875, 2-Way-Women-s-Kimono-Yukata-Style-Kawaii-Wagashi-Japanese-Sweets-Printing-Cute-Tops-Shirt-Outwear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really think the idea of japanese being super excited about people wearing kimono will help, as you said with the monet painting issue, most of the SJWs were ignoring them. Also offending the fuck out of them because a bunch of non-japanese asians were protesting it, my grandmother told me her friend in boston was pretty disgusted that koreans and chinese were protesting the japanese culture when they have less to do with it than white people. the japanese society representatives were pretty ashamed by the whole thing.

sorry for offtopic, here's a pic of a somewhat weeby modern set i got for summer. i love the wagashi print!

>> No.8762395

I've always wanted to wear a nice kimono, but I am a little chubby and super dorky looking and white on top of it all...

Can chubby dorks ever hope to look kawaii in kimono? Or am I doomed to be an ugly baka gaijin forever?

>> No.8762398

also the edging looks weird on the stock photo, but it's a cute tulle layering at the end(mimicking hadajuban) I love how the look is really poppy and cute.

>> No.8762413

Everyone can look elegant in the right lighting. A friend of mine is half Japanese and her mother insisted on formal coming of age portraits in kimono. She's about as graceful as a truck, but the photos are beautiful.

>> No.8762425


Lolita is hard to get right in the sense that "what is lolita" is somewhat subjective beyond the rules. But it's pretty much just putting on clothes and a petticoat. Kimono is much more difficult because of how it's wrapped, tying an obi, etc. Coordinating lolita is hard, but wearing it is not.


Just make sure you pad where necessary. If you have a big bust you stand a good chance of getting "kimono boob" and still having curves instead of being an elegant cylinder. Wear a minimizing bra or a binder to help cut down on how big your bust is. I think bigger girls can look find in kimono, but when I see all the curves and big boobs bulging out over an obi, it does not look kawaii.

>> No.8762426

Most of the people who feel it necessary to say "But only in a respectful/traditional way!" are the ones who think that kimono is some super special formal clothing and only worn during ancient sacred spoopy Nippon ceremonies.

It's literally no different to whacking on a 1940s styled dress. Just use your own discretion; obviously you wouldn't wear a vintage wedding dress out and about.

>> No.8762432

For everyone worrying what tumblr will think, the proper thing is just to do it anyway. There will always be someone labeling you as culturally appropriative or some barbaric thief, especially if white, for just wearing something outside your culture. It will never be good enough for them. They will always find something to whine and complain about. Never, ever cater to them and never even apologize. They feed off it because they're narcissists and like to feel superior and enlightened to you.

If we start a community and do it in a group, it's much safer. Look at how lolitas basically chased off that weird Mid-Life Crisis lady who wrote about lolita being for stupid air-headed girls and said it was also "anti-feminist". She actually ended up realizing she kicked a hornets nest and was shocked we stood up for ourselves.

>> No.8764342

Also, kimono restyling is getting pretty big in Japan - basically the idea that if kimono is going survive as a clothing style, it has to be open to evolution. There are probably traditionalists somewhere decrying this, but that's kind of universal whenever fashion changes.

For people interested in getting into kimono but feeling nervous - get a nice haori to start. They're pretty one-size-fits-all, and you can wear them in combination with Western clothing very easily.

And a question - anyone have any tips for keeping kimono closed across wide hips? I picked up a few kimono for dirt-cheap at temple markets in Kyoto over the summer, and they're all vintage and thus intended for someone with like six inches less hip and butt than me ideally.

>> No.8764555
File: 239 KB, 1365x2048, 12377758_529148003913135_4566216686628270019_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self post. There was a Harajuku fashion meet up in Little Tokyo yesterday. Looking for any kimono wearing gulls in the area who are interested in going to the next meet up in Jan.

>> No.8764652

These are so cute. Sometimes I hate having big feet.
Where's this from?

>> No.8766302
File: 139 KB, 598x986, dci-fest-tabi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big feet does suck when it comes to cute shoes. Luckily though Sou Sou creates some fun tabi shoes that work with kimono in a huge variety of sizes.

>> No.8766348

Safety pins solve all clothing gap problems.

>> No.8766599
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Yeah no

Have a good base and nagajuban that will flow with your kimono. Most likely there is a bit of fabric sewn in the back seem you could let go to get a bit of wiggle room too. Angling the edge of the kimono upward when closing it is a really common trick to make you look thinner, but it might help with that too.

I was curious about this too actually, so I picked up my oldest piece and tried to make it work. It's from the 20's so pretty tiny overall. I managed to get a small ohashori and felt that the kimono overall fit better/looked less frumpy when tying the obi really really high up my bust, vintage style.

>> No.8767821

Where did you find the 20s kimono? I can't seem to find anything earlier than the 60s lately.

>> No.8767915


I've got a few pre-WWII kimono and I got them all at Ichiroya. I don't think I have anything from the 20s, probably 30s though.

>> No.8767937
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Thanks for the advice! Thinking about it, I think if I make or buy a nagajuban that's a little wider across the hips, I don't risk flashing everyone even if the outer kimono flutters a little.

Anyway, some slightly wilder/modern kimono ensembles!

>> No.8767938
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>> No.8767941
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>> No.8767945
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>> No.8767948
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>> No.8767954
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>> No.8768084

Does anyone have a list of Rakuten shops that will ship kimono/yukata that will ship to the U.S.?

>> No.8768330

Thanks! I need more vintage kimono in my life.

>> No.8768881

Here's a bunch - I haven't tried any of them myself, though (mine are all Ichiroya or bought when I was in Japan)

>> No.8769068

My bad, it's apparently a late 30's early 40's one, I though it as a late 20's. You can find some really good oldies on Etsy

>> No.8769161
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A lot of the shops have some sweet obi for yukata, some really stylish and fun.I bought this yukata and am looking for an obi that is reasonable but compliments it.

>> No.8771591

I really, really like this. It looks so clean and modern.
Etsy's a goldmine, but the prices can be ridiculous. I get that a 1910 kimono won't cost a fiver with shipping, but still.

>> No.8772105

I really want to get into some of these, but I have no idea where to start. Does anyone have some good sites with information and tutorials? What would you gulls say is the easiest type to wear and pull off for beginners?

>> No.8772144

Starting with a yukata is the easiest, for the simple reason that it requires the fewest pieces and accessories, and is the simplest type to put on. There are also pre-tied, casual obi if you're not yet ready to learn to tie your own.

You just need the yukata, a few pieces of narrow cotton cloth for tying (koshi-himo), a piece of wide cotton cloth for smoothing (or a proper date-jime) and a hanhaba obi. Hahaba obi are the cheapest style of obi in general, though you can buy fancier versions. You can often find yukata sets that come with a coordinating one for reasonable prices when you're starting out.

A korin can belt help further, but they aren't strictly necessary. You can generally buy little kits that include the koshihimo, korin, and date-jime (usually in elasticated, velcro-closure form these days) for about $10-15 on Rakuten.

I've made my own koshi-himo before, using strips of muslin sewn into tubes, then pressed. They're generally very light-weight and either white or pink, but you can find bright colours and patterns as well. They're not intended to be visible.

Elastic versions with velcro are popular for their ease of use, but you can still buy vintage/traditional ones, which you tie and tuck into themselves. They're typically white or pink these days, but you can find other colours.

>hanhaba obi
A "half-width" obi, which is more casual in nature. Slightly more formal versions do exist, but yukata only really call for simple ones.

>pre-tied obi/tsuke-obi
These are pre-tied in a cute shape. Bows/chouchou musubi are most common, but you can find all kinds, including pre-tied knots for more formal looks.

>> No.8772157

Optional pieces for yukata:
A piece of stiff plastic, board, or canvas used to give the obi a nicer shape on the waist. Yukata are casual, so while this looks nice, it's not strictly necessary to use one. They make ones out of a stiffened, breathable mesh for summer wear, which is what I've linked above.

>korin belt
Used to properly close your collar, and replaces or supplements your muna-himo (the same thing as your koshi-himo, but at the chest/bust instead of the hip).

>collar clips
You use these to position your collar while dressing, but also to hold the obi in place while you tie it. They often can slide around and make getting dressed a pain. I generally use bulldog/heavy duty paper clips and ponytail rubberbands instead of these clips, because I'm kind of cheap.

>specialty underwear
You can generally get away with a sports bra, camisol and close-fitting shorts, but if you want to really go all-out, there are specialty bras and slips (hadajuban) that you can buy. The sleeveless kind are recommended for yukata, since you don't wear another juban to conceal the sleeves. Regardless of what you wear underneath, cotton is best, so that it breathes. Yukata are for warm weather, after all.

Because yukata are so casual, geta are not strictly necessary, depending on how you coordinate the whole look. Western shoes (cute sandals or mules) are popular choices. So long as you don't wear flip-flops, you're generally ok.

And here's a tutorial from Ichiroya for how to put it all on:

>> No.8772170

For other tutorials, The Kimono Lady blog (which 4chan thinks is spam when I link it) and the Immortal Geisha forums have a slew of information on all aspects of kimono.

These two sites are also favourites of mine for yukata bunko/hanhaba obi knots:

In Japanese. Each page includes detailed, animated diagrams that walk you through the steps to form the illustrated knots, as well as a photo of the final result.

General information for wearing yukata for both men and women, with detailed tutorials on how to tie different hanhaba bunko. Includes brief movies for each step. Kind of a pain to load mid-dressing, so best for watching in advance.

>> No.8772568

I'm really loving that skirt. Does it have hakama styled pleats or just normal pleats?

>> No.8772804

Thank you so much! This is incredibly helpful.

Could anyone put some of these into a google doc or start one up for this thread?

>> No.8773146

Hakama pleats are just knife pleats in a particularly arrangement (mostly the right and left side fold toward the middle, and a few of the folds overlap) - that looks like it's just straight knife pleats all the way around.

>> No.8774687

I'm not sure what you mean- do you want an obi that isn't too loud and clashing but fits the eyeball theme, or one that's not too expensive but matches?

>> No.8775000

Either or. I only have a budget for no more than $200, which would include shipping or fees depending if I have to go through a shopping service

>> No.8776409

How's these as indoor slippers?
I like the look of jikatabi but I'm not sure its supposed to be used that way.

>> No.8776797
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I'm a newbie myself but I think I'm going to go ahead and order a set from Kyoto Kimonomachi since they accept paypal. I'm excited since it comes with the undergarments.

>> No.8777072

They're for outdoors wear and these ones that I posted are made with a traditional tabi workbrand so they've got more grip than usual.
Sou Sou does actually sell indoor shoes though.

>> No.8777366

Hey, that's not bad! It looks super cute too. If they're still there when I get paid I'm getting one.

>> No.8777381

the problem with it getting as popular as lolita is it's a lot harder to learn to put on kimono properly without someone to help you.

>> No.8777382

Sharing link for where I buy all my yukata.


Kimono Nagomiya. They have a lot of super cute modern styles.

>> No.8777472
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>mens kimono are all blue black and grey

fuck im so jealous of women and their colours

>> No.8778748

Is that your real hair?

>> No.8779853

nope, its an epiccosplay wig

>> No.8780438

Can you imagine the kimono ita threads though? They'd be 50% 'I made the yukata furisode myself! It's white because I'm pure!' and 50% snowflakes sobbing about why they can't wear a bathrobe as a kimono to an event, sprinkled with SJW comments on cultural appropriation. It'd be hilarious.

>> No.8780682

You look lovely, anon! I love both your kimono and obi <3

>> No.8781366

Thanks! That means a lot. It's the first komon I've ever worn. I've only worn yukata before.

>> No.8781420

should white girls wear kimonos?

>> No.8781433

Lads, I'm gonna be honest

It looks a bit weird, these white girls in kimonos

I need more examples

>> No.8781437



>tfw I'll never be a black beauty

>> No.8781471

You looks gorgeous!
Even you geta laces are matching with your kimono.
Congrats pretty anon

>> No.8782775

Anyone can wear kimonos. The problem is that most of them don't put any effort into learning how to do things the right way and just slap shit on. It literally takes like 10 min to watch a how to tutorial on YouTube. A lot of them don't bother, which leads to the whole SJW 'cultural appropriation'.
But yeah, people really should wear kimonos since it's dying out in Japan.

>> No.8782789

Please stop. We're not 12 year olds, and this kindof typing shit is really unnecessary. Use an image.
Anyone who is genuinely interested and makes the effort to learn their shit. should wear them.

>> No.8782971

Hoping someone here will know... Does anyone in this thread have favorites/recommendations of smaller/lesser known PHYSICAL shops to visit in Kyoto or other big cities for vintage kimono and kimono fabrics? I'm going to be traveling there with my mother who usually collects just from online sellers like Ichiroya and we're trying to make our list of places to visit. I wanted to see if gulls have personal recommendations. Thanks!

>> No.8783069

I know of a few places in tokyo that sell more modern styles if you're interested in links let me know. If not I also know of a few used stores around harajuku that sell a heap of old haori and kimono on a second floor. Other than that I think your best bet is second hand stops nearby and temple thrift sales.

>> No.8783072

Also, here's a few links on dates for temple thrift sales. I'm not sure when you're going but it would be worth checking out. However these are the 2015 schedules:


This one you have to click the "see more" bullshit because ads and revenue:


>> No.8783080

(Sorry to keep posting links)
If you read moon runes, here's a .jp website about flea markets!

>> No.8783126

I'll be going around Golden Week! I hadn't thought about temple thrift sales at all, so thanks for the tips, I'll pass these along to her! I'm interested in modern styles but I think she's mostly interested in vintage and antique ones.

>> No.8783613
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I was in Japan over the summer, and I second the temple markets - I got a bunch of stuff at the To-ji one for cheap, and it was fun to just browse, too. Osaka has a bunch of used kimono stores clustered together just past the otaku district - I got some dirt-cheap iromuji there. Map is not 100% accurate as I was with a friend who's a local and she led the way, but within a block or two.

>> No.8784923

This is perfect since this is actually right where we're staying! Would you say it was towards the north, or south of Denden town or...?

>> No.8784961

I really want a nice full set for a Hakama. I'm going back to Japan this summer just in time for all the summer matsuri. Any shop recommendations? My budget is probably up to $400, but of course less would be appreciated lol

>> No.8784964

I saw a super nice store selling a gradient pink to purple hakama with sakura petals, it was 100$ but brand new. I cried slowly because those aren't my colours and I would have nothing to match. It was near asakusa.

>> No.8785038

Judging by Google Maps, the south - basically if you're walking from Namba station, you go through Denden Town and it's just beyond where the Animate and K-Books are (the K-Books in Osaka also has a way better selection than the ones in Tokyo, imo - I suspect because it's not as picked-over)

>> No.8785285

Really convenient, because we'll be right by Ebisucho.. it should be practically outside our door. Thank you so much for this info!

>> No.8786983

Are komono bundle worth it ? I'm eyeing a 40$ one on ebay. I have the basics but the kimono clips, date eri and additinnal gauze koshi himo and bigger makura and obi ita could be helpful in more complex styling, so I'm really torn.

>> No.8787120

I'm also wondering too..
I need a juban, and sometimes I see a new one paired with accessories for ~$40. I also wonder if it's worth it to buy a pack or just the juban.

>> No.8787454

It depends to be honest, sometimes the accessories in the komono packs aren't great. If there is feedback relating to the packs take a look and see, if it's positive then go for it!

For those who are plus sized or have massive bone structure(large hips for example), I would NOT recommend those packs, instead buy your stuff separately as standard things like koshihimo, korin belts and date jime are useless. Instead look for elastic koshihimo, large size korin belts and shirred date jime. Machigiya on Rakuten Global is very reasonable for them and they are a really good seller. For standard kimono stuff, I also like kyoetsu-orosiya

>> No.8787460

Oh sorry I should have specified online shops! I want to wear it once I get there. It doesn't matter if they don't ship overseas, I can send it to my grandfather or use Tenso and I also speak fluent Japanese if that is necessary as well. I seem to suck at Google, because I can only find rental shops!

>> No.8787461

alternatively, you can make korin belts really easily from wide elastic and suspender clips from the fabric store

there's a photo tutorial here:

>> No.8787501

Check out Rakuten(either JP or Global), Nissen or Yahoo Auctions

>> No.8787582


Westerners wearing kimono can't be cultural appropriation, that'd require a history of colonization, forbidding/outlawing of the kimono by the dominant state for the oppressed culture, social stigma against wearing kimonos in Japanese society, etc

>> No.8787591

not only that but the traditional way to wear kimono is just that, traditional. it's not applicable to modern wear, clothing has the capacity to modernize and change. while traditional ways do exist, only a few rules are used in the modern setting. plus cultural appropriation only really applies to sacred clothing...

kimono had class rules, most clothing did when class was important, but there's nothing sacred about it in general, hell, even the class rules don't apply anymore that's what people don't get.

>> No.8787622


Looking over the event people were protesting in Boston, some of it was kind of racist though. I don't think it meets the criteria for appropriation which is more of a "stealing" thing.

>> No.8787645

the event from boston was just supposed to be trying to mimi Monet's stupid painting of his wife. plus, japanese people are more offended by other asians 'defending' their culture than white people being 'racist'...

honestly getting rid of the event was disgusting.

>> No.8787654

What's the story?

>> No.8787664

you can find it online. but i can greentext

>exhibit at MFA in boston included kimono
>contest held to re-create famous monet painting of his wife in kimono
>professionals were going to dress people up in kimono so they could pose for pictures etc
>sjws get mad and protest
>some college 'azn' association gets involved
>japanese society gets extremely confused and actually angry at the stupidity of protestors
>MFA caves and cancels event
>no one gets to wear kimonos, white people can't even touch them
>mfw my grandma was more offended that chinese and koreans were defending her culture

>> No.8787708

The Alliance Française of Boston should have started a shitstorm over it claiming their artistic heritage was being repressed, it would have confused the sjw's no end.

>> No.8787758

Woah, I though these stories were a joke...
This is incredible, that would never happen in my country.
Sorry to read that, I don't even understand how this could happen, this makes no sense.

>> No.8787877
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Wrong. The museum had a replica of the kimono from the painting that was MADE IN JAPAN available to try on and pose with in front of the painting. After the dumb ass protests it just went on regular display by the painting. It had a tour in Japan where women brought blonde wigs so they could look closer to the painting. I try not to think about these because the arguments were infuriatingly dumb. If only SJWs could turn their ridiculous amounts of hatred and energy towards causes that actually mattered. You can read more here:


>> No.8788340
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Thi one especially have a bigger makura and large obi ita as well as gauze koshi himo and a few kimono clips, and could prove handy since I may have to style a uchikake in a close future.

Btw, is full golden brocade fukuro like pic related acceptable to style with a uchikake ? It's a really vivid piece in tropical blue and orange with a lot of okinawan references that comes from an Osaka based family.

>> No.8788411


I'm so ashamed of my city for this. I'm an art history nerd and was pretty excited about that event until this SWJ crap ruined it. SJWs always go on about how we have to listen to the native people about their culture and yet, when actual Japanese people say it is ok to wear a kimono SJWs ignore them.

>> No.8788496

Of course. They know better than the uneducated, poor, oppressed people they're championing. They have the benefit of a western education and enlightened thinking. Those Japanese people are just internalising everything and don't know any better.


>> No.8789009

Then I would definitely go for it!

As for the obi, I'd say go with the Fukuro Obi.

>> No.8789925

Heads-up that Sou is having a New Year's sale - there's some good deals on iromuji and komon, as well as tomosode.


>> No.8791978

SJWs are the human equivalent of Very Special Episodes, only they don't shut up after twenty minutes. It pisses me the fuck off. That event sounded so cool...

>> No.8795045

Oh wow, I love the colours.

>> No.8795220

This is amazing. Any sauce on where to get it?

>> No.8796218


Upside: comes in sizes up to LL. Downside: paying $200+ for polyester

>> No.8796273

My secret of the day is that I came online to look at porn but accidentally clicked on /cgl/ and winded up reading an entire thread about kimono and this is all really fascinating.

>> No.8799454

Ugh those sjw.

Clothing of deep important religious and cultural significance: dont wear it if ur not from there

Clothing from country: have fun, wear it properly u fucker.

Theres a difference between wearing like.. an indian war bonnet and a kimono.

>> No.8802833

Not to people who can't tell the difference between henna and bindis.

>> No.8802843

It really, genuinely is.

Congrats on finding something new.