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8716238 No.8716238 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have another wardrobe thread. What have you gulls got?

>> No.8716242

My wardrobe is a big mess. I need to sort it. I gained some weight, not everything fits anymore so I'm very unmotivated.

>> No.8716258

How do you gulls sort your dresses? By color? By favorite? By brand? I'm curious

>> No.8716275

I have two rods in my closet. One is for normie clothes and the other is for lolita clothes.
I sort by article of clothing, then color.
So in this order: blouses, boleros/cardigans, skirts, dresses. Then I rgb in each category.
My wardrobe is small enough (<20 main pieces) that this works well for me.

>> No.8716275,1 [INTERNAL] 

mine sit in a pile on an unused chair

>> No.8716306

I go by brand. It goes handmade at the back then Bodyline then Taobao/Indie then Innocent World, Bttsb/Aatp, Meta. The order of my brand items aren't based on anything other than Innocent World was my first brand so I started from there. My wardrobe is built in and compartmentalized so Blouses, cardigans boleros and petticoats are on one side and coats, jsks and ops are on the other. Shoes are ordered similarily.

>> No.8716311

Mine are sorted by color only, hahaha.

>> No.8716312

So is anyone else actually super hyped for January? I have been planning my wardrobe post since October because I've gotten so many new things and I've got some great new ways to display them too. I am so hype

>> No.8716317

Mine are sorted by color. I have my main pieces in a wardrobe and then my blouses in a closet. Socks are arranged by color as well. I'm anal retentive about my colors lol.

I need to actually get my room situated and organized before then. It's a combination of my office and craft room and I keep my lolita in there as well. And it's sort of overwhelmed from several conventions, making artist alley product and attempting to put together cosplays this year. I keep buying nice organizational stuff and it keeps getting disorganized. It kind of looks like a bomb went off. (don't worry the brand is all safely tucked away, it's my other shit that's a problem. I really want to do a nice room tour as an extra to the photo wardrobe post, but not in the state that it's in now.

>> No.8716324

This will be my first wardrobe post, I went from one crappy ita item to a handful of decent things.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.8716337

Prioritize photo quality and lighting.
Make sure your clothing is wrinkle, lint, and hair free (especially if you have pets).
Try not to take the same kinda of photos as everyone else...maybe include multiple items in the same photo, or coordinating each main piece? This is to prevent someone possibly stealing your photos for a scam sales post.
Ummm...or yeah, and don't post a lot of offbrand stuff unless the stuff is super high quality or something. Sorry, I'm drunk and having a hard time thinking.

>> No.8716343

I'm looking forward to seeing new ways to display things. Wardrobe posts with stuff laid out is very boring to me. At least like to see a coord, on a mannequin or ideally, worn or modeled.

I'd really love to see a wardrobe post/video styled like a fashion show with music and voiceover. I don think anyone will ever go that far though.

>> No.8716490

I sort my main pieces by color and brand--color is the primary sort and brand is the secondary. I go from darkest to lightest, and favorite brand to handmade. All my blouses and skirts are in a different closet, and those are just by color.

>> No.8716495

I've always done laid out, but I try to mix it up--last year I collaged it with a close-up of the print or some kind of nice detail. I think this year I'm going to go with the dressform coordinate idea, since I think people don't care as much about blouses/accessories, but I might end up too lazy to do it.

>> No.8716501

I'm excited to do it again this year. I need to get some better lighting in my place. I'm also interested in getting a nice looking dressform, but am not sure where to look. Any Canadian or US anons have recommendations for places to check?

If I can't get a dressform I'll probably do floordinates with detail shots.

>> No.8716513

I wanted to model all my clothes last year but thought people would rip into me for it.

>> No.8716515

That's pretty much how I do mine as well except brand is thr primary sort, followed by color

>> No.8716533

i actually think wardrobe posts with worn pictures is a very good idea! it lets people see what dresses look like worn (duh) and is an excuse to dress up
would definitely take much more effort to get every coord nice though

>> No.8716535

They probably would but it would be fun to do and fun to watch and a nice break from scrolling through all the layout flat photos. If I just want to look at each piece, I'll go to lolibrary. I like to see things worn, coordinated and enjoyed.

Of course anything different will get commented on though, it's always that way.

>> No.8716539

Not if you took a photo or short video clip through the year or did it a few outfits at a time. Who doesn't have try-on sessions, though? I know I'll get bored and go try things on several in a row sometimes just for the fun of it. I think I'll start taking some short video when I do that. Even if it was maybe your favorite few from the year, it's a nice change from post after post of very similar format.

>> No.8716541

I may give it a go then. I'd still probably put out blouse, accessories etc. for flat photos but wear each main piece, or at least a top 5 sort of thing.

>> No.8716544
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my wardrobe seems to be evolving a lot, i've sold many pieces i no longer wear or won't wear in the near future, but i've added even more new dresses

i used to try to sort by colour, but always forget where things are meant to be when i put them back and messed it up. i keep the dresses i wear regularly on a clothing rack, coats hung in my closet and other dresses in storage tubs

pic related is my clothing rack from 3 months ago

>> No.8716546

I can't wait to make fun of you

>> No.8716552

I'm sure your floor shots of your wardrobe is so fabulous then? Or maybe not if you are so concerned what someone else does with their own wardrobe post? Do you even wardrobe post?

>> No.8716553

Some will comment with snark, I'm sure but at least I will be glad to see it and it sounds fun. If several of us do it, it won't seem so odd, maybe?

>> No.8716560

I actually sort mine by wearability then style, in a weird way. I have the really fancy special occasion pieces on the far left in covers, and my seasonal (christmas or summery) pieces on the right. My handmade dresses and daily burando mix in the middle, grouped by style. I have the pastel vomit pieces on the left, beiges and jewel tones in the middle, and my three black dresses on the right. They just sort of gravitated this way when I put them back, so I let them be.
I was never and am still not on LJ, agh. But I always love seeing wardrobe posts. I wish there was another place that was not fucking tumblr.

>> No.8716779

Could you take a pic? I'm curious to see this system on action

>> No.8717034

>mfw been in the hobby for about 5 years and finally have all of my dream dresses and a wardrobe of about 20 jsks/ops plus extra skirts, enough blouses shoes and accessories to make tons of adorable looks
>am starting to feel like I am not happy dressing up anymore
>getting close to 30, worried that might be a part of it
>also have been off and on (mainly on) with battling anxiety and depression since I was a teen
>love all my dresses a lot
>just don't feel happy wearing them
>now feel torn about if I should sell them for $$$ or keep them to... look at?

I hate my brain.

Sorry, maybe this should be feels, but I am so proud of my wardrobe. It's one of the few things that makes me feel like I have some value to my life. And yet now I don't want to wear them. I'm also a lone lolita which doesn't help and I can't really fix that since I have a lot of social issues now.

Sorry, my feels.

>> No.8717047

Be in the feels/vent thread* oops

>> No.8717065

I sort all of my clothes by color, and within the color by thickness, so heavy materials to the left, and chiffon to the right.

I have taken pictures of all my main pieces already, just take new ones as they come in. I'm stupidly excited.

>> No.8717126

I don't sort my dresses, I just stuff them in the hope everything fits into my tiny closet..

I'm very hyped, already planning since August. But it's not gonna be fancy or anything, just your standard laid out display.

I'm scared as fuck of moths and mold, so the annual wardrobe theme is also a good opportunity to air all my clothes and to inspect my wardrobe.

>> No.8717138
File: 389 KB, 635x916, DSCF4718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to be very organized, I don't like things messy or out of place. I have to use the same rack for my work clothes, but otherwise I like how everything has a place. The dresses are arranged by color, and blouses are folded neatly in its box. Pic to follow with accessories.

>> No.8717141
File: 292 KB, 732x612, DSCF4715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my accessories I keep in my art box from college. It really helps with keeping things together, and much easier to find in their little compartments.
And that's pretty much it for me.

>> No.8717572
File: 6 KB, 289x370, dressform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got mine from Amazon, pic related. It's okay but you have to be careful when moving it - I dropped mine from a very low height and one of the legs cracked a bit. Depending on the size you need, they're about $60 I think?

>> No.8717587
File: 170 KB, 1043x500, Wardrobe-Nov-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort my stuff by color, although the blacks tend to wind up jumbled together since there's more of them.

I recently did a clear-out and re-organization; not finished yet but it's better than it was. Purses are stored on top of the bookshelves on the opposite wall and I'm going to put up a bar over the wardrobe with hooks to hang my hat collection. Dresses are in the closed wardrobe to ensure that they don't get sun-faded.

>> No.8717590
File: 99 KB, 851x315, dresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sorting is just getting them on a hanger and then hanging them up so they're not out laying around.

Also can anyone ID what dresses those circled in red are? Would love to see fully what they look like. Pic related.

>> No.8717592

Coordinating, or worn and modeled can take a long time to do if it's a girl with a bigger wardrobe of dresses.

>> No.8717597

Maybe wait a year and see how you feel then before selling anything. But if you do eventually sell, keep the dream dresses and sell the rest.

>> No.8717611
File: 86 KB, 570x428, il_570xN.350597502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought these (in pic) to hang all my headwear on, and hope it helps on keeping that neat.

But my closest/clothes are so disorganized. I have way to many clothes (both lolita and regular), and it's making it very hard to keep them in one spot and organized. I've filled my closet to the max, have a free standing clothing rack that's completely filled, have a multi-hook over-the-door hanger that is completely filled, and have resorted to putting a clothing rod over the spare bathroom tub to put more clothes, and laying clothes over the top of the free standing clothing rack. And getting rid of the clothes I don't really wear would only free enough room that I can get the clothes out of the spare bathroom.

>> No.8717703
File: 734 KB, 599x599, 1371063918260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have too many clothes.

Take it from experience: clean out your closet. It makes life so much better.

>> No.8717708

Where did you get this photo? This looks like an indie brand's sales rack, or the closet of a lolita who makes her own stuff. See how a bunch of the ones in the first circle are the same fabric? There are a bunch of duplicate-ish dresses here in different colors.

>> No.8717710

It's the opening photo, and I'm dumb. I'm sorry.

But yeah, either they are indie or handmade, and they may be one-offs.

>> No.8717745

What >>8717703 said. Also, you would likely benefit from an off-season storage system; it will get stuff out of the way when it's not functional AND give you a twice-year excuse to go through stuff and cut anything you don't love/fit.

>> No.8717794

True, so it would be more of a print over time or favor people with smaller wardrobes...unless you just modeled and featured your top 5 or 10 coordinates, showing the rest in the usual way or as flat coordinates.

>> No.8717799

*project over time, sorry.

>> No.8717804
File: 465 KB, 2400x800, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We recently moved into a house where I'll have my own office now, so I can't wait to make it into my lolita den. Having a closet from my brand will be nice when I start buying pieces again.

>> No.8717811

Cool that you get an entire closet for your Lolita, I'd love that! What is the black print with the good keys on it?

>> No.8717820

My sorting method varies. Right now it's by size since I've gotten a little fat. Otherwise it's usually by color. By size is handy though if you just want to grab on the looser and more comfy end, I might keep it like this even when I've dropped the extra weight.

Cookies captcha? Nice.

>> No.8717828

Baroque's Missing Letter Keys & Rabbit. I sold it awhile ago. The print on it was really cute, but the fit of it was just awkward.

>> No.8717831

Is there any photography guide for taking black on black detail photographs? I'd like to try photographing some all-black coordinates but I just have a point and shoot camera with some fixed settings. I do have photoshop though. I'd appreciate any links or tips, thanks!

>> No.8717905

I just shoot in natural lighting and play with brightness, exposure, and contrast in Photoshop

>> No.8717948
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Mine is stuffed in my wardrobe... which is getting too full too quickly actually... Unfortunately my light shit itself in there as well so organisation is even worse right now...

I store mine blouses, skirts, dresses then shoes and bags on the top shelves..

And then I pick one nice coord to display on the mannequin dressform thing... which is actually naked at the moment!

>> No.8718161

Thank you, I'll check it out.

>> No.8718174

This >>8717905 .
If you haven't already, check out obsixwi on tumblr! Her wardrobe is 100% black and it's incredible!

>> No.8718358

You can probably get rid of a lot. I recommend you check out the KonMari Method, I was a complete hoarder and got rid of about 2/3 of my stuff, my apartment has never looked this good.

>> No.8718359

I hate wardrobe videos because so often they're badly shot, badly edited, have way too much talking, and don't really show the wardrobe properly. I'd much prefer to scroll through decent photos than sit through 10 minutes of nothing video.

>> No.8718360

I think you can always just take photos of the dresses as they are, and then put some photos of your coordinates with them next to them. Most lolitas take outfit photos, so there's no reason you have to take new ones, unless you want it to be uniform.

>> No.8718376

You need more space my friend, a dedicated room for lolita.

>> No.8718461

Truth, I turned an entire bedroom into a closet for my stuff. Best decision I've ever made

>> No.8718671

Same here, though there are two of us in the house.

>> No.8718680

This is a good idea. I have a spare room I could just turn full princess and use the whole closet for my Lolita. Hello, winter project!

>> No.8719313


I really do need to clean up what clothes I have. Just spend a week going through everything. Though it would be amazing to have a spare room I can turn into a closet.

>> No.8720037

where can i buy a wardrobe that is decent? walmarts shitty wardrobe is about to collapse on me (i have no ikea)

>> No.8720149

Seconding this
Have you possibly tried looking on Amazon or possibly even Target?

I have a walmart one, but I also don't own a lot of Lolita. But eventually I'll need a new one

>> No.8720161

what's that aatp starry horse dress?

>> No.8720166

its the aatp horoscope jsk

>> No.8720201

thank you!

>> No.8720250

I sort mine by favorite I guess, so the taobao and bodyline are in the back (or rather the middle, as it's a two doors closet, it's pretty harder to reach it).
Then for the skirts I sort it by style/color since it's mostly AP or Baby (and a few moitié).

I'm really running out of place but I don't even think I have that many dresses. It's mostly too bothersome to sell the crappy ones, I'm almost tempted to throw them away but then I think some young lolita might think it's a waste and could use them.

There's dresses I haven't even worn yet :/
Is it weird ? Do you do this too seagulls ?

Also some more questions :
> What do you need more of ?
I usually have too many skirts/dresses but not enough blouses to coordinate, or coats.

> Do you have enough space to store everything ?
I'm already running out of space even though I moved to a bigger appartment. Did you ever try moving out lolita stuff ? My ex went crazy with the number of boxes I needed because the dresses tooks too much space. Fun times !

>> No.8720267

>There's dresses I haven't even worn yet

There's a fair number in my wardrobe. I'm not not wearing them due to depression, though, most of them are waiting for an occassion/missed their occassion is all.

I acquired most of my dresses after moving into a larger space. Hope I never have to move, it'll be impossible to move all the lolita stuff.

>> No.8720312

If you don't want to go to the trouble of selling stuff, maybe ask your local comm if anyone would be interested in taking stuff off your hands and just bring stuff to meets?

>> No.8720387

Don't throw out the dresses anon, just put them up for sale and use the funds to buy something you'll really like. It's worth it.

I also have dresses I have never worn, although it is because I gained a ton of weight and am still in the process of losing it. I think about half of my dresses are unworn, it's pretty sad, but it used to be more than that.

>> No.8720449

Seriously, the natural poofyness of dresses like the AP one make this a hell.
Not even talking about the shoes, the mugs and tea cups and what not. Good luck for all the lolitas out there who have to move out on their own.

I'm not involved in any comm but I think I'll sell it through a local craiglist-like website, hoping some girls still check it out. It's just a hassle to bring stuff to people or use the post-office because I'm working full time and long hours, that's why I haven't sold anything yet. If someone flake on me over a 10€ bodyline skirt, I'd be pretty pissed for the time wasted.

I hate to admit it but some of them are very sweet and most of my friends are really not into it so I don't find any occasion to wear them :/
Plus I'm paranoid some coworker/old teachers might see me as I work in a pretty serious environment. I find classic or gothic easier to wear but I'm torn on reselling terribly cute AP dresses. I guess I see myself more as a collector at the moment !

>> No.8720570
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recently had more space in the apartment and can actually hang my dresses up without having to fold them in a small drawer. very disorganized and too depressed to make things neat. these are the only dresses I can find right now. the rest are either in this apartment or overseas.

i'm kind of feeling better because this is an improvement from what i started with, but it's still a long way to go for me

>> No.8720578

Anon, can I request some pictures of the mth dress when you have a moment?

>> No.8720711
File: 3.19 MB, 4128x2322, 20151116_120207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just moved so I'm still in the process of putting my stuff out (mainly need to unpack my skirts and coats) but this is how my new closet looks so far. The other half of my closet is for my normie/work clothes.

>> No.8720720

I'm usually on the lookout for crappy or cheaper items, anon. I use them for panels educating others on buying lolita items and what to look out for both good and bad. But I'm also based in the US so I'm not sure if you'd be willing to go through the hassle of sending them here. But if so, I'd be willing to take a few items off your hands!

>> No.8720894

moth dress yeah? ill take some closeups for you tomorrow!

>> No.8720962

With my closet, I end up hanging them as I wear them, so it's easier to cycle through and see which one I haven't worn in a while. If I keep skipping over a dress and it stays in the back, then maybe it's time to sell it.

>> No.8720975

Thanks anon, you're a star!

>> No.8721011

I saved your email, if the rates aren't too expensive it could be a good deal since I'm not looking to sell them expensive at all ! I'll try to keep you informed because I'd need to ask for a rate by going to the post office. I ship from France so if others organise panels like this in Europe too I could send them too.

To be honest I mostly have the not too shabby bodyline stuff (like l313 JSK in pink) and some taobao things. It's not milanoo bad but after having some brand dresses I don't see the use in having stuff I wouldn't wear casually.

>> No.8721022
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a taobao princess. I can't help it. But I have my dream dress so my small wardrobe is perfect now.

>> No.8721033

Anon, could you post a picture of singing in the rain? Is it as bright as the stock photos?

>> No.8721056

Sure. Sorry about rotated photos in advance.
It's really vibrant and the print is crisp. It's not an overwhelming color but you also wouldn't miss it if someone was wearing it. It's a touch color to match, though, as it's both navy and indigo at the same time.
Also sorry for the wrinkles I haven't worn it yet as I'm waiting on a blouse in the mail.

>> No.8721058
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped the pic. Put it against the Pumpkin Cat jsk to show its not quite Navy.

>> No.8721293
File: 362 KB, 1072x768, Closet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wardrobe is starting to get a little disorganized by sheer volume of stuff. My biggest challenge to tackle right now is my bags... they're starting to eat each other

>> No.8721418

What would you guys consider a small/medium/large/huge wardrobe in terms of number if main pieces? How much is too much to you? Let's assume were talking an all or mostly brand wardrobe.

>> No.8721450

small: less than 15
medium: 15 - 50
large: more than 50

i think more than 50 would be unmanageable for me, i'm at around 40 and it's hard to find what i want because all my dresses and accessories are spread around my room

>> No.8721535

For me it'd be
Small: under 10
Medium: 10 - 20
Large: 21 - 50
Huge: 50 - 100
Dear God Almighty: anything over 100

Still remembering that girl from this year's wardrobe post that has over 200 main pieces, all brand and full of popular prints.

>> No.8721544

It's so interesting to me to be able to look into wardrobes like this. The candid shot of disorganization looks so natural and gives the wardrobe personality to match the wearer. Keep 'em coming!

>> No.8721562

do you have a link to that girls post? i want to see!

>> No.8721696

It depends if you're a daily lolita, collector, or someone who only wears it to special occasions. If you're an occasion only lolita who wears it for times a year, 10 dresses is a pretty large wardrobe. If you wear it daily and for special occasions then 20 isn't that much when you consider special occasions and needing stuff that can be rotated through everyday wear. If you're a collector I guess it's more to do with budget and space, but over 50 is large to me anyway.

Small: under 20
Medium: 21-50
Large: >50

>> No.8721735 [DELETED] 


>> No.8721752

It also depends on the other items and the quality of the wardrobe. I had a lot of taobao and bodyline before, but I got so sick of the shitty quality I sold it all. Now my wardrobe is 25~ main pieces, but all brand and all quality prints. Sure you can have 100 items, but if it's all taobao and ancient damaged brand from CC for 5k yen, it's not very impressive. There's also blouses and accessories to consider. Do you just have a smattering of Claire's shit, or a stockpile of brand? Do you have a high collar, a princess sleeve, a peter pan collar, a pussybow collar, and a puff sleeve blouse?

If it's all brand and quality then >>8721535's numbers seem legit. 10+ brand items is not a small wardrobe. However if you have lots of bodyline and taobao, then >>8721696 is a bit more reasonable.

Honestly I think only brand wardrobes should count. Every year those fucking noobs posting their 1 bodyline jsk and black stripey socks with dollar store jewelry and thrift store shoes.

>> No.8721790 [DELETED] 

did you read the original post?
>Let's assume were talking an all or mostly brand wardrobe

>> No.8721791

What is that whitw dress? I wanna say btssb but i cant remember the name...even from this small sliver shown it is still so beautiful!

>> No.8721795

did you read the original post?
>main pieces
>Let's assume were talking an all or mostly brand wardrobe

>> No.8721806

She's probably talking about pyro24, she had too many dresses to even lay them all out individually so she made donuts out of the dresses.

>> No.8721824

I keep looking at Twinkle Journey. Sad that it's not in my wardrobe anymore, but happy it's in yours and you're enjoying it so much. One day I'll find the cut I want! Will you be doing an egl post this year?

I should probably start working on mine. I wish I was at the point where I could make donuts. I probably would be if I hadn't sold half my wardrobe down last year. I think just to shorten it and the effort I'll lay out dresses by similar colors in twos or threes and then include graphics of details below. Then maybe add some nice coordinate shots toward the end because I'm a potato and rarely get nice photos.

I'm finding it fun to do these if only, just to look back and see what I had, what I still have, and how my styles have changed and improved.

I agree with this assessment. Also >>8721752
in regards to quality. You can have 50 bodyline dresses and a plethora of thrifted blouses and cheap jewelry but it's not going to be the same was someone with 20 brand items, nice quality jewelry and lolita-specific quality blouses at least impact and impression-wise.

>> No.8721825

This is it: http://egl.livejournal.com/19850450.html
But my bad on the over 200. It was well over 100 main pieces.

>> No.8721827

And yep it was her I was talking about.

>> No.8721855

>mfw I know you and didn't know you had Merrymaking, which is one of my dream dresses
gdi you and I have the same taste in literally everything

>> No.8721878
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So, did I do it right this time?

>> No.8721896

yes, yes you did
you can answer some of the questions if you like, for example

>How do you gulls sort your dresses? By color? By favorite? By brand?
What would you guys consider a small/medium/large/huge wardrobe in terms of number if main pieces? How much is too much to you? Let's assume were talking an all or mostly brand wardrobe.

>> No.8721911

Brand isn't as inaccessible and expensive as it used to be, which is why I was making a distinction between the daily vs special occasion wardrobe. If you're wearing lolita daily chances are you'll probably have picked up a bunch of basic plain colour or cheaper print dresses second hand in the 5-15k range rather than a bunch of popular fancy prints at new prices to wear just for special occasions. So 20 isn't all that much really even for brand.

>> No.8721929

I'm hovering at just over 50 and I feel like I need to cut back. I feel like I've finally achieved a wardrobe that is enviable based on its size alone but at the same time I'm like "realistically, how much of this stuff am I really going to get any use of?" I'm trying to concentrate on only buying things that I can wear to work from now on, and I think at some point I might sell some of my expensive stuff like Iron Gate because I've only worn it once and I can use the money to get at least 8 casual JSKs that I could wear regularly.

>> No.8721950

You have great taste anon!

>IW's Tea Time JSK
ayyy, that's good shit, so underrated

>> No.8721968

I think like this: Small, 1-20, med 20-50, Large 50+ Main pieces. At 30 pieces, mine started to feel 'enough' but it did not stop me from adding more, that's just when I decided to be more picky about what I added. I also think that if a wardrobe doesn't have a sufficient variety of blouses, shoes, leg wear and interesting accessories, it isn't balanced at all.

>> No.8721989

oh my god, thats stunning.

>> No.8721992

I love your outfits and style, please invest in a $100 digital camera

>> No.8722019

thanks, i like that jsk a lot; if you take off the cake bow it looks fairly casual and no one bats an eye on you when you wear it out, it's great. also those pockets are real it's awesome

>> No.8722022

Probably! And I love TJ so much, I'm rooting for you to find the cut you want so we can twin it!

Haha, twinnnsss

>> No.8722159
File: 2.31 MB, 2560x1813, 15-11-16-23-48-19-419_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mishmash wardrobe of mine. I think I'm still experimenting

>> No.8722178

I have my dresses split into "handmade" and "bought, regardless of brand" and have them in order based on what I wore last. After I've worn a dress in a coord, that dress goes to the "back" of the line. While I don't exactly follow that chronological cycle wearing my dresses, having a less worn dress come up in the front end of the line prompts me to think of coordinates for it. I want the dresses in my wardrobe to get worn with equal love.

>> No.8722185

I really like this format anon

>> No.8722186
File: 1.43 MB, 1632x1224, IMG_6203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go! I took a few more but didn't want to spam the thread so am uploading them on imgur

closeup on bow so you can see lining and details:

closeup on print; beetles and fish dancin in the moonlight:

bottom lace that lines the dress; matches bow:

here is the dress itself:

it's a little too big for my waist but comfy as hell in the bust area - i think this one is one of the bigger sizes cloudberry lady makes and i usually fit 96~103cm bust w/o binding

>> No.8722188 [DELETED] 
File: 2.91 MB, 2444x2621, IMG_6214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it's innocent rose from btssb

also it looks better in person, the camera can't really capture its fully beauty? idk how to describe it

>> No.8722190
File: 2.91 MB, 2444x2621, IMG_6214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it's innocent rose from btssb

it looks really nice in person, better than the stock photos. the camera can't really capture its full beauty.. idk how to describe it haha

>> No.8722202

>How do you gulls sort your dresses? By color? By favorite? By brand? I'm curious
Currently by what actually fits, because I gained weight. Other than that things are mainly in colour order but it's actually more applicable to blouses for me because I try not to get too many similar main pieces so order doesn't matter much there, but my blouses are sorted in short and long sleeve by colour.

>> No.8722204

That's a really good system, I may adopt it myself.

>> No.8722251

Thank you! It's not as bad as I thought in this picture, I'll try to get it if they re-release it again. The print is really nice, but I don't do full pastels.

>> No.8722254

Agree with this.
I also think the other stuff matters as well, I'm a lot less impressed by a wardrobe if you have 30 dresses, but like 5 blouses and 3 necklaces. I think there needs to be a good balance of things.

I think brand isn't the most important thing though, I'm just not that impressed by a wardrobe of 25 bodyline pieces. Taobao is a bit different.

>> No.8722271

I own about 50 main pieces, about 10 blouses, but only a few hair pieces as most of my dresses are the same style and I only have like 3-4 colors in my wardrobe. Would you call my wardrobe well balanced or should I invest in more wardrobe fillers?

>> No.8722285

Depends on how often you wear lolita and the exact pieces you have, but I think a few more definitely wouldn't hurt, especially some accent colors or neutrals. Imo, it's ideal to have one top per main piece, including boleros/cardigans and stuff like that.

>> No.8722296

Thank you so much for this effort anon!! These detail shots are really beautiful and I really appreciate it

>> No.8722302

I wear it almost daily but usually coord my mainpieces with offbrand cutsews and cardigans (my wardrobe's mostly solid non printed pieces and otome).

I only wear blouses for more elaborate outfits when I'm attending meets or for photoshoots.

>> No.8722363

Which is why I said tops, including cutsews and cardigans. If you can get a handful of outfits from each dress that aren't too similar, you should be fine.

>> No.8722400

i think shes middle-aged.

>> No.8723441

What print is that pink dress with the roses near the end?

>> No.8723456

Its a bit unbalanced. I want to see coats,collars,hats, gloves, scarves, headdresses, brooches, jewellery, bags.... Only 4 bags?!

>> No.8723473

your newfag is showing - there are 5 bags, and she did take photos of her jackets

also consider:
maybe she just wanted to show her brand (whether it be bags or accessories)
maybe she couldn't be bothered to photograph the smaller things
>There were some things I just didn't feel like dismantaling and my accessory storage was one of them

>> No.8723497

What's that dress all the way to the right with what looks like tea cups on it?

>> No.8723528

Yeah, especially when most people who wear lolita frequently use REAL bags, ones that fit things inside of them and aren't meant to be props. It looks like she wears her things frequently so it makes sense that she doesn't have as many "matchy" bags.

>> No.8723626

what if she lives in a southern area??
>tfw floridian
>never needs those lbr
even if i had a wardrobe that large i'd probably have one coat tops in my wardrobe, and definitely not gloves or scarves. unless like lace gloves or such.

>> No.8723662

The girl lives in NZ, where I'm assuming it doesn't snow all that often.

>> No.8723718

Thankyou anon! I remember when it came out last year and ive wanted it in white really bad ever since, but i could never remember the name!

>> No.8724230

if it's the same girl i'm thinking of, she has a shitload of bags- she just didn't photograph them. it looked like she chose her favorite 4-5. she mentioned living in a warm place too (tropic?), so she probably doesn't need a lot of outerwear.

>> No.8724233

>tfw 10 years of wearing the fashion and wardrobe is still super mishmashed
i-it's fun to experiment!

How many of you guys invest in brand coats? For whatever reason I own 5 baby/ap coats and 1 cape even though it's perpetually summer where i live.. they're just too cute.

>> No.8724237

I'd love to get a brand coat! It's primarily rainy here, so I'd love to possibly invest in one. But I wouldn't be able to possibly decide on one that I would want

>> No.8724246

ugh i have 5 coats/jackets and one cape, but can never be bothered to dress up in winter. australian weather is pretty mild too
>tfw can't be bothered to dress up in summer either

>> No.8726696

That grey dress hanging on the closet is absolutely gorgerous. Would you mind telling me what brand it is, anon?

>> No.8726716

I have 3 brand winter coats (2 long, 1 short) and a lighter brand Jacket. I live in central Europa and we haven't had a real winter since 4 years or so, so the investment kind of feels like a waste since I almost never get to wear them. On top of that I have 4 loliable offbrand jackets that I also use for lolita. The outerwear is beginning to away too much space in my closet. I'm strongly considering selling my 2 long brand coats to make more space for dresses again.

>> No.8726741


>> No.8730880

AAARG! I love this dress but it is forever unobtainable, lingering on my wishlist. So jelly, anon

>> No.8730883

Thanks anon x

I actually work in a film studio and shoot with a 70D a lot, but for my personal stuff everything all 20,000 snaps are shot disgustingly on my phone... I need a new computer to back my phone up and then I need a phone that isn't 5 years old, but first comes travel costs and christmas presents

>> No.8730888

I sort mine by 'pretiness' if that makes sense. Like, the plainer/cannon fodder ones go on the sides to prevent the nicer ones in the kiddle from touching the walls.

>> No.8730889


>> No.8730900

Thanks for the advice and approval x

>How do you sort your wardrobe?

For clarity I've sorted it by brand, but hanging under my bed, I usually scope the dress by the main colour. I've really pared down my wishlist to only x amount of dresses in a specific style, colour, or theme for occasions (meetups or just going out by myself) I also have an idea of what might go if I find the dress that better fits the criteria and have discounted dresses that might look amazing in stock pictures, but dumb on me; this means things don't get out of hand (I'm a compulsive hoarder) and I know exactly what to grab off the rail if we're going to a cat museum and I only have one cat dress

>What do you consider a large wardrobe?

Hard to say. I have 30 main pieces but a lot of those are offbrand or I don't have ideal items to coord with them yet so don't know if they really count. I'd like more blouses to get better wear out of some of my skirts. Half my stuff I'd feel embarrassed to wear at a meetup as it's not fancy enough, so that lowers the mileage in one way.

If it's mostly brand and jsks (which are over half an outfit completed already, unlike skirts) 30 is a very healthy number if you can restrict yourself. I notice some anons have ten very similar dresses, but consistent style, so that 10 is not multiplied by x other colours or themes. If your taste was more varied, then you'd feel a bit stifled and have to have a bunch more accessories to match.

>> No.8730901

Nearly all of my wishlist is on there.... the heartbreak