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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 960x306, 12046643_10207631393570831_5004287948598011412_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8682719 No.8682719 [Reply] [Original]

Old one - >>8674013
Don't repost.

>> No.8682722
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>> No.8682723
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Something about this one is bothering me but idk what.

>> No.8682727
File: 99 KB, 960x960, 10362863_10153649105617278_2619044498244969606_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The pinks here are driving me crazy.

>> No.8682728

cheap ass wings, cheap ass blouse (it's not even hemmed?!), she just bobby pinned a bunch of fuzz all over her hair.

>> No.8682729

I think it's the hair + makeup. She looks like one of those old paintings with it, but not in a good way imo.

>> No.8682730

Her hair and makeup maybe? The bottle-blonde is kind of trashy - her hair looks fried as fuck. The dark eyebrows and light eyeshadow are also unflattering. She looks like she belongs in a music video with No Doubt circa 1999.

>> No.8682746
File: 142 KB, 960x786, 1610996_1509307292715519_6110249161136886848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall this is cute imo but the different colored shoelaces are confusing me.

>> No.8682752

her hair bothers me the most tbh, it's fried as fuck. she needs a deep repair mask and some kind of smoothing/frizz serum.

I think I would also prefer different shoes with this, something like heels or maybe RHS.

>> No.8682754

>fried as fuck hivemind

>> No.8682756

oh dang this is hella cute, I love this!

>> No.8682773

I fucking love this so much. So much. Even the bonnet and I usually hate those.

I like this idea but not the execution.

I don't think the pinks are so bad? I understand why you feel that way but I feel like the shoes, bag and headbow kind of tie the brighter color in. Plus the lighting sucks so who knows what it really looks like.

>> No.8682846

she's been a lolita for at least 3 years now, I remember when she first started

She's made like exactly 0 progress and still hasn't learned not to buy replicas

>> No.8682886

I would like it better if the headbow had the same shade of pink as the shoes, but other than that I think the coord is okay.

More of a personal nitpick but I hate it when peoble wear long sleeves with ankle socks.

>> No.8682939

I just bought this op, so fucking excited.

>> No.8682940

Matchy matchy to the extreme, like if you pricked her with a needle she'd bleed chocolate.

>> No.8683038
File: 239 KB, 1350x1800, 887506_10204928149984256_6199957678642314267_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postings coords i like that have not been shared here or discussed yet

>> No.8683039
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>> No.8683042
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>> No.8683043
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>> No.8683045

There is something about this that seems really off.

>> No.8683048
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I just... feel like holy lantern shouldn't be coorded in that way. It doesn't really work with moitie and VW in my opinion because the dress itself is still quite sweet. I'm trying to like this, and i can see how other people would, but yeah idk i feel like it should be done more in that "cute/sweet gothic" style. pic related.

>> No.8683049

I'm sorry but this is tacky looking. Like dollar bin goth. I know she's wearing all brand but still.

>> No.8683116
File: 120 KB, 960x960, 12065897_1138522376157836_1086454541970569537_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black shoes and all the different shades of red are bothering me.

>> No.8683125

i think the shoes are reddish-brown?

>> No.8683127

Leave it to her to make so many pieces I love look like they came out of the Hot Topic bargain bin.

>> No.8683130

Her makeup annoys me so ducking much and did she lift up her dress to take those stocking pictures?!

>> No.8683147

Can we stop with the fucking wings? Just go cosplay.

>> No.8683157

That looks like her real hair to me. If not it looks like her wig got a bad dye job and was run over by a bus a few times.

>> No.8683165


>> No.8683220

I'm worried now because I got that exact same Jsk in the MTO, but the cut looks really weird on her.

>> No.8683393
File: 81 KB, 640x960, 12033047_1079353022077801_1225599231448424798_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any of these are reposts, please forgive me if I accidentally post one.

>> No.8683394
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>> No.8683398
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>> No.8683401

This is some fucking lolita inspiration right here
I love this so much

>> No.8683402
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>> No.8683404
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>> No.8683407



>> No.8683409
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>> No.8683411

why would you wear a corset to class tho

>> No.8683423
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>> No.8683425
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Some people just don't know where to stop.

>> No.8683473

Where to begin.

get rid of the chain, replace the purse and it'd probly look a lot better, that hat isn't really working, it's too broad brimmed and chic for this coord.

I kind of like this in a weird way? Not sure about the stockings, and I'd only keep it at two layers. If the top op is a piece by cornet I can understand, they tend to be 80cm long.

>> No.8683477

That OP is gorgeous. I love simple and elegant coords like this.

>> No.8683486

She's super cute, but - nitpick here - her makeup could be better. She needs a pop of color or something?

I don't think I like her coord at all, but she is super cute, so I really want to like it.

I completely agree... I think it's that there are a bunch of details that are slightly off, and they add up. The blouse feels off, blacks don't match the black of the jsk, the silver shoes feel off considering the white of the blouse, I don't think I like her lip color on her, and I really feel like she's trying too hard to make this gothic? It's not bad at all imo, but it just feels wrong in some sense.

I feel like HL can be coorded more gothicy, but not... This flavor of gothic, if that makes sense?

>> No.8683624

I really like this one

>> No.8683703

You're just making me like it more, anon.

>> No.8683705

Looks like someone ate a lot of marshmallows and then had bloody diarrhea.

>> No.8684069
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>People told me I looked like Mana-sama


>> No.8684079

Oh wow I had no idea mana wears bodyline

>> No.8684090
File: 41 KB, 287x499, 1241765635223_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you think he got his hat from?

>> No.8684103

>wears blackxblue

>> No.8684120
File: 72 KB, 581x960, 12036742_982407398488805_6074017176339589704_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gorgeous JSK, but winter on top and summer on bottom? Also the scarf isn't delicate enough.

>> No.8684124

What dress is this?

>> No.8684152

I wish she would push her glasses up. It would look much more elegant.
I'm also confused about the legwear though. Why ankle socks if you're all bundled up on the top?

>> No.8684166

I can feel you on the legwear front, but I think the big chunky scarf is cute. Looks cozy.

>> No.8684212
File: 72 KB, 568x960, 12079540_10204583919271057_8572592063682483943_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this freaking print so much.

>> No.8684222

>those fucking crosses.

>> No.8684228

>>8683486 hey
>>8683423 is me. Curious what you don't like about the coord? I realize I forgot to wear my red shoes to tie in the purse. I'd love some ideas.
This is my favorite dress so I want it to be perfect

>> No.8684230

don't hate on Church Picnic-kei, the coord is adorable and lolita christfags now have something adorable to wear to their chaperoned coed BBQs

>> No.8684236

That's so funny. You know I wore that hat with the dress before and everyone loved it. What kind of purse do you suggest

>> No.8684240

Fuck you guys, daisy crosses are the best. It makes the dress interesting in the first place.

>> No.8684254

can't work out if this coord is good because it's simple or bad because it's boring. :/

>> No.8684262

is it cohesive? does it match? does it flatter the wearer?

>> No.8684292

her face is too souless

>> No.8684318

I think it's really gorgeous but you're right I think maybe leg warmers or something to match the scarf and it would be A+ casual or otome sort of thing. I adore it otherwise though

>> No.8684324
File: 12 KB, 320x262, FB_IMG_1445754421816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl seems to have a lot of nice pieces but god just misses the mark every time. I can't even figure out exactly what's wrong with this one.. its probably one of her best though.

>> No.8684330

My glasses are too big for my face (including my nose), also if I push them up I (seriously) cant blink or even look up due to my lashes and stuff.
My legwear confuses me too xD

>> No.8684331

My glasses are too big for my face (including my nose), also if I push them up I (seriously) cant blink or even look up due to my lashes and stuff.
My legwear confuses me too xD

>> No.8684335

I don't know, have you ever lived in a mixed climate? In fall I usually dress in layers on top and bare legs, so I can see this working.

>> No.8684338

Shadow Dream Carnival

>> No.8684341
File: 130 KB, 960x960, 12049690_1046764085374474_7259281716125263822_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like some comm had a twinning meetup going on.

>> No.8684342
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>> No.8684347

This looks so bad. Those wigs and the cheap crap in them and the furry unicorn bag from the children's section made for a 5 year old

>> No.8684348

>obligatory non-matching star clip

>> No.8684358

The girl on the right looks like she's about to wet herself

>> No.8684402

That... seems really impractical. Do you have to wear your glasses often? I wear my glasses every day and I can't imagine them sitting that low on my face.
If it's comfortable to you I guess that's all that matters, it would just make a better picture with them pushed up.

>> No.8684409

I think they're really cute! At least they tried to match.

>> No.8684410

I'm extremly blind without them can't get out of bed without them. I have been looking for smaller ones that don't glide down so far. The ones I have now actually glide off my nose all the time

>> No.8684430

I think it will really make your coords look more polished/refined, especially when you go for a more subtle or classic look. I have plastic frames and I know the struggle of glasses falling down 24/7. Have you tried having the part that loops around your ear adjusted? Sometimes they can tighten them around your temples as well. If all else fails, they make some cute, classic wire frames. They also make cool wire and plastic hybrids now too. Those might stay up easier simply because of the way they are made.

>> No.8684431

I mean that is the whole point of a twinning meet.

>> No.8684436

I think this is one of the rare occasions where chunky knit/semi loose socks would be really cute to balance out the scarf. It's casual enough, and the blazer gives it a somewhat less lolita vibe.

>> No.8684438

haha yeah they bent those like crazy, I'm looking at thinner lighter frames with a smaller opening for the nose, I think that will help a lot. also mabye with some transparency so its not pitchblack x palest skin ever

>> No.8684522

>that anon
The red shoes would definitely help! I also can't tell if you're wearing a petti? The picture in general makes it a bit hard for me to tell what's going on though, so maybe I'd like it ten times better if I had seen it in person or something. I certainly don't think it's bad or anything, but I'm not sure if I like it by the coord shot if that makes sense?

I think you / your makeup is super cute though!

>> No.8684596
File: 41 KB, 374x750, 10534620_10205070087933573_3035068322516261174_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like it. I mean, the top part is ok but the socks and shoes... Nope.

And then soccer mom face chan gave her advice on the hair...?

>> No.8684600
File: 241 KB, 1000x1000, 12030431_10208089063327021_4823092927363627612_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weirdly matching blacks aside, it's a pretty cute basic coord.
Which seems to be a hard think to accomplish with Holy Lantern.

>> No.8684611

Isn't that the navy colorway, actually?

>> No.8684614

Not that anon but I'm positive it is. Most people here shit on navy x black but I think it's really cute here.

>> No.8684620

All that shoehorned black. Ugh.
>three bags each
Why. I know you can't actually fit anything into those cutesy purses but just bring a backup bag or something, don't wear three fucking unicorn purses.
Girl in this picture sure is keen on defending herself. I'll put in my two cents if she really wants to improve.
This has potential but it's a lot of little things that make the whole package look just off. I don't like the purse with this dress at all even if there were red shoes. The wig doesn't match the reds and the warm tone of that hair color doesn't look good with black and white, a cooler color would be better. I can't see if she has weird strappy boots with open tops or mary janes with weird leg warmers but the footwear needs to be changed. I can see a similar hat with a bit shorter and stiffer brim working just fine for this. If she's keen on keeping the red, she can add a silver necklace or brooch with a red pendant or gem and perhaps sew a couple red roses to the hat. And most importantly...petticoat. The makeup does look nice for the most part, a little crease definition in the eyelids and a thinner line of eyeliner would look good but the lipstick is on point.

>> No.8684626

>basic coord

fucking goddammit anons .. This is why people are so into OTT, because of THIS shit

>> No.8684631

I love that necklace, it's gorgeous

>> No.8684680

This is so good: classy yet sexy and totally wearable.

For everyday casual wear, this is cute.

>> No.8684718

in what world is it attractive to wear a cardigan that you can only button the top button on? Other than that, I agree with the other anons. Bad pic quality makes her look soulless, and long sleeves and short socks look dumb together.

>> No.8684731

that wig color doesn't flatter either of their skin tones, and the ankle socks make them look rather stumpy. A shame they both bought so much stuff to match the coord, and it all ends up looking really bad. CDC isn't an ott sweet style dress anyways, not in the same way as the circa 2008 sweet dresses are.

>> No.8684777

I think she looks cute, but I hate the navy x black here. I'm torn because I like navy x black. She coorded it well, but it just doesn't look good - maybe that's just how it looks in pictures though? What specifically bothers me is that it's DARK navy. Black x navy can look good if it's a lighter navy, imo. But here it just kind of looks like a different black, as made obvious by OP who mistook it for the black x black colorway.

tl;dr, dark navy x black looks bad and a lighter navy would look better, but that's just my onion.

>> No.8684780

Really depends on what you're going for because right now your accessories are speaking 5 different visual languages. If you want to go with the 50's chic gothic then I'd look for an old black vintage purse with matching belt, shoes, and hat all in black, for example. If you want an additional color then it needs to be justified in some way, not just red trim on a purse, but more 30/70 rather than 05/85, so something like shoes purse hair piece or shoes blouse purse, visual balance.

Silhouette is king, I can't tell what the shape of your skirt and blouse are doing, they need to go somewhere and be something. The hats silhouette, same criticism, it may do with the way it's sitting on your head, especially in the second photo, it just looks odd and lumpy and that's not chic.

There's just a lot of things happening in a lot of different ways, I'd strip it down and get the accessories to work harmoniously and get the base shape working as that's your canvas, it'll be easier to see what is and is not working. I think you can do it though and I think it could look really good.

>> No.8684805

The more I see this dress the more I want it

I like the upper half as well

>> No.8684997

Meet theme was Midsummer Nights Dream. I think the wings are cute.

>> No.8685014

That's DDC, I have seen many similar coords with that print but I think they got overexcited with that bright pink bag.

>> No.8685290
File: 598 KB, 1365x2048, 12186280_788820164573735_7814179947275574268_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so many good coords posted
>none shared here

time to fix that.

>> No.8685292
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>> No.8685294
File: 142 KB, 874x693, 12049738_911166595586872_3822230242755867004_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many Halloween meets.

>> No.8685295
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>> No.8685296
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>> No.8685298

I was wondering had there been a special set I didn't hear of, the colour looks really purple on my monitor. Now I'm just wish it was a real colourway.

>> No.8685299
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>> No.8685300
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>> No.8685302

God I wish I could pull off ivory; this is gas such a good autumn-forest vibe and looks so simple and wearable.

>> No.8685303
File: 78 KB, 960x720, 12065940_10203698340138326_5669863446193693012_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these were my favorites but a lot of other coords have been posted. i hope CoF stays this active!

>> No.8685305

Gas? *has***** ugh

>> No.8685372

Bes lolita Halloween coord I've ever seen tbh

>> No.8685373

Typing on phones is super fun.

>> No.8685375

I wish she wore different shoes. The don't match anything.

>> No.8685389

I love the way this girl always looks uncomfortable in photos

>> No.8685390

This does not look Lolita at all

>> No.8685391
File: 95 KB, 720x960, 11049627_635466513259862_6347241563773898088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8685396

This is so will done, absolutely love it.

>> No.8685399

>Conditioned to think blackxNavy looks bad
>Perfectly coorded blackXNavy
>Subject only sees through own conditioning

so sheepy and sad

>> No.8685402

i kinda like it..is she some female colonial?

>> No.8685412

Oh my god

>> No.8685421

I am obsessed with this. She reminds me of the photos of lolitas I used to look at when I was a kid that made me so in love with this fashion. Just perfect.

This is really balanced, simple and cute. And I think her glasses suit her well and go nicely with her coord, which is rare.

>> No.8685422

Super cute Halloween coord. I'm so over witches.

>> No.8685442

With you on this. I'm tired of pirates and witches.

>> No.8685476

I feel like this might not have been a wise costume choice for a fat girl.

>> No.8685479

On the contrary, I think it's a little funny. Sure, it might be cuter on a thin girl, but it's more fitting on a chubster.

>> No.8685481

I hate the pearls in the hair. They look kind of like dandruff.

>> No.8685554

Someone pee in your cereal this morning?

>> No.8685692

Uhh, she's not fat. You are deranged

>> No.8685698

>those arms
>those legs
>not fat
You're deranged yourself.

It's funnier if they actually look like the like the food rather than eat it once a month in small portions.

>> No.8685699

This is awesome, I love seeing things that haven't been done before

>> No.8685706

Why is this OK when everyone was hating on the Ronald Mcdonald coord?

>> No.8685713
File: 133 KB, 960x680, 12112074_10153324607410345_5008834810826281162_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8685718

Because this fat bitch has white knights out her ass

>> No.8685732

The theme certainly suits her body type.

>> No.8685740

>HC necklace???
>no cute glasses or some form of bow tie around her neck to look like the Colonel
>... no blouse to accommodate a bow tie too, I guess
It's a cute idea but I don't like how she executed it.

>> No.8685749

Because the Ronald McDonald coord wasn't actually a themed coord. The coord was so bad that that's what it looked like and people started calling it that. Also that girl is generally a bitch so that didn't help

>> No.8685754

Ah, because someone is odd if they express what they like.
>skeleton and graveyard prints are a bad choice for those who look chronically underweight

>> No.8685763

Sorry, but being fat is more shameful than being thin. Why emphasize your bad qualities? Not sure why this paticular girl always has white knights turning out in droves.

>> No.8685766

Being fat and thin to the point of being unhealthy are both bad. Stop trying to make one sickness better than other. You're being ridiculous

>> No.8685768

Well at least you admit she's fat.

>> No.8685770

Hah you dumb bitch.

>> No.8685772

>liking fried chicken
>"What a horrible quality!"
So are you an ana or a militant vegan?

>> No.8685777

You're the dumb one thinking this girl is anything but a cunt

>> No.8685783

What does her being a cunt have to do with her outfit? You're attacking her outfit (which is cute) because you don't like her personally. That's an indefensible position.

>> No.8685784

wat? pics ?

>> No.8685861

Her outfit is unbalanced. Necklace is out of place. Better?

>> No.8685865

Oh and don't forget the actual empty fried chicken bucket.

>> No.8685867

You are mistaken, there was one chick who tried to do a Ronald McDonald inspired coord and got torn to shreds over it. It was quite hilarious, I wish I had caps. I know it's in archives though

>> No.8685868

This is one of her better coords. But wtf does she think she's going to do with that kitten when she goes back to the US is beyond me. Disposable like her income.

>> No.8685873

take care of it?

>> No.8685897

How is it unbalanced? She has red shoes and a hair accessory to balance out the red on the apron.
Have you never heard of HONEY dipped fried chicken? Get it? Hence the necklace.

>> No.8685904
File: 108 KB, 960x960, 12189055_10208092840941459_8088968637769449538_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg I love this

>> No.8685909
File: 169 KB, 960x960, 1382843_983590551735982_457891142793158273_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This also really cute, I wish people would smile genuinely like this girl, she looks so happy.

>> No.8685916
File: 123 KB, 960x960, 11063768_997571773624064_3598654593496290062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also really awesome, that hat is to die for. I really love the different textures of this outfit.

>> No.8685941

The kitten won't make it onto the plane. They're going to euthanize it. Either that or it will probably die in transit

Fuck her

>> No.8685945

I know some people are going to like it, but the oddfellows collar is tacky. Just because the japanese appropriate a masonic like organization doesn't mean we all should.

>> No.8685946

I always wondered where her money comes from. Since she seems to be on a shopping spree in Japan.
How does she even plan to take all of it back??? Also I pity the kitten, it's selfish to put it on a very stressful plane ride back.

>> No.8685948

I really love this coord, it's guro/nurse lolita at it's best. Would wear it as well.
I want to see more of similar coords.

>> No.8685953
File: 184 KB, 960x908, 12038526_10100664268772249_2103124203038487075_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fantastic, nicely balanced, not overwrought, A+.

>> No.8685954

How the fuck is she going to bring it into the country

>> No.8685955

Where did she say this? How insensible can you be?

>> No.8685964

On her fb, she posted pictures of the kitten. Then the next thing we know, she actually fucking bought it.
It's really cute but you shouldn't impulse buy animals! Even if the pet shop says that they can handle the process for importing the kitten.
Doesn't she have any common sense??? It's too young to go on such a long flight back. Poor thing.

>> No.8685969
File: 40 KB, 946x128, Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 9.44.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You dumb shits, she just said the cat on the DRESS looks like the cat she has at HOME.

Jesus christ.

>> No.8685971

You also put honey on buscuits, which is why she had it.

>> No.8685972

It's the cat she bought in Japan, dumbass. She got it a few days ago and named it PomPom.

>> No.8685974

Pom is the cat she bought in Japan, dummy

>> No.8685987

This was for halloween, and the base is made of actual quality lolita items

>> No.8686000

Screenshot? I don't see it on her FB.

>> No.8686002

This is not a Kate thread

>> No.8686003

omg anons you're right. I had to dig through tumblr to find it. Holy shit, what a bitch. I gave her the benefit of a doubt that she wouldn't be that stupid to buy an animal in a different country.
That poor cat, my cat can't even go to vet without crying, and peeing himself, let alone on a 10+ hour plane ride. Especially at such a young age.

I will never give her the benefit of a doubt again, I'm sorry anons.

>> No.8686005
File: 60 KB, 500x418, tumblr_nvz78fHMep1syqyomo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from her tumblr, and this is the link to the cat sniffing her btssb bag.


>> No.8686007

just from the west coast to japan alone is 12 hours, with another 3-4 across the us, including possible connections, what the fuck?

>> No.8686017

don't animals from overseas have to go in quarantine for a week before you're allowed to take them home to make sure they aren't carrying foreign pathogens?
>taobao cat flashbacks

>> No.8686021

Yes, but it depends on the country you're going back to. My cousin brought her cats back from Germany to the US and had to go through a quarantine process.
This was a really long time ago though so I'm not certain if its changed.

>> No.8686022


Apparently not?

>> No.8686029


>> No.8686030

WTF? She bought it?
Is she going to do a Justin Beiber and leave the pet in the country when she has to go back to the US? wow.

>> No.8686036

She lives in Pittsburgh, anon, the plane will fly over Alaska, not to the west coast. Still a long ducking flight though. Sage for OT

>> No.8686049

Is she trying to brag by showing us how much the kitten cost.

>> No.8686059

>taobao cat
Holy fuck I remember this

>> No.8686068


>> No.8686076

people were asking her this on instagram and she didn't reply topkek

>> No.8686078

Boguta print, it looks like Imai Kira + Cats Tea Party rolled into one. Print was cancelled due to lots of Chinese lolitas complaining about copyrights or something. Google Boguta Cat Print and it comes up.

>> No.8686080

jfc that is an expensive-ass kitten, why the fuck would she buy that, I'm so confused and enraged

>> No.8686081

Yes, there are multiple things to be disgusted by.

>> No.8686083

No I'm pretty sure the story is that a while ago some anon found listings on taobao for real live cats for sale >>8686068

>> No.8686084

Why does anyone spend nearly $1000 on a cat when there are literally 1000s of them exploding out of shelters? Shelters can't GIVE these cats away quick enough. Also, doesn't she have rabbits already?

>> No.8686086

Whoa seriously? I missed that, I thought this was about the cat print that had cats that looked like CTP and Kate's cat.

>> No.8686088

I remember that thread. The true horror was one anon actually wanting to get one.

>> No.8686093

Right? I mean, I understand people wanting a specific breed might go to a reputable breeder or something, but come on, there's SO MANY free kittens that need homes.

>> No.8686096

I saw this last week. Honestly, every last piece of respect I had for her flew out the window when she did this. That and the fact that she's lied about multiple things while she's been over there. Not to mention didn't she get married this summer? Did she leave her husband for a month for this trip?

>> No.8686102

What else did she lie about? Honestly I'm just appalled at this whole kitten thing. I hope if enough people call her out, she'll return it to the shop.

>> No.8686114

I just don't think she's being totally honest about who she's "shopping with" and going to Baby's office by invite.

>> No.8686120

I assumed she went with her husband? Maybe not. I dunno, if I could afford a seven week trip to Japan and my husband didn't care, what's the big deal?

>> No.8686121


She still could have bought that specific breed in the US. You'd think you can't buy cats here. Jfc, when I go on vacation I don't want to bring back live animals as a souvenir. I just hope that she buys a carrier that can go on an airline and flies this kitten up in the cabin with her. It's still too long of a flight but cabin is better than down below. Down below is risking death for sure.

>> No.8686125
File: 177 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1445830541870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686134

What is going on with the bottom half? Is she wearing leggings?

>> No.8686136

While everyone else is bitching about Kate, I'm just staring in awe at this coord. I really, really love this.

>> No.8686137

how she stores her wigs, left tangled on the back of a chair

>> No.8686138

I agree. Between this feeling of dishonesty and her constantly bragging about how "great" her Japanese suddenly is (even though she is still clearly struggling with the basics or even understanding the words she's hearing)...it all just seems like a desperate ploy to look and feel more "kawaii" than she does in the states. It's really just sad.

>> No.8686139

That wig on the couch tho...

>> No.8686140

Aha, yeah, a deep purple colorway of Holy Lantern would be amazing!

>> No.8686144

It's an opinion? It just looks bad to me because the navy is so dark. No need to spill any salt, anon.

>> No.8686164

My ex got a cat from China and he moved back to the US with the cat with no problems (the cat was about a year old) all they needed is vet reports and shots reports and it was ready to go.

Why put it to sleep just because it wasn't a permanent home. just turn it over to the shelters again so it can find a better home?

>> No.8686167

Girl in the pic here, it's not your monitor, all of the pics my friend took on her phone took came out very purpley. It's much more of a blueish navy irl. But dear god, a deep jewel-toned purple version of HL would be amazing.

>> No.8686173

that's a very dramatic response

>> No.8686179

What kind of kitten is that? The tag says "Babydoll", but that's not an actual breed?

>> No.8686188

She said on Instagram that its a Persian.

>> No.8686195

Normally that is how most cardigans are worn with lolita. It looks really wonky when you try buttoning them down further, even worse all the way down if there's any detailing on your JSK or OP. It might look acceptable with a skirt so long as it's cropped.

>> No.8686205
File: 8 KB, 299x168, grumpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$1000 for a Persian isn't actually a terrible price. Some breeders will sell the for 3x-5x that in the US.

If you know, you like the way your cat accessory looks more than you like cats (because 1K could go a lot farther at a shelter than a breeder's).

>> No.8686228

I got my pure bred siamese from a shelter on special for $5.00 last year. He came with shots and everything.
If you really want a certain breed, just look around all the shelters, you'd be surprised how many pop up.

>> No.8686241


Seconding this. Now, you may not be getting show quality cats, but you can still find plenty or pure breeds at shelters or sites like petfinder.com. My sister has a purebred Japanese Bobtail she got from a no-kill shelter.

>> No.8686265

Yep. You can find all sorts of things in shelters, even things which are pretty "rare", if you are willing to wait or travel a little.

Which is partly why I am so judgmental about people spending thousands of dollars for a look and putting money into a system that churns out pet cats when there are a bunch being put under in shelters every day.

>> No.8686306

Same. I travel all the time without my husband. If it isn't something he is interested in doing, no loss. I don't want him spending his vacation time on things all about me and not inclusive to his interests.

>> No.8686315

Many airlines have rules about the age of animals. Cabin is less of an issue than quarantine. I wouldn't wish quarantine on any animal. I've rescued an animal from another country, but we're talking about Afghanistan and a stray not... not a prissy kitten from Japan.

>> No.8686323
File: 106 KB, 540x960, 1437420106541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686325

Holy shit she went through with it

>> No.8686330

Oh wow this was not the person I was thinking of when people were talking about a ronald mcdonald coord

>> No.8686334

Were you thinking of Lor's?

>> No.8686338

No it was a girl who posted to CoF quite a while ago, I think her name is Kate something (not Lace Kate obv). Her coord wasn't even for halloween but it looked like a tacky ronald cosplay.

>> No.8686342

This bitch never fails to make me laugh. Everything she touches is comic gold.

>> No.8686344

so cute!

>> No.8686347

this is beautiful.

>> No.8686370
File: 112 KB, 849x631, 11140108_10204567867588979_1323845129478289115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some nice unposted coords

>> No.8686377
File: 369 KB, 1822x2048, 12183772_776104325851478_54447168962902954_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686380
File: 122 KB, 960x720, 12036853_10100169155842946_6033182736509125794_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686382
File: 302 KB, 1500x1144, 12186346_10153349730953477_4823568381120198101_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686384
File: 508 KB, 1000x1883, 12182964_10153354046729234_2346621792588570332_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686385
File: 263 KB, 1028x1442, 12185133_549891911843246_6353227935404304957_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic witch coord

>> No.8686388
File: 259 KB, 1032x2048, 12189229_10207358989589106_2911982102314280022_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chocolate witch coord

>> No.8686390
File: 344 KB, 1054x2048, 12186697_1655148571421807_6652949487524143636_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mrs. Lovett coord

>> No.8686392
File: 564 KB, 1604x2048, 12189492_10153735053547700_8399089558691512019_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halloween coords continue

>> No.8686395
File: 258 KB, 2048x1683, 11700882_10153666562313349_4965875418035393991_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686397

I know which one you're talking about. She was wearing a yellow bodyline jsk with a bright red wig and people made secrets about her on btb

>> No.8686399

What's really fucked up is Kate supporting the purebred pet shop industry in Japan, which is basically comprised of kitten/puppy mills with questionable conditions. On top of the fact that they are pure breeds which means lots and lots of health problems and generally shortened lifespans...
>The animals are kept in 1-1.5 ft x .5-1ft class cages at least 12-16 hours of the day, if not longer.
>The animals have no hiding place in their cage, so they must endure hundreds or thousands of people coming in, talking loudly to them, tapping on the glass, etc. (Most of these pet stores are in really busy areas in Tokyo.)
>The stores themselves are maybe 8ft x 10ft, so cue lots of humans squishing together inside overwhelming the animals.
>Animals have little to no toys, usually just a food and water dish and a pee pad. Some of them get a little bed but it's rare.
>Sometimes two animals are put together in a glass cage only slightly bigger, maybe 1.5-2ft to 2-2.5ft
>The nutrition and health care is questionable.
>Animals not adopted are not kept there past a certain age. You can guess what happens to them.

It is fucked up that people support this industry and don't care because "omg look at the cute kitten!!!"

Kate's ethics are now proven to be garbage since not only is she supporting this kind of industry, but she is showing off the zomg cat from Japan as a bragging right instead of giving a home to a pet really in need.

>> No.8686402

I mean, technically it depends. I'm someone with family who lives in Asia, and while we had some flights that went from the east coast to the mid west and over alaska, we definitely still had some flights that departed from the west coast. My most recent flight last year went from NYC to SF to Japan. But yeah, tomato/tomahto, it's still a super long flight for such a young animal either way. sage for ot

>> No.8686404

Shit, poor thing's going to suffer really badly (or possibly die) on the flight. Persian cats are known for having breathing problems, and most airlines will actually turn them away because of that. Flying is really dangerous for them.

>> No.8686414

>that dog's face

I laughed way too hard

>> No.8686416

Are we talking about 3 different girls? The one I'm thinking of had short hair and wore a homemade JSK

>> No.8686420

Kek at the dogs WTF expression

>> No.8686426

My aunt actually found two persians next to a GARBAGE BIN (locked inside their carriers and with a paper bag beside them with all their medicine, shampoos and brush) so why people spend money buying animals instead of looking in a shelter for a pet to adopt, is beyond me. Even specific breed pets get thrown into the streets and into shelters so there's no excuse to spend 1000$ on a kitten that you'll be using as a fucking toy until you discard it.

>> No.8686486

Her coords have been getting nicer and nicer. It's a shame that she feels like she has to cover her face since so many people made fun of it. I didn't think she was a supermodel or anything but she looked fine to me

>> No.8686500

Agreed, I think she's actually really pretty.

>> No.8686527

i am sick of all the witch coords, are there any coords that are decent and ARENT witches ?

>> No.8686534

This could be so cute with some heeled lolita boots and maybe a bit more styling in the makeup and hair.

It's so sad, I have a much worse face so seeing her lose confidence like this is depressing.

>> No.8686536

I've got a really mediocre witch coord planned, I know it's unoriginal but I just really wanted to do one this year and it looks like other people feel the same, it's just the year of the witches anon.
Why don't you work towards posting your own non-witch coord?

>> No.8686545

is it a halloween print and a witches hat? cus that's all that goes into a witch outfit

>> No.8686547

i already have, just sitting here waiting on actual concrit instead of asspats on cof, don't want to post myself however for comm reasons. When it happens it happens

>> No.8686570
File: 42 KB, 576x960, 12065958_10206761745836335_5943215572639590146_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt lolita, this is natural kei, i can't word this correctly without not calling it plain critisism

>> No.8686575

Who is she saying she's shopping with?

>> No.8686586

I really like these. Very sophisticated.

>> No.8686590

this is historical re-enactment, not natural kei. Cute tho

>> No.8686594

shes so cute

>> No.8686602

Those detail shots are really nice.

>> No.8686642

I think her makeup just didn't really come through- it was a really nice "sunken/jaundiced" Helena Bonham Carter thing in person. It wasn't super heavy, though. So I think it got drowned out on camera.

>> No.8686674

I always wonder who the hell takes all her photos of her--and where the fuck is her husband. he is NEVER around her?
probably cant stand her like we cant. seems like he married her for her money--family hooked them up.

>> No.8686678 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 720x1096, IMG_20151026_104124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people gushing over a replica

>> No.8686688

Really like the colors - unique.

>> No.8686723

Which post is this on?

>> No.8686728
File: 208 KB, 851x2048, 12191239_776104782518099_3852908228371841247_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she posted this in the comments

>> No.8686729

it's Halloween, cut the sodium

>> No.8686735
File: 38 KB, 676x960, 12065597_417518708444004_8367640173180585815_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to bed
>wake up
>no one posted new coords

gulls pls.

here are some i like. starting with a halloween cosplay coord

>> No.8686736
File: 138 KB, 720x960, 12107037_10203702634525683_8824118751444504959_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the world needs more cutsew coords

>> No.8686739
File: 78 KB, 720x960, 12191923_511696598992576_4455956692427693326_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686741
File: 159 KB, 651x814, 12182017_10154412847364896_659073500_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686743

The teal holy lantern replica

>> No.8686744
File: 184 KB, 1000x968, 12189240_10153275674262972_6798524024572983149_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686745

The boards were acting up last night, couldn't post.

>> No.8686746
File: 107 KB, 960x960, 10368235_10153768151677146_3255912762125661038_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8686747
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>> No.8686761

That's a japanese cat so it makes it extra kawaii. Normal cats are so boring, duh.

>> No.8686763
File: 116 KB, 640x1136, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8686764

>Kate's ethics are now proven to be garbage since not only is she supporting this kind of industry, but she is showing off the zomg cat from Japan as a bragging right instead of giving a home to a pet really in need.

This is what really bothers me, this was a negligent impulse buy. I think she lacks the willpower and self control to tell herself no, not thinking things through, it would explain a lot. Are you addicted to negative attention kate or do you just fail at life? I imagine it's probly running around her hotel room right now getting shit and piss everywhere.

>> No.8686766

Haha, holy shit that's pathetic.

>> No.8686767
File: 33 KB, 515x644, 1436230896436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, I had to stop reading because it never ends.
Really segaulls?? are you that obsessed (maybe jelly?) with that kate-something bitch? I swear I didn't know who that cunt was before all you begin to obsess over her.
Why the fuck do you spend so many fucking time talking about her life? and that cunt whining because she made a trip without her husband, why the hell do you care,?
And of course, jumping to conclusions about what is she gonna do with the cat.
You're all gross sad bitches with no life.

I know I'm being a whiny bitch too, I just wanted to remember you how pathetic you are... and proceed to see some lolita coords.

>> No.8686769

Aren't there like organizations that will give you clothes when this happens? Is she hoping that someone will give her lolita anyway? I can't see any other reason for posting that to CoF

Hi Kate. Nice work supporting kitty mills keep it up.

>> No.8686771

Ah that's interesting. I really wish it existed though, I love the red but purple would be incredible.

>> No.8686779

Oh my gosh that dog is adorable

>> No.8686780

Yeah, I forgot to add the
>in b4 Hi kate

Whatever, keep obsessed and failing at life, kid.

>> No.8686781

Whew, I thought it was just me

>> No.8686785

Holy shit how many times has the Ronald McDonald theme been visited LOL

>> No.8686788

Frankly anon I care more about the cat than Kate. I hate irresponsible pet owners regardless of how efamous they are and I'm glad this shit is at least getting called out somewhere. (And if you think buying a designer cat to subject to a stressful import process instead of adopting a shelter cat isn't irresponsible, you're part of the problem).

>> No.8686795

whatever--maybe we are just tired of the dumbass shit she does. maybe if she would wise up she would stop being talked about.
stfu Kate.

>> No.8686804

Not lolita but a beautiful dress regardless. I assume it's vintage right?

>> No.8686809

It's not really about Kate though, it's about the cat. We are outraged and disturbed that someone, could have been ANYONE, would be so negligent as to put another life in danger and for what? For efame? Because it's cute? Because they are used to getting whatever they want. The only one that's salty is her, acting like Veruca Salt.
>don't care how, I want it now

>> No.8686812

Listen kiddo I dunno what crawled up your breeches but crying like a child and basically using an insult every line is annoying so let people be mad that someone is legitimately being disgusting.

No one is jealous of her inbred furball we're just mad she's literally supporting animal cruelty.

>> No.8686815

would be nice to censor the names, sweetheart

>> No.8686822

So which part of Scandinavia are you from?

>> No.8686844

those shoes are not flattering on her feet at all

>> No.8686860

Fuck, I thought I posted the censored version. I apologise if you're in this picture.

>> No.8686862

ah, no probs

>> No.8686867

>bitching about "pathetic" gulls hating on a girl
>proceeds to call that girl bitch and cunt

Oh the irony

>> No.8686888
File: 37 KB, 213x291, 1fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no cute gf to twin HL with

>> No.8686895

I wish one of them worse both the bow from the one on the right and the shoes from the one on the left.

>> No.8686970

Yeah they're a size too big, I'm an 8 but I'm an overly cautious online shopper.

>> No.8686985

This got an actual laugh from me. Fast food themed lolita is great.

I'm so happy to see more aristocratic pieces like this coat in people's pics lately.

Does anyone know the name of this print? It's adorable!

>> No.8686997

look at some pictures of natural kei, it definitely fits with that. she's not doing historically accurate shoes, hair, or hat.

>> No.8687018

There should be a bingo card for comments like these, this one would be the holier-than-thou.

Also I don't think it's actually possible to be jelly of someone you find repulsive.

>> No.8687021

Her makeup is awful. I got a face kind of like hers and have no idea why she's wearing lipstick of that color.

The VW actually makes this dress ultra tacky somehow and the lace on the sleeves is so out of place. Lots of good concepts and ideas on how to "mature" HL, but none of them mesh.

>> No.8687027

Just tell her it looks beautiful despite not being lolita. Cause it does.

>> No.8687054
File: 110 KB, 768x960, 12049673_10154368094423636_2258615559187586833_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8687064


It just.... doesn't look very lolita to me? The idea is super cute though and I love the anti gravity pancakes. But this seems like it'd be better suited in a fairy kei style or something

>> No.8687065

God i want thos dress so fucking bad! I really fucking regret not getting it when i had the chance.

>> No.8687078

this is my favorite halloween coord so far, its so quirky and cute

>> No.8687081

aw I love this.

>> No.8687082
File: 30 KB, 244x223, wakemeupinside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8687084

Cute! This is a good example of a themed coord that doesn't scream THIS IS A COSTUME.

>> No.8687088

Scandinavia? ha? why?

not OP, just curious on your strings...

>> No.8687094

Lovely Hobo Kei coord. The "I don't have a mirror nor running water" makeup is also spot on.

Grey is so rare and it's so cute here. Perfect school flair.

The vest doesn't look very good with such a cupcakey shape at the top.

Coat looks gorgeous, very elegant and it looks like you're dressed for being outside.

Looks like updated oldschool sweet. Love the socks and shoes.

She looks pretty styled already. Just not for the camera levels of styled.

>> No.8687096

>personer liker detter

>> No.8687100


She has not said she is euthanizing the cat, has she?

>> No.8687102

She always looks amazing! I love this so much

>> No.8687104

>kate discussion pushes the thread into premature autosage

i think it would be all right to repost undiscussed coords shared near the end of this thread for the next thread.

>> No.8687111

They weren't saying Kate is going to euthanize it. They're saying if the kitten can't go and she doesn't find someone else to take care of it it will be euthanized.

Or it will die on the plane because of respiratory issues related to air pressure.


>> No.8687129

Lol did not see that, ty

>> No.8687130

I adore this. The space/cosmos series is one of my favorite Rilakkuma sets, and her handmade stuff is pretty nice. I do wish her boot covers were a little better though. They look kinda sloppy. The helmet is also kinda big. for her head.

>> No.8687135

it is still a huge assumption.

>> No.8687144

And this is how the thread ends.

>> No.8687189

what is this print?

>> No.8687196

i don't even like sweet but this is really stinkin' cute.

>> No.8687201
File: 64 KB, 960x857, 12187819_1090378690986884_1600902525876982079_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my this is Lolita Frill daily look

>> No.8687204
File: 440 KB, 498x497, eh what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8687209

this is A+ super cute and creative

>> No.8687212

You sound nervous...

>> No.8687216


Pet can't ride in the cabin because it's a 12 hour flight, and persian cats have a lot of trouble flying as checked baggage. American Airlines won't even let them fly, and if she chooses a different airline, it's still going to suffer.

>> No.8687228


>> No.8687271

her eyes look amazing.

>> No.8687278

Something seems off about where the waist sits on her, also the headbow is a way different pink and it bugs me

>> No.8687279

gtfo peacockfeather, your an ita lolita and an ita cosplayer

>> No.8687297
File: 61 KB, 476x570, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone see these comments on cof?

>> No.8687326

Ina didn't need to drop profanities, even though she was offering concrit.

She could have worded it different by saying 'i suggest this' instead of outright saying 'this is wrong'

>> No.8687348

Wtf is wrong with Ina? She's been a total cunt lately. Maybe too much time on cgl aye gull?

>> No.8687370

New thread

>> No.8687379

Could be a Ragdoll tbh it doesn't look Persian.

>> No.8687475

why the flats tho

>> No.8687484

She said it was a persian.

>> No.8687487

Jesus. Ina, you need to calm down a bit

>> No.8687545

looks like a shaded silver or chinchilla silver persian, I can't remember which, super cute <3

>> No.8687762

She could easily be wrong considering the fucking shop sign says differently.

>> No.8687863

>not understanding tone of comments
>not understanding why someone might tell her to chill
>immediately being hostile when asked to consider changing her tone
>2edgy5me "chill~" and "#peaceout"
>"i am being an asshole to you with concrit, but you are not allowed to tell me i am being an asshole because i'm i didn't ask for concrit!!!!!!"
What a high concentration of salt.

>> No.8687898

I have to say I agree. Very cute/creative but more of a costume-y or fairy kei feel.

>> No.8688107

Too bad it's probably not going to survive the journey back...even if it survives it might be traumatized.

>> No.8688116

Really...traumatized. Even if it did end up traumatized it would only be for future flights, not just in general. It won't have randoms fits throughout life because of it. I can't believe I'm being baited, actually I can.

>> No.8688364

It could end up having a fear of being put in carriers or being left alone for too long. It's a kitten that hasn't even been socialized well yet.

>> No.8688375

>eating KFC even once a month

>> No.8688846

I don't think I would have even bothered acknowleding her words, it's way more classy than getting bothered.

>> No.8690223

Obviously you havent seen her IG account and all the large fattening amounts of food she posts

>> No.8690759

these both look bad