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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 24 KB, 157x158, 654363456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8677748 No.8677748 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else had any creepy photographers just out of the blue? I got this one guy going by Iconiq Photography talking me about me talking to him at a con about doing boudoir or implied nudes. I have never met the guy or even thought about doing this kind of stuff and had to block him to leave me alone. A few of my friends said he contacted them too, so he is just fishing for people and this has got me wondering how I can look-up cosplay photographers to check them and how to avoid creepy ones?

>> No.8677754

Checking the /cgl/ archive is generally a good bet, but take the things said there with a grain of salt.

>> No.8677768

Yeah anything said without proof is just words, but looking up this guys has a ton of proof of hell no.

>> No.8678125

Oh look, it's this thread again.

Let's start a "whiny bitch cosplayer" thread next. For you know, diversity.

>> No.8678189

oh look it's the photog starting all the arguments over nothing lately. if you have cosplayers so much then quit cosplay photography. no one is making you stay and chances are no one wants you around anyway.

>> No.8678200



>> No.8678232

I love cosplayers.

I hate whiny bitches.

There is a difference.

>> No.8678292

Does he sounds creepy in messages : y/n

If y then block
If n proceed
If he sounds socially awkward then your choice

>> No.8679415

Stay away from him. If you Google his photography name there's a lot of stuff that will pop up about him contacting minors for photos like this and saying he would have booze there to 'loosen them up'. I've heard plenty of stories about him being a creep so my best advice is just block him if he messages you.

>> No.8679461
File: 9 KB, 390x133, ss (2015-10-16 at 09.51.36).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah never met a creepy photog

>> No.8680368

>Asks for a night shoot
>Invites you for dinner to pay for the shoot
>Gets called creepy


>> No.8680372

Inviting someone to dinner to "pay them back" is inappropriate. If you don't want to pay cash for their time or work out something mutually beneficial (giving the files to the cosplayer for prints, doing free retouching, etc) then give them a gift card or something.

>> No.8680374

The guy asks out just about every cosplayer he invites out on shoots then get mad and throws a fit at them if they say no.

>> No.8680376

How about posting full caps so the community can call him out just like Richard Bui?

>> No.8680391

what happened to Bui?a week ago he was all over my feed. now there's nothing. did he pay off all the cosplayers?

>> No.8680395

All information was taken to a detective, so now its just the waiting game for the woman to look into the case and submit a search warrant request.

>> No.8680410

Go fuck yourself, "inappropriate".

Are you guys serious? The guy is offering a shoot, and a meal, and getting shit on for it?

This is why I'll never offer shit to a cosplayer, and why I charge so much. You need to learn that you're not all that.

>> No.8680414

And you photographers also need to learn that you are not all that. There is a balance that needs to be met. Not saying that Cosplayers always have the right of way no matter what, but at least recognize that without them have fun taking photos of city scapes, or squirrels or some other hipster bullshit.

>> No.8680415


I think photographers should take one year, and just black you guys out. No photos at cons, no private photos, no promoting your shitty-ass cosplays, no giving you free retouching or free rights to sell prints (WHICH YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANYWAY). Then you'll learn that nobody needs your victim-complex-having asses around.

I've never even heard someone bitch about getting a free fucking meal before.

>> No.8680419

Art has been made with a lot less than a cityscape, or a squirrel.

There are very few cosplayers that are model-caliber. If a photographer really wants to take pictures of a slightly chubby short girl, he can just go on modelmayhem, or pull a bitch off the street. Cosplayers are literally nothing special.

>> No.8680421

Its not about bitching about the free meal. Its about offering, one on one, to a female cosplayer when tons of issues have popped up recently in the community about not trusting male photographers. Also, you have to be blind to think that the photographer isn't doing the meal for more than hoping to get a favor out of it. Or in hopes of trying to make the cosplayer trust him in order to suggest more lewd images.

There is both wrongs on either side, but getting this upset about it only shows you are the one bitching. If anything, photographers are the ones who are more high and mighty. Threatening cosplayers if they forget to mention you when they post images even if your watermark is left on the image.

It is a two way street.

>> No.8680423
File: 75 KB, 640x960, 13no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ive been turned down my sexy cosplayers because i come off as creepy
>clearly they are all bitches
>they arent even that good
>says the multitude of neckbeard photographers who try to pass their shit equipment off as high quality and calling themselves 'professional'

>> No.8680425

Neither are photographers.. Literally everyone with a smartphone made in 2013+ has a quality camera built into it.

>> No.8680426

You're the reason men don't hold open doors and pull out chairs anymore tbh fam. No, not women like you, YOU specifically. You are the reason why every man you've ever met is awful. Congratulations.

>> No.8680428

What are you even doing here on /cgl/ you salty sounding fuck boy? Please return to /r9k/ or /soc/

>> No.8680430

>been in a relationship with 9 years
>still in the relationship

You need to calm down. Where is your fedora? I'll hand it back to you.

>> No.8680433

It doesn't even matter. The second he started bringing up points about your personal life means he already admitted to how he was wrong and needed to alter the subject away from his embarrassment.

>> No.8680434
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Wong person, anon. Im someone else.I only just now showed up in this thread.

>> No.8680438
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>> No.8680440
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>smart phone
>quality camera
I am loling at your life.

>> No.8680442

Pretty much. Guys like these are the ones who cosplayers don't want to get photos from, let alone go out to dinner with. Butthurt alert over here. Its the whole online dating thing you always see:

Anon 1: I had a really good time!!
Anon 2: Yeah, me too.
Anon 1: I would love to meet you again!!
Anon 2: While I had fun, I don't think I'd like to go out again. Thank you for the offer though.
Anon 1: Fuck you, you fucking whore. You're a butt ugly piece of shit anyways. I hope you die.

>> No.8680446

Oh, so you couldn't tell I was using hyperbole the same way just redirected back?

>> No.8680447

the internet and attention deficit disorder happened. they realized that they had more important things in their life to do than yell their heads off about some guy nowhere near them. unless you're one of the guys who got called out for instigating "mob justice" and not letting the cops do their thing. they were like white knights on steroids. i see dani finally renamed herself back. she seems to have dropped off the face of the earth too. no posts for a week which compared to before and during the initial stages of the situation is odd.

since he nuked all his social media accounts and assumedly every bit of evidence he might have had on a drive the case may bog down. i don't know if facebook cooperates with police on things like this to dig the data back up (or if that's feasible). actually, i don't know what facebook's database does to message logs of people with deleted accounts. does it still have names and stuff? right now it's down to how much the police give a shit, or more accurately, whether they have time to give a shit compared to whatever else they've got on their plates.

>> No.8680448

Facebook can backlog this stuff and unless you know how to nuke your harddrive, he can still be found out. Also, for those who don't know, all the girls did archive the messages meaning that even though this profile was removed or deactivated, there is still a source code in the archives.

>> No.8680449


> tons of issues have popped up recently in the community about not trusting male photographers.

So if it was a female photographer, it'd be cool because girls are safe, right?

Photography is about way more than gear. But. If you think a cellphone is adequate, be your own photographer from now on! You never have to respect a photographer again since you have your iPhone 5! Problem solved.

I don't know what's worse: the fact that you think a cellphone has a "quality camera" built into it, or that you think all you need to be a photographer is a cellphone with a "quality camera". But I see how little you respect us though.


Why would I be turned down by a cosplayer? I have one in my FB inbox hitting on me right now, and a date with another one this weekend.

>> No.8680450

No because Poe's law makes it really hard to distinguish the retards from people who are only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.8680451

Dani acted how she did not out of concern for other girls, but for attention. You can tell in how she acted in everything vs how all the other girls acted.

>> No.8680454
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>> No.8680455
File: 307 KB, 500x285, go on keep going yes yes mhm yeah uh huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go on, anon. Tell me more about your fantasies that aren't actually happening.

>> No.8680458

Hey anon. Tell us your photography handle. I feel like youre that same piece of shit photographer who posted that photo editing thread months ago and everyone called you out and how crap your stuff was.

>> No.8680460

Honestly, this is why I only shoot with my friends. I know they respect me, aren't going to try to flirt with me, aren't going to try to get me naked, etc. For reference, I'm a girl and my photog friends are mostly male, and I've never felt creeped out.

Literally the only people who freak out and call cosplayers sluts and whores for saying a guy is creepy are shitty cosplay "boudoir" photographers who want nudes and internet fame. They're basically the photog versions of Jnig, only want shoots with hot girls in as little clothing as possible to show how COOL they are to their friends because HOT GIRLS let them take SEXY PICS of them.

>> No.8680461

Go check the archives, it is full of them. The guy has been called out many times by cosplayers and photographers.

>> No.8680466

And asking a girl out to dinner is basically a way of disguising alternative motives. We aren't stupid. This is why I am friends with photographers first and go on group parties out to dinner with a large mix of cosplayers and photographers before I even think about asking a photographer for a shoot. Even then I bring a friend who I know that could take the photographer if anything happened. Even a female photographer.

Thank gawd I date a 6'3" dude.

>> No.8680468

he most likely physically killed the drives.

I looked up the facebook policies and this one part is interesting:

>We do not retain data for law enforcement purposes unless we receive a valid preservation request before a user has deleted that content from our service.

So it's up to the police to make a request. by the time they get around to said request perhaps said data will have been overwritten by "live" data since it's already been deleted? or what does the archive process entail? what do they see on their end when a profile that has messaged them is deleted? like bui's profile itself is completely gone and no one can access it anymore. it's like he never existed

that's kind of hilarious. wonder what she expected from the beginning. it'd be funny if she didn't follow up on things or press the case when she was more or less the trigger for everything happening. did any of the cosplayers themself actually submit police reports or was it all done by unrelated third parties?

>> No.8680474

What was the name of that female photographer who back dated a cosplayer to get to katsucon and ran off with a bunch of cosplayers money?

Right men are the only ones at fault here.
How many times have the stories turned up false too about photographers when there was no proof, yet people ran with it?

Social justice is the issue here.

>> No.8680478

Yes. One of the girls actually did collect information from everyone and take it to a detective. That is the woman I was talking about. Dani has nothing to do with it. She is merely a piece of garbage looking for fame out of all this instead of actually caring to look to help anyone. Thats why she changed all her stuff back. She didn't get enough sympathy.

>> No.8680483

hes just a kid in one of my classes hes unlikely to go after cosplayers

he didnt know i was a cosplayer

>> No.8680485

Didn't this guy throw a hissy fit throwing names around when akaicon banned him and rage quit cosplay photography?

>> No.8680487

Just offer something that can't be construed as a date and doesn't take up more of your model's time.

>> No.8680489


>> No.8680490

again, hilarious. not sure why bui picked her but different strokes for different folks...

>> No.8680494

The free meal on its own wouldn't be a problem, like if you got a giftcard to a restaurant. It is that he essentially wants to get paid in a date with you. Friends of mine had photographers trying to lure them into nude shoots with the offer of having drinks with them. Of they were fucking creeped out, nothing the wore or said anything about wanting to ''wear something more revealing'' and they sure didn't want to drink with a 50+ year old guy before or after.

>> No.8680495




Then stick with your photographer friends, who aren't in any way terrible.

Quite frankly, you'll never be successful being afraid of every man on earth. It's cool though, because I don't really care. Pretty soon, when your cosplay career isn't taking off, you'll be on here whining about how photographers only want to shoot famous cosplayers who take their clothes off, and not "real" cosplayers like you.

It's true. The one in my inbox is on the ham side, that's why I'm on /cgl/ instead of in her conversation. But the Saturday one... yum.

>> No.8680498
File: 220 KB, 378x364, homuguise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking every cosplayer wants a career out of their hobby and not just pretty photos of their hardwork

I know I saw your fedora somewhere...

>> No.8680501

Man, why should he be offering ANYTHING? There is not a Heidi Klum anywhere in cosplay today. MODELS get paid because their modeling brings value to a product. Cosplayers are just short, chubby girls in funny costumes at weeb conventions.

He's not making any money off these photos; he's offering the meal as a courtesy. You should be taking him out.

If you don't want to date him (and even I respect that his asking that could be construed as a date), put on your big girl panties and ask if he's asking you out. If he says yes, tell him you don't want to date. Easy.

>> No.8680503

anon youre drunk. go home

>> No.8680506

that guy wasnt asking for photos of a cosplay he was asking for photos of a girl in his class

i have a photog friend who will buy me dinner who asks for nothing in return and hes a pretty cool guy let me tell you that

>> No.8680508


>> No.8680509

Most people who post here think making a career out of cosplay is stupid... Seriously dude we have jobs and careers already, that's why we don't want to deal with anyone getting shady just for photos of our anime dresses.

Also if a lot of people are like "you know, I find (x) behavior uncomfortable from photogs, for these reasons" you're allowed to respond with "you know, I never considered it could be construed that way!" or "I'll have to keep this in consideration for my future clients." Instead you reply with anger and insults. It makes me think you've got issues, because what rational adult replies with so much anger and defensiveness over stupid inconsequential shit like this?

>> No.8680510
File: 27 KB, 505x194, 1438314999893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I remember him whining about how the con head was jealous and banned him over it on hangout. He said he was gonna stop cosplay works.

>> No.8680518

>"you know, I find (x) behavior uncomfortable from photogs, for these reasons"
Except most cosplayers never bother saying any of that. It's mostly "photogs are so creepy". Full stop. End of discussion.

>> No.8680520

Except the stuff that's causing the buttmad ITT is the very specific "offering dinner is too personal and datelike" friend can u even read?

>> No.8680530

Shit I offer food to people when they help me out and take food as payment when they help me out.

>> No.8680535

That's fine for you, but some people might find it awkward and uncomfortable. A safer option would just be to offer the photo files or if you really want to repay them for their time a small gift card. Also "food" is a lot more broad than "dinner" - dinner implies an outing in addition to the photoshoot.

>> No.8680538

clearly I have been sending strange signals to people by asking if they'd like to get a meal during a certain portion of the day to my friends

>> No.8680540

Are you really this dense... there's a difference between ringing up friends for dinner, and asking a girl you've asked to model for you out for dinner as "repayment"...

>> No.8680543

You know there's this thing called saying no. If they still keep insisting afterwards, that's when you have a problem. Shit, even if they did see it as a date, there's nothing wrong with asking since you're free to turn them down.

>> No.8680548

This is just it, cosplayers are the weakest, most beta, passive aggressive people on the planet.

Instead of simply speaking up when people do things that make them uncomfortable, they giggle and laugh, and only get tough once they're safe on the internet.

Then they either

> play the victim like no one has ever seen before
> become hyper-feminist Kill All Men tumblrtards

Never fails.

>> No.8680550

There's also this thing called professionalism. Professionals don't ask clients out as "repayment." It's poor form. If they're a friend or someone you've spent time with outside of photography then you could probably do so without issue, but if you're asking someone to model/model a costume for you to take photos of, then it's on you to be appropriate.

As a photographer you want your subjects to trust you and be comfortable with you. Putting them in a position where they feel like they're having to turn you down for a dinner date isn't going to help that.

>> No.8680558

Cosplayers aren't professionals. "Professional" cosplay photographers aren't professionals. It's just a shitty hobby full of hobbyists and holding anyone to any standards of professionalism is your own mistake. Shit, you all bitch about most of the top tier photographers never getting you your photos back and suddenly you're surprised if a photographer does something unprofessional? If you want a legit photographer, then pay top dollar for a legitimate photography service from a legitimate photographer working at a legitimate photo studio. But expecting any sort of professionalism in a hobby when any douchebag can walk in with an entry level DSLR and call himself a pro cosplay photographer, well that's on you.

>> No.8680561

I'm not sure what your point is. You're saying that people who are invited to model by a photographer should not expect their photographer to behave in an appropriate and professional manner? You're saying that we shouldn't comment on certain behaviors being inappropriate? You're all over the place, anon.

>> No.8680565

Jesus Christ dude how sore is your ass right now? Fucking clown photographers...

>> No.8680567


Let's call this what it is: cosplayers want to get everything, and they don't want to give anything back in return. Not money, not companionship, not ass, nothing.

It's true, most cosplay photographers are NOT professionals (and cosplayers think any photo with them in it is gold, no matter what the photo looks like), so if you want to hold them to professional standards, you should pay them a professional rate.

Professional models don't ask for shoots for free. Professional models don't ask for hours and hours of editing for nothing. Professional models don't ask for rights to sell the photos for nothing. So if you're gonna play the professionalism card, then open your wallet too while you're at it.

>> No.8680570

this thread is why the only photos i have taken of me at cons are by myself in the bathroom mirror

>> No.8680573


...you have no idea how modeling actually works do you...

>> No.8680574

what if the photographer is paying the cosplayer back by getting a meal? is it automatically the photographer being the one "getting paid" by the meal?

>> No.8680575

But... but the point was that the photographer requested HER to model, she did not ask for this. It was presumably for his portfolio's benefit, not hers. Compensation for her time that doesn't involve weird dinner dates makes sense.

>> No.8680576

what the actual fuck is this thread right now

>> No.8680582
File: 192 KB, 1252x1252, 1385014160380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either some hard trolling bait or a neckbeard photog who strayed away from /r9k/

>> No.8680584

>You're saying that people who are invited to model by a photographer should not expect their photographer to behave in an appropriate and professional manner?
That's exactly what I'm saying. There's no such thing as a professional cosplay photographer, they're just hobbyists like you. Expecting them to be professional is like expecting your fellow cosplayers to be professional. Ask yourself how many times you've been burned by your cosplay group or friends when they do something really shitty like expect you to make their costumes for them at the last minute. Cosplay photogs are the exact same brand of shitty people as your shitty cosplay friends and holding them to a higher standard is your own mistake. Nothing in life is free. A decent wedding photographer charges $1500 to shoot a wedding. These guys are shooting you for free. Maybe charging $20 - $30 a session. There's a reason they're not making bank as wedding photographers instead.

>> No.8680597

Not the guy you've apparently been arguing with for an hour but there are plenty of reasons why someone isn't a wedding photographer.

Those reasons could be things like they don't want to do it as their job/business, they aren't good freelancers, they don't want to deal with the client side of things, they already have a job they love, they don't have the funds to make that jump into going all-photo for their work, etc. Hell, you've got wedding photographers who are burnt out at doing wedding after wedding.

You're pretty damn negative.

>> No.8680610


Simply put, photographer asked to take a cosplayer out as payment for her modeling for him. Cosplayer blasts photographer as creep.

I think that's an overreaction.

>> No.8680614

Then just say no, how am I to know that unless you tell me.

>> No.8680615

From the looks of the original image that started it in >>8679461 the photographer was offering the model dinner as his payment to her

>> No.8680617

Still trying to figure out how offering food as a payment is creepy. If she said no and he kept it up then yes that is creepy. If she said nothing then just turned to the Internet to blast him then she is the creep.

>> No.8680618

I think this whole thing got taken out of context somewhere.

>> No.8680629

Definitely. Some people seem to be automatically assuming the worst of people and a gesture of thank you for your time has suddenly become a demand that she go out on a date for him in return for his work.

I wonder what the original outcome of that image was.

>> No.8680633

She decided it was creepy and called the cops insisting that he was literally raping her and demanded he be thrown in jail.

>> No.8680638

It's so sad that people can't understand why asking someone who just got through modeling for you, out to dinner.

When a man asks a woman out to dinner, even if they are just friends, there will be some kind of suggestion of more than friends. If anyone still can't understand this, then just smile and nod along because your social intelligence is near 0

>> No.8680639

*tips fedora*

>> No.8680640

It's incredible that this is actually a possible outcome of this situation.

>> No.8680641

>someone actually understands social graces, better be dismissive of them

>> No.8680642

It's... not at all, anon is being deliberately retarded, and I am sad for you if you think this is at all a possibility.

>> No.8680643

I think I heard this one before

>> No.8680645

And your level of femnazi is high

>> No.8680646

Put your namefag back on faggot. You're not fooling anybody.

>> No.8680648

Yeah. Accusing someone of being a creepy rapist without any proof. What kind of fantasy world am I living in to think that has ever happened.

>> No.8680649

Bruh, he literally asked her to be his "companion" and then awkwardly asked her out to dinner.

You wish, I'm the hapless soul from >>8680575

>> No.8680650

I think we got derailed.
Dug into the archive and this guy is just as bad or worse than Bui. He has actually leaked girls nudes and some were taken underage by him

>> No.8680652

What the fuck did I just read? Yeah, it can have other meanings, but it can also just be two people eating food while one of them pays for it all. They happen to be of different sexes. If they're the same sex does it automatically make things safe and without connotation? Is someone who assumes he will be hungry for food after shooting at night and thinks the other person might be hungry too in the wrong for inviting them to eat? Is a boss eating with a subordinate saying "thank you for your work?" Is a subordinate offering to pay for their boss trying to get an advantage at work?

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

>> No.8680653

Call a spade a spade: it's not happening here and you're just working yourself into a froth by imagining fantasy scenarios. I mean shit, the dude's name wasn't even published. He's hardly being dragged through the mud here.

>> No.8680657

"Companion for a night shot." He wants to shoot at night and needs a subject. He wants that subject to be a person, in this case the person is a female. If he had said "companion for a night shot" to one of his male friends would he have underlying motives? What if he's gay and does not find the female sexually attractive? What if he's straight asking a male? Would the sexual orientation and the sex of the "companion" change things?

>> No.8680661

>some guy comes up with an elaborate ploy to spend some time with a girl he likes and possibly ask her out to dinner
>instead of growing a spine and telling him no she instead decides to post his autistic message to vindicate herself as the victim here
Grow a fucking spine.

>> No.8680669

Suddenly it is a ploy without any backing factors or anything.

But yeah she should have just said no or confirmed it is not a date type thing.

>> No.8680671

Maybe she did do that? I mean it's just an out of context screenshot. She likely turned him down but wanted to show it as a mild example of what she considers creepy behavior.

>> No.8680676

I don't think there's anything creepy about the behavior itself. If he was a fit, good looking rich guy that did that exact same shit she probably wouldn't have had a problem with it. I'm gonna bet a million bucks that this guy was a fat sweaty neckbeard so of course anything he does is creepy by default.

>> No.8680678

And the most accurate post of the night has been found.

Thanks for playing, everyone.

>> No.8680680

Oh god, here it is. The "I BET HE'S UGLY" supposition. There have been a lot of people who say that this behavior is uncomfortable. If you're going to work with someone, I don't care how hot you are, don't frame it as them being your "companion" for a night shoot and then invite them out to dinner. It's creepy.

I dunno why guys think being informed that certain behavior is creepy is the world's greatest offense. If I were unintentionally being a creep I would want to know. Learn from others' mistakes and learn how to read context.

>> No.8680685

No no, I think she would have just left it at no then and never posted online. Just like how guys would not brag about fucking a ugly girl online.

>> No.8680686

As a guy I think you're being a huge bitch right now. Is it okay to let you know that I think you're acting like a huge bitch so that you can be learn from this exchange?

>> No.8680687

Saw this topic, read it, watched it got off topic and when did tumblr invade?

>> No.8680688

But this is a thread about creepy photogs. His name is nowhere in the screenshot. It's being shown as an example. Why is this hard to understand?

>> No.8680689

Good thing we never have to interact in person or have any sort of even vaguely professional exchange, then, anon!

>> No.8680718

Around the same time /r9k/ invaded.

>> No.8681006

Holy shit you are so out of touch. Cosplay career? What? I'm an adult with a real job who makes costumes as a hobby and likes to get pictures of my work. You should disgusting, I'd rather have my friend take pictures on a point and shoot than shoot with douchebags like you with gigantic egos and nothing to back them up.

Actually once I did shoot with an "e-famous" cosplay photographer and it was the shittiest shoot I've done. Why bother feeling uncomfortable and bored when I'm spending hundreds on a con and could be having fun with friends?

>> No.8681028

Lauren Pihl, now goes by Aoife Haney

>> No.8681046

Here's the thing. It's not the food that's an issue.
If she deserved payment (since he was seeking her out as a model, probably for his portfolio or something this could be appropriate) then him saying "I'll being home made lasagna to the shoot, I think you'll like it!" Or something like that would be... Weird. But not creepy or inappropriate.
"Dinner" in the context he used it (a girl he doesn't know well, one on one, using the word companion in the same message, etc) is obviously code for date. That's just... How social norms work. It's not her having a big ego. He was literally asking for a date.

Here's why asking random girls you don't know at all on a date is creepy and unprofessional. Yes, we can say no. But if you start the encounter by asking for a date, you're setting the expectation that you see us as sexually available by default. You have no idea whether we are gay or straight, whether we have an s/o already, whether we are even interested in dating at all... Let alone whether we would be at all compatible as a couple... And you're just skipping all that and asking for a date outright? That sends the message "I see you as a piece of ass" and it's creepy.

Not to mention the issue of how guys normally (and yes, I mean more than 50% of the time) react to being told no, or the fact that countless men use "I spent my hard earned money on you" as an excuse to pressure people into stuff they're not comfortable with.

As a cosplayer if a photographer ever said something like this to me, I'd probably decline and cancel the shoot, because that initial date request would seriously tint every future interaction with him. First impressions really count.
Maybe not everyone would cancel, but most girls would feel uncomfortable. The only girls you'd be making happy are the shallow whores who lead guys on so they'll spend money on them... And I really hope that's not your target audience.

>> No.8681051

If you just want food then call it food. Dinner has a date connotation when it's a dude asking a girl be barely knows. That's... not a new or particularly feminist notion.

>> No.8681742


I think it sounds inappropriate because it sounds like you're trying to get a date out of the cosplayer/model.
Which could make them feel awkward.

>> No.8681765
File: 88 KB, 250x249, wer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I have one in my FB inbox hitting on me right now, and a date with another one this weekend.

Meanwhile, on shit that never happened

>> No.8681789
File: 102 KB, 1143x1143, 10911436_10101128045635509_2149034157786365820_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocky Trillance. This is actually scary.

>> No.8681827

This thread is so dangerous. Y'all are at each others throats, throwing shade all over the place. Crazy part is, I can agree with a good part of you guys.

I think the only circumstance in which a photographer can ask a cosplayer out to dinner is if they established a friendship and the photog is all "Yeah then we can eat, my treat." Ulterior motives? Perhaps.

It's just weird to be asking someone you don't hang out with or didn't hang out with before to dinner.

As for the Richard Bui dramatics, it'd be a serious shame if nobody reported it. It just means an outed creep gets to keep doing what he does and the whole cosplay community outing creeps will continue being the stupidest arbitrary nonsense that has been going on for years now.

Everything else is ok. Keep up the good work, seagulls.

>> No.8681837

I talked to a photographer who immediately told me about his sissy fetish and how he wanted me to dress him up in girl clothes.

>> No.8681848


Guess that wasn't a real photographer then.

>> No.8681875

Are you Kay or John... Either way you sound like a tool.

>> No.8682092

Stop posing as me

>> No.8682095


I could say the same to you

>> No.8682102

It's been reported to the police. Amazed he could operate for so long because all those cosplayers didn't give enough of a shit to report him. Call it victim blaming if you want but if you got approached by him and did nothing you're to blame too.

>> No.8682117


Come face me like a man on facebook, shitdick

>> No.8682127


>Call it victim blaming if you want but if you got approached by him and did nothing you're to blame too.

I wouldn't call it victim blaming because I understand on an awareness level how terrible it feels to have that pressure on you to be afraid to say anything. I didn't like Richard the moment he showed up, handing girls his "#BuiSaysHawt" sticker. I just don't get why legit creepers can be protected (like Richard's "defense force" of random Asians and cosplay deviants) while random fuckups can get slammed to kingdom come for being weird or saying something "unprofessional"

>> No.8682129


Damn, you got me. That was pretty good.

>> No.8682142

His other nicknames include 'Touch to Pose' and 'Pedo Bui'.

>> No.8682143
File: 1021 KB, 350x250, homucalmyourtits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wtf. Im the person he is replying to. Who are you?

>> No.8682150


Don't get me started, man. I am just glad that guy finally got exposure. Going to cons won't be the same for him and I am grateful for that, regardless of what the intentions were from the people who hopped on the wagon.

>> No.8682152


You left your name on.

>> No.8682153


And "retard"

>> No.8682154


Even though it's TV, watch some fucking SVU

>> No.8682157

he won't be anymore, that's for damn sure.

>> No.8682163

Oooooooooooooh. Thats from the /s/ board.

>> No.8682181

Oh wow, it got on Kotaku (Australia)


>> No.8682202

This has been one of the best reads I have had on here in awhile

>> No.8682211

for fuck's sake anons, stop shitting up /cgl/ with your shitty vendetta threads. I was expecting a thread full of good stories and instead get this smoking pile of shit. stop feeding the cancerous name/tripfag trolls, go on lolcow or some shit for all the threads about specific people you need. I don't even fucking care anymore if your vendetta has a legit reason, this is just cancer

>> No.8682921

>Guy likes slim Asian women
>Guy gets called creepy

I see how it is.

>> No.8683141

I'm glad somebody posted this guy. I don't know much about him, but he's been in my area lately and asking girls about photo shoots. I checked out his facebook and all the little asian girls holding up 'rocky' signs kind of freaks me out. That, and he also comments/types like a 14 year old girls trying to be kawaii. Anyone actually worked with him? Are my feelings of uneasiness unfounded?

>> No.8683177

it's cool to post vendettas when it's against guys

>> No.8683231

Is it just me or does his right hand look massive compared to everything else?

>> No.8683267

Female photographers are rarely creepy. They're usually more bitches and cunts.

>> No.8683350


>> No.8685261

People that I know who have worked with him say he's really nice.

But what the fuck. Especially the bottom girl. She's on her knees with her head on his lap barely clothed while he's sitting down fully dressed in a suit and his hand looks like it's squeezing her neck. The way he gets all these asian girls to dress up and pose with him is super fucking creepy. In this picture he looks like the owner of a bunch of sex slaves or something.

Perspective does make it look bigger than it is but he's also a huge guy in general, his head is a lot smaller than the rest of his body so the proportions look weird.

>> No.8685279

So do you organize your fedoras by style or color?

>> No.8685779

Speaking of faggot, success in summoning you

>> No.8687680


Especially since Ohayocon is coming around soon.

>> No.8687772


Credibility: 0

>> No.8687788


Terrible credibility but the post is for the large part true.

>> No.8688048


>> No.8688392

Can we talk about how yaya just posted pics bragging about how awesome iconique or however you spell that skeevy guys name was

>> No.8688417


asking someone to dinner for a photoshoot is creepy as fuck, and anyone defending it is either a complete weirdo or wants to rant about "demanding female cosplayers" and is probably sexist

end of story

>> No.8688507


I agree if I didn't know the person outside of the shoot and I don't hang with them on a regular basis. It's definitely weird and not really an acceptable substitute. But if they're a friend then covering for a meal is perfectly reasonable.

But to say anyone defending it is a complete weirdo or whatever is a little shortsighted. It just means the person defending it is being ignorant/doesn't think things through.

>> No.8688517


yeah you're right, sorry maybe I was a bit brazen. The whole idea of baiting people in with having a photoshoot just seems so insidious to me.

>> No.8688562


I can't help but agree. I was once told "If someone is trying so hard to connect there must be a motive." (even if it isn't purely sexual) If I were to want to make a new friend it'd probably be easier to just say "Hope to see you around!" and friend the person on Facebook. Should things develop from there then whatever. If the person doesn't add me back then no friendship is established.

But yeah, replacing business with social interaction like that does seem a little sneaky.

>> No.8688592

What do you think about Yenra Photography? He seems to be pretty popular in my area, but he always shoots the same teenage/early 20s girls.

>> No.8688908

He likes to invite Cosplayers to his private "tea party"

>> No.8689829

Dear Vince,

On top of this being the most awkward camera angle for this pose, did you keep the raw that you took with the wide angle lens before you switched lens or did you just "forget" it was still on there?

Oh, you didn't think anyone was paying that close of attention?

>> No.8689830
File: 178 KB, 533x800, 31db7ae2f8abf300d0138ff815320b7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, dropped the pic.

>> No.8689855

i don't get this. it's a cute pic

>> No.8689890

I love looking up everyone's nostrils. So kwet.

>> No.8689940

This turned into a pretty long winded rant, tl;dr it's not creepy if it is conducted in a professional manner.

I've dealt with professional photographers who have done this sort of thing before. Generally they will want to meet up some time beforehand to get a look at you and discuss what you want, what you'll be wearing, where and how you'd like it shot. This'll often be in the form of going for coffee or lunch.

The main reason big modelling/acting photographers will do this is because they want to make sure you get exactly what you want if you're dropping like $500+ on photos and plan on using them to represent yourself for your career. Cosplayers might just not care as much about the quality to begin with. I personally think though that if they're just trying to improve the quality of their service and give you a rundown of how they work, it's fine. I can see how it might feel weird if the photog is a young single guy 'asking out' young single women, though. Make a judgement call on that, maybe hire someone older and more experienced if possible to begin with.

>> No.8689973

It's not like its a closeup full of nosehairs and boogers. I gave 0 thought to their nostrils upon looking at the picture, and I doubt most people do.

>> No.8689991

>go to mcdonalds
>order food
>"alright your total's going to be $5.59...or maybe i could just come sit with you while you eat :)"
>what the fuck

>> No.8690000

I would take that. If she was cute.

Honesty. It's the best policy.

>> No.8690073

wow what the fuck

>be photographer
>have a photoset with girl
>it's late so I propose we go eat something
>no problems at all, we go to a fast food and eat stuff
>nothing weird
>absolutely nothing creepy going on at all
>we had fun

Is it that fucking weird? Is it that difficult to be a decent person?

(I fapped to the pics later that night by the way)

>> No.8690093

On cgl super weird Brahman

>> No.8690095

You sound creepy as fuck to be honest dude.

>> No.8690117

If you think meeting with a photographer pre-shoot, to discuss the photos you're paying for, to make sure you're getting the best possible work, is creepy...

...then you're an unsalvageable idiot.

>> No.8690128

The tea seems to be more of an "elite" status thing than common business

>> No.8690237

I don't know who that is in the pic, but he's got such a punchable face.